The Law of Cosines

For any triangle ...

a , b and c are sides.

C is the angle opposite side c

... the Law of Cosines (also called the Cosine Rule ) says:

c 2 = a 2 + b 2 − 2ab cos(C)

It helps us solve some triangles. Let's see how to use it.

Example: How long is side "c" ... ?

We know angle C = 37º, and sides a = 8 and b = 11

Answer: c = 6.67

How to Remember

How can you remember the formula?

Well, it helps to know it's the Pythagoras Theorem with something extra so it works for all triangles:

So, to remember it:

  • think " abc ": a 2 + b 2 = c 2 ,
  • then a 2 nd " abc ": 2ab cos( C ) ,
  • and put them together: a 2 + b 2 − 2ab cos(C) = c 2

When to Use

The Law of Cosines is useful for finding:

  • the third side of a triangle when we know two sides and the angle between them (like the example above)
  • the angles of a triangle when we know all three sides (as in the following example)

Example: What is Angle "C" ...?

The side of length "8" is opposite angle C , so it is side c . The other two sides are a and b .

Now let us put what we know into The Law of Cosines :

Now we use our algebra skills to rearrange and solve:

In Other Forms

Easier version for angles.

We just saw how to find an angle when we know three sides. It took quite a few steps, so it is easier to use the "direct" formula (which is just a rearrangement of the c 2 = a 2 + b 2 − 2ab cos(C) formula). It can be in either of these forms:

cos(C) = a 2 + b 2 − c 2 2ab

cos(A) = b 2 + c 2 − a 2 2bc

cos(B) = c 2 + a 2 − b 2 2ca

Example: Find Angle "C" Using The Law of Cosines (angle version)

In this triangle we know the three sides:

Use The Law of Cosines (angle version) to find angle C :

Versions for a, b and c

Also, we can rewrite the c 2 = a 2 + b 2 − 2ab cos(C) formula into a 2 = and b 2 = form.

Here are all three:

a 2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2bc cos(A)

b 2 = a 2 + c 2 − 2ac cos(B)

But it is easier to remember the " c 2 =" form and change the letters as needed.

As in this example:

Example: Find the distance "z"

The letters are different! But that doesn't matter. We can easily substitute x for a, y for b and z for c

Answer: z = 14.5

Did you notice that cos(131º) is negative and so the last term ends up positive (+ 80.17...)

The cosine of an obtuse angle is always negative (see Unit Circle ).

Module 10: Law of Sines & Cosines Assignment - Solving Triangles

  • Mathematics

Law of Cosines Calculator

Table of contents

The law of cosines calculator can help you solve a vast number of triangular problems. You will learn what is the law of cosines (also known as the cosine rule), the law of cosines formula , and its applications. Scroll down to find out when and how to use the law of cosines, and check out the proofs of this law. Thanks to this triangle calculator, you will be able to find the properties of any arbitrary triangle quickly.

triangle sides and angles, law of cosines formula

But if, somehow, you're wondering what the heck is cosine, better have a look at our cosine calculator .

Law of cosines formula

The law of cosines states that, for a triangle with sides and angles denoted with symbols as illustrated above,

a² = b² + c² - 2bc × cos(α)

b² = a² + c² - 2ac × cos(β)

c² = a² + b² - 2ab × cos(γ)

For a right triangle, the angle gamma, which is the angle between legs a and b , is equal to 90°. The cosine of 90° = 0, so in that special case, the law of cosines formula is reduced to the well-known equation of Pythagorean theorem :

a² = b² + c² - 2bc × cos(90°)

a² = b² + c²

What is the law of cosines?

The law of cosines (alternatively the cosine formula or cosine rule) describes the relationship between the lengths of a triangle's sides and the cosine of its angles. It can be applied to all triangles, not only the right triangles. This law generalizes the Pythagorean theorem, as it allows you to calculate the length of one of the sides, given you know the length of both the other sides and the angle between them.

The law appeared in Euclid's Element , a mathematical treatise containing definitions, postulates, and geometry theorems. Euclid didn't formulate it in the way we learn it today, as the concept of cosine had not been developed yet.

triangle sides and angles, image for Euclid's proof

AB² = CA² + CB² − 2 × CA × CH (for acute angles)

AB² = CA² + CB² + 2 × CA × CH (for obtuse angles)

However, we may reformulate Euclid's theorem easily to the current cosine formula form:

CH = CB × cos(γ) , so AB² = CA² + CB² - 2 × CA × (CB × cos(γ))

Changing notation, we obtain the familiar expression:

The first explicit equation of the cosine rule was presented by Persian mathematician d'Al-Kashi in the 15th century. In the 16th century, the law was popularized by the famous French mathematician Viète before it received its final shape in the 19th century.

Applications of the law of cosines

You can transform these law of cosines formulas to solve some problems of triangulation (solving a triangle). You can use them to find:

The third side of a triangle , knowing two sides and the angle between them (SAS):

a = √[b² + c² - 2bc × cos(α)]

b = √[a² + c² - 2ac × cos(β)]

c = √[a² + b² - 2ab × cos(γ)]

The angles of a triangle , knowing all three sides (SSS):

α = arccos [(b² + c² - a²)/(2bc)]

β = arccos [(a² + c² - b²)/(2ac)]

γ = arccos [(a² + b² - c²)/(2ab)]

The third side of a triangle , knowing two sides and an angle opposite to one of them (SSA):

a = b × cos(γ) ± √[c² - b² × sin²(γ)]

b = c × cos(α) ± √[a² - c² × sin²(α)]

c = a × cos(β) ± √[b² - a² × sin²(β)]

Just remember that knowing two sides and an adjacent angle can yield two distinct possible triangles (or one or zero positive solutions, depending on the given data). That's why we've decided to implement SAS and SSS in this tool, but not SSA.

The law of cosines is one of the basic laws, and it's widely used for many geometric problems. We also take advantage of that law in many Omnitools, to mention only a few:

  • Triangle angle calculator
  • Triangle area calculator
  • Perimeter of a triangle calculator
  • Triangular prism calculator

Also, you can combine the law of cosines calculator with the law of sines to solve other problems, for example, finding the side of the triangle, given two of the angles and one side (AAS and ASA).

Law of cosines proofs

There are many ways in which you can prove the law of cosines equation. You've already read about one of them – it comes directly from Euclid's formulation of the law and an application of the Pythagorean theorem. You can write the other proofs of the law of cosines using:

1. Trigonometry

triangle sides and angles, image for trigonometric proof

Draw a line for the height of the triangle and divide the side perpendicular to it into two parts:

b = b₁ + b₂

From sine and cosine definitions, b₁ might be expressed as a × cos(γ) and b₂ = c × cos(α) . Hence:

b = a × cos(γ) + c × cos(α) and by multiplying it by b , we get:

b² = ab × cos(γ) + bc × cos(α) (1)

Analogical equations may be derived for other two sides:

a² = ac × cos(β) + ab × cos(γ) (2)

c² = bc × cos(α) + ac × cos(β) (3)

To finish the law of cosines proof, you need to add the equation (1) and (2) and subtract (3):

a² + b² - c² = ac × cos(β) + ab × cos(γ) + bc × cos(α) + ab × cos(γ) - bc × cos(α) - ac × cos(β)

Reduction and simplification of the equation give one of the forms of the cosine rule:

a² + b² - c² = 2ab × cos(γ)

By changing the order in which they are added and subtracted, you can derive the other law of cosine formulas.

2. Distance formula

triangle sides and angles in Cartesian coordinate system, image for proof using distance formula

Let C = (0,0) , A = (b,0) , as in the image.

To find the coordinates of B, we can use the definition of sine and cosine:

B = (a × cos(γ), a × sin(γ))

From the distance formula , we can find that:

c = √[(x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²] = √[(a × cos(γ) - b)² + (a × sin(γ) - 0)²]

c² = a² × cos(γ)² - 2ab × cos(γ) + b² + a² × sin(γ)²

c² = b² + a²(sin(γ)² + cos(γ)²) - 2ab × cos(γ)

As a sum of squares of sine and cosine is equal to 1, we obtain the final formula:

3. Ptolemy's theorem

circumcircle of a triangle with triangle sides and angles, image for proof using Ptolemy's theorem

Another law of cosines proof that is relatively easy to understand uses Ptolemy's theorem:

Assume we have the triangle ABC drawn in its circumcircle, as in the picture.

Construct the congruent triangle ADC, where AD = BC and DC = BA

The heights from points B and D split the base AC by E and F, respectively. CE equals FA.

From the cosine definition, we can express CE as a × cos(γ) .

Thus, we can write that BD = EF = AC - 2 × CE = b - 2 × a × cos(γ) .

Then, for our quadrilateral ADBC, we can use Ptolemy's theorem , which explains the relation between the four sides and two diagonals. The theorem states that for cyclic quadrilaterals, the sum of products of opposite sides is equal to the product of the two diagonals:

BC × DA + CA × BD = AB × CD

so in our case:

a² + b × (b - 2 × a × cos(γ)) + a² = c²

After reduction, we get the final formula:

The great advantage of these three proofs is their universality – they work for acute, right, and obtuse triangles.

  • Using the law of sines
  • Using the definition of dot product
  • Comparison of areas
  • Geometry of the circle

The last two proofs require the distinction between different triangle cases. The one based on the definition of dot product is shown in another article, and the proof using the law of sines is quite complicated, so we have decided not to reproduce it here. If you're curious about these law of cosines proofs, check out the Wikipedia explanation.

How to use the law of cosines calculator

Start with formulating your problem. For example, you may know two sides of the triangle and the angle between them and are looking for the remaining side.

Input the known values into the appropriate boxes of this triangle calculator. Remember to double-check with the figure above whether you denoted the sides and angles with correct symbols.

Watch our law of cosines calculator perform all the calculations for you!

Law of cosines – SSS example

If your task is to find the angles of a triangle given all three sides, all you need to do is to use the transformed cosine rule formulas:

α = arccos [(b² + c² - a²)/(2bc)] β = arccos [(a² + c² - b²)/(2ac)] γ = arccos [(a² + b² - c²)/(2ab)]

Let's calculate one of the angles. Assume we have a = 4 in, b = 5 in and c = 6 in. We'll use the first equation to find α:

= arccos [(5² + 6² - 4²)/(2 × 5 × 6)]

= arccos [(25 + 36 - 16)/60]

= arccos [(45/60)] = arccos [0.75]

You may calculate the second angle from the second equation in an analogical way, and the third angle you can find by knowing that the sum of the angles in a triangle is equal to 180° (π).

If you want to save some time, type the side lengths into our law of cosines calculator - our tool is a safe bet! Just follow these simple steps:

Choose the option depending on given values . We need to pick the second option – SSS (3 sides) .

Enter the known values . Type the sides: a = 4 in, b = 5 in, and c = 6 in.

The calculator displays the result! In our case the angles are equal to α = 41.41°, β = 55.77° and γ = 82.82°.

After such an explanation, we're sure that you understand what the law of cosine is and when to use it. Give this tool a try, solve some exercises, and remember that practice makes permanent!

When should I use the law of cosines?

Use the law of cosines if you need to calculate:

  • A side of a triangle given two other sides and the angle between them.
  • The three angles of a triangle given its sides.
  • A side of a triangle given two other sides and an angle opposite to one of these sides.

When should I use the law of cosines vs the Pythagorean theorem?

The law of cosines is a generalization of the Pythagorean theorem, so whenever the latter works, the former can be applied as well. Not the other way round, though!

Is the law of cosines valid only for right triangles?

No , the law of cosines is valid for all triangles. In fact, when you apply the law of cosines to a right triangle, you'll arrive at the good old Pythagorean theorem.

What is the third side of a triangle with sides 5 and 6?

Besides the two sides, you need to know one of the inner angles of the triangle. Let's say it's the angle γ = 30° between the sides 5 and 6 . Then:

  • Recall the law of cosines formula c² = a² + b² - 2ab × cos(γ)
  • Plug in the values a = 5 , b = 6 , γ = 30° .
  • We obtain c² = 25 + 36 - 2 × 5 × 6 × cos(30) ≈ 9 .
  • Therefore, c ≈ 3 . Remember to include the units if you were given any!

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Triangle solution.

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The Law of Cosines

Formula and examples of law of cosines

Unit Circle Game

Law of Cosines Formula

The law of cosines is a formula that relates the three sides of a triangle to the cosine of a given angle

Law of Cosines Formula and Picture

When to use law of cosines?

What You Know What You Can Find

2 sides and the included angle
3rd side

3 Sides of Triangle
Any Angle

when to use the law of cosines

Why only the 'included' angle?

As you can see in the prior picture, Case I states that we must know the included angle . Let's examine if that's really necessary or not.

Interactive Demonstration of the Law of Cosines Formula

The interactive demonstration below illustrates the Law of cosines formula in action. Drag around the points in the triangle to observe who the formula works. Try clicking the "Right Triangle" checkbox to explore how this formula relates to the pythagorean theorem . (Applet on its own )

a b c
Length 12.23 12.23 12.23
Length 12.23 12.23 12.23

Given : 2 sides and 1 angle

Picture of law of cosines

$$ b^2 = a^2 + c^2 - 2ac\cdot \text{cos}(44) \\ \red x^2 = 14^2 + 10^2 -2 \cdot 14 \cdot 10 \text{cos}(44 ^ \circ ) \\ \red x^2 = 14^2 + 10^2 -2 \cdot 14 \cdot 10 \text{cos}(44 ^ \circ ) \\ \red x^2 = 296 -280 \text{cos}(44 ^ \circ) \\ \red x^2 = 94.5848559051777 \\ \red x = \sqrt{ 94.5848559051777} \\ \red x = 9.725474585087234 $$

Given : 3 sides

law of cosines assignment quizlet

$$ a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bc\cdot \text{cos}(\red A) \\ 25^2 = 32^2 + 37^2 -2 \cdot 32 \cdot 37 \cdot \text{cos}(\red A) \\ 625 =2393 - 2368\cdot \text{cos}(\red A) \\ \frac{625-2393}{ - 2368}= cos(\red A) \\ 0.7466216216216216 = cos(\red A ) \\ \red A = cos^{-1} (0.7466216216216216 ) \\ \red A = 41.70142633732469 ^ \circ $$

Practice Problem

The problems below are ones that ask you to apply the formula to solve straight forward questions. If they start to seem too easy, try our more challenging problems .

Use the law of cosines formula to calculate the length of side C.

law of cosines assignment quizlet

$$ c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab\cdot \text{cos}( 66 ^\circ) \\ c^2 = 20^2 + 13^2 - 2\cdot20\cdot 13 \cdot \text{cos}( 66 ^\circ) \\ c^2 = 20^2 + 13^2 - 2\cdot20\cdot 13 \cdot \text{cos}( 66 ^\circ) \\ c^2 =357.4969456005839 \\ c = \sqrt{357.4969456005839} \\ c = 18.907589629579544 $$

Use the law of cosines formula to calculate the measure of $$ \angle x $$

law of cosines assignment quizlet

$$ a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bc\cdot \text{cos}(A) \\ x^2 = y^2 + z^2 - 2yz\cdot \text{cos}(X ) \\ 14^2 = 20^2 + 12^2 - 2 \cdot 20 \cdot 12 \cdot \text{cos}(X ) \\ 196 = 544-480\cdot \text{cos}(X ) \\ \frac{196 -544}{480 } =\text{cos}(X ) \\ 0.725 =\text{cos}(X ) \\ X = cos^{-1}(0.725 ) \\ X = 43.531152167372454 $$

Use the law of cosines formula to calculate the length of side b.

law of cosines practice problem

$$ b^2= a^2 + c^2 - 2ac \cdot \text{cos}(115^\circ) \\ b^2= 16^2 + 5^2 - 2 \cdot 16 \cdot 5\text{ cos}( 115^\circ) \\ b^2 = 294.523784375712 \\ b = \sqrt{294.523784375712} \\ b =17.1616952652036098 \\ $$

Use the law of cosines formula to calculate X.

law of cosines assignment quizlet

$$ x^2 = 17^2 + 28^2 - 2 \cdot 17 \cdot 28 \text{ cos}(114 ^\circ) \\ x^2 = 1460.213284208162 \\ x =\sqrt{ 1460.213284208162} \\ x= 38.21273719858552 $$

Look at the the three triangles below. For which one(s) can you use the law of cosines to find the length of the unknown side , side a ?

identify formula use case

$$ \fbox{ Triangle 1 } \\ \red a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bc \cdot cos (A) \\ \red a^2 = 18.5^2 + 16^2 - 2\cdot 18.5 \cdot 16 \cdot cos (44 ^\circ) \\ \red a^2 = 144.751689673565 \\ \red a = \sqrt{ 144.751689673565} = 12.031279635748021 $$

$$ \fbox{ Triangle 2 } \\ \red a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bc \cdot cos (A) \\ \red a^2 = 18.5^2 + 16^2 - 2\cdot 18.5 \cdot 16 \cdot cos (\color{red}{A}) $$

Since we don't know the included angle, $$ \angle A $$ , our formula does not help--we end up with 1 equation and 2 unknowns.

$$ \fbox{ Triangle 3 } \\ \red a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bc \cdot cos (A) \\ \red a^2 = 18.5^2 + 16^2 - 2\cdot 18.5 \cdot 16 \cdot cos (\red A) $$

The value of x in the triangle below can be found by using either the Law of Cosines or the Pythagorean theorem . What conclusions can you draw about the relationship of these two formulas?

law of cosines assignment quizlet

$$ \fbox{Law of Cosines} \\ x^2 = 73.24^2 + 21^2 - 2 \cdot 73.24 \cdot 21 \text{ cos}(90 ^\circ) \\ \text{remember : }\red{ \text{cos}(90 ^\circ) =0} \\ x^2 = 73.24^2 + 21^2 - 2 \cdot 73.24 \cdot 21 \cdot \red 0 \\ x^2 = 73.24^2 + 21^2 - \red 0 \\ x^2 = 73.24^2 + 21^2 \\ \fbox{Pytagorean Theorem} \\ a^2 = b^2 + c^2 \\ a^2 = 73.24^2 + 21^2 $$

As you can see, the Pythagorean theorem is consistent with the law of cosines. It turns out the Pythagorean theorem is just a special case of the law of cosines.

  • Law of Cosines challenge problems (more advanced problems and also word problems)
  • Law of cosines worksheet
  • Law of sines vs cosines
  • Pictures of law of sines and cosines
  • Worksheet on law of sines and law of cosines (pdf)

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  1. Law of Cosines Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In ΔDEF, DE = 11, EF = 9, and angle E = 140°. Which equation correctly uses the law of cosines to solve for the third side?, Which of these triangles can you use the law of cosines to solve for a missing side?, A surveyor measures the lengths of the sides of a triangular plot of land. What is the measure of the angle of the ...

  2. Law of Cosines Assignment 100% Flashcards

    66. A triangle has side lengths 4, 7 and 9. What is the measure of the angle across from the longest side? 92 = 42 + 72 − 2 (4) (7)cos (A) 81 = 16 + 49 − 56cos (A) 81 = 9cos (A) 9 = cos (A) A cannot exist! Gabe tried to use the law of cosines to find an unknown angle measure in a triangle.

  3. Law of Cosines Assignment Flashcards

    b. 79. Using the law of cosines, a = ___ rounded to the nearest tenth. Use your answer above to find m<B To the nearest degree, m<B =. Using the sum of the angle measures of a triangle, m<C =. 2.2. 81. 66. Gabe tried to use the law of cosines to find an unknown angle measure in a triangle. His work is shown.

  4. The Law of Cosines

    In Other Forms Easier Version For Angles. We just saw how to find an angle when we know three sides. It took quite a few steps, so it is easier to use the "direct" formula (which is just a rearrangement of the c 2 = a 2 + b 2 − 2ab cos(C) formula). It can be in either of these forms:

  5. PDF Law of Cosines

    Deriving the Law of Cosines The law of cosines is a formula to find the _____ of sides and _____ of any triangle. How can we represent the length of side a? Draw the altitude on the triangle. B A C THE LAW OF COSINES The law of cosines is a formula to find the measures of sides and angles of any triangle. How can we represent the length of side a?

  6. 4.5: Law of Cosines

    The measure of angle \(D\) is missing and can be found using the Law of cosines. It is necessary to set up the Law of cosines equation very carefully with \(D\) corresponding to the opposite side of \(230 .\) The letters are not \(A B C\) like in the proof, but those letters can always be changed to match the problem as long as the angle in the ...

  7. Module 10: Law of Sines & Cosines Assignment

    Mathematics document from Florida Virtual School, 4 pages, Name: Aynsley Mackey Module 10 Law of Sines & Cosines Assignment You have been learning about the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines. These two important laws allow you to solve for the unknown side lengths and angle measures in non-right triangles. Law.

  8. 11.3: The Law of Cosines

    This will give you a Side-Angle-Side case in which to apply the Law of Cosines.) If you apply the Law of Cosines to the ambiguous Angle-Side-Side (ASS) case, the result is a quadratic equation whose variable is that of the missing side. If the equation has no positive real zeros then the information given does not yield a triangle.

  9. 3.2: The Law of Cosines

    In this case we know two sides of the triangle, \ (a\) and \ (c\), and the included angle, \ (B\). To solve a triangle when we know two sides and the included angle, we will need a generalization of the Pythagorean theorem known as the Law of Cosines. In a right triangle, with \ (C = 90^ {\circ}\), the Pythagorean theorem tells us that.

  10. Law of Cosines Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Abby used the law of cosines for KMN to solve for k. What additional information did Abby know that is not shown in the diagram?, What is the measure of Y to the nearest whole degree?, Find the measure of J, the smallest angle in a triangle with sides measuring 11, 13, and 19. Round to the nearest whole degree. and more.

  11. Law of Cosines Calculator

    The law of cosines (alternatively the cosine formula or cosine rule) describes the relationship between the lengths of a triangle's sides and the cosine of its angles. It can be applied to all triangles, not only the right triangles. This law generalizes the Pythagorean theorem, as it allows you to calculate the length of one of the sides ...

  12. PDF Law of Sines and Law of Cosines

    Using the Law of Cosines You can use the Law of Cosines to solve triangles when two sides and the included angle are known (SAS case), or when all three sides are known (SSS case). TTheoremheorem Theorem 9.10 Law of Cosines If ABC has sides of length a, b, and c, as shown, then the following are true. a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos A b2 = a2 + c2 − ...

  13. PDF Law of Cosines

    The Law of Cosines Date_____ Period____ Find each measurement indicated. Round your answers to the nearest tenth. 1) Find AB 13 29 C A B 41° 2) Find BC 30 21 A B C 123° 3) Find BC 17 28 A C B 91° 4) Find BC 14 9 A B C 17° 5) Find AB 12 13 C A B 134° 6) Find AB 20 C 22 A B 95° 7) Find m∠A 9 6 14 C A B 8) Find m∠B 22 17 A B C 143° 9 ...

  14. 11.3: The Law of Cosines

    Solution. We are given the lengths of two sides and the measure of an included angle, so we may apply the Law of Cosines to find the length of the missing side opposite the given angle. Calling this length w( for width), we get w2 = 9502 + 10002 − 2(950)(1000)cos(60 ∘) = 952500 from which we get w = √952500 ≈ 976 feet .

  15. Law of Sines and Cosines

    Law of Cosines. Remember, the law of cosines is all about included angle (or knowing 3 sides and wanting to find an angle).. In this case, we have a side of length 20 and of 13 and the included angle of $$ 66^\circ$$. First Step $ \red a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bc \cdot cos( \angle a ) \\ \red a^2 = 20^2 + 13^2 - 2\cdot 20 \cdot 13 \cdot cos( 66 ) $

  16. Law of Cosines Flashcards

    The law of cosines is used to find the measure of Z. To the nearest whole degree, the measure of Z is. 51 degrees. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the measure of Y to the nearest whole degree?, Find the measure of J, the smallest angle in a triangle with sides measuring 11, 13, and 19.

  17. The Law of Cosines

    Interactive Demonstration of the Law of Cosines Formula. The interactive demonstration below illustrates the Law of cosines formula in action. Drag around the points in the triangle to observe who the formula works. Try clicking the "Right Triangle" checkbox to explore how this formula relates to the pythagorean theorem. (Applet on its own)

  18. 11.3: The Law of Cosines

    The Law of Cosines is one way to get around this difficulty. Using the Law of cosines is more complicated than using the Law of sines, however, as we have just seen, the Law of sines will not always be enough to solve a triangle. To derive The Law of cosines, we begin with an arbitrary triangle, like the one seen on the next page:

  19. Law of Cosines Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ∠A= 123 side b=21 side c=30 what does side a=?, ∠A= 17, side b=9 side c=14, what does side a=?, Side a=10.4 Side b=18 Side c=21.9 what does ∠c? and more.

  20. Law of Cosines Calculator

    Uses the law of cosines to calculate unknown angles or sides of a triangle. In order to calculate the unknown values you must enter 3 known values. To calculate any angle, A, B or C, enter 3 side lengths a, b and c. This is the same calculation as Side-Side-Side (SSS) Theorem. To calculate side a for example, enter the opposite angle A and the ...

  21. Law of Cosines Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Law of Cosines, SAS and SSS, a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bcCosA and more.

  22. Khan Academy

    Khanmigo is now free for all US educators! Plan lessons, develop exit tickets, and so much more with our AI teaching assistant.

  23. Chapter 3: Laws of Sines and Cosines

    The laws of sines and cosines were first stated in this context, in a slightly different form than the laws for plane trigonometry. On a sphere, a great-circle lies in a plane passing through the sphere's center. It gives the shortest distance between any two points on a sphere, and is the analogue of a straight line on a plane.