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Figures in Research Paper – Examples and Guide

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Figures in Research Paper

Figures in Research Paper

Figures play an essential role in research papers as they provide a visual representation of data, results, and concepts presented in the text. Figures can include graphs, charts, diagrams, photographs, and other visual aids that enhance the reader’s understanding of the research.

Importance of Figures in Research Paper

Here are some specific ways in which figures can be important in a research paper:

  • Visual representation of data : Figures can be used to present data in a clear and concise way. This makes it easier for readers to understand the results of experiments and studies.
  • Simplify complex ideas: Some concepts can be difficult to explain using words alone. Figures can be used to simplify complex ideas and make them more accessible to a wider audience.
  • Increase reader engagement : Figures can make a research paper more engaging and interesting to read. They break up long blocks of text and can make the paper more visually appealing.
  • Support arguments: Figures can be used to support arguments made in the paper. For example, a graph or chart can be used to show a correlation between two variables, providing evidence for a particular hypothesis.
  • Convey important information: Figures can be used to convey important information quickly and efficiently. This is particularly useful when the paper is being read by someone who is short on time and needs to quickly understand the main points.

Types of Figures in Research Paper

There are several types of figures commonly used in research papers, including:

  • Line graphs: These are used to show trends or changes in data over time.
  • Bar graphs: These are used to compare data across different categories or groups.
  • Pie charts: These are used to show proportions or percentages of data.
  • Scatterplots : These are used to show the relationship between two variables.
  • Tables : These are used to present large amounts of data in a structured format.
  • Photographs or images : These are used to provide visual context or examples of the research being presented.
  • Diagrams or schematics : These are used to illustrate complex processes or systems.

How to add Figures to Research Paper

Adding figures to a research paper can be a great way to visually convey important information to the reader. Here are some general guidelines for adding figures to your research paper:

  • Determine the appropriate type of figure: Depending on the information you want to convey, you may want to use a graph, chart, table, photograph, or other type of figure.
  • Label the figure: Give your figure a descriptive title and number it. Also, include a brief caption that explains what the figure shows.
  • Place the figure in the appropriate location : Generally, figures should be placed as close as possible to the text that refers to them. For example, if you mention a figure in the middle of a paragraph, it should be placed within that paragraph.
  • Format the figure appropriately: Ensure that the figure is clear and easy to read. Use consistent fonts and font sizes, and make sure the figure is large enough to be easily seen.
  • Cite the source of the figure: If the figure was not created by you, you must cite the source of the figure in your paper. This includes citing the author or creator, the date of creation, and any relevant publication information.
  • Consider copyright : Ensure that you have permission to use any figures that are copyrighted. If the figure is copyrighted, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder to use it in your paper.

How to Label Figures in Research Paper

Labeling figures in a research paper is an important task that helps readers to understand the content of the paper. Here are the steps to label figures in a research paper:

  • Decide on the numbering system: Before labeling the figures, decide on the numbering system that you want to use. Typically, figures are numbered consecutively throughout the paper, with the first figure being labeled as “Figure 1,” the second figure as “Figure 2,” and so on.
  • Choose a clear and concise caption: A caption is a brief description of the figure that appears below the figure. It should be clear and concise and should describe the content of the figure accurately. The caption should be written in a way that readers can understand the figure without having to read the entire paper.
  • Place the label and caption appropriately: The label and caption should be placed below the figure. The label should be centered and should include the figure number and a brief title. The caption should be placed below the label and should describe the figure in detail.
  • Use consistent formatting: Make sure that the formatting of the labels and captions is consistent throughout the paper. Use the same font, size, and style for all figures in the paper.
  • Reference figures in the text : When referring to a figure in the text, use the figure number and label. For example, “As shown in Figure 1, the results indicate that…”

Figure 1. Distribution of survey responses

In this example, “Figure 1” is the figure number, and “Distribution of survey responses” is a brief title or description of the figure.

The label should be placed at the top of the figure and should be centered. It should be clear and easy to read. It’s important to use a consistent format for all figures in the paper to make it easier for readers to follow.

Examples of Figures in Research Paper

Examples of Figures in Research Papers or Thesis are as follows:

Line graphs Example

Line graphs Example

Bar graphs Example

Bar graphs Example

Pie charts Example

Pie charts Example

Scatterplots Example

Scatterplots Example

Tables Example

Tables Example

Photographs or images Example

Photographs or images Example

Diagrams or schematics Example

Diagrams or schematics Example

Purpose of Figures in Research Paper

Some common purposes of figures in research papers are:

  • To summarize data: Figures can be used to present data in a concise and easy-to-understand manner. For example, graphs can be used to show trends or patterns in data, while tables can be used to summarize numerical information.
  • To support arguments : Figures can be used to support arguments made in the text of the research paper. For example, a figure showing the results of an experiment can help to demonstrate the validity of the conclusions drawn from the experiment.
  • To illustrate concepts: Figures can be used to illustrate abstract or complex concepts that are difficult to explain in words. For example, diagrams or illustrations can be used to show the structure of a complex molecule or the workings of a machine.
  • To enhance readability: Figures can make a research paper more engaging and easier to read. By breaking up long blocks of text, figures can help to make the paper more visually appealing and easier to understand.
  • To provide context : Figures can be used to provide context for the research being presented. For example, a map or diagram can help to show the location or layout of a study site or experimental setup.
  • To compare results : Figures can be used to compare results from different experiments or studies. This can help to highlight similarities or differences in the data and draw comparisons between different research findings.
  • To show relationships : Figures can be used to show relationships between different variables or factors. For example, a scatter plot can be used to show the correlation between two variables, while a network diagram can be used to show how different elements are connected to each other.
  • To present raw data: Figures can be used to present raw data in a way that is easier to understand. For example, a heat map can be used to show the distribution of data over a geographic region, while a histogram can be used to show the distribution of data within a single variable.

Advantages of Figures in Research Paper

Figures (such as charts, graphs, diagrams, and photographs) are an important component of research papers and offer several advantages, including:

  • Enhancing clarity : Figures can help to visually communicate complex data or information in a clear and concise manner. They can help readers better understand the research and its findings.
  • Saving space : Figures can often convey information more efficiently than text, allowing researchers to present more information in less space.
  • Improving readability : Figures can break up large blocks of text and make a paper more visually appealing and easier to read.
  • Supporting arguments: Figures can be used to support arguments made in the text and help to strengthen the overall message of the paper.
  • Enabling comparisons: Figures can be used to compare different data points, which can be difficult to do with text alone. This can help readers to see patterns and relationships in the data more easily.
  • Providing context : Figures can provide context for the research, such as showing the geographic location of study sites or providing a visual representation of the study population.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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APA 7th Referencing Style Guide

  • Figures (graphs and images)
  • Referencing & APA style
  • In-text citation
  • Elements of a reference
  • Format & examples of a reference list
  • Conferences
  • Reports & grey literature

General guidelines

From a book, from an article, from a library database, from a website, citing your own work.

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A figure may be a chart, a graph, a photograph, a drawing, or any other illustration or nontextual depiction. Any type of illustration or image other than a table is referred to as a figure.

Figure Components

  • Number:  The figure number (e.g., Figure 1 ) appears above the figure in bold (no period finishing).
  • Title: The figure title appears one double-spaced line below the figure number in Italic Title Case  (no period finishing).
  • Image: The image portion of the figure is the chart, graph, photograph, drawing, or illustration itself.
  • Legend: A figure legend, or key, if present, should be positioned within the borders of the figure and explain any symbols used in the figure image.
  • Note: A note may appear below the figure to describe contents of the figure that cannot be understood from the figure title, image, and/or legend alone (e.g., definitions of abbreviations, copyright attribution). Not all figures include notes. Notes are flush left, non-italicised. If present they begin with Note. (italicised, period ending). The notes area will include reference information if not an original figure, and copyright information as required.

General rules

  • In the text, refer to every figure by its number, no italics, but with a capital "F" for "Figure". For example, "As shown in Figure 1, ..." 
  • There are two options for the placement of figures in a paper. The first option is to place all figures on separate pages after the reference list. The second option is to embed each figure within the text.
  • If you reproduce or adapt a figure from another source (e.g., an image you found on the internet), you should include a copyright attribution in the figure note, indicating the origin of the reproduced or adapted material, in addition to a reference list entry for the work. Include a permission statement (Reprinted or Adapted with permission) only if you have sought and obtained permission to reproduce or adapt material in your figure. A permission statement is not required for material in the public domain or openly licensed material. For student course work, AUT assignments and internal assessments, a permission statement is also not needed, but copyright attribution is still required.
  • Important note for postgraduate students and researchers: If you wish to reproduce or adapt figures that you did not create yourself in your thesis, dissertation, exegesis, or other published work, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder/s, unless the figure is in the public domain (copyright free), or licensed for use with a Creative Commons or other open license. Works under a  Creative Commons licence  should be cited accordingly. See Using works created by others for more information. 

Please check the APA style website for an illustration of the basic figure component & placement of figure in a text.

More information & examples from the   APA Style Manual , s. 7.22-7.36,    pp. 225–250

Figure reproduced in your text

Note format - for notes below the figure

. Explanations to supplement or clarify information in the image. From [ Adapted from]  (page number), by First Initial. Second Initial. Author Surname, Year, Publisher. Copyright Year by Name of Copyright Holder [ In the public domain Creative Commons license abbreviation]. Reprinted with permission. [ Adapted with permission.] .

Figure example

In-text citation:

This is clearly indicated in Figure 1,...

Reference list entry:

Rasmussen, E. J. (2009). (2nd ed.). Pearson.

Referring to a figure in a book

If you refer to a figure included in a book but do not include it in your text, format the in-text citation and the reference list entry in the usual way, citing the page number where the figure appears.

... interpretations of the portrait (Gombrich 1995, p. 203).

Gombrich, E. H. (1995). (16th ed.). Phaidon.

Note format -  for notes below the figure

. Explanations to supplement or clarify information in the image. From [  Adapted from] “Title of Article,” by First Initial. Second Initial. Author Surname, Year, (Issue), page number (url doi ). Copyright Year by Name of Copyright Holder [ In the public domain Creative Commons license abbreviation]. Reprinted with permission. [ Adapted with permission.]  .

Figure example

As shown in Figure 2, there are five groups of factors that influence...

Jahan, N., & Rahman, S. (2016). Factors that obstruct tourism development in Bangladesh. (9), 48–55.

Referring to a figure in an article

If you refer to a figure in an article but do not include it in your text, format the in-text citation and the reference list entry in the usual way for an article, citing the page number where the figure appears.

... in the installation (Randerson, 2007, p. 446) ...

Randerson, J. (2007). Between reason and sensation: Antipodean artists and climate change. ,  (5), 442–448.

Note format - for notes below the figure

. Explanations to supplement or clarify information in the image. Title of the database. Copyright year by the Name of Copyright Holder.

where do you put figures in a research paper

As Figure 1 shows, sales of meat pies ...

As shown in Figure 2, ...

Reference list:

EconData. (2019). [Graph]. EMED Emerging Asia database.

The Nielsen Company. (2011). [Graph] Nielsen Market Information Digest New Zealand.

. Explanations to supplement or clarify information in the image. From Title of Webpage, by First Initial. Second Initial. Author Surname [ Group Author], Year, Site Name [ ] (url). Copyright Year by Name of Copyright Holder [ In the public domain Creative Commons license abbreviation]. Reprinted with permission. [ Adapted with permission.]  .

where do you put figures in a research paper

As shown in Figure 5, ...

Department of Conservation. (n.d.).

Referring to a figure on a webpage

If you refer to a figure on a webpage and do not include it in your text, format the in-text citation and the reference list entry in the usual way for a webpage,

Not every reference to an artwork needs a reference list entry. For example, if you refer to a famous painting, as below, it would not need a reference.

... facial expression reminiscent of Munch’s .

Finding image details for your figure caption or reference

  • clicking on or hovering your mouse over the image
  • looking at the bottom of the image
  • looking at the URL
  • If there is no title, create a short descriptive one yourself and put it in square brackets e.g. [...]
  • For more guidance, see Visual works

If it has been formally published reference your work as you would any other published work.

If the work is available on a website reference it as a webpage (see examples in the webpage section ).

Citing your own figures, graphs or images in an assignment:

  • Include the title
  • Add a note explaining the content. No copyright attribution is required.
  • You can, if you wish, add a statement that it is your own work
  • You do not need an in-text citation or add it to your reference list
  • See example in APA manual p.247, Figure 7.17 Sample photograph

Great Barrier Island 

where do you put figures in a research paper

Note. Photo of Great Barrier Island taken from Orewa at sunrise. Own work.

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How to Use Tables and Figures effectively in Research Papers

  • 3 minute read

Table of Contents

Data is the most important component of any research. It needs to be presented effectively in a paper to ensure that readers understand the key message in the paper. Figures and tables act as concise tools for clear presentation . Tables display information arranged in rows and columns in a grid-like format, while figures convey information visually, and take the form of a graph, diagram, chart, or image. Be it to compare the rise and fall of GDPs among countries over the years or to understand how COVID-19 has impacted incomes all over the world, tables and figures are imperative to convey vital findings accurately.

So, what are some of the best practices to follow when creating meaningful and attractive tables and figures? Here are some tips on how best to present tables and figures in a research paper.

Guidelines for including tables and figures meaningfully in a paper:

  • Self-explanatory display items: Sometimes, readers, reviewers and journal editors directly go to the tables and figures before reading the entire text. So, the tables need to be well organized and self-explanatory.
  • Avoidance of repetition: Tables and figures add clarity to the research. They complement the research text and draw attention to key points. They can be used to highlight the main points of the paper, but values should not be repeated as it defeats the very purpose of these elements.
  • Consistency: There should be consistency in the values and figures in the tables and figures and the main text of the research paper.
  • Informative titles: Titles should be concise and describe the purpose and content of the table. It should draw the reader’s attention towards the key findings of the research. Column heads, axis labels, figure labels, etc., should also be appropriately labelled.
  • Adherence to journal guidelines: It is important to follow the instructions given in the target journal regarding the preparation and presentation of figures and tables, style of numbering, titles, image resolution, file formats, etc.

Now that we know how to go about including tables and figures in the manuscript, let’s take a look at what makes tables and figures stand out and create impact.

How to present data in a table?

For effective and concise presentation of data in a table, make sure to:

  • Combine repetitive tables: If the tables have similar content, they should be organized into one.
  • Divide the data: If there are large amounts of information, the data should be divided into categories for more clarity and better presentation. It is necessary to clearly demarcate the categories into well-structured columns and sub-columns.
  • Keep only relevant data: The tables should not look cluttered. Ensure enough spacing.

Example of table presentation in a research paper

Example of table presentation in a research paper

For comprehensible and engaging presentation of figures:

  • Ensure clarity: All the parts of the figure should be clear. Ensure the use of a standard font, legible labels, and sharp images.
  • Use appropriate legends: They make figures effective and draw attention towards the key message.
  • Make it precise: There should be correct use of scale bars in images and maps, appropriate units wherever required, and adequate labels and legends.

It is important to get tables and figures correct and precise for your research paper to convey your findings accurately and clearly. If you are confused about how to suitably present your data through tables and figures, do not worry. Elsevier Author Services are well-equipped to guide you through every step to ensure that your manuscript is of top-notch quality.

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Tables and Figures: Figures

In APA style, a figure is any representation of information that does not use rows and columns (e.g., a line graph, map, or photograph).

Keep the following in mind when including a figure in your paper:

  • The figure number, in bold text, belongs above the figure.
  • The figure title belongs one double-spaced line below the figure number. The title should be in title case and italics.
  • Color can be used in the figure if it is necessary for understanding the material. See APA 7, Section 7.26 for guidelines.
  • Notes can appear below the figure to describe the contents of the figure that cannot be understood from the figure title (e.g., definitions of abbreviations, explanations of shading, and citations).

For more on figures, see APA 7, Sections 7.22-7.36. (Note that APA 6 recommend significantly different formatting of the figure number and title.)

Examples of Figures

In this example, the writer created the figure using statistics from a journal article.

Pie Chart Showing the Clergy Demographics of the Study's Participants

Example of figure

Note . From “Predicting the Mental Health Literacy of Clergy: An Informational Resource for Counselors,” by J. D. Vermaas, J. Green, M. Haley, & L. Haddock, 2017, Journal of Mental Health Counseling , 39 (3), p. 231.

The following is an example of a figure the writer created from their own original data.

Number of Hours of Television Watched Per Week by Age Group

example of a figure

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How to Include Figures in a Research Paper

This article will explain what is the best approach to communicate the information to your audience including figures in a research paper.

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Figures are sometimes overlooked when preparing a research paper. However, the truth is that even a research paper must be visually appealing to its readers, and the best way to do so is to make it simple-to-read by adding tables or figures.

Readers are generally drawn to visual assets since they can convey a lot of information in a short amount of time. Therefore, understanding visuals is preferable to reading long and dense paragraphs.

In this article, we are going to assist on how to include figures in a research paper , in furtherance of increasing visual assets and attain an easy understandability of data.

When to use figures in a research paper?

When planning your research, there’s a need to identify the best approach to communicate the information to your audience using every tool to support your arguments.

A good way to identify the need for tables or figures is to understand if your argument can be explained in a sentence or two, if so, tables or figures are most likely unnecessary. 

If the data is too extensive or complex to be clarified in short sentences, figures or tables are recommended since they can be effective in conveying a lot of information without clogging up your research.  

Tables or figures?

In addition to explaining how to include figures in a research paper , this article will also explain whether tables or figures are the best approaches to do so.

When there is a requirement to exhibit numerical data or other sorts of summary data in a compact space, a table is an ideal method to do so. It’s also a good approach to combine, compare and contrast different types of data, to show items that contain several characteristics, variables or even to show the absence of these characteristics.

where do you put figures in a research paper

Figures are advised when it is necessary to depict patterns, trends, and relations between data. Figures, as opposed to tables, are used to highlight the pattern rather than the data itself. Figures can be used to visually describe a series of events, procedures, qualities or attributes or to summarize research results. There are numerous options on figures to be included, such as graphs, data plots, maps, pie charts, and so on. 

where do you put figures in a research paper

Finally, the text should be used when the data is not too big or hard to portray. Creating a table for this data would mean creating a table that contains 2 columns or even less. 

How many figures should a research paper have?

Although there is no limit to the number of figures or tables that can be included in your research, including too many may hinder data comprehension. Therefore, when considering adding tables or figures, keep the readability of the research paper in mind. 

It is recommended that a research paper contain no more than 5 tables and no more than 8 figures.

How to include figures in a research paper

As previously said, incorporating figures and tables in a research paper helps to summarize data and makes the article more aesthetically appealing for readers seeking a large quantity of information in a short amount of time.

Here are the tips and guides on how to include figures in your research paper:

  • Where to include figures in a research paper?

In a research paper, figures must be included in the center of the page, close to where it is first referred to, preferably immediately below the paragraph where the data was mentioned.

  • Figure Captions

All figures must be identified with a number and followed by a brief but intelligible statement that describes the data provided. Important readings on the figure can be highlighted in captions. Considering that figures are generally read from the bottom up, captions must take place left, below the figure.  (Reference: International Science Editing )

where do you put figures in a research paper

When selecting figures, consider images that are easily understood. Consider the size, resolution, and color of the figure as well. 

Figures must be a reasonable size and have a high resolution for the data to be clear. Elements are also vital when it comes to adding figures; utilize colors, lines, and icons, but remember to use them to add effect and not to code information, figures must be understandable even without the elements.

where do you put figures in a research paper

  • Additional information

Make sure to include any additional information required to comprehend the added figure. For graphs, this may include incorporating labels, legends, explanations for symbols, or check marks. And for maps, make sure to include a scale indicator, compass rose, or north arrow.

Best practices for including figures in a research paper

Research papers are critical documents that require a lot of work, and having solid statistics and exceptional information must be a priority. Hence, here is a list of best practices for including figures in a research paper: 

  • Choose the appropriate sort of figure for each data, different types of data necessitate different types of figures. An incorrectly picked figure may make understanding the research even more challenging.
  • Prioritize readability, an incomprehensible figure is seen simply as an image. Make sure to distinguish data and not overlap information. Choose a layout that maximizes readability. 
  • Remove any superfluous information from the figures. Data will be complex, so concentrate on a simple, elegant, and straightforward design that highlights the most significant aspects of the data.
  • Aim for accuracy and double-check figures to avoid any type of error that could lead to data misinterpretation.

Common mistakes to avoid

  • The axis titles and legends are confusing or repetitive. Focus on titles and descriptions that are easy to comprehend and consistent with the references added in the research.
  • Design inconsistency. Several designs in one research may make it difficult for the audience to grasp each figure. Make sure to consistently use the same font, size, markers, line, etc.
  • Random colors. Avoid using colors that are hard to read, such as yellow or beige. Also, for color blind people to see, it is best to avoid using red and green.

A professional tool to make your figures

Mind The Graph is an easy professional tool specialized in creating figures and graphs. Begin easily creating amazing scientific infographics with infographics templates and without any complications.

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About Fabricio Pamplona

Fabricio Pamplona is the founder of Mind the Graph - a tool used by over 400K users in 60 countries. He has a Ph.D. and solid scientific background in Psychopharmacology and experience as a Guest Researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry (Germany) and Researcher in D'Or Institute for Research and Education (IDOR, Brazil). Fabricio holds over 2500 citations in Google Scholar. He has 10 years of experience in small innovative businesses, with relevant experience in product design and innovation management. Connect with him on LinkedIn - Fabricio Pamplona .

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Figures and tables

Figures and tables (display items) are often the quickest way to  communicate large amounts of complex information that would be complicated to explain in text.

Many readers will only look at your display items without reading the main text of your manuscript. Therefore, ensure your display items can stand alone from the text and communicate clearly your most significant results.

Display items are also important for  attracting readers  to your work. Well designed and attractive display items will hold the interest of readers, compel them to take time to understand a figure and can even entice them to read your full manuscript.

Finally, high-quality display items give your work a  professional appearance . Readers will assume that a professional-looking manuscript contains good quality science. Thus readers may be more likely to trust your results and your interpretation of those results.

When deciding which of your results to present as display items consider the following questions:

  • Are there any data that readers might rather see as a display item rather than text?
  • Do your figures supplement the text and not just repeat what you have already stated?
  • Have you put data into a table that could easily be explained in the text such as simple statistics or p values?

Tables are a concise and effective way to present large amounts of data. You should design them carefully so that you clearly communicate your results to busy researchers.

The following is an example of a well-designed table:

  • Clear and concise legend/caption
  • Data divided into categories for clarity
  • Sufficient spacing between columns and rows
  • Units are provided
  • Font type and size are legible

where do you put figures in a research paper

Effective Use of Tables and Figures in Research Papers

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Research papers are often based on copious amounts of data that can be summarized and easily read through tables and graphs. When writing a research paper , it is important for data to be presented to the reader in a visually appealing way. The data in figures and tables, however, should not be a repetition of the data found in the text. There are many ways of presenting data in tables and figures, governed by a few simple rules. An APA research paper and MLA research paper both require tables and figures, but the rules around them are different. When writing a research paper, the importance of tables and figures cannot be underestimated. How do you know if you need a table or figure? The rule of thumb is that if you cannot present your data in one or two sentences, then you need a table .

Using Tables

Tables are easily created using programs such as Excel. Tables and figures in scientific papers are wonderful ways of presenting data. Effective data presentation in research papers requires understanding your reader and the elements that comprise a table. Tables have several elements, including the legend, column titles, and body. As with academic writing, it is also just as important to structure tables so that readers can easily understand them. Tables that are disorganized or otherwise confusing will make the reader lose interest in your work.

  • Title: Tables should have a clear, descriptive title, which functions as the “topic sentence” of the table. The titles can be lengthy or short, depending on the discipline.
  • Column Titles: The goal of these title headings is to simplify the table. The reader’s attention moves from the title to the column title sequentially. A good set of column titles will allow the reader to quickly grasp what the table is about.
  • Table Body: This is the main area of the table where numerical or textual data is located. Construct your table so that elements read from up to down, and not across.
Related: Done organizing your research data effectively in tables? Check out this post on tips for citing tables in your manuscript now!

The placement of figures and tables should be at the center of the page. It should be properly referenced and ordered in the number that it appears in the text. In addition, tables should be set apart from the text. Text wrapping should not be used. Sometimes, tables and figures are presented after the references in selected journals.

Using Figures

Figures can take many forms, such as bar graphs, frequency histograms, scatterplots, drawings, maps, etc. When using figures in a research paper, always think of your reader. What is the easiest figure for your reader to understand? How can you present the data in the simplest and most effective way? For instance, a photograph may be the best choice if you want your reader to understand spatial relationships.

  • Figure Captions: Figures should be numbered and have descriptive titles or captions. The captions should be succinct enough to understand at the first glance. Captions are placed under the figure and are left justified.
  • Image: Choose an image that is simple and easily understandable. Consider the size, resolution, and the image’s overall visual attractiveness.
  • Additional Information: Illustrations in manuscripts are numbered separately from tables. Include any information that the reader needs to understand your figure, such as legends.

Common Errors in Research Papers

Effective data presentation in research papers requires understanding the common errors that make data presentation ineffective. These common mistakes include using the wrong type of figure for the data. For instance, using a scatterplot instead of a bar graph for showing levels of hydration is a mistake. Another common mistake is that some authors tend to italicize the table number. Remember, only the table title should be italicized .  Another common mistake is failing to attribute the table. If the table/figure is from another source, simply put “ Note. Adapted from…” underneath the table. This should help avoid any issues with plagiarism.

Using tables and figures in research papers is essential for the paper’s readability. The reader is given a chance to understand data through visual content. When writing a research paper, these elements should be considered as part of good research writing. APA research papers, MLA research papers, and other manuscripts require visual content if the data is too complex or voluminous. The importance of tables and graphs is underscored by the main purpose of writing, and that is to be understood.

Frequently Asked Questions

"Consider the following points when creating figures for research papers: Determine purpose: Clarify the message or information to be conveyed. Choose figure type: Select the appropriate type for data representation. Prepare and organize data: Collect and arrange accurate and relevant data. Select software: Use suitable software for figure creation and editing. Design figure: Focus on clarity, labeling, and visual elements. Create the figure: Plot data or generate the figure using the chosen software. Label and annotate: Clearly identify and explain all elements in the figure. Review and revise: Verify accuracy, coherence, and alignment with the paper. Format and export: Adjust format to meet publication guidelines and export as suitable file."

"To create tables for a research paper, follow these steps: 1) Determine the purpose and information to be conveyed. 2) Plan the layout, including rows, columns, and headings. 3) Use spreadsheet software like Excel to design and format the table. 4) Input accurate data into cells, aligning it logically. 5) Include column and row headers for context. 6) Format the table for readability using consistent styles. 7) Add a descriptive title and caption to summarize and provide context. 8) Number and reference the table in the paper. 9) Review and revise for accuracy and clarity before finalizing."

"Including figures in a research paper enhances clarity and visual appeal. Follow these steps: Determine the need for figures based on data trends or to explain complex processes. Choose the right type of figure, such as graphs, charts, or images, to convey your message effectively. Create or obtain the figure, properly citing the source if needed. Number and caption each figure, providing concise and informative descriptions. Place figures logically in the paper and reference them in the text. Format and label figures clearly for better understanding. Provide detailed figure captions to aid comprehension. Cite the source for non-original figures or images. Review and revise figures for accuracy and consistency."

"Research papers use various types of tables to present data: Descriptive tables: Summarize main data characteristics, often presenting demographic information. Frequency tables: Display distribution of categorical variables, showing counts or percentages in different categories. Cross-tabulation tables: Explore relationships between categorical variables by presenting joint frequencies or percentages. Summary statistics tables: Present key statistics (mean, standard deviation, etc.) for numerical variables. Comparative tables: Compare different groups or conditions, displaying key statistics side by side. Correlation or regression tables: Display results of statistical analyses, such as coefficients and p-values. Longitudinal or time-series tables: Show data collected over multiple time points with columns for periods and rows for variables/subjects. Data matrix tables: Present raw data or matrices, common in experimental psychology or biology. Label tables clearly, include titles, and use footnotes or captions for explanations."

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  • Citing tables and figures from other sources in APA Style

Citing Tables and Figures in APA Style | Format & Examples

Published on November 6, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on December 27, 2023.

When you reprint or adapt a table or figure from another source, the source should be acknowledged in an in-text citation and in your reference list . Follow the format for the source type you took the table or figure from.

You also have to include a copyright statement in a note beneath the table or figure. The example below shows how to cite a figure from a journal article .

Shi, F., & Zhu, L. (2019). Analysis of trip generation rates in residential commuting based on mobile phone signaling data. , (1), 201–220. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26911264
(Shi & Zhu, 2019, p. 212)
. From “Analysis of Trip Generation Rates in Residential Commuting Based on Mobile Phone Signaling Data,” by F. Shi and L. Zhu, 2019, , (1), p. 212 ( ). CC BY-NC.

Table of contents

Citing tables and figures, including a copyright note, examples from different source types, frequently asked questions about apa style citations.

Tables and figures taken from other sources are numbered and presented in the same format as your other tables and figures . Refer to them as Table 1, Figure 3, etc., but include an in-text citation after you mention them to acknowledge the source.

You should also include the source in the reference list. Follow the standard format for the source type you took the table or figure from.

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where do you put figures in a research paper

As well as a citation and reference, when you reproduce a table or figure in your own work, you also need to acknowledge the source in a note directly below it.

The image below shows an example of a table with a copyright note.

APA table format

If you’ve reproduced a table or figure exactly, start the note with “From …” If you’ve adapted it in some way for your own purposes (e.g. incorporating part of a table or figure into a new table or figure in your paper), write “Adapted from …”

This is followed by information about the source (title, author, year, publisher, and location), and then copyright information at the end.

Types of copyright and permission

A source will either be under standard copyright, under a Creative Commons license, or in the public domain. You need to state which of these is the case.

Standard copyright Copyright 2020 by Scribbr.
Creative Commons CC-BY-NC.
Public domain In the public domain.

Under standard copyright, you sometimes also need permission from the publisher to reprint or adapt materials. If you sought and obtained permission, mention this at the end of the note.

Look for information on copyright and permissions from the publisher. If you’re having trouble finding this information, consult your supervisor for advice.

  • From a journal article
  • From a website
  • From a book
. From or Adapted from “Article Title,” by Initials. Last name, Year, , (Issue), p. Page number (URL or DOI). Copyright statement.
. Adapted from “Analysis of Trip Generation Rates in Residential Commuting Based on Mobile Phone Signaling Data,” by F. Shi and L. Zhu, 2019, , (1), p. 212 (https://www.jstor.org/stable/26911264). CC BY-NC.
Shi, F., & Zhu, L. (2019). Analysis of trip generation rates in residential commuting based on mobile phone signaling data. , (1), 201–220. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26911264
. From or Adapted from , by Initials. Last name, Year (URL). Copyright statement.
. From , by R. Streefkerk, 2020 (https://www.scribbr.com/apa-style/in-text-citation/). Copyright 2020 by Scribbr.
Streefkerk, R. (2020, October 2). . Scribbr. https://www.scribbr.com/apa-style/in-text-citation/
. From or Adapted from (p. Page number), by Initial. Last name, Year, Publisher (DOI or URL). Copyright statement.
. From (p. 107), by H. B. Simon, 2004, Free Press. Copyright 2004 by Free Press. Reprinted with permission.
Simon, H. B. (2002). . Free Press.

Copyright information can usually be found wherever the table or figure was published. For example, for a diagram in a journal article , look on the journal’s website or the database where you found the article. Images found on sites like Flickr are listed with clear copyright information.

If you find that permission is required to reproduce the material, be sure to contact the author or publisher and ask for it.

APA doesn’t require you to include a list of tables or a list of figures . However, it is advisable to do so if your text is long enough to feature a table of contents and it includes a lot of tables and/or figures .

A list of tables and list of figures appear (in that order) after your table of contents, and are presented in a similar way.

If you adapt or reproduce a table or figure from another source, you should include that source in your APA reference list . You should also include copyright information in the note for the table or figure, and include an APA in-text citation when you refer to it.

Tables and figures you created yourself, based on your own data, are not included in the reference list.

In most styles, the title page is used purely to provide information and doesn’t include any images. Ask your supervisor if you are allowed to include an image on the title page before doing so. If you do decide to include one, make sure to check whether you need permission from the creator of the image.

Include a note directly beneath the image acknowledging where it comes from, beginning with the word “ Note .” (italicized and followed by a period). Include a citation and copyright attribution . Don’t title, number, or label the image as a figure , since it doesn’t appear in your main text.

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

Caulfield, J. (2023, December 27). Citing Tables and Figures in APA Style | Format & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/apa-examples/citing-tables-figures/

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Jack Caulfield

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How to Write the List of Figures for a Thesis or Dissertation

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  • By DiscoverPhDs
  • September 20, 2020

List of Figures

A list of figures for your thesis or dissertation is exactly that: it’s a list of the names of all figures you’ve used in your thesis or dissertation, together with the page number that they’re on.

The list of figures is especially useful for a reader to refer to as it (1) gives the reader an overview of the types of figures you’ve included in your document and (2) helps them easily find a particular figure that they’re interested in.

Where Does the List of Figures go?

Write your list of figures and list of tables immediately after your list of contents. Unless specifically asked by a journal, you should not include a separate list of figures in a manuscript for peer-review.

Important Points to Remember

Ensure that the figure title in your list of figures are exactly the same as actually used in the main document. Double check that the page numbering is correct and the font size, margins and all other formatting is correct.

Formatting the List of Figures

Starting off, use Roman Numbers (e.g. iv and viii) to number the sections of the Table of Contents, List of Figures and List of Tables (the title page does not have a number written on it). Arabic numbering (e.g. 1, 2, 3) should start from the Introduction onwards.

Keep your margins consistent with those of the rest of the document, as required by your university. Usually this will be a margin of 4cm on the side of the paper that will be bound and 2cm on the opposing side (e.g. the pages printed that will be on the right hand side of the thesis will have a left margin of 4cm).

While the font size of your figure legends will be slightly smaller than the main text, keep the font style of the list of figures the same as the main text (usually 12 pt).

Title this section in all capital letters as “LIST OF FIGURES”.

List each new figure caption on a new line and capitalise the start of each word. Write the figure number on the left, then caption label and finally the page number the figure corresponds to on the right-hand side.

Apply the same formatting principle to the List of Tables in your thesis of dissertation. That is to insert each table numberon a new line, followed by the table title.

Example of the List of Figures

The example below was created in Microsoft Word. You could also consider incorporating other tools such as Endnote to help automate some of the work of entering a new caption for a figure or table. Be mindful of the Figure labelling convention required by your university. For example, you may need to align the Figure numbers with each chapter (e.g. Figure 1.1, 1.2, 1.3…. for Chapter 1 and Figure 2.1, 2.2, 2.3…. for Chapter 2).

List of Figures Example

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MLA Tables, Figures, and Examples

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The purpose of visual materials or other illustrations is to enhance the audience's understanding of information in the document and/or awareness of a topic. Writers can embed several types of visuals using most basic word processing software: diagrams, musical scores, photographs, or, for documents that will be read electronically, audio/video applications. Because MLA style is most often used in the humanities, it is unlikely that you will include raw scientific data in an MLA-style paper, but you may be asked to include other kinds of research in your writing. For additional information on writing a research paper in MLA style, visit the MLA Style Center’s page on Formatting a Research Paper .

General guidelines

  • Collect sources. Gather the source information required for MLA documentation for the source medium of the illustration (e.g. print, Web, podcast).
  • Determine what types of illustrations best suit your purpose. Consider the purpose of each illustration, how it contributes to the purpose of the document and the reader's understanding, and whether the audience will be able to view and/or understand the illustration easily.
  • Use illustrations of the best quality. Avoid blurry, pixilated, or distorted images for both print and electronic documents. Often pixelation and distortion occurs when writers manipulate image sizes. Keep images in their original sizes or use photo editing software to modify them. Reproduce distorted graphs, tables, or diagrams with spreadsheet or publishing software, but be sure to include all source information. Always represent the original source information faithfully and avoid unethical practices of false representation or manipulation  (this is considered plagiarism) .
  • Use illustrations sparingly. Decide what items can best improve the document's ability to augment readers' understanding of the information, appreciation for the subject, and/or illustration of the main points. Do not provide illustrations for illustrations' sake. Scrutinize illustrations for how potentially informative or persuasive they can be.
  • Do not use illustrations to boost page length. In the case of student papers, instructors often do not count the space taken up by visual aids toward the required page length of the document. Remember that texts explain, while illustrations enhance. Illustrations cannot carry the entire weight of the document.

Labels, captions, and source information

Illustrations appear directly embedded in the document, except in the case of manuscripts that are being prepared for publication. (For preparing manuscripts with visual materials for publication, see Note on Manuscripts below.) Each illustration must include a label, a number, a caption and/or source information.

  • The illustration label and number should always appear in two places:  the document main text (e.g. see fig. 1 ) and near the illustration itself ( Fig. 1 ).
  • Captions  provide titles or explanatory notes (e.g., Van Gogh’s The Starry Night)
  • Source information  documentation will always depend upon the medium of the source illustration. If you provide source information with all of your illustrations, you do not need to provide this information on the Works Cited page.

MLA documentation for tables, figures, and examples

MLA provides three designations for document illustrations: tables, figures, and examples (see specific sections below).

  • Refer to the table and its corresponding numeral in-text. Do not capitalize the word table. This is typically done in parentheses (e.g. "(see table 2)").
  • Situate the table near the text to which it relates.
  • Align the table flush-left to the margin.
  • Label the table 'Table' and provide its corresponding Arabic numeral. No punctuation is necessary after the label and number (see example below).
  • On the next line, provide a caption for the table, most often the table title. Use title case.
  • Place the table below the caption, flush-left, making sure to maintain basic MLA style formatting (e.g. one-inch margins).
  • Below the title, signal the source information with the descriptor "Source," followed by a colon, then provide the correct MLA bibliographic information for the source in note form (see instructions and examples above). If you provide source information with your illustrations, you do not need to provide this information on the Works Cited page.
  • If additional caption information or explanatory notes is necessary, use lowercase letters formatted in superscript in the caption information or table. Below the source information, indent, provide a corresponding lowercase letter (not in superscript), a space, and the note.
  • Labels, captions, and notes are double-spaced.

Table Example

In-text reference:

In 1985, women aged 65 and older were 59% more likely than men of the same age to reside in a nursing home, and though 11,700 less women of that age group were enrolled in 1999, men over the same time period ranged from 30,000 to 39,000 persons while women accounted for 49,000 to 61,500 (see table 1).

Table reference:

Rate of Nursing Home Residence among People Age 65 or Older, by Sex and Age Group, 1985, 1995, 1997, 1999 a

This image is an example table showing research findings.

Example Table

Source: Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics, Older Americans 2008: Key Indicators of Well-Being , Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics, Mar. 2008, table 35A.

a. Note: Rates for 65 and over category are age-adjusted using the 2000 standard population. Beginning in 1997, population figures are adjusted for net underenumeration using the 1990 National Population Adjustment Matrix from the U.S. Census Bureau. People residing in personal care or domiciliary care homes are excluded from the numerator.

  • All visuals/illustrations that are not tables or musical score examples (e.g. maps, diagrams, charts, videos, podcasts, etc.) are labeled Figure or Fig.
  • Refer to the figure in-text and provide an Arabic numeral that corresponds to the figure. Do not capitalize figure or fig .
  • MLA does not specify alignment requirements for figures; thus, these images may be embedded as the reader sees fit. However, continue to follow basic MLA Style formatting (e.g. one-inch margins).
  • Below the figure, provide a label name and its corresponding arabic numeral (no bold or italics), followed by a period (e.g. Fig. 1.). Here, Figure and Fig . are capitalized.
  • Beginning with the same line as the label and number, provide a title and/or caption as well as relevant source information in note form (see instructions and examples above). If you provide source information with your illustrations, you do not need to provide this information on the Works Cited page.
  • If full citation information is provided in the caption, use the same formatting as you would for your Works Cited page. However, names should be listed in  first name last name  format.

Figure Example

Some readers found Harry’s final battle with Voldemort a disappointment, and recently, the podcast, MuggleCast debated the subject (see fig. 2).

Figure caption (below an embedded podcast file for a document to be viewed electronically):

Fig. 2. Harry Potter and Voldemort final battle debate from Andrew Sims et al.; “Show 166”; MuggleCast ; MuggleNet.com, 19 Dec. 2008, www.mugglenet.com/2015/11/the-snape-debate-rowling-speaks-out.

Musical Illustrations/"Examples"

  • The descriptor "Example" only refers to musical illustrations (e.g. portions of a musical score). It is often abbreviated "ex ." 
  • Refer to the example in-text and provide an Arabic numeral that corresponds to the example. Do not capitalize "example" or "ex "  in the text.
  • Supply the illustration, making sure to maintain basic MLA Style formatting (e.g. one-inch margins).
  • Below the example, provide the label (capitalizing Example or Ex . ) and number and a caption or title. The caption or title will often take the form of source information along with an explanation, for example, of what part of the score is being illustrated. If you provide source information with your illustrations, you do not need to provide this information on the Works Cited page.

Musical Illustration Example

In Ambroise Thomas's opera Hamlet,  the title character's iconic theme first appears in Act 1. As Hamlet enters the castle's vacant grand hall following his mother's coronation, the low strings begin playing the theme (ex 1).

Musical Illustration reference:

This image is an example table showing research findings.

Ex. 1: Hamlet's Theme

Source: Thomas, Ambroise. Hamlet . 1868.

Source information and note form

Notes serve two purposes: to provide bibliographic information and to provide additional context for information in the text. When it comes to citing illustrations, using notes allows for the bibliographic information as close to the illustration as possible.

Note form entries appear much like standard MLA bibliographic entries with a few exceptions:

  • Author names are in First_Name—Last_Name format.
  • Commas are substituted for periods (except in the case of the period that ends the entry).
  • Publication information for books (publisher, year) appears in parentheses.
  • Relevant page numbers follow the publication information.

Note: Use semicolons to denote entry sections when long series of commas make these sections difficult to ascertain as being like or separate (see examples below.) The MLA Handbook  (8 th ed.) states that if the table or illustration caption provides complete citation information about the source and the source is not cited in the text, authors do not need to list the source in the Works Cited list.

For additional information, visit the MLA Style Center’s page on Using Notes in MLA Style .

Examples - Documenting source information in "Note form"

The following examples provide information on how a note might look following an illustration. Write the word “Source” immediately before your source note. If an illustration requires more than one note, label additional notes with lowercase letters, starting with a (see the note underneath the example table above).

Tom Shachtman, Absolute Zero and the Conquest of Cold  (Houghton Mifflin, 1999), p. 35.

Website (using semicolons to group like information together)

United States; Dept. of Commerce; Census Bureau; Manufacturing, Mining, and Construction Statistics; Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits ; US Dept. of Commerce, 5 Feb. 2008; Table 1a.

In this example, the commas in Manufacturing, Mining, and Construction Statistics prompt the need for semicolons in order for the series information to be read easily. Even if Manufacturing, Mining, and Construction Statistics had not appeared in the entry, the multiple "author names" of United States, Dept. of Commerce, and Census Bureau would have necessitated the use of a semicolon before and after the title and between ensuing sections to the end of the entry.

Furthermore, the publisher and date in a standard entry are separated by a comma and belong together; thus, their inclusion here (US Dept. of Commerce, 5 Feb. 2008) also necessitates the semicolons.

Note on manuscripts

Do not embed illustrations (tables, figures, or examples) in manuscripts for publication. Put placeholders in the text to show where the illustrations will go. Type these placeholders on their own line, flush left, and bracketed (e.g. [table 1]). At the end of the document, provide label, number, caption, and source information in an organized list. Send files for illustrations in the appropriate format to your editor separately. If you provide source information with your illustrations, you do not need to provide this information on the Works Cited page.

Simon Fraser University

  • Library Catalogue

Citing tables, figures & images: APA (7th ed.) citation guide

On this page, introduction, general guidelines, examples for citing figures & images, examples for citing tables.

where do you put figures in a research paper

This guide is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed. It provides selected citation examples for common types of sources. For more detailed information consult directly a  print copy  of the style manual.

Check out APA's Guide to what's new for APA 7 .

Keep track of your document references/citations and format your reference lists easily with Citation management software .

Tables and figures (includes images) follow similar set up and formatting. The guidelines below focus on common examples used by students for academic papers . For details on creating tables or figures for submission to journals or graduate theses, see APA's Tables and figures or consult the guide directly (Section 7, pp. 195–250).

Wondering if you can use that image you found online? Refer to SFU's Copyright and your coursework or the FAQ What is fair dealing? for guidelines on use.

  • All figures and tables must be mentioned in the text (a "callout") by their number. Do not refer to the table/figure using either "the table above" or "the figure below."
  • Assign table/figure # in the order as it appears, numbered consecutively, in your paper - not the figure # assigned to it in its original resource.
  • A note is added when further description, for example, definitions or copyright attribution, is necessary to explain the figure or table. Most student papers will require a general note for copyright attribution and acknowledgement whether it is reprinted or adapted from another source. Consult the guide directly for detailed instructions on formatting notes (Section 7.14, pp. 203–205).
  • For copyright attribution templates , consult Table 12.1 on page 390 of the guide (Section 12.18, pp. 389-390).
  • If permission is required for reprinting or adapting, at the end of the citation place: Reprinted with permission or  Adapted with permission followed by a period.
  • All the sources must have a full bibliographic entry in your Reference List .
  • Review your figure/table against the appropriate checklist found only in the guide (Sections 7.20, Table, p. 206 and 7.35, Figure, p. 232).

Order of components

Above the figure/table.

  • Write " Figure " or " Table " in bold font, flush left, followed by the number, for example, Figure 1 .
  • Write the figure/table title using italic case below the figure/table number,
  • Double-space the figure/table number and title,
  • Embed image.

Below the figure/table

  • On a new line below the figure/table, flush left, place Note. Provide further details/explanation about the information in the figure/table only if necessary. State if material is reprinted or adapted —use " From " if reprinted or " Adapted from " if adapted. Followed directly by the copyright attribution —this is basically the same information as found in the reference list entry but in a different order.
  • Separate figure/table from the text with one blank double-spaced line.

Placement in paper

  • embed in the text after it is first mentioned or,
  • place on a separate page after the reference list (an appendix).
  • When embedding all figures and tables are aligned with the left margin .
  • All examples in this guide show embedded figures and tables.

Refer directly to the guide for more detailed notes on placement (Section 7.6, p. 198).

Figures include: images found online, maps , graphs , charts, drawings, and photographs, or any other illustration or non-textual depiction in printed or electronic resources.

See APA's Figure set up for detailed information on the basic components of a figure, principles of creation, and placement in papers with formatting requirements, or consult the guide directly (Section 7.22–7.36, pp. 225–250).

Review APA's guide for Accessible use of colour in table/figures for best practices.

Exact copy from a single source (aka reprinted)

The following example is when it is reproduced in your paper exactly as it appears in another source : Same format or state, no reconfiguration or new analysis.

visualization of vision statement of Iskwewuk E-wichiwitochik (Women Walking Together)

Compiled from variety of sources

The following example is for citing a figure that you have created by compiling information from a variety of sources. For example, if you combined data from a database, a website , and a government report to create a new chart. Each source requires a copyright attribution in a general note and full bibliographic entry in the Reference List.

graph comparing meat consumption of Canada, USA, France, and Finland

See APA's Clip art or stock image references ,  Image with no attribution required ,  Image requires an attribution , or consult the guide directly (Section 12.14–12.18, pp. 384–390 ).

Citing but not reproducing the image? See Visual: Artwork in museum, PowerPoint slides, photographs, clipart/stock image, maps retrieved online in this guide for examples or consult the guide directly (Section 10.14, pp. 346–347).

Image with attribution

image of three stars aligned in the sky over observatory buildings in Chile known as syzygy

Reference list examples

Beletsky, Y. (2013).  Three planets dance over La Silla [Photograph]. European Southern Observatory. https://www.eso.org/public/images/potw1322a/

Euromonitor International. (2020). [Statistical data on market sizes of fresh food]. Passport . Retrieved January 21, 2021, from https://go.euromonitor.com/passport.html

FranceAgriMer. (2020, September). Consommation des produits carnes en 2019 . https://www.franceagrimer.fr/content/download/64994/document/STA-VIA-Consommation%20des%20produits%20carn%C3%A9s%20en%202019.pdf

Natural Resources Institute Finland. (2020). Consumption of food commodities per capita by year and commodity [Statistics database]. http://statdb.luke.fi/PXWeb/sq/d1b368d7-9c07-4efd-b727-13e57db90ee6

Okemasim–Sicotte, D. R., Gingell, S., & Bouvier, R. (2018). Iskwewuk E–wichiwitochik. In K. Anderson, M. Campbell, & C. Belcourt (Eds.), Keetsahnak /Our missing and murdered Indigenous sisters (pp. 243–269). University of Alberta Press.

Irish, J. (2019).  Sequoia National Park.  [Photograph]. National Geographic. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/destinations/north-america/united-states/61-national-parks-photos/#/giant-tree-trail-sequoia-national-park.jpg

Drewes, W. (n.d.).  Frog and insects (no.200) . [Painting]. The Smithsonian Institution. https://www.si.edu/object/saam_1968.9.50

  • See the General Notes in this guide for help with creating citations with missing information , e.g. using a description if no title—see Euromonitor International in the reference list above.
  • For figures compiled from multiple sources, identify individual source information using the following format in the "From" statement: Note . The data for Country Name are from [copyright attribution according to source]. End each copyright attribution with a period.
  • Use author-date in-text citation when the data is transformed (reconfigured or reanalyzed) to produce different numbers. (Section 12.15 Data subsection, p. 385).
  • If work is published or read online, use live links—check with your instructor for their preference.

Tables are characterized by a row-column structure. See APA's Table set up for detailed information on the basic components of a table, principles of creation, and placement in papers with formatting requirements, or consult the guide directly (Section 7.8–7.21, pp. 199–224).

Exact copy from a single source (aka reprint)

table showing percentage of males in female professions from 1990, 1980 and 1975

If you have compiled data from a variety of different sources and put it together to form your own table, you still need to cite where you got the information from. Each source requires a copyright attribution in a general note and full bibliographic entry in the Reference List.

table listing popular male and female baby names by province for 2019

British Columbia Ministry of Health. (2019). Baby’s most chosen names in British Columbia, 2019 . https://connect.health.gov.bc.ca/babynames?year=2019

eHealth Saskatchewan. (2019). Most popular baby names for 2019 . https://www.ehealthsask.ca/health-data/babynames/Pages/mostpopular2019.aspx

Government of Alberta. (2019). Alberta’s top baby names . https://www.alberta.ca/top-baby-names.aspx

Manitoba Vital Statistics Agency . (2020). Annual report 2019-2020 . https://vitalstats.gov.mb.ca/pdf/2020_vs_annual_report_en.pdf

Williams, C. L. (1992). The glass escalator: Hidden advantages for men in the "female" professions. Social Problems , 39 (3), 253-267. https://doi.org/10.2307/3096961

  • For tables compiled from multiple sources, in the "From" statement, identify each individual source information. e.g.: Note . The data for Country Name are from [copyright attribution according to source]. End each copyright attribution with a period.
  • ​If you have multiple kinds of data (population figures, consumer information, etc...) in one table you would describe each set of data. e.g.: Note.  Population figures for XYZ are from [ copyright attribution according to source ] and for ABC are from [ copyright attribution according to source ]. Data for pet ownership for XYZ are from [ copyright attribution according to source ] and for ABC are from [ copyright attribution according to source ]. End each copyright attribution with a period.
  • Use an author-date in-text citation when the data is transformed (reconfigured or reanalyzed) to produce different numbers. (Section 12.15 Data subsection, p. 385).
  • All the sources must have a full bibliographic entry in your Reference List even though the information in the Note  field uses a lot of the same information.
  • If work is published or read online, APA recommends using live links— check with your instructor for their preference.

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APA Citation Guide (7th Edition): Figures and Tables

  • Audiovisual Media
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  • Dictionaries, Thesauruses and Encyclopedias
  • Figures and Tables
  • Generative AI
  • Government Documents
  • Journal, Magazine and Newspaper Articles
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  • In-Text Citation
  • Reference List and Sample Papers
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Citation Software

General Rules

Figures and tables enable authors to present a large amount of information efficiently and to make their data more understandable.

  • There are two options for the placement of figures   and tables in a paper. The first option is to place all figures/tables on separate pages after the reference list. The second option is to embed each figure/table within the text.
  • As shown in Figure 1 ....
  • ... the results of the experiment (see Table 1).
  • Each figure and table needs to be numbered in the order in which they appear in the document, e.g., Table 1, Table 2.
  • Figures and tables may not have a set title . If this is the case, give a description of the figure or table where you would normally put the title.

Figures and Tables are covered in Chapter 7 of the APA Publication Manual , Seventh Edition.

Copyright Issues

Reproducing figures & tables.

Reproducing happens when you copy or recreate a figure or table that is not your original creation. If you reproduce one of these works in your assignment, you must create a note underneath the figure or table to show where you found it. You do not include this information in a Reference list.

How to Determine Usage Rights on Google

If you are searching for images on Google, after your search, click the Images tab > Tools > Usage Rights > Creative Commons Licenses

For more information on copyright, please visit our guide Copyright 101 .

Figures Defined

Any type of illustration or image other than a table is referred to as a figure. A figure may be a chart, a graph, a photograph, a drawing, an infographic, etc.

Figure Components

  • Number:  The figure number (e.g., Figure 1) appears above the figure in bold font.
  • Title:  The figure title appears below the figure number in italic title case. There should be one double-spaced line between the figure number and the figure title.
  • Image:  The image part of the figure is the photograph, chart , graph, drawing, illustration, etc.
  • Legend:  The figure legend, if present, explains any symbols used in the figure image.
  • Note:  There are three types of figure notes: general, specific, and probability. They appear below the figure and explain parts of the figure that cannot be explained from the figure title, image, or legend. For example, figure notes can be definitions of abbreviations, copyright attributions, etc. A figure may not require notes.

Figure Examples

The American Psychological Association created a helpful website called APA Style. On this website, there are several figure samples which illustrate how to set up figures in APA Style.

Tables Defined

Tables are visual displays composed of columns and rows in which numbers, text, or a combination of numbers and text are presented.

Table Components

  • Number : The table number (e.g., Table 1) appears above the table title in bold font. 
  • Title : The table title appears below the table number in italic title case. There should be one double-spaced line between the table number and the table title.
  • Headings : All tables should include column headings, including a stub heading (heading for the leftmost, or stub, column). Center column headings and capitalize them in sentence case.
  • Body : The table body includes the rows and columns of a table. It may be single, 1.5, or double-spaced.
  • Note : There are three types of table notes: general, specific, and probability. Table notes appear below the table as needed to describe table content that can't be understood from the title, table body, or legend. Not all tables include notes.

Table Examples

The American Psychological Association created a helpful website called APA Style. On this website, there are table samples which illustrate how to set up tables in APA Style.

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Should a figure/table go before or after the first paragraph that references it?

Should a figure/table go before or after the first paragraph that references it in an academic paper? I cannot find a definitive answer on this. The general advice is to place the figure/table as close to the reference as possible.

S0rin's user avatar

  • 3 It doesn't matter - chances are the journal will mess with the formatting anyway. Ideally, figures and tables are on the same page as the reference and (field-dependent?) are put at the top of the page rather than in-line. –  Moriarty Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 14:24
  • 1 @Moriarty Not necessarily: in some fields, many conferences and journals do not reformat, so long as the author complies with the general guidelines. –  jakebeal Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 15:57
  • @jakebeal So, the typesetter is completely excluded? –  user2768 Commented Feb 5, 2019 at 12:27
  • @user2768 Sure: an organization can run much more cheaply if it makes the authors do their own typesetting and just checks for compliance. –  jakebeal Commented Feb 5, 2019 at 14:52
  • 2 @jakebeal I do my own typesetting, then the typesetter adds mistakes... –  user2768 Commented Feb 5, 2019 at 15:05

3 Answers 3

Assuming that you are laying things out yourself, as opposed to working with one of the journals that will do it for you, think about the layout from the perspective of a reader: if you are reading text and looking at a figure, it's a pain to be flipping back and forth. Thus, ideally, you want both text and figure to be on the same page. Where, exactly, on the same page is not so important. Sometimes this will be specified by the layout, and in many cases it is stylistically preferred to have figures above text on a page (this is standard IEEE style, for example).

Sometimes, however, it is either awkward or impossible to get them on the same page. If this is the case, then, in my opinion, it's slightly better to have the figure come after the first reference in the text. Figures draw the attention, and if you have the figure before the first mention in text, then it can interfere with your narrative.

This is a fairly weak constraint, however, and I often violate it myself when there are overriding reasons of paper narrative to put the figure in front instead, such as:

  • Spreading out figures through the text, so that you have less pure-text pages.
  • Getting a figure onto the first page of a paper, so that it can serve as a visual "icon" for the paper. Example: in this paper , the figure on page 1 is not referenced until page 2.

Most of this, however, is stylistic preferences, and should not be taken as hard constraints unless the particular venue that you are submitting to provides explicit specification.

Community's user avatar

There is no hard and fast rule. This reference says:

According to the APA (2002), the “typesetter lays out tables and figures closest to where they are first mentioned” (p. 155).

I do not have the APA style guide to confirm. The author, as opposed to the typesetter, guidelines for APA style require the figures to go after the references and hence nowhere near where they are referenced. To the extent that LaTeX typesets things "correctly" figures and tables (or in LaTeX terminology floats) are placed as soon as possible (while preserving the layout) following the first call out. LaTeX will never place a float before the call out. I am not sure if this is a technical limitation or a stylistic limitation.

StrongBad's user avatar

  • 3 There are options in LaTeX to put the float "here", at the "bottom", or "top" of a page or on a "page" of its own. –  Brian Borchers Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 14:59
  • 3 The LaTeX placement is a technical choice (not a limitation per se) about how its typesetting behaves. –  jakebeal Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 15:58

Journals usually have their own preferences on this, which can be found in their 'Instructions to authors' document.

The most common preference I have found is for figures to be at the top or bottom of pages, ideally on the same page as where it is first referenced. Rare exceptions to this rule occur when the figure is being actively used in a paragraph, for example in a mathematical proof, in which case the figures are much like equations and are reasonably placed exactly where they are used.

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where do you put figures in a research paper


  1. APA Format for Tables and Figures

    where do you put figures in a research paper

  2. Tables and Figures

    where do you put figures in a research paper

  3. Using APA Figures Correctly

    where do you put figures in a research paper

  4. Formatting tables and figures in your research paper

    where do you put figures in a research paper

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    where do you put figures in a research paper

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    where do you put figures in a research paper


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  2. Figure Setup

    Placement of figures in a paper. There are two options for the placement of figures (and tables) in a paper. The first is to embed figures in the text after each is first mentioned (or "called out"); the second is to place each figure on a separate page after the reference list. An embedded figure may take up an entire page; if the figure ...

  3. APA Tables and Figures

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  4. APA Format for Tables and Figures

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  6. Figure and Table Lists

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  11. Tables and Figures

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    As an example elucidating the abovementioned issues, graphics, and flow diagram in the 'Results' section of a research paper written by the authors of this review article, and published in the World Journal of Urology in the year 2010 (World J Urol 2010;28:17-22.) are shown in Figures 1, and and2 2.

  21. Citing tables, figures & images: APA (7th ed.) citation guide

    Introduction. Tables and figures (includes images) follow similar set up and formatting. The guidelines below focus on common examples used by students for academic papers.For details on creating tables or figures for submission to journals or graduate theses, see APA's Tables and figures or consult the guide directly (Section 7, pp. 195-250). ...

  22. PDF Student Paper Setup Guide, APA Style 7th Edition

    Indent the first line of every paragraph of text 0.5 in. using the tab key or the paragraph-formatting function of your word-processing program. Page numbers: Put a page number in the top right corner of every page, including the title page or cover page, which is page 1. Student papers do not require a running head on any page.

  23. APA Citation Guide (7th Edition): Figures and Tables

    Each figure and table needs to be numbered in the order in which they appear in the document, e.g., Table 1, Table 2. Figures and tables may not have a set title. If this is the case, give a description of the figure or table where you would normally put the title. Figures and Tables are covered in Chapter 7 of the APA Publication Manual ...

  24. Should a figure/table go before or after the first paragraph that

    Getting a figure onto the first page of a paper, so that it can serve as a visual "icon" for the paper. Example: in this paper , the figure on page 1 is not referenced until page 2. Most of this, however, is stylistic preferences, and should not be taken as hard constraints unless the particular venue that you are submitting to provides ...