Simple Germany

German Cover Letter Guide [With English Sample]

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Researched & written

by Yvonne Koppen

May 27, 2024

A cover letter ( Anschreiben ) might be the least important thing of the application in some countries; however, not so in Germany. Depending on the company and recruiter receiving your application, a German cover letter might be the most essential part after your CV.

A  survey  of HR Recruiters in Germany states that 42% ignore an application without an individual cover letter. The same survey also shows that for 71% of HR, a cover letter is an essential document in a job application. A job application letter conveys your level of professionalism, research capabilities, and ability to sell yourself without much fluff. 

🖌️ Table of Contents

Simple German cover letter sample in English

A cover letter in Germany ( Anschreiben ) needs to complement  your CV , but not repeat it. You can regard a cover letter as a letter of motivation filled with examples and facts. A cover letter in Germany is a very formal document that should follow a particular layout.

Read Our Related Guide

German CV Template in English

Our German-Style CV Template In English helps you to craft a killer CV. We have also created a German cover letter sample in English for you to understand what your finished document should look like.

cover letter for job application in Germany in English

To save you loads of time, you can download our German cover letter template . Simply go to ‘file’ and select ‘ make a copy ‘. You can then edit it to your needs.

How to write a cover letter in Germany?

We will walk you step-by-step through the areas you should include in a German cover letter. You will also learn about what the content of the cover letter should convey. 

German cover letter formal format

As mentioned before, the German cover letter is a very formal letter that should follow the following format for it to look familiar to the German eye:

  • Maximum one page and don’t fill it up completely. Leave enough white space when glancing over it.
  • Put your full address, including email (ideally including your name) and phone number, in the top right corner.
  • Put the company’s full address on the left with one paragraph below your address. Include the name of the contact person in the second line.
  • Place the date of your application right-aligned underneath the addresses.

As you might know already, Germany has tons of rules, regulations, and guidelines. Naturally, there is also a guideline for professional letter writing and correspondence, the so-called  DIN 5008 norm . It states the following margins on a DIN A4 (standard German letter paper format):

Left margin: 2,5 cm Right margin: 2,0 cm Top margin: 4,5 cm Bottom margin: 2,5 cm

Please take this information with a grain of salt. Not following this layout does not mean that any German manager or recruiter will ignore your cover letter; however, the German eye is trained and used to reading this format. Anything appearing too much out of the ordinary might get noticed negatively. Again, you can shine with your cover letter’s content, but don’t try to stand out with the format unintentionally.

1. Subject Line

The subject line in a German cover letter needs to stand out. It needs to convey with one look what position you are applying for, and you should bold it. 

2. Salutation

The salutation is extremely important – the more personalized, the better. Reflect your understanding of the company’s culture by using the first name or last name; however it is appropriate. If you can’t find enough information or are unsure, always refer to the last name. If you can’t find the relevant person’s name, don’t be shy and pick up the phone to find out more. This shows initiative and determination.

When it comes to the cover letter’s main body, you should try to stick to four paragraphs. Remember to point out what value you will bring to the company, not what you can get from the company. Your cover letter’s content needs to reflect the expectations and requirements mentioned in the job ad. So make sure to connect the dots and position yourself ahead of other candidates.

Introduction (3 – 4 lines)

The introduction should answer why you are applying for the position and how you became aware of it (through a friend, an employee at the company, a job portal, etc.). Be confident in your word choice. Don’t use insecure words such as ‘I think I would be a good fit’ but rather ‘I am confident that I will contribute to …’.

Second paragraph (5 – 6 lines)

Now it is time to shine with your skills, experience, and qualifications. Never just list things, but choose the relevant achievements and prove them with results. Don’t only refer to achievements in your work life, but if relevant, also mention efforts with private projects. This will show your personality, drive, and willingness to learn and grow beyond what you get paid for. It is absolutely ok to also write in bullet list style in this part, as long as you don’t just list things.

Third paragraph (5 – 6 lines)

After you have showcased yourself, it is time to translate how these experiences and skills will contribute to the role and company. Convey that you have taken the time to research the company by referring to the company culture, possible awards the company has won, or projects that inspire and motivate you. Be authentic and confident.

Closure (3 – 4 lines)

To close your cover letter:

  • Reemphasize your eagerness to join the company in the relevant position.
  • Describe your future goals and the value you can bring to the company.
  • State when you will be available to start work.
  • Emphasize that you’d be happy to answer any questions via phone or in a personal interview . 
  • Only mention salary expectations if they are asked for in the job ad.
  • Be sure to sign the cover letter with your name. 

4. Attachments

Add the word ‘Enclosure’ ( Anlage ) underneath your signature. List all the additional documents you will hand in with your application, like your CV, certificates and diplomas, reference letter, etc.

Further cover letter and job applications tips

Don’t use the same CV and cover letter for different applications. As mentioned above, you must individualize your application to each company’s needs and requirements.

If you send your application directly by email, you have two options. You can either make the email body your cover letter. In this case, remove the address and date part from the email and place the subject line in the email’s actual subject. The body of the email remains a formal letter, though.

Or you can attach the cover letter to the email and briefly point out your application to the specific position in the body of the email, referring to the attachments. 

Ensure that any attachment always has the pdf format, regardless of whether you send it by email or upload it to an online application system. Also, pay attention to the naming of the attachments and keep it clear and professional.

Your job application, namely your resume and cover letter, should answer the recruiter’s main three questions:

  • Can you do the job? (Skills)
  • Will you do the job? (Motivation)
  • Will you fit in with the company culture? (Personality)

Be sure to evaluate your documents based on these questions before you hand them in. The goal of your CV and cover letter is to get an invitation for a job interview .

Job Interview In Germany [How-To + Tips In English]

We hope that you now have a better understanding of how a German cover letter looks and feels like. But never forget to adapt your cover letter and application to the style of the company you are applying for. There is a big difference in culture between a young international StartUp and a big traditional German enterprise. 

Download the Cover Letter Template

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About the Author

Yvonne Koppen is a researcher and writer at Simple Germany, focusing on demystifying German bureaucracy for international skilled workers.

She has lived and worked abroad, which helps her understand how difficult a move to a new country can be. Beyond her professional pursuits, Yvonne loves to plan and go on road trips, puzzle, and do a triathlon here and there.

She is committed to creating accessible, empowering content through her writing and YouTube videos. Yvonne's passion for continuous learning and her ability to simplify complex topics make her an invaluable resource for expats seeking to navigate their new life in Germany.

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Die Bewerbungsschreiber

Cover Letter

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Ein Beitrag von Ben Dehn


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Was ist ein cover letter, kontaktinformationen & datum, anrede & betreffzeile, einleitung des cover letters, hauptteil des cover letters, schlussteil des cover letters, bewerbungs-editor - cover letter online erstellen, cover letter muster - kostenlose vorlagen, vokabeln & beispielsätze für den cover letter, weitere wichtige tipps zum cover letter.

Der Cover Letter ist das englischsprachige Äquivalent zum deutschen Bewerbungsschreiben  und somit oft die erste Seite einer internationalen Bewerbung. Im Cover Letter stellst du dich und deinen bisherigen Werdegang vor, erläuterst deine Motivation und gibst einen Überblick über deine wichtigsten Qualifikationen, Kenntnisse, Soft Skills und Erfolge .

Dabei gibt es leichte Unterschiede zwischen dem amerikanischen „Cover Letter“ und dem britischen „Covering Letter“ . Bewirbst du dich in Großbritannien oder bei einem britischen Unternehmen, solltest du diese unbedingt beachten.

Wir gehen in diesem Artikel daher an den jeweiligen Stellen kurz auf diese Abweichungen ein. Auf den Cover Letter folgt das Résumé (USA) bzw. CV . Deine Zeugnisse und andere Anlagen werden bei der internationalen Bewerbung meist nicht benötigt oder können später nachgereicht werden.

Mirko Bettenhausen Fachautor von „Bewirbst du dich bei einem internationalen Unternehmen in Deutschland , kann ebenfalls eine englische Bewerbung gefordert werden. Wurde die Stellenausschreibung auf Englisch veröffentlicht, solltest du dich auch mit englischsprachigen Unterlagen bewerben. Oft werden Anschreiben und Lebenslauf jedoch nur übersetzt und die Struktur gleicht der einer deutschen Bewerbung . Du solltest dich daher im Voraus informieren, ob ein Cover Letter benötigt wird.“

Der Cover Letter wird ähnlich aufgebaut wie das deutsche Anschreiben. Neben Kontaktdaten und anderen Formalitäten gliedert er sich in Einleitung , Hauptteil und Schluss . Besonders bei der Angabe der Kontaktdaten, des Datums sowie der Formulierung einer Anrede sind hier jedoch einige Besonderheiten zu beachten. In den folgenden Abschnitten gehen wir ausführlich auf die einzelnen Bestandteile des Cover Letters ein.

Wichtig: Ein Cover Letter sollte maximal eine DIN-A4-Seite umfassen.

Cover Letter Briefkopf

Beispiel für den Briefkopf eines Cover Letters

Im Kopf des Cover Letters gibst du zunächst deine eigenen Kontaktinformationen an (linksbündig, rechtsbündig oder zentriert). Dazu gehören dein Vor- und Nachname , deine E-Mail-Adresse und deine Telefonnummer . Ein Jobtitel sowie deine Adresse sind optionale Angaben. Darüber hinaus können Verweise auf Social-Media-Kanäle ( LinkedIn oder Twitter), eine Homepage oder das eigene Portfolio integriert werden. 

Nach 1-2 Leerzeilen folgen linksbündig die Daten des Unternehmens . Hier gibst du den Namen und Jobtitel deines Ansprechpartners sowie Namen und Adresse des Unternehmens an. Das aktuelle Datum wird eine Zeile unter den Kontaktdaten des Unternehmens rechtsbündig platziert. Bei der amerikanischen Datumsangabe wird der Monat vor dem Tag genannt: 01.09.2021 wird zu 09-01-2021. Um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden, solltest du den Monat ausschreiben . Zudem steht vor der Jahreszahl ein Komma. 

Beispiele für die amerikanische Datumsangabe: 

September 1, 2021 

September 1st, 2021

Beispiele für die britische Datumsangabe: 

01 September 2021 

1st September 2021

Dieses Team bringt 4 von 5 Personen ins Vorstellungsgespräch! Durch mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung und Expertise aus über 50.000 erstellten Bewerbungen verhelfen Die Bewerbungsschreiber auch dir mit einer professionellen und individuell auf dich zugeschnittenen Bewerbung zum Erfolg . Klicke hier und hol dir die beste Bewerbung deines Lebens

Deinen Cover Letter solltest du nach Möglichkeit immer an einen konkreten Ansprechpartner adressieren. In der Regel findest du diesen über die Stellenanzeige oder die Unternehmenswebsite heraus, in Ausnahmefällen ist eine telefonische Kontaktaufnahme notwendig. 

Männliche Personen werden mit „Mr.“ adressiert, weibliche mit „Ms.“ (allgemeingültig) oder „Mrs.“ (nur bei verheirateten Frauen). In der britischen Variante wird der Punkt weggelassen. Im Gegensatz zum deutschen Anschreiben ist das Komma nach der Anrede optional .

Beispiele für die Anrede im amerikanischen Cover Letter: 

Dear Mr. Doe 

Dear Ms. Doe

Dear Mrs. Doe

Beispiele für die Anrede im britischen Cover Letter: 

Dear Mr Doe

Dear Ms Doe

Dear Mrs Doe

Kannst du keinen Ansprechpartner in Erfahrung bringen, sind z.B. folgende Formulierungen möglich: 

Dear Hiring Manager 

Dear Sir/Madam

Dear [Abteilung] Team

Im amerikanischen Cover Letter wird die Betreffzeile weggelassen . In der britischen Variante steht sie dagegen zwischen der Anrede und der Einleitung.

Die Einleitung des Cover Letters besteht aus einem Absatz, in dem du dich kurz vorstellst und deine Motivation für die Bewerbung erläuterst.

Cover Letter Einleitung

Bist du begeistert von den Produkten des Unternehmens, vertrittst ähnliche Werte oder möchtest mehr Verantwortung übernehmen ? 

An dieser Stelle kannst du bereits 1-2 deiner Kernqualifikationen (z.B. relevante Berufserfahrung ) einfließen lassen.

Außerdem kannst du angeben, wie du auf die Stelle aufmerksam geworden bist oder auf ein vorangegangenes Gespräch (Telefon, Messe etc.) Bezug nehmen.

Wenn du einen persönlichen Bezug zu dem Unternehmen hast, kannst du in der Einleitung des Cover Letters darauf eingehen.

Wie beim deutschen Anschreiben gilt auch hier: Verwende keine Floskeln !

Die Einleitung des Cover Letters ist oft das Erste, was ein Personaler liest. Daher ist es wichtig, dass du hier Interesse weckst und einen guten ersten Eindruck hinterlässt .

Beispielformulierungen für die Einleitung eines Cover Letters: 

„Having read the job listing at website XY, I was excited about the opportunity to work at Example Company, a company I have always admired for its innovative use of Social Media Marketing. As an Online Marketing specialist with over 3 years of professional experience supervising the content creation process at Previous Company, I am looking forward to joining your team as a Content Manager.“  

„Becoming a game designer at Example Company has been a lifelong dream of mine that I have worked towards the past 4 years. While in university, I have finished and contributed to multiple different game projects in various genres.“

Im Hauptteil des Cover Letters geht es darum, dich als bestmöglichen Kandidaten für die ausgeschriebene Stelle zu präsentieren.

Cover Letter Hauptteil

Identifiziere zunächst die wichtigsten Anforderungen an einen Bewerber , welche fast immer in der Stellenanzeige zu finden sind.

Im Cover Letter solltest du auf die geforderten Qualifikationen Bezug nehmen . 

Achte jedoch darauf, dass du nicht bloß Stichpunkte aus der Ausschreibung wiederholst . 

Nutze außerdem andere Quellen wie z.B. die Unternehmenswebsite oder dein persönliches Netzwerk, um dich über dein zukünftiges Aufgabenprofil zu informieren.

Wird in der Stellenausschreibung relevante Berufserfahrung vorausgesetzt, solltest du in deinem Cover Letter auf frühere Beschäftigungen eingehen und die Tätigkeiten nennen, die für die Position, auf die du dich bewirbst, am relevantesten sind.

Belege sowohl deine fachlichen Qualifikationen als auch deine Soft Skills mit Erfolgen, praktischen Erfahrungen (z.B. Projekte) oder sogar Hobbys . Die Nennung konkreter Zahlen und Fakten ist sinnvoll, sofern diese aussagekräftig sind. Wichtig ist, dass du im Cover Letter deutlich machst, inwiefern du dem Unternehmen einen Mehrwert bietest. 

Bei Bewerbungen in den USA ist es üblich, noch selbstbewusster aufzutreten als wir es in Deutschland gewohnt sind. Stelle daher im amerikanischen Cover Letter deine  Erfolge in den Vordergrund . 

Spätestens im Hauptteil solltest du außerdem deutlich machen, weshalb du zur Unternehmenskultur passt . Wenn nicht bereits in der Einleitung geschehen, nennst du hier deine Motivation und gehst darauf ein, inwiefern du die Werte des Unternehmens teilst und/oder mit deiner Arbeitsweise besonders gut in das Team passt. 

Beispielformulierungen für die Angabe der Berufserfahrung & Erfolge:

„As an online marketing manager at Example Company, I have managed to increase the effectiveness of our paid advertising campaigns significantly.“  

„As a Sales Representative at Example Company, I managed to beat the KPIs by more than 30%, generating an average of $50,000 in sales per month.“

„Since 2015, I successfully grew Example Company’s client base by more than 40%.“

„During my final year at Example University, I was in charge of managing the budget for the film festival held at my university every five years.“

Beispielformulierungen für die Angabe deiner Soft Skills: 

„As a part of the customer service team at Example Company, I have been successful at solving problems with my strong communication skills and the ability to cater to the specific needs of our customers.“  

„With my track record of commercial success as well as strong leadership and mediation skills, I am confident that I will be able to contribute to your team’s success immediately.“

Beispielformulierungen für den Unternehmensbezug und die Angabe deiner Motivation:

„I have recently learned about Example Company’s plans to promote the new product line on several Social Media platforms. With my experience managing various channels at my previous job, I would love to leverage my knowledge to turn this project into a groundbreaking success.“ 

„My time spent in the service industry has prepared me for this opportunity, and I look forward to working as a member of your team.“

Versuche, im Hauptteil deines Cover Letters auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse des Unternehmens einzugehen . Sucht das Unternehmen Verstärkung für ein anstehendes Projekt? Dann mache deutlich, welche Rolle du dabei einnimmst und wie du mit deinen Fähigkeiten zum Projekterfolg beitragen kannst. Das gilt besonders im Anschreiben einer internationalen Initiativbewerbung , auch als „letter of interest“ bezeichnet. 

Beende deinen Cover Letter mit einem „Call to Action“ , indem du deine Bereitschaft zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch ausdrückst und ggf. auf die Möglichkeit einer Kontaktaufnahme hinweist.

Cover Letter Schlussteil Grussformel

Außerdem kannst du dich für das Sichten deiner Bewerbungsunterlagen bedanken . 

Wenn du unsicher bist, ob Zeugnisse o.ä. benötigt werden, kannst du erwähnen, dass du gern dazu bereit bist, diese nachzureichen . 

Das amerikanische und britische Äquivalent zum deutschen „ Mit freundlichen Grüßen “ lautet „Yours sincerely“ .

Mit dieser Grußformel machst du nichts falsch. Als Alternative sind auch „Best Regards“ oder „Kind Regards“ möglich.

Wenn du kein Komma nach der Anrede gesetzt hast, solltest du es auch hier weglassen.

Beende deinen Cover Letter mit deiner handschriftlichen Signatur (empfohlen) oder deinem Namen.

Beispielformulierungen für den Schlussteil des Cover Letters: 

„Thank you for reviewing my application. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have further questions. I look forward to discussing this position and my qualifications in detail during a personal meeting.” 

“I look forward to discussing how my specific skill set can provide value to Example Company’s customers.”

Du wechselst den Beruf oder bewirbst dich in einer neuen Branche? Dann solltest du im Cover Letter deutlich machen, inwiefern du als Quereinsteiger mit deinem möglicherweise ungewöhnlichen Profil einen besonderen Mehrwert für das Unternehmen bietest. Fokussiere dich nicht auf deine fehlende Berufserfahrung , sondern frage dich: Welche Qualifikationen bringe ich mit, die ein „normaler Bewerber“ nicht vorweisen kann? An dieser Stelle darfst du gern kreativ werden. Vor allem Soft Skills wie Kundenorientierung sind sehr gut übertragbar.  

Vollkommen kostenlos!

Mit unserem Bewerbungs-Editor kannst du deinen Cover Letter direkt in deinem Webbrowser verfassen . Die eingerahmte Bewerbungsvorlage kannst du vollständig nach deinen Vorstellungen umschreiben – probiere es doch direkt mal aus! Nachdem du alle gewünschten Änderungen vorgenommen hast, kannst du deinen Text ganz einfach kopieren und in ein Textverarbeitungsprogramm (z.B. Microsoft Word) einfügen. Wir wünschen dir viel Spaß!

Maria Mustermann Musterstraße 123 12345 Musterstadt [email protected] 0171 23456789

Good Employer Inc. Mr. John Doe 123 Main Street 12345 Springfield

Musterstadt, TT.MM.JJJJ

Application as Production Manager

Dear Mr. Doe As a pro-active management expert with 20 years of professional experience, I am now in search of a new challenge that allows me to realize my full potential. A position as Production Manager at Good Employer Inc. offers me the opportunity to utilize my complete expertise. Joining an innovative company that I have come to know as a trustworthy employer with high standards in sustainable production processes truly motivates me. Most recently I was employed as Team Leader at Not So Good Employer Corp., where I created and implemented new standards in customer service and was responsible for technical support along the entire production chain. Working closely with various manufacturers, suppliers and global trade partners, I have accumulated a lot of experience in the production industry, which includes planning, coordinating and supervising production safety, as well as technical support and quality standards. I deeply understand all aspects and complexities required for an effective production management. As far as my personal attributes are concerned, my flexibility and quick perception allow for an easy adaption to new tasks and work environments. Always looking for ways to improve and gain a competitive edge, I am motivated to bring new ideas and processes into reality. You may also assume native German and even advanced knowledge of the French language. Exceedingly motivated, I look forward to the chance to support your company. Thank you very much for taking the time to review my application. In order to convince you of my capabilities, I would welcome the opportunity of a personal interview! Kind regards


Ein ansprechendes Bewerbungsdesign verleiht deiner Bewerbung den letzten Schliff, sodass diese aus der Masse heraussticht und die Aufmerksamkeit der Personaler erregt. Wir haben dir zwei kostenlose Vorlagen inkl. Mustertexten im Microsoft Word-Format bereitgestellt, welche du als Inspiration für die Erstellung deiner Unterlagen verwenden kannst. Lade sie dir jetzt herunter!

Anschreiben Vorlage Amerika


Anschreiben Vorlage Großbritannien


Neben den oben gezeigten Vorlagen findest du bei uns viele weitere kostenlose Muster für Anschreiben, Deckblatt und Lebenslauf einer Bewerbung.

In diesem Abschnitt findest du verschiedene Vokabeln und Beispielsätze , die du in deinem Cover Letter verwenden kannst. Bedenke jedoch, dass jeder Cover Letter individuell und auf die jeweilige Position zugeschnitten sein sollte. 


„(mehr als) fünf Jahre Berufserfahrung als...“ = „(over) five years of experience working as...“

„umfangreiche Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet…“ = „extensive experience in the field of...“

„Als Social Media-Manager...“ = „In my role as Social Media Manager...“

„Ich war für die Kampagne verantwortlich“ = „I was responsible for the campaign“

„Ich konnte zum Projekterfolg beitragen, indem...“ = „I was able to contribute to the success of the project by...“

„Als Teamleiter konnte ich unseren Umsatz um 20% steigern“ = „As team leader I was able to increase our sales by 20%“

„(äußerst) erfolgreiche Kampagnen“ = „(highly) successful campaigns“

„unmittelbarer Erfolg“ = „immediate success“

„ein Ziel erreichen“ = „meeting a goal“

„verbessern“ = „improve“

„Erfolge“ = „achievements“


„umfangreiche Kenntnisse“ = „extensive knowledge“

„fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse“ = „advanced knowledge“

„Ich habe mich auf E-Mail-Marketing spezialisiert“ = „I specialized in email marketing“

„Fachkenntnisse“ = „expertise“

„Qualifikationen“ = „qualifications“

Soft Skills: 

„Führungsstärke“ = „strong leadership skills“

„Belastbarkeit“ = „resilience“

„Teamfähigkeit“ = „ability to work as part of a team“

„Kreativität“ = „creativity“

„Zuverlässigkeit“ = „reliability“

„Stressresistenz“ = „stress tolerance“

„Geduld“ = „patience“

„Sorgfalt“ = „diligence“


„Chance, zum Wachstum/Erfolg des Unternehmens beizutragen“ = „opportunity to contribute to the company's growth/success“

„spannende Gelegenheit“ = „exciting opportunity“

„Begeisterung für das Marketing“ = „passion for marketing“

„Herausforderungen“ = „challenges“

Verwende eine seriöse E-Mail-Adresse: Deine E-Mail enthält im Idealfall lediglich deinen Vor- und/oder Nachnamen. Außerdem solltest du nicht die Adresse deines Arbeitgebers benutzen – das gilt als unhöflich. 

Achte auf deine (Selbst)Darstellung im Internet: Auch internationale Arbeitgeber überprüfen oft die Social Media-Profile eines Bewerbers. Private Inhalte sind auf Facebook, Instagram und co. natürlich unproblematisch, dennoch sollte hier kein unprofessioneller Eindruck entstehen.

Vermeide Wiederholungen und unwichtige Informationen: Alle Informationen in deinem Cover Letter sollten für die Stelle, auf die du dich bewirbst, von Relevanz sein. Achte zudem darauf, dass du nicht lediglich die Inhalte aus deinem CV oder Résumé auflistest, sondern die wichtigsten Stationen nennst und genauer erläuterst.

Stelle einen individuellen Unternehmensbezug her: Zeige in deinem Cover Letter, dass du dich ausführlich mit dem Unternehmen beschäftigt hast. Erwähne z.B. nicht nur, dass ein Unternehmen als „innovativ“ gilt, sondern nenne konkrete Produkte.

Passe deinen Cover Letter sprachlich an das Unternehmen an: Bewirbst du dich bei einem Start-Up in einer kreativen Branche, kannst du deinen Cover Letter lockerer und persönlicher formulieren. Nutze alle verfügbaren Quellen, um mehr über die Unternehmenskultur herauszufinden und achte auch auf die in der Stellenanzeige verwendete Sprache.

Achte darauf, dass dein Cover Letter fehlerfrei ist: Rechtschreib- und Grammatikfehler sind in keiner Sprache gerne gesehen. Achte daher auf einen fehlerlosen Text, welchen du mehrfach Probelesen solltest. Frage auch Familie oder Bekannte (bestenfalls einen Muttersprachler), ob sie einen Blick auf deinen Cover Letter werfen können.

Ein Foto von Ben Dehn

Autor: Ben Dehn

Ben entschied sich nach seinem Lehramtsstudium dazu, seinen Weg zunächst im Journalismus zu bestreiten. Nach sieben Jahren bei Print, Online und Radio heuerte er 2013 bei der webschmiede GmbH an und betreute im „Die Bewerbungsschreiber“ Team Personen auf sämtlichen Hierarchieebenen. Durch seine Tätigkeit konnte er sein Know-how im Karrierebereich stetig vertiefen. Heute schreibt Ben Dehn hilfreiche Fachartikel, hält Vorträge und gibt Interviews, Workshops & Seminare.

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cover letter application deutsch

Live In Germany

German Cover Letter + Must Know Best Practices [2024]

by Live in Germany Team | Work in Germany

Last Update: Feb 23, 2024 @ 9:07 pm

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So, it is quite clear that cover letters are taken seriously in the German job market since it is an applicant’s initial impression on the company. If someone hasn’t attached a cover letter to their application, the recruiter might think that if the applicant hasn’t put effort in making a cover letter, why even consider him/her for a position at our company?

🔶   Related Topic :   How to Find English-Speaking Jobs in Germany

Structuring German Cover Letter


Try to keep the cover letter at a personal touch rather than just making a cut paste document. Make sure we are specifying the reason for joining the xyz company/organization. Present the company research in this phase as well. We can say things like we have been impressed with the company culture or we have recognized the mission and vision for which the company is moving forward and we want to play a pivotal role in this journey.

By now, we have told the company/organization why we want to work for them. What shall we do next? We are going to use the mentioned job description in telling a story regarding how and why we are enough qualified for the position. There is no need to exaggerate the story and write down a whole passage. Here we will provide a short trailer-kind of summary. This is because we want to gain their interest so that the company reaches us out and contact for further interview.

In the end, we should be thanking the company and let them know that they are welcome to schedule things further. Availability has to be mentioned along with contact details where the company can get in touch.


The word Anlage (Enclosure) has to added once the cover letter is signed. All the certificates and documents which are part of the application should be listed down there. This includes CV , educational documents, reference letter etc.

Cover Letter Framework

The cover letter has to written in accordance with DIN 5008 . This is a dedicated framework when it comes to formal writing in Germany. Following are the standards:

  • Left margin: 24.1 mm
  • Right margin: at least 8.1 mm
  • Bottom margin: 16.9 mm
  • Top margin: 16.9 mm

Please ensure this format is taken seriously. If an applicant hasn’t followed this framework, it doesn’t necessarily mean rejection but on the same time, recruiters in Germany have a habit of reading cover letters in this format. Hence, if a cover letter appears to be different from the mentioned format, it might get noticed in negative manner.

Top 8 Best Practices To Consider Before Writing Your Cover Letter

Customizing cover letter for each job, keeping cover letter short and concise, be honest on cover letter.

We have to be honest and humble about things. This includes the work experience, education and language proficiency. It is quite usual to exaggerate or lie when trying to get a job. There is a common saying “fake it until we make it” and people at times follow that too and it turns out favorable in getting a job. But such behavior is extremely unethical and unprofessional.

A recent example is a LinkedIn profile of a former work colleague who stated on the profile that he managed quite a high-end project all on his own at his company. Later it was brought to notice that project didn’t even start until after the colleague left company. He was falsely taking full credit for someone else’s efforts and work.

These kinds of claims can haunt back an applicant. There could be a chance that new employer knows someone from the applicant’s former organization. Moreover, it is common for employers to informally reach out previous companies of candidate to extract some information. This can cost a job and even reputation.

Writing Cover Letter in German

There are better chances that HR software will notice a cover letter written in German. This also works with algorithms set on LinkedIn. With that being said, we have to be vigilant and use our judgment properly. As it can backfire as well. Make sure that actual German language proficiency is reflected in the cover letter.

There was an instance where the hiring company received an application from a person abroad where the candidate sent CV and documents in German. During the first interview, the company was surprised to know that candidate didn’t know any German. In fact, the documents were actually translated by paying someone else. This resulted in the rejection of a candidate.

Showing Personality

The cover letter should portray all the candidate’s creativity. Coming up with a unique approach is going to make you stand apart in the competition. We can provide a video link in the cover letter where we have explained the reason why we wish to work for that particular company. Also, a sample can be shared explaining insight about how the candidate will approach his/her job. Moreover, the company can be invited to see the candidate’s social media.

🔶   Related Topic : Job Interview Questions in Germany

Making Cover Letter Visually Pleasing

We can type some paragraphs in a document and send it to the company. but its much better to create a cover letter that is visually pleasing. Canva is one of the platforms that can help choose from variety of cool and professional templates.

Fonts should be large enough to increase readability. Other tips include avoiding lengthy paragraphs. Accurately set the spacing between lines.

Quality Check

Grammatical mistakes and spelling errors convey a negative impression of the company. Before sending the application, make sure to avoid such mistakes and take care of these negligible errors. Also briefly check employer information and other related details. A good way of reviewing the cover letter is to have a second pair of eyes proofread it. This is an important task that most people overlook but quite frequently there are job applications having multiple errors on them.

Avoid Using Automatic Text Generators

It is suggested that the candidate write down the cover letter themselves. A professional writer can be hired to provide this service. There are numerous text generators available but they are almost useless. Automatic text generators can produce text that doesn’t make any sense. When reading, it is obvious that a robot has written it down. A cover letter has to be a reflection of a candidate. It should portray how the candidate approaches the job and how they communicate.

We have put enough emphasis on the importance of a cover letter in Germany. One of the most pivotal instruments in a job application is a good cover letter. If it doesn’t shine enough or fails to reflect the candidate’s potential, employers are likely to ignore it and move forward with other applications.

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Employment guides & Tools

Cover letter in germany (anschreiben).

Cover letter in Germany (Anschreiben)

Together with your CV ( Lebenslauf ) , the cover letter is a key component of any job application in Germany. Far more than a mere formality, a cover letter is an important means of presenting yourself to a prospective employer. It would be difficult to land a job in Germany without one. This page walks you through the process of crafting a job-winning cover letter, with a few hints and tips about what is expected in the federal republic. 

Cover letter in German ( Anschreiben )

First things first: what is a cover letter? Although it may be tempting to send in your job application without one, a cover letter is an important part of job applications in Germany, and most hiring managers will expect to receive one, even if the vacancy listing does not explicitly specify this. 

A cover letter is a short (usually no more than one page) document that you submit together with your resume as part of your job application. Rather than simply repeating the information contained in your CV, its purpose is to expand upon it, summarising your skills and experience, explaining what makes you a good fit for the role, and (hopefully!) piquing the hiring manager’s interest. While a CV lays out the facts, your cover letter conveys more personality. You can expect to be asked about both if you make it to a job interview .

In Germany, a cover letter ( Anschreiben ) generally follows a prescribed format, which makes it easier to structure your own. 

Cover letter templates

Using a template can be a good way to get started, and will also ensure your cover letter is well-formatted. If you used a template for your CV, it’s a good idea to use the same design for your cover letter, to make your application look professional and consistent. 

The following websites offer cover letter templates: 

  • Novorésumé

How to write a cover letter in Germany

German cover letters are not fundamentally different to those in other countries, with the only possible difference being they are rather formal and matter-of-fact, with no credit given to pomp, exaggerations or overly flowery language. 

As with elsewhere in the world, your cover letter in Germany should be succinct - no more than one side of A4 in size 12 font. You also do not want to present the hiring manager with a dense wall of text, so make sure to break it up into sizeable paragraphs. 

It may be time-consuming, but you should also write a unique(ish) cover letter for each job you apply for. Recruiters don’t like to receive form letters - and sending off a generic letter is a sure-fire way to ensure your application ends up in the bin. You need to explain why you want this specific position , and what makes you particularly suited for it - so tailor your cover letter based on the responsibilities and requirements outlined in the job description, and what you know about the company. 

Cover letter format

If you’re not sure where to start, it can help to break the letter down into a few sections. Almost all cover letters are structured around the same tried-and-tested format: 

  • A header with your contact information
  • A greeting to the hiring manager
  • An opening paragraph that will grab the reader’s attention
  • A second paragraph that explains why you’re the perfect fit for the job
  • A third paragraph that outlines why you’re a good match for the company
  • A formal closing

How to start a cover letter: With a header

Writing your contact header is a good way to ease yourself in, and ensure you’re not staring at a blank page. As with a CV, it’s important to include some basic contact information on your cover letter. You should include: 

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Name of the hiring manager
  • Name of the company you’re applying to

You might also consider adding your social media profiles or the address of your personal website, if these are relevant in your field and to the job you’re applying for. 

Address the hiring manager

This is where you can score some easy marks. You’d be surprised how many people open their cover letters with, “Dear Sir or Madam.” That’s one way to turn off a hiring manager. It’s much better to address your letter to them personally. That means you need to do some research. 

If you’re lucky, this information is included in the job description. You should also check the “Team” or “About us” page on the company’s website. Alternatively, you could turn to LinkedIn to find out who’s head of the relevant department. If in doubt, call up the company and ask who you should address your application to. It might make your name stick out when it comes to sifting through CVs. 

As a last resort, if you really can’t get hold of a name, address your cover letter using one of these greetings:

  • Dear [Department] Hiring Manager
  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear [Department or Company Name] Team

Write your introduction

This is worth taking your time over. Companies typically receive hundreds of applications for single positions, and so they’re not going to be reading every cover letter from top to bottom. You need to grab their attention from the first paragraph. 

The key here is to not be too generic - most applicants will probably have similar work experience and interests. Instead, you need to explain what makes you unique. What is your bottom-line USP? That’s what the recruiter wants to know. 

Explain why you’re a good fit for the job

Next, it’s time to get into the meat of your letter, by outlining your professional skills, and explaining why this experience makes you better-qualified than the other applicants. It’s a good idea to have the job description to hand when you write this section. Match the requirements listed by the company to elements from your own skill set and work history, and elaborate on them. 

But there’s no way you’ll have space to cover every single detail. Instead, pick two or three of the most important requirements and use them to spin a couple of compelling stories from your own experience. 

Explain why you want to work for the company

The final section of your cover letter is just as important: explaining why you want to work for this specific company. Hiring managers want to know that you’d be a good fit for the company culture - that you want this job, not just any job - otherwise you’d be a risky hire. 

This might require you to do some extra research - what do you know about the company and its products or services? What’s the work culture like? What about that enthuses you? It pays to be super specific. 

Wrap things up

That’s it - you’re almost there! Now you need to finish with a conclusion that wraps up your letter. If you have anything else you want to say, now’s your chance. Finally, thank the hiring manager for their time (it’s only polite). 

Then, it’s time to sign off with a formal closing. You could use: 

  • Best regards
  • Kind regards
  • Yours sincerely

Once your cover letter is finished and proofread, you’re ready to send off your application. Put your feet up and wait for a response. 

Should I write my cover letter in German?

Whether or not you should write your cover letter in German depends on a few factors, namely: 

  • The language requirements of the job
  • What is specified on the job description
  • Your own language ability

If a job description specifies that applications should be made in German, it’s best to follow this advice. If your language ability isn’t up to the task of writing a CV and cover letter in German, it may be that the job itself is also beyond your language capabilities. 

However, an increasing number of companies in Germany, specifically international companies , are now offering English-speaking roles, although some still require you to apply in German. In this instance, it’s worth submitting your documents in German (you can ask a German-speaking friend to help, at least by checking your finished CV and cover letter over). To really show off your language skills, you could submit both English and German versions of your application. 

Cover letter examples

Not sure where to start? It can be a good idea to read some example cover letters to give you an idea of what is expected. But don’t be tempted to copy them word for word - you want to convey your own, unique personality, not someone else’s.

English cover letter sample

The internet is full of examples of cover letters written in English. Check out popular websites like Novorésumé,, Reed, Indeed, and LiveCareer. 

German cover letter example

Checking out a German cover letter example can also be a good way of getting started, especially if German is not your native language. Look at websites like Karrierebibel, and Staufenbiel, or simply search “ Anschreiben Beispiel ”, to get a good idea of how German cover letters are structured. 

Cover letter tips

  • Make sure your cover letter is correctly formatted and free of spelling and grammatical errors - ideally, have a friend check it over for you before sending it. 
  • Include your personal details at the top of your letter.
  • Do your research to address the hiring manager by name.
  • Always tailor your cover letter to match the job description.
  • Use specific, concrete examples from your work history to back up your points.
  • End with a formal signing-off.
  • Make sure your letter is no longer than one side of A4. 

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German Cover Letter Guide: Complete Examples [+Tips]

German Cover Letter Guide: Complete Examples [+Tips]

Germans take their cover letters seriously. It's not a document they just glance at and trash like in most other regions. To get a well-paid job in a German company, you need a solid German Cover Letter.

All cover letter examples in this guide

two column German cover letter example

German Cover Letter Example

Julia Brad Gastgeberin [email protected] 01 36 23 98 24 Berlin 10. Juni 2022

Herr Tobias Schmidt, Geschäftsführer, Restaurant Dae Mon, Berlin, Deutschland

Anschreiben für die Stelle der Hostess

Lieber Tobias,

ich bin eine zertifizierte Hostess mit mehr als 2 Jahren Erfahrung in der Hotelbranche und mache derzeit meinen Bachelor-Abschluss in Hospitality Management an der Universität der Künste Berlin.

In meinem vorherigen Job als Hostess bei Gabriel Kreuther in New York habe ich alle Aufgaben einer Hostess effizient ausgeführt, einschließlich der Entgegennahme von Essensreservierungen, der Planung der Sitzordnung und der Bearbeitung von Telefonanfragen. In meiner 2-jährigen Tätigkeit wurde ich außerdem dreimal als Mitarbeiterin des Monats ausgezeichnet.

Ich wollte unbedingt in eine deutsche Küche eintreten, um die Hostessenkultur in Europa kennenzulernen, und hoffte, dass das Restaurant Dae Mon ein großartiger Ort dafür sein würde, insbesondere wegen seiner langen Geschichte in der deutschen Esskultur.

Es wäre mir ein Vergnügen, die Stelle in einem Vorstellungsgespräch zu erörtern, und ich hoffe, dass dies der Beginn einer für beide Seiten vorteilhaften Zusammenarbeit sein wird.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Beilage: Lebenslauf Referenzschreiben Zeugnis und Abschrift des Bachelor-Abschlusses

two column german-cover-letter cover letter example

According to research carried out in 2013, about half of the applications German companies received without a cover letter were rejected – that’s how important your cover letter is in Germany.

Creating a cover letter in German-style needs you to have a clear understanding of what the German recruiter is looking for in the letter – it should demonstrate the academic and professional qualifications of the candidate and how that would help them achieve the company’s objectives.

Here, in this complete guide, we have discussed everything you need to write and create a perfect German cover letter for your next job.

This also includes:

  • Style guide for German cover letters to impress native hiring managers.
  • Detailed instructions on how to write each section of the cover letter.
  • Pro tips to make your cover letter stand out from the rest.

Try out our resume builder for FREE to create your next German resume and cover letter . We have created a set of awesome templates to make your whole application process faster and smoother.

Read our complete German cover letter example and see how you can write yours.

cover letter application deutsch

How to Write a German Cover Letter

Your resume and the cover letter are what makes the first impression for the hiring manager about any applicant – create it right, and they will remember you in the interview. Well-written and well-structured cover letters increase your chances of getting shortlisted while making your attempt a solid one at the interview.

Writing a cover letter for a German employer is quite different from that of any other region – especially with the writing style and structure. German recruiters consider cover letters as an important part of a job application – they wish to speak to candidates who demonstrate their immense interest in the role.

These general guidelines would give you an idea of what the German hiring manager expects from you:

  • Single-page is the standard length for cover letters in Germany.
  • Do not write long sentences and paragraphs – make them short and clear.
  • Stay formal throughout – don’t get emotional.
  • Keep the body of the letter to 3 to 4 short paragraphs.
  • Avoid self-promoting statements about the candidate.
  • Use a modern cover letter template – ideally matching your resume.

Overall, a german cover letter should sound polite and it should always be in a formal language, whether it is in German or English. Draw a fine line between selling yourself and plain bragging - German hiring managers prefer raw data over-exaggerated self-promotional material.

German cover letter structure

Having a proper structure from the beginning would help you write an outstanding German cover letter – we also call this the layout.

We recommend the following:

  • Subject line
  • Opening greeting
  • First Paragraph: candidate into
  • Second Paragraph: skills, experience, and expertise
  • Third Paragraph: motivation
  • Fourth Paragraph: Call to Action (CTA)

Let’s discuss how each of these sections comes together to create your perfect cover letter.

Begin with the Header

As in your resume, the header of the cover letter consists of your name and contact details. The only difference here is that you should include the details of both the sender and the receiver, considering this a formal document.

Sender Information

Start with your name – write the first name and the last name – use a bigger font size and bold it. Put the job title under your name followed by your email, mobile number, location, and the date.

No need for your full physical address as you’re not mailing the letter.

Jason Smith

01 67 43 23 65

10 May 2022

Receiver Information

Put the receiver's name, job title, company name, and company address. If you don’t know the name of the person who would read your application, just address the “Hiring Manager”.

Frau Julie Zeigler


München, Deutschland

In German formal writing, “Frau” is used to address women and “Herr” is used for men.

  • Frau for Mrs. and Ms.
  • Herr for Mr.

On certain occasions, you’ll get to know the name of the hiring manager. However, if you’re not sure, do not include a name as most companies have more than one person involved in the hiring process.

cover letter application deutsch

The Subject of the Letter

Your German cover letter needs a subject as in any formal letter. Include the position you’re applying for in your subject.

Opening Greeting

You could use a formal greeting to open your cover letter either in English or German. There’re a couple of variations in greeting your hiring manager in the letter.

When you know the gender of the recipient:

Dear Mr - Dear Mr.

When you don’t know the gender of the recipient:

Paragraph 01: Candidate Information

Your first paragraph on the cover letter should hook the reader. The way you hook an American hiring manager and a German one would be quite different though. The job market in Germany is degree-focused – you should start with your qualifications and relevant experience to the job.

In the American job market, you could hook the recruiter with a sales pitch – talking about your special achievements and accomplishments in your previous jobs.

In Germany, if the position you’re applying for is an academic-based one, having the relevant degree or the academic qualification would most probably get you an interview – therefore, reveal them in the first paragraph itself.

See the following example of a production manager job:

Six sigma green belt certified production manager with a bachelor’s degree in Manufacturing from Massachusetts Institute of Technology seeks to join BMW to further my career in production planning and automation. I have 5 years of extensive experience in the automobile production industry working for Ford in the USA.

I got my bachelor’s degree in manufacturing and I am a six sigma green belt certification holder. I am passionate to join BMW in Germany for a well-paid managerial position in the factory.

State your academic qualifications in detail – most German hiring managers are looking for the right qualified individuals to call for interviews. Detail such as the institutions, GPA, class of the degree, and the name of the course could be included.

In writing your experience, state the number of years, the position you held, and the company name.

Keep it clean and simple – easy to read within 3 to 4 seconds.

Paragraph 02: Skills, Experience, and Expertise

Now, you’ve got the attention of the hiring manager as you got the qualifications they’re looking for. Let’s enlighten them with your key skills, the responsibilities you’ve held, the decisions you’ve taken – and their results.

It’s important to read the job ad and understand the keywords they have put on the job description. Most German companies use an applicant tracking system (ATS) – a system that is used to shortlist job applications. ATS recognizes the right applications by calculating the keyword density and a couple of parameters – the more relevant keywords you have on your cover letter, you got more chances of passing the automatic test.

Identify any troubling questions the hiring manager or your potential line manager faces – provide your solution with an example of how you tackled a similar situation at work.

Consider including your greatest professional achievement – with the results you generated for the company and its impact on the key performance indicators (KPIs) of you and the management.

As a production assistant manager at Ford, I headed a six sigma implementation project with a third-party consulting firm that resulted in a 12% increase in overall production efficiency. I have extensive experience in production line planning, automation, material requirement planning, and logistics.

I have experience in production and manufacturing at the Ford automobile factory in LA. Worked on many process optimization projects that saved lots of money for the company.

cover letter application deutsch

Paragraph 03: Motivation

Express your interest in joining the company. Convey your passion for the industry and how the job aligns with your short-term and long-term career objectives.

Here, your research about the company culture, vision, mission, and purpose would help – you could find more information on the about section of the company website.

This paragraph of the cover letter is an exceptionally important part as this is where the cover letter gets tailored to the employer. You need quite some research to identify the likes and dislikes about the job and the similarities of your career objectives with the company’s objectives.

The purpose of the cover letter is to convey your interest in the position and to demonstrate that you are a great match for the role. The purpose of reading a cover letter from the employer’s side would be to identify a good match for the role who is also excited to be part of the team.

Therefore, show your excitement throughout this paragraph.

My passion for the automobile industry and its future changes have made me want to become part of a European automobile manufacturer. I am especially excited about the new electric driving experience BMW is developing for the global market and hope to become part of the team in the future.

As BMW is one of the pioneers in manufacturing automobiles in Germany, I was excited to apply for this position.

Paragraph 04: Call to Action (CTA)

It’s always advisable to finish your cover letter’s body with a call to action. In any formal letter, you should inform the reader, of the move you’re expecting from their side. Any formal letter has an objective and you should remind it at the end – which is the CTA.

Ask the hiring manager for an interview – state your excitement to meet them.

Also, in the same paragraph, you could include the following information:

  • Your availability for an interview.
  • The type of visa you possess.
  • The day you could start if they select you.

It will be my pleasure to discuss with you my role as a production manager in the BMW Munich factory and demonstrate how my experience and skills in automation and production optimization could easily be incorporated into your future sustainable driving vehicle projects.

You are welcome to contact me at your earliest convenience.

The German Cover Letter Closing

End your German cover letter with a formal salutation – you could use the same language as you write your letter.

Consider using the following closing sentence:

  • Kind Regards: mit freundlichen Grüßen
  • Sincerely: Mit freundlichem Gruß
  • best regards: Freundliche Grüße

Put a note about the attachments you’re sending along with your cover letter. This could include your resume, academic and professional reference letters, degree certificates, transcripts, and other relevant certifications.

However, do not attach unnecessary certifications and documents with your job application as that would result in the important documents getting less attention from the hiring manager.

Tips to Improve Your German Cover Letter

If you followed the steps, you should already have an exceptional cover letter ready to send to any German recruiter. Optimize it further with these tips:

  • Ask your native German friend to proofread the letter if you wrote it in German.
  • Use a tool like Grammarly to check for any mistakes – your cover letter should have absolutely no spelling errors or grammar mistakes.
  • Don’t use automatic text generators to write your cover letter – make it sound like an actual human being.
  • Read the job description thoroughly to identify the relevant keywords.
  • Do not use long wordy sentences – be clear and concise in your writing.
  • don’t use bullet points.
  • Try to find the person who reads your cover letter and tailor it to them.
  • Don’t send the same cover letter for two jobs.
  • Use a professional font such as Times or Arial.
  • Maintain a consistent writing style that is formal and respectful – do not use passive voice.
  • Consider using a modern cover letter template to make your application stand out.

Key Points: Writing a Perfect German Cover Letter

  • Pick the right cover letter template that goes with your resume.
  • Give priority to your academic and professional qualifications.
  • Follow the generally accepted German styling guide for formal letters.
  • Tailor your cover letter to each job you’re applying for.
  • Write 3 to 4 solid paragraphs on your qualifications, skills, and enthusiasm.
  • Finish with a CTA.

cover letter application deutsch

Complement Your Cover Letter with a Well-written Resume

You could apply to most jobs with just a resume – therefore, it's important that you get your resume done right. In fact, your German job application completes with a resume and a cover letter that complements each other.

A resume highlights the candidate’s skills, experience, and academic qualifications while a cover letter is a tailored document to each job on the candidate’s fit for the position.

Complement your cover letter with a great German resume – pick a template that matches your personality. You may try our resume builder to create your CV and the cover letter – which would allow you to apply for jobs faster than ever.

Do I need a cover letter to apply for jobs in Germany?

It's not mandatory to submit a cover letter in Germany. Most companies accept job applications with just a resume. However, sending a cover letter along with your resume indicates your interest in the job. It means you’re a serious candidate – not someone who applies to every job you see on the internet.

Should I include a picture on my German cover letter?

You can. Check whether your German cover letter template allows you to put a photograph. German companies are generally fine with applications that include pictures of the candidate. However, if you’re applying for jobs in international companies and multinationals – especially, USA, UK, or Australian companies based in Germany, consider not including a photo as these companies may cause immediate rejection of your applications.

Read our complete guide to including pictures on your resume .

Can I write my German cover letter in English?

You can and you should if you don’t know how to write your cover letter in the German language. A mistake some candidates make is that they get a freelancer to write a perfect German-language cover letter and a resume and send it to jobs in Germany. The problem here is that the recruiters often misread the attempt as the candidate is fluent in German. This may get you an interview, but you’ll probably fail it when they realize your level of fluency.

Should I put my salary expectations in my cover letter?

We do not recommend you to put your salary expectations in your cover letter or anywhere in the job application unless the hiring manager has explicitly asked for it. Keep it for the interview – you’ll get time to discuss it or they’ll give you an offer.

Tasuta allalaetav kaaskirja mall

Motivatsioonikiri, millele on enamikul juhtudel lisatud CV, on iga töötaotluse põhielement. Seda tüüpi kiri peab lühidalt kirjeldama oskusi, võimeid ja teadmisi, mis teil on ja mis on teatud huviga seoses otsitava ametikohaga. Selles mõttes peab kaaskiri lihtsalt sisaldama sellele ametikohale kandideerimise motivatsiooni ja põhjendusi. See peab äratama värbajas huvi ja panema ta pidama teid selle töö jaoks parimaks võimaluseks.

Kuidas koostada lihtsat kaaskirja

  • 1 Valige oma valitud CV mall.
  • 2 Austab ühtset struktuuri. Näiteks kasutage kaaskirja struktuuriga "Sina-Mina-Meie".
  • 3 Lisage järgmised osad, apellatsioonivorm, lühitutvustus, kirja sisu ja järeldus
  • 4 Ärge unustage viimast viisakusvalemit. Vaadake kaaskirja viisakusvalemite näiteid.
  • 5 Isiklikuma ja formaalsema ilme lisamiseks lisage lehe allossa oma allkiri
  • 6 Kui soovite saata selle meili teel, eksportige oma kaaskiri PDF-vormingus.

Teised kaaskirjade näidised

Kaaskirja struktureerimise nõuanded.

Kaaskirja kirjutamise hõlbustamiseks pidage meeles, et koguge eelnevalt kogu vajalik teave. Näidake toimetaja loovust, järgides samal ajal tüpograafiliste reeglite õiget kasutamist ja jälgides, et ei tekiks kirjavigu. Sest hea kaaskiri peegeldab teie kuvandit inimese ja professionaalina. Olge oma kirjutamisel loominguline ja originaalne, jäädes samas lihtsaks, kokkuvõtlikuks ja täpseks. ‍ Näidake läbitud punktide ohutust, enesekindlust ja meisterlikkust. Rõhutage, mida saate ettevõttesse tuua ja mainige oma erialast kogemust vastavas valdkonnas. Märkige ka kõik põhipunktid, mis panevad teid end uute ideedega täitva transformeeriva agendina ilmuma. Täpsustage oma võimet saavutada kavandatud eesmärgid ja kohaneda uute suundumustega.

Näita ennast positiivselt. Ärge langege sellesse viga, et kasutate sama kaaskirja mitme ettevõtte jaoks. Koostage kaaskiri iga taotletava töö kohta. Seda tüüpi kiri võimaldab tööandjal kujundada teie isiksuse kohta arvamust, sest see annab teile võimaluse täpsustada oma motivatsioone, mida lihtsas CV-s tegelikult ei kirjeldata.

Lihtsa ja tõhusa kaaskirja kirjutamise soovitused

  • Laiendage Intro ‍ Pidage meeles, et pärast kõne valemit peate välja töötama sissejuhatuse, kus tutvustate end ametlikult ja isiklikult. Ärge unustage märkida peamist eesmärki, mis ajendas teid seda kirja kirjutama.
  • Struktureerige oma kirja sisu Laske end juhinduda järgmistest küsimustest: – Miks?, Mis eesmärgil?, Kuidas?, Miks soovite selles ettevõttes töötada? → selles osas peate kirjeldama, mida saate ettevõttele tuua. – Rõhutage, kuidas teie teadmised võivad oluliselt mõjutada ettevõtte funktsioonide arengut ja majandussektorit, kus ta tegutseb. - Kuidas te seda teeksite tee seda? → lihtsalt rõhutab teie teadmisi ja võimeid professionaalina – Rõhutage oma õnnestumisi, varasemaid kogemusi, diplomeid, saadud tunnustusi või auhindu.
  • Olge oma järeldustes otsekohene Andke teada, et olete vestluseks saadaval, esitades kontaktteabe, näiteks oma e-posti aadressi, telefoninumbri ja postiaadressi. Kui need kontaktandmed muutuvad, ärge unustage uuendada oma CV-d ja kaaskirja ning saata need uuesti ettevõtetele, kes on need juba saanud.
  • Hoolitse paigutuse eest Teie kaaskiri peab olema kooskõlas teie CV-ga. Värbaja peab esmapilgul nägema, et need 2 dokumenti moodustavad ühe taotluse. Kasutage oma kaaskirjas samu värve, fonti, ikoone jne, mis oma CV-s. See väike näpunäide aitab teil luua tõhusa ja professionaalse rakenduse.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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Our free collection of expertly designed cover letter templates will help you stand out from the crowd and get one step closer to your dream job.

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Sample letters to download

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Cover Letter

Advice for getting a job, instructions.


The Berlin Life

How To Write A German Cover Letter – A Step By Step Guide

by Cheryl Howard | Apr 7, 2024 | Berlin Guides , Job Applications , Working In Berlin | 0 comments

How To Write A German Cover Letter – A Step By Step Guide


Have you been l ooking for a job in Germany, applying for several positions, and finding that you’re not getting any responses? It happens to the best of us, even to those who work in   highly demanded professions   like software developers, marketing professionals, economists, and more.

Searching for a job , especially one right for you, is a daunting task that takes   a lot   of work, patience, and perseverance. When you add looking for a job in a foreign country like Germany into the mix, it’s even more challenging. You’re probably unfamiliar with the country’s norms when creating job applications and could unknowingly be making mistakes. What’s more, a lot of the information about how to write a German cover letter is often outdated and/or created by people with zero experience in recruiting.

The most significant part of getting noticed by German employers is your ability to put together a solid job application, which usually includes a well-written and designed cover letter and CV that tells a story about you and why you’re uniquely qualified for that position.

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📖 📖 📖 Bookmark THIS extensive guide on how to write a German cover letter and use it as a frame of reference when applying for jobs in Germany. Banner

1) Are Cover Letters Really Needed?

As you’re searching for a job in Berlin, or anywhere in Germany for that matter, have you asked yourself these questions:

1) Do I need to write a German cover letter when I’m applying for jobs?

2) Are cover letters relevant when my CV already tells my story?

3) Does anyone even bother to read cover letters?

Let me tell you a story:

I worked for one company when a member of senior management asked, “Why do people write cover letters? I   never   read them. I only want to see their CV, and I’ll get in touch if it’s interesting. I’m way too busy to read both cover letters and CVs.”

A very fair point and I agree with him 100%. His pain was also my pain, as I was reviewing several job applications each day and looking at people we could potentially add to our team. It was time-consuming and tedious, especially when we wanted to ensure whoever applied was given a fair shot.

It’s true that not every recruiter or hiring manager will read it (like that manager), and some companies (like where I currently work) even ask candidates   not   to submit cover letters. However, many companies still expect to see one.

So do you need a German cover letter? Yes, most definitely. Even though they feel like a waste of time (and sometimes really are), cover letters are essential when applying for jobs in Berlin or elsewhere in Deutschland.

2) Why Should I Write A German Cover Letter?

There are a number of good arguments about why you should take the time to write up a cover letter for your job applications:

1) There’s a slight chance that not submitting a cover letter will result in immediate rejection. A recruiter or hiring manager may think that if you didn’t put in the effort to make a cover letter, why should they even consider you for the job? While this is silly, don’t take a chance and make it a habit always to include a cover letter.

​2) Some (not all) HR software scans submitted documents looking for specific keywords. A cover letter that mentions certain keywords from the job description could help you bubble to the top of the candidate pool, where you’re more likely to get noticed before other candidates.

3) Called a motivation letter in Germany ( Motivationsschreiben ), a cover letter is your chance to shine. It’s when you can tell the company why you want to work for them, explain how uniquely qualified you are for that role, and really make your personality come through.

​Think of it like this – when you go to the theatre to watch a movie, you’ll see trailers for upcoming flicks. They only last one or two minutes, but if the trailer is really good, they’ve hooked you, and eventually, you’re going to go out and watch that movie.

Your cover letter is exactly like that movie trailer. It’s a preview of your CV and you as a person. A cover letter’s main call to action is to make the person reading it want to know more. They’ll spend time reviewing your CV and, hopefully, contact you for that first interview.

4) A cover letter shows diligence and interest from your side. Employers are keen to know why you want to work for them, learn why you’re the person they should hire, and if you’re passionate about your chosen field.

If a cover letter is done well, in the sense that it’s framed as a well-written and compelling narrative, it’ll motivate the employer to contact you for an interview. Most people do really read them, so it’s worth spending time writing one that makes you stand out from other applicants.

3) How Do I Structure A German Cover Letter?

Following a fixed structure and method that you can repeat for each new job application makes writing a cover letter way easier.

Always include these vital elements in a cover letter:

The Berlin Life -- Cover Letter Sample

1)   Salutation   – Address your cover letter to that person using formal German greetings such as “Dear Herr Müller” or “Dear Frau Schmidt.” If no contact is listed or you’re unsure about which greeting to use (you don’t ever want to address someone as Herr when they’re a Frau, for example), use a generic greeting such as “Dear hiring manager” or “To whom it may concern.” If you read other online texts saying that you  always  have to specify a specific contact name, this is very untrue. More and more German companies are refraining from adding contact names to job descriptions to avoid being spammed by applicants. So don’t stress out on this point at all, as using a generic greeting is not only expected but completely acceptable.

2) Intro   – This section should be one paragraph maximum. Personalize your cover letter by telling the company  why you want to work there.  Be specific and use supporting examples gleaned from company research. Doing so will impress the company and show you did your homework before applying. Remember that this section is not about you but about them as an organization. Avoid self-serving statements when telling them why you want to work there. For example, don’t say you want to work there because the office is down the street from your flat or you heard they pay exceptionally high salaries. Instead, say you’re impressed with the company culture, that you identify with their sustainability mission, and that you want to be part of building out the next stage of their growth.

​ 3) About You   – This section can be one or two paragraphs long and is the “meat” of the cover letter and where you need to sell yourself. Pull points from the job description to tell your potential employer   why you’re uniquely qualified for the position . Build on those points by using personal examples that draw from your experience, education, and more. Ensure your examples are specific, build on one another in a complementing fashion, and tell an exciting story. Say that the role calls for someone with leadership experience. You can tell them that you have 10 years of experience managing distributed teams of varying sizes. You can further say that you excel at creating and maintaining high-performing teams with a track record of meeting deadlines. And finish by telling them how you launched a project that helped the company make millions of euros. Whatever you do, don’t just list a bunch of keywords, repeat the job description itself, or write a novel.

4) Closin g   – Reiterate your excitement about the company and the open position. Let them know you want to learn more and would welcome a chance for an interview. Be sure to tell them about your availability and how to best get in touch.

A few more tips about how to structure a German cover letter:

1) If you’re sending the cover letter by email or uploading it to an applicant tracking system, you don’t need to include the address information of yourself or the company. For that matter, a signature isn’t required either. These things are entirely unnecessary and irrelevant as we no longer live in the Stone Age.

2) If anyone prints or references your cover letter for an interview, you can leave the date on it so they know when you applied for the role.

Strive to ensure the narrative in the letter flows well and tells a unique story about you and why they should hire you over anyone else out there.

4) Should I Customize My Cover Letter For Job Applications ?

Yes, we know. It’s   a lot   of work to create a new cover letter every time you apply for a job, but sending the same cover letter out won’t do anymore. You need to show employers you took time to research their company, tell them why you want to work there, and why they should hire you.

This is why personalizing the cover letter is really important. They need to see the real you and that you were thoughtful in your job application. Anything less makes it look like you’re not really interested in the role and could see your job application land in the recruiter’s NO pile.

Suppose a cover letter is simply a regurgitation of the job description or a generic copy-and-paste text you’ve used for every job application. The recruiter or hiring manager will easily be able to spot this and may make the company less likely to contact you. Again, don’t take a chance.

Read about how to customize cover letters when you’re submitting unsolicited job applications . 

5) How Do I Use Company Research In My Cover Letter?

Before writing a cover letter, we recommend that you complete in-depth research on the company to which you’re applying. The research will help you a lot, especially as it’ll give you the information you can embed in your cover letter and use later to ask questions during an interview.

You need to tell the employer why you like their company and show you did your research, by looking at   Glassdoor reviews , browsing through their website, reading their press releases, etc.

Read our detailed guide about how to   research a German company .

6) How Long Should A German Cover Letter Be?

Keep the cover letter to a single page and not more than 3 – 4 paragraphs. Be succinct (i.e., avoid long wordy sentences or overuse of adjectives) and   summarize, summarize, summarize .

Pick key points from your CV and/or job description but don’t repeat things verbatim.

7) Should I Use An Automatic Text Generator or AI?

I’ve played around with ChatGPT and boy, is it good. Like really really good!

Call me old school, but in general, I’d still suggest writing your own cover letter without the help of predictive text generators or AI.

I say this for two reasons:

1) Many of these generators like Speedwrite yield text that doesn’t make much sense at all. It often reads as if it were written by a robot and spits out alternative text that says exactly the same thing but in a slightly different way.

2) Even worse, it won’t sound like you. A cover letter should be an honest and accurate reflection of who you are and how you communicate. I cannot stress that enough, especially if you’re being hired into a role where communication skills are key.

What you could do is use AI to write that very first draft cover letter. Then you could use that text as a baseline and improve it using your own words. Try out this beta AI from Imagine to get started! 

Alternatively, you can write a draft first and then use a tool like Grammarly to better what you’ve written.

We know this can be tough if you’re not writing in your native language. In these cases, make sure you get other people to proofread your cover letter or even hire a professional to help you out.

8) Should I Write My Cover Letter In German ?

Writing your cover letter in German may help you get noticed by HR software or LinkedIn search engine algorithms.

Be careful and use your best judgment here, though. It could backfire when they discover that your level of German doesn’t match the level of what’s in your cover letter.

Let me tell you another story:

A recruiter I used to work with told me that she’d found a dream candidate for a position that had been open for a long time. This person was applying from abroad and had submitted   both   their CV and cover letter in German.

The first interview was scheduled, and during the call, the recruiter was surprised to find that the candidate didn’t know any German at all. Turns out they’d paid someone to translate their documents.

Sadly, the candidate was rejected for their false claims of being fluent in German and wasting the recruiter’s time. And contrary to what many say, German fluency is absolutely essential for most available positions in the country. 

Of course, it could go the other way and the company may still hire you anyway because you’re such a good fit. But please, be honest upfront and if you decide to write your cover letter in German, indicate your language level (like B1 or C1) very prominently on your CV and in your cover letter. Then the decision will be left to the employer to contact you.

9) Can I Stretch The Truth Because Everyone Fibs A Bit?

Above all, be humble and honest about things, like your education, work experience, level of German, etc.

It’s easy to lie or exaggerate when you want a job, and we’ve all been told to “fake it until we make it,” and in many cases, it can work in your favor. But let’s be real here, this behavior is unprofessional, not to mention unethical.

Not long ago, I was shocked to read the LinkedIn profile of a former colleague who claimed to have led a high-profile project for our company. That project wasn’t even started until after that person left. This person was blatantly lying and taking credit for other people’s work that she didn’t do.

Don’t be that person. 

False claims could come back to haunt you. For example, the Berlin community is small and people know each other. A potential employer may know someone at one of your former companies and informally reach out to them for information about you.

If they uncover any lies, it will likely cost you the job, even your reputation.

Of course, be confident in your accomplishments, and don’t undersell yourself. Just make sure you’re telling the truth.

10) How Do I Create A Well Designed Cover Letter? 

You could just type of bunch of text into a Google document and send it off. But how about making your cover letter look nice using websites like   Canva   or , where you can find beautiful and professional templates for free?

Other things to keep in mind:

1) Use a large and readable font that considers general accessibility guidelines. Sometimes people try to jam as much information as possible onto a cover letter and to make it fit a single page using ridiculously small font sizes. Trust me – no one wants to use a magnifying glass to read your cover letter.

Use this   guide from Indeed   which speaks to the right font and font size to use on CVs, which also applies to cover letters.

2) Don’t make your paragraphs too long and use sensible spacing to make your cover letter easier to read.

3) Your   German CV   should have a similar look and feel. This way, the cover letter, and CV will appear as one fluid job application package.

11) Do I   Really   Have To Follow These Rules?

No, of course not! Our guidelines are simply here to help you write a good cover letter that’s more likely to get you noticed by German employers.

There’s no reason not to get creative and have fun with your cover letter. This may also mean breaking some of the “rules” outlined here.

Be bold and dare to take unique approaches that challenge the status quo. Perhaps give them a link to a video you made telling them why you want to work there. Share a sample of what you can do for them by sharing some insight on how you’d approach your job. Invite them to check out your blog or social media.

The sky’s the limit. A unique cover letter will help you stand apart from other candidates.

12) How Can I Ensure My German Cover Letter Is Of High Quality?

Make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors, get the company name and other details right, and if you can, have a second or third pair of eyes review your cover letter. This can be a friend, partner, or even, a paid professional. Proofreading is essential, as if you’ve been staring at the same documents for hours, it can be super easy to miss out on small mistakes you might’ve made.

This advice might sound really obvious and basic, but trust me, I’ve seen tons of job applications with errors on them. I must also confess that I once put the wrong company name in a cover letter and somehow still got several interviews with them. Miracles happen, folks! 🤣

Anyway, avoid sloppy mistakes if you can, and make sure your German cover letter is top-notch.

What do I recommend?   Join my   Facebook community   of more than 8,000 people and ask someone there for a   cover letter exchange . Another person can review your cover letter and give you feedback and you can do the same for them.

That’s a wrap! Follow these tips to write a really good German cover letter that’s going to land you a job in Germany.


Find a Job in Germany With Our Job Search Checklist

Find a Job in Germany With Our Job Search Checklist

by Cheryl Howard | Sep 17, 2024 | Berlin Guides , Job Search , Working In Berlin | 2 Comments

Are you looking for a job in Germany? Use our detailed (and FREE!) checklist to figure out how to find work in Deutschland.

The Reality Of Finding Work In Berlin In 2024

The Reality Of Finding Work In Berlin In 2024

by Cheryl Howard | Sep 12, 2024 | Berlin Guides , Job Search , Working In Berlin | 13 Comments

Is it easy to find work in Berlin? Learn about some the realities of finding a job in Berlin during normal times, never mind *right now*.

Companies in Hamburg Hiring Right Now

Companies in Hamburg Hiring Right Now

by Cheryl Howard | Sep 12, 2024 | Berlin Guides , Job Search , Working In Berlin | 2 Comments

Are you looking for a job in Hamburg? Then check out this ever-growing list of companies in Hamburg that are hiring right now.

Cheryl Howard, Founder @ The Berlin Life

Cheryl Howard, Founder @ The Berlin Life

Hi, I’m Cheryl. My mission is to help you move to Berlin and find work.

A Canadian in Berlin for 10+ years, I have the unique experience of moving to Berlin – not once, but twice. During my time in Berlin, I’ve had five different visas and worked as both a freelancer and a permanent employee for   numerous   Berlin companies. I even managed to find a new job during the pandemic  and again in 2023, during Germany’s  recession and massive layoffs in tech. 

My day job has involved work as a hiring manager, overseeing the recruitment of countless people, as well as a team coach helping teams and individuals work better and find happiness in their careers. Through my side projects, I’ve also shared my personal experiences by publishing a series of helpful blog posts, creating a thriving community of job seekers, and hosting events to help people find work in Berlin. In 2021, I decided to put my coaching and recruiting talents to use by creating The Berlin Life, bringing my existing content and community together in one spot.

The combination of my personal and professional experience means I know  exactly  what it takes to move to Berlin and find work.

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Cover Letter

How to write your cover letter in german.

Generally speaking a cover letter should be concise and to the point and definitely no longer than one page.

Points you should consider when writing a cover letter

To be effective, your cover letter should follow the basic format of a typical business letter and should address three general issues:

  • First Paragraph - Why you are writing
  • Middle Paragraphs - What you have to offer
  • Concluding Paragraph - How you will follow-up

Do not repeat your what is already in your CV, simply refer to it! "As you can see from my CV, …". If a particular work experience listed in your CV especially qualifies you for the job you can refer to it and emphasise its relevant points. Your cover letter should NEVER be longer than 1 page.

Why you are writing?

In some cases, you may have been referred to a potential employer by a friend or acquaintance. Be sure to mention this mutual contact by name as soon as possible as it is likely to encourage your reader to keep reading!

If you are writing in response to a job advert , indicate where you learned of the position and the exact title of the position you are applying for. More importantly, remember to convey your enthusiasm for the job and the likely match between your credentials and the position's required qualifications.

If you are writing a prospective application letter - a letter in which you enquire about potential job openings - state your specific job objective. Since this type of letter is unsolicited, it is even more important to capture the reader's attention. It is a good idea to mention why you are interested in that specific company, esp. when you write a prospective application letter. Do not give the impression that they are one of two hundred applications (badly copied CVs, serial letters, etc.).

What You Have To Offer

In responding to a job advert , refer specifically to the qualifications they have listed and illustrate how your particular abilities and experiences relate to the position for which you are applying. In a prospective applicationg letter express your potential to fulfil the employer's needs rather than focus on what the employer can offer you. You can do this by giving evidence that you have researched the organization thoroughly and that you possess skills that are used within that organization. Emphasize your achievements and problem-solving skills. Show how your education and work skills are transferable, and thus relevant, to the position for which you are applying.

How You Will Follow Up

Bid directly for the job interview or an informational interview and indicate that you will follow-up with a telephone call to set up an appointment. Be sure to make the call within the time frame indicated. Even if you do not mention it explicitly in the letter, it is a good idea to make a follow up phone call. Timing is important: do not call on the very next day or after more than one week. If you are applying from outside the employer's geographic area you may want to indicate if you'll be in town during a certain time frame (this makes it easier for the employer to agree to meet with you). In conclusion, you should also indicate that further references are available on request. Also, if you have a portfolio or certificates to support your qualifications, inform prospective employers that they are also available on request. recommends: Learn Business German at ActiLingua Academy in Vienna.

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My Life In Germany

My Life in Germany

All you need to know about studying, working, and living in Germany

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How To Write Your Cover Letter in Germany (+ English Example!)

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Looking for a job in Germany and wondering how to write your cover letter? You are at the right place. In this article, you will learn how to write your cover letter in Germany, including the format, style, and structure. We also include some tips here on writing your cover letter in Germany. You can also download a free German cover letter example (in English).

Table of Contents


7 seconds . This is how long it takes to form a  first impression . So, giving an excellent first impression in the interview is essential. But do you know that your first impression is not formed in the interview? It is formed in the first contact you make. You are right. The first contact is your job application.

That is why sending a good CV and cover letter in your job application is very important. This determines whether you have a chance to come to an interview, where you can make your first impression (physically).

What is a cover letter (Anschreiben)?

Your cover letter is the very first impression you give your potential employer. It is one of the deciding factors whether you get a job interview or not. If it catches the recruiter’s attention, he will want to learn more about you by inviting you to an interview.

So, your cover letter should highlight your skills and experience that fit a job’s specific requirements. You should use many examples and facts to convince the recruiter why you are uniquely qualified for the role. Tell the recruiter why you want to work for that company. 

The cover letter should be professional. The goal is to supplement your CV but not duplicate it. While your CV focuses on your skills and experiences, your cover letter should focus on your motivation and how you can apply those skills to the job.

Read also:  Want to Work in Germany? Tips from Industry Experts

Do you really need to write a cover letter in Germany?

You may not need a cover letter for your job application in many countries. How about in Germany? How important is it to have a cover letter?

In Germany, a cover letter was one of the most essential elements in a job application. However, its importance seems to reduce in recent years.

According to a survey,  59% of the recruiters in Germany accept job applications without cover letters. Many think that having a CV is already sufficient.

However, if you want to increase your chance of landing your dream job, it is still better to write a cover letter. Imagine if 59% of the recruiters in Germany do not require a cover letter. It means that the other 41% will.

Not having a cover letter reduces your chance of getting an interview invitation. You may even get an immediate rejection because of not submitting a cover letter.

Should you write your cover letter in English or German?

This is a tricky question. Unless specified in the job advertisement, it is better to submit your cover letter in German. However, if you do not speak any German, it may be better to submit your cover letter in English. 

Why? It is because you won’t want to give false hope to the recruiter that you speak German while you cannot.

I once went to an interview in Germany after submitting my CV and cover letter in English. Back then, I did not speak any German. When the interviewer saw me, he was shocked that I couldn’t speak German. The interview ended immediately after that, and I didn’t get the job.

So now, imagine you send all your application documents to the recruiter in perfect German. It is logical for the recruiter to assume that you speak some German. You will probably not get the job when you are not meeting his expectation, especially if he is looking for someone who can speak German.

If you do speak some German (even not perfect), you may want to submit your cover letter in German. In that case, make sure your cover letter has no spelling or grammatical mistakes. To be perfect, you can also use a   translation service  or a  cover letter writing service . 

On the other hand, if the job advertisement is written in English and you do not speak any German, try sending your cover letter in English. 

Even though insufficient German skills limit your opportunities, many international companies in Germany do have their hiring process in English. Here is how I  got my permanent full-time job in Germany without speaking German.

Sending your cover letter in Germany

Many big companies require you to submit your cover letter and other application documents via their online portal. In that case, send your application documents such as cover letter and CV in PDF format. 

Give a relevant name to each document. For example, use names such as “Your Full Name_CV” or “Your Full Name_Cover Letter”. This will make your documents look more professional. It will also be easier for the recruiters to identify your documents.

Some companies may require you to send your application via email. In that case, attach in the email all your application documents such as your CV, cover letter, and other certificates in PDF format. In the email content, write a short introduction about your application to the particular role and mention the attached documents.

Alternatively, you can copy and paste your cover letter into your email. Remove the address and the date in that case. Use your subject line in the cover letter as the subject of your email. The content of your email basically becomes your cover letter.

The format of a cover letter in Germany

A cover letter in Germany is a very formal letter. It follows the basic format of a typical business letter. Recruiters in Germany are used to this specific format. So, you should try to follow this format. Your cover letter may be viewed negatively if you use a format that is too different than the norm.

Keep it short and straightforward. Your cover letter should not be longer than one page. Also, leave plenty of space and don’t fill the page completely.  

The standard font size is 12. Your font should be readable. Do not use an unusual font that is too big or too small. Use a professional font such as Times New Roman. 

Besides, use the same fonts and font size throughout your cover letter. Your cover letter should be easy to read. 

You should also use the same formatting in all your other application documents. For example, you should use the same style for both your CV and cover letter.

Your cover letter needs to be readable. Don’t write a large block of text in your cover letter. Separate your text with clear paragraph breaks. There should be enough spacing between the different paragraphs as well.

Your cover letter should follow the layout rule called the  DIN 5008 Norm . It means that on an A4 size letter, the margin should follow the below standard:

  • Left margin: 2.5 cm
  • Right margin: 2 cm
  • Upper margin: 4.5 cm
  • Lower margin: 1.5 – 2.5 cm

The structure of a cover letter in Germany

Your personal info.

You should include your personal info in the top right-hand corner. This includes your full name, address, phone number, and email. Your email address should look professional, ideally with your name on it.

The company’s info

You should write this on the left-hand side below your personal info. Put the company name, contact person, and company address there. You should put the contact person’s name on the second line, under the company name.

Usually, you can find the contact person’s name in the job advertisement. If not, don’t be afraid to call the company to find out who handles the job applications.

Write the date in European format and place it below the company’s info on the right-hand side.

The subject line should state what position you are applying for. You should bold it so that the recruiter can easily spot which position this cover letter is for.

Use the name of the contact person you stated in the company’s info. Research the company culture to see if using the first or last name is more appropriate. If you are not sure, always go for the last name.

This should include:

  • The first paragraph (introduction)
  • The second paragraph
  • The third paragraph
  • The last paragraph (short closure)

Sign here and write your name below your signature.

Enclosure (Anlage)

Under your signature, you should name which attachments you are sending in the job application, e.g., CV, reference letters, etc.

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The content of a cover letter in Germany

The content of a cover letter in Germany should consist of four paragraphs. Do not repeat what you have stated in your CV. Your cover letter should sound unique. The goal is not to tell your whole story. Instead, give a preview and make it interesting enough so that the recruiter wants to know more.

Position yourself ahead of other candidates by focusing on the value you can bring to the company, but not what you can get from the company.

The first paragraph (introduction) – 3 to 4 lines

This is an important paragraph. The recruiter reads this to determine if he wants to continue reading your cover letter. So, the goal of this paragraph is to arouse interest and make the recruiter continue to read.

Why are you applying for the position?

For example, you want to have a career change, or you have just relocated to the city. And explain why. You should promote yourself even if you are unemployed by mentioning something positive.

Also, mention something company-specific. For example, you can convince the company that you want to work there because of their company mission. Maybe the company operates in a way that minimizes damage to the environment? Or perhaps the company sponsors social projects?

Where did you learn about this position?

State where exactly you learn about the position, e.g., from a job portal. If you talk with someone from the company at a job fair, mention the person’s name. 

Similarly, if you learn about the position via a friend or an employee from the company, mention this person’s name as soon as possible. This can arouse interest and encourage the recruiter to keep reading your cover letter. 

What is your current position?

If you want, you may also describe your current position here. If you have not graduated yet, you can mention your course of studies.

The second paragraph – 5 to 6 lines

This paragraph should show your skills, abilities, qualifications, and experience. Mention any achievement that makes you unique and show your strength. Make sure to mention only those that are related to the position. 

Tell the recruiter where you learn these skills, for example, from your past job experiences. Don’t be afraid to mention your private projects if they are relevant. It can show your personality and your initiative beyond your profession.

Remember, you should not be just telling. You should prove your skills with evidence. For example, instead of just saying that you have good leadership skills, mention that you have successfully led a specific project as an example. Do not write too many details, though. The recruiter can read the related information in the CV.

The third paragraph (5 to 6 Lines)

Here is where you link your skills to the position you are applying for. Show how your unique skills and experiences listed in the last paragraph are relevant to the job and the company. Tell the company exactly what you have to offer and how you can help the company to be successful.

Use some personal examples to show how you can use your experience to help to achieve the company’s goals. Tell them what you can do for the company that no one else can do.

Pay attention to which skills are listed in the job description. Make sure you demonstrate how you own these skills by providing examples.

Besides, explain why you want to work in this particular company and this role. Look at the company’s missions and vision. Check the company’s website or social media channels to state any exciting facts. 

Maybe you are interested in the company because it supports social projects? Or perhaps because it has an informal corporate culture? Be genuine and tell the company why working there aligns with your values. Make sure to mention the company’s name.

The last paragraph (short closure) – 3 to 4 lines

This is where you highlight your interest again. Describe what you wish for the future and explain how you can contribute to the company. Tell the company when you can start working, and only mention your salary expectation if required. 

Close politely by saying that the company can contact you in case of any questions and you look forward to talking with them in a  job interview .

Free Cover letter example to use in Germany

Do you want to feel what a cover letter looks like in Germany? Here you go.

screenshoot_cover letter in germany_my life in germany_hkwomanabroad

You can also download this German cover letter example for your own use here .

10 Tips to write your cover letter in Germany

1. do not use the same cover letter for different job applications.

Different jobs have different requirements and descriptions. Every company is different. You should tailor-make your cover letter for each job application. This is important because recruiters want to see that you have made an effort when applying for the job. 

You should research the company and tell them why you want to work for them specifically. Mention what attracts you to work there based on your research. Check the company’s website, review, and social media channels to get some ideas. Pay attention to the job requirements and relate to them when writing your cover letter. You should also write with the same wording and tone used by the company.

Recruiters can feel it if you just use a general cover letter without mentioning some facts about the specific company. So, show your research capability and customize your cover letter.

2. Include keywords in your cover letter

Many recruiters use software that scans application documents and searches for specific keywords. This software helps to filter out irrelevant applicants and thus saves time for the recruiters.

What does it mean for you? Well, suppose your application documents do not include the keywords the recruiters want to see. In that case, your documents will be filtered out and never be seen by the recruiters. So, including keywords helps you to pass the first stage and get your application documents in front of the recruiters.

Want to understand if your application documents include the right keywords? Use this  free tool to get your CV analyzed! You can see how the software presents you in front of the recruiters regarding top keywords and skills.

cover letter application deutsch

3.      Proofread your cover letter

Your cover letter in Germany should not have any grammatical or spelling mistakes. Make sure you contain the correct details, the right company name, and the proper job position. Otherwise, it will show that you are careless and not professional.

The best would be to have someone else proofread your cover letter. You can ask your friend or hire a professional to do it. This is especially important if you decide to submit your cover letter in German and you are still learning German. In that case, you may want to use the proofreading (and/or translation) service from Lingoking .

Writing your cover letter in German may have the advantage that your letter includes the right keywords scanned by the software.

As mentioned before, only write your cover letter in German if you have sufficient German language skills. You won’t want to give false hope to the recruiters that you speak perfect German while you cannot. You can also indicate your German language level in your cover letter and CV. This is so that the recruiters have a realistic expectation of your language skills.

Suppose you want your whole application to be taken care of. In that case, TopCV offers packages including both the CV and cover letter. The service ensures that your application documents are professionally written, well-formatted, and keyword optimized. 

4. Be honest and confident

Your cover letter should reflect the truth. For example, do not write that you can communicate in German while you cannot. Instead, indicate that you are working hard on improving your German. The recruiters will appreciate your effort if you are sincere and can prove it with examples.

Besides, you need to be confident and state clearly why the company should hire you instead of other candidates.  Show confidence by writing “I am sure I will…” instead of “I think I would…”. Mention the interview like it is going to happen. For example, you can write, “I am looking forward to discussing more with you in a personal interview.”

5. Keep it short and relevant

You should keep your cover letter on one page. Use a simple layout so that your letter is easily readable. Only write relevant information on why the company should hire you. Avoid flowery language and long wordy sentences.

Your cover letter shows your ability to sell yourself without much fluff. It should be concise and full of sound arguments why the company should hire you specifically.  

6. Make sure your social media is clean

Nobody wants to see drunk pictures of you at a party. Before applying for jobs, search the internet with your name and see what comes up. You should remove any unprofessional content on your social media, such as Facebook or Instagram.

Besides, create a professional LinkedIn page. Nowadays, many recruiters rely on LinkedIn when searching for talents. Make sure your LinkedIn page looks professional and up to date.

7. Avoid passive voice

Your cover letter should sound positive. You should use only active verbs because they make your writing more exciting and dynamic. You can show the “who” and “how” in a sentence.

On the other hand, passive voice is generally weak. It describes simply a state of existence without action. In your cover letter, you should sound active and be responsible for your achievements.

8. Think from the perspective of the recruiters

My friend once asked me to proofread her cover letter. I was shocked to see that everything was written from her perspective and why she wanted to work for the company in her cover letter.

When writing your cover letter in Germany, make sure it is not all about you. It is about what value you can bring to the company. Think from the perspective of the recruiters. What are they looking for? What do they want to see from a candidate? Rephrase your skills and experiences and make them relevant to the requirements stated in the job advertisement.

It is not just about what you can get from the company but also what the company receives from you.

9. Use examples

Do not just mention you have good communication skills or leadership skills. Instead, you should prove your skills by giving examples. Use numbers and data whenever possible. For example, leading a team of 10 people or leading a project that resulted in a 10% increase in revenue. Focus on the result and not simply your participation in the project.

10. Formatting and style are important

Your cover letter should be formal. Use complete sentences instead of bullet points. You should also use the same formatting and style in your CV so that your application d ocuments look consistent. Avoid unusual font and size. The best is to follow  the German format  de scribed in this article.

The cover letter is an essential part of your job application in Germany. Its goal is to get an invitation to the job interview. Your cover letter allows you to show your personality based on your tone and how you write.

Take it seriously. Be concise, professional, and also friendly. Remember to adapt your cover letter to the style of different companies. Good luck and happy job hunting in Germany!

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How to Write a Cover Letter in Germany

If you want to have the best chances to land your dream job in Germany, a good recommendation is to write a Cover Letter and hand it in together with your CV. 

Especially because not everyone is willing to write a Cover Letter in this age anymore, we believe that writing a good Cover Letter is your chance to stand out positively from all the other applicants and get a step ahead in landing your dream job!

But how can you create a great cover letter? How should the document be formatted, and what should you write?

In the following article, we’ve put together a guide for how to write a Cover Letter that will help you find your dream job in Germany.

The typical Cover Letter in Germany follows a certain predefined approach that you should try to replicate. It follows the Norm of a typical German business letter that you should follow as well.

Cover Letter Formatting

Your Cover Letter should have the following information right on the top:

  • Senders name and address on the top right
  • Recipient’s name and address on the left
  • Location and Date on the right
  • Subject line in bold on the left
  • Salutation to the person your addressing (if unknown e.g. “Dear Hiring Team”)

In the example below you can see what it should look like.

Cover Letter Germany Formatting

Example for how to format your German Cover Letter

You should also make sure to keep enough space to each side, at least 2,5 cm.

Cover Letter Content

Before we take a closer look at what to write, it’s important to consider the following: In the digital age, most recruiters inspect your CV first, and then turn to the Cover Letter.  

That means, when reading your cover letter, they have already seen the CV. Hence, you should avoid repeating information that is already clear in the CV (e.g. telling them from when to when you worked at your latest job).

Instead, you should provide more personal information that gives context to your application and leaves the recruiter a chance to get to know you better and see the human behind the CV.

First Paragraph: Introduction

Contrary to what other people might tell you, you don’t need to have the “perfect” introduction sentence. Just can just get started with a simple introduction like this:

“ My name is … and with great interest I’m applying to your job opening as … ”.

Second Paragraph: Why you are the perfect fit

In the second paragraph, you want to explain why you are the perfect fit for their open role . Talk about what experience you have, what you’re passionate about, and what skills you bring to the table that are relevant for this role. This paragraph should not be too long. Consider that they already read your CV, so 3-4 sentences should be enough . 

Focus especially on the part about why you’re passionate about what you’re doing, because this is new information that helps the reader to get to know you on a deeper and more personal level.

Third Paragraph: Why you are interested in this role at this company

If you have already read our article about how to write a CV in Germany , you know that we believe that you should personalize all your documents and not just send the exact same document to all companies . And the same goes for the Cover Letter. 

That’s why in this paragraph, you should add something unique about the company. Ask yourself this: Why did you pick exactly this job to apply to and not others? What did you read on the Job Ad or on the company’s website that sparked your interest?

Again, keep it short and simple. 2-3 highly personalized sentences should be enough.

Fourth Paragraph: Thank you and Closing

Similar to the first paragraph, a simple ending is now all you need to close out the Cover Letter on a good note! 

You can simply write something like this: “ Thank you for your time and consideration – I would be happy to learn more about the role in a personal interview. Kind regards, … ”

Summary: How to write a Cover Letter in Germany

Congratulations – if you follow these steps you’ll write a great Cover Letter that will take your application to the next level and help you stand out from all the other applicants!

This is also why we would advise you to always write a Cover Letter, even if the company doesn’t ask for it – because not everyone is willing to do it, you will be able to positively stand out. Especially if you write a personalized Cover Letter .

Did you enjoy this article? Then you might want to check out our Job Search Master Class: A step by step course created by German recruiters that will show you how to land your dream in 3 steps. In this Master Class you will not only find more, insights, video breakdowns, and even ready-made templates for your Cover Letter and your CV. You will also discover how to create an optimal LinkedIn profile and how to rock your job interviews!

Laura Villafuerte

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How To Write a Cover Letter in German? Tips & Examples

How To Write a Cover Letter in German? Tips & Examples

To apply for a job or an internship in Germany, your cover letter must be not only impeccable but also personalized because German recruiters scrutinize cover letters!

We will give you all the translations you need and explain everything: what wording to use and how formal it should be, how to start it, how to end it, what to put and what format to choose, so that you can get the job you want. In addition to our tips, you will find at the end of the article an example of a German cover letter in word and pdf for free download.

How do you say cover letter in German?

The translation of cover letter in German is "das Motivationsschreiben". It simply means the motivation letter.

The application is called "die Bewerbung" in German and the applicant is called "der Bewerber" or "die Bewerberin".

➜ See our tips for writing a German CV .

Salutation and opening greeting to use in a German cover letter

The cover letter in German is formal and you have to pay attention to the politeness, even if you apply by e-mail.

When you know the name of the person, write :

Sehr geehrter Herr Müller or Sehr geehrte Frau Müller,

If the person has a doctorate or is a professor, use the following salutation:

Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Müller or Sehr geehrter Herr Professor Müller,

Namely: If the person is a professor and also has two doctorates, it was usual (not so long ago) to write:

Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. Dr. Dr. Müller,

But nowadays, it is enough to put only the highest title (Professor in this example). On the other hand, these titles must be specified in the address (at the very top of the letter).

If you do not know the name of the person, for example for an unsolicited application, simply write:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

This is also the standard, polite way to greet someone unknown in an e-mail in German, in a formal cover letter or in any business letter.

If you are applying for a job in a start-up or a rather young and untraditional organization, you can simply write:

Hallo Herr Müller,

Please note: The sentence that follows does not start with a capital letter: "Hallo Herr Müller, hiermit bewerbe ich mich...".

💡 Our advice: Start with "Sehr geehrter Herr Müller" and if your interviewer changes to "Hallo Herr Dubois" or "Hallo Nicolas", then do the same.

How to start your cover letter in German?

The introduction should arouse the recruiter's curiosity and make him or her want to read the rest. It should immediately highlight your profile and show your determination and passion for the position and the company you are applying to. This is how you will stand out from the other candidates.

It is also the first impression you give of yourself and we know that the first impression is always the strongest. It is indeed very difficult to get rid of a first impression, it is a cognitive bias called in psychology the anchoring or confirmation. So if your introduction is successful, it's half the battle won (well, almost).

Avoid ready-made sentences, banal formulas and don't repeat what's in your resume or your CV. The introduction should be concise and not exceed 3 sentences.

Here is an example of a very effective personalized introduction:

Sehr geehrter Herr Müller, seit sechs Jahren verfolge ich die Entwicklung von Elektroautos und die Fortschritte der Automobilbranche mit großem Interesse und habe mit Begeisterung von einem Praktikum (or von einer Stelle als …) in Ihrem Unternehmen gelesen. Als Student der Elektroingenieurswissenschaft mit abgeschlossener Ausbildung zum Mechatroniker verfüge ich über viel Knowhow gepaart mit Leidenschaft für Autos und technischem Feingefühl.

Another possibility is to emphasize your skills and successes, for example like this:

mit 6 Jahren Erfahrung als Sales Manager im Bereich B2B für große Saas- und Softwareunternehmen und einer langjährigen Affinität zu den Themen Preisstrategie und -Verhandlung bin ich der perfekte Kandidat für Ihre Stelle.

The candidate starts with his strongest asset (his 6 years of experience) and then emphasizes his expertise.

💡 Pro Tip: 99% of all applicants write the same introduction in their cover letter almost word for word, so make sure you stand out if you want to have a chance of getting the job of your dreams!

What to put in your cover letter for a job application in Germany?

The objective of the cover letter is to convince the recruiter that you are the ideal candidate and that you correspond exactly to the profile sought. Basically, you must explain why the company should hire you and not someone else.

Do not copy your CV into your cover letter! Explain that you have the required skills, gained from your various experiences, and that they will be put to good use by the company.

For example:

Ich habe 4 Jahre Erfahrung als E-Commerce-Marketing-Analyst bei Fashionista (your position) gesammelt und war in dieser Zeit verantwortlich für die SEO-Strategie des Online-Shops und die Kundengewinnung. Ich konnte den Umsatz um 12% monatlich steigern und die Conversion Rate um 17% optimieren (mention your role, main responsibilities and results).

Als Marketingmanager des Fashionista Online-Shops erwarb ich fundierte Kenntnisse über Techniken zur Verkaufsoptimierung und lernte prägnante und überzeugende Texte zu verfassen.

In this example, the candidate does not go back to his professional experience, which has (surely) already been presented in his resume, but focuses on the skills he has acquired that he can bring to the company he is applying to.

You can also list your key skills, those that interest the recruiter, in the following way:

Meine Kernkompetenzen sind: - Online Kundengewinnung (SEO und Content Marketing) - Techniken zur Optimierung der Conversion Rate - Verfassen von prägnanten und überzeugenden Texten - Übersichtliche Darstellung von komplexen Daten

The recruiter quickly sees what interests him: it is clear, simple and effective!

Be as concise as possible: it is better for the recruiter (some prefer half-page cover letters) and it will force you to avoid length and repetition. In any case, do not exceed one page.

💡 Our advice: The word "motivation" can be misleading. In reality, it is not a question of showing off your motivations but of showing the company what you could bring to them, what your qualities, skills and areas of expertise are.

How do you conclude a cover letter in German?

You can end your cover letter by showing that you would like to know more about the position and the company:

Auf die Gelegenheit, Ihr Unternehmen in einem persönlichen Gespräch kennenzulernen und mehr über die Position des Marketingassistenten zu erfahren, freue ich mich sehr.

Or finish by emphasizing your value:

Sehr gern überzeuge ich Sie in einem persönlichen Gespräch von meinen Fähigkeiten als Sales Agent und freue mich darauf, mehr über Ihr Unternehmen und die Stelle als Marketingmanager zu erfahren.

If you are applying for an internship, you can end your cover letter as follows:

Auf eine persönliche Vorstellung, in der ich Sie von meiner Leidenschaft für die Energiebranche, meiner Motivation für ein Praktikum im Projektmanagement sowie meinen Kenntnissen in der Auswertung der Energiedaten überzeugen kann, freue ich mich.

The most common greeting at the end of an email or a letter in German is:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

If you already know the person or after several mail exchanges, you can use either of these two polite formulas which correspond to Cordially in German:

Viele Grüße or Beste Grüße

Skip a line after the greeting and add your signature and your name below.

💡 Pro Tip: Unlike in English, there is no comma after the greeting at the end of a german letter.

Sample cover letter in German to download

Here is a sample cover letter in German in PDF and Word for free download.

Lexicon and vocabulary to translate your cover letter into German

Here is a list of useful words with their translations in German:

Jerome Feys

Jerome Feys

Job in Berlin's Founder

As a recruitment expert and founder of Job in Berlin, I have corrected over 1,000 resumes. Since 2015, I've been sharing my expertise and delivering tips on resume and cover letter writing, as well as techniques for a successful job interview.

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How to Draft a Perfect German Cover Letter [Format, Guide]

A hand typing on a laptop

In Germany, the employment market is highly competitive. Many qualified and skilled individuals are looking for jobs in Germany, so it's critical to make an excellent first impression with your cover letter.

A well-written cover letter can differentiate between securing job interviews and being overlooked when submitting a job or visa application. A great cover letter demonstrates that you are serious about the position and have what it takes. 

Read on for a guide on   how to write the ideal German cover letter and an example format , plus some pointers and shortcuts to ensure that your cover letter is flawless.

What is a German Cover Letter?

You may submit a one-page cover letter ( Anschreiben ) from Germany when   applying for a job   or an internship. The cover letter introduces you to the potential employer and explains why you are the ideal applicant.

The German cover letter should be formal and polite. The tone should be positive and professional.

Tip:   You may submit your resume ( Lebenslauf ) and cover letter in English or German when applying for a   position . If the employment opening is in German, it is advisable to write your cover letter in German.

German Cover Letter Format

It is critical to use the correct format for your cover letter when applying in Germany. This implies that you should include your   contact information   (name, address, phone number, email) and the date at the top of the page. The letter should be addressed to the person in charge of hiring at the firm (if you do not have a name, you can use something more general, such as " Dear Hiring Manager ").

It is essential to   keep it professional and easy to read   regarding font style and size for your German cover letter. Times New Roman or Arial font in size 12 should be sufficient.

Begin your letter with a   brief introduction   and explain why you are interested in the position. Then, go into detail about your qualifications and accomplishments that make you the perfect candidate for the job. Be sure to   emphasize any skills or experience   relevant to the position.

In the second section,   underline the skills and accomplishments   that make you the perfect candidate. Be sure to emphasize any skills or work experience relevant to the position. Finally, in the third part,   thank the company for their time and consideration . You may also include a statement of availability for an interview or mention that you will be in touch soon.

Close the letter with a professional sign-off (" Sincerely," "Best regards ," etc.), followed by your full name and signature.

Tip:   If you've   studied German , say so in your cover letter. This will demonstrate to the employer that you're serious about the position and have taken the time to learn more about their culture and country.

What not to include in a German Cover Letter

When writing your German cover letter, there are a few things that you should avoid doing.

  • Do not repeat information   from your resume or CV verbatim.
  • Personal information   such as your age, marital status, or the number of children should not be included. This data is irrelevant to the employer and may lead to your being discriminated against.
  • Do not use   informal language or contractions . The phrases "I'd want to," or "I'll be" are examples of informal language.
  • Avoid a generic cover letter . Make sure that your cover letter is tailored to the position you're applying for. This will demonstrate to the employer that you are genuinely interested in working for them.
  • Do not include a   photograph   of yourself.
  • Do not use humor   or try to be witty in your cover letter. This is a formal business correspondence; therefore, keep it serious unless stated otherwise.
  • Do not make any   negative comments   about your current or previous employers.
  • Do not reveal your salary expectations or demands   during the interview. This may be discussed at length during the hiring process.

Keep the following in mind while drafting a German Cover Letter

A German cover letter should be concise and direct, as stated in the job description.

There's no need to include details about your interests or hobbies. The emphasis should be on your abilities and qualifications rather than your personality.

Employers may not be familiar with overly formal or technical language, so avoid it. Stick to simple, straightforward speech that anyone can comprehend.

Finally, double-check it for spelling and grammatical errors before submitting your cover letter.

German Cover Letter Template Ideas

Finding the ideal German cover letter template may be a challenging task.

The internet is your best friend for locating the perfect German cover letter template. Several excellent, free websites provide templates for various letters, including German cover letters.

Some of our favorites include:

Novoresume   is a website that provides free templates for various letters, including German Cover Letters. The website offers several templates for different types of letters and varying levels of experience.  is another website that has compiled the best German cover letter examples and templates to help you land your dream job.

Zety  is a website that provides cover letter templates for various professions. The website offers both free and paid templates.

Cover letters can be tricky, but following a specific format can make the time to research much more accessible and help you get your dream job. Remember to personalize your letter for each job application and highlight relevant qualifications and experience.

Need help with your German CV?

Don't worry! Check out our German CV guide below to know everything you need to create an outstanding German CV

Letter of Motivation [Complete Guide]

The Best Cities in Germany for Expats: Over vs. Underrated

German Language Course Visa

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How to Write the Perfect German Cover Letter: Best Practices

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When a company searches for a new employee, several hundreds applicants could send their CVs. The HR department of the company I work for told me that sometimes a cover letter could be a crucial element in why they might decide to invite someone for an interview or not. If you plan to apply for a job in Germany, you have to learn how to write a German cover letter.

Let’s start and let me provide you with the essential information about cover letters in Germany in this article.

Key takeaways

  • This article sheds more light on what the German cover letter is all about.
  • A cover letter is a helpful extension of your CV .
  • It gives you a great chance to introduce and position yourself as the person your new employer should choose.
  • I am also providing you with some tips about the length , essential formulas , writing styles , and the required contents of the cover letter in Germany.
  • At the end of this article, you will find a personal recommendation for finding professional cover letter writers online who can help you write it.

What is the German cover letter?

Alongside the German CV , you should also make sure that you are sending a cover letter. Even if the cover letter does not prioritize the preselection of candidates for further interviews, it might make a significant difference in the end.

The German SPIEGEL Magazine published an article about the importance of cover letters for an application in Germany. The interviewed recruiting professional states in this article:

“However, a job application is about working together in the future. Therefore, you’d better use the cover letter to tell a potential employer what is important to you in your job and how you would like to work together in the future.”

Based on my experience, you should never miss that chance to impress your future employer. It may make a difference if your CV is similar to others or might not fit 100% to the job offered.

Definition of the cover letter in Germany

Think about a motivation letter as an extended introduction to:

  • who you are
  • the reason you are sending the application
  • why you are a good fit
  • and why you could be of benefit to the company you are applying to.

It allows you to paint a more detailed picture about yourself instead of relying only on your CV. This strings together all the stages of your professional and educational life.

As you can see, a German job seeker’s letter can include quite some information about yourself.

This leads me to the next point, why an email instead of a cover letter is not enough.

In Germany, the cover letter is not an email

Most applications are now submitted online and no longer by mail. Whether you send your email or submit your CV and cover letter via a recruiting platform, they should not confuse a cover letter with an email.

If you send your CV via email, you should not mistake the email with your written cover letter. Your email can be short and sweet. There you can provide some basic information, such as your name and the name of your contact person, if available.

In the email you’ll be stating that you are sending your CV and your cover letter and asking for a reply.

The cover letter should be a separate PDF file or Microsoft Word Document.

Tipps regarding the German cover letter

Here are a few tips that I collected from my German friends.

Length of German employment cover letter

A cover letter for German employers should be roughly one to two DIN A 4 pages long.

I recommend you not write a cover letter that’s longer than this because hardly anyone will be willing to read it.

In general, using a larger spacing between lines and a comfortable to read font size will support the recipient’s efforts to read it.

Opening and closing formulas

It would help if you always used polite and formal addressing and closing formulas.

As you might be aware, there is a standard version for “you” in German: “Sie.” This is how Germans address everyone they are not closely acquainted with.

Even if you know your first point of contact in the company you apply to, I’d still not recommend the informal version for “you” used as “Du” in German.

But why is that?

Most likely, more people will be reading your cover letter throughout the application process. And it’s considered impolite in Germany to use “Du” instead of “Sie.”

Standard addressing formulas are, for example:

“ Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren ,” meaning “dear sir or madam,” is the most general variation.

If you know your first point of contact by name, you can also address them by using, for example, “ Sehr geehrter Herr Weidel ,” which means “Dear mister Weidel” in English.

Always address them with their family name, not with their first name.

It’s best to close a cover letter using the standard formula “ Mit freundlichen Grüßen ,” similar to “Best regards” in English.

Make sure you add your name with some white space in between so that you can sign the letter manually before sending it out.

Sentence length

You should make sure not to write any lengthy sentences. Better keep your sentences as short as possible. This helps the reader quickly grasp the content and understand what you are writing about without having to overthink it.

Individual cover letters

Even if you are applying for more than just one position at once, make sure you rewrite your cover letter every time.

You should tailor he cover letter should to the company you apply to.

You can’t use the central part of a cover letter for more than one job application.

Give examples

Reading through the job offering or job ad is crucial. It is better if something stands out that you can refer to in your cover letter. If specific personal strengths are required, give a short and easy-to-understand how you meet up.

Answers to questions

Are there any questions included in the job advertisement? If so, answer them and make sure that you answer all of these in your letter.

Refer to the company you apply to

Since nobody likes to receive a mass-produced application, make sure that you mention something that stood out for you while informing yourself about the company you apply to. Allow them to understand why you chose to apply for that specific job in their company.

Grammar and spelling

Of course, taking care of any grammar or spelling mistakes is always a good idea. If possible, let a professional read through your cover letter. If you have no professional at hand, you might have to find someone capable of reading and writing German fluently enough to support you here. I have always used Fiverr * for that kind of service in the past.

The structure of the application letter in Germany

From a structural point of view, a formal job inquiry letter can be a bit longer than you might have experienced that so far in your home country.

Basic information

At the very top of the page, please include:

  • your full name
  • phone number
  • and other contact information

Also Include the full name and address of the company. And the name of the contact person you address the cover letter to, in case you know the name.

As a last formality, include the date and subject matter.

You can then address the person the cover letter is written for by name or use the standard formula of “Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren” as mentioned above.

Now it’s time to divide the cover letter into four different paragraphs.

First paragraph – Introduction

Make sure that you introduce yourself and give the reader why you are applying for the specific job. Some ideas might be that you recently relocated to Germany and are now searching for a job. Another option might be that you want to make a career change. It should be clear to the reader what your intention is.

Second paragraph – Your professional experience

The second paragraph is about your professional experience, skillset, and abilities. If there is anything worth mentioning that you believe would help you stand out from other applicants, please consider mentioning it.

Suppose you are still working outside of Germany. In that case, you might also consider providing some details about your current position, the company you are working for, and the daily tasks you are regularly doing.

If you achieved anything remarkable in the past that might benefit your future employer, let them know about it. It’s another chance for you to shine.

Third paragraph – About the company and the reason why

Before writing this paragraph, think about why the company should hire you instead of someone else.

How can you be of benefit to your future employer?

Try to describe why you are a good fit for the position, the job offered, and how you might fit into the team.

You should consider finding out more about the company you apply for and get some background information.

Since it’s not unlikely that people will search for you on LinkedIn, do the same and search for the company there.

You will most likely get a good idea about their corporate structure and maybe even about the team you would be working with.

Fourth paragraph – Closing

In the last paragraph, you should state that you are interested in the company and the position. Thank the person or the people who would read your cover letter for considering you for the offered job.

Also, please mention that you’d be looking forward to meeting them in person or virtually for the interview soon. And that you are looking forward to a reply.

Let professionals write the German introduction letter for you

Germans who changed their position quite often are all used to writing those cover letters as they have a long history in the German application process.

Writing a cover letter as a foreigner based on German standards can be challenging.

Why use a professional cover letter writer?

You should use a professional cover letter writer for your application if you are not 100% familiar with the German language and application process.

Cover letter writers whose native language is German can help you create a perfect cover letter for you.

Your chances of success with your application, assuming your CV already looks interesting, will be significantly higher when you send over a well-written letter for German employers.

Where to find a professional cover letter writer?

From my own experience, finding an excellent motivation letter writer is not difficult.

I have a great experience with the freelancer platform called Fiverr *. You can search for “ German cover letter ” there and find good results.

I want to give you one piece of advice to choose someone located in Germany and whose native language is German.

They are most likely very familiar with the specifications and can write fluently in German.

USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT GERMANY JOBS IN GERMANY > How To Get A Job In Germany ___ INSURANCE IN GERMANY > 15 types of insurance in Germany any expat should have ___ FINANCES IN GERMANY > Find Best Rates for Loan in Germany ___ WAGES AND TAXES IN GERMANY > Tax return Germany – Everything you need to know > Average Salary in Germany Latest Data ___ WORKING IN GERMANY > CV in German with Europass: How to fill in step by step ___ LEARNING GERMAN LANGUAGE > How to learn German fast: Top 10 strategies

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How to Write a German CV | Essential Tips

Documents for job application in Germany: Your Checklist

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Germany Is Calling

Sample cover letter for job application in Germany

A sample cover letter for a job application in Germany can be a critical component in your quest for employment in the country.

Crafting the perfect cover letter involves understanding the expectations of German employers and adapting your writing style and content accordingly.

In this blog post, we will provide you with comprehensive guidance on creating an effective cover letter tailored for the German job market.

We will cover the importance of structure, cultural nuances, best practices, and common mistakes to avoid, ensuring your cover letter stands out to potential employers.

A cover letter, known as an “Anschreiben” in German, is a crucial element of your job application.

It is your opportunity to make a strong first impression and demonstrate your motivation and suitability for the role.

In Germany, cover letters are often seen as equally important as the CV, if not more so.

Employers use cover letters to assess not only your writing skills and attention to detail but also your understanding of the company and the position.

This is why tailoring your cover letter to the specific job and company is vital to your success.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover the following topics:

Key Components of a German Cover Letter

  • Sample Cover Letter for a Job Application in Germany

Cultural Nuances and Best Practices

  • Common Mistakes to Avoid
  • Tips for Making Your Cover Letter Stand Out

By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to create an impactful cover letter that sets you apart from the competition and paves the way for a successful job application in Germany.

A well-structured and carefully crafted cover letter can significantly increase your chances of securing a job interview in Germany.

Understanding the key components of a German cover letter and its significance will help you create a compelling and impactful letter that resonates with potential employers.

In this section, we will dive into each component and provide guidance on how to make your cover letter shine.

1. Personal Information

At the top of your cover letter, include your full name, address, phone number, and email address.

This information should be right-aligned, ensuring it is easy to locate and follows the standard German formatting.

You may also include your professional title and LinkedIn profile link if relevant.

2. Recipient’s Information

Below your personal information, left-align the recipient’s details, including their name, title, company name, and address.

If you’re unsure of the recipient’s name, it’s worth conducting some research to find the appropriate contact person, as addressing the letter to a specific individual demonstrates your diligence and attention to detail.

Include the date below the recipient’s information, following the German date format (DD.MM.YYYY).

4. Subject Line

A concise and informative subject line helps the reader quickly understand the purpose of your letter.

Begin with “Bewerbung um die Stelle als” (Application for the position of) followed by the job title. This makes it easy for the recipient to identify the position you are applying for.

5. Salutation

In Germany, formality is crucial. Address the recipient with “Sehr geehrte(r)” (Dear) followed by their last name and a comma.

If you don’t know the recipient’s name, use “Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren” (Dear Sir/Madam).

6. Opening Paragraph

The opening paragraph sets the tone for your cover letter. Briefly introduce yourself and mention the position you are applying for, where you found the job posting, and, if applicable, any mutual connections or referrals.

7. Body Paragraphs

In the body of your cover letter, showcase your qualifications, skills, and experiences relevant to the job.

Focus on how your background aligns with the requirements listed in the job description, and provide concrete examples to demonstrate your accomplishments.

Also, show your knowledge of the company and explain why you are interested in the position and how you can contribute to the organization’s success.

8. Closing Paragraph

In the closing paragraph, reiterate your interest in the role and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity. Politely request an interview and thank the recipient for considering your application.

9. Sign-off and Signature

End your cover letter with a formal sign-off such as “Mit freundlichen Grüßen” (Kind regards) followed by your full name. If sending a physical letter, include your handwritten signature above your typed name.

10. Enclosures

Finally, mention any enclosures, such as your CV, references, or certificates, by adding “Anlagen:” (Enclosures:) at the bottom of the letter. This ensures the recipient is aware of the additional documents accompanying your application.

Now that you have a clear understanding of the key components of a German cover letter, let’s move on to a few sample cover letters and dissect their elements to help you craft your own.

Sample Cover Letters for Job Applications in Germany

To give you a better understanding of how to craft a cover letter for different job domains, we have provided three sample cover letters: one for an IT position, one for a marketing position, and one for a nursing position.

Each cover letter showcases a different format or style, allowing you to choose the approach that best suits your individual preferences and the specific job you are applying for.

Sample 1: IT Position (Software Developer)

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Your Phone Number] [Your Email Address] [LinkedIn Profile Link (optional)] [Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title] [Company Name] [Company Address] [Date (DD.MM.YYYY)] Bewerbung um die Stelle als Softwareentwickler Sehr geehrte(r) [Recipient’s Last Name], I am writing to apply for the Software Developer position at [Company Name] as advertised on [Job Portal]. As a skilled professional with over five years of experience in software development, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your company’s success. Throughout my career, I have developed and maintained numerous software applications, consistently meeting project deadlines and exceeding client expectations. My technical expertise includes proficiency in Java, Python, and C++, as well as experience with Agile methodologies and DevOps practices. I am also passionate about continuous learning, which has enabled me to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies. I am particularly attracted to [Company Name] because of its reputation for innovation and commitment to employee growth. I believe my skill set and dedication to software development would make me a valuable addition to your team. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and how I can contribute to [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, [Your Full Name] [Handwritten Signature (if applicable)] Anlagen: Lebenslauf Zeugnisse Arbeitsproben

Sample 2: Marketing Position (Content Marketing Manager)

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Your Phone Number] [Your Email Address] [LinkedIn Profile Link (optional)] [Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title] [Company Name] [Company Address] [Date (DD.MM.YYYY)] Bewerbung um die Stelle als Content Marketing Manager Sehr geehrte(r) [Recipient’s Last Name], As an experienced Content Marketing Manager with a strong background in developing and implementing successful marketing strategies, I am excited to apply for the position at [Company Name] that I discovered on [Job Portal]. During my six years in the marketing industry, I have managed content creation, search engine optimization, and social media campaigns for various clients, leading to significant increases in web traffic, engagement, and conversion rates. My strengths lie in my ability to analyze target audiences, identify content gaps, and create compelling content that drives results. What draws me to [Company Name] is its focus on providing exceptional value to customers through innovative marketing techniques. I am confident that my expertise in content marketing, combined with my passion for creating engaging experiences, will enable me to contribute significantly to your company’s growth and success. I appreciate your consideration of my application and look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, [Your Full Name] [Handwritten Signature (if applicable)] Anlagen: Lebenslauf Zeugnisse Arbeitsproben

Sample 3: Nursing Position (Registered Nurse)

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Your Phone Number] [Your Email Address] [LinkedIn Profile Link (optional)] [Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title] [Company Name] [Company Address] [Date (DD.MM.YYYY)] Bewerbung um die Stelle als examinierte Krankenschwester Sehr geehrte(r) [Recipient’s Last Name], I am writing to express my interest in the Registered Nurse position at [Company Name], which I came across on [Job Portal]. With over seven years of nursing experience and a commitment to providing exceptional patient care, I am confident in my ability to make a positive impact at your healthcare facility. Throughout my nursing career, I have honed my skills in patient assessment, treatment planning, and health education. My experience includes working in diverse healthcare settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and outpatient clinics. This background has allowed me to develop strong communication and teamwork skills, adapt to different environments, and provide high-quality care to patients from various backgrounds. I am drawn to [Company Name] because of its reputation for excellence in patient care and commitment to employee development. I believe my nursing experience, passion for healthcare, and dedication to patient well-being make me a strong candidate for this position. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and explore how I can contribute to the success of [Company Name]. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, [Your Full Name] [Handwritten Signature (if applicable)] Anlagen: Lebenslauf Zeugnisse Zertifikate

These three sample cover letters demonstrate different formats and styles tailored to specific job domains.

Bonus : Looking for additional cover letter templates? Here is a list of free CV and cover letter templates that you can use for your next job application in Germany.

Analyze the elements of each sample and use them as a starting point to create a cover letter that effectively showcases your unique qualifications and experiences for the position you are applying for in Germany.

Do you have further questions?

Join our community of job seekers and expats from Germany. You can ask your doubts and get suggestions on topics related to getting a job in Germany and several other related topics.

When applying for a job in Germany, it’s essential to be aware of the cultural nuances and best practices to ensure your cover letter makes a strong impression.

Understanding the expectations of German employers and adapting your cover letter accordingly will increase your chances of success.

In this section, we will discuss some key cultural aspects and best practices to follow when crafting your cover letter.

1. Formality and Politeness

German business culture places a high value on formality and politeness.

Ensure that your cover letter adheres to a formal writing style and tone.

Use appropriate salutations and sign-offs, and address the recipient by their last name.

Avoid using slang, colloquialisms, or overly casual language.

2. Addressing the Recipient Properly

Take the time to research the correct name and title of the person responsible for reviewing job applications.

Addressing the recipient personally demonstrates your diligence and attention to detail.

If you cannot find the recipient’s name, use the generic salutation “Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren” (Dear Sir/Madam).

3. Demonstrating Knowledge of the Company and the Role

German employers appreciate candidates who show a genuine interest in their company and the specific role they are applying for.

Research the company’s mission, values, and recent projects, and mention how these align with your own professional goals and interests.

Additionally, carefully review the job description and emphasize how your skills, qualifications, and experiences make you a strong fit for the position.

4. Focusing on Achievements and Contributions

Instead of merely listing your previous job duties, highlight your achievements and the impact of your work.

Use specific examples to showcase your accomplishments and demonstrate your ability to contribute to the success of the company.

This approach shows employers that you are results-oriented and can make a meaningful difference in their organization.

5. Tailoring Your Cover Letter to the Specific Job

Avoid using a generic cover letter for every job application.

Instead, tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company by addressing the unique requirements and expectations outlined in the job description.

This not only demonstrates your genuine interest in the role but also shows that you have taken the time to understand the employer’s needs and how you can fulfill them.

By considering these cultural nuances and best practices, you can craft a compelling cover letter that resonates with German employers and sets you apart from other applicants.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in a German Cover Letter

To increase your chances of securing a job interview in Germany, it’s crucial to avoid common mistakes that can detract from your application’s effectiveness.

In this section, we will discuss some common pitfalls and provide tips on how to prevent them.

1. Spelling and Grammar Errors

Mistakes in spelling and grammar can significantly damage the credibility of your application.

Proofread your cover letter thoroughly and consider using a grammar-checking tool to ensure accuracy.

If possible, ask a native German speaker or a professional proofreader to review your letter for any errors or inconsistencies.

2. Overly Casual Tone

As mentioned earlier, German business culture values formality and politeness.

Avoid using an overly casual tone, slang, or colloquialisms in your cover letter. Instead, maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout your letter.

3. Lengthy Cover Letters

A cover letter should be concise and to the point. Aim for a length of one page, focusing on the most relevant and compelling information.

Avoid long-winded explanations and unnecessary details that can detract from the impact of your letter.

4. Failing to Address the Job Requirements

Not addressing the specific requirements outlined in the job description can give the impression that you are not genuinely interested in the position or have not taken the time to understand the employer’s needs.

Tailor your cover letter to the job description, highlighting your skills, qualifications, and experiences that align with the requirements.

5. Underselling or Overselling Yourself

Striking the right balance between confidence and humility is crucial in a cover letter.

Avoid underselling your skills and accomplishments, but also refrain from overselling yourself or exaggerating your qualifications.

Focus on providing accurate and relevant examples that demonstrate your suitability for the role.

6. Neglecting to Research the Company

Failing to demonstrate knowledge of the company and its values can give the impression that you are not genuinely interested in the role.

Research the company and mention specific aspects that resonate with your professional goals and interests to show your enthusiasm for the position.

7. Using Generic Cover Letters

Submitting a generic cover letter for multiple job applications can harm your chances of securing an interview.

Tailor your cover letter to each specific job and company to demonstrate your genuine interest in the role and your understanding of the employer’s needs.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a compelling and impactful cover letter that stands out to potential employers and increases your chances of success in the German job market.

Tips for Non-Native German Speakers

If you are a non-native German speaker applying for a job in Germany, crafting an effective cover letter can be particularly challenging.

However, by paying attention to certain aspects and following some best practices, you can overcome language barriers and make a strong impression.

In this section, we will discuss some tips to help non-native German speakers create an impactful cover letter.

1. Language Proficiency

First and foremost, ensure that your German language skills are sufficient for the job you are applying for.

If the job requires a high level of proficiency, it’s essential to have a strong command of the language, both in writing and speaking.

If necessary, consider taking German language courses or working with a language tutor to improve your skills.

2. Use a Professional Translation Service

If you are not confident in your ability to write a cover letter in German, consider using a professional translation service.

This can help ensure that your cover letter is accurate, clear, and adheres to German business etiquette.

However, remember that using a translation service is not a substitute for learning the language, particularly if the job requires fluent German skills.

3. Seek Feedback from Native German Speakers

Ask native German speakers to review your cover letter and provide feedback on your language usage, grammar, and overall structure.

This can help you identify any errors or inconsistencies and ensure that your cover letter adheres to German business conventions.

4. Highlight Your Language Skills

If you are fluent in multiple languages, including German, highlight this skill in your cover letter.

Many German companies value employees who can communicate effectively in multiple languages, particularly in international settings.

5. Research German Business Etiquette

Familiarize yourself with German business etiquette and incorporate appropriate conventions into your cover letter, such as formal salutations, sign-offs, and language usage.

This demonstrates your understanding of the local business culture and your willingness to adapt.

6. Address Potential Visa and Work Permit Requirements

If you are not an EU/EEA/Swiss citizen, make sure to address any potential visa and work permit requirements in your cover letter.

Briefly mention your eligibility for a visa or work permit, or your intention to obtain one, to reassure the employer that you are aware of the necessary procedures and willing to take the required steps.

By following these tips, non-native German speakers can create a compelling cover letter that effectively communicates their skills, qualifications, and experiences while adhering to German business etiquette and addressing potential language barriers.

Adapting Your Cover Letter for Remote Work Opportunities

With the increasing prevalence of remote work, many job seekers are looking for opportunities to work from home or outside of their home country.

In this section, we will discuss how to adapt your cover letter to showcase your suitability for remote work positions in Germany.

1. Highlight Relevant Remote Work Experience

If you have previous experience working remotely, be sure to emphasize this in your cover letter.

Explain how you successfully managed your workload, communicated with your team, and adapted to a remote work environment.

This demonstrates your ability to navigate the challenges of remote work and remain productive in a virtual setting.

2. Showcase Your Adaptability and Time Management Skills

Remote work often requires adaptability and strong time management skills. Highlight any experiences or accomplishments that demonstrate your ability to adapt to changing circumstances, manage your time effectively, and stay organized.

3. Emphasize Your Communication Skills

Effective communication is crucial for remote work, as much of the interaction with colleagues and supervisors happens via email, phone, or video calls.

Showcase your written and verbal communication skills in your cover letter and provide examples of how you have effectively communicated in remote work settings.

4. Familiarize Yourself with German Business Etiquette

Even when working remotely, it’s essential to understand and adhere to German business etiquette. Familiarize yourself with the expectations and conventions of German business culture, and ensure that your cover letter reflects this understanding.

5. Address Time Zone Differences

If you are applying for a remote position from a different time zone, address this in your cover letter.

Explain your willingness to adapt your work schedule, if necessary, to accommodate meetings or other collaborative activities during the company’s standard working hours.

6. Mention Relevant Tools and Technologies

Remote work often relies on specific tools and technologies for communication, collaboration, and project management.

Mention any familiarity or experience you have with these tools in your cover letter, as this demonstrates your ability to quickly adapt to the company’s remote work infrastructure.

By adapting your cover letter to emphasize your suitability for remote work, you can increase your chances of securing a remote position with a German company.

This approach demonstrates your understanding of the unique challenges and requirements of remote work and showcases your ability to thrive in a virtual work environment.

Crafting an effective cover letter for a job application in Germany requires attention to detail, an understanding of local business culture, and the ability to showcase your unique qualifications and experiences.

By following the guidelines and best practices discussed in this article, you can create a compelling cover letter that stands out to potential employers and increases your chances of securing an interview.

In summary, remember to:

  • Familiarize yourself with German business etiquette and conventions
  • Use a clear structure and include all essential components
  • Tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company
  • Showcase your accomplishments and provide concrete examples
  • Avoid common mistakes and maintain a professional tone
  • Consider cultural nuances and adapt your cover letter accordingly
  • For non-native German speakers, seek feedback and support as needed
  • Adapt your cover letter for remote work opportunities, if applicable

By putting in the effort to create a well-crafted, tailored cover letter, you demonstrate your professionalism, commitment, and genuine interest in the position.

This can set you apart from other applicants and ultimately help you land your desired job in Germany.

Stay persistent in your job search, and don’t be afraid to refine and revise your cover letter as you gain more experience and insights into the German job market.

Mkenya Ujerumani

How to Write a German Cover/Motivation Letter (Anschreiben)

June 11, 2013 mkenyaujerumani Business , Entertainment , Jobs , Life , Studying , Tips 2

Cover letter

This is the main letter in your application documents because it gives the potential employer an insight into who you are and what you are capable of delivering. 

Unlike your usual english cover letters where you are allowed to be creative with your words,  the German cover letter is more direct and to the point.  A Cover letter should answer the following questions:

  • Does the applicant suit the position?
  • What are the applicants’ strengths and how are they (the strengths) relevant to this position/company?

So here are a few tips on how to do it right:


  • Find out the exact contact person and their title(s) before you start writing the letter and use it, “ Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. XYZ ” or “ Sehr geehrte Frau Dr. ABC “. Avoid the general “ Dear Sir/Madam ” or “ Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren “.
  • When in doubt, please use “ Dear Sir/Madam ” or “ Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren “, don’t assume it has to be one. It’s more irritating reading a letter addressed to a “Sir”, when you’re a woman or vice versa.
  • Tailor the letter to the position you’re applying for.  Avoid having one letter that you send to all employers. Even when you have one letter, make it personal. Instead of “ I’ll be an asset to your company “, change that everytime you send to a new company and write it as, “ I’ll be an asset to Company XYZ “. Looks like you prepared and you know which company you’re applying to.
  • Include qualities you have that you think might be relevant for the position. Reading and rereading the job advert will help you pinpoint what qualities they are looking for.
  • Avoiding naming your qualities like you have a list to fill. Always support your quality with a bit of background e.g. “I enjoy working with children”
  • You can have your address either at the top of the page in a single line as shown or in the same format as the company address shown
  • Include the job reference number, especially if you found the advert on a separate site or newspaper.  You can leave it out if you are applying directly through the company website.
  • Avoid fancy fonts unless you work in the creative sector.

You might need to also read about writing a German CV

(your address can either be on a line at the top of the letter or as a paragraph)

Mkenya Ujerumani, Musterstrasse 20, 78495 Musterstadt.  Handy 01577776543 Email: [email protected]

Frau Ypsilon,

Company XYZ,

Musterfelderstrasse 2,

0345 Musterstadt.

Musterstadt, den 11.05.2013

Bewerbung um die Position als Kokorikor (Kennziffer 987)

Sehr geehrte Frau Dr. Ypsilon,

short intro on why you are writing:  Mit großem Interesse habe ich Ihre Stellenausschreibung in der Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung gelesen und bewerbe mich für “ die Position als Kokorikor (Kennziffer 987) “.

Tell us about your educational background, only include information relevant to the position you’re applying to : These questions will help you write this paragraph:

Where did you go to school? What did you study (that is relevant to this position)? When did you complete or when do you plan to complete? For those in Uni, you can mention your Bachelor/Masters theses here.

“ Zurzeit befinde ich mich im …….. Semester des Studiengangs ….. mit Schwerpunkt …….. der Technischen Universität …….. ”

Why did you choose that course and how does it relate to the position? Why are you applying for this position? This is a good point to mention if you’ve used the company’s services or products before, but don’t overdo it.

„ Der Bereich ABC interessiert mich schon seit langer Zeit, da ich … “

“ Wegen meines besonderen Interesses an ……. schrieb ich meine Diplomarbeit zum Thema „……….“. ”

“ Durch meine abgeschlossene Ausbildung zum ……. bin ich mit Ihren Produktgruppen auch in technischer Hinsicht gut vertraut. ”

Mention your qualities and your experiences and how they match the position you’re applying for :

What qualities do you have that are relevant to this position? (You speaking English, Kiswahili and your mother tongue is an asset that you should broadcast, of course depending on the position. For a social worker/nurse/airport attendant, it would be very relevant that they can speak many languages)

“ Den Einsatz in Ihren internationalen Niederlassungen empfinde ich als spannende Aufgabe. Hierfür bringe ich sehr gute Fremdsprachenkenntnisse in Englisch und Kisuaheli mit. ”

“ Die Teilnahme an verschiedenen Workshops und Seminaren stärkte mein besonderes Interesse an …… ”

„f ür die Stelle als … bringe ich bereits erste Erfahrungen in … durch … mit. “

This paragraph is optional and depends on the job description.

Here you can mention when you’d like to start work, how much you would expect to be paid and in some instances whether or not you’re ready to travel.

Last paragraph:

This is in closing where you pen off. Avoid shy comments like, “I look forward to hearing from you” and instead go for something bolder like: “ Ich freue mich auf Ihre Einladung zum persönlichen Gespräch .”

mit freundlichen Grüßen,

(Signature is optional)

Mkenya Ujerumani

City, den Date

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Step-by-step guide to a successful cover letter

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The next few sides will provide you with a step-by-step guidance of how to write and compose a cover letter. The examples on each side are taken from the Cover Letter by Peter Hunzicker. Click on the picture below to get the full-sized Cover Letter to recheck while reading through the instructions.

Click here for a pdf-version and a word document of this section.


Step 1: Your address

slide 1 your adress

  • Use the English name for your city, if there is one and the English name for the country.
  • Write your name in 14 point bold type so they can find you quickly in a stack of cover letters.
  • Don’t use German characters. Write Str. or Strasse.
  • Use the (+) sign instead of 00 before the country code for Germany (49). International access codes differ.
  • Use a serious email address: [email protected] isn’t the image you want.

Step 2: Inside address or recipient’s address

slide 2 inside adress

  • Use their full name with title (Dr, Mr, Ms, Professor).
  • In English we don’t combine titles such as Ms doctor or Doctor Professor.
  • In business, it is not common for a person to use an academic title.
  • Include the person’s position, if you know it.
  • Write the full mailing address of the company or institution.

Date may be positioned left or right.

UK: it is written day (number) month (written out) year without commas, e.g. 4 July 2014

US: the order is month (written out) day (number) followed by comma then year, e.g. July 4, 2014

These are small differences and both are understandable and acceptable

Don’t use abbreviations after the day: 21st, 2nd, etc.

Step 3: Salutation and subject line

slide 3 salutation and subject line

Dear Ms Smith for a woman and Dear Mr Smith for a man in business. Use academic titles for universities and research facilities. If it is impossible for you to find out the name of the person you should write to, use ‘Dear Sir or Madam’.

The subject line (in Bold ) enables the reader to quickly see what your letter is about. Include the position you are applying for, date of the advertisement, source: publication or website and any reference number.

If you are writing to a company that has not posted an opening (unsolicited application), the subject line should contain the type of position you are interested in and the department ‘Application for a summer internship in marketing’.

Step 4: Body

  • The body of the letter should consist of three to five short, concisely written paragraphs.
  • Leave a blank line between each paragraph.
  • Align your letter along the left margin of the page.
  • Remember not to use contractions (I’m, don’t, etc.), slang or casual language that you would use in emails to friends.
  • Do use action verbs to describe your experience.

Start the opening paragraph with a capital letter.

  • Introduce yourself and specify the job you are applying for.
  • Briefly explain how you heard about the job and why you are interested in it.
  • Following paragraph(s): Expand on the qualifications and experience in your CV to highlight your achievements and strengths. See The first steps to successful applications and interviews.
  • Use your research to demonstrate you know something about the company, their industry and the job requirements.
  • Show them the connection between what they are looking for and what you have to offer.
  • Use, but don’t overuse, key words from the advertisement.

Step 5: Final paragraph

slide 5 final paragraph

  • Restate your enthusiasm for the position.
  • Indicate your interest in an interview and your availability.
  • Offer to provide additional information and references.
  • Thank them for their time and consideration of your application.
  • Common phrases such as ‘I look forward to hearing from you soon’ can seem a little obvious and possibly demanding to recruiters who are trying to work their way through hundreds of applications.

Step 6: Complimentary close

slide 6 complimentary close

  • If your letter is addressed to a specific person, use ‘Yours sincerely’ (UK). If you had to start your letter with ‘Dear Sir or Madam’, then close with ‘Yours faithfully’
  • In the US ‘Sincerely yours’ or ‘Sincerely’ is appropriate for any business letter.

Step 7: Signature and enclosure

slide 7 signature and enclosure

  • For an email cover letter, type your full name. For one that is mailed, type your full name, leaving space above for your signature. Include (Mr) or (Ms) - in brackets - before your typed name if it is not clear whether your name refers to a man or a woman. Otherwise, leave it out.
  • Use ‘Enclosure’ or ‘Enclosure: CV’ to note the CV you are enclosing with your cover letter. Writing ‘CV’ alone is not enough.
  • Be sure your font and font size match your CV and that both are printed on good quality white paper.
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German cover letter guide – what recruiters expect

Writing a German cover letter in another hurdle on your path to getting a job in this country.

While the general purpose & content is probably similar to what you already know in your home country, some adaptation work might be necessary . This guide points out to the elements to include so you can convince recruiters you are the right one for the job.

German cover letter guide

Is a German cover letter still relevant?

Before putting in the efforts to actually write a German cover letter ( Bewerbungsschreiben , Motivationsschreibe n or Anschreiben ), you might wonder if it’s necessary at all.

A lot of recruiters don’t read it

This 2018 study by German recruitment agency Robert Kraft found out that 48% of recruiters didn’t find cover letters so relevant anymore , meaning that applications with CV only were considered valid.

In 2019, the Deutsche Bahn even stopped requesting cover lette rs all together, mentioning a lack of relevance. German ecommerce giant Otto did the same in 2016.

That lines up with my small experience as a recruiter & professional involved in the recruiting process. Motivation letters are rarely a differentiator, especially for more senior profiles. However, even if there is a trend to do away with it, most German recruiters will request a German cover lette r.

I will tell you why.

It still helps you to get an interview

Even if hiring managers will never glance over it, more & more companies are using Application Tracking Systems (ATS). It’s a piece of software that automates part of the recruiting process. Its purpose is to filter most applicants so the actual human HR manager only need to assess a few profiles for interviews.

ATS will compare requirements set by HR with what is on your CV and… your cover letter! It will search for the right keywords and compare them with the initial job ad.

Formatting your cover letter the right way, with the right keywords, it will maximize your chances to get invited to an interview.

Can I send my cover letter in English?

Since many applicants will only consider English-speaking jobs in Berlin or the rest of the country, it is a legitimate question.

I actually answered the same question on my post about German CVs . It applies to cover letters as well. (Spoiler alert: it depends.)

How should a German cover letter look like

At first glance, it looks like this. Read on for more details.

German cover letter example

The header contains the typical information you would expect:

Your contact details

  • First name and family name
  • Street, street number
  • Postal code, city
  • e-mail address
  • phone number

The employer contact details

  • Correct company name
  • Name of hiring manager
  • Street, street number,

It also contains the date at which the application was made

Subject line

The subject line simply includes what position you are applying for. Consider it a reminder for the hiring manager who has to process several applicants per day. Copy-paste the title from the job description. Salutation

A simple and personal touch by greeting the hiring manager by their names. Avoid “To whom it may concern” at all costs. Get a feel of the company policy about using first names or Mr/Mrs/Ms.

The actual cover letter

You will read a lof of tips on how to properly structure your content. German cover letters don’t differ so much from what you can find anywhere in the world. You should answer the 3 following questions well:

  • Why you are a good fit or the job : this refers to how well your career/work experience has prepared you to take on the responsibilities listed in the job description. You should prove that the path you are on is naturally leading you to this position.
  • What makes you think you can do the job : this refers to quantifiable/tangible achievements that can prove that you can solve the challenges ahead. Refer to specific skills mentioned in the job description and demonstrate how you already own them.
  • Why this company attracts you in particular : you need to demonstrate a genuine interest in having this job at THIS company. This requires a little bit of background check on the company’s missions and vision. You need to get a feel of the identity of the company. Show that they align with your values and that it’s a good place to grow for you. Check the company’s LinkedIn feed to see if there are events, achievements you could relate to.

Leave a lasting impression after mentioning practical details:

  • State your availability and when you can start.
  • If it was requested in the job description, state your salary expectations .
  • State again how much you would like this job and how much you can demonstrate your motivation in an interview.

Tips for success

  • Stay formal & don’t get emotional
  • Match the linguo/wording used by the company in the job description. Each company culture is unique
  • Do not use bullets points
  • Keep your letter machine readable by using a simple layout
  • Sprinkle your letter with the right keywords so the ATS software puts your profile on top of the pile.
  • Match the font & styles used on your CV.
  • Do not use passive voice . Make sure you only use active verbs.
  • Prefer sentences that show ownership & confidence (eg: “I think I could” -> “I am confident I will”)
I hope this little guide was useful. Feel free to ask questions the comments. Bastien

German cover letter – FAQ

The actual content of the letter should not be longer than 4-5 paragraphs, with 2-4 sentences each. It should fit on a single page with plenty of space towards the bottom.

You can probably find a job in Berlin without a German cover letter, as a lot of international companies conduct their hiring processes in English only. However, that limits your opportunities a lot.

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Crafting a German CV for success – get noticed by recruiters

This should included on an invoice in germany.

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cover letter application deutsch

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Sample German Cover Letter

When looking to  work in Germany  it is important to know the standards in that country. The  German Cover Letter and the  German CV  are the most important documents for getting called back for a  job interview .

The Cover Letter should be one page DIN A4 at most. Use the  standard text arts  as Times New Roman or Arial type size 12 and single-spaced line spacing as well as in  DIN 5008 Norm . Find here a sample of cover letter in German as well as a sepculative cover letter in German.

Sample German Cover Letter

Free Download

Sample German Cover Letter 

Speculative Sample German Cover Letter

Sample Speculative German Cover Letter

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The cover letter – how to write a convincing letter of application

Your cover letter is your first contact with your potential new employer, and it creates their first impression of you. For this reason it is very important. You should take great care when writing your cover letter to ensure that you stand out from the crowd. If you are going to convince a recruiter to invite you for interview, you will need to write a professional and original cover letter. Using an application template, we will show you how to structure your letter and what information it should contain.

Contents: Six steps to the perfect cover letter

  • Pay attention to the structure of your letter.
  • Create an error-free letterhead.
  • Write a concise subject line .
  • Address your point of contact personally in the salutation .
  • In the main body of the letter , explain clearly to your desired employer what added value you offer the company.
  • Formulate a confident concluding sentence .

Keep things in order: the structure of the cover letter

Before you write your application, you need to know how to structure it. There is a classic structure for this (which even has its own DIN standard), which specifies what information should be provided at which point. Even if this structure is not to be understood as a rigid specification, a cover letter should basically contain the following elements:

  • Place, date
  • Subject of application
  • Personal salutation
  • Introduction
  • Your qualifications and skills
  • Added value you can offer the company
  • Closing salutation
  • Reference to attachments

We will now take a closer look at the individual parts of your cover letter and explain what you should pay attention to. The beginning and end of the cover letter should follow the form of a standard letter, and do not leave much room for creativity. The main body of the letter can be formulated more freely, however. Also, keep in mind that your cover letter should not be longer than one A4 page .

Your cover letter’s “business card”: the letterhead

In order for your application to reach the right address and person, It is crucial that your letterhead is correct. This begins with your contact details such as name, address, telephone number and email address. This means that the recruiter can see at a glance who they are dealing with, and provides them with all the information they need to get in touch with you. Below, write the address of the company including the name of your point of contact .

But be careful! The first mistakes in cover letters often creep in here: spelling the company name incorrectly could result in your immediate exclusion from the application process. Typos in the address or the recipient’s name are also seen as careless mistakes, and they may have more of an effect that merely making the recipient uncomfortable. Therefore, check the letterhead very carefully before you send your cover letter. This is especially true if you reuse an application template several times.

Once you have thoroughly checked the contact details, enter your place of residence and the date on the right-hand side. Again, before sending the cover letter, check whether you have entered the correct date.

The issue at a glance: the subject line

Before you start writing the text of your cover letter, you need to come up with a concise subject line . It is important to refer to the position you are applying for. Extensive formulations have no place in the subject line . Simply write which job you are applying for and add the reference number or code number listed in the job advertisement. This makes it easier for the recruiter to assign your application to the relevant job advertisement.

A clearly formulated subject line might look like this:

  • Application for position of retail salesperson, reference number: 123456
  • Application for position of accountant, code: 01012019

You can inform the recipient of your application where you saw the job advertised by inserting a reference line in a smaller font under the subject line:

  • Application for position of retail salesperson, reference number: 123456 Job advertised on LinkedIn dated 1st January, 2019
  • Application for the position of accountant Job advertised on the company’s website, code 01012019

Get personal: use the correct salutation

Have you ever received a letter addressing you as “ Dear Sir or Madam ”? Did you feel like you are probably one of thousands holding a duplicated cover letter in your hands? Put yourself in this position when you write your cover letter and heed the following tip: address your letter personally !

You will often find the point of contact’s name in the job advertisement. If this is not the case, do some research on the company's website or in professional networks such as Xing or LinkedIn . If in doubt, the safest way is to call the company and ask for the name of the relevant person.

If you feel insecure or uncomfortable before you call, follow these five steps to finding out the name of your point of contact:

Start by referring to the job advertisement and your wish to apply. This way, the person you are talking to knows immediately why you are calling.
Ask for the name of the person to whom you should direct your application. As a rule, the person you are speaking to will know or will be able to find out.
If this is not the case, politely ask if you could be transferred to the appropriate department (for example the HR department).
If you are unsuccessful with this, thank the person for their help and say goodbye.
If you are transferred, repeat steps 1 and 2.

HR specialists often make a note of calls of this kind, as they demonstrate your high level of commitment and that you wish to deal with the company in a professional manner.

However, if your call is unsuccessful, there is one last option: write a friendly email to the company and ask for the correct point of contact. If you do not receive an answer within a few days, use the formal salutation “ Dear Sir or Madam ”.

The core of the cover letter: the main body

After the formal part of the cover letter, in the main body you now have the option to be more creative. However, make sure you limit your cover letter to one page of A4. To help you, we have provided a guide to the approximate number of lines you should use for each section of the main body. The main part of the cover letter is divided into three elements:

The introduction (4–6 lines)

Your qualifications and skills (5–7 lines).

  • The added value you can offer the company (5–7 lines)

A useful tip : Your cover letter should explain to your desired employer what added value you would bring to the company if hired. The only thing that interests the recruiter is the skills you offer which would contribute to the company's success. So leave your personal goals and dreams aside.

Your cover letter’s introduction is about awakening the recruiter’s interest. Therefore, leave out hackneyed phrases such as “ I am hereby applying… ” or “ I was delighted to see your job advertisement… ”. HR staff and bosses have read these impersonal, formulaic phrases countless times. Start with an individual introductory sentence that will stick in their minds.

When formulating a unique introduction, the AIDA formula originally used in advertising can be helpful. AIDA stands for A ttention, I nterest, D esire and A ction.

In the first sentence, draw the recruiter’s attention with an original introduction and awaken their interest , perhaps by mentioning a special skill. Combine this with an extraordinary success you have had to awaken their desire to know more. Finally, motivate them to take action and ask them, for example, to keep reading or to invite you to an interview.

After a lively introduction, it is now time to tell the recruiter about your qualifications and skills . Don’t just regurgitate your CV, however. Instead, only mention skills that match the advertised position and substantiate them with concrete examples and figures from your previous positions:

  • Have you been able to significantly increase sales or customer satisfaction?
  • Do you have experience of managing teams?
  • Do you have several years of professional experience?
  • In addition to your studies, have you previously worked on similar projects (as an intern or student assistant)?

In addition to hard facts, soft skills are also decisive for HR professionals. These include, for example, the ability to work in a team, empathy, communication skills and analytical skills. However, don’t just write “ I am a team player and have good communication skills ” or “ My greatest strength is my empathy ”. Instead, give concrete examples that demonstrate your social skills. Make sure that you only mention soft skills that match the position advertised.

Added value for the company (5–7 lines)

The following part of your cover letter is crucial for your potential future employer: what added value do you offer the company? Why should they hire you instead of someone else? Think carefully about this, because you are very likely to be asked this question in an interview.

Formulate a combination of your greatest strengths and the most important requirements for the job . In this way, the recruiter can directly see how your core competencies match the advertised position. Do not digress, however. Again, you only have about 5–7 lines to provide 1–2 examples that make you the ideal candidate.

Name another concrete success story from your recent professional past which will also be of benefit to your potential new employer. Feel free to use the informative value of numbers to sell yourself to the recruiter or boss and convince them of your added value for the company.

On the home straight: the conclusion

After you have clearly presented your qualifications, skills and added value, finish by formulating a confident final sentence . However, avoid conjunctives such as would or could, as well as overused phrases such as “ I would be delighted to be invited to an interview. ” This makes you look like a supplicant hoping to receive an invitation, instead of being certain of it.

Be confident in your conclusion and assume that your application will take you through to the interview stage. For example, write:

  • I look forward to convincing you of my skills in person and will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.
  • I will be happy to convince you personally of my skills, which I can demonstrate to you during a one-day trial period.
  • I look forward to receiving a positive answer and getting to know each other personally during the interview.

After your individual, self-assured concluding statement, sign off with the classic salutation “ Kind regards/With kind regards ”, your handwritten signature , and the word Attachment , which signals that you have also sent attachments. It is not necessary to list all attachments.

Incidentally, the subject of salary expectations is a tedious one for many applicants, but should never be swept under the table if the company asks. The conclusion of your cover letter or a P.S. are best places to indicate your desired salary.

As you can see, you do not need to work magic to write a good cover letter. If you manage to convince your potential employer of your skills and specific added value for the company, you have the best chance of being invited to an interview.

Any remaining questions or comments about how to write a cover letter? Want to apply for a specific job in our recruitment section and have questions about the job advertisement? Then get in touch with us now!

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Initial IND Application

The initial IND submission to the FDA will provide the reviewers with the information necessary to conduct a thorough evaluation of the safety of the investigation, and its scientific merit. The submission is divided into several sections. The summaries listed in this page will provide detailed instructions to prepare a complete IND submission.

Form FDA 1571

Current version of Form FDA 1571

Form FDA 1571 Instructions

The purpose of the Form FDA 1571 is to:

  • obtain agreement from the sponsor (or sponsor-investigator) to conduct research according to all appropriate FDA regulations; and
  • serve as a cover sheet for all submissions to the FDA on behalf of a particular IND.

Form FDA 1571 should be completed for every submission sent to the FDA on behalf of a particular IND and should include the below:

  • Contact information and mailing address of the Sponsor (or Sponsor Investigator)
  • IND number, if it has been issued
  • Serial number (see below)
  • The name(s) of the drug/biologic and the indication being studied
  • The contents of the submission
  • Name and title of the individuals responsible for monitoring the study and reviewing safety data.

Form FDA 1572

Frequently Asked Questions – Statement of Investigator (Form FDA 1572)

Current version of Form FDA 1572

Form FDA 1572 Instructions

The intent of the 1572 form is two-fold. It is a signed agreement from the Investigator (i.e., Principal Investigator) that he/she will conduct the research in compliance with FDA regulations. Additionally, it collects all the clinical site and investigator information needed by the sponsor to assure the FDA that all investigators have the experience and background needed to conduct the trial. The site investigator is responsible for updating his/her 1572 form and providing it to the sponsor in a timely manner so the information can be sent to the FDA. (Although it is not a requirement for the updated 1572 to be submitted to the FDA, it is the responsibility of the sponsor to provide updated information to the FDA; therefore the 1572 is often submitted to the FDA rather than providing information in another format.)

The Form FDA 1572 is necessary to include in an initial IND submission and must be filled out when adding a new principal investigator at each site.

  • Please note that a 1572 must be submitted to the FDA within 30 days of the investigator being added and when changing any site information, i.e., IRB, laboratory, or clinical site.

Additional information to be provided:

  • A current CV or statement of qualifications of the principal investigator listed on the 1572. It does not need to be signed.
  • Name and address of the location where the clinical investigation will be conducted, the clinical laboratories that will be used, and the IRB reviewing the study.
  • To note, it is not a requirement to fill out a new 1572 when there is a Sub-Investigator change as long as this information is sent in a timely manner to the sponsor. However, the 1572 is often used for updates to have all information in an organized place.

Form FDA 3674 - Certification of Compliance

Current version of Form FDA 3674

Form FDA 3674 Instructions

The Form FDA 3674 is a document that must accompany the initial submission, and when submitting a new protocol to IND. It is a signed statement from the sponsor that they will comply with requirements concerning their investigation.

It is a requirement for NIH trials to be registered on OPS is responsible for registering studies on and the study team is responsible for updating this information when primary endpoints are met. Please see FDAAA 801 Requirements at for more information.

Cover Letter

The cover letter is the first piece of information that the FDA sees upon receipt of an Initial IND submission. It expresses the intent of the investigator to request FDA review of the enclosed information, and briefly describes the proposed research. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to compose the cover letter.

Items to include in the cover letter:

  • The cover letter should be on departmental letterhead
  • Title the cover letter: "Initial Investigational New Drug Application"
  • Brief explanation of the investigation (i.e., use the study title)
  • Disease or condition being studied
  • Name, formulation, and proposed dose of drug product.
  • Contact information (phone, email, address) of the Sponsor and (recommended) a designated individual authorized to interact with the FDA on the Sponsors behalf.
  • Ensure the date of the cover letter matches the date on the signed copy of Form FDA 1571.
  • If the sponsor and FDA have already had a Pre-IND meeting, then this should be noted in the letter, and reference the PIND number and date of meeting.

The cover letter can be short, ~ 1-2 pages, and should be addressed to either the appropriate CDER/CBER Division Director with a copy sent to the Division's Chief of Project Management staff or to the appropriate office contact within CDER/CBER. This should also be the mailing address for the entire submission:

  • For a Drug: Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Central Document Room 5901-B Ammendale Rd. Beltsville, Md. 20705-1266
  • For a Therapeutic Biological Product: Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Therapeutic Biological Products Document Room 5901-B Ammendale Road Beltsville, MD 20705-1266
  • For a Biological Product: U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Document Control Center 10903 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002

Letter of Support / Authorization

If a sponsor is proposing to evaluate a drug that is the subject of an existing IND, they can request a letter of cross-reference authorization from the sponsor of that existing IND. This permits the sponsor to refer the FDA to the information contained in the referenced IND, and maintain the confidentiality of their proprietary information. The FDA can use the original IND material, along with their own internal reviews of that material to assist in their review process. Additionally, an IND for a drug that has been approved by the FDA for commercial use, may require more information than what is provided in the package insert. Again, the sponsor may request a letter of cross-reference authorization from the commercial sponsor. Commercial sponsors should provide the IND, NDA, or BLA file name, reference number, volume, and page numbers where the FDA can find the information relevant to the referencing IND application. In general, INDs that are withdrawn or inactive cannot be cross-referenced.

Sections of the Initial IND

The initial IND submission to the FDA is broken down into several distinct sections. Each section addresses a topic necessary for FDA review. The links below will provide a detailed description of each section and provide guidance on what information should be included in the IND submission.

The Investigator-Initiated Investigational New Drug (IND) Applications website has all the information to get from start to finish with an application to the FDA.


The introduction should briefly describe the research plan submitted in this IND, including a discussion of the disease state to be assessed. The intent of this section is to place the use of the drugs with this indication into perspective for the FDA. This section should include the product’s active ingredients, pharmacological class, structural formula and dosage form, and route of administration. The study objectives and proposed timeline should be stated. Additionally, include the status of the drug in other countries, i.e., if the product has been withdrawn from investigator or marketing for any reason related to safety or effectiveness.

This section will include a brief summary of previous human experience with the drug, with reference to the relevant literature or other INDs, if pertinent. Also, investigational or marketing experience in other countries may be relevant to the safety of the proposed clinical investigation. This topic will be written up in further detail in the “Previous Human Experience” section.

General Investigational Plan

As the studies contained in this IND progress from phase 1 to phases 2 and 3, the contents of this section will change. For the purpose of the initial submission, information that will be relevant for the first year of investigation should be included. Changes to the plan and additional protocols can be included in future annual reports and amendments. This should include:

  • The rationale for the drug and/or research study and enough background information on the topic for the FDA to understand the scientific justification for the investigation.
  • Identification of the indication to be studied in this investigation, including sub-sets of a more general study population if needed.
  • A high-level description of data to be collected and its use in evaluation of the efficacy of the intervention being studied.
  • A high-level description of the plan for the first 12 months of clinical investigation. The FDA understands that study plans may change over time.
  • The planned number of subjects to be enrolled in the first year of IND activity.
  • Any risks of particular severity or seriousness anticipated on the basis of the toxicological data in animals or prior studies in humans with the drug(s) or related drugs. Any study procedures that carry risks of more than minimal severity should be included.

Investigator Brochure

For single site INDs where an NIH Institute or Center (IC) is the Sponsor and an employee of the IC is the investigator, it is generally acceptable to ask for a waiver for the Investigator Brochure, much like a sponsor-investigator study. The following statement may be incorporated into the application:

"As this is a single site study with the investigator initiating the study and being employed by the sponsoring entity, we believe that an investigator’s brochure is not required per 21 CFR 312.55(a)."

If an approved drug is being investigated, then it is appropriate to refer to the labeling and provide a URL link to the most current product label. Links that may be helpful are:

  • Drugs@FDA: FDA Approved Drug Products

Letters of Authorization may also be referenced in this section.

If there will be a multi-center (external site) clinical investigation, an Investigator's Brochure should be developed for dissemination to each of the involved study sites and should address the following information:

  • A brief description of the active drug substance and the drug product formulation, including the structural formula of the active drug substance, if known.
  • A summary of the pharmacological and toxicological effects of the drug in animals and, to the extent known, in humans.
  • A summary of the pharmacokinetics and biological distribution of the drug in animals and, if known, in humans.
  • A summary of information relating to the safety and effectiveness of the drug in humans obtained from prior clinical studies. (Reprints of published articles describing such studies may be appended to the Brochure if they are anticipated to be useful.)
  • A description of possible risks and side effects to be anticipated on the basis of prior experience with the drug under investigation or related drugs, and of precautions or special monitoring to be done as part of the investigational use of the drug.

Proposed Clinical Research

This section should contain the full study protocol document and informed consent document for each planned study.

Informed consent documents should be written in such a way that they can be understood by the general public. Language should be targeted at an elementary grade reading level. It is advisable to keep the document concise for the benefit of the reader. A statement should be included here that informed consent will be obtained by all study participants in accordance with 21 CFR Part 50, Protection of Human Subjects. If the investigation involves an exception from informed consent requirements, this should be stated in this section and the reasoning should be explained.

Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control Information

If the investigational drug has been marketed, this section may be covered by referring to the product labeling. Refer back to the URL identified in the Investigator's Brochure section, if appropriate. Alternatively, it might be appropriate to refer to a Letter of Authorization if using a drug provided by a commercial company.

Drug Substance

This section should include:

  • Description of drug; included should be the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics and evidence supporting structure and identity of the active pharmaceutical ingredient(s)
  • Name and address of manufacturer of drug product
  • Description of the general method of preparation of the drug substance, including a list of the reagents, solvents, and catalysts used. A detailed flow diagram is suggested as the most effective presentation. More information may be needed to assess the safety of biotechnology-derived drugs or drugs extracted from human or animal or plant sources
  • The acceptable limits and analytical methods used to ensure the identity, strength, quality, and purity of the drug substance, with a brief description of the test methods used (i.e., Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Infrared, UV spectra to prove the identity, and High-Performance Liquid chromatograms to support the purity level and impurities, etc.). Submission of certificates of analysis is also suggested.
  • Information to support stability of the drug substance during storage in the intended container closure and during the toxicological and clinical studies

Drug Product

  • A list of all components used in the manufacture of the investigational drug product, including both those components intended to appear in the drug product and those which may not appear but which are used in the manufacturing process
  • Where possible, the quantitative composition of the investigational drug product, including any reasonable variations that may be expected during the investigational stage
  • Brief general description of the manufacturing process (in the form of a flow diagram is suggested) and packaging procedure, as well as other relevant tests, as appropriate for the product. Final specifications for the drug product intended to be used in toxicological and clinical studies should be included. For injectable products, sterility and pyrogenicity tests, endotoxin levels and particulate matter should be included. Submitting a copy of the certificate of analysis of the clinical batch is also suggested. There should be information sufficient to assure the product's stability during the planned clinical studies.
  • The acceptable limits and analytical methods used to ensure the identity, strength, quality, and purity of the drug product
  • Information to support stability of the drug product during the planned clinical studies

Placebo Product

Include a brief general description of the composition, manufacture, and control of any placebo used in the controlled clinical trial.

Include copies of the label constructed for the study drug and any associated package.

Labels must contain the phrase: "Caution: New Drug - Limited by Federal law to investigational use".

Environmental Assessment

Insert the statement below, unless there is a reason to believe the distribution and use of the drug could have an environmental impact. The FDA may require an environmental analysis to ensure the study agent does not impose an undue environmental hazard. For products already marketed, it may be possible to request and exemption from the requirement to conduct an environmental analysis.

"We request a claim for categorical exclusion for this proposed clinical trial as provided for in 21 CFR Part 312.31(e) in that the drug shipped under this notice is intended to be used in clinical trials in which the amount of waste expected to enter the environment may reasonably be expected to be non-toxic."

Pharmacology and Toxicology Information

As was true for the Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls section, an authorization letter may be used or a reference to the drug label to satisfy this section. This section is expected to include information about pharmacological and toxicological (laboratory animals or in vitro) studies on the basis that it is reasonably safe to conduct the proposed clinical investigation. The type, duration, and scope of these studies required in the application will depend on the duration and nature of the proposed clinical investigations.

Compliance with Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is generally expected for pivotal in vitro and in vivo studies submitted in support of an IND application. For each non-clinical laboratory study subject to the GLP regulations, investigators are expected to state in the study report that the study was conducted in compliance with the GLP regulations. If the study was not conducted in compliance with the GLP regulations, there should be a brief statement of the reason for noncompliance.

The IND sponsor should also provide a statement describing where the non-clinical investigations were conducted and the location of all records available for inspection.

Pharmacology and Drug Distribution

This section should include a description of the pharmacologic effects and mechanism of actions of the drug in animals, and information on the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretions of the drug.

Note: The regulations do not further describe the presentation of these data, in contrast to the more detailed description of how to submit toxicological data. A summary report, without individual animal records or individual study results, usually suffices. In most circumstances, five pages or less should suffice for this summary. If this information is not known, it should simply be so stated.

Pharmacology Summary and Conclusions

A high-level summary and general conclusions to be drawn from the pharmacology data should be included in this section.

Toxicology: Integrated Summary

This section should include an integrated summary of the toxicological effects of the drug in pre-clinical studies. Expected content elements for describing specific toxicology studies for this section typically include:

  • Study title
  • Study drug formulation and dosing
  • Brief description of the design of the trials
  • Systematic presentation of the findings from the animal toxicology and toxicokenetic studies. The format of this part of the summary may be approached from a "systems review" perspective: i.e. CNS, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, hepatic, genitourinary, hematopoietic and immunologic, and dermal.
  • A high-level summary and general conclusions of the preceding toxicology findings.
  • Identification and qualifications of the individual(s) who evaluated the animal safety data and concluded that it is reasonably safe to begin the proposed human study. This person(s) should sign the summary attesting that the summary accurately reflects the animal toxicology data from the completed studies.
  • A statement of where the animal studies were conducted and where the records of the studies are available for inspection, should an inspection occur.
  • According to 21 CFR 312.23(8)(iii) , a statement that the study was conducted in compliance with the good laboratory practices (GLP) in 21 CFR 58 , or, if the study was not conducted in compliance with those regulations, a brief statement of the reason for the noncompliance and the sponsor's view on how such noncompliance might affect the interpretations of the findings.

Toxicology: Full Data Tabulation

The sponsor should submit, for each animal toxicology study that is intended to support the safety of the proposed clinical investigation, a full tabulation of data suitable for detailed review. This should consist of line listings of the individual data points, including laboratory data points, for each animal in these trials along with summary tabulations of these data points. To allow interpretation of the line listings, accompanying the line listings should be either: 1) a brief description (i.e., a technical report or abstract including a methods description section) of the study, or 2) a copy of the study protocol and amendments.

Previous Human Experience

A summary of previous human experience with the drug known to the applicant should be included in this section. If the drug(s) is already marketed in the US, then it may be possible to simply refer to the product labeling. There is no specific format for describing previous human experience with an investigational drug in an IND application. If the drug is a combination of drugs previously investigated or marketed, the information should be provided for each active drug component. However, if any component in such combination is subject to an approved marketing application or is otherwise lawfully marketed in the United States, the sponsor is not required to submit published material concerning that active drug component unless such material relates directly to the proposed investigational use (including publications relevant to component- component interaction). If there is no data on previous human experience for this drug, a statement should be inserted reflecting this under each subheading.

Marketed Experience

This section should provide an overview of the FDA-approved indications for the study drug if it is a commercial product. Reference to the FDA drug labeling for approved indications should be noted here. If the drug was withdrawn from the market for any reason related to safety or effectiveness, identification of the country(ies) where the drug was withdrawn and the reasons for withdrawal should be included.

Prior Clinical Research Experience

If the drug has been the subject of controlled trials, detailed information on trials that are relevant to an assessment of the drug's effectiveness for the proposed investigational use(s) should be provided. Any published material that is relevant to the safety of the proposed investigation or to an assessment of the drug's effectiveness for its proposed investigational use should be provided in full. Published material that is less directly relevant may be supplied by a bibliography.

If there has been no previous human experience, the submission should so state.

Clinical Care Experience

It is not uncommon for marketed drugs to be used in clinical care settings to treat patients for indications that do not have an FDA approval. This is often termed "off-label" use. Any published literature on the safety of the drug in that setting, and if available, published practice guidelines of the use of the drug for standard-of-care and the associated safety information could be referenced here. This is particularly relevant if the patient population treated with this off-label use of the drug is similar to the proposed study population for this IND application.

References used should be listed in this section. Complete reprints of select articles may be provided to aid the FDA reviewers, limited to two to three reprints. FDA does not have access to all journal articles and so including selected reprints can help facilitate the review of an IND application.

Disclosure of Financial Interests

IND sponsors are not required to submit information regarding clinical investigator financial interests or arrangements in IND applications. They are, however, required to collect this information before a clinical investigator participates in a clinical study and clinical investigators are required to disclose financial information to sponsors. The information does not need to be submitted to FDA until a marketing application is submitted containing the results of the covered clinical study.

In the interest of collecting this information at the initial stage of an IND, clinical investigators may also complete a Form FDA 3454 if they have no financial interests or arrangements to disclose, or Form FDA 3455 to disclose the nature of their interests and arrangements.

Additional Information

In certain applications, as described below, information on special topics may be needed. Such information shall be submitted in this section as outlined below.

Otherwise you may simply state 'not applicable'.

Drug Dependence and Abuse Potential

If the drug is a psychotropic substance or otherwise has abuse potential, a section describing relevant clinical studies and experience and studies in test animals should be included.

If this section is relevant to your investigation, please see Guidance for Industry – Assessment of Abuse Potential of Drugs .

Radioactive Drugs

If the drug is a radioactive drug, sufficient data from animal or human studies should be provided, to allow a reasonable calculation of radiation-absorbed dose to the whole body and critical organs upon administration to a human subject. Phase 1 studies of radioactive drugs must include studies which will obtain sufficient data for dosimetry calculations.

If this section is relevant to your investigation, please see Medical Imaging and Drug Development .

Pediatric Studies

If the investigational drug will be studied in pediatric setting, plans for assessing pediatric safety and effectiveness should be provided.

If this section is relevant to your investigation, please see Pediatric Product Development .

Other Information

A brief statement of any other information that would aid evaluation of the proposed clinical investigations with respect to their safety or their design and potential as controlled clinical trials to support marketing of the drug should be included in this section.

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Top 5 Tips For Creating a Winning Cover Letter

Mastering the art of cover letters: expert tips to elevate your job application.

Cover letters can be a powerful way to add a compelling narrative about your skills to your job application, but like all things career-related, they need to be done effectively.

A cover letter should never be an afterthought. The goal is for your cover letter to enhance your chances of getting an interview, but when done incorrectly, they have the exact opposite effect! 

Here are the top 5 tips for creating a winning cover letter.

1) Tell Me Why You Are The Best Candidate: Cover Letters are written in 1st person, which provides the opportunity to really sell yourself to that company. Hiring managers want to hear that you are the best candidate and the perfect fit for that Company and position, so focus your cover letter on making that specific case, i.e. find the match between your education and past experience and the employer’s specific needs. I advise students to target their cover letters based on what the reader wants to hear. Dedicate a paragraph to a description of what makes that company unique or special, followed immediately by a paragraph that demonstrates that your interests, skills and abilities (just so) happen to be a perfect match for that environment! You can even paraphrase some of the language in the job description to highlight your own skills and experience.

2) Generic Templates: I cannot tell you how many times I have seen generic cover letters sent to multiple companies, where the writer has changed only the relevant contact information. Again, the goal of your cover letter is to describe why you are perfect fit for the specific position and that company. There is no way a generic format can accomplish that. Write an individually tailored cover letter for each job application that describes your qualifications and fit for that position.

3) To Whom It May Concern: One of the quickest ways to ensure that your cover letter and resume are ignored is by including the generic and impersonal “To Whom It May Concern” line. If you can, try to find the name of the hiring manager so you can address him or her specifically. Most companies are very good at hiding that information, so instead of “To Whom It May Concern (or its close cousin, “Dear Sir or Madam”) try to target your cover letter with something more specific and personable like “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Human Resources Professional.” 

4) A Warm Lead: If you know someone at that company, reach out to him or her and ask if he would submit your resume and cover letter on your behalf, or at the very least, if you can use his or her name on your cover letter. Companies love internal referrals, so nothing beats a current employee submitting on your behalf. When that is not possible, being able to add a line (with permission) like “Chaim Shapiro, Assistant Director of Career Services at Touro recommended that I apply for this position,” lends credibility and can be a powerful way to get your application noticed and moved to the next level of review. 

5) Should I even bother? This may be a bit controversial, but I usually advise students to only include a cover letter when the application requires it specifically. Why? Cover Letters are a powerful tool that can enhance your chances at landing the job but, I have found that most applicants do not take their Cover Letters seriously. Most students do not have 2-3 hours to invest in a targeted cover letter for each of their applications, so they revert to a generic format that ends up doing a lot more harm than good. Do not make that mistake. Write a targeted cover letter for each job, or just let your resume do your talking!

By Chaim Shapiro, Touro's Director of the Office for Student Success


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Types of cover letters: a complete guide

A cover letter introduces you to potential employers, highlighting your suitability for the role. Getting it right can make a strong first impression, differentiate you from other candidates, and increase your chances of securing an interview.

Taralika Singh

Taralika crafts compelling narratives that illuminate modern hiring practices and HR technology trends.

cover letter examples

A cover letter accompanies a candidate’s resume when applying for a job. It is a personal introduction to the hiring manager, highlighting relevant skills, experiences, and reasons for applying.

Unlike a resume, which provides a structured overview of the career history, a cover letter offers a narrative that can showcase a candidate’s personality and passion for the role. 

74% of recruitment decision-makers prefer to receive job applications that include cover letters apart from CVs. According to their findings, good cover letter examples are highly valued by employers, with many considering them crucial for explaining career objectives, motivations, and employment gaps.

Even if a cover letter is optional, over 75% of recruiters tend to give preference to candidates who attach a cover letter in the correct format along with their resume.

Types of cover letters

Before writing a cover letter, it is vital to go through the various types of cover letters accepted by different organizations, each catering to a different role or purpose: – 

  • Application cover letter

The application cover letter responds to a specific job posting. It should be a basic cover letter tailored to the job description, highlighting how the candidate’s qualifications match the requirements. Using this letter can expand on the achievements listed in the resume and explain the person’s motivation for applying. 

  • Prospecting cover letter

Also known as a cold-contact letter, a prospecting cover letter is used when you want to inquire about potential job openings at a company. This type of letter demonstrates a proactive approach and interest in the organization, even if there are no current vacancies. 

  • Networking cover letter 

A networking cover letter is sent to contacts within the professional network to ask for job search advice or referrals. It’s a great way to leverage connections and uncover hidden job opportunities. The letter should mention the mutual contact and explain the candidate’s job search goals.

  • Career change cover letter

If an individual is transitioning into a new career, a career change cover letter is perfect for them! It is a short cover letter highlighting examples from experiences in the current role and how they make a suitable candidate for the new role. This letter should also explain the reasons for the career shift and highlight any transferable skills.

  • Referral cover letter

When someone within an organization refers a colleague for a position, it is generally in the form of a referral cover letter. Mentioning the referrer in your letter can immediately capture the hiring manager’s attention and add credibility to your application. 

  • No experience cover letter 

A no experience cover letter is for those who lack direct work experience in the job they are applying for. An ideal no experience cover letter will contain examples emphasizing the candidate’s enthusiasm, willingness to learn, and any relevant skills or coursework that can compensate for the lack of professional experience.

Cover letter examples 

Checking out a few good cover letter examples is a great way to get a head start towards crafting the perfect cover letter. 

Also read: Top 3 Cover Letter Template Samples .

The cover letter examples for a job provide a clear understanding of how to format and phrase cover letters for different scenarios.

Tips for writing a good cover letter

According to the Business and Professional Communication Quarterly , 56% of employers prefer cover letters with job applications. Here are some useful tips on how to type a cover letter that will help you stand out amongst others:

Customize each letter

Statutory warning – generic cover letters are easily spotted and often disregarded! Tailor the cover letter to the specific job and company. While it may be cool to generate cover letter formats through an AI tool, it is crucial to personalize and write the main content of the cover letter. 

Use a professional format

Follow a standard cover letter format with your contact information, the employer’s contact details, a salutation, body paragraphs, and a closing. 

Be concise and focused

Keep your letter to one page and avoid unnecessary details. Stick to relevant points that highlight your suitability for the job. Workable has a list of short cover letter examples that you can check out here . 

Showcase your achievements

Unlike a resume, a cover letter has examples from a person’s real life, showcasing key abilities and accomplishments and how they’re suitable for the job. 

Also read : Rise above the crowds: how to stand out in a crowded market

Include a strong introduction

Your cover letter introduction should grab the reader’s attention and make them want to learn more about you. 

Proofread thoroughly

Ensure no grammatical or spelling errors. A clean error-free letter shows your attention to detail and professionalism.

A well-written cover letter can significantly boost a candidate’s chances of landing a job interview. 

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  1. German Cover Letter Guide [With English Sample]

    Naturally, there is also a guideline for professional letter writing and correspondence, the so-called DIN 5008 norm. It states the following margins on a DIN A4 (standard German letter paper format): German Cover Letter Format Example. Left margin: 2,5 cm. Right margin: 2,0 cm. Top margin: 4,5 cm. Bottom margin: 2,5 cm.

  2. Cover Letter

    Der Cover Letter ist das englischsprachige Äquivalent zum deutschen Bewerbungsschreiben und somit oft die erste Seite einer internationalen Bewerbung. Im Cover Letter stellst du dich und deinen bisherigen Werdegang vor, erläuterst deine Motivation und gibst einen Überblick über deine wichtigsten Qualifikationen, Kenntnisse, Soft Skills und Erfolge. ...

  3. How to Write a German Cover Letter

    At the very top of your German cover letter, you should include your full name, address, phone number and email address. Section 2 - The date. Here you simply enter the date you are writing the cover letter. Section 3 - The employer's details. In section 3, you list the details of the recipient. Here you should enter the contact person ...

  4. German Cover Letter + Must Know Best Practices [2024]

    Cover Letter Framework. The cover letter has to written in accordance with DIN 5008. This is a dedicated framework when it comes to formal writing in Germany. Following are the standards: Left margin: 24.1 mm; Right margin: at least 8.1 mm; Bottom margin: 16.9 mm; Top margin: 16.9 mm; Please ensure this format is taken seriously.

  5. Cover letter in Germany (Anschreiben)

    Together with your CV (), the cover letter is a key component of any job application in Germany.Far more than a mere formality, a cover letter is an important means of presenting yourself to a prospective employer. It would be difficult to land a job in Germany without one. This page walks you through the process of crafting a job-winning cover letter, with a few hints and tips about what is ...

  6. German Cover Letter Guide: Complete Examples [+Tips]

    Key Points: Writing a Perfect German Cover Letter. Pick the right cover letter template that goes with your resume. Give priority to your academic and professional qualifications. Follow the generally accepted German styling guide for formal letters. Tailor your cover letter to each job you're applying for. Write 3 to 4 solid paragraphs on ...

  7. How To Write A German Cover Letter

    Keep the cover letter to a single page and not more than 3 - 4 paragraphs. Be succinct (i.e., avoid long wordy sentences or overuse of adjectives) and summarize, summarize, summarize. Pick key points from your CV and/or job description but don't repeat things verbatim.

  8. German cover letter example: Writing an application letter

    Concluding Paragraph - How you will follow-up. Do not repeat your what is already in your CV, simply refer to it! "As you can see from my CV, …". If a particular work experience listed in your CV especially qualifies you for the job you can refer to it and emphasise its relevant points. Your cover letter should NEVER be longer than 1 page.

  9. How To Write Your Cover Letter in Germany (+ English Example!)

    In the email content, write a short introduction about your application to the particular role and mention the attached documents. Alternatively, you can copy and paste your cover letter into your email. Remove the address and the date in that case. Use your subject line in the cover letter as the subject of your email.

  10. How to Write a Cover Letter in Germany

    Location and Date on the right. Subject line in bold on the left. Salutation to the person your addressing (if unknown e.g. "Dear Hiring Team") In the example below you can see what it should look like. Example for how to format your German Cover Letter. You should also make sure to keep enough space to each side, at least 2,5 cm.

  11. How To Write a Cover Letter in German? Tips & Examples

    It simply means the motivation letter. The application is called "die Bewerbung" in German and the applicant is called "der Bewerber" or "die Bewerberin". See our tips for writing a German CV. Salutation and opening greeting to use in a German cover letter. The cover letter in German is formal and you have to pay attention to the politeness ...

  12. How to Draft a Perfect German Cover Letter [Format, Guide]

    German Cover Letter Format. It is critical to use the correct format for your cover letter when applying in Germany. This implies that you should include your contact information (name, address, phone number, email) and the date at the top of the page. The letter should be addressed to the person in charge of hiring at the firm (if you do not ...

  13. How to Write the Perfect German Cover Letter: Best Practices

    your full name. address. phone number. email. and other contact information. Also Include the full name and address of the company. And the name of the contact person you address the cover letter to, in case you know the name. As a last formality, include the date and subject matter.

  14. Sample cover letter for job application in Germany

    Salutation. In Germany, formality is crucial. Address the recipient with "Sehr geehrte (r)" (Dear) followed by their last name and a comma. If you don't know the recipient's name, use "Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren" (Dear Sir/Madam). 6. Opening Paragraph. The opening paragraph sets the tone for your cover letter.

  15. The German Cover Letter

    In the German Cover Letter the structure is quite strict. In the salutatory address the c oncerning person should be greeted. Set phrases as "To whom it may concern" are not appropiate for an application in Germany. Find out who is responsable for HR in this business! In the first paragraph you should refer to the job you are applying for.

  16. Cover letter in German: Example for job application in German

    Job Application. General Thoughts; Write your CV/Resume; Sample CV/Resume; Write your cover letter; ... German cover letter example. Mag. Julia Müller Fürstendamm 18 5020 Salzburg Tel: (++43) 662-874455. XYZ AG Personalabteilung ... recommends:

  17. How to Write a German Cover/Motivation Letter (Anschreiben)

    Avoid fancy fonts unless you work in the creative sector. You might need to also read about writing a German CV. Example: (your address can either be on a line at the top of the letter or as a paragraph) Mkenya Ujerumani, Musterstrasse 20, 78495 Musterstadt. Handy 01577776543 Email: [email protected]. Frau Ypsilon, Company XYZ,

  18. Step-by-step guide to a successful cover letter

    Step 7: Signature and enclosure. For an email cover letter, type your full name. For one that is mailed, type your full name, leaving space above for your signature. Include (Mr) or (Ms) - in brackets - before your typed name if it is not clear whether your name refers to a man or a woman. Otherwise, leave it out.

  19. How to write the perfect cover letter

    Here is an example of a cover letter: Include your address and contact details in the upper part of the cover letter. Include a subject line with a reference to the position you are applying for. If a contact person is mentioned address it to him/ her. First part: The opening. Express your interest for the job opening you would like to apply for.

  20. Cover Letters in Germany

    After listing the addresses of you and the company, what follows is the place and date in the top right corner of the cover letter. If you are in Germany, you can just write the cite, e.g. "Augsburg, 11.10.2025". Both should match the information on the resume. Ideally, the cover letter should be addressed to a specific contact person.

  21. German cover letter guide

    Writing a German cover letter in another hurdle on your path to getting a job in this country. While the general purpose & content is probably similar to what you already know in your home country, some adaptation work might be necessary.This guide points out to the elements to include so you can convince recruiters you are the right one for the job.

  22. Sample German Cover Letter

    When looking to work in Germany it is important to know the standards in that country. The German Cover Letter and the German CV are the most important documents for getting called back for a job interview. Sample German Cover Letter. The Cover Letter should be one page DIN A4 at most. Use the standard text arts as Times New Roman or Arial type size 12 and single-spaced line spacing as well as ...

  23. The cover letter

    Step 1: Start by referring to the job advertisement and your wish to apply. This way, the person you are talking to knows immediately why you are calling. Step 2: Ask for the name of the person to whom you should direct your application. As a rule, the person you are speaking to will know or will be able to find out.

  24. Initial IND Application

    The cover letter is the first piece of information that the FDA sees upon receipt of an Initial IND submission. It expresses the intent of the investigator to request FDA review of the enclosed information, and briefly describes the proposed research. ... Title the cover letter: "Initial Investigational New Drug Application" Brief explanation ...

  25. Top 5 Tips For Creating a Winning Cover Letter

    Write an individually tailored cover letter for each job application that describes your qualifications and fit for that position. 3) To Whom It May Concern: One of the quickest ways to ensure that your cover letter and resume are ignored is by including the generic and impersonal "To Whom It May Concern" line. If you can, try to find the ...

  26. Types of cover letters: a complete guide

    The application cover letter responds to a specific job posting. It should be a basic cover letter tailored to the job description, highlighting how the candidate's qualifications match the requirements. Using this letter can expand on the achievements listed in the resume and explain the person's motivation for applying.