A review of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone By J. K. Rowling

book review writing harry potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone By J. K. Rowling Bloomsbury Pub Ltd Paperback: 224 pages, Feb 2000, ISBN-13: 978-0747532743

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J. K. Rowling is a book about bravery and courage. As Professor Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, says “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”

I enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it for muggles aged eleven and up. This is the first in the seven book Harry Potter series. I think readers must read Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone before reading the other books in the series, as this book sets the scene for the Harry Potter world.

As the title suggests, the main character in this book is Harry James Potter, also known as the boy who lived. The book follows Harry in his first year at Hogwarts, where he meets Hermione Jean Granger, a genius, and Ronald Bilius Weasley, a red head with six siblings.

When he was just a baby, Harry’s parents were killed by a Dark Arts wizard named Voldemort. Voldemort also tried to kill Harry but failed, leaving Harry with a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead, and giving him the title the boy who lived. On the night of his parents’ death, Harry was placed on the doorstep of his aunt and uncle, the Dursley’s, much to their displeasure.

“Harry – yer a wizard” Harry was told on his eleventh birthday. With this news, he left the Dursley’s grasp for Hogwarts.

Harry, Ron and Hermione discover that in a room in the Forbidden Corridor on the third floor at Hogwarts, covered by spells and curses, lays the one and only Philosopher’s Stone – a stone that can transform any metal into pure gold and also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal. During his time at Hogwarts, Harry develops the feeling that his potions teacher Professor Snape hates him, and has a gut feeling that Snape will try and steal the stone. One night, Harry, Ron and Hermione sneak up to the Forbidden Corridor to get the stone before Snape does. The trio pass through challenging obstacles. In the end, Harry has to finish the mission on his own and to his surprise, it’s not at all what he expected.

The theme of this story is magic and mystery. Nothing is as it seems, with changes at every turn.

This book is unlike any other; J. K. Rowling has opened the door to a whole new world of reading. Those readers who enjoy the Scarlet and Ivy series by Sophie Cleverly should also enjoy the Harry Potter series.

About the reviewer: Cleo was Commended in the 2019 Hunter Writers’ Centre/Compulsive Reader Review competition. She is in Grade 6 and her favourite subjects are novel study, reading groups and writing. Cleo has participated in the Premier’s Reading Challenge since she started school. Cleo plays as the Goal Shooter and Goal Attack in her local netball team, which she loves. Cleo’s dream is to have a dog and she is yet to know what she wants to be in the future.

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The Friendly Editor

Advice from an Editor's Desk

Rowling’s Life as an Author: What It Was Really Like to Write Harry Potter

Rowling has said that Harry Potter “simply fell into [her] head” and “all of the details bubbled up in [her] brain.” She “[had] never felt such a huge rush of excitement and [she] knew immediately that it was going to be such fun to write.”

Sounds like a fairy tale beginning to a fairy tale ending, right? And perhaps that’s all ordinary readers need to know about Rowling’s path to literary fame, but writers need to know more.

Writers need to know the not-so-glamorous version of what it was like to write Harry Potter. We need to appreciate how disciplined Rowling had to be to develop her little idea into seven hefty books. We have to know that she wasn’t lazily sipping mochas for two decades while jotting down a continuous stream of words like a literary Fountain of Youth.

All too often writers convince themselves that they would write more if only they were more well known, or had more money, or had more time. But in the end, none of that is what defines a writer. A writer is simply someone who  writes.

Below I’ve compiled the non-fairy-tale version of the story behind the Harry Potter series.

Book One: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

book review writing harry potter

Rowling rewrote chapter one of Sorcerer’s Stone  so many times (upwards of fifteen discarded drafts) that her first attempts “bear no resemblance to anything in the finished book.” This was especially frustrating for Rowling because she was a single parent and her writing time was both limited and sporadic—entirely contingent on her infant daughter, Jessica.

Whenever Jessica fell asleep in her [stroller], I would dash to the nearest café and write like mad. I wrote nearly every evening. Then I had to type the whole thing out myself. Sometimes I actually hated the book, even while I loved it.

Rowling had to deal with many other time-wasting nuisances, like re-typing an entire chapter because she had changed one paragraph, and then re-typing the entire manuscript because she hadn’t double-spaced it.

Rowling also struggled with personal problems while writing the first book:

  • the death of her mother,
  • estrangement from her father,
  • a volatile and short-lived marriage,
  • a newborn child,
  • life on welfare,
  • and a battle with clinical depression.

To top it off, Rowling’s support system was pretty much nonexistent. She struggled with suicidal thoughts and eventually turned to therapy for help. Rowling once told a friend about her book idea and her friend’s response was cynical. Rowling said:

I think she thought I was deluding myself, that I was in a nasty situation and had sat down one day and thought, I know, I’ll write a novel. She probably thought it was a get-rich-quick scheme.

Once the manuscript was finally finished, Rowling went on to collect a dozen rejection letters over the span of a year before Bloomsbury Publishing agreed to pick it up.

Even with publication now on the horizon, though, Rowling was warned by her literary agent to find a job because her story wasn’t commercial enough to be successful (“You do realize, you will never make a fortune out of writing children’s books?”). In fact, Bloomsbury’s expectations of the first Potter book were so low that its initial print was only five hundred copies—three hundred of which were donated to public libraries. Rowling’s first royalty check was six hundred pounds.

A year later, she was a millionaire.

Book Two: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

book review writing harry potter

Rowling, however, still faced major frustrations.

For one, she did not believe her writing success was permanent, so while writing  Chamber of Secrets , she worked as a full-time French teacher (and cared for her now-toddler daughter). It was during this time that she suffered from her first and only debilitating bout of writer’s block:

I had my first burst of publicity about the first book and it paralysed me. I was scared the second book wouldn’t measure up . . .

Despite Rowling’s personal skepticism, other lucrative contracts rolled in after Scholastica. The resulting money pulled her out of poverty, but it also put incredible pressure on her “to fulfill expectations,” and furthermore, her sudden financial success resulted in a “tsunami of requests.” Everyone was asking Rowling for a leg up:

I was completely overwhelmed. I suddenly felt responsible in many different ways. . . . I was downright paranoid that I would do something stupid . . .

Book Three: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

book review writing harry potter

Prisoner of Azkaban  was one of Rowling’s most enjoyable Potter books to write, but she still had to work very hard. Rowling said in a letter to her editor:

I’ve read [ Prisoner of Azkaban ]   so much I’m sick of it. I never read either of the others over and over again when editing them, but I really had to this time.

Rowling added in a later letter:

The hard work, the significant rewrites I wanted to do, are over, so if it needs more cuts after this, I’m ready to make them, speedily . . .

But if Rowling thought these rewrites for book three were difficult, she had no idea what she was heading into with book four.

Book Four: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

book review writing harry potter

The first thing that I did when I finished Prisoner of Azkaban was discuss repaying the advance for the [fourth] book. Yes, you can imagine. People were a little bit shaken . . . I said: I want to give the money back and then I will be free to finish in my own time rather than have to produce it for next year.

Rowling has been open about her struggle to write book four, which nearly caused her to have “a nervous breakdown”:

That was the period where I was chewing Nicorette. And then I started smoking again, but I didn’t stop the Nicorette. And I swear on my children’s lives, I was going to bed at night and having palpitations and having to get up and drink some wine to put myself into a sufficient stupor.

Rowling attributed her stress to the staggering pressure she felt to produce another Harry Potter book worthy of global adoration:

I’m sure that I’ll never have another success like Harry Potter for the rest of my life, no matter how many books I write, and no matter whether they’re good or bad. I remember very clearly that I was thinking the same thing when the excitement over the fourth Harry Potter volume literally exploded. The thought was unsettling to me at the time, and I still feel that way today.

Rowling also struggled with her plot for the first time since starting the series:

The first three books, my plan never failed me. But I should have put [this] plot under a microscope. I wrote what I thought was half the book, and “Ack!”—huge gaping hole in the middle of the plot. I missed my deadline by two months. And the whole profile of the books got so much higher since the third book; there was an edge of external pressure.

Rowling faced “some of [her] blackest moments” with book four:

At Christmas I sank to the depths: “Can I do this?” I asked myself. In the end it was just persistence, sheer bloody mindedness. It took months. I had to unpick lots of what I’d written and take a different route to the ending.

The worst rewrite for Rowling was one particular chapter in Goblet :

I hated that chapter so much; at one point, I thought of missing it out altogether and just putting in a page saying, “Chapter Nine was too difficult,” and going straight to Chapter Ten.

Not surprisingly, Rowling also struggled with burnout:

Goblet of Fire  was an absolute nightmare. I literally lost the plot halfway through. My own deadline was totally unrealistic. That was my fault because I didn’t tell anyone. I just ploughed on, as I tend to do in life, and then I realised I had really got myself into hot water. I had to write like fury to make the deadline and it half killed me and I really was, oh, burnt out at the end of it. Really burnt out. And the idea of going straight into another Harry Potter book filled me with dread and horror. And that was the first time I had ever felt like that. I had been writing Harry for 10 years come 2000 and that was the first time I ever thought, Oh God, I don’t want to keep going.

Book Five: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

book review writing harry potter

Rowling had written the first four books in a blisteringly fast five years, but she told her publishers she didn’t want a deadline with book five, especially after dealing with the plot problems in  Goblet of Fire . Her publishers had no other choice but to agree.

Even then, though, Rowling still struggled to keep up.

She has said numerous times that she wished she had better edited Order of the Phoenix :

I think [it] could have been shorter. I knew that, and I ran out of time and energy toward the end.

And it’s no wonder. During the two years Rowling wrote the 870-page  Phoenix , she also:

  • got married,
  • had another baby,
  • fought a bogus plagiarism lawsuit,
  • started several charity organizations,
  • consulted for the new Potter  films,
  • and ran around fulfilling her endless PR obligations.

Worst of all, Rowling was drowning in a never-ending deluge of paparazzi.

Rowling’s fame had grown to such bewildering heights that the attention had become relentless. This was quite a shock for her, especially since she had thought that her Harry Potter story would only appeal to “a handful of people”:

Everything changed so rapidly, so strangely. I knew no one who’d ever been in the public eye. I didn’t know anyone—anyone—to whom I could turn and say, “What do you do?” So it was incredibly disorientating.

The paparazzi were digging through her garbage, hiding in her hedges, and camping out in front of her house. One reporter even slipped a note into her daughter’s backpack at school.

It’s very difficult to say . . . how angry I felt that my 5-year-old daughter’s school was no longer a place of . . . complete security from journalists.

Rowling was “racing to catch up with the situation” and “couldn’t cope” with the loss of her private life:

I couldn’t grasp what had happened. And I don’t think many people could have done.

Among the uproar, Rowling was expected to pull off yet another Harry Potter home run.

Book Six: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

book review writing harry potter

Rowling was pregnant with her third child while writing  Half-Blood Prince , but she wasn’t nearly as stressed as she had been with book five. In fact, she was so laissez-faire about it, she probably put some fans in a panic:

I’m in a very lovely position. Contractually, I don’t even have to write any more books at all. So no one can possibly write that I have missed a deadline, because I actually don’t have a contractual deadline for Six and Seven.

Of course Rowling did write book six, which was “an enjoyable experience from start to finish.” Rowling’s critics, however, were now growing as vocal as her fans:

I found death threats to myself on the net . . . I found, well, people being advised to shoot me, basically.

The paparazzi problem was also spinning out of control. After the birth of two more children, Rowling couldn’t even step out of her house without being stalked by photographers—she was “completely trapped” and felt like she was “under siege or like a hostage.”

Rowling went so far as to sell her house and move her family, and again she had to turn to therapy, as she had years ago when her Harry Potter idea was in its infancy:

Sometimes I think I’m temperamentally suited to being a moderately successful writer, with the focus of attention on the books rather than on me.

Book Seven: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

book review writing harry potter

Deathly Hallows   was the series finale, but Rowling had many other responsibilities to fulfill besides writing: being a mother to three children, giving interviews, overseeing the Harry Potter movies, and running her charities, to name only a few.

Ironically, Rowling’s notoriety and wealth had cut her writing time in half—from five days a week to two and a half:

There are times—and I don’t want to sound ungrateful—when I would gladly give back some of the money in exchange for time and peace to write.

The media marathon hadn’t slowed down either, which was exceptionally draining for her:

Fame is a very odd and very isolating experience. And I know some people crave it. A lot of people crave it. I find that very hard to understand. Really. It is incredibly isolating and it puts a great strain on your relationships.

One of the media’s particular criticisms of Rowling was her appearance:

I found it very difficult, when I first became well known, to read criticism about how I look, how messy my hair was, and how generally unkempt I look.

Rowling worried about how such criticisms might affect her children:

Is “fat” really the worst thing a human being can be? Is “fat” worse than “vindictive,” “jealous,” “shallow,” “vain,” “boring” or “cruel'”? Not to me. I’ve got two daughters who will have to make their way in this skinny-obsessed world, and it worries me, because I don’t want them to be empty-headed, self-obsessed, emaciated clones; I’d rather they were independent, interesting, idealistic, kind, opinionated, original, funny—a thousand things, before “thin.”

Somehow, in the middle of all this cacophony, Rowling finished her seven-book Harry Potter series. After nearly two decades, it was over. Rowling said:

I cried as I’ve only ever cried once before in my life, and that was when my mother died. It was uncontrollable . . .

Embracing the Journey

You just have to accept that it takes a phenomenal amount of perseverance., —j. k. rowling [tweet this].

This post is not about glorifying Rowling or pitying her. This post is about learning to appreciate wherever you are in your writing journey.

It’s only human to think that the grass is greener on the other side, to think that if only you had a certain amount of money or a certain kind of life, you’d finally get down to writing. But books aren’t written in a vacuum. Life doesn’t stop moving even for the most famous and successful. The best time to write is now—because that’s the only time you’ve truly got.

My feeling is, if you really want to [write], you will do it. You will find the time. And it might not be much time, but you’ll make it.

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Published by Cary, The Friendly Editor

Cary helps authors successfully navigate the writing and publishing world at her award-winning blog, thefriendlyeditor.com. View all posts by Cary, The Friendly Editor

36 thoughts on “ Rowling’s Life as an Author: What It Was Really Like to Write Harry Potter ”

This was so inspirational and so informative. Reading this made me think of the long process I’ve gone through for my two novels. Getting the beginning is so very hard to just even start with it. I know this is going to be a long journey for me to get my book to the point of publishing and getting it out there, but honestly, I’m looking forward to the journey.

What a great attitude, trismoore! Keep on writing!

Like Liked by 1 person

Thanks for this post! It’s posts like this that help me to keep going forward. I’m currently working on the second draft of my current book and the first draft had to be almost completely thrown out except for a few major plot points. If Rowling can push through all that, I can push through and get this book finished!

You got this, wdwritingwizard! I absolutely love reading comments like yours. The whole reason I started this blog was to create an encouraging and inspiring atmosphere for writers—thanks for contributing to it!

My pleasure 🙂 I love blogs like this because as writers we all need encouragement to keep moving forward. We can all do it if we support one another!

Your timing with this post was nothing short of amazing. I am on the third draft of my newest novel, complaining about the number of drafts it’ll take before I’m proud to release out into the world and the plot has gone in a completely different direction than it took in the first draft! So it was bother a relief and therapeutic to read that J.K has done the same thing. I have tried over the years to figure out how painful her writing world was, (because some part of it is always painful) but there are so many interviews scattered everywhere I was never able to find out. You’ve done all that for me, so thank you. Your post was inspiring, therapeutic, reassuring and a well-needed kick in the pants. I cannot thank you enough.

Hooray for a kick in the pants! Keep on writing, Carolyn!

I too am glad to read this about such a famous and successful author. I read the first draft of my first novel just before Christmas and found that I rather liked it. But now I am just about finished the second draft, having solved many problems, and am starting to worry about it. “Is it good enough?” is the main thing bugging me. I was planning on only one more draft before I publish, but now I’m thinking of doing another… in case that helps. But don’t know if it will.

The other thing that really scares me is getting it “out there”. It’s getting worse as I get closer to completion. Your section on JKR’s 2nd book has particular resonance with me, being as I’m one of those introverted types for whom the sort of fame that she has garnered would scare the pants off me.

I thought my book with multiple plotlines would be complicated. It’s not as complicated as writing!

So … wow. This is the kind of distiller wisdom that often comes at the end of a life, in hindsight. As much as it applies to writing, it applies to anything and everything in life of great value. It is really a testament to the purity of the human spirit to rise above everything if given the chance and perseverance. Thanks for distilling this story to 100% proof!!! I feel a bit high on it.

I’m so glad my post resonated with you, Marie. I hope you take that high and use it to keep on writing!

Not only inspirational in a determined, “I’m-gonna-do-it-no-matter-what” way, but a very good read!

I’ve heard about J.K. Rowling’s difficulties before, but I only ever imagined them for the first book or two. In some way, it is a relief to know that she had to work so hard, through so many obstacles, to write great books. Because if not, then any time a writer’s life isn’t perfect, she’ll destine herself to not working at all, but waiting for the “right moment.”

Well said, Diana. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

Thanks for writing this awesome post! J.K’s my favourite writer and this just reinforces the notion that perseverance is the key.

Agreed, Z.N. Khan! I’ve heard so many times that it’s not the talented writers that make it, but the writers that just refuse to give up.

I love this blog there is always something which motivates me to write and this post is a great example of that. Its reassuring to know that Rowling goes through a stage of ‘hating’ her work too, something I think every writer goes through at some point.

Yep, I agree with you. I think if a writer is completely in love with her story and her writing from beginning to end, then she’s probably not pushing herself enough. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment.

This is a really timely post for me. I’m struggling with getting the first draft of my 3rd novel out. I thought it would get easier, but clearly each book in a series is it’s own challenge. Kind of like having children.

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, Anne. I think all writers want to believe that some day writing will get easier—once they’ve written enough or published enough or whatever—but we’re always growing as writers (or at least we should be) so there will always be growing pains. That’s not a bad thing, but it’s certainly not always fun either. Hope your third novel is going well and please drop in again!

This post was very comforting. It’s good to know Rowling got to a point where she hated her writing, yet she still battled on and got it done. Not only that but she produced something incredible. I think I am going to have to save this post and come back to it when I need motivation and reassurance!

I’m so glad this post was encouraging, Emma. Keep on writing!

I really appreciate these posts. Thanks for taking the time to write them.

Comments like yours are what keep me blogging. Thank you!

I just wanted to say that your posts about Harry Potter, structure and the writing process have totally turned me down a new path in my writing development that I think will make all of the difference. You’ve inspired me to reread the fifth book and really try to map the whole thing out, I’m hoping to do a chapter by chapter analysis of it on my blog and already my reading process has been completely revolutionized. Thank you so much for the work you do!

Wow, Jessica, your comment means so much to me! I wish you the very best in your writing journey, and I hope to hear from you again soon.

I nearly cried when reading this, it was so inspiring. What a wonderful insight to JK Rowling’s journey through writing her incredible series. I sure appreciate your posts! Thank you for sharing!

I’m so glad this post resonated with you, Kristi. My main goal with this blog is to keep writers writing—never give up!

Like many of the comments above I just wanted to say thank you. This is an inspiring and grounding post, and I am incredibly happy that I’ve come across it.

Thank you, Jo—keep on writing!

A writer’s life-saving article, C.S., and for me personally, divine timing as well. I’m in the middle of the ocean with my fantasy novel Blackcat-Whitecat: The Land of Lost Dreams, and starting to seriously doubt myself, thinking, “If only… my health was better… I had more money… was more agent-connected… blah-blah-blah.” This week, I found myself panicked and terribly depressed that maybe I don’t know the way across to bloody finish this first book. Thank you so, so much for telling us “the rest of the story.” (And thank you, J.K., for sharing your magic — warts and all). Pure Heart, CJ

Thank you for posting such an honest, inspiring comment, CJ!

What this post is telling me is “You are not alone”. And oh boy if I feel alone, and stupid while writing! I am working through the first outline I have ever written and it feels like too much work! And, if Rowling could, so can I!

Thank you, C.S.!

It was really hard writing my book, I’m only like 10 years old, but this gave me couragebto write more. Thanks!

This is exactly the pick-me-up I needed. I’ve been struggling badly with carving out writing time and really focusing on plot. Rowling is such an inspiration and knowing her path was anything but clear, that’s comforting. She created an absolute literary masterpiece and she does nothing to dress it up: it was an amazing idea that required extremely hard work that paid off. I have to get into that mindset of pushing and editing and just WRITING. Thanks so much for this post!

I do not get it. How do you map the plot ? How do you come up with the ideas? I have an amazing idea. There is this boy who goes to school, a school where he learns magic. This idea suddenly came to me. Then what? How do you come up with the scar, the dark lord, the horcruxes? How do you come up with the goblet of fire or a character like Umbridge? It is just not magic of language. It is just not perseverance. I come up with wonderful ideas, than it just stops there. So how did she do it?

You are such an amazing person. Dear author who wrote this post. Incredibly informed, well opinionated, and a great eye for empathy. I wish J.K. Rowling would read this too. Thanks a lot!

This was very inspiration to read. Thanks so much for writing this! 🙂

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The Literary Edit

The Literary Edit

Review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – J. K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

However, I recently asked for recommendations from the BBC Big Read and got a rather curt reply from my best friend Lexy: ‘Lucifer please do yourself a favour and just bloody read the Harry potter books! They’re brilliant, easy and quick to read and you can tick a load off your list – what’s stopping you?!! X’ And so, having run out of excuses as to why I didn’t want to read them, I gave in and began the first in the series of seven: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

I’ve previously spoken about how I tend to avoid books that every second person on the tube appears to be reading and it was with a certain amount of reluctance that I finally read J. K. Rowling’s debut; one that has made her a millionaire many times over and catapulted her to the kind of stardom that is usually reserved for actors and popstars. However, as soon as I began Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, it became crystal clear why the books are so ingrained in the hearts of many readers.

Following the death of his parents, Harry Potter is left in the care of his non-wizzard family, Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia who are parents to the particularly vile Dudley, a spoilt bully and Harry’s chief tormentor. After ten years of being made to sleep in the cupboard under the stairs, having coat hangers given to him as Christmas presents and being forced to wear Dudley’s hand-me-downs, Harry is summoned by Rubeus Hagrid to wizzard-school Hogwarts, which is where his adventures begin.

With echoes of the Enid Blyton boarding-school tales I grew up reading and a not dissimilar battle between good and evil to that found in The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone also has a great deal of its own magic. With a lovingly created cast of characters and a fantasy world which immediately sweeps away its reader, it’s little surprise that the first four Harry Potter books, and indeed the only four that had been published at the time the BBC Big Read results were announced, all made it into the nation’s 100 best-loved books.

As the saying goes, ‘better late than never’ and while I may have jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon 15 years after it first started, I’m sure I’m in for one hell of a ride!

About Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

When a letter arrives for unhappy but ordinary Harry Potter, a decade-old secret is revealed to him that apparently he’s the last to know. His parents were wizards, killed by a Dark Lord’s curse when Harry was just a baby, and which he somehow survived. Leaving his unsympathetic aunt and uncle for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry stumbles upon a sinister mystery when he finds a three-headed dog guarding a room on the third floor. Then he hears of a missing stone with astonishing powers, which could be valuable, dangerous – or both. An incredible adventure is about to begin!

About J. K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling is the author of the record-breaking, multi-award-winning Harry Potter novels. Loved by fans around the world, the series has sold more than 450 million copies, been translated into 80 languages and made into eight blockbuster films.

She has written three companion volumes in aid of charity: Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (in aid of Comic Relief and Lumos), and The Tales of Beedle the Bard (in aid of Lumos).

In 2012, J.K. Rowling’s digital company and digital publisher Pottermore was launched, a place where fans can enjoy the latest news from across the wizarding world, features and original writing by J.K. Rowling.

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1 comment on “Review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – J. K. Rowling”

Its definitely a series most people would enjoy 🙂

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling (Harry Potter: Book 1)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling book cover

The Philosopher’s Stone is the first in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series of seven novels that have made her the most successful literary author of all time, selling in excess of 400 million copies world-wide. The books are read and enjoyed by children and adults alike and have also been made into hugely popular films.

Do the Harry Potter books live up to the hype? When I first began reading the Philosopher’s stone I was immediately struck by how good - and laugh-out-loud funny - the humour was. You usually need to read a Terry Pratchett novel to ensure constant laughter throughout but Rowling has managed to infuse this book with a lovely wit and charm that will both amuse and delight adults and children.

Here is an example, with the ending being particularly good:

"Harry was frying eggs by the time Dudley arrived in the kitchen with his mother. Dudley looked a lot like Uncle Vernon. He had a large, pink face, not much neck, small, watery blue eyes and thick, blond hair that lay smoothly on his thick, fat head. Aunt Petunia often said that Dudley looked like a baby angel – Harry often said that Dudley looked like a pig in a wig." Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: The Vanishing Glass

There are characters in this book that will remind us of all the people we have met. Everybody knows or knew a spoilt, overweight boy like Dudley or a bossy and interfering (yet kind-hearted) girl like Hermione. A large number of the younger readers will also be able to easily identify with Harry, especially with his initial feelings of isolation and not belonging, and then through to his excitement at finally leaving that life behind in favour of one where he belongs and will be happy.

When Harry begins his first term at Hogwarts (a wizarding school) he is not alone in being overawed:

‘Yeh’ll get yer firs’ sight of Hogwarts in a sec,’ Hagrid called over his shoulder, ‘jus’ round this bend here.’ There was a loud ‘Oooooh!” The narrow path had opened suddenly on to the edge of a great black lake. Perched atop a high mountain on the other side, its windows sparkling in the starry sky, was a vast castle with many turrets and towers. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: The Journey From Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

Hogwarts is a truly magical place, not only in the most obvious way but also in all the detail that the author has gone to describe it so vibrantly. It is the place that everybody wishes they could of gone to when they where eleven. And there many adventures befall the trio (Harry, Ron and Hermione) and the stone in the book's title is centre to all that happens. The story builds towards and exciting conclusion that has the ultimate feel-good factor.

J.K. Rowling should be commended for getting so many people reading and excited by books. The biggest surprise must be the effect that this novel had on the adult population, both male and female - at the time the books were published many a commuting train was spotted with Harry Potter books providing world-weary workers with a wonderful sense of escapism. This book is highly recommended to anybody between the ages of 8 and 80.

Is all the hype about the Harry Potter books justified? In a word, yes, the books are a joy to read and possibly the most rewarding young adult’s book since The Hobbit.

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Review by Amanda White

136 positive reader review(s) for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

380 positive reader review(s) in total for the Harry Potter series

JK Rowling biography

Harry Potter

  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter: Book 1)
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter: Book 2)
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter: Book 3)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter: Book 4)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter: Book 5)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter: Book 6)
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter: Book 7)

Noona from Australia

This book is satisfyingly good, the entire idea of having a young boy who’s parents die in the hands in an blood thirsty super villain isn’t that unique... *cough* *cough* *Batman*. But she makes it so original with hoggwards and the mirror makes this book so good

Athena-Jayde from New Zealand

Best book of all time love the writing and the dream J.k Rowling is my all time favorite writer

Anon from UK

I never thought I'd enjoy Harry Potter so much! It's become my favourite series and absolutely LOVE the magic and everything about the book honestly. You can never get bored and all the chapters always leave you asking tons of questions! Love it! P.S. Joanne Rowling- I love your books. Keep on doing, what you're doing! You are such an amazing author and angel. 😃

Samuel from Australia

Could not tear my eyes away from this book.

Haniya from Pakistan

Harry Potter is the best English novel I read.

Priyal from India

We all know that the book is fab, but have you ever wondered , what if J.K. Rowling ended the book with the the last line saying- '' and then Harry woke up from the dream lying in the cupboard under the stairs....''
Great book for young and old, I have read it so many times i could say it word for word. I think that it is one of the best books that I have ever read.

Anonymous from Rather not Say

An interesting beginning for the award-winning series. This, unlike the other Harry Potters, wasn’t that good. Nearly each on got better. But some kids may find this book boring and lose interest. It just doesn’t have the action and sci-fi like the rest. Philosopher’s Stone: 6/10 Chamber of Secrets: 7/10 Prisoner of Azkaban: 9/10 Goblet of Fire: 9/10 Order of the Phoenix: 10/10 Half-Blood Prince: 6/10 Deathly Hallows: 9/10 Cursed Child: 2/10 Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them: 5/10 The Tales of Beedle the Bard: 4/10

Beauty Queen from India

It was very nice book. I am still reading it even after 100 times. It interesting you see I am a fast reader so I completed the book in 1 day. It tells about how Harry Potter a wizard and how his parents were murdered so he had only one relative his mom's sister Aunt Petunia and her family. Then a letter arrives at his house but his uncle won't let him see it but a giant named Hagrid the gamekeeper says the truth that he was an wizard like he studied in the school Hogwarts the magic school and made some friends too. But he needed to save the philosopher stone from the deadly wizard named Lord Voldemort but the problem was his least favorite teacher Snape who Harry thinks works for Voldemort but that isn't the end but I don't want to be a surprise spoiler so read it yourself I felt it was a good book. How about you?

Anoymous from Somewhere

Very good book. I had read it for more than 5 times.

Anonymous from Somewhere

It’s OK. There’s been better Harry Potters. But Artemis Fowl is more enjoyable.

Mia from Australia

This is the Summary Harry Potter he a kid on his eleventh birthday a big giant man name Hagrid told him that he was a wizard and his parents were witch and wizard too he never knew that he was famous. He started at Hogwarts. Harry made some new friends name Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger there found a three head dog name Fluffy and there need to find out what in that trap door let the magic begin. This is plot When Harry Potter start Hogwarts school of wizard and witchery and Find out what happen to his parents and he find the murder of his parents his name is Voldemort. This is imagery and symbolism That in Harry Potter has a lot of bright colours and some dark colours. Book is mostly about how Harry starts and through the year of Hogwarts. One of the may symbols are Harry scar because he the boy who lived right after Voldemort disappeared. Themes are magic, Friendship and Love because it shows the magic in Hogwarts, friendship between Harry, Ron and Hermione and love between Harry and his mother and father who Harry lose.

Bill from UK

Harry Potter are the greatest books ever. I really enjoy these books the most book I like is The Prisoner of Azkaban because Buckbeak who is a magical creature is cute and the best it is the best book I have.

Sanu from Australia

It enthralled me and I finished all the books in grade 3. But I re-read them and still do! These wonderful masterpieces are perfect for kids and adults. Take a look at it.

Samiya from Bangladesh

Only one thing can say, the book is awesome and every moment and every chapter is incredible. It is the best book I ever read.
Harry Potter are the greatest books ever. I really enjoy these books, the book I likemost  is The Prisoner of Azkaban because Buckbeak, who is a magical creature, is cute and the best. It is the best book I have.

Rose from Holly wood

Maria from Pakistan

This book has had me taken into another land in which i remain till now...even though i finished the whole series! I simply cannot get enough of harry potter and i highly recommend this book if you guys love fantasy and a bit of wizard action!😍😍😘😊

Rachel from United Kingdom

Simply the best!

Anna from United States

I don't like fantasy books. This is my one time I have to go against it. Harry Potter is in my top 2 favorite books of all time. It's amazing with all the unique things that you see around the magic world. You will have to think again when you chose a favourite book.

Suzanna from Wales

One of the best book series ever!! Charming and Witty, you just cant put the book down.

Nicole Fernando from Sri Lanka

Harry’s perfectly normal life at number 4 privet drive becomes extraordinary when he finds out that he is a wizard and Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry will teach him all he needs to know.Ignoring his aunt’s and uncle’s(Mr. and Mrs.Dursley) screams of protests Harry ventures into the wizarding world. But even in The wizarding world bad things happen like, the evil wizard ,Voldemort who killed who many innocent people( including Harry’s parents ) coming back to life.Even though Harry escaped from Voldemort once, Harry is not certain he can do it again.Join Harry Potter and his newly found friends Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger to save the wizarding World.Can they do it? Find out in Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone . This book is great for all ages.The author J.K Rowling created a world full of adventure,fun and mystical places and creatures.This is only the first book from a set of seven.People all around the world would love this series.This book is one of the greatest books I have ever read.

Anna from UK

It’s very good because I enjoy it and it makes me wanna read it a lot and see what happens next.

Anjitha from India

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is one of my favourite books in the Harry Potter series. Reading this book has made me crazy about Harry Potter and I wish to be one among the magical community. I can't imagine how thrilled I would be if I get a letter from Dumbledore saying that I am admitted to Hogwarts!!!!!!!

Cira from Canada

This book made me feel like I was taken to another land. I love it and others should too. I really enjoyed the humpr and thrill that were somehow mixed together into a perfect story. J.K Rowling has that little touch that makes everyone LOVE her books. EVeryone needs to buy it!

Risha from India

One of the best books I've read. Highly recommend it. It's for all ages and it's the best! Humour, thrill, action and a little love. A combo of everything.

Amber from India

It was the best book I had ever read. The first book was a blast. J.k Rowling has really outdone herself this time.I am reading the 7th book now, and it seems to be really interesting. Young readers, I am advising you to start reading Harry Potter, as it is truly amazing and interesting to boost your imagination..... The magical world of Harry Potter is includes dangerous, fun and legendary adventures, starring Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, who are three best friends in this fabulous story. They fought together against many fantastic and dangerous creatures, and came across many obstacles. Finally, it was the time, for Harry Potter to fight against the most powerful, dangerous wizard all the magical people could think of. You wanna know more about this legendary adventure, then reading the Harry Potter series is the best way possible.

Jotaro from Japan

It is very good.

Samit from India

Truly amazing

Neil from Malta

Purely amazing.

Sofia from Mexico

It was good.

Ava from Australia

Get ready to wave your wand, for this wizardry adventure. It start off with a young boy not knowing that he's a wizard until his 11th birthday, on his journey to Hogwarts Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) makes amazing friends with Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) and Ron Wealsy (Rupert Grint). On learning how to prounce the famous spells like wingardium leviosa, lumos and alohomara, but in every story there's a troubling part were Harry fights for his life.

Jade from UK

This book is the only book I read because nothing else is interesting for me and I could never stop re-reading it.By now I must of read the Harry Potter series 20 times,they are just WOW and AMAZING.I would recommend this book to anyone!

Aoife from Ireland

Just perfect.

Amaal from Austrailia

It is definitely the best book I've ever read! I need to read all!!!! :) SO AMAZING! I now know 100% understand why J.K. Rowling is the most successful and richest author there is! 9.9 STARS!

Palak from India

i have read harry potter book it was amazing i like it

Sofia from USA

Harry Potter and the philospher's stone is one of the best series I have read it more than 8 times

Namratha from India

This is amazing I love it 😙😙😙😙😙😙

Shravani from India

I really loved Harry Potter series. It is one of the greatest fictions for children. The writing, the character development is very good. I really liked it.

Harry from Australia

Best book series if you ask me. I have read each book over 15 times except The Order of the Phoenix and Goblet of Fire. JK Rowling's writing is better than any other writing. I love Emma Watson / Hermione Granger. I have loved Harry Potter since I was in year 2.

Manya Rathore from India

It is the most interesting book I have ever read and It is a wizard story and is a inspirative story.

carissa from singpore

I LOVE harry potter so much that I can read the whole book series like about 20 times. I think that everyone should a lest try reading Harry Potter .

Mubeen from India

When i started reading harry potter and the philosophers stone i was unable to stop myself by reading i read it continously and i hd cmpltd it in just one day without getting bored.....these are the amazing book series i hv ever read....i would luv to read it again and again..

Juveriya from India

I love the harry potter series

Katie from 1 Direction Fandom

Get ready for swish and flick and wingardium leviosa! The best part is the last against Lord Voldemort.

Imogen from UK

Good book =-)

Electra from Greece

I love Harry Potter and I love the Philosopher's Stone so much because it is the book where all the magic began.

Olivia Myers from Australia

I love Harry Potter but I would rather watch the move than read the book :}

Heramb from Australia

Harry Potter was the best book series I've ever read and it is beast. If I could I would rate this 2,000,000 stars out of ten!

Ben from UK

Definitely advise reading these books.

Sanjanaa from India

I like Harry Potter.

Thomas from America


Aaradhana from India

Whatever it has use for us , whatever it teaches , friendship , believe in magic , confidence in ourselves , whatever , its the craziest thing i have ever read or ever known in my life...I just go mad and imagine myself in that world and actually i wont ever be tired of reading it if its even 100 times 😃😃😃😇😇😌😌 I just love it n u r the most imp part of life-review of others who just shown me that its what makes the harry potter the best story ever atleast fr me... its my life. If i would even be of 50 yrs or more i won't stop admiring it and readinb... yes i am not the best fan but fr me its the best book/series 😁😁 Love u harry pottrr stories.... and yeah 1 thing i forgot to tell u i am really a great fan of Draco Malfoy/TOM FELTON....😍😍�...😄......was that too much to read!!!!�......

Rachana from India

What a nice book it was!

Keira from Canada

This book review is magical and helps me understand what this book is about. Also in my class we are making book reviews and you have helped me alot with exmaples! Thanks.

Frutopia10 from New Zealand

It was awesome! A book that is unforgettable! Even though the series gets better and better this book is a all time favorite for me.

Hemanth from India

This is the book that everyone has to read in their lifetime and the graphics are awesome. Thanks to J. K. Rowling for giving us a awesome book and after reading I realised why the book is so famous.

Akash from India

This book is so amazing. That I can't narrate and Ys I have decided to know what people are so much crazy about these series. At last the thinking of writer is lunatically awesome!!!!

Abcd1234 from Israel

An amazing start for an equally amazing series . The plot is immersive, it takes you by the hands and pulls you into the books. I Read the whole seven books in a row. Must read!!!

Lily from Australia

OMG! this book is amazing. JK Rowling is really good with words i have read this book 100 times i love it keep up the good work JK

Sahla from UK

The magic begins!!! This book is bewitchingly beautiful. I have read all of the Harry Potter books including the Cursed Child and I have to admit that this one never gets old! All book lovers across the world, children or adults, can enjoy this book. Honestly I believe no one can ever say they hate this book true to their heart unless their pathological liars.

Annie from India

This book is amazing. I really like that and I think everyone also like this boo . This book show a philosopher's stone that amazing and their wand spells superb . Thanks to J.K Rowling that gives us very interesting book.

Savannah from Australia

This book is amazing.

Satwika from India

AMAZING!!! I love the book. It is my all time favorite. I am dieing to go to a magical school like Hogwarts. I am inspired to write a fantasy novel.

Harry Potter Fan😍 from Hogwarts

I love this book. I saw the movie and have read the book a million times now!!! (LOL)😍😃😘

Ahmed from Saudi arabia

Awesome Book but chapter one was very boring plzz in the next series dont write all those kind of stuffs. Plzz begin the story neatly and nicely

Sohini from India

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is written by J.K Rowling. Even By reading this small summary I am well liked of the story. And really from now I like Harry Potter.

N from Ireland


Sophie from UK

It was Fantastic!


It's a fabulous book, I had heard about it from my friends, and when I found it very interesting. It was like I am in the story watching everything happening. I will now start to read the second book. From my point of view, I feel that JK ROWLING IS THE BEST WRITER IN THE WORLD IN THIS GENERATION.

David from US

The first book in the Harry Potter series has much going for it but I think it is the humour that stands out most for. It is many things but I just found it plain funny. Consistently. This is fantasy in its purest form and it offers wonderful escapement and wish-fulfilment. When a book becomes as massively popular as this those who do not like it tend to really hate it. But make up your own mind - if a school for wizards and oodles of adventure and excitement sound like your type of thing then your not going to find much better than this.
Great story mixed with fantastic world - building combine to form a literary classic of immense proportions.

Emma from America

Chamber of Secrets is the classic that started a classic story about the boy who lived. The book features well rounded characters, a mysterious plot, and heartwarming world-building.

Jessica from Australia

It's amazing! I recommend this book to all ages ❤️

Indrajeet from India

Best book in my life I have ever read before and I have all the version in my home and I read it in leisure time.

Sindhu from India

This wonderful book takes us on a magical journey you can't help falling in love with. The plot, the characters, the tiny details that Rowling so masterfully brings together... mindblowing. Easily the best book series I've ever read. Recommended for everybody- young and old.

ledi from Albania

I love this book because it is a very interesting, mysterious and thrilling book.

Lavisha Malik from India

I like this book. I thank the writer to write such a interesting type of book.

Houssem from Tunisia

What an amazing and fascinating book ! Wow. The journey passed so fast, how you dive into the pages,sink in the events and travel with the characters, how fantastic that is, purely wonderful ^^

Sashreek Havelia from India

This was an amazing book and was my second novel ever. I find myself in a stronghold of books just because of this wonderfully written and out of the box book. I must congratulate author J.K.Rowling on the success of all her books and her skill as an author.

Disha from India

It is very nice.

Harry from UK

I quite liked the book it was interesting I am now on the 2nd book of Harry Potter.

Trevor from US

The only people who don't like Harry Potter books are adults who seem to think that admitting they like Harry Potter makes them less of an adult. Oh, it's a great children's book. STFU. It's not a great children's book. It's just a great book. PERIOD.

Safia Ali from India


Brychan from UK

An excellent book combining magic and reality in a sensational mix. J.K Rowling has definitely succeeded in writing a brilliant book perfect for all ages. She has created a combination of happy, exciting and sad scenes to create an amazing book. If you have not already read the series then I definitely recommend that you read it as soon as possible. 9/10

Jasmine from India

This book is the best book I have read in a entire life. Love u JK Rowling.

Potter fan from India

Good book but lacks action...

Navneet from India

It really is the most fantastic book which I have ever read in my life.

Michael Anthony from US

Great book!!! Love it.

Himansh from India

Great book! I had read this book almost 10 times but am not at all bored of it. People who feel bored are dumb. The only word for this book is - awesome!!! But the Deathly Hallows is the last part. I'll miss Harry Potter!!!

#potterhead from Pakistan

Oh my god! These books are life. I just cannot describe how amazing they are. I've read them like a million times and I'm still not tired of them. Favourite books and I also lovvveeeee the movies. Potterhead for life!

Priyanka from Dubai

It is such an awesome book, I felt so sad when it was coming to an end. I wish there were more than 7 Harry Potter books.

Gordon from England

It is very funny those who give this book a bad review have a very poor grasp of the English language. Maybe they lack the intellegence to appreciate literature beyond wiser and chips? Totally awesome book.

Faizan from India

Excellent! Wonderful! I love the series of Harry Potter. I have read it 7 times continuously. No words to appreciate. Just enjoy the fantasy world of magic.

Sheepish from India

It is a nice and thrilling book which I had never read in my life. I love this book, thanx for this, bye.

Anakha from India

I love it. An amazing book!

Annastacia Buckley from Singapore

I absolutely loveee this book!! But, I would give it a 10 if the review was longer and have more coverage! Awesome book!

Gregory from Australia

This book was very impressive... how can people hate this book?

xxpa from canada

Great book, I couldn't put it down once I started reading this book. Dark, amazing, fast and thrilling. A must read for all!

Jack from US

It's so good, thanks, you gave me an idea for a book review.

Gunnhildur from Iceland

I loooooved this book! Those dumb Harry Potter haters don´t understand what they are missing! I really hope J.K. Rowling writes more of these, I have read all of them twice! Maybe some stories about Harry and Ron doing Aura business and other stuff!

Deepika from India

The only review is that they are... AWESOME!!!

Pinky from India

I can't give 10 points because it's not enough! Hey! I've started reading Chamber of Secrets. After I completed reading I came to this website. Ah! This book has fans all over the world.

Ramya from India

The best ever book I've read. Fascinating, mesmerizing, so on!!! No other words I've to describe it. I normally hate books but this is the one which gave me the interest to read novels. I'll say this book is best because it's SIMPLY GREAT GREAT GREAT... VERY GREAT!!!

Trina from US

You can't put it down. I really recommend this book, it's filled with enjoyment and it's fascinating. OK, I don't want to say really smart words but just kick back your feet and read - it is so good.

Harry Potter (wink wink) from Privet Drive

i just finished it and it only took me a day.... i couldn't put it down it was AMAZING. I came to this website before I read it just to be sure it is worth while. If you're doing this now... STOP and read it. No words can explain how good it is, I have already started Chamber of Secrets. There is so much detail in JK Rowling's books! I recommend read this first then watch the movie. It's a great book for all ages :)

Aymar from Canada

Honestly loved the first the most. But the entire series was the best series I have a ever read!

Xavier from Austria

Although I am not totally enamoured by the series as a whole I think the Philosopher's Stone is a beautiful stand-alone book. It oozes charm and offers wish fulfilment on a level I've only ever encountered in the Lord of the Rings. At turns funny, heart-warming, exciting and full of tension it is a book that everyone should read. Even if it is just to find out what the fuss is all about. A great book to read every Christmas.

Ilma from Bangladesh

The best book I've read!

Himika from India

This book taught me to love fantasy! I have read many books ever since, but HP for me is always special!

Rithu from India

The most exciting and interesting to all class of people.

Dang Trung Hieu from Vietnam

Great book!

Iris from Mexico

It was the book that taught me to love reading. And discover the feeling not to be able to leave the chair until you have finished the book. Highly recommended.

Harihara from India

No words can say how much I like this. The best series ever.

Sweata from India

It is a very thrilling book and also it has an interesting mythology... I loved this book very much... I thank J.K. Rowling for writing such a great book...

Samantha from Canada

Amazing, gripping, magnificent.

Sathwik from India

Harry Potter is awesome. It has a lot of action.

Joshua from England

Harry Potter to some is a "boring", "overexaggerated" book with no life in it whatsoever. Those people are absolute idiots. J.K. Rowling's books are gripping, stunning and filled with so much literature. The magic between the pages is just thrilling, when I started reading this particular book in my youth - around 4 years ago, I'm 13 now - it was impossible to put down, I would not sleep until it was finished. Lucky for me I'm a fast reader. In a few words Harry Potter is amazing: gripping and intelligent.

Shubham Mk from India

Just one word... CLASSIC!!! Thumbs up!!

Sarah from Pakistan

I liked this book very much, but this is my first book in the Harry Potter series and now I am very excited to read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets which I've got to read in the school holidays but this book is really awesome and I hope Chamber of Secrets will also be as interesting as this!!!

Julia from America

I thought it was brill!

Jimwel from Philippines

I really love the Harry Potter books, in fact I already finished reading all those 7 series and I really crave for more books. Hope J.K. Rowling make additional series but I don't suppose she will. But who knows?

Tom Marvolo Riddle from England

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is the best book of all time!

Ieuan Jones from UK

I love Harry Potter but I think the first one lacks some action, where as the others have a lot of action from near the start, like Chamber of Secrets - there's the bit near the end where Harry kills the Basilisk and the Prisoner of Azkaban, there's the Womping Willow, whereas the first one isn't very exiting because all it is the first part of the end they get through that in like 2 mins of the film and then all they do is play chess and then Harry goes on to get bought in a fire for like a minute and then all it is is him in bed and Dumbledore steeling his sweet. So yeah, it isn't the best book but I think I would put it about 6th out of the eight :D

Amelia from Australia

I LOVE THIS BOOK AND ALL THE OTHER BOOKS IN THE SERIES!! They are so engaging and make the reader actually want to be a wizard!! I am absolutely crazy about Harry Potter!! My room is filled with Harry Potter stuff because I am so in-love with these books!!!

Andy from Reading

I have heard a lot of criticism of these books by quite a few adults, and whilst the writing may not be the best they are quite clearly wrong. These books have successfully engaged not just millions of young people across the world but millions of adults as well. Any author who can achieve such a following must be doing something right. Sometimes you just have to enjoy the story and go with the flow, yes there are shortcomings, however in this case it doesn't really matter if it gets millions of people engaged in reading.

Sarah from London

GREAT! That's all I can say!

Cat Fitzpatrick from London

A children's classic, what more can you say? Luckily I was eleven when the first book came out so I was the right age to follow them over the years, but I go back to them again and again even though I'm an adult because there's so much joy to be had in this magic, vivid world. It's funny, charming, heart-breaking and utterly wonderful.

Visenna from Poland

Really great, but still rather for younger readers.

Ankita from India

I love to watch the Harry Potter series.

Adam from Gregory

J.K. Rowling has sharp, lucid prose that carries Harry Potter beyond the realms of simple children's fantasy and into that of timeless literature. It's accessible and clear but at times it can be poetic and downright funny. In addition to her concise writing style, Harry Potter is populated with interesting and relatable characters that the reader can (and will) fall in love with. Yes, you could argue the plot devices are nothing we haven't seen before. Sometimes they even border on cliche. And yes, you could also argue that the villain is a bit too simple on the morality side of things. But none of this really matters, because the Harry Potter series are a helluva lot of fun to read and have a blast-ended-skrewt-sized heart.

Ian from Lisburn

The greatest fantasy series of a generation. If you haven't read these books yet please come out of your cave and rejoin the rest of the world!!! They reminded me why I love reading and fantasy.

Sharnali from London

The Harry Potter books to me are AWESOME!!! They are legendary. J.K Rowling is an inspiration, a William Shakespeare of the present day! ;]

Leisale from Vanuatu

The only word I have for the Harry Potter series is that they are... AWESOME!!!!

Kaan Can from Turkey

Harry Potter's magical world was created perfectly by JK Rowling. It's really interesting!!! The book series and movies are great!! This is a world phenomenon!! Read these books!

Samir from Oran

I wasn't going to read the Harry Potter series because I thought it was an overrated children's book. But one day, I decided that I had to see for myself why so many people liked this series. I couldn't be more wrong. It's an amazing fantasy series with a very solid and interesting mythology. The first book is great but the following books are even better.

Laura from England

I love Harry Potter, I started reading it in primary school and I keep re-reading the whole series - it's amazing! I love the magic of it all, it's so unique. I must have read the series through at least 6 times now, and I don't get bored! They are brilliant. I love all the characters, they're so interesting. This book is just....wow! Not my favourite of the series but I still love it... I like it when they go through the trap door, it's hard to stop reading :)

9.7 /10 from 138 reviews

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Book review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter is the biggest-selling book series of all time. The books have gone on to produce one of the biggest movie series of all time. If you haven’t heard of Harry Potter, you’ve surely been living under a rock? But is the first book The Philosopher’s Stone actually any good?

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone book review

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An introduction to Harry Potter

For the one person reading this who’s never heard of Harry Potter – it’s a seven-book series written by British author J.K. Rowling. The Philosopher’s Stone , the first in the series was first published in 1997 to commercial and critical success. The first book was then turned into a film in 2001 to, once again, huge critical and commercial success. What then happened was a snowball effect that saw Harry Potter become a household name across the world and become synonymous with the British.

Harry Potter is a boy who was abandoned at a very young age with his nasty Aunt and Uncle who make him live under the stairs. One day he is visited by a man who tells him he’s a wizard and whisks him off to Hogwarts, the wizarding world’s most famous school. Harry then makes friends, saves the world multiple times and comes up against some of the darkest, most evil wizards to ever live, fighting alongside some of the most powerful and greatest too. 

The books instilled a huge sense of friendship – they’re imaginative, they’re witty, they’re sad at times, happy at others. They are a journey unto themself with some of the latter books hitting the high-hundreds in page numbers. They’re a book series that will likely never be matched for popularity. But what is the first book like? If you read the first book now, would the same success snowball from it or was it the subsequent books that built upon it making it the phenomenon it is today?

Plot – 4.5/5

The plot of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is simple: a young boy lives with his mean aunt and uncle whom he despises. His Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia clearly dislike him and so treat him so, having him cook for them, clean for them and live underneath the stairs. One day he receives a letter saying he is due at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, however, his Aunt and Uncle quickly dismiss this and move away. He’s then visited by a large man, Hagrid who claims to be the groundskeeper at this school and tells him he must come with him to Hogwarts. On their journey there, Harry realises he’s incredibly famous due to the scar on his head: the most powerful evil wizard to ever live  – Lord Voldemort – tried to kill him as a baby but he survived.

During his time at Hogwarts, he makes two very important friends Hermione and Ron – the three of them quickly realise that someone is trying o steal something from Hogwarts and people may well be in danger if they don’t soon figure it out.

It’s hard to review the plot for this first novel is there’s so much nostalgia and love for this series in my heart. However, even without this, I must say, I found my reread of it utterly captivating. I was turning the pages so quickly or always had the audiobook on. The mini-stories within the larger story are written at such a good pace that they’re interesting within their own right, let alone the overarching story and direction you can feel Rowling taking you in. It’s not the strongest Harry Potter book plot-wise – you’ll have to wait and find out which my favourite is as I slowly review them all – however, it is a very strong entry and has a first hundred pages that would captivate any reader.

Characters – 4.5/5 

One of the things mentioned throughout the Harry Potter series is the incredible friendship that J.R. Rowling develops between the main three: Harry, Ron and Hermione. However is this friendship evident in the first book? Well… yes. It’s obvious Rowling was aiming this book at people in high school – the relationships are tricky and well earned and the dynamics between characters isn’t always smooth. But what builds over the book is an obvious bond between the three main characters. Ron is the nervous but pure-hearted character, Harry has been thrown into this world and must adapt to it around him and Hermione is a magical genius but who doesn’t necessarily play well with other people. How they all develop over the few hundred pages is great to see and definitely makes you want to read the subsequent books.

The supporting cast throughout this book is also utterly wonderful. Hagrid is the big friendly giant who you can’t help but love, Dumbeldore is a wise and mysterious character who seems to have much more going on than the simple role of Headmaster, Malfoy is utterly diabolical and annoying as all good enemies are, and everyone else that pops in either offers comic relief or builds on the storyline.

The Philosopher’s Stone summary – 5/5

If you’ve read the previous 900 words and gotten to this point then I congratulate you. If you’re somebody who has already read HP a million times over and are simply here to read another view – thank you. If you’re somebody who has never read the books and wants to know if they’re any good – I hope I’ve summarised the book well enough for you.

I would recommend Harry Potter to absolutely everybody. It transcends the fantasy or YA genres some would argue it fits into. The Philosopher’s Stone is a very solid first book and you can see why (after her many attempts to actually have it accepted by publishers – google it) J.K. Rowling hit a home run with this first novel.

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One thought on “ Book review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling ”

Is it Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone? Or is it really the first act in the lamentable tragedy of Albus Dumbledore? Arguably the most powerful wizard of all time, self-imposing a constraint on himself as the school headmaster to contain his lifetime lust for power and domination.

Intelligent enough to manipulate nearly every character throughout the course of the all seven books – either directly or indirectly – he has to be content with nurturing Potter who, by all accounts, is a reasonably mediocre wizard who is elevated by far more powerful witches and wizards around him.

Not forgetting it was Dumbledore himself who was partly at fault that Harry is an orphan in the first place.

Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the first instalment of a magic-fuelled Bildungsroman. 4/5

The first act of Albus Dumbledore, master manipulator, the man behind the curtain. Rowling creates a juggernaut of a character that shows evil on multiple levels… even hiding behind a warm smile, long silvery hair and half-moon glasses – 5/5

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The latest book reviews and book news, harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone: book review.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone book review

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone novel by J. K. Rowling

A novel that needs no introduction is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. K. Rowling. It is the novel that has shaped the lives of millions of readers and is still one of the most read novels today! Keep reading to find out why this novel and series is as popular as it is.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Summary

On his eleventh birthday, Harry Potter finds out he is a wizard and will be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Before then, Harry did not even know that magic was real or that he was famous. As Harry learns about his past and his parents who died protecting him, he prepares to embark on a new journey.

Harry arrives at Hogwarts and becomes friends with two of his classmates Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. The trio all are members of house Gryffindor and help each other pass the first year at Hogwarts. But as they find out throughout the course of the year, they will face many challenges and enemies.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone book review

Suspicious activity at Hogwarts like a three-headed dog guarding a trap door and a troll somehow entering and attacking Hogwarts makes the trio suspicious. Harry, Ron, and Hermione soon discover Professor Dumbledore is hiding something at Hogwarts and someone is trying hard to steal it. As the first years try to manage the workload, they must also stop whoever is after the secret artifact before it is used by the dark forces at the school.

Originally published as Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in the United Kingdom in 1997, within the first six months of release, the children’s book took off. When Scholastic bought the U.S. rights, Scholastic’s Arthur Levine believes that the title wouldn’t work for American readers. After some discussion, the novel’s title was changed to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone which was suggested by Rowling.

Rowling went on to say that she wished she hadn’t changed it but since it was her first novel, she didn’t have as much leverage. The title change was not necessary and makes it a bit confusing for some people. The good thing is that that is the only novel where that happened. Maybe Scholastics should give readers a little bit more credit.

I was first introduced to the Harry Potter world by the movies. As a kid, I was always intimidated but the size of the Harry Potter novels and did not believe I would be able to read a book that big. It was later on in my life that I tackled bigger novels and even later when I finally read the Harry Potter novels.

I fell in love with the novels wholeheartedly. The writing is great, the characters are wonderful, and the overarching plot and how everything connects was done perfectly. One thing the movies never did well was showcase Harry’s struggle of not having a family and his loneliness. In the novel, we see how they affect Harry’s state of mind and acting out because of those feelings, something the movies don’t do that well.

This novel and the whole Harry Potter series should be read by every reader in my opinion. Not everyone has to like it but reading it and finding that whether you do or not should be a test given to everyone. It will get a lot if children into reading and that is always a great end result. Expect reviews for all the novels in the series in the coming months!

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In the first paragraph u wrote eep instead of keep… XD

Thanks I’ll fix it now 🙂

I used to be a huge fan of the movies but never read the books. It’s always interesting to hear the differences. Good to know that the book expands on the characters a bit more!

The entire series ends differently in the books than in the movies. the boom ending in Deadly Hallow makes much more sense.

My daughter made sure all her copies were the the UK versions

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these series made a reader out of me, thanks for sharing 🙂

Thanks for reading! 👍

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I also saw the movies first. It wasn’t until after “The Goblet of Fire” film came out that I started reading the books. But I read the 4th one first, and the rest out of order, until “The Deathly Hallows” book was released. Not too long ago, I started rereading the 1st “Harry Potter” novel, and picked up on some new details and moments that I’d missed before, including some dark ones.

Rereading them now and there’s a lot that you realize that you missed. Rowling thought it all out!

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I love Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone also known as. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

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The cover was good, but I read a little, and I thought that if I read more it would be more interesting. Well, beyond interesting, but my new favorite book!

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Book review: the harry potter series by j.k. rowling.

Over the last month or so I have re-read the entire Harry Potter book series by J.K. Rowling . Something I haven’t done since I was a child. It reminded me why I feel in love with reading, a throwback to my childhood. A must read for everyone everywhere.

The series consists of seven books. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the first book in the series. I gave it 5 stars. From the first chapter you are drawn into this fantastic world and that you just want to be part of. An adventure from the beginning to the very end. The friendship between Harry, Ron and Hermione is also developed so naturally. I also love how much more assertive Harry is compared to the films.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the second book in the series. I was surprised how much I enjoyed this book as it is my least favorite film in the series; I gave it 3 stars. There is so much cut out of the film compared to the book. I also love the introduction of Tom Riddle . Every villain needs a beginning.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was a 4-star read. I only marked it down as it did drag a tiny bit. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black are brilliant additions to the world. They provide a new layer of History to the world. They add back story and a new list of emotions for Harry to deal with.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is a 5-star read. J.K. Rowling really stepped up her game with the introduction of the Triwizard Tournament ; I was hooked. I really enjoyed how the friendship between Harry and Ron was tested and how the relationship between Hermione and Harry blossomed. You really felt that they were friends through thick and thin. This book contained so much in its pages and all of it seemed relevant. The ending was so shocking, I couldn’t wait to pick up the next edition in the series.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was really long. The narrative was interesting, but I found it drawn out in parts. I only gave it 3 stars. I may have just be overloaded with info, but I found the climax hard to follow. There were a lot of characters and I felt it difficult to follow each strand of the battle. The ending was heart-breaking, another loss for the boy who has lost so much already.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was a 4-star read. I loved the expansion of the friendship group into the other houses besides Gryffindor lot. I felt in this book you got a real sense that the characters had matured. The twist and turns still surprised me after all these years. The twist at the end made me tear up. A twist that I didn’t see coming.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was a fantastic end to the series. A 4-star read, I only marked it down as I felt that it was a slow start to the action. This book had more twists and turns than a roller coaster. It incorporated so much and made a call back to each and every book in the series. I felt I didn’t fully appreciate this book the first time I read it. The characters throughout the series all play such critical roles both big and small.

book review writing harry potter

J.K. Rowling has created something amazing with this series. Stories that don’t age and can be passed down. There is no age limit, they can be enjoyed by young and old. I think I’ll make it an annual read. I think I might even treat myself to the illustrated version for my next excursion into the fantastic wizarding world of Harry Potter .

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Book Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

hp sorcerer

Harry Potter was an incredibly amusing read, with amiable characters that truly made the story stand out. This novel is a must-read for people of all ages. It has an air of mystery, is captivating, and provides entertainment. The book portrays real-world events in a fantasy world. The characters, including the main character Harry Potter, are relatable and undergo character development while making mistakes. One of the great features of the novel is how each character has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and each one has a distinct way of feeling. For instance, Neville Longbottom is a shy boy, but his loyalty to his friends and his house team is unwavering. Harry Potter is a book that can be enjoyed by all ages, as it accurately portrays the struggles that come with different stages of life. Even though Harry is a wizard, his teenage problems are relatable to those of a typical teenager. As a reader, you can judge the characters in the book based on the tone of the novel. Relationships are also a significant feature of this novel and are portrayed differently depending on the type of relationship. For example, the relationship between a sibling and a friend is distinct but can be differentiated only by the tone or mood portrayed accurately. This book is an absolutely enchanting experience, overflowing with captivating magical creatures, spells, and enchantments that will undoubtedly keep readers completely engaged. The characters are exceptionally well-crafted and relatable, while the plot moves at a fast pace, leaving the reader on the edge of their seat. The author's vivid and immersive writing style transports readers into the heart of the story, allowing them to experience it as if it were their own. At Hogwarts, Harry befriends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. The trio works together to unravel the mystery surrounding the Sorcerer's Stone. In their quest to counter Voldemort's plan to use the stone to regain his body, Harry and his friends embark on a perilous adventure. Overall, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is a timeless classic that continues to interest and entertain readers of all ages. It is a must-read for anyone who loves fantasy, adventure, and magic. I highly recommend this book to anyone who hasn’t read it yet.



For the voracious indian reader.

Book Reviews

[Book Review] ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ by J.K. Rowling

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J.K. Rowling needs no introduction. She is, of course, the author of the famous Harry Potter series . She was born on July 31, 1965 at Yate General Hospital near Bristol, and grew up in Gloucestershire in England and in Chepstow, Gwent, in south-east Wales. Rowling conceived the idea of Harry Potter in 1990 while sitting on a delayed train from Manchester to London King’s Cross. Over the next five years, she began to map out all seven books of the series. She wrote mostly in longhand and gradually built up a mass of notes, many of which were scribbled on odd scraps of paper. The result is known to us all – a series of unparalleled fame and popularity that we all enjoy. Under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith , J.K. Rowling also writes crime novels, featuring private detective Cormoran Strike.

“The truth.” Dumbledore sighed. “It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.”

Harry Potter books tell the story of orphan Harry James Potter, the discovery of his secret magical powers and the role he plays in the safety of the hidden world of witchcraft and wizards.

After being raised in the miserably unfair home of his Uncle Vernon Dursley, Harry practically begins life anew when he discovers that he is a wizard and is invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry . Among Harry’s first-year adventures are making new friends (Hagrid, Ron and Hermione), standing up to the torments of school bully Draco Malfoy, and becoming the star player of his Quidditch team (the favored sport in the magical world). Harry’s life as a Hogwarts “first-year” is more interesting than that of most attendees, because he is already famous for surviving the attack of the evil Lord Voldemort, who tried to kill him as an infant. Everyone in the wizard world knows more about Harry’s family and his story than he himself does.

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This first book – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – introduces you to this magical world for the first time, and it does so in a smooth and comfortable fashion, introducing both you and Harry to strange wonders never yet experienced. This makes the transition into the world of magic an easy and pleasant experience. Rowling has built a strong and multi-layered world with immense amounts of detail , yet it is written in such a way that it doesn’t feel tedious or as though you are being fed all the information at once, as is the case with many fantasy novels . Through Harry’s eyes, you encounter wands, monsters and spells with their magical properties, purposes and history laid out in small, easily consumable chunks. This means that the book never ceases to envelope you in its world or characters, whereas many epic fantasies have a habit of pulling you aside in a rather obvious fashion and indulging in the rather fruitless exercise of explaining every newly encountered item.

All the characters, teachers, students and bad guys alike have truly believable personalities, eccentricities and flaws, which, more often than not, helps to make them the truly lovable and long-standing characters that they have gone on to become. These friendships and relationships drive the book forward, providing comical respite and emotional engagement along the way.

It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.

There are characters in this book that will remind us of all the people we have met. All of us have known a spoilt, overweight boy like Dudley, or a bossy and interfering (yet kind-hearted) girl like Hermione. A large number of the younger readers will also be able to easily identify with Harry, especially with his initial feelings of isolation and a sense of not belonging, and then through to his excitement at finally leaving that life behind in favor of one where he does belong and will be happy.

Hogwarts is a truly magical place, not only in the most obvious way but also in all the sheer detail that the author has gone to describe it. It is the place that everybody wishes they could have been to when they were eleven , for that’s where many adventures befall the trio (Harry, Ron and Hermione), and the stone in the book’s title is center to all the events that unfold as the plot progresses. The story builds toward the exciting conclusion that has the ultimate feel-good factor.

In conclusion, this epic journey out of the Muggle world and into the school and world of witchcraft and wizardry bags 4 out of 5 stars. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is a must-read for anyone within the age-group of 8 to 600 years (for those who have used the stone :p) who want to be mesmerized by an enigmatic world.

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How to Identify a First Edition Harry Potter Book and How Much are First Print Harry Potter Books Worth?

Old fashioned book case with collection of Harry Potter Books.png

Do you own an old copy of Harry Potter? If you do, maybe it could be worth more than you thought. When it comes to the value of your Harry Potter books there are several factors to take into consideration i.e. how old it is, what condition it's in, how many copies were sold, and of course, which edition/print run the book came from. In this blog, we are taking a deep dive into the world of rare and valuable Harry Potter books from the very first edition of Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone to the rarely seen signed copies of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.

So, sit back and relax as we explore some of the rarest Harry Potter books that have collectors everywhere casting “Accio” in every bookshop, car boot sale, and auction house in the country.

Remember to take some notes so you can see if you have any of the rare Harry Potter books in this list just hanging about on your shelves.

( Readers note : Throughout this article we will be referring to 'first printing' and 'first impressions'; these phrases refer to books that are part of the very first print run after the title's publication. 'First editions' however, refer to the version of a book, so a second edition of a book may have had some changes to the cover art or content of the book compared to the first edition. There can be multiple print runs of the first edition of a book. Check out our blog for more information on how to find the edition of a book )

Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone book cover.png

It was on one sunny day in late July of 1997 that the world got its first taste of the magical world of Harry Potter. This was the start of a novel series that would take the world by storm, quickly being adapted into a record-breaking blockbuster film series.

Since the release of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (or Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone as it's known in America), J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series has become the world's best-selling book series ever! With a total of over 600 million copies sold worldwide. So, it will probably come as no surprise that the first print run of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, is now seen as the 'Elder Wand' of Harry Potter books and sought after by countless collectors and Harry Potter fans alike.

In total, only 5,650 copies were printed for the initial release of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, 5,150 paperback and 500 hardbacks. The paperback versions of the book are rare and highly sought after, but it's the hardback first impressions that are the real goal for collectors. This is a common trend within the book-collecting community, hardbacks tend to be more sought after for a variety of reasons, pairing this with the fact that there were 10 times more paperback copies of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone printed than hardback copies, it’s no surprise that the hardback copies are a much more desirable prize.

You have probably figured out by this point that the likelihood of you having a true first impression Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone book sat on your shelf is pretty low considering the first print run equates to around 0.005% of the 120+ million copies sold worldwide. That’s not to say it's impossible though, so it's certainly worth checking.

Here’s what you need to look for in your book to verify your copy as a first impression:

  • Situated at the bottom of the front cover, there should be a credit from Wendy Cooling that reads “A terrific read and stunning first novel”.
  • On the title page inside the book, you should see the Bloomsbury logo at the bottom.
  • On the copyright page on the reverse of the title page, the number sequence at the bottom of the page should appear as – “10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1”. It’s crucial that the sequence goes all the way down to number one, this indicates that the book is part of the very first print run.
  • The author's name on the title page, is written as “Joanne Rowling” instead of "J.K. Rowling".
  • At the top of page 53 there should be a misprint in the list titled “Other Equipment” where “1 wand” is listed twice.
  • On the back cover of the book there is another misprint. In the first paragraph on the third and fourth lines down, it read “Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft” when it should read “Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry”.
  • Finally, the last telling detail that indicates a first print is the sentence below the first paragraph on the back cover that reads: “Acclaim for Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone” whereby "Philosopher's" is missing a second "o".

It's important to note that for a copy to be a true first edition Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, it must have all these details present to ensure that it's not a fake or a later edition.

How Much is a First Edition First Impression Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Book Worth?

Prices vary a lot, but it's estimated that a first edition first impression Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone hardback book could be worth anywhere between £5,000 - £100,000 depending on the condition and whether it is signed or not. So it's definitely worth checking.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets book cover.png

Next, we have the second book in the series, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. While it’s not quite as sought after as Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is still a must-have for any collector of modern literature.

According to the publisher, Bloomsbury, there were only 706 true first editions of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ever made in hardback, so it’s fair to say they are rare. Due to their rarity and popularity, each hardback true first edition can expect to fetch anything from a few hundred to £3,000 if sold at auction.

First impressions of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets aren't the only versions that still hold value, however. Between 1999 and 2007 a deluxe version was released in limited numbers. If you were lucky enough to have got your hands on one of these cloth-bound, gold-embroidered versions of the book, and you are willing to part ways with it, you would be looking at a few hundred pounds depending on the condition.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban book cover.png

The third installment of Harry Potter saw Harry’s first encounter with the dark and mysterious Sirius Black. Valued at between £1,000-£2,500 for a true first impression, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban has some unique elements that set it apart from the other books in the series:

Notably, the very first print run of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was cut short to make some corrections in the book, which means that the exact number of true first editions is somewhat unknown, but it’s believed to be very low. Because of the premature cancellation of the first print run, there is a collection of details that will undeniably point out a true first edition of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban:

  • On the copyright page the name of the author is written as “Joanne Rowling” instead of “J.K. Rowling”.
  • The number line at the bottom of the copyright page should be “10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1”.
  • The printer's name should be written as “ Clays Ltd, St Ives plc”.
  • There is a segment of text where the sentence is accidentally broken halfway through and continued on the line below near the bottom of page 7.
  • Unlike the first book in the series, the first impression Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban hardback books came with dust jackets. On each of these print dust jackets, the price of £10.99 should be seen on the bottom corner of the front flap.

Just bear in mind if it’s true first edition copies you are looking for, you need to make sure that your copy has all of the above details to qualify as an authentic true first print.

Deluxe edition copies of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban were also released in June of 1999 and are now valued at around £3,000 each. If you are the proud owner of a true first impression of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban signed by J.K. Rowling, you could be looking at a payout of up to £10,000 if you choose to sell it.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire book cover.png

The 8th of July 2000 brought the release of the fourth book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. In this installment of the world’s favourite magical tale Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory, Viktor Krum, and Fleur Delacour endure the trials of the Triwizard Tournament.

As with a great deal of book series, the later in the series a book comes, the less value it retains. That’s not to say that a true first print of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire isn’t worth anything, original true first impression copies can be worth up to £1,000. If you find yourself with a signed true first print copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in good condition you could be looking at a £1,000+.

From this book onwards signed copies of Harry Potter novels became much rarer, only distributed at specific signing events at various places around the world. Other signed copies of Harry Potter may have come into existence outside of these events, but these copies tend to be harder to authenticate.

The rarity of the signings after 2000 meant a greater demand for evidence when it came to proving the authenticity of signatures. The most common and the most trusted forms of proof of authenticity include entry wristbands and tickets to signing events or photos of the actual signing.

Luckily, it’s not just J.K. Rowling's signature that can boost the value of this book. There are several examples where copies of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire signed by the illustrator sold for up to £1,000.

Later editions of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire were also released featuring watercolour cover art design by Giles Greenfield, which have been known to fetch a respectable price at auction.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix book cover.png

By the time Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was released on the 21st of June 2003, the films had hit the world stage and drawn in thousands of fans, as a result, the first print run of the Order of the Phoenix was huge. The massive number of first impressions meant that the value of each one severely declined compared to first impressions of previous Harry Potter books.

You can find several examples of first printing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix books selling on eBay for several thousand but mostly true first prints will sell for significantly less than that.

If you were able to get a hold of one of the first impression copies that was part of the midnight release on June 21st 2003, and it was signed by J.K. Rowling, it could be worth upwards of several thousand pounds.

Like with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, there are some copies of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix that were signed by the illustrator and can now be worth a few hundred pounds.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince book cover.png

Fans had to wait a whole 2 years for the next novel in the Harry Potter series. Dropping on the 16th of July 2005, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince yet again saw even fewer signed copies surface, meaning anyone that owned a pristine true first print copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince could be looking at hundreds if not thousands of pounds if they sold it.

However, much like with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the films had really taken off by the time of the book's release and the first print runs were huge, which, as you know, means that the true first impressions of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince aren’t now worth as much as the books earlier in the series.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book cover.png

The last book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released in July of 2007. By the time the final book in J.K. Rowling's series had been released, Harry Potter had become one of the world’s most beloved film and book series, creating an immense fan base that stretched across the entire globe.

To match the unprecedented demand for copies, the first print run for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was, again, massive so the rarity of true first editions was diminished. On this release, it's believed that only 1,700 of the initial midnight release copies were officially signed, which means they are astonishingly rare. Of course, other copies may have been signed by either J.K. Rowling herself, the illustrator, or even the cast of the film at a later stage, but the true first impressions of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows officially signed by J.K. Rowling at release are highly sought after and command a price in the thousands.

Much like all the previous Harry Potter books, a deluxe edition was released which now sells at a much higher price than a standard copy.

Check out this video on how the tell the difference between first edition vs first printing:

Signed Harry Potter Books

If you are looking to sell your old Harry Potter books, it’s not just the early editions and first printing that hold all the value. Of course, they are rare, and they are valuable but sometimes even just a standard copy of a Harry Potter book from a much later print run could hold significant value if it is signed.

As we mentioned earlier, signed copies became rarer as the book series progressed and reached new levels of fame and popularity. Which of course means that if you have a copy of one of the later Harry Potter books that is signed by J.K Rowling herself, you can count yourself especially lucky.

As the Harry Potter series progressed both on the pages of the books and on the big screen, new signature-worthy names emerged that held the power to increase the value of your books. After the success of the films, the stars of the big screen soon became the target for autograph hunters everywhere.

Books signed by the cast members, whether as the character or the actor, soon became popular among collectors and fans alike, with signatures from Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint being some of the most sought-after. These new signed copies of the Harry Potter books have been known to be worth thousands to the right buyer.

Fake Signatures and Forgeries

When looking at signed copies of books, it’s always best to tread carefully because fake signatures and forgeries are commonplace. When it comes to selling books at auction, it pays to have proof of authenticity because often, if a signature provides a significant increase in the value of a book, auction houses won’t accept them unless they are verified.

How to Spot a Signed Copy of Harry Potter

Because of the value a signature brings and its rarity, J.K. Rowling’s signature is one of, if not the most commonly forged signatures found in books. However, there are several ways to reliably authenticate your signed copy of Harry Potter:

  • Tickets or wristbands from a signing event to prove attendance.
  • A photo of the book in question at the signing event or a photo of the book being signed.
  • A verification from a trusted specialist. Confirmation of authenticity from the likes of Adam Houston – The Harry Potter Specialist is usually accepted by most auction houses.

How Much is My Harry Potter Book Worth?

If you are unsure about anything we have talked about in this blog or you think you might have a first impression copy of Harry Potter or one that is signed but you're not sure, send us an email at [email protected] with an outline of your query and some pictures of your books and our specialist books team will take a look to give you a better idea of what your books might be worth.

Harry Potter and WeBuyBooks

Here at WeBuyBooks, we have seen our fair share of Harry Potter books; over the last few years, we have had over 1900 books from the Harry Potter series come through our doors. In those 1900 books, we have had a few extra special copies pop up. Take a look at some of the rarer copies of Harry Potter that we have encountered.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone signed by the cast.png

Sell Your Harry Potter Books

So, now it’s up to you, are you one of the lucky few to have a first edition Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone? You now have the expertise to finally answer that question once and for all and see for yourself if you really do have a piece of Harry Potter history.

Don’t worry if your copy of Harry Potter isn’t signed, a first impression, or a special deluxe edition, you can still sell your Harry Potter books and turn them into easy money. Follow the steps below to sell your old books:

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How to Tell if Your Harry Potter Book Is Valuable

Are you a proud owner of a Harry Potter book? Are you curious to uncover its potential value? With the wizarding world of Harry Potter captivating readers, certain editions of J.K. Rowling's iconic series have become sought-after treasures. Find out if your copy tucked away a bookshelf is collectible with worth. Read more to discover how to assess the value of your Harry Potter.

Harry Potter first edition

Edition and Printing

The first step in evaluating your Harry Potter book's worth is determining the edition and printing. First editions, especially those with the original dust jackets and those that are in very good condition, can be highly coveted by collectors. The most valuable are first printings or issues, or first impressions of first editions. These are the first books to be printed, and are often printed in limited quantities. This was the case with the first book in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone . J.K. Rowling was an unknown author at the time and the publisher, Bloomsbury, wasn't sure how the book would perform. As a result, they decided to publish a very limited quantity of these first printings of the first edition. To find out if your copy is a first edition and first impression, look for details like the publisher's or copyright information, publication date, printing, and identify any specific features, such as print errors, binding variances, and book cover. Read " A Guide to Identifying Harry Potter First Editions " to find out more about how to tell if your copy is a first edition.

Condition is Key

Just like Hermione, collectors demonstrate great attention to detail, and are often looking for books in flawless condition. Assess your book for any signs of wear, such as creased spines, dog-eared pages, stains or discoloration. A well-preserved copy with minimal flaws can often command a higher price in the collector's market. Having the original dust jacket, and an original binding in a minimally handled state, can also increase the value of the book.

Rarity Factor

Scarcity is one of the factors that drives the value of each Harry Potter edition. Titles were printed in varied numbers, and formats range from the pre-publication proofs, to the UK and US first editions, to subsequent impressions, to deluxe editions, and more. Often, the fewer the books printed, the more desirable they are.

J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone holds special importance to collectors because it was the first book in the series, and was produced in the most limited quantity, as the publisher, Bloomsbury, didn’t know how popular the book would become. The true first UK edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was published in 1997, with Bloomsbury printing a mere 500 copies in hardback and 5,150 copies in paperback. The scarce hardcover version is made even rarer when you consider that many of these copies were sent to public libraries, leaving only about 200 in potentially fine condition. Thus, the true first edition of this book (and the hardcover version in particular) commands some of the highest prices for Harry Potter titles. This true first edition, hardback copy in fine condition was sold by Sotheby's for $138,600 .

Harry Potter first edition

Another example of a remarkably valuable Potter title is the proof copy of the same work. Bloomsbury printed 200 proof copies of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone to distribute to reviewers and book buyers before the 1997 edition was released to the general public. You will find notable features like the statement "Uncorrected Proof Copy" on the wrappers (or covers), and the author spelled incorrectly on the title page as "J.A. Rowling." Additionally, the proof does not have any illustrations featured on the wrappers. These are also highly sought after due to the limited number. This proof copy was sold by Sotheby's for $21,590 .

Harry Potter proof copy

Limited releases, special editions, or unique features, such as a signature or inscription, can also significantly elevate a book's value. Often, the scarcer the edition, the more valuable. Research the history of your edition to uncover the number of copies printed and make sure yours has the correct distinguishing features.

Market Demand

Understanding the current demand for Harry Potter books is essential when considering its value. To determine the market demand, monitor past auctions and upcoming sales at major auction houses, as well as copies trusted sellers have on offer. Sotheby’s has been a leading expert and a dominant force in the market since it began as a book auction house in 1744. With their depth of knowledge and global reach, Sotheby's international team of specialists has helped the auction house remain an industry leader for over 275 years. You can follow upcoming auctions as well as see results from past sales by visiting Sotheby's Books & Manuscripts .

Seek Expert Appraisal

When in doubt, or if you're just curious, seek guidance from the experts. Professionals can provide insights into your Harry Potter edition's authenticity, condition, and value. Their knowledge can help ensure accurate assessment and informed decision-making. Sotheby’s can assist in determining the value of your Harry Potter book, and if you're in the market to procure a collectible copy, we can help with that, too. If you have questions about one of your Harry Potter titles, reach out to our team of specialists and submit your copy to Sell with Sotheby's . Make sure to include photos of the book, its condition, as well as the title and copyright page to receive a valuation. Your book could grace the auction block or be sold Now on Sotheby's Marketplace.

Discovering the value of your Harry Potter book is an exciting journey. By considering factors such as edition, condition, rarity, and market demand, and utilizing experts, you can learn the worth of your beloved Harry Potter book or collection. Whether it's a cherished keepsake or a hidden gem awaiting discovery, your Harry Potter book could have the potential to captivate collectors. If you are looking to own one of these copies yourself, be sure to follow Sotheby's upcoming auctions, where you will find coveted editions and copies in fine condition. There will be several remarkable Harry Potter works on offer during our " Fine Books & Manuscripts " sale series in June, including the original cover art for the first edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone . Sotheby's also has collectible copies available Now for immediate purchase on our Marketplace.

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

By j.k. rowling.

'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' is one of the most diverse and vivid Harry Potter books written. It has a wide variety of characters and an interesting premise laden with J K Rowling's finest world building.

Mohandas Alva

Article written by Mohandas Alva

M.A. Degree in English Literature from Manipal University, India.

‘ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ‘ by J. K. Rowling is probably the first coming-of-age Harry Potter book in that it deals with a lot of aspects of that genre. Harry fancies a girl he wants to ask the Yule Ball but ends up getting rejected because she was already asked by someone else. Hermione and Ron end up fighting with each other because neither is willing to admit they are interested in each other. Furthermore, there are several other occasions, including Harry’s accidental entry into the Triwizard Tournament, where he is forced to compete against rivals at least three years older than him. This book does a great job initiating its readers into the risks and rewards of a teenager’s life without startling them, but rather by easing into it.

Coming of Age

One of the major concerns of a children’s book series is how well it initiates its young readers into adulthood, especially if it is something that is also supposed to delve into the young adult niche. ‘ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ‘ does a great job with this despite its prequels being very particularly written for children. While the first two books barely discuss the risks of adult life, the third book does change in tone to accommodate Harry’s ascent to his teenage years.

However, ‘ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ‘ completely tackles a lot of aspects and events that are associated with the coming-of-age genre. Firstly, Harry being accidentally selected for a competition that involves risks like dragons and merpeople is in itself quite a serious challenge to deal with. Furthermore, Harry’s psyche is strongly influenced by many other stressors like his history with the dark wizard Voldemort , the absence of his parents in his life due to their untimely death, the lack of a proper and consistent father figure, the constant fear of being attacked, and so on.

The story of ‘ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ‘ does more than just portray these elements. Instead, it introduces these situations in the form of events and depicts how Harry faces them. While it may be very difficult at first, it becomes very natural with practice.

Harry is no doubt terrified when he is faced with retrieving a golden egg from a dragon that can breathe fire. However, he learns how to adapt to that fear, and he tries to figure out ways to overcome it. Eventually, he becomes confident enough to even fly around the fire-breathing dragon without fear. He successfully retrieves the golden egg and comes out of his ordeal with triumph.

As the second task is supposed to be completed, he is no longer the scared teenager, three years younger than his co-participants. Instead, he is the contender standing first in the points table. He also wins the hearts of many presents when he refuses to leave without making sure that everyone that is tied down under the lake for the sake of the second task is safe. While this may be seen as him being naive, it is still a great way to portray how one adheres to his principles despite the circumstances.

Young Love and Heartbreak

Harry Potter may be the most famous student in his school and may no doubt be an ideal choice for many girls in Hogwarts. However, in ‘ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ,’ it still doesn’t make it easy for Harry to ask the girl he wants to the Yule Ball. Harry is interested in a senior called Cho Chang, and despite several chances, Harry is unable to muster the courage needed to ask her to go to the Yule Ball with him.

Finally, when he does ask her, it is too late as she has already agreed to go with Cedric Diggory, another popular boy and the other champion of the Triwizard Championship at Hogwarts. This shows how even the most desirable and most popular of people face rejection. Harry has to come to terms with this, as well as his jealousy for Cedric. Eventually, Harry triumphs over these difficulties as well, and despite his heartbreak, behaves like a true gentleman with sportsmanship when he saves Cedric despite losing the chance to win the Triwizard Cup alone.

Bravery and Valor

A major trope that consistently presents itself in ‘ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ‘ is that of bravery and valor. The Triwizard Tournament is a wonderful competition, especially for the spectators, and a very glorious one for the winner once it is all over. However, the challenges each participant faces in this competition is very difficult to comprehend or limit with words.

Be it escaping the dragon and retrieving things from it, saving a loved one from a lake filled with dangerous creatures, and going through the maze that has several dangerous challenges constantly trying to hurt you, this tournament must’ve been severely scary and dangerous to face as a participant. However, it is because of the immense bravery and valor that they exhibited, including Harry, who is three years younger than the other participants, that they were able to make it to the end.

Why did Winky conjure the Dark Mark?

Winky didn’t conjure the Dark Mark . It was actually Barty Crouch Jr. who ordered her to do it after stealing Harry’s wand. Since Winky couldn’t disobey her young master’s command, she had no choice but to do exactly what he said.

What is SPEW?

SPEW is the full form of the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. Hermione Granger started this society in response to her observation of how badly house elves are treated by wizards and witches. She was particularly moved after Winky was fired for no mistake of hers during the Quidditch World Cup by Barty Crouch.

What is Rita Skeeter’s Animagus form?

Rita Skeeter’s Animagus form is that of a beetle. Despite being banned from entering the Hogwarts grounds after she published false information and unnecessarily grandiose but false reports about students at Hogwarts, she somehow managed to sneak into the grounds and collect information. Eventually, Hermione figured out her secret and threatened to expose her if she failed to comply with Hermione’s demands.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Review - An Interesting Coming of Age Story

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Digital Art

Book Title: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Book Description: 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' unveils new magical aspects and characters, blending coming-of-age themes in a richly expanded magical world.

Book Author: J. K. Rowling

Book Edition: First Edition

Book Format: Hardcover

Publisher - Organization: Bloomsbury Publishing

Date published: July 8, 2000

Illustrator: Giles Kay

ISBN: 978-0-7475-4605-9

Number Of Pages: 652

  • Writing Style
  • Lasting Effect on the Reader

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Book Review

‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ is a book rich with several interesting new details about the world of magic. The readers discover new aspects about the magic world, through the perspective of Harry who is also new to these. Furthermore, there are a plethora of new and interesting characters that make this book all the more fun to read. This book also tackles a lot of themes like any ‘coming of age’ book would. Overall, this is a well-written book with many interesting and new avenues that were unexplored in its prequels. 

  • It is a very well written coming of age story.
  • Has a lot of new and interesting characters.
  • Has several tournaments and competitions within the plot which makes it a thrilling and interesting read.
  • It is a very long and overdrawn book, with it being the longest among the first four of the books.
  • It has some minor plot holes which could have been easily evaded. 
  • It still makes the protagonist look invincible and unbeatable, despite using some tropes to show his weakness.

book review writing harry potter

Harry Potter Quiz

Summon your wit and wisdom—our Harry Potter Trivia Quiz awaits you! Do you have the knowledge to claim the title of Master Witch or Wizard? Take the challenge now!

1) What is the name of the goblin who helps Harry, Ron, and Hermione break into Gringotts?

2) What does the Mirror of Erised show?

3) Which creature can transform into a person's worst fear?

4) What is the name of the goblin-made object that is supposed to bring its owner prosperity, but also brings them into conflict with goblins?

5) What are the dying words of Severus Snape in both the book and the film "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"?

6) Which character is killed by Bellatrix Lestrange in the Battle of Hogwarts?

7) What potion is known as "Liquid Luck"?

8) What specific type of dragon does Harry face during the Triwizard Tournament?

9) What does the incantation "Obliviate" do?

10) What form does Hermione Granger's Patronus take?

11) In the "Order of the Phoenix," who is NOT a member of the original Order of the Phoenix shown in the old photograph that Moody shows Harry?

12) What is the core ingredient of the wand owned by Harry Potter?

13) In which Harry Potter book does Harry first speak Parseltongue?

14) What is the name of the train that takes students to Hogwarts?

15) What was the last Horcrux to be destroyed?

16) What is the effect of the Cheering Charm?

17) What animal represents Hufflepuff house?

18) What is Dumbledore's full name?

19) Which potion did Hermione brew in her second year that allowed her, Ron, and Harry to assume the identities of Slytherins?

20) Which spell is used to open the Marauder's Map?

21) Who was the Peverell brother that owned the invisibility cloak?

22) Which object is NOT one of the Deathly Hallows?

23) Who teaches Herbology at Hogwarts?

24) Who originally owned the Elder Wand before Dumbledore won it?

25) What is the name of Harry Potter's pet owl?

26) Who is the Half-Blood Prince?

27) What creature is Aragog?

28) What is the name of the book Hermione gives to Harry before his first ever Quidditch match?

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Mohandas Alva

About Mohandas Alva

Mohandas is very passionate about deciphering the nature of language and its role as a sole medium of storytelling in literature. His interests sometimes digress from literature to philosophy and the sciences but eventually, the art and craft of narrating a significant story never fail to thrill him.


About the Book

The Harry Potter section of Book Analysis analyzes and explorers the Harry Potter series. The characters, names, terminology, and all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros ©. The content on Book Analysis was created by Harry Potter fans, with the aim of providing a thorough in-depth analysis and commentary to complement and provide an additional perspective to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

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Why peacock removed harry potter, harry potter will probably return to peacock in the future.

It's important to remember the ongoing controversial statements by the creator of the Harry Potter franchise. CBR supports the hard work of industry professionals on properties fans know and love and the wider world of Harry Potter that fans have adopted as their own. You can find CBR's continuing coverage of Rowling here .

Harry Potter has become a staple franchise for the cozy fall season. Now that summer is nearly over and Halloween is on the horizon, people may be wondering where they can stream the Harry Potter movies if they don't own them on DVD or Blu-ray.

The Harry Potter franchise has had a few streaming homes over the years. The movies are constantly moving back and forth between Peacock and Max , so the franchise has never had a permanent home. As of right now, Max streams all eight Harry Potter movies. But, there's a good chance this will change if the history of rehoming the Harry Potter movies proves anything.

Max and Peacock's Parent Companies Share Custody Over the Magical Property

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Dumbledore

The Harry Potter Films Robbed Fans of an Incredible Book Moment, but HBO Can Make It Right

The Harry Potter movies captured the best moments of the books, but one scene was left out that the reboot could fix.

The switch-ups between streamers have occurred since WarnerMedia and NBCUniversal made a deal in 2016, where the latter company would obtain commercial TV rights for all Harry Potter movies. Television channels included in this deal that would air the Harry Potter movies are SYFY and USA Network. This would explain why Peacock only had Harry Potter for just the month of August in 2024, as SYFY held a Harry Potter marathon for Labor Day Weekend.

Now that Labor Day is over, Max has acquired the franchise again due to Harry Potter being a Warner Bros. property. All three Fantastic Beasts spinoff films are also available to stream on Max, in addition to Peacock. Since the Fantastic Beasts films are on both streaming services at the same time, fans may rely on the spinoffs to not bounce between streamers every couple of months.

The Holiday Season Means New Harry Potter Marathons on SYFY and USA Network

Hermione and Harry in the Great Hall Banquet in Harry Potter

Harry Potter Star Bonnie Wright Reveals the Ginny Details She Wants in the TV Series Reboot

The Harry Potter TV series can right some wrongs.


Streaming Home (as of September 2024)

Main films



Max and Peacock


reboot series

In-production; Max

It's easy to say that at some point in the future, Harry Potter will be on Peacock again. NBCUniversal's deal with WarnerMedia seems to be limited to broadcasting the films on television, so it's likely Peacock will have the franchise for an upcoming holiday. There's a good chance that SYFY and USA Network will be airing Harry Potter marathons to celebrate the occasion.

The deal between WarnerMedia and NBCUniversal is supposed to officially end in April 2025 -- that is, if it isn't renewed. If the companies choose not to renew the deal, then the Harry Potter movies may stay on Max permanently since Warner Bros. owns the rights to the property, but that's not a guarantee. In the meantime, Harry Potter fans can get excited about the reboot series in production at Max. The series promises a greater expansion of the Wizarding World that includes more scenes from the books with an entirely new cast. While the series is wound up in controversy due to creator J.K. Rowling's past and current transphobic comments, Succession 's Francesca Gardiner and Mark Mylod have been tapped to write and direct, respectively. Until then, fans will have to play a guessing game of when Harry Potter will be on Max or Peacock to stream.

The Harry Potter 8 Movie Collector's Edition poster features the art from all eight movie film posters, all of which prominently feature Harry Potter.

Harry Potter

The Harry Potter franchise follows the adventure of a young boy introduced a whole new world of magic, mayhem and darkness. Traversing the obstacles in his path, young Harry's rise to heroics pits him against Lord Voldemort, one of the most dangerous wizards in the world and all his minions.

Harry Potter


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  1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Review

    Lasting effect on the reader. 4.5. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Book Review. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J K Rowling is a thrilling read that hooks the reader from page one. Published in the year 1997, it is one of the highest grossing novels ever written. Some elements of the novel like its elaborate yet ...

  2. A review of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone By J. K. Rowling

    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone By J. K. Rowling Bloomsbury Pub Ltd Paperback: 224 pages, Feb 2000, ISBN-13: 978-0747532743. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J. K. Rowling is a book about bravery and courage. As Professor Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, says "It takes a ...

  3. Rowling's Life as an Author: What It Was Really Like to Write Harry Potter

    Book Three: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The second Potter book was even more successful than the first, and Rowling finally dove into writing full time with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Prisoner of Azkaban was one of Rowling's most enjoyable Potter books to write, but she still had to work very hard. Rowling said in ...

  4. Review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    Review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - J. K. Rowling. 10.10.12. Much to the horror of a number of my friends, many of whom are huge Harry Potter fans, up until recently I was yet to read a single one of the best-selling series. This is despite both the books and the films dominating much of popular culture since they were first ...

  5. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Review

    4.5. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Book Review. ' Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' is one of the best Harry Potter books ever written because it incorporates a multitude of themes and ideas into a children's novel and makes it a way bolder book than the others. Its ability to still be a children's book but impart ...

  6. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling book review

    9/10. The Philosopher's Stone is the first in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series of seven novels that have made her the most successful literary author of all time, selling in excess of 400 million copies world-wide. The books are read and enjoyed by children and adults alike and have also been made into hugely popular films.

  7. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Review

    4. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Book Review. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J K Rowling was published in 1999 and is a great way to connect the first installment to the rest of the books in the series. It delves deeply into a lot of new avenues that aren't explored in the first book. Although not considered as one of ...

  8. Book review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling

    An introduction to Harry Potter. For the one person reading this who's never heard of Harry Potter - it's a seven-book series written by British author J.K. Rowling. The Philosopher's Stone, the first in the series was first published in 1997 to commercial and critical success. The first book was then turned into a film in 2001 to, once ...

  9. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling book reviews

    Such a great story and creative way of writing. I love Harry Potter. Yes, I agree about the story being great and J. K. Rowling being creative. I was secretly wishing I was studying in Hogwarts too! It was silly, but I was simply enraptured by Harry Potter. Honestly, I still am :) It was a great book. I enjoyed reading it

  10. Book Review: Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone

    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is the first book in the Harry Potter series. It was published in 1997, after being rejected by over a dozen publishers. It was published in 1997, after ...

  11. Harry Potter And the Sorcerer's Stone: Book Review

    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone novel by J. K. Rowling. Suspicious activity at Hogwarts like a three-headed dog guarding a trap door and a troll somehow entering and attacking Hogwarts makes the trio suspicious. Harry, Ron, and Hermione soon discover Professor Dumbledore is hiding something at Hogwarts and someone is trying hard to ...

  12. Book Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

    Review. For people who want to enjoy an intriguing, fast paced novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is the perfect book to read. It keeps you involved throughout the book as most chapters have cliffhangers at the end. This novel is the first of the seven famous Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling. The book is about 11 year old Harry ...

  13. Book Review: The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is the first book in the series. I gave it 5 stars. From the first chapter you are drawn into this fantastic world and that you just want to be part of. An adventure from the beginning to the very end. The friendship between Harry, Ron and Hermione is also developed so naturally.

  14. J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone: Book Review

    The novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, written by J. K. Rowling is the first book in a seven-part series. Harry Potter's heroic journey through the Muggle World into the Wizarding World shows a growth in himself and his mind.

  15. Book Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

    Review. Harry Potter was an incredibly amusing read, with amiable characters that truly made the story stand out. This novel is a must-read for people of all ages. It has an air of mystery, is captivating, and provides entertainment. The book portrays real-world events in a fantasy world. The characters, including the main character Harry ...

  16. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a fantasy novel written by the British author J. K. Rowling.It is the first novel in the Harry Potter series and was Rowling's debut novel. It follows Harry Potter, a young wizard who discovers his magical heritage on his eleventh birthday when he receives a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

  17. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Book Review

    Yes, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood is a very good book in that it has a very interesting plot and is also a crucial book in the series. It anchors the plot and events of the first five books to the finale of the series, which ties all loose ends and cliffhangers that leave the readers hanging. Furthermore, ' Harry Potter and the Half-Blood ...

  18. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Book 5

    by J. K. Rowling. Publication Date: June 26, 2018. Genres: Fantasy. Paperback: 912 pages. Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books. ISBN-10: 1338299182. ISBN-13: 9781338299182. In his fifth year at Hogwart's, Harry faces challenges at every turn, from the dark threat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and the unreliability of the government of the magical ...

  19. [Book Review] 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's ...

    The story builds toward the exciting conclusion that has the ultimate feel-good factor. In conclusion, this epic journey out of the Muggle world and into the school and world of witchcraft and wizardry bags 4 out of 5 stars. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a must-read for anyone within the age-group of 8 to 600 years (for those ...

  20. Harry Potter Book Review in 100 Words

    Published: Mar 17, 2023. This is a Harry Potter book review essay in 100 words. 'Harry Potter' is a book about a young orphaned wizard who lives with his abusive uncle. Harry learns he is a half-muggle wizard, whose parents were killed by the evil Voldemort. He enrolls in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and has a series of misfortunes.

  21. A Book Review of J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" Series

    Editor's Note: Admittedly, this has become a bit of a controversial series, both because of the books themselves, but also because of the subsequent development of the Harry Potter brand. Please note the following. First, we take the books as we find them on the shelf. Second, our review of Harry Potter does not in any way indicate our views of any related sequels (in book or film form ...

  22. The Marauder's Map

    The Marauder's Map was, however, of immense use to the young Weasley twins. The story of Fred and George's acquisition of the map is told in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.It was a mark of their high esteem for Harry Potter, and their belief that he stood in need of assistance with a destiny none of them yet fully understood, that they later gifted the map to him, unwittingly ...

  23. The Official Harry Potter Baking Book

    • Journey into culinary arts with The Official Harry Potter Baking Book, featuring over 40 recipes inspired by the iconic Harry Potter films • Enhances reading comprehension and teaches kids to follow complex instructions while fostering creativity and a love for baking • Includes 43 recipes, complete with nutritional and dietary ...

  24. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Review

    While a part of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' is definitely slow-paced and lacks action like the rest of the book, it is by no means boring as a whole.While some readers might find this boring, from the perspective of the plot, this 'limbo' in the book serves as an illustration of the characters' feelings themselves, and this phase eventually leads to Ron leaving the forest ...

  25. Books like 'Harry Potter' for adults and kids: More magical series

    The "Harry Potter" books by J.K. Rowling have made our lives magic since 1997. If you want even more, try these comparable fantasy series and books.

  26. How to Identify a First Edition Harry Potter Book and How Much are

    Signed Harry Potter Books. If you are looking to sell your old Harry Potter books, it's not just the early editions and first printing that hold all the value. Of course, they are rare, and they are valuable but sometimes even just a standard copy of a Harry Potter book from a much later print run could hold significant value if it is signed.

  27. How to Tell if Your Harry Potter Book Is Valuable

    Another example of a remarkably valuable Potter title is the proof copy of the same work. Bloomsbury printed 200 proof copies of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to distribute to reviewers and book buyers before the 1997 edition was released to the general public. You will find notable features like the statement "Uncorrected Proof Copy" on the wrappers (or covers), and the author ...

  28. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Review

    Book Title: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Book Description: 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' unveils new magical aspects and characters, blending coming-of-age themes in a richly expanded magical world. Book Author: J. K. Rowling Book Edition: First Edition Book Format: Hardcover Publisher - Organization: Bloomsbury Publishing Date published: July 8, 2000

  29. WB Announces LEGO Harry Potter Remaster

    The Harry Potter LEGO video game series debuted in 2010, with Harry Potter: Years 1-4 adapting the first four franchise films, Philosopher's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire.A follow-up game, LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7, arrived a year later to complete the Harry Potter film series adaptation. WB compiled both games in 2016 to become the original LEGO Harry ...

  30. Why You Can't Watch the Harry Potter Movies on Peacock Anymore

    The switch-ups between streamers have occurred since WarnerMedia and NBCUniversal made a deal in 2016, where the latter company would obtain commercial TV rights for all Harry Potter movies. Television channels included in this deal that would air the Harry Potter movies are SYFY and USA Network. This would explain why Peacock only had Harry Potter for just the month of August in 2024, as SYFY ...