How to Make a Killer Business Plan Presentation (+Templates)

Learn how to make a business plan presentation with tips for slide design, structure, and engaging examples, as well as templates to bring your vision to life.


7 minute read

How to make a business plan presentation

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Short answer

What slides should a business plan presentation include?

  • Opening slide
  • Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • Business overview
  • The challenge you're addressing
  • Market analysis
  • Your solution
  • Marketing and sales strategy
  • Goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Team composition
  • Funding request and allocation

Your business plan presentation needs to be as strong as your idea

Having a well-crafted business plan is crucial, but if it's not presented effectively, it's like having a treasure map that no one can read.

Even the best ideas can fall flat if they're not communicated clearly, potentially burying your chance of getting your business off the ground.

Remember, presenting a business plan is more than just sharing facts and figures. It's about engaging your audience, whether they're investors or stakeholders, and making them believe in your vision.

But don't worry, you're not alone in this. This guide is here to help you master the art of business plan presentation. You'll learn how to structure your presentation, design slides that captivate, and conclude in a way that leaves a lasting impact and drives action.

Let's dive in!

What to include in a business plan presentation?

A business plan presentation is your chance to delve deep, showcasing not just the what and the how, but also the why of your business. It's your strategic playbook that can persuade investors, guide your team, and set the foundation for your business's success.

11 essential slides of a business plan presentation:

Opening slide: Set the tone with an engaging first impression.

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Define what sets your business apart.

Business overview: Offer a concise snapshot of your company.

The challenge you're addressing: Describe the problem your business solves.

Market analysis: Demonstrate your understanding of the industry and market trends.

Your solution: Detail how your product or service addresses the problem you’ve identified.

Marketing and sales strategy: Outline your approach to winning and keeping customers.

Goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Specify your objectives and how you’ll measure success.

Team composition: Introduce key team members, their roles, and expertise.

Funding request and allocation: Explain your financial requirements and how the funds will be utilized.

Next steps: Guide the reader on the next steps after reviewing your plan, whether it's a meeting request, further discussion, or a specific action you want them to take.

What does a business plan presentation look like?

In today's fast-paced business world, static business plan presentations are losing their edge. Imagine having to constantly pinch and zoom on a mobile device just to see the details. It's frustrating and distracting.

People also get disengaged when faced with walls of text. They're there to hear a story, not read a novel.

Interactive presentations, on the other hand, bring your business plan to life. They encourage audience participation, adapt to the flow of discussion, and make complex ideas more digestible and memorable.

You can see what an interactive business plan presentation looks like below:

How to turn a business plan into a presentation

Transforming your business plan into a presentation is a crucial step in bringing your vision to life. It's not just about having a plan; it's about presenting it in a way that resonates with investors and partners.

Start by distilling the essence of your plan, focusing on key points like your mission, market analysis, and financial projections. Use engaging visuals and a clear narrative to make complex information accessible.

For detailed insights on how to write a business plan , check out our guide.

How to make a business plan presentation in 6 easy steps

Crafting a business plan is about blending vision and strategy into a narrative that captivates your audience. With Storydoc's AI business presentation maker, creating this narrative becomes intuitive and easy.

In the guide below, we'll show you how to turn your plan into an engaging presentation in 6 simple steps. Stick around to see how seamlessly Storydoc can bring your business story to life.

1) Describe your presentation’s objective

Kick things off by sharing with our AI the type of business plan you're looking to create. This is like setting the GPS for your journey, ensuring every part of your plan is aligned with your end goal.

2) Give an overview of yourself, your organization, and your offering

Introduce the essence of your business - who you are, what your company stands for, and the unique value of what you offer. This sets the stage for a personalized and relevant presentation.

Introduce yourself to Storydoc's AI assistant

3) Select a suitable design template

Dive into our collection of design templates and pick one that resonates with your business's personality.

Pick a Storydoc design template

4) Tailor your business plan presentation to your needs

Now, here’s where you add your personal touch. Fill in your details, tweak the design, and watch the magic happen as the template adapts to your content. This is where your business plan presentation starts to take on a life of its own.

Then, you can either upload your own multimedia elements or sit back as our AI assistant generates some for you.

Customizable Storydoc multimedia presentation

5) Add personalized elements

Next up, sprinkle in some personalization. It works just like personalizing a newsletter - you can insert dynamic variables that automatically fill up with your recipient's data.

This level of customization not only makes your presentation feel tailor-made for each reader but also adds a layer of engagement. As a matter of fact, it can get 68% more people to read your deck in full , and share it internally 2.3x more often!

Personalized Storydoc multimedia presentation

6) Review and refine your business plan presentation

Finally, take a step back and review your plan. Ensure it looks good, flows well, and clearly conveys your message.

The beauty of Storydoc is that it's a living document – if you spot a mistake or need to update information after sharing, you can. You're in control, ensuring your audience always sees the most polished and up-to-date version of your business plan presentation.

Storydoc multimedia presentation

Business plan design principles to turn average into impressive

Designing a business plan presentation is about more than just putting words on a page; it's about creating an experience that captures and holds attention. In today's digital age, the way you present your plan can be just as important as the content itself.

Let's explore how to design a business plan presentation that stands out in the modern business landscape.

1) Move from static to interactive

Gone are the days of static, text-heavy business plan presentations. Today's plans are interactive, engaging readers with clickable elements, dynamic charts, and even embedded videos.

This interactivity not only makes your plan more interesting but also allows readers to engage with the content in a more meaningful way.

Here's a great example of an interactive business plan presentation:

2) Use scroll-based design

Forget the hassle of pinching and zooming on a PDF. A scroll-based design, similar to a modern website, offers a fluid reading experience.

It's straightforward and aligns with how we naturally consume content online, making your business plan presentation easier and more enjoyable to read.

Here's an example of scroll-based design:

Business plan scrollytelling example

3) Make sure your business plan presentation is mobile-friendly

With so many people reading on their phones, your business plan presenttion needs to look good on any device.

Responsive design means your plan is easily readable on a phone, tablet, or computer, ensuring that your message is clear no matter how your audience accesses it.

4) Shift from local files to online documents

Step away from traditional Word docs or PDFs and embrace online documents. They're great for sharing, updating in real time, and collaborating with others.

Plus, they're accessible from anywhere, which is perfect for busy investors who are always on the move.

For more information, check out our comparison of the best business plan document types .

5) Embrace visual storytelling

Use visuals like infographics and charts to tell your business's story. They can turn complex data into easy-to-understand, engaging information. A well-placed visual can often do a better job of explaining your points than text alone.

Here's a great example of visual storytelling:

Business plan visual storytelling example

Best business plan software

Selecting the right tool to create your business plan presentation is vital for any startup. To ease your journey, I've compiled a list of the top business plan software, each designed to cater to different needs.

From comprehensive platforms guiding you step-by-step to dynamic tools that add interactive elements to your presentation, there's something for every entrepreneur.

The best business plan software currently available:

Business Sorter

MAUS Master Plan Lean

For a deep dive into each tool and to find the one that best fits your business's needs, explore our detailed guide to the best business plan software .

Interactive business plan presentation templates

The pressure to get your business plan presentation right can be overwhelming. After all, in many cases, you only get one shot to impress.

These business plan presentation templates offer a framework that takes care of the structure and design, allowing you to focus solely on fleshing out your strategy.

Whether you're pitching to investors, partners, or stakeholders, these templates give you the confidence that your plan is presented in the best possible light.

Grab one and see for yourself.

components of business plan ppt

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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Home Blog Business How To Craft & Deliver an Effective Business Plan Presentation (Quick Guide)

How To Craft & Deliver an Effective Business Plan Presentation (Quick Guide)

Cover for Business Plan Presentation guide

A vital element in today’s highly competitive business landscape is the ability to craft and deliver a business plan presentation. This applies to both entrepreneurs and corporate leaders. 

This guide describes essential aspects required to build a business plan presentation and deliver it to stakeholders. 

Table of Contents

What is a Business Plan Presentation?

Is a business plan presentation the same as a business presentation, executive summary, justification of the business proposal, swot analysis, the niche of the proposal & actors in the industry, competitors, competitive intensity, trend analysis and critical variables, value chain, market analysis, jobs-to-be-done, value proposition, revenue streams, cost structure, distribution channels, key partnerships for the business model, organizational structure & management, go to market and marketing plan, development plan, qa, and continuous improvement model, distribution plan, inventory management, initial funding and financing structure, projection of income and costs.

  • Evaluation of Projected Return vs. Required

Risk Evaluation

Sensitivity to critical variables, how to present bibliographical information in a business plan presentation, how to deliver a business plan presentation.

A business plan presentation is the medium we use to communicate a business plan to an audience. 

Presenters commonly ask what is the target length of a business plan presentation in terms of slides. Our expertise in this field tells us it’s advisable to work between 13-20 slides, remaining as concise as possible and using the help of visual aids. Let the graphics speak rather than fill your slides with text blocks.

No. A business plan presentation is used to communicate an identified business opportunity and how it is planned to be served in a way that generates profit. A business presentation is a more generic term, explained in our article about business presentation examples . 

How to Create a Business Plan Presentation

This section will list our recommended content for a successful business plan presentation. We broke it down into four stages which help the presenter build the story backing the business: a-. The opportunity and the competitive landscape analyzed, b- the business model designed and tested to serve the opportunity, c- the implementation plan of the business model, and finally, d- the financial and economic projections estimated that show the profitability of the opportunity.

For the purpose of this guide, the slides will refer to a case study of photo editing software. To replicate this slide deck creation process, you can speed up design decisions by working with the SlideModel AI Presentation Maker and tailoring it to your project.

So, how to make a business plan presentation? Let’s see a step by step guide.

Stage 1 – Identifying the Opportunity

After the title slide that defines how to start a presentation , any business plan should proceed by introducing the executive summary in a concise but impactful format.

The purpose of the executive summary is to inform the audience what to expect from the presentation and its conclusion.

Executive Summary slide in a Business Plan Presentation

Work with a maximum of two slides for this section, highlighting the key elements through visual cues. Check our guide on how to present an executive summary .

The next slide should disclose all the reasoning behind the business plan proposal, why this plan is being presented at this present moment, and projections of how the plan aligns with the current market trends.

Presenters can share the analysis done by the Market research team as long as it’s made clear which problem is relevant to the current market trends that this business plan aims to solve.

Mention all the references used to arrive at the conclusions expressed so data is backed with meaningful sources.

Justification of the Business Proposal slide

Any corporate PPT template can help you craft this slide, but presenters can also boost their performance through the use of infographics . If your solution for the selected problem involves a complex process, consider using a process flow template to expose the step-by-step justification of this proposal.

Use a SWOT template to showcase the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of this business opportunity.

SWOT Analysis slide in a Business Plan Presentation

Make sure the SWOT diagram is legible. Work your way to meet the same aesthetic style despite speeding up the process with templates. Mention the tools used for gathering the information for this SWOT Analysis in the footnote and ensure the audience understands which information elements help you reach conclusions in each quadrant. Check our guide on how to create a SWOT analysis and see if your business plan requires a SWOT or SOAR analysis . 

Every business plan is scoped under a niche or industry sector. With this slide, describe the sector in which the proposal is immersed. Communicate its value,  list the actors involved, and describe their high-level relationships.

Actors in the Industry slide in the Business Plan Presentation

List the analyzed competitors. Communicate their attributes. The competitors’ comparison in business plan presentation can be visually explained using tools from the Blue Ocean Strategy framework, like the Strategy Canvas . 

Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas in Business Plan Presentation

The competitive intensity of an industry sector is studied through the Porter’s 5 Forces model. This intensity expresses how attractive the industry is. Explain the conclusion in each force showcasing the model.

Porter's Five Forces Analysis in Business Plan Presentation

First, introduce the variables identified as important for the industry sector, citing the insight’s source. Secondly, drill down each variable and break down the different trend dimensions ( PESTEL ) 

  • Use a highly visual slide, like a dashboard template , to introduce factual data regarding the trends over a specific time period. Growth rates must be represented in time frames of over 180 days to evaluate the trend accurately.
  • List the critical variables (consumers, product, production capability, and financing) briefly.
  • Disclose how each variable can affect pricing and your position within the niche for that trend. Presenters can refer to case studies from successful competitor stories on how they responded to trend changes in the niche.

PESTEL Analysis slide for a Business Plan Presentation

When presenting the value chain, we ought to articulate the sequence of activities the company handles to create value within the business plan. Start by breaking down the value chain into its key components, briefly explaining the stages from inbound logistics all the way through customer service. It is important to highlight the linking point between each stage and express the value of coordinating team activities to enhance overall efficiency.

Value Chain Layout slide in a Business Plan Presentation

We can use flowchart diagram templates as visual aids for the audience so they can understand the process sequence. Check our guide on how to make a flowchart .

Present the identified Market and its Segments. Continue explaining how conclusions were driven through the analysis and sizing of the market.

TAM SAM SOM for Business Plan Presentations

Presenters can use target market analysis templates , market segmentation templates , or TAM SAM SOM templates to compare their target market with the total available market. 

We recommend you check our guide on market segmentation for this process.

Then drill down with a Persona definition.

This study can be made by creating ideal customers, describing their demographics and psychological factors that make them prospective candidates to purchase the product or service this business plan presentation refers to.

Here is our guide on creating buyer personas . 

The Jobs-to-be-Done theory explains why certain customers are attracted to products and services and how those elements solve core problems in the consumers’ lives. 

A Perceptual Map is a tool we can use to measure the consumer perception of different products/services in the same market. This can be particularly useful if our value proposal is to brand ourselves as cheaper alternatives to already existing solutions. Check our guide on perceptual maps for further information.

Check our guide on the Jobs-to-be-Done framework and add suggestions to the business plan presentation.

Stage 2 – Business Model

To describe the  Business Model in your Business Plan Presentation, use the business model canvas analysis tool. Display your design in one slide.

Business Model Canvas for a Business Plan Presentation

For specific sections of the BMC, you can add slides if you need to drill down for further details. In our experience, the following sections require a deeper level of explanation.

List the Segments targeted in your Business Model. You can include a slide with additional information and segment size. Reference the Market analysis explained earlier to justify the selection or which were the pivots applied.

Customer Segmentation slide in a Business Plan Presentation

In order to explain the reasoning behind the Value Proposition and how it serves the segments selected, you can use the Value Proposition Canvas tool to explain the logic behind this selection.

Value Proposition Canvas slide for Business Plan Presentation

The Value Proposition outlines the unique benefit our product or service offers the market and why customers should choose our offer over potential alternatives. Since we have already analyzed the potential buyers and presented the market, it’s time to deliver that value proposition using our best assets: customer testimonials, report data, surveys, etc.

As testimonials often weigh the most in established brands, be sure to present this information through a narrative that showcases why your product or service had a positive impact on the life of that customer. You can use customer testimonial templates to give an extra boost through visual aids.

Customer testimonial slide in a Business Plan Presentation

Explaining how much the customers will pay for the product/services is critical to understanding the viability and profitability of the business. Showcase for each segment the pricing model and the engagement terms.

The Income Model expresses the sources of revenue for our business plan. This has to be in relationship with the pricing strategy for established businesses. Lean startups can work concerning their minimum viable product (MVP) and then elaborate with projections for future releases or changes in their income stream structure.

At this point, companies need to present the sources of revenue depending on their origin:

  • Product Sales
  • Subscription Model
  • Freemium Model
  • Partnerships with other brands in different niches
  • Advertising and Sponsorships
  • Monetization

Check our guide on pricing strategy models for more information about how to present this point. You can use revenue stream templates to represent this data in style.

Pricing table slide in a Business Plan Presentation

Drill down the cost structure categories and relate them to the Value Chain explained earlier. Show a cost breakdown chart to make it easier for the audience to understand their weight in the total costs.

As this step can be a bit complex to articulate, we recommend you check our guide on Cost Structure to see how you can resume all that information in one slide.

At the business model stage, distribution channels should be briefly introduced since they will be mentioned again in the Distribution Plan . In some industries, it is important to highlight which channels are chosen over others for the sake of revenue and faster operation.

Our Distribution Channels PowerPoint Template is a perfect resource for this.

Distribution Channels slide in Business Plan Presentation

Presenting the strategic partnerships for the business plan is a way to prove the plan’s potential reach and success factor. On this behalf, companies must list which resources they are sharing with their business partners regarding expertise, technology, distribution channels, or capital, as these elements will impact the cost structure.

You can use the Business Partnership PowerPoint Template to present this information in a professional-looking format.

Stage 3 – Implementation

The business plan is designed to offer a product, deliver a service, or combine both. At this stage, the business plan presentation drills down on how the organization will build/deliver the product/service implementing the business model outlined earlier.  

Describe how the company operates regarding human capital and its roles. Presenters must describe to the audience the hierarchical structure, responsibilities, and how they play a role within the value chain.

Org Chart in a Business Plan Presentation

You can use Org Charts to represent the roles and responsibilities in the organization visually. It is also advisable to highlight the expertise and experience of the management team, as it helps to build trust.

The Human Resource Plan must refer to your planned recruitment, training, and employee onboarding. Which talent will be required, and how is it planned to build the different teams of the structure.

HR Plan slide in Business Plan Presentation

Check the Go To Market Strategy guide and describe how the Business Plan will enter the market and overcome the initial barriers. Continue with the Marketing Plan limited to 1-2 slides resuming the plan’s tactics to increase brand awareness and the selected channels for this strategy. 

You can use the Marketing Plan Templates help to speed up the process by focusing on the content to fill rather than the design or creating complex charts from scratch.

Go-To Market Framework in Business Plan Presentation

Present the sales plan describing the full sales process, lead generation, nurturing customers, and conversion strategies.

Use Sales PowerPoint Templates to visually illustrate your sales process, like the Sales Pipeline Slide Template for PowerPoint , which depicts the process from lead acquisition to a closed deal.

Check our guide on Sales Plan for further information on this topic.

This step refers to presenting the product/service development plan, the Quality Assurance processes behind its validation, and your company’s commitment to a continuous improvement process based on surveyed data or customer feedback.

We can refer to testimonials, user case experiences our team successfully troubleshot, or experiences we learned from competitors in the same niche.

Presenting the distribution plan involves addressing logistics topics, supply chain , and sharing fulfillment strategies. Although we already presented the potential distribution channels, this is the step in which you detail how each will interact and their impact on the estimated revenue. 

Present one slide mentioning your company’s approach to these channels, if applicable:

  • Direct Sales (either physical store or e-commerce)
  • Retail Partnerships
  • Wholesalers or Distributors
  • E-Commerce marketplaces

This step involves two different approaches depending on the kind of industry we’re in. For traditional business, inventory management in a business plan presentation must highlight how the inventory will be handled to minimize transportation costs or overproduction. Projections must be shown per quarterly period and take into account seasonality if it has a significant impact on the required storage capacity.

On the other hand, e-commerce companies have to present their online infrastructure to secure the product’s availability 24/7, how customer tickets are handled when the customer cannot access the product, server costs, and how we prevent online leaks.

Stage 4 – ROI and Risk Evaluation

This section will outline the Financial Plan of your Business.

Showcase the financial structure, including equity, debt, and potential investors, at the moment of kick-starting this business. It is a good practice to consider the initial funding slide to be a brief summary of those points, with particular emphasis on the funding needs.

Cash Flow Diagrams , Comparison Chart templates , and Timeline templates to showcase when funds help to meet each of the plan’s milestones are good ideas to represent the elements on this slide.

Income and expense projections must be presented over a defined time period by using graphs or charts to clearly visualize the trends supporting each change.

Revenue and Expenses breakdown slide for Business Plan Presentation

Break down the revenue sources with clear, identifiable icons to showcase: product sales, subscription fees, advertisement, affiliates, etc. Sales estimations have to be realistic and conservative, as they will be contrasted with the production, marketing, administrative, and personnel costs to leave a gross profit margin calculation. 

Evaluation of Projected Return vs. Required 

Demonstrate the feasibility of your business plan. Start by presenting the profit margins in relation to the projection of income and expenses, then introduce the break-even analysis .

Presenters can make their message more relevant by presenting an ROI calculation and contrasting it with industry benchmarks in the same niche. By following this approach, presenters prove how the ROI offered by this business plan aligns with the investment’s risk projection.

Presenting a risk evaluation analysis in a business plan presentation involves introducing both risks and their mitigation strategies. 

Risk Management templates , like the ROAM framework, can help organize potential risk sources by their severity and impact on the organization. A pyramid diagram can be used to demonstrate how risk management can be delegated across the organization to completely eradicate the risk factor depending on its severity. 

The elements you should consider presenting are mainly regulatory changes, market changes, competitors (new or existing), and financial crises. 

The final point in our business plan presentation involves summarizing how key variables can influence the projected returns in our plan. Examples of these variables can be sudden increases in raw materials (affecting production costs and sales prices), a new pandemic (affecting workforce capacity and shortage of raw materials), geopolitical situations like war, etc.

We highly recommend presenting these critical variables using scenario analysis techniques according to measured data. Introduce best-case, worst-case, and most likely-case to give a full panorama of how your organization is prepared against any contingency.

An often overlooked point in a business plan presentation comes when listing the bibliographical information used to craft the business plan. Follow these steps to ensure a professional outcome for this slide or document.

  • Use a title like: “Bibliography,” “Source Credits,” or “References.” If your business plan presentation cites examples from other companies, use a “Works Cited” section.
  • References are usually shown in the APA style, but the MLE or Chicago style can be requested depending on your location or situation.
  • Maintain a consistent style in terms of reference style used, font, text size, and formatting options across the entire slide deck. Footnotes or in-text citations can be used for important data.
  • Verbally acknowledge your sources when required throughout the course of your presentation. This helps to establish credibility and respect for other people’s work rather than just dropping a slide with chunks of text.

This section will cover the most commonly asked questions on delivering a business plan presentation.

How many slides should my business plan presentation list?

This will depend entirely on your niche and the complexity of the business plan. Generally, work with at least 15 slides and no more than 30. It is best to use an extra slide rather than overcrowd an existing slide with tons of information.

What is the best format to present a business plan?

There are different options to present any business plan, so the selected option will mostly consist of the presenter’s preferred style and the audience’s age and interests.

  • PowerPoint Presentation : You can start from a blank slide and go all the way through a professionally designed PPT template . PowerPoint documents allow you to present images, text, audio, videos, and any kind of graphic to help you convey the core ideas behind the business plan. They can work with any PC or Mac device, as well as mobile devices.
  • PDF Documents: This can be a choice made in a hurry or by preference. Sharing a PDF document can work, but you must include the fonts used in the original document, as some compatibility issues can be present. 
  • Pitch Deck : Rather than doing a lengthy business plan presentation, a pitch deck consists of a maximum of 15 slides to deliver your proposal concisely. This is the typical approach we can see in TV shows like Shark Tank. 
  • Video Presentation : In some cases, using a video in a business plan presentation is relevant, especially if we are to introduce an innovative product in the market. You can use videos to showcase features, present services in a live format, introduce your team, and plenty of other options.

Are printables required in business plan presentations?

Although they are not required, using supplementary material in business plan presentations can be useful. You can prepare reference material for investors, especially involving complex data like graphs in an amplified format (and reference the slide in which they appear and vice versa).

Providing a printable to accompany your business plan presentation helps to give an image of professionalism and respect to your proposal.

What are the don’ts of writing a business plan?

The main purpose of this article is to craft and deliver a business plan presentation. Still, we would like to clarify some common errors seen in business plans that typically affect the performance of the presentation.

  • Using overcomplicated language : Jargon or unnecessary acronyms may confuse spectators who are not in touch with all the details relevant to a particular industry. 
  • Ignoring the audience : Not considering the variety of interests among investors, partners, and team members can hinder your presentation.
  • Neglecting/underestimating competitors : Any realistic business plan considers the existing competitors in their niche and perhaps potential newcomers. Not doing so will leave you unprepared to present a doable business plan.
  • Ignoring Risk Assessment : Omitting the Risk Assessment analysis and mitigation strategies does not respect the value investors and your team have. 

How long should the business plan presentation be?

As a general guideline, try to fit your business plan presentation between 20-30 minutes. Some complex plans may require additional time to be presented.

Does the presentation need to be tailored to different audiences? 

Using this tactic can be a winning factor for both investors and your team, as you prioritize effective communication for the roles they are relevant. Take these items into consideration for tailoring the presentation for specific needs.

In-Company Presentation

The focus should be on goal accomplishment and the strategies targeted to the team’s roles. Emphasize how teamwork is the pathway to success and how each individual contributes to the bigger picture.

If new technologies or knowledge are required as part of the business plan implementation, then this is the moment to disclose that information and inform the process to coach the team into it.

Board Meeting

Whenever delivering the business plan presentation to a board of directors, focus on the strategic goals, financial projections, and KPIs. 

Showcase how this business plan aligns with the company’s core values, mission, vision, and long-term strategy. 

Potential Investors

Presenting your unique value proposition, potential ROI, and highlighting the market opportunity is extremely important. Focus on selling your business model and vision with accurate financial projections and growth strategy. 

Dedicate some minutes to present your industry’s competitive landscape and answer why your product or service is a better offering than what competitors produce.

As we can see, creating a business plan presentation is a process that can be time-consuming if we lack the required business plan presentation tools to turn data into visually appealing formats. 

Remember to work concisely without losing the big picture of what you intend to explain. Your presentation is the entry point into the heart of your business; therefore, by adopting a structured approach, you can deliver an experience that engages, inspires, and builds confidence. 

Finally, let’s see some business plan PowerPoint presentation examples & business plan templates that you can use to speed up the presentation design process and save time.

1. Coffee Shop Illustration Business Plan Slides

components of business plan ppt

Create your new business plan presentation with quality vector illustrations for Coffee Shops. Ideal for cafeterias, coffee bars, barista giftshop stores, bookshops and more.

Use This Template

2. Real Estate Business Plan PowerPoint Template

components of business plan ppt

Realtors looking to start their own agencies should take a look at this attractive selection of slides with tailored real estate vector illustrations. These presentation plan slides show the different stages that a prospective buyer may incur, from hiring the services of a Real Estate agent, checking different properties, to finally buying a home.  Graphs and charts are included in vivid colors that are fully editable to meet the required branding.

3. Restaurant Business Model PowerPoint Template

components of business plan ppt

As we’ve seen with the previous cases, these vector images depicting typical restaurant activities can help us build a business plan presentation sample to discuss with our team prior to an important meeting. Save time and money by introducing these professional designs into your presentation.

4. One Pager Business Plan PowerPoint

components of business plan ppt

To briefly summarize the objectives of your business plan, work in-team with this one-pager business plan slide. Ideal to take notes, give a general picture of the current status of the business plan and key growth opportunities.

5. Business Plan PowerPoint Templates

components of business plan ppt

If you want to create the best business plan presentation, this slide deck can make that task 100% easier. Containing all the elements described in this guide, introduce your data and prepare to deliver a powerful speech.

6. Flat Bold Business Plan PowerPoint Template

components of business plan ppt

Another slide deck intended for those looking at how to make a business plan presentation that delivers a memorable experience. With a minimalistic design approach, it perfectly balances formal elements and impactful visual cues to help increase your audience’s retention rate.

7. Car Sharing Business Plan PowerPoint Template

components of business plan ppt

Create the next Uber-like car-sharing service with the help of these carpooling vector illustrations perfectly arranged in a cohesive business plan slide deck. Presenters can explain the ins and outs of their business model with highly detailed graphics that grab the attention of potential investors. Check it out now!

8. Beauty Salon Business Plan PowerPoint Template

components of business plan ppt

Business plan presentations don’t have to look formal or boring. This slide deck is geared towards beauty salon businesses, especially for those targeted to women. Chic design, bold color scheme, and extremely useful tools like a pricing list to present an idea like a subscription-based model where consumers see the total value of their investment.

9. CrossFit Business Plan PowerPoint Template

components of business plan ppt

Finally, we list an option filled with tools and gym vector illustrations for those looking to start a gym business or CrossFit academy. These illustrations were crafted with care to express the core idea on every single slide, such as human-shaped graphs to present relevant KPIs.

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How to Create a Business Plan Presentation [Plus Templates]

How to Create a Business Plan Presentation [Plus Templates]

Written by: Masooma Memon


You know your business idea is strong, but presenting it in a way that captivates your audience and inspires them to take the desired action? That’s a different story.

But don’t worry. With the right approach and resources, you can create a business plan presentation that not only conveys your idea in the best possible way but also wins over potential investors, partners and clients.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you have in mind like how many slides does your business idea presentation need, what goes into those slides, and how to create, design and present an impressive business plan presentation.

Here's a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit business plan presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme

components of business plan ppt

Along the way, we’ll also show you a series of ready-to-use business plan presentation templates that you can customize to use as your own. See? We did say creating a presentation isn’t rocket science.

Ready to learn how to create a business presentation?

Let’s get started already.

Table of Contents

  • What Is a Business Plan Presentation?
  • What Should Be In a Business Plan Presentation?

How to Create a Business Plan Presentation

  • How to Design a Business Plan Presentation With Visme

Business Plan Presentation Best Practices

How to present a business plan presentation, business plan presentation faqs.

  • A business plan presentation is a formal slide deck that includes your goals, mission, strategy, pricing model, financial projections, teams and other information about your new business.
  • Typically, a business plan presentation includes a title slide, problem, solution, pricing plan, business operations information, marketing plan, industry overview, financial projections, team and a concluding slide with your contact details.
  • To create a business plan presentation, identify your goals, conduct research, create an outline, develop the content, design your slides, prepare supporting material, and finalize and polish.
  • Design a business plan presentation easily in Visme by picking a template, adjusting the slides, customizing the template, and then downloading and sharing your presentation.
  • Some tips for creating impressive business plan presentations include drawing attention to your core message, making your slides easy to read and understand, sticking to one or two fonts, picking a nice color scheme, using minimal text and paying attention to the visuals.
  • To effectively present a business plan presentation, keep your presentation concise, add interactivity, pay attention to the design and incorporate data visualization.
  • Visme makes it easy to create a professional business plan presentation that leaves a solid impression on your audience. Use features like ready-made templates, built-in graphics, animations, branding and AI-powered tools to create stunning presentations.

What is a Business Plan Presentation?

We know a business plan as a formal document that includes your business goals, mission, strategy and the rest of the starting-a-business shebang. 

A business plan presentation is all that with added pressure since you’ve to convey the entire information in slides – clearly and concisely. 

Hey executives! Looking to cut design costs?

  • Spend less time on presentations and more time strategizing
  • Ensure your brand looks and feels visually consistent across all your organization's documents
  • Impress clients and stakeholders with boardroom ready presentations

Sign up. It’s free.

Hey executives! Looking to cut design costs?

Put another way, you don’t have wordy documents to convey your ideas. Instead, you’ll need to be clear about selling your idea to investors by sharing all the important details in an engaging and succinct manner. 

What Should Be in a Business Presentation?

Now that you know how your slides need to look, let’s talk about another important point—your presentation’s slides and what they need to talk about. 

The bare minimum slides you need are 10. Remember, cover only one business aspect per slide.  Here’s what your slides should be about.

Slide 1: The Title Slide

This needs no explanation — it’s your introductory page that should include your business’s name, any slogan that you may have, and a logo as well (if it’s ready). Don’t forget to add your name to the slide. 

Since this is the first slide, it needs to be an impression maker. One way to create such a slide is to rely on a powerful image that showcases your business idea. 

Take, for example, this presentation template by Visme. It pretty much speaks for itself, narrating the business idea is related to social media scheduling.

HybCab Pitch Deck Presentation

Looking for the perfect image for your presentation? Grab one from a pool of 700+ free presentation images . 

Slide 2: The Problem Your Business Solves

Dedicate your second slide to diving into the pain point your business solves.  You can use facts to make things convincing. But, there’s nothing that beats a good story. 

Here is an amazing business plan presentation example that does just that.

business plan presentation - The Problem Your Business Solves

Additionally, make sure you let your design do the talking. For instance, this presentation template uses a few words and pairs them with icons that explain facts.

business plan presentation - The Problem Your Business Solves

Slide 3: Your Business’s Solution

Now that you’ve introduced the problem, give the solution. 

This is the part where your story comes to its happy ending. And what’s the happy ending? Your business idea.  

Again, make sure your solution-offering slide isn’t wordy, but digestible. Try a diagram or sketch to explain your idea like here.

Analytics Tool Pitch Deck

Slide 4: Your Pricing Plan

Okay, so investors know you’ve a great idea that you’ve delivered in an even greater story format. They’re impressed. What’s next? Your pricing structure. 

In your business model slide, go on to tell who your customers are, what your revenue sources are going to be, and how much you expect customers to pay for your product/service?

But, instead of writing it all, present your pricing plans in a simple-to-grasp chart. 

Here’s what I mean.

business plan - pricing plan

Slide 5: Business Operations Information

Now is the time you give your audience an inside peep into the operating nuts and bolts of your business. 

Where will your business headquarters be located? What about the staff that runs the show in the background. What equipment will you need? Answer all that in this slide. 

Just make sure you offer all this info in a chart or diagram.

 business plan presentation - business operation information

Slide 6: Your Marketing Plan

Next, tell your audience how you plan to market your business. 

Nope, "TV and ads" is not the right answer. Instead, share your marketing plan including the channels you’ll use and how you plan to do so. 

 business plan presentation - marketing plan and acquisition channels

Planning to make a separate marketing presentation? Dig into this guide to create one with free templates.

Slide 7: Industry Overview

In other words, this slide is for competitor analysis. Make sure you keep it clipped and use a positive approach. 

Defaming or bad-mouthing competitors won’t help. What’ll make a difference in your favor though is how well you explain your unique selling proposition (USP) or what makes your business a winner. 

Share this information in a chart or outline the key pointers like this template below does.

 business plan presentation - industry overview

Slide 8: Financial Projections

Time to pull out the crystal ball that shows the future!

Answer the following in this slide: what financial projections do you’ve for the next 3 years and 5 years to come. Then, explain how you reached those numbers. 

Here’s a template that does that well:

IworkUwork Pitch Deck Presentation

Slide 9: Your Team

Here’s the part when you talk about the key players who’ll help you build your business. 

See how this template intros teammates.

business plan presentation - team slide template

Slide 10: Concluding Slide

This is your last slide. It’s best to close your presentation with your contact details (check out the slide below for an idea) and a sense of urgency.

But why the urgency, you ask? Because you want to tell your audience that now is the right time for your business to enter the market. 

business plan presentation - Contact us

1. Identify Your Goals

Before diving into your presentation, take a step back and clarify your purpose.

Are you seeking investment, looking for partners or pitching to potential clients. Knowing your aim helps shape your entire approach.

Then, set clear goals for your presentation. Maybe you want to secure a certain amount of funding or land a specific partnership. Having these objectives in mind keeps you focused and helps you measure success later on.

2. Research and Gather Information

Now it's time to roll up your sleeves and dig into the nitty-gritty.

Start with thorough market research—understand your industry inside out and know your competitors like the back of your hand.

Also, get a solid grasp on your target audience. Research their backgrounds, interests and what they're looking for. This insight is gold when tailoring your content.

Don't just skim the surface; dive deep. Collect hard data, compelling statistics and solid financial information that backs up your claims.

As you gather all this information, keep it organized. Use spreadsheets, mind maps or whatever system works for you. The point is to have this valuable intel at your fingertips when you need it.

For example, you can use Visme’s whiteboard tool for this purpose. Or design an engaging mind map that you can easily share with your team.

components of business plan ppt

3. Outline Your Presentation Structure

Think of your presentation as a story—it needs a beginning, middle and end. And all of these parts need to flow seamlessly.

Start by mapping out the key points and sections you want to cover. Then, arrange them in a logical order that builds momentum. Make sure each section naturally leads into the next, creating a compelling narrative.

As you plan, consider how much time and emphasis each part deserves. Your game-changing product might warrant more time than your office location, for instance. A well-structured presentation keeps your audience engaged and helps them follow your vision effortlessly.

Want to learn more? Here’s a detailed guide on the different types of presentation structures you might want to use for your business plan presentation.

4. Develop Your Content

Here's where you breathe life into your presentation.

Craft content that's not just informative, but captivating. Think about what makes your business unique and exciting— that's the story you want to tell.

Develop a clear, punchy value proposition that instantly communicates your worth. As you write, keep your audience in mind. What matters to them? Align your content with their interests and needs. If you need help with crafting the perfect words, use Visme’s AI Writer for assistance.

For each slide, aim for concise, impactful statements. Back up your claims with solid data and facts—investors love numbers. And while it's good to show you know your stuff with industry jargon, remember to explain complex terms. You want to impress, not confuse.

5. Design Your Slides

Now it's time to make your presentation visually appealing. If you’re using a template, choose a design theme that's professional and aligns with your business idea.

Ideally, your presentation design should be clean, modern and easy on the eyes. Use high-quality visuals, charts and graphics to illustrate your points. We’ll discuss more about how to design a business plan presentation in the next section.

Be careful not to go overboard. Keep your slides uncluttered and easy to read. A good rule of thumb is no more than six bullet points per slide. Use them to highlight key points and provide visual interest, not to display every word you're going to say.

6. Prepare Supporting Materials

Your presentation is just one part of the package. Create handouts or leave-behind documents that reinforce your key points and provide additional details. These could include executive summaries, product specifications or financial projections.

Also, develop a one-page business plan or a more detailed one for those who want to dive deeper. These materials show you're thorough and prepared, and they give interested parties something concrete to review after your presentation.

Visme offers a bunch of business plan templates to help you in that area. Here’s a business plan template you can use right away:

Modern Business Plan

The best part about using Visme is you can ensure your document design is consistent with your presentation. Simply upload your brand elements like fonts, colors and logo, and our Brand Kit will apply your unique style across any project you create.

In fact, you don’t even have to manually upload anything if you’re short on time and have a website. Input your site URL into our Brand Design Tool and let the AI pull the brand elements automatically and apply them to your designs.

7. Finalize and Polish

You're almost done! But before you call it a day, revisit and fine-tune your presentation so it’s free from any potential issues. Proofread everything meticulously and check for spelling errors, consistency in formatting and accuracy in your data and projections.

Make sure all your information is up-to-date and relevant. Also, pay attention to any animations and transitions between your slides—they should be smooth and logical.

This is also a great time to get some outside perspective. Present to trusted advisors, mentors or colleagues who can give you honest, constructive feedback. They might catch things you've missed or have ideas to make your presentation even stronger.

If you’re creating your business plan presentation in Visme, you can invite team members to review your slides, leave feedback by commenting or annotating and even work on the content with you using our collaboration and workflow features.

How to Design a Business Plan Presentation with Visme

So far, you’ve learned a lot of theory on making a business plan presentation. It’s time to put all that and more into practice. 

Start off with writing your content. And, go on to design your slides next. 

With Visme, you’ve two ways to go about creating your presentation: either start with a template or work from the scratch. 

Have you already started making your presentation in PowerPoint, but only just discovered Visme?  No worries! Nobody’s going to ask you to start over.

Instead, simply follow the steps in here to import your PowerPoint presentation in Visme .  Or, watch this video to understand how do so.

Now, let’s start designing.

1. Pick a Template

Visme offers templates in various categories, so you’ll be sure to find a template that fits your business idea. 

For instance, here’s a business presentation template.

components of business plan ppt

Here’s something for those of you with an idea in the finance sector.

components of business plan ppt

Plus, a template for a product idea.

components of business plan ppt

Each of the available templates are editable, which means if there’s something you want to change about it, you can easily do so.

Looking for something that takes creativity to a whole new level? Pick from one of our animated presentation templates. And if you’re short on time, you can use Visme’s AI Presentation Maker to whip up a custom design tailored to your business idea and vision.

2. Adjust the Slides

Once you’ve picked your template, click  Add New Slide to bring other slides from the template into your presentation. Pick and choose any and all of the slides you need to use in your business plan presentation.

You can also bring in slides that you've previously saved to your slide library to help customize your presentation even further.

3. Customize the Template

Lastly, customize your template’s font and color. 

If you already haven’t settled on your brand colors, dive into color psychology to pick colors for your presentation that inspire trust.

If you plan to power your first slide with images, you can either select images from Visme’s stock photo library or upload your own image. You can also add icons , shapes, animated graphics, illustrations, 3D characters , gestures and more to spruce up your slides.

And if you can’t find the perfect image, whip one up using the AI Image Generator or edit existing images using the AI Image Editing tool . It can unblur, upscale and remove unwanted backgrounds in seconds.

Pro Tip : Take advantage of Dynamic Fields to always keep important data like names, dates and contact information accurate. Once you've customized the fields and assigned values , your data will be pulled in throughout your project.

Alternatively, you can create your presentation from the ground up using a blank canvas or by starting with a presentation theme .

4. Download and Share

Finally, it’s time to share your business plan presentation.

You have several options to do that in Visme. Here they are:

  • Download: Save your presentation in PDF or PPTX (PowerPoint) format. You can also download in HTML5 (offline web) format to preserve animation and interactivity,
  • Share online: Publish and share your presentation online using a public or private link. No need to download any files—your presentation will be hosted on Visme.
  • Embed: Generate an embed code for your presentation to add it to a website or portal.

Also, fun fact: when you share your presentation online with Visme, you can track built-in analytics to understand how people are interacting with your slide deck.

With the recap out of the way, let’s talk about the fundamentals of preparing a business presentation that you need to keep front and center as you plan.

1. Draw attention to your core message.

This is the heart of any successful presentation — one that makes it a winner. To ensure your message comes off coherently, explain your business idea to yourself.

The stronger your grip on your idea, the better you’d be able to explain it in a few sentences, or paragraphs at most. 

In other words, make sure you can summarize your plans into an elevator pitch. Also, don’t forget, use simple language — can a child understand your business idea? If so, you’re in the right direction. 

2. Make your slides easy to read and understand.

If a clear message is the heart of a prizewinning (read: investor winning) presentation, good readability and ease in understanding are the lungs, working to keep your presentation alive and breathing. 

The question now is, how do you go about creating digestible slides? Here are a couple of things that can help.

3. Stick to one or two fonts.

Garamond, Helvetica and Gill Sans are some of the best fonts to use in a presentation .

And while you’re at it, select a readable font size. 30 points is a good benchmark size to keep in mind like we discussed above. 

Take a look at how well the font size is adjusted in this template. The changing font size also creates a visual flow that navigates viewers’ attention.

business plan presentation - use readable fonts like in this template

4. Pick a nice color scheme.

Know those bright colors that hurt the eye and are hard to look at? Steer away from them. A subtle color combination works best like in the Visme presentation template below.

components of business plan ppt

5. Use minimal text.

To do so, read each word carefully and ask yourself: can I do just fine without this word? If you find yourself replying in the affirmative to this question, remove the word. In short, make each word earn its keep.

Here’s a template using only as many words as needed to get the message across.

components of business plan ppt

6. Pay attention to the visual elements in each slide.

The goal is simple: you’ve got to use design elements smartly without overdoing them. Sure, you’ve heard a picture is worth a thousand words, but nailing visual components in your presentation can take some effort. 

Put another way, it isn’t about throwing in a bunch of thumbnail images and icons to each slide and calling it a day. Instead, it’s about adding them thoughtfully so they’re impactful rather than extra baggage. 

Check out this template from Visme to get an idea of what we’re talking about here.

components of business plan ppt

On the whole, aim to create a business plan presentation that’s readable, comprehensible and clutter-free. 

Before we wrap this up, here are some tips to help you deliver more memorable presentations:

Keep Your Presentation Concise

Short, powerful messages leave a far deeper impression than long, rambling presentations.

Follow the 9-minute rule —originally for salespeople but equally valuable for presenters—to deliver more impactful presentations.

Aim to deliver 2-3 slides per minute, keeping your key points within about 9 minutes. This helps maintain your audience’s attention and ensures your core message is communicated without overwhelming the listeners with excessive information.

Add Interactivity to Your Presentation

Breathe life into your business presentations and stand out by incorporating interactive elements, such as animated icons, popups, clickable buttons, embedded videos and more.

Interested in creating an interactive business presentation? Here are 20 tips to get you started.

You can also take a look at how to create an interactive quiz within your presentation below.

Create engaging interactive content with Visme.

  • Add interactive pop-ups and hover effects
  • Increase interest and engagement on your design
  • Lead your audience to specific content with interactivity

Pay Attention to Your Presentation’s Design

Not only is visual design an important component of any presentation , but it’s also what hooks your audience. It takes about 50 milliseconds for your audience to assess a design’s visual appeal so aim to leave a strong visual impression. 

Use a powerful image as this template does.

components of business plan ppt

Or try a color-based design with a modern layout like the one in this business presentation template:

components of business plan ppt

Incorporate Data Visualization

Wherever possible, use any of the various chart types at your disposal to present your data. These could be line or bar graphs, pie charts, Gantt charts, Venn diagrams, pictograms, population pyramids and much more.

But why should you use charts to share your data? Simple: data visualization makes complex numbers easy to understand at a glance and more interesting to look at.

Check out this funnel chart template by Visme that you can add to your business plan presentation:

Lead Generation Funnel Chart

Or this cool gauge chart to track the achievements of your sales staff:

Sales Target Gauge Chart

With a few clicks of a button, add creative infographics to your Visme presentations and take them to a whole new level.

Q. How Many Slides Does Your Business Presentation Need?

Aim for 10-12 slides in your business presentation. This aligns with Guy Kawasaki's 10-20-30 rule: 10 slides max, presented in 20 minutes, using at least 30-point font. This approach helps you stay focused and keep your audience hooked to your presentation till the end.

Made with Visme Infographic Maker

  If absolutely necessary, you can stretch to 13 slides, but try not to go beyond this to prevent overwhelming your audience. Remember, a concise presentation often has more impact than a lengthy one.

Create a Business Plan Presentation That Wins Investors

Creating a business plan presentation really isn’t much of a tough nut to crack. Consider half your work done if you’re cent percent clear about your business idea. This way your presentation’s content will come easy to you.

As for the design? Leave that to Visme. Our online presentation software makes it easy to create a beautiful and professional business plan presentation that leaves a solid impression on your audience.

Use features like built-in graphics, custom 3D characters, animations, branding and AI-powered tools to create the best business plan presentation you could envision.

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

components of business plan ppt

Trusted by leading brands


Recommended content for you:

How to Make a Presentation Interactive: Best Tips, Templates & Tools

Create Stunning Content!

Design visual brand experiences for your business whether you are a seasoned designer or a total novice.

components of business plan ppt

About the Author

Masooma Memon is a pizza-loving freelance writer by day and a novel nerd by night. She crafts research-backed, actionable blog posts for SaaS and marketing brands who aim to employ quality content to educate and engage with their audience.

components of business plan ppt


How To Present A Business Plan: 9 Key Elements

  • By Judhajit Sen
  • April 22, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • A business plan serves as a roadmap for your business journey, outlining its purpose, operations, and future trajectory.
  • A business plan presentation, or pitch deck, is a condensed version of your plan that showcases essential details to potential investors or partners.
  • A compelling plan presentation is crucial for securing funding, attracting investors, and rallying support for your venture.
  • A successful presentation includes the executive summary, company overview, business opportunity, management and leadership team, product and service details, sales and marketing plan, funding request, financial projections, and the appendix. Each section plays a vital role in articulating your business vision and potential for success.

A business plan is like a map of your business journey. It’s a formal paper explaining what your business is all about and what it aims to do. Think of it as a kind of storybook about your business, where you tell people what it does, how it works, and where it’s headed.

Inside a business plan, you’ll find information about the business structure, who’s in charge, and how things are set up. It also discusses how the company plans to sell stuff and make money with fancy financial projections. Plus, it lists everything the business needs, like equipment and supplies, to do its job well.

A winning business plan is like a guidebook for your business adventure. When you write a business plan, it helps you figure out where you’re going, what you need to get there, and how you’ll know when you’ve arrived. And if you’re looking for extra cash for your business, having a solid plan can help persuade folks to invest in your big ideas.

Business Plan Presentation

A business plan presentation, sometimes called a “pitch deck,” is like a slideshow introducing your business basics. It’s something you show during a meeting, whether in person or on Zoom, to give folks the lowdown on your business.

A good presentation covers the essentials: what you’re all about, who you’re trying to reach, how your business works, and what you’re asking for. When you’re presenting your plan, you’re not just sharing your cool idea—you’re hoping to get your audience to help you out with something.

Importance of a Business Plan Presentation

Business Plan Presentation

A plan presentation is crucial for your business journey. It’s not just about jotting down ideas; it’s a strategic tool that can help you overcome hurdles and spot opportunities you might have missed. When you present your business plan successfully, you’re clarifying it for yourself and making a compelling case for potential backers—like lenders, investors, or partners—that your venture has what it takes to succeed.

Research backs this up: Studies suggest that entrepreneurs who create a business plan are more likely to build viable businesses and secure funding than those who don’t. It’s not just about writing it down; how you present your plan matters. A polished, professional-looking presentation can make all the difference whether you seek a business loan, pitch your business to investors, or wooing potential partners.

Your business plan is a roadmap for your business endeavors, guiding your decisions and actions.  It’s not just a document for internal use; it’s also a key asset in external interactions. From securing loans to attracting investors or leasing a commercial space, having a solid plan can open doors and set you on the path to success in various professional arenas.

Following are nine tips for presenting your business plan step-by-step.

Executive Summary: A Snapshot of Your Business

The executive summary is the highlight reel of your plan presentation, offering a quick glimpse into your business. It’s your chance to grab the attention of potential investors and lenders right from the start, so it needs to be engaging and informative.

Start by revisiting your plan and picking out the most significant bits. Consider what makes your business unique and why  it’s  poised for success. Highlight vital elements like your business concept, goals, and vision for the future. Describe your offerings and what sets it apart from the competition. Identify your target market and outline your strategy to reach them.

Give a snapshot of your financial standing and lay out your projected revenue and profits for the next few years. Be clear about how much money you need to achieve your goals. Introduce the members of your management team, emphasizing their relevant experience.

The executive summary  must include:

  • Your mission statement.
  • Details about your products or services.
  • Information  about your team.
  • Your plans for growth.

Keep it concise yet comprehensive, giving readers a clear understanding of your business and why they should invest.

Company Overview: Setting the Stage for Success

The company overview section of your business plan demonstrates why your venture is poised for greatness. Start by pinpointing the problem your business aims to solve and who will benefit from your solution. Provide demographic data about your target customers and highlight what differentiates your company from the competition, whether it’s specialized expertise or unique product features.

Offer a brief history of your business and detail your products or services. Explain how your offerings address the identified problem and outline your business model , such as direct-to-consumer sales or online distribution. Clarify your business structure, whether it’s a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation, and why this setup is advantageous.

Use storytelling techniques to make the problem relatable to your audience and emphasize the significance of your solution. Describe how your offerings meets your customers’ needs and surpasses alternatives in the market.

Outline your revenue model, whether it’s through direct sales, subscription fees, or advertising revenue. Provide examples of early success, such as initial customers, pre-orders, or signed contracts, to demonstrate the viability of your business and build confidence in its prospects. This section sets the stage for the rest of your presentation, showcasing the potential for success and garnering interest from potential investors or partners.

Business Opportunity: Seizing the Moment

Tips for Presenting Business Plan

This section of your business presentation showcases the potential for growth in your chosen market. Begin by delving into your market analysis, which sheds light on the landscape of your industry. Research competitors’ actions, identify trends and understand what resonates with customers.

Investors look for growth potential of your business, so provide insights into your target market’s size and demographics. Conduct a SWOT analysis to highlight your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Detail how you developed projections, citing interviews or market research data to lend credibility.

Describe the industry’s current state and areas ripe for improvement. If your business operates locally, assess the market in your area and identify gaps or areas for enhancement. List competitors and explain how your business will stand out in the crowd.

Use data to illustrate your business’s performance compared to others in the industry. Incorporate facts and statistics from reputable sources to bolster your presentation’s credibility and professionalism.

Finally, articulate the size of your market and the specific business opportunities it presents. Utilize market research to quantify potential customers and identify target segments. This section paints a clear picture of the market landscape and underscores the vast opportunities awaiting your business’s success.

The Management and Leadership Team: Key Players in Success

Spotlight the individuals driving your business forward. Start by confirming your business’s legal entity status, whether it’s an LLC or another form. Then, introduce your ownership and leadership teams, clarifying roles with an organizational chart and providing resumes to showcase key members’ skills and experience.

Investors often prioritize the team behind a business over the idea itself. Highlight the expertise and talent of your management team through short bios that emphasize relevant experience and industry recognition. Consider including headshots to put faces to names and build rapport.

Describe your organization’s structure, whether it’s a sole proprietorship, LLC, or corporation. If you plan to hire staff or rely on outside consultants , outline your staffing plans here. Investors are looking for assurance that you’ve consulted experts in your field needed to drive your business forward.

Ultimately, investors want to know why your team is the right one to bring your business idea to life. Use this section to showcase the capabilities and dedication of your team, emphasizing their ability to turn your vision into reality. The strength of your team can be the deciding factor in securing support for your business venture.

Product and Service Details: Delivering Value to Customers

Start by describing what you offer and how it meets the needs of your market. Highlight its unique features and the benefits it brings to customers. If you’re taking steps to protect your intellectual property, such as trademarks or patents, be sure to mention it. Similarly, if you’re investing in research and development to enhance your offerings, explain how this will benefit your business and customers alike.

Success depends on offering products or services that customers want or need. Explain the value your offerings provide, how they differ from competitors, and the buying cycle. Demonstrating your understanding of customer needs and preferences boosts confidence in your ability to deliver.

If you’re pursuing intellectual property protections like copyrights or patents, outline your strategy. Additionally, discuss any ongoing research and development efforts aimed at expanding your product line or improving existing offerings. This showcases your commitment to innovation and highlights potential avenues for future revenue growth. By clearly articulating your product and service details, you lay the groundwork for success and instill confidence in potential investors or partners.

Sales and Marketing Plan: Reaching Your Audience

In crafting your sales and marketing plan, remember that even the best product needs a push to reach customers. Outline your strategy for reaching, convincing, and retaining your target audience. Describe the steps leading to a sale, essentially designing your sales funnel, a crucial aspect of effective planning.

Give details on how you’ll spread the word about your offerings. Will you utilize paid online ads, social media promotions, direct mail, local print ads, radio or TV sponsorships, YouTube content, or other methods? List all chosen approaches.

Ensure clarity on the sales journey and why it resonates with your target and existing customer segments. If you’ve begun implementing these methods, share data on their effectiveness.

Include an overview slide of your marketing and sales plan , emphasizing how you’ll reach and sell to your target market. You’ve identified your audience; now explain how you’ll engage and convert them. This section underscores your commitment to connecting with customers and driving sales, essential for business growth and success.

Funding Request: Securing Support for Growth

Outline your financial needs and how you plan to use that money to fuel your business’s growth over the next five years. Clearly articulate the amount of funding required and its intended use, whether for marketing, research and development, hiring key personnel, or expansion into new markets or locations.

Specify whether you’re seeking equity, debt, or a combination of both, and outline the terms  you’re  seeking for the funding. Potential investors or lenders will want to understand the rationale behind the requested amount and the type of financing being sought.

If you’re contributing personal funds to the project, highlight this to demonstrate your commitment and confidence in the venture. It shows that you have “skin in the game “  and are invested in its success.

Explain the purpose behind the funding request, detailing how it will support your business objectives and drive growth. Whether it’s to enhance product development, scale operations, or increase market presence, clarify why the funding is necessary and how it aligns with your overall business strategy. This section is crucial for garnering support from investors or lenders, showcasing your vision and readiness to take your business to the next level.

Financial Projections: Mapping Your Business’s Future

Tips for Mapping Business Plan Presentation

Demonstrating profitability is paramount to securing funding for your business. If your company is operational, include financial statements like profit and loss, balance sheets, income, and cash flow statements.

For both established and new business, a five-year financial plan is crucial. Detail forecasted income and expenditures, breaking the first year into quarterly or monthly projections. Utilize professional-looking charts, graphs, and tables for clarity.

Even if your business lacks past financial data, preparing a budget and financial plan showcases your domain understanding. For new ventures, utilize resources like the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) guide or SCORE’s financial projections template. For existing businesses, provide income statements, profit and loss statements, and balance sheets, ideally covering the past three years.

Detail specific steps to achieve outlined financial goals, with more emphasis on the first year. Include interactive spreadsheets for a detailed financial analysis covering production costs, profits, planned investments, and tax projections.

A detailed sales forecast spanning up to five years helps attract outside support. If your business hasn’t launched yet, utilize market research for estimates.

In your presentation, highlight key financial data such as sales forecasts, profit projections, and estimated profitability timelines. Aim to pique interest and prompt further inquiries using facts and figures without overwhelming your audience with excessive details.

Appendix: Additional Resources for In-Depth Understanding

In the appendix section at the end of your presentation , provide supplementary materials to address potential questions and offer deeper insights into your business. Anticipate inquiries and include slides that offer the information you need, showcasing your thorough preparation and understanding of all aspects of your venture.

While the core slides of your PowerPoint presentation capture the essence of your business, the appendix offers additional resources to enrich understanding. Depending on your industry, include permits, licenses, deeds, professional certifications, media clips, patents, customer contracts, and other relevant documents. These materials offer investors and bankers a comprehensive view of your business’s potential.

Consider including a list of critical concepts and industry terms to aid understanding, mainly if your business operates in a niche field. This ensures clarity and fosters better comprehension among readers unfamiliar with industry-specific terminology.

Remember, the appendix is an opportunity to provide supplementary information that bolsters your presentation and demonstrates your thoroughness and preparedness. While the plan document may not be directly referenced, the planning process equips you to present and advocate for your business efficiently.

Navigating Your Business Journey: How To Present A Business Plan

Crafting a plan presentation is akin to mapping out your entrepreneurial journey. It’s more than just a slideshow; it’s your opportunity to portray a vivid picture of your business, its potential, and its path to success. Whether you’re seeking funding, pitching to investors, or rallying support from partners, a well-prepared presentation can make all the difference.

At its core, the presentation distills the essence of your venture into digestible bits, offering a snapshot of your business basics. It covers everything from your business concept and target audience to your revenue model and financial projections. But it’s not just about sharing information—it’s about persuading your audience to join you on your business adventure.

By outlining the importance of a plan presentation and dissecting its key components, we’ve delved into the strategic approach needed to craft a compelling pitch. From the executive summary to business projections, each section plays a vital role in articulating your vision and garnering support for your venture.

Armed with insights into what makes a successful plan presentation, you’re better equipped to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship. Whether you’re a veteran business owner or a debutant entrepreneur, a well-crafted presentation can pave the way for future growth and success. So, harness the power of storytelling , data, and strategic planning to chart a course for your business’s bright future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a business plan, and why is it important?

A business plan is like a roadmap for your business journey, detailing what your business is about, what it aims to achieve, and how it plans to do so. Think of it as a storybook about your business, explaining its concept, structure, target market, marketing strategy, financial projections, and more. It’s essential because it helps you clarify your business vision, spot opportunities, overcome obstacles, and persuade potential backers to invest in your ideas .

2. What is a business plan presentation, and why do I need it?

A business plan presentation, also known as a “pitch deck, “  is a slideshow that introduces the basics of your business to potential investors, lenders, or partners. It offers a concise overview of your business concept, target audience, operations, and funding needs. It’s crucial because it allows you to present your business in a visually appealing and engaging format, making it easier for others to understand and support your venture.

3. What are the critical elements of a successful plan presentation?

A successful plan presentation comprises several key elements, including the executive summary, company overview, business opportunity, the management and leadership team, product and service details, sales and marketing plan, funding request, financial projections, and appendix. Whether you want to grab your audience’s attention or provide detailed insights into your business and its potential for success, each section serves a specific purpose,

4. How can I make my plan presentation more compelling?

Focus on storytelling, clarity, and professionalism to make your presentation more compelling. Use engaging visuals , such as charts, graphs, and images, to illustrate key points and data. Keep your language simple and concise, avoiding  jargon that may confuse your audience.  Practice your presentation beforehand to ensure smooth delivery and confidence. Finally, be prepared to answer queries and address concerns raised by your audience, demonstrating your knowledge and readiness to lead your business to success.

Supercharge Your Business Plan Presentation with Prezentium

Transform your plan presentation from ordinary to outstanding with Prezentium ‘s AI-powered services. Whether  you’re  pitching to investors, seeking funding, or sharing your vision with stakeholders, Prezentium equips you with the tools and expertise to create killer presentations that captivate your audience.

Overnight Presentations : Need a polished presentation in record time? Email your requirements to Prezentium by 5:30 pm PST, and we’ll work our magic overnight. By 9:30 am PST the following business day, you’ll receive a stellar presentation delivered straight to your inbox—ready to impress.

Presentation Specialists : Our team of experts at Prezentium is here to bring your ideas to life. From transforming meeting notes into exquisite presentations to crafting new designs and templates, we’ve got you covered. Let us help you elevate your presentation game and make a lasting impression.

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Unlock the full potential of your presentation with Prezentium’s AI-powered services. From compelling visuals to data-driven insights, we’re here to help you shine. Contact us today to supercharge your presentation and take your business to new heights!

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From Idea to Investment: How to Make a Business Plan Presentation

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Renderforest Staff

26 Sep 2023

13 min read  

From Idea to Investment: How to Make a Business Plan Presentation

Companies that have solid business plans are 129% more likely to grow beyond the startup phase and develop into successful enterprises. 

Moreover, a business plan is the driving force that makes those with business ideas 260% more likely to actually take steps toward launching their ventures .

Why’s that?

We can call it a power of knowing what you’re doing . A good business overview presentation dispels ambiguity and defines a clear path towards success. 

A thorough introduction business plan is a well-oiled and highly organized machine behind the scenes that makes companies thrive and move forward regardless of the competition, changes in the economy, or other forces.

So, if you’re an aspiring individual looking to conquer the business world with your new idea and make investors believe in it, you need a business plan presentation.

This practical how-to guide will help you with that and provide you with top-notch business presentation examples to use as a ready-to-go template .

Business Plan Presentation: Goals and Applications Explained

A business idea presentation is a written, formal, and detailed document that outlines a company’s goals and objectives, strategies, financial projections, and operational plans for achieving success and sustainability.

  • The key reason why you need a business plan slide deck is to attract external investors and raise capital for your project . With most early-stage companies striving with the shortage of financial resources, this task is critical for your startup’s survival and success. 
  • The secondary objective of the business plan presentation is keeping your internal team focused, motivated, and on track . The plan ensures everyone involved in the project has an understanding of where they’re heading and what the company’s goals are.

Focusing more on the first goal, you should clearly understand that potential investors will first evaluate your business plan’s real chances of generating a return on their investment. So, your first task is to have a presentation plan that shows how you’re going to achieve profit. First things first, you’ll want to have a catchy brand name, and for that, you can use the AI business name generator .

Among other factors that can motivate investors to approve your project , some are critical. 

  • You need to be detailed and clear . Investors tend to engage in projects in the industry that are well-familiar to them or explained to them in great detail. They also need to see a logical flow of action items you plan to implement to reach the desired goal.
  • Your team should be reliable and professional . Investors put resources into teams they believe in. So ensure your team, their expertise, and clear priorities are represented and explained properly in the business overview slide. 
  • Market validation evidence is needed . Investors need to see that the product you try to create is in demand. Given the current market trends and customer behavior, people need to have tangible proof that you are able to feed their needs with your product or service.
  • A clear cost breakdown is a must . Your potential investors need to understand what costs are necessary and how much is allocated for each part of the project. Pay close attention to this part, and be realistic with the expenses and estimations. 

Well, you guessed it. Regardless of which business plan presentation template you choose, your presentation should translate your ideas into convincing facts, plans, and actions for the investors to see. 

CTA banner unleash your business presentation potential

Consider This While Creating a Business Plan Presentation

You can have a sea of business presentation ideas, but a typical audience’s attention span is 7 minutes . Well, 10 minutes at most if you have a super-engaging presentation or talk like Steve Jobs used to reveal Apple’s new products. 

Based on the short time frame you have, Guy Kawasaki introduced a 10/20/30 rule – a must-follow answer to your “how to make a business plan presentation” question. 

  • Have up to 1 0 business plan slides .
  • Structure your business model presentation to fit a 20-minute timeframe at most.
  • Choose a font size no smaller than 30 . It is better to focus on easy-to-read and professional-looking fonts like Helvetica or Garamond.

Choose a Business Project Plan Presentation Template from Renderforest!

Eliminate the need to spend time creating a business plan presentation from scratch. With Renderforest’s online template library, you can choose any ready-to-go business plan slides template that’s designed with all the key features, creative elements, and professional approach. 

Choose anything from creative, modern, and sleek presentations to minimal or flat designs. Customize in a few clicks to have a personalized, unique presentation. 

Here are the key principles you should keep with your business plan presentation.

Have Clear Objectives

There are different company presentation examples based on the specific objective you chase with your business overview. You may ( and ideally should ) have one core business plan presentation, including all the key sections and details and a few different versions of it based on the key audiences and places you’re going to present it.

Let’s make it clear. 

Say you have a meeting with investors on Monday, another one with your marketing team on Tuesday, and you’re also invited as a speaker to the business event on Saturday. Each of these events has different audiences you need to captivate. And even though the primary idea you want to get across doesn’t change, you need to adapt your visual business plan for each audience. 

  • For investors , you should have a thorough business plan presentation outline with a strong emphasis on the financials part. 
  • For your marketing team , focus more on the strategic part and ideas for brand recognition you plan to implement. Here, more concentration is needed on motivating the team and having a clear breakdown of responsibilities.
  • Finally, for a business event , it’s better to remove some sensitive business plan slides like finance, risks, etc., and replace them with more general and inspiring slides about your company’s vision and story. 

It may take you a few minutes to create a slightly modified version of your presentation, but the audience you’re addressing will appreciate it. 

Try to appear with an adjusted presentation for each audience and place. 

cat banner marketing presentation

Keep It Clear and Concise

We should probably apologize for overusing the words “clear and concise,” but that’s what really working business slideshow examples are about. 

So, we can’t stress this enough: be as brief as possible. Remember, an overloaded business plan presentation is your no-go area!

  • Choose 1, max two font styles, and ensure they go well together.
  • Pick colors that form a good contrast together, avoiding too many bright shadows.
  • Ensure your business plan slideshow has a healthy portion of negative space.
  • Have as much text per page as can be read and digested by the audience without rushing.
  • Keep a healthy balance between visuals and text.

The template below is a brilliant business presentation example, considering all the above tips. 

template presentation example

Maintain Visual Consistency

A cohesive, professional, and unified structure across all slides is essential . This means every slide in your business plan presentation should follow the same layout and design principles.

Colors, fonts, graphics, background, and buttons – all should follow the same rules . This will create a holistic, consistent experience for your audience while conveying your message clearly. 

In some cases, certain slides can have different colors than others, but they should all have the same general look. When you look at your business plan presentation, there should be a feeling of congruence across all slides. 

Otherwise, you risk leaving an unorganized, messy impression. 

Template Packs Are Your Best Friends for Creating Visual Consistency

What are business plan slide template packs from Renderforest, and why are they the best solution for a consistent look?

Packs are a collection of different slides – intro, overview, summary, budget, team, mission & vision, etc. that are all designed to work together . No matter which ~10 sample business plan presentations you will choose from them, the final result will be a unified look.

See how our Startup Pitch Deck pack slides go together. 

11 Cornerstones: Business Plan Slides to Include in Your Next Pitch

Well, by now, you should’ve grasped the fundamentals of how to do company presentations. And when you know the theory, it’s time to move on to the practical part – the actual slides you should include in your business plan presentation. 

The good news is you don’t need even a hint of design talent to have a striking business growth plan presentation. With Renderforest’s ready-to-use business plan presentation ideas, your manual work is limited to small editing with drag & drop options.

We’ve collected the key business plan presentation examples for you to grab and go.

Just scroll down to pick one!

Recommended Reading

  • Elevate Your Pitch | Marketing Presentation Templates That Convert!
  • The Art of Consulting Presentations: Boosting Impact with Renderforest Templates
  • 10 Business Presentation Examples | Say Goodbye to PowerPoint!

The Title Slide

Hello, it’s me!

The title slide is the very first impression your audience will get from your business plan presentation. That’s why it should be catchy, intriguing, and not too overloaded with information.

Keep in mind – the title slide of your business plan doesn’t have to include all the text; a few headlines or statements can be enough to captivate the audience.

The best business plan presentation tips say the title slide should include all or some of the following.

  • Company/product name
  • Presenter’s name
  • Short motto or statement
  • Catchy photo

Executive Summary

Consolidate all the high-level insights of your presentation here – this is the part to grab the audience’s attention and get them interested in the details.

The goal of an executive summary is to raise interest without revealing too much or giving away all your secrets. 

You should be concise and clear here, focus on the top priorities that make you stand out from the competition, and share insights about what has been achieved and what business goals are ahead.

You can also share a few success stories from your industry or your own company, show how your current strategies have worked well in the past, and use them as an example to move forward. 

Statistics, facts, numbers – these are all great attention grabbers. 

Business Problem and Your Solution

The most successful businesses effectively solve the existing problems which don’t have successful solutions yet. So it’s no surprise a problem & solution is your business plan pitch presentation’s fundamental block.

Describe the issue you’re solving, explain why it’s a major problem ( backed up by relevant statistics ), and show how your product or service can overcome the difficulty.

Include visuals – images, infographics, graphs, and diagrams to emphasize on the issue. You can also highlight customer reviews or success stories to further illustrate the issue. 

Depending on how convincing you are at this stage, you can make or break the whole pitch. 

Your Value Propositions

So, what’s all the buzz about you? It’s time to showcase the unique features of your business and what makes it stand out from the competition. 

Value propositions are the distinguishing features of your product/service that should differentiate you from others in the market.

You can discuss such elements as quality, price, usability, support services, customization opportunities, and other factors of your provided solution that make you better than anyone else and what should drive people to choose you. 

Value propositions can be presented in the form of competitive advantages, service catalogs, benefits, or a simple list of features. 

The golden rule here is to avoid generic phrases and be as specific as possible. 

Market Analysis, a.k.a. Industry Overview

Investors will trust you if you prove you know the field you’re in. Knowing what you and your team are ready to do and knowing what the industry demands or how it works – are two different things. 

So, however deep is your approach to presenting your company’s value propositions, be twice as deep and detailed when it comes to market analysis or industry overview part. 

Explain the size of the market, its development over time, and the competitive landscape. Provide a full list of competitors, their strengths & weaknesses you should consider.

A good practice is to add trends & drivers in your industry – different components that shape the current state of affairs and will impact your future decision-making.

We highly recommend you proceed with your own research here, as publicly available stats ( though very useful ) don’t completely reveal your initiative and dedication to the project.

Even a small survey with your target audience or a focus group can be a great asset for your business ideas presentation. 

Go-to-Market Strategy

Reaching the paramount section – market strategy. When presenting a business plan to investors, that’s your chance to explain what business tactics you’ve chosen and why they are likely to work well.

For this part, you should outline the strategies, tactics, and approaches that will be used to acquire customers. Mention channels you’ll use for customer acquisition (SEO, PPC, social media campaigns, etc.) and their advantages and disadvantages in different markets. 

Talk about pricing models – how will you charge users for different plans/packages, and how are they tailored to attract customers from different market segments? 

Timeline format is one of the best practices when it comes to business plans for presentations . Picture your planned activities in chronological order, with estimated timelines to accomplish tasks. You can also include milestones in the timeline – significant events that will determine the success and development of your business.

Financial Projections

You also need a detailed accounting business plan presentation, where you show a thorough picture of how your company will be making money. 

To make it work, you need to provide a realistic estimate about the amount of money that could be brought in from different areas: sales, investments, grants, etc., and then calculate expenses – salaries for key personnel, office rent & utilities, travel costs.

Try to think outside the box when it comes to financial projections. Include the cost of any external services required, such as virtual assistants, accounting personnel, or marketing campaigns that will be necessary. 

Financial projections are the part where most startups fail because while many know how to scale their business, few can predict future expenses. If you don’t have a proper financial education to carry out this step, consider consulting an experienced financial analyst or accountant. 

Risks and Mitigations

Your business decisions have potential outcomes depending both on external and internal factors. Predicting those outcomes and including them in the business plan presentation for potential investors is called risk assessment or risk analysis – a crucial element without which your business plan presentation can’t be complete. 

The risk assessment part should include an overview of the potential risks, your reserve plan to mitigate them, and the steps you will take for each risk.

Usually, businesses analyze external ( economic, political, and technological ) risks that are beyond their control and internal ( operational, legal, financial ) risks that can be managed and controlled. 

It’s also common to calculate your business’s debt-to-equity ratio as a common financial risk evaluation tool . As debt is a potential risk for your company, and equity is your main resource to cover it, this ratio helps investors measure the financial stability of your business. 

Competitive Landscape 

Where do you stand in the competitive landscape? Here, you need to provide a full list of your competitors, their strengths & weaknesses. 

Besides that, it’s important to explain how you’re different from them and what makes you unique – this is where your value propositions come into play. Show investors how your solution can solve a problem better than others through compelling evidence or experiences related to previous cases. 

The two common ways to include competitor information in your business presentation outline are SWOT analysis and competitor analysis framework . 

In the SWOT analysis, you should talk about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats your company has and how it compares to your competitors. 

The competitor analysis framework requires you to compare, evaluate, and rank each of the different business strategies they are using against yours. By doing this, you can identify potential areas and opportunities for improvement in the future. 

Swot analysis template online

Team Overview

When presenting a business plan, don’t forget to honor the people who help you build your business. Investors care about who is on the team and how capable they are of performing their tasks, so it’s important to introduce them in an appropriate way. 

If you’re a small startup, list all key personnel – founders, CMOs, CFOs, etc., and talk briefly about their experience & achievements. Describe the combination of skill sets that makes your team unique and provide evidence to support it. 

If you’re a larger organization, focus on introducing key executives. Show investors how each person is important to successfully make decisions, drive business growth, or innovate in their areas of expertise. 

Also, mention if you have any experienced mentors, advisors, or board members who can help you move your business forward.

Conclusion and Call to Action

If you ask how to present a business plan that leaves a lasting impression, your conclusion and call to action are the key. Basically, you need to explain what will put everything together and leave investors with an overwhelming sense of enthusiasm. 

Summarize your main points and emphasize how all the previous parts create a powerful vision for potential success. Show them why it’s the right time to invest in your business and how they will get a return on their investment.

Finally, explain what you need from them – investments in cash or resources, board memberships, mentorship, etc., and give clear instructions on what investors should do next. 

Tips to Create an Ideal Business Plan Presentation with Renderforest

It’s time to create your new business presentation, and it’s easier than you may think with Renderforest. 

Follow the below quick steps to create the actual presentation of a business plan to your potential investors to secure funding.

Step 1. Choose a Business Plan Presentation Template

Head to our library of business plan presentations to find anything from financial and marketing to startup pitch decks, and choose the one that fits your business best. 

Each business plan presentation pack has a different number of scenes. You can check out which ones have enough slides to include all the important information and pick the best one. 

We recommend picking all your scenes from the same example business presentation pack, as each one differs in design and style, and keeping consistency can be tricky when mixing different packs.

Click on the pack you like the most, and choose “ Create .” All the scenes available in the pack will be accessible to reorder, add, or remove as many business slide examples as you need. 

business presentation slides

Step 2. Customize the Slides to Match Your Corporate Branding

Though every business plan slide in Renderforest comes in a neatly organized, professional design, you can still make it fit your corporate branding. 

There are many editing options to make each slide look unique – change colors, font styles & sizes, and add your own images, icons, or GIFs. Make sure that design elements like backgrounds, shapes, or color schemes are all in line with your brand identity to show you mean business. 

edit presentation business plan

Step 3. Download It in Your Preferred Format

Done? Ready to present a business plan? Get the high-quality version of your business plan presentation in different formats, all adjusted to different devices you may use to present. 

Renderforest business plan presentation is all yours – download it in JPG or PDF formats, or share a public link with your potential investors. 

You can be confident about the output quality, as Renderforest has both 4k and HD resolution versions of your presentation slides.

business plan presentation

The Bottom Line

Now, the question “how to start a business plan presentation” shouldn’t scare you with too many tasks to do. 

The design part is handled by Renderforest with professionally chosen color and font combinations to fit the industry and purpose.

The tasks left to you are to input all the important information in slides and make sure all your branding elements are present and ready to download.

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Top 10 Business Plan Overview PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

Introducing our Business Plan Overview PowerPoint presentation, a fully editable and customizable tool designed to help entrepreneurs and business professionals effectively communicate their vision and strategy. This comprehensive template offers a structured format that covers essential components of a business plan, including market analysis, competitive landscape, financial projections, and operational strategies. Whether you're pitching to investors, seeking partnerships, or aligning your team on strategic objectives, our presentation provides a clear and visually engaging way to outline your business goals.Use cases for the Business Plan Overview are diverse and impactful. Startups can leverage it to secure funding by presenting a compelling and well-organized plan to potential investors. Established businesses can utilize the template for internal strategy meetings, ensuring all stakeholders are aligned on key objectives and performance metrics. Additionally, consultants can adapt the presentation for client workshops, facilitating discussions around business growth and development. With customizable charts, graphs, and infographics, users can easily tailor the content to reflect their unique brand identity and market positioning. Elevate your business planning process with our Business Plan Overview PowerPoint presentation, and make a lasting impression with your stakeholders.

components of business plan ppt

Strategic Business Sales Plan Overview

The slide demonstrates a business plan to increase the revenue by boosting sales. Various elements included in the plan are goal, target audience, target age group, strategies, calendar and measurement. Introducing our Strategic Business Sales Plan Overview set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Target Audience, Target Age Group, Strategies. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

The slide demonstrates a business plan to increase the revenue by boosting sales. Various elements included in the plan are goal, target audience, target age group, strategies, calendar and measurement.

  • Target Audience
  • Target Age Group

components of business plan ppt

Business Plan Overview Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles

Engage buyer personas and boost brand awareness by pitching yourself using this prefabricated set. This Business Plan Overview Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles is a great tool to connect with your audience as it contains high-quality content and graphics. This helps in conveying your thoughts in a well-structured manner. It also helps you attain a competitive advantage because of its unique design and aesthetics. In addition to this, you can use this PPT design to portray information and educate your audience on various topics. With Twenty Two slides, this is a great design to use for your upcoming presentations. Not only is it cost-effective but also easily pliable depending on your needs and requirements. As such color, font, or any other design component can be altered. It is also available for immediate download in different formats such as PNG, JPG, etc. So, without any further ado, download it now.

Introducing our comprehensive Business Plan Overview PowerPoint PPT presentation, a dynamic tool designed to elevate your business strategies to new heights. This engaging PPT offers a strategic roadmap, encompassing crucial aspects such as product improvement plan, sales plan, project management plan, startup business plan, one-page plan, and financial plan. Unlock the potential of your business with detailed insights into product development, marketing, and competitive analysis. Craft compelling sales strategies and set achievable targets to boost revenue. Streamline project execution with effective management techniques and timelines. This PPT empowers entrepreneurs to synthesize their ideas into a concise, powerful one-page plan.

  • Strategic Business Plan
  • Business Plan Outline
  • business plan
  • Business Improvement Plan
  • Organizational Plan

components of business plan ppt

Digital Sales Business Plan Overview

The slide highlights a business plan to improve the digital sales by reaching the maximum target audience. Various elements included are targets, short-term objectives, time required, actions strategies and key performance indicators KPIs. Introducing our Digital Sales Business Plan Overview set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Targets, Time Required, Actions Strategies. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

The slide highlights a business plan to improve the digital sales by reaching the maximum target audience. Various elements included are targets, short-term objectives, time required, actions strategies and key performance indicators KPIs.

  • Time Required
  • Actions Strategies

components of business plan ppt

Strategic Annual Business Plan Overview

The following slide represents the business plan overview of a company to manage and track milestones. It includes elements such as goals, objectives, strategic actions and KPIs. Introducing our Strategic Annual Business Plan Overview set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Goals, Strategic Actions, Kpis. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

The following slide represents the business plan overview of a company to manage and track milestones.It includes elements such as goals, objectives, strategic actions and KPIs.

  • Strategic Actions

components of business plan ppt

Strategic HR Business Plan Overview

The slide carries a HR plan overview to develop a business over a period of time. Various strategies involved are strengthen leadership, improve employee health, increase productivity and safe working culture. Introducing our premium set of slides with Strategic HR Business Plan Overview. Ellicudate the Four stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Strengthen Leadership, Increase Productivity, Safe Working Culture. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

The slide carries a HR plan overview to develop a business over a period of time. Various strategies involved are strengthen leadership, improve employee health, increase productivity and safe working culture.

  • Strengthen Leadership
  • Increase Productivity
  • Safe Working Culture

components of business plan ppt

Key Components Of Business Plan Overview

The following slide highlights the major components of business plan overview to achieve long term and short term objectives. It constitutes of operations, executive summary, brief about company, products and services, market analysis etc. Presenting our set of slides with Key Components Of Business Plan Overview. This exhibits information on seven stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Executive Summary, Strategy, Financial Plan.

The following slide highlights the major components of business plan overview to achieve long term and short term objectives.It constitutes of operations, executive summary, brief about company, products and services, market analysis etc.

  • Executive Summary
  • Financial Plan

components of business plan ppt

Coffee Cafe Start Up Business Plan Overview

The slide illustrates a business plan to get the estimated budget for coffee cafe start-up. Various elements included in the plan are items, months, cost per month, total costs and estimated budget. Introducing our Coffee Cafe Start Up Business Plan Overview set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Items, Months, Cost Per Month. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience

The slide illustrates a business plan to get the estimated budget for coffee cafe start-up. Various elements included in the plan are items, months, cost per month, total costs and estimated budget.

  • Cost Per Month

components of business plan ppt

Strategic Business Plan Overview For Bakery

The slide carries a business plan for a bakery industry to develop future strategies for increasing revenues. Various elements included are brand USP, future target areas, operations plan, growth strategy, marketing plan and financial plan. Introducing our premium set of slides with Strategic Business Plan Overview For Bakery. Ellicudate the six stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Future Target Areas, Growth Strategy, Marketing Plan. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

The slide carries a business plan for a bakery industry to develop future strategies for increasing revenues. Various elements included are brand USP, future target areas, operations plan, growth strategy, marketing plan and financial plan.

  • Future Target Areas
  • Growth Strategy
  • marketing plan

components of business plan ppt

Determine Organizational Insurance Agency Business Plan Overview

This slide provides glimpse about organizational structure that firm will implement in order to handle frontline as well as backend operations. Introducing Determine Organizational Insurance Agency Business Plan Overview to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with two stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Insurance Organizational, Frontline Operations, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

This slide provides glimpse about organizational structure that firm will implement in order to handle frontline as well as backend operations.

  • Insurance Organizational
  • Frontline Operations

components of business plan ppt

Business Plan Overview Powerpoint Presentation Slides

This PPT includes 66 slides. All slides are fully editable. This presentation is compatible with google slides. This PPT covers premium customer support. The instant download will save you time. Showcase your company’s growth with the help of these PPT templates.

If you are bothered about how to write a perfect business plan for startups, then the content-ready startup business plan PowerPoint presentation slides can be really helpful for you. The content-ready presentation can help you make strategies and plans for your organization effectively and efficiently. Our company strategy summary presentation has templates on vision & mission, departments and teams, organizational structure, our team, mobile app showcase, press and media coverage, traction, e-commerce, infographic process, milestone achieved, core values, export analysis, organizational structure and geographical reach topics which will be helpful for you to present your audience. Not just this, if you are looking to create a PPT on company overview, industry overview, company description, decision making, growth opportunities, executive summary, marketing strategy, operational planning, & financial development then you can go for this business idea PPT slides. Elaborate on the relevance of displaying a commitment to our business plan overview presentation templates. Your thoughts are about to boil the ocean. Generate the waves with our Business Plan Overview PowerPoint Presentation Slides.

  • Business Operations
  • business process
  • business development
  • Business Administration

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Business Plan Presentation: Essentials, Structure, and Expert Tips

This article provides a concise guide to creating successful business plan presentations. It outlines key components, shares expert tips for effective delivery, and offers insights for entrepreneurs and managers seeking to engage their audience.

components of business plan ppt

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

  • Nostrum non voluptas alias sit ut corporis perspiciatis nihil molestiae. Vitae quidem aut aut quia quia porro explicabo. Similique occaecati sit quo. Enim enim dolor ut. Et error alias nam fuga voluptas inventore placeat et. Eligendi similique officia provident magni aut quasi soluta qui.
  • Deleniti totam eius similique repellendus. 
  • Deleniti totam eius similique repellendus. Doloremque sunt nihil et. Tenetur delectus velit ut. Pariatur velit ipsa.

3 Static and dynamic content editing

4 static and dynamic content editing.

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

5 Static and dynamic content editing

6 static and dynamic content editing.

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any pa ge and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

"Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system."

components of business plan ppt

Are you sitting on a groundbreaking business concept but feeling uncertain about how to present it in the best way? We're here to help to transform your business plan idea into an irresistible pitch that resonates and convinces.

Whether you're an industry veteran or a newcomer eager to build a business from scratch, having a roadmap, including a well-defined business model slide , is crucial. A well-structured business plan greatly enhances your chances of success.

However, the way you present your project's outline is equally important. Clear communication with your target audience and conveying your core ideas efficiently are key.

The most effective way to communicate your ideas is through visualization. That's where a PowerPoint business plan presentation can be incredibly useful!

Let's discover how to make a presentation that really connect with people and why starting a business with a well-explained plan is essential to long-term success.

What Is a Business Plan Presentation?

In essence, a business plan presentation combines two components: a compelling business plan and an engaging, well-structured presentation of its key aspects, specifics, and conditions. A comprehensive business outline serves as the foundation for an exceptional business plan presentation, making the process of crafting a captivating presentation seamless.

The role of a business plan in an engaging presentation

The primary purpose of a business plan is to provide your target audience with a clear understanding of your business goals and how you intend to achieve them. A detailed business roadmap is the ideal basis for launching and promoting a project.м On the other hand, poorly created and delivered plans can undermine your efforts, particularly for startups.

The plan you're about to present should clarify essential aspects such as:

  • Your brand's financial position and performance, along with investment rates
  • Common risks and challenges in achieving your goals, accompanied by your proposed solutions
  • The overall effectiveness and potential of your brand's competitive edge
  • Resources you possess, require, or plan to acquire for your business launch

Prepare and organize this information based on various studies, analyses, and assessments typically conducted by in-house analysts and managers.

components of business plan ppt

Transitioning to PowerPoint

Armed with raw numbers, statistics, and business statements, it's time to enhance your content with structure and animation in PowerPoint or any other tools that you’re using to design your presentation. A business plan presentation is an elaborate visualization of your action plan that brings your ideas to life.

Your primary objectives are to:

  • Familiarize your target audience with your business plan's essential points
  • Introduce it in the most captivating way possible (e.g., using transitions, charts, graphs, animations)

What to Include in a Business Plan Presentation

To create a persuasive business plan presentation, you need to know precisely how to structure it effectively. Luckily, we have best practices and expert tips from firsthand experience.

Begin with key points that introduce your brand or project's outline and guide the audience through the rest of the business plan presentation:

  • General business description - include the brand/project name, logo, tagline, and a powerful statement-title
  • List relevant challenges your target audience faces to engage viewers
  • Describe your approach to overcoming these challenges
  • Support your statements with your vision of the final results, steps to achieve your goals, and overall time frame
  • Identify individuals responsible for streamlining your business processes
  • Outline a marketing strategy that helps your idea reach the target audience

How Many Slides Should Your Business Plan Presentation Have?

A common misconception is that more slides result in a better presentation. While successful pitch deck design services agree that being descriptive and detailed is beneficial, staying focused and concise is even more crucial.

Avoid overwhelming your audience with excessive slides. Instead, distill and break down the information into digestible segments.

So, how many slides should you include in a business plan presentation?

The 10-20-30 Rule

Introduced by Guy Kawasaki, a former Apple brand ambassador, this tried-and-tested practice helps you strike the perfect balance.

components of business plan ppt

According to this rule, you should:

  • Create 10 slides to provide enough detail while maintaining a reasonable content volume
  • Limit your presentation to 20 minutes to hold the audience's attention
  • Use a 30 pt font size for readability

Keep in mind that these tips are flexible, so don't be afraid to adjust them according to your needs.

What to include in Business Plan Slides Presentation

We've touched on some key points to include in your business plan presentation. Now, let's examine how to compose them and what else to add.

Introduction slide

Make a great first impression with an introductory slide that conveys your company's essence with minimal text. Include your business name, logo, and an inspiring slogan.

Executive summary

Summarize your business plan's key points, including the problem your business solves, the target market, and your unique selling proposition. Decide whether to dive into detailed target audience challenges or provide a brief summary of what the audience is about to see. Consider using an infographic to communicate your core value proposition effectively.

Market analysis

Show your target market how you'll ease their daily or professional lives. Demonstrate your expertise by visualizing market research takeaways, customer demographics and segments, relevant challenges, and market size using pie charts and graphs.

Competitor analysis

To achieve ultimate success, it's essential to take the time to analyze your competition. Gaining an understanding of the industry makes it easier to explain why your business is the ideal choice. You can incorporate various approaches, such as:

  • SWOT analysis - a proven method for assessing both your own and your competitors' capabilities by analyzing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats;
  • Porter's five forces - a framework for comparing your brand to competitors based on five key factors (competitive rivalry, supplier power, buyer power, threat of substitution, and threat of new entry);
  • Competitor profile - a focused compilation of data regarding competitors' strategies, market positions, sales figures, and other statistics for comparison; ‍
  • PEST analysis - a broader examination of the political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological aspects of the target market

components of business plan ppt


Clearly explain your product or service offering, its benefits, and any unique features that set it apart from competitors.

Marketing and sales strategy

Outline your plans for reaching your target audience, including marketing channels, promotional strategies, and sales tactics.

Operational plan

Explain the technical aspects of your business, detail your business's day-to-day operations, including processes, supply chain management, and any partnerships or collaborations.

Introduce the people behind the scenes to add a personal touch and connect with the audience. Having a passionate team ready to tackle challenges is crucial.

Financial projections

Include projected income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets to demonstrate your business's potential profitability and financial stability. Be sure to make realistic projects and explore different case scenarios to show potential investors what will happen in various market situations.

Funding requirements

If you're seeking investment, specify the amount of funding required, how it will be used, and the expected return on investment for potential investors.

Milestones and timeline slide

Outline the key milestones your business aims to achieve and the timeline for reaching them, demonstrating your commitment to growth and success.

Providing contact details

The best way to conclude your business plan presentation is to let everyone know how to get in touch with you. Keep the last slide simple, with a "contact us" call-to-action and your contact information.

Examples of Good Business Plans

To stay motivated and inspired, explore the following examples of excellent business plans from professional presentation design services to streamline the creation of your presentation.

Business plan for a startup

Creating a business plan can be daunting for startups trying to launch. Focus your presentation on your future goals, highlighting your potential and promising prospects.

components of business plan ppt

Business plan with the market analysis

The market is often competitive, so dedicating time to analyze it can help you organize your business effectively.

components of business plan ppt

Business action plan

A business action plan demonstrates how to concentrate on a specific issue. Such a presentation targets particular problems and their solutions, typically related to a specific industry.

components of business plan ppt

How About Creating a Truly Stellar Business Plan Presentation?

Now it's time to capture the hearts and minds of your target audience, whether they're potential customers, clients, investors, or partners, with a flawless business plan presentation.

Even with expert tips, designing a business plan in a program such as PowerPoint or Keynote can be challenging. But you don't have to go it alone - we're here to help.

Get in touch today, and let our presentation design company assist you in crafting an effective presentation for your business idea. We can start with a no-strings-attached complimentary consultation. Just reach out and schedule a call today.

Download "What Should Be in a Pitch Deck Presentation" for free!

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How to Create a Quality Business Plan Presentation

The Art of Perfect Pitch

The Art of Perfect Pitch

  • April 18, 2024
  • 13 Min Read

Business Plan Presentation

Want to hook potential investors to your business idea? A compelling business plan presentation will do that for you!

Do you wish to create a business plan presentation that’s not only visually attractive but also contextually enriching and sound? Well, it takes a detailed understanding of the subject matter and little effort on your end to create a professional presentation for your investors.

Don’t fret. We are here to help you out with this blog post. It includes everything you need to know about business plan presentations and outlines an efficient way to create yours.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive right in.

What is a Business Plan Presentation?

A business plan presentation also known as a pitch deck is a concise yet detailed presentation of your business idea.

It explains your business objectives, concept, solution, target market, operations, and strategies through attractive visuals and bite-sized simplified concepts.

A great pitch deck successfully communicates your business plan and your purpose of presentation, whether it is to raise funds, demonstrate traction, or grow your network.

It is quite helpful when you want to familiarize people with your business idea without diving into extreme details.

Translating your promising business idea into a presentation is quite a challenge. However, is it worth the effort? Let’s take a look.

Benefits of having a Business Plan Presentation

Having an insightful professional pitch deck is an asset for your business. If you don’t believe it, here are a few benefits to change your mind.

1. Secure the funding

The most obvious benefit of having a pitch deck.

Investors want to know the viability and feasibility of your business idea to consider funding your business. A well-crafted pitch deck with a strategic layout will make it easier for you to prove the worthiness of your business idea.

2. Explain your business plan

No one has time to dive into your detailed business plan, at least initially. A quick presentation or an elevator pitch is what you need when you want to tell your audience about your business idea in a couple of minutes.

You can enhance your networking considerably by having a pitch deck that’s ready to be presented anytime.

3. Keep the audience engaged

It’s easy to keep the readers engaged in a presentation with its powerful visual components. After all, charts, graphs, and pictures are easier to decipher than complex blocks of text.

By adopting a storytelling approach, you can easily convey your business objectives and strategies without risking the attention of your readers.

4. Gather feedback

Presenting your business plan allows you to gather feedback from seasoned entrepreneurs and experienced investors. Such feedback helps you to identify potential gaps in your planning and refine the strategies accordingly.

Convinced now? Well, then let’s learn what a visionary business plan presentation should include.

What to include in your Business Plan Presentation?

Whether you create a presentation using an advanced tool like an AI pitch deck generator or Microsoft PowerPoint—here are 10 essential components to include in your business presentations.

1. Title slide

It is an introduction slide including basic business information such as name, logo, and tagline. Additionally, it must include the name of the presenter and contact details so that readers can reach out.

You can also consider adding an extremely crisp and short one-line summary of your business to show what your business does or aims to do. Remember, it has to be much more concise than your executive summary.

While the entire presentation needs to be visually appealing, the first slide plays an extremely crucial role in capturing and retaining the reader’s attention.

So make sure that you incorporate appropriate brand elements in a neat design and present your business in a strong light.

The most brilliant business idea is the one that solves some real-life problems. And if that’s not the case with your business, reconsider your idea.

This slide is your chance to put your storytelling skills to use. Weave a compelling narrative and talk about the problem your target market is facing. Make people relate to the problem even if they are not the ones facing such issues.

Here’s an example of how a home cleaning service provider would illustrate the problem:

3. Solution

After talking about the problems, it is now time to push forth your solution.

Introduce your products and services and explain how they will solve your target customers’ problems.

Highlight the competitive edge of your solution and illustrate how yours is a solution filling some unmet demand.

Instead of wordy long texts, translate your solution into easy-digestible text blocks and visuals.

Continuing our previous example, here is how you can add a solution to your pitch deck.

4. Market Analysis

Market analysis is quite extensive and you can take up to 2-3 slides to convey essential information.

Now, you can filter and decide what to include in your presentation. However, ensure that your market analysis includes details about the industry overview, target market analysis, and competitors analysis.

Industry Overview

In this slide, you will describe the state of the industry, its current market size, emerging trends, and the market share of your business.

Ensure that you collect data from highly authoritative sites like BLS and industry publications to increase the reliability of your research.

Present your data through visually enriching graphs and charts and prove the potential of your chosen marketplace to the readers.

Target Market Analysis

In this slide, you will tell the readers about your target market and what your potential customer looks like.

Introduce your target market and describe what your ideal customer looks like. Talk about their age, gender, income, problems, interests, and spending capacity in this slide.

The easiest way to do so is by creating a visual customer profile or a buyer’s persona of your ideal potential customer.

Here’s an example of a buyer persona for a cleaning services company:

Target Market

Age: 35 Occupation: Full-time professional Income: $90,000 annually Lifestyle: Suburban family Problems: Struggles to balance work, family, and house cleaning Goal: Minimize time on chores and maximize family time

Looking for easy-to-book and convenient high-quality cleaning services

Competitive Analysis

Readers want to know about the state of competition in your market and this slide is something they look forward to.

Include a SWOT analysis of your competitors or simply describe the competitive landscape for your business. Show your competitive advantage over the competitors in terms of pricing, product offerings, target market, and related business components.

Ensure that your slides explain all this information through flowcharts, diagrams, images, infographics, and crisp text blocks. The idea is to offer everything that your audience might need to make informed decisions.

5. Business Model and Pricing Strategy

This is one of the most important sections where you explain your business model to the audience.

Demonstrate how you would be making money with your business. This can be quite simple or complex depending on your service offerings, revenue model, and pricing strategies.

Use images and visuals to explain this section and charts to present your pricing plans.

For example, a cleaning services company can present its pricing plans as depicted in the image.

Cleaning Service Package
Basic Cleaning Service $80/ Session
Deep Cleaning Service $150/ Session
Window Cleaning $99/ Session
Upholstery Cleaning $50/ Room
Outdoor Cleaning $100 onwards

6. Traction

Any sort of evidence that supports your business idea can be used here to gain the confidence of investors.

This could be early recorded sales, a Kickstarter campaign, an MVP of your software, social proof, strategic partnership—literally anything that proves that your business is a success.

In case of an in-person presentation, you can show the practical demo of the product while presenting.

However, if you are going to send a presentation through email you have to find a way to attach proofs in the mail itself.

7. Sales And Marketing Strategies

In this slide, you will talk about your sales goals and methods to achieve those goals. Moreover, you will also talk about your strategies to market and brand your business.

Introduce different marketing streams and your marketing budget to reach your target audience. Instead of listing it all down, find a way to create self-explanatory visuals with minimum text.

Also, include details about your existing marketing strategy if any, and the results it is generating.

8. Operations Plan

Investors want to see the practical aspects of your business. They want to know if you have the skills and understanding essential for running a business.

Give them an insight into your day-to-day business operations. Explain your business processes. Demonstrate all the essential resources and equipment you need for your business.

Introduce the prospective investors to your team. Present your key personnel and management team on this slide. Describe their core competencies, key skills, and achievements through graphical representation.

Introducing your team shows the investors that you have the right people to drive the business on a successful path.

10. Financial Plan And Projections

This is again the most important section, especially, if you are presenting in front of investors.

Instead of adding your detailed financial plans here, just add important figures and highlights.

This could include details about your ROI, sales projections, revenue milestones, cash flow, and aspects that offer an overview of your business’s financial health.

Newly founded startups can show financial projections and back them with claims and proof. The idea is to excite the investors about your business by offering adequate financial information.

Learn more: Create a financial plan for your startup business

11. Funds Being Raised

Ensure that your pitch deck offers concrete information about the funding you need for your business.

Instead of offering one fixed amount, give a range of options and show what you can do with different amounts. Explain core areas where your funding will go. Do you require funding for marketing, diversification, staffing, expansion, or product development?

Also talk about the returns investors can expect on their investment and back those figures with calculative predictions.

With that, end your pitch deck with a call to action to drive necessary action from readers.

And those are all the sections a business plan presentation must include. Let us now explore some tips before you kickstart making your own presentation.

Tips to Create a Winning Business Plan Presentation

Translating your idea into a presentation gets much easier if you stick to these handy tips:

1. Use online resources

It’s a huge struggle trying to structurally and contextually fit your ideas into a 10-slide deck. Instead, get yourself a subscription to a pitch deck generator to create stunning pitch decks.

However, if you don’t want to spend a penny, you can use a free PowerPoint template as well.

2. Know your audience

Before you start, know the purpose of your presentation and your target audience. This will help you identify information that is actually essential for your audience, thereby making your pitch decks more nuanced and specific.

3. Focus on clear writing

Explain your complex business ideas crisply and concisely in a simple easy-to-understand language.

You can use AI tools like ChatGPT, Jasper, QuillBot, and Writesonic to translate your ideas into words. However, such tools may lack a contextual understanding of business planning.

Instead, use tools like Upmetrics that specialize in business planning and offer advanced AI assistance to write pitch decks and business plans.

4. Recheck your Fonts

Choose simple and clean fonts to design your presentation. Avoid using too many different fonts as well.

Helvetica, Calibri, Arial, and Gill Sans are among the popular fonts for presentation. They are pleasing to the eye and make content scannable.

Set the font size to at least 30 points. Fonts smaller than that will look messy on the slide.

5. Balance the Visual Elements

Adding visual elements to your PPT templates and business presentations increases the audience’s ability to grasp your business concept.

However, too many visual elements without a purpose will create clutter. Know the difference between clutter and sophistication and remember that presentation needs to reflect your business idea in the best possible light.

6. End with a CTA

Don’t leave the reader hanging midway. Guide them with a CTA telling them exactly what you want them to do.

Add contact details and a link or document to a detailed business plan. This will help investors to connect and discuss further opportunities with you.

How to Pitch to Investors?

Now that you have learned the fundamentals of creating a compelling business plan presentation, it’s time to present it to your potential investors.

Here are a few things to bear in mind while delivering your presentation.

1. Tell a Story

When you practice your presentation, ensure that there is a narrative binding everything together.

This can perhaps be the most difficult task. However, you must find a hook to keep the readers engaged.

Now, figures and brilliant ideas can overpower your narration if you don’t have a simple, humane story at the core. So take your time, practice the pitch, and find ways to engage your readers with a compelling story.

2. Practice Your Pitch

A little extension of what we said earlier.

Making a presentation and presenting a presentation are completely different things. While you already know how to make a presentation, learn how to pitch to investors to be able to attract funding for your business.

Now, you might not be a great presenter. However, a little practice can fix everything.

Know what you are going to say on each slide, make notes of it, and practice it several times till you get it right.

Practice even when you get comfortable explaining the contents of your pitch deck. This will help you polish your presentation skills.

Record yourself and look out for minor details to refine your presentation delivery. Reviewing yourself critically might be great for your presentation.

3. Get Realistic

Even after presenting a hundred pitch decks, your presentations may go off-route. You can never predict or control the exact environment of a new investor pitch. Be ready for untimely interruptions, unplanned questions, and glitches.

Understand your business idea thoroughly to get realistic and comfortable with uncertainty in the presentation. Create a checklist from an investor’s perspective and see if your presentation has every detail one needs before investing.

And there you have it. Now, let’s make you a stunning pitch deck to get your funding.

Create your Business Plan Presentation with Upmetrics

Looking for the most effective way of creating a business plan presentation?

There you go. Use Upmetrics AI pitch deck generator to create your pitch decks in less than an hour. This tool offers a strategically designed pitch deck template that includes all the sections essential for a presentation.

All you need to do is answer the questions, use inbuilt AI assistance to write the content, and see your pitch deck coming together. It’s as simple as that.

Prepare Your Pitch Decks in Less Than an Hour with Our

AI Pitch Deck Generator

Plans starting from $7/month

components of business plan ppt

Frequently Asked Questions

How to create a business plan presentation.

There are different ways to create a business plan presentation. While you can use PowerPoint templates to design your presentation, you can also consider using an AI pitch deck generator to create strategically sound pitch decks for your investors.

Whatever you choose, ensure that your presentation is visually and contextually rich and caters to your specific audience.

What is the best format to present a business plan?

While there is no strict rule regarding how to structure your pitch deck, following this structure can help you establish a linear flow.

  • Summary/ Title
  • Problem and the solution
  • Market analysis
  • Revenue model
  • Sales and marketing strategies
  • Operations plan
  • Management team
  • Funding requirement

What is the 10-20-30 rule?

Guy Kawasaki’s 10-20-30 rule stands for a 10-slide presentation to be delivered within 20 minutes with a font size no smaller than 30 points. This rule is quite helpful in making your pitch decks memorable and compelling.

What is the best AI pitch deck generator?

Upmetrics, Pitch Bob, Beemer Docs, and Beautiful AI are some of the best AI pitch pitch deck generators available online. However, Upmetrics , however, is the best choice given its advanced AI business planning functionalities for a cost-effective price point. It’s extremely easy to use and requires no steep learning.

Cannot think of what to write? This business plan course will indeed be a great help.

How to make your business presentation stand out?

Here are a few tips that can help you prepare and deliver an exceptional business presentation:

  • Know your audience
  • Engage in storytelling
  • Keep it visual rather than textual
  • Practice your presentation
  • Add essential business plan components

About the Author

components of business plan ppt

Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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Components of a Business Plan

Sep 10, 2012

130 likes | 335 Views

Executive Summary. Should be shortSelf ExplanatorySummarize key points of PlanExplain why you believe in the Plan. Statement of Purpose. Why was this plan designed?Operating Guide or Financing Proposal?Why will this plan succeed?. Objectives and Academic Training/Rationale. Description of prog

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1. Components of a Business Plan Mr. Goff

2. Executive Summary Should be short Self Explanatory Summarize key points of Plan Explain why you believe in the Plan

3. Statement of Purpose Why was this plan designed? Operating Guide or Financing Proposal? Why will this plan succeed?

4. Objectives and Academic Training/Rationale Description of program How it will be developed How it will be carried out How do the components fit together?

5. The Market Must include who the buyers are, what they want and for what purpose they are buying. Must be in very general terms

6. Competition and Feasibility Study Who are your competitors? What makes your program better than theirs? What make this worth doing?

7. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Program? Who will be involved in developing the program? S.W.O.T. � (Strengths, Weaknesses, Oppurtunities, and Threats)

8. Marketing Mechanisms How do you plan to market this program? Which for of advertising would be best?

9. Resources Do you have enough available to carry out this program? Where will you get them if you are lacking resources?

10. Timescales Schedule: Exactly when and where do you plan everything to happen. At what point will you begin to make a profit?

11. Costing and Cash Flow Budget: Must be precise and complete. Must be well prepared. Know where your funds will come from. Good to have a backup source if needed.

12. Review � The Budget Plan Executive Summary Statement of Purpose Objectives and Academic Training/Rationale The Market Competition and Feasibility Study Strengths and Weaknesses of the Program? Marketing Mechanisms Resources Timescales Costing and Cash Flow

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Components of a Business Plan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

components of business plan ppt

Components of a Business Plan

Operating guide or financing proposal why will this plan succeed ... must include who the buyers are, what they want and for what purpose they are buying. ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Should be short
  • Self Explanatory
  • Summarize key points of Plan
  • Explain why you believe in the Plan
  • Why was this plan designed?
  • Operating Guide or Financing Proposal?
  • Why will this plan succeed?
  • Description of program
  • How it will be developed
  • How it will be carried out
  • How do the components fit together?
  • Must include who the buyers are, what they want and for what purpose they are buying.
  • Must be in very general terms
  • Who are your competitors?
  • What makes your program better than theirs?
  • What make this worth doing?
  • Who will be involved in developing the program?
  • S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Oppurtunities, and Threats)
  • How do you plan to market this program?
  • Which for of advertising would be best?
  • Do you have enough available to carry out this program?
  • Where will you get them if you are lacking resources?
  • Exactly when and where do you plan everything to happen.
  • At what point will you begin to make a profit?
  • Must be precise and complete.
  • Must be well prepared.
  • Know where your funds will come from.
  • Good to have a backup source if needed.
  • Executive Summary
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Objectives and Academic Training/Rationale
  • Competition and Feasibility Study
  • Strengths and Weaknesses of the Program?
  • Marketing Mechanisms
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    During download, if you can't get a presentation, the file might be deleted by the publisher. E N D . Presentation Transcript. 1. ... Defining the Main Components of a Business Plan and Information Memorandum. Although a business plan is different from an Information Memorandum, many of the components are the same, although they may go by ...

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