80 Best universities for Psychology in Italy
Updated: February 29, 2024
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Below is a list of best universities in Italy ranked based on their research performance in Psychology. A graph of 15.9M citations received by 672K academic papers made by 80 universities in Italy was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.
We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.
1. Sapienza University of Rome
For Psychology
2. University of Milan
3. University of Padua
4. University of Bologna
5. University of Florence
6. Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
7. University of Turin
8. University of Pisa
9. Federico II University of Naples
10. Polytechnic University of Bari
11. University of Verona
12. University of Pavia
13. University of Genoa
14. University of Parma
15. University of Rome Tor Vergata
16. Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
17. University of Cagliari
18. University of Bari
19. University of Milano-Bicocca
20. University of Catania
21. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
22. University of Siena
23. University of Trento
24. University of Perugia
25. University of Brescia
26. University of Palermo
27. University of Messina
28. Polytechnic University of Milan
29. G. d'Annunzio University of Chieti
30. University of Ferrara
31. University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
32. University of Trieste
33. University of Aquila
34. University of Udine
35. University of Salerno
36. Polytechnic University of Turin
37. University of Insubria
38. Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome
39. Polytechnical University of Marche
40. University of Eastern Piedmont
41. University of Sassari
42. University of Catanzaro
43. Bocconi University
44. International School for Advanced Studies
45. Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
46. University of Calabria
47. University of Foggia
48. Roma Tre University
49. University of Bergamo
50. Ca' Foscari University of Venice
51. University of Camerino
52. University of Salento
53. Normal School of Pisa
54. Carlo Bo University of Urbino
55. University of Cassino and Southern Lazio
56. Parthenope University of Naples
57. University of Molise
58. Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria
59. Free University of Bozen
60. Foro Italico University of Rome
61. Basilicata University
62. University of Macerata
63. LUISS University
64. University of Sannio
65. University of Teramo
66. University of Tuscia
67. Kore University of Enna
68. Maria Santissima Assunta Free University
69. IULM University
70. IUAV University of Venice
71. Carlo Cattaneo University
72. University of Naples "L'Orientale"
73. Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples
74. Salesian Pontifical University
75. University of Gastronomic Sciences
76. Pontifical Gregorian University
77. Pontifical University Antonianum
78. University of Italian Studies for Foreigners of Perugia
79. Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
80. University of Italian Studies for Foreigners of Siena
The best cities to study Psychology in Italy based on the number of universities and their ranks are Rome , Milan , Padua , and Bologna .
Psychology subfields in Italy
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PhD program
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The University of Padova believes in investing in young people to give new impetus to research. Training researchers is one of the main purposes of the university. Doctorate research activities range from the training of future generations of university lecturers and researchers to the preparation of professionals with the specific skills needed to work in the R&D centres of industries and at independent institutions.
The Doctoral School of Psychological Sciences at Padua University, one of the oldest Universities in Europe, is designed to produce highly skilled experimental psychologists with specialized training in one of five areas:
- Experimental Psychology
- Developmental and Socialization Psychology
- Social and Personality Psychology
- Cognitive Science
- Experimental and Clinical Psychobiology
- Applied Cognitive Science and Neuroscience.
For information about the Doctorate Course in Psychological Sciences please visit http://dottorato.psy.unipd.it/ .
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PhD in Psychology
- Admission Board
- Training and research
Application deadline: Dec 14, 2022 at 11:59 PM (Expired)
2nd NRRP Call for Applications - Further PhD positions
- Call for applications
- PhD Programme Table
- Evaluation sub-criteria
Enrolment: From Jan 27, 2023 to Feb 06, 2023 - On www.studenti.unibo.it, PhD candidates awarding NRRP positions should use NRRP forms only
Doctoral programme start date: Mar 01, 2023
Application deadline: Aug 02, 2022 at 11:59 PM (Expired)
NRRP Call for Applications
Enrolment: From Sep 26, 2022 to Oct 05, 2022 - On www.studenti.unibo.it download NRRP forms only
Doctoral programme start date: Nov 01, 2022
Application deadline: Jun 09, 2022 at 11:59 PM (Expired)
Call for Applications
Positions: More information in the PhD Programme Table
Enrolment: From Jul 29, 2022 to Aug 29, 2022
- Psychological Sciences
Joint PhD Program in Cognitive Neuroscience
Psychological Sciences:
General Psychology
- Emotions, attention and learning
- Psychophysiology of sleep and dream
- Chronopsychology and chronobiology
- Perception and decision making
- Body action and cognition
- Spatial cognition, memory and individual differences
- Psychometric methods in cognitive and clinical assessment
- Advanced inferential statistics
- Qualitative methods for psychological research
- Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis
Developmental and Educational Psychology
- Typical and atypical development from early childhood to adulthood
- Risk and protection factors in development
- Development in the life cycle and technologies for information and communication
- Teaching, learning and social processes in educational settings
Social Psychology
- Gender inequalities and prejudices reduction
- Personal and social identity
- Equal opportunity and community participation
- Psychosocial factors in risk and safety
Work and Organizational psychology
- Diversity management in organizations
- Organizational change and development
- Employability and new careers
- Psychosocial factors in the workplace
Psychodynamic psychology
- Perinatal psychopathology
- Developmental psychopathology in childhood
- Child and parents psychotherapy research
- Emotional intelligence in clinical and educational settings
Clinical psychology
- The use of new technologies in clinical psychology
- Clinical assessment of psychological distress/well-being/adjustment/attachment
- Psychosomatics
- Applications of new technologies in clinical psychology
- Psychological interventions
- Action, motivation and decisions
- Reinforcement learning
- Representation of space and time
- Representation of the body
NRRP Call - Further PhD Positions Appointed by RD 952/2022 Prot. n. 0357333 of 02/12/2022
Nrpp call admission board appointed by rd 1103/2022 prot. n. 0162873 of 17/07/2022 and modified by rd 1218/2022 prot. 0174497 of 29/07/2022.
* The following shall take part in the work of the Examination Board as expert members for positions linked to specific research topics:
- Daniel Perez-Marcos - MindMaze SpA
- Agnese Zazio - IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli
Call for Application Admission Board Appointed by RD 830/2022 Prot. n. 0127511 of 30/05/2022
The PhD programme aims at training candidates in innovative basic, field, applied, clinical and rehabilitative research in Psychology. This goal is achieved by training candidates in basic skills concerning comprehension of scientific texts, scientific writing, presentation skills, oral communication of scientific results in national and international conferences, and quantitative and qualitative data analysis. When basic research skills have been acquired, PhD candidates will be able to pursue their research goals in one of the fields of Psychological Sciences or Cognitive Neuroscience. They will then review the relevant scientific literature pertaining to their topic, formulate a clear research hypothesis, adopt a method fitting their research design, run the appropriate data analyses and provide discussion and interpretation of findings in the light of the relevant, available literature.
The PhD program is based on the integration of training, individual study and research activities. Thanks to their training, PhD candidates will acquire basic research skills with particular attention to the main theoretical models of Psychological Sciences and Neuroscience, mastery of research methodologies and techniques of qualitative and quantitative data analysis. This knowledge will be completed by the individual study on the specific field of investigation, in agreement with the tutor. This knowledge will also be deepened thanks to the discussion with the teaching staff and with the other students of specialized scientific articles. After the consolidation of basic research skills, PhD candidates will carry out their scientific project in a topic of Psychological Science or Cognitive Neuroscience with characteristics of innovation and originality both at a theoretical and a methodological level. The Curriculum in Cognitive Neuroscience emphasises the "hypothesis driven" approach to scientific research. Lab activities form the main commitment of PhD candidates and imply training in neuroscientific methods, techniques data handling and theoretical reasoning.
PhD students are required to attend seminars and courses for acquiring the skills necessary for designing and implementating a research project. The courses introduce and deepen issues related to scientific communication, research methodology, and statistical models. Alongside these specific courses, seminars and workshops will be offered by national and international experts. Furthermore, PhD students have the opportunity to participate in international summer schools and seminars at other universities, which offers topics relevant to their research. The specific training for the research field of each PhD student will be carried out in the reference laboratory and supervised by the tutor. PhD candidates will present to the Academic Board and to the Department of Psychology their research during the three years, implementing oral and written communication skills of their research activities. The Curriculum of Cognitive Neuroscience offers training in Journal Club, Article reviewing, Programming Language, Statistics in Neuroscience, Theoretical neuroscience, training in Neuroscientific techniques (such as recording of EEG signals, psycho-physiological indices eye movements, transcranial stimulation, damage mapping).
During the period abroad PhD students will be able to consolidate international collaborations, integrating their training with theoretical insights, new research methods and procedures of data analysis, in order to formulate theoretical and practical implications of their research results. Moreover, the PhD program includes seminars and courses taught by international experts. English is the official language and it characterizes all the activities of the PhD program. The PhD program is visible in the Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window program. The PhD program is also sent to several national and international psychological associations to promote the attractiveness of the PhD program for students from other Italian and international Universities. The curriculum of Psychological Sciences which relies on colleagues belonging to seven areas of psychology offers the possibility to spend visiting periods abroad in prestigious academic universities where scientific collaboration among colleagues are productive. Moreover, there are agreements of co-tutorships between the program and international Universities. The Cognitive Neuroscience curriculum is held in collaboration with the University College of London (UCL), which has signed an official agreement for jointly conferring doctoral title recognized both in Italy and UK. The program shows a high degree of internationalization: students complete their doctoral thesis at 2 institutions (typically, 2 years at UNIBO and 1 year at UCL), discussing potential projects and selecting an advisor at the 2 institutions and members of the curriculum include experienced Italian and UK academics who have conducted research at International institutes, are supported by International funding agencies and can provide students with an International environment for conducting scientific activities.
At the end of the program, PhD candidates are expected to have acquired evaluative and critical capacities in regard to the research topics addressed, communication skills of scientific findings, mastery of research methodologies in the field of Psychological Sciences or Cognitive Neuroscience. During the three years program, the advance of each candidate is systematically assessed. At the beginning of the program, a tutor is assigned to each candidate. At the end of the first year, the PhD candidates will submit a research project to the Academic Board for evaluation. The research project will be orally presented to the Academic Board and to the other PhD candidates and to the members of the Department, and it will be evaluated by two reviewers who will provide the candidate with a written evaluation and guidance in revising the research project. In the second year, the ongoing research will be presented to the Academic Board and to all other PhD candidates. The Academic Board will give an evaluation of the research advances. In the third year, a draft of the PhD dissertation must be submitted to the tutor for evaluation. At the end of the PhD, students are expected to have published at least one paper, and to have at least one more paper submitted. This is achieved throughout the three years, under the guidance of the supervisor.
Elisabetta Crocetti
Dipartimento di Psicologia "Renzo Canestrari"
Viale Europa 115 Cesena (FC)
- PhD Students
- Disciplinary and multidisciplinary teaching
- Soft skills
- Extra-curricular training
- Dissemination
- Supplementary teaching and tutoring
- Academic Board
PhD Programme in Psychology
Your research in 3 minutes. Apply by 18 December
Applications are open for the Coimbra Group Three-Minute-Thesis Competition. If you're a final-year PhD student, don't miss the chance to present your research in English in just 3 minutes.
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