5+ Wedding Thank You Speech Samples from Bride and Groom

  • by Marisa Jenkins
  • May 26, 2024
  • 119 shares 119

As the saying goes, weddings are not simply between two people, they are between two communities. It takes many people to plan a wedding, execute it to near perfection, and make the marriage strong and lifelong. These people deserve gratitude and some credit, which you can give through a speech at your reception.

What’s a wedding thank you speech from bride and groom? A wedding thank you speech is a speech given by a couple during their wedding wherein they express their gratitude for the people in their lives. This includes their families, close friends, members of the wedding party, and so on.

Below are samples of wedding thank you speeches from bride and groom that you can refer to as you write your own speech, directly followed by instructions for how to write a wedding thank you speech. Lastly, some tips for delivering this speech are also provided.

Wedding Thank You Speech Samples to Inspire You

bride mic

1. First of all, Kristine and I express our heartfelt gratitude for being with us on our special day. We feel so lucky and grateful to see all of you here sharing the love.

We want to give a special mention to Lulu, Ciara, Sonya, and Genevieve, our lovely bridesmaids, for the awesome job of planning everything and being a support system for Kristine. Today has been nothing but perfect, and most of that is thanks to them. We also want to thank our parents, Jim and Brenda, Florence and William, for all the guidance and advice that we’ve gotten. Thank you for welcoming us into your respective families and helping us be ready for the next chapter of our life.

We hope to see you eating your hearts out at dinner and then dancing the night away! Again, thank you all so much for being here. Let’s get this party started!

2. To all our close friends, our relatives, and our diligent vendors, thank you very much for being here and making this wonderful day possible! Like we’ve said in our invitation , your presence is the greatest gift we can receive.

We want to extend our gratitude to the entire wedding party for everything that you’ve done for us — helping with the planning of our wedding, contributing to the wedding budget , and being a solid support system for both of us. We wouldn’t be who and where we are today without you guys.

We encourage you all to make the most out of tonight! Nothing will make us happier than seeing you enjoy and celebrate with us. Before we continue the party, let’s raise our glass and make a toast to love, friendship, and happiness!

3. Thank you all for taking the time and making the trip to be with us here today in Venice. It has always been our dream to have a destination wedding in Italy , and so it still feels surreal to be surrounded by everyone we love on one of our most special days.

We want to give a huge shout-out to our entire wedding party and our wedding planner, Tiffany! You saved us a lot of headaches by helping with all the paperwork and nitty-gritty details of planning. We also want to thank our parents Sofia and Dan, Taylor and Tom, for all the love and support.

As my dear husband Johnny — gosh, it feels so great to say it! — always says, go crazy, folks! There’s an open bar to your right, and the dance floor is all yours!

groom mic

4. Hi, all! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for being here with us at our wedding. Your presence, support, and love mean so much more than we are able to put into words.

Firstly, we want to thank the staff of Blue Corals Events Place for the amazing, hands-on service. We also want to give a shout-out to Rina, our wedding coordinator, and Sheila and her team of decorators for elevating this already beautiful space. To Deejay, our photographer, David, our videographer, and the Orange Blossom Catering Services, thank you very much for your invaluable service. Everyone, let’s give all of them a round of applause!

We also want to thank our friends from high school and university for being here today despite your busy schedules. Without your help, we literally would not have been together — it must’ve been infuriating to constantly listen to us yearn for each other, eh?

To our families, who traveled all the way from Michigan and Florida, thank you for being so supportive and loving. Thank you for welcoming both of us with open hearts and thank you for guiding us tirelessly. We love you so much.

To our awesome wedding party, you guys are a lifesaver! We are so grateful that you guys have the organizational skills we clearly do not have. From our pre-wedding parties down to the last detail of this reception, every aspect of our dream wedding came true because of you.

We hope that everyone has a blast tonight! I am excited to see you all dance your hearts out tonight! Cheers!

5. Before I go all emotional, I just want to say thank you to all of you who made it here to our wedding. Kenny and I are overwhelmed with love and support in the best way possible.

Growing up, I’ve always had an idea of what my wedding will look like and to whom I will be married. My parents, even after 30 years of marriage, are still deeply in love, and this is just one of the reasons why I look up to them and their relationship. Since my teenage years, I’ve known that this is the kind of love I want.

When I first met Kenny in high school, I was this shy and introverted girl. I knew I had a crush on him right then, and my best friends — shout-out to Maria, Gemma, and Coraline, now my bridesmaids — would always encourage me to ask him out. We were all surprised when Kenny approached us during lunch to ask me out first; I still remember screaming to my besties about it for days on the phone.

Meeting my in-laws for the first time was honestly a bit intimidating. Of course I was intimidated — it was my first relationship! I wanted to impress them. Over time, as I got to know them more and more, I came to admire them because, like my parents, they love each other so deeply it shines through in everything they do.

Standing here in front of all of you today, I promise to cultivate and nurture that same kind of love. The kind of love that lasts and endures a lifetime.

Thank you to Anna and Stu, my parents, and Bella and Neil, my in-laws, for all the love and support over the years. Huge thanks to my bridesmaids for always being there for me, especially during the times I stressed over which shade of white would be best for my dress. I also want to give a huge shout-out to the lovely vendors with us today: Eric, Jay, Linda, Karen, and Gary. And lastly, thank you, Kenny, the love of my life, for giving me the honor and privilege to love you.

Have a great night, everyone! The bar is open all night, and there’s a photo booth just by the entrance. Cheers!

6. Hi, everyone! First things first, thank you all for coming and sharing the love with us tonight. I know that some of you had to travel really far; words cannot describe how grateful and honored we are to have you here.

We want to thank our friends and colleagues. We’ve known some of you since middle school, and it’s truly amazing that we still have just as much fun now even though we’re already adults. Or so our parents say. Anyway, thank you for all the support and assurance, especially leading up to the wedding when we needed it the most.

We also want to thank our parents, Lydia and Mike, and Josh and Celia, for raising us to be the people we are today. We wouldn’t be who we are without you guys. And thank you for accepting us and our relationship wholeheartedly.

To our wedding party, you guys rock! All the nights we spent brainstorming, all the emails we sent, and all the effort that went into planning — everything was more than worth it. Everyone, let’s put our hands together for Sarah, Deedee, Madeline, Candace, Robbie, Greyson, Ashton, and Yuan!

Lastly, we also want to shout out our extremely talented, kind, and overall amazing vendors: Jiro and Jenna, our photographers; Katie and her team, our planner-decorator-florist-coordinator extraordinaire; Norah, our hair and makeup stylist; Khaled, our DJ; and the staff here at New Orleans Events Place and Catering Services.

We hope you have a great and unforgettable night, everyone! Cheers!

Writing a Wedding Thank You Speech 101

hand writing woman

General Outline of Wedding Thank You Speeches

Before proceeding to make a draft of your speech, it will be helpful to have an outline to follow. This outline will give you an idea of what to include in your speech. Here are the parts of a wedding thank you speech:

  • Introduction . The simplest and best way to start your speech is to thank your guests for attending your wedding. You do not need to introduce yourself, as everyone there already knows you.
  • Express what you are feeling . Does it feel surreal? What are you grateful for? Has this day been perfect? Is this your dream wedding? Let your guests know what you are feeling, and what everything means to you.
  • Mention certain people . This part of your thank you speech is an opportunity to give a shout-out to everyone who has helped you in one way or another. Some examples include bridesmaids who helped with planning everything, relatives who financed parts of the event, friends who provided support, and anyone that you think deserves credit. You can also include vendors, such as photographers and caterers. If you think this part will be too long, be more inclusive — instead of dropping names, lump them in categories, such as friends, relatives, and members of the wedding party.
  • Encourage your guests to enjoy the rest of the night . Tell them about the delicious dinner they are about to have, the open bar, or the photo booth. Get them excited to party and celebrate your union.
  • Conclusion . Simply thank your guests again for their attendance or raise your glass in a toast. Keep your conclusion short.

How Long Should the Speech Be?

On average, wedding thank you speeches last anywhere between 30 seconds to two minutes. The longest you can go would be five minutes. Keep this in mind as you start to draft your speech. Conciseness is important, as other people will also be making a speech as well. This includes your maid of honor , best man, sister , and other loved ones.

Who Gives the Speech?

Both you and your partner can deliver the speech if you want. You can either write one speech and divide it between the two of you, or you can each come up with a speech you will give.

Alternatively, you can also have one of you deliver the speech. After creating the script together, one of you can speak on behalf of the other. This option works well with couples wherein one individual does not like public speaking.

Writing Your Speech

Keeping the above considerations in mind, you can start drafting your speech. It is recommended that you write everything as it comes to your mind. Once you are done doing so, you can then begin revising; look out for grammatical errors, the flow of the speech, word choice, and so on. Continue revising until you are fully satisfied with the result.

Practice Your Speech Out Loud

An important aspect of revising your speech is to practice saying it out loud. Doing this will help you catch subtler errors, as well as give you an idea of the flow and rhythm of your speech. Pay attention to natural pauses, breathing spaces, and the pace of your delivery. Practice with your partner and other trusted people and ask them for constructive criticism and areas for improvement.

Tips for Delivering a Wedding Thank You Speech

delivering speech wedding

Other Things You Can Include in Your Speech

If you want to further personalize your wedding thank you speech, here are a few additional things you can incorporate into your script:

  • A personal anecdote . Tell a short story about you and your partner’s relationship. It does not have to be wedding-related; you can talk about something funny, something memorable, or something inspiring. This is also an effective way to inject some humor into your speech.
  • A joke . Another way to include some humor is to make a joke. Depending on your guests, you can make a funny, witty, or even risqué joke. You can also poke fun at something that happened to you and your partner throughout the time you have been together. Oppositely, it may not be a good idea to share an inside joke that only you and a select few people know the context of.

Use Audience-Friendly Language

Unknowingly, you may have used deep or convoluted words in your speech, such as “lambent,” “egregious,” or anything that can be considered too poetic and flowery. Odds are only some of your guests will understand what you are trying to say.

It is best to use informal, audience-friendly, and accessible language. You do not have to try to impress your guests with a deep vocabulary; what matters more is the sentiment and emotions you are genuinely expressing.

Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking

Depending on the size of your guest list, you may or may not have a problem with delivering a wedding thank you speech. Regardless, here are a few tips to keep in mind so that you will feel a little less anxious about giving a speech:

  • Do not look your guests in the eye . Knowing that everyone is staring at you can be intimidating and overwhelming. One way to alleviate this is to look at their foreheads instead of making direct eye contact. Your guests will still think that you are looking at them, but you will not see their facial expressions.
  • Do not memorize your speech . You are bound to forget a specific detail, certain names, or dedications you want to make. As an alternative, you can print a copy of your speech or make some cue cards to help you as you go. If you use quality stationery, this can double as a keepsake for your wedding.
  • Practice some more . The more you rehearse your script, the more familiar you will be with its flow and structure. Doing this, along with having cue cards, will help you deliver your speech without referring too much to your copy.

Final Thoughts

Gratitude is one of the many things you will be feeling on your wedding day — gratitude for your family, friends, partner, and vendors who made your special day possible and unforgettable. There are several ways you can honor them and making a speech during your reception is one of them. Regardless of how you write the “ bride and groom thank you speech “, what matters is that you are speaking from the heart.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Marisa Jenkins

Marisa Jenkins is a wedding planner and event coordinator. Her main goal for WeddingFrontier.com is to simplify the wedding planning process by sharing her years of expertise in the industry.

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In This Article

  • Speeches Examples
  • Speeches Tips
  • Speeches Order
  • Speeches Template
  • What Not to Say
  • Wedding Party & Reception

Voices of Love: Unforgettable Wedding Speeches

Natalia Bayeva

oliveromg via Shutterstock

Wedding speeches are an essential part of every wedding. They let all the members of the bridal party and guests share their overwhelming emotions about the big day. Best wedding speeches stay in our memory forever, marking the significance of the wedding day for everyone involved. It can be quite challenging to fit all the feelings you want to share into a single toast . In this article, you will find invaluable tips from the expert Amanda Layton, an experienced wedding vow and speechwriter, in crafting memorable wedding speeches.


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Wedding Speeches Examples

Best wedding speeches.

Writing a wedding speech can seem daunting, but with some preparation and guidance, you can deliver a heartfelt and memorable speech that will be cherished by the newlyweds and their guests.

Good evening, everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Sarah, and I’m the ___ I’ve known the bride, Emily, since we were little girls, and we’ve been best friends ever since. I remember the first time she told me about Alex, and how excited she was to go on a date with him. From that moment on, I knew he was something special. Seeing them together over the years has been such a joy, and I’m so happy to be here today to celebrate their love. Emily, you are the most kind, caring, and generous person I know. And Alex, you are her perfect match. I’ve never seen her so happy as she is with you. I know you will continue to be each other’s best friend, confidant, and partner in all of life’s adventures. So, let’s raise a glass to the newlyweds. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Congratulations!

Groom Wedding Speech

“I would like to thank my parents for all the help they have given me over the years, if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be here now. I would also like to thank (my wife’s) parents for making me feel like the son they never wanted, sorry the son they never had, right from day 2. Day 1 was a bit rough, but hey, they’re over it now. I would also like to thank them for having such a beautiful, intelligent, kind, and caring daughter. I hope to do you both proud and thank you both for everything you have done today and to make today happen.”

The groom’s wedding speech starts at the reception. On behalf of himself and his bride, he expresses his gratitude to everyone involved in the wedding preparations. He toasts his parents, bridesmaids, and the groom’s party, and mentions their help and support. His speech is often quite sentimental, as he shares some personal memories. He also mentions how his life has changed since he met his bride.

Wedding Speeches for Parents

When the kids find love, the parents are also happy. So, it rests upon them to give wedding reception speeches in honor of their children. Now, depending on the chosen style, you’ll have to fit in with the wedding theme. Most times, a funny speech is just perfect, because it works for every wedding. Below, we’ll see wedding speech examples for different parents.

Wedding Speeches for Mother of the Groom

“The first time I saw you, it was love. My little baby grew into a wobbly toddler, and then a smart child. The pre-teen and teen years and the next thing I knew, you’ve become a man. I am so proud of you. You’ve made us proud of everything you’ve done. And on your wedding today, we wish you only the best.”

As a mother of the groom, wedding speeches for your son will be an emotional one. You’ll talk about his growing up, the bond you share, and how he was well-raised. You can add one or two romantic quotes  and close. See the wedding speeches sample below.

Wedding Speeches for Mother of the Bride

“It’s no news that we love our kids so much, and seeing them grow up is hard. Everything they do fills you with pride. But you also miss the little girl who cuddles into you. And cried to you when she scraped her knee. Now my daughter is older and I’m grateful and proud that she found love in the groom. May your lives be long, happy, and peaceful together.”

The wedding speeches for mother of the bride isn’t a norm. But today, it’s becoming acceptable especially if the father isn’t involved. Tell your daughter that she’s beautiful and strong. Talk about the good memories in her growing years. And if her father has passed, talk about him with fondness.

Wedding Speeches for Father of the Groom

“My greatest blessing is having a son, one that mirrors me in many ways. But like his dream, he’s grown into his own person. He has taught me as much as I’ve taught him and I’m proud. My son is someone who goes the extra mile for people and I know he’ll make an amazing husband. I wish you every best, as we raise our glass to the groom and his amazing bride.”

Your son getting married excites you because he carries on the torch. Again, he will be looking to you for support and wisdom for marriage. So, good wedding speeches from the father of the groom must contain lots of quotes about marriage . Draw inspiration from talking about your own marriage, the bond you share, and why he’s a great son.

Wedding Speeches for Father of the Bride

“Looking at both of you in your beautiful dress and dapper suit, my wedding day comes to mind. We were quite excited, filled with love, merriment, and of course nervousness. From me to you, I’ll tell you for free that a successful marriage requires falling in love many times. And doing it with the same person always.”

As the father of the bride, you have responsibilities to your baby girl. From walking her down the aisle to the father-daughter dance. Throwing in a great speech is just perfect. Let your love for your baby shine through and talk about her growing up. Remember the groom, give them pieces of advice, and your best wishes. See the wedding speeches template below for some inspiration.

Wedding Speeches for Sister

Ladies and gentlemen, today I stand before you with immense pride and joy as I celebrate my sister’s union with [Groom’s Name]. As her older sister, I’ve had the privilege of watching her grow into the amazing woman she is today. She has found in [Groom’s Name] the love and support she deserves. Here’s to a lifetime filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. Cheers to the newlyweds!

When delivering a wedding speech for your sister, begin by expressing your love and pride for her. Share heartfelt stories that illustrate her special qualities, highlight her relationship with the groom, and offer well-wishes for their future. End your speech by raising a toast to the newlyweds.

Best Man Wedding Speech

Take a look at this great example of a witty speech, presented by the best man.

“There comes a time in everyone’s life when they meet their one true love, their soul mate, the person that’s going to know and love them for the rest of their life. That moment came for the groom…3 years ago when he met me. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, for those of you that don’t know me my name, is Dan, What-would-you-like-to-drink. I hope you’ll come and say hello at the bar later, but please…call me by my full name. On behalf of the bride and groom, I’d like to thank you all for coming. And I want to give special thanks to the parents of the bride and groom… it’s amazing how far some people are willing to travel, just for some free food and drink. And finally, I’d like to thank my best friend (the groom), for giving me the first EVER opportunity…. to be able to speak for five minutes without him interrupting!”

Wedding speeches best man deliver are usually the most humorous of all the others. Thank you’s are also appropriate, especially to the bridesmaids and fellow groomsmen. Some anecdotes about the groom would be also much anticipated. People expect wedding best man speeches to be memorable, funny, with well wishes to the couple . Humor is a must.

100+ Best Wedding Toasts For Different Types Of Guests

100+ Best Wedding Toasts For Different Types Of Guests

Maid of honor speech.

“Before I go any further, I just want to say, Bride, you look absolutely beautiful and Groom, you’ve never looked more handsome. For those of you who don’t know me and for those who can’t tell, I’m Bride’s sister. Thank you Bride for the honor of being your bridesmaid. Obviously, I’ve known Bride all of my life and we know more about each other than we would probably care to. We’ve laughed together, cried together, and laughed until we’ve cried. We’ve also had the odd fight! We also have so many inside jokes that only we find funny.”

There is one thing all wedding speeches maid of honor makes have in common: they boost the bride. Like any other wedding speech, the maid of honor’s speech can be witty and humorous, but the most important feature of this category is love and sentimentality. Add a couple of memorable stories you have of the newlyweds. Don’t forget well wishes!

Wedding Speeches for Best Friends

“I’m here to talk about two very special people, John and Eve. I’ve been friends with Eve since kindergarten. On our first day at school, we met and formed a friendship that has lived two decades and some. We got into trouble a lot and got grounded many times by the parents. My bestie is free-spirited and has a strong will to date. James, I hope you’re prepared for marriage with a woman who is full of life and spirit. With her, you’ll never live the same day twice. I wish you heaven’s best all your life. A toast…”

Wedding Welcoming Speeches

“Welcome to the celebration of James and Eve’s wedding. A tale of love that promises to last forever. Today promises to be one of beauty, friendships formed, and bonds lasting forever. For you all who have come from far and near to celebrate, we hope you take joy home with you. The happiness of marriage is the highest happiness on earth. And this is what we’ve witnessed today. Sit back, relax, have the time of your lives, and thank you for choosing to share in our joy.

Funny Wedding Speeches

Good evening everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m the groom’s brother. I’d like to start by saying that I’m delighted to see so many people here tonight, and I hope you’re all enjoying the celebrations as much as we are. Now, it’s not often that you get to make a speech at your brother’s wedding, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to share a few stories about him. Growing up, my brother was always the smart one. He was top of his class and excelled at everything he did. And then he met his beautiful bride-to-be, and everything changed. Suddenly he became clumsy, forgetful, and absent-minded. I guess you could say that love really does make you do crazy things. But in all seriousness, I couldn’t be happier for the two of them. They truly are a perfect match, and I have no doubt that they will have a long and happy life together. So let’s raise a glass to the newlyweds – may your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and lots of adventures!

Writing a funny wedding speech can entertain guests and create lasting memories. Keep it appropriate, short, know your audience, and practice for a smooth delivery.

Short Wedding Speech Ideas

“Groom, thank you for being an anchor, a friend, and brother. And I can’t be more proud that you married an amazing bride. Man! You’ve won a lottery! We celebrate both of you tonight, and all of the good things you are. You care for everyone and I’m sure you’ll care for her. We wish you success, laughter, and love. May your humor in bad times and appreciation in good times never leave you. May you get answers to prayers. May the friendship you share keep growing till death parts you. Cheers to you!”

Whether you’re giving wedding speeches for the bride, best man, or brother; the shorter the better. This will help make sure you don’t bore the audience. 11 /14

Wedding Thank You Speeches

“We (couple) worked really hard to make this day perfect. But we remembered that being bound to the one you love in the presence of your loved ones — is what makes the day perfect. I’m overjoyed that we had beautiful weather. The food and drinks were great and everyone is happy. Thank you all, especially my beloved, because today I’m bound to him to start a beautiful journey together. And after all my fears and jitters, today turned out to be much more memorable than we planned. Thank you.”

Wedding thank you speeches give you the opportunity to thank your guests. You will also extend your appreciation to everyone who made your day possible. If you intend to mention names, have a list, so that you don’t leave anyone out. This speech can come from the bride or groom. But it’s always better to skip the names. Also, infuse some humor. 12 /14

Wedding Officiant Speeches

“Shall we all sit? Today, we gather to witness and celebrate the matrimony of Eve and James. What they have is an existing bond, and we’ve come together to strengthen it. As family and friends, it’s our honor to witness today. Marriage is a lifetime commitment where two people work tirelessly to bring out the best in each other. You get an opportunity to share your joys, success, failures, and burdens with an ally for life. You get an opportunity to share and grow. One relationship which no other can equal. You are in for a physical and emotional binding that has the promise of a lifetime.”

Great wedding officiant speeches must be short, sweet, and have the perfect length to keep guests dialed in. The officiant should leverage the relationship and how much they know the couple. You must also tailor your speech in line with the wedding style. 13 /14

Wedding Anniversary Speeches

“Anniversaries are beautiful recollections of the past years and reflections for the years to come. The years past were happy and successful ones in many ways. They’re shrouded in a kaleidoscope of great relationships, supportive families, and happy memories. I’m not saying it’s smooth, but with your support, the journey became easier. We can only be grateful, even as we look forward to better years. As we celebrate our 50th year, I want to thank you for walking with us. It’s not a question of where you, it’s who goes with you. Thank you, everyone.”

A wedding anniversary speech must be heartfelt, sweet, and short. Whoever is giving the speech must know that it’s a time to reminisce and give good wishes. So, you’ll talk about the marriage, throw in some humor and bless the couple. If it’s the couple giving the speech, some advice will go a long way. 14 /14

Wedding Quotes for Speeches

“I’ve seen nothing more satisfying than two people coming together to become one. They share in each other’s pleasure, and bear each other’s pain. They crush their enemies together and make home with their friends.” “The pain and weight of life vanish from our lives by one word. It sets us free and we live again. It’s called LOVE.” “If you want to keep your marriage cup filled and running over, always admit your wrongs. And, if you’re right, be kind to shut up.”

Wedding Speeches Tips

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Ready to seize the mic, command the room, and leave everyone applauding your wedding speech? Not quite yet? Amanda Layton, a Professional Wedding Speech Writer, shared top 5 tips to help you craft and deliver an epic wedding speech. With a little bit of guidance, you’ll be delivering an unforgettable wedding toast template that captures hearts and makes memories for years to come!

  • Keep it Short and Sweet First things first–when it comes to wedding speeches less is more. Did you know that a 5-minute speech is approximately 700 words? It’s important to keep your speech concise and to the point, ensuring that every word is impactful and resonates with the audience.
  • Skip the Roasts Steer clear of roasting the couple. It might sound funny in your head, but trust me, some things are better left unsaid. Avoid cringeworthy moments by focusing on heartwarming and positive anecdotes that celebrate the couple’s journey and love.
  • Harness the Power of Storytelling Capture everyone’s attention by using storytelling to highlight either the bride or groom’s wonderful qualities. Is she loyal, adventurous, generous, or kind-hearted? Is he optimistic, resilient, hilarious, etc? Share a touching story that really showcases one of these character traits, allowing everyone to get a deeper insight into how amazing this person truly is.
  • Celebrate the Path to Becoming a Husband or Wife Remember that this is a wedding celebration and your wedding speech is a great opportunity to encourage the bride in her new role as a wife or the groom in his new role as a husband. Share your heartfelt wishes and why you believe they will make an amazing partner in this new chapter of their life.
  • Practice Makes Perfect Confidence is key! Practice your speech a few times to build up your self-assurance. Remember to speak slowly when practicing because you are more likely to speed up in front of a crowd. Think of the areas you might tear up at and remember to pause and take a second to breathe. You don’t have to rush through the toast. Everyone wants to hear what you clearly have to say. Here’s the thing, the audience wants you to succeed, so embrace those nerves and let them fuel your confident delivery! You’ve got this, my friend! With these tips and a little bit of preparation, your speech is bound to be a show-stopper that leaves everyone applauding and reaching for the tissues! Crafting a memorable wedding speech is an art form, and your words have the power to touch hearts and create lasting memories.

Wedding Speeches Order

The order of wedding speeches can vary depending on cultural traditions and personal preferences. However, a common order for wedding speeches is as follows:

  • Father of the Bride: Welcomes guests, and expresses love and pride for his daughter.
  • Groom: Thanks guests, expresses gratitude to both families, and shares love for the bride.
  • Best Man: Shares humorous anecdotes about the groom, and proposes a toast.
  • Maid/Matron of Honor: Expresses friendship and admiration for the bride, offers wisdom, and proposes a toast.
  • Additional speeches: Other family members or friends may give shorter speeches or toasts as desired. Note: The order and inclusion of speeches can be customized to the couple’s preferences. Communication with the wedding party beforehand is essential for a smooth flow of the reception.

Wedding Speeches Template

Learning how to write a wedding speech involves creating a heartfelt and memorable outline.


  • Greet the guests and introduce yourself.
  • Express your gratitude for being chosen to speak at the wedding.

Personal Connection:

  • Share a personal story or memory about the couple.
  • Talk about your relationship with either the bride or groom (or both) and how you’ve seen their love grow.

Compliments and Qualities:

  • Compliment the couple individually and as a pair.
  • Highlight their qualities and what makes them a great match.

Anecdotes and Humor:

  • Share light-hearted and funny anecdotes about the couple.
  • Keep the humor appropriate and avoid embarrassing stories.

Words of Wisdom:

  • Offer advice or lessons on love, marriage, or relationships.
  • Use heartfelt and meaningful quotes or poems if desired.
  • Raise a toast to the couple’s happiness and future together.
  • Invite guests to join in raising their glasses and toasting.
  • Express well wishes and congratulations to the newlyweds.
  • End with a final heartfelt message or a toast to love.

Remember to personalize the speech to your relationship with the couple and make it heartfelt and authentic. Practice it beforehand to ensure a smooth delivery and consider keeping the speech around 3-5 minutes in length.

Things You’d Better Exclude From Any Wedding Speech

At the same time, there are things great wedding speeches avoid.

  • Do not include any embarrassing information.
  • Do not mention previous boyfriends or girlfriends of the newlyweds.
  • Do not say rude things like ‘We thought that day would never come’.
  • Do not include any crude language, there are all sorts of guests around, and what is totally appropriate in a group of friends is inappropriate at the celebration.
  • Adding humor, don’t make fun of the bride or groom. This is your best friend’s wedding, do not spoil it! If in doubt – use examples above, but by no means copy them. It is only a piece of speech to boost your imagination.

Wedding Speeches can be tricky to write, but we hope that now you have everything you need to deliver a perfect speech. A couple of jokes, a sentimental story, and letting your love for the couple shine is all it takes.

What Not to Say in a Wedding Speech

  • Embarrassing Stories : Steer clear of tales that could embarrass the couple.
  • Negative Remarks : Refrain from negative comments or jokes.
  • Excessive Inside Jokes : Ensure your speech is inclusive for all guests.
  • Lengthy Monologues : Keep it concise and engaging.
  • Controversial Topics : Avoid sensitive or controversial subjects.
  • Overuse of Clichés : Aim for originality over clichés.
  • Inappropriate Humor : Be mindful of cultural or personal sensitivities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you say in a wedding speech.

  • Express your love and support for the couple.
  • Share personal anecdotes or stories about them.
  • Offer well-wishes for their future together.

How long should a wedding speech be?

What is an example of a short marriage speech.

To [Couple’s Name], may your love be as endless as the horizon, your laughter as infectious as a melody, and your journey together full of joy. Here’s to a lifetime of love and happiness. Cheers!

Save This Helpful Information And You Will Know What & When Say!


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Crafting the Perfect Wedding Thank You Speech Tips and Examples

Weddings are magical moments that transcend the ordinary. Picture this: the lights dim, your eyes scan the room, and you see the faces of those you love most. You’ve looked forward to this day for so long, and here you are, overwhelmed with emotion. Expressing thanks during this significant moment is no easy task. But worry not, with thoughtful preparation, you can touch the hearts of everyone present.

Throughout our lives, we encounter many instances where words are inadequate yet necessary. Growing up, we dream of our own wedding days, nights illuminated by joy and love. Whether you’re a bride, groom, or proud parent, conveying gratitude to those who’ve supported you is paramount. Groomsmen, siblings, and parents alike play a vital role in this beautiful journey.

Marcella and Kate, two amazing daughters, shared their sweet experiences on giving heartfelt speeches. They highlight the importance of sincerity and the magic that simple, common expressions can invoke. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it. Taking a deep breath, keeping calm, and letting your sentiments flow can do wonders.

From rock-solid friendships to newly-formed families, every bond deserves recognition. Compliments should be thoughtful, genuine, and not overly long. Nights spent in preparation will show through in your delivery. People are touched more by honesty than by elaborate phrasing. In short, allow your speech to reflect your true self, and you’re bound to make a lasting impression.

Lastly, let’s consider why this moment is so vital for married couples. Your guests have exceeded expectations, showing support in myriad ways. Giving credit where it’s due will wrap up your wedding narrative beautifully. So, sit back, take a deep breath, and immerse yourself in the joy brought by sharing your heartfelt thoughts.

Understanding the Importance of the Speech

Speaking on momentous occasions deeply touches not just the hearts of the newlyweds, but also their parents, friends, and everyone who joined in the day. This isn’t just a formality; it’s your chance to convey heartfelt emotions and gratitude. The importance of this speech lies in the power to turn a memorable day into an unforgettable one. Anyone who has listened to a moving oration knows exactly how impactful those few minutes can be.

An Expression of Gratitude

Each word spoken offers a chance to express sincere appreciation for those who played a significant role in the celebrations. Your chosen words can acknowledge the love and support given by parents, who have been there since day one, and also the friends who have always been by your side. It’s one of those occasions where every emotion needs to be conveyed perfectly, blending your heartfelt “thank-you”s with personal anecdotes.

Imagine reading down a list of names and finding special ways to mention each unique contribution. Take a moment to reminisce about a favorite memory or a crucial moment when their support was needed most. This level of detail will show just how deeply you value their presence and contributions.

The Emotional Connection

Understanding the importance of this speech also means grasping its emotional connection. Speaking from the heart creates an unspoken bond between you and your audience. It’s a unique opportunity to combine past memories and future hopes into a narrative that splits between fond remembrance and optimistic forward-thinking. Such a speech can turn a pleasant day into an incredibly meaningful one for everyone involved.

In preparation, it’s helpful to consider using a rough template, but with your own twist. The aim is to balance being genuine with being personal. While yesterday’s script may seem like it’ll fit, tweaking it to suit your specific needs will make a world of difference. So, take the time to get it right, ensuring every word is not just spoken but felt.

When understanding the depth of this speaking role, remember that you’re not just reading a script. You’re creating a moment where everyone feels appreciated and loved. This preparation will ensure your address is more than just fancy words–it’s a piece of emotional art that will be cherished long after the day has ended.

Identifying Key People to Thank

In any momentous celebration, acknowledging those who made it special is crucial. Each detail of this day is a reflection of heartfelt contributions from numerous beloved individuals. It’s important to be inclusive, ensuring no one’s hard work or inspiration goes unnoticed. Your serene and upbeat acknowledgment will add a deeply personal touch to the evening.

Family and Dearest Friends

Firstly, start by recognizing your family. Parents, siblings, and close friends significantly shaped where you are today. Their steadfast support in both the ups and downs of your relationship journey can’t be overlooked. Mention a sweet story or a moment of calm they brought to a chaotic time. Words like these not only show gratitude but deeply connect everyone present.

Next, turn your attention to your closest friends. Those who stood by your side during this unforgettable journey, giving love and encouragement, hustle and heart. Recite a few nice, heartfelt moments, something that brings a smile and ignites fond memories. Let them know that their efforts, whether big or small, were truly invaluable.

The Support Team

The Support Team

Behind every well-planned occasion lies a group of truly hardworking individuals. From the groomsmen who gave their energy and time, to the sues who ensured every detail was in place, these people transformed your adventure into a seamless, enjoyable experience. Therefore, your speech should single out these dedicated supporters. Mention them by name if possible – a nod to Richard for his calming influence or an acknowledgment of grooms Alec and Calvin for their humor. These personal acknowledgments make the thankfulness genuine and memorable.

Lastly, don’t forget any unsung heroes who often work behind the scenes. The staff, florists, photographers, and coordinators. Their effort is what makes an evening’s magic come alive. But in the whirlwind of gratitude, remain composed and heartfelt, giving everyone a reason to feel proud of the role they played in this significant day. By being thoughtful in your thanks, you ensure the memories of your day remain warm in their hearts too.

Structuring Your Speech for Impact

Creating an impactful speech involves much more than simply writing down your thoughts. It’s about connecting with your audience. Touch their hearts. Keep them engaged. Make every word count. The structure of your speech holds the key to its success.

Start by welcoming everyone. This sets a warm tone. Acknowledge the time guests took to be part of this unforgettable event. Mention how having them here makes this whole occasion even more special. You might say something like, “We’re so grateful to have all of you here with us today.”

Then, move into sharing stories. Pick anecdotes that describe the relationships you value. Maybe it’s a funny story about your partner that shows their sweet personality. Or a tale of an adventure you two had together? These details bring your speech to life. After that, it’s a brilliant idea to thank specific individuals. Parents, friends, anyone who gave invaluable support.

Next, instill a sense of inspiration. Talk about the journey spent with your partner. Mention the many years that led you both to this moment. Share the ups and downs. Describe how those experiences have made your bond unbreakable. Say something like, “Every tough time we faced, we faced together.” This shows resilience and love.

In the closing remarks, focus on the future. Discuss your excitement for the years ahead. Speak about the adventures you look forward to. And of course, sign off with gratitude. Say, “We can’t wait to create more unforgettable memories with all of you.” Your delivery on stage will certainly shine through if you practice these elements.

Finally, practice makes perfect. Rehearse until you’re comfortable. Record yourself, get feedback. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll feel. Soon enough, you’ll deliver your speech smoothly. Remember, the goal is to make your words resonate deeply. So take your time, and show the couple your heartfelt appreciation.

Writing from the Heart

Connecting deeply with your audience is essential when delivering your speech. It’s about expressing genuine emotions and sharing heartfelt stories and gratitude. Your words should resonate with everyone in the room, making each person feel honoured and appreciated.

Firstly, think about what you genuinely feel. Consider the joyous occasions and the challenges that brought you and your partner here. Let your emotions guide your writing. Reflect on the adventures and experiences that you both shared.

Next, include anecdotes that highlight special moments. These stories can be touching or amusing, adding a personal touch to your speech. For instance, if there was a funny incident during wedding preparations, share it. People love to hear about real moments that illustrate your journey as a couple.

For example, you might recall the time when Richard forgot the cheques before meeting with the florist, and Beth had to save the day. It’s not just a story; it’s a slice of your shared life and humor. Such moments weave a richer narrative for your audience.

Keep it real. Avoid using a template that feels too rehearsed. Speak from your heart about what everyone’s presence means to you. Use words that come naturally; don’t worry about being overly polished. Authenticity is valued more than perfection.

Below, we have a short table summarizing key points to remember while writing:

Key Points Explanation
Be Authentic Use your own words and emotions while expressing gratitude.
Include Anecdotes Share personal stories that capture significant memories.
Appreciate Every Guest Make everyone feel valued and acknowledged for their presence.

Lastly, thank every person who has supported you. Whether it’s family, friends, or the staff who made this day go smoothly, your appreciation will mean a lot. You wanted a joyous celebration, and their efforts made it possible. It’s nice to let them know how much it means to you.

In conclusion, embrace your true feelings. Speaking from the heart will always amaze and touch others. Writing genuinely ensures that your gratitude is felt, not just heard. Your audience will appreciate honesty over anything else!

wedding speech

Incorporating Personal Stories and Anecdotes

Including personal stories can elevate your speech from memorable to unforgettable. Audiences love to hear specific details and little anecdotes that paint a vivid picture. Sharing these moments will make your message more relatable and meaningful.

Think of moments that have touched your heart. Perhaps it’s a story about how you and your dear one met. Remember to mention names and specific events. For instance, “I still recall the day Sherman and I went to the park and realized we were meant to be.” Anecdotes like these help to personalize your speech, making it unique.

Don’t worry if it’s nothing grand. It could be something simple yet profoundly inspiring. Even seemingly minor events hold deep significance. Share these stories confidently as they add depth. You might be worried about how long your speech will be, but remember: the right story can make time fly.

It’s also important to be inclusive. Think about your audience. Are there stories that many of them might know or relate to? Having these stories beforehand will give a sense of unity. Remember, your aim is to bring everyone together.

If you’re terrified of public speaking, practice! Ensure you’re comfortable with a microphone under the lights. Consider asking for feedback from close friends. Endlessly practicing will boost your confidence, and soon, delivering your speech will be a breeze.

Element Explanation
Setting Describe the setting of your anecdote vividly to draw your audience in.
Characters Mention the names of people involved to make it more personal.
Conclusion Wrap your story up with a heartfelt message or lesson.

As you prepare, think about the journey you’ve both been on. Highlight moments that felt monumental. Say, “We’ve come a long way from where we started, and I couldn’t be happier to continue this journey with you.” This engages the listeners and transports them into your narrative.

Finally, give yourself some leeway. You don’t need to remember every single word. Instead, focus on delivering the sentiment behind your anecdotes. If you’re genuinely touched by these memories, your audience will be too. In the end, it’s your heartfelt expressions that will leave a long-lasting impression.

Practice Makes Perfect

When preparing to deliver your thank you speech, practice is essential. Your efforts will be noticeable and appreciated by everyone present. This moment is unique and deserves your best performance. By practicing, you deeply engrain the flow and content of your speech. It helps to ensure you won’t stumble or forget key details. You truly want this part of the celebration to be unforgettable.

Firstly, start practicing your speech alone. In front of a mirror, for example. Say each part out loud. This method helps you to see your expressions and gestures. It helps them feel natural. Once you’ve done this several times, seek feedback.

  • Family members like parents and siblings can provide different perspectives.
  • Friends, especially bridesmaids or groomsmen, offer constructive criticism.
  • Your spouse’s feedback is also crucial; they know the nuances of your journey together.

After receiving feedback, rewrite any parts needing improvement. Practice again with these changes. This step ensures your speech remains genuine. Always keep the tone upbeat and positive. The excitement and joy should radiate from every word.

One key idea is to record yourself speaking. Play it back to notice anything you might have missed. This technique helps you refine your delivery even more. Clean up any awkward pauses or unclear sentences. You’ll be amazed at how much you improve with each iteration. It’s also fantastic for easing the natural nerves that arise from public speaking.

Lastly, make sure your final run-through is with a full audience. If possible, this could be a small group. Encouragement from loved ones can do wonders. They’ll support you in this nerve-wracking moment. Their belief in you will help calm any last-minute jitters.

In the years ahead, you’ll look back and realize your meticulous efforts paid off. This day, indeed, is marked by many unforgettable moments. And your heartfelt expression of gratitude will stand out. Through consistent practice, what started as a daunting task becomes an enjoyable opportunity to connect deeply with those around you.

Handling Nerves on the Big Day

Standing in front of loved ones on such a momentous occasion can be nerve-wracking. It’s completely normal to feel excitement and a bit of anxiety. Many newlyweds experience butterflies in their stomach.

Introduction: Start with a deep breath. This helps to calm your nerves. Imagine you’re chatting with friends. Don’t overthink each detail.

Focus on Relationships

Talk about the journey you and your partner have undertaken. Mention how your relationships have flourished and evolved. Genuine emotions resonate with everyone. You don’t need to include every little detail. Instead, speak from the heart and authentically share your gratitude and joy.

Practice and Preparation

Writing down some key points can be a lifesaver. Prepare a simple template, but don’t feel locked into it. Couples often find relief in writing these notes. Keep it short and sweet. If you stumble, it’s fine to inject a bit of banter or a light-hearted comment. For example, “I always dreamed of this moment, but I forgot how nerve-wracking it could be!”

Remember, your guests are here to celebrate with you. They aren’t focused on any small missteps. Your speech will be a cherished memory of this event. Acknowledge those who have supported your journey. Their contributions, big or small, have exceeded expectations. Speak about what went well and the excitement of what’s to come. On such occasions, every word from the heart has a lifelong impact.

Above all, be yourself. This authenticity will shine through and be appreciated by everyone present. We’re honoured to witness this joyous chapter in your life. Relax, smile, and enjoy the moment. Your words, no matter how simple, will resonate deeply with everyone lucky enough to spend this day with you.

Delivering the Speech Together: Pros and Cons

Standing together in front of your loved ones can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. It’s an opportunity to openly share your expressions of gratitude. You and your partner are given the chance to decide how to manage this moment as a team. This decision isn’t just about speaking; it’s about how you communicate and complement each other.

There are wonderful advantages to a joint speech. First, it makes the thank-you more personalized. Your guests will see a synchronised, deeply heartfelt example of your shared sentiments. If Richard and Jane, for instance, embraced this approach, they’d be rallying their friends and family into a moment of unity and mutual appreciation. Second, alternating speakers keeps the audience engaged. They will hear different perspectives and tones.

Pros Cons
Shared responsibility and reduced stress May require more practice and coordination
Dual perspectives and varied expressions Potential for interruptions or mixed messages
More personal and relatable Could be longer in duration
Shows unity and partnership One partner might overshadow the other unintentionally

However, there are also potential pitfalls to consider. Coordinating between two people can be challenging. Ensure that you understand each other’s speaking parts and avoid overlapping. Practice makes this smoother, but it does take more time. If one partner is more comfortable speaking publicly, they might inadvertently dominate the speech. It’s essential to remain balanced, offering each partner their space to express gratitude.

An example of a well-coordinated speech can be seen in bridal speeches where both the bride and groom’s expressions flow seamlessly. Their professional or personal connections might groom them for public speaking, but even without this, understanding and practice can guide the speech to success. The loved ones standing before you will appreciate the effort and openness whatever form it turns into.

Inspiring Examples of Thank You Speeches

In this section, we’ll explore some heartwarming examples of speeches that newlyweds have delivered. The focus here is on real stories that convey genuine emotions and gratitude. No two speeches are alike, but each brings a unique twist to celebrate their special day.

One common thread in many speeches is the expression of gratitude. For instance, one couple talked about their journey from young love to their wedding day. They didn’t just recite a list of thanks but shared heartfelt reasons for their appreciation. It was emotional and resonated with everyone present.

Another example comes from a groom who used humor to lighten the mood. He joked about how working together to build their dream home was more challenging than they had anticipated. His playful tone made the thank-you’s feel relatable and genuine.

Let’s not forget brides who have delivered moving speeches. One bride couldn’t hold back her tears as she expressed her deep gratitude to her parents. She thanked them for their support and reminded the audience that without their guidance, she wouldn’t be standing there today.

Sometimes, speeches are about more than just saying thanks. They can also highlight important relationships and moments that have played a crucial role in the couple’s life. For instance, one couple recounted their adventures traveling the world. Each story was a testament to their commitment and love.

For those who might find it hard to structure their speech, using a template can be beneficial. Start with a brief intro, thank your guests, and share a memorable story. Conclude with genuine appreciation and best wishes. It’s okay to keep things simple and direct.

Lastly, don’t forget to enjoy the moment. This is a celebration, after all. Even if you stumble over your words or forget a name, your guests will cherish the effort and honesty behind your message. So, raise a glass and let your words mirror your thankfulness.

How do I incorporate humor into my wedding thank you speech without offending anyone?

To incorporate humor into your wedding thank you speech without offending anyone, focus on lighthearted and universally relatable anecdotes. Avoid jokes about sensitive topics like weight, finances, or past relationships. For example, you could share a funny story about a minor mishap during wedding planning that everyone can laugh about. Always consider the feelings and experiences of your guests to ensure your humor is inclusive and respectful.

Can you give an example of a light-hearted banter I could use in my wedding thank you speech?

Sure! Here’s an example: “As we all know, planning a wedding is a piece of cake… if that cake is a five-tiered, highly complex, delicate creation that you have to carry across a tightrope! But seriously, we couldn’t have done it without the help and support of our amazing family and friends.” This type of banter is light and amusing without targeting anyone directly.

How long should my wedding thank you speech be to keep it engaging and light-hearted?

Your wedding thank you speech should ideally be between three to five minutes long. This keeps it concise enough to hold everyone’s attention while giving you enough time to express your gratitude and share a few light-hearted anecdotes. Remember, the key is to be genuine and heartfelt without dragging on too long.

What if I get nervous and forget my speech, how can I prepare for that?

It’s perfectly normal to be nervous and there are a few strategies to help you prepare. Practice your speech several times in front of a mirror or with a small audience to build confidence. Keep a few key points or a brief outline on a notecard as a safety net. Additionally, deep breathing exercises before your speech can help calm your nerves. Remember, it’s okay to be human and your guests will understand if you need a moment to gather your thoughts.

Is it appropriate to include jokes about the bride or groom in the thank you speech?

Including jokes about the bride or groom can be a great way to add humor, as long as the jokes are kind and good-natured. Avoid any remarks that could be perceived as mean-spirited or embarrassing. Instead, aim for playful anecdotes that celebrate their quirks or shared experiences in a positive light. For example, “We all know John loves his morning coffee, so much so that Emma has learned to steer clear until he’s had his second cup!” Keep it light and loving.

What are some key elements to include in a light-hearted wedding thank you speech?

A light-hearted wedding thank you speech should include several key elements to make it engaging and memorable. Start with a warm opening to set the tone. Include personal anecdotes to make the speech relatable and entertaining. Acknowledge and thank your guests, especially those who have traveled long distances to be there. Don’t forget to express your gratitude to close family and friends who have supported you throughout the wedding process. Add a touch of humor to keep the atmosphere light and enjoyable. Finally, wrap up with a heartfelt thank you and a toast to conclude your speech on a high note.

Can you give an example of light-hearted banter to include in a wedding thank you speech?

Sure! Here’s an example of light-hearted banter you could use: “I have to say, planning this wedding has been a lot like running a marathon – exhausting, full of unexpected hurdles, and at times, you wonder why on earth you decided to start. But here we are, at the finish line, and it feels incredible! I’d like to thank my amazing spouse for not losing their cool when I couldn’t choose between ivory and eggshell napkins. And let’s give a round of applause to our parents, who have been our biggest cheerleaders and occasionally our referee team. Without them, we might still be lost in the sea of wedding planning. Thank you all for being here to celebrate this special day with us!” This kind of humor can make your speech engaging and leave your audience smiling.


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How to Make a Wedding Thank You Speech with Examples

wedding thank you speech

A wedding thank you speech is one of the most important parts of any wedding reception. They are a way to express your gratitude to all of those gathered especially your parents, who have supported you throughout your life and helped you plan this special day. As a wedding videographer, I’ve witnessed countless beautiful moments on the big day. But one that consistently tugs at the heartstrings? The heartfelt thank you speeches were delivered by the happy couple. It’s a chance to express gratitude to loved ones who helped make the day so special, especially your parents.

However, crafting the perfect speech can feel daunting. Fear not! This guide will equip you with all the tools you need. We’ll explore key elements for a well-rounded speech, offer tips on overcoming nerves, and even show you real-world video examples to spark inspiration. Let’s ensure your thank you speech resonates with everyone present, and becomes a cherished memory captured forever in your wedding video.

What do you include in a wedding thank you speech?

A well-delivered wedding thank you speech is a beautiful way to express gratitude to everyone who helped make your special day unforgettable. It’s your chance to acknowledge the love and support you’ve received, and create a lasting memory for you and your guests. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements you should consider including:

1. Warm Welcome and Attention Grabber:

Start by greeting your audience. A simple “Good evening everyone” or “Thank you all for coming” works well. You can then grab their attention with a heartfelt sentiment about the day, a lighthearted anecdote about your relationship, or a brief introduction of your parents (especially if some guests are unfamiliar with them).

2. Expressing Gratitude:

This is the core of your speech. Here, you express your sincere appreciation to everyone who played a part in your wedding. Thank your guests for celebrating with you, especially those who traveled long distances. You can also extend your gratitude to specific groups like your family, friends, the wedding party, vendors, or anyone who went above and beyond to make the day special.

3. Highlighting Special People:

This section adds a personal touch and allows you to acknowledge loved ones in a more specific way. You can thank your parents for their unwavering support throughout your life, perhaps mentioning a specific value they instilled in you or a cherished memory you share. Briefly thanking your partner’s parents for welcoming you into the family is also a nice gesture. Your wedding party members can also be acknowledged for their help and friendship in planning the wedding.

4. Expressing Love to Your Partner:

Take a moment to express your love and appreciation for your new spouse. Briefly share your excitement about embarking on this journey together as a married couple.

5. Closing and Toast (Optional):

Conclude your speech by thanking everyone again for their presence and well wishes. You can express your hope for a joyous celebration throughout the rest of the evening. Optionally, raise a toast to your future together or to your loved ones.

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Who do you thank in your speech?

In your wedding thank you speech, you can express gratitude to a variety of people who contributed to making your special day possible. Here’s a breakdown of the key groups you might want to consider thanking:

All Guests: This is a great way to kick off your speech. Thank everyone for attending your wedding and celebrating this momentous occasion with you. You can especially express appreciation to those who traveled long distances to be there.

Family: This is your chance to acknowledge the love and support you’ve received from your family throughout your life. Thank your parents for their guidance, sacrifices, and unwavering support. You can also thank siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, or any other family member who played a significant role.

Friends: Express gratitude to your close friends who have been by your side through thick and thin. You can thank them for their friendship, well wishes, and for being a part of your special day.

Wedding Party: Acknowledge your bridesmaids, groomsmen, maid/man of honor, and best man for their help in planning the wedding and for being there to support you on your big day. Mention any specific ways they helped make the wedding run smoothly.

Vendors: Briefly thank the vendors who made your wedding a success. This could include the photographer, videographer, caterer, florist, DJ/band, venue staff, officiant, hair and makeup stylists, or any other vendors who contributed to your special day.

Your Partner: This is your chance to express your love and appreciation for your new spouse. Briefly share how excited you are to embark on this journey together as a married couple.

  • You don’t have to thank everyone individually, especially if you have a large guest list.
  • Keep your speech concise and focus on the most important people who made your wedding special.
  • Be genuine and express your gratitude from the heart.pen_spark

wedding thank you speech

How long should a wedding thank you speech be?

A wedding thank you speech should ideally be short and sweet, aiming for a length between 2 to 5 minutes . Here’s why:

  • Attention Span: Guests have likely been celebrating for a while and might be ready to enjoy the food, music, and conversation. A concise speech keeps them engaged without dragging on.
  • Respect for Others: Multiple people might be delivering speeches throughout the reception. A shorter speech ensures everyone gets a chance to be heard and avoids monopolizing the attention.
  • Emotional Impact: Shorter speeches can often pack a stronger emotional punch. They allow you to express your gratitude sincerely without rambling or losing focus.

Here’s a breakdown of the ideal timeframe:

  • 2-3 minutes: This is a great sweet spot for a concise and impactful speech. It allows you to thank the key people and express your emotions without feeling rushed.
  • 4-5 minutes: This is the absolute maximum you should aim for. If you find your speech going longer, consider trimming down the thank yous to specific groups or anecdotes.
  • It’s better to have a heartfelt and concise speech than a long and drawn-out one.
  • Practice your speech beforehand to ensure you can deliver it comfortably within the desired time frame.

Photos in this article courtesy of Ben & Hope Photography .

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Find a local wedding supplier, how to write the perfect thank you speech.

Modern Wedding Posted: November 23, 2018

Your big day wouldn't be anywhere near as special without your friends and family celebrating alongside you. A thank you speech is one more way to thank everyone who made the event memorable. Check out these tips for how to write the perfect thank you speech.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

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Traditionally the groom gives the thank you speech on behalf of himself and the bride. However, it is increasingly popular for this speech to be a joint effort, with both partners speaking. A joint speech is particularly effective if one of you is not a confident public speaker.

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Click here for more of Aiden and Anna's wedding

Don't Just Wing It

It may be tempting to make a speech up on the spot. However, it is also easy to get caught up in the moment and forget something important. With so many other things to organise for your big day, taking the time to plan your speech in advance will make sure you say everything you want to. Having a planned speech is also the best way to beat public speaking nerves.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

See more of Ben and Kate's wedding here

Who To Thank

When it comes to who to thank there are two main options - keeping it vague or getting specific. While some people, like the bride and groom's parents, need to be thanked specifically, not every person you hired needs to be individually thanked. Thanking them as a group is more time effective and equally thoughtful. Write a list of the people who you are thanking to keep you on track and make sure you don't forget anyone. It is also a sweet gesture to thank each other, after all neither of you would be at the wedding without the other.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Via Amanda Douglas Events

Keep It Short

This is one of many speeches that will occur during your wedding. Keep it short and sweet to keep your guests attention. We recommend sticking to a 3 minute time limit, regardless of whether it is a joint speech or only one of you in speaking.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Via Modern Wedding

A little bit of humour can go a long way in your speech. Make sure any humour is family friendly, especially if their are children in attendance. Similarly, avoid inside jokes as you want your speech to appeal to all of your guests. While we all might be tempted by a little "dutch courage" every once in a while, staying sober enough to present you speech as planned will help avoid any inappropriate slip ups.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Via Feathered Arrow Events

When To Give Your Speech

There is a traditional order of speeches. Usually, the toast to the bride or groom comes first, followed by the grooms reply, in other words, the thank you speech, and then the best man's speech. Ultimately, it is your wedding and the choice of when to give your speech is up to you. If you are having a sit down meal, it is best to give your thank you speech, along with all other speeches, while guests are sitting down.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Via Mamamia

Practice Makes Perfect

Once you've written your speech, make sure to practice it a few times before you have to present. While you don't have to memorise it word for word, a few practice runs will make you and your partner far more comfortable. It also allows you to make eye contact with your guests, making the speech that little bit more meaningful.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Via Social and Personal Weddings

Public speaking can be daunting. Writing and practicing your speech in advance can help curb some of those pesky nerves. If you're still scared to give your speech, try some deep breathing exercise a few minutes before your speech to try and remain calm. Take your time with the speech and remember that you are speaking from the heart and all the guests are there because they love and support you. If it is still too much, a brief thank you  is appropriate and your guests will understand the lack of formal speech.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Looking for other ways to thank extra special members of your wedding? Check out ways to thank your bridal party here and here .

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

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5 Great Wedding Thank You Speech Templates for Brides and Grooms

By: Author Hiuyan Lam

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories Personal Etiquette

5 Great Wedding Thank You Speech Templates for Brides and Grooms

It is that special time, the distinct and heartfelt moment when you and your betrothed are espoused.

It is a tradition and expected that the Bride and Groom take a few minutes during all the merriment to give a special wedding thank you speech.

This speech passes a message to all those who have graced the occasion with their presence and allows you to acknowledge their effort and your gratitude.

Outline for the wedding thank you speech

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

When writing a wedding thank you speech, you should always have it in mind that you are taking precious time out from a pre-arranged, pretty busy wedding timetable so there are a few things to note:

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

  You don’t want to drift on and on without end. Also, determine in advance whether the bride or groom will deliver their speech first, or if you are speaking together, who is saying what parts.   It is highly likely that there will be a few tears, as it is a joyous day. If there are, that’s ok but make sure to finish the speech in due time, so as to allow the wedding activities to continue on, uninterrupted.   Speak clearly, truthfully and to the point, remember, stay composed until you are finished speaking.

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  Remember, the point of the speech is to thank your guests. Raunchy or unnecessarily sexual inuendo may make some attendees uncomfortable. There will be plenty of time for that on your honeymoon!.   In essence, private details should remain where they belong and not come up during the “thank you” speech at your wedding.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

  Even if you are an experienced orator it is advisable to read it out a few times in front of loving critics, or in front of a mirror to help you get your words and emotions straight.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

  No phrase, philosophy, or proverb can ever out match the good old “Thank you”. You can be yourself: glam, quirky or philosophical, but be succinct.

  Infuse your gratitude into your speech as much as you can. Those two words convey a lot of simplicity with a dash of love. So, don’t say them in a patronizing way, but with a heart of gratitude.

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how to write a thank you speech for wedding

  We know the speech is for everyone but there are some people who deserve, more than others, to hear them (hopefully).

  Specifically call out those who are close to you like your in-laws, parents, wedding party, and of course your newly married spouse.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

  It’s your wedding after all, adding a few laugh-guaranteed phrases and giggles , or a little joke, never hurt anybody.

Wedding thank you speech 1

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

My husband/wife and I worked really hard together to try to make this day perfect.

We assumed the planning would be similar to organizing a party but were we wrong! Halfway into the preparations we got stuck – no one told us wedding preparations were so hectic.

At some point, we realized there really is no such thing as a ‘perfect’ wedding so there was no use stressing over something that was supposed to be the best day of our lives.

Then we remembered that it is about being bound to the one person who means the world to you, that all your loved ones and well-wishers will be around you to celebrate and support you; and that is what makes the ‘perfect’ wedding.

I am happy the weather is more beautiful than I had prayed for it to be, the food and drinks also exceed expectations.

Thank you, everyone, especially my better half because today turned out to be a lot more than our ‘planning’ gave me hoped for.

Thank you.  

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Wedding Thank You Speech 2

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Roses are red, violets are blue, no, no, no, scratch that. Those were the words I would have used in high school to woo my sweetheart, but now it’s the real deal.

I am finally married to the only person who has managed to see all my flaws and shortcomings as a bridge to the better me.

Now I want to re-phrase my old lines because even if roses turn green and daffodils turn blue my love for you would still never ever end.

So I say thank you to you my love, thank you to my parents and in-laws, thank you friends and everyone.

I cannot put a finger on what is making me so bubbly inside; whether it is the fact that the love of my life is finally mine forever or the fact that my much-awaited honeymoon is approaching.

You all have done mighty well in gracing this occasion with us and helping us make it a success. I am deeply grateful. Thank you.  

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Wedding Thank You Speech 3

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

I never take for granted being born to the kind of parents I have; their love influenced me to grow up hoping to marry someone who would share with me the kind of love they shared.

I never used to believe in wishful thinking before, but I am now married to a man/woman who grew up with the same dream – to share as much love, and hopefully even more love, than our parents.

I am happy that we are here before you on this day in complete certainty that we made the best choice in ourselves as husband and wife, with radiating love and great joy.

I am happy our relatives are here with us, and I am also thankful to everyone who took out time from their busy schedule to honor us today with their warm hearts.

Thank you so much.

Wedding Thank You Speech 4

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

I know not everyone here has heard the story of how I met my husband/wife, and to those of you whom have heard it a thousand times before, I promise I’ll spare you this time.

I do not know if anyone has ever experienced the feeling I am having right now: the feeling of having thought of a scenario so completely, down to the last detail, that when the event finally happens, everything feels like déjà vu?

Well if you have then you understand me when I say, I could not have imagined this day to be any better.

Thanks to our clothier we are both here dressed gorgeously as one of the loveliest newlyweds this part of the earth has to offer, and I cannot wait to witness the day I would be celebrating my 40th wedding anniversary.

It is nothing short of a blessing to be married to a man/woman like my husband/wife.

I am happy and ecstatic, I say thank you to you all, thank you to her/him and thank you to all well-wishers.

Wedding Thank You Speech 5

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Someone has told me that one of the greatest things that can happen to any living being is to love and be loved in return.

When I first heard that I laughed and said “Really!! of all the things on earth? That has to be for someone simple”.

With great joy, I can stand before you all here today to tell you that I eat my earlier words. I have found love with my wife/husband unlike any other. I know a lot of you here understand exactly what I mean.

Now I raise my glass, saying cheers, as I give a toast to my soul mate, to my friends and families, and to everyone who has helped in any way at all to make this day a blessing to us: here’s to you.

I really hope everyone finds a love as complete as I have, and may love always radiate from you to everyone around you.

That is really all there is to writing a wedding thank you speech: gratitude. A few words can go a long way in planting your intentions in the hearts of many.

Now that you have read some different speeches you can use to express yourself, do us a favor and nail it on that day. Above all, have a blast and have a wonderful wedding.


How To Write Thank You Speech For Wedding?

Table of Contents:

A wedding thank-you speech is a crucial part of the wedding planning process, and it should be a mix of humor and heartfelt sentiment. It should start with a warm greeting, introducing the bride or groom and expressing their joy for having everyone gathered to celebrate the special day. The speech should also include a personal touch, such as congratulating the couple, sharing a story about the couple, offering words of wisdom, and giving a toast.

To structure your wedding speech, follow these guidelines:

1. Start with a warm greeting, introducing yourself as the bride or groom, and thanking them for attending the wedding.

2. Share a story or anecdote about the couple, offer words of wisdom or advice, and give a toast.

3. End with a toast, focusing on a fun and sentimental note.

Aim to keep your speech to about 5-6 minutes, and take the time to thank everyone who deserves recognition. You should also thank your partner, parents, and in-laws for their love and support.

To write a well-written wedding thank-you speech, keep it brief and to the point, focusing on expressing appreciation for those who attended the celebration. Include memorable anecdotes/stories, thank your loved ones, tell a joke, use informal language, and finish with a toast.

Practice makes perfect, so start with a story, remember to express gratitude, and practice makes perfect. Remember to keep it short, write it as a team, and practice makes perfect.

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How To Write Thank You Speech For Wedding?

How do you thank you to family and friends on the wedding program?

To our families and friends, thank you for being here today. We are grateful for those who have traveled far to be here today. We hope you’ll stay in touch. Family and friends are the greatest treasure. Thank you. We thank God for our blessings, especially for bringing us together today.

To our parents, your love and support is beyond anything we’ve ever seen. Everything we are and everything we believe comes from you. You’ve shown us how to live, love, laugh, forgive, forget, and persevere. You’ve given us everything and then some. Thank you for making this day possible. We love you!

What is an example of a short wedding speech?

I’ve known her since we were kids. She’s never been happier. Grooms name, you’ve brought joy to brides name’s life. I’m grateful to have you as a friend. May your love grow stronger every day. Wedding speeches are important at weddings because they let the couple, family, and friends say how much they love and support the newlyweds. Many people are nervous about giving wedding speeches. Having examples can help. Here are some examples of wedding speeches to help you deliver a heartfelt, memorable, and enjoyable speech. Use them as a model for your own writing. These are just samples. Add your own personal touches to make your speeches unique. This could mean including more gender-equal speeches than the traditional wedding speech lineup.

How to write thank you speech for wedding examples

How do you write a thank you message after a wedding?

Thank you for celebrating our wedding! Your company and love made our day complete. Thank you for your love and support. “Thank you for your company, gift, and good wishes. Your help made our wedding day special.” Thank you cards are an important part of your wedding stationery. They’re the best way to thank your guests for coming! Thank you cards are sent to guests a month or two after the wedding. They thank guests for attending and sharing the wedding day. It’s also a chance to thank them for gifts.

Need more wording ideas? Read our other articles on wording. Save the Date: Wedding Invitation: Gift Card: Handwritten or Printed. We offer two types of letterpress thank-you cards. The first and most popular option is a printed card with minimal text, so you can write a personal message. This is the traditional way to write thank-you cards. These cards are great for thanking guests for coming and for gifts.

How do you write a thank you message for appreciation?

Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. A thank-you message is a nice way to show your appreciation for support. You can send them in many ways. A thank-you note can make the difference between getting the job or contract. A thank-you note after an interview can make you stand out from the competition. Here are some good ways to thank someone.

Short thank you speech from bride and groom to guests

What is the best opening line for a wedding speech?

How to Start Your Wedding Speech Hi, I’m BRIDE/GROOM. You probably know me, but if not, well done for sneaking in unnoticed. Hi, I’m BEST MAN. You can call me by my full name: BEST MAN. Speeches are a big part of any wedding reception, but they can be nerve-wracking if you’re the one giving them. We’ve got tips to help you start your wedding speech, including introduction examples, so you can feel confident. The introduction sets the tone for the whole speech. Wedding wordsmith and professional speechwriter Amerdeep Sanghera of Lovingly Penned explains. Don’t make guests think, “Oh no, not another speech.” Make them smile. The introduction is the most important part.

Sounds stressful, right? Don’t worry. From funny opening lines to tips on getting started, scroll to make sure your speech is a success.

How do you write a short and sweet wedding speech?

Here are a few tips for writing a wedding speech: Start planning early. Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom. Thank the hosts, guests, and wedding party. Make it personal. Think of three traits and three stories. Talk about the couple. You’ve been asked to give a speech at a wedding. What an honor! If you’re not used to giving speeches, it can be a nightmare! Public speaking can be scary. But when your best friend asks you to give a speech at his or her wedding, you have to step up. But now you’re wondering if you know how to write a wedding speech! What makes some wedding speeches fun and memorable, and what makes others bad? We’ve got you covered. We’ve put together a guide on how to write a wedding speech. It covers what to do and what not to do, and how to give a great speech. Here are a few tips for writing a wedding speech. Start planning early. Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom. Thank the hosts, guests, and wedding party. Congratulate the couple. Make it personal. Think of three traits with three stories. Talk about the couple. Have a beginning, middle, and end. Consider your audience. Keep it short and sweet. Add humor. It’s okay to be simple and meaningful.

What order to thank people in a wedding speech?

The groom should thank the guests for coming and their gifts, thank both sets of parents, and thank and say a few words about key members of the wedding party. Toast the bridesmaids. Toast the bridesmaids’ partners’ parents if they are hosting. There are no rules about wedding speeches. If you and your partner want some advice, you’ve come to the right place. The wedding speeches are usually given at a wedding reception. Ordering them right will help the day run smoothly. There are no rules about wedding speech order. But there is a way to order them in the most effective way.

What is the format of a thank you speech?

Your speech may have an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction and conclusion are optional. Start your speech by thanking the most important people. It may go on to thank more people. On a piece of paper, write a quick outline with section headings and the main points you want to make. As you write, think of someone you want your speech to touch. Imagine you’re talking to this person or that your speech is a letter to them. Your speech should make people feel like you’re talking to them directly. A great thank you speech is written from the heart. Think about what you’re grateful for and express it in your speech. Some examples of genuine thank-you speeches are:

Short wedding thank you speech

How do you write a good thank you speech?

How to Deliver a Thank You SpeechAddress the person by name.Articulate the specific act/gesture (dont gloss over this or rush through it because you feel awkward)Describe how/why you benefited from it – be specific!Express genuine gratitude and appreciation (choose your words carefully)

‘Tis the time of year to give thanks. And by ‘thanks’ I’m talking about going beyond the “thanks a lot” and the “great job” type of thank you. I’m talking about the heartfelt (choose the perfect words, feel the feelings), specific thank you. And since this is a public speaking blog, we are taking it out of the realm of typed or written note, and moving into the spoken wordarena.

So now I have an important question for you: Should you find the time to stand up in front of an audience and thank someone who went above and beyond? Who helped you in some significant way? I am not just talking to managers who are fortunate enough to have a hard-working administrative assistant. And I’m not just talking about work-related situations. I’m talking about any situation that allows you to speak from the heart and publicly thank someone for a special kindness, a warrior’s effort, or perhaps even a sacrifice that enhanced your life in some way.

Thursday being Thanksgiving, you might be already in this frame of mind. If not, let me help you get in the mood. Let’s start by answering these questions:

What to say in a thank you speech for a wedding?

Thank you all for coming to celebrate our wedding. Your presence means a lot to us. Thank you for joining us on this special day. We are surrounded by loved ones, and we are grateful for their support and love. We are blessed to have you here. Thank you for your kind words and gifts. We are lucky to have such great people in our lives, and we look forward to making more happy memories together. Thank you for being there on our wedding day. Your love and support mean a lot to us. Tell a personal story. Your story of how you met can make your speech more personal and engaging. Choose a story about your wedding day and your partner. I still remember meeting (partner’s name). We met at a friend’s party. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. We talked and laughed all night. From that moment on, I knew he was the one.

Thank you speech for wedding from bride

How do you say thank you for a wedding quote?

Thank you for sharing our special day with us. … Thank you for the gift. We’ll always cherish it. … It was great to see you at the wedding. … Your presence made our wedding day special. … Thank you for the gift.

📹 How to give a BRIDE and GROOM WEDDING SPEECH (Tips for Wedding Thank You Speech)

Until recently, I wasn’t qualified to release this video. But I finally had my wedding and, along with my bride, we delivered a Bride …

How To Write Thank You Speech For Wedding?

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how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Christina Kohler

As an enthusiastic wedding planner, my goal is to furnish couples with indelible recollections of their momentous occasion. After more than ten years of experience in the field, I ensure that each wedding I coordinate is unique and characterized by my meticulous attention to detail, creativity, and a personal touch. I delight in materializing aspirations, guaranteeing that every occasion is as singular and enchanted as the love narrative it commemorates. Together, we can transform your wedding day into an unforgettable occasion that you will always remember fondly.

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The Thank You Notes Blog

The Wedding Thank You Speech

The wedding thank you speech provides the couple with an opportunity to thank all of their guests and those who contributed to their special day.

A public thanks can either come from the groom or the bride, but the etiquette remains the same. The following tips and sample wedding speech provide you with a few things to consider.

Table of Contents

  • A lot of speeches are likely to have taken place at your wedding. Thus, thanks speeches should be kept short during a wedding — including yours. Generally speaking, a speech that lasts more than three minutes is too long.
  • It is a good idea to write down every single name you want to mention when it comes to those who helped you plan your wedding. It is also possible that you will forget someone and their feelings will be hurt if you do so inadvertently. A way to avoid this is to thank everyone who helped without naming names.
  • It is easy to get your guests’ attention by opening your speech with a bit of humor.
  • The bride or groom may speak on behalf of the couple.  Nonetheless, both of you should keep your speeches brief if you each want to make a separate one.
  • It is entirely up to you when you give your wedding thank you speech.  Some people like to deliver their speeches between the middle and the end of dinner. The majority of attendees will be seated, so those who might leave early will still be there.
  • Read your speech out loud several times. While this isn’t necessary to memorize the speech, it will allow you to look at your guests instead of staring at the paper.

A Sample Thank You Speech

  Below is a template for writing your own wedding thank you speech based on the example provided.  

More wedding thank you help…

Wedding Thank You Note Etiquette Wedding Thank You Quotes Wedding Thank You Note Samples Wedding Program Thank You Samples

You can thank your guests by writing a thankyou note on these thank you cards

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Getting your guests to know how grateful you are for their support does not require a lot of talking. When writing your wedding thanks, be sincere. The ease of expressing your gratitude will surprise you.

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how to write a thank you speech for wedding

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  • August 15, 2024

How To Write A Wedding Thank You Speech: Tips And Samples

Picture of Kim Argosino


If you’ve ever been at a wedding and thought, “Wow, I hope I never have to give a thank you speech,” you’re not alone. Speaking in front of a crowd can be daunting, especially at such a significant event. But don’t worry! Crafting the perfect wedding thank you speech doesn’t have to be a nerve-wracking experience. 

With the right approach, you can deliver a heartfelt, memorable, and even humorous speech that will be the talk of the reception—until the cake steals the spotlight, of course.

Table of Contents

Key elements of a wedding thank you speech.

To help you nail your wedding thank you speech, here’s a breakdown of the essential elements to include. These key components will ensure you hit all the right notes and leave everyone feeling appreciated and happy. 

A man on a podium giving a wedding thank you speech

Opening Lines

Welcoming Remarks

Don’t worry – writing a speech isn’t as complicated as writing a wedding vow (which you’ll know if the couple asked you for help!). Kick off your wedding thank you speech with a warm and enthusiastic greeting. 

This is your chance to make everyone feel special right from the start. A lively “Hey everyone, thanks a million for being here!” sets a cheerful tone and shows your excitement about having everyone together.

Expressing Gratitude

Dive straight into thanking your guests for their support and presence. Keep this part short and sweet. A heartfelt, “We’re so grateful you could all make it today,” keeps things sincere and keeps your speech from dragging on. It’s like the icing on the cake—simple but essential!

Thanking Specific People

  • Parents: Apart from curating a list of songs for parents to dance to at weddings , you can also acknowledge them by giving them a big shoutoutThey’ve put in the hard work and love to make your big day special. This is where you highlight their amazing efforts. It’s your moment to say, “Thanks, Mom and Dad! Your support has been incredible, and we couldn’t have done this without you.”
  • Bridesmaids and Groomsmen: Next, turn the spotlight on your bridal party. These are the folks who’ve been by your side through thick and thin. Make sure to say, “To our awesome bridesmaids and groomsmen, your help has been priceless, and you’ve kept us sane during the crazy planning stages.”
  • Special Guests: Don’t forget to mention any special guests who made an extra effort to attend. Acknowledge their effort with a line like, “A big thank you to [Special Guest’s Name] for traveling all the way here. Your presence really means a lot to us!”

Personal Touches

Share a fun or touching story about the couple that will make everyone smile. Maybe it’s a hilarious moment or a sweet memory that shows why the couple is so special. This personal touch makes your wedding thank you speech more engaging and memorable.

Final Words of Thanks

Wrap up with a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped make the day special. It’s your chance to end on a high note, so keep it warm and appreciative. A simple, “Thanks again to everyone for celebrating with us today!” ensures that your gratitude is clear.

A Toast or Final Wish

Conclude your speech with a toast or a joyful wish for the couple’s future. It’s a great way to bring everyone together and finish on a celebratory note. A cheerful, “Let’s raise a glass to [Spouse’s Name] and [Partner’s Name]—here’s to a lifetime of happiness and laughter!” adds a perfect finishing touch.

Tips for Writing a Memorable Wedding Thank You Speech

Congratulations! You’ve survived the stages of wedding planning , the ceremony, and the reception. Now it’s time for the final, but incredibly important, part of the celebration: the wedding thank you speech. This is your moment to shine, show your appreciation, and maybe even make everyone laugh. Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or new to the podium, these tips will help you deliver a thank you speech that’s heartfelt, memorable, and fun!

Groom reading a wedding thank you speech

  • Keep It Personal: Your wedding thank you speech should reflect your special bond with the couple and the guests. Share personal stories and inside jokes that will make your speech stand out. Skip the generic thank yous and go for specifics.
  • Be Concise: Aim for a speech that runs about 3-5 minutes. This is the sweet spot for keeping your audience engaged without risking their attention wandering. Keep it short, sweet, and packed with your heartfelt thanks. Remember, no one needs a speech that rivals the length of a feature film!
  • Stay Positive: Focus on positive messages and avoid bringing up anything controversial or negative. This is a day for celebrating, so keep the mood joyful. Even if you have a funny story about a minor mishap, steer clear of anything that could dampen the celebratory mood.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Rehearse your wedding thank you speech multiple times to get comfortable with it. Practicing in front of a mirror or with a friend can help you refine your delivery and reduce those pre-speech nerves. The more you practice, the smoother your speech will be!
  • Add a Touch of Humor: A little humor can make your speech more enjoyable, but make sure it’s suitable for everyone in the audience. A well-placed wedding joke or funny anecdote can make your speech memorable and bring a smile to everyone’s face. Just keep it light and relevant!
  • Avoid Clichés: Skip overused phrases and aim for originality. Your audience will appreciate your fresh perspective and genuine sentiments. Use this opportunity to shine with your unique voice and make your wedding thank you speech stand out from the rest!

Sample Wedding Thank You Speeches

Here are a few examples of wedding thank you speeches to help inspire your own. Whether you’re aiming for classic, humorous, or emotional, these samples offer a great starting point to make your speech memorable and heartfelt.

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Sample 1: The Classic Speech

“Hello everyone! Thank you so much for being here today. Your presence means the world to us. We’re incredibly grateful to each and every one of you for making this day so special.

To our parents, your unwavering support and love have been our guiding light through every step of this journey. Your dedication and effort in making today perfect do not go unnoticed.

To our amazing bridesmaids and groomsmen, you’ve been our rock throughout the wedding planning chaos. Your help, encouragement, and friendship have made today truly magical.

And to all our friends and family, your joy and celebration with us today have made this occasion even more unforgettable. Your love and support have been a huge part of our lives, and we’re so happy to share this moment with you.

So, let’s raise our glasses to a future filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness for [Spouse’s Name] and [Partner’s Name]. Here’s to the beginning of a wonderful new chapter. Cheers!”

Sample 2: The Humorous Speech

“Good evening, everyone! I’ve been asked to keep this speech short, so if I start rambling, feel free to throw a roll at me. I promise I’ll try to stay on track!

Today we’re celebrating the fact that [Spouse’s Name] and [Partner’s Name] finally tied the knot. I’ve known [Spouse’s Name] for years, and honestly, I’m still amazed that [Partner’s Name] managed to get them to settle down. We all know how [Spouse’s Name] can be, right?

But in all seriousness, your love and support have truly made today incredible. The amount of joy and laughter we’ve shared is a testament to how much [Spouse’s Name] and [Partner’s Name] mean to us all.

So, let’s toast to the happy couple—may their life together be filled with as much joy, laughter, and love as this day has been. Here’s to a future of happiness and unforgettable moments. Cheers!”

Sample 3: The Emotional Speech

“Hello everyone. As we gather here today, our hearts are filled with so much love and joy. It’s a true blessing to witness [Spouse’s Name] and [Partner’s Name] start this new chapter together. Your journey has been nothing short of inspiring.

I remember when you two first met, and from that moment, it was clear that something special was unfolding. Seeing your love grow has been a beautiful experience, and it’s heartwarming to see you both so happy.

To our parents, your endless love and support have shaped who we are and made today possible. Your sacrifices and dedication are deeply appreciated, and we are grateful for everything you’ve done.

To everyone who has come to share this day with us, your presence has made it even more meaningful. We feel incredibly blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives.

Let’s raise our glasses to [Spouse’s Name] and [Partner’s Name]—here’s to a future filled with love, joy, and endless happiness. May your life together be everything you’ve dreamed of and more. Cheers!”

Ready for More Amazing Memories?

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

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The Bridal Tip

Expressing Gratitude: Wedding Thank You Messages from the Bride and Groom

Bride and Groom: Wedding Thank You Messages from the Heart

A wedding is a joyous occasion that brings together family and friends to celebrate the love and commitment between a bride and groom. It is a time filled with laughter, tears, and unforgettable memories. As the newlywed couple embarks on their journey together, it is customary for them to express their gratitude to those who made their special day even more magical.

Thank you messages from the bride and groom are a heartfelt way to show appreciation to their loved ones for their presence, support, and generous gifts. These messages serve as a token of gratitude and serve to strengthen the bond between the newlyweds and their cherished guests.

Crafting the perfect thank you message can be a daunting task, as it is important to convey sincere appreciation while also reflecting the couple’s unique personalities. It is essential to use a tone that is warm, genuine, and personal. Here are some tips on how to write heartfelt thank you messages from the bride and groom.

1. Start with a warm greeting: Begin your message by addressing the recipient with a warm and personal greeting. Use their names to make it more intimate and meaningful.

2. Express your gratitude: Clearly state your appreciation for their presence at your wedding and the love and support they have shown. Be specific about what you are thankful for, whether it is their thoughtful gift, their kind words, or simply their presence on your special day.

3. Share a memorable moment: Recall a special moment from your wedding day that involved the recipient. This could be a heartwarming conversation, a dance, or a shared laugh. By mentioning these moments, you show that their presence made a lasting impact on your celebration.

4. Personalize the message: Tailor your thank you message to each individual, highlighting their unique role and relationship to you as a couple. This personal touch will make the recipient feel truly appreciated and valued.

5. Look to the future: Express your excitement for the future and the journey you are embarking on together as a married couple. Share your hopes and dreams and let them know how important their support will be along the way.

6. End with a heartfelt closing: Conclude your message with a warm and sincere closing, such as “With love and gratitude,” or “Forever grateful.” Sign your names to add a personal touch.

Remember, the key to writing a heartfelt thank you message is to be genuine and sincere. Take the time to reflect on the impact each person has had on your wedding day and express your gratitude from the heart.

Writing thank you messages from the bride and groom is a wonderful way to express appreciation for the love and support received on their special day. By crafting personalized and heartfelt messages, the couple can create lasting memories and strengthen the bonds with their loved ones. So, take the time to write a meaningful thank you message and let your loved ones know just how much they mean to you.

How Do You Say Thank You After A Wedding?

There are several ways to express gratitude after a wedding. Here are some options to consider:

1. Send a thank-you note: After the wedding, it is customary to send thank-you notes to your guests. In these notes, you can express your sincere appreciation for their presence and any gifts they may have given. Be sure to personalize each note by mentioning specific details about the gift or their contribution to your special day.

2. Express gratitude in person: If you have the opportunity, it is also a nice gesture to thank your guests in person. This can be done during the wedding reception or in the following days. Take the time to have a genuine conversation with each guest, expressing your gratitude for their support and presence.

3. Share a heartfelt message on social media: In today’s digital age, it is common to share updates and photos from your wedding on social media. Take this opportunity to express your gratitude to all who attended. Write a heartfelt message, mentioning how much their presence meant to you and how grateful you are for their love and support.

4. Personalize your thank-you gifts: If you are planning to give small tokens of appreciation to your guests, consider personalizing them to make them even more special. This could involve adding a handwritten note or customizing the gift with their name or initials. By doing so, you are showing your guests that you took the time to think of them individually.

5. Host a post-wedding celebration: Another way to say thank you after a wedding is to host a post-wedding celebration. This can be a casual gathering at your home or a rented venue, where you can express your gratitude to your guests in person. Use this opportunity to thank them for their presence and share your favorite memories from the wedding.

Remember, expressing gratitude is not just a formality; it is a genuine way to acknowledge the love and support you received on your special day. Choose a method that feels most authentic to you and your partner, and make sure your appreciation shines through in your words and actions.

wedding thank you messages from bride and groom

How Do You Write A Thank You Speech From The Bride And Groom?

To write a thank you speech from the bride and groom, follow these steps:

1. Keep it concise: A wedding thank you speech is typically short, so aim for a few minutes in length. Be mindful of the time and avoid rambling.

2. Collaborate: Write the speech as a team. Discuss what you both want to convey and divide the tasks. This way, you can include both perspectives and make the speech more balanced.

3. Practice, practice, practice: Rehearse the speech multiple times to ensure a smooth delivery. This will help you become familiar with the content and avoid stumbling over words on the big day.

4. Start with a memorable story: Begin your speech by sharing a special anecdote or moment from your journey as a couple. This will engage your audience and set a heartfelt tone for the rest of your speech.

5. Thank everyone: Express gratitude to all the important people who have contributed to your wedding day, such as parents, family, friends, and vendors. Mention specific individuals and their roles to make it more personal.

6. Be inclusive: Acknowledge and thank everyone who attended your wedding, even if you can’t mention them individually. Express your appreciation for their presence and support.

7. End on a positive note: Conclude your speech with a heartfelt thank you to your spouse, emphasizing your love and excitement for the future. Leave your guests feeling uplifted and inspired.

Remember, while it’s important to follow these guidelines, make sure to infuse your speech with your own personalities and emotions. This will make it more authentic and memorable for everyone involved.

What Do You Write In A Thank You Note For A Wedding?

When writing a thank you note for a wedding, it’s important to express your gratitude and appreciation to the recipient for their presence and support on your special day. Here are some suggestions on what to include in your note:

1. Start by expressing your gratitude: Begin the note by thanking the recipient for attending your wedding and for the love and support they have shown you and your partner.

2. Highlight their contribution: If the recipient played a special role in your wedding, such as giving a heartfelt toast or participating in the ceremony, mention how much their involvement meant to you and how it added to the joy of the day.

3. Acknowledge their support: Show appreciation for the love, encouragement, and support the recipient has provided throughout your relationship and during the wedding planning process. Let them know how much their presence and involvement meant to you.

4. Express your joy: Share your excitement and happiness about the future you and your partner are looking forward to building together. Let the recipient know that they are an important part of this future and that you cherish the connection you have as a family.

5. End with a warm closing: Close the note by expressing your love and gratitude once again. Sign off with a heartfelt closing, such as “With love and gratitude,” or “Forever grateful.”

Remember to personalize the note by including specific details or memories from your wedding day that involve the recipient. This will show that you took the time to reflect on their presence and the impact they had on your special day.

How Do You Write A Beautiful Thank You Message?

To write a beautiful thank you message, there are a few key elements to consider. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you craft a heartfelt and meaningful expression of gratitude:

1. Start with a warm greeting: Begin your message by addressing the recipient in a friendly and personal manner. Use their name or a term of endearment to create a warm and inviting tone.

2. Express your gratitude: Clearly state what you are thankful for and why. Be specific and detailed in your appreciation to show that you genuinely value the recipient’s actions or words.

3. Use heartfelt language: Choose words that convey your sincere emotions. Express how the person’s kindness or gesture made you feel and how it positively impacted your life.

4. Share the impact: Explain how the recipient’s actions or gifts have affected you. Highlight the difference their kindness has made in your life and why it is important to you.

5. Add personal touches: Include any personal anecdotes or memories that relate to the act of kindness or the person themselves. This adds a personal touch and shows that you truly appreciate their unique qualities.

6. Offer compliments or praise: Take the opportunity to acknowledge and compliment the person for their thoughtfulness, generosity, or any other positive traits that you admire. This adds an extra layer of appreciation and makes the message more heartfelt.

7. Wrap it up with warm closing: End your thank you message with a warm closing, such as “With heartfelt thanks,” or “Gratefully yours.” Sign off with your name or a closing remark that is personal and reflects your relationship with the recipient.

Remember, the key to writing a beautiful thank you message is to be sincere, specific, and genuine in expressing your gratitude. By following these steps and adding your personal touch, you can create a message that truly conveys your appreciation and leaves a lasting impact on the recipient.

The bride and groom have embarked on a beautiful journey together, surrounded by the love and support of their family and friends. Their wedding day was a testament to their commitment and devotion to one another. From the heartfelt speeches to the joyful celebrations, it was a day filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories.

The bride and groom are grateful for the presence of each and every person who attended their wedding, as well as those who sent their well wishes from afar. Their gratitude extends to those who made the day possible – the wedding planners, vendors, and venue staff who worked tirelessly to create a magical experience for everyone involved.

As the bride and groom look towards their future together, they are filled with excitement and anticipation. They are grateful for the love and support they have received, and they know that they are not alone in their journey. With their loved ones by their side, they are confident that they can overcome any challenges and embrace the joy and happiness that marriage brings.

The bride and groom are incredibly thankful for the love, support, and generosity shown to them on their wedding day. They are grateful for the memories created and the bonds strengthened. Their wedding day was a reflection of their love and commitment, and they are excited to embark on this new chapter of their lives together. They are truly blessed to have such wonderful people in their lives, and they look forward to creating more beautiful memories in the years to come.

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How to write a thank you speech

With a short thank you speech sample and a printable planner

By:  Susan Dugdale  

A thank you speech or appreciation speech prepared and given with sincerity means a lot to those you acknowledge.

Dive right in. There's all the assistance you need on this page to write an excellent speech of thanks.

What you'll find on this page

  • the types of occasions it could be good to have a thank you speech ready to give
  • best practice and content suggestions to guide you step by step through writing a short thank you speech
  • a short  sample thank you speech for an award (and a link to an example thank you speech for a 18th birthday party)
  • a printable thank you speech planner to download
  • links to thank you quotations you may like to use
  • notes covering rehearsal and delivery   

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

'No man is an island'

When we achieve, we usually do so because others have helped. Your speech of appreciation is the gift or acknowledgment you give in return for what was given you.

When is a thank you speech appropriate?

Any time is good to say thank you! However, a more formal speech of thanks could fit any of these occasions.

  • for coming to my graduation, farewell, birthday, or retirement party
  • for the promotion
  • for the award
  • for coming to our wedding and your gifts, our engagement party, our 50th wedding anniversary
  • for coming to the opening of my new business...

Be prepared! Best practice guidelines

Generally the decision to leap to your feet and give a thank you speech is not spontaneous. You will likely have some forewarning and time to consider exactly what you want to say and who you want to mention.

Deciding on the content

Cover these three content areas and you'll be fine.

  • WHO are you thanking? Note their names in ranking order- the most important first.
  • WHAT are you thanking them for? Be specific rather than general. Naming what you are grateful for gives your thanks more meaning.
  • WHAT did their gift of time, expertise, encouragement, money... mean to you? Again, be specific. This is your chance to publicly give credit where it's due, to compliment, to praise. Take it.

Writing your speech

When you've sorted out who you wish to mention and what for, you are ready to begin writing.

Like any other form of speech you need 3 parts:- an opening, the body or middle where you put all your acknowledgments, and a conclusion.

1. Introduction/opening

In your introduction or opening give the reason for the occasion and why it is you're going to thank everyone. What you say, and how you say it, will set the tone for the remainder of the speech.

Depending on the number of people on your 'thank you/appreciation' list and the amount of time you have, consider including a small story about the lead-up making this event possible. A well-chosen personal anecdote will always go down well because it lets those listening share your experience more deeply.

Check out this page on story telling in speeches for more information.

In the body of your speech, start at the top of your list of people to thank and work your way through it. Take care to give the most important people the most time.

For those whom you want to mention but don't have enough time to make individual acknowledgments consider grouping them according to function.

Example: "To Alex, Mary, Judy and Sam, thank you for making me remember to laugh. You helped me keep my sanity and perspective when the going was tough."

3. Conclusion

In the conclusion, summarize your main points and finish.

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A short thank you speech sample 

Here's a short example thank you speech for you to see how it could be done. There are many ways covering the required content. This is just one.

The person giving this speech is thanking an organization for giving him an award. 

It is 374 words long. When spoken it will take approximately 2 minutes + to deliver. That's about the right length. It's brief and covers everything needed.

As you read it through imagine hearing it out loud. 

Speech text

"Who's considered the incredible power and range of meaning in 'thank you'?  Those two words express gratitude, humility, understanding, as well as acknowledgement.

I am here with you: my family, many of my friends and colleagues because I need to say all of that, and then some more.

Thank you for coming to share my being given the Fred Smith Award for Community Service. It's very humbling.

There's a phrase I'm sure you know: it takes a village to raise a child. In this case it's not a child that's been raised but awareness and a long-needed community resource - the  Parksville Community Literacy Center.  The village behind it and me, is you.

In particular, thank you to my wife Marlene who has always understood and shared my conviction that communities are healthiest when its resources are equally shared, and that the ability to read underpins long term social and economic wellbeing.

I know the hours I spent after work helping to establish our new Center tested her, especially when I was home late, again.

Remarkably she continues to support, and love me.  For that I will always be grateful.

Mary Hill, Catherine Beech and Matthew Fall from the Fred Smith Foundation – thank you for sharing the vision of an integrated community and for being so incredibly supportive. You understood what we were trying to achieve and helped make it possible. Your generous gifts of time, expertise and funds are deeply appreciated.

This award may have my name on it, but in truth it belongs to everybody who has worked to make the center a reality. Have you got a spare day or two? If I called out all those people we'd be here for quite some time! Instead, I'll simply say thank you. You know who you are.

The time and effort you've given ensures that the Parksville people who want it will have access to effective literacy programs and resources. That is a priceless gift.  As Nobel Peace Prize winner former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan said “Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope.”

Thank you for the award and thank you on behalf of all those who will cross that bridge to a brighter future." 

how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Here's another example. This one is a thank you speech for a birthday . The speaker is thanking their parents and guests for the celebration in honor of their 18th birthday. 

Thanks but NO thanks!

What I really need is a Thanksgiving Speech!

Image: - a string of autumn leaves. Text: Thanksgiving - a time to say thanks for life, family, friends and food, in a speech.

And it's here. Choose a theme. Complete the template. And give your Thanksgiving Speech with confidence.

Get a printable thank you speech planner

Regardless of whether you are preparing a thank you speech for the guests who came to your wedding, engagement, retirement, farewell, graduation or birthday party, the steps are the same.

This printable planner will guide you through the four needed. Each one is fully explained with an example.

Completing it will make writing your speech so much easier.

Either click the link or the image below to: download a printable thank you speech planner .

Banner: Download a printable thank you speech planner

Use a quotation to help show your gratitude

Image: blue forgetmenots. Text: Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. GB Stern

Before you finalize the content, check out these 'thank you quotations' .

They offer different ways of expressing your gratitude. You could find just what you need to spark your creativity and provide the thread/theme to unite your speech. It can be so much more than a long string of thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you ...

Tips to help you get your thank you speech right

Rehearsal, practice and feedback.

Image: Black and white photo of a young man standing on a stage. Text: About rehearsing a speech.

Many people make the assumption that once they've got the words of their speech sorted, they're set to go.

That's not true! Practice completes the process.

Giving yourself several  rehearsals, firstly by yourself and then in front of  friends or family, will help enormously. Click the link for detailed information about  how to rehearse effectively .

For the condensed and shortened version covering good rehearsal practice follow the points below.

1. Content check

Before investing too much time and energy into rehearsing your speech say it through in front of a few trusted friends or colleagues.  It is much, much easier to change text prior to practicing it than after you've begun working with it. Ask them to listen:

  • to make sure you've included everyone you should, in the right order and thanked them for the right things.
  • for tone. Does the vocabulary fit the occasion? Are the stories right? Is the speech positive? Is it inclusive?

Edit as needed, and then have your test audience listen again. 

Getting the timing right is an essential part of making it a success. Go on too long and people stop listening. Be too brief and there's a danger you've missed things out.

The only way to find out how long your speech is, is to time yourself as you say it out loud at a normal speaking rate. If it's too long, look for areas you can cut. Maybe you need to group a few  more people together or perhaps you need to shorten some of the specific examples about why it is you're thanking someone.  If it's too short, add more detail.  Repeat until you get the length right.

If you'd like to check the number of words you have in your speech against how many minutes it will take to say them go to: how many words per minute are there in a speech .

3. Use cue cards

If you're at all worried about forgetting things, losing your place or muddling what you want to say, use cue cards. They'll take the anxiety away.

Write the main points of your thank you speech on cue cards. Good notes will keep you on track while ensuring you cover everything you want to like, for instance, the name of every person you want to thank and why.

(Click the link if you don't know about using or how to make cue cards . Cue cards are preferable to reading your speech.

However sometimes you just have to read because...for all sorts of reasons. If that's you, do it well. Find out how to read a speech effectively .)

Are you sweating over a business thank you speech?

One thanking your colleagues for a job well done?

Here's a good one to use as a template. It's utterly adaptable. Takes bits out, flick bits in... until you have it just as you want it.
Get thee pronto (quickly) to the  !

speaking out loud 

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how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Wedding Card Message

Home » Wedding Messages » Thank You » 15 Wedding Thank You Card Wording Examples

15 Wedding Thank You Card Wording Examples

wedding thank you card wording examples

Are you struggling with deciding what to write in a wedding thank you card? Do you need some helpful wedding thank you card wording examples? Just to get you started or for inspiration?

Then read on!

After the highs of a wedding you can soon find yourself brought back down to earth. Why? You have to write your wedding thank cards to everyone.

That sounds a bit mean but it’s often a lot of people, and a lot of work. On top of that you have to think of what to say to everyone, which can be tricky. So wouldn’t it be great if there were a selection of wedding thank you card wording examples to save you some of the hassle?

Well what luck! We’ve produced just such a guide to help if you’re find it hard deciding what to write in a wedding thank you card.

From thank you messages for gifts to notes for your family, the thank you wordings you’ll find here are ideal for showing you the sort of things to say.

They can be copied directly as they are or just used as inspiration and ideas for writing your own.

So don’t let your wedding thank you’s be such a chore. Free up some time and make the whole process easier with our wedding thank you wordings.

Table of Contents

Generic Thank You Wording Examples

These example wedding thank you notes are generic and easily customisable. So they can be used to say thank you in a general way and should be suitable for most situations.

Dear _______,

Thank you so much for [attending the wedding/your gift/the gift you sent]. We really appreciate [you being there/such a lovely gift]. It was a magical day and we couldn’t be happier. Thank you for help make it so special.

Kind regards,


We were so thrilled to [have you at our wedding/receive your gift/for being a bridesmaid/groomsman]. It was a fantastic day made even more memorable by [you/your generosity/all your help]. We just wanted to reach out with our thanks.

Best wishes,

SEE MORE: Wedding Thank You Card Messages

Thank You Wording for Attending the Wedding

You will probably want to send everyone who came a note or card saying thank you for attending our wedding. Try these quick thank you messages to let them know how pleased you were they could make it.

Dear _____,

We wanted to thank you so much for coming to our wedding. It was a wonderful day that we will remember and treasure for the rest of our lives. Being able to share that with you meant the world to us. We hope you enjoyed it and had a good time.

It was just great to have you with us on such a big day. Being able to share our love with friends feels so important and the memories we made will last forever. We hope you had a blast and look forward to seeing you again real soon.

Kindest regards,

SEE MORE: 49 Wedding Wishes for the Bride and Groom

wedding thank you for coming wording sample

Wedding Thank You Wording for a Gift

You will most likely have received a lot of gifts. Send a thank you message with these wording examples and express how grateful you are for those gifts and presents.

Dear ______,

Just wanted to say thank you for the lovely gift. We will be getting a lot of use out of the bakeware set for many years. It was wonderful to have you at our wedding. It was everything we could have wished for.

Many thanks,

Thank you ever so much for the coffee machine. It’s going to get an awful lot of use, especially if we decide to start a family soon! We’ll have to have you over and share a cuppa! Thanks again for being part of the wedding day.

Our best wishes,

SEE MORE: Inspirational Quotes about Marriage

Thank You Card Wording for a Cash Gift

A monetary gift is also a common present given to newlyweds. If you received cash then send a note or message of thanks for your wedding gift with the examples below.

We were delighted you could make the wedding and were so pleased to have you there. Your gift was also wonderful and such a thoughtful gesture. We can’t tell you how much we appreciate it.

All our love,

Big thanks for celebrating with us on our wedding day. Your gift of [amount here] was incredibly generous! It will be such a help with the honeymoon. We looking forward to catching up with you when we get back.

All the best,

wedding thank you card wording example

Wedding Thank You Wording for Family

Chances are your parents were at your wedding. If so you may want to send a thank you message to them too. If you aren’t sure what to say then the following example wedding thank you card wording for family should help.

Thank you making our wedding day so special. It wouldn’t have been nearly the same without you there. It was just as we’d imagined and hoped for. Having family there to share in that joy was essential and we won’t forget it.

Lots of love,

Dear Mom and Dad,

The wedding was more amazing than I could have dreamed of. To have you both there, with dad walking me down the aisle – it brings a tear to my eye even now. We are both so happy and it wouldn’t have been quite so special without you there.

Saying Thanks for a Gift When Someone Could Not Attend

Some guests won’t have been able to make your big day. You can still send a thank you to those who sent gifts anyway. Use the wedding thank you wordings here to show your appreciation to those unable to attend.

We are very sorry you couldn’t make the wedding. You were sorely missed. We were touched to find the gift you sent. It was so thoughtful and we really do appreciate it.

Our kindest regards,

Thank you for sending such a thoughtful gift even though you couldn’t make the ceremony. It wasn’t the same without you there. I’m sure we’ll catch up soon though.

Many thanks again,

For a group Gift

You may have received a group gift from some of your friends. In which case you can thank them all with the example notes below.

Thank you all so much for the wonderful gift. We feel so grateful to have a truly generous bunch of friends. Hoping you had a great time at the wedding and we will try to catch up with every single one of you very soon.

[your name]

Here’s a few tips to help you with your wedding thank you cards. Follow these to make the whole process a lot smoother.

Prepare Before the Wedding

If you’ve already had your wedding then this will obviously not apply. But if you’re the forward thinking type you can get a head start.

  • Pick out the thank you cards or notes you want to use.
  • Make a list or spreadsheet of who you need to send your thank you’s too and the gift they sent/bought.
  • Pick a date to write them. It will be after your wedding, obviously, and set aside a weekend to get them all done.
  • Get yourself a really good pen! Blue or black ink though. No funny colors.

Who to Send to?

There will be quite a few different groups of people you will need to say thank you to.

  • Parents – assuming they came to the wedding. Parents are very special and should be thanked for all they’ve done for you.
  • Guests – all guests, even the ones who didn’t bring a gift. Just attending deserves thanks.
  • Gift Givers – if they’ve taken the time to give or send a gift then you need to thank them.
  • Hosts – whoever it was that hosted your wedding is absolutely key to thank.
  • Planners & Vendors – All the people who helped make the wedding special – florists, caterers, lighting etc. should be thanked. If you used a planner then they will need a thank you card too.

When to Send Them?

As soon as you can after your wedding and honeymoon. Within 3 months of the wedding is seen as the norm and acceptable. No longer though. You can also write some before the wedding if gifts arrive early.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully you’re now all set to write your wedding thank you cards. The wording examples here should have given you some ideas of what to say or write.

Just remember to take your time, speak from the heart and say how much it or they meant to you. Do that and your thank you’s can’t go wrong.

Sharing is caring!

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how to write a thank you speech for wedding

Wedding Toasts: How To Write A Father Of The Bride Speech

You’ve walked your daughter down the aisle, and have just watched her marry the love of her life – now it’s time to make your father of the bride speech. This is such a big day, full of love and happiness, and a brilliant father of the bride speech can make or break the evening (so no pressure!).

But, there is probably a lot you want to say – and you’re likely wondering ‘how can I condense years of pride and affection into a short but great father of the bride speech?’ Never fear, we’ve got loads of useful tips and tricks to make your toast the cherry on top of an already amazing day.

What should you include in a father of the bride speech?

With loads of memories and stories about your daughter (and her partner) that you could share, getting your ideas on paper is the hard part. But, there are a few core elements that are always included in all the best father of the bride speeches that can give you somewhere to start writing.

We’ve even put our suggestions in an order for you to follow – consider this a father of the bride template from us to you!

Start by thanking the guests

It’s pretty standard practice to thank your guests for attending during a father of the bride speech. Whether the wedding is for 20 or 200 people, everyone has made an effort to be there, so you should take some time to recognise that in your speech.

Of course, while you can thank the wider guestlist more generally, make sure to call out certain people by name. These include your daughter and her new spouse, your partner, your new in-laws, bridesmaids and groomsmen, and other close family members involved in the wedding – basically everyone that has been a key contributor to making the day a success.

We recommend starting your speech with any thanks, but keep it fairly short. You don’t want to bore your audience before you’ve properly begun your father of the bride speech.

Praise your daughter and the person she has become

As the father of the bride, your speech is a time for sharing stories and memories of your daughter. From when she was born and her childhood, to stories of her as she grew, this is the time to share silly memories and tell everyone how proud you are of her.

Stuck for ideas? We suggest picking out some of your favourite qualities of your daughter to share with the wedding crowd. This is your time to be honest and make your father of the bride speech unique. Everyone can say a bride is beautiful, or funny – you don’t want people to think that you’ve copied some random father of the bride speech off of the internet. 

Instead, you have insight into the woman she is, (who she really is), so share something quirky and original to tailor your father of the bride speech specifically for her.

Maybe you’re proud of how much she cares about family, her determination and ambition, or even that she can recite a specific scene of her favourite film! Whatever you choose, make sure to keep it light, positive, and personal to celebrate her on one of the biggest days of her life. Aim to have people laughing and crying in equal measure – and don’t be afraid to shed a tear yourself.

Share memories of the couple

Of course, the day isn’t just about your daughter – it’s also about her partner. So, make sure you spend some time talking about the new member of your family. This could be with funny stories about how they met, the early days of their relationship and how you felt on meeting them for the first time, or stories from the present.

Like with your daughter, make sure they know you’re proud of the person she has chosen to spend her life with. Remember, you’re not losing your daughter to someone, you’re gaining more family!

We suggest spending most of your time talking about your daughter and her partner on their wedding day – that way you’ll have the rest of the wedding party eating out your hands with an emotional, funny, and brilliant father of the bride speech.

Give some words of wisdom or advice

Whether it’s a quip about dealing with some habits of your daughter, or how to make her favourite treat, the best father of the bride speeches always have some advice for the couple.

Some lighthearted teasing and funny advice is bound to get some laughs, and you can then switch the tone with some more serious words of wisdom for the happy couple. Offering some tips about marriage, or even just reminding the couple that they can always come to you for help and advice, is a great way to start rounding off your father of the bride speech.

End with a toast to the happy couple

Now you’ve done the hard part – but don’t forget you want to end strong. That’s why you should finish off your father of the bride speech with a heartfelt toast to the newlyweds. This is the time to round up everything you’ve said, (maybe slip in one last joke), and raise a glass to your wonderful daughter and her new partner. 

Then it’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of the celebration safe in the knowledge that you delivered a brilliant father of the bride speech.

Things to remember

Using our father of the bride speech template above is a surefire way to make sure your speech stands out and makes the best impression on the other wedding guests. But, we do have a little more advice for you…

  • Introduce yourself : make sure everyone knows who you are before you get into your father of the bride speech. Remember to introduce yourself, and even slip in a small joke to help you (and the crowd) relax.
  • Do NOT embarrass your daughter : this is her wedding day, so maybe keep some of the more embarrassing stories for another occasion. We’re not saying you shouldn’t include some funny stories, but make sure they’re ones she will laugh along with as well.
  • Don’t force funny : peppering your father of the bride speech with some jokes is one thing – but don’t try to shoehorn jokes in for the sake of it. Stories and memories will tend to get some laughs anyway, which will make your speech feel much more natural.
  • Speak from the heart : part of writing the best father of the bride speeches means speaking from the heart. Be honest and genuine, and there won’t be a dry eye in the house when you’re done.
  • Tell your daughter you love her : this is an obvious one, but sometimes you can get swept up in the details and forget the simple things. Whatever you say in your speech, don’t forget to tell your daughter you love her.
  • Keep it short : weddings are a celebration! So, you don’t want to drone on and on until people are bored stiff. Keep your father of the bride speech to about 10 minutes max – although six to eight minutes is even better.
  • Practice : keeping to time, and making sure your speech feels smooth is hard. Spend some time practising before the big day (and don’t be afraid to keep some cue cards with you if you need them).

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