case presentation of hepatitis b

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Case Report: Acute Hepatitis B Infection in a Healthy South Asian Female Following Exposure at an Urban Pedicure Facility

Tummala, Sanjeev MD

Swetha Tummala, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Mountain View, CA.

Introduction: Acute hepatitis B is caused by infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV). The incubation period from the time of exposure to the onset of symptoms is 6 weeks to 6 months. Most infections in adults are caused by exposure to contaminated blood. Other potential sources are semen, vaginal secretions, and open wound exudate. Acute infection ranges from asymptomatic or mild disease to, rarely, fulminant hepatitis. Disease is more severe among adults aged >60 years. The fatality rate among acute cases reported to Center for Disease Control (CDC) is 0.5-1%.

Case Report: Here, we describe a case of acute hepatitis B infection in a healthy South Asian female from possible exposure at an urban pedicure facility. A 35-year-old, previously healthy but unvaccinated Indian woman was seen in a gastroenterology clinic for acute jaundice. Her initial blood work showed AST 550 U/l, ALT 1745 U/L, total bilirubin 9.3 mg/dL, direct bilirubin 7.3 mg/dL, and ALP 196 U/l. Previous liver function tests were normal. An ultrasound of her abdomen showed normal-appearing liver without gallstones or biliary dilatation. Her serologies showed positive hepatitis A IgG antibody, negative hepatitis A IgM antibody, positive hepatitis B surface antigen, positive hepatitis B core IgM antibody, negative hepatitis C antibody, hepatitis B DNA 81300 IU/mL, and negative hepatitis B surface antibody. Her creatinine was 0.59 mg/dL and prothrombin time/ INR 1.1. She had no features of encephalopathy or hepatic decompensation. Her husband and children were immune for hepatitis B from previous vaccination. She was taking no other medications at the time of her illness. She had no other risk factors except a visit to an urban pedicure facility in downtown San Jose, 2 months prior to her acute illness. She remembered having a cut and a bruise after her nails were done, and her feet were washed in a bowl that was used to wash other customers’ feet. She was managed conservatively with no antiviral medications. Follow-up blood work revealed normalization of liver enzymes in about 3 months with AST 31 U/l, ALT 56 U/l and total bilirubin 0.4 mg/dL. She achieved seroconversion 3 months after presentation with negative hepatitis B surface antigen and reactive hepatitis B surface antibody, and undetectable hepatitis B virus. She remains asymptomatic and clinically well.

Conclusion: Acute hepatitis B infection can be caused from contamination of blood from open cuts/bruise and stains that can happen at a pedicure facility. The Center for Disease Control recommends any blood spills, including dried blood, which can still be infectious for about 7 days, be cleaned using 1:10 dilution of 1 part household bleach to 10 parts of water for disinfecting the area.

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  • Volume 2017, Issue
  • Acute hepatitis B virus infection and severe non-immune haemolytic anaemia: a rare relationship
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  • Inês Furtado 1 ,
  • Diana Valadares 2 ,
  • Filipe Gaio Nery 2
  • 1 Internal Medicine Department , Centro Hospitalar do Porto , Porto , Portugal
  • 2 Department of Intensive Care , Centro Hospitalar do Porto , Porto , Portugal
  • Correspondence to Dr Inês Furtado, inessilvafurtado{at}

The clinical presentation of acute hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is usually related to the onset of liver failure and damage. Anaemia may occur, but it is only rarely attributed to haemolysis. The authors report about the case of a 41-year-old woman with the diagnosis of acute HBV infection and coagulopathy (without encephalopathy) who developed non-immune haemolytic anaemia. Total recovery of the analytical liver profile, coagulopathy and anaemia was achieved through treatment targeting HBV.This case shows that, although rare, non-immune haemolytic anaemia may occur in association with acute HBV infection and that HBV suppression seems to lead to progressive anaemia resolution.

  • infectious diseases
  • hepatitis and other gi infections
  • hepatitis b
  • haematology (incl blood transfusion)

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Contributors FGN and DV contributed to the conception or design of the work. IF was responsible for data collection, analysis and interpretation. IF drafted the initial version of the article which was critically revised by FGN and DV. FGN, DV and IF approved the final version of the article to be published.

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case presentation of hepatitis b

Hepatitis B Clinical Presentation

  • Author: Nikolaos T Pyrsopoulos, MD, PhD, MBA, FACP, AGAF, FAASLD, FRCP(Edin); Chief Editor: BS Anand, MD  more...
  • Sections Hepatitis B
  • Practice Essentials
  • Pathophysiology
  • Epidemiology
  • Patient Education
  • Physical Examination
  • Approach Considerations
  • Diagnostic Tests
  • Radiologic Studies
  • Liver Biopsy and Histologic Features
  • Pharmacologic Management
  • Surgical Intervention
  • Hepatitis B and Pregnancy
  • Vaccination
  • Long-Term Monitoring
  • 2016 and 2018 AASLD Guidelines
  • 2017 and 2018 EASL Recommendations
  • 2015 and 2020 WHO Guidelines Summary
  • Medication Summary
  • Interferons
  • Antihepadnaviral, Reverse Transcriptase inhibitors
  • Vaccines, Inactivated, Viral
  • Questions & Answers
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Inquire into patients’ sexual history, occupational history, illicit drug use, and any contacts with known infection.

The spectrum of the symptomatology of hepatitis B disease varies from subclinical hepatitis to icteric hepatitis to fulminant, acute, and subacute hepatitis during the acute phase, and from an asymptomatic chronic infection state to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) during the chronic phase.

Papular acrodermatitis, also recognized as Gianotti-Crosti syndrome , has been associated with hepatitis B, most commonly in children with acute infection. [ 40 ]

The following multisystem manifestations may occur in hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection:

Pleural effusion and hepatopulmonary and portopulmonary syndrome may occur in patients with cirrhosis

Diffuse intravascular coagulation may occur in patients with fulminant hepatitis

Myocarditis, pericarditis, and arrhythmia occur primarily in patients with fulminant hepatitis

Arthralgias and arthritic (serum sickness) subcutaneous nodules may also occur, but these are rare

Guillain-Barre syndrome , encephalitis, aseptic meningitis, and mononeuritis multiplex may occur in patients with acute hepatitis B

Pancreatitis may develop

Aplastic anemia is uncommon, and agranulocytosis is extremely uncommon

A variety of cutaneous manifestations have been recognized during the early course of viral hepatitis, including hives and a fleeting maculopapular rash. These various lesions are episodic, palpable, and, at times, pruritic. A discoloration of the skin can be identified after the resolution of the exanthem, particularly on the lower extremities. Women are more prone to developing cutaneous manifestations.

Acute phase

The incubation period is 1-6 months in the acute phase of hepatitis B infection. Anicteric hepatitis is the predominant form of expression for this disease. The majority of the patients are asymptomatic, but patients with anicteric hepatitis have a greater tendency to develop chronic hepatitis. Patients with symptomatology have the same symptoms as patients who develop icteric hepatitis.

Icteric hepatitis is associated with a prodromal period, during which a serum sickness –like syndrome can occur. The symptomatology is more constitutional and includes the following:

Low-grade fever


Disordered gustatory acuity and smell sensations (aversion to food and cigarettes)

Right upper quadrant and epigastric pain (intermittent, mild to moderate)

Patients with fulminant and subfulminant hepatitis may present with the following:

Hepatic encephalopathy

Disturbances in sleep pattern

Mental confusion

Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding


Chronic phase

Patients with chronic hepatitis B disease can be immune tolerant or have an inactive chronic infection without any evidence of active disease. These patients are generally asymptomatic.

Patients with chronic active hepatitis, especially during the replicative state, may complain of symptomatology such as the following:

Symptoms similar to those of acute hepatitis

Mild upper quadrant pain or discomfort

If progressive liver disease is present, the following symptomatology may be present:

Hepatic decompensation

GI bleeding

The physical examination findings in hepatitis B disease vary from minimal to impressive (in patients with hepatic decompensation), according to the stage of disease.

Patients with acute hepatitis usually do not have any clinical findings, but the physical examination can reveal the following:

Jaundice (10 days after appearance of constitutional symptomatology, lasting for 1-3 mo)

Hepatomegaly (mildly enlarged, soft liver)

Splenomegaly (5-15%)

Palmar erythema (rarely)

Spider nevi (rarely)

The physical examination of patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection can reveal stigmata of chronic liver disease such as the following:



Muscle wasting

Palmar erythema

Spider angioma

Vasculitis (rarely)

Patients with cirrhosis may have the following findings:

History of variceal bleeding

Peripheral edema


Testicular atrophy

Abdominal collateral veins (caput medusa)

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Gilead Sciences, Inc. US Food and Drug Administration approves Gilead’s Vemlidy (tenofovir alafenamide) for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus infection [press release]. Available at . November 10, 2017; Accessed: May 23, 2017.

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  • Hepatitis B. Under higher-power magnification, ground-glass cells may be visible in chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Ground-glass cells are present in 50% to 75% of livers with chronic HBV infection. Immunohistochemical staining is positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg.)
  • Hepatitis B. Liver biopsy with hematoxylin stain showing stage 4 fibrosis (ie, cirrhosis) in a patient with hepatitis B.
  • Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a hepadnavirus, highly resistant to extremes of temperature and humidity, that invades the hepatocytes. The viral genome is a partially double-stranded, circular DNA linked to a DNA polymerase that is surrounded by an icosahedral nucleocapsid and then by a lipid envelope. Embedded within these layers are numerous antigens that are important in disease identification and progression. Within the nucleocapsid are the hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) and precore hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg), and on the envelope is the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). Transmission electron micrograph (TEM) from Graham Colm and Wikipedia, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
  • Hepatitis B. Serologic course of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. The flat bars show the duration of seropositivity in self-limited acute HBV infection. The pointed bars show that HBV DNA and e antigen (HBeAg) can become undetectable during chronic infection. Only immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies to the HBV core antigen (anti-HBc) are predictably detectable after resolution of acute hepatitis or during chronic infection. Antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) is generally detectable after resolution of acute HBV infection but may disappear with time. It is only rarely found in patients with chronic infection and does not indicate that immunologic recovery will occur or that the patient has a better prognosis. ALT = alanine transaminase. (Adapted from Liaw YF, Chu CM. Hepatitis B virus infection. Lancet. 2009;373(9663):582-92.)
  • Hepatitis B. Radiologic studies may be useful in all stages of hepatitis B infection. Ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT) scanning, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may exclude biliary obstruction in acute infection. In chronic disease, ultrasonograms may show nonspecific increased echogenicity of the liver parenchyma. In patients with long-standing disease, CT imaging may be used to detect cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma (as shown).
  • Hepatitis B. Long-standing cirrhosis leads to progressive replacement of liver parenchyma with fibrotic tissue. Over time, the liver contracts and develops a lobulated contour. These changes are readily apparent on cross-sectional imaging. This contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scan demonstrates extensive cirrhosis, as well as malignant hepatocellular lesions (arrow).


Contributor Information and Disclosures

Nikolaos T Pyrsopoulos, MD, PhD, MBA, FACP, AGAF, FAASLD, FRCP(Edin) Professor and Chief, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Professor of Physiology, Pharmacology, and Neuroscience, Medical Director of Liver Transplantation, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Nikolaos T Pyrsopoulos, MD, PhD, MBA, FACP, AGAF, FAASLD, FRCP(Edin) is a member of the following medical societies: American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases , American College of Gastroenterology , American College of Physicians , American Gastroenterological Association , American Liver Foundation , American Medical Association , American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy , American Society of Transplantation , International Liver Transplantation Society , Transplantation Society Disclosure: Received research grant from: GRIFOLS. BAYER, DURECT, INTERCEPT, BEIGENE, BMS.

Ranya Selim, MD Gastroenterologist/Transplant Hepatologist Ranya Selim, MD is a member of the following medical societies: American College of Gastroenterology Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy; Editor-in-Chief, Medscape Drug Reference Disclosure: Received salary from Medscape for employment. for: Medscape.

BS Anand, MD Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Baylor College of Medicine BS Anand, MD is a member of the following medical societies: American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases , American College of Gastroenterology , American Gastroenterological Association , American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

George Y Wu, MD, PhD Professor, Department of Medicine, Director, Hepatology Section, Herman Lopata Chair in Hepatitis Research, University of Connecticut School of Medicine

George Y Wu, MD, PhD is a member of the following medical societies: American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases , American Gastroenterological Association , American Medical Association , American Society for Clinical Investigation , and Association of American Physicians

Disclosure: Springer Consulting fee Consulting; Gilead Consulting fee Review panel membership; Gilead Honoraria Speaking and teaching; Bristol-Myers Squibb Honoraria Speaking and teaching; Springer Royalty Review panel membership

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Patient Case Presentation

Our patient, Mr. Smith, is a 43 year old caucasian male who came in today with complaints of fatigue, anorexia, malaise, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and low grade fever for the past month, and recently has been alarmed by the discoloration of his skin and sclera turning yellow. He states that his urine has become dark and stool has become clay colored.

Past Medical History:  Blood transfusion in 1992 due to major blood loss in a motor vehicle accident, arthralgia, peripheral neuropathy, hospitalization due to drug overdose in 2010. Patient states that he is fully up to date on vaccination.

Social History : Patient is an injectable drug user for the past 12 years and is currently sexually active with multiple male partners and states he uses protection “sometimes”. His current occupation is a car mechanic.

Family History: Mother: history of hyperlipidemia and diabetes father died of myocardial infarction, no other siblings or family history available .

pictured: jaundice on an individual’s eye; “Jaundice.” Assignment Point , 5 Oct. 2017,

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Hepatitis B

  • Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic disease.
  • The virus is most commonly transmitted from mother to child during birth and delivery, in early childhood, as well as through contact with blood or other body fluids during sex with an infected partner, unsafe injections or exposures to sharp instruments.
  • WHO estimates that 254 million people were living with chronic hepatitis B infection in 2022, with 1.2 million new infections each year.
  • In 2022, hepatitis B resulted in an estimated 1.1 million deaths, mostly from cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer).
  • Hepatitis B can be prevented by vaccines that are safe, available and effective.

Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus. The infection can be acute (short and severe) or chronic (long term).

Hepatitis B can cause a chronic infection and puts people at high risk of death from cirrhosis and liver cancer.

It can spread through contact with infected body fluids like blood, saliva, vaginal fluids and semen. It can also be passed from a mother to her baby.

Hepatitis B can be prevented with a safe and effective vaccine. The vaccine is usually given soon after birth with boosters a few weeks later. It offers nearly 100% protection against the virus.

Hepatitis B is a major global health problem. The burden of infection is highest in the WHO Western Pacific Region and the WHO African Region, where 97 million and 65 million people, respectively, are chronically infected. Sixty-one million people are infected in the WHO South-East Asia Region, 15 million in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, 11 million in the WHO in the WHO European Region and 5 million in the WHO Region of the Americas.


In highly endemic areas, hepatitis B is most commonly spread from mother to child at birth (perinatal transmission) or through horizontal transmission (exposure to infected blood), especially from an infected child to an uninfected child during the first 5 years of life. The development of chronic infection is common in infants infected from their mothers or before the age of 5 years.

Hepatitis B is also spread by needlestick injury, tattooing, piercing and exposure to infected blood and body fluids, such as saliva and menstrual, vaginal and seminal fluids. Transmission of the virus may also occur through the reuse of contaminated needles and syringes or sharp objects either in health care settings, in the community or among persons who inject drugs. Sexual transmission is more prevalent in unvaccinated persons with multiple sexual partners.

Hepatitis B infection acquired in adulthood leads to chronic hepatitis in less than 5% of cases, whereas infection in infancy and early childhood leads to chronic hepatitis in about 95% of cases. This is the basis for strengthening and prioritizing infant and childhood vaccination.

The hepatitis B virus can survive outside the body for at least 7 days. During this time, the virus can still cause infection if it enters the body of a person who is not protected by the vaccine. The incubation period of the hepatitis B virus ranges from 30 to 180 days. The virus may be detected within 30 to 60 days after infection and can persist and develop into chronic hepatitis B, especially when transmitted in infancy or childhood.

Most people do not experience any symptoms when newly infected.

Some people have acute illness with symptoms that last several weeks:

  • yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
  • feeling very tired
  • pain in the abdomen.

When severe, acute hepatitis can lead to liver failure, which can lead to death.

Although most people will recover from acute illness, some people with chronic hepatitis B will develop progressive liver disease and complications like cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer). These diseases can be fatal.

HBV-HIV coinfection

About 1% of persons living with HBV infection (2.7 million people) are also infected with HIV. Conversely, the global prevalence of HBV infection in HIV-infected persons is 7.4%. Since 2015, WHO has recommended treatment for everyone diagnosed with HIV infection, regardless of the stage of disease. Tenofovir, which is included in the treatment combinations recommended as first-line therapy for HIV infection, is also active against HBV.

It is not possible on clinical grounds to differentiate hepatitis B from hepatitis caused by other viral agents; hence laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis is essential. Several blood tests are available to diagnose and monitor people with hepatitis B. Some laboratory tests can be used to distinguish acute and chronic infections, whilst other can assess and monitor the severity of liver disease. Physical examination, ultrasound, fibroscan can also be performed to assess degree of liver fibrosis and scarring and monitor progression of liver disease. WHO recommends that all blood donations be tested for hepatitis B to ensure blood safety and avoid accidental transmission.

As of 2022, 13% of all people estimated to be living with hepatitis B were aware of their infection, while 3% (7 million) of the people living with chronic hepatitis B were on treatment. According to latest WHO estimates, the proportion of children under five years of age chronically infected with HBV dropped to just under 1% in 2019 down from around 5% in the pre-vaccine era ranging from the 1980s to the early 2000s.

In settings with high Hepatitis B surface antigen seroprevalence in the general population (defined as  > 2% or  > 5% HBsAg seroprevalence), WHO recommends that all adults have access to and be offered HBsAg testing with linkage to prevention and care and treatment services as needed. WHO also recommends blood donor screening, routine testing for hepatitis B all pregnant women to provide the opportunity to institute measures for prevention of MTCT as well as focused or targeted testing of specific high-risk groups (including migrants from endemic regions, partners or family members of infected persons, and health-care workers PWID, people in prisons and other closed settings, MSM and sex workers, HIV-infected persons.

There is no specific treatment for acute hepatitis B. Chronic hepatitis B can be treated with medicines.

Care for acute hepatitis B should focus on making the person comfortable. They should eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of liquids to prevent dehydration from vomiting and diarrhoea.

Chronic hepatitis B infection can be treated with oral medicines, including tenofovir or entecavir.

Treatment can

  • slow the advance of cirrhosis
  • reduce cases of liver cancer
  • improve long term survival.

Most people who start hepatitis B treatment must continue it for life.

With the updated Hepatitis B Guidelines, it is estimated that more than 50% of people with chronic hepatitis B infection will require treatment, depending on setting and eligibility criteria.

In low-income settings, most people with liver cancer present late in the course of the disease and die within months of diagnosis. In high-income countries, patients present to hospital earlier in the course of the disease and have access to surgery and chemotherapy, which can prolong life for several months to a few years. Liver transplantation is sometimes used in people with cirrhosis or liver cancer in technologically advanced countries, with varying success.

Hepatitis B is preventable with a vaccine.

All babies should receive the hepatitis B vaccine as soon as possible after birth (within 24 hours). This is followed by two or three doses of hepatitis B vaccine at least four weeks apart.

Booster vaccines are not usually required for people who have completed the three-dose vaccination series.

The vaccine protects against hepatitis B for at least 20 years and probably for life.

Hepatitis B can be passed from mother to child. This can be prevented by taking antiviral medicines to prevent transmission, in addition to the vaccine.

To reduce the risk of getting or spreading hepatitis B:

  • practice safe sex by using condoms and reducing the number of sexual partners
  • avoid sharing needles or any equipment used for injecting drugs, piercing, or tattooing
  • wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after coming into contact with blood, body fluids, or contaminated surfaces
  • get a hepatitis B vaccine if working in a healthcare setting.

WHO response

Global health sector strategies on, respectively, HIV, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections for the period 2022–2030 (GHSSs)  guide the health sector in implementing strategically focused responses to achieve the goals of ending AIDS, viral hepatitis (especially chronic hepatitis B and C) and sexually transmitted infections by 2030.

The GHSS recommend shared and disease-specific country actions supported by actions by WHO and partners. They consider the epidemiological, technological, and contextual shifts of previous years, foster learnings across the disease areas, and create opportunities to leverage innovations and new knowledge for effective responses to the diseases. They call to scale up prevention, testing and treatment of viral hepatitis with a focus to reach populations and communities most affected and at risk for each disease, as well as addressing gaps and inequities. They promote synergies under a universal health coverage and primary health care framework and contribute to achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

WHO organizes annual World Hepatitis Day campaigns to increase awareness and understanding of viral hepatitis. For World Hepatitis Day 2023, WHO focused on the theme “One life, one liver” to illustrate the importance of the liver for a healthy life and the need to scale up viral hepatitis prevention, testing and treatment to prevent liver diseases and achieve the 2030 hepatitis elimination target.

Global hepatitis report, 2024

Guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, care and treatment for people with chronic hepatitis B infection

World Hepatitis Day

Global health sector strategy on viral hepatitis

Guidelines & manuals

  • Monitoring and evaluation of hepatitis B and C
  • Manual for the development of national viral hepatitis plans

More about hepatitis

  • WHO's work on hepatitis 
  • Global Hepatitis Programme
  • WHO's publications

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Figures and Tables

The information on this page reflects the 2024 acute and chronic hbv case definition updates. for 2023 hbv case classification, use: 2023 case classification_full guidance pdf.

Figure or Table Title
A two-column table lising all figures and tables from the guidance document. The first column indicates the table or figure and its associated section in the document. The second column includes the titles of each table or figure along with associated download links of PDF and PowerPoint documents.
Section 1 – General Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Guidance
National notification and print criteria for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C
[Download ]
Viral hepatitis conditions with corresponding National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System event codes and national notification criteria
[Download | ]
Epidemiologic risk behaviors, risk exposures, and groups at risk for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C
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Section 2 – Hepatitis A Surveillance Guidance
Typical serologic course of hepatitis A virus infection and recovery
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Interpretation of hepatitis A laboratory results
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CDC/CSTE case definition for hepatitis A, 2019
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Process for hepatitis A case ascertainment and classification
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Section 3 – Hepatitis B Surveillance Guidance
Typical serologic course of acute hepatitis B to recovery
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Typical serologic course of the progression to chronic hepatitis B
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Interpretation of hepatitis B laboratory results
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CDC/CSTE case definition for acute hepatitis B, 2024
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CDC/CSTE case definition for chronic hepatitis B, 2024
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Process for classifying cases of hepatitis B as acute and chronic
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Considerations for hepatitis B cases who received a solid organ from a donor
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CDC/CSTE case definition for perinatal hepatitis B, 2017
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Process for perinatal hepatitis B case ascertainment and classification
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Common laboratory codes for hepatitis B post-vaccination testing
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Section 4 – Hepatitis C Surveillance Guidance
Typical serologic course of hepatitis C virus infection
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Interpretation of hepatitis C laboratory results
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CDC/CSTE case definitions for acute and chronic hepatitis C, 2020
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Process for acute and chronic hepatitis C case ascertainment and classification
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Considerations for hepatitis C cases who were organ (or tissue) transplant recipients
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CDC/CSTE case definition for perinatal hepatitis C, 2018
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Process for perinatal hepatitis C case ascertainment and classification
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Section 5 – Additional Information and Resources
Classification of hepatitis C cases diagnosed concurrently with hepatitis A
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Person and case identification variables in the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System Base System
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Person and case identification variables via Health Level Seven case notification
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Variables indicating outbreak source for hepatitis A cases notified to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System via the National Electronic Telecommunications System for Surveillance
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Variables indicating outbreak source for hepatitis A cases notified to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System via the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System Base System
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Variables indicating outbreak source for hepatitis A cases notified to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System via Health Level Seven case notification
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Selections for variables indicating outbreak source for hepatitis A cases notified to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System via Health Level Seven case notification
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Supplementary data sources
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Use of supplementary data sources for case ascertainment, investigation, characterization, and for monitoring of infection trends and disease-related outcomes
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International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision codes for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C for clinical diagnosis and cause of death coding
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Section 6 – Appendices
Testing algorithm for the Ortho VITROS hepatitis B surface antigen initial assay
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Tackling hepatitis B Virus with CRISPR/Cas9: advances, challenges, and delivery strategies

  • Review Paper
  • Published: 28 August 2024

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case presentation of hepatitis b

  • Dakshina M. Nair   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Leela Kakithakara Vajravelu 1 ,
  • Jayaprakash Thulukanam 1 ,
  • Vishnupriya Paneerselvam 1 ,
  • Poornima Baskar Vimala 1 &
  • Rahul Harikumar Lathakumari 1  

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a significant global health challenge, with chronic HBV leading to severe liver diseases, including cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Current treatments often fail to eradicate the virus, highlighting the need for innovative therapeutic strategies. The CRISPR/Cas9 system has emerged as a dynamic tool for precise genome editing and presents a promising approach to targeting and eliminating HBV infection. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the advances, challenges, and delivery strategies associated with CRISPR/Cas9-based therapies for HBV. We begin by elucidating the mechanism of the CRISPR/Cas9 system and then explore HBV pathogenesis, focusing on the role of covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) and integrated HBV DNA in maintaining chronic infection. CRISPR/Cas9 can disrupt these key viral reservoirs, which are critical for persistent HBV replication and associated liver damage. The application of CRISPR/Cas9 in HBV treatment faces significant challenges, such as off-target effects, delivery efficiency, and immune responses. These challenges are addressed by examining current approaches to enhance the specificity, safety, and efficacy of CRISPR/Cas9. A future perspective on the development and clinical translation of CRISPR/Cas9 therapies for HBV is provided, emphasizing the requirement for further research to improve delivery methods and ensure durable safety and effectiveness. This review underscores the transformative potential of CRISPR/Cas9 in combating HBV and sets the stage for future breakthroughs in the field.

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Department of Microbiology, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu, India

Dakshina M. Nair, Leela Kakithakara Vajravelu, Jayaprakash Thulukanam, Vishnupriya Paneerselvam, Poornima Baskar Vimala & Rahul Harikumar Lathakumari

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Dakshina M Nair: Writing—review and editing, Writing—original draft, Visualization, Validation, Resources, Methodology, Data curation, Conceptualization. Leela Kakithakara Vajravelu: Formal analysis, Conceptualization, Supervision. Jayaprakash Thulukanam: Visualization, Validation, Supervision. Vishnupriya Paneerselvam & Poornima Baskar Vimala: Visualization and Validation. Rahul Harikumar Lathakumari:: Formal analysis.

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Nair, D.M., Vajravelu, L.K., Thulukanam, J. et al. Tackling hepatitis B Virus with CRISPR/Cas9: advances, challenges, and delivery strategies. Virus Genes (2024).

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Received : 03 August 2024

Accepted : 22 August 2024

Published : 28 August 2024


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A 79-year-old Woman with Acute Hepatitis B Caused by the Infection of Subgenotype D1 Hepatitis B Virus in Japan: A Case Study

Kosei hashimoto.

1 Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University School of Medicine, Japan

Kouichi Miura

Yoshinari takaoka, hiroaki nomoto, shunji watanabe, mamiko tsukui, naoki morimoto, norio isoda, shigeo nagashima.

2 Division of Virology, Department of Infection and Immunity, Jichi Medical University School of Medicine, Japan

Masaharu Takahashi

Hiroaki okamoto, hironori yamamoto.

A 79-year-old Japanese woman was diagnosed with acute hepatitis B based on laboratory tests showing positivity for IgM-class antibody against hepatitis B virus (HBV) core and hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) as well as elevated transaminases. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that the HBV strain obtained from the patient belonged to genotype D/subgenotype D1, similar to strains circulating in foreign countries but different from those in Japan. The clinical course was favorable. HBsAg became negative within 10 weeks after the onset. To our knowledge, this is the first report of acute hepatitis B caused by subgenotype D1 HBV in Japan.


Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection causes acute hepatitis. HBV is transmitted by sexual intercourse, the use of HBV-infected medical devices or the transfusion of HBV-infected blood products. HBV infection can also become chronic, leading to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). There are approximately 257 million and 1.2 million people with chronic HBV infection worldwide and in Japan, respectively ( 1 ). Because these patients represent potential sources of HBV infection, HBV infection remains a health burden worldwide.

There are at least 10 HBV genotypes (A-J) that have distinct geographic distributions ( 2 ). For instance, genotypes B and C are predominantly distributed in South-Eastern Asia, including Japan. Genotype A is predominant in North-Western Europe and North America. In contrast, genotype D is distributed globally, including Europe, the Mediterranean region and West-Central Asia. A Japanese nationwide study showed that genotypes A, B, C and D accounted for 4.1%, 17.5%, 77.6% and 0.6% of chronic HBV infections, respectively ( 3 ). Although native HBV genotypes are commonly observed as the cause of acute hepatitis B ( 4 ), the wave of globalization has changed the distribution of HBV genotypes in acute hepatitis B. At present, genotype A is the leading cause of acute hepatitis B in Japan, accounting for 46.7% of cases, followed by genotypes C (39.7%) and B (11.8%) ( 3 ). However, the prevalence of genotype D in Japan is still low in acute hepatitis (0.18%) as well as in chronic HBV infection (0.6%) ( 3 ).

In addition, HBV genotype D can be further divided into 10 subgenotypes (D1-D10) based on the nucleotide diversity over the entire genome ( 2 ). Of these subgenotypes, D2 is commonly observed in Ehime Prefecture in western Japan. HBV subgenotype D2 is believed to be a strain from Russia, as some asylums for Russian soldiers were located in Ehime during the Japanese-Russian War (1904-1905) ( 5 ). However, no other subgenotypes of genotype D have yet been reported in Japan.

We herein report a rare case of acute hepatitis B in an elderly woman caused by subgenotype D1 HBV.

Case Report

A 79-year-old Japanese woman was referred to our division due to abnormal liver function test results obtained in the division of Endocrinology and Metabolism of our hospital: 388 U/L for aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and 337 U/L for alanine aminotransferase (ALT). Regular blood tests as a follow-up for Graves' disease showed no abnormal liver function until two months before the admission. Because a follow-up examination revealed an elevation of transaminases (1,134 U/L for AST and 807 U/L for ALT), she was admitted to our hospital. She was an agriculture worker and had no history of alcohol intake, needle-stick injury, drug use or travel to foreign countries. Although she had been taking medication for Graves' disease from 2011, her thyroid function was within normal limits. The dosage of her medication for Graves' disease had not been changed. When she experienced subarachnoid hemorrhaging in 2011, a blood examination showed that her liver function was normal, and hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was negative. She had been receiving acupuncture care every week for chronic back pain since 2012. In addition, she had visited a nearby dental clinic for the treatment of caries four months before the admission. She had no family history of HBV infection.

On admission, there were no symptoms except for general fatigue. No skin lesions were observed. Laboratory tests were positive for HBsAg, IgM-class antibody against HBV core (IgM-HBcAb) and HBV DNA ( Table 1 ). Other viral infections, including those by hepatitis A virus, hepatitis E virus, hepatitis C virus, Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus, were absent, based on negative findings for acute markers of the corresponding viruses. Autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cholangitis were excluded by laboratory examinations. Although abdominal computed tomography (CT) showed a calculus in the gallbladder ( Fig. 1 ), no findings of acute cholecystitis or cholangitis were observed. We therefore made a diagnosis of acute hepatitis B.

Laboratory Data on Admission.

Peripheral BloodBiochemistrySerology
RBC390×10 /μLAlb3.7g/dLHBcAb6.64S/CO(+)
Plt20.0×10 /μLT.Bil2.33mg/dLHBV DNA6.7Log IU/mL(+)
Coagulation systemAST1,134U/LIgA-HEVAb(-)

RBC: red blood cell, Ht: hematocrit, Plt: platelet, PT: prothrombin time, INR: international normalized ratio,TP: total protein, Alb: albumin, BUN: blood urea nitrogen, Cr: creatinine, T.Bil: total bilirubin, D.Bil: direct bilirubin, AST: aspartate aminotransferase, ALT: alanine aminotransferase, LDH: lactate dehydrogenase, γ-GTP : γ-glutamyl transpeptidase, ChE: cholinesterase, HBsAg: hepatitis B surface antigen, HBcAb: anti-hepatitis B core antibody, HBeAg: hepatitis B e antigen, HBeAb: anti-hepatitis B e antibody, HEVAb: anti-hepatitis E virus antibody, HCVAb: anti-hepatitis C virus antibody, ANA: anti-nuclear antibody, AMA: anti-mitochondrial antibody, ASMA: anti-smooth muscle antibody

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CT shows a small calculus in the gallbladder without gallbladder enlargement or common bile duct dilatation.

Fig. 2 shows the clinical course of the present case. No encephalopathy was observed during the hospital course. The serum AST and ALT levels decreased promptly and returned to normal at seven weeks after the initial presentation. The prothrombin time remained in the normal range after admission. HBsAg and HBV DNA became undetectable at 10 weeks and 3 months, respectively. After seven months, anti-HBs antibody became positive. No anti-HBV medication or prednisolone was used for treatment during the clinical course.

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The clinical course of the present case. N.E.: not examined

We identified the HBV genotype to be D, which is extremely rare in Japan, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) ( 6 ). Thus, the full genomic sequence of the HBV strain (HB17-0791) recovered from the present patient was determined according to a previously described method ( 7 ) and deposited in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession number LC365689. A phylogenetic analysis confirmed that the HB17-0791 genome was classifiable as genotype D and further as subgenotype D1 ( Fig. 3 ). Of note, the HB17-0791 strain was different from the HBV strains in Ehime Prefecture, where subgenotype D2 HBV strains were predominantly distributed. The HB17-0791 strain in the current case was rather close to those circulating in China, India, Tunisia and Vietnam ( Fig. 3 ). There were no genetic mutations at the core promoter or pre-core regions of the HB17-0791 genome. Although the HBV strain was suspected of having been derived from foreign countries, we were unable to specify the origin of the HBV strain.

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Object name is 1349-7235-57-3099-g003.jpg

The phylogenetic tree constructed by the neighbor-joining method based on the entire nucleotide sequences of HBV isolates of subgenotypes D1-D10 using the HBV strains of genotypes A-C and E-J as outgroups. In addition to the HBV strain (HB17-0791) whose entire genomic sequence was determined in the present study (indicated with a closed box), 73 representative HBV strains of subgenotypes D1-D10 were included for comparison. The reported strains are indicated with the genotype/subgenotype and accession no. followed by the country of isolation. The subgenotype D2 HBV strains isolated in Ehime, Japan, are highlighted by closed circles. Bootstrap values (>70%) are indicated for the nodes as a percentage of the data obtained from 1000 resamplings. The scale bar is in units of nucleotide substitutions per site.

We herein report an elderly patient with acute hepatitis B caused by a rare subgenotype (D1) of HBV. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a case of subgenotype D1 HBV infection in Japan.

In the present case, we made a diagnosis of acute hepatitis B based on the extremely high titer of IgM-HBcAb (21.0 S/CO). Unfortunately, the data of HBcAb before the onset of acute hepatitis were not available. However, the patient had no factors with the potential to reactivate HBV, including the use of immuno-suppressive agents and anti-cancer drugs. In addition, the patient was not under surgical stress or in a condition of compromised immunity, such as cancer, arteriosclerosis or diabetes, which can also reactivate HBV ( 8 ). We therefore considered the possibility of HBV reactivation to be extremely low.

We were concerned about the clinical course of the present case, as few data are available regarding acute hepatitis B caused by subgenotype D1 HBV. Fortunately, the patient recovered from acute hepatitis without any serious problems despite being given no specific medications for HBV infection. It has been reported that the clinical course of acute hepatitis B varies among genotypes. For instance, the peak ALT levels in acute hepatitis B with genotype A (2,137±1,088 U/L) are significantly lower than those with genotypes B (3,078±2,111 U/L) or C (2,624±1,843 U/L) ( 3 ). In a study from India, the peak ALT value in acute hepatitis B caused by genotype D tended to be lower than that caused by genotype C ( 9 ). In contrast, the peak ALT level in Ehime Prefecture with genotype D was 2,236±2,202 U/L, which was higher than that with genotype A (1,425±630 U/L) ( 4 ). Although a weak immune response against HBV may lead to a delay in the disappearance of HBsAg, as in the cases with genotype A HBV, HBsAg became negative within 10 weeks after the disease onset in the present case. The chronicity of HBV genotype D is of interest; however, accurate data have not yet been published. In general, the chronicity of HBV genotype D is suspected to be low ( 10 , 11 ). Although the rate of fulminant hepatitis followed by acute hepatitis was unclear, HBV genotype D has been reported as a cause of fulminant hepatitis in Japan ( 12 ) as well as in foreign countries ( 13 , 14 ). Among cases with genotype D HBV, no significant differences were observed in the peak levels of ALT or total bilirubin between subgenotypes D1 and D2 ( 9 ). However, little information is available on the clinical course of patients with acute HBV subgenotype D1 infection.

In patients with chronic hepatitis B caused by subgenotype D2 HBV observed in Ehime Prefecture, the prevalence of liver cirrhosis and HCC was less common than in cases caused by genotype C ( 15 ). In Turkey, subgenotype D1 HBV is the major cause of chronic hepatitis B, being characterized by early HBeAg seroconversion, a low viral load and a relatively low incidence of liver cirrhosis and HCC ( 16 ). Thus, HBV genotype D seems to be associated with a less severe clinical course in cases of acute and chronic hepatitis.

The transmission route is a major concern in the present case. Horizontal transmission is the major mode in genotype D ( 10 ). Sexual transmission is the leading cause of acute hepatitis B in Japan ( 3 ). However, the patient denied sexual intercourse by a medical interview. In addition, she had no family history of HBV infection. We therefore suspected two potential routes of transmission: acupuncture care and dental treatment, both of which carry a risk of HBV transmission ( 17 , 18 ). The phylogenetic tree showed that the HBV strain in the present case was different from those in Ehime, Japan, instead being segregated into a cluster including strains isolated in China, India and Vietnam. As the patients had never been to theses foreign counties, we suspected that the isolated strain may have been transported from those countries via infected individuals because the distribution of genotype D HBV is extremely low in Japan, and the number of foreign residents is increasing in Tochigi Prefecture, where the patient lives (accounting for 1.82% of the population; ). The top five countries of origin among foreign residents of Tochigi Prefecture are China, the Philippines, Brazil, Vietnam and Peru. Furthermore, the prevalence of people with HBsAg is higher in these Asian countries and Peru than in Japan ( 19 ). In the literature, HBV genotype D is prevalent in China ( 20 ), Brazil ( 21 ), and Vietnam ( 22 ) but not in the Philippines ( 23 ) or Peru ( 24 ) ( Table 2 ). Furthermore, subgenotype D1 is observed in China ( 25 , 26 ). Thus, there is a chance of becoming infected with subgenotype D1 HBV in Japan. Because HBV carriers are often unaware of their HBV infection, HBV may be unknowingly transmitted from infected foreigners to susceptible residents in Japan. It is important to bear in mind that acupuncture and dental procedures carry a risk of HBV infection, and safe working environments must be established in order to prevent HBV infection.

The Prevalence of Chronic HBV Infection and HBV Genotypes.

Frequency of
HBs antigen
Major genotypeSubgenotype D1/D
China5.49%C>B>D (1.16%) 53/60 (88.3%)
Philippines4.63%A>C>B (D was not found)
Brazil0.65%A>D (23.4%)>F 0/80 (0%)
Vietnam10.80%B>C>D (5.2%)
Peru2.10%F only
Japan1.02%C>B>A>D (0.6%) 0/20 (0%)

In conclusion, we experienced a case of acute hepatitis B caused by an infection with subgenotype D1 HBV, which was identified for the first time in Japan. Further investigations are required, as HBV infection with non-native genotypes is likely to become increasingly frequent in Japan due to growing globalization ( 3 , 27 - 29 ).

The authors state that they have no Conflict of Interest (COI).

  • Case report
  • Open access
  • Published: 28 August 2024

Concordant fatal congenital anomaly in twin pregnancy: a case report and review of the literature

  • Amenu Diriba 1 ,
  • Temesgen Tilahun   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Lammii Gonfaa 1 ,
  • Jemal Gebi 1 ,
  • Bikila Lemi 1 ,
  • Jiregna Fyera 1 ,
  • Suleiman Mazeng 1 ,
  • Aschalew Legesse 1 &
  • Dinaol Alemu 1  

Journal of Medical Case Reports volume  18 , Article number:  406 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

Metrics details

When a pregnant mother finds out she has a fetus with a congenital defect, the parents feel profound worry, anxiety, and melancholy. Anomalies can happen in singleton or twin pregnancies, though they are more common in twin pregnancies. In twins, several congenital defects are typically discordant.

Case summary

We present a rare case of concordant fatal anomaly in twin pregnancy in a 22-year-old African patient primigravida mother from Western Ethiopia who presented for routine antenatal care. An obstetric ultrasound scan showed anencephaly, meningomyelocele, and severe ventriculomegaly. After receiving the counseling, the patient was admitted to the ward, and the pregnancy was terminated with the medical option. Following a successful in-patient stay, she was given folic acid supplements and instructed to get preconception counseling before getting pregnant again.

The case demonstrates the importance of early obstetric ultrasound examination and detailed anatomic scanning, in twin pregnancies in particular. This case also calls for routine preconceptional care.

Peer Review reports


A “congenital anomaly” is defined as any abnormal deviation from the expected structure, form, or function. “Malformations” are morphological abnormalities of organs or regions of the body resulting from an intrinsically abnormal developmental process, whereas “disruptions” are defects from interference with an initially normal developmental process [ 1 , 2 ].

Congenital anomalies present in twins also include any anomaly that may occur in singletons, including primary structural malformations, chromosomal defects, and genetic syndromes [ 1 , 2 ]. The anomalies may involve one or both twins [ 2 , 3 ]. The former is called discordant, while the latter is termed concordant [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]. Due to the anomaly’s multifactorial inheritance pattern, which is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors, twins are usually discordant for this anomaly, with only one co-twin affected [ 1 , 3 ].

However, some research has shown that identical twins have concordant anomalies such as neural tube defects [ 3 , 4 ]. Here we present a rare case of concordant congenital anomaly in twin pregnancy.

Case presentation

This 22-year-old African patient primigravida from western Ethiopia came to Wallaga University Referral Hospital for her second appointment as part of her routine prenatal care schedule. She said she had been amenorrheic for the past 4 months, but she could not recall the last time she had had a regular menstrual cycle. She received folic acid 5 mg (orally daily and iron sulphate 325 mg orally three times daily for 3 months, and two doses of tetanus–diphtheria vaccine during her prenatal care. However, she had no preconceptional care.

In the course of the index pregnancy, she had never experienced headaches, vaginal bleeding, blurred vision, or epigastric pain. In addition, she had no history of smoking tobacco, chewing khat, drinking alcohol, or using other forms of medication. She had never had bronchial asthma, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or heart disease.

There was no history of twin pregnancies in her family. This patient was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum and hospitalized to the gynecology ward a month prior to the current presentation. She was released from the hospital after 2 days, having improved. It proved that the pregnancy was twins at 11 weeks appropriate for gestational age (AGA). However, no fetal anomaly was detected.

On examination, she was healthy-looking. Her vital signs were blood pressure (BP) = 120/70 mmHg, pulse rate (PR) = 84 beats per minute, respiratory rate (RR) = 20 breaths per minute, and a temperature of 37.6 °C. She had slightly pale conjunctiva. An abdominal exam showed a 20-week-sized gravid uterus. The lymph glandular system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and genitalia were normal. On neurologic examination, reflexes were intact, and meningeal signs were negative.

Urinalysis; complete blood count; random blood sugar (RBS); serology for syphilis, hepatitis, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); obstetrics ultrasound; and blood group were done. Obstetrics ultrasound showed a twin intrauterine pregnancy with an anencephalic twin A and severe ventriculomegaly and lumbar myelo-meningocele in twin B (Table  1 ).

With the final diagnosis of a second-trimester twin pregnancy with a concordant fatal anomaly, the patient was admitted to the gynecology ward. In the ward, the patient was given mifepristone 200 mg orally. After 24 hours, 400 µg of misoprostol was inserted vaginally. A total of 8 hours later, she expelled twin A, weighing 120 g of anencephalic abortus with cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebral defect, and twin B, weighing 150 g of hydrocephalic abortus with a thoracic and lumbar vertebral defect, and protrusion of the intestine via the right side para umbilical area without the covering membrane (Fig.  1 A, B). The placenta was monochorionic.

figure 1

A Twin abortuses with neural tube defects at Wallaga University Referral Hospital, Western Ethiopia, 2023. B Twin abortuses with neural tube defects and gastroschisis at Wallaga University Referral Hospital, Western Ethiopia, 2023

When compared with singleton pregnancies, the rates of congenital anomalies are higher with multiple pregnancies [ 5 , 6 ]. In fetuses in multiple gestations, these anatomic abnormalities are more commonly linked to monozygotic (MZ) twining than dizygotic (DZ) twining [ 2 , 7 ].

Anomalies may affect all organ systems, but the commonest involve cardiovascular and central nervous systems, followed by ophthalmic and gastrointestinal abnormalities [ 1 , 4 , 7 , 8 ]. The concordance rate of major congenital malformations is around 20% for monozygotic twins, with most dizygotic twin pairs being discordant [ 1 ]. Only in certain organ systems do monozygotic twins exhibit higher concordance rates than DZ twins [ 4 , 7 ]. Our case is MZ twins. In both twins, the neural nervous system was affected. The twin pairs had neural tube defects. One twin had gastroschisis.

Anomalies in singleton and twin pregnancies are associated with maternal exposure to various factors such as diazepam use, cigarette smoking, maternal obesity, and nutritional deficiencies [ 9 ]. Our case was complicated by hyperemesis gravidarum. Because of repeated vomiting, it could result in nutritional deficiency, which could in turn result in neural tube defects and other anomalies.

There is limited published evidence about screening for structural abnormalities in twin or higher order pregnancies [ 10 ]. Careful sonographic surveys of fetal anatomy are indicated in multifetal pregnancies because the risk for congenital anomalies is increased [ 11 ]. A complete fetal anatomic survey is therefore recommended for all twin gestations at 18–22 weeks’ gestational age [ 12 ]. The accuracy of ultrasonography for detecting congenital fetal anomalies in multiple gestations has not been adequately studied in large series [ 11 ].

Following diagnosis of an anomaly affecting only one fetus, practitioners may face the dilemma of expectant management versus selective termination. If the option of selective fetocide is considered, the main variable determining the technique to achieve this aim is chorionicity [ 13 , 14 , 15 ]. In a dichorionic pregnancy, passage of fetocidal agents from one twin into the circulation of the co-twin is unlikely due to the lack of placental anastomoses [ 13 , 14 ]. When monochorionic (MC) twins are complicated with discordant fetal anomalies, the management scheme will be much more complex [ 13 , 14 ]. In this case, selective termination needs to be performed by ensuring complete and permanent occlusion of both the arterial and venous flows in the umbilical cord of the affected twin. Bipolar cord coagulation under ultrasound guidance is associated with approximately 70–80% survival rates [ 14 , 15 ]. However, management of concordant fatal anomaly in twin pregnancy is not controversial [ 3 ]. In our case, both twins had fatal congenital anomalies, which required immediate termination of the pregnancy using misoprostol.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets used during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


Hepatitis B surface antigen

Human immunodeficiency virus


Rhesus factor

Venereal disease research laboratory

White blood count

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Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia

Amenu Diriba, Temesgen Tilahun, Lammii Gonfaa, Jemal Gebi, Bikila Lemi, Jiregna Fyera,  Suleiman Mazeng, Aschalew Legesse & Dinaol Alemu

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AD is an assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Health Sciences, Wollega University; TT is an associate professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Institute of Health Sciences, Wollega University; LG is an assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics and gynecology, Institute of Health Sciences, Wollega University; JG is an assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Health Sciences, Wollega University; JF is an assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Health Sciences, Wollega University; BL is an assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Health Sciences, Wollega University; S is an obstetrics and gynecology resident at the Institute of Health Sciences, Wollega University; AL is an obstetrics and gynecology resident at the Institute of Health Sciences, Wollega University; and DA is an obstetrics and gynecology resident at the Institute of Health Sciences, Wollega University.

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Correspondence to Temesgen Tilahun .

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Ethical clearance was obtained from the Research Ethics Review Committee of Wallaga University Referral Hospital. The study protocol is performed per the relevant guidelines.

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Diriba, A., Tilahun, T., Gonfaa, L. et al. Concordant fatal congenital anomaly in twin pregnancy: a case report and review of the literature. J Med Case Reports 18 , 406 (2024).

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Received : 05 February 2024

Accepted : 28 June 2024

Published : 28 August 2024


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  • Twin pregnancy
  • Anencephaly
  • Meningomyelocele
  • Ventriculomegaly
  • Gastroschisis

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  • Premium Statistic Rate of viral hepatitis-related deaths in the U.S. from 2018-2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Hepatitis B immunization coverage in the U.S. among one-year-olds, 2000-2022
  • Premium Statistic Share of U.S. teenagers who had select vaccinations 2022-2023

Hepatitis A

  • Premium Statistic Number of hepatitis A infections in the U.S. from 2015 to 2022
  • Premium Statistic Rate of hepatitis A infections in the U.S. from 2018 to 2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of hepatitis A infections in the U.S. in 2022, by state
  • Basic Statistic Hepatitis A infection rate in the U.S. in 2022, by state
  • Basic Statistic Rate of hepatitis A-related deaths in the U.S. from 2018-2022, by gender

Hepatitis B

  • Premium Statistic Number of hepatitis B infections in the U.S. from 2015-2022
  • Premium Statistic Rate of hepatitis B infections in the U.S. from 2018-2022
  • Basic Statistic Number of hepatitis B infections in the U.S. in 2022, by state
  • Premium Statistic Rate of hepatitis B infections in the U.S. in 2022, by state
  • Basic Statistic Rate of hepatitis B-related deaths in the U.S. from 2018-2022, by gender
  • Premium Statistic Rate of hepatitis B-related deaths in the U.S. in 2022, by age
  • Premium Statistic Rate of hepatitis B-related deaths in the U.S. in 2022, by race/ethnicity

Hepatitis C

  • Premium Statistic Number of acute hepatitis C infections in the U.S. from 2015 to 2022
  • Basic Statistic Rate of acute hepatitis C infections in the U.S. from 2018 to 2022
  • Basic Statistic Number of acute hepatitis C infections in the U.S. in 2022, by state
  • Premium Statistic Rate of acute hepatitis C infections in the U.S. in 2022, by state
  • Premium Statistic Share of people with hepatitis C in the U.S. 2013-2022, by clearance step & gender
  • Basic Statistic Share of people with hepatitis C in the U.S. 2013-2022, by viral clearance step & age
  • Basic Statistic Maternal hepatitis C infection rate in the U.S. 2016-2021
  • Basic Statistic Rate of hepatitis C-related deaths in the U.S. from 2018-2022, by gender

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  • Open access
  • Published: 23 August 2024

From discovery to treatment: tracing the path of hepatitis E virus

  • Arash Letafati 1 , 2   na1 ,
  • Zahra Taghiabadi 2   na1 ,
  • Mahshid Roushanzamir 2 , 3 ,
  • Bahar Memarpour 2 , 4 ,
  • Saba Seyedi 2 ,
  • Ali Vasheghani Farahani 2 ,
  • Masoomeh Norouzi 2 ,
  • Saeideh Karamian 2 ,
  • Arghavan Zebardast 2 ,
  • Marzieh Mehrabinia 2 ,
  • Omid Salahi Ardekani 2 ,
  • Tina Fallah 2 ,
  • Fatemeh Khazry 2 ,
  • Samin Fathi Daneshvar 2 &
  • Mehdi Norouzi 1 , 2  

Virology Journal volume  21 , Article number:  194 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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The hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a major cause of acute viral hepatitis worldwide. HEV is classified into eight genotypes, labeled HEV-1 through HEV-8. Genotypes 1 and 2 exclusively infect humans, while genotypes 3, 4, and 7 can infect both humans and animals. In contrast, genotypes 5, 6, and 8 are restricted to infecting animals. While most individuals with a strong immune system experience a self-limiting infection, those who are immunosuppressed may develop chronic hepatitis. Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to severe illness and mortality due to HEV infection. In addition to liver-related complications, HEV can also cause extrahepatic manifestations, including neurological disorders. The immune response is vital in determining the outcome of HEV infection. Deficiencies in T cells, NK cells, and antibody responses are linked to poor prognosis. Interestingly, HEV itself contains microRNAs that regulate its replication and modify the host’s antiviral response. Diagnosis of HEV infection involves the detection of HEV RNA and anti-HEV IgM/IgG antibodies. Supportive care is the mainstay of treatment for acute infection, while chronic HEV infection may be cleared with the use of ribavirin and pegylated interferon. Prevention remains the best approach against HEV, focusing on sanitation infrastructure improvements and vaccination, with one vaccine already licensed in China. This comprehensive review provides insights into the spread, genotypes, prevalence, and clinical effects of HEV. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need for further research and attention to HEV, particularly in cases of acute hepatitis, especially among solid-organ transplant recipients.


As an enteric RNA virus, HEV can cause both disease outbreaks and sporadic cases. This virus belongs to the Hepeviridae family and is characterized as a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus. Contamination of the water supply is the main cause of virus outbreaks, although there are evidence suggests that the virus may also spread through person-to-person transmission. After a significant hepatitis outbreak in Kashmir in 1978, it was initially established as a distinct infectious agent. The virus was subsequently found in the fecal specimens of Soviet military recruits posted in Afghanistan in 1981 [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]. Human-infecting HEV genotypes can be found in the species Paslahepevirus balayani and Rocahepevirus ratti [ 4 ]. HEV consists of two major species: mammalian HEV, which leads to acute hepatitis in humans and is harbored by pigs and possibly other animals, and avian HEV, accountable for a condition known as big liver and spleen disease in chickens [ 5 , 6 ]. HEV RNA becomes detectable in blood and stool roughly three weeks after infection. Viremia typically persists for three to six weeks, while the virus continues to be shed in stool for about four to six weeks [ 7 ]. Typically, the incubation period of HEV infection ranges from 2 to 6 weeks [ 8 ]. Increasing age and living in low socioeconomic conditions are contributing risk factors for HEV infection [ 9 ].

A comprehensive study estimated the worldwide anti-HEV IgG seroprevalence at 12.47%, the pooled anti-HEV IgM seroprevalence at 1.47%, and the pooled prevalence of HEV RNA-positive in the general population at 0.20% [ 10 ]. In the overall population, the mortality rate varies from 0.5 to 4%. However, for pregnant women infected with HEV, the mortality rate escalates to as high as 30% [ 11 ]. In immunocompromised individuals, this infection can potentially become a chronic and significant medical issue, particularly for those who have undergone solid organ transplants as well as for patients with HIV, leukemia, and lymphoma [ 12 ]. According to a systematic review and meta-analysis, the prevalence of HEV infection among organ transplant recipients ranges from 6 to 29.6%, while among HIV-positive patients, it ranges from 3.5 to 19.4% [ 13 ]. The occurrence of HEV infection differs across various global regions, primarily due to distinct genotypes [ 14 ]. HEV has eight different genotypes, but only five of them are linked to human diseases and are designated as HEV-1 through HEV-4 and HEV-7 [ 15 ]. HEV-1 and HEV-2 are prevalent in developing nations like those in Africa, Asia, and Mexico, while HEV-3 and HEV-4 are more prevalent in developed countries. Genotypes 1 and 2 are typically linked to human infection, often resulting in outbreaks in regions with inadequate sanitation. Genotypes 3 and 4 are typically transmitted through consuming undercooked meat or potentially via contact with infected animals. HEV strains originating from animals such as rabbits, pigs, camels, and rats possess zoonotic potential [ 16 , 17 ]. In endemic region, HEV primarily transferred via the fecal-oral route, often via the pollution of drinking water [ 5 ]. Other modes of transmission, such as contaminated food, maternal-fetal (vertical transmission), and modes involving injection, are less frequent [ 18 ]. Remarkably, the age-specific seroprevalence patterns of HEV differ significantly from those of HAV, despite both viruses sharing similar transmission routes in regions where these diseases are prevalent [ 19 ].

This comprehensive review explores the complexities of mammalian HEV, highlighting its transmission routes, various genotypes, global prevalence patterns, and the range of clinical manifestations it can cause. Emphasizing the critical need for expanded research efforts, particularly in the domain of acute hepatitis, the text underscores the importance of heightened scrutiny, especially within vulnerable populations such as recipients of solid-organ transplants. By deepening our understanding of these aspects, we aim to pave the way for more effective strategies for the management and prevention of this infectious pathogen.

Evolutionary history

In 2000, phylogenetic studies on four different HEV strains and a re-evaluation of conserved regions in the capsid, helicase, and polymerase showed that HEV should not be classified in the Caliciviridae family. Instead, it was repositioned into an unassigned clade with an uncertain taxonomic status, although it exhibited a closer relationship to the Togaviridae family [ 20 ]. Within the “alpha-like” major groupings, this ultimately clarified the virus’s classification, resolving its placement within both the “Picorna-like” upper-level groupings and the “alpha-like” supergroup. With the increasing availability of sequences, it became increasingly evident that HEV was significantly differentiated from various viral genera and lineages. Consequently, it was designated as its genus ( Hepevirus ) by 2004 and later as its distinct family ( Hepeviridae ) in 2009 [ 21 , 22 ]. In 2014, the classification of Hepeviridae underwent a reassessment, resulting in the creation of two new genera: Orthohepevirus and Piscihepevirus [ 23 ] (Fig.  1 ).

figure 1

A timeline chronology of key advancements in the field of hepatitis E virus [ 6 , 177 , 178 , 179 , 180 , 181 , 182 , 183 , 184 ]

Capsid proteins of the hepatitis virus are crucial for its classification, serving as key distinguishing features [ 24 ]. Despite an in-depth examination of the non-structural protein-encoding region, the source of the HEV capsid remained inconclusive, as the Benyviridae family comprises non-enveloped rod-shaped plant viruses, while HEV capsids exhibit a T = 3 icosahedral structure, comprise approximately 180 copies of the capsid protein [ 25 , 26 ]. Icosahedral capsids are characterized by a triangulation number such as T1, T3, T4, etc., indicating identical equilateral triangles constructed by subunits [ 27 ]. Surprisingly, it wasn’t until 2011 that it was discovered that the HEV capsid protein had its closest structural resemblance to capsids found in members of the Astroviridae family, which infect vertebrates [ 28 ]. Astroviruses , akin to HEV, possess a T = 3 icosahedral capsid structure. However, they are affiliated with the “Picorna-like” supergroup of viruses. Presently, the enigma of HEV’s origin persists, as the non-structural protein-encoding region is categorized within the “alpha-like” supergroup, as opposed to the structural region [ 25 ].

HEV’s taxonomy

HEV belongs to the family Hepeviridae , which is categorized into two main subfamilies: Orthohepevirinae (encompassing four genera) and Parahepevirinae (only one genus: Piscihepevirus ) based on international committee on taxonomy of viruses (ICTV) report in 2022 [ 29 , 30 ]. Whitin the Orthohepevirinae subfamily, genera Paslahepevirus and Rocahepevirus can infect humans, wild and domestic mammals, while Chirohepevirus affects bats and Avihepevirus infects birds [ 30 ]. Paslahepevirus includes two species: P. balayani and P. alci (specific to moose). P. balayani , formerly known as Orthohepevirus A , infects humans and various mammals. It has 8 distinct genotypes, with genotypes 1–4 causing significant human disease. Genotypes 1 and 2 lead to large epidemics in developing countries, while zoonotic infections with genotypes 3 and 4 cause sporadic and clustered cases of HEV [ 31 , 32 ].

Virion structure and genome organization

HEV has a genome consisting of positive-sense, single-stranded RNA, approximately 7.2 kb in size. This RNA genome features a 7-methylguanosine RNA cap at the 5′ terminus and a polyadenylated tail at the 3′ end [ 33 ]. The viral genetic material usually contains three open reading frames (ORFs), specifically known as ORF1, ORF2, and ORF3. However, a fourth ORF (ORF4), which can be found in ORF1, is exclusive to genotype 1 (G-1 HEV) strains and ORF4-specific antibodies are present in G-1 HEV case serum [ 34 ]. ORF1 extends about 5 kb in length and is located at the 5′ end of the genome, while ORF2 is around 2 kb and is positioned at the 3′ end. Notably ORF3 consists of 372 bases, with its 5′ end sharing an overlap of merely 4 nucleotides with ORF1 and its 3′ end overlapping with ORF2 by 331 nucleotides [ 35 , 36 ]. As well, ORF1 represents a substantial polyprotein harboring numerous functional domains crucial for virus replication. On the contrary, ORF2 and ORF3 originate from a 2.2 sub-genomic RNA generated during virus replication, fulfilling functions in virus assembly and egress, respectively [ 37 ]. In HEV-infected cells, the quantity of sub-genomic RNA copies is notably greater than that of their genomic RNA equivalents [ 37 ] (Fig.  2 ). ORF2 is crucial for HEV assembly, facilitating the packaging and folding of viral RNA and the formation of viral particles. Strategies include disrupting ORF2’s binding to RNA elements at the 5′ end of the genomic RNA and targeting ORF2 oligomerization to form the capsid, both of which could be hopeful approaches for antiviral drug development. Alternatively, ORF3 facilitates viral particle release by connecting assembled particles to the ESCRT (endosomal sorting complexes required for transport) pathway through its attachment to the ESCRT component Tsg101 (tumor susceptibility gene 101) [ 38 ]. Furthermore, the ORF4 protein interacts with viral helicase, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), X, eukaryotic elongation factor 1 isoform-1 (eEF1α1), and tubulinβ, forming a protein complex. ORF4 and eEF1α1 together boost viral RdRp activity. In addition, it was reported that a proteasome-resistant ORF4 mutant greatly increased HEV replication [ 34 ].

figure 2

Hepatitis E virus genome: The genome organization of the Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) involves a single-stranded positive-sense RNA molecule, approximately 7.2 kilobases in length. At its 5’ end, the RNA molecule begins with a 7-methylguanosine RNA cap, while at the 3’ terminus, it is polyadenylated. Notably, the HEV genome consists of three consistently conserved open reading frames (ORFs) present in all identified HEV strains: ORF1, ORF2, and ORF3. ORF1 is responsible for encoding nonstructural polyproteins, which contain various functional domains including methyltransferase (Met), X domain, helicase (Hel), hypervariable region (HVR), RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), Y domain, and papain-like cysteine protease (PCP). ORF2 encodes the structural capsid protein, which comprises P, S, and M domains. The capsid protein is essential for viral assembly and its interaction with the immune system of the host. ORF3 contains a highly conserved PxxP motif and encodes a small protein that has been demonstrated in vitro to bind with various proteins involved in cellular signal transduction [ 185 , 186 , 187 , 188 , 189 , 190 , 191 , 192 , 193 , 194 ]


Five genotypes of HEV have been identified that can cause harm. Among these genotypes, genotype 1 and genotype 2 exclusively affect humans. Genotype 3 and genotype 4 are associated with animal reservoirs, specifically found in wild boars, deer, swine, and rabbits [ 39 , 40 ]. Recently, a new genotype, genotype 7, has been discovered, which is primarily found in camels. There has been a documented case of human infection with this genotype, involving an individual who owned camels and had previously undergone a liver transplant in the United Arab Emirates [ 41 ]. Genotype 1 strains of HEV have been identified in various regions, including China, Pakistan, Nepal, the Indian subcontinent, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and several sub-Saharan African countries. In contrast, genotype 2 strains are prevalent in the Central African Republic, Chad, Nigeria, Mexico, and Sudan. Genotype 3 strains have been found in Central and Southern Japan, as well as in the United States, other North American countries, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Moreover, genotype 4 is known to exist in northern Japan, China, India, and several European countries, including France and Germany. It is important to note that genotype 7 has only been detected in the United Arab Emirates, and there is limited research available regarding its geographic distribution [ 42 , 43 ].

HEV genotype 1 strain-induced outbreaks are commonly associated with the transmission of the virus through contaminated water sources. India has experienced recurring outbreaks since the initial outbreak in Delhi in 1955. These outbreaks have affected hundreds or even thousands of individuals, demonstrating a significant impact observed during the period from 1975 to 1994 [ 42 ]. This outbreak affected over 200 villages with a total population of 600,000. It resulted in 20,083 cases of jaundice and 600 deaths within a seven-week period. Pregnant women, in all three trimesters, were more frequently infected with HEV compared to men and non-pregnant women aged 15–45 years [ 18 , 44 ]. Another significant epidemic occurred between 1986 and 1988, leaving a lasting impact on the affected region. During this period, there were approximately 120,000 reported cases of HEV infection. This epidemic claimed the lives of 765 individuals, with 51 of them being pregnant women [ 42 ]. The most extensive outbreak of HEV in India occurred from December 1990 to April 1991 in Kanpur. This outbreak had a significant impact, with a staggering 79,000 reported cases of clinical hepatitis [ 45 ]. Indeed, HEV outbreaks have been documented in various Asian countries, including Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, Iraq, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, China, and Turkmenistan [ 46 ].

Moreover, in the United States, individuals of African descent seem to have a reduced occurrence of HEV infection. Data from the national health and nutrition examination survey (NHANES) indicate that the prevalence of anti-HEV IgG was 14.5% among non-Hispanic blacks, 22.1% among non-Hispanic whites, and 20.3% among Mexican-Americans [ 47 ]. In non-Hispanic black individuals, research has shown that the presence of specific gene polymorphisms within the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) is associated with lower anti-HEV IgG seroprevalence. The APOE gene plays a role in regulating lipoprotein metabolism. Among individuals with these gene polymorphisms, specifically the APOE ε4 allele, there was significantly lower seropositivity for HEV compared to those with the APOE ε2 allele [ 48 ]. In South Africa, where genotype 1 of the virus has persisted, the occurrence of anti-HEV IgG was discovered to be less common among black blood donors when compared to white or mixed-race donors. This disparity suggests that there may be variations in HEV exposure and immune responses among different racial and ethnic groups in South Africa [ 49 ].

  • Transmission

HEV causes widespread outbreaks of viral hepatitis transmitted through contaminated water and is the leading cause of sporadic cases of acute hepatitis and severe liver failure in these regions [ 50 ]. Transmission to humans from various species, including pigs, rabbits, deer, camels, and rats, has been well-documented for HEV strains. This typically occurs by eating raw or undercooked meat from infected animals or through direct contact with infected animals [ 51 ].

HEV is predominantly spread by the fecal-oral pathway [ 50 ]. Epidemics have a shared point of origin when the epidemic curve is markedly condensed, usually spanning approximately six to eight weeks due to contamination [ 18 ]. Studies have demonstrated that localities that consume different water supplies for drinking, particularly safeguarded well water, both before and during epidemics, do not experience the disease [ 18 ]. Epidemics can stem from the pollution of river water utilized for drinking, sewage disposal, washing, and bathing. Typically, outbreaks in these environments tend to happen in the winter months when water levels drop, leading to a rise in water contamination due to higher concentrations of contaminants [ 50 ]. Groundwater, crops, and waterways can all be subject to contamination. The act of openly in backyards and open fields can act as an extra origin of fecal pollution for groundwater, crops, and water bodies [ 18 , 52 ].

The transmission route of sporadic diseases triggered by HEV-1 and HEV-2 is also currently being studied [ 18 ]. The transmission of sporadic HEV infection within families was a rare incidence. Human infections are typically contracted through three primary pathways: direct contact with infected animals, zoonotic foodborne consumption, and environmental contamination caused by the runoff of animal waste. The spread of HEV-3 and HEV-4 via food-borne zoonotic routes has also been proposed [ 53 ]. Wild boars, sika deer, and domestic pigs play a part in the cross-infection of HEV [ 4 ]. Consuming partially cooked flesh or liver (considered a culinary delicacy in numerous nations) might be the cause of autochthonous (locally acquired) cases and outbreaks of HEV [ 54 ]. A commonly observed method of HEV transmission is the consumption of raw liver from grocery stores or Corsican figatelli sausage in Europe [ 55 ]. These livers and sausages frequently contain live HEV. Work-related contact with domestic pig farms, manure, and sewage is a notable risk for HEV infections in multiple regions [ 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 ]. It was reported that swine veterinarians had a 1.9 times higher likelihood of being seropositive for HEV compared to non-swine veterinarians [ 60 ]. Additionally, environmental contamination can result from pig slurry through various routes. Employing pig slurry as fertilizer for pastures can result in the contamination of agricultural produce such as raspberries, strawberries, and various vegetables commonly used in salads [ 61 , 62 ]. Run-off from outdoor pig farms can contaminate coastal waters [ 63 , 64 ], affecting marine life, such as fish and shellfish [ 65 ].

Despite its main focus on the liver, HEV has exhibited the ability to replicate in various tissues, resulting in extrahepatic effects like neurological symptoms, myositis, renal and hematologic complications in HEV-infected individuals [ 66 , 67 ]. Through experimental infections of animals with HEV, researchers have detected negative-strand viral RNA, a sign of continuous viral reproduction. This replication isn’t limited to the liver; it is also present in the pig’s intestinal tract, colon, and lymph nodes [ 68 ]. Similarly, rabbit models have shown negative-strand RNA intermediates in the liver, kidney, small intestine, spleen, and stomach [ 69 ].

As well, patients with HEV, whether in acute or chronic cases have presented neurological manifestations, yet the actual prevalence and the underlying pathogenic mechanisms are not definitively established [ 8 ]. Given that HEV is disseminated through the fecal-oral transmission route, it is most probable that the primary site for the virus’s initial replication is the gastrointestinal system. From there, the virus can infiltrate the bloodstream and impact other organs [ 70 , 71 ]. Furthermore, the association between HEV and kidney disorders is indicated by renal complications [ 72 , 73 ]. The recent confirmation of this link is based on the discovery of HEV in urine samples from individuals with both acute and chronic virus infections, as well as in monkeys. Furthermore, immunohistochemical evidence has revealed the existence of afflicted cells within the kidneys of these animals [ 74 ].

Overall, although HEV is primarily associated with liver infections, its ability to replicate in various tissues highlights its broader impact on human health. Ongoing research into the prevalence and mechanisms of these complications is crucial for developing targeted interventions and improving patient outcomes.

Clinical features

The clinical features of HEV infection resemble those of other hepatitis viruses and include a broad spectrum of symptoms. The prevailing form of illness is acute icteric hepatitis, usually commencing with several days of flu-like symptoms, such as fever, chills, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, queasiness, emesis, and diarrhea. Additional symptoms may encompass pale or clay-colored stools, darkened urine, joint pain, asthenia, and a temporary macular skin rash. Subsequently, these initial symptoms are succeeded by the development of jaundice, marked by the darkening of urine and lightening of stool color. Itchiness may also manifest. Fever and other preliminary symptoms typically wane quickly once jaundice sets in [ 75 ]. At times, HEV infection can manifest entirely without symptoms and go unnoticed. The precise frequencies of asymptomatic infection and anicteric hepatitis remain unknown but are thought to be more common than icteric disease [ 75 , 76 , 77 ]. Laboratory tests reveal elevated levels of bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma-glutamyl transferase, and alkaline phosphatase [ 78 ]. Serum aminotransferase and bilirubin levels typically commence their normalization within 6 weeks [ 77 ].

A minority of patients may encounter severe variants of the condition, including fulminant or subacute hepatic failure [ 77 ]. Pregnant women, particularly those in the second and third trimesters, are more susceptible to the virus during outbreaks and have a higher risk of complications. Additionally, HEV-infected pregnant women may witness a greater incidence of miscarriages, stillbirths, and deaths among newborns [ 79 , 80 , 81 , 82 , 83 ]. Severe liver damage can result in sub-massive or massive necrosis, causing the collapse of liver tissue [ 75 , 79 , 84 , 85 ].

Other complications associated with HEV

Hepatitis E infection has been linked to a diverse range of extra-hepatic manifestations, primarily affecting the neurological, renal, cardiac, and hematological systems [ 86 ] (Fig.  3 ). Neurological manifestations, increasingly recognized as complications of HEV infection, are the most frequent extrahepatic symptoms. Multiple neurological disorders have been reported in Europe (74%) and the Southeast Asia Region (SEAR), particularly in Bangladesh, India, and France (15%). Guillain-Barré syndrome (37%) and Neuralgic amyotrophy (39%) are the most common neurological conditions linked to HEV infection [ 87 ]. According to the systematic review by Rawla et al., neuralgic amyotrophy was observed in 102 out of 179 patients (56.98%), while Guillain-Barré syndrome was present in 36 out of 179 patients (20.11%) [ 88 ]. One patient was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis, and two others had poly-neuromyopathy. Additionally, six patients experienced mononeuritis multiplex, while five suffered from meningo-radiculitis and cerebral ischemia. Transverse myelitis was found in one patient, peripheral neuropathy in three patients, and vestibular neuritis in one patient. Lastly, one patient was affected by myositis [ 88 ]. According to the results of case report experiment, a renal transplant recipient experienced encephalopathy, unsteady walking, Lhermitte’s sign, difficulty emptying the bladder, and peripheral sensory nerve damage as a result of long-term HEV infection [ 89 ]. These findings highlight the potential involvement of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems in HEV infections, emphasizing the need for healthcare professionals to be vigilant in recognizing and monitoring these disorders in infected patients for appropriate management and treatment.

figure 3

The extra-hepatic manifestations of HEV infection can be depicted as follows: HEV is associated with myocarditis and acute pancreatitis, affecting the heart and pancreas respectively. Neurological and hematological symptoms include Guillain-Barré syndrome, Bell’s palsy, neuralgic amyotrophy, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, and aplastic anemia. Additionally, skeletal-related manifestations of HEV infection can result in polyarthritis [ 73 , 79 , 86 , 90 , 93 , 195 , 196 , 197 , 198 , 199 , 200 , 201 , 202 , 203 , 204 , 205 , 206 , 207 , 208 ]

A study was conducted to report the extra-hepatic manifestations of hepatitis E virus through a retrospective review of data from 106 cases of autochthonous hepatitis E (105 acute and 1 chronic) [ 90 ]. Eight cases (7.5%) presented with neurological syndromes, including brachial neuritis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, neuromyopathy, and vestibular neuritis. One patient had a cardiac arrhythmia, twelve patients (11.3%) had thrombocytopenia, fourteen (13.2%) had lymphocytosis, and eight (7.5%) had lymphopenia, none of which had any clinical consequences. Moreover, monoclonal gammopathy was documented in seventeen cases (26%) [ 90 ].

Additionally, in other studies, a 32-year-old male with acute HEV infection was reported to have leukocytosis [ 91 ]. Another case involved a 48-year-old male who experienced massive hemolysis, leading to renal failure, also associated with acute HEV infection [ 92 ]. Long QT syndrome (LQTS) and Torsades de Pointe (TdPe) (a specific type of ventricular tachycardia( were observed in one case involving a 62-year-old woman with acute HEV infection [ 93 ]. The observation of this unusual case highlights the importance of our awareness and understanding of the mechanisms behind LQTS, which will aid in identifying at-risk patients and minimizing their exposure to risk factors.

The occurrence of acute pancreatitis due to HEV infection is uncommon. Somani et al. describe a case where severe acute pancreatitis developed in a 35-year-old man with jaundice lasting one week. His serum tested positive for IgM anti-HEV and negative for hepatitis A, B, and C viruses. Despite undergoing hemodialysis and blood transfusion, the patient experienced refractory hypotension and did not respond to inotropic medications. His condition rapidly deteriorated, leading to a fatal outcome. This case illustrates that hepatitis E virus infection can lead to severe acute pancreatitis accompanied by multiorgan failure [ 94 ].

These results indicate that a range of extra-hepatic manifestations can occur with hepatitis E. However, it’s important to mention that most of these disorders were observed in isolated cases or limited numbers of patients. Further investigations are needed to enhance our knowledge of the pathogenesis, clinical characteristics, and optimal management strategies for HEV-related digestive system disorders.

Vulnerability to HEV infection

Susceptibility to HEV infection is influenced by various factors. In nations where the disease is widespread and where transmission primarily occurs through the fecal/oral route, the availability of safe public water supplies and effective waste management systems is essential [ 95 ]. While race does not appear to influence HEV infection, there is a notable geographical bias [ 96 ]. Tropical and subtropical countries with poor socioeconomic and hygienic conditions are more prone to HEV outbreaks. Asia, Africa, and Mexico have experienced epidemics, while Latin America, industrialized areas, and certain European countries have not reported outbreaks except for Mexico [ 97 , 98 , 99 , 100 , 101 ]. Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, and Mexico have endemic HEV [ 96 ]. Second, a sex-related bias is observed in HEV infection, with males being at higher risk of developing clinical hepatitis in contrast to females [ 96 ]. The gender distribution among adults varies from an equal 1:1 ratio to a 3:1 ratio, favoring males [ 96 ]. The causes for this bias are not well understood, but they may be linked to occupational and social roles. However, children with clinical HEV do not show a sex bias [ 96 , 99 ].

Third, age is a factor in HEV infection rates and clinical disease. During HEV epidemics, individuals aged 15 to 40 have the highest infection and clinical disease rates. Children generally have lower infection rates and are less likely to be affected by clinical HEV compared to adults [ 102 , 103 ]. Studies in India and Vietnam indicate that children under 10 have a lower prevalence of HEV, although acute HEV can still occur in children, albeit rarely [ 96 ].

Fourth, pregnant women are especially at risk of developing severe illness if they contract HEV. Pregnant women affected by HEV displayed pooled Case Fatality Rates (CFRs) of 20.8% [ 104 ]. Pregnant women infected with the virus are at a higher risk of developing fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) and experiencing adverse outcomes such as abortion, premature delivery, or neonatal death. Several factors contribute to the heightened susceptibility and seriousness of HEV infection among pregnant women [ 80 ].

Hormonal and immunological changes throughout pregnancy could influence the seriousness of HEV infection, even though there is a lack of supporting data. Limited access to adequate medical care and nutrition in developing countries further contributes to higher maternal morbidity and mortality associated with HEV [ 105 ]. The compromised immune system of pregnant women, combined with factors like malaria, parasitic infections, and other viral and bacterial infections that are widespread in developing countries, weaken their immune response, making them more susceptible to HEV infection [ 105 , 106 ]. Therefore, those who live in tropical and subtropical areas with poor socioeconomic and hygienic circumstances, as well as men, people in their 15–40 s, and pregnant women are susceptible to HEV infection [ 96 ].

Immune responses

HEV infection can become chronic in immunocompromised cases (e.g. HIV cases, recipients of organ transplants, hematologic malignant conditions) [ 107 , 108 , 109 ]. Studies show reduced CD2, CD3, and CD4 lymphocytes in transplant recipients who develop chronic HEV compared to those who resolve the infection [ 107 ]. This suggests that compromised T-cell responses in immunocompromised individuals can hinder the elimination of the virus, leading to a persistent HEV infection [ 110 ]. Research have shown that it is the immune response, as opposed to direct harm to hepatocytes by the virus, that likely underlies the expression of HEV symptoms, such as self-limiting acute viral hepatitis (AVH) and acute liver failure (ALF) [ 111 ]. The concurrent appearance of icteric symptoms, an increase in antibodies, and a reduction in viral load support this idea [ 112 ]. In a study on HEV-induced acute hepatitis, elevated levels of anti-HEV IgM and IgG antibodies discovered. Individuals experiencing liver failure showed increased levels of gamma interferon (IFN-γ), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-2 (IL-2), and IL-10 compared to those with self-limiting acute hepatitis. Remarkably, HEV RNA was present in cases of AVH but not in individuals with liver failure. Given that most ALF patients developed encephalopathy and underwent testing within a fortnight of symptom onset, and patients with AVH were sampled about 14 days after symptom onset, the absence of HEV RNA in liver failure cases is unlikely to be solely attributed to the time between disease onset and sampling. These findings suggest that both Th1- and Th2-type immune responses may contribute in the development of liver failure in symptomatic HEV patients [ 113 ].

NK and T-cells are crucial in the immune response to HEV infection. A study on acute HEV infection compared to healthy individuals, observed that HEV patients exhibited reduced percentages of CD3+/CD69+/IFN-γ and CD3+/CD69+/TNF-α, along with elevated proportions of CD4 + cells. Interestingly, the quantities of CD69+/IL-4 cells and CD8 + cells showed no significant difference between HEV patients and healthy individuals. It is suggested that the increase in CD4 + cells in patients may signal an augmentation in the population of NK cells [ 114 ]. A study on acute HEV patients revealed reduced proportions of NK and NKT cells among MCs in HEV patients compared to controls. However, there was a significantly higher proportion of activated NK cells in patients. The decrease in the total count of NK and NKT cells in PBMCs (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) could result from the specific accumulation or apoptosis of these cells in the livers of infected individuals. It is suggested that the decreased presence of NK cells in pregnant women may contribute to their increased vulnerability to severe HEV, as it diminishes their capacity to eliminate the virus from the liver [ 115 ].

The proliferation of CD4 + T cells producing IFN- γ and TNF-α in HEV patients also contributes to restricting HEV replication and assisting in the resolution of the infection. The increase in disease severity has an inverse correlation with the expansion of T cells producing cytokines specific to the antigen. Individuals experiencing disease exhibited diminished proliferation of CD4 + T cells when stimulated by pORF3, leading to decreased levels of IFN-γ and TNF-α production in contrast to those with mild disease. As these cytokines are recognized for their role in regulating viral replication, the absence of an increase in HEV-specific T cells producing cytokines in patients with fulminant HEV might lead to immune system failure in controlling HEV replication, resulting in more extensive liver injury. Recent research has supported this idea, as it reveals higher levels of HEV-RNA in the bloodstream of patients with fulminant HEV, in contrast to individuals with uncomplicated disease [ 116 ]. TNF-α not only contributes to hepatocyte death but also plays a role in liver tissue regeneration. Studies have shown that the TNF-α-mediated nuclear factor (NF)-kB pathway plays a role in the process of liver regeneration, a vital process for recovering liver function post-injury. As a result, a less robust TNF-α reaction in fulminant HEV might obstruct the recovery procedure [ 117 , 118 , 119 ].

Most patients become anti-HEV IgG positive over time, but the duration of IgG persistence remains unknown due to variations in sensitivity among different enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) assays. Nevertheless, in India, anti-HEV IgG can be identified for a minimum of 14 years after the outbreak [ 120 ]. Patients with uncomplicated HEV had a higher anti-HEV IgG-secreting cells compared to healthy controls [ 119 ]. The count of these cells was notably greater in individuals with fulminant HEV when compared to those with uncomplicated disease. B cells producing antigen-specific IgG were assessed by stimulating PBMCs with polyclonal agents. These findings represent the complete population of HEV-specific memory B cells, offering an indirect indication of antigen-specific IgG levels after HEV exposure. The link between memory B-cells and illness severity suggests these cells and anti-HEV antibodies may cause liver damage in HEV cases [ 119 ].

MicroRNA (miRNAs)

With a high degree of conservation, microRNAs (miRNAs) are classified as small non-coding RNAs and make up approximately 1% of the human genome. They possess the capacity to interact with approximately 60% of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) [ 121 ]. Besides viral transcripts, HEV is also capable of producing diverse miRNAs. The investigation of these miRNAs has predominantly hinged on predictive models, which are then confirmed through experimental validation using either in vivo or in vitro infection models. The lack of a suitable infectious model for HEV, characterized by slow replication in cell-cultured systems, has been a significant challenge in this research [ 122 ]. Nine potential HEV-miRNAs for HEV-1 have been revealed through predictive computational modeling, known as HEV-MD1, -MD2, -MD3, -MD31, -MD35, -MD39, -MR9, -MR10 and, -MR25 [ 123 ]. It has been proposed that the potential target sites for these HEV-miRNAs can be found at both the 3’-end and 5’-end of human mRNA. It is predicted that these HEV-miRNAs will specifically interact with genes involved in lipid and nitrogen metabolism, transmembrane transport, cellular differentiation, membrane organization, chromosome organization, and cell-cell signaling [ 123 ]. HEV is present in a state where it is enveloped within the liquid above cell cultures that are infected, as well as in the blood of individuals who have acute HEV infection. This finding implies that the virus might utilize these miRNAs to facilitate the process of envelopment and dissemination of its offspring within the host [ 26 ]. For instance, there have been forecasts suggesting that HEV-MD2 plays a role in controlling the synthesis of cyclin G-associated kinase (GAK), a pivotal element in clathrin trafficking and receptor signaling [ 123 , 124 ].

Until now, the primary miRNAs that have been thoroughly studied for their impact on HEV replication are miR-122 and miR-214 [ 125 , 126 ]. The gene encoding miR-122 is located on chromosome 18 within the human genome [ 127 ]. The miRNA identified as the most abundant in the human liver has been extensively studied for its involvement in cholesterol metabolism, liver cell differentiation, and the development of liver diseases such as hepatocellular carcinoma triggered by HCV and HBV [ 128 , 129 ]. The interaction between miRNA-122 and the virus has a significant impact on viral replication. Specifically, the direct complementarity between miRNA-122 and a specific binding site on the viral genome, usually found in the RdRp region of the ORF1 gene, enhances viral replication [ 126 ]. Research has highlighted differences in the expression levels of certain miRNAs in HEV RNA-positive individuals when compared to negative blood donors. Specifically, these miRNAs include miR-1285, 151-3p, 302b, 526b, 520b, 627-5p, 628-3p, and 365 [ 130 ]. Furthermore, pregnant women with acute self-limiting HEV-1 infection exhibited a distinct expression pattern when compared to non-pregnant women. The presence of miR-188, 365a, 190b, 365b, 374c, 450a-1, 450b, 4482, 450a-2, 616, 2115, 580, 504, 3117, 4772, and 5690 was identified, enabling differentiation between acute infection, self-limiting acute infection, and acute liver failure [ 131 ](Table  1 ).

HEV diagnosis is achievable using direct or indirect testing techniques. Direct diagnosis involves the measurement of HEV RNA in blood or stool samples, while indirect diagnosis is based on identifying the host’s immune response to HEV infection [ 73 ]. The diagnosis often involves employing nucleic acid amplification techniques (NATs) to analyze HEV RNA in biological specimens like stools, serum, and liver biopsy [ 133 ]. Direct methods identify viral particles, proteins, or nucleic acids in the samples by RT-PCR and immune-electron microscopy. Moreover, indirect tests have elevated sensitivity than anti-HEV IgM and IgG [ 134 ].

Optimal diagnosis of acute HEV infection is achieved by combining serological testing and NAT assays [ 135 ]. Indirect diagnosis involves the display of IgM and IgG anti-HEV antibodies in the serum using ELISA. The presence of IgM antibodies indicates acute infection and becoming detectable four days after jaundice begins [ 133 ]. Enzyme immunoassays rely on detection of anti-HEV antibodies or HEV capsid antigen. However, HEV antigen can remain for months after ribavirin clears HEV RNA, suggesting it doesn’t indicate infectious virions, thus its diagnostic role is unclear [ 3 ]. Anti-HEV IgM levels reach their peak at clinical presentation and remain relatively high for about 8 weeks, but subsequently decline rapidly. On the other hand, HEV IgG levels increase after the onset of symptoms, peak at approximately 4 weeks, and are retained at a high level for over a year [ 135 ].

The “gold standard” for confirming acute HEV infection is by identifying HEV RNA in biological samples like serum and feces [ 134 , 135 ]. HEV RNA is detectable in fecal samples from the onset of symptoms and for up to six weeks thereafter, as well as in serum for four weeks from the start of the illness. Nevertheless, the accuracy of molecular tests for detecting HEV RNA depends on early patient presentation, timely sample collection, and appropriate transport and processing. Since viral RNA quantities may be minimal, and the timeframe for detecting HEV can be limited, the lack of detectable viral RNA does not necessarily indicate the absence of HEV infection [ 133 , 136 ]. In most of the commercially accessible tests for detecting HEV RNA, the NAT technique is used. This technique comprises reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), real-time PCR, and the loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay [ 137 , 138 ].

In conclusion, the diagnosis of HEV involves a combination of direct and indirect testing methods. Direct tests detect HEV RNA, while indirect tests measure the immune response through the identification of specific antibodies. Detecting HEV RNA in biological samples is considered the gold standard for confirming acute HEV infection. Nevertheless, it’s essential to take into account the limitations and the timing of these diagnostic approaches [ 133 , 135 , 139 ].

Since the HEV infection is may self-limiting, most patients do not require specific treatment. Hospitalization in an intensive care unit is imperative for individuals suffering from acute or acute-on-chronic liver failure. Interventions to address cerebral edema must be implemented, and there may be a need for liver transplantation [ 5 ]. At present, there are no approved medications for HEV treatment, but patients receive broad-spectrum antiviral drugs, such as PegIFN2alpha and ribavirin [ 140 ].

Ribavirin is given orally twice a day, starting with a daily dose of 600 to 1000 mg, which varies based on the patient’s hemoglobin level and comorbidities. If the hemoglobin level decreases or patients experience symptoms related to anemia, the dosage is decreased. Typically, the intended treatment duration for chronic HEV is 5 months, based on earlier reports suggesting that a shorter treatment period of 3 months could lead to viral relapse [ 141 ]. A 3-month treatment regimen of pegylated interferon therapy (weekly dose of 135 µg) was administered to a kidney transplant patient under hemodialysis with chronic HEV infection and successfully attained sustained viral response [ 142 ]. In the case of solid organ transplant (SOT) patients with chronic infection, the initial approach to treatment involves reducing immunosuppressive therapy, specifically medications that affect T-cell function. If HEV is not successfully cleared, the next step is administering ribavirin as the sole therapy [ 143 ].

Pegylated-interferon-α has proven effective in the treatment of certain liver transplant recipients, and a hemodialysis patient managed to achieve HEV clearance after a three-month treatment regimen. Nevertheless, it is generally not recommended to use interferon for individuals who have undergone kidney, pancreas, heart, or lung transplants. This is because interferon can activate the immune system and enhance the risk of acute rejection [ 144 , 145 ].

Treatment failure

A systematic review and meta-analysis on chronic HEV cases (395 cases) reported a 78% sustained virological response (SVR) with ribavirin administration. Rapid virological response (RVR) was achieved by 25%, while relapse was observed in 18% of cases. Second ribavirin treatment caused a 76% SVR [ 146 ]. Although ribavirin is the key treatment for HEV infection, examination of the evolutionary changes within the HEV population inside a host showed that ribavirin efficacy could be compromised and cause treatment failures [ 147 ]. HEV genome alterations were observed, particularly during ribavirin monotherapy in infected patients [ 148 ]. In a chronically HEV-infected patient who failed ribavirin treatment due to a fully resistant phenotype, the Y1320H, K1383N, and G1634R mutations in the viral RdRp were linked to ribavirin resistance. In vitro investigation showed that the Y1320H and G1634R mutations and the hypervariable region insertion increased viral replication [ 149 ]. In line with previous studies, research confirmed that the Y1320H mutation increases viral replication during acute HEV-3ra infection in rabbits [ 150 ]. However, study on solid-organ transplant cases with chronic HEV yielded divergent results, asserting that the presence of the 1634R variant at the onset of ribavirin treatment does not confer complete resistance to ribavirin. Among 63 patients, 42 achieved SVR while 21 did not, with the 1634R variant detected in 36.5% (23/63) of cases. The 1634R variant was found in 31% of baseline plasma samples of SVR cases and in 47.6% of non-SVR cases. This mutation did not affect the initial drop in viral RNA, and a second extended ribavirin treatment resulted in SVR in 70% of the non-SVR patients, despite the mutation [ 151 ]. In the context of HEV genetic heterogeneity induced by ribavirin, Meister et al. reported that the single-nucleotide variant (SNV) in ORF2 of HEV caused by ribavirin, generates defective HEV particles that act as immune decoys. The SNV of HEV ORF2 resulted in smaller, noninfectious particles, capable of interfering with antibody neutralization. This variant may act as an immune decoy despite its loss of infectiousness [ 152 ].

Given HEV’s global spread and its potential to cause large outbreaks in low-income countries, there is an urgent need for a widely available HEV vaccine [ 153 ]. Initial findings from the inaugural human trial carried out at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in the US recommended that the recombinant HEV (rHEV) vaccine was both safe and immunogenic. The vaccine consists of polypeptide from insect cells (Sf9) infected with recombinant baculoviruses encompassing a ORF2 of HEV from a 1987 outbreak in Sargodha, Pakistan [ 154 ]. The rHEV vaccine was evaluated in 1,794 healthy adults from Nepal who were vulnerable to HEV infection, in 3 doses (at months 0, 1, and 6). The vaccine had an efficacy rate of 95.5% [ 155 ].

Several potential HEV vaccines are presently under development. Nevertheless, Hecolin ® is the sole licensed vaccine accessible in China since 2012. It consists of a recombinant truncated ORF2 protein HEV239 (aa368-606) that includes 23 nm VLPs which expressed in Escherichia coli [ 156 ]. It has undergone multiple clinical trials involving the application of three doses at intervals of 0, 1, and 6 months. In the phase III clinical study that included 48,693 in vaccine group and 48,663 in placebo group ranging from 16 to 65 years of age, it was proven that this vaccine is effective and few and mild side effects related to it were reported [ 157 ]. A recent clinical trial showed Hecolin’s safety and immunogenicity, with all participants seroconverting after one month and maintaining IgG responses through six months [ 158 ].

In addition to Hecolin, several candidate vaccines for HEV are presently in development, and they primarily focus on the ORF2 structural capsid protein, which envelops the viral particles [ 156 ]. Multiple expression systems are utilized during the advancement of these vaccines [ 159 , 160 ]. A limited number of vaccines are currently in development to offer combined protection against two separate pathogens: hepatitis E and A including HE vaccine HEVp179 and inactivated HA vaccine [ 161 ]. Nonetheless, only a single vaccine for HEV has obtained licensing for use in China [ 162 ]. Further investigation is needed to establish its effectiveness in populations at high risk, particularly pregnant women, utilizing fast-tracked vaccine schedules that are appropriate for circumstances involving an outbreak [ 163 ].

Development of new drug

Ribavirin clears the HEV just in 80% of treated patients and, like pegylated interferon-alpha, is unsuitable for use in pregnancy, underscoring the urgent need for alternative therapies [ 164 ]. Sofosbuvir is a prodrug that undergoes triphosphorylation within cells and functions as an analogue of the uridine nucleotide [ 165 ]. It is a candidate for HEV treatment that showed inconclusive efficacy [ 164 ]. Dao Thi et al. reported that Sofosbuvir could hinder the replication of G3-HEV in subgenomic replicon systems and full-length infectious clones and pairing Sofosbuvir with Ribavirin enhances the antiviral impact [ 166 ]. However, a Phase II pilot study on 9 patients indicated that using Sofosbuvir alone doesn’t successfully eliminate HEV RNA in patients suffering from chronic HEV and exhibited just a modest anti-HEV efficacy [ 167 ]. Moreover, André et al. found that a single amino acid change (A1343V) in the ORF1 region of HEV may reduce the effectiveness of sofosbuvir treatment in 8 out of 9 patients [ 168 ]. In the context of screening leading drug repurposing, Guo et al. identified vidofludimus calcium and pyrazofurin as new HEV treatments. Both drugs effectively suppress HEV replication in human primary liver organoids, reducing the pyrimidine nucleotide pool, enhancing the antiviral effects of IFN-α against HEV, and successfully inhibiting HEV mutants (Y1320H, G1634R) associated with ribavirin treatment failure [ 169 ]. The nucleoside analogue 2’-C-methylcytidine effectively blocked HEV replication and maintained its potency over long-term use. Nevertheless, combining it with Ribavirin has counterproductive effects [ 170 ]. NITD008 is an adenosine nucleoside analogue that acts as an RdRp inhibitor and could be HEV treatment. It showed less effectiveness in cells derived from neurons compared to those from hepatoma [ 171 ]. In another study, favipiravir (polymerase inhibitor), when used together with sofosbuvir, had an additive impact against HEV and inhibited HEV RNA copies by nearly 90% [ 172 ]. Efforts to discover alternative treatments for cases where ribavirin is ineffective will persist.

Control measures

The prevention of HEV infections can be accomplished through primary approaches such as access to clean drinking water, managing human waste properly, promoting good personal hygiene practices and generating immunity via vaccination [ 5 ]. In developed nations, prevention is a more intricate process due to multiple routes of infection that are not fully understood. However, there are several recommended approaches It is recommended to cook meat products thoroughly, follow proper handling procedures for raw meat. As well, vaccination against HEV has become a realistic possibility [ 173 ].

To avoid HEV infection, safeguarding water supplies, and appropriate removal of human feces is of utmost importance. In outbreak settings, it’s essential to adhere to strict sanitation protocols, boiling and chlorination of water. Enhancements in the storage, treatment, and distribution of drinking water, along with improved community sanitation and sewage control, can contribute to a reduction in HEV transmission. In high-risk communities, promoting knowledge about personal and environmental hygiene for better health is equally significant. Surveillance for HEV can aid in early outbreak identification and recommendation of prophylactic measures. Chlorination water supplies and boiling importing drinking water during suspected HEV epidemics are additional preventive measures [ 5 , 174 ]. However, it is important to note that there have been instances where the introduction of chlorine into the water distribution system during an HEV epidemic, such as the one in Darfur, Sudan in 2004, was found to be insufficient to preventing new infections [ 175 ]. Travelers to endemic regions should implement habits like staying away from untreated drinking water, avoiding iced beverages of unknown quality, and refraining from consuming raw shellfish, fruits, or vegetables. Vaccines for HEV are obtainable in China, but they lack FDA endorsement and research on immunoglobulin prophylaxis for HEV prevention is controversial [ 83 , 176 ].

Future perspectives

Hepatitis E is a public health concern, especially in developing countries with poor sanitation. In the context of HEV diagnosis, HEV RNA is present in the blood and stool for a relatively short period, making timely PCR testing crucial for accurate detection. Additionally, diagnosing HEV in transplant patients using serological methods can be challenging due to the effects of immunosuppressive drugs. Improved diagnostic capabilities and increased awareness about this infection will likely lead to better detection and reporting of HEV cases. The HEV vaccine (Hecolin) is currently available, and ongoing research aims to expand vaccination availability globally. Hecolin is administered in a three-dose schedule, providing longer duration of immunity and higher efficacy. However, in developing countries with poor sanitation where HEV is endemic, adhering to a multi-dose schedule can be challenging. These regions often face limited access to healthcare facilities, logistical difficulties, and increased costs related to vaccine storage, transportation, and administration. Developing a single-dose vaccine with long-term immunity and high efficacy could overcome these obstacles and significantly aid in eradicating the virus in the future. Research into antiviral treatments specifically targeting HEV is ongoing. Future breakthroughs could offer effective treatment options for those infected, particularly immunocompromised individuals or patients who have not responded to ribavirin treatment. Enhanced management protocols for HEV, especially during pregnancy and for patients with chronic infections, could improve outcomes. Improved sanitation and access to clean water in developing countries will be crucial in reducing HEV transmission. Understanding the genotypic variability and pathogenesis of HEV will aid in developing targeted interventions and treatments. Research on zoonotic transmission of HEV from animals to humans can lead to better control measures in both agricultural and food industries. However, despite advancements, complete eradication of HEV faces challenges due to its zoonotic nature and the need for widespread vaccine coverage and improved global sanitation.

Data availability

No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.

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Arash Letafati and Zahra Taghiabadi contributed equally to this work.

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Department of Virology, Faculty of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Arash Letafati & Mehdi Norouzi

Research Center for Clinical Virology, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran

Arash Letafati, Zahra Taghiabadi, Mahshid Roushanzamir, Bahar Memarpour, Saba Seyedi, Ali Vasheghani Farahani, Masoomeh Norouzi, Saeideh Karamian, Arghavan Zebardast, Marzieh Mehrabinia, Omid Salahi Ardekani, Tina Fallah, Fatemeh Khazry, Samin Fathi Daneshvar & Mehdi Norouzi

Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Science, University of Milan, Milan, Italy

Mahshid Roushanzamir

Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

Bahar Memarpour

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A.L: Conceptualization, Supervision. Z.T, B.M, S.S, A.V.F, M.N, S.K, A.Z, M.M, S.F, M.N: writing original draft, tables. O.S.A, T.F, F.K, M.R: Investigation, validation, Review and editing.

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Letafati, A., Taghiabadi, Z., Roushanzamir, M. et al. From discovery to treatment: tracing the path of hepatitis E virus. Virol J 21 , 194 (2024).

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Received : 05 May 2024

Accepted : 14 August 2024

Published : 23 August 2024


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  • Pathogenesis

Virology Journal

ISSN: 1743-422X

case presentation of hepatitis b


  1. Hepatitis B

    case presentation of hepatitis b

  2. Hepatitis B: transmission and Clinical presentation

    case presentation of hepatitis b

  3. PPT

    case presentation of hepatitis b

  4. Hepatitis B Symptoms, Treatment, Causes, What is Hepatitis B

    case presentation of hepatitis b

  5. hepatitis B

    case presentation of hepatitis b

  6. PPT

    case presentation of hepatitis b


  1. Case Discussion || Hepatitis

  2. Case Discussion || Acute Hepatitis

  3. Understanding Viral Hepatitis presentation

  4. Hepatic Encephalopathy, case based discussion and management

  5. Serology of Hepatitis B virus I Fully explained

  6. case presentation on hepatitis B


  1. Case Report: Acute hepatitis B virus infection and severe non-immune

    The clinical presentation of acute hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is usually related to the onset of liver failure and damage. Anaemia may occur, but it is only rarely attributed to haemolysis. The authors report about the case of a 41-year-old woman with the diagnosis of acute HBV infection and coagulopathy (without encephalopathy) who ...

  2. Hepatitis B virus: Case studies

    The following topic will outline issues related to the management of hepatitis B through the use of cases studies that incorporate patient-specific clinical information and test results. Our approach to treatment is generally consistent with guidelines from the European Association for the Study of the Liver, Asian-Pacific Association for the ...

  3. Case Report: Acute Hepatitis B Infection in a Healthy South ...

    Disease is more severe among adults aged >60 years. The fatality rate among acute cases reported to Center for Disease Control (CDC) is 0.5-1%. Case Report: Here, we describe a case of acute hepatitis B infection in a healthy South Asian female from possible exposure at an urban pedicure facility. A 35-year-old, previously healthy but ...

  4. PDF Hepatitis B Case Studies

    This presentation is intended for educational use only, and does not in any way constitute medical consultation or advice related to any specific patient. Hepatitis B Case Studies Nina Kim, MD MSc Associate Professor of Medicine University of Washington Harborview Madison Clinic and Hepatitis & Liver Clinic No conflicts of interest

  5. Educational Case: Hepatitis B Virus

    Patients may also skip the acute viral illness stage and present much later with a subclinical chronic infection. 2. Patients with chronic hepatitis B are at increased risk for developing hepatocellular carcinoma, even before reaching end-stage cirrhosis. 2. Acute hepatitis B is treated with supportive care.

  6. Viral Hepatitis Surveillance and Case Management

    Acute, resolved, and chronic hepatitis B Approximately 90% of people >5 years of age with acute hepatitis B will spontaneously clear their infection (50, 51).People with resolved hepatitis B will remain positive for total anti-HBc and develop anti-HBs that protect against future HBV infection ().Chronic hepatitis B is defined as an HBV infection lasting >6 months.

  7. Acute hepatitis B virus infection and severe non ...

    The clinical presentation of acute hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is usually related to the onset of liver failure and damage. Anaemia may occur, but it is only rarely attributed to haemolysis. The authors report about the case of a 41-year-old woman with the diagnosis of acute HBV infection and coagulopathy (without encephalopathy) who developed non-immune haemolytic anaemia. Total ...

  8. Acute hepatitis B in a healthcare worker: A case report of genuine

    Here we describe an acute hepatitis B infection in a patient who received five hepatitis B vaccinations. Although his initial response to vaccination was moderate, he finally reached an excellent hepatitis B surface antibody level (anti-HBs) titres of more than 1000 IU/l in response to a booster vaccination with a recombinant DNA vaccine.

  9. Acute hepatitis B virus infection with delayed appearance of hepatitis

    We present a case of hepatitis B with atypical markers, including delayed appearance of hepatitis B core antibody. Case presentation. A 62-year-old white woman was identified as a sexual contact of a male individual with acute hepatitis B virus infection. She had a history of recurrent low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma and had recently received ...

  10. Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B viral infection is a serious global healthcare problem. It is a potentially life-threatening liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It is often transmitted via body fluids like blood, semen, and vaginal secretions. The majority (more than 95%) of immunocompetent adults infected with HBV can clear the infection spontaneously. Patients can present with acute ...

  11. Hepatitis B virus: Clinical manifestations and natural history

    This explains why many patients with fulminant hepatitis B have no evidence of HBV replication at presentation . The reasons why HBV has a fulminant course in some patients are not well-understood. A case-control study evaluated risk factors for a fulminant course in an outbreak among injection drug users [ 3 ].

  12. Hepatitis B Clinical Presentation: History, Physical Examination

    History. Inquire into patients' sexual history, occupational history, illicit drug use, and any contacts with known infection. The spectrum of the symptomatology of hepatitis B disease varies from subclinical hepatitis to icteric hepatitis to fulminant, acute, and subacute hepatitis during the acute phase, and from an asymptomatic chronic ...

  13. Patient Case Presentation

    Patient Case Presentation. Our patient, Mr. Smith, is a 43 year old caucasian male who came in today with complaints of fatigue, anorexia, malaise, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and low grade fever for the past month, and recently has been alarmed by the discoloration of his skin and sclera turning yellow.

  14. 2020 Reported Hepatitis B Cases & Estimated Infections

    The number of acute hepatitis B cases reported each year in the United States has remained relatively stable during 2013-2019. During 2020, the number of reported cases of acute hepatitis B was 2,157, which corresponds to 14,000 estimated infections after adjusting for case underascertainment and underreporting.

  15. Hepatitis B Infection with Case

    Sign up here and try our FREE content: If you're an medical educator or faculty member, visit: T...

  16. Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus. The infection can be acute (short and severe) or chronic (long term). Hepatitis B can cause a chronic infection and puts people at high risk of death from cirrhosis and liver cancer. It can spread through contact with infected body fluids like blood, saliva, vaginal ...

  17. Case Report: Application of hepatitis B virus (HBV) deep sequencing to

    At presentation, ALT was 608 IU/L (reference range 10-45 IU/L), BR 138 μmol/L (reference range 0-21 μmol/L), ... From clinical experience, we know of one case with acute hepatitis B, the patient had previous serological records supporting HBV naivety, that had a majority virus population containing G1764A and G1896A pre-core mutations ...

  18. Viral Hepatitis Surveillance and Case Management

    A two-column table lising all figures and tables from the guidance document. The first column indicates the table or figure and its associated section in the document. The second column includes the titles of each table or figure along with associated download links of PDF and PowerPoint documents. Section 1 - General Viral Hepatitis ...

  19. PDF Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention and Case Management Program Presentation

    Slide Prevention. Perinatal HBV transmission can be prevented by identifying HBV-infected pregnant women and providing hepatitis B immune globulin and hepatitis B vaccine to their infants within 12 hours of birth. Completion of the hepatitis B vaccine series in a timely manner. Post vaccination serology testing to confirm immunity.

  20. Hepatitis B, acute and chronic 2024 Case Definition

    Hepatitis B is a vaccine-preventable liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis B is spread when blood, semen, or other body fluids from a person infected with the virus enters the body of someone who is not infected. This can happen through sexual contact; sharing needles, syringes, or other drug-injection equipment; or ...

  21. Tackling hepatitis B Virus with CRISPR/Cas9: advances ...

    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a significant global health challenge, with chronic HBV leading to severe liver diseases, including cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Current treatments often fail to eradicate the virus, highlighting the need for innovative therapeutic strategies. The CRISPR/Cas9 system has emerged as a dynamic tool for precise genome editing and presents a ...

  22. A 79-year-old Woman with Acute Hepatitis B Caused by the Infection of

    Although native HBV genotypes are commonly observed as the cause of acute hepatitis B , the wave of globalization has changed the distribution of HBV genotypes in acute hepatitis B. At present, genotype A is the leading cause of acute hepatitis B in Japan, accounting for 46.7% of cases, followed by genotypes C (39.7%) and B (11.8%) .

  23. Concordant fatal congenital anomaly in twin pregnancy: a case report

    Urinalysis; complete blood count; random blood sugar (RBS); serology for syphilis, hepatitis, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); obstetrics ultrasound; and blood group were done. Obstetrics ultrasound showed a twin intrauterine pregnancy with an anencephalic twin A and severe ventriculomegaly and lumbar myelo-meningocele in twin B (Table 1).

  24. Case Report: Application of hepatitis B...

    One study estimated 27% of presumed AHB cases were in fact CHB-AR 12, and in endemic settings this may be even higher, with up to 70% of acute presentations being associated with chronic infection 7. The annual rate of CHB-AR has been estimated at 3.3% 13.

  25. Countries with the highest share of hepatitis B cases ...

    In 2022, China had the highest share of hepatitis B infections worldwide with 31.5 percent of cases that year, followed by India with 11.7 percent.

  26. From discovery to treatment: tracing the path of hepatitis E virus

    The hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a major cause of acute viral hepatitis worldwide. HEV is classified into eight genotypes, labeled HEV-1 through HEV-8. Genotypes 1 and 2 exclusively infect humans, while genotypes 3, 4, and 7 can infect both humans and animals. In contrast, genotypes 5, 6, and 8 are restricted to infecting animals. While most individuals with a strong immune system experience a ...