344 Environmental Essay Topics & Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 2890 words
  • Icon Clock 13 min read

Environmental essay topics explore people’s interconnection with nature. Some themes may range from examining the escalating effects of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution to the promotion of sustainable practices and green technologies. These subjects invite in-depth discourse on the ethical dimensions of environmental conservation, touching on issues, such as eco-justice and the rights of indigenous communities. They also encompass the analysis of environmental policies, the role of global governance in environmental preservation, and the economic implications of environmental degradation. By offering a diverse landscape for discussion, these environmental essay topics provide a valid platform to not only raise awareness but also generate solutions for the ongoing environmental crises. Each topic is an invitation to deep, critical thinking, encouraging individuals to take an active role in understanding and protecting the planet.

Best Environmental Essay Topics

  • Climate Change: Consequences and Possible Solutions
  • Biodiversity in the Rainforest: The Imperative of Protection
  • The Growing Menace of Ocean Plastic Pollution
  • Nuclear Energy: A Sustainable Future or Environmental Catastrophe?
  • Addressing the Decline of Pollinators: Impacts on Agriculture
  • Impacts of Agriculture on Freshwater Systems
  • Environmental Education: Key to Creating Sustainable Societies
  • Depletion of Natural Resources: Causes, Consequences, and Countermeasures
  • Coral Reefs: Stewardship and Restoration Strategies
  • Increasing Scarcity of Fresh Water: Solving the Global Crisis
  • E-Waste Management: The Hidden Environmental Challenge
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Role of the Transport Sector
  • Renewable Energy: Benefits and Challenges of Solar Power
  • Evolution of Environmental Policies: A Global Perspective
  • Ecotourism: A Sustainable Approach or A Threat to Wildlife?
  • The Importance of Soil Conservation in Farming Practices
  • Industrial Waste: Innovative Techniques for Treatment and Recycling
  • Urbanization: Balancing Development With Environmental Sustainability
  • Genetically Modified Crops: Environmental Benefits and Risks
  • Effects of Mining on Local Ecosystems
  • Global Meat Production: Its Impact on Climate Change
  • Deforestation: Strategies to Reverse the Damage

Easy Environmental Essay Topics

  • Droughts and Their Impact on Food Security
  • Sustainable Fashion: Tackling Waste in the Textile Industry
  • Overfishing: Threat to Marine Biodiversity
  • Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Environmental Conservation
  • Geothermal Energy: Potential and Environmental Impacts
  • Oil Spills: Evaluating Long-Term Environmental Effects
  • Conservation of Endangered Species: Success Stories and Lessons Learned
  • Green Architecture: Implications for Urban Planning
  • Rethinking Waste: The Circular Economy Model
  • Desertification: Causes, Impacts, and Prevention Strategies
  • Environmental Justice: Disproportionate Impacts of Pollution on Communities
  • Landfills: Innovations in Waste Management
  • The Influence of Lifestyle Choices on Carbon Footprint
  • Climate Refugees: The Rising Humanitarian Crisis
  • Melting Polar Ice: The Far-Reaching Environmental Impacts
  • Impacts of Invasive Species on Native Ecosystems
  • Noise Pollution: An Underestimated Environmental Hazard
  • Restoration of Wetlands: An Ecological Imperative
  • Understanding the Role of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems
  • Biofuels: A Green Energy Source or Environmental Pitfall?
  • Impacts of the Fashion Industry on Freshwater Depletion
  • Challenges and Successes of Wildlife Corridors
  • Indoor Air Quality: The Unseen Environmental Risk
  • Satellite Technology: Monitoring Environmental Change from Space
  • The Role of Green Spaces in Urban Ecosystems

Environmental Essay Topics & Ideas

Interesting Environmental Essay Topics

  • Carbon Sequestration: Understanding Its Role in Climate Mitigation
  • Health Risks of Air Pollution: A Global Perspective
  • Fracking: Evaluating the Environmental and Health Risks
  • Hydroelectric Power: Balancing Energy Needs and Ecosystem Impact
  • The Environmental Impact of Single-Use Plastics
  • Ecological Footprint: Measurement and Global Comparisons
  • Sustainable Agriculture: The Power of Permaculture
  • The Link Between Deforestation and Disease Outbreaks
  • Roles of Bees in Maintaining Biodiversity
  • Ecological Impacts of Major Oil Pipeline Projects
  • Effects of Light Pollution on Wildlife
  • Algal Blooms: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions
  • Fast Fashion: The Environmental Cost of Disposable Clothing
  • The Future of Electric Vehicles: Environmental Benefits and Challenges
  • Ozone Layer Depletion: Causes and Repercussions
  • Sustainable Forestry: A Path to Climate Resilience
  • Technology’s Role in Alleviating Water Scarcity
  • Population Growth: Implications for Global Sustainability
  • Pesticides: Balancing Crop Protection With Environmental Health
  • Impacts of War on the Environment: A Case Study
  • Microgrid Technology: Implications for Renewable Energy Use
  • Bioengineering: Potential Solution to Climate Change?

Environmental Essay Topics for High School

  • Impacts of Global Warming on Polar Ecosystems
  • Harnessing Solar Energy: A Sustainable Solution
  • The Consequences of Deforestation: Amazon Rainforest Case Study
  • Biodiversity Loss: The Silent Extinction
  • Strategies for Water Conservation in Arid Regions
  • Plastic Pollution: Tackling the Global Crisis
  • Urbanization’s Effect on Green Spaces
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Balancing Human Needs and Nature
  • Coral Reefs: Challenges and Conservation Efforts
  • Air Quality and Health: The Underestimated Link
  • Climate Change: Influences on Global Migration Patterns
  • Overfishing: A Threat to Marine Ecosystems
  • Electric Vehicles: A Solution to Air Pollution
  • E-Waste Management: Ethical and Environmental Challenges
  • Oceans as Carbon Sinks: Role and Vulnerabilities
  • Consumerism and Its Environmental Footprint
  • The Significance of Indigenous Knowledge in Conservation Efforts
  • Acid Rain: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
  • The Role of Green Buildings in Reducing Environmental Impact
  • Fashion Industry: Analyzing Its Environmental Costs
  • Nuclear Energy: Environmental Risks and Rewards

Environmental Essay Topics for College Students

  • Evaluating the Impacts of Deforestation on Global Climate
  • Greenhouse Gases: Understanding Their Sources and Implications
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Future Pathways for Food Security
  • Examining the Consequences of Urban Sprawl
  • Ocean Acidification: A Silent Crisis
  • The Rising Problem of Electronic Waste: Solutions and Challenges
  • Species Extinction: Assessing the Role of Human Activities
  • Wetlands Conservation: Why Is It Critical for Biodiversity?
  • Renewable Energy: The Path to a Sustainable Future
  • Fast Fashion and Its Environmental Implications
  • Impacts of Air Pollution on Urban Environments
  • Conserving Endangered Species: The Role of Zoos and Sanctuaries
  • Marine Pollution: The Threats to Our Oceans and Seas
  • Analyzing the Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy
  • Challenges in Water Conservation: A Global Perspective
  • The Critical Role of Bees in Ecosystems
  • Understanding the Threat of Invasive Species
  • Melting Polar Ice: The Consequences for Marine Life
  • Ecotourism: An Environmental and Economic Boon or Bane?
  • Discussing the Causes and Effects of Soil Erosion
  • Dams: Balancing Human Needs and Environmental Consequences
  • Evaluating the Environmental Impact of Meat Production

Environmental Essay Topics for University

  • Urban Green Spaces: Their Importance and Conservation
  • The Relationship Between Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation
  • Examining the Environmental Impact of Tourism
  • The Potential of Solar Energy in Mitigating Climate Change
  • Influence of Population Growth on Water Resources
  • The Critical Role of Mangrove Forests in Coastal Protection
  • Oil Spills: Consequences and Cleanup Techniques
  • The Impact of Mining on Natural Ecosystems
  • Relevance of Rainforest Preservation to Climate Stability
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Wind Energy
  • Impacts of Industrialization on Air Quality
  • Effectiveness of International Treaties in Protecting the Environment
  • Desertification: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
  • The Role of Public Transportation in Reducing Carbon Emissions
  • Strategies for Reducing Plastic Pollution in Oceans
  • Sustainable Cities: Measures to Improve Urban Sustainability
  • The Role of Green Buildings in Urban Sustainability
  • Biomass Energy: Prospects and Challenges
  • Organic Farming: Impact on Soil Health and Biodiversity
  • Pesticides and Their Impact on Non-Target Species
  • Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Path Forward
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Coral Reefs
  • Carbon Capture: A Potential Solution to Climate Change?

Argumentative Environmental Essay Topics

  • Adoption of Renewable Energy: A Necessity for a Sustainable Future
  • Implications of Overpopulation on Global Biodiversity
  • Forest Conservation: An Essential Strategy Against Climate Change
  • Measures to Control Industrial Pollution: A Policy Perspective
  • Implementing Strict Regulations on Plastic Usage: Is It Effective?
  • Roles of Urbanization in Escalating Air Quality Concerns
  • Genetically Modified Crops: Solution or Threat to Biodiversity?
  • Governments Should Mandate Sustainable Practices in Corporations: A Debate
  • Ocean Acidification: Consequences and Mitigation Techniques
  • Impacts of Fast Fashion on Environmental Sustainability
  • Ecotourism: A Sustainable Economic Model or Environmental Exploitation?
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Carbon Taxation Policies
  • Overfishing: A Global Crisis and Its Impacts on Ecosystems
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Global Agriculture: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Mitigating Deforestation: Evaluating the Effectiveness of REDD+ Initiatives
  • Nuclear Energy: An Environmentally-Friendly Power Source or Potential Hazard?
  • Sustainable Farming Practices: Are They Really Beneficial?
  • Environmental Ethics: Assessing Our Responsibility Toward Future Generations
  • Veganism and Its Potential Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Landfill Waste Management: Strategies for Reducing Environmental Impact
  • The Threat of Microplastics in Aquatic Ecosystems: Causes and Solutions

Controversial Environmental Essay Topics

  • Examining the True Cost of Fossil Fuels: Environmental Damage vs. Economic Development
  • Debating the Efficacy of Carbon Capture Technology: Promising Solution or Futile Endeavour?
  • Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) on Biodiversity: Progress or Peril?
  • Harnessing Nuclear Power: Environmental Savior or Silent Killer?
  • Climate Change’s Influence on Global Politics: Cooperation or Conflict?
  • Gauging the Ecological Footprint of Digital Technologies: Is Green IT Possible?
  • Geoengineering and Climate Intervention: Responsible Management or Playing God?
  • Ecotourism’s Paradox: Protecting or Exploiting Nature?
  • Meat Consumption’s Role in Environmental Degradation: Time for a Dietary Revolution?
  • Urban Sprawl and Ecosystem Fragmentation: Can Smart Cities Reverse the Trend?
  • Plastic Waste Management: Effective Recycling or Biodegradable Solutions?
  • Implications of Overpopulation: Is Population Control Ethically Justifiable?
  • Are Renewable Energy Sources Truly Sustainable? Unveiling Hidden Environmental Costs.
  • Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biodiversity: A Looming Crisis?
  • Deforestation and Indigenous Rights: A Clash of Interests?
  • Deciphering the Economic Viability of Green Energy: Profitability or Philanthropy?
  • Invasive Species and Ecosystem Balance: Is Human Intervention Necessary?
  • Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking): Energy Solution or Environmental Nightmare?
  • Industrial Agriculture’s Role in Soil Degradation: Need for Agroecological Methods?
  • Chemical Pesticides vs. Organic Farming: Which Ensures Food Security?

Environmental Essay Topics on Air Pollution

  • Analyzing the Health Impacts of Industrial Air Pollution
  • Air Quality Index: An Essential Tool for Monitoring Air Pollution
  • Measures for Mitigating Vehicular Air Pollution in Urban Centers
  • The Role of Wildfires in Exacerbating Global Air Pollution
  • Climate Change: The Direct Consequences of Increasing Air Pollution
  • The Intricate Relationship Between Air Pollution and Respiratory Diseases
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Air Quality Regulations in Developed Countries
  • Industrialization’s Impacts on Air Pollution: A Case Study of China
  • Strategies for Reducing Household Air Pollution in Developing Countries
  • Air Pollution in Megacities: The Case of New Delhi
  • Policy Analysis: International Efforts to Control Air Pollution
  • The Silent Killer: Long-Term Effects of Exposure to Air Pollution
  • Proliferation of Plastic Waste: A Significant Contributor to Air Pollution
  • Impacts of Agriculture-Related Air Pollution on Rural Communities
  • E-Waste and Its Contribution to Toxic Air Pollution
  • The Dangers of Radioactive Air Pollution: A Deep Dive Into Chernobyl
  • The Unseen Consequences of Military Conflicts on Air Pollution
  • Understanding the Global Disparity in Air Pollution Standards
  • Dissecting the Impact of Air Pollution on Biodiversity
  • A Critique of Current Air Purification Technologies
  • The Effect of Deforestation on Air Pollution Levels

Environmental Essay Topics on Water Pollution

  • Investigating the Impact of Industrial Effluents on Groundwater Quality
  • Analysis of Microplastic Contamination in Marine Ecosystems
  • Unveiling the Truth: The Health Effects of Drinking Polluted Water
  • Dead Zones in the Ocean: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
  • Pharmaceutical Pollution in Waterways: The Unseen Threat
  • Heavy Metal Contamination in Freshwater Bodies: A Silent Crisis
  • Acid Rain and its Detrimental Effects on Aquatic Life
  • Understanding the Role of Agriculture in Nutrient Pollution
  • The Consequences of Oil Spills on Marine Wildlife and Coastal Communities
  • The Menace of Eutrophication: Lake and River Ecosystems at Risk
  • Sewage Disposal: Unraveling Its Environmental and Health Implications
  • The True Cost of Fracking: Contaminated Water Supplies
  • Algal Blooms: Understanding Their Causes and Ecological Impacts
  • Plastic Waste in Oceans: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
  • Microorganisms and Water Pollution: Unseen Invaders
  • Unearthing the Impact of Mining Activities on Water Quality
  • Radioactive Waste Disposal in Oceans: A Lurking Danger
  • Landfills Leaching: Assessing Its Impact on Groundwater Pollution
  • Tackling Water Pollution: Emerging Technologies and Innovations
  • Ship Wrecks and Underwater Munitions: The Forgotten Water Pollutants

Environmental Essay Topics on Ecosystem Pollution

  • Analyzing the Impact of Oil Spills on Marine Ecosystems
  • Investigating Agricultural Runoff’s Role in Eutrophication of Freshwater Bodies
  • Exploring the Detrimental Effects of Air Pollution on Forest Ecosystems
  • Revealing the Long-Term Consequences of Acid Rain on Soil Ecosystems
  • Scrutinizing the Influence of Industrial Waste on Wetland Ecosystems
  • Discussing the Impact of Microplastics on Aquatic Ecosystems
  • Evaluating the Effects of Heavy Metal Contamination in River Ecosystems
  • Assessing the Interplay Between Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss
  • Elucidating the Consequences of Landfills on Terrestrial Ecosystems
  • Debating the Ramifications of Climate Change on Arctic Ecosystems
  • Investigating Urbanization and Its Effect on Local Ecosystems
  • Pondering the Effects of Light Pollution on Nocturnal Ecosystems
  • Highlighting the Impact of Persistent Organic Pollutants on Ecosystem Health
  • Examining the Influence of Noise Pollution on Wildlife Ecosystems
  • Interpreting the Effects of Overfishing on Oceanic Ecosystems
  • Unraveling the Role of Radioactive Contamination on Ecosystem Dynamics
  • Detailing the Impacts of Pesticide Drift on Non-Target Ecosystems
  • Illustrating the Detrimental Effects of E-Waste on Terrestrial Ecosystems
  • Clarifying the Implications of Chemical Fertilizers on Soil Microbial Ecosystems
  • Delving Into the Consequences of Greenhouse Gases on Global Ecosystems
  • Weighing the Impact of Tourism on Fragile Ecosystems

Environmental Essay Topics on Waste Management & Utilization

  • Sustainable Methods for Waste Management and Utilization
  • Innovative Approaches to Recycling and Waste Reduction
  • The Role of Technology in Waste Management and Utilization
  • Maximizing Resource Recovery Through Effective Waste Management
  • Promoting Circular Economy: Waste Management and Utilization
  • Waste-to-Energy Solutions: Harnessing the Power of Waste
  • Effective Strategies for Hazardous Waste Management and Utilization
  • The Importance of Community Engagement in Waste Management
  • Exploring Biodegradable Alternatives for Waste Management
  • Enhancing Public Awareness of Waste Management and Utilization
  • Economic Benefits of Efficient Waste Management Systems
  • Sustainable Packaging Solutions: Waste Management and Utilization
  • Addressing E-Waste: Challenges and Solutions for Proper Management
  • Innovative Methods for Organic Waste Management and Utilization
  • Waste Management in the Construction Industry: Best Practices
  • The Role of Legislation and Policy in Waste Management and Utilization
  • Waste Management and Utilization in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Waste Minimization Strategies for a Greener Future
  • The Impact of Consumer Behavior on Waste Management and Utilization
  • Effective Strategies for Industrial Waste Management and Utilization

Environmental Essay Topics on Depletion of Natural Resources

  • Renewable Energy Sources and Their Role in Resource Depletion
  • Urbanization and Loss of Natural Habitats
  • Preservation of Endangered Species
  • Responsible Mining Practices and Environmental Protection
  • Sustainable Forestry for Timber Production
  • Managing Water Scarcity in Arid Regions
  • Control of Erosion and Land Degradation
  • Impacts of Overconsumption on Resource Depletion
  • Sustainable Fishing Practices and Aquatic Resource Management
  • Recycling and Waste Management for Resource Conservation
  • Soil Conservation and Nutrient Depletion
  • Conservation of Coral Reefs and Marine Biodiversity
  • Alternative Materials for Reducing Resource Depletion
  • Sustainable Tourism and Protection of Natural Resources
  • Strategies for Sustainable Water Management
  • Energy Efficiency and Reduction of Resource Depletion
  • Preservation of Natural Carbon Sinks
  • Environmental Impacts of Extractive Industries
  • Conservation of Rainforests and Tropical Biodiversity
  • Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Agriculture
  • Renewable Energy Transition and Resource Preservation
  • Management of Non-Renewable Resource Depletion
  • Sustainable Consumption Patterns and Resource Conservation

Environmental Essay Topics About Human Impact

  • Technology’s Role in Environmental Conservation
  • Overfishing: Consequences for Oceanic Ecosystems
  • Promoting Sustainable Economic Development Through Ecotourism
  • Addressing the Water Crisis: Sustainable Management and Conservation
  • Urbanization’s Impacts on Natural Habitats
  • The Power of Education in Promoting Environmental Awareness
  • International Environmental Agreements: Effectiveness and Implications
  • Sustainable Transportation: Reducing Carbon Emissions
  • Wetlands: Ecological Importance and Preservation Efforts
  • Consumer Choices: Driving Environmental Conservation
  • Recycling Programs: Benefits, Challenges, and Innovations
  • Protecting Endangered Species: Successful Conservation Strategies
  • Green Architecture: Designing Sustainable Buildings
  • Sustainable Fashion: Ethical and Eco-Friendly Practices
  • Mining Activities: Impacts on Land and Water Resources
  • Forest Restoration: Carbon Sequestration and Importance
  • Climate Change and Natural Disasters: Understanding the Connection
  • Pesticides and Herbicides: Effects on Ecosystems and Human Health
  • Environmental Regulations: Controlling Industrial Pollution
  • Rural Electrification: Harnessing the Potential of Renewable Energy
  • Sustainable Consumption: Reducing Waste and Carbon Footprints

Essay Topics About Nature and Environment

  • Sustainable Urban Development: Green Infrastructure and Efficient Resource Management
  • Ecosystem Restoration: Rehabilitating Degraded Landscapes and Habitats
  • The Significance of Coral Reefs for Marine Biodiversity and Coastal Protection
  • Promoting Sustainable Waste Management: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
  • The Impacts of Overfishing on Oceanic Food Chains and Fisheries
  • Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Vulnerable Communities
  • The Relationship Between Human Health and Environmental Quality
  • The Role of Environmental Education in Shaping Sustainable Mindsets
  • Protecting Water Resources: Conservation and Efficient Use
  • Impacts of Urbanization on Wildlife Habitats and Ecological Connectivity
  • Promoting Green Buildings and Energy-Efficient Infrastructure
  • Biodiversity Hotspots: Protecting Regions of Exceptional Natural Value
  • The Role of International Agreements in Environmental Conservation
  • Addressing Plastic Pollution: Towards a Plastic-Free Future
  • The Importance of Soil Health for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Promoting Sustainable Transportation: From Electric Vehicles to Public Transit
  • Benefits and Challenges of Implementing Renewable Energy Sources
  • The Role of Environmental NGOs in Advocacy and Conservation Efforts
  • Preserving Natural Landscapes: National Parks and Protected Areas
  • The Impacts of Industrialization on Air Quality and Human Health

Environmental Law Essay Topics

  • Addressing Deforestation: Strategies for Forest Conservation
  • Regulating Fracking: Assessing Environmental and Health Risks
  • Managing Water Resources in a Changing Climate: Legal Challenges
  • The Role of Environmental NGOs in Shaping Policy and Law
  • Examining Legal Implications of Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Balancing Conservation and Indigenous Rights: A Legal Perspective
  • Waste Management and Recycling: Legal Approaches
  • Evaluating Wildlife Protection Laws and Enforcement Mechanisms
  • Analyzing Climate Change Litigation: Legal Implications
  • Air Pollution: Legal Frameworks and Mitigation Strategies
  • Ensuring Environmental Compliance in Extractive Industries
  • Controlling Pollution From Industrial Activities: Legal Mechanisms
  • Promoting Sustainable Urban Development: Legal Strategies
  • Liability and Compensation in Environmental Damage Cases
  • Legal Frameworks for Environmental Education and Awareness
  • Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital Valuation: Legal Perspectives
  • Regulating Agricultural Practices for Sustainable Farming
  • Protecting Marine Biodiversity: Legal Frameworks for Conservation
  • Promoting Renewable Energy Investments: Legal Incentives
  • International Trade Law and Environmental Considerations
  • Combating Illegal Wildlife Trade: Legal Strategies
  • Integrating Indigenous Traditional Knowledge Into Environmental Law

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180+ Excellent Environmental Essay Topics and Ideas

Table of Contents

If you are a school or a college student, then in your academic life you will be asked to write an essay on environmental topics at least once. Right now, do you want to write a brilliant environmental essay for your assignment? Are you searching for the best environmental essay topics?

In our world, a lot of environmental issues exist, and hence, for writing an academic essay, you have a wide range of environmental essay topics to focus on. But choosing one specific topic out of a wide range of topics is a tedious process. So, to help you in selecting a good environmental essay topic, here, in this blog post, we have shared important tips for essay topic selection. Also, we have composed a list of the top environmental essay topic ideas for you to explore and write about.

Environmental Essay Topics

Continue reading this blog post and get significant ideas for your environmental essay writing assignment.

How to Write an Engaging Environmental Essay

Writing environmental essays is common at all academic levels. Whenever your instructor assigns a task for you to write an environmental essay, make sure to come up with an original topic for the environmental essay.

The first step in the essay writing process is the topic selection. During the essay topic selection phase, initially, gather a lot of ideas and conduct preliminary research, and then, based on your research results, finalize a perfect topic for discussion.

In order to gather essay topic ideas dealing with environmental problems, you can refer to the following sources.

  • Environmental journals and sources
  • Documentaries
  • The latest news developments on the environment

After you have identified a good environmental essay topic, prepare an essay outline to organize your ideas and structure your essay content. Then, with the help of your essay outline, prepare a detailed draft of your environmental essay by including the essential components such as the introduction, body, and conclusion. Finally, after completing the essay, proofread the essay content completely and edit it if there are any errors.

An environmental essay is said to be top-rated only if it

  • Highlights possible measures of ecological conservation.
  • Offers a valid solution to environmental problems .
  • Provides new insights on trending environmental issues.
  • Expresses the benefits of the environment to man and vice versa.

So, when writing environmental essays, make sure to cover all the above-mentioned points that are relevant to your essay topic. The essay you write should be simple, informative, and persuasive. Mainly, to make your readers believe your arguments, explain the major ideas of your essay with supporting evidence.

Environmental Essay Topic Selection Tips

Choosing a topic is the first and essential step in the essay writing process. Generally, for academic assignments, research paper writing, or essay writing competitions, the instructors will give a list of environmental essay topics for you to choose from. At times, they will not give you any ideas and will ask you to select a topic on your own.

In such cases, you need to pick a unique essay topic that will fetch an A+ grade. To help you in selecting a good environmental essay topic, here we have shared a few important tips. Make sure to follow them all while you are searching for an essay topic.

  • Choose a topic that you are passionate about and have a strong knowledge of.
  • The topic should excite and educate your readers.
  • It should not be too broad. If the topic is too broad, then narrow them down and select any specific topic or subtopic.
  • The environmental essay topic you choose should provide a valid solution.
  • The topic should contain various sources of reference.
  • It should have numerous pieces of evidence and examples.

Most importantly, along with all the above-mentioned tips, make sure to check whether or not the topic you have decided to write on satisfies the instructor’s writing instructions if there are any.

List of Environmental Essay Topics and Ideas

Here we have sorted different categories and have listed the top interesting environmental essay topics and ideas for students to consider when writing academic assignments.

List of Environmental Essay Topics

If you are asked to write an environmental essay on any unique topic, then check the list of the essay topic ideas mentioned below and feel free to choose a topic that is ideal for you.

Environmental Essay Topics on Climate Change

  • The difference between the impact of climate change on urban and rural territories
  • Climate change and agriculture: a complex relationship
  • The demographic impact of climate change
  • How does climate change affect biodiversity?
  • Climate Change impact on different social groups
  • Regional-specific impacts of climate change
  • The economic damage of climate change
  • Climate change representation in media
  • How much has transport evolution impacted climate change?
  • Historical reaction to global changes in climate
  • Climate change response that has the most potential in averting the crisis
  • Have humans created the problem of climate change?
  • List some simple things that governments could do to help address climate change problems.
  • Climate change effects on the marine life
  • Diseases that could come from the climate change
  • Impact of climate change on the ecological state of Earth’s natural resources
  • Impact of climate change on agricultural activities across the globe.
  • Human activities have contributed to climate change.
  • Leading causes of global climate change.
  • Explain Global Warming with an emphasis on the Arctic

Additional Environmental Essay Topics on Climate Change

  • Analyze the impact of climate change on the marine and forest ecosystems of the world
  • How climate change affects the freshwater ecosystem and grassland ecosystem?
  • Analyze the impact of climate change on Antarctic ice sheets
  • Describe the potential impact of climate change on farming and food security with respective solutions
  • Discuss the role of climate change adaptation strategies in reducing vulnerability and enhancing resilience
  • Describe the way different countries are tackling climate change and things that can be learned by the United States from these countries
  • How is climate change affecting the stability and development of the global economy?

Ecology Essay Topics

  • Ecology and society interactions
  • Specifics of marine ecology
  • Ecology and optimization: indivisible concepts
  • Ecology changes after major damaging events.
  • Energy crisis and ecology
  • The future of tropical and rainforest ecology
  • Ecology and tourism: helpful or harmful?
  • Aging process as an ecological concept
  • How have our food needs reshaped the ecology?
  • The political presence of ecology
  • Can any general laws be highlighted in ecology?
  • Diversity and stability in ecology
  • Software simulations and modeling in ecology
  • The problems of invasion ecology and how they can be avoided
  • How are new predators introduced into an area?
  • How is the ecosystem of your backyard different from the ecosystem of another person’s backyard ecosystem?
  • How is a desert ecosystem different from a forest ecosystem?
  • Describe the causes and effects of black holes
  • What is the ecological footprint?
  • Overconsumption and its impact on ecology
  • Identification of the key factors responsible for disturbing ecological balance
  • Food Chain vs. Ecological Pyramid

Read more: Top-rated Ecology Research Topics For Academic Writing

Ecology Essay Topics

Environmental Essay Topics on Global Warming

  • Global warming and rising sea levels.
  • The effects of Global Warming on the Environment.
  • Is global warming real or a mere theory by scientists?
  • The political aspect of global warming is mentioned in presidential debates.
  • Should biodiversity be taught in middle schools as a part of global warming education?
  • The causes of ocean temperatures increase through the lens of global warming
  • Volcano activity in 2021: a clear sign of global warming?
  • The role of the world’s scouting in the prevention of climate change dangers.
  • Power plants in the United States and carbon dioxide emissions.
  • Deforestation problem in Brazil: Amazon Forests case study.
  • Global Warming: Issue Analysis.
  • Global Warming: Harmful Impact on the Polar Bears.
  • Global Warming and Other Ecology Issues.

Sustainability Essay Topics

  • Solar electricity: how to achieve maximal sustainability
  • Key indicators of the sustainability of the business.
  • Is global sustainability achievable?
  • Pros and cons of innovation for sustainability
  • Sustainable chemical production through biological processes
  • Economical advantages of sustainable businesses
  • How to minimize machine energy consumption for potential sustainability?
  • Sustainability of e-learning and working remotely
  • How to maintain sustainability with business growth?
  • Sustainable methods for managing and using water resources.
  • The Impact of Green Energy on Environment and Sustainable Development
  • A Robust Strategy for Sustainable Energy
  • Environmental Conditions in Tunnels Towards an Environmentally Sustainable Future
  • The Sustainable Hotel Environment
  • International Environment Management and Sustainability
  • Sustainability Development: Balancing Economic, Social and Environmental Dimensions
  • What is the Environmental sustainability concept in the hospitality industry
  • Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges of Environmental Sustainability
  • Sustainability in Canada and the Impact of Coca-Cola Company on Environmental Protection

Environmental Science Essay Questions

  • What are the causes of the decline in food resources?
  • Discuss how the endemic and endangered animal species of the world survive.
  • How green and sustainable are biofuels?
  • The use of plants as heavy metal filters for water sources
  • The impact of aerosols on the environment
  • The problem of biodegradability of aging chemicals
  • How does migration change with extreme events?
  • Problems of wastewater treatment and personal care products
  • Why are botanic gardens the best instruments for climate change research?
  • The science of fisheries and the most sustainable approach to them
  • Physical, Natural Environmental Issues Affecting the Food Industries.
  • Reduction of CO2 from Atmosphere Resulting In a Better Future.
  • Drinking Water and Sanitation.

Argumentative Environmental Essay Topics

  • How green are electric cars?
  • Can civilization survive by using only renewable sources of energy?
  • Can quality public transportation reduce the carbon footprint?
  • Are humans a primary reason for natural disasters?
  • Can large cities get rid of air pollution from motor vehicles?
  • Can we introduce environment conservation as a core course?
  • Why should each home have a tree?
  • Discuss alternative forms of energy that people can use
  • Should the government promote the recycling of all products?
  • Can we achieve a green environment devoid of any pollutants?
  • How do factories and industries waste energy?
  • Why are most people ignorant of protecting the environment?
  • Do people observe ecological guidelines?
  • Should we encourage a paperless society?
  • Ways in which animals damage the environment

Read more: Argumentative Essay Topics That You Must Consider

Essay Topics on Environmental Issues

  • Waste production challenges in Iceland and Faroes
  • Ozone layer depletion in China and transparency of the reports
  • Acid rain: how fair is an analysis of the causes that deal with ecological damage?
  • Should genetic modification of crops be forbidden?
  • An ethical aspect of overfishing in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • How can biotechnologies and eco-energy affect population growth and the list of increased needs?
  • The definition of biodiversity through the lens of globalization and technology
  • International trading agreements and the problem of deforestation
  • The use of AI technologies for the prevention of water pollution in the engineering sector.
  • Urbanization versus Rural lifestyles

Environmental Law Essay Topics

  • Can international environmental law be effectively enforced?
  • The impact of scientific activism on the environmental law
  • The ignorance of the general public on the question of environmental law
  • Environmental law versus corporation Lobbyism
  • Conflicts on an international level in environmental law discussions
  • What should be a priority of international environmental legislation?
  • How to encourage compliance with international environmental law norms?
  • An impact of the Kyoto Protocol on pollution Levels
  • The participation of non-governmental organizations in environmental law development.
  • How to spread successful green policies from developed countries to the rest of the world?

Technology Saving Environmental Essay Topics

  • How is smart home technology a game-changer?
  • Is technology more damaging to the environment?
  • Are electric vehicles the way to go?
  • The part of technology in developing environment conservation techniques
  • Technological methods of monitoring greenhouse gases
  • Using an infrared sensor to monitor methane gas
  • New in wastewater-filtering – multi-soil-layering
  • The use of biofiltration to control the air pollution level.
  • The IoT is used for resource management.
  • Energy-saving innovations as a conservation effort

Environmental Essay Ideas on Human Impact

  • The spread of nano plastic across the world – reasons and consequences
  • The impact of military conflicts on conservation efforts
  • Agricultural activities are a ticking time bomb on the environment.
  • Are Genetically Modified Organisms a threat to the environment?
  • Chemicals emitted by man deplete the ozone layer.
  • Water pollution by humans next to rivers, seas, and oceans
  • Why burning coal by humans is causing excessive acid rain
  • The impact of heavy metal mining on the environment.
  • Could nature return to the norm after human extinction?
  • How is overfishing impacting aquatic life?

Environment Essay Topics on Conservation

  • Do people celebrate ‘World Environment Day’ as they ought to?
  • Are technological advances such as 5G harmful to the environment?
  • Should the government provide recycling facilities to homesteads?
  • Do you think it is necessary to have environmental awareness forums?
  • Should schools introduce cycling as a means of transport to school?
  • Why should everybody help to protect the environment?
  • Should the government impose restrictions on deep-sea fishing?
  • Should people buy bottled water?
  • Why you should turn off your computer when you are not using it
  • The role of science education in environmental conservation efforts

Interesting Environment Essay Prompts

  • Should the penalties for littering be more severe?
  • What causes glaciers to melt in the Polar Regions?
  • Causes of hurricanes and tsunamis
  • How are mental health and the natural environment related?
  • Effects of harmful gases on the human respiratory system
  • The influence of Confucianism on ecological conservation
  • Can people live without electricity for a day?
  • How has the coronavirus helped to recover the environment?
  • Do people value street trees as nature beautifiers?
  • Assess the impacts of daily activities on the environment
  • Eco-man: the features of the formation of personal qualities.
  • Ecological movements: domestic and foreign experience.
  • Quality of life and the quality of the environment.
  • Foreign experience in nature management.
  • Health and radiation.
  • Laws and principles of social ecology.
  • Why is the garbage problem worse than we thought?
  • Ways to adapt religious teachings to environmental conservation
  • Mathematical model of the climate change historic evolution
  • The analysis of the current radioactive situation in the Chornobyl Nuclear Plant.
  • Discuss how the fulfillment of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals can reduce the adverse impact of global warming-led climate change
  • Critically analyze the effectiveness of market-based approaches (e.g., carbon pricing) in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases
  • Describe the eight ethical principles of climate change and their impact on the world’s vulnerable populations

Impressive Environmental Essay Ideas

  • What is earth day, and why is it important?
  • How to prevent Pandas’ extinction
  • Explain the impact of melting glaciers on the environment.
  • Analyze the reason behind birds’ migration.
  • Explain how green technology can help the environment.
  • Write about the different types of environmentalism.
  • Explain how fossil fuels damage the environment.
  • Discuss the ecotourism regulations in your country.
  • Write about carpooling and its contribution to the environment.
  • Explain the different water recycling methods.

We hope you have identified an excellent topic from the list of the top environmental essay topics and ideas suggested above. If you still haven’t identified the essay topic and are not confident enough to prepare a brilliant environmental essay, then contact us .

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  • 140 Environmental Essay Topics

In any academic discipline, writing an essay on the environment can be a daunting task, no matter what the subject matter. Not only should students understand the complexities of the natural world, but they should also be able to communicate their ideas clearly in writing.

To combat the many challenges students can face when crafting an environmental essay, we’ve created this handy guide detailing how to write an environmental essay and even included 140 environmental essay topics to help get you started.

What Is an Environmental Essay?

An environmental essay is a type of paper where a student must choose a topic related to the environment and present an argument, opinion, or point of view about it. The primary purpose of this type of essay is to educate readers on a given issue and raise awareness about potential solutions.

How to Write an Environmental Essay: A Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1: choose an essay topic.

Before you can start writing your environmental essay, you need to choose a topic. Writing this type of paper may appear simple, but finding the right topic can be the most difficult part of the process. You’ll want to choose a topic that matches the essay format to ensure that the writing process is as smooth as possible.

For example, if you are tasked with writing an argumentative essay on a particular environmental issue, make sure that your topic can be argued. Avoid choosing a topic that is too broad or too specific, as this can make it challenging to develop a clear thesis statement and support your argument.

If your environmental essay is a compare and contrast essay, you’ll want to choose two topics that can be effectively compared and contrasted. And if your essay is a cause and effect essay, make sure that your topic focuses on causes or effects (or both) related to an environmental issue.

Step 2: Develop a Thesis Statement

Once you’ve chosen your essay topic, it’s time to develop a thesis statement. This is a sentence (or two) that summarizes your paper’s central argument. Specificity and focus are the hallmarks of a well-crafted thesis statement. In other words, it should be open to discussion and disagreement.

For example, a weak thesis statement might be something like:

“The environment is important.”

While this statement is true, it’s too general to be the focus of an entire essay. A stronger thesis statement might be:

“It’s time to stop polluting and other activities that harm the environment.”

This is a well-reasoned statement that expresses a firm opinion on the subject. It’s a good topic for an argumentative essay because it’s open to debate.

Step 3: Do Your Research

Now that you have a thesis statement, it’s time to do your research. This will involve finding sources (such as books, articles, and websites) that support your argument. When taking notes from your sources, be sure to write down the author, title, and publication date for each one. This will make it easier to create your Works Cited page later on.

As you’re doing your research, keep your essay format in mind. For example, if you are writing a five-paragraph essay, make sure that you have enough evidence to support your thesis statement and fill out each of the three body paragraphs.

Step 4: Write a Draft

Now it’s time to start writing your first draft. Begin by creating an outline that will help you organize your thoughts and ideas. Then, as you flesh out paragraphs from your outline, keep your audience in mind and make sure that your argument is clear and easy to follow.

Your draft should include an introduction, ideas for each body paragraph, and a conclusion. It is important to include your thesis statement in your introduction and to restate it in your conclusion.

Keep in mind that each body paragraph will always need a clear and interesting topic sentence, as well as a transition sentence that sums up the section. The following are some good examples of sentences that begin or transition:

“Even though many people do not consider the environment to be important, it is vital to our continued existence. It is impossible to survive without a healthy environment.

In order to see this, you can look at the…”

“Humans are clearly causing harm to the environment, but what are the root causes of this? I believe that the most important issue is….”

“We can all see the effects of environmental degradation, but persuading people to alter their behavior is a difficult task. While the…”

Each of these sentences offers a clear and concise argument that can be explored in more depth in the body paragraphs.

Step 5: Edit and Proofread

After writing your essay, it’s time to edit and proofread it. This is the process of making sure that there are no errors in your grammar or spelling. It’s also a good idea to read your essay aloud to make sure that it flows smoothly.

With the helpful guide above detailing the process of creating an environmental essay, you should now have no trouble writing on your topic of choice. However, if you’re still struggling to find the perfect topic, consider one of the following 140 environmental essay topics.

Environmental Essay Topics About Pollution

  • The dangers of plastic pollution
  • How climate change is affecting our environment
  • The causes and effects of water pollution
  • Air pollution in cities: a problem that needs to be addressed
  • The issue of noise pollution and its effects on our health
  • The dangers of pesticides and herbicides
  • How deforestation is affecting our environment
  • The problem of light pollution
  • The dangers of nuclear waste
  • How climate change is affecting our weather

Environmental Essay Topics About Conservation

  • Why it’s important to conserve water
  • How to reduce your carbon footprint
  • Why recycling is important for the environment
  • The importance of composting
  • How to reduce your energy consumption
  • Why it’s essential to protect endangered species
  • How you can help the environment in your everyday life
  • The benefits of organic farming
  • Why it’s important to reduce, reuse, and recycle
  • The dangers of mountaintop removal mining

Environmental Essay Topics About Animals

  • How climate change is affecting animals in the wild
  • The declining populations of bees and other pollinators
  • How deforestation is affecting wildlife habitats
  • The problem of invasive species
  • The plight of endangered animals
  • How zoos and aquariums are helping to conserve animals
  • How to make your home more wildlife-friendly
  • The importance of responsible pet ownership
  • How to help local wildlife in your area
  • Why it’s important to spay and neuter your pets

Environmental Essay Topics About Plants

  • The importance of trees for the environment
  • Newly discovered flora species with exciting medicinal benefits
  • The benefits of permaculture
  • How to make your garden more wildlife-friendly
  • Why it’s important to plant native species
  • How to help local flora in your area
  • The specific compounds in herbicides that affect particular plant species
  • The benefits of home gardening

Environmental Essay Topics About Sustainability

  • What is sustainability?
  • The importance of sustainable living
  • How to live a more sustainable lifestyle
  • The benefits of renewable energy sources
  • The problems with nuclear energy
  • Public transport v. carpooling: A comparative analysis
  • How to make your home more energy-efficient
  • The dangers of recycling the wrong items
  • Socio-economic factors that make organic farming difficult for the masses
  • How to shop sustainably

Environmental Essay Topics About Climate Change

  • The causes of climate change
  • The effects of climate change on the world’s economy
  • The potential impact of climate change on our health
  • The effect of climate change on plant and animal species
  • Compare and contrast two factors driving climate change
  • Analyze arguments for and against climate change
  • The possible solutions to climate change
  • The role of the individual in combating climate change

Environmental Essay Topics About Environmentalism

  • What is environmentalism?
  • The history of environmentalism
  • The goals of environmentalism
  • The different branches of environmentalism
  • How you can get involved in environmentalism
  • The benefits of environmentalism
  • The challenges of environmentalism
  • Environmentalism v. consumerism: A comparative analysis
  • How environmentalism is affecting our economy
  • The future of environmentalism

Environmental Essay Topics About History

  • How the Industrial Revolution changed the environment
  • The environmental impact of World War I
  • The environmental impact of World War II
  • How colonialism has impacted the environment
  • The environmental effect of the American Civil War
  • Reconstruction and its effect on the environment
  • The Dust Bowl and its environmental effects
  • The environmental impact of the Great Depression
  • The environmental consequences of the Cold War
  • How 9/11 has impacted the environment

Environmental Essay Topics About Natural Disasters

  • The effects of floods on the environment
  • The effect of droughts on the environment
  • Wildfires: Causes and solutions
  • Causes for the growing intensity of environmental storms
  • How can we prepare for natural disasters?
  • The role of the media in natural disaster relief
  • The impact of natural disasters on our economy
  • The importance of environmental protection during times of emergency
  • Psychological effects of natural disasters
  • Natural disasters and their effect on our infrastructure

Environmental Essay Topics About Alternative Resources

  • Understanding the benefits of hemp production for paper
  • The use of biogas as an environmentally friendly resource
  • The pros and cons of nuclear power
  • Why solar energy is the way of the future
  • How wind turbines are changing the energy game
  • The potential of geothermal energy
  • The benefits and drawbacks of using tidal power
  • The use of rainwater harvesting as an alternative water source
  • How to make recycling more effective
  • Why we should be using more recycled materials in the construction industry
  • The benefits of using recycled materials in the automotive industry
  • Why we should be using more alternative energy sources

Environmental Essay Topics About Education

  • The role of education in environmental protection
  • The importance of environmental education
  • Environmental education programs that work
  • The challenges of environmental education
  • How to make environmental education more effective
  • The future of environmental education

Environmental Essay Topics About Water

  • Analyze the current state of the world’s water supply
  • The importance of freshwater
  • The global water crisis
  • Solutions to the global water crisis
  • How climate change is affecting our water supply
  • How to conserve water
  • The benefits of recycling wastewater
  • The dangers of contaminated water
  • The effect of oil spills on the environment
  • The role of the individual in protecting water resources
  • What we can do to stop water pollution
  • How to make our sewage system more efficient

Environmental Essay Topics About Air Pollution

  • The effects of air pollution on human health
  • The causes of air pollution
  • Solutions to air pollution
  • How to reduce air pollution
  • The impact of air pollution on the environment
  • The effect of smog on the environment
  • The benefits of reducing emissions
  • How to make our cities more livable
  • Reducing noise pollution
  • Why we should be planting more trees

Environmental Essay Topics About Capitalism

  • Compare the environmental effects of capitalism v. socialism
  • The role of the government in environmental protection
  • The impact of capitalism on the environment
  • Is capitalism pushing us into environmental catastrophe?
  • How does capitalism contribute to climate change?
  • The pros and cons of green capitalism

Environmental Essay Topics About Technology

  • The impact of technology on the environment
  • The effect of social media on the environment
  • The role of technology in environmental protection
  • The environmental impact of Bitcoin

These 140 environmental essay topics will give students plenty of material to work with and should make writing the essay relatively easy.

Remember that these topics are just examples and can be altered or combined to better suit your needs. Once you have a topic in mind, follow the writing guide above to ensure you hand in a high-quality environmental essay that will earn you a good grade.

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99+ Environmental Persuasive Essay Topics for a Sustainable Future

Explore our list of 99+ environmental persuasive essay topics to write an effective essay that can raise awareness and promote sustainable practices.

The environment is a topic of global concern, as the Earth’s natural resources continue to be depleted and climate change accelerates. Environmental persuasive essays are a great way to raise awareness and inspire action on issues such as pollution, deforestation, global warming, and more. To help you get started on your environmental essay, we have compiled a list of 100+ persuasive essay topics related to the environment. These topics cover a broad range of issues and are suitable for students of all levels.

Persuasive Essay Topics Environmental

Table of Contents

List of Environmental Persuasive Essay Topics For Students

  • The impact of plastic on the environment
  • How to reduce household waste and promote recycling
  • The role of businesses in promoting sustainable practices
  • The benefits of organic farming
  • The effects of deforestation on the environment
  • The importance of preserving wildlife habitats
  • How to reduce air pollution in cities
  • The impact of climate change on the world’s oceans
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The effects of water pollution on marine life
  • The importance of preserving national parks
  • How to reduce energy consumption in homes and buildings
  • The impact of fracking on the environment
  • The benefits of electric cars for the environment
  • The effects of overfishing on marine ecosystems
  • The importance of reducing carbon footprint
  • How to promote sustainable tourism
  • The role of government in protecting the environment
  • The benefits of composting
  • The effects of industrial agriculture on the environment
  • The importance of conserving water resources
  • How to reduce food waste
  • The impact of nuclear energy on the environment
  • The benefits of green building practices
  • The effects of urbanization on the environment
  • The importance of protecting endangered species
  • How to promote sustainable transportation
  • The impact of mining on the environment
  • The benefits of solar power for the environment
  • The effects of climate change on human health
  • The importance of reducing meat consumption
  • How to promote sustainable fashion
  • The impact of tourism on the environment
  • The benefits of green roofs and walls
  • The effects of pesticides on the environment
  • The importance of reducing plastic packaging
  • How to promote sustainable living in cities
  • The impact of air travel on the environment
  • The benefits of bike-sharing programs
  • The effects of oil spills on marine life
  • The importance of reducing paper waste
  • How to promote sustainable waste management
  • The impact of hydraulic fracturing on groundwater
  • The benefits of wind power for the environment
  • The effects of noise pollution on wildlife
  • The importance of reducing single-use plastic
  • How to promote sustainable food production
  • The impact of agriculture on freshwater resources
  • The benefits of green technology
  • The effects of landfills on the environment
  • The importance of reducing energy waste
  • How to promote sustainable forestry practices
  • The impact of climate change on agriculture
  • The benefits of green roofs for urban environments
  • The effects of ocean acidification on marine life
  • The importance of reducing food packaging waste
  • How to promote sustainable urban design
  • The impact of marine debris on wildlife
  • The benefits of geothermal energy for the environment
  • The effects of noise pollution on human health
  • The importance of reducing vehicle emissions
  • The effects of plastic pollution on marine life
  • Is deforestation necessary for economic development?
  • The impact of climate change on biodiversity
  • Solutions to reduce carbon emissions
  • The role of government in promoting environmentally sustainable practices
  • How individuals can make a difference in protecting the environment
  • The relationship between consumerism and environmental degradation
  • The ethical implications of animal testing for cosmetic products
  • How to encourage sustainable agriculture
  • The dangers of oil spills and their impact on the environment
  • The potential of renewable energy sources to combat climate change
  • The impact of urbanization on the environment
  • The role of corporations in environmental responsibility
  • The effect of air pollution on human health
  • The debate on nuclear energy and its safety concerns
  • The impact of mining on the environment and local communities
  • The future of electric cars and their potential to reduce carbon emissions
  • How to reduce food waste and promote sustainable food practices
  • The impact of pesticides on the environment and human health
  • The impact of ocean acidification on marine life
  • The need for international collaboration to tackle global environmental issues
  • The impact of overfishing on marine ecosystems
  • The role of education in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability
  • The impact of single-use plastics on the environment
  • The effects of noise pollution on wildlife and ecosystems
  • The impact of climate change on human health
  • The effectiveness of government policies on environmental protection
  • The impact of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) on the environment and public health
  • The role of media in shaping public opinion on environmental issues
  • The impact of melting glaciers on sea levels and coastal communities
  • The need for sustainable water management practices
  • The impact of industrial agriculture on the environment and human health
  • The importance of biodiversity for ecosystem stability
  • The impact of climate change on agriculture and food security
  • The potential of green technology to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability.

In conclusion, persuasive essays are a great way to express your opinions and ideas on a variety of topics. Whether you are writing for a school assignment or for personal interest, it’s important to choose a topic that you are passionate about and can support with solid evidence and logical arguments. With this list of 100+ environmental persuasive essay topics, we hope you have found some inspiration for your next essay. Remember to research your topic thoroughly, consider the opposing views, and use persuasive language to effectively communicate your message. Let’s work together to make our planet a better place for future generations.

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128 Environmental Sustainability Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Environmental sustainability is a topic that is becoming increasingly important in today's world. As the effects of climate change become more evident, it is crucial that we prioritize sustainability in order to protect our planet for future generations. If you are looking for inspiration for an essay on environmental sustainability, we have compiled a list of 128 topic ideas and examples to help get you started.

  • The importance of reducing carbon emissions in order to combat climate change
  • The role of sustainable agriculture in preserving natural resources
  • The impact of deforestation on biodiversity and climate change
  • The benefits of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power
  • The importance of reducing plastic pollution in our oceans
  • The role of sustainable transportation in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of overfishing on marine ecosystems
  • The benefits of organic farming for the environment and human health
  • The importance of protecting endangered species from extinction
  • The role of sustainable urban planning in creating livable cities
  • The impact of air pollution on human health and the environment
  • The benefits of recycling and waste reduction in reducing landfill waste
  • The importance of protecting natural habitats and ecosystems
  • The impact of climate change on global food security
  • The benefits of green building practices for reducing energy consumption
  • The role of government policies in promoting environmental sustainability
  • The impact of water pollution on aquatic ecosystems and human health
  • The benefits of using sustainable materials in construction and manufacturing
  • The importance of promoting sustainable tourism to protect natural landscapes
  • The role of consumer behavior in promoting sustainability
  • The impact of industrial pollution on air and water quality
  • The benefits of using composting and organic waste management practices
  • The importance of protecting indigenous lands and cultures from environmental degradation
  • The role of education in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability
  • The impact of climate change on natural disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires
  • The benefits of using green technology to reduce energy consumption
  • The importance of biodiversity conservation in maintaining healthy ecosystems
  • The role of international cooperation in addressing global environmental challenges
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities and traditional ways of life
  • The benefits of using sustainable fashion practices in reducing waste and pollution
  • The importance of reducing food waste in order to conserve natural resources
  • The role of sustainable water management in addressing water scarcity
  • The impact of urbanization on natural landscapes and wildlife habitats
  • The benefits of using renewable energy sources in developing countries
  • The importance of promoting eco-friendly transportation options such as biking and public transit
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in promoting environmental sustainability
  • The impact of climate change on vulnerable populations such as low-income communities and people of color
  • The benefits of using green energy sources in reducing reliance on fossil fuels
  • The importance of protecting marine ecosystems from pollution and overfishing
  • The role of community-based conservation projects in preserving natural resources
  • The impact of industrial agriculture on soil degradation and water pollution
  • The benefits of using sustainable forestry practices in preserving forests
  • The importance of promoting renewable energy policies at the local, state, and national levels
  • The role of sustainable fisheries management in ensuring long-term food security
  • The impact of climate change on agricultural productivity and food prices
  • The benefits of using green infrastructure to reduce urban heat islands and flooding
  • The importance of promoting environmental justice for marginalized communities
  • The role of sustainable energy policies in reducing carbon emissions
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine wildlife and ecosystems
  • The benefits of using regenerative agriculture practices to restore degraded land
  • The importance of protecting biodiversity hotspots from habitat destruction
  • The role of sustainable transportation options in reducing traffic congestion and air pollution
  • The impact of climate change on global water resources and availability
  • The benefits of using green building materials in construction projects
  • The importance of promoting sustainable consumption habits in order to reduce waste
  • The role of renewable energy sources in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels
  • The impact of overconsumption and materialism on the environment
  • The benefits of using sustainable packaging materials in reducing plastic waste
  • The importance of promoting energy efficiency in homes and buildings
  • The role of sustainable agriculture practices in reducing water usage and soil erosion
  • The impact of climate change on wildlife migration patterns and habitats
  • The benefits of using sustainable farming practices in preserving soil fertility
  • The importance of protecting natural wetlands from development and pollution
  • The role of sustainable forestry management in maintaining healthy forests
  • The impact of climate change on global biodiversity and species extinction
  • The benefits of using green transportation options in reducing carbon emissions
  • The importance of promoting sustainable tourism

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Essays on Environmental Issues

Environmental issues are a crucial topic for essays, as they address some of the most pressing challenges facing our planet today. When choosing an environmental issues essay topic, it's important to consider the significance of the subject matter and the potential for impactful discussions. This article will offer advice on selecting a compelling topic and provide a diverse list of recommended essay topics, divided by category.

The Importance of Environmental Issues Essay Topics

Environmental issues encompass a wide range of challenges, including climate change, pollution, deforestation, and endangered species. These topics are critical because they directly impact the health of our planet and all its inhabitants. By addressing environmental issues in essays, students can raise awareness, promote solutions, and contribute to the global conversation about sustainability and conservation.

When choosing a topic for an environmental issues essay, it's essential to consider your interests, the current relevance of the issue, and the potential for generating thought-provoking discussions. You should also take into account the availability of credible sources and data to support your arguments. Additionally, choosing a specific aspect of a broader environmental issue can help narrow the focus of your essay and make your arguments more compelling.

Recommended Environmental Issues Essay Topics

  • Climate Change
  • The impact of climate change on global food security
  • Policy responses to climate change in developing countries
  • The role of renewable energy in mitigating climate change
  • Climate change adaptation strategies for vulnerable communities
  • Carbon pricing and its effectiveness in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of climate change on wildlife
  • Strategies to mitigate climate change
  • The role of renewable energy in combating climate change
  • Climate change and its effect on agriculture
  • The importance of international cooperation in addressing climate change
  • Plastic pollution in the world's oceans
  • The health effects of air pollution in urban areas
  • Regulatory approaches to controlling industrial pollution
  • The impact of electronic waste on the environment
  • Strategies for reducing water pollution in agricultural areas
  • The effects of air pollution on human health
  • Ways to reduce water pollution
  • The role of government regulations in controlling pollution
  • The impact of industrial pollution on the environment
  • Deforestation
  • The effects of deforestation on biodiversity in tropical rainforests
  • Community-based forest management as a solution to deforestation
  • The role of corporate responsibility in combating deforestation
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities
  • Reforestation efforts and their impact on climate change mitigation

Endangered Species

  • The ethical implications of captive breeding for endangered species conservation
  • The impact of illegal wildlife trade on endangered species populations
  • Conservation strategies for protecting endangered marine species
  • The role of ecotourism in supporting endangered species conservation
  • The potential for de-extinction in preserving endangered species

Sustainable Development

  • Challenges and opportunities for sustainable urban development
  • The role of sustainable agriculture in addressing food insecurity
  • The impact of consumer behavior on sustainable development goals
  • Corporate sustainability initiatives and their impact on the environment
  • The role of education in promoting sustainable development practices

Environmental Policy

  • The effectiveness of international agreements in addressing environmental issues
  • The role of government regulation in promoting environmental conservation
  • The impact of environmental lobbying on policy-making decisions
  • The potential for market-based solutions in environmental policy
  • The influence of public opinion on environmental policy development

Water Scarcity

  • The causes of water scarcity in developing countries
  • Technological solutions to address water scarcity
  • The impact of water scarcity on agriculture
  • Strategies for sustainable water management
  • The role of government policies in addressing water scarcity

Biodiversity Loss

  • The importance of preserving biodiversity
  • The impact of habitat destruction on biodiversity
  • Strategies for conserving endangered species
  • The role of ecotourism in promoting biodiversity conservation
  • The ethical implications of biodiversity loss

Waste Management

  • The challenges of e-waste disposal
  • Strategies for promoting recycling and composting
  • The impact of waste management on public health
  • The role of circular economy in reducing waste
  • The economic benefits of effective waste management

These environmental issues essay topics provide a wide range of options for students to explore and analyze. By choosing a compelling environmental issues essay topic, students can engage in meaningful discussions and contribute to the ongoing efforts to address the challenges facing our planet. It's climate change, pollution, deforestation, endangered species, sustainable development, or environmental policy - there are countless opportunities to explore and raise awareness about important environmental issues through essays.

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Environmental Issues: The Problem of Climate Change

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  • Global Warming
  • Invasive Species
  • Natural Disasters
  • Fast Fashion
  • Ocean Pollution
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130+ Environmental Essay Topics That Will Earn You High Grades

Updated 20 Aug 2024

Environmental issues are as relevant as ever, so there is a high chance that your teacher or instructor might assign you a paper on the topic. However, choosing a unique and interesting topic on the subject is rather hard, as a lot of environmental essay topics have been explored over and over again.

Selecting impactful environmental essay topics is crucial, and if you're struggling, you might consider a service to write my essay , ensuring thorough research and a strong argument. Fortunately for you, we’re here to help you with this problem. Take a look at some of the most relevant and timely environmental issues essay topics you can explore to get a high grade on your assignment.

Environmental Essay Topics

Popular Environmental Essay Topics

  • The Impact of Climate Change on Global Ecosystems.
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Reducing Carbon Footprint.
  • Ocean Acidification and Its Effects on Marine Life.
  • The Consequences of Deforestation on Biodiversity.
  • Urban Sprawl and Its Environmental Impacts.
  • The Growing Problem of Electronic Waste and Its Disposal.
  • The Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health and the Environment.
  • The Importance of Water Conservation in the Face of Global Water Scarcity.
  • The Impact of Agricultural Practices on Soil Health and Biodiversity.
  • Plastic Pollution in Oceans: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions.
  • The Role of Green Technology in Sustainable Development.
  • The Environmental and Health Risks of Fracking.
  • The Challenges of Wildlife Conservation in the 21st Century.
  • The Effects of Overfishing on Ocean Ecosystems.
  • The Relationship Between Environmental Policies and Climate Change Mitigation.

Climate Change Essay Titles

Climate change is one of the most talked-about environmental issues. This makes it a great theme for an essay, as there are a lot of resources available to pull information from. Here are some of the environment essay topics from our essay service that relate to the current state of the climate change discussion:

  • Unraveling the Complexities of Climate Change: Causes and Consequences.
  • The Global Impact of Rising Sea Levels: A Climate Change Perspective.
  • Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events: Understanding the Link.
  • The Role of Human Activities in Accelerating Climate Change.
  • Climate Change Mitigation: Strategies and Challenges.
  • The Economic Implications of Climate Change on Global Markets.
  • Adapting to Climate Change: Solutions for a Sustainable Future.
  • The Polar Ice Meltdown: Indicators and Impacts of Climate Change.
  • Climate Change and Food Security: A Growing Global Concern.
  • Renewable Energy as a Key Solution to Climate Change.
  • The Social and Environmental Justice Issues of Climate Change.
  • Climate Change Education: Raising Awareness and Inspiring Action.
  • The Health Risks Associated with Climate Change.
  • Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss: The Intertwined Challenges.
  • The Paris Agreement: Assessing Global Efforts in Combating Climate Change.

Ecology Essay Topics

Ecology is an established branch of science that studies the relationships between living organisms and the environment they live in. So, questions about the environment are inevitably related to ecology as well. Some of the topics relevant to ecology you can choose from are:

  • The Role of Keystone Species in Ecosystem Stability.
  • The Impact of Invasive Species on Native Biodiversity.
  • Coral Reefs: Ecological Importance and Threats.
  • The Effects of Urbanization on Local Ecosystems.
  • The Relationship Between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience.
  • Wetlands Ecology: Importance and Conservation Challenges.
  • The Ecological Consequences of Deforestation in the Amazon.
  • The Role of Pollinators in Ecosystem Health.
  • Marine Ecosystems: Human Impacts and Conservation Strategies.
  • The Dynamics of Predator-Prey Relationships in Ecosystems.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Alpine Ecosystems.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Ecological Approaches to Farming.
  • The Role of Microorganisms in Soil Health and Fertility.
  • The Ecological Impacts of Plastic Pollution.
  • The Importance of Mangroves in Coastal Ecosystems.

Global Warming Topics

  • The Science Behind Global Warming: Understanding the Greenhouse Effect.
  • The Impact of Global Warming on Polar Ice Caps and Sea Levels.
  • Global Warming and Its Effects on Weather Patterns and Extreme Events.
  • The Role of Fossil Fuels in Accelerating Global Warming.
  • Strategies for Reducing Carbon Emissions to Mitigate Global Warming.
  • The Impact of Global Warming on Agriculture and Food Security.
  • Global Warming and Ocean Acidification: Effects on Marine Ecosystems.
  • The Health Risks Associated with Increasing Global Temperatures.
  • The Economic Costs of Global Warming: Predictions and Preparations.
  • Renewable Energy Solutions to Combat Global Warming.
  • The Role of Deforestation in Contributing to Global Warming.
  • Global Warming and Its Impact on Biodiversity and Wildlife.
  • The Politics of Global Warming: International Agreements and Policies.
  • Public Perception and Awareness of Global Warming Issues.
  • The Future of Global Warming: Predictions and Scenarios.

Environmental Science Essay Topics

Environmental science is specifically dedicated to solving environmental issues. If you choose from this list, you will pick a problem solution topic, which will make you seem more pragmatic:

  • The Role of Environmental Science in Sustainable Development.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Air Pollution on Urban Health.
  • The Importance of Conservation Biology in Preserving Biodiversity.
  • The Effects of Acid Rain on Forest Ecosystems and Wildlife.
  • The Challenges of Managing and Reducing Urban Waste.
  • The Impact of Agricultural Practices on Soil Erosion and Land Degradation.
  • Renewable Energy Sources: Potential and Limitations.
  • The Role of Environmental Policy in Shaping Sustainable Cities.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Freshwater Resources.
  • The Relationship Between Human Health and Environmental Toxins.
  • The Ecological Footprint of Consumerism and Waste.
  • The Science of Restoring Degraded Ecosystems.
  • The Effects of Overfishing on Marine Biodiversity.
  • The Role of Environmental Education in Fostering Sustainable Practices.
  • The Impact of Industrialization on Natural Habitats and Species.

Sustainability Topics for Essays

Sustainability is a critical topic about the environment conservation. It plays a major role in our society, especially in the discussions around big corporations and manufacturers. Some of the topics related to the issue are:

  • The Principles of Sustainable Development: Balancing Economic, Social, and Environmental Goals.
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Achieving Sustainability.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Practices and Impacts on Food Security.
  • The Challenges of Sustainable Urban Planning and Development.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Integrating Sustainability into Business Practices.
  • The Importance of Biodiversity for Sustainable Ecosystems.
  • Sustainable Transportation: Reducing Carbon Emissions and Environmental Impact.
  • The Impact of Sustainable Practices on Global Climate Change.
  • Water Conservation Strategies for Sustainable Management of Water Resources.
  • The Role of Technology in Promoting Environmental Sustainability.
  • Sustainable Fashion: Addressing the Environmental Impact of the Textile Industry.
  • The Economics of Sustainability: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Sustainable Practices.
  • Community-Based Approaches to Sustainable Development.
  • The Importance of Education in Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles.
  • Zero-Waste Lifestyle: Practices and Implications for Sustainability.

Nature and Environment Essay Topics

Some of the essay topics you can choose to focus on nature itself, its dynamics, and interesting facts about it. Some of the themes you can discuss are:

  • The Role of Forests in Maintaining Environmental Balance.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Natural Habitats.
  • Ocean Conservation: Preserving Marine Biodiversity.
  • The Effects of Human Activities on Wildlife and Natural Ecosystems.
  • The Importance of Protecting Endangered Species.
  • The Relationship Between Nature and Human Well-being.
  • The Ecological Significance of Wetlands.
  • The Consequences of Melting Glaciers for Global Ecosystems.
  • The Role of National Parks in Wildlife Conservation.
  • The Impact of Pollution on Rivers and Lakes.
  • The Importance of Sustainable Land Use in Preserving Natural Resources.
  • The Effects of Deforestation on the Environment and Climate.
  • The Role of Bees and Other Pollinators in Ecosystem Health.
  • The Impact of Urbanization on Natural Landscapes.
  • The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Conservation.

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Environmental Argumentative Essay Topics

If you want to spark a discussion around the subject, these essay topics will definitely help you:

  • Should Governments Implement Stricter Regulations to Combat Climate Change?
  • The Necessity of a Global Ban on Single-Use Plastics.
  • Is Nuclear Energy a Safe and Sustainable Option for the Future?
  • Should Carbon Emissions Be Taxed to Encourage Reduction?
  • The Effectiveness of International Agreements in Addressing Global Warming.
  • Is Organic Farming a Viable Solution for Sustainable Agriculture?
  • Should Public Transportation Be Subsidized to Reduce Environmental Impact?
  • The Ethics of Animal Testing in Environmental Research.
  • Can Technological Innovations Alone Solve the Climate Crisis?
  • The Role of Individual Actions vs. Corporate Responsibility in Environmental Conservation.
  • Should There Be More Incentives for Using Renewable Energy Sources?
  • The Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment: Should There Be More Regulation?
  • Is Mandatory Recycling an Effective Strategy for Waste Reduction?
  • Should Offshore Drilling Be Banned to Protect Marine Ecosystems?
  • The Debate Over the True Sustainability of Biofuels.

Environmental Issues Essay Topics

  • The Global Water Crisis: Causes, Effects, and Solutions.
  • Air Pollution: Understanding Its Impact and Exploring Solutions.
  • The Threat of Deforestation to Biodiversity and Climate.
  • The Growing Problem of Electronic Waste: Challenges and Management Strategies.
  • The Impact of Agricultural Pesticides on the Environment and Human Health.
  • Climate Change: Understanding Its Causes and Addressing Its Effects.
  • The Loss of Coral Reefs: Causes, Consequences, and Conservation Efforts.
  • Urban Sprawl and Its Environmental Impact.
  • The Challenges of Sustainable Waste Management in Urban Areas.
  • The Effects of Overfishing on Marine Ecosystems and Biodiversity.
  • Soil Erosion and Degradation: Causes and Prevention Strategies.
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Mitigating Environmental Issues.
  • The Impact of Tourism on Natural Environments and Local Communities.
  • The Challenge of Balancing Economic Development and Environmental Conservation.

Environmental Law Topics

Fortunately, we as a society have started to care more about the environment, you can even often see environment conservation as one of the social issue essay topics. This is why there is more and more legislation around the subject. You can choose one of these topics as a theme for your essay:

  • The Effectiveness of International Environmental Treaties in Combating Climate Change.
  • The Legal Implications of Carbon Emission Trading Schemes.
  • The Role of Environmental Laws in Protecting Endangered Species.
  • Legal Challenges in Enforcing Marine Pollution Regulations.
  • The Impact of Environmental Laws on Sustainable Urban Development.
  • The Legal Framework for Managing Electronic Waste.
  • The Enforcement of Clean Air Acts and Their Impact on Air Quality.
  • Legal Strategies for Water Conservation and Management.
  • The Role of Environmental Impact Assessments in Project Development.
  • The Legalities of Deforestation and Land Use Regulations.
  • The Intersection of Environmental Law and Human Rights.
  • Legal Approaches to Managing Plastic Pollution and Single-Use Plastics.
  • The Regulation of Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Waste.
  • Legal Issues Surrounding Renewable Energy Implementation.
  • The Challenges of Enforcing International Wildlife Trafficking Laws.

Human Impact on the Environment Essay Topics

  • The Effects of Urbanization on Natural Habitats and Biodiversity.
  • Human Contributions to Climate Change: Causes and Solutions.
  • The Environmental Impact of Plastic Consumption and Waste.
  • Deforestation: Human Activities and Their Consequences on Forests.
  • The Role of Agriculture in Soil Degradation and Erosion.
  • The Impact of Industrial Pollution on Air, Water, and Soil Quality.
  • Overfishing: Human Practices and Their Effects on Marine Life.
  • The Consequences of Unsustainable Mining Practices.
  • Human-Induced Natural Disasters: A Study of Land Degradation and Erosion.
  • The Environmental Footprint of the Fashion Industry.
  • The Effects of Human Population Growth on Wildlife and Natural Resources.
  • The Impact of Transportation on Air Pollution and Climate Change.
  • Waste Management: Human Challenges and Environmental Effects.
  • The Role of Consumerism in Global Environmental Degradation.
  • The Impact of Technological Advancements on Environmental Sustainability.

Technology Saving Environment Essay Topics

  • The Role of Renewable Energy Technologies in Reducing Carbon Emissions.
  • Innovations in Water Purification and Conservation Technologies.
  • The Impact of Electric Vehicles on Reducing Air Pollution.
  • Smart Cities: Integrating Technology for Sustainable Urban Development.
  • The Use of Drones in Wildlife Monitoring and Conservation.
  • Solar Power Advancements and Their Role in Sustainable Energy.
  • Green Building Technologies and Their Impact on the Environment.
  • The Potential of Biotechnology in Environmental Cleanup.
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Energy Efficiency.
  • Technological Innovations in Sustainable Agriculture Practices.
  • The Use of Big Data in Environmental Monitoring and Protection.
  • The Contribution of 3D Printing to Waste Reduction.
  • The Impact of IoT (Internet of Things) on Resource Management.
  • Advancements in Battery Technology for Renewable Energy Storage.
  • The Role of Technology in Promoting Recycling and Waste Management.

Environmental Essay Topics for College Students

  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of Current Climate Change Policies.
  • The Role of Youth Activism in Environmental Conservation.
  • The Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment and Sustainable Alternatives.
  • The Challenges of Implementing Green Energy Solutions Globally.
  • Urban Green Spaces: Their Importance and Impact on City Dwellers.
  • The Environmental Consequences of the Meat Industry.
  • The Role of Environmental Education in Shaping Sustainable Behaviors.
  • The Ethics and Implications of Geoengineering as a Response to Climate Change.
  • The Impact of Tourism on Natural Ecosystems and Local Communities.
  • The Relationship Between Economic Development and Environmental Degradation.
  • The Future of Sustainable Transportation and Urban Mobility.
  • The Role of Corporate Responsibility in Environmental Sustainability.
  • The Impact of Ocean Acidification on Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries.
  • The Challenges and Opportunities of Waste Management in Developing Countries.
  • The Influence of Consumer Behavior on Environmental Sustainability.

In Conclusion

Hopefully, we’ve helped you to make the first step – to choose one of the relevant environmental essay topics. We can also help you make the next step as well. Contact our writing service right now, and we’ll assist you with creating a 100% unique text from one of our professional writers of your choosing.

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The 15 Best Argumentative Essay Topics On Environmental Issues

Many people are passionate about various environmental issues. Therefore, it is often a fantastic theme to use as the basis for argumentative essay. However, with so many topics related to environmental issues, it can sometimes be difficult to narrow down the perfect title for your paper.

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In order to help you think of a good title for your argumentative essay on environmental issues, the following will explain some techniques that you can use to think of ideas. Furthermore, at the bottom of this article, there is a list of 15 of the best argumentative essay topics for environmental issues, which you can either use verbatim, or as further inspiration for your own unique title.

One of the best ways to choose a title that you would like to write about is to note down any ideas you have off the top of your head. Some of these ideas may be useless; however, you will most likely be to think of some that you can use or, at the very least, some of the ideas will then inspire you to think of better topics and titles to write about. Essentially, you can use these brainstorming techniques to come up with a range of ideas, which can then be whittled down into you have the ideal title to use.

  • The government should do more to end the reliance on non-renewable energy sources
  • Should car owners pay more in taxes as a result of the environmental damage caused by pollution?
  • Should all future cars be hybrid vehicles to minimise environmental damage and pollution?
  • Should individuals face stricter penalties as a result of littering?
  • Should companies that are found guilty of dumping toxic waste and materials be shut down?
  • Should individual households do more to recycle any rubbish that they produce?
  • Is the United States doing enough to reduce CO2 emissions?
  • Are humans responsible for climate change?
  • Are cheap goods worth it considering the environmental damage caused to produce them?
  • Are hybrid cars as environmentally friendly as they are portrayed to be?
  • Should the United States set a good example for the rest of the world when it comes to reducing pollution?
  • Is the nuclear waste produced by nuclear submarines and nuclear power stations disposed of safely enough?
  • Are people overly concerned about the environmental effects of nuclear power?
  • Should all people travel by public transport?
  • Should the government make public transport free in order to reduce the polluting effect caused by individuals travelling by cars?

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Environmental Issues - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Global warming: fact or fiction.

Introduction: Global Warming is the theory that the atmosphere of the earth is gradually increasing as a result of the increase in levels of greenhouse gases and pollutants being released. Since the Industrial Revolution, Earth's global average temperature has increased by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (The World Counts, 2014). There are generally two opinions regarding the argument of global warming: those who believe it is occurring and those who do not. People who believe in the issue back their opinions up […]

Carbon Footprint: Global Warming

Global warming (a gradual increase in the earth's and the oceans' average temperature) and carbon footprint (the amount of greenhouse gases primarily carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by human activities) coincide because without carbon footprint there would not be any global warming. When I was a child and growing up in Virginia, this state seemed experienced all four seasons. Today, this Old Dominion state seems to experience only two seasons summer and winter. I personally think this apparent change […]

Is Global Warming a Hoax?

Introduction As people, we can be privileged to all sorts of opinions. This creates the possibility of many controversies. Much like the argument Is Global warming a hoax? This is one of the most famous controversies happening around the world today. This dispute isn't just between the average person, scientist themselves disagreeing among one another. Which, is something I didn't expect before doing my own research. So the question is, what is global warming and why do some believe while […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

How Can Climate Change Affect Natural Disasters?

Global warming is considered a consensus problem which affected the lives of many people and nature catastrophically. This terrible phenomenon can be described as the rise of the regular temperature of earth which occurs when pollutants in the atmosphere absorb the heat that has bounced off the surface and should be taken to space. (Venkataramanan, 2011). Many people disagree on its existence, however the usual temperature of earth has risen about 1 degree Fahrenheit as said by NASA (Hardy, 2003). […]

Overpopulation in the World

Introduction The current world population stands 7.6 billion as per the United Nations Statistics, while the human population is projected to clock 10.5 billion in the year 2040 and 12 billion by the year 2050. The current human population growth rate per year 70 million. China has got the highest number of people per unit area, with the total population being 1.2 billion. The African continent has reached the highest population growth rate, which is 6 percent while the lowest […]

How does Global Warming Affect the Arctic Animal?

Over the past years, global warming had slowly gotten worse and is now affecting the animals leaving them without a home to go to. Not only does climate change increases the chances of natural disaster but also destructing our natural habitat and creating an unfit environment to survive in. What's worse is the rise in temperature leading a meltdown of ice among the arctic creating an extreme difficult condition and the struggle for species to make a living. Essentially, global […]

Greenhouse Effect & Types of Pollution

Transportation, industrial, phonic, water and air are all types of pollution coming from personal cars, cruise ships and smokestacks, decreasing the clean air to breathe, homes for animals, food production, and great changes to the poles. Global warming is severely affecting our planet, and it continues to grow out of control. Global warming is the gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere. This causes the greenhouse gases to increase, increasing the levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and […]

Global Warming – Rising Temperature of the Atmosphere and Ocean

Throughout earth's history, climate has fluctuated (for example ice age). However, if you take into account how many organisms have evolved, and how each one depends on their habitats to survive, fluctuations will be more harmful now, especially to humanity. The main cause of global warming is thought to be the result of human actions, for example; Carbon dioxide emissions (from cars and other transport) interfering with the Ozone layer, deforestation (from workers creating space for cattle grazing), and farming […]

Global Warming: its Causes and its Real Impact on the Earth

The steadily increasing temperature of our planet's atmosphere is known as global warming. Global warming has been a subject of much political and social controversy in recent years due to arguments questioning its legitimacy. When the facts of these arguments are seen in context, their relevance becomes apparent. The data clearly indicate that global warming is happening and that it is human-induced. The anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases negatively impacts our environment, causing an increase in global temperature. This results […]

Global Warming Affects the Natural Balance of Environment

The world climate is changing significantly day by day. What is Global Warming? Global Warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide. Climate change causes an increase in average temperature. However a worldwide temperature adjustment are caused by characteristic occasions and humans that are accepted to be an add to accretion in normal temperatures. An Earth-wide temperature boost is a difficult issue […]

Climatic Changes in Greenland

Greenland is mostly covered in ice making it susceptible to melting from warm temperatures. The reason this country is named Greenland is because when Erik the Red was banned from Iceland he discovered this icy country and gave it the name in hopes of people settling (Pandita). In July and August of this year, the number of surface melt days on the Southwestern coast of Greenland was significantly above average, which is clearly an indication that global warming has begun […]

Global Warming – a Fix for the Future

Everyone has heard the infamous words global warming, but not many understand the disaster that's happening. Terms are thrown out such as carbon emissions and greenhouse gases the list goes on, and those not scientifically savvy tend to brush off what may become the downfall of humanity. According to Nasa's official website, The planet's average surface temperature has risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century, a change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide and […]

The Art of Global Warming

Mankind has felt the need to leave its mark on history since the dawn of human civilization. There is evidence of this close to home in the tallest skyscrapers of New York and as far-reaching as Neil Armstrong's footprints on the moon. But how far is too far? As we have grown, so too has our knowledge of the world and the advancements in science and technology that come with it. So much so, that we are now faced with […]

The Greenhouse Effect

Human activities have contributed to what we now know as 'Global Warming' since the 19th century. Global Warming also known as the Greenhouse Effect is the warming that happens when Earth's atmosphere traps heat, almost like the walls of a greenhouse. Sunlight shines on the Earth where it is then absorbed and radiated back into the atmosphere as heat and is then trapped by what we call greenhouse gasses. Experts warn that we only have until 2030 to stem catastrophic […]

Climate Change: Vulnerability and Responsibility

When it comes to the environment people talk about how it is important to care for the earth we live in. While it is important to discuss such issues it is more beneficial to take action rather than to just talk about it. The earth is in desperate need of aid and though to many, it may not matter that the earth has increased a few degrees it can and has had devastating impacts. Taking responsibility for our home is […]

Climate Change – Scientists and Environmentalists are Deeply Concerned

Anthropogenic climate change and global warming cannot be denied. By reducing pollution, preventing deforestation and curtailing oil drilling, we can preserve the environment and mitigate the effects of global warming. Global warming is detrimental to Earth's environment. Most people are not aware of this and do not consider it as a major threat to earth's biosphere. The purpose of the images shown here is to highlight the causes, impact and mitigation of global warming. There are ways we can mitigate […]

Global Warming and the Future of the World’s Climate

Although hard to imagine, in less than a hundred years the US East Coast and other stretches of coastline around the world could be submerged underwater. Cites such as New York, New Orleans, and Houston could be swamped off the map as the waters of the Atlantic or Gulf of Mexico overtook the previously dry land. The skyscrapers of the old downtown areas would become islands poking out of a vast sea of blue covering the roads and old infrastructure. […]

Climate Change – Critical Issue

I believe that among the numerous critical issues facing most Americans in this world today, climate change stands as one of, if not the most urgent. However, understanding and assimilating the different causes of the ever-growing environmental problems critically facing our lives today are crucial for reducing our pollution footprint. Climate change effects include major changes in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, as well as other frequent disastrous weather phenomenon. That said, climate change policy in the US has transformed timidly […]

Global Warming – Several Major Agrarian Concerns

For many years, researchers have focused on maintaining the availability of food sources for the ever-growing human population. There are many factors that may impact the abundance of food; this research will focus on overall increase in temperature across the world and its impact on the agricultural environment. Global warming is a major research topic that presents several major agrarian concerns. In order to combat these concerns, scientists have been trying to find the root causes of problems presented through […]

The World should Turn to Vegetarian Diet to Stop Global Warming

A vegetarian according to vegetarian society is somebody who is on a diet of fruits, seeds, grains, vegetables, legumes, nut, yeast, fungi, algae, and/or some other non-animal grounded food (e.g. salt) with or minus dairy foods, eggs and/or honey. Global warming according to live science is the continuing temperature of the ground's surface, seas and thermosphere are any of the utmost frustrating environmental matters. Normal side heats high an entire of 1.71 units Fahrenheit (0.95 unit Celsius) between 1880 and […]

Causes and Effects of Global Warming

People are arguing if global warming is caused by man or if its a natural occurrence. Well, volcanoes have contributed to global warming such as El Chichon in 1982 and Pinatubo in 1991 they have cooled the earth's temperature but this was temporary. however, the amount of carbon dioxide they reliance is small compared to humans there are other things that can cause natural temperature changes tiny wiggles in the earth's orbit can change when and where sunlight hits even […]

Is a Tax on Carbon Emission a Way to Combat Global Warming?

In today's modern world, and especially during our current political environment, there is a big question of how important environmental issues are going to be now in our changing American government. Now that things are evolving and a new generation is casting their votes, most Americans are curious to see how the votes turn out and what are politicians will do regarding getting more awareness for climate change. After the elections, the next big concern is if the people within […]

Impact of Society on Earth’s Atmosphere

Everyday society is impacting the earth's atmosphere weather it is in a good or bad way. Mostly society effects the earth's atmosphere in a negative way, although people are aware of the current situation, they still continue to do the things that effect the earth atmosphere in a negative way. These things being burning fossil fuels, deforestation, or as easy as using fertilizers. According to climate change sheet 22 last modified on 07/18/2012 nitrogen contained in many fertilizers enhances the […]

Solutions on Pollution Issue

Funding is the most important factor in order to improve the current conditions of Vietnam. Seven principles which pollution control funds should aim to follow can be drawn from the decade of experience with environment funds of various kinds in Vietnam. To be effective, EPFs should: 1.Have a clear and overriding objective of pollution reduction and prevention. 2.Work according to a comprehensive pollution control plan of government which is based on credible and systematic priority setting procedures. 3.Integrate with the […]

How Global Warming Works

There's bright blue in the past, now there is horrible gray in the future and more heat in the summers, and the winters are getting warmer than usual. The seas and oceans rising, the ice caps falling, and animals decreasing. It is time to come to a conflict that could make our planet Earth fall. Welcome to a tremendous problem EVERYONE is trying to solve global warming. Industrializing is a benefit for us and the economy. All of this falls […]

The Global Warming Taboo

It is still hard to understand that the topic of Global Warming is still being thrown under the rug as it is perceived by some that it is not a leading issue that needs to be tackled. It makes me wonder why so much of America can't see the problems that are being created just by our everyday actions. Due to the fact that the issue is still under mass controversy leads the topic of global warming to be a […]

Natural Disasters and Climate Change

Global warming is the gradual increase of temperature in the world's atmosphere. It is often caused by high levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. It may also be increased by fossil fuels and agriculture causing many severe consequences, such as: species extinction, reduced forest and coral reefs, drought increases in Africa, severe flooding in Asia, threats to small islands because of ocean levels rising, and severe weather in hurricane zones. Our society today is destroying the climate. Every time […]

Climate Change: Environmental Protection Agency

Global warming, often referred to as climate change is used to describe the rise in average surface temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth's climate. There is a great debate amongst many as to whether global warming is real( some call it a hoax). There is a broad-based agreement within the scientific community that climate change is real. The U.S Environmental Protection Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space […]

Global Warming and its Effects

Global warming has been a top discussion for a while now. Some people believe it is true based on the change in weather, more fires/floods, and severe droughts in some areas while others deny the fact that it is occurring. Recently, the topic of global warming has become more of a political topic. This is probably because a lot of the industries that are causing some of the issues would be affected financially if they were forced to take responsibility […]

The Story of Stuff

Four main issues have been discussed in the fourth chapter, "Consumption" of The Story of Stuff. The four themes are discussed below: Unhappy People, Nation, and PlanetAnnie emphasizes that many stuff doesn't make us happy but the work done out of hard work makes one satisfied thus one is happy. She goes further to say that "we can only compromise so much until no solution is reached." If one is rich, it is assumed he is happy, and those who […]

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111 Environmental Issues Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on environmental issues, ✍️ environmental issues essay topics for college, 👍 good environmental issues research topics & essay examples, 🎓 most interesting environmental issues research titles, 💡 simple environmental issues essay ideas, ❓ research questions about environmental issues.

  • Environmental Issues in Educational Institutions
  • Environmental Issues and Protecting the Environment
  • The United Arab Emirates: Environmental Issues
  • Environmental Issues in the Hospitality Industry
  • Global Environmental Issue in the 21st Century
  • Environmental Issues and Human Health
  • Environmental Issues in The Lorax Movie
  • Microplastics as an Environmental Safety Issue One of the priorities of today’s ecologists, biotechnologists, community activists, and environmentalists is the problem of microplastic pollution.
  • Waste Disposal: Environmental Issue Environmental issues are a common occurrence worldwide, with new patterns emerging every day. It is important to note that humans are the main actors in environmental issues.
  • Environmental Issues in the Hospitality Industry: An Actual Trend Environmental issues are an important challenge for the modern world, and the hospitality business is one of the fields where those issues are strongly marked.
  • Environmental Issues in the United Arab Emirates This paper overviews the main environmental issues, ecological problem trends in the United Arab Emirates and which these trends will be in the future.
  • Environmental Ethical Issues: History, Current Events, and Significance Environmental ethics exerts its influence on several disciplines such as sociology, law, theology, economics, geography and ecology.
  • Environmental Issues in Namibia Due to Rössing Uranium Mine The study focuses on the Rössing uranium mine, as uranium is one of the most toxic substances and its mining significantly worsens the standard of living of the population.
  • Environmental Issues in the Third World Countries Environmentalism is a type of social movement or a broad philosophy that is geared towards the conservation of the environment and also seeks to improve the quality of the environment.
  • Environmental Issues and Ethics: The Questions Environmental ethics concerns itself with “the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its nonhuman contents.”
  • The Importance of Solving a Social Issue of Environmental Plastic Pollution Plastic single-use cheap objects constitute a large volume of all waste globally, forming big plastic patches in the oceans, seas, and land, thus harming the marine and land wildlife.
  • World Environmental Politics: Biocentric and Anthropocentric Views on Environmental Issues Environmental issues have been in the spotlight for decades but it is clear that people are still reluctant to pay the necessary attention to the matter.
  • Human Factors Issues in Virtual Environment Human factors engineering is a field that employs a systems methodology to fit tasks to human abilities and skills while boosting technology and human interfaces.
  • World Health Organization: Response to Health and Environmental Issues This paper examines the World Health Organization and its response to environmental crisis, health crisis among homeless people, and disease prevention.
  • Environmental Issues: Air Pollution One of the central environmental problems in today’s world is air pollution. With the development of cities, people expand the reach of their technology.
  • The 2010 Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico: Environmental and Policy Issues The paper argues oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 was a large-scale man-made environmental disaster that had a disruptive impact on wildlife and ecosystems.
  • Flood Environmental Issues in the Netherlands With the current constantly rising sea levels, the Netherlands is at constant risk of floods, and those calamities were harsh incentives for the country’s development.
  • Environmental Justice Issues in Miami The paper focuses on the environmental justice issue in Miami, Florida, which has always had questions associated with the unfair distribution of environmental burdens.
  • Environmental Issues: Problems of Climate Change The paper states that climate change poses a threat to the planet in various forms, including vital impacts on health, food, water, and air.
  • The Environmental Issues Significant Impact on Health Factors such as natural hazards, air pollution, poor quality of water, and favorable conditions for the development of the incurable viruses are hazardous.
  • The Patient Safety Issues in Today’s Diverse Global Environment This paper thus evaluates various solutions that can be utilized in solving the patient safety issues in today’s diverse global environment.
  • Environmental Issues: Biodiversity Loss The loss of biodiversity is an environmental problem that needs urgent intervention since it threatens livelihoods.
  • Modern Environmental Issues: Climate Change Climate change had taken place before humans evolved, but the issue lies in the one, which is caused by direct human intervention.
  • Globalization and Related Environmental Issues Globalization supports the flow of raw materials, wastes, and pollutants from one region to another. The wave of industrialization does not care much about environmental issues.
  • Food and Sustainable Environmental Issues in Campus This paper aims to explore the environmental knowledge of the campus community and foster an understanding of how students use resources (food, water,) and energy-related issues.
  • Environmental Ethical Issues and Current Situation This paper seeks to address the challenge of environmental ethics to human centeredness which is embedded in global thinking, the current situation in environmental ethics.
  • Environmental Issues: Intensive Farming Intensive farming as an issue involves factors such as overgrazing, inappropriate methods during the preparation of land for farming for example slashing of bushes, etc.
  • Coffee Firm: Environmental and Social Issues We take a critical look into some of the environmental and social concerns that may be associated with this Coffee firm in the United Kingdom.
  • Questions on Environmental Ethics Concerns It’s quite possible that under a bureaucratic and rigidly enforced system, the priorities over environment may not be as efficiently monitored as under a private enterprise system.
  • Lack of Water in California as an Environmental Issue California can run out of water because of technological and social problems that affected the region. Defining water resources’ “development” is critically important.
  • Environmental Issues: Plastics in the Ocean The circular economy encourages recycling and reuse and this approach could be used effectively to mitigate the problem of plastic marine pollution in the long term.
  • Global Awareness of Environmental and Moral Issues Global awareness entails the aspect of making people, the society, have an understanding of various life issues that is based on knowledge of global perspectives.
  • Environment and Legislation Issues This work examines private action on polluters as a deterrent to the degradation of the environment and the response of Texas to the regulations of Federal Regulatory Agencies.
  • Pollution and Noise as Environmental Health Issues This paper explores the concept of environmental health and the issues related to its use. On the whole, a detailed explanation of the term “environmental health” is provided.
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  • The Issue of Environment Pollution in Peru For their scavenger habits, the Peruvians use black vultures, or coragyps atrarus. This species is extensive in population and does not fall under special protection.
  • Water Scarcity Issue and Environment The paper answers the question why to be worried about running out of drinking water even though the earth’s surface is mostly made of water.
  • Agriculturally Related Environmental Issues in Free Trade Agreements
  • Environmental Issues, Climate Changes, and Energy Security in Developing Asia
  • Computable General Equilibrium Modeling of Environmental Issues in Australia
  • Environmental Issues Facing Future of the European Car Industry
  • Mongolia’s Economy Trapped Between Mining Precious Metals and Environmental Issues
  • Long-Term Energy-Related Environmental Issues of Copper Production
  • Conflicting Interests and Property Rights in Environmental Issues
  • Innovative Monitoring Tool for Environmental Issues Within Project Management
  • Health and Environmental Issues in the Middle East and Third World Countries
  • Economic and Environmental Issues Involved With Farming Practices That Increase Productivity
  • Political Discourses and Ethical Approaches That May Impact Environmental Issues
  • Hydrological and Environmental Issues of Interbasin Water Transfers in India
  • The Environmental Issues Start Piling Up: Overpopulation, Fracking, Increased Ozone Levels, and Pollution
  • How Companies Have Responded to Environmental Issues Over the Last 10 Years
  • Environmental Issues That Affect the Five Main Business Functions
  • Why Japanese Firms Choose to Certify: Managerial Responses to Environmental Issues
  • Developing Countries and Their Development of Human, Archaeological, and Environmental Issues
  • Malaysia’s Maritime Environmental Issues and Their Impact on Naval Operations
  • Environmental Issues Affecting the Border Between the United States and Mexico
  • An Investigation of Perception, Attitudes, and Awareness of Environmental Issues in Zambia
  • The Environmental Issues Raised by the Disturbance of the Natural Balance in the Level of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
  • Environmental Issues Associated With Conventional Power
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  • Pollution and Environmental Issues in Agriculture and the Livestock Industry
  • Energy and Environmental Issues for the Midwest Economy
  • Shale and Tight Gas in Poland: Legal and Environmental Issues
  • India: The Unfortunate Correlation Between Poverty and Environmental Issues
  • What Causes Our Environmental Issues and How Can We Avoid Further Damages?
  • Democrats and Republicans’ Influences on Environmental Issues Since 1965
  • Royal Dutch Shell: Company Strategies for Dealing With Environmental Issues
  • Environmental Issues and the Importance of Connecting With Nature
  • Combining Economic Reasoning With Environmental Issues
  • Will Environmental Issues Increasingly Dominate Foreign Policy in Coming Years?
  • Environmental Issues and Farming in Developing Countries
  • Overpopulation: The Underlying Cause of Most Environmental Issues
  • Ford Motor Company’s Success With Environmental Issues
  • Environmental Issues: Company’s Perspective and Government Policies
  • Current Environmental Issues: UAE Environment Policy
  • Environmental Issues That Impact The Tourism Industry: Global Warming Causes
  • How Public Pressure Can Affect Environmental Issues
  • Ethical and Environmental Issues of International Marketing
  • International Relations and the Influences of Environmental Issues
  • Policy Measures Addressing Agri-environmental Issues
  • Social and Environmental Issues in Corporative Management: A Romanian Story
  • What Are the Major Environmental Issues Facing Society?
  • How Did Environmental Issues Start?
  • Will Environmental Issues Increasingly Dominate Foreign Policy in the Coming Years?
  • How Can We Solve the Environmental Issues?
  • What Is the Main Cause of All Environmental Issues on Earth Today?
  • How Can the Government Reduce Environmental Issues?
  • What Environmental Issues Is Society Facing Today?
  • Do Environmental Issues Affect Business?
  • Why Is Ethics Important in Environmental Issues?
  • What Are the Biggest Environmental Issues?
  • How Can Businesses Solve Environmental Issues?
  • What Is the Environmental Issue of Water Pollution?
  • How Does Trade Affect Environmental Issues?
  • What Are the Most Important Environmental Issues of the 21st Century?
  • Why Are Environmental Issues Important?
  • Does Tourism Development Impact Environmental Issues?
  • What Are Global Environmental Issues?
  • Who Is Responsible for Environmental Issues?
  • Is There a Relationship Between Social Work and Environmental Issues?
  • What Actions Do We Need to Take to Reduce the Environmental Issues?
  • Should Social Workers Be Involved in Environmental Issues?
  • What Environmental Issues Does the United Kingdom Have?
  • How Can Ethics Be Applied to Environmental Issues?
  • What Are the Major Environmental Problems in the United States?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, June 5). 111 Environmental Issues Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/environmental-issues-essay-topics/

"111 Environmental Issues Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 5 June 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/environmental-issues-essay-topics/.

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1. StudyCorgi . "111 Environmental Issues Essay Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/environmental-issues-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "111 Environmental Issues Essay Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/environmental-issues-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "111 Environmental Issues Essay Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/environmental-issues-essay-topics/.

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This essay topic collection was updated on December 28, 2023 .

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  • Gen Z, Millennials Stand Out for Climate Change Activism, Social Media Engagement With Issue
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Table of Contents

  • 1. Climate engagement and activism
  • 3. Local impact of climate change, environmental problems
  • Acknowledgments
  • Methodology
  • Appendix: Detailed charts and tables

A majority of Americans consider climate change a priority today so that future generations can have a sustainable planet, and this view is held across generations.

Looking to the future, the public is closely divided on what it will take to address climate change: While about half say it’s likely major lifestyle changes in the U.S. will be needed to deal with climate change impacts, almost as many say it’s more likely new developments in technology will address most of the problems cause by climate change.

On policy, majorities prioritize the use of renewable energy and back the expanded use of specific sources like wind and solar. Americans offer more support than opposition to a range of policies aimed at reducing the effects of climate change, including key climate-related aspects of President Joe Biden’s recent infrastructure proposal. Still, Americans do not back a complete break with carbon: A majority says oil and gas should still be part of the energy mix in the U.S., and about half oppose phasing out gas-powered vehicles by 2035.

Chart shows majority of Americans prioritize reducing the effects of climate change to ensure a sustainable planet for future generations

Overall, 64% of U.S. adults say reducing the effects of climate change needs to be “a top priority to ensure a sustainable planet for future generations, even if that means fewer resources for addressing other important problems today.” By contrast, 34% say that reducing the effects of climate change needs to be “a lower priority, with so many other important problems facing Americans today, even if that means more climate problems for future generations.”

There are stark partisan differences over this sentiment. Nearly nine-in-ten Democrats (87%) say efforts to reduce the effects of climate change need to be prioritized today to ensure a sustainable planet. By contrast, 61% of Republicans say that efforts to reduce the effects of climate change need to be a lower priority, with so many other important problems facing Americans today. (Democrats and Republicans include those who lean to each party.)

Chart shows looking ahead, Americans closely divided over whether lifestyle changes will be needed, or new technology can mitigate effects of climate change

Asked to look to the future 50 years from now, 51% of Americans say it’s more likely that major changes to everyday life in the U.S. will be needed to address the problems caused by global climate change. By contrast, 46% say it’s more likely that new technology will be able to address most of the problems caused by global climate change.

Most Democrats (69%) expect that in 50 years major lifestyle changes in the U.S. will be needed to address the problems caused by climate change. By contrast, among Republicans, two-thirds (66%) say it’s likelier that new technology will be able to address most climate change problems in the U.S. Among Republicans, this view is widely held (81%) among the majority who do not see climate change as an important personal concern; Republicans who express greater personal concern about climate change are more likely to say major changes to everyday life in the future will be needed to address problems caused by climate change.

Chart shows younger Republicans more likely than older to prioritize reducing effects of climate change now

Overall, majorities across generations believe that climate change should be a top priority today to ensure a sustainable planet for future generations. Generational divisions are more prominent among Republicans than Democrats, however.

Among Republicans, about half of Gen Zers (49%) and Millennials (48%) give top priority to reducing the effect of climate change today, even if that means fewer resources to deal with other important problems. By contrast, majorities of Gen X (61%) and Baby Boomer and older Republicans (71%) say reducing the effects of climate change needs to a lower priority today, given the other problems Americans are facing.

Generational differences among Democrats on this question are modest, with clear majorities giving priority to dealing with climate change today.

Majority of Americans prioritize developing alternative energy sources, but only a third would phase out all fossil fuels

Burning fossil fuels for electricity and in cars and trucks are among the primary sources of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Americans broadly favor increasing the use of renewable energy sources, but a majority reject the idea of phasing out fossil fuel energy sources completely. And Americans are about evenly divided on the idea of phasing out the production of new gasoline cars and trucks by 2035.

Chart shows most Democrats prioritize alternative energy development, Republicans are now divided

There are familiar partisan divisions over nearly every aspect of energy policy, particularly when it comes to fossil fuels. Political divides have widened over the past year as Republican support for alternative energy sources – including wind and solar power – has fallen while support for expanding offshore oil drilling, hydraulic fracturing and coal mining has ticked up.

Within both parties, Gen Zers and Millennials are more supportive of proposals to move away from fossil fuels than their older counterparts.

A majority of Americans (71%) continue to say that the U.S. should prioritize developing alternative energy, while a much smaller share (27%) prioritizes expanding the production of oil, coal and natural gas.

The share of Republicans who prioritize developing alternative energy sources over expanding the production of fossil fuels has fallen 18 percentage points in the past year. As a result, Republicans are now closely divided between these two energy priorities. Democrats remain near consensus levels in their support for prioritizing development of alternative energy levels.

Among Republicans, there are significant generational differences in support for increasing the development of renewable energy sources. Majorities of Gen Z (63%) and Millennial (62%) Republicans prioritize increased development of renewable sources, such as wind and solar. Smaller shares of Gen X Republicans (50%) and just 33% of Baby Boomer and older Republicans prioritize this approach over the expanding of fossil fuel development. For more details, including longer-term trends over time, see the Appendix .

Chart shows most Americans support expanding use of solar and wind power

Republicans and Democrats also differ over the best way to encourage reliance on renewable energy sources. Most Democrats (81%) continue to see a need for government regulations to increase reliance on renewable energy. On the other hand, two-thirds of Republicans (67%) say the private marketplace alone will be enough. See the Appendix for details.

In keeping with support for prioritizing the development of renewable energy, most Americans favor expanding solar panel farms (84%) and wind turbine farms (77%). By contrast, majorities oppose more coal mining (61%), more hydraulic fracturing (56%) and more offshore oil and gas drilling (55%).

Americans are divided over expanding nuclear power: 50% favor more nuclear power plants, while 47% are opposed.

Republican support for expanding solar power is down 11 points in the last year (from 84% to 73%), and support for wind power has fallen 13 points (from 75% to 62%). Democrats’ widely held support for increasing both energy sources remains largely unchanged.

In addition, there has been an increase since 2020 in the shares of Republicans who support expanding hydraulic fracturing of natural gas (up 10 points), offshore oil and gas drilling (up 6 points) and coal mining (up 6 points). See the Appendix for details.

Chart shows among Republicans, support for expanding use of fossil fuels sources is lower among Gen Z, Millennials

Even so, younger Republicans remain less likely than their older counterparts to support expanding fossil fuel sources, consistent with past Center surveys.

For instance, 79% of Baby Boomer and older Republicans support more offshore oil and gas drilling, while roughly half (48%) of Gen Z Republicans say the same (a difference of 31 points). There are similar divides over hydraulic fracturing, the primary extraction technique for natural gas (74% of Baby Boomer and older Republicans favor vs. 44% of Gen Z Republicans).

Nearly two-thirds of Americans support using a mix of fossil fuel and renewable energy sources, younger adults more inclined to phase out fossil fuels completely

While a large share of U.S. adults would prioritize alternative energy development over expanding the use of fossil fuels, most adults are not inclined to give up reliance on fossil fuels altogether.

Chart shows majority of Americans favor using a mix of fossil fuels and renewable sources

The survey finds 64% of Americans say they support ongoing use of oil, coal and natural gas as well as renewable energy sources, while a third (33%) say the country should phase out the use of fossil fuels completely.

There are sharp differences of opinion about this issue by party. Most Republicans (86%) say that the U.S. should rely on a mix of fossil fuel and renewable energy sources. Democrats are about evenly divided, with 47% in favor of using a mix of sources and 50% calling for a phase out of fossil fuels. About two-thirds of liberal Democrats (65%) support phasing out fossil fuels but fewer moderate and conservative Democrats say the same (39%).

There are also generational divisions on this issue, with younger generations more likely to support giving up fossil fuel use over time. In fact, majorities of Democratic Gen Zers (60%) and Millennials (57%) support phasing out fossil fuel use completely.

Americans are closely divided over phasing out gas-powered vehicles; Democrats, younger adults are more receptive to the idea

Chart shows Americans are closely divided over whether to phase out gas-powered cars

Climate advocates point to electric vehicles as a way to cut down on carbon emissions and reduce climate change. Americans are about equally divided on the idea of phasing out production of gasoline cars and trucks by 2035. A little under half (47%) say they would favor such a proposal, while 51% are opposed.

As with other proposals on climate and energy issues, partisans express opposing viewpoints. About two-thirds of Democrats (68%) support phasing out gasoline cars by 2035, while 76% of Republicans oppose this.

Most U.S. adults oppose oil drilling in ANWR but are more divided over Keystone XL decision

The issue of whether or not to allow oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has long been a controversy in energy policy. Overall, most Americans (70%) oppose the idea, while 27% are in favor.

Nearly all Democrats (89%) say they oppose allowing oil and gas drilling in the ANWR. Republicans are about evenly divided, with half in favor of allowing this and 48% opposed.

One of Biden’s  first actions as president  was revoking the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. The pipeline would have carried oil from Canada into the U.S.

About half of Americans (49%) say canceling the pipeline was the right decision, while 45% say it was the wrong decision.

Most Democrats (78%) say it was the right decision, while most Republicans (80%) say otherwise. See details in the  Appendix .

But there are also generational dynamics in views about gasoline-powered vehicles, with younger adults more supportive than older adults of phasing out gas cars and trucks. Narrow majorities of Gen Zers (56%) and Millennials (57%) support such a proposal, compared with 38% of Baby Boomer and older Americans. This pattern holds within both parties, though sizable partisan divides remain across all generations. See the Appendix for a look at how these generational and partisan divides compare across measures.

The public is broadly familiar with electric vehicles: About nine-in-ten have heard either a lot (30%) or a little (62%) about them. When it comes to first-hand experience, 7% of adults say they currently have an electric or hybrid vehicle; 93% say they do not.

People who say they have heard a lot about electric vehicles are closely divided over the idea of phasing out gas-powered cars and trucks by a margin of 52% in favor to 48% opposed. Not surprisingly, those who currently own an electric or hybrid vehicle are largely in favor of this idea (68% vs. 31% opposed).

Broad public support for a number of policies to address climate change, including some proposed in Biden infrastructure plan

In late March, the Biden administration announced a $2 trillion infrastructure plan with several elements they argue would help reduce the effects of climate change. The new Center survey finds majorities of Americans support a number of proposals to address global climate change, including three specific elements in Biden’s infrastructure plan.

There are sharp partisan divisions over many of these proposals, as expected. In addition, there are concerns, particularly among Democrats, that Biden’s policy proposals will not go far enough in efforts to reduce the effects of climate change.

Majorities of U.S. adults support a range of approaches to address climate change

The new Center survey finds majorities back three specific elements of Biden’s infrastructure plan. More than seven-in-ten Americans (74%) favor a proposed requirement for power companies to use more energy from renewable sources, such as solar and wind, to reduce carbon emissions. A smaller majority – 62% – favors federal spending to build a network of electric vehicle charging stations across the country in order to increase the use of electric cars and trucks.

Chart shows majorities support three specific proposals in Biden’s infrastructure plan; half think plan will help economy

And 63% of Americans support the idea of raising corporate taxes to pay for more energy efficient buildings and improved roads and bridges, a key funding mechanism in Biden’s infrastructure proposal.

Biden has closely tied his climate-focused infrastructure proposals with economic and job growth. Half of U.S. adults think that the Biden administration’s plan to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure in ways that are aimed at reducing the effects of climate change will help the economy. Three-in-ten think this will hurt the economy, and 18% say it will make no difference.

Chart shows majorities of Americans support proposals aimed at reducing the effects of climate change

Americans continue to broadly support a number of longer-standing proposals to reduce the effects of climate change. Nine-in-ten Americans favor planting additional trees to absorb carbon dioxide emissions. About eight-in-ten (81%) favor providing a tax credit for businesses that develop technology that can capture and store carbon emissions before they enter the atmosphere. Both of these ideas were part of a set of policies supported by congressional Republicans last year .

Large majorities of Americans also favor tougher restrictions on power plant carbon emissions (76%), taxing corporations based on the amount of carbon emissions they produce (70%) and tougher fuel-efficiency standards for automobiles and trucks (70%).

54% of Democrats think Biden administration’s climate policies will not go far enough

Three months into the Biden administration, there is no clear consensus over the administration’s approach on climate change. About four-in-ten Americans (41%) think the Biden administration’s policies to reduce the effects of climate change will not go far enough. Roughly three-in-ten (29%) think the Biden administration will go too far, and a similar share (28%) say the administration’s approach will be about right.

Chart shows a narrow majority of Democrats say Biden will not go far enough on climate

Republicans and Democrats have far different expectations for the Biden’s administration policies on climate change. A narrow majority of Democrats and those who lean to the Democratic Party (54%) –including 63% of liberal Democrats – think the administration’s policies will not go far enough to reduce the effects of climate change.

In contrast, six-in-ten Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say the Biden administration’s policies will go too far, including 74% of conservative Republicans.

There are some generational differences in views on this this issue among Republicans, in line with differences over the importance of addressing climate change. About as many Gen Z Republicans say Biden’s climate policies will not go far enough (35%) as say the policies will go too far (38%). By comparison, a 72% majority of Republicans in the Baby Boomer or older generations think the Biden administration will go too far on climate change.

Chart shows large majorities of Democrats and smaller shares of Republicans back range of climate proposals

When it comes to views about proposals aimed at reducing climate change, however, there are few differences of opinion across generations among either party. Yet large differences remain between Republicans and Democrats overall.

Democrats’ views about five proposals aimed at reducing the effects of climate change are uniformly positive. Roughly 85% to 95% of Democrats support each.

Republicans and Republican leaners are most supportive of proposals to absorb carbon emissions by planting large numbers of trees (88%), followed by a proposal to provide a corporate tax credit for carbon-capture technology (73%). A majority of the GOP (58%) favor tougher restrictions on carbon emissions from power plants. About half of Republicans favor taxing corporate carbon emissions (50%) or tougher fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks (49%).

There are no divisions within the GOP by generation across these issues, though ideological divides are often sharp. For example, 65% of moderate and liberal Republicans favor tougher fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks, compared with 40% of conservative Republicans.

Chart shows wide partisan divides over Biden’s infrastructure plans, and modest generational differences within GOP

Republicans and Democrats are also deeply divided over climate-focused proposals in the Biden administration’s infrastructure plan.

Large majorities of Democrats favor requiring power companies to use more energy from renewable sources (92%), raising corporate taxes to pay for energy efficient buildings and improved roads (84%) and building a network of electric vehicle charging stations across the country (82%).

About half of Republicans (52%) support requiring power companies to use more energy from renewable sources. There is less support for federal spending to build a nationwide network of electric vehicle charging stations (38%). An equal share of Republicans (38%) support the idea of raising taxes on corporations to pay for more energy efficient buildings and better roads, although more moderates and liberals in the GOP (59%) than conservatives (27%) support this idea.

There is comparatively more support for these proposals among younger Republicans, particularly for federal spending to build electric vehicle charging stations and requirements for power plants to use more renewable sources.

Republicans and Democrats at odds over economic impact of Biden’s infrastructure plan

Chart shows half of Americans think the Biden administration’s infrastructure plan will help the nation’s economy

Democrats are largely optimistic that the Biden administration’s plan to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure in ways aimed at reducing the effects of climate change will help the economy. About eight-in-ten Democrats (78%) say this.

Among Republicans, a majority (59%) thinks this proposed plan will hurt the economy, while only about two-in-ten (18%) say it will help. Conservative Republicans (71%) are especially inclined to say the climate-focused infrastructure proposal will hurt the economy.

Generational differences are largely modest but occur in both parties. Baby Boomer Republicans are the most pessimistic about the plan’s economic impact, while Boomer Democrats are the most optimistic that the plan will help the economy.

What are important considerations to Americans in climate proposals?

Chart shows most Americans place importance on protecting the environment for future generations

When it comes to proposals to reduce the effects of global climate change, protecting the environment for future generations and increasing jobs and economic growth are the top considerations Americans would like to see in policy proposals.

Asked to think about what is important to them in proposals to reduce the effects of climate change, 64% of the public says protecting the quality of the environment for future generations is a very important consideration to them personally; 28% say it’s somewhat important to them and just 6% say it’s not too or not at all important to them.

A majority (60%) also says that increasing job and economic growth is a very important consideration to them personally when it comes to proposals to reduce the effects of climate change.

About half (52%) say keeping consumer costs low is a very important consideration to them personally in climate proposals. Making sure proposals help lower-income communities is seen as a very important consideration by 45% of the public.

About a third (34%) say getting to net-zero carbon emissions as quickly as possible is a very important consideration to them personally. Joe Biden has set a goal for the U.S. to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Limiting the burden of regulations on businesses is seen as a very important climate policy consideration by 24% of the public – the lowest share who say this across the six items asked in the survey. However, majorities view all six factors, including limiting the regulatory burden on businesses, as at least somewhat important considerations in climate proposals.

Chart shows Republicans’ priorities in evaluating climate policy are on job growth, low consumer costs

Partisans have differing priorities when it comes to climate change proposals. Among Republicans, increasing job and economic growth (65% very important) and keeping consumer costs low (61%) are their top considerations. Among Democrats, protecting the quality of the environment for future generations is their clear top consideration (79% very important), followed by making sure proposals help lower-income communities (59%) and increasing job and economic growth (58%). About half of Democrats (51%) say getting to net-zero carbon emissions as quickly as possible is very important to them.

Public sees actions from businesses, ordinary Americans as insufficient on climate change

Americans see a range of actors as falling short in efforts to help reduce the effects of global climate change. The public is broadly critical of the lack of action from large businesses and the energy industry – but also views elected officials, as well as ordinary Americans, as failing to do their part.

Chart shows majorities say large businesses, energy industry and ordinary Americans are doing too little on climate

Nearly seven-in-ten adults (69%) say large businesses and corporations are doing too little to help reduce the effects of global climate change, while just 21% say they are doing about the right amount and very few (8%) say they are doing too much to address climate change. Similarly, a majority of the public (62%) says the energy industry is doing too little to help reduce the effects of global climate change.

The public also extends criticism on climate inaction to Americans themselves and the officials they vote into elected office. Overall, 66% say ordinary Americans are doing too little to help reduce the effects of climate change, and 60% say this about their state’s elected officials. A separate question that asks about the actions of the federal government across a range of environmental areas finds that 59% say the federal government is doing too little on climate change.

Americans are less critical of their own individual actions in helping to address climate change: Roughly half (48%) believe they, themselves, are doing about the right amount to help reduce the effects of climate change. Still, almost as many (47%) say they are doing too little to help.

When it comes to the role of environmental advocacy organizations, 48% say they are doing about the right amount to help reduce the effects of climate change, compared with 29% who say they are doing too little and 22% who say they are doing too much.

There are stark partisan differences in views of the role groups and individuals are playing to help reduce the effects of climate change. Large majorities of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say large businesses (85%), ordinary Americans (82%), the energy industry (80%) and their state elected officials (79%) are doing too little to help reduce climate change impacts. By contrast, about half of Republicans and Republican leaners or fewer say these actors are doing too little to address climate change. Republicans are much more likely to say most of these groups are doing about the right amount than to say they are doing too much to address climate change.

Chart shows younger Republicans more likely than older Republicans to say a range of groups are doing too little on climate change

Generational differences in views are most pronounced on this question within the GOP. In general, Gen Z and Millennial Republicans are more likely than older Republicans to say groups and individuals are doing too little to help reduce the effects of climate change. For instance, 57% of Gen Z and 59% of Millennial Republicans say large businesses are doing too little to help address climate change, compared with 50% of Gen X Republicans and 43% of Baby Boomer and older Republicans.

A 54% majority of U.S. adults see climate scientists’ role on policy as too limited, though some have doubts about scientists’ understanding

Chart shows a narrow majority of Americans say climate scientists have too little influence on climate policy debates

As the Biden administration, Congress and state and local governments debate how best to address climate change, 54% of Americans think climate scientists have too little influence on policy debates about climate change. Smaller shares say climate scientists have about the right amount (22%) or too much (22%) influence on climate policy.

At the same time, Americans appear to have reservations about climate scientists’ expertise and understanding. Only about two-in-ten Americans (18%) say climate scientists understand “very well” the best ways to address climate change. Another 42% say climate scientists understand ways to address climate change “fairly well”; 38% say they understand this not too or not at all well.

Public views of climate scientists’ understanding are more positive, if still generally skeptical, on the fundamentals of whether climate change is occurring (37% say scientists understand this very well) and what causes climate change (28%).

Americans’ overall views about climate scientists’ expertise and understanding of what is happening to the Earth’s climate are similar to 2016, the last time Pew Research Center asked these questions.

Chart shows among Republicans, younger generations more likely to say climate scientists have too little policy influence

In keeping with the wide political divisions over climate policy issues, Democrats are far more likely than Republicans to rate climate scientists’ understanding highly. And these partisan divides have widened since 2016. For example, Democrats are 43 percentage points more likely than Republicans to say climate scientists understand very well whether or not climate change is occurring. This gap was 25 points in 2016. See the Appendix for details.

Similarly, far larger shares of Democrats than Republicans believe climate scientists have too little say in climate debates (77% vs. 27%).

Younger generations are especially likely to think climate scientists have too little say on climate policy debates. However, these generational dynamics occur only within the GOP.

Millennial (38%) and Gen Z (41%) Republicans are more likely than Baby Boomers and older generations of Republicans (18%) to think climate scientists have too little influence on related policy debates. About half of older Republicans (53%) say climate scientists have too much influence in these debates.

Roughly three-quarters to eight-in-ten Democrats across younger and older generations think climate scientists have too little say in climate policy debates.

Majority of Americans continue to say federal government is doing too little to protect key aspects of the environment

Chart shows majority of Americans view stricter environmental laws as worth the cost

When it comes to environmental protection, a majority of Americans continue to see a role for stricter environmental regulations and majorities view the federal government as doing too little across most areas of environmental concern asked about in the survey, such as protecting air quality.

Gen Z and Millennials offer the broadest support for environmental regulations and for more government action to protect specific aspects of the environment.

Partisan gaps over government action to protect the environment remain very large and differences over the value of stricter environmental regulations have widened since last asked in September 2019 during the administration of Donald Trump.

There are generational and partisan differences over value of environmental regulations

Overall, 56% of Americans say that stricter environmental laws are worth the cost, compared with a smaller share (41%) who say they cost too many jobs and hurt the economy.

On balance Gen Z and Millennials are both much more likely to  stricter environmental laws as worth the cost than to say they cost too many jobs and hurt the economy (by 59% to 33% and 63% to 35%, respectively). Gen X and Boomer and older adults also see stricter environmental laws as worth the cost, though by narrower margins.

A large majority of Democrats (81%) believe that stricter environmental laws are worth the cost. By contrast, 71% of Republicans say they cost too many jobs and hurt the economy. Republicans have become much more likely to take a critical view of stricter environmental regulations since September 2019, when 55% said they hurt the economy and cost too many jobs. (For more details on this change over time, see the Appendix ).

Generational differences in views occur primarily within the GOP and not among Democrats. Among Republicans, Gen Z (35%) and Millennials (34%) are more likely than Baby Boomer and older adults (20%) to say stricter environmental laws are worth the cost, though larger shares across cohorts say these regulations cost too many jobs and hurt the economy. Roughly eight-in-ten Democrats across generations say that stricter environmental laws are worth the cost.

Far more Americans say government is doing too little, rather than too much, on key areas of environmental protection

Chart shows majorities view federal government as doing too little in most areas of environmental protection

Consistent with Center surveys over the past few years, majorities of U.S. adults support more government action to address a range of environmental concerns, including air and water quality as well as climate change.

Overall, 63% say the federal government is doing too little to protect the water quality of lakes, rivers and streams. Majorities also say the government is doing too little to reduce the effects of climate change (59%), protect air quality (59%) and protect animals and their habitats (57%). About half (51%) say the federal government is doing too little to protect open lands in national parks and nature preserves. Across all five items, small shares of the public believe the government is doing too much to address any one of these environmental issues.

There are wide differences in views on these issues by political party, with Democrats much more likely than Republicans to think that government efforts in these areas are insufficient.

While still the predominant viewpoint, the shares of Democrats who say the government is doing too little across these five areas are 6 to 10 percentage points lower than they were in May of 2020, before Joe Biden took office. Republicans’ views on these questions have been largely steady, although the share of Republicans who believe the federal government is doing too little to address climate change is down 5 percentage points, from 35% in May 2020 to 30% today.

Partisan groups remain far apart when it comes to assessment of government action on climate change: 83% of Democrats and Democratic leaners think the government’s efforts are insufficient, vs. 30% of Republicans and GOP leaners, a difference of 53 percentage points. Conservative Republicans stand out on this from their fellow partisans with a moderate or liberal ideology: 19% say the federal government is doing too little to address climate change compared with 49% of moderate or liberal Republicans.

Chart shows Republicans and Democrats remain far apart over the need for more government action to protect key aspects of the environment

Gen Zers and Millennials are more likely than older Americans to say the government is doing too little to address specific areas of environmental concern, though these divides are driven primarily by differences by generation within the GOP.

Chart shows among Republicans, generational differences over government action in areas of environmental concern

About two-thirds of Gen Zers (66%) and Millennials (65%) say the federal government is doing too little to protect air quality, compared with 58% of Gen X and 52% of Baby Boomer and older adults.

Similarly, 68% of Gen Zers and 66% of Millennials say the federal government is doing too little to reduce the effects of climate change versus 57% of Gen X and 52% of Baby Boomer and older adults.

Among Republicans, Gen Zers and Millennials are more likely than Baby Boomer and older adults to say the federal government is doing too little to address all five of these areas of environmental concern. Majorities of Democrats across generations say the government is doing too little to address these environmental issues.

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66 Environmentalism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best environmentalism topic ideas & essay examples, 💡 good research topics about environmentalism, 📌 simple & easy environmentalism essay titles.

  • Anthropocentrism vs Biocentrism in Environmentalism Shrader-Frechette for example, had a view that it will be difficult to take an action that will do an irreversible damage to the ecosystem, but will not threaten the lives of the humanity A number […]
  • Environmentalism in Ray Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder” The name quite obviously refers to the fact that the death of a single butterfly “leads to the spreading perturbation until it reaches the size of the system”.
  • T.C. Boyle: Radical Environmentalism in “A Friend of the Earth” In particular, a fair share of these individuals appear to regard the environmentalist cause as such that represents the value of a “thing in itself”, quite unrelated to the essence of the objectively predetermined social […]
  • Environmentalism and Human Behavior: A Literature Review In particular, Dietz, whose scholarly interest lies in the field of human ecology and environmental policy, traced a history of environmentalism in his article and emphasized the importance of integrating social science in environmental research.
  • The Rise of Environmentalism in Australia It is the intensified public participation in the planning and assessment of the environment that mid-wifed the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act of the 1980s.
  • Environmentalism and Community Planning To begin with, it is necessary to mention, that the humanity is living more and more distant from the nature, and from the values of savage rest.
  • Crisis Management and Environmentalism: A Natural Fit For an organization to be effective in planning, it should integrate both global and the local aspects of managing a crisis.
  • The Concept of Environmentalism: Review of Studies Scholars from around the globe were trying to explore the damage globalization caused to nature and identify specific efforts that could be targeted at resolving the current issues and promoting the concept of environmentalism in […]
  • Environmentalism Theory in Ethical Philosophy The ongoing drought in many parts of the world is attributable to the changes in climate. Due to the high temperatures experienced in various parts of the world, the ice is likely to melt, and […]
  • Environmentalism in “Gyre” by Chris Jordan The concept explains how human activities such as pollution and “production of plastic wastes” continue to affect the universe. The term “Gyre” and the artwork encourage human beings to conserve the environment.
  • Animal Liberation vs. Environmentalism With regards to environmentalists, Callicott noted that they were more holistic and real than the animal liberationists since they allocated moral values to the natural ecosystems and resources of the environment.
  • Environmentalism and Economic Freedom This leads to the point of environment ownership, since the public thinks that the government is responsible for the protection of the surrounding.
  • The Role of Political Environmentalism in the Modern World Returning to the term eco-fascisms, I think that this one of the most grounded explanations of the deplorable situation in the world. In this respect, the ideas of free-market environmentalism seem to be increasingly attractive […]
  • Environmentalism and Civil Disobedience What the current society is enjoying today is considered to be because of the good care of the environment by the previous generations and the future generations are hence expected to either enjoy or suffer […]
  • Shaping Your Identity: Environmentalist Approach Alternatively, for as long as the rate of one’s IQ is within the range of 70-80 or below, as it is often the case among students and employees, qualified for ‘affirmative action’ programs, it would […]
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IvyPanda. (2023, March 17). 66 Environmentalism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/environmentalism-essay-topics/

"66 Environmentalism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 17 Mar. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/environmentalism-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '66 Environmentalism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 17 March.

IvyPanda . 2023. "66 Environmentalism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 17, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/environmentalism-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "66 Environmentalism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 17, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/environmentalism-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "66 Environmentalism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 17, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/environmentalism-essay-topics/.

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children taking in the view in Yellowstone.

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September 16, 2024

Enjoying the View Children take in the expanse of wildflowers, river and mountains in Yellowstone. © April Christopher/TNC Photo Contest 2019

  • Climate Change
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  • Take Action Now

With the climate crisis and loss of plant and animal species intensifying, it’s never been more important to use our voices to speak up for nature. One way to do so is to encourage our elected officials to create policies that protect the planet. Why? Because  policy makes conservation possible.

Over the last few years, we’ve seen some historic policy wins for nature, such as the Inflation Reduction Act and Great American Outdoors Act. These wins show just how far we’ve come in making conservation and climate action central and urgent policy issues in the United States. But even with this progress, more action is needed.

The science is clear. What we do between now and 2030 will determine whether we slow warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius—the level scientists agree will avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Our actions also will determine whether we protect enough land and water to slow the rapid acceleration of species extinctions. There is no time to delay.

The good news is that voices—ours and yours—can motivate elected officials to create, implement and defend policies that will help solve the climate and species loss crises.

Speak Up For Nature Today.

Our natural world has reached a breaking point, and there's no time to lose to create a more livable future. Urge elected leaders to put saving nature on the agenda.

Climate Change Solutions

Why it’s important that we act on climate change now.

Every day, people, wildlife and natural landscapes feel the negative effects of climate change. 

Given that the U.S. is one of the world’s top 10 carbon emitters, the country has a critical role to play in tackling climate change. And many countries, including the world’s biggest emitters, China and India, will only act on climate if the U.S. leads.

The good news? Together, we can solve this problem. 

One of the most important actions the U.S. can take now is achieving a clean energy transition by, for example, installing more solar panels. Another important action is advancing natural climate solutions, like planting trees. Government policies are critical to making both happen.

solar panels over grass and weeds.

Accelerate our Transition to Clean Energy

To solve the climate crisis, we know we need “clean” energy. So, more wind and solar power and less fossil fuels. Clean energy can power everything, like the cars we drive and the factories that produce the many things we use in our daily lives.

Clean energy is good for the environment because it does not emit harmful greenhouse gases. It is also good for our health. It helps keep the air we breathe clean, which is welcome news for people who have asthma or are at risk of heart attacks. Clean energy also creates hundreds of thousands of jobs, like making renewable energy components and installing solar panels.

Plus, it's something we can rely on forever. Wind and sunlight don’t run out.

Learn how advancing renewable energy solutions will help us achieve our climate change goals. 

Person walks through forest at sunset.

Boost Natural Climate Solutions

Planting trees. Protecting wetlands. Promoting sustainable farming practices. Managing forests well. All of these things—called “natural climate solutions”—are important for addressing the climate crisis. Why? Because they reduce greenhouse gas emissions and store carbon so it never makes it into the air we breathe.  Natural climate solutions are proven, cost-effective ways to help tackle the climate crisis while also addressing biodiversity loss and helping people. Globally, they can provide as much as one-third of the emission reductions needed by 2030 to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

Learn more about how natural climate solutions offer immediate and affordable ways to tackle the climate crisis.

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Policies that are already helping solve climate change

TNC helped get the Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passed in the U.S. Congress several years ago. Combined, these two bills will invest $570 billion in climate and conservation action this decade, creating a once-in-a-generation opportunity to drive a clean energy transition and bolster natural climate solutions across the nation.

Funding from the IRA and IIJA, for instance, already is being used to accelerate clean energy projects in Kentucky, support river restoration projects in Maine and plant more trees in Pennsylvania. They also are being used to help reduce risks associated with extreme weather events, like catastrophic wildfires and floods.

Plus, these policies are a win for the economy and job creation. The IRA and IIJA will help create nearly 18 million jobs . Tax breaks and other incentives provided through the IRA and IIJA are helping everyday families afford solar panels, heat pumps and other energy-efficiency upgrades, saving households  hundreds to thousands of dollars  a year on utility bills.

Photo of wildfire burning at night.

How you can take climate change action

We need to ensure Congress defends this funding from being repealed to ensure its being used as intended—to safeguard nature. Want to help?

  • Contact your elected leaders to urge them to protect vital conservation funding and policies
  • Get your questions answered with our climate FAQ
  • Refer to our guide when talking to friends and family about the climate crises

Stories about people who benefit from climate policies

We can't address climate change without taking action on government policies that reduce planet-warming pollution, increase clean energy and boost natural climate solutions.

environmental policy essay ideas

IRA helps former coal miner install solar power

After flooding devastated Kentucky in 2022, Bobby Stallard, a former coal miner, is embracing a different form of energy: solar power. See how federal policies like the IRA are shaping a more sustainable future and empowering people in the region.

environmental policy essay ideas

Federal funding saves native birds in Hawai'i

Hawai'i's native forest birds are facing extinction largely due to avian malaria spread by mosquitoes. A new pilot study which hopes to reverse this tragic decline in the state's native birds recently received a significant boost from the IRA and IIJA.

environmental policy essay ideas

IIJA helps restore South Carolina coastline

South Carolinian Tia Clark is bringing national attention to the state's coastline through her business "Casual Crabbing with Tia". Federal Investments through legislation including the IIJA are helping ensure these pristine coastlines are protected for years to come.

environmental policy essay ideas

Chasing the shade: IRA invests in trees to combat heat

Growing up in South Philadelphia, Meeka Outlaw remembers chasing the shade in summer. To battle this worsening urban heat, the IRA awarded millions in funding to plant trees in Philadelphia and other communities with the goal of expanding urban tree canopies.

environmental policy essay ideas

IRA helps bring the marsh back home

From the day she took office, councilwoman Jennifer Van Vrancken vowed to revive the waterfront in Metairie, La. Now, aided by the IRA and IIJA, construction is underway to restore a mile-long wetland that will beckon not only families but also birds, fish and wildlife back home.

Nature Loss Solutions

Why it’s important that we act now to halt nature loss and protect our planet's lands, waters and wildlife.

Our lands and waters are facing unprecedented threats from development, severe weather events and climate change impacts. And it's not just our natural landscapes that are at risk. We have seen a nearly 70% average decline of birds, mammals, fish and reptiles around the world since just 1970. 

The science is clear.  We must radically scale up our protection efforts around the world. Our best hope for a healthy and sustainable planet is to protect at least 30% of lands, freshwater and ocean by 2030.  Plants and animals thrive when we protect threatened lands and waters. So do people, because when the air they breathe and water they drink is cleaner, everyone benefits. 

It’s now or never. Addressing biodiversity loss will require coordination across all sectors, including governments, private sector entities, local communities and Indigenous Peoples.

Policies that prevent biodiversity loss

TNC is currently working with Congressional leaders to pass federal legislation that would increase funding to save America's wildlife, boost international conservation and bolster conservation on private lands in the U.S. 

Protecting private land, like farms and ranches, is vital to achieving our conservation goals, given that private land makes up 70% of the land in the lower 48 states. This is where the Farm Bill can help. 

The Farm Bill is the single largest federal investment in the conservation, restoration and management of America's private lands including farms, ranches and forests . Authorized every five years, it funds conservation to the tune of $6 billion each year, supporting efforts including bolstering regenerative agricultural practices and permanently protecting farms and ranches from future development. 

We're also going global. The proposed  U.S. Foundation for International Conservation Act  would provide $100 million each year for Indigenous and local communities around the world to boost conservation and restoration on millions of acres of protected and conserved lands and waters worldwide. 

Over 13,000 wildlife species in the U.S. have been identified as endangered or threatened. The proposed  Recovering America's Wildlife Act  would be the most significant investment in wildlife conservation in decades to help recover America's at-risk wildlife.

Mother bear and cubs sitting in a group.

Want to dig deeper?

The  Farm Bill provides voluntary, incentive-based programs that help farmers, ranchers and other landowners address climate change while conserving their land and way of life.  It's the single largest source of U.S. federal funding for conserving, restoring and managing private land, including grasslands, forests, ranchlands and croplands.

The Farm Bill provides $6 billion annually for conservation. From incentivizing climate-smart agricultural practices to opening doors for conservation through agricultural conservation easements, which permanently protect farmland from development, this critical bipartisan legislation benefits every single state in the country. Over 70% of the land in the lower 48 states is privately owned, making it eligible for Farm Bill programs that help spur healthier soils, cleaner water, carbon sequestration and wildlife habitat conservation. 

Proposed federal legislation, called the U.S. Foundation for International Conservation Act (USFICA), would establish a fund that would leverage U.S. government, private sector and philanthropic funding to support local communities and Indigenous Peoples around the world who manage protected and conserved areas. 

Indigenous and local communities are often highly effective stewards of their land. In most parts of the tropics, for example, indigenous-managed forests have lower rates of deforestation than state-managed protected areas. The U.S. Foundation for International Conservation Act would provide up to $100 million each year in federal funds for community-led international conservation work

The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, or RAWA , would be the most significant investment in wildlife conservation in decades providing $1.397 billion to fund local and state efforts to help recover endangered species and to prevent at-risk wildlife from becoming endangered. 

Why is this important?

Over a third of America’s fish and wildlife species are at risk of extinction. Over 1,600 species are already listed under the Endangered Species Act. State fish and wildlife agencies have identified more than 12,000 additional species that need conservation help now.

The loss of this biodiversity is not just a threat to the species themselves. With Americans spending $140 billion on wildlife-focused recreation every year, it's also a threat to communities and the economies that depend on them.

Stories about people who benefit from conservation policies

We can't achieve our conservation goals without taking action on government policies that protect people and our planet.

environmental policy essay ideas

The Farm Bill Saved the Hauser's Arizona Farm

Water scarcity and a looming land sale threatened Claudia Hauser's family farm—until a new relationship with TNC in Arizona led her to the Farm Bill which helped protect her farm from future developments and funded projects that made her farm more resilient to drought.

environmental policy essay ideas

Government Funding Fuels Conservation in Mongolia

Indigenous and local communities are often highly effective stewards of their land. The U.S. Foundation for International Conservation Act would provide up to $100 million each year for community-led conservation work like that being done in Mongolia.

environmental policy essay ideas

Sowing Seeds of Change

Carrie Martin and her daughter, Erin Martin, farm seven acres on their 140-year-old family farm in Mt. Olive, N.C. They understand that surviving as a small-scale farmer is no easy task. When Carrie decided to build a new high tunnel on their farm, she turned to the Farm Bill for help.

environmental policy essay ideas

Harvesting Hope: Resurrection of the Longleaf Pine

In 2004, Hurricane Ivan devastated Dr. Salem Saloom's tree farm in Alabama. He turned to the Farm Bill to help restore the land with native and more storm-resilient longleaf pines.

environmental policy essay ideas

America Outdoors

It's become clear that our physical and mental health often depend on our ability to get outdoors—and that we need as much open space as we can get. Fortunately, the U.S. took a huge step towards that goal with the signing of the Great American Outdoors Act.

Take Action Now on Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss

Want to help urge your elected leaders to pass these important laws..

  • Go to item 1
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Save America's Wildlife

Urge your elected leaders to pass the Recovering America's Wildlife Act to protect America's struggling wildlife.

Add Your Name

Support International Conservation

Contact your elected leaders to tell them to pass the U.S. Foundation for International Conservation Act.

Advocate for the Farm Bill

The Farm Bill offers a critical lifeline to farmers, ranchers and landowners who want to better manage their land. Tell Congress to pass a Farm Bill now.

Protect Conservation Funding

We need to protect critical conservation and climate funding because we have years—not decades—to address the intertwined crises of climate change and species loss.

Our Policy Priorities

U.S. Capitol Building at Sunset.

Advancing U.S. Policy

Learn how TNC partners with national, state, and local governments to advance federal policy solutions that work for people and nature in the U.S.

Parque Nacional Torres del Paine in Chile, showing sparkling waters of a bay and steep, snow-covered mountains in the distance.

Protect Ocean, Land & Fresh Water

We’re facing two existential crises: climate change and rapid biodiversity loss. Reversing these crises requires protecting and sustainably managing our ocean, land and fresh water.

Young mangrove saplings shoot out of mud in Kenya.

Tackle Climate Change

Climate change isn’t a distant threat—it's happening now, and it’s our biggest problem. The urgency is real, but so are the solutions to stop global warming.

Woman carrying bag of tea leaves on her head in a farm field.

Provide Food & Water

The Nature Conservancy is fostering innovations in technology, collaborating with communities to use resources more efficiently and promoting policies that enable sustainability.

Student Insights on Wolf Coexistence: Four FNP Theses from Local to National Perspectives

Currently, seven of the nine wolf packs in the Netherlands are located in the Veluwe region of Gelderland. Considering the current strictly protected status of wolves in the Netherlands, it is likely that the population will increase further in the coming years. This will increase the likelihood of conflicts between wolves and humans, and therefore has sparked a debate on which measures should be taken for coexistence with the wolf. Four students separately examined the perception of people on human-wolf coexistence and related policy making as part of their thesis work at FNP. In this blog the students present their findings about perception of local inhabitants and sheep keepers on the presence of the wolf, how the issue is framed in national media and how different lobby groups try to influence policy making on wolves.

environmental policy essay ideas

Bart Hendriks - Perceptions of local inhabitants

During my Master’s thesis, I researched how the presence of the wolf affects the behavior and lives of residents of the Veluwe. These were ordinary citizens and not residents directly financially affected by the wolf. For this purpose, I conducted long in-depth interviews with 15 residents of the Veluwe and analyzed the interviews with various social theories.

The interviewees showed four types of behavioral changes, the majority of them being predominantly negative. These include more avoidance behavior (i.e., people avoiding certain parts of nature areas, or nature areas altogether), people taking defensive and safety measures (for example walking in groups or even bringing knives with them to defend against the wolf) and also residents becoming more alert to signals and the presence of the wolf. Most of these behavioral changes are influenced by residents seeing the wolf as a potential danger to themselves and their children or kept animals. Experiences with the wolf, beliefs and social factors play an important role as well. Two of fifteen participants were positive about the wolf and indicated that for them the wolf was an enrichment of Dutch nature.

While participants often indicated that they feel restricted in their freedom and no longer feel safe in their environment, most of them shared as well that they admire wolves and recognize the Veluwe as the most suited area for wolves in the Netherlands. In order to live well together with the wolf, the interviewees indicated that they would like to have a sense of control. Current communication about the wolf is not adequate enough and leans too much on sharing plain scientific knowledge and facts, without addressing the emotions and worries that local inhabitants have. They experience situations differently than what science tells them, and are therefore better served by training or ways in which they maintain a sense of control.

Julia Noorlander - Perceptions of sheep keepers

The Latin phrase "auribus teneo lupum," meaning "holding a wolf by its ears," aptly describes the predicament of sheep keepers on the Veluwe. They face significant challenges, whether they implement protective measures against wolves or not. The fifteen sheep keepers I interviewed for my Master’s thesis acknowledged that wolves belong in natural areas with abundant prey, such as deer and boar, and that protective measures can in theory reduce wolf attacks on sheep. However, the implementation of these measures is fraught with difficulties and actual or perceived negative outcomes: electric fences require constant monitoring and maintenance, which is labor-intensive, and participants worried about potentially disruptive effects on the migration of other wildlife like deer, foxes, and badgers. Guard dogs require daily care and can get into conflict with rural inhabitants and visitors. Keeping sheep indoors is not only expensive (due to extra fodder, straw, and labor), it can harm their welfare and reduce their vital role in managing grassland, cultural landscapes, dikes and heather ecosystems. My results include more examples of challenges.

Contrary to misconceptions, the sheep keepers I interviewed on the Veluwe are not opposed to protective measures. They feel a deep responsibility for their sheep and are driven by a passion for animal care rather than profit. However, the difficulty of implementing these measures and the expected increase of wolf populations in rural areas on the Veluwe, make their situation particularly challenging. To ensure the co-existence of sheep keeping and nature conservation on the Veluwe, several steps should be taken. My results call for innovative solutions and collaborative efforts. By providing financial support, developing practical protection measures, and fostering cooperation, we can create a sustainable environment where both livestock and wildlife thrive. Innovation of livestock protection measures and a more equitable division of costs by increasing support to animal keepers in their efforts to protect their animals could be beneficial. The intention to use livestock protection measures might increase if they were more practical and feasible in implementation, remained effective in reducing attacks on the long term, and minimized negative side-effects on animal welfare and other wildlife.

Laura Koenderink - Wolf coexistence in Dutch media

I focused my Bachelor’s thesis on the Dutch understanding of coexistence with the wolf, by conducting a media analysis. I have analyzed 48 news articles from Dutch newspapers Algemeen Dagblad, de Volkskrant and De Telegraaf. In each article I searched for words and phrases that would reveal the perception of coexistence with the wolf. Prior to starting, my expectations were that the Dutch media would be negative towards the wolf and thereby that the wolf debate would be more polarized. However, in the media sources that were included in this study, the wolf issue in the Netherlands delivered a more nuanced debate than one might think. The analyzed articles had an accepting attitude towards the comeback of the wolf. Rather than being against the wolf altogether, the articles focused on making living with the wolf possible with little conflict. In various articles, different measures were mentioned on how to make this possible.

My research concluded that, in the newspapers I examined, coexistence with the wolf is understood as humans living spatially separate from the wolf in the Netherlands. However, the Netherlands is a very densely populated country and thus completely separating humans from wolves might not be possible. Therefore, more research would be needed to make any conclusions about the possibility of humans living spatially separate from wolves in the Netherlands.

Yustin Kaptein - Lobbying dynamics in wolf policymaking

Following the insights on local perceptions and media coverage provided by Bart and Laura, my Master’s thesis focused on the lobbying dynamics that influence wolf policymaking in the Netherlands, particularly surrounding the recent call for a revaluation of the wolf’s protected species status by the European Commission. At first, I identified two key advocacy coalitions in relation to these developments in wolf governance: those advocating for conservation and those seeking reduction of wolf numbers. Each coalition was found to be driven by its own distinct set of core values and beliefs (e.g. conservation advocates prioritizing ecological preservation), informing different lobbying strategies to influence wolf policymaking processes.

However, I also identified a third, rather neutral, coalition of stakeholders promoting effective management. This coalition seemed to prioritize the efficacy of wolf management rather than taking resolute ideological stances toward the wolf in the Netherlands. The more my study progressed, the more it became apparent that the majority of interviewed stakeholders actually belonged to this particular coalition of effective management advocates, which is something I did not expect initially. Nonetheless, resource disparities between coalitions, for instance in financial means and manpower, impact their effectiveness and create power imbalances. Despite these differences, there appears to be a willingness among stakeholders to engage in dialogue and learn from each other. Ultimately, this highlights the need for collaborative policymaking to balance local concerns with national strategies, ensuring sustainable wolf governance in the Netherlands and beyond.

While wolves are a controversial topic, the results of these four theses show that for many directly involved people the issue is not about whether to have wolves in the Netherlands or not, but rather about finding pragmatic and acceptable solutions for coexistence. This was reflected in Dutch newspapers and in the interviews with those who manage wolf-human interactions and those who directly coexist with wolves (e.g. locals and livestock owners). Often, spatial separation of wolves and humans is preferred as a solution (e.g. confining them to protected areas or remote wilderness zones), but this is not feasible within the intensely managed landscape of the Netherlands and Europe. While it will remain a challenge to find solutions that are feasible and sufficient for the different stakeholders, the results suggest that there is interest and openness for finding compromises. One important recommendation is that the experiences and emotions of those coexisting with wolves, whether positive or negative, are highly relevant and should be considered in management plans.

In general, the results align with research on human-wolf coexistence in other European settings, such as the work from Sweden by Sabrina Dressel, who supervised these four students. Sabrina: “We see that the longer people coexist with newly returned wolf populations, and as these populations grow and their impacts increase, the more demands are placed on practical management actions to mitigate some of the direct conflicts.”

Are you interested in the exciting thesis opportunities we offer at FNP? Feel free to reach out to us!

If you have any questions about wolf coexistence, please reach out to Sabrina Dressel by using the contact form above

environmental policy essay ideas

  • News, Stories & Speeches
  • Get Involved
  • Structure and leadership
  • Committee of Permanent Representatives
  • UN Environment Assembly
  • Funding and partnerships
  • Policies and strategies
  • Evaluation Office
  • Secretariats and Conventions
  • Asia and the Pacific
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • New York Office
  • North America
  • Climate action
  • Nature action
  • Chemicals and pollution action
  • Digital Transformations
  • Disasters and conflicts
  • Environment under review
  • Environmental law and governance
  • Extractives
  • Fresh Water
  • Green economy
  • Ocean, seas and coasts
  • Resource efficiency
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Youth, education and environment
  • Publications & data

environmental policy essay ideas

Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs)


GO4SDGs is an accelerator of SDG12 and SDG8 , promoting circularity in high-impact sectors (food, textiles, tourism, plastics), green jobs for youth, and sustainable lifestyles. GO4SDGs brings together strategic partners and a joint menu of services with a vast number of tools, guidelines, and knowledge to take action, scale up, and replicate best practices.


1. Policy coherence and scale up circularity : support governments to strengthen policy coherence and mainstream circular economy and sustainable consumption and production (SCP) approaches in national policies, including policies on climate change, biodiversity, and pollution.

2. Innovation and Finance for SMES: support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to increase capacities and access for financing innovation and  circularity

3. Youth empowerment  to amplify their voices, embrace sustainable lifestyles, and provide new skills and knowledge for green jobs for youth.

To achieve this, GO4SDGS collaborates with its partners and has developed multiple initiatives scaling up action, such as the Green Jobs for Youth Pact, Sustainable Lifestyles Academy, cross-regional working groups on food waste reduction, Fashion Academy in West Asia, and many more. 

See how GO4SDGs connects global partnerships with regional needs and solutions towards the attainment of SDG 12 and SDG 8 in the connecting the dots 'flower' below.   

General Enquiries

Email: UNEP-Economy-go4sdgs < [email protected]

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Related Sustainable Development Goals

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    Four students separately examined the perception of people on human-wolf coexistence and related policy making as part of their thesis work at FNP. In this blog the students present their findings about perception of local inhabitants and sheep keepers on the presence of the wolf, how the issue is framed in national media and how different ...

  25. Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs)

    GO4SDGs is an accelerator of SDG12 and SDG8, promoting circularity in high-impact sectors (food, textiles, tourism, plastics), green jobs for youth, and sustainable lifestyles. GO4SDGs brings together strategic partners and a joint menu of services with a vast number of tools, guidelines, and knowledge to take action, scale up, and replicate best practices.GO4SDGS WORKSTREAMS1. Policy ...