संस्कृत में गाय (धेनु) का निबंध | Essay on Cow In Sanskrit

essay on the cow in sanskrit

Essay on Cow In Sanskrit: संस्कृत भाषा, भारतीय सभ्यता का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है, जिसमें गौ माता को विशेष महत्व दिया गया है। भारतीय समाज में गौ माता को एक पवित्र और आदरणीय पशु माना जाता है, गौ, हमारे समाज के लिए केवल एक पशु नहीं है, बल्कि एक साथी और आदरणीय सदस्य है. गौ के साथ हमारे संबंध इतने गहरे और अनूठे हैं कि उन्हें संस्कृत भाषा में ‘कमधेनु’ और ‘अधिशबला’ जैसे शब्दों से संदर्भित किया जाता है। इन शब्दों के अर्थ न केवल दुधारू गौ को दर्शाते हैं, बल्कि वे हमें इस पवित्र पशु के महत्व के प्रति गहरा समर्पण और आदर दिखाते हैं।

इस आर्टिकल में हम  संस्कृत भाषा में गाय (धेनु ) पर निबंध  शेयर कर रहे हैं। जैसा कि आ जानते है गौ का महत्व सिर्फ धार्मिक दृष्टि से ही नहीं, बल्कि वातावरण, कृषि, और गौशाला संचालन की प्रतिष्ठितता के भावनात्मक पहलुओं के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है। यह निबंध हमें गौ माता के महत्व को समझने और उसके साथ हमारे संबंध को गहराई से समझने में सहायता प्रदान करेगा। आइए, हम संस्कृत भाषा के माध्यम से गौ के महत्व को जानें और उसके साथ हमारे जीवन के महत्वपूर्ण पहलुओं को गहराई से समझें।

धेनु का निबंध संस्कृत में 10 लाइन | 10 Lines on Cow In Sanskrit

(1) अस्माकं देशस्य सर्वश्रेष्ठः पशुः गौः अस्ति ।

(2)  अस्माकं देशे गौ: मातृवत् पूज्या अस्ति ।

(3)   गौ: अस्मभ्यं मधुरं दुग्धं ददाति ।

(4) गौदुग्धेभ्यः दधिः, घृतम् च जायते ।

(5)  गोघृतं अतीव पवित्रं मन्यते ।

(6) गौ: अस्माकं बहुउपकारं करोति ।

(7)  गोवत्साः एव वृषभाः भवन्ति ।

(8)   वृषभाः हलेन क्षेत्राणि कर्षन्ति ।

(9) गोमयेन उपलानि निर्मीयन्ते ।

(10) गोमयेन उर्वराशक्तिः वर्धते ।

(11) उपलानां प्रयोग इंधने अपि भवति ।

(12) गौ: घासं – तृणं च खादति ।

(13) गौ: अस्मभ्यं अतीव उपयोगी अस्ति ।

(14) अतः वयं गाम् गोमाता अपि कथयामः ।

Long Essay on Cow In Sanskrit

गौ: एकः चतुष्पात पशुः अस्ति। अस्या: एकं पुच्छम् भवति। द्वे श्रंगे भवतः। चत्वारः पादाः भवन्तिअस्या: गले एकं गल्कम्ब्लम् भवतिइदं गल्कम्ब्लम् अन्यापशुनाम न भवति । गौ: तृणचारी पशुः अस्ति इयं वनेषु भ्रमति घासम तृणं च चरतिअस्याः स्वभाव अतीव सरलः भवतिगौमहान उपकारी पशु: अस्ति। इयं दुग्धं ददाति । दुग्धेन दधि भवति । अस्या: दधि दुग्धं घृतं च अतीव पवित्रं हितकारकं च भवतिगौ: गोमयं ददातिगोमयेन गृहे लिप्यते । पूजाकार्ये अपि गोमयस्य उपयोगो भवति। गौमूत्रेण च अनेके रोगाः नृश्यन्ति। गौ पशु नास्तिसा माता अस्ति, पिता अस्ति, देवता अस्ति

संस्कृत निबंध:

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  • संस्कृत निबंध:स्वामी विवेकानन्दः
  • पुस्‍तकालय पर संस्‍कृत निबंध
  • गणतंत्र दिवस पर संस्कृत में निबंध
  • संस्कृत में कालिदास का निबंध
  • संस्कृत भाषा में महाराष्ट्रं पर निबंध:
  • तुलसीदास पर निबंध संस्कृत
  • मम दिनचर्या संस्कृत निबंध

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essay on the cow in sanskrit

Cows in Hinduism

~ by Pratha Sharma

Hinduism is based upon the belief of the omnipresence of the divine and the presence of a soul in all living creatures, animals and plants alike.

The Sanskrit word for the cow is ‘Gau’, and for cattle is ‘Pashu’.

Such are the benefits of the cow, that the Hindu ancient scriptures define the cow as the “Mother of all civilizations”, and her milk nurturing the whole population. While the cow milk promotes ‘Sattvik’ qualities. Cow milk is believed to have a calming effect and improve meditation.

The ghee is used in all religious food and ceremonies. Also used for “Yajna” or Fire Worship, which is stated as the highest form of physical worship in Hindu samskars.

Cow dung is useful in the form of fertilizers, fuels, disinfectants in homes. Latest research shows that the effects of a nuclear holocaust and it’s radiation are to a very large extent nullified if the walls of the mud or brick walls are covered by cow dung.

Cow urine is used for religious use and for medicinal purposes.

Scientific investigations also show that cow urine contains samples of gold in units per 100 litres.

In Vedic texts, the supreme purificatory material is called as the ‘Panchagavya” which is a mixture of five products, namely cow milk, ghee, curd, urine and dung. The Puranas depict a story when the Mother Earth as Goddess Prithvi came in the form of a cow, and King Prithu milked her to generate crops for humanity in order to end a famine.

Kamadhenu or the miraculous cow of the Devtas is said to be a source of all prosperity.

Sanatana Dharma is a divine code of conduct prescribed by the Lord. There are Shrutis, Smritis, and Dharma Shastra that glorify the cows and the fruits of serving them.

The body of the sacred cow or Gomata is depicted with Hindu gods and goddesses.

Texts describe the Rigveda to be the back of the cow, Yajurveda being the middle portion, Samaveda as the stomach, Tatakas as the horns, Veda Sukta are the body hair, Shantikarma and Pushtikarma are the dung and the urine.

Brahma and Vishnu are depicted on the roots of the two horns, sacred reservoir on the tip of the horns, Lord Shiva on centre of the head, Goddess Parvati on edge of the head, Kartikeya Swamy on the nose, sun and moon in the eyes, vayu in the dental range, Varuna on the tongue, Goddess Saraswati in the sound, Dharma on the thigh, Sadhya Deva in the heart, Ganga in the urine, Saraswati in milk, Narmada in curd, Agni in ghee, 33 crore gods in hair, and fragrant flowers on the body.

The Vedas, considered to have arisen from Lord Brahma himself prohibit the slaughter and promote the divinity of cows.

The Rigveda refers to the cow as “Aghanya”, or that which cannot be killed under any circumstance.

The Atharva Veda states that those who eat cooked or uncooked flesh of the cow should be put to end. And till the sun shines shall the world have cows.

The Yajurveda states that cows and bulls must never be killed and always deserve to be protected.

The Gods are depicted to be their protector, since Lord Shiva rides the Nandi bull, Lord Krishna is the epitome in his role of ‘Gopala’.

One who does service to the cow is considered equivalent service to the Lord and one not only enters a transcendental delight and eternal oblivion in the other world but very much in the present living context, the visible truth and it’s conscious reality.

Not only considering religious acknowledgement, but also the economic, physical and scientific benefits of protecting the cow, it is the responsibility of all humans to contribute to the mighty task of cattle protection in today’s world.

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The study of cow in sanskrit literature.

Author: Sharma, B.V.V.S.R.

Publisher: G D K Publications, Delhi

Description: Include index

Source: Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi

Type: E-Book

Received From: Archaeological Survey of India

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Sharma, B.V.V.S.R.
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Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi
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Sacredness of cows

June 07, 2023 05:12 am | Updated 05:12 am IST

The Sanskrit word for a cow is ‘gauhu’ — it simply means that which walks. But it is a word that is special to cows, even though all animals walk. Just as bulls helped people move because bullock carts were a means of transportation – this is another reason for the use of the word ‘gauhu’, indicating movement. It is said that if a person gives cows as daana, he can walk to svarga. So here again, movement is involved, and hence the use of the word ‘gauhu’ for the cow. There are many words in Sanskrit for the cow, and each of them has a deep meaning, Velukkudi Krishnan said in a discourse.

Maaheyi is a reference to the calf of a cow. The cow mother is worshipped, and hence the calf gets this name. Arjunee means a white cow. Kapila is the word used to refer to the cow which must be brought near the sanctum sanctorum during Visvaroopa darshan in Vishnu temples. Fresh, unboiled milk is the first offering made to the deity. The bull is the vahana of Lord Siva. Thus the cow is sacred to both Saivites and Vaishnavites.

Vasistha owned a cow called Sabalaa, which could give anything that Vasistha sought from her. Visvamitra wanted this cow, and Vasistha’s refusal to give it to him was the root cause of the disagreements between them. Agni, gold, ghee, the Sun, water and cows are said to be symbols of auspiciousness.

There are many different words for cows mentioned in different Sanskrit texts. Some of the words used for a cow in Sanskrit are — saurabheya, usraa, mahendri, rohini, ijyaa, dhenu, aghnya, bhadraa, kalyani, paavani, gauri, surabhi, anadvaahee, bahula, mahee, sarasvati, usriya, aditi and jagati.

One gets the benefits of performing many yagas through ‘go daana’. The Bhavishya Purana says that going a round a cow once is equivalent to circumambulating the Earth.

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धेनु पर संस्कृत निबंध | Essay on Cow in Sanskrit

धेनु पर संस्कृत निबंध | essay on cow in sanskrit | धेनु पर 10 वाक्य संस्कृत में.

आज हम इस में Essay on Cow in Sanskrit लेखन करेंगे। भारतीय हिन्दू धर्म में गाय को माता के सम्मान पुजनीय माना जाता है इस धेनु पर हमारे परीक्षा 10 लाइन निबंध लेखन पुछा जाता है जो इस पोस्ट में हम पढ़ेंगे

भारतीय गायनकुटीरस्य प्राचीनः मुख्यः पालतूपशुः गोः अस्ति । अस्माकं समाजे खाटः, गोरक्षणं, गोआश्रयः, उत्पादकता, धार्मिकमहत्त्वं, आर्थिकयोगदानं च इति महत्त्वपूर्णां भूमिकां निर्वहति । धार्मिक-सांस्कृतिक-आर्थिक-सन्दर्भेषु गोस्य महत्त्वं अपारम् अस्ति ।

गोः “कामधेनु” इति अपि ज्ञायते यस्य अर्थः “कामधेनुः” अथवा “समृद्धेः स्रोतः” इति । अस्य पालनम् आचरणं च विशेषतया हिन्दुधर्मे धर्मस्य महत्त्वपूर्णः भागः अस्ति । गोदुग्धं गोमूत्रं च धर्मौषधं च ।

गोस्य प्रमुखाः प्रजातयः सन्ति – गिर, साहिवाल, रतन, जरीबू, थरवा, वनरा, मुर्रा, बछौला, सिन्धी, देसी, गौरी, अमृतमहल, नागोरी, गया, नागपुरी, इत्यादयः । तेषु केचन क्षीरेण, केचन गोमूत्रेण, केचन गोमयेन च प्रसिद्धाः सन्ति ।

भारतसर्वकारेण गोरक्षणार्थं बहूनि योजनाः, कार्यक्रमाः च आरब्धाः सन्ति । एतदतिरिक्तं गोसंरक्षणसंस्थाः, गोआश्रयस्थानानि च गोरक्षणाय, संरक्षणाय च कार्यं कुर्वन्ति ।

अस्माकं समाजाय गोपालनं, गोपालनं, गोरक्षणं च अतीव महत्त्वपूर्णम् अस्ति। अस्मान् धार्मिक-सांस्कृतिक-आर्थिक-दृष्ट्या समृद्धिं प्रदाति, आर्थिकविकासे अपि महत्त्वपूर्णं योगदानं ददाति ।

धेनु पर निबंध 10 लाइन

  • धेनुः अस्मभ्यं महदुपयोगी पशुः अस्ति ।
  • भारतीयाः तु इमां मातृवत् मन्यन्ते ।
  • यथा माता पालयति तथैव धेनुरपि स्व अस्मान् पोषयति।
  • अस्या दुग्धेन नानाविधपक्वान्नानि पच्यते।
  • अस्याः दुग्धम् अन्ये च दुग्धोत्पादाः पुष्टिकरा: भवन्तु।
  • अस्याः गोमयेन अद्यापि ग्रामेषु गृहाणि लिप्यसि शुध्यन्ते च।
  • गोमूत्रेण नानाविधरोगाणाम् उपचारं क्रियते।
  • अस्याः वत्सा: क्षेत्रेषु हलं कर्षन्ति ।
  • अस्याः महत्त्वं शास्त्रेषु अपि वर्णितम् ।
  • अस्माभिः सर्वैरपि धेनुः सर्वदा पूज्येत ।

इन्हें भी देखें

  • अस्माकं विद्यालय पर संस्कृत निबंध
  • अस्माकं देश पर संस्कृत निबंध
  • विद्या पर संस्कृत निबंध
  • परोपकार पर संस्कृत निबंध

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  • ReligionFacts - Hindu Cow Taboo


sanctity of the cow , in Hinduism , the belief that the cow is representative of divine and natural beneficence and should therefore be protected and venerated . The cow has also been associated with various deities, notably Shiva (whose steed is Nandi , a bull), Indra (closely associated with Kamadhenu, the wish-granting cow), Krishna (a cowherd in his youth), and goddesses in general (because of the maternal attributes of many of them).

The origin of the veneration of the cow can be traced to the Vedic period (2nd millennium–7th century bce ). The Indo-European peoples who entered India in the 2nd millennium bce were pastoralists; cattle had major economic significance that was reflected in their religion . Though cattle were sacrificed and their flesh eaten in ancient India, the slaughter of milk-producing cows was increasingly prohibited. It is forbidden in parts of the Mahabharata , the great Sanskrit epic, and in the religious and ethical code known as the Manu-smirti (“Tradition of Manu”), and the milk cow was already in the Rigveda said to be “unslayable.” The degree of veneration afforded the cow is indicated by the use in rites of healing, purification, and penance of the panchagavya , the five products of the cow—milk, curd, butter, urine, and dung.

Subsequently, with the rise of the ideal of ahimsa (“noninjury”), the absence of the desire to harm living creatures, the cow came to symbolize a life of nonviolent generosity. In addition, because her products supplied nourishment, the cow was associated with motherhood and Mother Earth. The cow was also identified early on with the Brahman or priestly class, and killing the cow was sometimes equated (by Brahmans) with the heinous crime of killing a Brahman. In the middle of the 1st millennium ce , cow killing was made a capital offense by the Gupta kings, and legislation against cow killing persisted into the 20th century in many princely states where the monarch was Hindu.

In the late 19th century, especially in northern India, a movement to protect cows arose that strove to unify Hindus and distinguish them from Muslims by demanding that the government ban cow slaughter. This intertwining of political and religious purpose led periodically to anti-Muslim riots and eventually played a role in the partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947.

Animal names in Sanskrit

पशूनां नामानि (paśūnāṃ nāmāni). This post has list of Animal names in Sanskrit.

जानवरों के नाम संस्कृत में।

This list is very helpful for students and newbies interested in learning Sanskrit.

A video of animal names in Sanskrit is also given below for interested learners.

When we learn any new language, we tend to first learn basic and common words. This list has Animal names in Sanskrit with translation in English and Hindi.

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  • Cow - धेनुः

In Sanskrit, Cow is known as धेनुः (Dhenuḥ) and in Hindi it is known as गाय.

Another word or Synonym for धेनुः (Dhenuḥ) in Sanskrit is गौः (gauḥ). The word धेनुः can be used as given in the following sentence.

धेनुः दुग्धं यच्छति। (dhenuḥ dugdhaṃ yacchati।) – which means “The cow gives milk”.

  • Horse - अश्वः

In Sanskrit, Horse is known as अश्वः (aśvaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as घोड़ा.

Another word or Synonym for अश्वः (aśvaḥ) in Sanskrit is हयः (hayaḥ). The word अश्वः can be used as given in the following sentence.

अश्वः वेगेन धावति। (aśvaḥ vegena dhāvati।) – which means “The horse runs very fast”.

  • Elephant - गजः

In Sanskrit, Elephant is known as गजः (gajaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as हाथी.

Another word or Synonym for गजः (gajaḥ) in Sanskrit is हस्ती (hastī). The word गजः can be used as given in the following sentence.

गजः विशालः अस्ति। (gajaḥ viśālaḥ asti।) – which means “The elephant is very big”.

  • Donkey - गर्दभः

In Sanskrit, Donkey is known as गर्दभः (gardabhaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as गधा.

Another word or Synonym for गर्दभः (gardabhaḥ) in Sanskrit is रासभः (rāsabhaḥ). The word गर्दभः can be used as given in the following sentence.

गर्दभः परिश्रमं करोति। (gardabhaḥ pariśramaṃ karoti।) – which means “The donkey does hard work”.

  • Monkey - वानरः

In Sanskrit, monkey is known as वानरः (vānaraḥ) and in Hindi it is known as बंदर. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

वानरः कदलीफलानि खादति। (vānaraḥ kadalīphalāni khādati।) – which means “The monkey eats bananas”.

  • Mouse - मूषकः

In Sanskrit, Mouse is known as मूषकः (mūṣakaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as चूहा. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

मूषकः मार्जारात् बिभेति। (mūṣakaḥ mārjārāt bibheti।) – which means “The mouse is afraid of the cat”.

In Sanskrit, Giraffe is known as चित्रोष्ट्रः (citroṣṭraḥ) and in Hindi it is known as जिराफ़. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

चित्रोष्ट्रः उन्नतः अस्ति। (citroṣṭraḥ unnataḥ asti।) – which means “The giraffe is very tall”.

In Sanskrit, Tiger is known as व्याघ्रः (vyāghraḥ) and in Hindi it is known as बाघ. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

व्याघ्रः शूरः अस्ति। (vyāghraḥ śūraḥ asti।) – which means “The tiger is courageous”.

In Sanskrit, Rabbit is known as शशकः (śaśakaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as खरगोश. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

शशकः श्वेतवर्णः अस्ति। (śaśakaḥ śvetavarṇaḥ asti।) – which means “The rabbit is white in colour”.

In Sanskrit, Bear is known as भल्लुकः (bhallukaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as भालू. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

भल्लूकः मधु खादति। (bhallūkaḥ madhu khādati।) – which means “The bear eats honey”.

  • Frog - मण्डूकः

In Sanskrit, Frog is known as मण्डूकः (maṇḍūkaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as मेंढ़क. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

मण्डूकः कूर्दति। (maṇḍūkaḥ kūrdati।) – which means “The frog jumps”.

  • Crocodile - नक्रः

In Sanskrit, Crocodile as known as नक्रः (nakraḥ) and in Hindi it is known as मगरमच्छ​. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

नक्रः सरोवरे वसति। (nakraḥ sarovare vasati।) – which means “The crocodile lives in the lake”.

  • Jackal - शृगालः

In Sanskrit, Jackal is known as शृगालः (śṛgālaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as सियार. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

शृगालः कुटिलस्वभावः अस्ति। (śṛgālaḥ kuṭilasvabhāvaḥ asti।) – which means “The jackal is cunning”.

In Sanskrit, Lion is known as सिंहः (siṃhaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as शेर or सिंह. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

सिंहः पशूनाम् नृपः। (siṃhaḥ paśūnām nṛpaḥ।) – which means “The lion is the king of animals”.

  • Dog - शुनकः

In Sanskrit, Dog is known as शुनकः (śunakaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as कुत्ता. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

शुनकः बुक्कति। (śunakaḥ bukkati।) – which means “The dog barks”.

  • Ox - बलीवर्दः

In Sanskrit, Ox is known as बलीवर्दः (balīvardaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as बैल. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

बलीवर्दः क्षेत्रं कर्षति। (balīvardaḥ kṣetraṃ karṣati।) – which means “The ox ploughs the field”.

  • Deer - मृगः

In Sanskrit, Deer is known as मृगः (mṛgaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as हिरन. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

मृगः वने वसति। (mṛgaḥ vane vasati।) – which means “The deer lives in the forest”.

  • Cheetah - चित्रकः

In Sanskrit, Cheetah is known as चित्रकः (citrakaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as चीता. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

चित्रकः शीघ्रं धावति। (citrakaḥ śīghraṃ dhāvati।) – which means “The cheetah runs very fast”.

  • Cat (Female) - मार्जारी

In Sanskrit, female Cat is known as मार्जारी (mārjārī) and in Hindi it is known as बिल्ली. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

मार्जारी दुग्धं पिबति। (mārjārī dugdhaṃ pibati।) – which means “The cat (female) drinks milk”.

  • Cat (Male) - बिडालः

In Sanskrit, Male Cat is known as बिडालः (biḍālaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as बिल्ला. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

बिडालः दुग्धं पिबति। (biḍālaḥ dugdhaṃ pibati।) – which means “The cat (male) drinks milk”.

  • He-Wolf - वृकः

In Sanskrit, He-wolf is known as वृकः (vṛkaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as भेड़िया (पु). It can be used as given in the following sentence.

वृकः वने वसति। (vṛkaḥ vane vasati।) – which means ” The he-wolf lives in the forest”.

In Sanskrit, She-wolf is known as वृकी (vṛkī) and in Hindi it is known as भेड़िया (स्त्री). It can be used as given in the following sentence.

वृकी वने वसति। (vṛkī vane vasati।) – which means ” The she-wolf lives in the forest”.

In Sanskrit, Buffalo is known as महिषी (mahiṣī) and in Hindi it is known as भैंस. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

महिषी दुग्धं यच्छति। (mahiṣī dugdhaṃ yacchati।) – which means “The buffalo gives milk”.

  • Boar - वराहः

In Sanskrit, Boar is known as वराहः (varāhaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as सूअर. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

वराहः वनस्य पशुः। (varāhaḥ vanasya paśuḥ।) – which means “The boar is an animal of the forest”.

In Sanskrit, Zebra is known as चित्ररासभः (citrarāsabhaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as जेब्रा. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

चित्ररासभः श्वेतवर्णः कृष्णवर्णः च अस्ति। (citrarāsabhaḥ śvetavarṇaḥ kṛṣṇavarṇaḥ ca asti।) – which means “The zebra is black and white in colour”.

In Sanskrit, Sheep is known as मेषः (meṣaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as भेड़. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

मेषः पालनीयः पशुः अस्ति। (meṣaḥ pālanīyaḥ paśuḥ asti।) – which means “The sheep is a domestic animal”.

  • He-Goat - अजः

In Sanskrit, He-Goat is known as अजः (ajaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as बकरा. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

अजः पालनीयः पशुः अस्ति। (ajaḥ pālanīyaḥ paśuḥ asti।) – which means “The he-goat is a domestic animal”.

In Sanskrit, She-Goat is known as अजा (ajā) and in Hindi it is known as बकरी. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

अजा पालनीयः पशुः अस्ति। (ajā pālanīyaḥ paśuḥ asti।) – which means “The she-goat is a domestic animal”.

  • Camel - उष्ट्रः

In Sanskrit, Camel is known as उष्ट्रः (uṣṭraḥ) and in Hindi it is known as ऊँट​. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

उष्ट्रः मरुस्थले वसति। (uṣṭraḥ marusthale vasati।) – which means “The camel lives in the desert”.

  • Gorilla - वनमनुष्यः

In Sanskrit, Gorilla is known as वनमनुष्यः (vanamanuṣyaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as गोरिल्ला . It can be used as given in the following sentence.

वनमनुष्यः अरण्ये वसति। (vanamanuṣyaḥ araṇye vasati।) – which means “The gorilla lives in the forest”.

  • Chameleon - कृकलासः

In Sanskrit, Chameleon is known as कृकलासः (kṛkalāsaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as गिरगिट. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

कृकलासः वृक्षे अस्ति। (kṛkalāsaḥ vṛkṣe asti।) – which means “The chameleon is on the tree”.

  • Mongoose - नकुलः

In Sanskrit, Mongoose is known as नकुलः (nakulaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as नेवला. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

नकुलः अरण्यजीवः अस्ति। (nakulaḥ araṇyajīvaḥ asti।) – which means “The mongoose is an animal of the forest”.

  • Tortoise - कूर्मः

In Sanskrit, Tortoise is known as कूर्मः (kūrmaḥ) and in Hindi it is known as कछुआ. It can be used as given in the following sentence.

कूर्मः शनैः चलति। (kūrmaḥ śanaiḥ calati।) – which means “The tortoise walks slowly”.

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गौः | Cow Essay in Sanskrit

गौः अस्माकं देशस्य सर्वश्रेष्ठः पशुः अस्ति : गो- मनुष्याणां महान्तम् उपकारं करोति । इयं देवरूपा मातृतुल्या कल्याणकारिणी च अस्ति । गौः भारतस्य सर्वेषु प्रान्तेषु प्राप्यते। अस्याः द्वे श्रृंगे, पृष्ठे लम्बमानं पुच्छ, द्विविभक्ताः चत्वारः। रवुराः भवन्ति ।अस्याः शीवायाः अधोभागे गलकम्बलं भवति । गावः विविधवण: भवन्ति।

गौः स्वयं घासं बुसं च खादति पर मानवेभ्यः अमृतोपमं सुमधुरं दुग्ध यच्छति । सवें मनुष्याः गवां दुग्धं पिबन्ति । गोदुग्धम् अतीव पवित्रं भवति । गवां दुग्धं सुपाच्यं हितकर स्वास्थ्यकरं च भवति । अस्याः दुग्धेन नवनीतं, तर्क, घृतं, दधि तथा अनेक विधानि मिष्ठान्नानि रपयामः । न केवलं दुग्धम् एव अपितु अस्याः मूत्रं मलश्चापि अति हितकरौ । वैद्यैः गौमुत्रम् औषधि रूपेण प्रयुज्यते । गोमूत्रेण उदर रोगा; नश्यन्ति । तस्य गोमयेन मानवाः गृहाणि उपलिप्यन्ते । गोमये। भूमेः उर्वरा शक्ति वर्धते, इन्धनकाय च विधीयते | मृतायां गो धणि उपमहादिकम् निर्मीयते । अस्याः अस्थिभ्यः खादं विधीयते ।।

गौः सुताः एव वृषभाः भवन्ति । वृषभा एवं कृषि कर्मणि कृषकानां सहायता कुर्वन्ति। ते क्षेत्रे हलान् कर्षन्ति, भारं वहन्ति, रथान् चालयन्ति । वृषभाः अपि हिन्दुभिः पूज्यन्ते, यत् एष शिवस्य वाहनम् अस्ति । एवं गौः अस्माकं अति उपकारं करोति । यथा माता स्वसुतं पालयति रक्षति च तथैव गौ अस्मान् पालयति रक्षति च। सा मातेव पूजनीया भवति । उक्तं च

मातरः सर्वभूतानां गावः, सर्वसुख प्रदाः ।। प्राचीन कालदेव भारतवर्षे गवां विशिष्टं महत्वम् अस्ति । दिलीपः गोसेवां कृत्वा पुत्रं लब्धवान् । श्रीकृष्णः स्वयं गाः अचारयत् । गो: चारणेन कृष्णः ‘गोपाल: कथ्यते । यद्यपि भारत विधाने गोहत्या निषद्धाः तथापि अद्यापि अस्माकं देशे गोहत्या भवति । गवां पालने पोषणे च वयं उचितं ध्यानं न यच्छामः इति खेदस्य विषयः । मदीया अभिलाषा अस्ति, यत्

गावो मे अग्रतः सन्तु, गावो मे सन्तु पृष्ठतः ।। गावो मे सर्वतः सन्तु गवां मध्ये वसाम्यहम् ॥ |

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गाय पर संस्कृत में निबंध। Essay on Cow in Sanskrit

गाय पर संस्कृत में निबंध। Essay on Cow in Sanskrit : अस्माकं देशस्य सर्वश्रेष्ठः पशुः गौ: अस्ति। अस्माकं देशे गौ: मातृवत् पूज्या अस्ति। गौ: अस्मभ्यं मधुरं दुग्धं ददाति। गौदुग्धेभ्यः दधिः, घृतम् च जायते। गोघृतं अतीव पवित्रं मन्यते। गौ: अस्माकं बहुउपकारं करोति। गोवत्साः एव वृषभाः भवन्ति।

गाय पर संस्कृत में निबंध

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अ aआ aa,Aइ iई ii,Iउ uऊ uu,U
ऋ Rॠ RRलृ lRॡ lRR
ए eऐ aiओ oऔ auअं aMअः aH
क kaख khaग gaघ ghaङ Ga
च caछ chaज jaझ jhaञ Ja
ट Taठ Thaड Daढ Dhaण Na
त taथ thaद daध dhaन na
प paफ phaब baभ bhaम ma
य yaर raल laव vaक्ष kScd
श za,shaष Sa,shhaस saह haऽ 'aज्ञ jJ
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Essay on Cow for Kids & Students | 10 Lines Essay, 400+ Words Essay

Essay on cow for kids & students | 10 lines essay, 400+ words essay, 10 lines essay on cow –.

  • The cow is a beneficial and sacred domestic animal.
  • Cow is a herbivorous animal and mainly eats grass and leaves of the trees.
  • It is found in different colours and sizes around the world.
  • The cow has two ears, two eyes, one big nose, two sharp horns, a long tail, and four legs.
  • It gives us milk that sharpens our brain and increases our immunity power.
  • Cow’s dung and urine are highly useful to the farmers for making natural fertilizer for plants, trees, etc.
  • The Cow’s milk used to make many products such as Ghee, Curd, and different types of sweets etc.
  • It is the most humble, sweet, loyal, and holiest animal.
  • Farmers use a male cow known as an ox to plough their fields and draw carts.
  • In India, the cow is regarded as a sacred animal is being worshipped by the Hindus.

Essay on Cow for Kids & Students

Long Essay –


The cow is a beneficial and sacred domestic animal. It is a herbivorous animal and mainly eats grass and leaves of the trees. The child of a cow is called a calf. In India, it is regarded as a sacred animal is being worshipped by the Hindus for a long time. It is found in different colours and sizes. Indian cows are short in sizes and have two ears and eyes each, one big nose, two sharp horns, a long tail, and four limbs.

Benefits of Cow

It gives us the milk that is very healthy, nutritious, and it also enhances our immune system. Cow’s milk is the source of many products such as Ghee, Curd, Cheese, Butter, and different types of sweets, etc. Even the cow dung and urine are highly useful to the farmers for making natural fertilizer for plants, trees, etc. It’s dung is also an efficient producer of fuel and bio-gas. It is also used as an insect repellent.

The cow has commercial value as well. Cow trade is also prevalent in India and these cows are sold at a very high price. The people who buy these cows also earn a large amount of money by selling their milk. In big cities, big cow farms are made to get milk for multiple purposes. It is advantageous even after death. Its hide is also used to make leather. People use it for making soles, shoes, car seats, belts, etc. So, we can say that the whole body of the cow is useful to us. It is a very loyal, humble, and sweet animal. It gives milk even if it is hungry.

Conditions of Cow in India

In India, there are a lot of cows that are not taken care of. They are left on roads by which they get affected by many diseases. They also get into accidents and lose their lives. But, the government has taken many steps for the safety of these stray cows, they have established many places called ‘Gaushalas’ or ‘Cow farms’ where they are kept and fed by the people.

People should also take some measures to keep the cows in a safe place such as give food and shelter to stray cows etc. This species of animals is very religious and is also considered as a god in the Hindu religion so, it is our duty to respect this species of animals and take good care of them.

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Translation of "cow" into Sanskrit

ghou, go, गो are the top translations of "cow" into Sanskrit. Sample translated sentence: Radha bearing the weight of her heavy butter buttocks walks slowly like a cow elephant with her heavy large swollen firm round breasts. She was the beat of all the beauties ↔ Nitamb shroni bharathru...... Chapter 3,krishna kanda ( about radha)

A female domesticated ox or other bovine, especially an adult after she has had a calf. [..]

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female domesticated ox or other bovine

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  • cow's shit (potty) mal tyag
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Translations of "cow" into Sanskrit in sentences, translation memory


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