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The impact of COVID-19 on the evolution of online retail: The pandemic as a window of opportunity

Levente szász.

a Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeș-Bolyai University, 400591, Cluj-Napoca, Teodor Mihali str, 58-60, Romania

Csaba Bálint

b National Bank of Romania, 030031, Bucharest, Lipscani str. 25, sector 3, Romania

Ottó Csíki

Bálint zsolt nagy, béla-gergely rácz, dénes csala.

c Department of Engineering, Lancaster University, Engineering Building, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YW, United Kingdom

d Economics Observatory, School of Economics, University of Bristol, Beacon House, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1QU, United Kingdom

Lloyd C. Harris

e Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, Booth St W, Manchester, M15 6PB, United Kingdom

Associated Data

Data will be made available on request.

Pandemic-related shocks have induced an unexpected volatility into the evolution of online sales, making it difficult for retailers to cope with frequently occurring, drastic changes in demand. Relying on a socio-technical approach, the purpose of this paper is to (a) offer a deeper insight into the driving forces of online sales during the pandemic, and (b) investigate whether pandemic-related shocks accelerate the long-term growth of online retail. Novel, high-frequency data on GPS-based population mobility and government stringency is used to demonstrate how time spent in residential areas and governmental restrictions drive the monthly evolution of online sales in 23 countries. We deconstruct these effects into three main phases: lure-in, lock-in, and phase-out. Lastly, using time series analysis, we show that the pandemic has induced a level shift into the long-term growth trend of the online retail sector in the majority of countries investigated.

1. Introduction

The outbreak of the pandemic caused by the spread of a novel type of coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, has induced an unprecedented shock to the global economy in terms of its speed and encompassing nature, having a significant impact on virtually all countries and economic sectors. During the pandemic, businesses and consumers have been forced continuously to adapt to the immediate and drastic changes brought about by this crisis. Furthermore, there is a general consensus that there will be long lasting global effects and the world economy will return to a “ new normal ” ( Roggeveen and Sethuraman, 2020 ; Sneader and Singhal, 2021 ).

As with similar health-related and economic crises in the past, it is widely accepted that online retail represents a sector that plays a crucial role ( Li et al., 2020 ; Guthrie et al., 2021 ), providing vital access for customers to essential products ( Kirk and Rifkin, 2020 ; Martin-Neuninger and Ruby, 2020 ). Given its significant role, the present paper focuses on the evolution of online retail during the COVID-19 pandemic and analyses the short-term and potential long-lasting effects of this crisis.

Most of the existing papers studying the interaction between the early-stage of the pandemic and the online retail sector report that in several countries the outbreak of COVID-19 led to an unprecedented surge in online retail demand (e.g., Gao et al., 2020 ; Hobbs, 2020 ; Hwang et al., 2020 ). These observations are supported by commentators suggesting that in 2020 the “share of e-commerce in retail sales grew at two to five times the rate before COVID-19” ( Lund et al., 2021 ). However, only a few studies acknowledge that, beyond the general upswing, the pandemic has increased the volatility of online sales evolution. Furthermore, literature offers little guidance on which factors can explain these changes in online sales during a crisis when traditional market mechanisms do not function as usual. In response, therefore, this paper aims to use large-scale, longitudinal data covering 23 different countries and multiple waves of the pandemic to investigate the drivers of short-term online retail evolution during COVID-19 .

While some researchers have tentatively begun to explore these short-term effects (e.g., Chang and Meyerhoefer, 2021 ; Eger et al., 2021 ), the longer-lasting implications of the pandemic on the online retail sector have yet to be studied empirically. Most scholars emphasize the need to investigate whether the pandemic has truly altered the evolution trajectory of online retail or if the current crisis is merely a single shock after which the sector will return to its traditional evolutionary path as consumers and retail businesses return to their “old habits” in the post-pandemic period ( Sheth, 2020 ; Eger et al., 2021 ; Reardon et al., 2021 ; Schleper et al., 2021 ). Consequently, given the uncertainty of what the “ new normal ” might bring for the online retail market, this paper also intends to use the most recent time series to investigate whether the pandemic has altered the long-term evolution of the sector .

In pursuing the two objectives (investigation of short-term drivers and long-term trend implications), this paper adopts Geels’ (2002) multi-level perspective (MLP) as a theoretical lens to investigate technological transitions in a complex socio-technical context. We interpret the pandemic as a force capable of opening a “window of opportunity” ( Dannenberg et al., 2020 ). Such windows constitute powerful tensions created at the level of the socio-technical landscape that bring a unique possibility for a technological novelty to break through and become more dominant in mass markets ( Geels, 2004 ). Hence, we explore the interplay between the window of opportunity opened by COVID-19 and the growth of the online retail sector. More specifically, we aim to investigate (a) the short-term driving forces behind the exponential evolution of the online retail sector during the pandemic, and (b) whether the pandemic has truly created a window of opportunity for a positive shift in the long-term evolution of online retail. Along with pursuing these objectives we also aim to provide a theoretical contribution to the literature on windows of opportunity, a central concept that has received only limited attention in previous MLP studies ( Geels, 2011 ; Dannenberg et al., 2020 ). In this regard, our paper aims to offer a more detailed insight into how a technological transition path might behave during such a period and to provide a means to evaluate the potential long-term effect of windows of opportunity.

2. Literature review

2.1. the impact of covid-19 on online retail.

Given the crucial role of online retail channels during a pandemic, researchers have examined a variety of ways in which COVID-19 has influenced online shopping. As COVID-19 was first identified in China, initial studies investigated how the outbreak of the crisis has reshaped the retail landscape in China with emphasis on the increasing importance of online channels ( Gao et al., 2020 ; Guo et al., 2020 ; Hao et al., 2020 ; Li et al., 2020 ; Jiang and Stylos, 2021 ). These studies focused on how the outbreak of the pandemic influenced online shopping ( Gao et al., 2020 ; Guo et al., 2020 ), and how online channels helped the population to cope with the emerging health-crisis ( Li et al., 2020 ; Hao et al., 2020 ).

Given the narrow focus of initial studies, authors called for further research in other countries better to understand the global impact of the pandemic on online retail ( Gao et al., 2020 ; Li et al., 2020 ; Jiang and Stylos, 2021 ). Subsequent studies taking this research avenue offered a good cross-section globally by covering multiple different countries but investigated almost exclusively the short-term impacts of COVID-19 on online retail, using data from the first wave of the pandemic ( Table 1 ). Moreover, observers typically argued that the major driving forces behind the exponential proliferation of online channel use in the context of COVID-19, can be grouped in two distinct, but intertwined categories: (a) governmental regulations and restrictions, and (b) pandemic-induced changes in customer behavior. In line with this observation, Shankar et al. (2021) also contend that “many shoppers move a large portion of their business online during the COVID-19 outbreak either by choice or due to regulation …” . Therefore, the next two subsections review the studies that attribute the changes in online sales to one of these two factors.

Summary of the literature on the impact of COVID-19 on the evolution of online retail.

Author(s)Country (retail branch)PeriodCOVID-19 implications
Short-term driversLong-term implications
China (various sectors)First wave (Feb 2020) (number of COVID-19 cases/day/city)
China (food retail)First wave (Feb 2020) (reduce health risks, gain access to food products)
China (food retail)First wave (Feb 2020) (food stockpile behavior associated with online channels; community-based ordering)
China (food retail)First wave (securing food supply for the urban population)
China (various sectors)First wave (Feb–Mar 2020) (digital engagement during lockdowns)
Vietnam (various sectors)First wave (Jan–Mar 2020) (Fear of pandemic)Depending on COVID-19 lifespan, consumer behavior might change in the long run.
New Zealand (various sectors)First wave (Feb–Mar 2020) (travel restrictions and lockdown policies)
New Zealand (grocery)First wave (Feb–Apr, 2020) (lockdown policies)Negative online experience can have a long-term impact
Czech Republic (various sectors)First wave (Apr, 2020) spread of COVID-19)
(government restriction)
India (food retail)First wave (Apr, 2020) (Fear for health)
US (craft and art supplies)First wave (until Apr, 2020) (government-issued interventions)
Taiwan (food retail)First wave (Jan–Apr, 2020) (number of new infections)
(media consumption)
Customers trying the online channel for the first time might continue using this channel
Belgium (various sectors)First wave (Apr–Jun 2020) (travel restrictions, social distancing rules)The ad-hoc setup of local online retail channels threatens their post-covid sustainability
France (para-pharmaceutical, healthcare, well-being and beauty)First wave (until Jul 2020) (panic buying, coping with and adapting to the pandemic context)
Canada (food retail)First wave (panic buying)
(stay-at-home and distancing orders)
Online food retail will receive a sustained upward shift in adoption
US (various sectors)First wave (social distancing rules)
n.a. (various sectors)First wave (lower accessibility of stores)
(health concerns)
Further store closures or bankruptcy of major brick and mortar retailers
Asia and Latin America (food retail)First wave (lockdown policies)
n.a.First wave (impact of a disaster and crisis on shopping behavior)
Czech Republic (various sectors)Second wave (Sep 2020) (fear for health) Customers might change their shopping habits in the long run
India (mobile shopping)Second wave (Sep–Dec 2020) (fear of Covid-19)

2.1.1. Studies highlighting the impact of changing customer behavior

Adopting a behavioral perspective, Chang and Meyerhoefer (2021) illustrated how the first wave in Taiwan (where no strict stay-at-home orders or business closures were imposed) has shifted consumers’ attention towards online channels. In the early weeks of the pandemic the surge in the number of confirmed cases increased both sales and the number of customers of online food commerce. The change in customer behavior was also induced by the media, as COVID-19 related press articles and Google searches also positively correlated with online food sales.

In a similar manner, Sheth (2020) argued that the pandemic had several powerful and immediate effects on consumer behavior: while facing constraints, consumers improvised and replaced old habits with new ones, such as switching to online retail channels, enabling thereby the “store to come home”. In line with this, Jiang and Stylos (2021) proposed that individual pressures during lockdowns force consumers to create a “new retail purchasing normality” involving higher digital engagement and increased online purchases. Consultancy papers also supported this view. A multi-country survey conducted by McKinsey & Company demonstrated that the pandemic induced a major shift in consumer behavior, at least two thirds of customers having tried new, mostly online forms of shopping ( Sneader and Singhal, 2021 ).

In terms of shifting consumer behavior, Tran (2021) proposed that fear of the pandemic can also drive online purchasing intentions aiming to improve the health safety of the consumer and the surrounding community. Researchers focusing on the second wave of the pandemic ( Chopdar et al., 2022 ; Eger et al., 2021 ) also connected the fear of the virus to increased online shopping. One exception is identified by Mehrolia et al. (2021) , concluding that a considerable majority of Indian customers decided not to order food through online channels during the first wave of the pandemic due to the fear connected to food delivery.

Hao et al. (2020) focused on a different aspect of customer behavior. Their study points out that panic buying (i.e., ordering more than the short-term necessity of the household due to fear), which is a common consumer response during disasters, is more associated with online food retail channels than with traditional channels. Following this idea, Guthrie et al. (2021) use the react-cope-adapt model ( Kirk and Rifkin, 2020 ) to illustrate that during the first month of the pandemic in France consumers reacted by panic buying, dramatically increasing the online purchasing of essential products. This period was followed by coping with the crisis which led to an increase of online orders related to non-essential products. The adapt phase was supposed to show a sustained modification of online purchasing behavior. However, due to limited data available, the authors concluded that long-term behavior changes require further investigation.

2.1.2. Studies highlighting the impact of government regulations

During the pandemic, several governmental restrictions had an immediate impact on online retail. For example, Martin-Neuninger and Ruby (2020) and Hall et al. (2021) identify government-related factors, namely the lockdown period and travel restrictions, as primary reasons behind the surge in online shopping in New Zealand. Hobbs (2020) also argued that initial stay-at-home and distancing orders issued in Canada led to an uptake of the online food retail: while online grocery deliveries were already used by early adopters in the pre-pandemic era, during the outbreak many late-adopter customers tried this channel for the first time. Jílková and Králová (2021) reported similar phenomena in the Czech Republic for all generational cohorts. In summary, unexpected regulations imposed by governments determined an immediate increase in demand for online shopping: existing customers started to use online channels more frequently, while new customers, including older and less tech-savvy generations, turned to online channels for the first time ( Hwang et al., 2020 ; Pantano et al., 2020 ).

From the retailer’s perspective, Reardon et al. (2021) provided several case examples of Asian and Latin American food industry firms strengthening their e-commerce business models or reconfiguring their entire food supply chains as a response to early-stage lockdown policies. Based on a survey among small Belgian retailers, Beckers et al. (2021) found that restrictions have doubled online orders during the first wave of the pandemic. To match the increase in demand, half of the retailers not using online channels before the pandemic opened one during the first months of COVID-19. Based on a literature review, Kirk and Rifkin (2020) also predicted that in order to conform to social distancing regulations, online retail coupled with contactless distribution methods would substantially gain ground during the pandemic. However, results related to the long-lasting effects of the pandemic on online retail are still “speculative in nature” ( Hobbs, 2020 ). Many of the customers who made the shift due to the restrictions might continue to utilize online channels in the long run. Other customers might return to traditional channels as soon as possible ( Beckers et al., 2021 ; Mehrolia et al., 2021 ). Thus, whether online retail can capitalize on the pandemic in the long run is still a subject of debate.

2.1.3. Summary and research questions

A summary of the key studies is provided in Table 1 in chronological order, highlighting the short-term drivers (i.e., government regulations and/or customer behavior, beside the papers narrowly focusing on the effect of the pandemic itself) and potential long-term implications related to the growth of the online retail sector.

Based on the literature, we derive two main conclusions that serve as basis for our research questions. First, as demonstrated in Table 1 , there is a plethora of mostly anecdotal, non-empirically-based evidence that during the pandemic (and beside the pandemic itself) two major factors, i.e., government restrictions and consumer behavior changes, drove a significant initial surge in online shopping. Second, extant studies failed to offer insights into how these factors drive online sales during the entire period of the current pandemic ( Schleper et al., 2021 ). Therefore, we cover the full period of COVID-19 to date and provide more conclusive empirical evidence on how these two factors influence the evolution of online retail.

RQ1. How do changes in customer behavior and government regulations drive the evolution of online retail during the pandemic?

Moreover, the long-term implications of this change in online retail use have remained, so far, a subject of anecdotal speculation ( Table 1 ). However, changes to the retail sector might become a constant in the “ new normal ”, and further research is needed “to understand the short-term and long-term impact of the pandemic on consumer behavior and provide guidance on how retailers should cope with those changes” ( Roggeveen and Sethuraman, 2020 ). Hobbs (2020) suggested that COVID-19 prompted sceptics and late-adopters to use online retail channels, and these new customers are likely to continue to shop online even after the pandemic. More cautious voices, however, asked the question whether the pandemic has “swung the pendulum too far and too fast towards online shopping” ( Gauri et al., 2021 ), which may potentially result in an unsustainable boost to online retail. Thus, the extent to which this shift will lead to a fundamental leap in the long-term role of online retailing is unknown.

RQ2. What trend-shifting impact does the pandemic have on the long-term evolution of online retail?

In answering RQ1 and RQ2 we also aim to extend the scope of existing research ( Table 1 ) in four different aspects. Given that COVID-19 is a global phenomenon, we aim to cover a larger geographical region compared to the majority of previous studies focusing on a single country. Second, in contrast with existing research mostly investigating a single branch of the online retail sector, we propose to analyze the online retail sector as a whole, covering the sales of all types of products. Third, we integrate novel measures into the analysis that have emerged during this pandemic (mobility indicators, government stringency index) to be able better to explain the evolution of the online retail sector during this crisis. Fourth, we investigate a longer period before and during the pandemic than previous studies to infer long-term implications.

2.2. A socio-technical approach to study the evolution of online retail during COVID-19

The multi-level perspective (MLP) has been established as insightful in studying COVID-19 related developments in the online retail sector ( Dannenberg et al., 2020 ). Consequently, we use the MLP as a theoretical lens to study the short and long-term evolution of online retail. Geels (2002) argues that the central tenet of MLP is that technological transitions are not only dependent on the development of the technology itself, but also pivot on the broader socio-technical context. In line with this view, technological transition represents a change from one socio-technical configuration (regime) to other: beyond the substitution of an older technology with a newer one, such transitions include changes in other socio-technical dimensions such as infrastructures, policies, user practices, and markets ( Geels, 2002 , 2004 ).

According to the MLP, technological transitions are shaped by the interaction between developments unfolding on three analytical levels ( Geels, 2002 , 2004 , 2011 ):

  • • Technological niches represent the micro-level of the MLP. Niches are quasi-protected spaces where radical innovations are developed (e.g., R&D laboratories, subsidized development projects, or specific user categories supporting emerging innovations). They are unstable socio-technical configurations where innovations are carried out by a limited number of actors. Processes in the niche are gradually linked together and stabilize in time into a dominant design that allows for the radical innovation to break through to the next level.
  • • Socio-technical regimes represent the meso-level of the MLP. Regimes refer to “the semi-coherent set of rules that orient and coordinate the activities of social groups” ( Geels, 2011 ) creating thereby a “deep structure” that ensures the stability of the current socio-technical system. Nevertheless, the semi-coherence of these rules allows for a dynamic stability which enables further incremental innovation, with small adjustments accumulating into stable technological transition paths. A socio-technical regime is formed by the co-evolution of different sub-regimes, each with its own set of rules and dynamics: user and market, technological, science, policy, and socio-cultural sub-regimes. According to Geels (2004) , the socio-technical regime can be understood as the meta-coordination of the different sub-regimes that determines technology adoption and use.
  • • The socio-technical landscape represents the macro-level of the MLP. The landscape provides a wider, technology-external context for the interactions of actors within the niche and the socio-technical regime. Actors cannot influence elements of the landscape on the short-run, and changes at the landscape level take place usually slowly, representing longer-term, deep structural tendencies (e.g., macroeconomic processes, cultural patterns, political trends).

An important implication of the MLP is that the future evolution of a (new) technology does not only depend on the processes within the niche, but also on the interactions between different levels; including the regime and landscape levels. Geels and Schot (2007) contend that the general pattern of technology transition involves all three levels: (1) niche innovations align and gain internal momentum, (2) landscape developments put pressure on existing regimes, and (3) regimes destabilize creating an opportunity for niche innovations to break through to mass markets.

In terms of the interplay between COVID-19 and online retailing, another important concept linked to the MLP is the “window of opportunity”. Geels (2002) argues that windows of opportunity are created when tensions appear in the current socio-technical regime or when landscape developments put a pressure on the current regime for internal restructuring. These tensions loosen the rules of the socio-technical regime and create opportunities for technologies to escape the niche-level and become more deeply embedded in the regime. Competition with the existing technology becomes more intensive, triggering wider changes in the regime, where the new technology may replace the old one in the long run ( Geels, 2004 ).

Dannenberg et al. (2020) conclude that COVID-19 represents a critical landscape development that puts pressure on the socio-technical configuration of the retail sector. In line with our literature review, they suggest that two sub-regimes were particularly affected: policy regime (government regulations) and, user and market regime (sudden change in customer behavior). The authors further argue that these two major changes have opened a window of opportunity for online grocery retail to gain substantial market share. In this regard, RQ1 aims to investigate how the developments within these two dimensions influence the evolution of the online retail sector during the opening up of a window of opportunity ( Fig. 1 ). Given that, to date, the MLP offers little insight into the evolution of a technology during a window of opportunity ( Dannenberg et al., 2020 ), answering RQ1 should enrich this theoretical framework by explicating the forces that drive technology transitions during tensions in the landscape and the socio-technical regime (i.e., during a window of opportunity).

Fig. 1

COVID-19 and the trajectory of online retail evolution (adapted from: Geels, 2002 ; Dannenberg et al., 2020 ).

Concerning the long-term impact of this window of opportunity, we investigate whether it enables the online retail sector to gain a significantly higher share of the whole retail sector on the long run (technology trajectory in Fig. 1 ) to the detriment of offline channels ( Helm et al., 2020 ). However, in the long run, MLP is not necessarily about mapping “winning” technologies that entirely replace/reconfigure existing regimes: it is just as possible that the breakthrough of a new technology will lead to a symbiosis with incumbent socio-technical regimes ( Geels, 2002 ; Genus and Coles, 2008 ). Thus, in our case, the question is more about the relative share of online retail and physical retail within the retail sector (cf. omnichannel retailing, Gauri et al., 2021 ). Beside speculation, current literature offers little guidance in this regard. Dannenberg et al. (2020) suggest that even if the pandemic has led to an upswing of online shopping, there is no indication for a fundamental long-term shift from physical to online retail. The authors, however, base their assumptions on a limited set of data, both from a temporal (March–May 2020) and from a geographical/sectoral perspective (German grocery retail). On the other hand, many other authors advocate a breakthrough of online retail as a result of taking advantage of the window of opportunity created by the pandemic (e.g., Chang and Meyerhoefer, 2021 ; Hobbs, 2020 ; Tran, 2021 ). Answering RQ2 is designed to explicate and illuminate further this debate.

3. Data and variables

3.1. data used in short-term analysis (rq1).

To investigate RQ1, we use as dependent variable the monthly evolution of online retail sales during the pandemic (Feb 2020–Jan 2022) in European countries. We rely on Beckers et al. (2021) who define online retail channel use as the selling of goods via mail, phone, website, or social media. Therefore, we adopt NACE-level retail trade data published by Eurostat using the index of deflated turnover (i.e., turnover in real terms, 2015 = 100) for the “Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet” sector. Seasonally and calendar adjusted time series data is used to assess the monthly changes during the pandemic in this sector, shortly denoted from now on “online retail” ( ΔOnline_retail ). In terms of countries, the Eurostat database was deemed the most suitable to study our research questions as it provides online retail data for 23 European countries (20 countries of the European Union, plus Norway, UK, and Turkey, covering thereby all major economies from Europe). This sample offers a rich variety of pandemic-related contexts: each of these countries was hit by the pandemic to a different extent and the reaction of authorities was also fairly diverse ( Hale et al., 2021 ). Fig. 2 illustrates the evolution of the ΔOnline_retail variable in these countries.

Fig. 2

Monthly changes in online retail turnover during the pandemic in the countries investigated.

To investigate this volatile evolution, two novel measures are used as explanatory variables that have been introduced recently as a response to the need to track social phenomena more frequently and more precisely during the pandemic.

The first variable is a proxy of changes in general customer behavior: population mobility . Shankar et al. (2021) argue that during a period characterized by dramatic and frequent changes in shopping behaviors, high-frequency, mobile GPS data can offer better information for retailers. Therefore, we integrate into our analysis the mobility data provided by Google® through their Community Mobility Reports ( Google, 2021 ), comprising several types of mobilities grouped by the destination/location of the mobility. Based on Beckers et al. (2021) who argue that COVID-19 has temporarily put an end to hypermobility cutting short consumers’ physical range around their homes, we select the residential component ( ΔResidential ) from the different forms of mobility, arguing that the changes in residential mobility (i.e., amount of time spent at home) could be the strongest component to explain changes in online shopping. Given that there might be some time needed for online shopping behavior to adjust to changes in mobility, the one-month lagged version of the variable is also used in our model ( ΔResidential(-1) ).

The second explanatory variable incorporated in our analysis is related to government restrictions . We use data from the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, more precisely the values of the COVID-19 Stringency Index which aggregates the stringency of lockdown-type governmental measures, such as school closures, travel restrictions, bans on public gatherings, workplace closures, etc. ( Hale et al., 2021 ). This represents the most suitable proxy to measure the type of regulations connected by previous literature to online channel use during the pandemic ( Table 1 ). The index provides a multi-country panel of daily frequency, measured as a percentage value; 100% representing the highest level of stringency. To match the frequency of the dependent variable, the monthly change of the index is computed as explanatory variable ( ΔGovernment_stringency ). The one-month lagged variant is also introduced in the analysis ( ΔGovernment_stringency(-1) ).

Beside the two novel explanatory variables generated during the pandemic, we integrate several control variables in our analysis. These variables assess the income and purchasing power of the population (GDP/capita and unemployment level in each country), the level of urbanization (density of the population in each country), the level of education (percentage of the population attending tertiary education), the pervasiveness of online channels (Internet penetration), and the actual pervasiveness of online shopping (Online retail share in the retail sector) ( Hortaçsu and Syverson, 2015 ). Data for all countries analyzed are retrieved from the Eurostat database. The unemployment variable has a monthly frequency ( Δ Unemployment ), while the other variables ( GDP/capita, Internet penetration, Tertiary education, Population density, Online retail share ) change on a yearly basis. Descriptive statistics for the monthly variables are provided in Table 2 . The correlation matrix is included in Appendix A.

Descriptive statistics of the main variables included in the short-term analysis.

StatisticsΔ Online retailΔ UnemploymentΔ ResidentialΔ Residential (−1)Δ Government stringencyΔ Government stringency (−1)

3.2. Data used in long-term analysis (RQ2)

To evaluate the trend-shifting potential of the pandemic in the online retail sector, the same retail trade data is used as for the short-term analysis, covering however a longer period of time between Jan 2000 and Jan 2022 ( Online_Retail ). To offer an overview of the long-term evolution of our focal variable, we present a boxplot containing data for all countries aggregated to annual averages, normalized on a 0–100 scale ( Fig. 3 , left). Primary visual inspection suggests that two periods can be distinguished in terms of the dynamism of the sector (2000–2010 characterized by slower growth pace versus 2011–2021 showing stronger momentum), while the relatively higher values of the last two boxplots indicate that it is beneficial to investigate whether the pandemic has induced a level shift into the evolution of online retail.

Fig. 3

Long-term evolution of online retail turnover (left) and online retail market share (right) in the countries investigated (normalized: min = 0, max = 100).

Furthermore, to assess whether the online retail sector could exploit the window of opportunity opened by the pandemic, we compute another variable as a proxy measuring the share of online retail in total retail sales. For this purpose, we calculate the ratio between the indices of deflated turnover of online retail and the “Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles” sector, this latter being a proxy for total retail sales ( Online_Retail_Ratio ≈ Online_Retail/Total_Retail ) ( Fig. 3 , right). The ratio approach is also consistent with theory (symbiotic technologies: Geels, 2002 ) and previous research ( Hortaçsu and Syverson, 2015 ).

4. Analysis and results

4.1. short-term analysis (rq1), 4.1.1. panel regression analysis.

To illuminate the impact of mobility and government restrictions on the monthly evolution of online sales, we have elected to implement a panel regression model. We have performed three random-effects and three cross-section fixed-effects panel regressions. We opted for the panel specification because it enables us to harness the rich structure of our data and to account for the unobserved heterogeneity present in the data. We perform 2 × 3 = 6 regressions because of the different methodology (fixed vs. random effects), and the 3 combinations resulting from including only the government stringency variables, only the residential mobility variables, and both. Five control variables were nearly collinear in the fixed effects case; therefore Table 3 presents only the estimates for these variables in the random effects case. Our main specification is the following:

where C i j t and β ( C ) j are the independent variables and their coefficients, i is the index of countries, t of time, and j of the equation variables.

Regression models.

Dependent variable: Δ Online retail
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fixed effects (FE)Random effects (RE)
−0.000000 (−0.64)−0.000000 (−0.39)−0.000000 (−0.61)
−0.000656 (−0.47)−0.000546 (−0.39)−0.000554 (−0.40)
−0.000405 (−1.30)−0.000485 (−1.55)0.000428 (−1.38)
0.028760 (1.04)0.031739 (1.15)0.028319 (1.03)
−0.000011 (−0.01)0.000033 (0.04)−0.000011 (−0.01)
0.010779 (1.65)0.001487 (0.15)0.008275 (0.84)0.007104 (0.61)−0.007929 (−0.67)−0.001937 (−0.16)
0.283552 (1.72) 0.228287 (1.10)
0.000801 (1.52) 0.000615 (1.01)
0.001006 (1.94)

Notes: t-values in parentheses; *significant at 0.05; **significant at 0.01.

Results of the fixed effects specifications of our panel regression model (equations 1 to 3) indicate that our first variable of interest, residential mobility, and its one-period lag, have a significant impact on the monthly change in online retail sales, both variables having the expected positive sign. The same can be pointed out for the government stringency and lag variables. However, when we include both residential mobility and government stringency, only the first remains significant, due to high collinearity between the two explanatory variables. The results are similar in the random effects case (equations 4 to 6). The goodness-of-fit statistics (adjusted R-squared, F-statistic) are quite high for panel regressions, indicating that the explanatory variables introduced in the panel explain a large proportion of the variation of the monthly change in online retail sales.

Thus, results altogether indicate that both residential mobility and government stringency are significant predictors of online retail channel use: as residential mobility increases (i.e., people spend more time at home) and, alternatively, as government stringency increases (i.e., anti-COVID-19 measures become stricter) the use of online retail channels increases. Furthermore, the impact of all control variables is insignificant, meaning that mobility and government stringency indicators provide a better explanation for the variation of online retail sales during the pandemic than traditional variables that have been used to explain the evolution of the online retail sector in pre-pandemic periods.

4.1.2. Detailed analysis of short-term effects

While panel regression results show that both residential mobility and government stringency are good predictors of the evolution of online sales, relationships between variables are rarely perfectly linear. Therefore, we provide a more detailed analysis on the interplay between these variables. Fig. 4 illustrates the monthly evolution of online sales (vertical axis) together with the monthly percentage change in residential mobility (horizontal axis) for the entire period of the pandemic, each dot representing one country in one month.

Fig. 4

Monthly evolution of online sales and residential mobility during the pandemic in the countries investigated.

Beside the general positive relationship between the two variables, the scatter plot also indicates that three different forces can be identified that shape the evolution of online retail sales during the pandemic. First, there are periods in which mobility is restricted more and more to residential areas, and consumers adapt by significantly increasing their monthly spending on online retail channels (as high as +30–50% during the first wave of the pandemic). This process is exactly what was expected during the pandemic: as the mobility range of people is restricted primarily to their homes, they turn to online retail channels more frequently. This process is termed the “lure-in” phase. Typical months during which the lure-in phase was dominant were Mar 2020, Apr 2020, Oct–Nov 2020, Nov 2021, and Jan 2022 ( Fig. 5 ).

Fig. 5

Monthly evolution of online sales and residential mobility during different phases of the pandemic in the countries investigated.

However, it is also observable that when consumers are not confined to residential areas and start increasing their mobility outside their homes (i.e., residential mobility decreases), a decrease in online spending does not follow automatically, as people tend to continue to use, or even increase the usage of, online retail channels. Additionally, in many cases a large drop in residential mobility is paired with no significant change in online retail sales. These cases are labelled as the “lock-in” phase, which means that temporarily consumers remain users of online channels even if their mobility would allow them to use offline channels more intensively. Thus, mobility restrictions have an immediate (lure-in), but also a lagged (lock-in) impact on online retail channel use, in line with the significance of lagged variables in our panel regression model ( Table 3 ). The most typical months in which several European countries went through this lock-in phase were May 2020, Jun 2020, Feb 2021, Mar 2021 ( Fig. 5 ). This phase is not as consistent on a monthly basis as the lure-in phase, several countries experiencing a negative change in online channel use, concurrently with the decrease of residential mobility.

Lastly, there is also a “phase-out” period denoting cases where online retail use decreases, while time spent at home generally decreases. During these months a part of the former online shopping volume of customers is most probably replaced by (or allocated back to) offline channels. Furthermore, in some rare instances residential mobility has a slight increase, while consumers still decrease their online spending. Predominantly phase-out months include Jul 2020, May–Jul 2021, Dec 2021 ( Fig. 5 ).

The same three phases can be observed if the residential mobility indicator on the vertical axis is replaced by the government stringency index ( Fig. 6 , Fig. 7 ). In summary, there is a clear lure-in phase which was noticeable especially during the beginning of the first and second wave of the pandemic (Mar–Apr, 2020; Oct–Nov 2020): sudden drops in mobility and severe governmental restrictions clearly prompt customers to shop online. This effect has some “stickiness” (lock-in phase) because as governmental restrictions are eased, certain customers continue to use (or even increase the use of) online retail channels. Nevertheless, after a relatively short period the lock-in effect fades and customers drop their online shopping volume significantly (phase-out), countervailing to some extent the argument of the pandemic-induced upward boost of the online retail sector. Thus, while illuminating in other respects, this analysis, in itself, is unhelpful regarding the longer-term implications of the pandemic for the online retail sector. The next section aims to address this deficiency.

Fig. 6

Monthly evolution of online sales and government stringency during the pandemic in the countries investigated.

Fig. 7

Monthly evolution of online sales and government stringency during different phases of the pandemic in the countries investigated.

4.2. Long-term analysis (RQ2)

To investigate the potential trend-shifting impact of the pandemic in the online retail sector, a two-step approach is applied. First, to establish a basis for comparison, we analyze the 20-years trend of the sector without considering the specific effect of the pandemic. Second, based on the long-term trend established, we focus on the period of the pandemic, and use outlier detection methods to estimate whether the pandemic has induced a level shift in the long-term trend of the sector.

4.2.1. Long-term trend analysis

Online retail sales and online retail market shares show an increasing tendency during the last 20+ years ( Fig. 3 ). While the retail sector as a whole had a slight increasing tendency during this period, the average annual growth rate of the online retail sector was clearly higher. This difference is most visible during the last ten years when the online retail sector has been constantly on an increasing trajectory, thereby raising its market share within the total retail sector. Thus, the online retail sector has been benefitting from continuous market share gains with a relatively lower growth pace in the early period (2001–2010), and with rapid increases in the last period (2011–2021). These differences are illustrated in Fig. 8 .

Fig. 8

Average annual growth rates in the retail sector in European countries (%).

Next, we use unit root tests to statistically demonstrate that there is an underlying long-term growth trend in the data ( Chatfield and Xing, 2019 ), both in terms of monthly online retail turnover ( Online_Retail ) and in terms of online retail market share ( Online_Retail_Ratio ). Applying the most widely used Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, we aim to show that there is a systematic, persistent stochastic trend in the time series (i.e., an upward tendency in our case). Unit root test results confirm that in most of the countries investigated the null hypothesis of one unit root cannot be rejected: the p-values are above 0.05 in 23 cases out of 24 in case of the Online_Retail variable and in 21 cases out of 24 for Online_Retail_Ratio . Thus, for the vast majority of countries neither Online_Retail , nor Online_Retail_Ratio is stationary, indicating that there is an (upward) long-term stochastic trend in the time series. Furthermore, unit root test results also imply that any positive or negative shock (such as the pandemic) during the period investigated has a persistent effect on the trend. Nevertheless, further investigation is needed to determine whether this shock applies for the pandemic period as well.

4.2.2. Outlier detection during the pandemic

Outlier detection is used to determine whether the pandemic has caused a level shift in the Online_Retail , and especially in the Online_Retail_Ratio time series. For this purpose, we use ARIMA 1 models with specific dummy regressors on both time series, implemented in JDemetra+ which is a proprietary software developed by the National Bank of Belgium in cooperation with the Deutsche Bundesbank and Eurostat. The software has been officially recommended since 2015 to the members of the European Statistical System and the European System of Central Banks as a tool for seasonal adjustment and other connected time series issues, such as outlier detection. In general, outliers are represented by abrupt changes in a time series caused by unexpected natural or socioeconomic effects, such as the pandemic. Three main types of outliers can be identified ( Fig. 9 ): (a) additive outlier (AO), which changes the time series for one period only, returning to the original trend afterwards, (b) level shift (LS) that causes a permanent (upward or downward) change in the level of a time series, and (c) transitory change (TC) whose effect of changing the time series is faded out over a limited number of periods ( IMF, 2018 ). Here, we specifically look for LS type outliers: a positive LS would suggest that online retail turnover and its market share registered a sudden increase during the pandemic, and that therefore the pandemic has accelerated the underlying growth trend of online retail.

Fig. 9

Level shift versus other outlier types (source: IMF, 2018 ).

JDemetra+ uses the traditional TRAMO 2 methodology ( Gómez and Maravall, 1996 ; Findley et al., 2017 ) where TRAMO is designed to perform outlier detection as well. 3 Although this is a widely used framework in economics and connected disciplines, its applications in retailing are quite scarce which offers us the possibility to shed additional light on the effect of the pandemic on the online retail sector. In particular, TRAMO uses regression models with ARIMA errors as follows:

where z t is the original data series, β = ( β 1 , … β n ) is a vector of regression coefficients, y t = ( y 1 t , … y n t ) represents n regression variables (in our case LS, AO and TC outliers), while x t is the disturbance that follows the general ARIMA process.

Using the TRAMO method, we analyze the full Jan 2000–Jan 2022 time period for outliers in each country involved in the analysis, complemented by the aggregated time series on the EU-27 level. Both Online_Retail and Online_Retail_Ratio time series were analyzed for all three types of outliers. However, in light of RQ2, only LS type outliers are listed in Table 4 that were identified during 2020. It should be noted that 2021 LS outliers are not (yet) taken into consideration here because they are situated at the end of our time series data (i.e., further data is needed by TRAMO to determine whether a 2021 LS will remain significant and persist in the long run). In contrast, LS outliers in 2020 have already proven that they induced a persistent upward shock into the long-term trend of the online retail sector. Table 4 lists all significant level shifts (p < .05) detected during 2020. Full results are presented in Appendix B .

Level shift (LS) detection during the pandemic.

Online_Retail Online_Retail_Ratio
LS dateMagnitude (t-value)LS dateMagnitude (t-value)
04–2020+.161 (6.573)03–2020+.149 (5.667)
04–2020+.266 (5.77)
03–2020+.142 (12.52)
04–2020+.214 (9.752)
04–2020+.206 (6.138)03–2020+.183 (4.902)
04–2020+.339 (8.350)03–2020+.201 (5.479)
04–2020+.259 (10.479)04–2020+.259 (10.634)
05–2020+.167 (10.036)03–2020+.151 (7.447)
+.011 (1.837)
+.020 (3.615)
+.247 (28.143)
−.092 (−9.905)
+.117 (11.338)
+90.59 (49.585)
+27.01 (13.700)
11–2020+25.291 (12.4)
04–2020+.158 (6.298)
+.215 (7.412)
+.138 (4.863)
+.203 (7.08)
−.112 (−3.904)
+.149 (5.543)
04–2020+.180 (9.191)04–2020+.203 (10.393)
04–2020+.170 (5.772)04–2020+.349 (12.074)
04–2020+.185 (12.005)11–2020+.131 (9.141)

The results of LS detection indicate that at the level of the EU-27, as well as in most of the countries investigated there was at least one positive LS in the online retail trend during the first year of the pandemic. This strongly suggests that COVID-19 has induced a boost both to online retail turnover and to its market share, supporting the window of opportunity concept. Out of the 23 countries analyzed, only 9 where had no significant LS. However, these cases represent smaller European countries, the largest ones (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK) all experiencing positive significant LSs. Furthermore, some of the countries (Italy, Lithuania, Norway) experienced multiple significant LSs during 2020 which further strengthens our conclusion related to the long-term implications of the pandemic. While there are two anomalous negative LSs in the Online_Retail_Ratio as well ( Table 4 ), we suggest that these do not contradict our results, as these are all overcompensated by multiple positive LSs in the same countries (Italy and Norway), the magnitude of which is significantly higher than that of the negative LSs. Nevertheless, these negative LSs could be a sign of a significant “phase-out” effect, as discussed in the short-term analysis.

5. Summary and discussion

Two important gaps were addressed in this paper: (RQ1) how can factors related to consumer behavior (mobility) and regulations (government stringency) explain the volatile evolution of online retail sales during the pandemic, and (RQ2) what long-term trend-shifting effects can be identified during the pandemic in the evolution trajectory of online retail.

First, our results confirm that the two indicators proposed to estimate changes in consumer behavior ( Residential mobility ) and in government regulations ( Government stringency ) can significantly explain the hectic short-term evolution of the online retail sector during the pandemic. Released for the first time during the pandemic, these two indicators are significantly above and beyond the explanatory power of traditional variables used to predict online channel use in pre-pandemic periods. The more people are confined to residential areas, and the stricter government restrictions are, the more customers turn to online channels. These results offer empirical support to previous studies that proposed that changes in mobility ( Shankar et al., 2021 ) and pandemic-related government regulations ( Hwang et al., 2020 ) could provide a better measure to estimate changes in online sales.

Second, using these newly introduced variables, our study goes beyond demonstrating the simple linear relationship between these variables and online retail turnover, to describe in more detail how online shopping habits change during the pandemic. This is a novel approach compared to existing studies that simply argue that the pandemic is linked to the increased use of online channels (e.g., Chang and Meyerhoefer, 2021 ; Hwang et al., 2020 ; Eger et al., 2021 ). Using government stringency and mobility data, we offer a more nuanced understanding of how online shopping behavior evolves during the different stages of the pandemic, an issue currently hotly debated in the literature ( Kirk and Rifkin, 2020 ; Guthrie et al., 2021 ; Schleper et al., 2021 ). Three different phases are distinguished in this paper: (1) a lure-in phase; (2) a temporary lock-in phase; and (3) a phase-out period. Furthermore, the same phases seem to repeat during different waves of the pandemic, starting with a strong lure-in phase, followed by a mix of lock-in and phase-out periods.

Third, using advanced outlier detection methods, we show that the faster growth trend that characterized online retail in the past decade has experienced a new positive level shift during 2020 in most of the countries investigated. In only a couple of months during the pandemic, online retail has gained extra market share against offline retail that in normal circumstances would have probably taken several years. Thus, our empirical findings confirm the predictions of some researchers (e.g., Chang and Meyerhoefer, 2021 ; Tran, 2021 ), and actively address the questions posed by other researchers (e.g., Sheth, 2020 ; Guthrie et al., 2021 ), by establishing that the pandemic has indeed induced a persistent upward shift into the growth trajectory of online retail. These level shifts were especially visible in the larger economies of Europe. Thus, our results are concordant with several other studies that suggest that many firms managed to quickly overcome infrastructural challenges and build up the necessary online capacities ( Guo et al., 2020 ; Beckers et al., 2021 ; Reardon et al., 2021 ), while customers will continue to use online retail channels more intensively in post-lockdown periods as well ( Hobbs, 2020 ; Eger et al., 2021 ; Hall et al., 2021 ). Even if some customers return to traditional shopping channels ( Hobbs, 2020 ; Sheth, 2020 ), our results indicate that for a large segment of customers the pandemic-induced shock outweighs the potential phase-out effect, shifting their long-term orientation towards online channels.

6. Conclusion

This paper analyzed short-term drivers (RQ1) and long-term implications of the pandemic (RQ2) in the online retail sector, relying on the MLP’s socio-technical approach as a theoretical lens. COVID-19 is operationalized within the MLP as an exogeneous landscape event that induced a shock on the regime level. This shock opened a window of opportunity for online retail to exponentially grow and significantly increase its share against traditional retail channels.

6.1. Theoretical implications

Our research shows that during a window of opportunity created by a landscape event, forces within the socio-technical regime that shape the long-term trajectory of a technology change radically. Geels and Schot (2007) argue that strong landscape pressures (such as a pandemic) destabilize actual socio-technical regimes creating tensions that open windows of opportunity for technologies to emerge. Our short-term analysis related to RQ1 offers additional insights into how these regime tensions function. Panel regression results indicate that during unstable periods (when windows of opportunity are created by landscape pressures), certain sub-regimes take over the force that shapes technological transitions, while other sub-regimes become negligible. In our study, the policy regime (strict government restrictions) and the user preferences and market regime (reorientation of shopping behaviors due to reduced mobility) were responsible for creating the tension on the regime-level. Conversely, other sub-regimes on the same level, such as technological regimes (e.g., technical infrastructure used in online retail), science regime (e.g., technical knowledge used to operate online transactions), and socio-cultural regimes (e.g., distrust of certain segments of the population in online retail), had no significant impact on the way online retail was evolving. Thus, we propose that windows of opportunity are created when one or more particular regimes exert pressures that take over the place of other regimes in creating the forces that shape technological transitions. When a window of opportunity is open, these new forces remain dominant and might even alter other regimes.

Second, our long-term analysis suggests that COVID-19 can be regarded as a shock-type landscape development that creates tension in the current socio-technical regime to create a window of opportunity for online retail. Results of our long-term analysis suggest that the quasi-stable socio-technical regime of the last decades enabled a gradual and constant growth of online retail in Europe, attaining continuously increasing market shares throughout the years. However, as the pandemic generated a window of opportunity for this sector, online retail was able to capitalize on this opportunity in most countries, receiving a significant boost to its previous growth tendency.

Third, as a more general research implication for retail, our study demonstrates that high-frequency indicators that emerged during the pandemic, such as data on population mobility and on government stringency can be used to better assess fundamental socio-economic processes during crises. These two types of indicators provide a more complex, real-time assessment of ongoing socio-economic processes, making them more suitable to make predictions or explain phenomena in a volatile context.

6.2. Practical implications

Through demonstrating that mobility and government stringency has a positive impact on the evolution of online sales, we offer an important tool to retail practitioners to monitor and anticipate potential large variations in online demand. While mobile GPS data has already been used to track retail store traffic, our analysis suggests that tracking customer movements outside brick-and-mortar stores can also provide an anchor during volatile times. Such high-frequency, near-real-time data could become the primary input for managers to keep up with sudden pandemic-related developments, and potentially with post-pandemic shopping behavior changes as well.

Online retailers that have already capitalized on this pandemic should also take into consideration that a sudden pandemic-related growth in sales could be followed by a temporary lock-in phase. However, retailers should continue to work on keeping (newly acquired) customers, as a phase-out period might rapidly occur. Conversely, our long-term analysis, suggests that actors in the online retail sector should expect that, on average, the phase-out effect is outweighed by the pandemic-induced boost in online sales, creating much potential on the long-run for online retailers to capture the benefits of the positive level shift in the growth trajectory of the sector.

6.3. Limitations and further research

A first set of limitations is related to the nature of data employed in our study. While Eurostat provides the most reliable macroeconomic data, comparable across countries, on the evolution of the (online) retail sector, aspects of the data were not ideal. Several countries had missing data on the most recent values of the online retail turnover index, and some European countries (e.g., Switzerland) could not be involved in our study at all. While all largest retail markets have been included in our sample, results of the study can nevertheless not be universally generalized beyond the 23 countries involved in the analysis.

In respect of GPS-based mobility and government stringency data, we have shown that these variables are suitable to explain the large variations in online retail sales during the pandemic. However, whether and to what extent these data can be used to keep up with developments in the online retail sector beyond the pandemic remains unknown but represents a promising direction for future research.

Another set of limitations stems from the results described in this paper. While our outlier detection could empirically demonstrate the pandemic-induced level shift in the long-term evolution of the online sector, statistically significant shifts were not observed in all the countries investigated. It remains an important future research avenue to explain why some countries, including the largest European economies, experienced level shifts during the pandemic, while others have not.

Lastly, this paper focused on the evolution of the online retail sector, explaining its volatile evolution during the pandemic and demonstrating how the sector could take advantage of the window of opportunity created by COVID-19. Our results could provide a starting point for investigating other technologies and solutions, such as video conferencing, home delivery or VR-solutions, to evaluate whether and to what extent they have capitalized on pandemic-induced opportunities, thereby shaping how the “ new normal ” might look like in a post-pandemic world.


This research was partially supported by the PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1773 research project for young independent research teams funded by UEFISCDI Romania.

1 Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average.

2 Time series Regression with ARIMA noise, Missing values and Outliers.

3 A comprehensive description of the procedure and its technical implementation in JDemetra+ is provided by Eurostat’s website .

Appendix A. – Correlation matrix

Δ Online retailΔ UnemploymentΔ ResidentialΔ Residential (−1)Δ Government stringencyΔ Government stringency (−1)

*significant at the p < .001 level.

Appendix B. Complete results of outlier detection

Outlier detection with TRAMO in the Online_Retail time series (Jan 2000–Jan 2022)

CountryOUT (1)OUT (2)OUT (3)OUT (4)OUT (5)OUT (6)OUT (7)OUT (8)OUT (9)OUT (10)
TC (7–2021): −0.114 [-6.265]TC (7–2020): −0.105 [-6.765]LS (4–2020): 0.185 [12.005]LS (5–2015): 0.096 [6.315]AO (8–2009): −0.059 [-3.58]AO (12–2005): 0.061 [3.696]AO (6–2000): −0.05 [-3.031]
LS (4–2020): 0.266 [5.77]AO (11–2008): −0.313 [-6.097]AO (7–2008): −0.46 [-9]LS (1–2006): −0.54 [-11.719]AO (5–2001): 0.501 [9.567]AO (4–2001): 0.211 [4.054]
LS (1–2006): −0.269 [-4.574]
TC (4–2020): 0.19 [26.189]TC (12–2019): 0.041 [5.591]TC (8–2014): 0.136 [23.936]LS (1–2013): 0.122 [19.92]LS (12–2008): −0.144 [-23.536]AO (5–2000): 0.454 [50.068]
LS (4–2020): 0.206 [6.138]AO (5–2005): 0.155 [4.791]AO (12–2004): −0.233 [-7.159]AO (7–2004): 0.215 [6.429]LS (1–2004): 0.218 [6.693]AO (12–2001): 0.213 [6.548]AO (8–2001): −0.195 [-5.809]AO (7–2001): 0.253 [7.519]AO (4–2001): 0.183 [5.625]TC (2–2001): −0.299 [-8.764]
LS (7–2021): −0.149 [-6.325]LS (4–2020): 0.214 [9.752]LS (5–2015): 0.205 [10.089]LS (1–2015): 0.05 [2.445]AO (4–2008): 0.083 [3.917]AO (9–2006): −0.096 [-4.46]AO (12–2005): 0.114 [5.327]AO (6–2000): −0.127 [-5.169]AO (5–2000): 0.129 [5.24]
LS (1–2005): −0.391 [-4.776]TC (8–2003): −0.308 [-3.892]TC (8–2002): 0.31 [3.914]
AO (7–2015): −0.386 [-4.014]AO (8–2008): −0.429 [-4.46]LS (12–2004): −0.502 [-4.008]
AO (7–2021): −0.228 [-6.79]AO (7–2020): −0.217 [-6.468]LS (4–2020): 0.339 [8.35]LS (5–2015): 0.225 [5.535]LS (9–2012): −0.181 [-4.446]AO (8–2001): 0.211 [6.289]AO (2–2001): 0.401 [11.971]
TC (7–2021): −0.092 [-4.605]TC (2–2021): 0.123 [6.796]AO (7–2020): −0.219 [-14.341]LS (5–2020): 0.167 [10.036]AO (4–2017): −0.064 [-4.179]LS (8–2015): 0.157 [9.461]AO (8–2009): −0.06 [-3.929]AO (4–2006): 0.07 [4.553]AO (4–2005): 0.072 [4.705]AO (11–2003): −0.09 [-5.91]
AO (8–2020): −0.251 [-4.267]AO (3–2020): −0.246 [-4.195]AO (8–2019): −0.329 [-5.61]TC (10–2014): −0.372 [-6.038]TC (8–2014): 0.506 [8.207]AO (7–2005): −0.286 [-4.868]AO (2–2004): 0.306 [5.172]AO (12–2003): −0.271 [-4.57]AO (8–2003): −0.289 [-4.903]LS (5–2003): −0.247 [-4.195]
AO (5–2021): −0.173 [-19.32]LS (8–2020): 0.02 [3.615]LS (5–2020): 0.011 [1.837]AO (12–2018): −0.143 [-28.913]TC (1–2014): 0.154 [44.932]AO (1–2010): 0.126 [33.284]
LS (7–2021): −30.487 [-13.656]TC (3–2021): 25.141 [14.866]LS (2–2021): 16.387 [7.689]TC (12–2020): 111.835 [58.71]LS (11–2020): 27.01 [13.7]TC (6–2020): −14.646 [-8.642]LS (4–2020): 90.59 [49.585]TC (3–2020): 11.86 [6.659]AO (11–2019): −14.275 [-12.237]AO (4–2018): −9.764 [-8.765]
TC (4–2020): 0.393 [10.824]LS (7–2011): 0.197 [9.63]AO (12–2007): 0.123 [5.93]AO (9–2006): −0.026 [-1.293]AO (1–2005): −0.041 [-2.035]AO (8–2004): −0.078 [-3.728]AO (12–2002): −0.147 [-5.766]
TC (1–2021): 0.19 [6.623]LS (4–2020): 0.158 [6.298]TC (2–2005): 0.262 [9.231]AO (12–2004): −0.162 [-5.848]TC (9–2004): 0.216 [7.467]TC (1–2004): 0.179 [6.556]AO (8–2002): 0.162 [5.963]TC (9–2001): 0.162 [5.904]AO (10–2000): −0.144 [-5.064]LS (4–2000): 0.156 [5.577]
TC (11–2020): 0.173 [5.619]LS (4–2020): 0.161 [6.573]AO (7–2005): −0.124 [-3.734]TC (4–2004): 0.131 [4.318]
LS (10–2013): −0.225 [-3.898]LS (1–2010): 0.327 [5.663]LS (1–2008): 0.44 [7.604]LS (1–2006): 0.578 [10.001]TC (6–2001): −0.253 [-4.441]TC (10–2000): −0.266 [-4.664]
TC (5–2019): 0.321 [4.498]LS (1–2005): −0.587 [-8.939]TC (1–2001): 0.387 [5.425]
TC (1–2008): −1.589 [-38.435]LS (12–2005): 1.346 [29.719]AO (6–2005): 0.738 [19.879]AO (1–2005): −1.199 [-28.919]TC (11–2004): 0.396 [8.765]LS (7–2004): 0.617 [10.883]AO (9–2003): −0.296 [-8.396]LS (1–2002): 0.295 [5.523]LS (1–2001): 0.678 [12.269]LS (7–2000): −0.4 [-7.31]
LS (4–2020): 0.259 [10.479]
LS (4–2020): 0.18 [9.191]AO (5–2019): −0.078 [-3.674]LS (4–2018): −0.175 [-8.951]LS (1–2018): −0.075 [-3.803]TC (12–2013): 0.076 [3.688]AO (4–2006): 0.089 [4.183]AO (12–2003): −0.113 [-5.36]AO (12–2002): −0.101 [-4.745]AO (10–2002): 0.083 [3.908]AO (6–2001): 0.103 [4.869]
LS (6–2021): −0.2 [-7.072]LS (2–2021): 0.132 [4.606]LS (11–2020): 0.138 [4.863]AO (4–2020): 0.161 [5.189]LS (3–2020): 0.215 [7.412]TC (12–2018): −0.141 [-4.648]AO (9–2004): 0.123 [4.133]LS (6–2001): −0.123 [-4.405]
TC (5–2020): 0.147 [4.603]LS (4–2020): 0.17 [5.772]LS (12–2002): −0.139 [-5.252]LS (2–2001): −0.178 [-6.737]
AO (11–2019): 0.143 [4.528]AO (11–2018): 0.176 [5.586]TC (2–2014): −0.207 [-5.546]

Content of cells: (a) type of outlier: LS – level shift, TC – transitory change, AO – Additive outlier; (b) month of occurrence in parentheses; (c) magnitude of outlier [t-value].

Outlier detection with TRAMO in the Online_Retail_Ratio time series (Jan 2000–Jan 2022)

CountryOUT (1)OUT (2)OUT (3)OUT (4)OUT (5)OUT (6)OUT (7)OUT (8)OUT (9)OUT (10)
LS (6–2021): −0.11 [-7.671]LS (11–2020): 0.131 [9.141]AO (7–2020): −0.085 [-5.169]TC (4–2020): 0.271 [16.049]TC (3–2020): 0.108 [6.457]LS (5–2015): 0.091 [6.435]AO (8–2009): −0.057 [-3.524]LS (1–2006): −0.052 [-3.712]AO (6–2000): −0.041 [-2.538]
LS (5–2015): 0.078 [6.023]AO (12–2005): 0.052 [3.274]
TC (7–2021): −0.127 [-6.924]TC (1–2021): 0.07 [4.287]LS (11–2020): 0.124 [7.876]TC (4–2020): 0.275 [15.286]TC (3–2020): 0.108 [6.041]AO (7–2020): −0.096 [-5.481]LS (5–2015): 0.103 [6.897]AO (8–2009): −0.06 [-3.459]LS (1–2006): −0.056 [-3.716]
TC (11–2020): 0.237 [4.546]TC (4–2020): 0.359 [6.913]AO (11–2008): −0.248 [-4.722]AO (7–2008): −0.374 [-7.144]LS (1–2006): −0.559 [-11.922]AO (5–2001): 0.523 [9.812]AO (4–2001): 0.231 [4.333]
LS (1–2021): −0.24 [-4.114]
LS (5–2021): −0.073 [-5.852]AO (12–2020): −0.09 [-7.459]AO (5–2020): 0.061 [6.656]AO (4–2020): 0.178 [18.193]LS (3–2020): 0.142 [12.52]TC (8–2014): 0.121 [16.184]LS (1–2013): 0.111 [13.906]LS (12–2008): −0.151 [-18.944]LS (1–2004): 0.045 [5.568]AO (5–2000): 0.452 [44.191]
LS (3–2021): −0.161 [-4.311]LS (3–2020): 0.183 [4.902]AO (12–2004): −0.231 [-4.983]LS (1–2004): 0.194 [5.204]AO (12–2001): 0.182 [3.912]AO (8–2001): −0.192 [-4.08]AO (7–2001): 0.253 [5.387]TC (2–2001): −0.272 [-6.217]
TC (1–2021): 0.194 [7.337]TC (4–2020): 0.265 [10.23]LS (5–2015): 0.196 [8.446]AO (12–2005): 0.099 [3.894]AO (6–2000): −0.123 [-4.484]AO (5–2000): 0.112 [4.074]
TC (4–2020): 0.374 [4.984]LS (1–2005): −0.381 [-5.052]TC (8–2003): −0.306 [-4.088]LS (4–2001): 0.291 [3.859]
LS (12–2004): −0.546 [-4.184]
AO (9–2021): −0.181 [-4.587]AO (7–2021): −0.255 [-7.796]AO (7–2020): −0.198 [-6.431]TC (4–2020): 0.519 [14.508]LS (3–2020): 0.201 [5.479]LS (5–2015): 0.219 [6.275]AO (8–2001): 0.183 [6.349]AO (2–2001): 0.382 [13.215]
LS (6–2021): −0.141 [-7.295]LS (2–2021): 0.1 [5.292]AO (11–2020): 0.206 [10.403]TC (7–2020): −0.214 [-10.419]TC (4–2020): 0.172 [7.808]LS (3–2020): 0.151 [7.447]LS (8–2015): 0.157 [8.545]AO (4–2005): 0.082 [4.25]
AO (4–2020): 0.409 [6.357]AO (8–2019): −0.322 [-4.998]TC (10–2014): −0.366 [-5.359]TC (8–2014): 0.48 [7.019]AO (7–2005): −0.275 [-4.266]AO (2–2004): 0.315 [4.891]AO (12–2003): −0.25 [-3.882]AO (8–2003): −0.315 [-4.896]
AO (5–2021): −0.192 [-17.094]AO (1–2021): 0.048 [4.718]LS (11–2020): 0.117 [11.338]LS (6–2020): −0.092 [-9.905]AO (4–2020): 0.114 [12.281]LS (3–2020): 0.247 [28.143]TC (5–2019): −0.032 [-4.527]AO (12–2018): −0.135 [-19.603]TC (1–2014): 0.157 [29.273]AO (1–2010): 0.128 [21.782]
AO (3–2021): 8.777 [5.57]TC (1–2021): 27.845 [16.032]TC (12–2020): 106.929 [58.167]LS (11–2020): 25.291 [12.4]TC (6–2020): −10.686 [-5.922]TC (5–2020): −25.697 [-15.036]TC (4–2020): 105.011 [58.766]TC (3–2020): 27.288 [15.714]AO (11–2019): −12.908 [-8.995]TC (4–2018): −8.16 [-5.004]
TC (4–2020): 0.543 [14.62]LS (7–2011): 0.206 [8.35]LS (1–2008): −0.123 [-4.806]AO (8–2006): 0.082 [3.077]AO (11–2004): −0.142 [-6.156]AO (8–2004): −0.16 [-5.844]AO (10–2003): −0.108 [-4.615]AO (12–2002): −0.167 [-6.749]
TC (1–2021): 0.292 [7.055]TC (4–2020): 0.181 [4.419]TC (2–2005): 0.237 [5.78]AO (9–2004): 0.186 [5.309]AO (8–2002): 0.183 [5.22]AO (9–2001): 0.152 [4.305]
AO (1–2021): 0.184 [5.52]TC (11–2020): 0.267 [8.561]AO (4–2020): 0.284 [8.321]LS (3–2020): 0.149 [5.667]
TC (4–2020): 0.254 [4.295]LS (1–2010): 0.295 [4.886]LS (1–2008): 0.445 [7.39]LS (1–2006): 0.546 [9.054]AO (5–2001): 0.227 [4.415]TC (10–2000): −0.267 [-4.521]
TC (12–2020): 0.259 [3.738]AO (5–2019): 0.243 [4.099]AO (4–2005): −0.228 [-3.844]LS (1–2005): −0.692 [-11.59]TC (1–2001): 0.384 [5.606]
TC (1–2008): −1.624 [-37.838]LS (12–2005): 1.27 [26.899]AO (6–2005): 0.69 [17.072]AO (1–2005): −1.133 [-27.327]LS (7–2004): 0.448 [7.743]LS (2–2002): 0.462 [9.506]LS (1–2001): 0.679 [14.441]LS (7–2000): −0.38 [-6.528]AO (5–2000): −0.402 [-7.998]AO (2–2000): −0.427 [-7.646]
LS (4–2020): 0.259 [10.634]
LS (4–2020): 0.203 [10.393]TC (4–2019): −0.077 [-3.712]LS (4–2018): −0.182 [-9.294]AO (12–2013): 0.083 [4.165]AO (4–2006): 0.106 [5.175]TC (2–2006): −0.087 [-4.303]AO (12–2003): −0.099 [-4.77]AO (12–2002): −0.104 [-5.003]AO (10–2002): 0.085 [4.255]AO (6–2001): 0.116 [5.773]
LS (6–2021): −0.203 [-7.624]LS (2–2021): 0.146 [5.378]LS (11–2020): 0.149 [5.543]LS (6–2020): −0.112 [-3.904]AO (4–2020): 0.138 [4.22]LS (3–2020): 0.203 [7.08]TC (12–2018): −0.131 [-4.498]AO (9–2004): 0.116 [3.93]LS (6–2001): −0.139 [-5.283]
LS (4–2020): 0.349 [12.074]TC (3–2020): 0.129 [4.453]LS (12–2002): −0.133 [-4.705]LS (2–2001): −0.204 [-7.186]TC (1–2001): −0.113 [-3.931]
AO (5–2021): 0.124 [3.641]TC (4–2020): 0.343 [8.118]AO (11–2019): 0.141 [4.16]AO (11–2018): 0.183 [5.392]TC (2–2014): −0.166 [-3.94]

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  • Published: 12 September 2023

Retail technologies that enhance the customer experience: a practitioner-centred approach

  • Myriam Quinones   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-8906-948X 1 ,
  • Ana M. Díaz-Martín 1 &
  • Mónica Gómez-Suárez   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7415-3964 1  

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume  10 , Article number:  564 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

4973 Accesses

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  • Business and management

Technology has helped consumers embrace new ways of shopping. This article aims to explore how retailers capitalise on technology to create a differentiated customer experience (CX). The study provides a list of 15 shopper-facing technologies that retailers assess when aiming to improve CX and develops a framework to classify them. To do so, an exploratory study is conducted based on a qualitative enquiry and a survey of 201 retail experts. Data are analysed using content, descriptive, and correspondence analyses. The results spell out three groups of technological solutions that retailers should consider when aiming to create an enhanced CX: (1) technologies that contribute to improving experiential aspects of the shopping experience, (2) technologies that reduce friction throughout the customer journey and (2) technologies that enhance transparency and brand trust. The findings of this study offer key insights to retail companies who face the challenge of investing in technological advancements that deliver superior value to customers while supporting their firm’s long-term economic goals.

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With consumers increasingly demanding a seamless shopping experience, the delivery of a superior customer experience (CX) has become a key objective for retail companies, many of which have incorporated this notion into their business mission statements (Foroudi et al., 2018 ). Aiming to produce marketing-relevant insights, this study responds to the call to conduct descriptive research as a starting point to identify the CX management strategies currently in use in retail (Verhoef et al., 2009 ).

Conveniently integrated into the customer journey, technology has the potential to enhance CX (Sebald and Jacob, 2020 ; Alexander and Kent, 2020 ), which includes all the touchpoints at which the customer interacts with the business, product, or service (Grewal et al., 2009 ), and ultimately drives satisfaction, purchase intentions, and store patronage (Puccinelli et al., 2009 ; Mosquera et al., 2018 ; Molinillo et al. 2020 ). In that vein, firms that succeed at using technology to improve the shopping experience are most likely to enjoy a stronger competitive advantage (Savastano et al., 2019 ; Reinartz et al., 2019 ; Foroudi et al., 2018 ; Sethuraman and Parasuraman, 2005 ).

In today’s highly competitive retail environment, retailers require information on how they can strategically incorporate technology to maximise the experience they can provide to customers and the performance of their firms (Grewal et al., 2020 ; Moore et al., 2022 ). However, research on the role of technology as an enabler of CX remains scarce (Flavián et al. 2020 ; Tom Dieck and Han, 2022 ; Alexander and Kent, 2020 ). Consequently, the main objective of this research is to explore how retailers leverage technology to create a differentiated CX.

Only a small number of previous studies offer an inventory of retailing technologies into a common framework, with even fewer adopting the retailer perspective (e.g., Hoyer et al., 2020 ; Linzbach et al., 2019 ; Reinartz et al. 2019 ; Pantano and Vannucci, 2019 ; Sethuraman and Parasuraman, 2005 ). This practice-informed article contributes to the existing literature by proposing a new framework to classify key retail technologies based on their potential to sustain CX management strategies. Specifically, this study provides a list of 15 customer-facing technologies and classifies them based on three paths that retailers follow to improve CX: (1) improving the hedonic aspects of the shopping experience, (2) reducing pain points from the customer journey, and/or (3) enhancing customers’ brand trust. In doing so, the study aims to help retailers evaluate the technology investments that best fit their CX differentiation goals.

The theoretical foundation of this research draws from the conceptualisation of CX developed by Verhoef et al. ( 2009 ) and the classification of competitive retail strategies developed by Kahn ( 2018 ). Our mixed-method research comprises qualitative and quantitative studies that involve obtaining data from retail executives. Following several in-depth interviews and focus groups with retail managers, we collected survey data from a sample of 201 retail and technology practitioners. Resulting from the analysis of their input, the findings of this exploratory study offer valuable information to academia and practitioners on how retail firms can capitalise on technology to drive brand trust, make shopping a fun experience, or remove friction from the purchasing process. To the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first in the field of marketing which associates a comprehensive set of technologies with retail strategies directly addressed to boost CX.

The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. Section 2 reviews the literature on customer experience, the integration of technology in the customer journey and the role of technology on retailers’ CX strategy. This section also provides a proposal for a new categorisation of retail technologies. Methods section focuses on the research methodology, while the Results section presents the results of the empirical analyses. The study’s key findings, research limitations and future research paths are discussed in the Discussion section.

Theoretical framework

Retail technologies and cx.

As technology reshapes existing relationships between consumers and retailers, the latter strive to integrate and manage channels to offer a connected and personalised experience to their clients (Shankar et al., 2021 ; Ratchford et al., 2022 , Hsia et al., 2020 ). These customer-retailer interactions, many of which are digital, establish the foundations of CX (Lemon and Verhoef, 2016 ; Roggeveen and Sethuraman, 2020 ; Alexander and Kent, 2022 ).

With an ever-increasing number of contact points adding complexity to the customer journey, CX has received growing attention from marketing academics and managers for the last two decades (Bolton et al., 2018 : Lemon and Verhoef, 2016 ; De Keyser et al., 2015 , 2020 ; McColl-Kennedy et al., 2015 ). Table S1 of the supplementary information file provides a brief overview of the definitions of CX.

Verhoef et al. ( 2009 p.32) define CX as “a holistic construct and involves the customer’s cognitive, affective, emotional, social, and physical responses to the retailer. This experience is created not only by those elements that the retailer can control (e.g. service interface, retail atmosphere, assortment, price) but also by elements that are outside of the retailer’s control (e.g. the influence of others, purpose of shopping)”. Based on extant research that identifies macro-factors and firm-controlled factors that influence the cognitive and affective responses that define CX (Grewal et al., 2009 : Verhoef et al., 2009 ), the idea that underpins this study is that customer-facing technological solutions have the potential to shape CX because technology affects how customers sense, think, act, and relate to retailers and their brands.

It is generally accepted that the consumer experience is created through a customer journey, which includes three stages: prepurchase, purchase, and postpurchase (Lemon and Verhoef, 2016 ). Recent literature describes the proliferation of retail technologies and how they fit into each phase of the customer journey (Roggeveen and Sethuraman, 2020 ; Hoffman et al., 2022 ; Shankar et al., 2021 ).

During the search and consideration phase that defines the prepurchase process, advanced retail technologies linked to the Internet of Things (IoT) provide companies with real-time transactional as well as behavioural data that enable better-informed customer recommendations (Verhoef et al., 2009 ). The content of personalized messages and alerts may be related to price changes, new products, availability of out-of-stock products, promotions, reminders about the status of the online store basket or wish lists (Willems et al., 2017 ; Hofacker et al., 2016 ; Linzbach et al., 2019 ). Similarly, technologies that provide immersive experiences (augmented, virtual and mixed reality) allow shoppers to know and experience products and services during the awareness and consideration stages of the consumer journey, with a high degree of realism and in a playful way (Farah et al., 2019 ).

In the purchase stage, electronic tags that provide product, price, and promotional information contribute to generating more confidence and better shopping experiences (Valdés and Franco, 2020 ). Self-checkout systems and new forms of payment through mobile phones or facial recognition are technological solutions that streamline the purchasing process for consumers, enhancing their CX. Click&collect methods and smart lockers, which allow consumers to conveniently pick up products that they purchased online, also contribute to the objective of removing pain points from the shopping experience (Reinartz et al., 2019 ).

In addition, there is a growing number of technologies with high potential to enhance the postpurchase stage of the customer journey. For example, conversational platforms that range from virtual personal assistants to chatbots are used not only to assist shoppers during the early phases of the customer journey through voice or online messaging but also to stay connected after the purchase has been completed (Rzepka et al., 2020 ). Likewise, prior studies show that customer interactions with VR/AR can facilitate loyalty and advocacy (Kliestik et al., 2022 ; Farah et al., 2019 ).

In summary, as Roggeveen and Sethuraman ( 2020 p. 300) indicate, “understanding the customer journey cannot be complete without taking into account how different retail technologies direct the journey”. However, understanding the role of retail technologies in the provision of superior CX remains underplayed in the extant literature, therefore, warranting further attention.

Companies that identify which technologies best enhance the shopper experience stand a better chance of being successful (Grewal et al., 2021 ). Since no previous studies have evaluated retail technologies as enabling factors for a superior CX, this article aims to advance previous research by proposing a framework that organises technologies according to the retail CX strategy they mostly support.

Based on Kahn´s ( 2018 ) Retail´s Success Matrix and Gauri et al. ( 2021 ) customer-centric conceptual framework for the success of retail formats, we propose three groups of front-end retail technologies that firms can leverage to enhance CX:

Technology that improves the experiential aspect of shopping and makes the act of shopping a fun and exciting activity. For instance, technologies such as AR/VR/MR have been found to enrich the purchase experience because they offer unique opportunities for consumers to explore new shopping environments. Whether through glasses or mobile applications, users interact with objects and situations, both in the real and digital world, changing the way they engage in shopping (Bonetti et al., 2019 ; Beck and Crié, 2018 ) and creating meaningful experiences which lead to higher in-store traffic (Flavián et al., 2020 ; Hsia et al., 2020 : Mosquera et al., 2018 ; Farah et al., 2019 ; Pantano and Viassone, 2015 ).

Technology that contributes to a frictionless shopping experience by saving money, time, and effort that customers devote to shopping (Grewal et al., 2020 ; Reintzart et al., 2019 ; Inman and Nikolova, 2017 ), such as price comparison apps or in-store, self-service technology (Moorhouse et al., 2018 ).

Technology that helps increase customer trust. Customer trust has been defined as the “overall belief that the retailer will take actions that result in positive outcomes for the shopper” (Inman and Nikolova, 2017 p. 16). For example, retail solutions powered by blockchain technology allow customers to track a product back to its source, which might increase shoppers’ confidence in the product/brand.

It is important to mention that there are also back-office technological solutions available to retailers that have the potential to improve operational efficiency (Reinartz et al., 2019 ; Sethuraman and Parasuraman, 2005 ). However, as previously stated, the emphasis of this study is on the customer-facing technologies that may influence CX. Thus, aiming to explore the range of front-end technologies that retailers evaluate as enablers of an enhanced CX, we develop the following research questions:

RQ1: According to retailers, what technological solutions have the greatest potential to influence CX?
RQ2: According to retailers, what lever of CX does each technology primarily support?

The next section describes the research methods employed to reveal the answers to these questions.

The study was structured in two phases: (1) a qualitative stage and (2) a survey to retail managers through personal and online questionnaires. The qualitative stage comprises in-depth interviews, group meetings, and expert opinions while the quantitative stage is based on personal and online surveys.

In the qualitative phase, the authors conducted three in-depth interviews with key informants. The executives consulted held senior management positions and were experts in their respective sectors (mass consumer goods, apparel, and furniture). After the in-depth interviews, three group meetings were held with managers of leading retail companies. Between six and eight informants participated in each meeting. Participants were experts in the fields of digital transformation, information technologies, and/or strategic marketing.

Based on the results of the qualitative study and the bibliographic review, a questionnaire was designed as the basis for the quantitative work. Then, a pre-test with 10 retail experts was run to establish the final list of technologies and assess their validity. The items of the questionnaire that were unclear, not representative of the domain, or open to misinterpretation were eliminated or reworded. In addition, redundant or unnecessary items were eliminated. The resulting questionnaire had a first block of questions related to the classification variables (company role in the distribution channel, industry, company size and practitioner’s job title). A second block included a table with the list of technologies and the request to assign each technology to the CX strategy it had the greatest impact on. The questionnaire may be found in the supplementary information file .

The main survey was conducted using Qualtrics. Participants were presented with a list of retail technologies and were subsequently asked to associate each technology with the CX strategy they believed the technology contributed the most. Participants responded through a personal interview (60%) and a self-administered online questionnaire (40%).

To gather the sample, the authors collaborated with an agency that regularly organises national retail events that bring together important Spanish industry players. It is important to mention that the retail sector plays a crucial role in Spain’s economy, holding a prominent position in terms of its contribution to economic activity, employment generation, and the number of enterprises (Spanish Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, 2022 ). This industry has a strong presence throughout the country, acting as a cohesive force within the economy from both social and territorial perspectives (Caixabank Research, 2021 ).

The sample was composed of three profiles: retail managers (55%), executives of mass consumer goods manufacturers (20%) and retail technology service providers (25%). The respondents worked in the following business areas: marketing (23%), commercial or business development (18%), digital transformation and technology (11%) and logistics (6.5%). 11% of them were CEO or company owners. Regarding the companies’ profiles, their activity sectors were apparel (16%), food (15.5%), furniture (10%) and cosmetics (3%). Most of the sample (80%) were companies with 500+ employees.

After the depuration of the initial 201 responses, we retained 168 valid surveys. To analyse the data, we applied descriptive methods and Multiple Correspondence Factor Analysis (MCA) using SPSS 26.0.

MCA was chosen for its flexibility regarding the conditions required to graphically represent the relationships between CX strategies and technological solutions. In this sense, MCA has some advantages over other mapping techniques such as metric or nonmetric multidimensional analysis (MDS). Its implementation and analysis are much simpler than those of the MDS, based upon a series of cards that must be prepared with the objective that the respondents order or value them by preference. Thus, when applying MDS techniques, only a few objects can be introduced so as not to increase the respondents’ cognitive load. On the contrary, in the case of the MCA, researchers only have to introduce the table in the questionnaire with rows and columns and the respondents must mark an answer if they consider there is an association between the two. In addition, the interpretation of the positions of the objects with MCA is not subjective as it is based on the quadrants and the objects’ (rows and columns) positions.

Technology-retail strategy spontaneous association

The qualitative stage served to identify which technological solutions were deployed by key retailers who are looking to offer an excellent customer experience. The analyses based on word clouds and discourse assessments allowed us to nominate a list of 15 retail technologies. In addition, the qualitative study confirmed that retailers who capitalise on technology to excel in CX identified the three strategies that we hypothesised about in the theoretical section: (1) improving the hedonic aspects of the shopping experience by enabling a fun and unique shopping trip, (2) reducing pain points to ensure a convenient and frictionless shopping journey, and (3) enhancing brand trust.

Table 1 shows the contingency table resulting from the survey. It shows participants’ spontaneous associations between technologies (rows) and strategies (columns). Some technologies may serve more than one strategic purpose if they encompass the benefits of more than one aspect of CX. For example, voice and image search solutions are strongly associated with both experimental shopping and frictionless shopping because different companies use this technology in ways that vary depending on the source of their competitive advantage.

Our findings show that 80% of the retail experts who participated in the study identified AR/VR/MR as technologies that add excitement to the shopping customer journey. According to 84% of the participants, 3D printing technology also facilitates the delivery of a differentiated and more pleasant shopping experience. In addition, 52% of the participants made a spontaneous association between voice and image search and experiential shopping, identifying these technologies as enablers of a fun shopping experience, while 43% of them thought that these solutions contributed to reducing customers’ pain points.

When presented with the list of technologies, retail experts marked mobile payments (83%), click&collect (73%), facial recognition (67%), geolocalization (60%), chatbots (59%) and voice assistants (58%) as technologies that retailers primarily invest in aiming to eliminate pain points and deliver a frictionless shopping experience. Finally, blockchain (52%) and high-tech flagship stores (48%) compose the cluster of technological solutions that support brand trust and transparency strategies.

Map of technology and CX strategies

By applying MCA to the absolute frequencies from the crossing of each solution with each strategy, we obtain a two-axis model that proved to be significant (Chi-square = 693.05; df = 28; Sign. = 0.000), accounting for 85% of the inertia (axis 1 = 67.2%; axis 2 = 32.8%). Tables 2 and 3 show the contribution of rows and columns to inertia.

The map that plots the position of the 15 technologies concerning the identified CX strategies is depicted in Fig. 1 .

figure 1

Positioning Map.

Responding to calls to conduct research that sheds light on retailing CX management strategies, this study adopts the distributor perspective in identifying key technological solutions that are being deployed to enhance CX in the retail industry and provide a conceptual framework to classify them.

Specifically, the study outlines three paths for retailers to harness technology to deliver a superior CX. The first path is to deploy technology to enhance the hedonic aspect of shopping by making interactions personal and memorable for shoppers. The second route is to leverage technology that eliminates painful touchpoints on the shopping journey, thus offering a frictionless shopping experience. The third axis is to invest in technology that contributes to a transparent and trustworthy shopping experience that helps build brand trust.

Regarding the first path, the study’s results show that retail experts identify AR/VR/MR, and 3D printing as technologies that are enabling shoppers to interact with different touch points in innovative ways. AR/VR/MR increase the hedonic and experiential components of a shopping trip because they allow customers to virtually try on products or view how a product would look in their home before making their purchase. These technologies also help display virtual endless shelves with a curated selection of products based on customer preferences or past purchase history. Similarly, practitioners report that 3D printing technology facilitates the delivery of unique shopping experiences because it allows small-scale, on-demand manufacturing of products designed according to customer needs.

Based on the study’s findings, retailers think of voice assistants, chatbots, automated checkouts and mobile and facial recognition payment systems as key technologies that should be leveraged to remove obstacles from the shopping journey. This is the second route to enhance CX identified in this study. Voice assistants and chatbots minimize friction by improving store and web navigation, making finding and purchasing a product easier and faster. Likewise, click&collect services offer additional convenience to omnichannel shoppers. The results also suggest that in-store shopping can be enhanced by empowering front-line employees with mobile devices to access real-time inventory and process transactions anywhere in the store. Similarly, self-checkouts and contactless and/or mobile payment methods offer the ability to eliminate pain points from the shopping journey by significantly reducing queuing times. Finally, the ubiquity of mobile devices supports distributors’ decisions to increasingly invest in geo-marketing initiatives. With Bluetooth, GPS systems, or Wi-Fi/ultrasound beacons installed to identify the location of customers connected through their mobile apps, retailers can issue personalized and contextualized push notifications, such as promotional offers and meaningful product recommendations based on the consumer’s profile and mobility pattern (Bourg et al., 2021 ), which aid in completing the purchase as well as enable follow-up services and loyalty programs.

Regarding the third path, participants in our study pointed out that blockchain’s immutable distributed ledger technology has the potential to improve collaboration between different supply chain agents, allowing retailers not only to ensure that products are available in the right place at the right time but also to provide shoppers with unprecedently transparent product information. With buyers heavily relying on brands and sellers that they trust (Nghiêm-Phú, 2022 ; Nim et al., 2022 ), high-tech flagship stores may also contribute to signalling that the retailer is competent and helpful, qualities that are associated with higher trust (Inman and Nikolova, 2017 ; Mosquera et al., 2018 ).

Theoretical implications

This paper aims to expand academic research on the role of technology in retailers’ CX management strategies. Consequently, it offers several theoretical contributions.

First, studies that provide an up-to-date overview of retailing technologies are scarce. To address this gap, this article depicts 15 customer-facing technological solutions that are currently deployed in the retail industry according to the literature and input from retail experts in practice. Moreover, the retail executives who participated in the study corroborate the key idea that underpins this research work. That is, the integration of technology into the customer journey has the potential to enhance CX (Sebald and Jacob, 2020 ; Alexander and Kent, 2022 ).

Second, this article offers a clear theoretical contribution by proposing a new conceptual framework to categorise front-end retail technologies. We offer a map of existing technological solutions where technologies are placed per their positions relative to three levers of CX: fun and unique shopping experience, easy or frictionless purchase process and brand trust. Researchers considering studying retail technology could use this framework and expand our analysis by incorporating new technological solutions. Furthermore, concurrent with the existing literature (Hoffman et al., 2022 ), our findings show that technology can serve multiple purposes at the same time, although maybe to different degrees.

Finally, since the study takes the perspective of retailers, it provides theoretical insights that could have been neglected in studies based on the more broadly adopted customer viewpoint. Moreover, whilst most previous retailer-oriented research uses secondary data sources, by soliciting information from retail practitioners, this study offers a deeper understanding of their perception of technology as a core component of their CX management strategies.

Managerial implications

Given that consumers are and will be loyal to retailers that provide exceptional value through great experiences (Moore et al., 2022 ; Kahn, 2021 ), this study could help retail firms gain a better understanding of how to integrate technology into the customer journey to serve as a point of differentiation in the competitive retail sector.

With a wide selection of technologies available on the market, it might be difficult for retailers to choose the most appropriate solutions, especially if implementation costs are high. Our map, which plots the position of 15 technologies according to three different paths that might be followed to enhance CX, offers retailers an additional tool to evaluate emerging technologies. Retailers should select the area where their service offer can stand out compared to their competitors and then choose the technological solutions that help them deliver their value proposition in the best fashion. For instance, Nike, Ikea, Gap, and Sephora were pioneers in using augmented reality to improve the way their customers engaged in shopping for their brands. Other retailers decide to prioritise investing in flagship stores to build greater customer trust or to enhance CX by supplementing the efforts of frontline employees through the integration of self-service technologies such as self-checkouts or click&collect services.

Limitations and future research lines

Future research could address the limitations of this exploratory study. First, as a non-random sampling method was followed, new studies could replicate our work using a probabilistic sampling method and compare the results. Second, given that the research focus was on customer-facing technologies, several back-end retail technologies were not included in the study. Further research could incorporate technologies aimed at increasing operational efficiency. Third, despite its significance, the retail sector in Spain consists mainly of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro-SMEs, making it a labour-intensive sector where the adoption of key digital capabilities, including Customer Relationship Management, big data, cloud computing, IoT, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and employment of IT specialists are relatively lower than its European counterparts (Spanish Digital Economy Association, 2023 ). New studies are required to provide conclusive cross-country studies, which could compare not only the role of technology as an enabler of CX in different countries but also test if there are statistically significant differences in parameters pertaining to geographical, economic and/or cultural contexts.

Deepening the understanding of the perceptual gap that might exist between consumers and retail managers could be another fruitful line of research. As Moore et al. ( 2022 ) suggest, “what contributes towards a positive retail CX for one consumer might be the very thing that leads to a bad experience for another shopper. Choice rather than imposed technology is the key to success” (p.7). Likewise, an interesting new research avenue would be to explore the barriers that technology poses to certain customer segments (e.g., ageism or technostress (Kumar et al. 2022 )). Finally, adding technologies to the retail experience has been found to alter the way customers interact with frontline employees (Grewal et al. 2020 ). Therefore, additional studies could explore the impact of retail technology on CX adopting the lens of in-store associates.

In summary, whilst the insights provided by this study contribute to the retail literature by shedding light on how customer-facing technologies enhance retailers’ CX, future studies are needed to address the new research paths identified in this article.

Data availability

The data presented in this study are not publicly available due to confidentiality restrictions. They could be made available on reasonable request from the corresponding author with the prior permission of the companies involved.

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This study was conducted under the framework of the research group TECHNOCONS ‘Consumer Behaviour and Technology’, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). This study benefited from the Professorship Excellence Program in accordance with the multi-year agreement signed by the Government of Madrid and the Autonomous University of Madrid (Line #3). This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Grant PID2020-113561RB-I00. The fieldwork was supported by funding under grant FUAM -135700.

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Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Myriam Quinones, Ana M. Díaz-Martín & Mónica Gómez-Suárez

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Conception of the study, conceptualization and data acquisition: MQ and AMD-M. Formal data analysis: MG-S. Writing-original draft preparation: MQ and MG-S. Writing—review and editing: MQ, MG-S and AMD-M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

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Quinones, M., Díaz-Martín, A.M. & Gómez-Suárez, M. Retail technologies that enhance the customer experience: a practitioner-centred approach. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10 , 564 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-02023-z

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Received : 15 March 2023

Accepted : 10 August 2023

Published : 12 September 2023

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-02023-z

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online retail research paper


Factors affecting consumers’ online choice intention: a study based on bayesian network.

Weibin Deng,

  • 1 Key Laboratory of Electronic Commerce and Modern Logistics, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, China
  • 2 School of Economics and Management, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, China
  • 3 78111 Troops, People’s Liberation Army of China, Chengdu, China

In China, the mature development of online retail channels provides consumers with multiple consumption choices, and the factors that affect whether consumers choose to search or purchase online are numerous and complex. In this context, this paper reports on experimental research regarding consumers’ willingness to choose channels based on the two-stage decision-making theory. Using structural equation modeling, the factors influencing consumers’ online search intention and purchase willingness and the relationship between them are studied. In particular, the perceived benefits, channel trust, and channel transfer costs are explored. Furthermore, a Bayesian network is used in order to analyze the degree of influence of each factor quantitatively. It is found that online trust is an important factor affecting consumers’ online search intention, and the most important factor for consumers’ online purchase intention is their perceived benefits of online shopping. At the same time, there is a positive relationship between online search intention and purchase intention. This study can provide management decision support for online retail enterprises and help to promote the healthy development of online shopping.


The recent emergence of multiple retail channels has made consumers’ choice of shopping channels more complex, causing consumers to rethink their choice of shopping channels. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of scholars, who have examined product pricing and channel choice willingness. Many scholars have analyzed channel choice willingness from the theoretical perspective of consumer perception, as consumer behavior is motivated by consumers’ psychological assessment of the results that will be achieved by the specific attributes of products or services, such as perceived benefit ( Khan et al., 2015 ), perceived value ( Zhao and Chen, 2021 ), and perceived usefulness ( Wang et al., 2021 ). However, the above-mentioned researches are one-sided, because they only analyze the choice of shopping channels from the perspective of consumer perception. Trust is the attitude and cognition of consumer toward shopping channels. It is believed by some scholars that perceived benefits are based on trust toward the shopping channels ( Costa e Silva et al., 2020 ). Both online and offline channels boast their own advantages, and consumers can choose different channels at different purchasing stages. But current researches can hardly clarify the complexity on studying consumer channel choice in a theoretical way.

Consumer channel choice is the study of consumer behavior with unique features, because it is based on analyzing real problems and giving choices. The early researches are dominated by theoretical analysis. For example, Huang et al. (2016) analyzed the impact exerted by the emergence of mobile retail channels on online consumption behavior. Based on qualitative research, some scholars try to adopt statistical methods and models to study consumer shopping channels, such as using correlation analysis to analyze factors influencing consumers in online shopping decision-making ( Elida et al., 2019 ). However, the relationship between variables cannot be well explained and the latent variable measurement error remains unresolved by the mentioned methods. With the development of statistical theory, some more rigorous and sound statistical techniques and model analysis methods have been introduced into the research on factors affecting online shopping, such as research on impulsive consumption in online retail ( Gupta and Shukla, 2019 ) and the influence of brand experience on consumer behavior ( Chen-ran, 2020 ). Most of the above researches are carried out around the structural equation model (simply called SEM). SEM is a multivariable statistical analysis method for testing the hypothetical relationships between observed variables and latent variables and among latent variables. It has good processing ability in proving the authenticity of hypotheses ( Akbarzadeh et al., 2019 ). In the behavior research of online consumer, latent variables, such as cognition, attitude, behavior, and willingness, are often unmeasurable, which need to be represented by observed variables. By combining the characteristics of the online consumer behavior, the SEM pre-selects several factors that affect the consumption behavior, sets up the relevant observation and latent variables, and builds the path analysis model. In the research, it is positive to observe the multiple relationships between different variables by considering the significance, coefficient, and mediation or moderating effects to determine the variables correlation. However, building the entire path analysis framework relies on subjective assumptions and judgments. Setting different paths will correspondingly produce different results, therefore, and it is difficult to ensure its stability. Such research is the confirmatory research and highly related to research hypotheses, which greatly limits how this method is applied in investigating online consumer behavior. At the same time, the SEM lacks the ability to predict and diagnose the relationship between variables ( Song and Lee, 2008 ). A Bayesian network is a statistical method for expressing the causality between variables and the relationship between prediction and diagnosis variables ( Chickering, 2002 ). Due to its good prediction and diagnosis ability, it can be used to accurately analyze consumers’ purchasing behavior ( Song et al., 2013 ). However, it lacks the empirical ability of examining variable relationships ( Song et al., 2011 ). Therefore, this paper proposes to combine SEN and Bayesian network, which not only adopts SEM in the empirical research to fit non-standard models, but also uses Bayesian network to make diagnosis and prediction. Based on two-stage decision-making theory, we take into account the online channel searching and purchasing intention of consumers in this paper and accurately analyze the factors that affect how consumers make choices online and their complex relationships. It can provide references for online retail companies to formulate reasonable marketing strategies.

Theory and Hypotheses

Two-stage decision-making theory.

Once consumers generate a shopping desire, searching for information and buying products are the most two important stages of their shopping decision-making process. Haubl and Trifts (2000) presented a two-stage decision-making theory based on the study of consumer shopping behavior. In the search stage, consumers search for a large amount of relevant information about the product. In the purchase stage, they make an in-depth comparison and evaluation of the options, and then, they make the final purchase decision. Two-stage decision-making theory has been applied by many scholars in the choice of consumption channels. Schneider and Zielke (2020) used two-stage decision-making theory to study the consumer Showrooming behavior. Meanwhile, Balladares et al. (2016) studied the factors that affect consumers in the information search stage based on two-stage decision-making theory. Singh and Jang (2020) studied the impact of consumer’s perception on choosing searching and purchasing channels and the satisfaction.

Due to the coexistence of online and offline retail channels, consumers have more choices in purchasing channels, and channel choice willingness is the main factor for measuring consumers’ channel choice behavior, because consumers have different channel selection behaviors when they are in different purchase decision-making stages. Hence, we can get four consumers’ channel choice models: search online–purchase online, search online–purchase offline, search offline–purchase online, and search offline-purchase offline. Based on this, this paper discusses the factors that affect consumers’ online search and purchase intention and the complex relationship between these intentions based on two-stage decision-making theory.

Bayesian Network

A Bayesian network shows the relationship between latent variables in the form of a causality graph, which is composed of a network structure S and parameter set θ . The network structure S is used to represent the independent and conditional independent relationship between the sets of classified random variable x ={ x 1 , x 2 ,…, x n }, and the network structure S is composed of nodes and directed arcs, which is a directed acyclic graph. The parent node of the node x i is represented by pa i , and the value set of the parent node is represented by the value set of the parent node: p a i = p a i 1 , p a i 2 , … , p a i r p a i . The parameter set θ is the local probability corresponding to each variable, and it is the conditional probability set under a given parent node. The parameter set of the variable X i is as follows: θ x i = P x i 1 | p a i j , P x i 2 | p a i j , … , P x i r i | p a i j . j = 1 , 2 , … , r p a i . Figure 1 shows the Bayesian network structure.


Figure 1 . Bayesian network structure.

There are many Bayesian network algorithms. The TAN (Tree-Augmented-Naive) Bayesian network proposed by Friedman et al. relaxes the application conditions of the classic Bayesian network and allows complex correlations between variables. TAN Bayesian networks are trained by constantly training the sample sets to find the best parameters S , θ , which is also the analysis method used in this article. TAN Bayes is an extension of the classic Bayesian network model. It can handle variables that have correlations and have good predictive power for high-dimensional data. The basic idea of the TAN Bayesian network is to use the Bayesian network to express the dependency relationship and to connect the relationship between attribute variables with a directed arc from the parent node to the child node. TAN Bayesian networks are widely used in data mining in the fields of computer, business and communication.

The Bayesian model involves the causal prediction and inference of the observed variables, while the SEM involves empirical analysis of the path relationship of the latent variables. Therefore, the key to combining the SEM and Bayesian network is to obtain the sample data of each node of the Bayesian network through the observation variables to make predictions and diagnostic analysis. The main design ideas of this paper are as follows:

First, we identify the factors influencing consumers’ online choice, as shown in Table 1 , collect data through a questionnaire survey, and then construct the relationship between the observed variables of the SEM.


Table 1 . List of variables, measure items, and literature sources.

Second, based on the SEM, we lay the foundation for the construction of the Bayesian network by calculating the score of each latent variable in the SEM.

Third, based on the relationship between latent variables in the SEM and the score of latent variables, in order to draw better research conclusions, the Bayesian network is used to further predict and diagnose the relationship between variables.

Search Intention

Searching is an important part of consumers’ purchase decision-making stage; the more abundant product information consumers have, the more likely they are to make satisfactory purchase decisions, but their willingness to engage in the information search is limited by the cost of the channel search ( Tien and Kiureghian, 2016 ). From the perspective of utility maximization, consumers will choose the lowest-cost way to search for product information. Compared with completing purchases through multiple channels, consumers will spend less in a channel to search for information and buy the products. It is indicated by Singh and Swait (2017) that online channels provide greater searching or purchasing benefits. Ngwe et al. (2019) found that guiding consumers to search for products will increase the overall expected purchasing probability of sold products. Zhai et al. (2019) showed that the channel searching and purchasing behavior of consumers can influence each other.

Trust transfer theory is widely used in the study of consumer behavior when multiple retail channels coexist. Scholars divide trust transfer into intra-channel and inter-channel trust transfer ( Stewart and Qin, 2013 ). Intra-channel trust transfer refers to consumers’ trust transfer between different shopping stages in the same channel (online or offline; Lee et al., 2011 ). Path dependence theory points out that once economic, social, or technological systems enter a certain path, for better or worse, they will constantly strengthen themselves under the action of inertia ( Thietart, 2015 ). In other words, people’s past choices determine their possible choices now. When consumers enter the online retail environment, the impact of search willingness on purchase intention is also a manifestation of path dependence. Based on the theories of trust transfer and path dependence within the channel, consumers’ willingness to search in one channel affects their willingness to buy in the same channel. Therefore, the first hypothesis is proposed:

H1 : There is a positive relationship between online search intention and purchase intention, and purchase intention can have a reverse impact on search intention.

Perceived Benefit

Both online and offline channels have the functions of information search and product sales ( Balasubramanian et al., 2010 ). However, because different channels have different characteristics, consumers have different perceived benefits of product selection, product quality, service quality, and so on, which will affect their choice of channels. According to Lee et al. (2018) , perceived benefit is the customers’ evaluation of the overall utility of using a certain channel based on their own needs, which has a direct impact on their purchase decisions. Due to the particularity of online channels, consumers cannot personally experience the utility of products when shopping through such channels. When consumers make an evaluation, one of the most direct factors to consider is the benefits that the channels can bring; the greater the perceived benefits, the stronger the consumers’ willingness to buy the products ( Martin et al., 2015 ). van der Lans et al. (2016) pointed out that perceived benefits are most important in determining purchase intentions. The perceived benefits of channels not only affect consumers’ willingness to purchase but also attract consumers’ willingness to search. Based on the above analyses, the degree of consumers’ perceived benefits of retail channels reflect their willingness to choose search information or purchase products. Building on this discussion, the study suggests the following hypotheses:

H2 : There is a positive relationship between perceived benefits and online search intention, and search willingness can have a reverse impact on perceived interests. H3 : There is a positive relationship between perceived benefits and online purchase intention, and purchase intention can have a reverse impact on channel trust.

Channel Trust

Many scholars have proved that trust is one of the main factors affecting consumers’ intention to purchase, especially when they cannot touch the transaction object as in the online retail environment, consumers will rely on trust to reduce the uncertainty of their purchase decisions, hence increasing the probability of interaction between consumers and retail channels. Channel trust is a reliable way for consumers to search for information. Consumers will trust the channel more because of its reliability and the high-quality information it provides. Trust will increase consumers’ goodwill toward businesses and reduce their perceived risks ( Zhao et al., 2017 ). In a study of consumer behavior, Martin et al. (2015) found that consumer trust has a positive impact on channel choice intention. Reimer and Benkenstein (2016) studied the impact of the credibility of other online consumers’ comments on consumers’ channel choices. They found that the higher the consumers’ trust in the channel, the more likely they are to think that online reviews are more credible. Hajli (2015) argued that consumers’ trust and purchase willingness are affected significantly by online retailers’ ratings and comments, recommendations and introductions, and forums and communities. King et al. (2014) showed that consumers’ trust for a certain brand or product significantly affects their purchase willingness. Hence, the following hypotheses are presented:

H4 : There is a positive relationship between channel trust and online search intention, and search intention can have a reverse impact on channel trust. H5 : There is a positive relationship between channel trust and online purchase intention, and purchase intention can have a reverse impact on channel trust.

Switching Cost

In the multi-channel retail environment, consumers’ consumption behaviors are different online and offline, and the switching cost is the additional cost that consumers must pay for switching services. It includes the economic, psychological, and even emotional cognitive costs of stopping the use of current services and changing to new ones. The switching cost is the multi-channel consumers’ perception of the time and energy spent on the conversion between offline and online channels, and it is a part of their assessment of the total shopping cost. Some scholars ( Anderson and Simester, 2013 ; Stan et al., 2013 ) have shown that the switching cost has a significant impact on the choice of consumer information search channel and purchase channel in the multi-retail channel environment. Specifically, the higher the switching cost, the less easy it is for consumers to make cross-channel purchases. It is discovered by the research of Chang et al. (2017) that the switching cost prevents free-riding behavior. In this paper, the switching cost is set as the perceived cost caused by consumers transferring from the online channel to the offline channel. Building on this discussion, the next set hypotheses are stated as follows:

H6 : There is a positive relationship between switching cost and online search intention, and search intention can have a reverse impact on switching cost. H7 : There is a positive relationship between switching cost and online purchase intention, and purchase intention can have a reverse impact on switching cost.

Based on the above assumptions, the conceptual model is shown in Figure 2 .


Figure 2 . Conceptual model of consumers’ intention to choose channels.

Methods and Results

Data collection and sample.

A five-level Likert scale is used, with options of “very much agree,” “agree,” “generally agree,” “disagree,” and “very much disagree,” corresponding to values of 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. The higher the degree of identity, the higher the score.

Before the formal survey, we conducted a pre-survey on the questionnaire with college students who have online shopping experience (100 students in total) and revised the questionnaire based on the suggestions made by them and experts. In order to ensure the randomness of the collected data, questionnaires are distributed through Internet after revised, targeting at consumers in China who have both online and offline shopping experience.

It takes a week to collect questionnaires. A total of 591 questionnaires are collected in total, 30 of which are invalid and thus excluded, reasons for invalidity included as: (1) answer time is not normal (e.g., answer time less than 30s), (2) have missing data on their questionnaires (e.g., the question “compared with offline channels, other consumers’ evaluation of the product is trustworthy” is not answered), and (3) have no obvious regular answers (e.g., choosing the same option for 10 or more successive questions). Finally, 561 questionnaires were actually processed, and the validity rate was 94.92%. There were more female participants (60.1%) than male participants (39.9%), including students (23.5%), office workers (7.0%), clerks (56.1%), and others (13.4%), and the possible explanation for imbalanced sex ratio is that women are more interested and enthusiastic in online shopping. Overall, 89.1% of the respondents were aged between 20 and 39years, and most were highly educated, including graduate (20.1%), undergraduate (65.2%), college degree (10.2%), and high school (4.5%). More detailed characteristics of the sample are shown in Table 2 .


Table 2 . Sample characteristics ( n =561).

Reliability and Validity Test

We evaluated the reliability and internal consistency of the measure with SPSS 23.0. Cronbach’s alpha was calculated for the construct and ranged from 0.654 and 0.789, indicating that the reliability of each variable of the scale is acceptable and can be analyzed later. The reliability analysis results are shown as Table 3 . In order to test the validity of the measured data, SPSS 23.0 was used to conduct an exploratory factor analysis. Principal component factor analysis of the data was carried out using the maximum variance method, and the results showed that the overall KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) value of the factor analysis was 0.827 and the significance was 0.000, indicating that the data were suitable for factor analysis. According to the principle that the eigenvalue was greater than 1, five principal components were extracted, and the factor load of each measurement item was greater than 0.5, indicating that the measurement items of the unified construction variables were loaded on the same factor, and the scale had good convergence validity.


Table 3 . Reliability analysis.

In order to verify the scientific rationality of the model, it is necessary to test whether each fitting index meets the fitting standard. Take PB, OT, SC, SI, and PI as endogenous variables, and use Amos 23.0 to build the SEM shown as Figure 3 . As shown in Table 4 , the results of the fitting indexes in this study show a GFI (goodness of fit index) of model-fit of 0.969, CFI (comparative fit index) of 0.977, RMR (root mean square residual) of 0.029, X2/DF of 1.103, AGFI (adjust goodness of fit index) of 0.955, and RESEA (root mean square error of approximation) of 0.014. The fitting indexes meet the acceptance standard level.


Figure 3 . Path coefficient diagram of structural equation model.


Table 4 . Index table of main fitting effects of SEM.

Data Analysis With SEM

With the help of Amos 23.0, we used the maximum likelihood estimation method to verify the hypotheses proposed in this paper. It can be seen from the SEM that the influence of the variables is obvious. We can see that: (1) The path coefficients of the perceived benefit on online search intention and online purchase intention are 0.16 and 0.49, respectively, indicating that perceived benefit has a positive impact on search intention and purchase intention, and from the path coefficient, we can see that the perceived benefit has a greater influence on the purchase intention. (2) The path coefficients of channel trust on online search intention and purchase intention are 0.38 and 0.26, respectively, indicating that channel trust has a positive impact on search intention and purchase intention. (3) The path coefficients of switching cost on online search intention and purchase intention are 0.16 and 0.21, respectively, indicating that switching cost has a positive effect on search intention and purchase intention, and the influence on purchase intention is slightly greater than that on search intention. (4) The path coefficient of search intention on purchase intention is 0.26, indicating that search intention will also have a positive impact on purchase intention. Therefore, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, and H7 are supported.

Data Analysis With Bayesian Network

The average score of each latent variable was analyzed by K-means cluster analysis with SPSS 23.0. In order to reduce the complexity of the operation and increase the identifiability of the judgment results, each latent variable was clustered into three states: high, medium, and low. Before clustering, in order to ensure the quality of the data, the box diagram of the sample data was drawn to deal with abnormal values, and the “minimum and maximum” abnormal data far away from the whole were eliminated; hence, a total of 42 outliers were removed, and 519 valid data were analyzed. In this study, an SPSS analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to verify the differences in the latent variables in each dimension and to verify the significance of the classification to the dimension scores. The specific results are shown in Table 5 . The ANOVA results show that it is reasonable to cluster sample data into high, medium, and low dimensions.


Table 5 . Analysis of variance.

We used SPSS modeler 18.0 to construct the TAN Bayesian network based on clustering data with the maximum likelihood method, as shown in Figure 4 . We can see that purchase intention is the parent node of transfer cost, perceived benefit, search intention, and channel trust, indicating that purchase intention is affected by these four latent variables from the constructed Bayesian network structure. In addition, online search intention is the parent node of transfer cost, perceived benefit, and channel trust, indicating that online search intention is also affected by these three variables. The influence of online search intention on online purchase intention depends not only on itself but also on the perceived benefits of online purchase, channel trust, and channel transfer cost.


Figure 4 . Bayesian network model of consumers’ willingness to choose channels.

Bayesian Prediction

According to the constructed Bayesian network, the prediction of online search intention and purchase intention in different states can be obtained from switching costs, channel trust, and perceived benefit, as shown in Table 6 . As can be seen from the tables, with the changes in switching costs, channel trust, and perceived benefit along the high-medium-low (simply called H-M-L), online search and purchase intentions change positively. Due to the low search cost of online channels, consumers tend to search for product information online after generating a shopping demand. Table 6A shows that the higher the perceived cost caused by the transfer of online search to offline purchase, the stronger consumers’ intention to choose purchase, indicating that the switching costs plays a positive role in the locking of online channels. From Table 6B , we can see that the state of “high” search intention and purchase intention changes positively with the change of channel trust from high to middle to low. Meanwhile, from Table 6C , it can be seen that, with the decrease of consumers’ perception of purchase benefit, the decreasing probability of high purchase intention is more obvious than that of high search intention, indicating that purchase benefit has a greater impact on online purchase intention. Table 6D shows that, when consumers’ willingness to search online is low, their willingness to buy online is also very low, indicating that consumers are less likely to choose the path of offline search–online direct purchase.


Table 6 . (A) Bayesian inference of switching cost in different state, (B) Bayesian inference of channel trust in different states, (C) Bayesian inference of perceived interests in different states, and (D) Bayesian inference of search intention in different states.

Bayesian Diagnosis

Bayesian diagnosis is the reverse operation of Bayesian reasoning; that is, the state of the independent variables is obtained through the state of the dependent variables. The following tables show the Bayesian diagnosis of search intention, purchase benefit, online trust, and switching costs given the purchase intention of the parent node. Table 7A shows the conditional probability set of search intention under the condition of a given parent node of purchase intention. It can be seen from Table 7A that search intention changes positively with the change in the H-M-L intention, and when the online purchase intention is clear, consumers have a high probability of choosing online search product information, indicating that online channels have a certain channel lock.


Table 7 . (A) Conditional probability table of search intention and (B) conditional probability of search intention and purchase intention.

Table 7B shows the set of conditional probabilities of switching costs, perceived benefit, and channel trust under the conditions of search intention and purchase intention. It can be seen from Table 7B that, with the H-M-L change of search intention and purchase intention, the probability of switching costs, perceived benefit, and channel trust gradually decreases. When the search intention is in the state of “high,” with the change of H-M-L purchase intention, the probability of a “high” perceived benefit is not obvious, which indicates that perceived benefit is an important reason to attract consumers to choose an online channel to buy products, while the probability of perceived benefit, transfer cost, and channel trust being “medium” and “low” decreases at first and then increases. When the search intention is in the “middle” state, with the change of purchase intention from high to low, the change of channel trust to “high” is more obvious. This shows that whether consumers choose to buy products directly online depends to a large extent on the degree of trust of they have in the channel, and enterprises that carry out online retail business can attract consumers to online channels by improving consumers’ trust in online channels.

Combining the empirical ability of SEM and the predictive and diagnostic ability of Bayesian networks, we analyzed the factors influencing consumers’ online search and purchase intention in multi-retail channels as well as the relationship between these factors. The results showed that as: (1) Consumers’ perceived benefits, channel trust, and switching cost have a positive impact on search intention, and consumers’ trust in online channels is the main factor driving their choice of online search, this result is consistent with the results found in the previous studies (e.g., Hajli, 2015 ; Martin et al., 2015 ; Reimer and Benkenstein, 2016 ; Zhao et al., 2017 ). (2) Consumers’ perceived benefits, channel trust, and switching cost have a positive impact on purchase intention, and the main factor for attracting consumers to choose online product purchasing is the perceived benefit factor, the greater the perceived benefits, the stronger the consumers’ willingness to buy the products (e.g., Martin et al., 2015 ; van der Lans et al., 2016 ). (3) Consumers’ willingness to search online also affects their willingness to buy online, and this result is consistent with the results found in the previous studies (e.g., Ngwe et al., 2019 ; Zhai et al., 2019 ); therefore, guiding consumers to search for products will increase purchasing probability of sold products. (4) When channel trust reaches a certain level, online channels have a certain channel lock, that is, consumers will choose the path of online search–online purchase, and channel switching cost also has a positive effect on the online channel lock, this is because the higher the perception of switching cost, the less likely it is for consumers to search for product information in one channel and purchase products in another channel (e.g., Anderson and Simester, 2013 ; Stan et al., 2013 ). (5) According to the Bayesian network diagnosis, search intention can adversely affect consumers’ perceived benefit, channel trust, and switching cost, and purchase intention can adversely affect consumers’ perceived benefit, channel trust, switching cost, and search intention.

This research provides new ideas on the research methods of consumer channel selection. The existing research on consumer channel choice is mostly qualitatively based on theory or empirical analysis of the causal relationship between variables with the help of statistical software (e.g., Huang et al., 2016 ; Elida et al., 2019 ), while ignoring the in-depth discussion of the complex interrelationships between variables. This article proposes a combination of structural equation modeling and Bayesian network research methods to explore the variables and complex relationships that affect consumers’ willingness to choose online shopping channels, and in-depth analysis of the attributes of online channels, with a view to further enriching consumer channel choice behaviors related research.

For retailers carrying out online retail business, analyzing the influencing factors of consumers’ online choice under multiple channels helps to better satisfy consumers’ channel preference, thus increasing the probability of interaction between retailers and consumers, improving consumers’ channel stickiness, and reducing enterprise service costs. Therefore, this study has important practical implication for solving the problem of ineffective online channel operation after traditional retail enterprises adopt multi-channel retail strategy.


According to the above research conclusions, we provide the following marketing suggestions for online retailers and company with an online business.

First, it is important to give attention to value marketing and strengthen customer stickiness. Online retailing as an important part of the new retail environment, and the continuous low-price strategy has been unable to retain consumers over the long term. Retailers need to balance the relationship between price and cost. Improving the price-to-performance ratio of products and the quality of distribution service is crucial to enhance the customer experience and maintain brand image. In addition, retailers can promote product updates, discount activities, brand value images and other information to customers through official accounts, well-known bloggers, and other ways to improve consumer loyalty.

Second, online retailers should focus on content marketing and improving customer attention. In the multi-channel retail environment, consumers have more independent choice of information search, and more vivid content is very important when consumers search and make purchase decisions. In addition to the e-commerce platforms, retailers could also make use of the emerging business infrastructure to provide convenient and quick product search channels, such as Mini Programs, official accounts or life accounts, to present products or brands in the form of text, pictures, short videos, and live broadcasts to attract consumers through multiple channels and increase consumer attention through multiple means. In addition, for different consumer groups, differentiated content marketing according to the positioning of the brand can also yield twice the results with half the effort in terms of attracting consumers’ attention.

Third, online retailers must engage in honest marketing and enhance the reputation of their brands. Trust is the key factor that supports the success of online retailing. The more consumers trust in the channel, the more likely they are to have positive search and shopping intention. Retailers can improve their credibility through the evaluation and certification of third-party sellers or with the help of consumers’ trust in well-known brands. Moreover, they can use credit mechanisms, such as “commitment+guarantee,” to allay consumers’ shopping concerns. This will impact the shopping procedures of consumers and help to win their trust.

In studying consumers’ willingness to choose channels under multiple retail channels, we considered their willingness to search and purchase through online channels, but we did not further compare online channels with offline channels. Future research will further refine channel selection factors, such as channel attributes. In addition, when analyzing consumers’ channel choice willingness in this study, we did not consider specific product types, because different product categories will affect consumers’ channel choice intention in the two-stage decision-making of searching information and purchasing products, future research could consider dividing different product categories or introducing other factors that affect consumer preferences to conduct research on consumers’ willingness to choose channels.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.

Ethics Statement

Ethical review and approval was not required for the study on human participants in accordance with the local legislation and institutional requirements. Written informed consent for participation was not required for this study in accordance with the national legislation and the institutional requirements. Written informed consent was implied via completion of the survey.

Author Contributions

All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.

This research has been funded by the National Social Science Fund of China under grant no. 20CGL004, the Social Science Foundation of the Chinese Education Commission under grant no. 15XJA630003, and the Doctor Foundation of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications under grant no. A2015-20.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s Note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

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Keywords: two-stage decision-making theory, search intention, purchase intention, structural equation model, Bayesian network

Citation: Deng W, Su T, Zhang Y and Tan C (2021) Factors Affecting Consumers’ Online Choice Intention: A Study Based on Bayesian Network. Front. Psychol . 12:731850. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.731850

Received: 28 June 2021; Accepted: 27 September 2021; Published: 20 October 2021.

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*Correspondence: Ting Su, [email protected]

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This chapter provides an overview of recent research related to online shopping and the conceptual frameworks that have guided that research. Specifically, the chapter addresses research related to who shops online and who does not, what attracts consumers to shop online, how and what consumers do when shopping online, and factors that might slow the growth in consumer online activities. The chapter reports on research related to the online shopping process, including consumer perceptions of privacy and security, as well as online information search. Directions for future research are suggested.

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Cai, Y., Cude, B.J. (2008). Online Shopping. In: Xiao, J.J. (eds) Handbook of Consumer Finance Research. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-75734-6_9

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-75734-6_9

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Impact of the covid-19 pandemic on online consumer purchasing behavior.

online retail research paper

1. Introduction

2. literature review, 3. materials and methods.

  • Decision-making speed C E N I i 1 − Q was calculated from the scores of answers to questions 1–2 and normalized to the value C E N I i 1 − Q .
  • Level of consumer awareness/experience D V I i 1 − Q was calculated from the scores of the answers to questions 3–4 and normalized to the value D V I i 1 − Q .

5. Discussion

6. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

1Aopenness to online shopping
2Bthe ability to make meaningful purchases
3Cemotional stability
4Eindependence in purchasing decisions
5Fimpulsiveness to buy online
6Gconscientious decision making
7Htaking the risk when shopping online
8Ithe presence of aesthetic needs
9Lbuyer’s gullibility when buying online
10Mpracticality of online shopping
11Nrefinement of taste in choosing goods online
12Ouncertainty when buying online
13Q1a tendency to experiment and innovate
14Q2the desire for independent decisions and actions
15Q3self-control and discipline in online shopping
16Q4internal tension when shopping online
17MDadequacy of the assessment of one’s capabilities
MD1. b-1 a-218. b-1 c-235. b-1 c-252. b-1 a-269. b-1 c-286. b-1 c-2103. b-1 c-2
A2. b-1 c-219. b-1 a-236. b-1 c-253. b-1 a-270. b-1 a-287. b-1 c-2104. a-1
B3. b-120. c-137. b-154. c-171. a-188. c-1105. b-1
C4. b-1 a-221. b-1 a-238. b-1 c-255. b-1 a-272. b-1 c-289. b-1 c-2
E5. b-1 c-222. b-1 c-239. b-1 c-256. b-1 a-273. b-1 c-290. b-1 a-2
F6. b-1 c-223. b-1 a-240. b-1 c-257. b-1 a-274. b-1 a-291. b-1 c-2
G7. b-1 a-224. b-1 c-241. b-1 a-258. b-1 c-275. b-1 a-292. b-1 c-2
H8. b-1 a-225. b-1 c-242. b-1 c-259. b-1 a-276. b-1 a-293. b-1 c-2
I9. b-1 a-226. b-1 a-243. b-1 c-260. b-1 a-277. b-1 c-294. b-1 c-2
L10. b-1 a-227. b-1 c-244. b-1 c-261. b-1 c-278. b-1 a-295. b-1 a-2
M11. b-1 c-228. b-1 c-245. b-1 a-262. b-1 a-279. b-1 a-296. b-1 c-2
N12. b-1 c-229. b-1 c-246. b-1 a-263. b-1 a-280. b-1 c-297. b-1 c-2
O13. b-1 c-230. b-1 a-247. b-1 c-264. b-1 a-281. b-1 c-298. b-1 a-2
Q 14. b-1 a-231. b-1 a-248. b-1 c-265. b-1 c-282. b-1 c-299. b-1 a-2
Q 15. b-1 a-232. b-1 c-249. b-1 a-266. b-1 a-283. b-1 c-2100. b-1 c-2
Q 16. b-1 a-233. b-1 a-250. b-1 a-267. b-1 a-284. b-1 c-2101. b-1 c-2
Q 17. b-1 a-234. b-1 c-251. b-1 c-268. b-1 a-285. b-1 c-2102. b-1 a-2
QuestionAnswer Options
1. Do you need to think quickly and decide whether you need to buy a particular product or service?
2. Do you need anything to be purchased immediately?
3. Do you have any experience in purchasing this type of product online?
4. Do you think you have enough information to decide on purchasing a particular product or service?

Dependent VariablePeriodINICNIANICENIDVI
Composite Index of Online Purchasing BehaviorJune0.4960.6230.3670.6390.339
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Gu, S.; Ślusarczyk, B.; Hajizada, S.; Kovalyova, I.; Sakhbieva, A. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Online Consumer Purchasing Behavior. J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2021 , 16 , 2263-2281. https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer16060125

Gu S, Ślusarczyk B, Hajizada S, Kovalyova I, Sakhbieva A. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Online Consumer Purchasing Behavior. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research . 2021; 16(6):2263-2281. https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer16060125

Gu, Shengyu, Beata Ślusarczyk, Sevda Hajizada, Irina Kovalyova, and Amina Sakhbieva. 2021. "Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Online Consumer Purchasing Behavior" Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 16, no. 6: 2263-2281. https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer16060125

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A study on factors limiting online shopping behaviour of consumers

Rajagiri Management Journal

ISSN : 0972-9968

Article publication date: 4 March 2021

Issue publication date: 12 April 2021

This study aims to investigate consumer behaviour towards online shopping, which further examines various factors limiting consumers for online shopping behaviour. The purpose of the research was to find out the problems that consumers face during their shopping through online stores.


A quantitative research method was adopted for this research in which a survey was conducted among the users of online shopping sites.

As per the results total six factors came out from the study that restrains consumers to buy from online sites – fear of bank transaction and faith, traditional shopping more convenient than online shopping, reputation and services provided, experience, insecurity and insufficient product information and lack of trust.

Research limitations/implications

This study is beneficial for e-tailers involved in e-commerce activities that may be customer-to-customer or customer-to-the business. Managerial implications are suggested for improving marketing strategies for generating consumer trust in online shopping.


In contrast to previous research, this study aims to focus on identifying those factors that restrict consumers from online shopping.

  • Online shopping

Daroch, B. , Nagrath, G. and Gupta, A. (2021), "A study on factors limiting online shopping behaviour of consumers", Rajagiri Management Journal , Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 39-52. https://doi.org/10.1108/RAMJ-07-2020-0038

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020, Bindia Daroch, Gitika Nagrath and Ashutosh Gupta.

Published in Rajagiri Management Journal . Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode


Today, people are living in the digital environment. Earlier, internet was used as the source for information sharing, but now life is somewhat impossible without it. Everything is linked with the World Wide Web, whether it is business, social interaction or shopping. Moreover, the changed lifestyle of individuals has changed their way of doing things from traditional to the digital way in which shopping is also being shifted to online shopping.

Online shopping is the process of purchasing goods directly from a seller without any intermediary, or it can be referred to as the activity of buying and selling goods over the internet. Online shopping deals provide the customer with a variety of products and services, wherein customers can compare them with deals of other intermediaries also and choose one of the best deals for them ( Sivanesan, 2017 ).

As per Statista-The Statistics Portal, the digital population worldwide as of April 2020 is almost 4.57 billion people who are active internet users, and 3.81 billion are social media users. In terms of internet usage, China, India and the USA are ahead of all other countries ( Clement, 2020 ).

The number of consumers buying online and the amount of time people spend online has risen ( Monsuwe et al. , 2004 ). It has become more popular among customers to buy online, as it is handier and time-saving ( Huseynov and Yildirim, 2016 ; Mittal, 2013 ). Convenience, fun and quickness are the prominent factors that have increased the consumer’s interest in online shopping ( Lennon et al. , 2008 ). Moreover, busy lifestyles and long working hours also make online shopping a convenient and time-saving solution over traditional shopping. Consumers have the comfort of shopping from home, reduced traveling time and cost and easy payment ( Akroush and Al-Debei, 2015 ). Furthermore, price comparisons can be easily done while shopping through online mode ( Aziz and Wahid, 2018 ; Martin et al. , 2015 ). According to another study, the main influencing factors for online shopping are availability, low prices, promotions, comparisons, customer service, user friendly, time and variety to choose from ( Jadhav and Khanna, 2016 ). Moreover, website design and features also encourage shoppers to shop on a particular website that excite them to make the purchase.

Online retailers have started giving plenty of offers that have increased the online traffic to much extent. Regularly online giants like Amazon, Flipkart, AliExpress, etc. are advertising huge discounts and offers that are luring a large number of customers to shop from their websites. Companies like Nykaa, MakeMyTrip, Snapdeal, Jabong, etc. are offering attractive promotional deals that are enticing the customers.

Despite so many advantages, some customers may feel online shopping risky and not trustworthy. The research proposed that there is a strong relationship between trust and loyalty, and most often, customers trust brands far more than a retailer selling that brand ( Bilgihan, 2016 ; Chaturvedi et al. , 2016 ). In the case of online shopping, there is no face-to-face interaction between seller and buyer, which makes it non-socialize, and the buyer is sometimes unable to develop the trust ( George et al. , 2015 ). Trust in the e-commerce retailer is crucial to convert potential customer to actual customer. However, the internet provides unlimited products and services, but along with those unlimited services, there is perceived risk in digital shopping such as mobile application shopping, catalogue or mail order ( Tsiakis, 2012 ; Forsythe et al. , 2006 ; Aziz and Wahid, 2018 ).

Literature review

A marketer has to look for different approaches to sell their products and in the current scenario, e-commerce has become the popular way of selling the goods. Whether it is durable or non-durable, everything is available from A to Z on websites. Some websites are specifically designed for specific product categories only, and some are selling everything.

The prominent factors like detailed information, comfort and relaxed shopping, less time consumption and easy price comparison influence consumers towards online shopping ( Agift et al. , 2014 ). Furthermore, factors like variety, quick service and discounted prices, feedback from previous customers make customers prefer online shopping over traditional shopping ( Jayasubramanian et al. , 2015 ). It is more preferred by youth, as during festival and holiday season online retailers give ample offers and discounts, which increases the online traffic to a great extent ( Karthikeyan, 2016 ). Moreover, services like free shipping, cash on delivery, exchange and returns are also luring customers towards online purchases.

More and more people are preferring online shopping over traditional shopping because of their ease and comfort. A customer may have both positive and negative experiences while using an online medium for their purchase. Some of the past studies have shown that although there are so many benefits still some customers do not prefer online as their basic medium of shopping.

While making online purchase, customers cannot see, touch, feel, smell or try the products that they want to purchase ( Katawetawaraks and Wang, 2011 ; Al-Debei et al. , 2015 ), due to which product is difficult to examine, and it becomes hard for customers to make purchase decision. In addition, some products are required to be tried like apparels and shoes, but in case of online shopping, it is not possible to examine and feel the goods and assess its quality before making a purchase due to which customers are hesitant to buy ( Katawetawaraks and Wang, 2011 ; Comegys et al. , 2009 ). Alam and Elaasi (2016) in their study found product quality is the main factor, which worries consumer to make online purchase. Moreover, some customers have reported fake products and imitated items in their delivered orders ( Jun and Jaafar, 2011 ). A low quality of merchandise never generates consumer trust on online vendor. A consumer’s lack of trust on the online vendor is the most common reason to avoid e-commerce transactions ( Lee and Turban, 2001 ). Fear of online theft and non-reliability is another reason to escape from online shopping ( Karthikeyan, 2016 ). Likewise, there is a risk of incorrect information on the website, which may lead to a wrong purchase, or in some cases, the information is incomplete for the customer to make a purchase decision ( Liu and Guo, 2008 ). Moreover, in some cases, the return and exchange policies are also not clear on the website. According to Wei et al. (2010) , the reliability and credibility of e-retailer have direct impact on consumer decision with regards to online shopping.

Limbu et al. (2011) revealed that when it comes to online retailers, some websites provide very little information about their companies and sellers, due to which consumers feel insecure to purchase from these sites. According to other research, consumers are hesitant, due to scams and feel anxious to share their personal information with online vendors ( Miyazaki and Fernandez, 2001 ; Limbu et al. , 2011 ). Online buyers expect websites to provide secure payment and maintain privacy. Consumers avoid online purchases because of the various risks involved with it and do not find internet shopping secured ( Cheung and Lee, 2003 ; George et al. , 2015 ; Banerjee et al. , 2010 ). Consumers perceive the internet as an unsecured channel to share their personal information like emails, phone and mailing address, debit card or credit card numbers, etc. because of the possibility of misuse of that information by other vendors or any other person ( Lim and Yazdanifard, 2014 ; Kumar, 2016 ; Alam and Yasin, 2010 ; Nazir et al. , 2012 ). Some sites make it vital and important to share personal details of shoppers before shopping, due to which people abandon their shopping carts (Yazdanifard and Godwin, 2011). About 75% of online shoppers leave their shopping carts before they make their final decision to purchase or sometimes just before making the payments ( Cho et al. , 2006 ; Gong et al. , 2013 ).

Moreover, some of the customers who have used online shopping confronted with issues like damaged products and fake deliveries, delivery problems or products not received ( Karthikeyan, 2016 ; Kuriachan, 2014 ). Sometimes consumers face problems while making the return or exchange the product that they have purchased from online vendors ( Liang and Lai, 2002 ), as some sites gave an option of picking from where it was delivered, but some online retailers do not give such services to consumer and consumer him/herself has to courier the product for return or exchange, which becomes inopportune. Furthermore, shoppers had also faced issues with unnecessary delays ( Muthumani et al. , 2017 ). Sometimes, slow websites, improper navigations or fear of viruses may drop the customer’s willingness to purchase from online stores ( Katawetawaraks and Wang, 2011 ). As per an empirical study done by Liang and Lai (2002) , design of the e-store or website navigation has an impact on the purchase decision of the consumer. An online shopping experience that a consumer may have and consumer skills that consumers may use while purchasing such as website knowledge, product knowledge or functioning of online shopping influences consumer behaviour ( Laudon and Traver, 2009 ).

From the various findings and viewpoints of the previous researchers, the present study identifies the complications online shoppers face during online transactions, as shown in Figure 1 . Consumers do not have faith, and there is lack of confidence on online retailers due to incomplete information on website related to product and service, which they wish to purchase. Buyers are hesitant due to fear of online theft of their personal and financial information, which makes them feel there will be insecure transaction and uncertain errors may occur while making online payment. Some shoppers are reluctant due to the little internet knowledge. Furthermore, as per the study done by Nikhashem et al. (2011), consumers unwilling to use internet for their shopping prefer traditional mode of shopping, as it gives roaming experience and involves outgoing activity.

Several studies have been conducted earlier that identify the factors influencing consumer towards online shopping but few have concluded the factors that restricts the consumers from online shopping. The current study is concerned with the factors that may lead to hesitation by the customer to purchase from e-retailers. This knowledge will be useful for online retailers to develop customer driven strategies and to add more value product and services and further will change their ways of promoting and advertising the goods and enhance services for customers.

Research methodology

This study aimed to find out the problems that are generally faced by a customer during online purchase and the relevant factors due to which customers do not prefer online shopping. Descriptive research design has been used for the study. Descriptive research studies are those that are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual or group. This study targets the population drawn from customers who have purchased from online stores. Most of the respondents participated were post graduate students and and educators. The total population size was indefinite and the sample size used for the study was 158. A total of 170 questionnaires were distributed among various online users, out of which 12 questionnaires were received with incomplete responses and were excluded from the analysis. The respondents were selected based on the convenient sampling technique. The primary data were collected from Surveys with the help of self-administered questionnaires. The close-ended questionnaire was used for data collection so as to reduce the non-response rate and errors. The questionnaire consists of two different sections, in which the first section consists of the introductory questions that gives the details of socio-economic profile of the consumers as well as their behaviour towards usage of internet, time spent on the Web, shopping sites preferred while making the purchase, and the second section consist of the questions related to the research question. To investigate the factors restraining consumer purchase, five-point Likert scale with response ranges from “Strongly agree” to “Strongly disagree”, with following equivalencies, “strongly disagree” = 1, “disagree” = 2, “neutral” = 3, “agree” = 4 and “strongly agree” = 5 was used in the questionnaire with total of 28 items. After collecting the data, it was manually recorded on the Excel sheet. For analysis socio-economic profile descriptive statistics was used and factors analysis was performed on SPSS for factor reduction.

Data analysis and interpretation

The primary data collected from the questionnaires was completely quantified and analysed by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20. This statistical program enables accuracy and makes it relatively easy to interpret data. A descriptive and inferential analysis was performed. Table 1 represents the results of socio-economic status of the respondents along with some introductory questions related to usage of internet, shopping sites used by the respondents, amount of money spent by the respondents and products mostly purchased through online shopping sites.

According to the results, most (68.4%) of the respondents were belonging to the age between 21 and 30 years followed by respondents who were below the age of 20 years (16.4%) and the elderly people above 50 were very few (2.6%) only. Most of the respondents who participated in the study were females (65.8)% who shop online as compared to males (34.2%). The respondents who participated in the study were students (71.5%), and some of them were private as well as government employees. As per the results, most (50.5%) of the people having income below INR15,000 per month who spend on e-commerce websites. The results also showed that most of the respondents (30.9%) spent less than 5 h per week on internet, but up to (30.3%) spend 6–10 h per week on internet either on online shopping or social media. Majority (97.5%) of them have shopped through online websites and had both positive and negative experiences, whereas 38% of the people shopped 2–5 times and 36.7% shopped more than ten times. Very few people (12%), shopped only once. Most of the respondents spent between INR1,000–INR5,000 for online shopping, and few have spent more than INR5,000 also.

As per the results, the most visited online shopping sites was amazon.com (71.5%), followed by flipkart.com (53.2%). Few respondents have also visited other e-commerce sites like eBay, makemytrip.com and myntra.com. Most (46.2%) of the time people purchase apparels followed by electronics and daily need items from the ecommerce platform. Some of the respondents have purchased books as well as cosmetics, and some were preferring online sites for travel tickets, movie tickets, hotel bookings and payments also.

Factor analysis

To explore the factors that restrict consumers from using e-commerce websites factor analysis was done, as shown in Table 3 . A total of 28 items were used to find out the factors that may restrain consumers to buy from online shopping sites, and the results were six factors. The Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) measure, as shown in Table 2 , in this study was 0.862 (>0.60), which states that values are adequate, and factor analysis can be proceeded. The Bartlett’s test of sphericity is related to the significance of the study and the significant value is 0.000 (<0.05) as shown in Table 2 .

The analysis produced six factors with eigenvalue more than 1, and factor loadings that exceeded 0.30. Moreover, reliability test of the scale was performed through Cronbach’s α test. The range of Cronbach’s α test came out to be between 0.747 and 0.825, as shown in Table 3 , which means ( α > 0.7) the high level of internal consistency of the items used in survey ( Table 4 ).

Factor 1 – The results revealed that the “fear of bank transaction and faith” was the most significant factor, with 29.431% of the total variance and higher eigenvalue, i.e. 8.241. The six statements loaded on Factor 1 highly correlate with each other. The analysis shows that some people do not prefer online shopping because they are scared to pay online through credit or debit cards, and they do not have faith over online vendors.

Factor 2 – “Traditional shopping is convenient than online shopping” has emerged as a second factor which explicates 9.958% of total variance. It has five statements and clearly specifies that most of the people prefer traditional shopping than online shopping because online shopping is complex and time-consuming.

Factor 3 – Third crucial factor emerged in the factor analysis was “reputation and service provided”. It was found that 7.013% of variations described for the factor. Five statements have been found on this factor, all of which were interlinked. It clearly depicts that people only buy from reputed online stores after comparing prices and who provide guarantee or warrantee on goods.

Factor 4 – “Experience” was another vital factor, with 4.640% of the total variance. It has three statements that clearly specifies that people do not go for online shopping due to lack of knowledge and their past experience was not good and some online stores do not provide EMI facilities.

Factor 5 – Fifth important factor arisen in the factor analysis was “Insecurity and Insufficient Product Information” with 4.251% of the total variance, and it has laden five statements, which were closely intertwined. This factor explored that online shopping is not secure as traditional shopping. The information of products provided on online stores is not sufficient to make the buying decision.

Factor 6 – “Lack of trust” occurred as the last factor of the study, which clarifies 3.920% of the total variance. It has four statements that clearly state that some people hesitate to give their personal information, as they believe online shopping is risky than traditional shopping. Without touching the product, people hesitate to shop from online stores.

The study aimed to determine the problems faced by consumers during online purchase. The result showed that most of the respondents have both positive and negative experience while shopping online. There were many problems or issues that consumer’s face while using e-commerce platform. Total six factors came out from the study that limits consumers to buy from online sites like fear of bank transaction and no faith, traditional shopping more convenient than online shopping, reputation and services provided, experience, insecurity and insufficient product information and lack of trust.

The research might be useful for the e-tailers to plan out future strategies so as to serve customer as per their needs and generate customer loyalty. As per the investigation done by Casalo et al. (2008) , there is strong relationship between reputation and satisfaction, which further is linked to customer loyalty. If the online retailer has built his brand name, or image of the company, the customer is more likely to prefer that retailer as compared to new entrant. The online retailer that seeks less information from customers are more preferred as compared to those require complete personal information ( Lawler, 2003 ).

Online retailers can adopt various strategies to persuade those who hesitate to shop online such that retailer need to find those negative aspects to solve the problems of customers so that non-online shopper or irregular online consumer may become regular customer. An online vendor has to pay attention to product quality, variety, design and brands they are offering. Firstly, the retailer must enhance product quality so as to generate consumer trust. For this, they can provide complete seller information and history of the seller, which will preferably enhance consumer trust towards that seller.

Furthermore, they can adopt marketing strategies such as user-friendly and secure website, which can enhance customers’ shopping experience and easy product search and proper navigation system on website. Moreover, complete product and service information such as feature and usage information, description and dimensions of items can help consumer decide which product to purchase. The experience can be enhanced by adding more pictures, product videos and three-dimensional (3D), images which will further help consumer in the decision-making process. Moreover, user-friendly payment systems like cash on deliveries, return and exchange facilities as per customer needs, fast and speedy deliveries, etc. ( Chaturvedi et al. , 2016 ; Muthumani et al. , 2017 ) will also enhance the probability of purchase from e-commerce platform. Customers are concerned about not sharing their financial details on any website ( Roman, 2007 ; Limbu et al. , 2011 ). Online retailers can ensure payment security by offering numerous payment options such as cash on delivery, delivery after inspection, Google Pay or Paytm or other payment gateways, etc. so as to increase consumer trust towards website, and customer will not hesitate for financial transaction during shopping. Customers can trust any website depending upon its privacy policy, so retailers can provide customers with transparent security policy, privacy policy and secure transaction server so that customers will not feel anxious while making online payments ( Pan and Zinkhan, 2006 ). Moreover, customers not only purchase basic goods from the online stores but also heed augmented level of goods. Therefore, if vendors can provide quick and necessary support, answer all their queries within 24-hour service availability, customers may find it convenient to buy from those websites ( Martin et al. , 2015 ). Sellers must ensure to provide products and services that are suitable for internet. Retailers can consider risk lessening strategies such as easy return and exchange policies to influence consumers ( Bianchi and Andrews, 2012 ). Furthermore, sellers can offer after-sales services as given by traditional shoppers to attract more customers and generate unique shopping experience.

Although nowadays, most of the vendors do give plenty of offers in form of discounts, gifts and cashbacks, but most of them are as per the needs of e-retailers and not customers. Beside this, trust needs to be generated in the customer’s mind, which can be done by modifying privacy and security policies. By adopting such practices, the marketer can generate customers’ interest towards online shopping.

Conceptual framework of the study

Socioeconomic status of respondents

Variables Frequency (%)
Gender Male 100 34.2
Female 52 65.8
Below 20 25 16.4
21–30 104 68.4
31–40 15 9.9
41–50 4 2.6
Above 50 4 2.6
Government employee 2 1.3
Private employee 23 15.2
Self employed 14 9.3
Student 108 71.5
Other 4 2.6
Income (per month)
Less than 15,000 53 50.5
15,001–30,000 17 16.2
30,001–60,000 23 21.9
Above 60,000 12 11.4
Hours spent by respondents on the internet per week
Less than 5 h 47 30.9
6–10 h 46 30.3
11–15 h 22 14.5
More than 15 h 37 24.3
No. of times respondents shopped online
Once 19 12
2–5 times 60 38
6–10 times 21 13.3
More than 10 19 36.7
Highest amount spent by respondents on online shopping
Less than INR500 9 5.7
INR500–INR1,000 38 24.1
INR1,000–INR5,000 69 43.7
More than INR5,000 42 26.6
E-commerce sites mostly preferred
Flipkart 84 53.2
eBay 14 8.9
Amazon 113 71.5
MakeMyTrip 20 12.7
Other 23 14.6
Products purchased by respondents
Daily need items 52 32.9
Apparels 73 46.2
Travel tickets 29 18.4
Movie tickets 46 29.1
Books 34 21.5
Electronics 68 43
Other 10 6.3

KMO and Bartlett’s test

KMO measure of sampling adequacy 0.862
Bartlett’s test of sphericity Approximate 1,812.156
df 378
Sig 0.000

Cronbach’s α

Research variables Cronbach’s
Fear of bank transaction and no faith 0.747
Traditional shopping is convenient than online shopping 0.797
Reputation and service provided 0.825
Bad experience 0.816
Insecurity and insufficient product information 0.784
Lack of trust 0.760
Factors Name of the factor Statements Eigenvalue % of variance Loadings
1 Fear of bank transaction and faith − The fact that only those with a credit card or bank account can shop on the internet is a drawback 29.431 0.789
−While shopping online, I hesitate to give my credit card number 0.642
−I do not prefer online shopping because of lack of trust over vendors 8.241 0.601
−I do not prefer to buy online because of bad returning policy 0.580
−The fear of wrong product delivery stops me to buy through online 0.552
−I do not prefer to purchase from online stores if they do not provide cash on delivery facilities 0.394
2 Traditional shopping is convenient than online shopping − I think shopping on the internet takes lot of time 2.788 9.958 0.713
−Online shopping is complex as compared to traditional shopping 0.706
−It is more difficult to shop on the internet 0.698
−I believe online shopping cannot overtake the traditional shopping 0.658
−I prefer traditional shopping than online shopping 0.614
3 Reputation and service provided −I prefer to purchase from reputed online websites 1.964 7.013 0.775
−I generally prefer to buy after comparing prices with all other websites 0.732
−I prefer to purchase online if website is secure and genuine 0.726
−I prefer those websites only that deliver the goods as soon as possible 0.638
−If there is no guarantee and warrantee of the product, I will never prefer to buy through online stores 0.550
4 Experience −I do not prefer to purchase from online stores if they do not provide every month instalment (EMI) facilities 1.299 4.640 0.776
−I hesitate to shop online because my past experience was not good 0.663
−I do not prefer to buy online because of little knowledge of internet 0.606
5 Insecurity and insufficient product information −I will not prefer online shopping if the description of products shown on the online websites are not accurate 1.190 4.251 0.665
−I will not prefer online shopping if online prices are high 0.614
−The information given about the products and services on the internet is not sufficient to make purchase 0.548
−If variety of goods available on the online stores are less, I will not prefer online shopping 0.539
−Online shopping is not secure as traditional shopping 0.416
6 Lack of trust − I hesitate to give my personal information on online websites 1.098 3.920 0.552
−Without touching products, it is difficult to make buying decision 0.521
−Shopping online is risky 0.511
−I would be frustrated about what to do if I am dissatisfied with a purchase made from the internet 0.488

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Further reading

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Nurfajrinah , M.A. , Nurhadi , Z.F. and Ramdhani , M.A. ( 2017 ), “ Meaning of online shopping for indie model ”, The Social Sciences , Vol. 12 No. 4 , pp. 737 - 742 , available at: https://medwelljournals.com/abstract/?doi=sscience.2017.737.742

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