Introduction to Humanities

Chamberlain Academy

What is the study of Humanities?

Humanities is the study of classical languages, literature, philosophy, art, music, culture, and history as distinguished from the natural science.

The Humanities

What are Classical Languages?

Classical languages are a language with a literature that is classical; usually ancient, it should be an independent tradition that arose mostly from its own; most classical languages are dead languages today.

The Development of Classical Languages in print.

What is Literature?

Literature is the study of entire body of writings of a specific language, period of time, and people.

Examples of Literature.

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

Five examples of Philosophy

There are five forms of philosophy:



Metaphysics is the study of being. It is the fundamental nature of how and why things exist. Aristotle was a well known metaphysicist.

Epistemology is the study of how we know things. We use epistemology to decide the limits and boundaries of what can or cannot be known.

Ethics is the study of moral standards and how they affect conduct.

Logic is the means of which we come to know anything.

Aesthetics is the study of how and why something can be considered “beautiful” and what value we assign to that beauty.

What is Art?

Art is the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.

Examples of Art

What is Culture?

Culture is the beliefs, customs, practices, and social behavior of a particular nation or people.

Examples of Culture

What is History?

History is a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating a particular people, country, period, person, etc; usually written as a chronological account.

Examples of History

Humanities of the study of classical languages, literature, philosophy, art, music, culture, and history as distinguished from the natural science.


The Power of Humanity: On Being Human Now and in the Future

presentation about humanity

Humanity means three different things: a species; a behaviour, and a global identity. The historical relationship between these different dimensions of humanity has been elegantly discussed by the late Bruce Mazlish in his 2009 book The Idea of Humanity in a Global Era and it is important to distinguish between these three aspects of being human as we prepare to meet as a global humanitarian movement once again.

Humanity as species

The first meaning of humanity describes a particular kind of animal that biologists encouragingly call homo sapiens – or wise human – and which seems distinct from all other animals because of its powers of language, reasoning, imagination and technology. This biological and evolutionary use of the term has the same meaning as “humankind” and marks us out as a particular life form that is different to other kinds of animal and vegetative life.

The power of the human species is considerable over the non-human world. This is mainly because our intelligence has consistently invented and deployed tools and technology which means we have come to dominate the earth, and our imagination has shaped religious and political meanings around which we form competing interests and social movements.

Our tools mean we are not a simple species but always function as a hybrid species – part human and part technology – in a constantly changing mix of human and non-human components. This hybrid humanity must infuriate non-human life like lions and microbes who could easily “take us down” in a fair fight of simple life forms, but who have consistently encountered us in hybrid forms in which we merge our humanity with spears, guns, horses, cars, vaccines and antibiotics.

We operate routinely in these human-machine interactions (HMI) of various kinds. I am doing it now typing on my Macbook Air with an electric fan to keep me cool on a hot summer’s day. Our mechanization gives us exponential power and unfair advantage over non-human life forms both large and microscopic, which tend to remain simple in one form except for bacteria and viruses, our most threatening predators, which can change form relatively fast.

Our essential hybridity with other animal, plant and machine life is now in the emergent stages of a giant leap towards new forms of power which we cannot envision . New applications of biotech, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) mean that our hybrid humanity is about to expand exponentially in a way that is already changing what it means to be human. Today’s technologists are focused hard on simplifying human-machine interfaces – different types of “dashboards” which use our five human senses and recognize human gestures so that our humanity interacts seamlessly with AI of various kinds. These interfaces will increasingly be embedded in our bodies and minds as new levels of interactivity with technology which will inevitably change the experience of being human and the power of humanity.

Technology will not just change us where we are but also change where we can be. Humanity will be enhanced in time and space but also relocated across time and space. For example, because I am on Twitter or Skype, I can already be visibly present elsewhere, speaking and responding in thousands of different places across time and space. This is radically different from my great grandmother who could only ever really be visible and engaged in one place at one time, or in two places at two times when someone far away was reading a letter from her.

This time-space compression and its resulting context collapse which began with radio and television is an ever-increasing feature of being human. Some of our grandchildren will probably be talking and listening simultaneously in a hundred different places at once in embodied replicas as holograms or humanoid drones. They will probably be fluent in all languages, move through space much faster than us and live forever on earth and in space because of biological and AI enhancements. Our machines will develop new levels of autonomy which, although created by humans, are inevitably adapted by machine learning into new forms of non-human and non-animal life.

This all means that the power of humanity as a species is about to increase dramatically because of a revolution in human-machine interaction which will see new forms of hybridity beyond our current imagining. Our human power will become even greater but what about our wisdom and the way we use this new power of humanity? In short, what about the ethics of our behaviour in our new hybrid humanity?

Humanity as ethical behaviour

We now come to the second meaning of humanity which is used to describe a certain moral value that we can see operating across humankind as kindness and compassion for one another. We can therefore understand this second meaning as the kindness of humans. [1] This humanity is our first Fundamental Principle and primary purpose in the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and has been summarized as follows since 1965:

“To prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found (and) to protect life and health and ensure respect for the human being.”

This principle of humanity is the fundamental value at play in every Red Cross and Red Crescent worker wherever they are in the world today. If you stop one of them in whatever they are doing – taking blood donations in a major city, organizing relief in war or disaster, or negotiating with diplomats in the UN Security Council – and ask them why they are doing it, each one them should simply answer: “I am trying to protect life and health and ensure respect for human beings.”

This is humanity in action and it is the power of this humanity – humane behaviour towards other humans – that we seek to celebrate, improve and increase in our Movement’s 33rd International Conference in December.

Humanity in this sense is human behaviour that cares for other humans because of a profound and universally held conviction that life is better than death, and that to live well means being treated humanely in relationships of mutual respect. This commitment is a driving principle in the rules of behaviour in the Geneva Conventions, whose 70th anniversary falls this year, and in the Disaster Laws recommended by the Movement to ensure better disaster prevention, preparedness and response around the world.

The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is at once symbol, advocate and embodiment of this ethic of humanity and so is constantly working emotionally, judicially and practically to increase humanity as a dominant form of human behaviour in extreme situations. This is not easy, of course, because the human species is ethically ambivalent and not simply driven by an ethic of humanity. We are also deeply competitive, cruel and violent as a species and often believe that some things we have constructed are much more important than particular human lives. The reason that the call for humanity is so loud is because our record of inhumanity is so long, and the power of inhumanity is often greater than the power of humanity.

And what of humanity’s behaviour towards non-human life? In our era of climate crisis, environmental degradation and multiple species extinction, the moral principle of humanity is looking increasingly self-referential and incomplete as a primary ethic for the human species. Quite simply, it is not enough for humans only to be kind to humans.

The principle of humanity as currently expressed is a classic example of speciesism in ethics. It cares only about one species – our own. We may claim that the principle of humanity is a niche ethic for calamitous human situations which rightly trumps wider ethical considerations in extremis, but this is neither true nor realistic. It is not true because the principle of humanity already takes account of the natural environment in the laws of war and the norms of disaster response and so recognizes the importance of non-human life in its own right and as means to human life. Nor is it realistic at a time when our biggest existential challenge as a species arises from our relationship with the non-human world around us.

The principle of humanity must, therefore, keep pace with the ethical evolution of humanity (the species) and needs to expand its purpose and behaviour towards non-human life. This currently includes all animal and vegetative life. But, in future, it is increasingly also likely to include non-human machines like robots and AI which may develop their own levels of consciousness, feelings and rights as they increasingly merge with humanity – the species and its ethics – in hybrid forms.

Here time is pressing. We may have little time to work out what it means to apply humane behaviour within non-human machines and towards non-human machines. This means agreeing how non-human machines and new models of human-machine interactions can behave with humanity, especially as new weapons systems. It will also mean thinking about how we should show humanity to increasingly machine-like humans and human-like machines.

We may have even less time to think hard about what it means to show humanity to non-human environments and animals in the Movement’s humanitarian norms and work. At the moment, our humanitarian action can be profoundly inhumane to non-human life, neither protecting nor respecting it.

With all this uncertainty about what exactly it may mean to be human in future and the persistent record of our inhumanity to each other and towards non-human life, what sense does it make to try to aspire to a single global identity as billions of human beings?

Humanity as global identity

Over the last 200 years, a third sense of humanity has increasingly referred to a single global identity across all human societies. This is not a simple biological identity but the idea that as a conflicted species we can and must build a single global political identity in which every human has a stake. This global identity is a meta identity which transcends smaller identities shaped by culture, nation, class, political opinion and religion.

The purpose of this single political humanity is to build a human “we” in which can share a common species consciousness as one group sharing a single planetary “home” and so work together on common problems and common opportunities that face the whole of humanity.

This political sense of being a single global group is experiencing push-back today as a broad-based politics of ethnic and economic nationalism expresses scepticism about globalism of all kinds. This political turn sees many people asking national politicians to think “more about us here” and “less about them over there”. But our Movement continues to argue that it is important to imagine and build a global sense of humanity because our common human problems are intense and interdependent, and can only be solved internationally not just nationally.

There are five truly existential problems that we all share as members of the human species, and always have done. Threats from each one can be significantly reduced if we work together to solve them in the spirit of Dumas’ Three Musketeers: “all for one and one for all”. This is what we try to do at the International Conference. Our perennial five problems are:

1. The problem of our violence as a species as it plays out terribly in war and violent crime. 2. Our struggle for fairness and our desire to reduce inequalities between us. 3. Our predators and their threat to our health which now take mainly microscopic form as infectious microbes, or chronic and autoimmune diseases in which we attack ourselves. 4. Our relationship with the non-human environment and its impact on human survival. 5. The promethean risk of our creativity and how our technological inventions help and harm as they change the world around us and redefine humanity itself in new hybrid forms.

These five deep species problems will all be raised in various forms at our Conference in December. They will require a powerful response by all humanity, with an ethic of humanity, to ensure the survival of humanity.

[1] Oxfam plays on the relationship between humankind and kind humans in their ongoing global campaign “Be Humankind” which was launched in 2008.

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Great piece Hugo. I must say, the term “non-human machine” is a head-scratcher. It looks like a redundancy, but suspect you have a very good reason for using it.

On a more serious note, I think we need to be careful not to lump all push-back on the ideal of humanity as an expression of selfish nationalism or a rejection of our global family. The way we think and define humanity in humanitarian circles seems embedded in a (Western?) tradition of individual rights and freedoms. I don’t think that is necessarily a problem. But we should think about how this might translate into, for example, an approach to impartiality that obscures the needs of and undermines the social capital of a community via its systemic reduction of crisis response to the individual or household.

Oddly enough, I just blogged about this earlier today. Your upcoming conference seems a good place to reflect not just on the power and ideals encapsulated by our principle of humanity, but how we might comprehend and mitigate potential negative consequences of its (all too human?) operationalization.

I admire your aspirations for a global identity for humanity.

I bring good news that we already have such an identity. We are all the creation of One God, Allah, the Most Merciful. He Created us for a purpose, and we undoubtedly will return to Him and be held to account for how we used the life He gave us.

Allah the Exalted says: “O people, worship your Lord who created you and those before you, so that you may become God-fearing.” (Qur’an 2:2)

I humbly invite you to apply your rare intellect and your inspiring concern for humanity to a study of the Qur’an, in which you might find answers. Islam teaches that humanity will only succeed when we surrender to the will of God.

Thank you, Marc. You’re right “non-human machine” sounds weird. I suppose I was reaching for “human-like (but not human) machine”. It’s all quite complicated still to me….

And, yes, I share your caution on an overly-individualistic application of humanitarian action. We must always balance an individual caseload with a collective response. I look forward to reading your blog on this. Please tell us where it is. I gave a paper on the increasing “individualisation”of the civilian at Edinburgh University earlier this year and have lost it, rather annoyingly! If I find it, I will write it up……

Thank you, Sharriff, for your beautiful call (dawa) for me to embrace Islam. I have heard it and know well that our modern secular commitment to a single global identity as human beings is founded in a more original faith and its religious insight.

And I will keep reading the Quran as I study all faiths, and we will see what happens.

The tragedy is that humans are likely to accord ‘human’ rights to machines which are made in their own image while continuing to abuse the other animals who have as much (and, indeed, arguably more) right to planetary resources than the human animal. Every day, other animals have their lands and other resources stolen by humans. Every second of every day and night other animals are imprisoned without cause…tortured mentally and physically, and then murdered by an animal which is far too full of its own importance. We should respect these other animals, treating them as we wish to be treated ourselves…It’s time to get off our ‘human supremacist’ pedestals and to show (a very great deal) of humility towards the other animals whose home this planet also is. One final observation, the more I understand about other animals and the more I see of the human animal, the more I feel that the only thing that distinguishes us from other animals, is our capacity to destroy the planet.

Thanks for the article and the focus on the different dimensions of being human.

I really like this part: “(…) it is important to imagine and build a global sense of humanity because our common human problems are intense and interdependent, and can only be solved internationally not just nationally.”

I see in those lines a call for true solidarity, and to be aware of the reality that we as humanity have a common origin and a common destiny, that we are all in the same journey together and we cannot simply escape from each other closing borders or even closing our eyes and minds to difficult realities other humans are experiencing.

I see also a call for multilateralism and multistakeholder approach for the solution of the different challenges we face as human family.

Recently, I read the book The Good Immigrant. There is one article from Salena Godden, British poet, recalling our global citizenship and expressing: “United as a people we are a million majestic colours, together we are a glorious stained glass window. We are building a cathedral of otherness, brick by brick and book by book. “

Our species has developed a lot in the past years. New treatments, advanced equipment are there to solve those issues which were impossible to take care of. The development can be seen through medical, automotive and other industries. Thank you very much. I would like to know more about this! Smile makeover Malden

A really well-written and meaningful article! I found a small motivation in myself to write about change as I read your blog… Life is about growth, but many people remain the same without even sparing a thought even for a moment. Many people think that they have come up to a level by which nobody can demand anything from them. They are repulsive and unchangeable even if it is for their own good. If people aren’t adamant to change, they can see more of themselves which can help in the overall development of society, humanity and also the earth. Here are my thoughts about the change that needs to be brought about in humanity as a whole. Hope you like them! Thanks

Interesting insights- thanks very much for sharing them, and for reading!

Great piece Hugo. I must say, the term “non-human machine” is a head-scratcher. It looks like a redundancy, but suspect you have a very good reason for using it. Thanks for your nice post . I hope I will see this type of post again in your Website

its very nice fantastic

Human population densities are approaching that of animals in factory farms; thus humanity may end up in ‘factory cities’, whatever that might mean.

The power of humanity? Humanity is a disgusting species, more akin to a virus or plague than any mammalian species. Selfish, greedy, destructive, dishonest, disloyal and with only rare exceptions to the contrary. The planet will be far better off once we’re gone. I live completely off grid now, and there are signs across my property here in Europe spelling it out, in no uncertain terms, what will happen to anyone, anyone, who steps foot on my land. The more time I spend working the land, with my dogs, the less I like, and have time for, humanity. I’m ashamed to be a part of it.

Excellent piece but I have to leave a comment, I live in northeast of England and was raised and live in a working class community, my view of being human and humanity is almost alien to how you perceive it, I had to double check my self, television, schooling, religion and parents world views is what really shapes us into being, i was born in 1980, and if I speak honestly I see myself being of a loving nature from nature all equal in value. 1 law, do not cause harm to others willingly. We are everything and nothing, I wasn’t taught this but it’s built into our dna, it has to be, I see surfering and pain voilence mainly from television and media, what isn’t taught which should be primary is how to use our full brain potential, and energetic body system, I know it as kundalini and pineal activation, and from here we can operate from a super position, ie quantum. Even with all this confusion and old Newtonian way of thinking, inherently i see the majority existing with all the creators creations extremely well, for we know deep down we are one.. all information is in this space and time. It should be taught because a lot of people know how. everything is conscious, all is mind, mind if the all. There is solid foundations in place to build upon metaphysically. The metaverse already exists. So I don’t know what zuckerberg and co are creating, we need transparency and a universal language to communicate, so as to not be tricked, conned, confused by double speak and countless meanings of words, hood winked into thinking were something else. Have trust and faith in ourself we are made with a Divine spark within us, thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this, love and harmony to all

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts Michael! Sending love and harmony back your way. Best, Lizzie

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Essay on Humanity

500 words essay on humanity.

When we say humanity, we can look at it from a lot of different perspectives. One of the most common ways of understanding is that it is a value of kindness and compassion towards other beings. If you look back at history, you will find many acts of cruelty by humans but at the same time, there are also numerous acts of humanity. An essay on humanity will take us through its meaning and importance.

essay on humanity

Importance of Humanity

As humans are progressing as a human race into the future, the true essence of humanity is being corrupted slowly. It is essential to remember that the acts of humanity must not have any kind of personal gain behind them like fame, money or power.

The world we live in today is divided by borders but the reach we can have is limitless. We are lucky enough to have the freedom to travel anywhere and experience anything we wish for. A lot of nations fight constantly to acquire land which results in the loss of many innocent lives.

Similarly, other humanitarian crisis like the ones in Yemen, Syria, Myanmar and more costs the lives of more than millions of people. The situation is not resolving anytime soon, thus we need humanity for this.

Most importantly, humanity does not just limit to humans but also caring for the environment and every living being. We must all come together to show true humanity and help out other humans, animals and our environment to heal and prosper.

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The Great Humanitarians

There are many great humanitarians who live among us and also in history. To name a few, we had Mother Teresa , Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana and more. These are just a few of the names which almost everyone knows.

Mother Teresa was a woman who devoted her entire life to serving the poor and needy from a nation. Rabindranath Tagore was an Indian poet who truly believed in humanity and considered it his true religion.

Similarly, Nelson Mandela was a great humanitarian who worked all his life for those in needs. He never discriminated against any person on the basis of colour, sex, creed or anything.

Further, Mahatma Gandhi serves as a great example of devoting his life to free his country and serve his fellow countrymen. He died serving the country and working for the betterment of his nation. Thus, we must all take inspiration from such great people.

The acts and ways of these great humanitarians serve as a great example for us now to do better in our life. We must all indulge in acts of giving back and coming to help those in need. All in all, humanity arises from selfless acts of compassion.

Conclusion of the Essay on Humanity

As technology and capitalism are evolving at a faster rate in this era, we must all spread humanity wherever possible. When we start practising humanity, we can tackle many big problems like global warming, pollution , extinction of animals and more.

FAQ of Essay on Humanity

Question 1: What is the importance of humanity?

Answer 1: Humanity refers to caring for and helping others whenever and wherever possible. It means helping others at times when they need that help the most. It is important as it helps us forget our selfish interests at times when others need our help.

Question 2: How do we show humanity?

Answer 2: All of us are capable of showing humanity. It can be through acknowledging that human beings are equal, regardless of gender, sex, skin colour or anything. We must all model genuine empathy and show gratitude to each other and express respect and humility.

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the humanities

The Humanities

Apr 07, 2019

1.32k likes | 4.11k Views

The Humanities. Brendan Rapple LIS413 Summer 2009 Simmons College. What are the Humanities?. Those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture.

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Presentation Transcript

The Humanities Brendan Rapple LIS413 Summer 2009 Simmons College

What are the Humanities? • Those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture. • Distinguished in content and method from the physical and biological sciences and, somewhat less so, from the social sciences. • Often placed in juxtaposition to more “practical” studies, which are designed primarily to help us make a living.

National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act (1965) • "The term 'humanities' includes, but is not limited to, the study of the following: language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; those aspects of social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and history and to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national life."

Word “Humanities” May be Misleading • Many aspects of science deal with “humans”, with “human matters”. • Also, people speak of the social sciences as “having humanistic content and employing humanistic methods”. • However, these branches of knowledge and inquiry are not counted among the humanities. • Boundaries of the humanities are often very fuzzy.

Humanities and Science • No single world view in Humanities -- generally much more agreement in Science. • No universally accepted network of truths. • Humanities much more diverse than Science.

No Real Linear Progress in the Humanities • Science, Medicine etc. clearly manifest progress. • The same sense of progress does not exist in the Humanities. • We probably do not really know “more” about Shakespeare’s works -- in the same way that we know more about, say, DNA -- than we knew 20 years ago [Ross Atkinson, LRTS, 1995]

Science is Cumulative • “Literature of science is cumulative in the sense that the important ideas and observations of the past are included in the current literature” Urquhart. • Arguably, if all scientific literature over 30 years old were destroyed, vast majority would still exist in literature produced in recent years. • “If you were a scientist trying to discover the structure of DNA when Watson and Crick published their article on the double helix, there was nothing you could do but pick up your marbles and go home. The structure had been discovered; nothing more need be said; and scientists moved on from there. But if you are a music scholar preparing a monograph on Bach and a book on the composer comes out, you are of course interested, but you do not burn your manuscript. You know that no one (including yourself) will ever be able to say the last word about Bach and his music” Garfield.

Many Different Layers in Humanities • It is one thing to understand words in a text, it is another to understand them in relation to a time and its culture, e.g. Ancient Athenians on democracy. • Ultimately the search leads to the life that stood behind the text.

Humanists study VALUE • Scientists are concerned with: • objective, empirically verifiable data • experimental results that can be replicated by other scientists. • Typical scientist is primarily interested in most recent research literature/materials. • Typical humanist may be just as interested in far older material.

Serious Implications for Libraries • Unlike the sciences, the humanities do not “withdraw” older secondary materials. • When a critical work is no longer in fashion, it becomes valuable as a work to be used in studying the history of the field. • Also the humanities cannot summarize effectively earlier publications.

The scientist studies the structure of rainbows, not whether they are aesthetically beautiful. • The psychiatrist studies how a brain functions, not whether one’s brain’s activities are morally good. • Scientist studies technological aspects of printing, not how printing revolutionized the world in so many manifold ways.

Humanities Mostly the Work of Individuals • Though it is changing with computerization, humanists tend to work on their own. • Unlike scientists, they engage in relatively little team work. • Scientist works with colleagues, grad. students etc. in a lab. • Social scientists spend much time with co-investigators planning and executing field work, surveys, and data analysis.

Humanist usually focuses on the less tangible, less concrete. • Humanist relies less on empiricism of the laboratory, and more on the views of other scholars. • Humanist seldom deals with measurable, quantitative entities.

Bibliographic Databases in Humanities • Not always of great use to Humanities scholar. • Humanities scholars often stress primary sources -- generally covered less well by bibliographic tools. • Some Humanities databases do not include abstracts. • Humanities concepts and terminology less standardized than those of science -- less susceptible to effective management through a controlled vocabulary. • Science databases often updated more frequently -- scientists require more current literature.

Humanities and Scholarship • Studies reveal that 70%-90% of citations in science are to materials 15 years old or less. • “The Science Citation Index® consistently demonstrates that about 90 percent of the millions of references cited each year were published sometime in the past three decades. And 50% involve papers published in the last ten years. As in earlier decades, the vast majority of citations are to relatively recent papers” (Garfield & Pudovkin, 2003). • The figures for humanities citations are 40%-45%. • “Having retrospective coverage may be more important to the humanist than having access to current material” (Sue Stone, 1982). • In most sciences 3%-10% of citations are to books, 90%-97% to journal articles. • In humanities, however, 60%-75% are to books.

Humanists and Books • Humanists like books! • They like being surrounded by them • They often prefer original texts to copies • Many need all editions, all drafts, all galley proofs • The old book may be at least as important as the current book • They want texts in the original language

How Do Humanities Scholars Identify Their Research Material? • From references in publications they read. • From communicating with colleagues. • From bibliographies. • From librarians.

Information Gathering Strategies • Humanist places paramount importance on the library. • Scientist often more dependent on personal collection. ______________________________________ • Humanist views browsing, serendipity as worthwhile (perhaps a necessity due to relative lack of organization of the materials in the field). • Scientist is much more structured.

Centrality of the Library • Laboratory often central to the scientist. • The “field” to the social scientist. • But the library to humanists. • The creative and performing artist are exceptions to the “library as center” rule of humanists.

Still, Much Research Can be Done Remotely • Though the author is referring primarily to social scientists, her point is increasingly applicable to at least some humanists: “. . . with the development of digitization and the availability of numerous online full-text databases, the possibility of doing research at home, from an 'armchair,' and perhaps unschooled in the rigours of academic research, . . . exists. Libraries and archives that required researchers to schedule appointments, travel to inconvenient locations, and spend endless days researching a topic can now, in many cases, be accessed from a computer, with source materials available online (Sandra Shoiock Roff, 2005)

Difficult for Librarians to Satisfy Humanists • Impossible to collect in so many languages. • Libraries also greatly feel the pull between retrospective collecting and buying/subscribing to latest electronic materials.

Very Broad Research Vistas of Humanists [There is an] increasing acceptance among humanities scholars that any consciously created human product, any symbolic artifact, is an acceptable object of study. . . .[This] has led to the general position that virtually every symbolic creation must be considered equally worthy of study. Because any publication or human creation can have research potential, humanities scholars – and the information professionals who support them – have become increasingly unwilling and incapable of coming to terms with what should be collected and maintained, and what should not” (Ross Atkinson, LRTS, 1995).

Humanists and Libraries • Humanities scholars tend to use reference librarians relatively little. • Opposite is true in archives and special (rare books, manuscript) libraries. • Greater spread of individual titles used by humanities researchers. • Almost inevitable that they use libraries other than their institution’s. • ILL won’t suffice for much primary material -- accordingly, they have to travel. • The growing study of the masses and the common man creates needs for such materials as comic books, TV Guide, Newsweek, Cosmopolitan, Wired, and Details -- any publication can have research potential.

Other Humanist Characteristics • Humanities scholars tend to be reluctant to delegate bibliographic searching to others -- perhaps due to a lack of trust. • Humanists often believe that the search for information is important in itself -- journey is as important as the destination.

Barriers to Access • Lack of books and journals. • Sometimes lengthy delay between request and receipt of materials (e.g. ILL). • Loss of material (theft, mutilation etc.).

Humanistic Study is Broad • Retreat from the canon. • Humanist’s work is diffuse. • Hard to focus on a narrow specific area. • Subjectivism necessarily creeps in.

Humanities not as “Precise” as Science • Johan Huizinga once spoke of history as a loving reconstruction by the moonlight of memory, work which can never have the clarity of work done by daylight vision. • Humanist’s work often opaque.

Brief History of Humanities Study • Interesting that there was no article on the “Humanities” in the famous 11th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1910-11) though there was an entry on “Humanism” (Steven Markus, 2006). • “The first edition of the OED, whose supplement appears in 1933, does not include [the term “Humanities”] at all. Humane, Humanism, humanist, humanity, humanitarian: these are familiar cognates of the word human, but humanities was not the term of choice for an area of knowledge and set of fields of study until after World War II. The more usual (and broader) rubric was Liberal Arts, Arts and Sciences, or Arts, Letters, and Sciences” (Marjorie Perloff, Crisis in the Humanities)

Brief History of Humanities Study • Greek Paideia • Roman Humanitas

Paideia • PAIDEIA is generally distinguished from TECHNE, i.e. an education that is narrowly vocational. • Paideia was composed of • gymnastics • grammar • rhetoric • music • mathematics • geography • natural history • philosophy

HUMANITAS For Cicero, the primary function of education was the inculcation of HUMANITAS: • The attributes of the individual whose particularly human capacities had been developed to their full potential, and who had therefore become HUMANISSIMUS. • These capacities included the gifts of speech and reason, but also the social, moral, and aesthetic instincts that are peculiar to human beings. His ideal of HUMANITAS gives Cicero a right to be regarded as the father of classical humanism and by extension of HUMANITIES as an educational ideal.

Middle Ages • “Paideia” and “Humanitas” were adapted to a program of basic Christian education.

Middle Ages Boethius Cassiodorus

Monastic Education Made Up of . . . Quadrivium:arithmetic geometry astronomy and music theory Trivium grammar logic rhetoric

Artes Liberales • Seven Liberal Arts were taught in the monasteries, cathedral schools, and, from the 12th century on, in the universities, they constituted the principal university instruction until modern times. • So called liberal (Lat. liber, free) because they serve to train the free man and develop her/his humanity – they were intended to liberate man. • In contrast with the artes illiberales, which are pursued for economic purposes.

Renaissance Umanisti: that is, professors or students of classical literature. The word umanisti derives from the studia humanitatis, a course of classical studies that, in the early 15th century, consisted of grammar, poetry, rhetoric, history, and moral philosophy.

Renaissance Humanitas Ideal of Humanism: • Qualities associated with the modern word humanity--understanding, benevolence, compassion, mercy. • But also such more active characteristics as fortitude, judgment, prudence, eloquence, and even love of honor. • Possessor of humanitas not just a sedentary philosopher or man of letters but also a participant in active life. • Renaissance Humanitas called for a fine balance of action and contemplation.

Renaissance • The wellspring of humanitas was classical literature. • For Renaissance humanists, there was nothing dated or outworn about the writings of Plato, Cicero, or Livy. • Recovering the classics was to humanism tantamount to recovering reality. • The humanists were convinced that the study of literature (notably of the classics and their enormous source of wisdom and moral reflection) would encourage humane and civilized behavior.

Renaissance • An important distinction was that the Humanities were seen as opposite to Divinity. • Humanists struggled against the dominance of dialectics and theologians who were entangled in abstruse speculations. • Dissatisfied with Scholasticism. • The Middle Ages were truly over.

In the sixteenth century this line of thought was continued (by Erasmus and Montaigne for example).

17th Century • The belief that the classics, the mainspring of Humanities, are an inexhaustible source of practical knowledge was increasingly subject to doubt. • Francis Bacon and Science: • Mistrusted the humanist tool par excellence, the word. • Advocated a more systematic and methodical way of thinking than the humanistic exegetists were used to. • Was a great advocate of science.

Royal Society (1662) "The Business and Design of the Royal Society is: to improve the knowledge of naturall things, and all usefull Arts, Manufactures, Mechanik practices, Engynes and Innovations by Experiments – not meddling with Divinity, Metaphysics, Moralls, Politicks, Grammar, Rhetorick or Logick."

Humanities versus Empiricism/Science • Essentially there was disagreement not only on which was the best method to gather true knowledge, but also on which approach resulted in the most useful knowledge to guide human action. • To this day these problems play a role in the discussion on the legitimacy of the HUMANITIES.

18th C. • Humanities and the natural sciences as complementary rather than contradictory disciplines.

19th C. • The natural sciences gained momentum and prestige. • Materialistic, utilitarian and biological views of reality gained ground under the influence of the natural sciences (and philosophical reflections on them).

The Forming of Nations • Now, the HUMANITIES constituted a great vehicle for the enthusiastic study and preservation of national cultures. • This implied a change of course with respect to the classical HUMANITIES, which had focused on the universally human.

20th and 21st Centuries The influence of “leveling” on Humanities: • The increasing numbers in education; • The growing influence of mass culture (emancipation); • Cultural pluralism; • Change from a culture based primarily on texts to a culture based on images. • Role of Internet

Classification of Disciplines A long history Many classification schemes Question of a hierarchy of disciplines

Which are the Humanities? • A very practical problem for librarians and educators • University Disciplines/Departments • Often a useful way to define disciplines. • Each university has its own characteristic departmental organization, and consequent categorization of humanities. • More traditional, conservative colleges often don’t teach newer humanities subjects.

Check a Library’s Current Periodical Stacks • A perusal of the current periodical stacks of a large research library also points to a host of innovative and esoteric research areas.

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Humanity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

presentation about humanity

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World's Best PowerPoint Templates PowerPoint PPT Presentation, slides ppt.

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  • Humanity Template

Humanity, in its deepest essence, represents the sum of the experience, diversity and interconnectedness of the human species throughout history. It encompasses the expression of such virtues as empathy, creativity and progress, as well as the struggles and challenges that have shaped our evolution. How about crafting a presentation on this topic like a pro? Well, today you can make it quick and easy with the use of our humanity template for PowerPoint and Google Slides.

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Free Humanity Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Humanity Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides.

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133 Best Humanity-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

With over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too" id="category_description">crystalgraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. below you’ll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 133 best humanity templates for powerpoint and google slides. the text you’ll see in in those slides is just example text. the humanity-related image or video you’ll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your humanity-related topics and it is included with that template. in addition to the title slides, each of our templates comes with 17 additional slide layouts that you can use to create an unlimited number of presentation slides with your own added text and images. and every template is available in both widescreen and standard formats. with over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too.

Widescreen (16:9) Presentation Templates. Change size...

 Presentation with humanity - Digital design technology space humanity and technology blue space background

Digital design technology space humanity and technology blue space background

 Presentation with humanity - Speedometer on the Earth shows humanity speeding toward global catastrophe

Speedometer on the Earth shows humanity speeding toward global catastrophe

 Presentation with humanity - Presentation design consisting of effect of the earthquake background and a dark gray colored foreground

Presentation design consisting of effect of the earthquake and earth of 1883 in the island of ischia vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - Colorful PPT theme enhanced with equality - community unity population race backdrop and a light blue colored foreground

PPT theme enhanced with community unity population race and humanity concept - multiracial couple hands holding chain of paper people pictogram over blue sky and clouds background

 Presentation with humanity - Cool new presentation theme with engraved illustration from the universe backdrop and a gray colored foreground

Presentation theme with mr and mrs curie in their laboratory vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - Slide deck with dwarf negro of the philippine background and a dark gray colored foreground

Slide deck with comparative table of femurs of a european an australian neanderthal man an australian an african negro and a dwarf negro of the philippines vintage illustration universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - Theme with dwarf negro of the philippine background and a dark gray colored foreground

Theme with comparative table of lumbar vertebral columns of a european an australian an african negro and a dwarf negro of the philippines vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910 background

 Presentation with humanity - Presentation enhanced with old pharmacy at the german background and a gray colored foreground

Presentation enhanced with supply room of an old pharmacy at the germanic national museum of nuremberg vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - Slide set with plastic-figures-similar-looking-people background and a white colored foreground

Slide set with plastic figures - similar looking people and different looking people - anti-racism tolerance humanity diversity equality concept

 Presentation with humanity - Slide set having multi-colored-plastic-figures-anti background and a white colored foreground

Slide set having multi-colored plastic figures - anti-racism international tolerance humanity multicultural diverse equality concept background

 Presentation with humanity - Slide deck featuring emprisoned - crime imprisonment refugee and humanity background and a lemonade colored foreground

Slide deck featuring crime imprisonment refugee and humanity concept

 Presentation with humanity - Amazing slides having human dignity - humanity wooden sign backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Slides having humanity wooden sign with a forest background backdrop

 Presentation with humanity - Amazing slide set having mammoth landed by the expedition backdrop and a light gray colored foreground

Slide set having skull of the siberian mammoth landed by the expedition sent by the imperial academy of sciences of russia on kolyma-beresofka vintage photo from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - Cool new slide deck with fossil brachiopod of carboniferous limestone backdrop and a light gray colored foreground

Slide deck with fossil brachiopod of carboniferous limestone vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910 backdrop

 Presentation with humanity - PPT theme with corals from the paleozoic era background and a light gray colored foreground

PPT theme with types of extinct corals from the paleozoic era vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - Slide set featuring chain of paper people pictogram background and a coral colored foreground

Slide set featuring community unity population race and humanity concept - multiracial couple hands holding chain of paper people pictogram over singapore city background

 Presentation with humanity - Beautiful PPT layouts featuring rest of the fern fan backdrop and a dark gray colored foreground

PPT layouts featuring rest of the fern fan of the lower carboniferian formation of southern silesia vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - Presentation theme consisting of sedimentary rocks - flint instruments from the diluvium background and a dark gray colored foreground

Presentation theme consisting of flint instruments from the diluvium era types of chelles and st acheul vintage photo from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - Theme featuring cartoon animal - skeleton of the head background and a light gray colored foreground

Theme featuring skeleton of the head of triceratops vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - PPT theme enhanced with high voltage discharge background and a dark gray colored foreground

PPT theme enhanced with high voltage discharge in the tesla test station vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - Audience pleasing presentation theme consisting of jesus christ reaches backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme consisting of jesus christ reaches out to humanity backdrop

 Presentation with humanity - Cool new PPT layouts with fraternity - immigration unity population race backdrop and a light blue colored foreground

PPT layouts with immigration unity population race and humanity concept - multiracial couple hands holding chain of paper people pictogram over stones in desert background

 Presentation with humanity - Slide set enhanced with chain of paper people pictogram background and a white colored foreground

Slide set enhanced with crime imprisonment refugee and humanity concept - multiracial couple hands holding chain of paper people pictogram over sea and barb wire background

 Presentation with humanity - PPT layouts enhanced with mankind - gesture people humanity and community background and a coral colored foreground

PPT layouts enhanced with gesture people humanity and community concept - human hands showing ok sign over earth globe and blue background

 Presentation with humanity - Slide set consisting of engraving - cumulus vintage engraved illustration background and a dark gray colored foreground

Slide set consisting of cumulus vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - PPT theme enhanced with illustrated - rabbit camp in the polar background and a gray colored foreground

PPT theme enhanced with rabbit camp in the polar regions vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - PPT theme featuring human hands concept actual future background and a light blue colored foreground

PPT theme featuring smart phone phablet and tablet with a transparent display in human hands concept actual future innovative ideas and best technologies humanity background

 Presentation with humanity - PPT layouts consisting of glen-canyon-dam background and a teal colored foreground

PPT layouts consisting of glen canyon dam across the colorado river humanity 's great creation is a dam across the colorado river concept of active ecological and photo toursm

 Presentation with humanity - PPT layouts having dwarf negro of the philippine background and a dark gray colored foreground

PPT layouts having comparative table of vertebral vertebrae of a european two australians an african negro and a dwarf negro of the philippines vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - PPT theme having fraternity - community unity population race background and a teal colored foreground

PPT theme having community unity population race and humanity concept - multiracial couple hands holding chain of paper people pictogram over blue sky and clouds background background

 Presentation with humanity - Beautiful presentation featuring humanity-s-great-creation backdrop and a ocean colored foreground

Presentation featuring humanity 's great creation is a dam across the colorado river glen canyon dam across the colorado river concept of active ecological and photo toursm

 Presentation with humanity - PPT theme enhanced with fraternity - humanity wooden sign background and a coral colored foreground

PPT theme enhanced with humanity wooden sign with a street background

 Presentation with humanity - Beautiful slide set featuring chain of paper people pictogram backdrop and a light blue colored foreground

Slide set featuring crime imprisonment refugee and humanity concept - multiracial couple hands holding chain of paper people pictogram over blue sky and barb wire background

 Presentation with humanity - PPT layouts with crime imprisonment refugee and humanity background and a coral colored foreground

PPT layouts with crime imprisonment refugee and humanity concept

 Presentation with humanity - Slide set enhanced with vesuvius crater during an eruption background and a light gray colored foreground

Slide set enhanced with vesuvius crater during an eruption vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - PPT theme enhanced with coecum of orangutan lemurian maki background and a dark gray colored foreground

PPT theme enhanced with coecum of orangutan lemurian maki stenops and cat vintage photo from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - Colorful presentation design enhanced with sponge hexactinellida cretace superior seen backdrop and a gray colored foreground

Presentation design enhanced with sponge hexactinellida cretace superior seen from below vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - PPT theme consisting of astronomer - chinese astronomical instruments background and a dark gray colored foreground

PPT theme consisting of chinese astronomical instruments of the beijing observatory vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - Beautiful presentation theme featuring age of the ancient backdrop and a gray colored foreground

Presentation theme featuring flintware from the age of the ancient stone vintage photo from the universe and humanity 1910

 Presentation with humanity - Audience pleasing PPT theme consisting of corals from the paleozoic era backdrop and a light gray colored foreground

PPT theme consisting of types of extinct corals from the paleozoic era vintage engraved illustration from the universe and humanity 1910

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Humanities Theme for Career Day

It seems that you like this template, humanities theme for career day presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Career Day is an opportunity to explore the different choices that young people have ahead of them, and this template about the humanities makes a strong case for this area of academia! With abstract and colorful illustrations on every slide, this presentation makes it clear that art and creativity are what the humanities are all about. Its chunky typeface makes the written information stand out too, and the end result is as eye-catching as it is persuasive.

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House GOP probes Biden admin over push to loosen transgender surgery guidelines for minors

by JACKSON WALKER | The National Desk

FILE - In this Feb. 25, 2021 file photo, now-Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine testifies before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee on Capitol Hill in Washington. (Caroline Brehman/Pool via AP, File)

WASHINGTON (TND) — The House Oversight Committee on Tuesday announced it has launched a probe into the Department of Health and Human Services over its push to remove age restrictions for a variety of transgender procedures.

Documents released in June show that when the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) was updating its guidelines, officials within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) feared a minimum age requirement for breast removals, genital surgeries and other procedures could invite political backlash. Emails included in the documents reveal Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, a transgender woman, advocated for WPATH to remove proposed age limits from the guidelines.

In one included email, Levine's then-chief of staff Sarah Boateng said both the assistant secretary and the Biden administration as a whole worried the inclusion of "specific ages" would affect access to health care for transgender youth. Boateng now serves as HHS's principal deputy assistant secretary for health.

Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich., wrote to Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra to press for answers. She noted the House Oversight Committee is concerned the department "inappropriately applied pressure for changes to international pediatric medical standards."

“Considering the Biden administration’s recently concocted defense that ‘the Administration does not support surgery for minors,’ it is alarming that HHS would advocate for these policies in its communications with WPATH,” the letter reads . “The reality that WPATH caved to make changes to child patient care recommendations based on blatant political motivations is a stain on the credibility of WPATH and its guidelines.”

READ MORE | Detransitioner sues Planned Parenthood, other doctors over hormone therapy, breast removal

The representative closed the letter by calling for a slew of documents from HHS leaders and communications with WPATH. She included a deadline of Sept. 10.

A spokesperson for HHS did not respond to a request for comment from The National Desk (TND) Tuesday.

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign indicated last week he would call to instate felonies for doctors who perform surgeries on minors without parental consent. Prepared rally remarks of Trump also touched on introducing the death penalty for child rapists and the return of “stop and frisk” policing.

Follow Jackson Walker on X at @_jlwalker_ for the latest trending national news. Have a news tip? Send it to [email protected].


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    Tell a good story, of course. 8 talks. Theories of evolution. The enduring ideas, discoveries and observations that define and expand life as we know it. 5 talks. How to tap into our collective empathy. These TED Talks advocate for creating bridges of compassion and understanding. See all playlists on Humanity.

  2. Introduction to Humanities Power Point.ppt

    This is an example of Egyptian foods that are eaten, the types of home, art, and an ancient musical instrument from the Egyptian culture. All of these form the culture of a group of people. Have the students complete a Venn Diagram comparing & contrasting culture of the US and Egypt. The final part of Humanities is the study of history.

  3. The Power of Humanity: On Being Human Now and in the Future

    This is humanity in action and it is the power of this humanity - humane behaviour towards other humans - that we seek to celebrate, improve and increase in our Movement's 33rd International Conference in December. Humanity in this sense is human behaviour that cares for other humans because of a profound and universally held conviction ...

  4. Ideas about Humanities

    A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Humanities.

  5. 1.1: Introduction to Humanities Overview

    Chris Abani: On Humanity. Chris Abani tells stories of people: People standing up to soldiers. People being compassionate. People being human and reclaiming their humanity. It's "ubuntu," he says: the only way for me to be human is for you to reflect my humanity back at me.

  6. 1.2: Introduction to Humanities Overview

    1.2: Introduction to Humanities Overview. This course is an introductory survey of the genres and themes of the humanities. Readings, lectures, and class discussions will focus on genres such as music, the visual arts, drama, literature, and philosophy. As themes, the ideas of freedom, love, happiness, death, nature, and myth may be explored ...

  7. Humanity PPT Template Presentation & Google Slides

    Humanity Presentation Slide. Humanity refers to the collective attributes, qualities, and characteristics that define human beings and their existence. It encompasses the entirety of the human experience, including social, cultural, political, and economic aspects. It also encompasses the innate qualities and characteristics that make us human ...

  8. Essay On Humanity in English for Students

    500 Words Essay On Humanity. When we say humanity, we can look at it from a lot of different perspectives. One of the most common ways of understanding is that it is a value of kindness and compassion towards other beings. If you look back at history, you will find many acts of cruelty by humans but at the same time, there are also numerous acts of humanity.

  9. Talks to restore your faith in humanity

    Talks to restore your faith in humanity. Sometimes it's easy to think the worst of human beings. But these inspiring talks can help you remember: altruism, kindness and helping hands are all around. Watch now. Add to list. 18:45. Alberto Cairo. There are no scraps of men. 18 minutes 45 seconds. 04:35.

  10. PPT

    Humanities. Meeting 3. Agenda. "Hunger Games" presentation Cultural Poems Presentation Will be a quiz on this next week Poetry analysis Song Analysis Assignment. Hunger Games Chpts 1-3. Summary Katniss wakes up at home. Meet the family! Sleep in same room: Mom, Prim, Buttercup. 269 views • 10 slides

  11. Humanity

    World's Best PowerPoint Templates - CrystalGraphics offers more PowerPoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for "Best PowerPoint Templates" from Presentations Magazine. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that today's audiences expect.

  12. Humanity Template

    Free Humanity Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides. Main features. 36 slides 100% editable. 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all screens. High quality royalty-free images. Easy to edit layouts for presenting or printing. Included resources: charts, graphs, timelines and diagrams. More than 100 icons customizable in color and size.

  13. 133 Best Humanity-Themed Templates

    Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 133 best humanity templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text. The humanity-related image or video you'll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your ...

  14. When Technology and Humanity Cross

    When Technology and Humanity Cross_ppt [Autosaved] - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The document discusses the interplay between technology and humanity through various technological devices and the ethical dilemmas they pose. It introduces televisions, mobile phones, computers and how commonly used ...

  15. Free Humanity Google Slides Themes And Powerpoint Templates

    Free Humanity Google Slides Themes And Powerpoint Templates. Designing an eyecatching presentation template is time-consuming. Download the following free and ready-to-use Humanity powerpoint templates and Google slides themes for the upcoming presentation. You only need to change text, logo or colors on the professional PPT templates.

  16. Humanities Theme for Career Day Presentation

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Career Day is an opportunity to explore the different choices that young people have ahead of them, and this template about the humanities makes a strong case for this area of academia! With abstract and colorful illustrations on every slide, this presentation makes ...

  17. Human Body Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    These human body-themed PowerPoint templates can enhance your presentations by providing visually appealing and engaging designs that align with the topic. The creative layouts and graphics will help you effectively communicate complex information about the human body, making your presentations more memorable and impactful.

  18. House GOP probes Biden admin over push to loosen transgender surgery

    WASHINGTON (TND) — The House Oversight Committee on Tuesday announced it has launched a probe into the Department of Health and Human Services over its push to remove age restrictions for a variety of transgender procedures. Documents released in June show that when the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) was updating its guidelines, officials within the Department ...