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HRM Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On April 16, 2024


Human resource management studies stated that employees should be hired, retained and managed. It is an extensive field that requires an in-depth understanding of the underlying factors and concepts.

As a human resource management student, you will study many different concepts, frameworks, and theories related to employee management. However, before your graduation, you will be required to submit a dissertation on a human resource management research topic of your choice.

Even though several topics and concepts are yet to explore in the field of human resource management, you will want to make sure that your proposed topic has sufficient literature to support and justify the content of a theoretical framework , or else you might struggle with data collection .

This article provides you with a comprehensive list of HRM topics that are relevant to your field and identifies some interesting literature gaps.

Choosing from our list of topics will certainly improve your chances of submitting an outstanding dissertation. So, go ahead and choose an HRM dissertation topic of your interest. We can even customize these topics based on your project needs.

PhD qualified writers of our team have developed the proposed topics, so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

Note –

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for here.

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2024 HRM Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: how human resources departments achieve equal employment opportunities.

Research Aim: The research will aim to investigate how HR departments achieve equal employment opportunity in organizations. EEO, or Equal Employment Opportunity, is the notion everybody has an equal chance to pursue a job on the basis of merit, regardless of skin color, gender, or gender identity. It is the duty of HR department to give every employee and equal right in the organization. The research will examine how HR department keep the organization environment friendly by controlling equal employment opportunities.

Topic 2: The effect of motivating strategies on employee performance

Research Aim: The research will aim to find the impact of motivating strategies on employee performance. Employee motivation plays a huge part on performance. Employee engagement cannot be substituted by anything else in order for any organisation to run efficiently and without interruption. It is critical that a company and its employees not only have a strong connection with the top management, but also have a good and healthy relationship with their colleagues. The study will also make recommendations on what further might be done to obtain optimal results utilising motivating methods for the benefit of both the company and the individual.

Topic 3: Organizational Conflicts as Antecedents of Staff Turnover: Evidence from the UK Food Sector

Research Aim: The research will aim to review recent available literature on employee turnover in order to determine organizational conflicts as antecedents of employee turnover in the UK food sector in order to close gaps in the literature and present a broader range of turnover factors and understanding of employee motivational factors in their job decision.

Topic 4: How does AI involvement in HRM provide Zara with a competitive advantage?

Research Aim: The research will aim to inspect the benefit of competitive advantage at Zara through the involvement of artificial intelligence in their HRM. AI assists the human resources department in identifying their personnel’ skill sets and recommending a training programme based on their work positions. It combines all of the data and assists the HR staff in making succinct decisions about what training to do in which sector to boost abilities. The study will also explain the importance of AI in organizations and organizations success. It will also look into strategies and policies Zara used to achieve competitive advantage.

Topic 5: The role of HR in creating a respected working environment that contributes in sustainable revenue growth

Research Aim: The research aims to examine the role of HR in creating a respected working environment and sustainable revenue growth. The study will identify current misunderstandings and disparities in understanding of topics such as sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, and the link between strategic human resource management and sustainable HRM through a comprehensive literature review. It will also identify and recognise the challenges that sustainable HRM encounters in reality, with a particular emphasis on the prevalent strategic HRM schema and the misunderstanding of corporate social responsibility.

Covid-19 HRM Research Topics

The role of managers during the pandemic.

Research Aim: In this study, the Human resource management techniques which HR managers will adopt for performing their operations during the COVID -19 will be discussed.

The management techniques for employees.

Research Aim: This study will focus on how the employees are trained during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The economic Crisis for HR Managers during Covid-19

Research Aim: This study will discuss how the economic crisis will disturb the payroll and how the managers will work.

The policies of HR for affected employees.

Research Aim: In this study, HR will design policies on how HR will manage when there is a gap between employees working. How will the ill patients be provided with support by companies through HR?

The employees' cooperation for HR

Research Aim: This study will highlight how well the employees support the decisions of the HR policymakers during the pandemic.

HRM Dissertation Topics for 2023

Topic 1: effect of employee engagement on customer loyalty in the service-based industry.

Research Aim: Employees engagement means that employees are passionate and committed to their work. In the service industry, where employees’ performance can greatly influence the quality of service, it is worth exploring employee engagement in customer loyalty in the service-based industry. Therefore, in this study, survey-based research will be conducted to identify employee engagement in customer loyalty.

Topic 2: Contingent workforce and its impact on organisation’s performance – Evaluating the IT Industry

Research Aim: Nowadays, companies hire freelancers and contractual workers, unlike permanent payroll employees. Various cost benefits can be obtained by hiring such a workforce. However, such a workforce may not have the required skills to do a job as effectively as a trained staff would have done. Thus, the present study focuses on identifying the impact of a contingent workforce on its performance in the IT industry.

Topic 3: Factors of growing mental health issues of employees at workplace in service-based industries

Research Aim: The wellness of employees at the workplace is necessary for their mental health and work performance. This study will identify the factors that can increase employees’ mental health issues at the workplace based on survey-based of employees and managers of service-based industries.

Topic 4: Analysing the importance and impact of training and development on an organisation’s sustainability during economic crises.

Research Aim: to achieve organizational objectives and milestones, leaders and business owners have realized the importance of training and developing their workforce to align with the organizational objectives. This research aims to analyze the importance and impact of employee training and development on the organization’s sustainability during economic downturns.

Topic 5: How online digital platforms have helped organisations in recruiting effectively and efficiently

Research Aim: With the advent of technology, firms have revolutionized their business operations. Under this revolution, many organizations have adopted different techniques and methods to recruit talented employees. Therefore, this research intends to determine how online digital platforms have helped organizations find employees more efficiently and effectively.

Topic 6: Analysing the factors which directly impact an employee's personal decision to leave employment

Research Aim: Employee turnover rate has always been a major concern for many organizations regardless of their size and nature. A valuable and talented employee is usually hard to find and retain. However, it has been found out that different factors motivate an employee to search for a new job. Keeping this phenomenon in mind, the current research will be analyzing the factors that directly impact the employee’s personal decision to leave employment.

Topic 7: Critically analysing the concept of workplace flexibility and how it impacts employee and organisational performance

Research Aim: In today’s modern era, the workplace environment has been transformed drastically from a strict and conventional style to a more flexible one. Therefore, this research aims to critically analyze the concept of workplace flexibility and how it impacts employee and organizational performance.

Topic 8: A comparative analysis of employees' job satisfaction and motivational factors in public versus private organisations.

Research Aim: Job satisfaction and employee motivation are regarded as the most important element of HR practices. The main aim of HR policies is to satisfy, retain, and motivate employees. Therefore, this research aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the employee’s job satisfaction and motivational factors in public versus private organizations.

Topic 9: The influence of COVID-19 on virtual employee management practices by organisations

Research Aim: This research is highly useful in the current context of COVID-19. Organisations all around the world are getting impacted by the COVID-19 and are closed at the moment. The current study will focus on using different virtual employee management practices that companies can use in the current context of COVID-19. These practices will be beneficial for organizations in almost all business sectors.

Topic 10: The role of using transformational leadership style in the improvement of organisational creativity at Morrisons

Research Aim: The aim of this research will be the benefits of using the transformational leadership style by Morrisons’ leaders to improve organizational creativity. This study will research how leaders can get the advantage of a transformational leadership style for increasing creativity at the organization.

Topic 11: The green HRM practices and their impacts on the corporate image of IKEA

Research Aim: This study will aim to study different green HRM practices and their role in improving IKEA’s corporate image and reputation. It will be researched how companies can improve their corporate image by focusing on green HRM practices and processes. The findings will be beneficial for the management, customers as well as employees.

Topic 12: Involving employees in the decision-making process and its influence on employee productivity at Subway

Research Aim: It will be researched in this study how Subway and other companies in this industry can involve the workers in the decision-making process to improve employee productivity. It will be studied that employee productivity is increased by involving the employees in the decision-making process. The findings will be useful in designing useful HR practices by Subway.

Topic 13: The impact of a flat organisational structure on the decision-making process

Research Aim: The main objective of this study is to evaluate the decision-making difficulties and issues faced by HR managers of companies with a flat organizational structure. This study will also investigate the benefits and challenges related to the flat organizational structures used by companies. A case study approach will be used.

Topic 14: The role of workforce diversity in improving organisational capability and innovation at Toyota Motors

Research Aim: To carry out this study, an innovative company named Toyota Motors will be selected. The main objective for carrying out this study will be to analyze how the organizational capability and innovation at Toyota Motors are improved due to workforce diversity. The main emphasis will be on studying the workforce diversity present at Toyota Motors and its significance in improving innovation and organizational capability. The success factors of Toyota Motors for HR will be studied.

Topic 15: The impact of digitalization on changing HRM practices at Aviva

Research Aim: The contemporary business world moves towards digitalization due to technological advancements. This research will study the different impacts of digitalization in changing various HRM practices at Aviva. Different HRM practices used by Aviva before and after the digitalization era will be discussed, and the changes will be analyzed. This study will show how digitalization has changed HRM practices in the contemporary business world.

Topic 16: The influence of employee learning and development opportunities on employee satisfaction at British Airways

Research Aim: It will be studied in this research that how employee satisfaction at British Airways is influenced by employee learning and development opportunities. Different employee learning and development opportunities at BA will be studied, along with their impact on workforce satisfaction.

Topic 17: The impact of recognizing employee contributions on employee retention at Shell

Research Aim: This study’s main objective is to analyse whether Shell can retain its employees by recognizing their contributions or not. Different strategies used by Shell for recognizing employee contributions will be studied that lead towards motivating the employees, which ultimately impact the retention of workers.

Topic 18: The role of green HR practices in employee engagement and retention

Research Aim: Green HR practices is a newly emerged concept in HRM. The study will aim to research the impact of green HR practices on employee engagement and retention. It will be studied how companies can improve employee engagement and retention by focusing on green HR practices.

Topic 19: The role of providing daycare facilities in increasing the productivity of female employees

Research Aim: This study will be focusing on the productivity of female workers. It will be studied how female workers’ productivity is increased by providing daycare facilities for their children. The impact on the satisfaction level of female employees due to the daycare facility will also be explored.

Topic 20: The impact of artificial intelligence on enhancing the human resource practices of Zara

Research Aim: For this study, the researcher will focus on the concept of artificial intelligence and use it in the HR context. It will be studied that either the HR practices at Zara can be enhanced by implementing AI. The benefits and implications of implementing AI in the HR context will also be part of this study.

Topic 21: The role of e-leadership in improving employee productivity and motivation.

Research Aim: The contemporary business world has become highly advanced due to technological capabilities. The concept of e-leadership has emerged due to advancements in technology. The purpose of this study will be to analyse the impact of e-leadership in improving the productivity and motivation level of the workforce.

Topic 22: The role of effective HR planning in a successful strategic alliance process.

Research Aim: This study will study the importance of effective HR planning for the strategic alliance process. It will be studied how HR management can mould the HR practices and focus on effective HR planning to make the strategic alliance process successful.

Topic 23: The impact of different personality traits on teamwork at Microsoft

Research Aim: The main focus of this research will be studying Microsoft’s teamwork. It will be further analyzed how Microsoft’s teamwork is influenced by the personality traits possessed by different team members. Different types of personality traits will be studied in this research that impacts teamwork positively and negatively.

Topic 24: The impact of career growth opportunities on employee loyalty at HSBC Holdings.

Research Aim: This study will aim to review different types of career growth opportunities offered by HBSC Holdings to its employees. Moreover, it will also be studied how employee loyalty is improved due to various career growth opportunities. The findings of this study will be beneficial for the banking sector.

Topic 25: The role of adapted HR practices in improving organisational performance at the international branch of DHL.

Research Aim: The study’s main objective will be to analyse companies’ changes in their HR practices for international branches. How and why the HR practices are adapted by HR management for improving the organisational performance at the company’s branch, which is located outside the country. For this, the DHL case study will be selected, and it will be assessed how and why DHL has used adapted HR practices across different countries.

HR Learning and Development Dissertation Topics

All organisational activities aimed at improving the productivity and performance of groups and individuals can be classified as HRM’s learning and development function elements. Learning and development encompass three pivotal activities, including education, training, and development.

As such, the training activities help to evaluate an employee based on his existing job responsibilities. Educational activities include those focusing on jobs that an employee can expect to carry out in the future.

Finally, the development activities are those that the employer may partake in the future. If you’re interested in exploring this human resource topic in-depth, we have some interesting dissertation topics for you:

Topic 1:The importance of appreciative inquiry with respect to organisational learning and development culture – A case study of ExxonMobil

Research Aim: This research will discuss the importance of appreciative inquiry and its impact on organisational learning and development culture with a specific focus on ExxonMobil.

Topic 2:To establish the correlation between organisation competency development and learning activities & programmes

Research Aim: This research will discuss how organisational competency development and organisational learning activities are correlated.

Topic 3:An examination of knowledge management and organisational learning for sustained firm performance. A case study of British Telecom

Research Aim: This research will examine how organisational learning and knowledge management helped British Telecom sustain their firm performance.

Topic 4:Investigating learning and development of human resources in the public sector in the UK

Research Aim: This dissertation will evaluate the different ways of achieving the learning and development of human resources in the UK’s public sector.

Topic 32:The importance of HR learning and development activities for SMEs

Research Aim: This research will focus on how SMEs utilize HR learning and developmental activities to improve their employees’ performance.

Topic 33:Human resource practices and employees’ decision to quit – Does Lack of Learning and Development play a Role.

Research Aim: This research will focus on whether or not lack of learning and development in an organization leads to employee turnover,

Topic 34:Developing organisational competitive advantage through strategic employee training in computer knowledge

Research Aim: This dissertation will explore how companies can gain a strategic advantage over their competitors through employee training.

Topic 35:The impact of various training and learning based activities on employees’ productivity

Research Aim: The main aim of this research will be to determine the impact of different pieces of training and learnings on employees’ productivity.

Topic 36: The role of HR analytics and metrics in improving organizational performance at Tesco

Research Aim: This study aims to research a new concept in human resource management, named HR analytics and metrics. Moreover, their impact on improving organizational performance will also be studied. This study will be beneficial for Tesco in using HR analytics and metrics in different HR practices that can lead to improved organizational performance.

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HR Performance Review Dissertation Topics

A performance review, also known as a career development discussion, performance evaluation and employee appraisal, can be defined as a method to evaluate an employee based on their job performance, mainly for appraisals. This might be an interesting area to focus your dissertation on. Here are some interesting topics in this area of HRM:

Topic 37:To understand the relationship between performance review and employee motivation in large and diversified business organisations

Research Aim: This research will understand the relationship between employee motivation and employee performance review. Large and diversified businesses will be the main focus of this study.

Topic 38:Effective performance appraisal – A study to establish a correlation between employer satisfaction and optimising business results

Research Aim: This research will analyse the impact of performance appraisal on employer satisfaction and how it optimises business results.

Topic 39: Investigating the efficacy of performance appraisal from the perception of employees in UK retail industry – A case study of Tesco

Research Aim: This research will analyse the efficacy of performance appraisal concerning employees, with a specific focus on Tesco.

Topic 40: Employee performance appraisal and the role of fairness and satisfaction

Research Aim: This dissertation will explore whether employees report satisfaction and fairness when performance appraisal is conducted.

Topic 41:Investigating performance review and appraisal methods employed by human resource department of any large oil and gas company

Research Aim: This research will study the human resource department of a large oil and gas company and will investigate how “performance review” and appraisals are conducted.

Topic 42: Job satisfaction and performance appraisals – Are they Interconnected?

Research Aim: This research will study in-depth whether job satisfaction and performance appraisals are interconnected or not.

Topic 43:Investigating the relationship between public sector appraisals and the spinal pay reward

Research Aim: This research will talk about the spinal pay reward system and evaluate its effectiveness in the public sector.

Topic 44:Analysing the impact of performance management on employee performance improvement

Research Aim: This research will investigate how performance management helps companies improve their employees’ performance.

Topic 45: Can HR performance drive employee engagement? Studying the UK banking industry

Research Aim: This research will talk about the different ways through which HR performance review helps in improving employee engagement. The UK banking industry will be in focus in this study.

Topic 46:The role of HR performance review in increasing employee retention and productivity

Research Aim: This research will investigate how organisations utilize performance reviews as a tool to improve employee retention and productivity.

HR Employee Motivation Dissertation Topics

Employees need objectives and goals to remain focused. The quality of work may significantly drop if they are not constantly motivated by their employers.

Business organizations employ various employee motivation methods and techniques to keep their employees motivated. Thus, this is an interesting topic to explore for your final year dissertation. Here are some HRM dissertation topics related to employee motivation.

Topic 47:To investigate the role of motivation in HRM – A study highlighting the most important motivation factors for future business leaders

Research Aim: This research will discuss the different motivation factors organisations should use to develop future leaders. In addition to this, the role of motivation throughout HRM will be discussed.

Topic 48:Employee satisfaction and work motivation – Are they both related?

Research Aim: This research will understand the relationship between motivation and employee satisfaction and the different motivation techniques companies can employ to increase employee satisfaction.

Topic 49: Evaluating the Role of Employee motivation in performance Enhancement

Research Aim: This study will discuss the role of employee motivation concerning employee performance, i.e. whether it enhances performance or not.

Topic 50:Human resource management – Motivation among workers in large and diversified business organisations

Research Aim: This dissertation will talk about motivation in large and diversified organisations and how these companies ensure that their employees are motivated at all times.

Topic 51:Effects of motivational programmes and activities on employee performance

Research Aim: This research will focus on the different motivational techniques and programs that impact employee performance.

Topic 52: Does motivation play a role in decreasing employee turnovers? A case study of British Airways

Research Aim: This research will discuss the role of motivation in decreasing employee turnover with a specific focus on British airways.

Topic 53:Motivation and performance reward – Are the two interrelated?

Research Aim: This research will talk about motivation and performance rewards and will assess whether the two are interrelated and directly related.

Topic 54: Work productivity and the role of employee motivation programmes and activities

Research Aim: This study will assess employee motivation programs’ impact on employee productivity, i.e. if it increases or decreases.

Topic 55:To discuss the role of employee motivation in relation to retention levels

Research Aim: This research will analyze employee motivation’s role to help companies retain employees.

Topic 56:Differences and similarities between traditional and contemporary theories

Research Aim: This research will discuss and compare traditional and contemporary motivation theories implemented by companies.

Topic 57: The role of employee empowerment in employee motivation and satisfaction at British Petroleum.

Research Aim: This study will aim to analyse different strategies of employee empowerment carried out by British Petroleum and their impact on workers’ motivation and satisfaction. The research will be studied that either different employee empowerment strategies improve employee motivation and satisfaction. The findings will be beneficial for companies working in the petroleum sector.

Topic 58: The impact of open communication in improving employee engagement at Zara

Research Aim: In this research, different modes of communication used by organisations will be studied and especially the impact of open communication in improving employee engagement at Zara will be analyzed. The importance of open communication for different organisations in the fashion and retail sectors will be discussed. Moreover, different communication strategies that can help improve employee engagement at Zara will be discussed based on past literature, theories, and framework.

HR Performance Management Dissertation Topics

All processes and activities to consistently meet organisational goals and objectives can be considered the HR performance management mechanism elements. Different organisations employ different performance management strategies to gain a competitive advantage. To explore this area of human resources, here are some intriguing topics for you:

Topic 59:Investigating different performance management techniques for retaining employees

Research Aim: This research will talk about companies’ various performance management techniques to retain employees.

Topic 60:The role of performance management activities in improving employees’ skills and abilities

Research Aim: This research will discuss how performance management helps employees improve their skills and abilities and how it ultimately helps companies.

Topic 61:Managing performance of workers through performance management techniques – A Case Study of Google

Research Aim: This research will explore how organisations use different performance management techniques to manage employees and their performance. A specific focus of this study will be Google Incorporation.

Topic 62:Employee performance and performance management systems – A qualitative study

Research Aim: This study will conduct a qualitative study to understand the different performance management systems for improving employee performance.

Topic 63:Performance management examinations in human resource management of profit-oriented organisations

Research Aim: This research will understand performance management in profit-oriented companies regarding how their human resource department ensures optimal performance.

Topic 64:Exploring the essentials elements of the performance management framework

Research Aim: This research will explore its vital features and performance management framework.

Topic 65:Human resource management practices and business performance – The role of environmental uncertainties and strategies

Research Aim: This research will explore whether environment uncertainties and strategies play a role in employee and business performance.

Topic 66:The efficacy of performance management systems in the UK’s retail industry

Research Aim: This research will explore the UK’s retail industry’s performance management efficacy.

Topic 67:Towards a framework for performance management in a higher education institution

Research Aim: This research will investigate performance management in the educational setting.

Topic 68:Should wages be capped through performance management – A qualitative study

Research Aim: This research will analyse whether wages should be adjusted and capped concerning performance management with a focus on its effects.

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Strategic Human Resource Management Dissertation Topics

Strategic human resource management is tying the human resource management objective to the company’s goals and objectives. This helps companies in innovating and staying ahead of their competitors by gaining a competitive advantage.

Being a relatively new concept, there are various aspects of strategic HRM that are left to be explored. Here are some interesting strategic HRM dissertation topics for you:

Topic 69:The efficacy of communication processes and employees’ involvement plans to improve employee commitment towards organisational goals – A case study of Sainsbury

Research Aim: This research will study the role and efficacy of the communication processes and employees’ involvement in order to improve employees’ commitment towards organisational goals.

Topic 70:To investigate SHRM theory and practice in a call centre – A case study of any UK call centre

Research Aim: This dissertation will discuss the various SHRM theories and how it is implemented. A UK-based call center will be focused on this study.

Topic 71: Differences and similarities between SHRM strategies and policies employed by German and Japanese automobile companies

Research Aim: This research will compare the different SHRM techniques and policies implemented by German and Japanese automobile companies.

Topic 72: A resource-based view assessment of strategic human resources quality management systems

Research Aim: This research will understand the resource-based view of strategic human resources quality management systems.

Topic 73: To understand and critically evaluate the HRM strategies employed by small and medium sized enterprises in the UK

Research Aim: This research will discuss and evaluate the different strategic HRM strategies employed by small and medium-sized enterprises in the UK.

Topic 74: Relating organisational performance to strategic human resource management – A study of small scale businesses in the UK

Research Aim: This study will analyse whether organisational performance and strategic human resource management are interconnected by assessing small scale businesses in the UK.

Topic 75: Investigating strategic human resource management in Singapore – A qualitative study

Research Aim: This research will analyse strategic human resource management in Singapore by undertaking a qualitative method.

Topic 76: The role of organisational support programmes to enhance work outcome and employees behaviour

Research Aim: This research will understand the organisational support program in order to enhance employee work outcome and their behaviour.

Topic 77: To establish the most important components of strategic HRM for SMEs in the UK to develop a competitive advantage

Research Aim: This research will talk about the relationship between the different SHRM components for SMEs in the UK in order to gain a competitive advantage.

Topic 78: To establish the significance of the relationship between organisational performance and strategic human resource management

Research Aim: This research will explore the relationship between organisational performance and strategic human resource management and how it helps companies achieve their objectives.

Human Resource Theory Dissertation Topics

The human resource theory framework consists of a soft and hard approach to human resources management. Various theories cover the different aspects of the soft and hard human resource approach.

Exploring this area of HRM will help in understanding more about the soft and hard HRM approaches. Here are some dissertation topics in this area that you can choose from.

Topic 79: A comparative analysis of various human resources theory approaches

Research Aim: This research will discuss various human resource theories and approaches and provide a comparative analysis.

Topic 80:To study human resources systems practiced by Multinationals in the UK

Research Aim: This research will discuss the various human resource systems as practised by multinational companies operating in the UK.

Topic 81:The role of human resources management (HRM) in regards to addressing workers’ concerns.

Research Aim: This research will discuss the importance of human resources in understanding and addressing worker’s concerns.

Topic 82: Can HRM have a negative influence on the performance of business organisations – A qualitative study?

Research Aim: This research will discuss a unique aspect of human resource management, i.e. whether it harms the company’s performance or not.

Topic 83: Is Human resources the only option for employees? An exploratory study

Research Aim: This study will analyze human resources’ role in solving employee issues and assess whether it is the only option for employees.

Topic 84:Exploring the contribution of human resource to the success of organisations

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand the role and contribution of the human resource department in companies’ success.

Topic 85:To investigate the most predominant human HRM and control strategies employed by business organisations

Research Aim: This research will discuss an interesting topic, i.e. the most predominant HRM strategies organisations implement.

Topic 86:To investigate the role of HR as a shared service.

Research Aim: This study will discuss human resources’ role as a shared service in the organisation.

Topic 87:Does a supervisor has a role to play in implementing HR practices – A critical study

Research Aim: This study will critically analyze supervisors’ role in implementing human resource practices in an organization.

Topic 88:The ethics of firing employees – Do companies really follow it?

Research Aim: This research will focus on how employees are fired at organizations and whether human resources follow the ethics of firing or not.

HR Organisational Culture Dissertation Topics

Organisational culture, also known as organisational climate, is defined as the process by which an organisation’s culture can be quantified. The properties of the work environment that are either considered positive or negative by the employees (and that may influence their behaviour) are the most important components of the organisational culture framework.

Studying this aspect of human resources will help you gain an in-depth knowledge of the role of culture in human resource management. Here are some interesting dissertation topics in this area:

Topic 89:The role of leadership, HRM and culture in vitalising management systems in firms

Research Aim: This research will understand the role of leadership and culture in human resource management and how it helps companies manage their systems.

Topic 90:Finding the right balance between differentiation and standardisation of HRM practices and policies – HRM of multinational companies operating within the European Union

Research Aim: There are certain human resource practices that are standardized throughout the world. This research will investigate the differences between such standard policies with respect to culture. Multinationals operating in the European Union will be focused.

Topic 91:Cross-cultural human resource management – The role it plays in the success of different organisations

Research Aim: This research will study the role of cross-cultural human resource management in the success of companies.

Topic 92:The impact of cross-cultural competencies in start-up companies

Research Aim: A lot of companies do not encourage cross-cultural human resources in the workplace. This research will analyse how cross-cultural competencies help startups grow and succeed.

Topic 93:The role of organisational cultural on HRM policies and practices – A case study of Cambridge University

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand the role of organisational culture on human resource policies and practices. The main focus of this study will be at Cambridge University.

Topic 94:The relationship between human resource management practices and organisational culture towards organisational commitment

Research Aim: This research will assess the relationship between different cultures and human resource practices with respect to organisational commitment.

Topic 95: Investigating cultural differences between the work values of employees and the implications for managers

Research Aim: This study will conduct an investigation related to the work values of employees based on their various cultural differences. It will then be concluded what this means for the managers.

Topic 96:To effectively manage cultural change without affecting work productivity

Research Aim: This research will discuss an interesting topic as to how managers should manage organisational cultural change without harming productivity.

Topic 97:Inducting new employees into the culture – Does it help organisations?

Research Aim: This research will discuss whether or not it is feasible for organisations to hire employees when the company is undergoing a cultural change.

Topic 98:Recruiting to change the culture – The Impact it has on the Profitability of the Company

Research Aim: This research will discuss whether companies should hire to lead change in the organisation, i.e. whether hiring should be done for this specific purpose, and what this new hiring means for the company in terms of profitability.

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HR Diversity Dissertation Topics

The changing corporate world has provoked organisations to develop and implement diversity management systems as part of their human resource management system. Although relatively new, diversity management is an important research area of human resource management that brings challenges and learning to employees.

With many areas unexplored and literature gaps in this subject, there are some extremely interesting dissertation topics you can select for your final year project. Some of them are listed here:

Topic 99: Investigating the difference between discrimination and diversity – How Do they Impact Organisations

Research Aim: This research will discuss the differences between the two concepts, diversity and discrimination and their impact on organisations.

Topic 100:Managing diversity through HRM: A conceptual framework and an international perspective

Research Aim: This study will discuss how the human resource department can manage diversity. The study will be conducted in an international setting.

Topic 101:Managing diversity in the public sector – How do companies manage to remain successful

Research Aim: This research will explore managing diversity in the public sector and how these companies can be successful even through diversity.

Topic 102:Managing cultural diversity in human resource management

Research Aim: As much as a human resource helps companies manage diversity, how will companies manage diversity in their main HR department. This research will answer this exact question.

Topic 103:The managerial tools, opportunities, challenges and benefits associated with diversity in the workplace

Research Aim: This research will focus on the tools available to human resources in managing diversity, and how they change it to opportunities and overcome diversity-related challenges.

Topic 104: Investigating the challenges of exclusion and inequality in organisations – Assessing HR’s role.

Research Aim: This research will first investigate the exclusion and inequality challenges that organisations face and how human resources overcome these challenges.

Topic 105:How does HRM Help in managing cultural differences and diversity

Research Aim: This research will discuss HR’s role in managing cultural differences and diversity in organisations.

Topic 106: Can HR eliminate diversity-related discrimination from workplaces? Assessing its role

Research Aim: This research will talk about HR’s role in eliminating diversity-related discrimination from organisations, and whether it will be successful in doing so or not.

Topic 107:Training managers for diversity – How difficult is it for companies and HR

Research Aim: This research will discuss and analyse the role of HR and companies in ensuring manager’s learning and development for diversity.

Topic 108:Training the newly hired staff for diversity in a large and diversified business organisation

Research Aim: This research will investigate the role of HR in training employees and staff to deal with, manage and coexist with diverse employees.

Important Notes:

As a human resource management student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing human resource management theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

Human resource management is vast and interrelated to many other academic disciplines like management , operations management , project management , business , international business , MBA and more. That is why it is imperative to create a human resource management dissertation topic that is articular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation , as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best human resource management dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample human resource management dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure your HRM Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analyzing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths while identifying research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and state whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is establishing the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : Make sure to complete this following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

About ResearchProspect Ltd

ResearchProspect is a  UK based academic writing service  that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  PhD. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers  is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues and the trends of the subject they specialize in.

Free Dissertation Topic

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find hrm dissertation topics.

For HRM dissertation topics:

  • Research HRM trends and challenges.
  • Explore workplace issues or diversity.
  • Investigate HR technology impact.
  • Analyze employee well-being.
  • Consider performance management.
  • Select a topic aligning with your passion and career path.

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75+ Human Resources Dissertation Topics in 2024

Manali Ganguly Image

Manali Ganguly ,

Mar 4, 2024

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The most trending HR dissertation topics include Remote Work and Employee Engagement, Leadership Style and Employee Motivation, HR Analytics and Strategic Decisions, and Role of Strategic HRM in Improving Employee Performance among others.

75+ Human Resources Dissertation Topics in 2024

Top HR dissertation topics are the Role of Organisational Culture in the Well-Being of Employees, Best Practices in HR Strategy, the Effect of Leadership Style on Employees, the Role of HR in Improving the Performance of Employees, and many others.

Enrolling in the MBA in Human Resources Management or a Diploma course in HR Management will require the students to work on a dissertation and thesis. The students must be well-acquainted with the style and pattern of writing a dissertation before starting one. The present article aims to discuss the most trending HR dissertation topics.

Table of Contents

What is a Human Resource Dissertation?

Popular hr dissertation topics in 2024.

  • HR Dissertation Topics on Organisational Culture
  • HR Dissertation Topics on Risk Management
  • HR Dissertation Topics on Employee Retention
  • HR Dissertation Topics on Strategy
  • HR Dissertation Topics on Diversity
  • HR Dissertation Topics on Performance Management
  • HR Dissertation Topics on Employee Motivation

How to Write an HR Dissertation?

A Human Resource dissertation is a research work that is done by the candidates upon enrolling in the Human Resources Management course. Any one topic is selected for a human resource dissertation. An elaborate amount of research is done on the topic while preparing the dissertation.

It is important to make the dissertation unique. A dissertation follows a few parameters and a certain style. It is important to understand the topic deeply before starting with the dissertation.

Students working on a dissertation must make a wise choice with respect to the topic of the dissertation. There are plenty of trending HR dissertation topics available. These topics can be categorised under various heads. The most trending topics in 2024 are:

1. HR Dissertation Topics on Organisational Culture

The HR dissertation topics on organisational culture are:

  • The impact of cross-culture HRM on the success of a business
  • HR management and its impact on the overall management of the workforce
  • How organisational culture and HRM practices are interdependent and how they build the work environment
  • Balancing the differentiation and standardisation of human resources management
  • Cultural disharmony among employees with respect to work and the impact on the management
  • How the organisational culture can be changed for good by the human resource management system
  • Balancing productivity and cultural transformation in the organisation
  • The impact of cross cultural competence on the newly emerging companies
  • The impact of organisational culture on the mental well being of the employees
  • How the leadership plays a vital role in shaping the organisational culture

Also Check:  Thesis Vs. Dissertation - Meaning, Differences and Similarities

2. HR Dissertation Topics on Risk Management

The HR dissertation topics on risk management are shared below for the students to choose:

  • Formulating policies for risk management
  • HR audit in the company
  • Minimization of risk and its effect on the productivity of the employees
  • Safety policies and the impact on the work culture of the organisation
  • Safeguarding policies in favour of employees during crises: How it motivates the employees
  • Formulating special and unique policies that averts the risk faced by the employees
  • Is it right to keep firearms in the workplace? How does it motivate or demotivate the workforce?
  • The connection between employee protection and training and leadership.

Also Check:  MBA Risk Management: Course Details, Eligibility, Admission, Fees

3. HR Dissertation Topics on Learning and Development

Following are the HR dissertation topics on the learning and development of the employees:

  • Training and development of the staff
  • HR analytics and metrics and their effect on the work culture
  • The effect of learning and development techniques on the productivity levels if the employees
  • HR policies regarding learning and development programs in small and medium-scale enterprises
  • How learning programs develop organisational competence
  • How effective is microlearning in the training and development of employees?
  • Role played by the platforms for learning on the development and training of the employees
  • Gamification and corporate learning
  • The role of cross-culture learning and development programs in the progress of the company
  • Is VR training effective in the acquisition and retention of employees?
  • HRM and new programs for the onboarding of employees
  • How do the learning and development programs affect employee engagement in an organisation?
  • How crucial is mentoring in the learning, development and performance of the employees?

Also Check: List of MBA HR Project Topics for Students

4. HR Dissertation Topics on Strategy

The HR dissertation topics based on strategies are given below:

  • Strategic planning of succession to create the future leadership
  • How important is a strategic approach of human resource management for employee retention?
  • The role of the HR and the management in bringing a strategic change in the organisation
  • Sustainable strategies formulated by the HR for enhancing employee performance and employee retention
  • How crucial is employer branding in talent acquisition and retention?
  • HR strategies to improve the performance of employees
  • Strategic planning of the workforce for the development of business
  • What role does an HR play in driving the creativity and innovation in an organisation?
  • How do HR strategies influence the goals of an organisation?
  • The role of digital transformation in shaping HR strategies
  • How value-based strategies influence employee performance and engagement
  • The role of intrinsic motivational strategies in the development of the organisation

Also Check: Courses After MBA HR: Eligibility, Advantages, Career Scope

5. HR Dissertation Topics on Diversity

The HR dissertation topics based on cultural diversity are mentioned below:

  • Investigating the difference between discrimination and diversity: How they impact organisations
  • Managing diversity through HRM: A conceptual framework and an international perspective
  • Managing diversity in the public sector: How do companies manage to remain successful?
  • Managing cultural diversity in human resource management
  • The managerial tools, opportunities, challenges and benefits associated with diversity in the workplace
  • Investigating the challenges of exclusion and inequality in organisations: Assessing HR’s role.
  • How does HRM Help in managing cultural differences and diversity
  • Can HR eliminate diversity-related discrimination in workplaces? Assessing its role
  • Training managers for diversity: How difficult is it for the companies and HR
  • Training the newly hired staff for diversity in a large and diversified business organisation

5. HR Dissertation Topics on Performance Management

The HR dissertation topics on performance management are given below for the students to choose:

  • Investigating different performance management techniques for retaining employees
  • The role of performance management activities in improving employees’ skills and abilities
  • Managing performance of workers through performance management techniques: A case study of Google
  • Employee performance and performance management systems: A qualitative study
  • Performance management examinations in human resource management of profit-oriented organisations
  • Exploring the essential elements of the performance management framework
  • Human resource management practices and business performance: The role of environmental uncertainties and strategies
  • The efficacy of performance management systems in the UK’s retail industry
  • Towards a framework for performance management in a higher education institution
  • Should wages be capped through performance management: A qualitative study

6. HR Dissertation Topics on Employee Motivation

Following are the human resource dissertation topics based on employee motivation:

  • To investigate the role of motivation in HRM: A study highlighting the most important motivation factors for future business leaders
  • Employee satisfaction and work motivation: Are they both related?
  • Evaluating the Role of Employee motivation in performance Enhancement
  • Human resource management: Motivation among workers in large and diversified business organisations
  • Effects of motivational programmes and activities on employee performance
  • Does motivation play a role in decreasing employee turnover? A case study of British Airways.
  • Motivation and performance reward: Are the two interrelated?
  • Work productivity and the role of employee motivation programmes and activities
  • To discuss the role of employee motivation in relation to retention levels
  • Differences and similarities between traditional and contemporary theories
  • The role of employee empowerment in employee motivation and satisfaction at British Petroleum.
  • The impact of open communication in improving employee engagement at Zara

The most crucial part of the dissertation is choosing the right topic. It is important to understand the topic. There are a number of HR dissertation topics available. The topic must be interesting so that enough research can be done. The best topic would be something relating to the sociological situation.

The most important features of a dissertation topic are given below:

  • Research Method: The research methods used for the collection and analysis of data must be outlined in the dissertation.
  • Literature Review: It is important to understand the context of the topic chosen for the dissertation. This will avoid gaps and loopholes in the work.
  • Originality: The work of the dissertation must retain its originality, which means that there should be new findings and perspectives to the research.
  • Discussions: There should be ample discussions on the topic and in favour of the perspective presented in the dissertation.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion drawn for the HR dissertation topic must be original. This is to say that the conclusion should show the findings derived through research on the topic made by the student.
  • Citation: This is the most important part of a work of dissertation. There should be citations and references to the works referred to. This upholds originality, removing chances of plagiarism.


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hr phd topics list


  • Published October 6, 2018
  • Last Updated July 19, 2024

Find Your Degree!

HRMBA Top Degree Programs

This article features the top 20 Ph.D. Programs in Human Resources.

Human resources is a flexible and lucrative career choice. In this field, graduates can land a position at any degree level. And many jobs in human resources only require a bachelor’s or master’s degree. However, a doctorate in human resources is needed for high-level leadership roles in the field. 

A Ph.D. in human resources typically takes three to five years to complete. And these doctoral programs are often rigorous and competitive. At many colleges, only a handful of applicants are accepted into the Ph.D human resources programs. However, those that do often enjoy full tuition, stipends, and other financial assistance. 

In this post, we’ve listed some of the best doctoral programs for human resources in the nation. Some are highly competitive on-campus doctoral degree programs only available to full-time students. Others offer more flexible human resources online options. If you’re considering pursuing a Ph.D. program in human resources, this list of the best doctoral programs has you covered. 

Ph.D. Human Resources Methodology

To identify the top 20 Ph.D. human resources programs, we started with a search on NCES College Navigator. From there, we created a list of colleges offering doctoral programs in human resources.

From our list, we created a rating system (seen below) to select our top 20 Ph.D. in human resources programs. Where there were ties, we favored the doctoral programs with the lower graduate tuition rate. Please note that the tuition rates listed are based on in-state costs per academic year. The costs for non-residents or for online doctorate degree students may differ.

Student-to-Faculty Ratio

  • 15:1 or less= 3 Points
  • Greater than 15:1= 1 Point

Average Graduate Tuition Rate

  • Less than $15,000 per year= 5 Points
  • Between $15,000 and $20,000 per year= 3 Point
  • More than $20,000 per year= 1 Point

Overall Graduation Rate

  • Greater than 80%= 3 Point
  • 80% or Less= 1 Point

Below are 20 schools that offer the best human resources doctoral programs:

Summary of Top 10 Ph.D. Human Resource Programs:

20Regent University$15,590 21:1  62% 5
19Cornell University$29,500 9:1  94% 7
18University of Pittsburgh$24,118 14:1  84% 7
17Michigan State University$19,714 16:1 82% 7
16University of Minnesota$17,844 17:1  84% 7
15Sullivan University$15,840 9:1  20%7
14University of Illinois$13,927 19:1  62% 7
13Bellevue University$10,980 19:1 23%7
12Colorado State University$10,834 17:1  69% 7
11Old Dominion University$10,207 16:1 49% 7
10University of Southern Mississippi$9,094 16:1 52% 7
9The University of Texas at Tyler$6,264 17:1  42 %7
8Rutgers University$18,180 15:1  84% 9
7Johnson & Wales University$14,706 15:1  63% 9
6University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign$14,635 21:1  85% 9
5Ohio State University$11,560 18:1  88% 9
4University of Wisconsin$10,728 17:1  95% 9
3Northcentral University$10,260 15:1  59% 9
2Indiana University$9,909 17:1  81%9
1Purdue University$9,718 14:1   83% 11

Ranking the Top 20 PhD Programs in Human Resources

#20 – regent u n iversity – virginia beach, virginia.

Regent University - Human Resources PHD

Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $15,590

Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges

Doctorate in Human Resources Score: 5

Regent University offers a Human Resources online online doctorate degree. Students in this doctoral degree program will earn a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership. This human resources program requires a total of 60 credit hours. There are five concentrations to allow students to customize the program to align with their academic goals. They include:

  • Ecclesial Leadership
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership
  • Human Resource Development
  • Individualized Studies
  • Organizational Leadership

The online doctorate degree program prepares students to influence organizations as leaders, scholars, and teachers. And they will focus on both leadership theory and practices. This research-based degree is taught from a Christian worldview. Some of the core courses include:

  • Quantitative Research Methods
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Contemporary Perspectives in Organizational Leadership Theory
  • Organizational Theory & Design
  • Group Behavior

To be considered for the doctoral degree, candidates must have a master’s degree in HR or a related field. 

Related: Online Master’s in Human Resources in Virginia

#19 – Cornell University – Ithaca, New York

Cornell University - Human Resources PHD

MS/Ph.D. in Human Resources 

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $29,500

Accreditation: Middle States Commission on Higher Education

Doctorate in Human Resources Score: 7

The next doctoral degree program is through Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations. This Master’s Degree to Ph.D. in Human Resources focuses not only on HR but on several related fields. Students in the program will earn both a master’s degree and a doctoral degree in human resources.

The program is designed for close collaboration among faculty and students. Only about 25 students are part of each year’s cohort. And this allows candidates to work on joining publications and advanced research projects. An impressive student to faculty ratio of 9:1 ensures you will get the personalized attention you need. Some of the PhD human resources courses may include:

  • Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Labor Relations Strategy 
  • Navigating Power Relationships
  • Diversity and Cross-Cultural Teams
  • Coaching Skills for Leaders
  • Organizational Behavior: Managing Change
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Agile Project Management Approaches

Candidates admitted to Cornell’s Human Resources Master’s Degree and Ph.D. program can expect full funding and placement support.

#18 – University of Pittsburgh – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

university-of-pittsburgh - Human Resources PHD

Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management

For more information: University of Pittsburgh

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $24,118

The University of Pittsburgh has one of the nation’s best Ph.D. in human resources programs. This OBHR program focuses on contemporary topics in human resource management. And students develop a multidisciplinary understanding of core foundations in the field. Students in this doctoral degree program learn to be effective and foreward-thinking human resources managers.

The program is offered through the Katz Graduate School of Business. And it follows a unique mentorship model. Doctoral students work with faculty to co-author research articles and complete projects. Generally, only two new candidates are accepted each year. This allows doctoral students to receive one-on-one faculty attention. Some of the courses in this human resources management Ph.D. include:

  • Foundations of Organizational Behavior
  • Psychology of Small Groups
  • Analysis of Variance
  • Applied Regression Analysis
  • Work and Organizations
  • Structural Equation Modeling

Most students can complete the doctoral degree program in five years. This includes two years of coursework and comprehensive exams. The final three years involve dissertation research, overview, and defense.

The HR Doctoral Program provides a generous financial aid package. Admitted human resource PhD students receive $27,000 per academic year plus an annual fellowship of $10,000.

Related: Online Master’s in Human Resources in Pennsylvania

#17 – Michigan State University – East Lansing, Michigan

Michigan State University - Human Resources PHD

Ph.D. in Human Resources and Labor Relations

For more information: Michigan State University

Average Graduation Tuition Rate: $19,714

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission

Michigan State University features a Ph.D. in human resource management. This rigorous program develops professional HR and labor relation scholars. And candidates learn the skills needed to become high-level human resources managers. Students will be part of a vibrant culture of faculty and peers. And together, they will work to conduct meaningful research. There are four major components of the curriculum. They include:

  • Required plus elective coursework
  • An independent research paper
  • A comprehensive exam
  • A dissertation

Doctoral students will need a minimum of 60-semester credits to graduate. However, some transfer credits may be approved on a case-by-case basis. Admission is competitive, with a limited number of prospective students admitted each year. However, those that are accepted receive full funding. This includes tuition, health insurance, and research support. The program is strictly full-time, so it represents a significant commitment.

#16 – University of Minnesota – Minneapolis, Minnesota

University of Minnesota - Human Resources PHD

Ph.D. in OLPD Human Resource Development

For more information: University of Minnesota

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $17,844

U of M offers a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development. This human development track prepares students for a wide range of career opportunities. Possible future roles include:

  • Faculty at a university or college
  • Executive consultant or coach
  • Director of organization development and learning
  • Director of organizational effectiveness

This 72-credit doctoral degree program can be completed in three to five years of full-time study. New students are admitted in the fall semester. Forty-eight hours of HRD coursework plus 24 thesis credits are required. The work includes the following:

  • Departmental core courses
  • Professional socialization seminar
  • Doctoral research seminar
  • Research courses (including qualitative and quantitative courses)
  • Specialization courses

To apply, students must have a master’s degree in HR or a related field. Financial assistance options are available for Ph.D. students. They include federal financial aid, loans, grants, fellowships, and assistantships. 

#15 – Sullivan University – Louisville, Kentucky

Sullivan University - Human Resources PHD

Ph.D. in Management – Human Resource Leadership

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $15,840

Sullivan University offers a Human Resources Online PhD. in Management. This doctoral degree is designed to prepare candidates for leadership roles in their organizations. Students will focus on both research and practical skills. And they can customize the online doctorate degree with one of four concentrations:

  • Strategic Management
  • Conflict Management
  • Human Resource Leadership
  • Information Technology Management

For the Human Resource Leadership concentration, students will take core management courses. Plus, they will take classes related to concentration. Some courses for this human resources online degree include:

  • Organizations and External Environments 
  • Human Capital Management 
  • Managing Innovation and Change in Organizations
  • Workforce Analytics and Technology 

The impressive student to faculty ratio of 9:1 ensures all candidates receive personalized instruction. In addition, many students partner with faculty on research, writing, and presentation projects. Sullivan also encourages a cohort model for this online doctorate degree. This allows candidates to develop connections among fellow students, instructors, and other HR professionals.

This online human resources doctorate program is highly flexible. No on-campus residencies are required. And students can complete the program full or part-time.

#14 – University of Illinois at Chicago – Chicago, Illinois

 University of Illinois at Chicago - Human Resources PHD

Ph.D. in Business Administration: Human Resource Management

For more information: University of Illinois at Chicago

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $13,927

UIC offers a Ph.D. in Business Administration with an HRM Emphasis. Students in the program will explore a variety of topics related to HR. They will also gain professional research skills. The doctorate in human resources program is offered to full-time students only. And it requires a four to five-year commitment. Human resources students are required to take seminars in:

  • Human Resources
  • Organizational Development
  • Research Methods
  • Education Psychology

Admission to the HR business administration program is highly competitive. As a result, only a few new students are admitted each year. This maintains high student-faculty interaction. Students work with peers and faculty on several research projects throughout the program. And almost all students graduate having their research work published in peer-reviewed journals.

#13 – Bellevue University – Bellevue, Nebraska

 Bellevue University - Human Resources PHD

Ph.D. in Human Capital Management

For more information: Bellevue University

Average Graduation Tuition Rate: $10,980

Bellevue University offers an executive-level Ph.D. in Human Capital Management. This doctoral program approaches HR from a unique angle. Students are taught to treat employees as valuable assets. And they learn how to invest in and serve the workforce to align with business goals. They also gain a psychological understanding of organizational dynamics and leadership. 

A total of 51 credit hours are needed to meet the requirements for this doctoral degree. Students work through the program by completing four learning modules and a dissertation. They will collaborate with expert faculty and peers from all over the country. Some of the courses in this Ph.D. program include:

  • Human Capital Development and Productivity
  • Economics of Human Capital Valuation Issues
  • Human Learning and Decision Making
  • Research in Organizations
  • Introduction to Human Capital Modeling and Research

The dissertation involves an applied research project. And students will use this project to address a real-world problem in an organization. The dissertation Chair must approve the topic and research plan. However, it is generally conducted in an organization to which the student has access. 

Students can complete the doctoral degree program entirely online. Candidates must have at least five years of professional experience. And they will also need to have a master’s degree in HR or a related field. 

#12 – Colorado State University – Denver, Colorado

Colorado State University - Human Resources PHD

Ph.D. in Education and Human Resource Studies

For more information: Colorado State University

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $10,834

Colorado State University offers a hybrid Ph.D. in Education and HR Studies. Students in this program will complete some classes online. However, they will also need to meet bi-weekly on Saturday mornings. These classes take place at the CSU extended campus in Denver. The program focuses on organizational learning, performance, and change. Candidates will develop skills in research, analysis, decision-making, and more. A few of the courses include:

  • Organizational Learning, Performance, Change
  • Workforce Development
  • Theory and Practice of Change 
  • Scenario Planning in Organizations
  • Social, Cultural, and Political Foundations of the Workplace 

Students work closely with faculty mentors on their coursework. And they will also collaborate with mentors to develop and complete their dissertation research. While some classes are in person, the online portion also facilitates collaboration. Students follow a cohort of about 20 students. And they complete small group activities that are an integral part of the program.

The program is selective, and the school chooses a diverse group of candidates each year. Applicants should have significant work experience in the field. Throughout the program, they will be challenged to present their research at conferences. And they will also be publishing their research in relevant publications. The entire program can be completed in four years or less. 

#11 – Old Dominion University – Norfolk, Virginia

Old Dominion University - Human Resources PHD

Ph.D. Occupational and Technical Studies concentration, Human Resources – Training emphasis

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $10,207

Old Dominion University offers a unique online Ph.D. in Human Resources. It’s an occupation and technical studies concentration. However, there is a human resources training emphasis. This program prepares students to work as training and development specialists in a number of industries. Several publications have ranked it as one of the Best Online Human Resources doctorate programs. 

The program requires a minimum of 60 credit hours. And there are two summer residencies required. These are each two weeks long and take place on the Norfolk campus. However, other than the residencies, no other campus visits are required. Online students will complete core courses, electives, and a dissertation. Some of the courses for this human resources online program include:

  • Trends and Issues of Economic and Workforce Development
  • Principles and Practices of Human Performance Technology
  • Research Design and Analysis
  • Human Performance Assessment
  • Instructional Systems Design

Courses are organized into online learning modules. Each has a defined learning objective and must be completed on time. However, there is still a lot of flexibility with this online human resources program. Candidates can complete some classes on their own time. And other classes will meet at specified times online. You can log in from anywhere with a high-speed internet connection. 

See Also: 5 Careers for a Human Resources PhD Graduate

#10 – University of Southern Mississippi – Hattiesburg, Mississippi

University of Southern Mississippi - Human Resources PHD

Doctor of Philosophy in Human Capital Development

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $9,094

The University of Southern Mississippi offers a Ph.D. in Human Capital Development. This internationally-recognized program provides a think-tank environment. And it prepares candidates to work across a range of industries. This is one of the most affordable PhD programs on our list.

Students interact with faculty who bring real-world instruction into the classroom. Plus, all candidates gain a thorough understanding of topics such as:

  • Organizational Culture
  • Performance Improvement
  • Change Leadership
  • Human Capital Analytics
  • Strategic Planning

The program is not a fully online human resources degree. Instead, it is offered in a hybrid format. It combines on-campus learning with online instruction. A minimum of 54 graduate hours are required to complete the program. Some of the courses include:

  • Workforce Development Models 
  • Change Leadership in Human Capital Development 
  • Advanced Workforce Analysis 
  • Design & Development for Performance Improvement
  • Research in Human Capital Development 
  • Emerging Technologies for Human Capital Development 

The program is offered through the School of Leadership. Federal financial aid is available. However, students should also consider research or teaching assistantships. The university has 900 assistantships available in all areas. Assistants receive tuition waivers and stipends to help cover the costs of their education and research. 

Related: Online Master’s in Human Resources in Mississippi

#9 – University of Texas at Tyler – Tyler, Texas

 University of Texas at Tyler  - Human Resources PHD

Ph.D. in Human Resource Development

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $6,264

The University of Texas at Tyler offers a Ph.D. in HR Development. This 60-credit-hour program is designed to help candidates advance the HR profession. And it teaches strong leadership skills for those pursuing government, industry, and education roles. This is a partially online human resources program that requires only five campus visits per semester. The rest of the program can be completed online. Students will conduct research in HR practice and theory. And they will work with faculty and cohorts on various projects. 

The program is offered through the Soules College of Business. To be considered, students must have a master’s in HR or a related field. They must also have a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) on their previous coursework. Admission takes place in the fall of each year. Some of the courses in the online human resources program include:

  • Leadership Theory and Practice
  • Talent Management and Development
  • Foundations of Qualitative Research
  • Proposal Development
  • Organizational Consulting
  • Organizational Intervention Approaches

Candidates will take a Proficiency Examination after completing all coursework. They will then complete a dissertation of original research. This requires a minimum of 12 credits. Students have five years to complete the program after being admitted as candidates. Federal Financial aid and other financial support is available for this PhD program. However, at under $6,300 per academic year, it is one of the most affordable PhD programs on our list.

#8 – Rutgers University – New Brunswick, New Jersey

Rutgers University - Human Resources PHD

Ph.D. in Industrial Relations & Human Resources

For more information: Rutgers University

Average Graduation Tuition Rate: $18,180

Doctorate in Human Resources Score: 9

Rutgers University has an excellent HR doctorate program. It is offered through the School of Management and Labor Relations. Students in the program graduate with a Ph.D. in Industrial Relations and Human Resources (IRHR). And this program qualifies graduates for roles in research or academia. Students will work closely with leading scholars to develop their skills. There are two primary areas of focus:

  • Human Resource Management
  • Labor, Work, and Society

Students may also pursue an optional sociology concentration. 

This is a full-time on-campus program. And it includes coursework and an apprenticeship component. Students will conduct research side by side with peers and faculty. And this requires a significant time commitment. However, most students can complete the degree in about five years. Some of the courses include:

  • Human Resources: Micro Foundations
  • Organization Theory
  • Multilevel Theory and Research 
  • Global Human Resource Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Corporate Governance

Candidates are expected to be involved in research throughout the program. Each student is assigned a research advisor who will provide annual assessments. 

#7 – Johnson & Wales University – Providence, Rhode Island

Johnson & Wales University - Human Resources PHD

Doctor of Business Administration – Organization Development

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $14,706

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education

Johnson & Wales University offers a DBA with a concentration in Organization Development. This program is ideal for those seeking a Ph.D. in human resources online. The degree teaches the research and practical skills needed for high-level leadership roles. Students learn to address complex business challenges and become innovators in their organizations. 

This human resources online program requires no campus visits. Students work with a group of cohorts from different industries. And they will have the opportunity to collaborate on a variety of projects. Cohorts generally include 12 to 18 students. This way, candidates are ensured personalized attention from faculty members. Some of the courses include:

  • Organizational Strategy and Design
  • Innovation and Change
  • Contemporary Leadership Issues
  • Executive Decision-Making
  • Research Design

Online students can complete the degree in three years by following the prescribed sequence. The program culminates in a written dissertation and oral defense. However, the university has a unique lock-step dissertation model. This model is designed to guide students smoothly through the dissertation process. 

All faculty members hold terminal degrees and are human resource professionals in their fields. Candidates will receive ongoing career development assistance from their faculty mentors. And they will establish a network of support that will assist them long after graduation. 

See Also: The Top 10 Best HR MBA Programs

#6 – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – Champaign, Illinois

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Human Resources PHD

Human Resources Ph.D.

Average Graduation Tuition Rate: $14,635

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers a Ph.D. in human resources. And it is considered one of the top phd programs for HR in the country. This program is excellent for students who want to pursue an academic career in employee relations. New students are accepted into the program each fall. Some of the courses include:

  • Employment Relations Systems
  • Workplace Dispute Resolution
  • Negotiation in Human Resource Decisions
  • Organization Fundamentals for HR
  • Successful Change Management
  • HR Planning and Staffing
  • Diversity Issues in Recruiting and Staffing

This program encompasses the interests and backgrounds of a wide range of individuals. And students will develop collaborative relationships with many of these individuals. These HR professionals include those in industrial relations, human resources, economics, education, and more. 

All doctorate in human resources students are awarded a substantial financial aid package. It includes a tuition waiver, stipend, and research support. Doctoral students may also receive financial support for travel to conferences.

#5 – Ohio State University – Columbus, Ohio

Ohio State University - Human Resources PHD

Ph.D. in Management and Human Resources

For more information: The Ohio State University

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $11,560

OSU features Management and Human Resources Ph.D. program. It is designed to train students to become top-class researchers in management. In addition, the program offers specializations in the following:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • International Business

Students can expect to study HR from theoretical perspectives. These are rooted in psychology, sociology, and management. The human resources program is designed as a full-time program due to its academic rigor. However, students can complete their degrees in four years. 

The Ph.D. program at OSU has a unique structure. Students will need to complete 80 credit hours, including:

  • 21 required seminars within the department
  • 12 required statistics courses
  • 12 “breadth” courses outside of the department
  • 20 other elective courses
  • 15 dissertation credits

Students will also complete a year-long assistantship and exams in years one and two. In addition, they will complete their dissertations in years three and four, including an oral defense. And candidates will teach one course independently each of those years. 

OSU strives to offer its doctorate in human resource students full tuition support. In addition, most doctoral students can receive a Graduate Assistant (GA) Fellowship. The fellowship covers insurance, tuition, and a monthly stipend. Generally, students with acceptable academic performance can continue receiving support each year. The amount of funding is determined each year by the Department Chair. 

#4 – University of Wisconsin – Madison, Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin - Human Resources PHD

For more information: University of Wisconsin

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $10,728

The University of Wisconsin-Madison offers a Ph.D. in human resources. It is one of the most affordable PhD programs on our list. This program is ideal for students seeking a career in research and teaching. And students typically achieve placements as assistant professors at leading research universities. Candidates can choose from five key research areas, including:

  • Organizational Development/Behavior
  • Organizational Theory

Candidates need a total of 32 credits to complete the program. And new students begin by taking two years of coursework. The courses are selected with the help of an advisor and Ph.D. coordinator. At the end of the second year, students will take preliminary exams. Following this, they will begin working on their dissertations. 

Some of the coursework may be taken outside of the business school. The courses will depend on the student’s specific research interests. However, they may include coursework in statistics, sociology, psychology, economics, and other areas.

All HR Ph.D. students receive a generous funding package. In addition, top-performing candidates may be considered for additional scholarships and fellowships. In general, most candidates are eligible to receive the funding for five years. 

#3 – Northcentral University – Minneapolis, Minnesota

Northcentral University - Human Resources PHD

Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management

Average Graduation Tuition Rate: $10,260

Northcentral University offers another one of the best HR phd programs in the nation. Human Resources Management Doctorate. This is a research-based degree program. And it is designed for students who want to pursue leadership roles in the public or private sectors. Candidates will develop valuable critical thinking and research skills. And they will be ready to contribute to the body of knowledge in the HR field. 

This human resources management online program is highly flexible. So it is ideal for students who can’t commit to earning their Ph.D. on campus. There are no residencies or campus visits required. There are also no GRE/GMAT requirements. Courses are taught by a 100 percent doctoral faculty. Some of the courses in this 60-hour online human resources program include:

  • Human Resources Management in the 21st Century
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Labor Relations in Human Resources Management
  • Legal Issues in Human Resources Management
  • Organizational Development in Human Resource Management

Students can complete this online learning program in as little as 38 months. However, Northcentral gives students up to seven years to earn the degree. Northcentral offers six full-tuition scholarships to incoming graduate students. Federal financial aid, grants, and student loans are also available. 

The school offers a unique one-on-one learning model. This ensures that candidates get all the personal support and guidance they need to succeed. Online students have access to excellent resources as well. Some of these include:

  • Virtual Education Support Center
  • Virtual Center for Health and Wellness
  • NCU Online Library 
  • Academic Success Center
  • Dissertation Center
  • Tech Support

#2 – Indiana University – Bloomington, Indiana

 Indiana University - Human Resources PHD

OB and Human Resource Management Ph.D.

For more information: Indiana University

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $9,909

Our next runner up for the top HR phd programs is at Indiana University. IU offers an Organizational Development and Human Resources Management Ph.D. This doctoral degree requires a full-time commitment, and no part-time students are accepted. The curriculum includes six seminars and various courses in research methodology and statistics. Some of these include:

  • Human Resource (HR) Management
  • Strategic Management 
  • Theoretical Foundations of Strategy

Ph.D. in HR Students also complete three courses in a minor field of their choice. This can include economics, psychology, sociology, or another related area.

Admission to the doctorate in human resources program is competitive. Only a few new prospective students are accepted each year. And at any given time, there are only about 12 students in the program. Most doctoral students are eligible for a range of financial assistance programs. These include fee remissions, research appointments, fellowships, and grants. 

#1 – Purdue University – West Lafayette, Indiana

Purdue University - Human Resources PHD

OB & Human Resources PhD

For more information: Purdue University

Average Graduate Tuition Rate: $9,918

Doctorate in Human Resources Score: 11

Our top phd in human resource management comes from Purdue University. This rigorous PhD HR program is designed for those planning an academic career. Students work closely with faculty to conduct exciting and impactful research in areas like:

  • Workplace Fairness and Justice
  • Leadership and Teams
  • Employer Branding and Recruitment
  • International Human Resources
  • Counterproductive Work Behaviors
  • Workplace Interventions, Training, and Employee Engagement
  • Work, Family, Diversity, and Personal Life
  • Employee Selection

Students in this Ph.D. program will be immersed in hands-on educational experiences. And they will develop one-on-one learning partnerships with some of the top HR professors in the country. Throughout the PhD program, candidates will have many opportunities to develop their skills. There are seminars, presentations, professional conferences, and other experiences. 

The degree takes four to five years to complete. And it is only available on campus. Prospective students must be ready to commit to the doctoral degree program full-time. This includes being on campus during the academic year plus the summers. Admission is competitive. Typically only two to three candidates are admitted each year. However, tuition costs are waived, and all incoming Ph.D. students receive financial support as paid employees. 

This concludes our ranking of the best PhD in human resources programs.

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Ph.D. in Human Resource Management

Program information.

The doctoral program in human resource management (HRM) prepares students for success in research universities as faculty members specializing in human resources. Doctoral students work closely with faculty to gain research and teaching expertise in the various functions and activities carried out as part of HRM, including the relationship between these practices and organizational strategies, cultures, and performance.

Many HRM scholars specialize or focus on more micro-level work, such as researching the impact of specific HR practices (e.g., selection or training techniques) on individual-level measures of satisfaction or performance. Alternatively, macro-level HR (i.e., “strategic HRM”) scholars study the effects of systems of HR policies and practices on organizational-level outcomes. KU faculty have expertise at both levels, as evidenced by publications in prestigious outlets.

Application deadlines

Priority: December 15

Final: January 10

  • Application requirements

Doctoral students work closely with faculty to gain research expertise in the various functions and activities carried out as part of HRM with a focus on the attraction, selection, retention, development, motivation, and utilization of individuals in organizations.

Part of our mission is to develop effective teachers. To that end, all doctoral students are required to teach at least two sections as independent instructors. The school and university prepare and reward doctoral students for excellence in teaching through various programs and awards.

Program details

View degree requirements and a detailed list of courses in the KU Academic Catalog .

Human Resource Management core courses note: BE 917: Business Economics, is preferred. Students coming into the program directly from an undergraduate degree may consider substituting BE 701: Business Economics, or ECON 700: Survey of Microeconomics. In the event a student has taken a graduate economics course prior to enrolling as a KU doctoral student, she/he may waive the requirement and substitute either an elective doctoral content course or a statistics/research methods course for this requirement.

  • Comprehensive exams
  • Dissertation proposal
  • Dissertation defense

Some students can complete the program in four years.

Program faculty

Clint Chadwick

  • Howard Fitch/Fred Ball Professor
  • Management and Entrepreneurship academic area

Patrick E. Downes

  • Associate Professor

Jill Ellingson

  • Interim Area Director, Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Neeli Bendapudi Professor of Management

Human Resource Management doctoral students

Kylie Hershey

  • Ph.D. Student

Ella Lee

  • Ph.D. Candidate

Good Human Resources Dissertation Topic Ideas


Table of contents

  • 1 Meaning of a dissertation
  • 2 Selecting the Perfect Topic
  • 3 HR Learning and Development Dissertation Topics
  • 4 Human resources employee motivation dissertation topics
  • 5 Strategic human resources management dissertation topics
  • 6 Human Resources Organisational Culture Dissertation Topics
  • 7 Human Resources Risk Management Dissertation Topics
  • 8 Human Resource Theory Dissertation Topics
  • 9.1 Conclusion

It is virtually impossible to choose human resource management dissertation topics when you don’t have a faint  idea of a dissertation . You could have a vast knowledge of HR management. You will still have to know what a dissertation entails.

Meaning of a dissertation

It is virtually impossible to choose human resource management dissertation topics when you don’t have a faint idea of a dissertation. You could have a vast knowledge of HR management. You will still have to know what a dissertation entails. You have to know the pecs that make an HR dissertation unique from dissertations in other disciplines. A long piece of writing about a particular subject is done to earn an advanced degree at a university.

Generally, a dissertation can be defined as continuous and well-organized writing. A writing in which a particular subject is being argued in line with a central proposition. It is also known as a thesis. It is usually a requirement for earning an advanced degree at a university where you get to choose dissertation topics in human resources.

You will need to support whatever argument you are writing with proper evidence. Evidence garnered from well-analyzed evidence that contradicts or affirms whatever side of the debate you are on. What differentiates your HR dissertations from other Ph.D. dissertations is that you must conclude. So, all facets of your arguments come together to reject or support the original thesis.

Selecting the Perfect Topic

Many people find this a very challenging part of the dissertation writing process . The following tips could help ease the process. Consider the areas of HR management you’ve taken explicitly which can be directly linked with an existing sociological situation. It would be best if you also considered the most captivating of all the HRM courses you have taken. Particularly the concepts that caught your fancy. These could help in streamlining interesting topics you should be considering.

Do not get over ambitious and pick topics you know will require more time and resources than you can afford. Some of the greatest dissertations are of simple scopes done excellently. Many people have found it difficult because they chose too broad scopes that they couldn’t get to treat squarely. You will also do excellently well with topics specifically interesting to you. Choosing a topic that you don’t have an interest in can be exhausting and counterproductive. Working on topics, you don’t particularly fancy or enjoy can be counterproductive. Above all, make a choice that motivates you. You can also buy dissertations here online if you need a dissertation urgently or, for some reason, cannot develop it yourself.

HR Learning and Development Dissertation Topics

Learning and development refer to activities directed at boosting performance and productivity among employees.

  • Appreciative inquiry and its importance regarding organizational earning and development culture- Exxon Mobil as a case study. This research aims to show how appreciative inquiry affects organizational learning and development.
  • Establishing the correlation between learning programs and activities and organizational competency development. This aims at discussing how learning activities impact organizational competency.
  • Maintaining a high standard of productivity by promoting organizational learning and knowledge development. A case study of British telcos.
  • An examination of human resources development and learning in the British public sector.
  • Development and learning programs and their importance in SMEs.
  • The relationship between HRM and employee quitting. The role learning and development play.
  • Enhancing organizational competitive advantage by strategically training employees in ICT.
  • Different training and learning activities and their impact on employees’ productivity.
  • HR metrics and analytics and their role in the improvement of organizational performance.
  • Staff development and training and its link with retention levels in companies.

Human Resources is a field of study that can be highly beneficial to learn about, and dissertation topics in this area can be quite fascinating. Therefore, if you are looking for a great topic for your Human Resources dissertation, consider hiring an essay writer online who can help you come up with a topic that is both interesting and relevant to the field.

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Human resources employee motivation dissertation topics

Employee motivation refers to actions geared at helping employees focus on goals and objectives.

  • An investigation of the importance of motivation in HRM – A study of the factors behind the motivation for future business leaders.
  • The connection between work motivation and worker satisfaction.
  • The role employee motivation plays in productivity enhancement.
  • Large diversified organizations and motivation among workers.
  • The influences motivational seminars can have on the overall productivity of employees in organizations.
  • Low turnovers and their relationship with staff motivation.
  • The connection between motivation and rewards.
  • The influence of motivation programmes and activities on work productivity.
  • The role of employee motivation activities and their impact on high retention levels.
  • Similarities and differences between contemporary and traditional theories of motivation.

Strategic human resources management dissertation topics

It is a relatively new area. It involves intertwining the organization’s goals with HRM objectives to gain productivity. Also, to have an edge in competition. It helps in redirecting employees’ energy uniformly toward the desired goal, thereby boosting cooperation. You can also have a good dissertation written on any topic of your choosing at write my dissertation at a modest cost.

  • Effectiveness of employee involvement in enhancing employees’ commitment toward meeting organizational objectives.
  • SHRM theories in implementation at call centers. A case study of a call center in the United Kingdom.
  • Multinational automobile manufacturers. The similarities and differences in SHRM strategies.
  • Systems of SHRM strategy. A resource-based perspective assessment.
  • Understanding and evaluation of SHRM systems used by SMEs in the united kingdom.
  • Strategic HRM and its connection with organizational performance. Using British SMEs as a case study.
  • A qualitative analysis of Singapore’s use of strategic human resources management systems.
  • How organizational support programmes affect work output and behaviour among employees.
  • Establishing key components of SHRM for small and medium enterprises in the United Kingdom to enhance competing advantage.
  • Establishing the importance of the interrelationship between strategic human resource management and organizational performance.

Human Resources Organisational Culture Dissertation Topics

Organizational culture or climate is how the culture in the company, either positive or negative, can be quantified. It’s how they impact work behavior. This greatly impacts companies, it presents diverse and interesting issues for consideration.

  • Leadership, HR management, culture, and how they enhance management in organizations.
  • Balancing standardization and differentiation of HRM systems. A close study of multinationals within the EU.
  • Business success and the role cross-cultural HRM plays.
  • How cross-cultural competence affects new companies.
  • Organizational culture and its role in HR management practices using Cambridge University as a case study.
  • The inter-dependency of HRM practices and organizational culture in ensuring dedication in organizations.
  • Cultural disparities in the work values among employees and their implications on management.
  • Managing cultural transitioning without hampering work productivity.
  • Initiating fresh employees into organizational culture and its implications on the organization.
  • Using recruitment to change company culture and its implications on company profitability.

Human resources are an integral part of any organization, so providing quality human resource dissertation topics is important. At PapersOwl, our dissertation service offers a wide variety of topics related to human resources management. Regardless of what type of organization you are researching, countless hr dissertation topics are available. Whether it is researching and analyzing employee motivation, developing an effective career path system, or discovering the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance, PapersOwl dissertation service is ready to provide the best dissertation topics for your needs.

Human Resources Risk Management Dissertation Topics

Actions are taken by many administrations to try and prevent accidents and hazardous occurrences or ensure safe working conditions can be referred to as risk management. This is a continuously growing sensitive and critical aspect of organizations. It has a broad range of topics that can be researched for a dissertation.

  • HR management and its role in managing risk in organizations.
  • Risk minimization and its connection with workers’ productivity and motivation.
  • The connection between employee protection and training and leadership.
  • Employee protection and risk management and how it enhances high morale among employees.
  • How HRM can effectively identify and avert risky conditions in the organization.
  • How covid-19 testing rapidly reduces risk conditions in organizations.
  • Firearms in the workplace. An examination of the benefits and demerits to company safety.
  • How to ensure employees’ well-being in the Coronavirus era.
  • Carrying out an HR audit in an organization.
  • Safe operating conditions and their influence on productivity among employees.

Human Resource Theory Dissertation Topics

HR theory refers to the several approaches to HR management.

  • Approaches to human resources theory.
  • Human resources theories are utilized by Multinationals in the United Kingdom.
  • How human resources management addresses concerns raised by workers.
  • A qualitative study of possible negative impacts HRM can have on companies.
  • Examining options outside HR for employees.
  • The influence of HR on company success.
  • Investigating the most employed HR strategies employed by companies.
  • The roles played by human resources as a shared service.
  • A critical study of the roles of the supervisor in the implementation of HR activities.
  • Companies and firing employees ethically.


HR Diversity Dissertation Topics

Diversity in HR is a recent but fast-growing phenomenon. It is a relatively unresearched topic with some relatively interesting dissertation topics for consideration.

  • Racial/gender-based discrimination and diversity. Differences and how they affect organizations.
  • An international perspective and framework for Implementing diversity with HRM.
  • Successful public companies and diversity.
  • The management of cultural diversity within the HRM.
  • Challenges, advantages, and opportunities in workplaces with diversity and the managerial tools needed.
  • Inequity, unfairness, and discrimination. Assessing the challenges and roles of HR.
  • HR and its duties in managing diversity and cultural differences.
  • Is it possible to eradicate discriminatory practices in organizations? The role of HR.
  • The difficulties companies face in grooming managers for diversity.
  • Large business organizations and the training of freshly recruited staff for diversity.

Beyond the above-listed topics, there are more under HR you can work on. Remember, you can always find professional dissertation writers online to help you. This is helpful for people who have a lot to juggle with little fu.

As a student searching to create the best possible paper to get excellent grades, it Is imperative for you to work on fresh ideas and emerging issues in your writing. This is done to add value to your efforts. Human resource dissertation topics belong to a very broad subject. You will have to pick an area that is captivating to you and can make a practical impact in the field of HRM. It would be best if you also aimed at developing a logical and creditable work. Review already existing similar research. Consult experts if necessary and ask your supervisor for help and clarity. To avoid going through several rejections even at the early stages.

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Human Resources Research Paper Topics for 2024


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hr phd topics list

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PhD Specialization in Human Resources

The primary goal of the Management and Human Resources PhD program is to develop top-class researchers in the field of management, with specializations in the areas of entrepreneurship, human resource management, international business, organizational behavior and strategic management.

The specialization in Human Resources (HR) is dedicated to understanding how work organizations can perform more effectively by better management of their human resources. That is, we are interested in understanding, identifying, and improving the effectiveness of HR practices (whether in the U.S. or in other countries) in the various functions and activities carried out as part of HR, and determining the optimal fit between these practices and organizational strategies, cultures, and performance.

Important research areas include recruiting, employee selection, performance management, learning, training and development, total rewards (compensation and benefits), and strategic human resource management.

Our faculty studies HR from theoretical perspectives based in economics, psychology, sociology, and management using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Typically, our faculty’s research investigates issues that contribute to the academic discipline as well as inform practice.The emphasis is on studies at the individual, team or group, organizational, and crosslevels of analysis. Our faculty also examines topics that can be considered to be in the realm of organizational behavior including work-family balance, job and work design, and teams. Also, our HR research is not limited to any one type of industry. We study practices within industries such as the middle markets, call centers, the military, restaurants, and hospitals as well as non-profits such as fire departments.

10 Reasons to Choose to Study at OSU

  • High Productivity: Our program was ranked #4 in the 2021 TAMUGA management research productivity ranking ( http://www.tamugarankings.com/rankings/2021-2/ ).
  • Strong Student-Faculty Ratio: Our PhD program, with 13 faculty members specializing in Organizational Behavior/Human Resources (OB/HR) and a selective cohort of 5-7 doctoral students, ensures personalized attention and mentorship. This structure offers students abundant opportunities to collaborate with a diverse faculty, each contributing unique expertise and skills.
  • Benjamin Campbell, Associate Editor at Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
  • Tracy Dumas, Senior Editor at Organization Science
  • Jia (Jasmine) Hu, Associate Editor at Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Kaifeng Jiang, Associate Editor at Personnel Psychology
  • Howard Klein, Editor-in-chief at Human Resource Management
  • Tanya Menon, Associate Editor at Management Science
  • Raymond Noe, Former Associate Editor at Journal of Organizational Behavior
  • Bennett Tepper, Former Associate Editor at Academy of Management Journal
  • Steffanie Wilk, Former Senior Editor at Organization Science
  • Editorial Board Representation: Our OB/HR faculty members serve on the editorial boards of numerous top-tier outlets, including Academy of Management Journal (2 faculty), Journal of Applied Psychology (3 faculty), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (4 faculty), Personnel Psychology (2 faculty), and Journal of Management (4 faculty).
  • Five of our esteemed faculty members - Jasmine Hu, Timothy Judge, Howard Klein, Raymond Noe, and Bennett Tepper - have been honored as Fellows of the Academy of Management and/or the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Each of these distinguished scholars has amassed nearly or over 10,000 citations on Google Scholar.
  • Three of our faculty members - Timothy Judge, Howard Klein, and Raymond Noe - hold high rankings on the list of "Most-cited Authors in Popular Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology Textbooks," as per the study by Aguinis et al., 2017.
  • Jasmine Hu, Kaifeng Jiang, Timothy Judge, Raymond Noe, Bennet Tepper were recognized as “ World’s Top 2% of the most-cited scholars and scientists ” (2022) 
  • Timothy Judge holds the distinction of being the most highly cited academic in the field of business and management among those whose first publication appeared between 1990 and 1999 according to a recent study by Dr. Harzing.
  • Jasmine Hu, Timothy Judge, and Bennett Tepper have been recognized as among the most productive and most-cited leadership scholars, as noted in studies by Arici et al., 2021, and Zhao and Li, 2019.
  • Our faculty have frequently earned prestigious recognitions such as the 'Best Paper' award (most recently won by Kathleen Keeler in Academy of Management Review in 2021), and the 'Best Reviewer' award (most recently bestowed upon Hun Lee in Journal of Applied Psychology in 2022).
  • Our faculty have utilized their expertise to author textbooks in the OB/HR field (e.g., Timothy Judge and Raymond Noe).
  • Two of our faculty members, Jasmine Hu and Robert Lount, have been recognized as "Best 40 Under 40 Business School Professors" by Poets and Quants.
  • Successful Alumni: Our recent OB/HR alumni hold tenure-track positions at research-intensive institutions, including Sarah Doyle (University of Arizona), Hee Man Park (Penn State University), Seunghoo Chung (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Carrie Zhang (Wayne State University), and Yuhan Zhan (Florida International University).
  • The Fisher Leadership Initiative ( FLI ): With Tim Judge as the executive director, FLI provides additional resources and opportunities for conducting research.
  • Networking Opportunities: Our faculty, highly esteemed and well-connected within the field, can assist students in expanding their professional networks. We organize social and professional gatherings on a regular basis.
  • Vibrant Location: Columbus is frequently acclaimed as one of the most livable cities in the United States, particularly favored by Millennials and Young Professionals. It is celebrated for its diverse business landscape, dynamic neighborhoods, and an exciting fusion of arts, culture, and culinary delights  (Sources:  Far & Wide , Forbes , NYTimes ,  CommercialCafe ,  ExperienceColumbus ).
  • Affordable Living and Strong Financial Support: Residing in Columbus is relatively cost-effective, with the cost of living being lower than the national average. OSU offers a competitive financial support package for PhD students. Furthermore, we have increased the PhD student stipend in 2023, further enhancing the financial benefits of our program.

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York University

PhD in Human Resource Management

The SHRM PhD program is designed to provide our graduates with the necessary training to become successful researchers and educators at any major educational institution around the world. Our full-time PhD program in HRM is distinguished by its diverse methodological approaches to research and emphasis on pedagogical training. Graduates of our program will acquire sophisticated skills in academic scholarship, and possess the competencies required to teach at the post-secondary level.

Why join the PhD program at the School of HRM?

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Graduate Program in HRM—PhD degree (.pdf)

Impactful.  The PhD program in the Human Resource Management at the School of HRM is designed to prepare future academics who wish to conduct impactful research and teach at major research-oriented institutions. Our students are exposed to major theories, research methods, and work-related and organizational literature.

Engaging.  You will study in a vibrant and intellectually stimulating environment designed for those wishing to develop the skills necessary for a successful academic career.

Customized.  As a PhD student you will work closely with faculty who share your research interests, are working on similar areas of research, or can provide a new perspective. Our diverse faculty members in HRM are well known for their research and scholarly insights on a wide range of topics.

Life in the PhD program:

  • Study in small classes (seminars) and form close working relationships with other students and faculty
  • Engage in rigorous scholarly training to develop high-quality research skills
  • Experience leading-edge research training
  • Participate at academic conferences that provide opportunities for doctoral students to share ideas and to network
  • Receive the academic guidance necessary to successfully complete the program in a timely manner.

Our Graduates

In an increasingly complex global economy, our PhD graduates are ideally equipped to think through the challenges of people management and contemporary business. Our PhD graduates are an extremely diverse group of scholars from many cultures and backgrounds, and are sought after by universities, government, and industry worldwide. 86% of our graduates in the last 3 years obtained reputable tenure track academic positions in Canada, the United States, and Europe.

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The Graduate Program in Human Resource Management at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.

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Human Resources Dissertation Topics

Human Resources (HR) is an exciting topic that combines theories from both Business and Psychology. This is such a broad field of study, so there are literally thousands of titles you could choose from when formulating your dissertation.

This article will introduce you to some of the key topics in HR such as Training and Development, Performance Management, Diversity and Inclusion, or Strategic Human Resources Management. We’ll acquaint you with the key debates and hopefully inspire you to come up with an interesting topic of your own!

Strategic Human Resources Management Dissertations

Training and development of human resources dissertation topics, hrm as competitive advantage dissertation topics, intrinsic vs extrinsic rewards hrm dissertation topics, employee retention dissertation topics, appraisals and feedback dissertation topics, performance management hrm dissertation topics, diversity and inclusion dissertation topics.

The field of HR has evolved significantly over the past forty years; whereas staff were once seen as a resource that needed controlling, staff are now generally perceived as one of the primary assets of the company. Moreover, most companies now subscribe to the idea that HRM should be ‘strategic’. What is strategic HRM?

Well, it essentially means that the HR policies and practices should help drive the business forward and help it to achieve its corporate goals.

As a student of HRM, you may wish to focus on Strategic Human Resources Management for your dissertation since it is a highly topical area of study. If it appeals, here are some sample topics:

  • Should Human Resources Managers lead the interviewing process for Banking recruitment? A critical analysis.
  • What is the link between employee satisfaction of pay and benefits and organisational performance?
  • Does offering employees paid charity days increase their organisational citizenship behaviour?
  • Keeping employees informed about corporate goals and achievements: Risks and Benefits.
  • Strategic HRM in SMEs: a worthwhile investment?
  • Defining the HRM strategy – How is it achieved in practice?
  • Mismatches between corporate and HRM strategy: A case-study approach.
  • Strategising for success – designing effective recruitment and selection campaigns for Teacher Training programmes.
  • What are the benefits of outsourcing SHRM?
  • Does HR sit and fit on the board?
  • Strategising and monitoring the employee lifecycle in a high-turnover environment.

Recognition of the importance of Human Resources has increased in recent years; this is a result of competition from overseas economies. In Japan, Germany and Sweden, for example, investment in employee development is higher than in the UK. This has led to some organisations reviewing their policies on training, introducing continuous investment in their employees.

Below are some suggestions as to how to narrow your human resources dissertation topics on training and development down to a specific topic.

  • The efficacy of digital vs face-to-face training: Insights for a post-COVID world.
  • Unconscious bias training: Helpful or harmful?
  • Exploring the link between training and development, employee engagement and employee retention.
  • Examining the important role of feedback in training.
  • Are training and development linked to employee engagement in temporary or casual positions?
  • How do organisations survive economic crisis (from the training and development perspective)?
  • Does training and development really impact the bottom line?
  • What skills are needed for today’s turbulent climate?
  • Who trains the trainers?
  • Soft skills, who needs them? A case-study of IT professional services industry.
  • Training and development in the Gig Economy – a worthwhile investment?

The resource-based view argues that a strong HRM strategy can become a firm’s competitive advantage. In order for the HRM strategy to become a competitive advantage, it should be difficult for other firms to imitate. That said, your dissertation could focus on whether and how contemporary organisations are achieving a competitive advantage through their HRM strategies.

  • How to implement knowledge transfer in IT professional services environments.
  • Retaining high-value staff to ensure a competitive advantage: a case study approach.
  • Exploring Google’s Human Resources advantage – what lessons can be learned?
  • Fast, cheap labour – Are Gig Economy employees obtaining a competitive advantage through exploitation?
  • Implementing digital solutions to enhance HRM and organisational performance.
  • Patagonia’s HRM strategy – why is it so difficult to imitate?

According to common sense, pay is the primary motivator for employees; pay is referred to as an ‘extrinsic’ reward. However, there is a lot of research to suggest that ‘intrinsic factors’ motivate employees, too (e.g., flexible working, respect, autonomy, a good relationship with their manager, and a sense of purpose through their work). Some might even say that intrinsic motivators are more salient for employee motivation than ‘extrinsic factors’ (pay and traditional benefits). This is one of the broad debates in contemporary HRM research. If you are interested in this debate, here are some titles you might consider for your dissertation:

  • Motivating millennials – how important is pay and benefits?
  • Does spirituality moderate the link between reward preference (intrinsic vs extrinsic) and employee motivation?
  • What is the link between employee autonomy and employee motivation? A case study of administrative offices in the UK.
  • Does performance-related pay undermine teamwork?
  • Why do some people carry on working after a significant windfall whilst others do not? A qualitative, interview-based approach.
  • How important is flexible working for employee motivation? A comparison between pre-and-post COVID-19 attitudes.
  • How to help employees create meaning through their work: A case-study approach of the healthcare sector.
  • Are extrinsic rewards an effective motivator in the caring sectors?
  • Do any of the ‘Big 5’ personality traits moderate the link between reward preference (intrinsic vs extrinsic) and employee motivation?
  • Extrinsic rewards fit for the 21 st Century – Exploring UK workers’ attitudes and expectations towards extrinsic rewards.
  • Are there differences in motivation between (intrinsic vs extrinsic) between British and Chinese workers?

Retaining the best talent is a challenge for many organisations, especially those operating in an industry with a skills-shortage, like the technology sector. That said, exploring how to engage and retain the best talent is vital. Here are some topics to consider:

  • What is the link between staff training, employee engagement and employee retention?
  • Can mindfulness-based employee welfare programmes enhance employee retention in high-stress industries?
  • The link between employee learning and development and employee retention.
  • The challenge of talent retention in the UK technology sector – an exploratory approach.
  • Is employee retention always desirable? A critical approach.
  • Exploring HRMs’ attitudes towards employee retention strategies in the banking sector.

Appraisals have been a common way of tracking performance and setting goals for improvement, especially in the public sector. However, more recently, theorists are starting to doubt the efficacy of formal appraisals as these can cause unnecessary stress. Moreover, they can feel a bit robotic and impersonal. CIPD now recommends that managers provide regular and consistent feedback to employees in an informal basis (but in a respectful way). In cases where meetings and appraisals are still taking place, these tend to be more forward-focused than backward-looking. That said, you might be inspired by one of the following titles:

  • Exploring public sector employees’ (dis)satisfaction with formal appraisals.
  • Exploring the link between regular, informal feedback and employee performance in the Food and Beverage sector.
  • Are there gender differences in feedback style at managerial level? A qualitative approach.
  • What can social psychology teach us about the dynamics of effective workplace feedback? A theoretical approach.
  • Does conscientiousness moderate the link between appraisal type (formal and informal) and employee performance?

Performance management systems have become increasingly popular in recent years – especially since the rise of New Public Management – yet many people claim that performance management systems are ineffective. If you are interested in this debate, you might consider one of the following HRM dissertation topics.

  • Analysing the effectiveness of performance management systems in call centres.
  • What are Indian employees’ attitudes towards performance management systems in the banking sector?
  • Exploring the counterproductive aspect of performance management systems.
  • Can performance management systems facilitate employee motivation?
  • Are performance management systems merely a new form of Taylorism?
  • A case-study of effective performance management systems: Balancing control with encouragement.
  • Analysis the effectiveness of performance management systems for remote teams during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Diversity management is defined as an organisation’s active investment in the integration, development, and advancement of individuals who collectively represent the workforce. When developing an organisational strategy, diversity is placed in the culture, policies, and practices which support respect and communication, as well as individual, team and organisational performance in a diverse environment. Possible human resources dissertation topics on diversity and inclusion are:

  • Differences between diversity and discrimination in the workplace.
  • Analysing the effectiveness of perspective-taking in diversity training.
  • What are vegans’ lived-experiences of workplace discrimination?
  • Can flexible working schemes help to foster greater diversity in teams?
  • What is the link between diversity and organisational performance in Chinese SMEs?
  • Is ‘inclusion’ always positive?
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223 Awesome Human Resource Topic Ideas To Pick From

human resource research topic

Are you looking for a human resource research topic for your academic paper? If yes, this article has a title you’ll find interesting to research and write about when handling your project. Human resources are the people that work for an organization or a company and the department that manages everything about employees. Collectively, they represent the most valuable resources in an organization or business.

The human resource department is part of a business whose responsibility is to find, screen, recruit, and train job applicants.

This business division also administers employee-benefit programs. Ideally, the HR department focuses on maximizing the workers’ productivity while protecting the company from the issues arising from the workforce. To achieve its goals, the HR department of an organization must engage in active research to improve the employees’ workforce. A human resource research paper comprises information about the findings of a study on a specific topic. And this includes:

  • An answer to a question that a learner set out to investigate
  • Proof of a relevant theory
  • Practical and theoretical knowledge about the topic

Human capital is a crucial asset in any organization. What’s more, the subject is too broad for educators and researchers to underrate. If looking for a human resources topic for your paper or essay, this list has brilliant ideas to inspire you.

Latest  Human Resource Topics in the News

Do you want to base your human resource paper on a contemporary topic? If yes, consider these ideas for your essay.

  • Ethical discrimination and workplace hostility among the minorities
  • How remote working affects employee performance during the coronavirus pandemic
  • How employee motivation affects job performance among those working from home
  • The popularity of mobile-friendly job recruitment
  • How necessary is background investigation for potential employees?
  • How HR departments use recruitment marketing
  • The essence of skill, personality, and aptitude tests during recruitment
  • Should employers consider pre-employment assessments over resumes?
  • How employers can improve candidate experience during the recruitment process
  • How the open workforce like independent contractors and freelancers can benefit an organization
  • Strategies for promoting workplace inclusion
  • Should companies give their employees respite care?
  • Offsetting caregiving costs by offering care assistance cover
  • Should companies give employees paid family leave?
  • Artificial intelligence use in human resource departments
  • Can companies use AI to detect behavioral change among employees?
  • How to use AI to customize professional development, employee promotion, and career paths
  • Can a company use AI in employee performance management?
  • Can companies use AI to detect employees that want to leave the workplace or company?
  • Challenges of remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Benefits of working remotely for employers and employees
  • Disadvantages of working remotely for the employees
  • Can home workplaces lower employees’ productivity?
  • Impact of lousy team dynamics on employee performance
  • How poor physical and mental health impacts productivity
  • Tracking how employees use work devices- Is it ethical?
  • The best performance and compensation management tools for remote workers
  • Sick leave and time left fraud among remote workers
  • The Millennial employees and flexible working schedules
  • The link between organizational performance and low morale
  • Tips for succeeding in virtual team building
  • How virtual teams affect organizational productivity
  • How automating human resource tasks affects organizational outcomes
  • Data-driven strategies and their use in the HR departments
  • How annual educational stipends affect employee morale
  • Should companies give employees leave to take a career development course?
  • Should employees share professional and personal goals during yearly self-assessments?
  • Why organizations should locate, train and retain the right people
  • Advantages of onboarding as a method for maintaining human resources within an organization
  • The essence of employee orientation
  • Strategies for promoting belonging and autonomy among employees
  • How health advocacy programs benefit employers and employees
  • Can educational stipends boost employee morale?
  • How managers can manage lower or higher expectations of employees working remotely
  • The evolution of human resource management over the last decade
  • The responsibilities of modern human resource managers in the business world
  • Strategic HR management- What to do and avoid
  • HR management practices for the largest companies in the world
  • What current human resource training involves
  • Human resource paradigms contributing to the development of businesses

These are exciting current HR topics to explore when interested in something recent. Nevertheless, take your time researching your preferred topic to develop a brilliant paper.

Professional Development  Human Resource Topics

If interested in career development topics, this category has excellent ideas to consider. Nevertheless, select a title you will be comfortable working with to enjoy your research and writing process.

  • How to align employee development with company goals
  • Coaching and mentoring for workers development
  • How to build a coaching culture in a company
  • How leaders of a company can become coaches
  • Why individual career development programs benefit an organization
  • How to use the 9-box grid to assess employees
  • How does cross-training affect organizational efficacy?
  • How do stretch assignments and on-the-job training affect employee performance?
  • How beneficial is professional certification?
  • The role of apprenticeship and vocational training in the workplace
  • How does professional development affect middle-level managers expertise
  • What affects professional development in an organization?
  • Importance of professional development
  • How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect employee’s onboarding?
  • How professional development affects employee performance
  • How professional development affects customer satisfaction
  • How professional development affects employee retention
  • Employee turnover and professional development- Is there a link?
  • Should companies invest in ongoing professional development for their employees?
  • Employees well-being and career development
  • The nexus between professional stress and development
  • How professional development networks affect leadership development
  • Why do companies need policies for professional development?
  • Success planning and professional development in organizations
  • Current and past employee development approaches
  • Employee productivity and professional development
  • Challenges in career and professional development programs’ implementation
  • Employment and qualifications criteria
  • How to groom employees for success
  • How to select a new career path

Choose a human resource topic from this list if you want to write about career or professional development. Nevertheless, research the title extensively to create a winning paper.

Talent Management  HR Topics

Talent management is among the responsibilities of the human resource management department. Here are exciting ideas to explore if interested in this aspect of HR management.

  • Talent management versus talent hunting
  • Talent management approaches in the hospitality industry
  • Talent management in the medium and small enterprises
  • Family-owned attitude towards talent management
  • Talent management risk factors
  • Talent management trends in a globalized world
  • IBM versus Google talent management strategies
  • Military talent management approaches
  • Gig economy talent management
  • Talent management future
  • Talent management history
  • Why recruitment matters in talent management
  • What comprises a talent management system?
  • Recruitment, performance management, compensation management and corporate learning- Why they matter in talent management
  • Strategies for talent acquisition
  • Why executive coaching matters in talent management
  • Leadership development and recognition programs in talent management
  • The essence of a strategic plan in talent management
  • Effective talent management models
  • Talent management in the corporate sector
  • Why social media influencers matter in talent management
  • How talent management affects organizational performance
  • Success planning and talent management- What’s the link?
  • How MNCs approach talent management in the USA
  • How technology affects talent management
  • Investing in people or automating more- The HR paradox for modern companies
  • Why targeted learning matters in talent development
  • How peer-coaching can help in the development of future-ready skills
  • Development and learning trends after the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Are community partners a vital part of a talent pipeline?

Select a topic from this list if interested in talent development and management. Nevertheless, prepare to research your preferred idea before writing your paper.

Human Resource Management Topics 

Perhaps, you’re interested in HR management or appraisal topics. In that case, think about these ideas for your papers.

  • The critical elements of employees’ performance management
  • Why the HR department should give feedback to the employees
  • Organizational commitment and performance appraisal
  • How to use performance appraisal in enhancing citizenship and organizational behavior
  • Employee motivation and performance appraisal
  • Performance appraisal versus performance management
  • Why ongoing feedback on workers morale matters
  • How to engage employees more effectively
  • Why performance planning matters in the employee management cycle
  • Incorporating employee input in company decision-making
  • Why companies should set performance standards
  • Why automated performance management units matter
  • Data-based assessments and performance reviews
  • Corporate culture and performance management
  • Corporate culture and performance appraisal
  • Strategic planning and performance management
  • Performance management and employee reward systems
  • Employee development and performance appraisal
  • Employee engagement and HR management objectives
  • How 360-degree feedback benefits an organization
  • Challenges and benefits of the assessment center appraisal technique
  • Using Behaviorally-Anchored Rating Scale in performance appraisal
  • How beneficial are psychological reviews in the hospitality sector?
  • Merits and demerits of Human Resource Accounting Method
  • Factors increasing employee loyalty
  • How to resolve workplace conflict arising from cultural differences in international companies
  • The pros and cons of recruiting employees from universities
  • How character types affect a company’s team-building efforts
  • What is the responsibility of HR managers in talent hunting and management
  • What should HR managers do about overqualified employees?
  • Rules for recruiting, selecting, hiring, and educating new employees
  • Opportunities and risks for hiring new employees
  • Freelancers and outsourcing- Is putting the future of a company in the hands of freelancers a wise move?
  • Why companies should educate their employees
  • How HR managers can motivate or demoralize company employees

All these are interesting human resource management issues that you can explore in academic papers. However, select a topic you will be comfortable working with, from research to writing and proofreading your essay.

Hot Topics in HR 

Maybe you’re looking for a topic that most people will find captivating and want to read your essay from the introduction to the conclusion. In that case, pick a title for your research paper from this category.

  • Are higher education institutions responsible for productivity decline in human resources?
  • Trained human resource personnel and skilled workers- Who are better than the others?
  • How employee experience coincides with employee engagement
  • Working from home versus 9 to 5 jobs- Which is the best option for mothers?
  • Employee responsibilities and workplace safety- What makes women unique?
  • How the right talent affects a company’s success- A critical analysis
  • Should companies further their employees’ education?
  • Employees with degrees versus vocational and technical workforce
  • Is mobile a new human resource technology platform?
  • Why video interviews are the new norm in human resource outsourcing
  • The role of globalization in talent sourcing from different locations
  • The role of data management in improving recruitment, management, and retaining of employees
  • How HR technology innovation enhances employee engagement
  • Performance and goal management reinvention with check-ins and feedback mechanisms
  • How software categories improve interactivity, feedback, and workplace culture management
  • How user-friendly are cloud-based talent solutions?
  • Can end-to-end talent management solutions meet complex and large organizations’ recruitment needs?
  • What are the latest considerations in HR and labor laws?
  • Should companies set ethical standards that differ from law provisions?
  • How workplace ethics differ from labor laws
  • How to build an ethical organizational culture
  • How workplace discrimination laws influence employment
  • Discuss the moral obligation of employees to their employers
  • How to create effective legal and ethical employees’ welfare programs
  • How HR professionals can protect the employees’ rights
  • Legal and ethical concerns in a large group and single employee termination

Select any of these HR topics if looking for a title that will capture your readers’ attention and compel them to read throughout the paper.

Top  HR Research Topics  for  2023

Maybe you want to write about a topic that somebody reading about this year will find exciting and relevant. In that case, pick any of these human resource ideas.

  • Using artificial intelligence in HR functions
  • How HR managers can address workplace harassment and bullying
  • How companies can encourage workplace diversity
  • How wages affect the overall productivity of employees
  • How to measure employee performance- Criteria and tools for practical evaluation
  • Essential issues of modern labor laws
  • How to protect company data in the technology age
  • Should companies pay all staff members equally?
  • How workplace health problems affect productivity
  • What motivates employees to work more?
  • Laws against religious and sexual discrimination that HR departments should implement
  • Factors influencing employee retention
  • How HR specialists can deal with employee commitment, loyalty, and job satisfaction
  • HR planning in acquisitions and mergers
  • The 21st-century challenges for human resource managers
  • How employee engagement affects customer loyalty in the service-based sector
  • The impact of a contingent workforce on an organization’s performance
  • The increasing mental health problems among the employees in the service-based industry
  • The impact and importance of training on a company’s sustainability during an economic crisis
  • The role of HR practices in enhancing the overall organizational performance
  • How career growth affects employee loyalty
  • How different personality traits affect teamwork in a company
  • How effective HR planning boosts the strategic alliance process
  • How e-leadership helps in boosting employee motivation and productivity
  • How artificial intelligence can enhance HR practices
  • How daycare facilities can increase female employees’ productivity
  • How workforce diversity can improve organizational innovation and capability
  • How a flat organizational structure affects the decision-making process
  • How involving employees in decision-making processes influence their productivity

Pick a human resource research topic from this category if looking for an idea that suits the current context. Nevertheless, take your time to identify and research the most current sources to provide relevant information.

HR Topics for Presentation 

Are you looking for an interesting presentation topic for an upcoming meeting or conference? If yes, pick one of these HR topics for discussion.

  • How job rotation boosts employee growth
  • Why ethics committees matter in an organization
  • The role of HR in employee volunteering
  • How to encourage work-life balance in start-ups
  • Is an open office a boon or a bane?
  • How to create an engaged workforce
  • How a company can attract more millennials
  • How to make your employees happy
  • How to resolve disputes among employees
  • Why employee development and learning matter
  • Why employees’ mental health matters
  • Why companies should digitize HR practices
  • Why employee well-being is vital
  • Human resource management in the ever-changing corporate environment
  • How globalization affects human resource management
  • Innovative human resource and employee management practices
  • Challenges and issues of managing an international workforce
  • Employee management in an IT organization
  • Social security measures and labor welfare- The HR department’s role
  • Coaching and mentoring for modern business excellence
  • Different HR management perspectives
  • Why human resource planning matters in a changing environment

This list comprises human resource paper topics that students can research and write about to earn excellent grades. However, every student should pick an issue they can comfortably explore and present an in-depth analysis of their selected ideas. That way, they can impress the educator and anybody that will read their essay.

Use a  Thesis Writing Service  to  Write  a Quality HR Paper

Maybe you’re struggling to select the best topic for your HR research paper. Perhaps, you’re not even sure about where to start or how to write your essay. In that case, seek help from professional writers. Whether you’re a college or a university student, you can find experts that will help you with topic selection and the entire writing process. What’s more, these writers can proofread your paper to ensure it is error-free.

So, instead of spending all your precious time trying to choose a topic or write your HR research paper, contact us to get the best HR paper writing help online. Our specialists will respond to your request immediately and provide fast and affordable writing assistance. And all you need is to initiate a conversation by saying something like, “Please do my dissertation.” Also, you can reach us by filling and submitting our contact form or email us. One of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible. We want you to excel academically without breaking a sweat. Contact us now!

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Ph.D. Program in Human Resources

Cornell university’s ilr school: a world leader in human resource management.

Cornell University is among the world’s most prestigious research universities — and its ILR School is the HR Studies leader. Cornell ILR focuses on the world of work with doctoral programs not only in HR, but also related fields such as organizational behavior, dispute resolution, labor relations, public policy and social statistics.

In a 2009 poll posted on the Academy of Management's HR Division listserv, members were asked, “If you were advising a top-notch student interested in pursuing a graduate degree in HR, what three schools would you recommend?” Scholars ranked ILR’s HR program as their top pick , citing Cornell’s program more frequently than any other.

Why Cornell’s Human Resources Ph.D. Program?

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An Alumnus Perspective

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— Jeff Ericksen, Assistant Professor, School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State University (HR Ph.D. graduate)

Application Deadline: December 15th 

Contact information.

For more information on Cornell's Ph.D. in Human Resources program, please contact:

ILR Graduate Programs Office Cornell University 218 Ives Hall Ithaca, NY 14853

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  • How we work

hr phd topics list

52 Human Resources Management Topics for Research Paper

Non-trivial human resource research topics to use for your own project.

hr phd topics list

A Bit About Human Resource Management Research Topics

Human resource management is focused on hiring, training, and managing staff. Another important goal of the human resources (HR) department is to make sure the best working practices are implemented in the company. The choice of human resource management research topics is broad. It may vary from the analysis of workplace conditions and the problem of equal employment opportunities in the future to the solutions & proposals for talent management and career development.

human resource research topics

The challenges with research proposals are also vast, starting from choosing human resources management topics for research and ending with writing the research paper itself. Even though you were given a prompt with detailed instructions or someone who continually reminds us of basic things, it’s still not easy. Nevertheless, the most effective hack is to narrow a more expansive research direction down and focus on providing your target audience with the results addressing set goals.

How to Choose the Best Human Resource Research Topics

The human resource subject is very broad as it targets lots of areas. It means students can work with proposals about various hiring approaches and modern recruiting practices used in big companies or discuss hybrid work structures in various contexts. And these are just a few concepts of human resources research topics, as there are dozens of other topics to cover. For example, you can delve deeper what is human resources to find more promising study areas. Still, how to ensure your choice is good? It’s easy to understand when you follow these tips to select a proposal.

  • Ensure the topic is interesting to you. Nobody will write about something boring or cliched. Just like with the business proposal topics , where you should be passionate about the issue to cover it well.
  • Choose areas that you know well or want to explore further. The better you understand the selected human resource management research paper topics, the less time and effort you spend on your proposal.
  • Avoid generalizations and being too broad. If you investigate the wide research topics in human resource management, narrow it down and select the most valuable theme. Ensure the proposal will also be informative and engage readers.
  • Apply the latest trends effectively. Also, ensure the proposal topic allows you to conduct extensive research with a narrow focus. For example, you may apply trending themes to investigate some local cases.

Add these points to your proposal checklist, making identifying valuable human resource topics for research paper simpler. Even if you already received a prompt from your professor, you can still correct it a bit. Also, it all makes easier when you acquire help from professional proposal writing services , and the expert suggests the topics addressing these points 100%.

Compelling Human Resources Management Topics for Research Paper

Today, human resources is a proper science distinct into specific areas. Using various tools and innovations allows one to expand the academic scope and bring up complex business outcomes. It would be impossible without research. However, proper research is possible only when choosing an appropriate direction. Below are some interesting human resources research paper topics you might want to cover:

  • Why Is Job Analysis Important
  • How to Handle Overqualified Employees
  • Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses During an Employment Interview
  • The Effectiveness of Social Media in Human Resource Management
  • Should Human Resource Managers Hire Students
  • How Important Are Soft Skills
  • Using Virtual Reality to Train Employees
  • The Significance of HR KPIs in Employee Performance
  • Job Rotation and Job Redesign: What’s the Difference?
  • Are Online Video Courses Efficient to Train Stuff?
  • Significance of Corporate Universities
  • Effective Disciplining Methods
  • 360 Degree Feedback: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Advantages of a Multigenerational Workforce
  • How Performance Assessments Impact Employee Productivity
  • Career Development and Employee Morale
  • Maintaining Work-Life Balance
  • Employee Motivation and Workplace Stress Management
  • How Can Human Resource Managers Establish Successful Communication During Remote Work
  • Identifying Workplace Bullying in Multiple Ways
  • How to Prevent Employees From Emotional Burnout
  • The Rise of the Global Labor Market
  • The Diversity Gap at the Workplace
  • Effective Methods of Workplace Monitoring
  • Facts Affecting Employee Retention

As you can see, research proposal topics in human resource management vary, and you can approach the problem from different angles and create proposals about the points that interest you the most. Choose ones that inspire you to research in-depth and create captivating proposals.

Unusual Research Proposals on Human Resource Management

If you want to move away from default proposal concepts and cover competitive human resource research topics, you may need a more comprehensive look at the whole area. Think about HR in the context of social and ethical issues, or try to seek through psychology research proposal topics. Employees, managers, and recruiters often face difficulties based on such matters.

This way, combining the HR area with other fields of knowledge may open new horizons for your investigations. Check out issue-based human resources management research paper topics.

  • Identifying Workplace Bullying
  • The Main Challenges of Human Resource Managers
  • Religious and Sexual Discrimination in the Workplace
  • Dealing With Sexual Harassment at the Workplace
  • How to Control Employees Following Safety Protocols
  • What Happens if Not Following Workplace Safety
  • Cases When HR Should Take Legal Action
  • Ways the Human Resource Specialist Protects the Employees or the Company
  • Preventing Osha Violations at Work
  • Training the Workplace to Minimize Potential Risks
  • The Role of Human Resources in Risk Management
  • What to Do When an Employee Is Assaulted at Work?
  • Ethical Considerations Regarding Monitoring Employees During Remote Work
  • The Importance of Having Equal Employment Opportunities
  • Direct and Indirect Workplace Discrimination
  • How to Report About Workplace Harassment
  • Consequences of Violating Safety Rules at the Workplace

It’s also essential to find appropriate sample research papers on human resource management that help you understand what a good proposal should look like. It will give you numerous insights on the proper structure, formatting, as well as approaches to inspire readers and motivate them to look forward.

Trending Human Resources Research Paper Topics

As we said before, choosing trending human resources management topics for research paper is a good option. By doing so, you update knowledge in the area and actualize information. However, customize it to your proposal case, such as a local situation you can explore and analyze.

  • Using AI to Manage Employee Performance
  • How Poor Dynamics Negatively Affect Employee Performance
  • Data-Driven Strategies in Human Resource Departments
  • Should Pre-employment Assessments Be Considered Over Resumes
  • How Virtual Teams Impact Productivity
  • Disadvantages of Remote Work
  • The Rise of Mobile-Friendly Recruitment
  • Is It Possible to Spot Employee Behavior Change Using AI
  • How to Make Virtual Team Buildings Impactful
  • How Poor Mental Health Affects Productivity

Choosing a trending topic is advantageous. For example, if a person needs to compose a PhD law research proposal , the most popular themes will be in favor. It could be a topic about how the law sees terrorism in different countries.

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DOWNLOAD Here More Research Proposal Topic Ideas in Human Resource Management!

Need assistance with human resources management research paper topics.

With so many human resource management topics for research paper, you can take one to cover or develop your own using available examples. However, if you still don’t feel confident about choosing an appropriate topic or composing a proposal yourself, turn to our specialized and professional services. We are always ready to assist you regardless of project complexity and deadlines.

Entrust us with developing your research papers human resource management prepared by specialists well-versed in your chosen field of investigation. And be sure to get a top-quality proposal that your mentors and supervisors will greatly appreciate.

Stop hesitating and choose the most comfortable and effective method to complete the task!

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We have 49 Human Resource Management PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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Human Resource Management PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

PhDs in Human Resource Management are doctoral research degrees that allow students to deeply explore a particular aspect of HR practices and theories.

Specifics vary drastically between programmes, but may involve research into the complexities of workforce management, the effectiveness of HR policies, and the impact of HR practices on organisational performance.

Entry requirements typically include an undergraduate degree in an appropriate subject such as Business, Management, or Psychology. A relevant Masters degree may also be required depending on the programme.

Why study a PhD in Human Resource Management?

Develop skills and knowledge.

A PhD in Human Resource Management allows you to not only develop your own knowledge of HR, but also to make a unique, original contribution to the subject as a whole. By doing so, you will hone a variety of transferable skills, such as:

  • Research and Analytical Skills: Ability to design, conduct, and analyse complex research projects.
  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Expertise in evaluating HR theories and practices to address challenges.
  • Communication and Presentation Skills: Proficiency in effectively conveying ideas and findings to diverse audiences.

Further Career Development

If you're hoping for a career in academia, a PhD is typically required. Other research-based careers may likewise require a PhD, and even when they don't, employers will value the research skills and knowledge developed during your degree. For more information, please visit our PhD employability guide .

After completing your PhD in Human Resource Management, a potential career option might be employment as an HR Manager . According to UK salary data from Glassdoor , an HR Manager earns an average of £50,941 per year , dependent on factors such as experience, employer and employment location.

Improve Employability

Completing a PhD may also improve your employability. According to the UK government's LEO Graduate and Postgraduate Outcomes survey , 87% of Business & Management PhD students were in further education or employment three years after graduation.

What do prospective Business & Management PhD students think about study?

We host the Pulse postgraduate survey to understand the motivations, concerns and expectations of students just like you. For prospective Business & Management PhD students in 2023:

  • 78% were either positive or very positive about employment after graduation.
  • 64% preferred on campus learning, 13% preferred online/distance learning, and 23% preferred a blended approach.
  • 23% were interested in part-time study.
  • Subject interest
  • Skills development

If you'd like to make your voice heard, why not complete our survey? Your feedback will help us ensure our site is as helpful as possible for students like you!

Note: This guidance was produced with the assistance of AI. However, all data is derived from reliable, authoratitive sources, and all content has been reviewed by humans.

Examining the social dimension of Circular Economy in emerging markets

Phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Self-Funded PhD Students Only

This project does not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Workplace mistreatment on the basis of multiple demographic attributes: Victims’ and workplace characteristics as influential factors

Assessing and improving the productivity of construction labour through resilient interventions against stagnation (in respect of the evolving perspectives of the impacts of pandemics like the coronavirus), mapping uk’s stakeholder ecosystems of battery technologies and sustaining resilient battery manufacturing supply chains, generational differences in sustainable travel behaviour, women in sports: the experience of working and living in precarity, liminality and exploitation in the gig economy, what form and duration of experiential learning optimises graduate outcomes; an impact study of experiential learning opportunities within and beyond the he curriculum, resource shortage and preferences - a study on medicine and vaccine shortages, challenges and opportunities of remote interaction in virtual reality, evaluation of facilitated simulation workshops in healthcare, developing tools to support organisations with net zero goals, can simulation models influence behavioural change towards climate change solutions in the fashion industry, mitigating technostress among community-dwelling seniors: examining the role of proactive and reactive coping behaviours in the context of xr-powered telehealth, fdi in africa and the role of formal and informal institutions, entrepreneurial ecosystem and resilience for women in tech businesses.

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10 Best Online Human Resources Doctorate Programs

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Earning a Doctorate in Human Resources is well worth the time and money you invest in it if you plan on using it to its fullest advantage. Human resources is exactly what it says . It is the resources you have available to you in human form. You can choose to train that workforce and develop each person’s own unique set of skills or you can allow them to remain at their current level of development. If you want to ensure that your degree is worth it, then use what you have learned to improve the abilities of those around you.

The only way you will get a positive return on your investment is to use what you have learned and apply it appropriately. This allows you to maximize your own potential in the process. After graduating, you will have everything you need to both develop training programs as well as teach them. Being able to provide the best training each person needs makes you an invaluable asset to your company and to the employees you serve.

If you ask yourself if your Doctorate in Human Resources is worth it, you should more than likely be asking yourself if you are willing to work hard enough to make it worth your while. Degree programs are what you make of them. It is up to you to make the most of what you have learned and use it to create a career you can be proud of. Once you graduate, take your degree and look for employment that will allow you to apply everything you have learned.

University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR

The University of Arkansas offers the best PhD programs in Human Resources using a state-of-the-art online learning platform. Students are able to learn the management skills they will need to help others make the most of employment opportunities that may come their way. With a Doctor of Education in Human Resources and Workforce Development Education EdD, graduates are able to develop training programs and learning tools that will allow employees to be as efficient as possible.

The University of Arkansas has won many awards for its online degree programs. The school has ranked in the top five of several U.S. News and World Reports categories. The school and its team of experienced faculty members provide students with a comprehensive list of valuable resources they can rely on to help them make the most of their education. Students can complete their education while they are already working in the human resources field.

Liberty University Lynchburg, VA

Liberty University offers the best online PhD in Human Resources degree programs available. A human resources degree program offers all of the managerial skills a student will need to successfully manage a workplace. With this type of degree, they will be able to identify strengths and weaknesses that will allow an employee to find the best fit for their abilities. With a Doctor of Business Admin. (DBA) and a specialization in Human Resources, a graduate will be able to choose almost any type of job they want in terms of helping other employees.

Liberty University is one of the most well-known faith-based, Christian universities in the world. The school has worked for the last fifty years to provide its students with the highest quality education. Faculty members are proven professionals who continually guide the students through challenges and assist them in reaching both their educational and professional goals.

Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA

Old Dominion University offers students the best Human Resources PhD programs available for those who want to complete their studies online. These degree programs give you the skills you need to develop training classes for many different topics, including health and safety, proper use of PPE, and many others. Earning an online degree in PhD Education with a focus on Occupational and Technical Studies for Human Resources gives you an opportunity to make a difference in the workplace.

Over the past 35 years, Old Dominion University has made a name for itself as a leader in the field of online education. The school continually ranks in the top ten on many educational websites when it comes to academic excellence and total satisfaction ratings among students who are enrolled in online programs. Students who choose the university will often recommend it to others who are interested in earning their degrees online. Others choose the university because it offers over 120 degree programs.

Colorado State University-Fort Collins Fort Collins, CO

Colorado State University offers the best PhD programs in Human Resources for students who are interested in managing a large workforce. This degree also provides the skills that are needed to students who are interested in helping to develop training programs. These training classes would work to improve the workplace environment. By earning a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education and Human Resource Studies, students are able to improve conditions in their own workplace by helping to train others.

Colorado State University – Ft. Collins provides degree programs that turn students not only into graduates but scholars. Professional faculty and practical experience provide students with everything they will need to succeed. The interdisciplinary approach used by the school allows students an opportunity to improve on their own performance strategies and begin to find new ways to assist others in reaching their goals. Degree programs offer both flexibility and convenience to students who are already employed.

Bellevue University Bellevue, NE

Bellevue University offers the best Human Resources PhD programs using an online learning platform that most other schools in the state. Students who are interested in this type of degree realize the importance of maximizing human potential. By developing classes that will provide current employees with up-to-date skills and abilities, students with a PhD in Human Capital Management will not only change their own lives but the lives of others who receive the training they offer.

Bellevue University is well-known for having advanced online curriculums for students who have a strong interest in teaching as well as maximizing the potential of fellow employees. Students have access to professional faculty members who are experts in their field. The resources that students have available to them are second to none when it comes to providing the support and encouragement that is needed when trying to face challenges head-on.

Thomas Edison State University Trenton, NJ

Thomas Edison State University is proud to offer the best PhD programs in Human Resources for students on the east coast. Students are able to enroll in these online programs and study from almost anywhere in the world. Each program offers management skills that will allow the graduate to maximize the potential of the workforce they have on hand. With a Doctor of Business Administration and a Human Resource Management specialization, a student can pursue their career and make a positive impact on the employees they work with.

For almost 50 years, Thomas Edison State University provides students with programs that are known for academic excellence. Faculty members strive to maintain the educational integrity the university needs to provide top-of-the-line degree programs. The university provides students with award-winning programs and staff that tie things together and provide the student with the highest quality education possible.

Capella University Minneapolis, MN

Capella University offers the best online PhD in Human Resources degree programs for students who are ready to take the final step toward completing their education. Students will learn all of the necessary skills they will need to be able to effectively manage and train the workforce of a business or large company. With an online PhD in Business Management, specializing in Human Resource Management, a graduate can work with employees to ensure they have all of the training and skills they need.

Capella University is one of the country’s leading online schools. It offers the FlexPath program which allows students to set deadlines that work best for them. This puts their education in their hands and allows them to take advantage of every possible learning opportunity. Faculty members are able to assist students in overcoming any challenges they may face as they work their way through each course. The online learning platform gives them the opportunity to complete assignments no matter where they may be located.

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Champaign, IL

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign offers the best Human Resources PhD programs online in the Midwest. Students are able to learn tools and resources that will allow them to organize and management a Human Resources Department, as well as the workforce it oversees. Graduates who earn an EdD in Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership with a concentration in HR Development (HRD) are able to make positive changes throughout the workplace that will benefit every employee.

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign offers the highest quality degree programs available over an online learning platform. The university has many award-winning degree programs and faculty members that can be utilized to their fullest advantage by students who are trying to advance their education. Graduates are able to leave the college with everything they need to be successful in their employment as an HR professionals.

Regent University Virginia Beach, VA

Regent University is known to offer the best PhD programs in Human Resources over an online learning platform. Each degree program offers students the class materials they will need to be able to develop training programs and other resources that employees will be able to utilize the skills they have and improve their overall performance. Students who pursue a PhD in Organizational Leadership with a focus on Human Resource Development will be able to graduate with confidence and immediately take advantage of many new opportunities.

Regent University is known across the world as one of the most prominent faith-based schools to offer online degree programs. The university has students from all over the world enroll in their classes on a regular basis. These students have access to the best resources and most professional faculty members available. Every graduate who completes their degree through the university will be able to move their career forward in a much shorter period of time.

Atlantic International University

Atlantic International University provides students with the best online PhD in Human Resources degree programs in the area. Students can learn all of the tools they will need to effectively manage a workforce and be able to assist each person in reaching their full potential. This is normally accomplished through various types of training and mentorship programs. Graduates are able to provide the people they work with a much safer and more welcoming work environment.

Atlantic International University is well-known for its commitment to providing the best possible academic programs for students who want to succeed. Each student is provided with access to professional faculty and valuable resources they will need to succeed as they move forward with their careers. The online learning platform offers students the freedom and flexibility to move forward with their education while they are still on the job.

Is a Doctorate in Human Resources Worth It?

Earning a Doctorate in Human Resources is well worth the time and money you invest in it if you plan on using it to its fullest advantage. Human resources is exactly what it says. It is the resources you have available to you in human form. You can choose to train that workforce and develop each person’s own unique set of skills or you can allow them to remain at their current level of development. If you want to ensure that your degree is worth it, then use what you have learned to improve the abilities of those around you.

Why Should I Get My Human Resources Doctorate Online?

Earning a Human Resources Doctorate online is one of the best ways you can earn your degree. You have the flexibility to log onto the online learning platform from anywhere you can find an internet connection. This is ideal if you travel frequently or are already working in a position that requires you to work 40 hours a week. Attending school online gives you the freedom to complete your education and find ways to explore more employment options in the future.

Online degree programs allow students who need a quiet atmosphere to work more efficiently on their studies. This is an ideal environment for students who are easily distracted. By enrolling in an online degree program, you are able to work when it is more convenient for you. This makes it possible for you to advance your degree and begin to establish yourself as a professional in the Human Resources field. You may be able to pursue new employment opportunities even before you graduate.

Choosing an online degree is the best way to take advantage of every learning opportunity available to you. You are able to take care of your obligations to your family as well as to your current employer. You can access your learning materials at any time and also communicate with faculty members and associates who can help you work your way through any challenges you may experience.

What Can I Do with a Doctorate in Human Resources?

There are several things you can do with a Doctorate in Human Resources. First and foremost, you have the opportunity to help members of your workforce reach their fullest potential. This means developing training programs, either one-on-one or group, that will allow them to remain as up-to-date as possible in terms of new technology and safety protocols. This gives them an opportunity to also learn new skills and increase the talents they bring to the table.

With a Doctorate in Human Resources, you will be able to help current employees choose the right educational programs that will help them further their careers. You will also be able to help them choose the best benefits package that will help them properly care for their families. Benefits programs need to be developed with your employees in mind. Because you have the knowledge that includes their needs and affordability, it will sometimes be up to you to develop packages to meet those needs.

As a professional in the Human Resources field, it is up to you to use each resource to its fullest potential. This can involve many different things ranging from training programs to educational counseling. Every employee that you can help in improving their career path or lifestyle is a positive reflection on you and your abilities as a manager.

How Much Can I Make with a Doctorate in Human Resources?

With a Doctorate in Human Resources, you can make on average $121,000 per year depending on your location, level of education, and years of experience. If you work in the field as a training and development manager, you may be able to earn as much as $116,000 per year on average. If you deal primarily with compensation and benefits, your pay may go as high as $125,000 per year on average. These are the median to high range and will not apply in every location.

If you work in a larger city, you can expect to earn more. Smaller companies located in rural communities will pay significantly less per year. The size of the company will more than likely determine what the pay is overall. This is true for graduates who have several years of experience. Someone who has worked in the field of Human Resources for many years will be able to pull in a higher wage than someone with only a few years of experience or a Bachelor’s degree.

Your individual earning potential will depend on many things aside from education and experience. The location and size of your facility are also key to the amount you will be able to learn. Another factor is whether or not you have a specialization. You can specialize in education, which would make you excellent for developing course materials. If you have a specialization in business management, you may be more suited for the compensation and benefits field. It is up to you which direction you take. You will be the one to determine what your earning potential will be.

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  • How we work
  • PhD Research
  • PhD in Human Resources

Get Original PhD in Human Resources Topics & Papers From Our Service

Picking excellent hr research topics to match personal preferences.

Many students aim for obtaining PhD in human resources as such a diploma opens numerous career possibilities. Every large company constantly seeks a new employee with excellent professional skills. With PhD human resources degree, you can offer big enterprises your knowledge in finding suitable future workers.

However, you must come up with good HR research topics for your PhD diploma work first. That is one of the biggest issues that students face. You are lucky if you have interesting human resources subjects that you want to investigate.

Otherwise, deciding what HR topics for PhD research can take a lot of time. At the very beginning, you should consider things that you like in human resources science. For some reason, you have decided to master this specialization, and now you are writing a PhD degree work.

Knowing personal preferences help in selecting human resources topics for research paper very much. You can focus on what you like in PhD investigation or turn to our PhD writing service to find worthy and relevant  study issues from the particular field. Such approaches help you get higher motivation to finish the task, as human resources research often takes a lot of time. Besides, you can always buy research proposals from our experts to avoid such hassles once and for all.

Benefits of Using Human Resources Topics for Research Paper Advisors

To ease dwelling on human resources management topics for research paper, talk to your professors. When aiming for a PhD degree, you already know most tutors. Just talk to them. With greater experience in human resource research topics, professors can offer nice writing ideas.

For diploma works, students receive personal scientific advisors. They guide during the selection of PhD research topics in HR and the entire writing process. Take advantage of their assistance and knowledge about the specifics of pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management . Tell them about your interest in human resources and what subject fields attract you more.

hr research topics

Quite often, students have the right to choose advisors for PhD in human resource management works. In such a case, make sure to select the one with whom you have good relationships. Familiar tutors have more desire to help with research topics in HR for PhD papers.

Another approach here is choosing professors with many academic works. Creating research topics for human resource management requires knowing trends in a scientific field. Active PhD tutors can easily bring you various ideas for writing that you will like.

Popular HR Topics for PhD Research That You Should Consider to Write

As science constantly develops, more resources and topics appear for investigation. Universities try to focus the attention of students on that. Many HR PhD writing ideas you can find over the internet. Informative articles and writing guides often contain topic titles that you can use.

However, do not just copy topics for PhD human resources papers. Plenty of students have already seen them. You should avoid working on very similar subjects. Instead, change the scope of human resources PhD research a bit while keeping the same idea or try to explore related areas. For example, some topics for research paper on marketing perfectly suit HR investigations.

For your scientific research in human resources, consider the following topics:

  • How does social media assist in recruitment?
  • Best periods of the year to find new employees.
  • HR effectiveness in evaluation of qualities.
  • Pros & cons of recruiting university graduates.
  • Required skills and traits for remote workers.
  • Benefits of letting employees work from home.
  • Measures for preventing burnout at the workplace.

All of these topics of PhD human resources have plenty of data for analysis. While considering other studies, make sure to have enough materials. Without enough info on human resources writing PhD research can be way more difficult.

  • FREE topic suggestion
  • 100% original research
  • Dedicated experts only

Novelty Importance of Human Resource Topics for Research Paper

Whenever writing human resources PhD paper, your research must bring new scientific data. It prevents authors from restudying already existing human resource topics for research paper. The novelty of scientific research is what you should think about when coming up with writing ideas. There are different approaches to making sure to conduct an original study.

First is up-to-date resources. You cannot make an investigation without materials. However, you cannot select any articles and papers. Research resources must be up to date. That is why always try to gather data from recent years on your subject.

The second is checking the last PhD human resources works. Most of the studies cover certain questions. However, they do not cover all the points. Some issues still require attention. There you can find interesting ideas and resources for writing your scientific PhD paper.

HR science has plenty of subfields, which are less popular among students. Take time to review what resources and materials you can find to make a helpful PhD study. Every science requires investigations to deepen existing knowledge. Human resources also have such a need.

Writing PhD in Human Resource Management With Professional Assistance

Students often look for fast and simple solutions to deal with human resources assignments and PhD research. Entrusting everything to professionals is what you should consider too. Experienced writers can provide you with qualified PhD project management online help and assist in generating excellent topics for a PhD in human resources studies.

Services offer to choose the category of writers based on their success rate. For a diploma work in human resources, you can get a PhD holder on a matching subject. It guarantees to create wonderful research that shows an extensive investigation of the topic and data.

Whether you need just topics in human resources or PhD paper, you can get them both here. Trained writers scrutinize personal requirements and accomplish all your requirements. You can impress the scientific committee with a highly interesting topic.

Every investigation in human resources takes a lot of time. First, you decide on a topic and gather suitable materials. Then you conduct PhD research and write a paper. With professional writing service assistance, you save numerous hours of your life. Thus, think over the way you want to get ready your topic and paper for PhD human resources diploma.


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    The doctoral program in human resource management (HRM) prepares students for success in research universities as faculty members specializing in human resources. Doctoral students work closely with faculty to gain research and teaching expertise in the various functions and activities carried out as part of HRM, including the relationship ...

  7. Human Resources Dissertation Topic Ideas [2024]

    7 Human Resources Risk Management Dissertation Topics. 8 Human Resource Theory Dissertation Topics. 9 HR Diversity Dissertation Topics. 9.1 Conclusion. It is virtually impossible to choose human resource management dissertation topics when you don't have a faint idea of a dissertation. You could have a vast knowledge of HR management.

  8. Ph.D. in Industrial Relations and Human Resources (IRHR)

    Work with leading scholars who are nationally and internationally recognized experts in a broad range of topics in industrial relations and human resources. Become leading scholars by learning how to design, ... 32 percent of faculty publications were with PhD students, and students have the opportunity to actively partner with nine SMLR ...

  9. PhD Specialization in Human Resources

    The primary goal of the Management and Human Resources PhD program is to develop top-class researchers in the field of management, with specializations in the areas of entrepreneurship, human resource management, international business, organizational behavior and strategic management.The specialization in Human Resources (HR) is dedicated to understanding how work organizations can perform ...

  10. Your complete guide to a PhD in Human Resource Management

    Human Resource Management teaches theories and practices related to hiring processes, administrative services, performance management, staff administration, and training. HRM students learn how to motivate and enhance employees' contribution in order to maximise the productivity of an organisation. Courses focus on organisational behaviour ...

  11. PhD in Human Resource Management

    The PhD program in the Human Resource Management at the School of HRM is designed to prepare future academics who wish to conduct impactful research and teach at major research-oriented institutions. ... Our diverse faculty members in HRM are well known for their research and scholarly insights on a wide range of topics. Life in the PhD program ...

  12. Human Resources Dissertation Topics for FREE

    Human Resources Dissertation Topics. Human Resources (HR) is an exciting topic that combines theories from both Business and Psychology. This is such a broad field of study, so there are literally thousands of titles you could choose from when formulating your dissertation. This article will introduce you to some of the key topics in HR such as ...

  13. 223 Top Human Resource Topic Ideas

    A human resource research paper comprises information about the findings of a study on a specific topic. And this includes: An answer to a question that a learner set out to investigate. Proof of a relevant theory. Practical and theoretical knowledge about the topic. Human capital is a crucial asset in any organization.

  14. Ph.D. Program in Human Resources

    For more information on Cornell's Ph.D. in Human Resources program, please contact: ILR Graduate Programs Office Cornell University 218 Ives Hall Ithaca, NY 14853. ph: (607) 255-1522 fax: (607) 254-5225 email: [email protected] . Footer. News; Events; About ILR; ILRie Alumni Magazine; Contact Us; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion;

  15. Developing the Perfect PhD Research Topics in HRM

    Get Academic Help for 100% Unique HR PhD Research Topics. Before you decide on your topic, make sure that you can visualize what your PhD paper would look like. For those who are still having ...

  16. PhD programmes in Human Resource Management in United States

    Tuition unknown. Find the best PhD programmes in the field of Human Resource Management from top universities in United States. Check all 20 programmes.

  17. List of PHD Programs in Human Resources Management

    Find the list of all PHD Programs in Human Resources Management with our interactive Program search tool. Use the filters to list programs by subject, location, program type or study level.

  18. Best Online Doctorate (PHD) in Human Resources Programs

    Graduates of doctoral human resources programs can become postsecondary teachers in fields like business or management. Professors commonly specialize in teaching human resources as part of a DBA or Ph.D. program. Postsecondary teachers typically require a doctoral education. Median Annual Salary: $84,380.

  19. Human Resource Management in United States: 2024 PhD's Guide

    The main responsibilities of HR are to recruit new talent, manage employee compensation and benefits, offer training, and both appraise and increase performance. Core HRM classes offered by business schools focus on employment law, organisational behaviour, ethics, performance, and talent management. more.

  20. 52 Human Resource Research Topics You May Want to Cover

    This way, combining the HR area with other fields of knowledge may open new horizons for your investigations. Check out issue-based human resources management research paper topics. Identifying Workplace Bullying. The Main Challenges of Human Resource Managers. Religious and Sexual Discrimination in the Workplace.

  21. PhDs in Human Resource Management

    A PhD in Human Resource Management allows you to not only develop your own knowledge of HR, but also to make a unique, original contribution to the subject as a whole. By doing so, you will hone a variety of transferable skills, such as: Research and Analytical Skills: Ability to design, conduct, and analyse complex research projects.

  22. 10 Best Online Human Resources Doctorate Programs

    Top 5. 1 University of Arkansas. 2 Liberty University. 3 Old Dominion University. 4 Colorado State University-Fort Collins. 5 Bellevue University. Earning a Doctorate in Human Resources is well worth the time and money you invest in it if you plan on using it to its fullest advantage. Human resources is exactly what it says.

  23. PhD in Human Resources Paper & Topics With Writing Service

    With PhD human resources degree, you can offer big enterprises your knowledge in finding suitable future workers. However, you must come up with good HR research topics for your PhD diploma work first. That is one of the biggest issues that students face. You are lucky if you have interesting human resources subjects that you want to investigate.