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Understanding Life Insurance Assignments: Your Complete Guide

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A life insurance assignment allows you to transfer the rights of your policy, either temporarily or permanently.

Learn how collateral and absolute assignments can be used for loan collateral, estate planning, and other financial purposes.

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What is a collateral assignment.

Collateral assignments are used to secure a lender’s financial interest in your policy in exchange for lending you money.

If you die, the collateral assignment allows the lender to collect your policy’s death benefit up to the amount of the outstanding loan balance.

How Do Collateral Assignments Work?

A typical scenario involves taking out a business loan .

The lender may require a life insurance policy as collateral.

The type of life insurance policy used, whether a term, whole life, or universal life doesn’t matter.

The insurance policy will pay off the balance if you die while the loan is outstanding.

One of the most common uses for collateral assignments is with SBA loans , especially if you do not have other assets to post as collateral.

The collateral assignment applies to the entire policy, including any life insurance rider benefits that may be included.

The Collateral Assignment Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

The process is similar whether you are adding the assignment to an existing policy or buying new coverage.

There are two parties to a collateral assignment.

  • Assignor – Is the owner of the life insurance policy
  • Assignee – Is the lender

Life insurance companies have standardized forms used for this purpose.

  • The owner completes the form and sends it to the lender for review and signature.
  • Once completed by the lender, the form is sent to the insurance company.
  • The insurance company records the assignment and confirms to the owner and lender that it is complete.

This may all seem confusing if you haven’t used an assignment before, but the reality is that most life insurers make it pretty easy to complete.

Releasing a Collateral Assignment

When you pay off your loan, you have the right to have the collateral assignment released.

It’s a simple process :

  • The policy owner completes the form and sends it to the lender.
  • The lender signs off on the release. Many companies require a notary as a witness. The lender may return the form to the owner or the insurance company.
  • Once completed and returned to the insurance company, the release is recorded, and all parties are notified.

Companies typically complete this process in about a week, and it’s a good idea to confirm everything with the home office to avoid potential issues.

Your agent can help with this.

What Happens to a Collateral Assignment if You Die?

How do collateral assignments work when you die?

Your beneficiary will file a death claim with the life insurer at some point.

Collateral Assignment Tip # 1

If your beneficiary is a loved one, it’s a good idea to let them know that your policy has a collateral assignment so they are not surprised when they file the claim.

Here’s an example of how a death claim with a collateral assignment works:

  • Policy Face Amount = $5,000,000
  • Beneficiary = Your Spouse
  • Original Bank Loan = $200,000
  • Outstanding Loan Balance at Death = $100,000

What happens next?

  • Your beneficiary will file the death claim with the life insurance company.
  • The life insurance company will review the claim and see a collateral assignment attached to your policy.
  • The life insurer contacts the lender for an updated payoff figure.
  • Payoff amounts are sent directly to the lender.
  • Your beneficiary receives the balance of the policy death benefit .

For the above example, your lender would receive $100,000, and your beneficiary would receive the remaining $4,900,000.

Collateral Assignment Tip # 2

NEVER name your lender directly as a beneficiary. If you do, the lender will receive the entire death benefit, and your intended beneficiary will have to go through the lender to receive their share.

Collateral Assignments and Health Issues

While lenders may want a life insurance policy as collateral, obtaining life insurance can sometimes be difficult if the insured has substantial health issues .

If you have an existing life insurance policy in effect, you can use that for the assignment.

Another option that exists in some states is contingent coverage.

Contingent coverage is a one-year policy that you can renew.

The policy will exclude death from the known health issue but provide coverage for new health issues that develop or from accidental deaths .

Many lenders accept this coverage when it’s the only option available. And we’ve also seen lenders waive the collateral assignment requirement at times.

What is an Absolute Assignment?

An absolute assignment is a change of ownership of the policy.

When you want to permanently relinquish your rights to the life insurance policy, an absolute assignment is used.

Examples where absolute assignments are used include:

Life Insurance Settlements

1035 exchange, gifting life insurance to charities, irrevocable life insurance trusts (ilit), business insurance planning.

With this transaction, you are selling your life insurance policy to a third party.

If it is a term policy, you would convert a term policy to permanent insurance before it is sold. In some cases, a company will buy the term policy.

Another example may involve admitting seniors to a nursing home, where the nursing home may take over the policy you have.

A 1035 exchange is a tax-free transfer of cash value from universal life or whole life policy to another similar policy.

You can use absolute assignments to transfer your policy to your favorite charity.

You use absolute assignments to transfer your policy to an ILIT permanently.

An example would be a survivorship policy you and your spouse own that you are transferring to the trust.

Many other potential issues may arise with transfers to an ILIT that are beyond the scope of this article.

If you purchase key person life insurance on an employee, absolute assignments transfer ownership to the employee.

Many times, this happens if the employee leaves the company or retires.

You may have a policy permanently assigned to a nursing home or assisted living facility to help with long-term care expenses.

How Do Absolute Assignments Work?

Life insurance companies have forms used for Absolute Assignments.

Absolute assignment forms require:

  • Current owner name, address, and tax ID information.
  • New owner name, address, and tax ID information.
  • Relationship to the proposed insured.
  • Spousal consent in some states and situations.

The completed forms are submitted to the insurance company, recorded, and confirmations are sent to all parties.

Frequently Asked Questions About Life Insurance Assignments

You may have questions about your life insurance assignment and how it works.

The following are general guidelines, as each situation is uniquely different.

Can the collateral assignment change the beneficiary?

No, the collateral assignment does not change the beneficiary.

The life insurance assignment gives the lender the right to receive proceeds equal to their outstanding loan balance.

Can a business be a beneficiary in a collateral assignment of life insurance?

A business can be the beneficiary of a life insurance policy that is collaterally assigned.

Final Words

Life insurance assignments are common for absolute and collateral assignments.

What is most important is that you understand what is involved with this process.

That’s where we’ll help you make the best decision for your life insurance.

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Michael Horbal


Absolute Assignment of Life Insurance Policies

An absolute assignment transfers all ownership rights of a life insurance policy.

An absolute assignment transfers all ownership rights of a life insurance policy. Images

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  •   2. What Is a Life Insurance Assignment?
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An absolute assignment of a life insurance policy involves transferring all rights and ownership decisions to another party. You could have one of several reasons for wanting to do this; for example, using the policy as collateral for a loan, or making a donation to your favorite charity at death. Making an absolute assignment is relatively simple as long as your life insurance policy allows it.

How Transfer of Ownership Works

Absolute assignment is akin to a transfer of ownership, in that you are giving all ownership rights to another party. Although you remain the insured under the contract, the new party can change the beneficiary (usually to itself), it can make decisions about investment options of a whole-life policy, and it can take any other action that does not jeopardize the policy's in-force status. You remain responsible for the premium payments, and you could be in breach of the assignment provisions if you don't pay them.

Collateral Loan Bank Assignment

Absolute assignment of life insurance is often done when a person applies for a loan. If the bank is concerned that the loan might not be repaid if you died, if might require a life policy with an absolute assignment to the bank. The bank names itself the beneficiary of the policy up to the amount of the loan balance. Any residual death benefit would go to your named beneficiary.

Financing a Charitable Gift

Another use of absolute assignment is to make a charitable gift. This approach is gaining in popularity.

Life insurance is often purchased to finance a charitable donation by the estate of a deceased individual. One drawback to this approach is that the entire gift goes through the estate and might incur probate delays and fees.

The use of an absolute assignment streamlines the process, as the charity can name itself the beneficiary of the policy. The charity can issue you a tax receipt for every premium, which you can deduct as a charitable contribution.

Absolute Assignment Legal Considerations

Insurance companies freely provide assignment forms that are straightforward and easy to fill out. Once an assignment is complete, a copy of the form should be filed with the insurance company.

The life insurance company may withhold part of its payout to any beneficiary -- including a newly designated one -- if a premium hasn't been fully paid, or because of other indebtedness. That might have legal ramifications for you and the assignee, in which the insurance company will take no part.

  • Standard Life Insurance Co. of New York: Absolute Assignment Form
  • Waypoint Partners: Assigning Your Life Insurance Policy
  • Collateral Assignment Agreement

Philippe Lanctot started writing for business trade publications in 1990. He has contributed copy for the "Canadian Insurance Journal" and has been the co-author of text for life insurance company marketing guides. He holds a Bachelor of Science in mathematics from the University of Montreal with a minor in English.

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What Is An Absolute Assignment Of A Life Insurance Policy?

Because the policyowner, not the insurer, owns the policy, the owner has the same rights to give it away as any other piece of property he or she owns; the insurer’s consent is not necessary. Assignment is the term for the transfer of ownership, and the assignee is the new owner.

When a policy is transferred under an absolute assignment, the transfer is permanent and the assignee has complete control over the policy. The assignee can even modify the beneficiary without the beneficiary’s approval if the beneficiary was not specified as irrevocable.

A collateral assignment occurs when a policy is transferred as a method of establishing security on a debt. If the insured dies before the obligation is paid off, the creditor receives the balance of the debt from the policy proceeds. If there are any money left over after the debt is paid, the remainder goes to the policy’s beneficiary.

A $10,000 policy has been assigned to cover a $5,000 mortgage by the policyowner. When the insured dies, how will the firm pay the claim?

If an absolute assignment is made, the company will pay the assignee the entire proceeds. The corporation will normally make the check payable jointly to the assignee and the beneficiary if a collateral assignment was made. If a partial assignment was done, the assignee will receive the unpaid mortgage balance, while the remaining will go to the policy beneficiary.

Can absolute assignment be revoked?

What should you do with an insurance assignment, why should you do it, and how should you do it? Learn the difference between a conditional and an absolute assignment. What is the impact of insurance assignment on Muslims? How can you make a corporate assignment?

What is an Insurance Assignment?

The assignment of ownership from the Policy Owner (Assignor) to someone else (or institution aka Assignee). As if the Assignee were the Policy Owner, the Assignee has control over the insurance policy.

The life assured under the insurance has not changed, and the policy has not changed.

  • Absolute Assignment: The Assignee receives complete ownership and rights to the policy.
  • Conditional Assignment: The Assignee receives rights and ownership of the policy if specific conditions are met.

Absolute Assignment

  • Revocation: It is not possible to revoke a license. However, a willing Assignee can cancel or reassign the assignment.
  • Muslim-specific: Anyone (Muslim or non-Muslim) can be named as a beneficiary on a Muslim insurance.

Why an Insurance Assignment?

  • In the event that a Muslim wishes to ensure that a life insurance claim is paid to a non-Muslim (and vice versa).
  • Settlement, which entails handing over the policy to trustees in order to give effect to any subsequent or contingent interests.
  • Transfer to current settlement trustees or beneficiaries in accordance with the trusts.
  • As a keyman business insurance policy, it ensures that the company or individual receives the funds needed to continue operations after the death of the life assured.

How do you perform an Assignment?

The following are some general guidelines for an insurance assignment. To be sure, check with your insurance company or agent.

  • At the customer service desk, both parties (assignor and assignee) must be present (w.e.f. March 1, 2017)
  • Prior to signing papers, staff will go over the assignment (absolute/conditional) and policy benefits in detail.
  • For assignment contract stamping purposes, the client must prepare a RM10 hasil stamp (bought separately from the post office) and pay a minor (RM2) processing fee.

Assignment to a Company

  • Return including information from the register of directors, managers, and secretaries, as well as modifications in information.
  • For the appointed Authorized Person, a letter from the Company or a resolution from the Board of Directors is required.

The main distinction is that an assignee is the (full/conditional) owner of a life insurance policy, but a nominee will only get benefits if there is a claim (i.e. death claim).

What does it mean for an assignment to be absolute?

Absolute Assignment refers to an assignor’s irrevocable transfer of all present and future property rights, title, interests, and incidents of ownership connected to the assigned group insurance policy to an assignee (s). The individual who assigns the task is known as the assignor.

What is assignment of life insurance policy and what are its requirements?

The term “assignment” simply refers to the transfer of rights from one person to another. Assignment is the process through which a policyholder can transfer the rights to his insurance policy to another person for a variety of reasons.

What is difference between assign and transfer?

The distinction between assignment and transfer is that assign implies that it is legal to transfer property or a legal right from one person to another, but transfer implies that it is permissible to arrange for something to be controlled by or formally belong to another person.

As verbs, assign and transfer mean to set aside or designate something for a specific purpose, whereas transfer implies to pass or move from one person, location, or item to another. When used as nouns, assign refers to the assignee, while transfer refers to the act of moving something from one person, item, or location to another. Assignment is used with obligations and rights, whereas transfer is used with titles.

Can a life insurance policy owner take out a policy loan?

  • Borrowing against your life insurance policy might be a convenient way to receive cash when you need it.
  • The death benefit is used as collateral for policy loans, and the insurance company uses the policy as security.
  • Whether the loan is paid monthly or not, life insurance companies charge interest to the debt.

What is an absolute beneficiary?

An absolute trust, sometimes known as a bare trust, is a legal structure in which a settlor entrusts cash or other assets to trustees to manage for the benefit of a named beneficiary (or beneficiaries). The key distinction between this type of trust and others is that the beneficiaries cannot be changed.

Settlors must therefore be certain from the start who they want to benefit. Other forms of trusts, such as a discretionary or an interest in possession trust, may be more suited if they aren’t.

Reasons for using an absolute trust

Absolute trusts can be used to make donations during one’s lifetime through a trust deed or after one’s death through a will. A settlor may adopt this path for a variety of reasons:

  • to give to adults who are incapable or unwilling to manage their own affairs (although keep in mind that an adult beneficiary has the right to reclaim the trust assets)
  • to verify that a lifetime gift is potentially exempt from IHT and will not be charged immediately

Rights to the trust fund

The beneficiary has a right to the trust fund and any income it generates, and can demand that the trustees transfer the assets to them once they reach the age of 18 (16 in Scotland). If trustees keep assets after these ages, they should inform beneficiaries of their rights since they will need to know for tax purposes or in other financial situations like divorce or bankruptcy. In most cases, an absolute trust will not shield a beneficiary from creditors.

If an absolute trust beneficiary dies, their share will transfer to the beneficiaries named in their will or, if there is no will, according to intestacy regulations. Their portion does not go to any of the original trust’s living beneficiaries, and the settlor has no role in who gets it.

Administration issues

After establishing an absolute trust, the trustees will deal with the investment’s administration as ‘legal’ owners, such as dealing with the product provider if they invest in a life assurance bond. They are likely to have extensive investing capabilities, but they must be utilized in the beneficiary’s best interests. Unless the beneficiary is a minor, in which case the income may be held for them until they reach the age of 18, all investment income goes to the beneficiary and should be given to them (16 Scotland).

The trustees may also be able to spend the trust fund and any income they have for the benefit of a beneficiary if the trust allows it. This is especially important for minors, who can utilize it to further their education.

To comply with the 5th Money Laundering Directive (5MLD), the TRS has been expanded, and most trusts will be required to register regardless of whether they have a tax due, unless they are specifically exempt. Absolute or (‘bare’) trusts are not excluded from registration and therefore required to be registered.

On creation of trust

Absolute trust gifts are considered potentially exempt transactions (PET). There will be no immediate IHT fee, and they will be free of IHT completely if the settlor (or donor) lives seven years after the gift.

Joint settlors are viewed as having each made a PET for the value of their individual contribution. Unless otherwise noted, when money are donated from jointly owned assets, the transfer is assumed to be shared evenly.

If the settlor dies within seven years, the gift becomes a taxable transfer, and the beneficiaries may be subject to IHT. The IHT nil rate band accessible to the settlor’s residual estate may also be reduced.

During life of trust

There will be no IHT charges on the trust itself throughout the time that the trustees hold the trust funds. This is due to the fact that the trust is not a’relevant property trust,’ and hence is not subject to 10 yearly periodic charges or exit charges when assets are transferred to beneficiaries.

Although there are no exit charges when the trustees transfer assets to a beneficiary, the trust’s value is always included in the beneficiary’s estate for IHT purposes from the time the trust is established.

Interest and dividends

The income from the trust investments is taxed as their income because it belongs to the beneficiary. As a result, beneficiaries will be able to apply their own allowances and rates (personal allowance, 0 percent starting rate band for savings, personal savings allowance and dividend allowance).

The only exception is when a parent makes an absolute trust gift for the benefit of a minor, unmarried child. If the trust earns more than £100 per year, that parent will be taxed on the entire amount. The ‘parental settlement’ rule applies to each parent and child separately.

What is absolute assignment in equity?

A flexible assignment is one that is fair. This flexibility distinguishes it from legal assignments, as it does not necessitate all of the formalities necessary by law. It could be due to a legal or equitable decision. As a result, an equitable assignment of an equitable choice or an equitable assignment of a legal choice may be possible.

While no precise formality is required for equitable assignments, several criteria can help determine whether or not they are acceptable.

There must be a clear desire to assign for an equitable assignment to be regarded complete. While Equity does not require that the assignment be made in writing or in any certain format, the assignor must have a clearly deducible intent to assign.

The phrases used and the specific circumstances of the case will be considered to determine the intent to ascribe. No intent to assign may be ascribed by the court if what is construed is just a mandate/authority to hold onto particular property.

The view that equitable assignments do not require writing has been impacted by S. 9 of the Statute of Frauds and S. 78(1)(c) of the Property and Conveyancing Law, which both require that any equitable interest or trust be assigned in writing.

The assignment must be informed to the assignee as well. Although, in some cases, the assignee may still accept without communication, subject to the assignee’s ability to repudiate the transfer once he becomes aware of it.

It is necessary to identify the specific choice that will be assigned. Giving a hazy image of what is being allocated is insufficient. In such a case, the court’s ability to interpret an intent to assign may be hampered by the ambiguity.

The degree to which an equitable assignment is taken into account is determined on the circumstances. There would be no need for consideration if the assignment was complete in the sense that there was nothing more for the assignor to do to perfect the assignee’s title.

However, if it is incomplete, further thought may be required. When the assignment involves a future choice, consideration will be required because the agreement can only be a contract to assign, and all contracts must be backed by consideration.

There is no legal necessity that the trustee of the liability be notified of the equitable assignment. However, notice is useful in that it alerts the trustee to any changes in the chose’s rights, which may prevent him from settling in favor of the assignor rather than the assignee.

It also renders the trustee accountable to the assignee if, despite receiving notice, he settles in favor of the assignor. While the assignee is normally bound by any earlier equities that impact him, giving notice assures that he is not bound by any later equities.

Most crucially, as a result of the ruling in DEARLE v HALL, notice permits the assignee to prove the priority of his interest.

The method in which rights can be enforced in a court of law is affected by an equitable assignment of a choice in action. The outcome is largely determined by whether the choice in question is a legal or equitable choice, as well as whether or not the choice was definitely allocated.

When the assignment involves a legal choice, the assignee is unable to claim ownership of the property in his own name. He must join the assignor’s name as a co-plaintiff or as a defendant, depending on whether he accepts. The assignee, however, can sue in his own name if the choice is equitable.

When the assignor conveys his whole interest in the chosen to the assignee, the assignment becomes absolute. It is non-absolute, however, if it is made subject to any condition that would render it unworkable, or if just a charge is placed on the choice in favor of the assignee.

Only a portion of the assignor’s interest is transferred in this case. As a result, the assignee would be permitted to sue in his own name in cases where the transfer was absolute. However, if the assignment is not total, he must join the assignor before enforcing his rights over the chosen.

The assignee must join the assignor if the choice is valid, regardless of whether it is absolute or not.

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  • Life Insurance Glossary
  • Absolute Assignment

What is Absolute Assignment in Life Insurance?

<lingo>In life insurance, the term absolute assignment refers to the transfer of all interest, rights, and ownership of an asset — in this case, the life insurance policy. This decision is irrevocable, which means it cannot be changed once it is in place. It also applies both to the present and in the future. For those who are purchasing a life insurance policy, it is important to look for a clause like this in the details and to understand what it means to use absolute assignment. In short, all rights and ownership of the policy are being given to another person, specifically listed in the policy.</lingo>

Absolute Assignment Clearly and Briefly Explained

There are numerous reasons why you may wish to pursue an absolute assignment. For example, it may be used in the process of providing collateral for a loan to a lender. In addition to this, some may elect to use this when you wish to donate the proceeds from your life insurance policy to a charity or award them to a specific purpose after your death.

<twitter>In life insurance, the term absolute assignment refers to the transfer of all interest, rights, and ownership of an asset — in this case, the life insurance policy. </twitter>

One way to look at absolute assignment is that it allows you to transfer ownership — all ownership — to another party. When you make this transfer, you remain covered under the life insurance policy. However, the new owner of the policy has the right to make changes to it. For example, they can change the beneficiary of the policy. Most often, this will be done to change the beneficiary of the life insurance policy to the new owner’s name. In addition, the new owner now has the ability to make all decisions regarding the underlying assets within the investment. The only thing that the new owner cannot do is to eliminate the coverage of the plan.

When absolute assignment occurs, you continue to make payments on it. One common use of this is when you are taking out a loan and the bank is concerned about your age or health. They may require you to take out a life insurance policy and assign absolute assignment. This would help cover the value of the loan should you die while it is in place.

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Absolute Assignment

What does absolute assignment mean.

Absolute assignment refers to a policyholder transferring his or her ownership of a policy to another party. That transfer means that all of the coverage within that policy will now go to the newly named party. The original owner of the policy does not have to state his or her reasons for doing so nor does he or she need to stipulate any conditions for the transfer.

Insuranceopedia Explains Absolute Assignment

There are a number of reasons why a policyholder transfers all of their rights to a policy to another person or entity. They might think of it as a gift to someone else. It could be the sole means of paying off a loan. Even if the insured has now given up their rights to all of the claims and privileges, they are still responsible for payments for the policy. The new owner might have been asked by the original owner to pay the insurer after the transfer is completed, but if the newly named party fails to do so, the negligence will not be blamed on that person but on the original policyholder.

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Assign policy to new owner

Assigning a policy to a new owner, also called an absolute assignment, is a transfer of ownership from the assured (assignor) to another person or company/institution (assignee). 

The assignee becomes the new policy owner and assumes full legal rights over the policy. All proceeds, including surrender, maturity, and claims will be payable to the assignee.

A policy can be assigned if both assignor and assignee are of sound mind, not bankrupt or under duress, and if the policy is:

  • Not using CPF/SRS funds for premium payments
  • Not effected under trust
  • Not used to be exempted from CPF Board's Home Protection Scheme (HPS)
  • Allowed to be assigned under the plan

Additionally, the assignor must be at least 18 years old. For policies issued on or after 1 March 2009, the assignee must be at least 18 years old. For policies issued before 1 March 2009, the assignee must be at least 21 years old.

How to assign a policy to a new owner

Both the assignor and assignee must come to our Customer Service Centre at the following address with their NRICs:

1 Pickering Street Great Eastern Centre #01-01 Singapore 048659

If the assignment is made between spouses, parent and child, or siblings, and relationship can be established by producing a marriage or birth certificate, they need not be present at our Customer Service Centre. You can call our Customer Service Officers at 1800 248 2888 for assistance in making the assignment.

Questions and Answers

No. Once a policy is absolutely assigned, the policy ownership will belong to the assignee. However, the policy ownership can be transferred back to you provided the assignee agrees to it. A new assignment will need to be done.

You can still assign the policy if the nomination made is a revocable nomination. The revocable nomination will be automatically revoked once the policy is assigned. If the policy has a trust nomination, the trust nomination will have to be revoked before you make an assignment.


3.9.9 assignment provision - absolute and collateral.

Since the policyowner actually owns the policy, not the insurer, the owner has every right to give the policy away just like any other owned piece of property; the insurer's permission is not required. The transfer of ownership is referred to as assignment and the new owner is the assignee .

If the policy is transferred under an absolute assignment , the transfer is irrevocable and the assignee receives full control of the policy. As long as the beneficiary was not designated as an irrevocable, the assignee can even change the beneficiary without the beneficiary's permission.

If the policy is transferred as a means of establishing security on a debt, it is considered a collateral assignment . If the insured dies before the debt is repaid, the balance of the debt is paid to the creditor out of the policy proceeds. If there are any funds left once the debt has been satisfied, the rest of the proceeds go to the policy's beneficiary.

A policyowner has assigned a $10,000 policy to cover a $5,000 mortgage. How will the company pay the claim at the insured's death?

If an absolute assignment was made, the company will pay the entire proceeds to the assignee. If a collateral assignment was made, the company will usually make the check payable jointly to the assignee and the beneficiary. If a partial assignment was made, the unpaid mortgage balance will be paid to the assignee and the remainder will be paid to the beneficiary named in the policy.

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Life Settlement

Life Settlement

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Can I sell my life insurance policy


Absolute Assignment is a legal instrument that allows the owner of a life insurance policy or other valuable assets to transfer all rights and ownership of the asset to a designated assignee. This transfer of ownership is comprehensive and unrestricted, giving the assignee complete control and authority over the asset. Unlike conditional assignment, which may have specific conditions attached, absolute assignment represents an unqualified transfer of ownership..

Absolute assignment can be used not only in the context of life insurance but also for transferring ownership of other valuable assets such as real estate and securities. It involves a meticulous adherence to legal requirements and procedural details to ensure the validity and legality of the ownership transfer. Seeking guidance from legal and financial experts is essential to ensure a smooth and legally sound execution of the absolute assignment process.

Exploring Life Settlements

When considering selling a life insurance policy, individuals have the option to engage in a life settlement, wherein the policy is sold to institutional buyers in the secondary market. This process involves applying to various licensed buyers who compete to offer the highest bid for the policy. An experienced life settlement broker can facilitate this auction-style bid process, ensuring that policy owners receive the best possible offer for their policies.

Welcome Funds: Your Life Settlement Partner

Welcome Funds is a nationally licensed life settlement broker that specializes in representing policy owners in the secondary market for life insurance. They engage in an auction bidding process to secure the highest offer from institutional buyers, providing professional representation and expert counsel throughout the sale of the life insurance policy.

Explore Your Options with a Life Settlement Qualification Process

To explore the eligibility of a life insurance policy for a potential life settlement, individuals can embark on a cost-free and commitment-free journey by engaging in the Life Settlement Qualification Process. This process includes a complimentary personal consultation & appraisal, during which confidentiality is safeguarded. Interested individuals can complete a Quick Life Settlement Qualifier online or call a toll-free number to connect with a dedicated client care advocate.

Overall, the combination of absolute assignment and the life settlement process provides individuals with a means to transfer ownership of valuable assets and explore options for selling their life insurance policies in a competitive market.

Ready to Explore Your Options?

Complete our quick Life Settlement Qualifier or call us toll-free at 877.227.4484 to speak with a client care advocate.


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Direct Life Settlement Buyers vs. Welcome Funds – Advisor Beware!

Posted: by John Welcom

Welcome Funds has the privilege of working with numerous financial advisors and wealth managers – and have done so for two decades – some who exclusively focus on servicing high net worth clients. One such advisor who is active in the life settlement market — and already understands the value he can create for his clients — had historically negotiated directly himself with two or three leading buyers of life insurance policies. He thought that simply engaging with mor...

Life Settlement Case Study by Welcome Funds

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Mr. Williams purchased $10 Million in life insurance coverage in 2001 to provide his family with financial security. Over time, his financial priorities changed: his wife passed away, his children became financially independent, financial burdens arose and the estate tax exemption increased substantially.

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Suitability of Life Settlements

Traditionally, estate planning advisors counsel their high net worth clients to obtain life insurance policies with large death benefits. The strategy is simple: create a vehicle for heirs to receive tax-free income at the time of an insured’s passing so sufficient funds are available to pay large estate tax bills when assets are inherited.

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What is the Most Suitable Exit Strategy for Life Insurance?

All eyes in the life insurance agency and the financial advisory world have been on New York, where in the summer of 2019, the New York State Supreme Court paved the way for implementation of Insurance Regulation 187.  This rule imposes a new standard for agents and brokers when issuing a recommendation to a client regarding an annuity or life insurance product.

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How to Get the Highest Life Settlement Offer

When you decide to sell a valuable personal asset, you usually want to obtain the highest purchase price for that property. It is sound business sense. However, how do you truly know when you have reached the point of accepting and securing the most desirable offer?

life settlement market

Understanding the Fair Market Value of a Life Insurance Policy

When a professional advisor identifies a life insurance policy that a client no longer needs or wishes to maintain, he should ask, as standard protocol, whether that policy may have value in the secondary market. If so, the client may be able to sell the policy in a life settlement transaction, enabling him to receive a higher cash payout than he otherwise would obtain by lapsing or surrendering the policy back to the insurance company.

Life Settlement Auction

The Power of a Life Settlement Auction

Professional advisors with clients who no longer need or wish to maintain a life insurance policy have options when exploring the secondary market.  Many advisors prudently rely on a licensed life settlement broker to assist them in the sale of the policy and with all aspects of the transaction.  However, there is still a large number of professionals persuaded to work directly with only one buyer, called a life settlement provider.

Life settlement brokers represent the policy owner in the sale of their life insurance policy

Rebuttals to the “Direct Buyer” Model for Life Settlements

Most professional advisors who explore the potential sale of an unwanted life insurance policy on behalf of their clients will rely on the assistance of a licensed life settlement broker. Life settlement brokers represent the policy owner in the transaction and have a duty to act in their best interests. Most notably, the broker’s and client’s goal is aligned: to sell the policy for the highest price possible.

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Carrier Resistance To Life Settlements: Clients Need To Know They Can Sell Their Policies

Consumers who sell their life insurance policies in the life settlement market receive as much as seven times more money than they would have received by surrendering their policies back to the insurance companies.  Seven times!  However, an estimated 9 out of 10 policies are allowed to lapse before paying a claim, according to the Life Insurance...

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The Danger of Trying to “Time the Market” for Life Settlements

Most investors in the stock market understand the danger of “market timing” — trying to choose the right day to buy a stock when the price is low and sell it when the price is high.

Sell Your Life Insurance policy


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Absolute Assignment

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  • To use the insurance policy as collateral for a loan, with the lender becoming the assignee .
  • To gift the insurance policy to someone else, making the recipient the new policy owner.
  • To change the policyholder due to the original policyholder's inability to maintain the policy.

How to Conduct an Absolute Assignment?

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ABSLI Salaried Term Plan (UIN:109N141V01) is a non-linked non-participating individual pure risk premium life insurance plan; upon Policyholder’s selection of Plan Option 2 (Life Cover with ROP) this product shall be a non-linked non-participating individual savings life insurance plan. 1 LI Age 21, Male, Non Smoker, Option 1: Life Cover, PPT: Regular Pay, SA: ₹ 1 Cr., PT: 10 years, Premium paying term: 10 years, Annual Premium: ₹ 5900/- ( which is ₹ 491.66/month) Premium exclusive of GST. On death, 1 Cr SA is paid and the policy terminates. ADV/9/23-24/1940

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What Is a Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance?

the absolute assignment of a life insurance policy results in

Charlene Rhinehart is a CPA , CFE, chair of an Illinois CPA Society committee, and has a degree in accounting and finance from DePaul University.

the absolute assignment of a life insurance policy results in

A collateral assignment of life insurance is a conditional assignment appointing a lender as an assignee of a policy. Essentially, the lender has a claim to some or all of the death benefit until the loan is repaid. The death benefit is used as collateral for a loan.

The advantage to using a collateral assignee over naming the lender as a beneficiary is that you can specify that the lender is only entitled to a certain amount, namely the amount of the outstanding loan. That would allow your beneficiaries still be entitled to any remaining death benefit.

Lenders commonly require that life insurance serve as collateral for a business loan to guarantee repayment if the borrower dies or defaults. They may even require you to get a life insurance policy to be approved for a business loan.

Key Takeaways

  • The borrower of a business loan using life insurance as collateral must be the policy owner, who may or may not be the insured.
  • The collateral assignment helps you avoid naming a lender as a beneficiary.
  • The collateral assignment may be against all or part of the policy's value.
  • If any amount of the death benefit remains after the lender is paid, it is distributed to beneficiaries.
  • Once the loan is fully repaid, the life insurance policy is no longer used as collateral.

How a Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance Works

Collateral assignments make sure the lender gets paid only what they are due. The borrower must be the owner of the policy, but they do not have to be the insured person. And the policy must remain current for the life of the loan, with the policy owner continuing to pay all premiums . You can use either term or whole life insurance policy as collateral, but the death benefit must meet the lender's terms.

A permanent life insurance policy with a cash value allows the lender access to the cash value to use as loan payment if the borrower defaults. Many lenders don't accept term life insurance policies as collateral because they do not accumulate cash value.

Alternately, the policy owner's access to the cash value is restricted to protect the collateral. If the loan is repaid before the borrower's death, the assignment is removed, and the lender is no longer the beneficiary of the death benefit.

Insurance companies must be notified of the collateral assignment of a policy. However, other than their obligation to meet the terms of the contract, they are not involved in the agreement.

Example of Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance

For example, say you have a business plan for a floral shop and need a $50,000 loan to get started. When you apply for the loan, the bank says you must have collateral in the form of a life insurance policy to back it up. You have a whole life insurance policy with a cash value of $65,000 and a death benefit of $300,000, which the bank accepts as collateral.

So, you then designate the bank as the policy's assignee until you repay the $50,000 loan. That way, the bank can ensure it will be repaid the funds it lent you, even if you died. In this case, because the cash value and death benefit is more than what you owe the lender, your beneficiaries would still inherit money.

Alternatives to Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance

Using a collateral assignment to secure a business loan can help you access the funds you need to start or grow your business. However, you would be at risk of losing your life insurance policy if you defaulted on the loan, meaning your beneficiaries may not receive the money you'd planned for them to inherit.

Consult with a financial advisor to discuss whether a collateral assignment or one of these alternatives may be most appropriate for your financial situation.

Life insurance loan (policy loan) : If you already have a life insurance policy with a cash value, you can likely borrow against it. Policy loans are not taxed and have less stringent requirements such as no credit or income checks. However, this option would not work if you do not already have a permanent life insurance policy because the cash value component takes time to build.

Surrendering your policy : You can also surrender your policy to access any cash value you've built up. However, your beneficiaries would no longer receive a death benefit.

Other loan types : Finally, you can apply for other loans, such as a personal loan, that do not require life insurance as collateral. You could use loans that rely on other types of collateral, such as a home equity loan that uses your home equity.

What Are the Benefits of Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance?

A collateral assignment of a life insurance policy may be required if you need a business loan. Lenders typically require life insurance as collateral for business loans because they guarantee repayment if the borrower dies. A policy with cash value can guarantee repayment if the borrower defaults.

What Kind of Life Insurance Can Be Used for Collateral?

You can typically use any type of life insurance policy as collateral for a business loan, depending on the lender's requirements. A permanent life insurance policy with a cash value allows the lender a source of funds to use if the borrower defaults. Some lenders may not accept term life insurance policies, which have no cash value. The lender will typically require the death benefit be a certain amount, depending on your loan size.

Is Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance Irrevocable?

A collateral assignment of life insurance is irrevocable. So, the policyholder may not use the cash value of a life insurance policy dedicated toward collateral for a loan until that loan has been repaid.

What is the Difference Between an Assignment and a Collateral Assignment?

With an absolute assignment , the entire ownership of the policy would be transferred to the assignee, or the lender. Then, the lender would be entitled to the full death benefit. With a collateral assignment, the lender is only entitled to the balance of the outstanding loan.

The Bottom Line

If you are applying for life insurance to secure your own business loan, remember you do not need to make the lender the beneficiary. Instead you can use a collateral assignment. Consult a financial advisor or insurance broker who can walk you through the process and explain its pros and cons as they apply to your situation.

Progressive. " Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance ."

Fidelity Life. " What Is a Collateral Assignment of a Life Insurance Policy? "

Kansas Legislative Research Department. " Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance Proceeds ."

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Conditional Assignment of a Life Insurance Policy

Conditional Assignment means that the Transfer of Rights will happen from the Assignor to the Assignee subject to certain terms and conditions. If the conditions are fulfilled then only the Policy will get transferred from the Assignor to the Assignee.

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The process of transferring rights of a Life Insurance Policy is called Assignment. There are 2 types of Assignment:

  • Absolute Assignment
  • Conditional Assignment

Conditional Assignment means that the Transfer of Rights will happen from the Assignor to the Assignee subject to certain terms and conditions. If the conditions are fulfilled then only the Policy will get transferred from the Assignor to the Assignee. Or the policy will get transferred from the Assignor to the Assignee till certain conditions are fulfilled. Once the conditions are fulfilled, the policy automatically gets transferred back to the original owner, i.e. the Assignor.

Let’s take an example:

Rahul owns a Life Insurance Policy of Rs 5 lakhs. He needs to take a loan for his daughter’s school admission. He thought of doing so by taking a loan from the insurer itself or any bank against his Life Insurance Policy of Rs 5 lakhs that he owned.

However, to take a loan from the insurer itself or any bank, he needed to transfer the rights of the Insurance Policy to that entity. Thus he would have had to perform Conditional Assignment of the policy to that Bank. Then the bank would be able to pay out the loan money to him by taking the Insurance Policy as collateral. Thus, if Rahul failed to repay the loan, then the bank would surrender the policy and recover their money.

Once Rahul’s loan is completely repaid, then the policy would automatically come back to Rahul. In case, Rahul died before completely repaying the loan, then also the bank can surrender the policy to get their money back. This type of Assignment is called Conditional Assignment.

the absolute assignment of a life insurance policy results in

Example in real life of Conditional Assignment happens in case of an Insurance Policy being taken by the employer as a perquisite for the employee and it would be given only if he stays with the company for at least 5 years. Then the policy would be purchased by the employer on the employee’s name, but it would get transferred to him only when he completes 5 years. Once the employee completes 5 years of service, the policy gets transferred to him. This type of assignment or transfer of rights of a Life Insurance Policy is called Conditional Assignment.

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Sachin Telawane is a Content Manager and writes on various aspects of the Insurance industry. His enlightening insights on the insurance industry has guided the readers to make informed decisions in the course of purchasing insurance plans.

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