How to turn the high school “hamburger” essay into a university-level paper

It goes by many names: the 5-paragraph essay, three-tier paper, or 1-3-1 model, to name a few. Many of you know it as the “hamburger” essay – an easy-to-follow model for writing papers that’s often taught in North American high schools.

During my first semester of undergrad, I heard it again and again from my professors and TAs: don't submit a hamburger essay. "Forget everything you learned in high school," they told me, "university writing is different!"

I had always done well on my high school writing assignments. I thought essay writing in university would be a breeze. So, the idea of throwing away all my past knowledge and practice felt confusing and overwhelming. If I wasn’t supposed to write essays in university the same way I wrote them in high school, then how was I supposed to write at all? And where was I supposed to learn these mysterious new writing techniques, anyway?

Now, after many years of honing my academic writing skills and becoming a writing instructor myself, I’m here to say, loud and proud:  I love the hamburger essay.

This is somewhat of a controversial statement in higher education. For years, many professors have condemned the “hamburger” model of essay writing, resenting its rules and restrictions. And while many of these critiques are valid, I believe there are too many valuable aspects of the hamburger essay to throw it away altogether. In fact, many of the  same techniques  that make a hamburger essay great, can also be used to craft a quality academic paper.

So no, you don’t need to “forget everything you learned in high school” when it comes time to write your first university essay! Keep reading to learn how you can use turn your high school hamburger essay into a strong university-level paper.

What is the hamburger essay?

The hamburger essay is well-known and well-loved because of its simple and easy to remember structure. If you're new to the hamburger essay, check out the diagram below to learn more about how it works.

5-paragraph hamburger essay

In short, each ingredient of the hamburger represents a different paragraph of the essay. It starts with an introduction paragraph and ends with a conclusion paragraph, represented by the top and bottom buns, respectively. Just like a real burger bun, these paragraphs frame the juicy contents inside – the body paragraphs – which are each represented by a different topping: lettuce, tomato, or patty.

Pay attention to the order of toppings in the hamburger essay. The lettuce comes first; it’s light and flimsy, representing one of the lighter arguments of the paper. The tomato is somewhat more robust (in terms of argument), while the patty at the end is the true “meat” of the essay. Just like the toppings of a hamburger in real-life, the body paragraphs build on one another to fill out the paper, giving it substance and flavour.

How to use the hamburger model in university

If you’re already familiar with the hamburger or 5-paragraph essay model, there are many great aspects of it that you can keep and adapt in your university essay writing . Keep reading to learn how!

1. The top bun (a.k.a the introduction paragraph)

The hamburger essay begins with a strong introduction paragraph (the top bun) that sets up the rest of the paper and presents the essay’s primary  thesis statement  or argument. In high school, students are often taught to begin their introduction paragraph with the broadest or most general information first, and gradually narrow in on the specifics. They’re also taught to begin the introduction with a narrative hook – a catchy phrase or fact to grab the reader’s attention – and to end the introduction with a “road map,” which outlines what each paragraph of the essay will discuss, in the order of information presented.

Although at the university level, introductions may be longer than one paragraph (depending on the length of the essay overall), they should still begin with more general contextual information first, then narrow in on a more focused thesis statement . This structure helps guide the reader by presenting them with the background information they require for the thesis and body paragraphs to make sense.

You can also keep the introductory “hook” and “road map” pieces of the hamburger introduction, but note the differences in what these elements look like at the university level. While high school writers often try to catch the reader’s attention by asserting a universal or historical truth (e.g. “Since the dawn of time…” or “Throughout history…”), a hook at the university level should  remain focused on the specific topic at hand  – a surprising fact or statistic works well here.

Additionally, while a high school-level road map might outline the topic of each and every body paragraph in the essay, a university-level road map should be less detailed. Because university papers are typically longer than high school papers, it makes more sense to only mention the paper’s main overarching arguments  (if at all) in the road map section, rather than summarize every paragraph.

To learn more about how to write a strong university-level introduction,  check out this WCC resource  on introductions.

2. The bottom bun (a.k.a. the conclusion paragraph)

The hamburger essay ends with a satisfying conclusion paragraph (the bottom bun) that summarizes its findings and wraps up the paper’s arguments. High school students are often taught to structure their conclusion paragraph in the reverse order of the introduction,  beginning with the most specific information and broadening out to the most general . Hamburger essay conclusions often restate the thesis at the start of the paragraph, then go on to summarize each point of the essay.

At the university level, you should continue to structure your conclusion by presenting the most specific pieces of information related to your thesis first, followed by the more general ideas. Structuring your conclusion this way helps  transition the reader out of the paper’s arguments and into a broader reflection on the topic .

However,  you don’t have to limit yourself to only one paragraph  for your conclusion (hint: introductions and conclusions typically make up 10-15% of the essay length overall). And while it’s good practice to remind your reader of the essay’s main arguments and findings, too much repetition can be a bore. Try focusing instead on the  significance  of the paper’s claims and discoveries to highlight for the reader why your essay matters – why your thesis is significant in a larger context.

For deeper insight into how to write a university-level conclusion,  view our conclusions resource  here.

3. The toppings (a.k.a. the body paragraphs)

The body paragraphs of a hamburger essay are its meatiest parts (pun intended). In high school, students are often taught to explain, and provide evidence for, their main thesis by presenting three distinct points in three separate body paragraphs, ordered roughly from the weakest point to the strongest. In this model, each body paragraph supports the essay’s thesis by providing a new piece of information to back-up the author’s primary claim. Also, each paragraph articulates its main point in a single topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph.

For university essays, there’s a lot to like about the hamburger essay paragraph model. For example, it’s important that each paragraph of your university-level paper works to substantiate the paper's overarching thesis statement . This will prevent your essay from going off on tangents – that is, presenting ideas or research that are not directly related to the essay's focused goal. You should also pay attention to the order of ideas presented; while ordering your points from weakest to strongest (as in the hamburger model) isn’t necessary, there should be a  logical flow to your ideas . Ask yourself: what does my reader need to understand first in order to understand what’s coming next?

Topic sentences are also super useful in academic papers : they help alert the reader to the paragraph’s main idea and provide context for the evidence presented within the paragraph itself. In a traditional academic essay, readers should be able to read the first sentence (or two) of each paragraph only, and still have a strong idea of the paper’s main arguments and points.

However,  university-level essays can – and should – have more than three body paragraphs . This is perhaps the biggest complaint against the hamburger essay structure: that it tricks students into thinking they can only provide three pieces of evidence to back-up their thesis statements. Academic essays, especially research essays, should present the reader with a great breadth of evidence and information to prove their claims. It’s up to you – the writer – to decide how much evidence is needed, and how it can be organized logically into body paragraphs for the reader to follow.

On a similar note,  some points in your academic paper will require more than one body paragraph to develop,  and that’s ok! Let’s say, for example, that you’re writing an essay on the benefits of free community programming for reducing loneliness amongst senior citizens. It may take only one paragraph to present your research on loneliness amongst seniors, but maybe three or four paragraphs to show why publicly-funded programs are attractive to senior citizens in particular.

While some students believe, based on the hamburger model, that each new paragraph requires a brand new topic or point, in reality, there is more flexibility to the “rules” of academic writing. As long as each of your paragraphs is tackling one coherent idea at a time,  you may choose to develop a single point over numerous body paragraphs . This is especially true if you have a lot of evidence to discuss!

To learn more about how to write strong body paragraphs at the university level,   check out this WCC resource   on body paragraphs.

Final thoughts…

Keep in mind that  every writing assignment in university is different  and not all papers follow the traditional essay format. In fact, most essay assignments come with specific guidelines from the professor, which you should always follow with care, and ask questions about if you’re unsure.

If you’re transitioning from high school and looking for help with your writing projects, why not check out our new program for first-years, Waterloo Ready to Write ! Or book an appointment with one of our friendly and helpful writing instructors at the WCC. We would love to help you out.

Writing essays in university can be intimidating, especially if you’re new at it. But remember, you’re here for a reason, and you’ve already got a great foundation to start from! Try to think about writing in university as an extension and adaptation of what you already know. If you have an open mind, take your professors’ feedback to heart, and push yourself to try new things, you’ll be setting yourself up for success.

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How to Write a Hamburger Paragraph

Last Updated: December 30, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by Annaliese Dunne . Annaliese Dunne is a Middle School English Teacher. With over 10 years of teaching experience, her areas of expertise include writing and grammar instruction, as well as teaching reading comprehension. She is also an experienced freelance writer. She received her Bachelor's degree in English. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 95,481 times.

Writing a thorough but effective paragraph can be hard, especially if you're still learning some techniques for structuring your writing. The hamburger paragraph technique is easy to remember and easy to use; it offers a "recipe" for writing full and "meaty" paragraphs. Get started a step number one.

Step 1 Write a topic sentence as the

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  • If you are having problems remembering how to write a hamburger paragraph, draw a picture of the hamburger and on each part either write "Topic Sentence", "Detail," or "Closing Sentence". Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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Using the "Hamburger Method" to Write an Essay: Overview

  • Planning the Essay
  • Writing Paragraphs

hamburger essay graphic

The diagram to the left can help you easily remember the simple essay structure.

Emma Dunn, Writing and Multimodal Communication Speciliast at the University of Waterloo, explains:

In short, each ingredient of the hamburger represents a different paragraph of the essay. It starts with an introduction paragraph and ends with a conclusion paragraph, represented by the top and bottom buns, respectively. Just like a real burger bun, these paragraphs frame the juicy contents inside – the body paragraphs – which are each represented by a different topping: lettuce, tomato, or patty.

Pay attention to the order of toppings in the hamburger essay. The lettuce comes first; it’s light and flimsy, representing one of the lighter arguments of the paper. The tomato is somewhat more robust (in terms of argument), while the patty at the end is the true “meat” of the essay. Just like the toppings of a hamburger in real-life, the body paragraphs build on one another to fill out the paper, giving it substance and flavour.

Dunn, Emma, "How to Turn the High School "Hamburger" Essay into a University-level Paper." Writing and Communication Centre: September 14, 2020. University of Waterloo. Accessed November 24, 2023. 

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Hamburger Paragraph Template for Essay Writing

Hamburger Paragraph Template for Essay Writing

  • 3-minute read
  • 3rd November 2023

It almost sounds like something you might see on a menu at a fast-food restaurant, but a “hamburger paragraph” is a method of essay writing often taught in schools to help students structure their paragraphs effectively. Just as a burger consists of various layers that come together to create a satisfying whole, an essay is built up of paragraphs that follow a specific structure.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of a hamburger paragraph and how it can serve as a handy template for essay writing.

Hamburger Paragraph Template

The template below lists the “ingredients” of a hamburger paragraph:

Top Bun (Topic Sentence):

Introduce the main idea of the paragraph .

Filling (Supporting Detail #1):

Introduce your first supporting detail or example that backs up your main idea.

Filling (Supporting Detail #2):

Introduce your second supporting detail or example.

Filling (Supporting Detail #3):

Introduce your third supporting detail or example. Note: Depending on the depth required, you may have more or fewer supporting details.

Bottom Bun (Concluding Sentence):

Wrap up the paragraph by restating or summarizing the main idea – or transition to the next paragraph . Ensure that every main point or idea presented in the paragraph is well-supported and rounded off with a conclusion or transition.

Example of a Hamburger Paragraph Using the Template

Here’s a paragraph about dogs written following the hamburger paragraph method:

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Dogs have a reputation for being loyal companions.

Filling #1:

Historically, dogs have been known to travel vast distances to reunite with their owners.

Filling #2:

Many breeds have been specifically bred for their loyalty traits, such as Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds.

Filling #3:

Pet owners’ personal experiences further support the claim, with countless stories of dogs displaying unwavering loyalty in various situations.

Bottom Bun:

With their history, breeding, and the personal anecdotes of many, it’s clear why dogs are cherished for their loyalty.

The  hamburger template assists writers, especially those new to essay writing, in assembling a well-structured essay, helping them organize their thoughts and research into a logical format that readers can easily follow. Students can use this structure to ensure they’re fleshing out their ideas adequately and maintaining a logical flow throughout their essays.

So next time you’re writing an essay, think of your paragraphs as a delicious stack of hamburger paragraphs, with each one adding a unique flavor to your overall composition. If you’d like a professional proofreader to review your essay and its structure once you’ve completed your first draft, we’d be happy to help. Check out our essay proofreading services , or try us out by submitting a free sample !

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hamburger model essay

How to Teach Paragraph Writing with a Hamburger!

Writing a good, solid paragraph is the basis of writing composition. In fact, the ideas we teach our elementary students about paragraph writing will be used throughout their lives. Secondary school research projects need good paragraphs. College entrance essays need good paragraphs.  Professional writing for any number of careers needs good paragraphs, too! So why not engage your students with something they love and make the concept of a good, solid paragraph stick?  Teaching hamburger paragraph writing for elementary students using the hamburger style model is my favorite (and the most effective) way of teaching how to write a paragraph.

A hamburger picture as a visual of how to teach paragraph writing with a hamburger to elementary students.

Teaching the Hamburger Model for Writing Using a Guided Approach

Over the years I have taught paragraph writing in many different ways.  Some worked and some, well… not so much.  One of the biggest things I’ve learned over the years is that teaching the paragraph as a whole and then sending my students off to write a paragraph is not the best approach. I now use a guided approach to teaching paragraph writing with much more success.

A guided approach involves breaking the task down into its parts and teaching each part individually.  Once students have learned and practiced each part, then, and only then, do we put it all together to develop a full understanding of the topic.  Here’s what it looks like in my classroom.

Introducing Hamburger Paragraph Writing for Elementary Students

On the first day, I love to engage my students with the hamburger.  I mean, who doesn’t love a good, juicy hamburger?  We will spend some time talking about hamburgers and what makes them so special, inviting their favorite restaurants into the discussion.  We chat about our favorite hamburger toppings.  And then, just about the time our mouths are watering, I let them know that hamburgers can teach us something too!

Student friendly hamburger templates for students to write on to get started on paragraph writing - showing main idea, details and a concluding sentence.

This is when I introduce the learning topic of paragraph writing.  Depending on the grade level, the paragraph writing process might be something new or might be something they were introduced to the year before.  Either way, our focus becomes learning to write a cohesive paragraph using the hamburger paragraph method.

Then, I begin by showing the students the hamburger paragraph graphic organizers.  As we look at the model we identify the different types of sentences that make up a paragraph.  Our focus will be the main idea (introduction sentence), supporting details, and the closing or concluding sentence.

Anchor charts of main idea, supporting details and closing sentence that teachers can use to display around the classroom for student reference.

One of the first learning tools we use are these anchor chart pieces or posters for each sentence type.  I have found this to be really helpful so that as we continue all students have been exposed to the same terms and language.  We use these posters throughout the paragraph writing unit.  They hang in the classroom as a reminder and learning tool for the students.

Focusing on the Main Idea

We begin with the topic sentence or the main idea of the paragraph.  The main objective here is for students to understand that a paragraph is a group of sentences about one topic.  The main idea sentence describes the topic of the paragraph.   We go back to the full hamburger graphic to reinforce what the main idea does.

To help my students understand this concept we play a little game.  I read or say complete sentences and my students tell me whether it would be a good main idea sentence.  Some examples might be:

  • Elephants are amazing animals. {Yes – this is a main idea sentence}
  • An elephant has four legs. {No – not a main idea sentence}
  • Percy Jackson has an adventurous life. {Yes}
  • Percy Jackson went to Olympus and met Zeus. {No}

Once my students are doing a great job identifying main idea sentences, we then take our game to the next level. I give my students a general topic, like ‘animals’, and they brainstorm a different main idea or topic sentence that could be used.

Main Idea anchor chart shown next to a prewritten paragraph that was created leaving out a main idea or topic sentence for the student to fill in.

Students then practice doing this on their own or with a partner.  It’s always fun to read some of their independent answers aloud for the class.  This is a great way to show that there are many ways you can reword the same main idea.

A quick review of student answers gives me a really good idea of whether the class is ready to move on. If students need more practice, you should pause here and try other ways to teach the main idea to your students. Main idea is such an important concept in reading and writing that you want to make sure your students fully understand the topic.

We finish our lesson on main idea or a topic sentence with students practicing.  We use the topic sentence worksheet to have student practice writing their own topic sentences for a provided paragraph.

Finally, we work on listening to a paragraph that doesn’t have an opening sentence.   After hearing the paragraph we work on writing a good topic sentence for the paragraph.  Not only does this help students work on writing the main idea in the form of a sentence, but it also helps them see how the different types of sentences in a paragraph work together.

Supporting Details

After a quick review of the main idea, we will next cover supporting details.  The goal is for students to understand that supporting details give more information to explain and support the main idea.  Before jumping in with sentences, we start with a hamburger.  I start by holding up the top of a bun (real or a picture – both work).  Then I ask my students if this is a hamburger?  Obviously, the answer is a resounding NO!  Then, I ask the students a simple question, “How do you build a hamburger?”  The answers are pretty straightforward: bun, meat, cheese, ketchup, lettuce, tomato, etc.

An example of a cut and order hamburger where elementary students need to find the details that fit under the correct "top bun" or main idea.

Next, I ask the  question that will connect building a hamburger to supporting details.  I might say something like “What about the mashed potatoes?”  To which my students usually stare at me like I’m crazy.  Inevitably, someone will say something like ‘Mashed potatoes don’t go on a hamburger!’  And that is what I’m waiting for!  I explain that they are absolutely right.  And just like we build a hamburger with hamburger ingredients, we have to choose supporting details that support our main idea.

We again start by practicing this skill as a class.  We start with a main idea sentence like “I had a horrible sick day.”  I used this sentence, typed it out on a top bun, and displayed it on the board.  Then I read a variety of other sentences and the students decide if the sentence supports the main idea.

A worksheet page showing detail supports. Students would read the paragraph and remove the detail that doesn't support the main idea.

For each sentence that does support the main idea, I display it on the board under the main idea.  As we do this, students can see the progression of building the hamburger with a main idea and supporting details. Sometimes I may print these out and place them in centers for students to manipulate. I’m a fan of hands-on student engagement.

We do this a few times with different main ideas to give the students practice with identifying good supporting “juicy” details.

Another way to do this is to provide two main ideas, that are similar in context but different.  For example, you could use “Riding a horse was a great experience.” and “Riding a horse is very scary.”  Then as you read supporting detail sentences, students can choose which main idea the sentence best supports.  This is really great if your students have experience with multi-paragraph writing.  This activity shows them how they can break down different aspects of their topic to have multiple main ideas through multiple paragraphs.

The next day we tackle supporting details again.  But this time our focus is on making sure that the supporting details are relevant to the main idea.  I remind the students of the mashed potatoes from the day before.  We talk about how mashed potatoes with a fried chicken dinner are great.  They are relevant to completing that meal.  But mashed potatoes on a hamburger just don’t work.  They are not relevant even though they are a food and we could put a spoonful on the burger.

hamburger model essay

Like the mashed potatoes, even though it is possible to add them to a hamburger – we don’t.  The same goes with supporting detail sentences.  There may be sentences that relate to the main idea but that are not relevant.  To help students understand this better we do some examples together.

I give students a topic sentence and a few supporting detail sentences.  They then choose which sentences are relevant and which are not.  We talk about what makes them relevant and why some sentences just don’t belong with this main idea.

After our group practice, students worked on this worksheet to practice taking out the sentences that were not relevant to the paragraph.  Students can do this independently or with a partner.  If they work with someone I have them explain the reason why they don’t feel a specific sentence is relevant.

After a few days of working on the main idea and supporting details, the students usually have a good understanding.  If, however, your students are struggling with the concept, again, I would encourage you to not move on.  There are amazing main idea and details worksheets to help assist with this progress.

Two different worksheets showing students practicing main idea.


These main idea and details worksheets offer a perfect combination of practice for students from identifying the main idea and details from a set to writing them in on their own!


Concluding Sentences

Once students have a good grasp on the main idea and supporting details, it’s time to add the final bun to our hamburger.  The bottom bun represents our closing or conclusion sentence.  As I introduce the concluding sentence we talk about how the buns of a hamburger are what make it easy to eat.  They hold together all the ‘messy’ stuff in the middle.  While you could eat a hamburger with just one bun, it’s not quite as neat or convenient as with two buns.  Just like the buns of a burger, the first and last sentences of a paragraph really hold the paragraph together for the reader.

Closing Sentence anchor chart is available to help support the students. Practice closing sentences with a paragraph with the concluding sentence left off.

Students usually pick up the concept of concluding sentences quickly because they are similar to the main idea sentence.  We talk about how rewording the main idea into a concluding sentence wraps up the paragraph.

We practice doing this with some simple paragraphs that are missing the closing or concluding sentence.  After reading the paragraph we first identify the main idea sentence.  Then we talk about ways we can reword the main idea into a conclusion.

That leads us right into our final lesson on closing sentences.  We talk about different ways to make our closing sentences really  good.  I do this by introducing students to . . . the clincher!

Anchor chart of a clincher sentence explaining that it adds interest to the ending of a paragraph.

The clincher is a way to make the closing sentence interesting – and not just a repeat of the main idea sentence.  Students learn that there are a variety of ways to write a good clincher.  These are the ones that I teach my students:

  • asking a question;
  • excitement; and
  • reflection.

We dig into each of these types of clinchers by writing different sentences for the same paragraph.  The students love using their creativity to come up with good clinchers!

Applying the Hamburger Structure to Writing

After learning about all the parts, it’s time to put the pieces together and start working on writing a good paragraph.  So many times in the past, this is where I would start.  As I look back now I see how much important learning my students were missing.  It’s just one of the many things that makes me remember the value of learning in baby steps.

This image shows the hamburger paragraph organizer that students can use to create their own individual story.

We finish up by going through the entire process again, together. But, we do this in steps too.  I give students a very general writing topic just so that we all have a place to start.  Then using the hamburger writing templates, we write out one sentence at a time using the hamburger model as a guide.  Once students have completed the hamburger paragraph template they write their final paragraph.

Students also use a rubric to guide them through writing their paragraph.  This helps them to remember the details and what to include. Before you know it,  students will be writing their own paragraphs with very little guidance!

This hamburger essay guided paragraph approach has been very effective for my students and I know it will be with yours too! Keep the finished product in a writer’s notebook to show growth throughout the year!

Hamburger Paragraph Writing Unit

As a teacher, you are more than qualified to put together an amazing paragraph writing unit using these or other ideas.  But if you are looking for some time-saving resources to help students in mastering the hamburger paragraph, this Paragraph Writing Lessons Resource  may be what you’re looking for. This resource is perfect for 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and any remedial students.

This image shows the hamburger method for paragraph writing with a completed hamburger with topic sentence, details and concluding sentence.

This ready-to-use resource includes everything you need to teach an entire paragraph unit using the paragraph hamburger model.  You receive anchor charts and posters for the different types of sentences, the hamburger model, example paragraphs for guided practice, no prep worksheets for independent practice, the hamburger writing organizer, the coordinating paper for the final draft, and the grading rubric.  All of this for the price of a Starbucks drink!  You can find this Hamburger Paragraph resource in my Teachers Pay Teachers store .

Save these Hamburger Paragraph Writing Ideas

Not quite ready to add these ideas to your lesson plans?  Just pin this to your favorite classroom Pinterest board so you can quickly come back when it is time to teach paragraph writing to your students.

Teaching Paragraph Writing with a hamburger Pinterest Pin to pin for later.

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The "hamburger technique" of writing

The "hamburger technique" of writing.

It is important that the majority of your writing in a research paper is YOURS. Even if you are citing your sources, the general rule is that 2/3 of the words in your research assignments should be your own. If your paper consists of nothing but quotes, you are not demonstrating that you understand the material nor are you providing your own analysis of that material. One writing method you can follow to help you do this is called the hamburger paragraph .

Hamburger Paragraph:

  • Some instructors will call this the sandwich paragraph method or even the Oreo method (which you may have heard before). Keep in mind that this method applies to body paragraphs, which are basically any paragraph in a paper other than the introduction and conclusion paragraphs. 

Building the Burger:


  • Top bun: The topic sentence, or argument. The first sentence of a paragraph should clearly state the paragraph’s main idea.
  • Condiments: Your evidence (quotes & paraphrased information from your sources). When using quotes, remember that a little goes a long way!
  • Cheese, pickles, onions, lettuce, tomato, burger: Your analysis. The bulk of the paragraph! This is where you explain the significance of the evidence in your own words. This section is crucial to your paragraph. Don't get caught in a quote trap. Which is stringing quotes together without explaining their purpose. If you do not back up your quotes or paraphrased information, your writing will be weak and your reader (which at TCC is your teacher) will not be convinced that you understand the material you are writing about.  
  • Bottom bun: Sentence relating the paragraph back to the thesis statement and transitioning to the next body paragraph.

Here's a diagram to illustrate the concept: 

(click on image to enlarge)

diagram of the hamburger paragraph

Example with a paragraph:

Here is another example of a simple "evidence sandwich" paragraph in the middle of a research paper that paraphrases information about using social media in the classroom. If you were to use a direct quote instead of paraphrasing, this is where you would want to place the quote. 

Paraphrase sandwich example

Variations on the hamburger method:


  • You can use variations on this formula.  For example, you could make this paragraph longer by including more analysis of the researchers’ findings.
  • Or you could include a second piece of evidence (more filling!) to further back up your point.  If you add more filling, you might want to balance it by adding another slice of bread, too (that is, more of your own analysis).

Not every paragraph in your paper has to follow this formula, or even necessarily include outside evidence. But this is a classic formula that can serve you well throughout your college career. Just remember, you can't just plop a quote into a paragraph and move on - you must explain what the quote means or why the information is important in your own words - this is your analysis. Don't use quotes to fill space. Adding information into your paper should do just that, ADD to it - compliment it. Don't include useless information, but be picky and use quotes only when you intend to talk about what they mean and why they matter to your argument! 

One Last Note:

And again, making sure you correctly paraphrase, quote, summarize and CITE is key to avoiding plagiarism!

Diagram source: " Paragraph burger " by M. Persson, 2013, Educational use.

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  • Last Updated: Jun 13, 2024 9:35 AM
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Free Editable Hamburger Paragraph Examples

Frequently writing reports and paragraphs is common for students and professionals. In writing paragraphs, the thing that matters the most is your original writing. Even if you use helping content and websites, your writing skills will demonstrate your understanding of the topic. Hamburger paragraph is the most suitable graphic organizer for writing essays, paragraphs and reports.

1. What is a Hamburger Paragraph?

A hamburger paragraph is a graphic organizers that illustrates the key parts of paragraphs or other writings. It outlines the main points of various writings such as reports and essays to ensure that the writer follows the correct format and information hierarchy. Educators use hamburger graphic organizers to help students understand how to convert their ideas into organized text. With its help, most students learn to share their concepts with cohesive paragraphs and better understand paragraph writing structure.

2. Hamburger Paragraph Examples

Here are some of the most commonly used hamburger paragraph templates from EdrawMax's templates community. The purpose of these templates is to help students understand the concept of writing structures and idea organization. A hamburger graphic organizer makes it easier to visually represent the relationship between information in any paragraph or report. Our paragraph hamburger templates examples will help you better understand hamburger format writing. Check out these examples and pick a suitable template for your writing assignment.

Example 1: Hamburger Paragraph

This is a hamburger paragraph template. There are three parts of a paragraph hamburger. The first part is the top bun, which is the topic sentence of your writing. In this part, you explain your paragraph and your main idea. Under the topic sentence, you add the burger filling, which contains supporting information regarding your topic sentence. The third part is the bottom bun of the hamburger. You conclude your paragraph in this section by writing a few sentences about your main idea and making a reference to your topic sentence.

Hamburger Paragraph

Example 2: Hamburger Graphic Organizer

This is an example of a hamburger graphic organizer. Students use these templates to make assignments and improve their writing skills and idea organization. The hamburger in this template contains five parts. The top bun where students add their topic sentence and give the main idea. The second part contains supporting sentences to provide more information about the topic. The third part connects to the second part and gives more supporting information about the subject. With such a template, you can keep adding supportive details till you prove your point and reach a conclusion.

Example 3: Hamburger Writing

Hamburger writing outlines come in various formats, but the key structure of each hamburger graphic organizer is similar. The template in this example resembles a hamburger from the inside and outside. The topic, supporting, and conclusion are part of the hamburger. Paragraph hamburger template helps you understand an ideal way to depict the relationship between pieces of information. The paragraph starts with the topic sentence and the main idea. In the filling section, you add two or three supporting paragraphs and conclude your writing in the last area.

Hamburger Writing

Example 4: Hamburger Paragraph Writing Template

A hamburger paragraph writing template is mainly used for teaching purposes, and it helps students understand various writing structures and graphic organizers. There is a hamburger on the left side and a writing area on the right side in this example. The colors and lines represent which part of the hamburger represents which part of the paragraph. The top bun is the topic sentence, the filling is the supporting sentence, the bottom bun is the conclusion sentence. Students have to write the main idea, details and conclusion of the paragraph in an organized order.

Example 5: Hamburger Paragraph Examples

This is one of the most commonly used hamburger paragraph examples. There are three parts to this sandwich template. The topic sentence is the first part where students write the main idea of the target paragraph to explain the purpose of their writing. The second part is the body of the sandwich, which is further divided into two or three sections. Each of these sections contains details and supporting sentences regarding the topic sentence. All arguments and related information are mostly written in the body. In the last part, students conclude their writing and give their final thoughts.

Hamburger Paragraph Examples

Example 6: Hamburger Paragraph Template

The hamburger paragraph templates use a hamburger as a metaphor to describe the writing structure of any paragraph or report. The first section of the paragraph is the topic sentence that resembles any hamburger's top bun, and it provides the main idea and direction of the paragraph in question. The second section is the details and support statements that resemble the filling in a hamburger. The third section is the paragraph's conclusion that mirrors the bottom bun of a hamburger.

Hamburger Paragraph Template

Click on the image to edit. Source: EdrawMax Online

3. Online Hamburger Graphic Organizer Maker

A graphic organizer maker is a helping tool for educators and students to create hamburger graphic organizers for assignments and other teaching purposes. EdrawMax Online is the best hamburger graphic organizer maker out there. Most educators use paragraph hamburgers to teach their students, but they don't usually have spare time to make a graphic designer from scratch because it takes some time and effort.

With EdrawMax, teachers can use professional templates and customization tools to create any graphic organizer in minutes. Having pre-made templates makes all the difference because there is zero possibility of making any mistake or using the wrong format.

4. Key Takeaways

Hamburger paragraph helps students understand how to organize ideas and share their concepts. It is a creative method to showcase the ideal paragraph writing structure. The hamburger graphic organizer contains the key parts of a paragraph, and it takes a hamburger as a metaphor to organize information. It helps increase students' creativity while learning how to relate information in paragraphs.

As a result, it is important to find a stauible tool for making hamburger paragraph examples. EdrawMax Online is an ideal graphic organizer maker, because it only takes a few clicks for you to select a template and create a hamburger graphic organizer . You also find many shapes and icons in its symbol library. Find more graphic organizer template in the template community.


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Hamburger Graphic Organizer Complete Guide

Edraw content team, do you want to make your hamburger graphic ogranizer.

EdrawMax specializes in diagramming and visualizing. Learn from this hamburger graphic organizer complete guide to know everything about hamburger graphic organizer. Just try it free now!

Students and experts often write reports and paragraphs for educational purposes. The most important part of writing paragraphs is their original writing. Your writing abilities will indicate your subject knowledge even if you use reference materials and websites. The Hamburger paragraph is the professional graphic organizer for essays, paragraphs, and reports.

The Hamburger Graphic Organizer is the most exquisite of digital mind maps for both students and instructors. These hamburger paragraph samples will assist you in teaching your children the elements of a strong paragraph. Begin with the top bun, which represents the topic sentence, and explains the concept of the paragraph. And then comes the tasty supporting sentences/details: Onions, Tomatoes, ketchup, bacon, mustard, and a beef patty (100% vegetarian). Now, finish the paragraph with a bottom bun, also known as a concluding sentence that relates to the topic phrase. A Hamburger Graphic Organizer is an essential part of modern learning.

hamburger graphic organizer

1. What is Hamburger Graphic Organizer

The " paragraph hamburger " is a writing organizer that visually highlights the critical parts of a paragraph. A topic sentence, descriptive sentences, and a concluding sentence are the core elements of solid writing. Each of these elements forms a distinct piece of a hamburger. It defines the major components of various types of writing, such as reports and essays, to assure that the writer sticks to the proper structure and information pyramid. Educators utilize hamburger visual organizers to help pupils comprehend how to organize their thoughts into writing. Many pupils learn to convey their ideas with integrated paragraphs and better understand paragraph writing structure with its aid. Hamburger Graphic Organizer assists in illustrating the organization or structure of ideas and displays how information is connected realistically.

The hamburger graphic organizer is a writing organizer that visually highlights the critical parts of a paragraph.

2. Benefits of Using Hamburger Graphic Organizer

Graphic organizers are commonly used these days for learning and professional purposes. Hamburger Graphic Organizer is a very common type of graphic organizers. Students and teachers usually use it for learning and building concepts. Some of its benefits are given below:

  • Hamburger Graphic Organizers are simple but effective tools that can assist children with dyspraxia, executive functioning disorders, and other challenges that might cause writing issues.
  • A visual organizer does more than just divide a task into more manageable steps. It may also help children organize their thoughts visually. They can learn best by using a such strategic techniques.
  • Academic skills can be improved using Hamburger Graphic Organizer.
  • This Organizer assists learners in clarifying their thoughts before commencing formal writing in detail.

3. How to Use a Hamburger Graphic Organizer

Hamburger Graphic Organizer is based on the hamburger method. While giving a constructive compliment on anything the individual performs well, you should start with a constructive remark (Otherwise known as the fluffy bun part). Then you come to the heart of the affair, which is, of course, constructive criticism. Writing an essay is very much like making a hamburger. Consider the prologue and epilogue as the bread pieces, with the "meat" of your argument sandwiched between these. The introduction contains your thesis statement, whereas the conclusion summarises your argument. Both should be limited to a few phrases. As an instructor, if you want to teach your students to create a hamburger paragraph, you need to give them a set of instructions that will help them complete the task. There are students with varying learning skills, kids with reading difficulties, younger learners, and second language learners, and they all need these instructions to proceed with educational writing.

  • Give them several samples of some well-written paragraphs and ask them to identify the components. Encourage students to go through them on their own by offering several paragraphs with labelled sections.
  • Give participants some of the already completed pieces. For example, you may give them all of the "filler" sentences and ask them to produce an excellent introduction or closing statement.
  • Provide them with already filled-in examples. Suggest that they cut out each section and then reassemble the pieces.
  • Instruct them to locate a passage in their textbook. See if the students can identify the different parts of the text. Make them rewrite the textbook passage if required!
  • Encourage them to verbalize the paragraph before writing it. Make use of scaffolding. For instance, "What is one thing you'd want to tell me about Fido (child's dog's name)?" "How much fun is Fido to cuddle with?" (Inquire for further information.) "So, what did you say about Fido?" (conclusion).

4. How to Make a Hamburger Graphic Organizer in General

Writing a solid paragraph is the core of composition writing. In addition, the concepts that teach our primary students about paragraph writing will help them for the rest of their lives. The hamburger model is an effective way to get students to practice writing. The hamburger model, also known as a sandwich model, is a composing strategy that assists students in constructing a paragraph or an essay. This model uses a paragraph structure of "introduction - supporting details - conclusion". It may help produce an organized and coherent paragraph.

1. Describe three main points of a paragraph:

  • The Top Bun : It describes the topic sentence of a paragraph. This sentence represents the basic concept. The top bun is another name for the topic sentence.
  • The middle or supporting sentence : The middle section provides reasoning, facts, and explanations, among other things, to justify the main topic statement.
  • The Bottom Bun : This is an ending sentence of a paragraph.

2. Encourage students to construct a topic sentence that shows what the rest of the paragraph will contain.

3. Students should write multiple supporting statements that provide more details on the topic.

4. Teach to develop an ending sentence that reiterates the topic sentence.

5. How to Make a Hamburger Graphic Organizer in EdrawMax

Creating a Hamburger Graphic Organizer in EdrawMax is an easy process. The free visual organizer creator has multiple features, such as importing data straight from a .csv file or building one from scratch using free templates. In this article, a complete guide is provided to help you make a great hamburger writing graphic organizer.

Step1 Open EdrawMax and Login

Log in to EdrawMax with your registered email account. If you have never used EdrawMax before, you just need to create your new account by registering into EdrawMax with your personal or professional email ID.

how to make a hamburger graphic organizer

Step2 Choose a Built-In Template

EdrawMax is one of the best free graphics organize templates. By clicking "Education" from the left navigation panel, you may choose a pre-designed theme from the product or service based on your desire or necessity. It will show a wide range of graphic organizer styles. Additionally, on the EdrawMax Online canvas, hit "+" to start from scratch and design a graphic organizer.

how to make a hamburger graphic organizer

Step3 Select the Symbol

You can use a symbol bank to add your favourite symbols to ready-made templates or use these symbols to create a customized hamburger writing graphic organizer. It is located on the left of the screen and comprises basic drawings and arrow shapes. Diagrams, Graphs, Charts, Clip Art, Icons, festivals, Education, Design elements, and other figures are featured in the symbols library. With suitable icons and content, you may create an effective graphic organizer. You can add any logo to the sketching page by dragging and dropping it.

how to make a hamburger graphic organizer

Step4 Add Components and Text

In this step, you will insert text in your Hamburger Graphic Organizer template. Double click on the sample text boxes, and write your required information in those boxes. Using different text tools will help you create a great graphic organizer template.

how to make a hamburger graphic organizer

Step5 Customize the Details

Several tools in the EdrawMax will help you modify the graphic organizer design according to your needs. You can use various options that include a pen tool, pencil tool, text tool, connectors, formatting of shapes option, the movement of point tools, drawing of geometrical forms, the motion of anchor points, etc.

how to make a hamburger graphic organizer

Step6 Export & Share

Once your graphic organizer is finished, you can easily export and share it with your colleagues or customers. A graphic organizer can be exported in various forms, including Graphics, JPEG, PDF, and HTML. You can also publish the designs on other social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Line.

how to make a hamburger graphic organizer

Basically, it is simple to create a hamburger graphic organizer in EdrawMax, just grab a template and keep customizing, drag and drop professinal symbols to make your plan better. If you are still confusing about how to create a hamburger graphic organizer in EdrawMax, just check this graphic organizer guide , or check the video below. Or you can find more tutorial videos from our Youtube .

6. Free Hamburger Graphic Organizer Examples & Templates

There are 6 examples of hamburger graphic organizer that you can refer or use immediately. Just click the image to download EdrawMax , and download the templates accordingly. Then double click to open the templates and customize as your prefer. Or open the templates from EdrawMax Online, and duplicate the templates. Click this graphic organizer examples to get more inspirations.

Example 1: Hamburger Paragraph

This template is for the Hamburger paragraph. A paragraph hamburger is made up of three pieces. The first component is the top bun, which contains your topic statement. This section is where you describe your paragraph and key concept. You place the burger filler beneath the theme sentence, which offers supportive evidence about your topic statement. The third component is the hamburger's bottom bread. In this area, you end your paragraph by adding a few phrases regarding your primary concept and referencing your topic sentence.

Hamburger Paragraph

Example 2: Hamburger Graphic Organizer

This template is for Hamburger Graphic Organizer. Students use these templates to create projects, enhance their writing abilities, and organize their ideas. This Hamburger template has five sections. The uppermost bun is where students put their theme phrase and explain their key points. The second section includes supporting statements that give further details about the problem. The third section links to the second and provides additional information about the topic. You can keep adding these supporting details and statements until you prove your claim and reach a conclusion.

Hamburger Graphic Organizer

Example 3: Hamburger Writing

Hamburger writing contours are available in a variety of formats, but the basic structure of each hamburger graphic organizer is the same. In this case, from the inside out template resembles a hamburger. This hamburger template includes a theme, supporting evidence, and a conclusion. This hamburger writing template will assist you in understanding the best way to portray the correlation between pieces of data. You must present the thesis statement and the theme first in any paragraph. In the stuffing section, you add up to three supporting passages before wrapping up your writing in the final segment.

Hamburger Writing

Example 4: Hamburger Paragraph Writing Template

A hamburger paragraph writing template is primarily used in the classroom to make the students understand different writing frameworks and graphic organizers. This template has a hamburger on the left and a writing portion on the right. The uppermost area of the hamburger has a top bun that corresponds to the topic statement of the paragraph, the filling represents the supporting pieces of evidence, and at the bottom, the lower bun represents the concluding phrase. Students must learn to write the topic phrase, details, and the final sentence in a logical order.

Hamburger Paragraph Writing Template

Example 5: Blank Hamburger Graphic Organizer

This example is one of the most common kinds of Hamburger Graphic Organizer templates. This sandwich-shaped template is divided into three distinct sections. Students explain the concept of the target passage in the topic sentence to give information about their text. The second element which is also called the sandwich's body has two or three segments. All of these segments include information and supporting phrases about the topic sentence. The body contains a high proportion of reasoning and relevant information. Students conclude their writing and share their closing remarks in the final section.

Blank Hamburger Graphic Organizer

Example 6: Hamburger Graphic Organizer for Writing

The hamburger graphic organizer for writing explain the writing format of any passage or report using a hamburger as an analogy. The first section of a paragraph is its topic or thesis statement which defines the direction and the main idea of the paragraph, and it closely resembles the top bread bun of a hamburger. The supporting phrases in the middle portion resemble the fillings of the hamburger. At last, the third segment of the paragraph is the conclusion that reflects the bottom bun of a hamburger.

Hamburger Graphic Organizer for Writing

7. Free Hamburger Graphic Organizer Software

EdrawMax is a free and widely used hamburger graphic organizer software in this category. It is popular among beginners because it provides simple, minimalistic features and easy-to-follow guidelines. It is being used in multiple businesses, educational, and social projects. This software has numerous features. Some prime features include:

  • EdrawMax comes with a free version where you get to access some of the amazing design features. You can use this free hamburger graphic organizer creator to create over 280 types of different diagrams -- all in one single canvas.
  • EdrawMax offers over 50,000 vector-enabled symbols. In our ' Predefined Library ' section, you will find all the hamburger graphic organizer-related symbols.
  • EdrawMax lets you create great hamburger graphic organizers and provides you with additional features where you can share your file to different social media platforms or directly share the URL in your email to your client or architect.
  • In addition to having over 25 million registered users, this free hamburger graphic organizer creator comes with extensive online resources. From video tutorials to elaborated guides just like this one, you will always find the right symbols, tips, and ways to create awesome hamburger graphic organizers for your projects.

8. Final Thoughts

The hamburger paragraph assists students in organizing their thoughts and sharing their opinions. It is a unique way to demonstrate the ideal narrative writing layout. The Hamburger Graphic Organizer contains the main components of a paragraph and organizes information using a hamburger as a metaphor. It encourages students' creative thinking while teaching them how to connect details in paragraphs. It only takes a few clicks to select a template and create a Hamburger Graphic Organizer.

It encourages students' creative thinking while teaching them how to connect details in paragraphs. Because it only takes a few clicks to select a template and create a hamburger graphic organizer, EdrawMax is the professional graphic organizer creator. Its symbol library also contains a large number of shapes and visuals. You can find many Hamburger Graphic Organizer templates in the template community.

Graphic Organizer image

Graphic Organizer Complete Guide

Check this complete guide to know everything about graphic organizer, like graphic organizer types, and how to make a graphic organizer.

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hamburger model essay

Hamburger Essay Outline – Free Writing Printable

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Hamburger essay outline for literature

This year we’ve been working on essay writing in one of our co-op classes. A lot. The kids are at different points with their writing skills: a few of them are all about writing out a detailed outline, complete with color coded paragraphs, while a few others need a more visual approach to grasping the concept of outlining.

Just for fun, I asked Laurianna to help me create a visual outline that would give everyone a little start on writing  and completing a five paragraph essay. Their essays and the outline needed to include:

  • three key points/paragraphs
  • a conclusion

One of the things that I continually stress to our kids is the importance of being able to write a strong thesis and/or introduction, make valid points that support and prove their thesis, and then end with a strong concluding paragraph to tie it all together. Sometimes a simple visual can help them map their thoughts, make sure things flow together properly, and ensure they aren’t getting off topic.

The kids can start with the hamburger essay outline to map out their initial thoughts, and eventually they build a more detailed essay outline like below:

  • Thesis and ‘hook’ sentence
  • Main paragraph idea #1: sub-points 1, 2, and 3
  • Main paragraph idea #2: sub-points 1, 2, and 3
  • Main paragraph idea #3: sub-points 1, 2, and 3

The hamburger essay outline is just a simple pencil/pen sketch that we had fun coloring in, but it has been a help to several of our kids and the kids in co-op – and we wanted to share it with you all as well!

hamburger model essay

p.s. on a completely unrelated note to anything, it just makes me giggle saying ‘hamburger’ because then I picture Steve Martin as the Pink Panther trying to say the word hamburger… and I get completely sidetracked.

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The Hamburger Method for Essay Writing

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While researching a longer piece on opioid use, our Education Week video team came across Briana Sotomayor—a 4 th grader in rural Jackson County, W.V., who wrote an award-winning essay for her district’s drug-and-alcohol prevention competition.

In this video, Briana describes an approach to essay writing used in many elementary classrooms across the country in which the image of a hamburger serves as a graphic organizer. The top bun is the thesis, the bottom bun the conclusion, and the meat, cheese, and veggies—the details—are sandwiched in between. Rhonda Jelich, the district’s director of elementary education and staff development, explained to Education Week that the hamburger model is one of many age-appropriate methods for giving all students a writing structure.

And since kids like hearing from kids, it’s the kind of short video teachers may want to show in their classrooms to get students going with the literacy strategy.

A version of this news article first appeared in the Curriculum Matters blog.

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Why the “Hamburger” Essay Has Gone Stale

And ways to freshen your students’ writing!

Wilted hamburger - it's time to get rid of hamburger essay

The last year has taught educators that we must update many tried and true methods. Especially given the time constraints placed on teachers–whether teaching virtually or face-to-face. I’d like to suggest an important change. Stop requiring the hamburger style, five-paragraph essay. There is no rule that five paragraphs make the best essay. In fact, this unwritten rule leads to restrictive, repetitive, and often content-weak essays. It’s time to get rid of the hamburger essay!

Bye, bye buns

Sure, teachers still assign this style of essay for a reason. It is easy and efficient, but that is often the problem. Many students write through the motions to make their ideas fit into the hamburger style because they’ve been taught to do for so long. Even many state writing assessments still encourage the five-paragraph essay. This requirement often leads to drawn-out and monotonous essays, just so the student can check the boxes.

In his article, Kill the 5-Paragraph Essay , John Warner writes, “The five-paragraph essay is indeed a genre, but one that is entirely uncoupled from anything resembling meaningful work when it comes to developing a fully mature writing process.” The five-paragraph assignment often causes students to focus on how the essay should look rather than what the essay should say.


Serve up choice and voice

My favorite college professor once said he wanted two things from us when we wrote or presented in his class: to be informed and to be entertained. He told us to focus on what we wanted to say and then figure out how to say it.

A quick look at College Board requirements for essays encourages students to consider the following topics: subject, occasion, audience, and purpose. Challenge students to really focus on what they want to say. Encourage students to ask these questions: What is my goal? Why is this important to me? Why should this be important to others? The main goal of any essay should be to help the reader understand your thesis by organizing the ideas in a logical manner to support it. Answering these questions will help the student craft a strong thesis; without it, the essay is just wilted lettuce and mushy buns.

Size shouldn’t matter

The three-pronged thesis statement approach provided the meat, lettuce, and tomato of the hamburger essay. But this also forces students to develop three, and only three, main ideas to support. Sometimes two, four, or more may be just what is needed. As for the conclusion, let go of the idea that the thesis and main ideas need to be repeated. Instead, instruct students to focus on making sure the final paragraph emphasizes why the essay is important and why further action may be needed.

Throughout the writing process, reassure students that it is okay to write creatively. They should spend more time researching and fully developing the necessary support instead of worrying about meeting a certain length or number of words. Encourage students to stay mindful about word choice and voice to set the tone, use a variety of sentence styles to keep readers interested, and stay on topic. These important elements will help the essay achieve its purpose regardless of the number of paragraphs. One of the most important goals of teaching writing is to challenge students to think critically and to find their own voice and style. The focus of essay writing needs to be on quality, not quantity.

Not all essays are equal

Consider the type of essay you are requiring the students to write. If expository is the requirement, a five-paragraph essay might fill the bill. However, if narrative writing is the focus, encourage students to check out NPR’s series “ This I Believe. ” Here students will be able to read and hear numerous styles of essays that also showcase a writer’s voice. If the essay is persuasive, students will certainly want to spend time not only developing those body paragraphs of support but the counterclaim as well. Additionally, many courses simply require students to write an introduction, multi-paragraph body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The length is totally up to the individual student.

Allowing more voice and choice in writing gives the students more control and, in the end, more joy in the process. After all, a meaty and well-done essay is a chef’s kis s to an educator and student who have an appetite for success.

Do you think it’s time to get rid of the hamburger essay? Share your comments below!

Also, let’s stop asking students to start every essay with a hook ., want more articles like this make sure to subscribe to our newsletters .

Why the 'Hamburger' Essay Has Gone Stale

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