Dec 11, 2019 · The MLA Handbook provides guidelines for creating MLA citations and formatting academic papers. This includes advice on structuring parenthetical citations, the Works Cited page, and tables and figures. This quick guide will help you set up your MLA format paper in no time. Cite your MLA source ... Oct 30, 2024 · According to the MLA Style Center website, writers should avoid using headings in shorter papers. If you are writing a longer research paper, you may want to include headings and subheadings to help organize the sections of your paper. Advice from the MLA Style Center: "Levels. The paper or chapter title is the first level of heading, and it ... ... The title of your research paper should then be centered on the MLA format title page. There is no need for it to be presented in bold, italics, or capital letters. MLA Parenthetical Citation. When citing a source in your text in MLA, use a parenthetical citation. ... References in this mini-manual such as (MLA 4.5.4) reflect sections in the MLA handbook where more information on that sub-ject may be found. For Further Reference: Gibaldi, Joseph, ed. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 5th ed. New York: MLA, 1999. Walker, Janice L. and Todd Taylor. ”Basic CGOS Style.” Columbia Guide to Online Style. ... To learn how to set up your research project in MLA format, visit our free sample chapter on MLA Handbook Plus, the only authorized subscription-based digital resource featuring the MLA Handbook, available for unlimited simultaneous users at subscribing institutions. ... Sep 11, 2024 · Paper Size, Margins, & Page Numbers. Use letter-sized (8.5 x 11 inch) paper. 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, and both sides. Indent first line of each paragraph 1/2 inch from left margin. In the upper right-hand corner of the margin, insert page numbers and add your last name (ex. Smith 1). ... ">

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MLA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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The following FAQs address issues in MLA citation and/or formatting. Further information on MLA style and citation can be found at the Purdue OWL’S MLA Formatting and Style Guide page.

I have to write a paper in MLA format. Where can I learn more about writing in MLA?

The Purdue OWL maintains an extensive resource that deals with MLA style. See our MLA Formatting and Style Guide . Additionally, the MLA Style Center is an official resource that provides answers to frequently asked questions, guidance on formatting research papers, documentation tips, and other assistance in writing paper in MLA format.

How do I use MLA citations and list of works cited in a PowerPoint presentation?

To cite sources in a slide presentation, MLA suggests including brief citations on each slide that includes material from your sources, including quotations, summaries and paraphrases, images, or data. Include a works-cited list on a slide at the end of your presentation. MLA also suggests providing your list of sources to your audience, either through a URL or printed copy that you hand out in your presentation. For more details, see the MLA Handbook , 8th ed., pp. 127-28.

How do I cite email?

When you document an email in your list of works cited, make sure t o include a reference to yourself, either by name or as author, as the Title of Source element.

Leon, Patrick. E-mail to the author. 15 February 2023.

Leon, Patrick. E-mail to Aimee Alicia. 15 February 2023.

What is a container?

Containers were first mentioned in the 8th edition of the MLA Handbook . Containers are the larger wholes in which the source is located. For example, if you want to cite a work (e.g. essay, short story, poem) from an anthology, the individual work is the source, while the anthology is the container. The title of the container is usually italicized and followed by a comma, since the information that follows next provides more information about the container. A container could also be a television series, which is made up of episodes, or a website, which contains articles and postings.

Gregerson, Linda. “The Sower against Gardens.” On Louise Glück: Change What You See, edited by Joanne Feit Diehl, University of Michigan Press, 2005, pp. 28-47.

“The Pontiac Bandit.” Brooklyn Nine-Nine , created by Dan Goor and Michael Schur, performance by Andy Samberg, season 1, episode 12, Fremulon, 2014.

What is a DOI?

A DOI, or digital object identifier, is a series of digits and letters that permanently leads to the location of an online source. Articles in journals are often assigned DOIs by the publisher to ensure that the source is locatable, even if the URL changes. Typically, the DOI is considered better than the URL. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to using URLs and DOIs, so the preference of you instructor, institution, or publisher is most important.

Imada, Adria L. “Transnational Hula as Colonial Culture.” The Journal of Pacific History , vol. 46, no. 2, Sept. 2011, pp. 150-176. EBSCO , doi: 10.1080/00223344.2011.607260.

Do I need to include a URL when I document online sources in my list of works cited?

The  MLA Handbook (9 th edition) prefers the DOI to the URL. However, it also recognizes that the URL can provide information of where the work was found and link your audience to your sources in digital works. If you’re unsure about whether to include the URL, double check with your instructor. Different instructors may have different preferences.

Gay, Roxane. “Who Gets to be Angry?” The New York Times , 10 June 2016,

When the title of a newspaper begins with an article (the, a, an) do I need to include it when I list the title in my citation?

This change was first introduced in the eighth edition handbook. Previously, MLA did not require the article in the title of a periodical (newspaper, journal, magazine), but the updated handbook states that the article should now be considered part of the title. The article should be capitalized and italicized. For example, refer to The New York Times , (rather than New York Times ), when citing it in your text or works-cited list.

For more information on this, check out the MLA Style Center’s page on What’s New in the Eighth Edition.

How do I cite e-books or Kindle books?

An e-book is considered a version, so it should be listed after the title of the book, before the publication information. If you know the type of e-book you used (such as Kindle or Ebook library), be sure to specify that. Avoid using device-specific numbering systems, since they will vary among different devices. If the book has chapters, sections, or other stable numbering systems, it is permissible to identify parts of the text that way.

Theile, Verena and Linda Tredennick, editors. New Formalism and Literary Theory . Kindle ed., Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

How do I cite a tweet?

The full text of the tweet should be your title. Enclose the text in quotation marks, and include the date, time, and URL.

@loudpositivity. “Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.” Twitter , 27 May 2019, 12:17 p.m.,

If the author’s online handle is different from the account name, provide the handle in square bracket after the name.

Kass, Leon [@pianoman726] “Many (many) more professional photos to come. But this is one of the very few photos I took myself and I mean!”   Twitter , 3 Srptember 2017, 3:03 p.m., 752985641261162496.

How do I cite a book that I accessed online?

Cite the book just like you would if it were in print. Then add the name of the database or website you used to access the online book, and add a URL or other location indicator at the end of the citation.

Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland . Macmillan, 1865. eBook edition (Project Gutenberg).

How do I cite an unpublished manuscript/document?

Author. “Title of Manuscript/Document.”.  date of composition (at least year), along with "the name and location of the library, research institution, or personal collection housing the material."

Henderson, George Wylie. Baby Lou and the Angel Bud. 22 July 1991. Collection of Roslyn Kirkland Allen, New York.

How do I cite the US Constitution?

References to the US consitution in the body of your text should be written as “the Constitution.” If you are only discussing it based on general knowledge, you do not need to cite it. However, if you are using a named edition, you should treat it like the title of the book:

The Constitution of the United States, with Case Summaries. Edited by Edward Conrad Smith, 9th ed., Barnes and Noble Books, 1972. 

If you use a named edition, your in-text citations should help your readers locate the exact entry in the Works Cited:

( Constitution of the United States, with Case Summaries)

Keep in mind for citations of any constitution, including the US, the country of origin should be specified if the title does not indicate what country the constitution belongs to:

France. Le constitution. 4 October 1958. Legifrance,

For more information on citing legal documents, refer to the MLA Style Center’s page on Documenting Legal Works in MLA Style.

How do I cite a definition from an online dictionary, like ?

In most cases, a word entry in an online dictionary includes a part of speech and numbered definitions, which should be included in the title. The original source is the container. To indicate the definition came from the web source by including the URL. The access date is optional, but include it if it will best help your readers locate the source.

“Moist, Adj. (1) ” Merrian-Webster, 2023. . Accessed 15 July 2022.

How do I cite a footnote?

The ninth edition MLA handbook does not address this question, but one entry in the online MLA Style Center does provide a set of directions for this task . This page states that a citation for another author’s footnote in your own text should include the following, in parentheses: author’s name, the page number, the letter n (to indicate note), and the note number.

There are no spaces between the page number, the letter n, and the note number.

(Smith 123n6)

If you refer to multiple notes, use nn and separate the note numbers from the page number by using brackets.

(Smith 82 [nn 2, 3, 6])

How do I cite genealogies and birth/death certificates?

Although MLA does not offer any guidelines on how to handle genealogies and birth certificates, a few websites offer their own resources and citation methods to follow:   offers a method of citing birth/death certificates. Follow the link and scroll down to “Official Records.”

In addition, offers a leaflet called  Citing Records in the National Archives of the United States .

How do I cite the information from food nutrition labels?

The MLA does not generally require you to create works-cited-list entries for nutrition labels. You can instead provide a simple description of the product in the sentence or in a note.

Example (in a sentence):

According to a 2019 package of Quaker Steel Cut Oats—a product by the Quaker Oats Company, “3 grams of soluble fiber from oatmeal daily in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Example (in a note):

 As noted on a package of Quaker Steel Cut Oats: “3 grams of soluble fiber from oatmeal daily in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.” 1

1.  Quaker Steel Cut Oats are sold by the Quaker Oats Company. This package was produced in 2019.

In the event that your writing deals extensively with nutrition (such that nutrition labels serve as important sources of evidence), you may optionally create works-cited and treat them as you would any other source. Make sure to include the core elements, in the proper order, and provide as much information as your readers will need to locate the source.

“Nutrition Label of Quaker Steel Cut Oats.” Quaker Oats Company, Chicago, IL, 2019.

How do I cite an informational plaque or an information card?

Treat informational plaques/cards as you would any other source. Make sure to include the core elements, in the proper order, and provide as much information as your readers will need to locate the source. Use the title of the plaque as the title of your source. If you have experienced an object firsthand, such as in a museum, give the name of the place, the city in which it is located, and the dates of the exhibition.

“Alexander McQueen’s Gothic.” Gothic to Goth: Romantic Era Fashion and its Legacy , Wadsworth Athenaeum , Hartford, Connecticut, March 5-July 10, 2016.

When I am repeatedly quoting or paraphrasing the same source in my paper, do I have to keep citing that source at the end of each sentence?

When you reference the same source more than once in the same paragraph, and no other source intervenes, you may give the in-text citation just once at the end of the paragraph. If, however, this technique creates any ambiguity about your reference, it is better to cite the source every time you reference it.

For example:

This makes clear that the first quotation is from the first page number in the parentheses, and the second quotation is from the second number.

There are other ways to do this as well. You may cite the author’s name with the page number after the first direct quotation, and just list the page number after the second quotation.

If I quote from two different sources in the same sentence, how do I cite both?

While the MLA does not prohibit references to more than one source in the same sentence, it is generally best to begin a new sentence when referring to a new source. Your goal is to present your information as clearly as possible so that your readers can best follow your points. With that in mind, if you find yourself attempting to cite two sources in the same sentence, chances are, your ideas will be clearer if you break them into two sentences.

If I “just know” a fact or idea (something I learned in high school, for example), do I have to cite my high school course or textbook?

This question falls under the issue of common knowledge. Common knowledge generally includes biographical information, dates of historical events, and other undisputed, widely available information. If you think that your average, reasonable reader already accepts this information as fact, it is not necessary to document it.

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MLA Style Guide, 8th & 9th Editions: Formatting Your MLA Paper

  • Works Cited entries: What to Include
  • Title of source
  • Title of container
  • Contributors
  • Publication date
  • Supplemental Elements
  • Book with Personal Author(s)
  • Book with Organization as Author
  • Book with Editor(s)
  • Parts of Books
  • Government Publication
  • Journal Article
  • Magazine Article
  • Multivolume Works
  • Newspaper Article
  • Other Formats
  • Websites, Social Media, and Email
  • About In-text Citations
  • In-text Examples
  • How to Paraphrase and Quote
  • Citing Poetry
  • Formatting Your MLA Paper
  • Formatting Your Works Cited List
  • MLA Annotated Bibliography
  • MLA 9th Edition Quick Guide
  • Submit Your Paper for MLA Style Review

MLA recommends using 12-point Times New Roman font or another readable typeface (e.g. serif ).

Line Spacing & Margins

Use double-spacing throughout the entire paper.

Leave 1 inch margins on the top, bottom, and each side.

Indent the first line of each paragraph half an inch from the left margin.

Quotes longer than 4 lines should be written as a block of text a half an inch from the left margin.

Heading and Title

An MLA research paper does not need a title page, but your instructor may require one. If no instructions are given, follow the MLA guidelines below:

Type the following one inch from the top of the first page, flush with the left margin (double spacing throughout).

Your Instructor's Name

Course Number or Name

Center the title on the next line. Follow the rules for capitalization. Do not italicize, underline, or bold the title. An exception is when your title includes a title.  Example:  The Attitude toward Violence in A Clockwork Orange

Indent the next line and begin typing your text.

Include your last name and page numbers in the upper right-hand corner of every page. The page numbers will be one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin. If your instructor prefers no page number on the first page, begin numbering from 2 on the second page.

Sample Papers from MLA

There are sample papers available in the MLA Style Center. Check them out to see the correct formatting.

Styling Headings and Subheadings

According to the MLA Style Center website, writers should avoid using headings in shorter papers. If you are writing a longer research paper, you may want to include headings and subheadings to help organize the sections of your paper. Advice from the MLA Style Center :


The paper or chapter title is the first level of heading, and it must be the most prominent.

Headings should be styled in descending order of prominence. After the first level, the other headings are subheadings—that is, they are subordinate. Font styling and size are used to signal prominence. In general, a boldface, larger font indicates prominence; a smaller font, italics, and lack of bold can be used to signal subordination. For readability, don’t go overboard: avoid using all capital letters for headings (in some cases, small capitals may be acceptable):

Heading Level 1

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Note that word-processing software often has built-in heading styles.


Consistency in the styling of headings and subheadings is key to signaling to readers the structure of a research project. That is, each level 1 heading should appear in the same style and size, as should each level 2 heading, and so on. Generally, avoid numbers and letters to designate heads unless you are working in a discipline where doing so is conventional. Note that a heading labeled “1” requires a subsequent heading labeled “2,” and a heading labeled “a” requires a subsequent heading labeled “b.” 

In a project that is not professionally designed and published, headings should be flush with the left margin, to avoid confusion with block quotations. (The exception is the paper or chapter title, which is centered in MLA style.)

For readability, it is helpful to include a line space above and below a heading, as shown in this post.

No internal heading level should have only one instance. For example, if you have one level 1 heading, you need to have a second level 1 heading. (The exceptions are the paper or chapter title and the headings for notes and the list of works cited.) You should also generally have text under each heading.


Capitalize headings like the titles of works, as explained in section 1.2 of the MLA Handbook.

The shorter, the better."

Modern Language Association. "How Do I Style Headings and Subheadings in a Research Paper?" MLA Style Center., 13 December 2018, .

MLA Style Paper Template

  • MLA 9th Edition Paper Template This template was created and saved as a Word template for Microsoft Word 2016. The process for saving and using the template is the same for the instructions given above for 2013.

You can save a personal template in Microsoft Word (IRSC students, download Office for free, see a librarian if you need help). Above is a template you can use every time you need to set-up a research paper using MLA style format. Simply open the template and type your own information every time you need to write an MLA style paper. Microsoft Word will allow you to save personal templates. Once you have the template opened in Word

Click "Save as"

Give the file a name

Under "Save as type", select Word Template

what should a mla research paper include

Then when you open Word, you will be able to choose a template rather than a blank document. You might have to select Personal to find your template.

what should a mla research paper include

Sample MLA Paper

MLA 8th Edition Paper Formatting

How to Use the MLA Style Template

Formatting Group Project Papers

For a research paper written collaboratively by several students, such as for a group project, create a title page instead of listing all authors in the header on page 1 of the essay. On the title page, list each student's full name, placing one name on each double-spaced line. After the final student name, enter the professor's name. After the professor's name, give the course name. The last line of the heading will be the date in 5 August 2021 format. Press Enter a few times to move down the page then give the paper title, centered.

MLA 9th Group Research Project Title Page Example

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Library Home

  • Cite: Why? When?
  • Book or E-book
  • Article or Class Handout
  • Web Sources
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools
  • In-Text Citation

Format Your Paper

  • MLA Format Template Document
  • MLA Annotated Bibliography Example

Order of Sections

  • Introduction/Thesis
  • Body (includes tables, figures, and illustrations)
  • Works Cited (starts on new page)

Paper Size, Margins, & Page Numbers

  • Use letter-sized (8.5 x 11 inch) paper.
  • 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, and both sides.
  • Indent first line of each paragraph 1/2 inch from left margin.
  • In the upper right-hand corner of the margin, insert page numbers and add your last name (ex. Smith 1).

Text Format

  • Use easy-to-read font so that regular and italicized text is easy to distinguish (ex. Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri).
  • Use a standard size (ex. Times New Roman 12, Arial 11, Calibri 11 or 12).
  • Left-align text and start paragraphs with a half-inch indent. Do not justify text.
  • Turn off automatic hyphenation.
  • Double-space everything.
  • Leave one space after concluding punctuation marks, not two.

Heading & Title

  • At the top left of the page, type your name, instructor's name, course number, and date.
  • Include any information your instructor requires.
  • Center title. Do not italicize, underline, or bold. No quotation marks, all caps, or periods.
  • Capitalize the first word, principle words, and each part of a hyphenated word. Do not capitalize articles (a, an, the), prepositions, conjunctions, and to-infinitives.

Tables, Figures, & Illustrations

  • Put them close to the related text and align them on the left.
  • Above tables: capitalize the title of the table like other titles and number it (ex. Table 1).
  • Below the table: give the source of the table and any notes with lower-case letters. Double-space it and use dividing lines.
  • Below a figure or illustration: label it as "Figure" or "Fig." and number it (ex. Figure 1).

Quotations (p. 75-76, 81*)

  • Short quotations (less than four lines) or those without special emphasis are included in the text with quotation marks
  • Longer quotations (four lines or more) or those with special emphasis are indented 1/2 inch from left margin and double-spaced with no quotation marks.
  • Use an ellipsis with spaces ( . . . ) when omitting sections from a quote. When the ellipsis is at the end of a sentence, use four periods ( . . . . ).
  • For poetry, use slashes (/) to show line breaks and double slashes (//) for stanza breaks and keep all punctuation as it appears in the poem.
  • Cite your quotes using in-text citation.

Works Cited List (p. 102*)

Begin your Works Cited list on a separate page and put the entries in alphabetical order. Double-space and give entries a hanging indent (i.e the first line is on the left margin and the following lines are indented a half inch from the left).

Annotated Bibliography

Double-space the entire bibliography. give each entry a hanging indent. in the following annotation, indent the entire paragraph a half inch from the left margin and give the first line of each paragraph a half inch indent..

Check with your professor for the length of the annotation and which elements you should evaluate.

*Page numbers refer to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, available in the UW-Whitewater libraries in print .

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  1. MLA General Format - Purdue OWL®

    The preparation of papers and manuscripts in MLA Style is covered in part four of the MLA Style Manual. Below are some basic guidelines for formatting a paper in MLA Style: General Guidelines. Type your paper on a computer and print it out on standard, white 8.5 x 11-inch paper.

  2. MLA Formatting and Style Guide - Purdue OWL®

    MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. This resource, updated to reflect the MLA Handbook (9th ed.), offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the Works Cited page.

  3. Formatting a Research Paper - MLA Style Center

    %PDF-1.6 %âãÏÓ 259 0 obj > endobj 431 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[259 181]/Info 258 0 R/Length 391/Prev 535769/Root 260 0 R/Size 440/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1 ...

  4. MLA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Purdue OWL®

    MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. This resource, updated to reflect the MLA Handbook (9th ed.), offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the Works Cited page.

  5. MLA Format | Complete Guidelines & Free Template - Scribbr

    Dec 11, 2019 · The MLA Handbook provides guidelines for creating MLA citations and formatting academic papers. This includes advice on structuring parenthetical citations, the Works Cited page, and tables and figures. This quick guide will help you set up your MLA format paper in no time. Cite your MLA source

  6. Formatting Your MLA Paper - MLA Style Guide, 8th & 9th ...

    Oct 30, 2024 · According to the MLA Style Center website, writers should avoid using headings in shorter papers. If you are writing a longer research paper, you may want to include headings and subheadings to help organize the sections of your paper. Advice from the MLA Style Center: "Levels. The paper or chapter title is the first level of heading, and it ...

  7. MLA Format: A Complete Guide with Examples - Scribendi

    The title of your research paper should then be centered on the MLA format title page. There is no need for it to be presented in bold, italics, or capital letters. MLA Parenthetical Citation. When citing a source in your text in MLA, use a parenthetical citation.

  8. Mini-Manual for Using MLA Style in Research Papers

    References in this mini-manual such as (MLA 4.5.4) reflect sections in the MLA handbook where more information on that sub-ject may be found. For Further Reference: Gibaldi, Joseph, ed. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 5th ed. New York: MLA, 1999. Walker, Janice L. and Todd Taylor. ”Basic CGOS Style.” Columbia Guide to Online Style.

  9. Formatting Your Research Project | MLA Style Center

    To learn how to set up your research project in MLA format, visit our free sample chapter on MLA Handbook Plus, the only authorized subscription-based digital resource featuring the MLA Handbook, available for unlimited simultaneous users at subscribing institutions.

  10. Format Your Paper - MLA Style - Research, Citation, & Class ...

    Sep 11, 2024 · Paper Size, Margins, & Page Numbers. Use letter-sized (8.5 x 11 inch) paper. 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, and both sides. Indent first line of each paragraph 1/2 inch from left margin. In the upper right-hand corner of the margin, insert page numbers and add your last name (ex. Smith 1).