This Health Services Research PhD, funded by the Chief Scientist Office (CSO), investigated the psychosocial aspects of obesity in a community sample of men and women aged 30-60 living in deprived and affluent areas of Greater Glasgow. The study incorporated a mixed method design and combined a community health survey and semi-structured interviews with a purposively selected sub-sample of questionnaire respondents.
52% of the participants who completed the questionnaire were either overweight or obese and 16% were defined as obese. Obesity and body image were not significant predictors of poor psychological health. Furthermore, low self-esteem was the most significant predictor of poor psychological health for both men and women.
The quantitative and qualitative findings demonstrate that obese individuals are aware of their current weight status and express a desire to lose weight. Potential motivating factors for weight loss included health concerns, appearance, special occasions and psychological factors such as increased self-esteem and self-confidence.
Participants were knowledgeable about the causes of obesity and had absorbed and understood health promotion messages regarding healthy eating and physical activity. However, they identified a number of barriers, which prevented them from fully implementing health promotion advice.
The qualitative findings suggest the possibility of a cyclical relationship between dieting depression and emotional eating. In addition, the findings demonstrate that weight cycling – losing and regaining weight – was a common experience for the interviewees. As weight cycling is a potentially damaging health problem, it might be more appropriate to encourage obese individuals to maintain a stable weight and improve their health by re-focusing the issue on fitness rather than fatness.
The psychological factors associated with overweight and obesity 1 UNDERSTANDING THE PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY ESME BANTING A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Clinical Psychology, validated by the University of Oxford (Trinity Term) July 2017 Word Count: 20,324
The focus of this thesis was to investigate, especially in the context of obesity, the interactions among sleep duration and quality, and adverse health outcomes.Three comprehensive studies are described in the thesis: 1. A cross-sectional epidemiological study examined factors that are associated with both short and long sleep duration
Conclusions: The findings of this thesis show that the majority of urban black South African women have a high prevalence of obesity and cardiometabolic disease risk factors despite being classified as 'physically active'. However, the intensity of the respective domains of physical activity is unknown.
Thesis Advisor: Andrew Wise, PhD. ABSTRACT. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the Coordinated School Health Program model. in reducing childhood obesity rates using state-level data collected by the Centers for Disease. Control and Prevention (CDC) for the years 1994, 2000, and 2006.
ized to bodyweight, obese children had a smaller rate of oxygen consumption (gross VO2/kg) than thenonobese group (p<0.001) and we found no difference in net VO2/kg between g. oups. Obese children exhibited greater metabolic rate (Egross and Enet, p<0.001 for both). When. ) acrossthe duration of.
obesity prevention. This thesis aims to advance understanding of the association between EB and the aetiology of obesity. Across 5 studies, a combination of approaches was used to interrogate: (1) the role of EB in genetic predisposition to obesity, (2) the interaction
Ph.D Thesis - A. Li; McMaster University - Health Research Methodology ii McMaster University DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (2016) Hamilton, Ontario (Health Research Methodology) ... Obesity is a chronic disorder triggered by multiple genes, environmental factors and their interactions. Currently most of the common genetic alterations, called single ...
Abstract and Figures. Abstract Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by an increase of body fat stores. It is a gateway to ill health, and has become one of the leading causes of ...
BMI=wkg/hm 2. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are different levels of obesity, classified as per BMI (Table 1: BMI Socres); obesity class I for a BMI between 30 and 34.9 kg/m2, obesity class II for a BMI between 35 and 39.9 kg/m2, and class III for a BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2 (Del Parigi, A., 2010).
This PhD thesis on adolescent obesity focuses on the role of medical professionals and the interventions that they provide for obesity. We undertook a feasibility and acceptability study to examine HELPclinic, a novel brief weight management intervention delivered by health professionals in a specialist obesity service.
1.2. Obesity, metabolic risk factors and cardiovascular disease . 1.2.1 Definitions . Overweight and obesity . Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health [1, 6]. The most commonly used anthropometric tool to assess relative weight
obesity and related health outcomes in the US adult population. Each of the three studies explored an internal or external factor that influences policy change - the news media, ... Thesis readers: Andrea C. Villanti, PhD, MPH, Department of Health, Behavior and Society Lainie Rutkow, PhD, JD, MPH, Department of Health Policy and Management ...
ETHNIC DIFFERENCES IN OBESITY A thesis submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities 2017 VANESSA A HIGGINS SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES. 2 LIST OF CONTENTS
O besity is a chronic and multifacto-rial disease and has become a worldwide epidemic with devas-tating health and economic consequences. In 2015, there were an estimated 603.7 million adults and 107.7 million children with obesity worldwide, and the rate of obesity had doubled in nearly half of coun-tries since 1980.1 Projections estimate that ...
lifestyle determinants are comparable but dissimilar in some instances. Finally, the thesis also showed that obesity is prevalent in Ghana (53%), and about 45% of the population are neither physically active nor consume healthy diets. Conclusion Obesity is determined by religion, ethnicity, physical activity & diet, and the local food
29.9 kg/m 2, and "obesity" is defined as a BMI at or above 30.0 kg/m. Additionally, there are grade categories of obesity as follows: a BMI of 30-34.9 is class I obesity, a BMI of 35.0-39.9 is class II obesity, and a BMI of 40.0 or greater is class III obesity ("Defining Adult Overweight and Obesity ", 2012).
In Ireland, the Healthy Ireland Survey 2015 suggested that 23% of participants, aged 15 and older, were living with obesity in 2015 (Ipsos MRBI, 2015).
Obesity is a prevalent, complex, progressive and relapsing chronic disease, characterized by abnormal or excessive body fat (adiposity), that impairs health. People living with obesity face ...
This Health Services Research PhD, funded by the Chief Scientist Office (CSO), investigated the psychosocial aspects of obesity in a community sample of men and women aged 30-60 living in deprived and affluent areas of Greater Glasgow. The study incorporated a mixed method design and combined a community health survey and semi-structured interviews with a purposively selected sub-sample of ...
1.1 To examine the frequency of Arg64 allele of the 3-adrenergic receptor (3-BAR) gene, which is one of the known candidate genes, in healthy and obese Hungarian children. 1.2 To look for possible associations between this polymorphism and some clinical and metabolic characteristics of obese children. 2.
WHO (2005) adds that, out of 571,000 deaths in Tanzania, in a year 2005, 107,000 were due to chronic diseases which are by-products of overweight and. obesity. WHO estimates that, deaths from chronic diseases in Tanzania will rise by. 33% and deaths from cancer will rise by 45% by 2025. Chronic diseases, heart.
DISSERTATION on ROLE OF YOGA IN OBESITY MANAGEMENT AMONG SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN-A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW Submitted towards the partial fulfillment of Master of Science in Yoga October 2021 DOI: 10.13140 ...