sample letter to resume work after leave

Sample Letter For Return To Work After Leave

As you know, I’ve been absent for the last few weeks because of health problems. I’m feeling much better now, and I’m glad to have the opportunity to work again. From today I’ll be able to take on new tasks and help the whole team. Thanks for your kindness during the time I was away.

After several long weeks, today I am back in the familiar office. In spite of the long break, I have the desire to get back to the daily tasks and enjoy my busy life. My contact details remain the same.

As you know I have been away for the last few weeks due to personal problems. But I’d like to inform you that I’ve returned to work today and you can contact me again.

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How to Write a Sample Email for Return to Work After Leave


A return-to-work after- leave email is a message that informs your boss, supervisor, colleagues, and, if applicable, clients that you have returned to your regular duties. Especially if you are client-facing and manage relationships with clients on behalf of the business, it’s essential to send this email to them as well.

In the workplace, employees are entitled to some paid or unpaid days off, depending on the company’s policy. There are times when you may need to temporarily leave your job, whether it’s for a medical break, a mental reset vacation, maternity leave, or to address unforeseen circumstances.

Crafting a return-to-work email is crucial for several reasons. It helps maintain a positive relationship with your manager and aligns with the policies established within your organization. Additionally, providing advance notice via email can streamline the process for employees and your HR (human resources) team when creating a return-to-work plan.

This article will share how you can draft a solid return-to-work email and tips for writing an effective one.

How to Write a Sample Email for Return to Work After Leave Email

A return-to-work email can be used as a quick refresher to address all the things that have and haven’t changed while the employee was off work.

 In most organizations, HR professionals are asking for this email. They use the return-to-work notice to measure an employee’s intent on returning to work. It helps when the organization is pushed to take timely action if an employee chooses not to return at all or prefers to work remotely or part-time.

Tips for Writing a Return-to-Work Email

Below are tips to help you draft an impressive return-to-work email that makes things easier for all the parties involved.

Return to Work Email Example

Return to work after maternity leave email sample, i am back to work from vacation email.

Returning to work after a long break requires thorough planning and communication, especially in unprecedented times. It’s vital to let your employer know the exact date and time that you are joining the team. It eliminates any confusion and keeps your HR team and the employer on the same page.

Complete paperwork according to the updated employment laws and cooperate with the HR department and coworkers in getting themselves up to speed with the new work procedures.

About The Author

Jim blessed, related posts, 9 tips you need to write and respond to emails professionally, 12 rules of writing emails professionally and effectively, how to write professional emails: 7 critical ingredients, 8 simple lessons for writing irresistible business to business emails, leave a comment cancel reply.

WTO / Human Resource / Employment / 15 Return to Work Letters – Samples, Templates

15 Return to Work Letters – Samples, Templates

From time to time, employees will need a break from their day-to-day tasks to rest, recover, and travel. For these reasons, the employees should submit a letter for return to work following company guidelines to their supervisor.

Employers also send it to the employee as a welcome note that details the return date, updates on changes in the company and their role, and additional information regarding their triumphant return to work.

This article discusses its importance, contents, and examples.

What is a Return to Work Letter?

It is a document that an employee submits to their supervisor after taking sick or personal leave from the company.

It should also provide details of the approved leave, like the reason, official leave, return date, appreciation for approval, and any other important information related to their leave status. An employee must submit it before resuming their role.

Conversely, it is a document that an employer writes to an employee that contains information about the employee’s entitlements following their return from leave. This letter updates the business’s current status and provides information regarding employees’ roles and responsibilities after returning to work.

Employees who submit a valid letter have a better chance of getting approved for future time off. Employers also use this information to judge if an employee can be trusted with leave in the future or not without worrying about any negative consequences. They can also keep track of all employees who have been granted leave, their reasons, and their return date.

This letter from the employer is to extend full support and confidence to the employee. It acts as an official statement of the approval for the employee’s return to their roles. It also helps the employer communicate the expected return schedule for the employee and establish the employee’s competence to resume their official capacity, especially if they were absent for serious medical reasons.

If you are an employee

It is advisable to create it as an employee because it is one of the essential documents that a manager needs to consider when planning your return to work.


Creating an effective communication tool should be your objective as an employee returning from an absence to work. Some of the things you need to keep in mind before crafting it include:

Request a phased return

You do not have to return to work at once, significantly if your leave does not fully recover you. Instead, you can propose a phased return where you ease your way back into your duties and responsibilities. For example, you can take up minor tasks and gradually take up more significant tasks with time. A phased return can also involve resuming part-time , several days a week, or limited hours per day.

Stay in touch while you are away

You should stay in touch with the work environment and your supervisor while you are away. You can remain in contact by sending emails, phone calls, or regular updates. This allows you to remain up to date with the happenings at your workplace and ease the transition after you re-join. If regular communication is impossible, plan a meeting with your supervisor right before returning to work.

Stay current

Make sure you are up to date with everything happening at the workplace, whether it is operations, deadlines, new training, revised procedures, etc. This will allow you to come back fully prepared, specifically if your company is in the midst of a critical project or a significant change.

Keep records of your absence

Take down all the crucial records about your absence, including the details of your medical condition or leave approved by the employer. In addition, documents such as employment insurance benefit forms and receipts can be kept.

Meet with the doctor

An employee on medical leave must have a doctor’s note stating that they are entirely fit to resume work. This is necessary because many employees take a break from their careers without formal authorization. The supervisor may come across such a case and not be aware that the employee is on leave for a prolonged period of time. The employer must also be informed about the duration and reasons for your absence and when recovery is expected.

Ask for help

Seek help from co-workers, HR, and supervisors when transitioning back to work. For example, identify who has fulfilled your role and consult them on any queries you may have about ongoing projects.

How do I Write a Return to Work Letter?

You need to present as much information as possible in the letter, including the date of your leave, the reason for your leave, and the expected return time.

The process of creating such a letter can be done in the following steps:

Address the letter to the right person

It should be addressed to the person with authority, not the colleague. More often than not, the recipient will be the person who approved your leave. If you are working for a large-scale company, you can address it to the HOD instead of your supervisor. Ensure the name, designation, and contact details are captured accurately.

Include a thank you note with this letter. Sending a thank-you note allows you to let them know how you are recovering and your readiness to return soon. This section can also be used to update the recipient on what you’ve been doing during leave, whether it’s recovery plans, learning new skills, or any major notable event. In addition, showing you were productive in this section can prepare your supervisor for how best to incorporate you into the team.

Reason for absence with proper documentation

After thanking your employer, explain why you had to take a leave. Try to justify with specific details as per the company’s rules and regulations , if there are any. Provide documentation that supports your recovery process, such as a note from your physician or therapist. This can include a doctor’s release letter that states you are fit to return to work or company forms you must fill out before and after your absence from work.

Explain how you plan to catch up

In this section, you must communicate your plan of returning in a phased manner or if you will be returning on set dates. This can include getting back to the office at a specific time, having meetings with colleagues, making an effort to attend meetings, or undertaking courses to get new skills. Such plans help the company plan when and how they will incorporate you into the team.

Close with a thank you

Close your letter with an expression of thank you for being understanding, patient, and flexible during your absence. This helps the employer know your appreciation. In addition, it is a common professional courtesy to thank someone for their time and effort and any help extended during their absence.

Return to Work Letter Template

Dear Sir/Madam [Name of supervisor or HR representative],

Thank you for authorizing my leave of absence. I have been following my doctor’s instructions during my absence, and I am glad to say that I’m ready to resume work on [date].

During my absence, I have kept myself updated with [projects, clients, or responsibilities] by [keeping in touch with colleagues, studying/training]. Therefore, I’m adequately informed and ready to get back to work. Thank you and the company for your understanding and patience during my absence.

I anticipate resuming my role as soon as possible, and thank you for your understanding and patience.


Return to Work Letter Sample

To Whom It May Concern,

Subject: Return to Work Notification

I am writing to formally notify you of my return to work on January 2, 20XX. As you are aware, I have been on medical leave since October 10, 20XX, due to knee surgery. I am pleased to inform you that my recovery has progressed well, and I have received medical clearance from my doctor to resume work.

During my absence, I have stayed in touch with my team and am aware of the key projects and developments. I am eager to rejoin and contribute to our ongoing projects, especially the upcoming product launch campaign.

I would like to request a brief meeting with my supervisor, Ms. Emma Thompson, upon my return, to discuss my current work plan and any necessary adjustments to ease back into the full scope of my responsibilities.

I appreciate the support and understanding shown by the company during my absence. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in facilitating a smooth transition back to work.

Please let me know if there are any forms or procedures I need to complete as part of my return to work.

I look forward to rejoining the team and contributing to our success.

Alex Martinez  

Marketing Coordinator  

Contact Email: [email protected]  

Contact Phone: (123) 456-7890  

Key takeaways

The “Return to Work” notification letter is a well-crafted example for several reasons, including the following elements:

  • The tone of the letter is professional and respectful, which is appropriate for workplace communication and a subject line indicating the purpose of the letter sets a formal tone.
  • The employee provides specific details about the duration of the leave and the reason. This clarity helps the employer understand the context of the absence.
  • Mentioning medical clearance to resume work is crucial, as it assures the employer that the employee is returning with proper medical advice, reducing liability concerns for the company.
  • The employee’s eagerness to rejoin and contribute to projects, along with staying in touch with the team during the absence, demonstrates a proactive and responsible approach.
  • Requesting a meeting with the supervisor upon return to discuss the work plan and any adjustments is a thoughtful way to ensure a smooth transition back to work . It shows the employee’s willingness to communicate and coordinate effectively.
  • Expressing gratitude for the company’s support and understanding during the absence fosters goodwill and acknowledges the employer’s role in facilitating the leave.
  • Inquiring about any forms or procedures needed for the return to work is practical and shows the employee’s attention to administrative details.
  • Concluding with a statement about looking forward to rejoining the team and contributing to the company’s success leaves a positive and motivated impression.
  • Including contact information at the end of the letter is useful and practical, as it allows for easy communication if there are follow-up queries or arrangements to be made.

Overall, this letter serves as a great example for anyone needing to write a return to work notice after an extended absence. 

Return to Work from Employee

Given below are free templates of this letter from the employee:

return to work release form covid-19

If You are an Employer

Employers should send it to employees as they return to official duties after an absence from work. It can be challenging when employees cannot find their way back into their previous positions or gain new positions in new departments. Therefore, showing support can go a long way in ensuring they are back to being productive.

Develop a plan. Employers ought to have a plan to help employees transition back into their previous roles and compensate for the loss of work. If the employee is on long-term leave, employers can expect that they will need time to complete an initial return to work plan. The return to work plan should consider schedule, accommodations, workload, and possible gaps in skills and how this may impact the employee’s ability to succeed in their role. Scheduling covers whether the employee will be back on full-time or part-time or an adjusted schedule. Accommodations cover any adjustments that have to be made in the workplace to accommodate the employee, such as access channels, installation of new equipment, etc. Workload covers the duties and functions of the employee’s role and whether they need to be adjusted. 

What Should I Include?  

The letter welcoming employees to leave should be comprehensive and cover any critical information relayed to the employee. Employers should include the following information:

Employee details

The letter should be a formal note to the employee. The details include their name, department, and title. This section can also contain the employee’s ID, reference number for furlough or leave notice, and job classification, whether full-time or contractual.


In the introductory paragraph, explain why you are writing the letter and communicate your welcome to the employee. It is very important for you as an employer to support your employee’s recovery and willingness to reintegrate into their job role after prolonged leaves such as maternity or paternity leave. This can include your sincere appreciation for their cooperation with company procedures and its benefits, such as job performance and employee morale.

Expected date and time of joining

This section lets the employee know the expected date and time of joining work. This helps them mentally prepare to go back and be productive and inform HR so they can update their files regarding the employee’s return.

Next, share some updates about the team, projects, or events. This will help your employees catch up on things that have occurred while away. This includes updates on changes in company policies, work schedules , relocations, work modes like working from home, etc.

Revised roles and responsibilities

The letter should also highlight the roles and responsibilities of the employee in the department. This helps them understand whether they will resume their previous responsibilities and if they are required to take on new roles. The letter should also update whether there have been any changes or promotions in their job roles and responsibilities. This can include if the employee has been given a different task, promoted to a higher position, or has an additional role, such as a team leader, supervisor, or manager, added to their job descriptions.

Also, include an update on their workload, the number of hours, overtime commitments, and the employee’s preferred mode of correspondence, such as email or instant messaging. Finally, this section should consider doctor-recommended work restrictions. This helps the employee refresh their knowledge and prepare for their roles.

Salary updates

This should list any changes to the salary of a returning employee as a result of their absence due to a furlough or long-term leave. Whether an employee was on sabbatical, sick or maternity leave , or on break in service, they may not have been paid by the company while away from work. This section should state how much will be deducted due to any loans taken during their absence.

How you will facilitate their return

In this section of the letter, you can state how you will help the employee get back on track and get their duties done. You can mention anything from the rescheduling of meetings to providing additional support such as access to work-related data from home, retraining, or setting up a schedule for frequent follow-ups to help them get caught up with their work.

Expectations from employee

Lastly, include instructions on what needs to be done before returning to work, i.e., sign forms, medical documentation, additional training required, contact HR, etc.

Re: Return to work timeline for [Employee name], [Employee ID], [Department name] (optional)

[Dear employee’s name]

This letter officially acknowledges receipt of your updated return to work timeline for your role in [department name] under the FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act). We are glad to understand that you have listed an expected start date for this role, and we welcome you back to this team.

Let me inform you that we have been closely following the progress of your recovery from your recent leave. I hope it was successful and that such a long absence hasn’t affected your performance on the job.

We are incredibly pleased to have you back as a valuable member of our team. The responsibilities and compensation of your role as [title] have not undergone any changes, and we are glad to inform you that your current departmental roles will continue to remain the same. We are excited to welcome an employee like you into our family again.

Before restarting your job, you will need to attend the training sessions planned by [HR department name], so please contact [employee name] in HR for the training dates. They will be your point person as you transition back into the company.

Kindly submit a [document such as a doctor’s note, work release form, etc.] to HR before reporting to work.

We hope you will be able to start on the proposed date, and we wish you a successful and happy return.

Yours sincerely,

HR Manager, Team Leader, or Supervisor name

Dear Michael Robinson,

Subject: Welcome Back to Work

On behalf of Green Innovations Inc., I am delighted to welcome you back to your role as IT Project Manager. We are pleased to hear that your medical leave, which started on October 10, 20XX, has been successful and that you are ready to return on January 2, 20XX.

Your skills and leadership have been greatly missed in the IT department, and the team is excited about your return. We understand the importance of a smooth transition back into the workplace and are here to support you in any way we can.

To facilitate your reintegration, a meeting with your direct supervisor, Mr. Liam Johnson, has been scheduled for your first day back. This meeting will help outline your current projects and discuss any necessary adjustments to accommodate your return.

Should you require any special arrangements or support, please do not hesitate to inform Mr. Johnson or contact our Human Resources department directly. Our goal is to ensure a comfortable and productive return to your position.

Please also remember to complete any necessary paperwork related to your return. Our HR team is ready to assist you with this process and answer any questions you may have.

We greatly value your contributions to Green Innovations Inc. and look forward to your continued success with us. Welcome back, Michael!

Warm regards,

Sarah Thompson 

Human Resources Director  

Green Innovations Inc.  

Contact Email: [email protected]  

Contact Phone: (456) 789-0123

This return to work letter is a good model to follow for several reasons when writing similar letters:

  • The letter opens with a direct and warm greeting to the employee. This is crucial in making the returning employee feel valued and at ease.
  • By stating that the employee’s skills and leadership were missed, the letter reinforces the employee’s importance to the company, boosting their morale and sense of belonging.
  • The mention of a scheduled meeting with the supervisor for a smooth transition demonstrates the employer’s proactive approach to reintegrating the employee into their role. It shows an understanding of the challenges that might come with returning to work after an absence.
  • The letter encourages the employee to communicate any special needs or support they might require, highlighting the employer’s flexibility and consideration.
  • The reminder about completing necessary paperwork and the offer of assistance from the HR team helps streamline the return process and shows organizational efficiency.
  • The closing paragraphs express appreciation for the employee’s past contributions and eagerness for their future success, which is motivating and positive.
  • Providing contact information for further queries and a formal sign-off by the HR Director adds a professional touch and makes it easy for the employee to reach out if needed.

Return to Work from Employer

Given below are free templates of such a letter from the employer:

Free Editable Return to Work Timeline Letter Template for Word Format

Best Practices

It should effectively communicate the required information as the employee returns to work. Some of the tips for crafting a solid letter for return to work include:

Use a positive tone

Write in a positive and proactive tone. The employer and employee should thank each other for their cooperation, patience, and understanding. 

Set clear expectations

With the employee being away for a significant time, they may have forgotten several things about their work. The letter should act as a reminder of the basics. The employer should remind the employee of any policies regarding smoking and use of company vehicles on company premises, list the tasks and responsibilities of their role, and make sure to update them on any changes in pay, new positions or roles, etc. in the letter.

Communicate your initiatives

It’d be best to take the initiative to accommodate the employee’s return. These initiatives can be outlined in this section. In addition, the initiatives can be presented as FAQs addressing how you’ve made plans to make it easy for the employee to return to work.

Be empathetic

You should be empathetic toward your returning employee. You need to be kind, open, and honest and show your understanding of their situation.

Respect their privacy

It’s crucial to ensure that the employee’s privacy is respected. During their absence, the employee may have experienced many personal difficulties, and the company is not obliged to know the details. So, do not ask highly personal questions. If specific details about a medical condition were not provided in the doctor’s note , more than likely, the employee does not want it to be shared.

The information provided in this article offers a glimpse into what this letter should include. A return to work letter is a simple yet effective document to send out to an employer upon return from leave. Also, when an employee is returning from a long-term leave, such as maternity leave, the employer needs to be proactive and provide an adequate letter. It can make the transition from their absence to their return easier. Unfortunately, employers often overlook these letters, which can leave employees coming back from long-term absences feeling alienated and unimportant. It aims to keep track of their healthcare and financial welfare during their leave, help them get mentally prepared for the new role and get back to work for them.

About This Article

Zhaniece Hill

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Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Return to Work Cover Letter Template and Sample

Returning to the workforce after a career break can be a daunting task.

Whether you took time off for personal development, family responsibilities, or other reasons, crafting a compelling cover letter is crucial to making a strong impression on potential employers.

This page provides you with a clear and concise return-to-work cover letter template and an example to guide you through the writing process.

By using these resources, you can effectively communicate your skills, experiences, and enthusiasm to re-enter the professional world.

sample letter to resume work after leave

Return to Work Cover Letter Template

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Your Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position] [Company’s Name] [Company’s Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company’s Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. As an experienced professional, I have gained invaluable skills and knowledge in [specific field or industry], which I believe will greatly benefit your team.

After taking a [length of time] career break for [briefly explain the reason, e.g., personal development, family responsibilities], I am now eager to re-enter the workforce and contribute to your esteemed organization. My time away from the professional sphere allowed me to enhance my [specific skills, e.g., organizational, communication, project management] skills, which I believe align well with the requirements of this position.

During my previous role at [Previous Company’s Name], I was responsible for [briefly describe job duties]. I successfully [mention an accomplishment], demonstrating my ability to handle [relevant task or responsibility]. These experiences have equipped me with the expertise and confidence to tackle new challenges effectively.

I am particularly drawn to [Company’s Name] because of your commitment to [mention a specific value, mission, or aspect of the company that appeals to you]. I am confident that my background and skills would make a valuable contribution to your team and help [Company’s Name] achieve its goals.

Please find my resume attached for your consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and passion align with the [Job Title] position. Thank you for considering my application. I hope to bring my experience and dedication to [Company’s Name], and I am excited to potentially contribute to your team’s success.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Before you submit your cover letter, be sure to review and tailor it to better reflect your unique experiences and the job requirements.

sample letter to resume work after leave

Return to Work Cover Letter Example

Jane Doe 123 Maple Street Springfield, IL 62704 [email protected]

June 24, 2024

John Smith Hiring Manager Fashion Forward Retail 456 Trendy Avenue Springfield, IL 62705

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to express my interest in the Retail Store Manager position at Fashion Forward Retail, as advertised on your company website. As an experienced professional, I have accumulated extensive knowledge in retail management, customer service, and team leadership, which I believe will greatly benefit your team.

After taking a two-year career break to focus on personal development and family responsibilities, I am now eager to re-enter the workforce and bring my skills back to the retail industry. This time away has allowed me to enhance my organizational and multitasking abilities, which are crucial in a fast-paced retail environment.

In my previous role as Store Manager at Trendy Threads, I was responsible for overseeing store operations, managing a team of 20 employees, and ensuring excellent customer satisfaction. I successfully increased the store’s sales by 25% in one year by implementing effective promotional campaigns and staff training programs. These experiences have provided me with the expertise and confidence to meet and exceed sales targets while maintaining a high level of customer service.

I am particularly drawn to Fashion Forward Retail because of your reputation for innovative fashion and your commitment to customer satisfaction. I am confident that my background and skills would make a valuable contribution to your team and help Fashion Forward Retail continue to thrive.

Please find my resume attached for your consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm align with the Retail Store Manager position. Thank you for considering my application. I hope to bring my experience and dedication to Fashion Forward Retail, and I am excited to potentially contribute to your success.

Sincerely, Jane Doe

sample letter to resume work after leave

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How to Write a Professional Return to Work Letter

sample letter to resume work after leave

Understanding the Purpose of a Return to Work Letter

First things first, let's discuss the purpose of a return to work letter. This document serves as a formal notice to your employer that you are ready and willing to resume your duties. It also allows you to communicate any relevant information regarding your absence and your plans for reintegrating into the workplace.

Returning to work after an extended absence can be a significant transition for both you and your employer. A return to work letter provides a structured way to outline your intentions, address any concerns, and set expectations for your re-entry into the workforce.

Furthermore, a return to work letter can serve as a tool for open communication between you and your employer. It allows you to express any specific needs or accommodations you may require to facilitate a smooth return to work process. By clearly outlining your expectations and discussing any potential challenges upfront, you can work together with your employer to ensure a successful transition back to work.

The Importance of Clear Communication

Clear and concise communication is crucial when it comes to writing a return to work letter. Taking the time to compose a well-thought-out message will help alleviate any concerns your employer may have and ensure that the transition process is as seamless as possible.

Effective communication in your return to work letter can also help set a positive tone for your reintegration into the workplace. By demonstrating professionalism and clarity in your communication, you can convey your commitment to your role and showcase your readiness to resume your responsibilities.

Addressing Concerns and Providing Reassurance

One of the primary purposes of your return to work letter is to address any concerns your employer may have. By acknowledging these concerns and providing reassurance that you are fully committed to your job, you can help alleviate any doubts that may exist.

Additionally, your return to work letter can serve as an opportunity to express gratitude for the support and understanding you have received during your absence. By acknowledging the assistance you have received and expressing your appreciation, you can strengthen your professional relationships and foster a positive work environment upon your return.

Essential Elements of a Return to Work Letter

Now that we understand the purpose, let's dive into the essential elements of a return to work letter that will make it truly professional and effective.

Returning to work after a period of absence can be a significant transition for both the employee and the employer. A well-crafted return to work letter can help facilitate this process by setting clear expectations and ensuring open communication.

Proper Formatting and Structure

The first step in creating a professional return to work letter is ensuring that it is properly formatted and structured. Begin with a professional header that includes your contact information and the date, followed by a salutation addressing your employer.

Consider incorporating a brief introduction that expresses your gratitude for the opportunity to return to work and reaffirms your commitment to your role within the organization. This personal touch can help set a positive tone for the rest of the letter.

Next, use paragraphs to clearly separate different sections of your letter. This will make it easier for the reader to understand and navigate through your message. Utilizing bullet points or numbered lists can also help highlight important details and make the information more digestible.

Key Information to Include

When writing your return to work letter, be sure to include key information such as the date you plan to return, any modifications you may need in your job duties, and any formal requests you may have. Providing this information upfront will show your preparedness and professionalism.

Additionally, consider outlining any relevant updates or changes within the organization that occurred during your absence. This demonstrates your awareness of current developments and your commitment to staying informed and engaged.

Crafting the Opening Statement

The opening statement of your return to work letter sets the tone for the entire document. It should be concise and friendly, while still maintaining a professional tone.

Returning to work after a period of absence can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Your opening statement is the perfect opportunity to convey your enthusiasm for rejoining your team and getting back to your professional routine.

Setting the Tone

Start your return to work letter by expressing your excitement to return to your position. This will help create a positive and eager tone that will set the stage for the rest of your message.

Highlighting your eagerness to contribute to the team's success and mentioning specific projects or tasks you are looking forward to can further showcase your dedication and commitment.

Personalizing Your Introduction

Take a moment to personalize your introduction by expressing your appreciation for the support and understanding you received during your absence. This will show your employer that you value the relationship and are grateful for their understanding.

Reflecting on how the support from your colleagues and supervisors positively impacted your recovery process can deepen the connection and mutual respect within the team. Acknowledging the role of teamwork and empathy in your return can strengthen the bonds that drive collaboration and productivity in the workplace.

Detailing Your Absence and Return

It is crucial to provide a clear and concise explanation for your absence and outline your plans for returning to work. Your colleagues and superiors will appreciate a transparent and well-communicated account of your situation.

When detailing your absence, it's essential to strike a balance between providing sufficient information and respecting your privacy. Consider mentioning the duration of your absence and any key factors that influenced your decision to take time off. Remember, honesty and openness can help foster understanding and support from your team.

Explaining the Reason for Your Absence

Use a brief paragraph to explain the reason behind your absence, focusing on the pertinent details without going into unnecessary detail. Make sure to communicate any positive steps you may have taken during your time off to address the issue. Whether it was due to health reasons, personal circumstances, or professional development, sharing a concise explanation can help set expectations and alleviate any concerns.

Moreover, consider highlighting any lessons learned or skills acquired during your absence. This can demonstrate your proactive approach to self-improvement and resilience in the face of challenges.

Discussing Your Readiness to Return

Follow up the explanation with a statement about your readiness to return to work. Highlight any steps you have taken to ensure your full recovery or preparedness to jump back into your role. Emphasize your commitment to rejoining the team and contributing positively to ongoing projects.

Additionally, discuss any support or accommodations you may require upon your return. Open communication about your needs can facilitate a smoother transition back to work and ensure that you have the necessary resources to thrive in your role.

Addressing Your Work Commitment

Conveying your dedication to your job is an essential element of your return to work letter.

Reaffirming Your Dedication

Reassure your employer of your commitment to your position and the organization. Emphasize your willingness to catch up on any missed work and your commitment to contribute to the team's success.

Outlining Your Future Contributions

End your letter by outlining any ideas or initiatives you have for the future. This will show your employer that you are motivated and eager to make a positive impact upon your return.

Furthermore, it is beneficial to express gratitude for the support and understanding your employer has shown during your absence. Acknowledging the assistance and flexibility provided can strengthen your relationship with your employer and demonstrate your appreciation for their understanding of your situation.

Moreover, consider mentioning any additional training or skills development you have pursued during your time away. Highlighting your efforts to enhance your capabilities during your absence showcases your proactive approach to self-improvement and professional growth, reinforcing your commitment to excel in your role upon your return.

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sample letter to resume work after leave

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sample letter to resume work after leave

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How to Write a Return from Maternity Leave Letter

Set expectations about returning to work after your baby is born

Show Your Excitement

Submit any special requests.

  • Check If You Need to Send a Doctor's Note

A Simple Sample Letter

A sample letter if your job changed.

Resuming work after maternity leave can be an exciting but challenging transition . Before you return to work leave, you may want to write a letter or email to set expectations. This correspondence could be sent to your company's human resources director, your supervisor, or both. Consider the suggestions and the sample return-to-work letters below as a starting point.

Of course, you'll want to set a positive tone with your letter. You can use this message as your opportunity to express that you're excited to return to work.

Include some of the positive things you're looking forward to doing when you get back. You can also list new ideas for projects, or write that you look forward to reconnecting with everyone and getting back to work.

Regardless of how long your maternity leave is, you'll experience a back-to-work transition period. Writing this letter is an opportunity to address it. If you can think of anything to help make this transition easier, request it in this letter. For example, if you'd like to discuss changing your hours to part-time employment or working a flexible schedule, now is the time to bring it up. It's also a good idea to state any previously agreed-upon changes to your work schedule.

If you're going back to the same position you left before maternity leave, state your intent to resume your position. If you wrote a  maternity leave letter , include a copy of it or mention it in this new letter to remind your employer of when your maternity leave began and when it's scheduled to end. This is also your chance to let your employer know if you want to return to work earlier.

Check If You Need to Send a Doctor's Note

Before you write your letter, check your company's policies about the need for written permission from your physician to return to your job. If you have any medical restrictions due to a complicated pregnancy, state these concerns clearly and attach the note from your doctor. It's much easier to make adjustments right when you return from maternity leave than to do try to do so later.

As with all written correspondence, it's wise to make your letter short and to the point. Below is a sample letter for reference. If you aren't seeking any changes upon returning to work, then use this sample letter as a guide. Replace the words in brackets with the details that fit your situation. Download the return from maternity leave letter template below (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Return from Maternity Leave Example (Text Version)

Edwina Jones 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555

September 1, 2018

Regina Garrett Managing Attorney BDE Corporation 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Garrett:

Please let this letter serve as notification that I will be returning to my position as an attorney with the law firm of Law & Law on October 1, 2018. As you know from my maternity leave letter, I began my leave on July 1, 2018.

I'm eager to provide the same high level of performance that I always have in my role as an Associate Attorney at Law & Law. 

[If applicable, include the following:] Enclosed are release papers from my physician stating my ability to resume my job position. Please contact me with any concerns.

Edwina Jones cc: Robert Lee, Senior Associate

If you've made an adjustment to your position or work schedule, such as returning part-time or working a flexible schedule, use the below return-to-work letter for reference.

Return From Maternity Leave Change of Job Example (Text Version)

Tina Lau 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345  555-555-5555  September 1, 2018

Franklin Ray Director Acme Retail 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee:

Please let this letter serve as notification that I will return to work on a part-time basis on October 1, 2018. As agreed to by Carey Lee, I will be working [cite your schedule, e.g., Monday through Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.]. As you know from my maternity leave letter, I began my leave on July 1, 2018.

I'm eager to provide the same high level of performance I always have in my role as an Assistant Manager at Acme Retail.

Thank you. 

Tina Lau cc: Carey Lee, Manager

Return To Work Letter: How to Write It

sample letter to resume work after leave

Studies indicate that employees who are out of work for more than six months have less than a 50% chance of returning to work. They also reported that the initial Return-To-Work (RTW) rate slightly declined in 2019 following the COVID-19 pandemic.

A return-to-work letter is usually written by an employee to their employer, seeking permission or expressing the intention to resume duties after a long time. This can be due to many reasons such as illness, pregnancy, childbirth, special leave, or any other lawful leave.

The return-to-work letter is thus a formal communication that an employee provides to the employer to specify the time at which the employee is willing to resume work and any other terms surrounding the return to work.

In this post, we will discuss the essence of the return-to-work letter after a necessary leave, how you should prepare in order to go back to work, and the process of writing a required return to work letter.

Table of Contents

Why is a Return to Work Letter Important?

A return to work letter is a document that provides a clear understanding between the employee and employer, informs about essential policies, regulates all necessary procedures, and helps ensure an effective and smooth transition back to work.

a man writing a return to work letter

Clear Communication

A return to work letter may provide both the employee and employer with a legal avenue to convey their respective messages. It clarifies the employee’s intentions and expectations, reiterates the return date, and specifies any conditions or reasonable adjustments required.

It also avoids the development of bad blood between the two parties because there is a recorded agreement and this means that both parties have agreed on the same terms.

Legal and Policy Compliance

From an employer’s perspective, maintaining a return to work letter may be essential for legal and policy reasons in the case of medical or family leave related to the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

As a general letter of reference, it serves the purpose of acknowledging that the employee has met some of the requirements necessary for returning to work, thus acting as a shield for the employer against possible disputes concerning the employee’s return.

Benefits for the Employee

A return to work letter is important to the employee because it provides necessary information to the employer, sets standards for returning to work, and demonstrates professionalism.

A lady negotiating return at work letter with Employee

Reassurance of Job Security

Sometimes it can be beneficial to compose a return to work letter since it formalizes the employee’s willingness to be readmitted to the workplace and their devotion to the job.

It also offers a chance to ask if accommodations or adjustments are needed, such as the ability to work different hours or to phase back into the workplace.

Opportunity to Address Concerns

The letter can be used by the employee to state or express their concerns regarding going back to work, including health risks, responsibilities, or any changes at work.

It can make a significant difference in reducing anxiety caused by expectations while guaranteeing that any details are considered before they turn into complications.

Benefits for the Employer

From the employer’s side, an appropriate and successful return is guaranteed. The management process of planning on the job will be easier, and the letter will act as an official document showing the return of an employee to work.

Girl at work with benefits for the employer

Workforce Planning

To employers, a return to work letter means more effective planning of the workforce. Determining the date of return is essential because managers can schedule work plans and appropriately allocate responsibilities and tasks required to be done prior to the employee’s return. This helps support business efficiency and avoid setbacks in business operations.

Supporting Employee Well-Being

Upon receiving this letter, the employer will be in a good position to assist the employee in reintegrating into work. It can enable the employer to discuss particular modifications that may be needed, such as changes in working conditions or a gradual return to work, which might assist the employee in recovering physically and psychologically.

Role in Facilitating a Smooth Transition Back to Work

A return to work letter plays a pivotal role in facilitating a smooth transition back to work by:

Establishing a Timeline

In the letter, it becomes clear when the employee will be back to work, thus preparing the employer and the employee. This is less risky and enables people to organize for their reintegration into the workforce.

Work place withe happy coworkers

Setting Expectations

It can spell out any requests or needs of the employee, for example if the employee requires medical clearance or other accommodations. This means that the employer can be well prepared and put everything in place before the employee is allowed back to work.

Reinforcing Professionalism

Issuing a formal return to work letter is professional in that it leaves no doubt for the employer that the employee is dedicated and serious about his/her work; thus, the employee is perfectly ready to return to work with full respect for the offices and the principles therein. This would enhance the perception the employer has of the employee, thus leading to a good working relationship in the future.

Professional coworkers at office

Preparation Before Writing the Return to Work Letter

It is recommended to do some preparation before writing a return to work letter to make sure that the letter will be concise, relevant, and suitable for both the company and the employee. Here’s how to practically prepare a return to work letter:

Review Company Policies

Refer to the company’s guidelines in the employee handbook or consult with the HR manager to familiarize yourself with the guidelines on going back to work.

This might include knowing how many days’ notice you have to give before returning or being allowed to return, whether you need a doctor’s letter or not, or certain procedures that the firm has in place that you must go through.

By being aware of these policies, you can be confident that your letter does not violate any rules and that you have included all the essential points, so there are no delays or confusion.

Gather Necessary Documentation

If your absence is due to an illness, be sure to get clearance from your doctor if needed. It should be stated on this documentation that you are able to go back to work and if there are certain conditions that you cannot meet and the kind of assistance you need from your employer.

Return to work docs

Submitting the right documents at the right time will save time and show that you are serious about the return process and that you are not trying to defraud the system.

Reflect on Your Readiness

Take some time to determine if you are in a position to go back to work both emotionally and physically. Think about any special circumstances or requirements that may apply and how you will state them in your letter.

Being honest about your readiness minimizes the chances of experiencing a setback once you are back at work, thus ensuring effectiveness in your role.

How to Prepare for Your Return to Work

Returning to work means more than just writing a letter; there are several procedures that need to be taken into consideration. It is all about making sure you are fit to get back to work and perform to the best of your abilities. Here’s how:

1. Request a Phased/Gradual Return

If you are worried about returning to work and having to dive straight back into a mound of work after your time off, then you need to ask your employer if you can try to ease yourself back into work gradually.

a guy at office preparing to return to work

Such arrangements may include working for a few hours per week and then progressing to a full work week after a few weeks or being assigned to less demanding tasks.

A phased return is useful because you can ease back into work, which is especially helpful if you are returning from sick leave. It allows you to regain your endurance and morale in a positive way.

2. Stay in Contact During Your Absence

While on leave, stay connected with the employer or the HR department of the company. Informing them of your condition and when you are expected to be back at work is also advisable. If there is little to discuss, you can still check in to maintain a favorable relationship.

A man talking to his co-worker on the phone

This way, you do not lose touch with the practice environment, which will facilitate your reintegration into the workplace. It also provides your employer with much-needed information for better planning regarding when you are likely to be back at work. Moreover, it emphasizes that you are still present and interested in the role you have.

3. Ask for Help When Necessary

You should not work in isolation; it is always good to seek help from HR, a manager, or colleagues. It may entail going to your superiors to seek clarification on company policies, requesting support for any required accommodations, or just getting reassurance and some guidance on how to go about your reintegration.

Asking for help guarantees that you have all that is required to return to work effectively. This also demonstrates that you are proactive about challenges that may occur in the workplace and can be viewed as a plus by the employer.

How to write a letter to return to work

The checklists provided help you write a concise and efficient return to work letter that includes all the essential information on your return, new status, and projected integration process.

Address the Letter to the Correct Person

The letter should be properly addressed to the right person, which most commonly is your immediate supervisor, HR professionals, or the person managing your leave.

Delivering the letter to the correct office or appropriate person is vital to facilitating your return to work. This will demonstrate to the management that you have abided by the correct procedure and respect the concept of hierarchy within the company.

First of all, before starting to write the letter, you should begin with the standard salutation, such as “Dear [Recipient’s Name]”. Using the formal greeting makes the tone of the letter formal and is a sign of respect to the recipient. It also supports a good working relationship, which is vital, especially if you are coming back from a leave.

A guy write a letter to his work

Introduction and Purpose

To start with, in the first paragraph, it is recommended to explain why the letter is being written. This section should contain a clear, concise statement about your return to work following a leave period. By directly addressing the purpose of the letter, you make sure that the recipient is quickly informed about the contents of the letter.

Express Gratitude

Always be grateful to your employer for the opportunity to take the leave you require due to a medical condition, personal issues, or any other reason. Saying thank you is an effective way of building a good relationship with the employer and the company in general, as well as acknowledging the support received during your leave.

Provide Necessary Documentation

Where necessary, attach any relevant paperwork, which may include medical certificates, fit-to-work notes, or any other documents that you believe are relevant to your position. This step is important to ensure that you are ready to return and comply with any organizational standards for working after leave.

State Your Intent to Return

Make sure to state the exact date that you plan on returning to work and also express interest in resuming your duties. This information is useful to your employer, allowing them to prepare for your return and to ensure that all employees are on the same page regarding the time you plan to take.

Mention How You Plan to Reacclimate

Explain how you will prepare to rejoin the work environment when you return from a long period away.

This might include any assignments that were completed in your absence, meetings you plan to have with your colleagues in order to get acquainted, or any further action you wish to undertake to assist you after your return.

A young guy planing his work return

Acting in a proactive manner demonstrates that you intend to return to duty prepared to perform your responsibilities accordingly.

Revised Roles and Responsibilities

When outlining assumptions and limitations, this section should also highlight any changes the employee might have noticed in their responsibilities or role.

Explain how you plan to manage these changes or if you need any further clarification about the changes made. By knowing your responsibilities, it is easier to avoid confusion and ensure that the employer and employee are on the same page.

Close with Gratitude

Conclude the letter by reiterating your gratitude for the opportunity to return to work. A positive closing helps express your appreciation and sends a positive signal that you are eager to contribute to the team once more.

Tips for Writing a Return to Work Letter

Here are some guidelines that can be followed to avoid making the letter negative, informal, and ambiguous. These tips help in writing the letter and clarify the other party’s expectations of your return.

Use a Positive and Welcoming Tone

One of the most significant aspects of writing a return to work letter is determining the right tone. Positive and polite language should be used to express your willingness to return to work and to promote a constructive atmosphere.

This approach can help diffuse any animosity and start your return to work on a positive note. Happily, provide assurance of your continued ability to perform your responsibilities and recommit yourself to the team.

Set Clear Expectations

Clear expectations should be spelled out regarding what is expected from both the employee and the employer in the future. It may be useful to directly share when you are available, if you require any changes to your schedule, and if you have any plans to make up for the lost time.

young pro lady writing a letter with her expectation

Additionally, it is necessary to ask about any new or additional information regarding what might be expected of you when you return. This reduces instances of misunderstanding and guarantees a favorable return to your previous position, thus creating a strong basis for success.

Communicate Initiatives

In case there have been new activities undertaken and other changes in the company during your period of absence, it would be advisable to review them in your letter. Convey your desire to stay informed about these new developments and to be involved in them.

This shows how approachable you are and your willingness to meet any new dynamic aspects of the job. If you are aware of certain activities, explain how you will continue or respond to such changes, emphasizing your desire for the organization’s constant improvement.

Return to Work Letter Templates

The templates below offer sample examples to guide you in drafting a clear, professional return to work letter that includes details of your availability and readiness, as well as any other information that needs to be communicated.

Guy holding envlope of his return to work letter

General Return to Work Letter Template

The provided return to work letter template offers the writer a clear structure of the letter, including details of returning to work, words of appreciation, and any new changes or plans.

Back to work letter sample:

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s Title]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you of my intention to return to work following my recent leave. I am pleased to let you know that I am ready to resume my duties and am looking forward to rejoining the team.

I plan to return on [Insert Return Date]. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for the support and understanding you and the company have provided during my absence. Your assistance has been greatly valued.

To ensure a smooth transition, I will make efforts to catch up on any developments or changes that have occurred while I was away. If there are any updates or adjustments to my role or responsibilities, please inform me so that I can prepare accordingly.

Thank you once again for your support. I am excited to return and contribute to the ongoing success of our team.

Returning After Illness

A return to work letter after illness will help the employee follow the correct procedure for informing his/her employer that he/she is ready to return to work, including any medical details that might be necessary to provide, and express appreciation for the support received during the illness.

Sample letter for return to work after Illness leave:

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you of my intent to return to work following my recent medical leave. I am pleased to report that my health has improved, and my doctor has cleared me to resume my duties.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the support and understanding you and the company have extended to me during this time. Your consideration has greatly contributed to my recovery.

I plan to return to work on [Insert Return Date] and am eager to rejoin the team. I will work diligently to reacclimate and catch up on any tasks or projects that were in progress before my leave. If there have been any updates or changes in my role or responsibilities, please let me know so I can prepare accordingly.

Thank you again for your understanding and support. I look forward to contributing to the team and continuing our work together.

Returning After Maternity Leave

A template of the letter that one can write to his or her employer upon return from maternity leave is typically written to announce the employee’s return to work, outline new working arrangements, and express appreciation for the support provided to the employee.

Perganant lady is working from home

Sample letter for return to work after maternity leave:

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to notify you of my upcoming return to work following my maternity leave. I am excited to resume my duties and contribute to the team once again.

I plan to return on [Insert Return Date], as discussed prior to my leave. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the support and flexibility you and the company have shown me during this important time. Your understanding has been invaluable, and I deeply appreciate it.

To ensure a smooth transition, I will work to reacquaint myself with any updates or changes that have occurred in my absence. If there are any new initiatives, projects, or adjustments to my role, please let me know so that I can prepare accordingly. I am committed to making my return as seamless as possible and look forward to reconnecting with the team.

Thank you once again for your continued support. I am eager to return and contribute to the ongoing success of our team.

Returning After Disability Leave

A return to work letter after disability leave is a letter that assists a person in notifying his or her employer that he or she would like to go back to work, reviewing the need for any special equipment or services due to the disability that was considered in issuing the disability leave.

A guy writing a letter to return to work after disability leave

Sample letter for return to work after disability leave:

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you of my intent to return to work following my disability leave. I am pleased to share that my condition has improved, and my healthcare provider has cleared me to resume my duties.

I plan to return to work on [Insert Return Date], and I am eager to rejoin the team and continue contributing to our shared goals. I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for the support and understanding you and the company have extended to me during this period. Your consideration has been greatly appreciated and has played a significant role in my recovery.

To ensure a smooth transition back into the workplace, I will take the necessary steps to reacclimate myself to any updates or changes that may have occurred during my absence. If there are any adjustments to my role or new initiatives, I should be aware of, please let me know so that I can prepare accordingly.

Thank you again for your continued support and for accommodating my needs during this time. I look forward to returning to work and contributing to the success of the team.

Final Thoughts

There are various key elements to consider when writing a return-to-work letter, namely clarity, professionalism, and a positive tone. Make sure that your letter is addressed to the right person and begins with a greeting.

Clearly explain your desire to go back to work and be as specific as possible about the expected date of your return. Thank the employer for the understanding extended during the period of leave, and if required, attach documents like medical fitness to resume duties.

This is a good chance to outline what you plan to do after returning to the workplace and address any changes in your activities. End the letter on a positive note, assuring the recipient that you will continue doing your best for the betterment of the team.

By following the steps above, you should be able to write a meaningful and effective return to work letter that can help to ease the return process.

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How to create a return to work letter (tips, template)

Return to work letter

As more and more people receive Covid 19 vaccine shots, companies are keen to call back employees after an extended leave from work.

If you are creating a  return to work plan , sending a welcoming and detailed return to work letter could make it easier for the employees and your HR (human resources) team.

It’s a document that details the timeline and the process of the return for your employees.

In this article, we’ll share how you can draft a solid return to work letter, along with three excellent tips and a free sample template you could use today .

This article contains:

(Click on the links below to jump to a specific section)

  • What is a Return to Work Letter?
  • What Should a Return to Work Letter Include?
  • 3 Best Practices While Drafting a Return to Work Letter
  • A Return to Work Letter Template You Could Use Today

What is a return to work letter?

A return to work letter is a formal document that states all the necessary information for a timely return for an employee after an extended leave.

An employee could go on a leave of absence from work for many reasons, such as:

  • Furlough: Temporary absence (unpaid or partially paid)  from work during emergency situations such as Covid 19 pandemic or an economic crisis.
  • FMLA leave: Job-protected leave (up to 12 weeks in a year) for medical or family reasons covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). It covers injury-related sick leave as well as maternity leave.
  • Sabbatical: A break from work to pursue personal interests.

A return to work letter could be an effective way to inform the returning employee of the exact date and process of their return. 

It could also be used as a quick refresher for all the things that have and haven’t changed while the employee was off work.

And at times, HR professionals use a return to work notice to gauge an employee’s intent on returning to work. It helps take timely action in case an employee chooses not to return at all or prefers to work remotely or on a part-time basis.

In any case, a well-documented return to work letter sets the expectations and makes the entire process smoother for both the employer and the returning employee.

But you should keep in mind that what goes into a return notice may vary with the nature of the leave the employee was on. 

So let’s take a look at some standard information to include in a return notice.

What should a return to work letter include?

Here’s a curated list of the essential sections that should be part of the letter.

1. Specific employee details

The beginning of the return to work letter should include specific employee details such as:

  • Employee’s name.
  • Employee’s ID (if applicable).
  • Employee’s classification like exempt vs. non-exempt or full-time vs. contractual.
  • Employee’s job title.
  • Employee’s department.
  • Reference to employee’s leave application or furlough notice.
  • Immediate supervisor/manager or a point of contact (POC).

2. A quick introduction

You may want to set a welcoming tone by quickly following up with the employee about their health or about the specific reason the employee took the break.

It’s also a good place to remind them of when their approved-time-off is coming to an end and that you expect them to return to work soon.

3. Expected date and time of joining

It’s vital to let your employee know the exact date and time that you expect them to rejoin. It eliminates any confusion and keeps your HR team and the employee on the same page. 

If the employee is returning after a medical leave, being specific with the time and date will help them plan their return better. 

4. Share updates

You should give the returning employees a heads-up about any changes in the company’s internal work policies since their last work tenure. 

These updates may include:

  • Change in the office location.
  • Switch to different work modes – like from on-site to work-from-home (WFH).
  • Changes in work timings.
  • Changes in office dress code.
  • Guidelines and protocols related to Covid 19 pandemic.

5. Revised roles and responsibilities

In this section, you should thoroughly list out the employee’s job duties and responsibilities. 

It may sound redundant, but it’s important to clearly communicate what’s expected of the employee after a long gap from work. It also acts as a quick refresher and helps the employee brush up on the skills required to perform the job perfectly.

Additionally, you can highlight any changes in the employees’ duties or workflow and inform them of what new skills they’ll need to adjust to these changes.

If the employee is returning after recovering from an injury or from Coronavirus, their doctor may deem them fit for work with some physical restrictions. In such cases, you may need to modify the work plan of the injured employee and assign them suitable work until they’re fit to resume full duty. 

6. Salary updates

If there have been any updates to the payroll structure in the company, you must specify the changes in the return notice. 

You must clearly state the revised compensation and get the employee’s consent before rejoining.

7. Steps taken to facilitate their return

Employees may have apprehensions about coming back to work after a long absence, especially concerning the Coronavirus or their medical condition.

Moreover, if the employee is returning after recovering from a work-related injury, they might be concerned about their safety.

As an employer, you must communicate the steps you’ve taken to make the employee’s return smoother and safer.

Here are few examples of what you can include:

  • Training on Covid 19 social distancing protocols as prescribed by agencies like the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 
  • Safety measures related to commuting, catering, and other facilities within the office premises.
  • Facilities for nursing mothers returning to work after maternity leave.
  • Provisions for employees with any form of disability as specified by the OSHA.
  • An introduction to your employee wellness program that prioritizes the physical and mental health of the employee.
  • A toolkit to help them adjust to remote or hybrid work models.
  • Links to a knowledge base and other resources to help them get quick answers to their queries.

8. Expectations from the employee

In a return to work notice, you must also list out things that you expect from the returning employee. 

For example, you may need them to:

  • Respond to the notice within a reasonable time period.
  • Fill in a Covid 19 return to work form before rejoining.
  • Present a medical document for a negative Covid 19 test result at the time of joining. 
  • Follow the Covid 19 guidelines and cooperate with the company’s medical provider during mandatory processes like measuring employees’ temperatures, symptoms check, office sanitization, etc.
  • Submit a work release form authorized by a doctor. It should state that the employee is fit to resume job duties, with or without work restrictions.
  • Provide necessary medical documentation to avail healthcare benefits such as workers’ compensation benefits .
  • Present any necessary document (degree or certificate), if the employee was on an approved learning sabbatical .
  • Take additional training to acquire skills necessary to meet professional expectations.
  • Complete paperwork in accordance with the updated employment laws.
  • Cooperate with the HR department and coworkers in getting themselves up to speed with the new work procedures.

3 best practices while drafting a return to work letter

Let’s explore three ways to make a return to work letter more welcoming and informative:

1. Use a positive and welcoming tone

When an employee returns to work, you want them to be confident and positive rather than confused and unmotivated.

That’s why the tone you use in a return to work letter plays a big role in shaping the employee’s morale.

Here are a few tips on drafting a positive and welcoming return to work letter:

  • Always start by enquiring about the employee’s health and well-being.
  • Thank them in advance for their patience during the transition process.
  • Assure them of their safety at the workplace.
  • Remind them of their strengths by pointing out their past achievements.
  • Encourage them to share their fears, expectations, or any other feedback .

2. Set clear expectations

Employees may feel a little disconnected from their work environment after a long break. Reminding them of their routine work tasks, as you would do in an offer letter for a new hire, is important to set clear expectations.

Here’s a list of things you could cover in addition to their core job duties:

  • Biometric authentication process.
  • Tracking work hours for exempt and hourly workers.
  • Remote work etiquette.
  • Parking rules, etc.
  • Bring your own device (BYOD) guidelines.

Now it’s not necessary to cram all the information into just one letter.

Instead, you can send a series of letters, each covering a specific topic in the time leading up to their rejoining date. Alternatively, you can attach multiple relevant documents along with your letter.

3. Communicate your initiatives

It’s important to let your employees know about the steps you’ve taken to make their return more safe and fruitful. Doing so not only instills confidence among the employees but also boosts your image as an employer.

Pro Tip: A great way to mention all your initiatives without sounding boastful is to present them as frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Now that we’ve covered the information that you should include in a return to work letter in detail, let’s check out a sample template.

A return to work letter template you could use today

Creating a return notice from scratch could take a lot of effort and time. To make things easier, here’s a sample letter template that you can edit as per your requirements:

[Return to work co-ordinator]

[ Company name ]

[Company Address]

Re: Return to work timeline for [Employee name], [Employee id][Department name] (optional)

Dear [ Employee’s name]

We hope you are doing well. 

[ Company name ] is reaching out to remind you that your approved leave period, as specified in your leave application, is coming to an end on [date]. 

[ Company name ] is excited to welcome you back to work and strives to make the process simple and efficient.

Provided that you are medically fit to resume your job duties (please see attachment for details), we expect you to rejoin the office on [date] at [time].

[ Company name ] is committed to your safety and well-being. We’ve taken several initiatives to make our work environment safer and your time with us more productive and fruitful. Kindly check the attachment [title] for more information .

There have been a few changes in the company policies and procedures since your last tenure. Kindly take the time to go through these changes (please see attachment) before you consent to the return date.

Lastly, [ Company name ] expects you to cooperate to make your return as efficient as possible. Here’s a list of things we expect you to do:

[Add the list of required documents such as doctor’s note , training certificates, etc., as well as other expectations.]

Kindly share your concerns and feedback regarding the transition, and we’ll do our best to address them.

We request that you acknowledge this mail and respond with your consent in person , through mail or phone, latest by [date].

[ Phone number ]

Disclaimer: The information in this article may not account for your local employment and healthcare laws. The author of the article and Time Doctor shall bear no legal liability that may arise from using this information.

Final thoughts

Asking your employees to return to work after a long break requires thorough planning and communication, especially in these unprecedented times.

A well-written return to work letter will help you re-align the employee with your expectations and help them adjust to the new normal at the workplace .

Use the tips and letter template in this article to draft an impressive return to work letter that makes things easier for all stakeholders.

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Carlo Borja is the Content Marketing Manager of Time Doctor, a workforce analytics software for distributed teams. He is a remote work advocate, a father and a coffee junkie.

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  • Career Development

How To Write a Return To Work Letter

It can be useful to have some sample letters you can use to communicate with your employer as you get ready to go back to work after a maternity leave. Being successful at work requires open communication with employers, and letters work well because they provide a tangible record of your correspondences regarding your maternity leave. One of the downloadable examples from the list below might be ideal for your circumstance.

How to prepare to return to work

You can prepare for your return to work by following the steps listed below:

1. Request a phased return

Consider a phased return if you are returning to work after being ill and are still dealing with symptoms so that you can gradually resume your regular responsibilities. Employees can typically choose to start working part-time during phased returns, either through shortened workdays or on specific days of the week, allowing them to resume work at their own pace.

A phased return could also restrict the kinds of tasks you carry out at work until you are well enough to resume all of your responsibilities, depending on the specifics of your recovery and job. Together with your boss and doctor, discuss your requirements and schedule to come up with a strategy that will work for both you and the business.

2. Stay in contact while youre away

Try to stay in touch with your coworkers and supervisor during your time off to get regular updates on operations, deadlines, and other changes to ensure a smooth transition back to work. If you can’t stay in touch, plan a meeting with your boss right before you leave or as soon as you get back to catch up on any updates and changes you might have missed.

Maintaining good working relationships with your team can also help you get support while you’re away.

3. Ask for help

If you have queries or worries about your workload, ask for assistance from coworkers, your HR department, and/or your supervisor. Returning to work after an extended leave of absence requires time to adjust.

Why is it important to write a return-to-work letter?

After a lengthy leave of absence, employers frequently demand a return-to-work letter for the following reasons:

You can use a return-to-work letter to inform your employer of these vital information when you return to work after an extended leave so they can plan their workflow accordingly, convey any significant updates or changes that happened while you were away, and offer any necessary accommodations for your return.

How to write a return-to-work letter

To write a letter expressing your desire to return to your previous position, follow these steps:

1. Address the letter to the correct person

You might need to address your return to work letter to a supervisor or a human resources representative depending on the policies and organizational structure of your company. Regardless of their position within the organization, this individual is most likely responsible for organizing your leave of absence.

2. Thank them for authorizing your work leave

Like most business letters, a return to work letter should begin by thanking the recipient for their approval of your leave. Talk about how your absence helped you heal and regain your health, take care of a loved one, or otherwise adjust to changes at home.

3. Attach the proper documentation

Depending on your justification for being away and your company’s policies, the appropriate documentation is required. This documentation could be a specific return-to-work intent form that your employer mandates employees complete, or it could be paperwork that you were asked to complete when you first took your leave.

A doctor’s release letter stating that you are healthy and able to perform your job duties may also be required by your employer if you are returning to work after being ill or having surgery. If you do include a doctor’s release letter, make sure it details your absence’s cause and any restrictions you’ll need to follow when you return to work.

4. Mention how you plan to get reacclimated

Mention specific measures you intend to take to ensure a smooth transition back to work in your return-to-work letter, as well as your prior performance standards. For instance, you could mention that you spoke with your secretary and that they sent meeting notes your way to help you catch up.

5. Close the letter with gratitude

To further show your professionalism and appreciation, thank your employer, human resources representative, or supervisor for their cooperation and flexibility throughout your absence.

Return-to-work letter template

Here is a sample return-to-work letter that you can use as a model:

Dear [Name of supervisor or HR representative],

Thank you for being so understanding during this trying time. I’m writing to let you know that as of [date], I will be able to return to work after [a period of illness or caregiving].

As you are already aware, I had to take some time off work in order to [explain the reason for your leave of absence, such as to improve your health or take care of a loved one] I am prepared to go back because [reason for being cleared, such as receiving a doctor’s release or my caregiving obligations coming to an end]. I apologise for any inconvenience my absence may have caused.

I have been keeping up with [projects, clients, or responsibilities] despite my absence, and I am prepared to resume my work. I want to thank you and [company] once more for your tolerance, flexibility, and patience during this time. It is an honor to work for such a charitable organization.


Return-to-work letter example

You can use these powerful return to work letter examples to help you create your own:

Example 1: Returning after illness

Here is an illustration of a letter you might write to request permission to resume work after being ill:

Dear Mrs. Roehr,

I appreciate your tolerance and understanding during this period. I’m writing to let you know that as of April 15th, my doctor has given me the all-clear to go back to work.

As you are aware, I developed pneumonia a little over a month ago and had to spend several weeks in the hospital. Now that I’m feeling better, I can’t wait to get back to work. I have communicated with my coworkers while I’ve been sick and have kept up with any adjustments made by my client, Corner Communications, so that I can resume my previous performance as soon as possible.

I’ve included my doctor’s release forms, which outline my ability to resume my role. If you have any questions or concerns, kindly let me know.

Once again, I appreciate your help and tolerance while I was recovering. I feel so privileged to be employed by Mighty Media.

Brenda Bates

Example 2: Returning after maternity leave

Dear Mr. Szatmary,

I’m writing to let you know that, as of March 10, 2021, I will resume working for Freedom Health as a human relations specialist. You are aware that on December 10, 2020, I started my maternity leave.

I’ve spoken to my boss and coworkers, so I’m aware of the most recent procedural changes. I’m eager to get back to work and give everything I have to it, including my all-time best effort and performance.

Casey Davis

How To Make A Letter Of Intent To Return To Work

How do I write a letter to return to work?

  • Address the letter to the correct person. …
  • Thank them for authorizing your work leave. …
  • Attach the proper documentation. …
  • Mention how you plan to get reacclimated. …
  • Close the letter with gratitude.

What is a return to work notice?

The return-to-work process aims to make it as easy as possible for an employee to return to their job, who is frequently someone who is recovering from an illness or injury, or who has become disabled.

How do you announce a return to office?

I hope this notice finds you well and safe during this historic time, [employee name] We are happy to announce [Company name] has started the process of reopening our buildings and welcoming employees back to the workplace after we all worked remotely over the previous few months.

How do I return to work from leave?

  • Set up a meeting with your supervisor. …
  • Consider asking for a transition period or flex scheduling. …
  • Notify coworkers you’re friendly with. …
  • Make your first day gracious. …
  • Show that you’ve still got it. …
  • Prepare for questions about your absence. …
  • Don’t doubt yourself.

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Rejoining Letter After Leave – 14+ Templates, Key Elements, Tips

  • Letter Templates
  • February 27, 2024
  • Office Letters , Application Letters , Employee Letters , Formal Letters

Rejoining Letter After Leave : A rejoining letter after leave is a formal document that an employee writes to their employer informing them that they are returning to work after taking a leave of absence . This letter is an essential part of the rejoining process, and it helps the employer keep track of their employees’ attendance and schedule.

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Rejoining Letter After Leave – Key Points

Content in this article

Here are some key points to keep in mind when writing a rejoining letter after leave:

  • Start with a proper salutation: Begin your letter with a professional greeting, such as “Dear [Manager’s Name].”
  • Mention the reason for your leave: Provide a brief explanation for the reason for your leave and the duration of your absence. This helps your employer understand the context of your leave and prepare for your return.
  • Express your gratitude: Show your gratitude towards your employer for their understanding and support during your absence. Thank them for any assistance they may have provided while you were on leave.
  • Reaffirm your commitment: Reaffirm your commitment to your job and your willingness to work diligently upon your return. This reassures your employer of your dedication and reliability.
  • Provide details about your return: Mention the date of your return to work and any specific arrangements you may have made with your manager or HR department. This helps your employer plan for your return and ensure a smooth transition.
  • Close with a proper sign-off: End your letter with a professional sign-off, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your name and contact information.

Here are some samples and a sample format of Rejoining Letter After Leave:

Sample Format- Rejoining Letter After Leave

When returning to work after a leave, it’s crucial to compose a rejoining letter that expresses gratitude for the time off and reaffirms commitment to responsibilities. Here is a basic letter sample format for writing a Rejoining Letter After Leave:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Date]

[Manager’s Name] [Company Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing this letter to inform you that I am ready to rejoin [Company Name] after [number of days/weeks/months] of leave. I would like to express my gratitude to the company for granting me the leave, which allowed me to take care of my personal affairs.

During my absence, I kept myself updated on the progress and developments of the company through regular communication with my colleagues. I am confident that I can get back to my work as efficiently as before and continue contributing to the growth of the company.

Please let me know if there are any procedures or paperwork that I need to complete before resuming my duties. I am ready to comply with all the requirements to ensure a smooth transition back into the workplace.

Thank you for your understanding and support during my leave. I am looking forward to returning to work and meeting the challenges ahead.

[Your Name]

Rejoining Letter After Leave – Example

When returning to work after a leave, it’s crucial to begin your rejoining letter with a warm and professional introduction. Acknowledge your absence and express your enthusiasm to resume your responsibilities.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Employer’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to officially notify you of my intention to rejoin work after a period of [mention the duration] leave. My leave started on [start date] and ended on [end date].

I appreciate the support and understanding extended to me during my time away. I used this time to focus on [briefly mention the reason for leave, if comfortable], and I am now eager to return to my responsibilities at [Company Name].

I have taken all necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition back into work. I am ready to resume my duties on [proposed start date]. I am confident that I can quickly reacquaint myself with any changes that may have occurred during my absence.

I would also like to express my gratitude for the support and cooperation of my colleagues during my leave. I am enthusiastic about rejoining the team and contributing to the continued success of our projects.

If there are any specific procedures or forms required for my return, please let me know, and I will ensure that everything is completed promptly. I am committed to making a seamless return and ensuring that my absence has minimal impact on our team’s workflow.

Thank you for your understanding and support during my leave. I look forward to rejoining the team and contributing to the ongoing success of [Company Name].

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Employee ID, if applicable]

Rejoining Letter After Medical Leave

When returning to work after a medical leave, it’s crucial to start your rejoining letter with a positive and professional tone. Here is a rejoining letter after leave:

I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be rejoining the team at [Company Name] after taking medical leave. My leave was necessitated by a medical condition that has now been successfully treated.

I want to thank you for your understanding and support during this period, and I would like to express my gratitude to the entire team for keeping me in their thoughts and well wishes.

I am committed to returning to work and continuing to contribute my best efforts towards the success of the company. I am excited to reconnect with everyone and am looking forward to being back at work on [Date].

Please let me know if there are any specific arrangements I need to make or if there are any important changes to the work schedule. I have also attached the required medical certificate confirming that I am now medically fit to work.

Thank you for your cooperation, and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Rejoining Letter After Maternity Leave

When composing a rejoining letter after maternity leave, it’s important to convey a sense of gratitude for the support received during your absence and express enthusiasm for returning to work.

Dear [Teacher/Manager’s Name],

I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be rejoining work on [Date] after taking maternity leave. I would like to thank you for your support and understanding during my absence and for making the necessary arrangements to ensure a smooth transition during my leave.

I am excited to return to work and will do everything within my ability to catch up on the work I have missed during my absence. I would like to assure you that I remain committed to contributing to the success of the company.

Please let me know if there are any special arrangements that need to be made or if there are any changes to the work schedule. I have attached the required documents to support my request for rejoining work.

Rejoining Letter After Leave – Template

When drafting a rejoining letter after a leave, begin by expressing gratitude for the understanding and support received during your absence. Here’s a Template of Rejoining Letter After Leave:

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I am ready to rejoin work after my leave of absence. I am grateful for the understanding and support you have provided during this time.

My leave started on [start date] and concluded on [end date]. I utilized this time to [briefly mention the reason for leave or any relevant details], and I am now eager to resume my responsibilities at [Company Name].

I have taken all necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition back into my role. I am prepared to return to work on [proposed start date]. I am confident in my ability to quickly catch up on any changes or developments that may have occurred during my absence.

I would like to express my appreciation to my colleagues for their cooperation and support during my leave. I am enthusiastic about rejoining the team and contributing to the continued success of our projects.

If there are any specific procedures or forms required for my return, please let me know, and I will promptly take care of them. I am committed to making a seamless return and ensuring that my absence has minimal impact on our team’s workflow.

Rejoining letter after long leave for Office

Starting a rejoining letter after a long leave for the office requires a balance of professionalism and warmth. Here’s a rejoining letter after long leave for office:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Today’s Date]

[Manager’s Name] [Department Name] [Company Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be rejoining work on [Date of Joining] after a long leave of absence due to [Reason for Leave]. I have obtained clearance from my doctor and am fit to resume my duties.

I would like to express my gratitude to you and the company for supporting me during my absence. I am aware of the work that has piled up in my absence, and I will make every effort to get up to speed as soon as possible.

Please let me know if there is anything I need to do before my resumption of duties. I am looking forward to returning to work and contributing to the success of the company.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Rejoining Letter After Long Leave for Office

Returning to work after leave letter

This letter formally notifies the employer of the writer’s intention to return to work after a specific leave period, expressing readiness and gratitude for support during the absence.

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of my intention to return to work following a period of leave.

My leave began on [start date] and concluded on [end date]. During this time, I took the opportunity to address personal matters and focus on my well-being. I am grateful for the support and understanding extended to me during my absence.

I am pleased to inform you that I am now ready to resume my duties at [Company Name]. I have taken all necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition back into the workplace. I am confident in my ability to pick up where I left off and contribute effectively to the team.

I am committed to rejoining the workforce on [proposed start date] and resuming my responsibilities with enthusiasm and dedication. If there are any specific procedures or documentation required for my return, please let me know, and I will ensure that everything is in order.

I would like to express my appreciation for your understanding and flexibility during my leave. I look forward to reconnecting with my colleagues and contributing to the continued success of [Company Name].

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Returning to Work After Leave Letter

Rejoining letter after study leave

This letter notifies the employer of the successful completion of a study program during the leave period, expressing eagerness to apply newly acquired skills and resume duties at the company.

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to officially inform you of my intention to rejoin the workforce after a period of study leave.

My study leave commenced on [start date] and concluded on [end date]. During this time, I pursued [mention the course or program undertaken] to enhance my skills and knowledge relevant to our work at [Company Name].

I am pleased to inform you that I have successfully completed the study program and am excited to apply the acquired knowledge to contribute more effectively to our team. I am ready to resume my duties on [proposed start date].

I appreciate the support and understanding provided by [Company Name] during my study leave. I believe that the insights gained during this period will bring added value to our projects and initiatives.

If there are any specific procedures or documentation required for my return, please let me know, and I will ensure prompt completion.

I look forward to rejoining the team and contributing to the continued success of [Company Name].

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Rejoining Letter After Study Leave

Rejoining Letter After Leave – Email Format

Beginning a rejoining email after a leave requires a balance of professionalism and gratitude. Here is an Email format of rejoining letter after leave:

Subject: Rejoining After Leave

I am writing this email to inform you that I will be rejoining work at [Company Name] on [Date] after taking a leave of absence. I am grateful for the time off, and I appreciate the support provided by the company during my absence.

I want to assure you that I am ready to resume my duties and responsibilities and am committed to contributing my best efforts towards the success of the company. I have attached the necessary documents to support my request for rejoining work.

Please let me know if there are any specific arrangements that need to be made, or if there are any changes to the work schedule. I would be happy to discuss any details and ensure a smooth transition back into the team.

Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to working with you and the team again.

Rejoining letter after leave due to illness

This letter notifies the employer of the writer’s recovery from illness, expresses eagerness to return to work, and acknowledges the support received during the period of absence.

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to inform you of my intention to rejoin work after a leave of absence due to illness.

My medical leave began on [start date] and concluded on [end date]. During this time, I focused on my recovery and followed the recommended treatment plan. I appreciate the understanding and support extended to me by [Company Name] during my absence.

I am pleased to inform you that I have made significant progress in my recovery and have received clearance from my healthcare provider to resume work. I am ready to return to my duties on [proposed start date].

I would like to express my gratitude to you and the team for your support and well-wishes during my illness. I am eager to rejoin the workforce and contribute to the success of our projects.

If there are any specific procedures or documentation required for my return, please inform me, and I will ensure everything is in order.

Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to returning to work.

Rejoining Letter after Leave Due to illness

Rejoining letter after emergency leave

This letter notifies the employer of the writer’s readiness to return to work after an emergency leave, expressing gratitude for support and eagerness to contribute to the company’s success.

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally notify you of my intention to rejoin work after an emergency leave.

My emergency leave began on [start date] and concluded on [end date]. During this time, I addressed the urgent situation that required my immediate attention. I am grateful for your understanding and support during this challenging period.

I am pleased to inform you that the situation has been resolved, and I am ready to return to my duties. I am committed to resuming work on [proposed start date] and contributing effectively to the team.

I would like to express my appreciation for your support and understanding during my absence. If there are any specific procedures or documentation required for my return, please let me know, and I will ensure that everything is in order.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to returning to work and contributing to the continued success of [Company Name].

FAQS for Rejoining Letter After Leave – Templates, Key Elements, Tips

How should i format a rejoining letter after leave.

Use a professional format of Rejoining Letter After Leave with your contact details, date, employer’s details, salutation, a brief introduction, details of your leave, your intention to rejoin, a thank-you note, and your signature.

What key elements should be included in a rejoining letter after leave?

This Rejoining Letter After Leave Include details of your leave period, the reason for leave, acknowledgment of support received, express gratitude, mention your readiness to rejoin, and propose a start date.

Can I use a template for a rejoining letter after leave?

Yes, Rejoining Letter After Leave templates provide a structured format. Customize the template by adding specific details about your leave, your intention to return, and any personal touches that make it unique.

How long should a Rejoining Letter After Leave be?

Rejoining Letter After Leave, Keep it concise but include all necessary details. Aim for a one-page letter that covers the key elements without being overly detailed.

What tone should I use in a rejoining letter after leave?

Rejoining Letter After Leave Maintain a professional and positive tone. Express gratitude for support, convey your eagerness to return, and assure your commitment to contributing effectively upon rejoining.

Is it necessary to mention the reason for the Rejoining Letter After Leave?

It’s not mandatory, but you may choose to mention the reason briefly if comfortable. This Rejoining Letter After Leave Focus more on expressing gratitude, readiness to return, and commitment to your responsibilities.

Should I send a Rejoining Letter After Leave via email or as a hard copy?

Sending it via email is common and convenient. Ensure that the email subject is clear, and attach the Rejoining Letter After Leave as a PDF or Word document for a professional presentation.

A rejoining letter after leave is an important communication that informs the employer of an employee’s return to work after an absence. It should be written professionally and include the necessary details such as the date of return, any changes to the work schedule, and any other relevant information. By following a standard format and providing supporting documents, an employee can ensure a smooth transition back into the workplace.

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Sample Letter For Return To Work After Leave – Expert Guide

sample letter to resume work after leave

Dear [Employee Name],

Table of Contents

Welcome back to work ! We are thrilled to have you back after your leave of absence.

The team and I have missed you greatly, and we have been thinking of you and your family during this time. We are delighted to learn of your recovery and are excited to have you back with us so soon.

In this expert guide, we will provide you with a sample letter for your return to work after a leave of absence. We understand that returning to work after a break can be challenging, and we want to make the transition as smooth as possible for you.

This sample letter will address all the necessary points to help you communicate effectively with your employer and colleagues.


Before drafting your return to work letter, it is essential to gather all the necessary information and documentation. This will ensure that your letter is comprehensive and covers all the relevant details.

Here are a few key points to consider during your preparation:

Address the letter to the correct person and department: It is important to direct your letter to the appropriate individual and department within your organization. This ensures that your letter reaches the right person and expedites the process of your return to work.

Thank them for authorizing your work leave : Expressing gratitude for the support and understanding you received during your leave of absence is crucial. Thank your employer and the relevant department for granting you the necessary time off to focus on your health or personal matters.

Attach the proper documentation: Along with your return to work letter, make sure to include any required documentation related to your absence. This may include medical certificates, doctor’s notes, or any other relevant forms that support your leave of absence.

Highlight any accommodations required: If you require any specific accommodations upon your return to work, it is crucial to mention them in the letter. This could include modifications to your workspace or adjustments to your workload to ensure a smooth transition back to your responsibilities.

Once you have completed the necessary preparation, it’s time to start drafting your return to work letter. The salutation sets the tone for the rest of the letter and should be polite and professional.

Address your letter to your immediate supervisor or the person responsible for managing your return to work. Here’s an example salutation:

“Dear [Supervisor’s Name],”

Introduction and Purpose

In the introduction of your letter, clearly state the purpose of your communication – that you are returning to work after a leave of absence. Be concise and to the point.

Here’s an example of an introduction:

“I am writing regarding my leave of absence from [employer]. When we last spoke on [date], I informed you that I would be taking time off to address [reason for leave].

I am pleased to inform you that I have successfully addressed the matter and have made a full recovery. I am now ready to resume my responsibilities at [company/department].”

Thank Your Manager for Supporting You

In this section, express your appreciation for the support and understanding you received from your manager during your absence. Acknowledge their role in granting you the necessary leave and thank them for their understanding.

Here’s an example:

“I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for your support and understanding during my time away. Your willingness to grant me the necessary leave and provide me with the space to address [reason for leave] has been invaluable.

I truly appreciate the support you have shown me during this challenging time.”

Mention Your Aim to Return

Next, clearly state your intention to return to work and your eagerness to rejoin the team. Show your enthusiasm and dedication to your responsibilities.

“I am excited to inform you that I am ready to return to work and resume my duties at [company/department]. I have missed being a part of the team and look forward to contributing to the success of [company] once again.

I am confident that my experiences during my absence have only strengthened my commitment to my role and will bring a fresh perspective to my work.”

In the closing section of your letter, recap your appreciation for the support you have received and express your commitment to a smooth transition back to work. Here’s an example:

“I want to once again express my gratitude for the support you have provided throughout my leave of absence. I am committed to making a seamless transition back to work and will do everything in my power to ensure that my return is as smooth as possible.

I am eager to reconnect with my colleagues and contribute to the continued success of [company]. Thank you once again for your understanding and support.”

Returning to work after a leave of absence can be both exciting and challenging. It is essential to communicate effectively with your employer and colleagues to ensure a smooth transition.

By following the sample letter provided in this expert guide, you can effectively communicate your intentions and gratitude while expressing your eagerness to return to work.

As an HR professional with years of experience, I understand the importance of a well-written return to work letter. It sets the tone for your reintegration into the workplace and helps establish open communication with your employer.

Remember to personalize the letter to fit your specific circumstances and ensure that all relevant details are included.

Best Recommended Product: Book- ‘The Joy of Work: 30 Ways to Fix Your Work Culture and Fall in Love with Your Job Again’

This book by Bruce Daisley provides valuable insights and practical advice on how to create a positive work culture and find joy in your job. It offers effective strategies for improving workplace well-being, fostering collaboration, and finding purpose in your work.

Whether you’re returning from a leave of absence or simply looking to enhance your work experience , ‘The Joy of Work’ is a must-read for anyone seeking greater satisfaction in their professional life.

Remember, your return to work after a leave of absence is an opportunity for a fresh start and renewed commitment. Embrace this chance to make a positive impact and contribute to the success of your organization.

Good luck on your return to work journey !

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Write a joining letter after Leave / Vacation [All Sectors Examples]


Shini Ramith

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Joining Letter After Leave Application (With Examples)

Taking a leave from work is common, but returning with a well-crafted sample rejoining letter after leave is crucial. Therefore, this letter not only formally communicates your intent to return but also sets the tone for a smooth transition back into the workplace. So, how can you dou a sample rejoining letter after leave?

In this article, you will know all about the sample rejoining letter after leave. Read on!

What is  Rejoining Letter After Leave?

A sample rejoining letter after leave is a formal written document submitted by an employee to their employer, expressing the intention to return to work after a period of leave. Therefore, this letter serves as a vital communication tool, ensuring a clear and documented reintegration process into the professional environment.

Below are samples of joining letters after leave applications for different scenarios and industries. Please note that these are generic examples, and you should customize them based on your specific situation.

### 1. Joining Letter After Medical Leave - Corporate Sector

Subject: Welcome Back!

Dear [Employee's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health. On behalf of [Company Name], I am delighted to welcome you back after your medical leave. Your absence was felt, and we are glad to have you back with us.

During your absence, we ensured that your responsibilities were handled efficiently. Now that you are back, we look forward to your continued contributions and dedication. Please feel free to reach out if you need any support during your transition back into work.

Wishing you good health and a smooth return.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Company Name]

### 2. Joining Letter After Maternity Leave - Educational Sector

Subject: Welcome Back to [School/College Name]! Dear [Employee's Name],

We are thrilled to welcome you back to [School/College Name] after your maternity leave. Your presence has been missed, and we are excited to have you rejoin our team.

We understand that the transition back to work after maternity leave can be challenging, and we are committed to providing the necessary support to make this process as smooth as possible for you. Please let us know if there are any specific arrangements or accommodations you may require.

Looking forward to your continued dedication and contributions.

Warm regards,

[School/College Name]

### 3. Joining Letter After Study Leave - Technology Industry

Subject: Welcome Back to [Company Name]!

I trust this letter finds you well. It is with great pleasure that we welcome you back to [Company Name] after your study leave. We understand the importance of continuous learning, and we are excited to benefit from the knowledge and skills you have gained during your time away.

Your role is critical to our team, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact of your newly acquired expertise. If there are any specific areas you would like to discuss or share from your learning experience, please do not hesitate to schedule a meeting.

Best wishes for a successful return.

### 4. Joining Letter After Sabbatical - Non-Profit Organization

Subject: Welcome Back to [Organization Name]!

I am pleased to extend a warm welcome back to [Organization Name] after your sabbatical. We recognize the value of taking time for personal growth and rejuvenation, and we are thrilled to have you return with refreshed energy.

Your role is integral to our mission, and we are eager to continue making a positive impact with your contributions. If there are any specific insights or learnings you gained during your sabbatical that you would like to share, we would be delighted to hear about them.

Looking forward to a renewed collaboration.

[Organization Name]

### 5. Joining Letter After Military Leave - Government Sector

Subject: Welcome Back to [Government Department]!

It is an honor to welcome you back to [Government Department] after your military leave. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your service to the nation, and we are proud to have you back as part of our team.

Your commitment to both your military duties and your responsibilities with [Government Department] is commendable. We understand the unique challenges of transitioning between roles, and we are here to support you in any way needed.

Thank you for your service, and welcome back.

[Government Department]

### 6. Joining Letter After Personal Leave - Retail Industry

I trust you had a restful and rejuvenating personal leave. On behalf of the [Company Name] team, I extend a warm welcome back as you resume your duties with us.

We understand the importance of personal well-being, and we hope your time away has allowed you the necessary relaxation. Your role is crucial to our team, and we look forward to your continued dedication.

If there are any adjustments needed to facilitate your smooth return, please feel free to communicate them.

Welcome back!

### 7. Joining Letter After Maternity Leave - Tech Startup

Subject: Welcome Back to [Company Name] - New Beginnings!

Congratulations on the arrival of your bundle of joy! We hope you had a joyful and fulfilling maternity leave. On behalf of the entire [Company Name] family, I extend a warm welcome back as you rejoin our dynamic team.

We understand the importance of work-life balance, especially during significant life events. Your role is crucial to the success of our team, and we are excited to continue our journey together.

If there are any accommodations needed to support your return, please let us know. Looking forward to your valuable contributions.

Best wishes,

### 8. Joining Letter After Educational Leave - Higher Education Institution

Subject: Welcome Back to [Institution Name] - Enriched Perspectives! Dear [Employee's Name],

I trust your educational leave provided you with enriching experiences and new perspectives. It is a pleasure to welcome you back to [Institution Name] as you resume your responsibilities. We value the pursuit of knowledge and recognize the contribution it makes to our institution. Your dedication to both your role here and your educational pursuits is commendable, and we look forward to benefiting from the insights you've gained.

If there's anything you'd like to share about your educational journey, we'd love to hear it.

[Institution Name]

### 9. Joining Letter After Long Medical Leave - Healthcare Sector

Subject: Welcome Back to [Hospital/Clinic Name] - Your Return is Healing!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you back to [Hospital/Clinic Name] after your extended medical leave. Your presence is a healing force, and we are grateful for your recovery.

Your role in our healthcare team is pivotal, and we are confident in your ability to continue providing compassionate care to our patients. If there are any accommodations needed for a smooth transition back, please don't hesitate to communicate them.

Wishing you continued good health,

[Hospital/Clinic Name]

Feel free to adapt these samples to suit the specific circumstances and culture of your organization.

5 Benefits of a Rejoining Letter After Leave

A well-crafted sample rejoining letter after leave brings forth a multitude of benefits that contribute to a seamless transition and effective communication. We will explore five key advantages:

1. Clarity in Intent

Submitting a rejoining letter provides a platform for employees to articulate their intent clearly. So, it leaves no room for ambiguity, ensuring both the employer and employee are on the same page regarding the return to work.

Example: "By submitting this rejoining letter, I confirm my intent to return to work on [specified date], bringing clarity to my professional career ."

2. Formal Acknowledgment

A rejoining letter serves as a formal acknowledgment of an employee's return. Therefore, it becomes a tangible record in the employee's file, reinforcing the legitimacy of their reintegration.

Example: "This rejoining letter acts as a formal acknowledgment of my return, facilitating a smooth transition back into the team."

3. Communication of Conditions

In situations where special conditions or adjustments are necessary, a rejoining letter becomes a vital tool for communicating these needs. Whether it is a phased return or specific accommodations, the letter paves the way for constructive discussions.

Example: "I use this letter to communicate the conditions of my return, and I am open to discussions regarding any necessary adjustments for a successful reintegration."

4. Reaffirmation of Commitment

The act of preparing and submitting a rejoining letter signifies a reaffirmation of commitment. For this reason, it allows employees to express their dedication to their roles and responsibilities.

Example: "Through this rejoining letter, I reaffirm my commitment to contributing positively to the team, ready to resume my duties with enthusiasm."

5. Documentation for Future Reference

A rejoining letter becomes a documented reference for future purposes. Consequently, it can be referred to in discussions related to performance reviews, promotions, or any other professional evaluations.

Example: "This rejoining letter, once filed, serves as a documented reference for future evaluations, reflecting my commitment to the organization."

Components of an Effective Rejoining Letter: Crafting a Seamless Return

Crafting a sample rejoining letter after leave is an art that involves incorporating essential components for a smooth transition back into the professional sphere. For this reason, the effectiveness of such a letter lies in the careful consideration of key elements.

Clear Expression of Intent

When composing a sample rejoining letter after leave, in other words, make your intentions unequivocally clear. This sets the tone for a seamless reintegration into the workforce.

"After a rejuvenating leave period, I am writing this letter to express my wholehearted intent to rejoin the team on [specified date]."

Acknowledgment of Previous Leave

However, it is crucial to gracefully acknowledge the period of absence. As a result, expressing gratitude for the understanding and support during your leave enhances the professional tone.

"I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the support extended to me during my absence. Your understanding has been invaluable."

Proposed Return Date

Including the specific date of your return is a fundamental aspect. Therefore, clarity on your availability allows for better planning within the organization.

"I am excited to inform you that I plan to resume my duties on [specified date], ready to contribute effectively to ongoing projects."

Updates, if Any

In addition, providing any relevant updates, especially changes in contact information or other personal details, ensures seamless communication upon your return.

"Kindly note that there have been updates to my contact details. I can now be reached at [new contact information] starting from my return date."

Emphasizing the Importance

To clarify, reiterate the importance of this communication. In addition, highlighting the role of the rejoining letter in facilitating a smooth comeback underscores its significance.

"This rejoining letter aims to serve as a formal declaration of my return, ensuring a well-coordinated and efficient transition for both parties."

Professional Tone

Maintaining a professional tone throughout the letter is paramount. Therefore, this contributes to a positive perception of your return among colleagues and superiors.

"I appreciate your understanding and look forward to contributing my best to the team upon my return. Thank you for considering my request."

Closing on a Positive Note

In other words, conclude the letter on an optimistic note, expressing eagerness to resume duties and contribute positively to the organization.

"Anticipating a fruitful collaboration upon my return, I am excited to reconnect with the team and tackle new challenges together."

Incorporating these components thoughtfully into your sample rejoining letter after leave ensures a comprehensive and effective communication of your intent to return to work.

Sample Rejoining Letter After Maternity Leave: Navigating a Seamless Return

In this section, we delve into the intricacies of crafting a sample rejoining letter after maternity leave, emphasizing its significance, components, and the role it plays in ensuring a smooth transition back to the professional sphere. For this reason, returning to work after maternity leave is a significant milestone for many professionals. Also, a well-drafted rejoining letter not only serves as a formal notification but also communicates the employee's commitment, ensuring a positive and supportive atmosphere upon their return.

Navigating Components with Precision

So, here are the components of the mail sample rejoining letter after leave:

Expressing Gratitude

Example: "I extend heartfelt gratitude for the support extended during my maternity leave. It was invaluable."

Clear Intent to Return

Example: "I write to formally express my intent to resume work on [specified date], eager to contribute effectively to ongoing projects."

Flexible Transition Plans

Example: "Understanding the need for a smooth transition, I am open to discussions regarding a phased return or any necessary adjustments."

Update on Availability

Example: "Kindly note my adjusted availability during the initial weeks. I am committed to a gradual transition for the well-being of both the team and me."

Request for Necessary Arrangements

Example: "I kindly request a meeting to discuss any changes in roles, responsibilities, or accommodations that might facilitate a seamless return."

Emphasizing Open Communication

To clarify, maintaining open lines of communication is essential. A well-structured rejoining letter acts as a catalyst, encouraging transparent discussions between the returning employee and the employer.

Addressing Concerns Through Professionalism

Example: "I appreciate your understanding and am open to addressing any concerns you might have. Together, we can ensure a smooth reintegration into the workplace."

The Role of the Rejoining Letter in Employee Empowerment

So, a carefully composed rejoining letter empowers employees, providing them with a formal channel to communicate their needs, concerns, and expectations. Therefore, it fosters a sense of confidence and control, contributing to a positive work experience.

Sample Rejoining Letter After Medical Leave: A Comprehensive Guide

In this section, we explore the intricacies of crafting a sample rejoining letter after medical leave. So, this is a crucial document that not only signifies a return to professional responsibilities but also communicates the employee's commitment to their role. For this reason, rejoining the workforce after a medical leave involves thoughtful communication. Consequently, the rejoining letter serves as a formal channel to convey the employee's readiness to resume duties and outlines any necessary considerations.

Essential Components

So, here are the components of this type of sample rejoining letter after leave:

Gratitude for Support

Example: "I express sincere appreciation for the support and understanding extended during my medical leave. It has been invaluable."

Example: "I am writing to officially communicate my intent to rejoin the team on [specified date]. I look forward to contributing actively."

Communication of Health Status

Example: "As I return, I want to assure you that my health is significantly improved, and I am ready to resume my responsibilities with full dedication."

Request for Accommodations (if applicable)

Example: "I kindly request a meeting to discuss any necessary accommodations or adjustments to facilitate a smooth transition back into my role."

Acknowledgment of Workplace Support

Example: "I would like to acknowledge the support received from both colleagues and management during my absence, which has been instrumental in my recovery."

Emphasizing Professionalism

To clarify, maintaining a professional tone is essential. Therefore, the rejoining letter is not just a formality; it sets the tone for the employee's reintegration into the professional environment.

Addressing Ongoing Health Considerations

Example: "While I have recovered substantially, I am committed to maintaining open communication regarding any ongoing health considerations that might impact my work."

Facilitating Smooth Reintegration

So, a well-crafted rejoining letter acts as a bridge, facilitating a smooth transition for both the returning employee and the team. Therefore, it encourages open dialogue, ensuring that any concerns or considerations are addressed proactively.

Reasons Why You Might Need a Sample Rejoining Letter After Leave

So, in various professional scenarios, having a sample rejoining letter after leave becomes imperative, serving as a bridge to communication and a formal acknowledgment of an employee's return. For this reason, we will delve into ten compelling reasons why such a letter holds significance:

1. Medical Recovery

Firstly, returning after a medical leave necessitates clarity on the employee's improved health status and the intention to resume work actively.

Example: "Given the improved state of my health post-medical leave, this letter confirms my readiness to rejoin the team."

2. Maternity Transition

New mothers often require a seamless transition back to work, highlighting the need for a letter that outlines their return and any necessary accommodations.

Example: "In line with company policies, I am excited to communicate my return from maternity leave, seeking your support for a smooth transition."

3. Extended Personal Leave

Also, employees taking an extended personal leave might need a rejoining letter to formally communicate their intent to return and initiate discussions on any required adjustments. For this reason, they need the sample rejoining letter after leave. 

Example: "After a period of personal leave, I wish to confirm my return date and discuss any accommodations needed for a successful reintegration."

4. Educational Pursuits

So, individuals pursuing educational endeavors may require a letter to articulate their commitment to balancing academic pursuits with professional responsibilities.

Example: "Having completed my educational pursuits, I am eager to return to the team, bringing newfound skills and perspectives."

5. Family Responsibilities

Employees addressing family responsibilities may need a letter to discuss how they plan to manage their familial commitments alongside work obligations. So, they need the sample rejoining letter after leave. 

Example: "Returning after addressing family responsibilities, I am committed to maintaining a balance that ensures optimal focus on both fronts."

6. Professional Development

Also, staff members on sabbatical for professional development might need a letter indicating their return and a willingness to contribute their enhanced skills.

Example: "Returning from a professional development break, I look forward to leveraging my newfound expertise for the benefit of the team."

7. Personal Well-being

Employees prioritizing personal well-being may require a letter to communicate their return post a leave dedicated to self-care.

Example: "With a renewed focus on personal well-being, I am excited to rejoin the workforce, bringing a refreshed perspective."

8. Relocation Adjustment

So, those returning after a period of relocation might need a letter to discuss adjustments and reaffirm their commitment to their role.

Example: "Post-relocation, I am committed to ensuring a seamless adjustment, and I appreciate the support as I resume my duties."

9. Unexpected Life Events

Also, employees returning after unexpected life events might use a letter to express gratitude for support and articulate their determination to move forward.

Example: "Grateful for the support during unforeseen circumstances, I am eager to return, demonstrating resilience and commitment."

10. Professional Transition

So, individuals transitioning between roles or departments might require a letter to signify their readiness to embrace the new professional landscape.

Example: "Amidst professional transitions, this letter confirms my enthusiasm to embark on this new role and contribute meaningfully."

In conclusion, returning to work is a significant step, and a well-crafted sample rejoining letter after leave ensures a positive transition. For more insights and guidance on professional matters, visit The Talent Point . 

Our Takeaway

In short, it is easy to find the perfect job in the UAE with these top job portals. Some of the unique features these websites have include new-age video calling interviews with TheTalentPoint and easy application processes with GulfTalent, ensuring a boosted job search for you. Whether you're an employer looking for top talent or a job seeker eyeing that perfect job, these job sites come in handy. The best job portal in the UAE, one shining star trusted by job seekers and employers alike for efficiency and reliability, is TheTalentpoint.

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Joining Letter After Leave | Check the Format and Samples

A joining letter after leave or a rejoining letter is a formal letter written by the employee or a former employee to the employer when they want to rejoin the organisation after a long break. A joining report after leave is generally written addressing the CEO/Manager/HR/Principal. A joining letter after leave is written in the formal letter format and the language used should be simple. The letter should explain all details of your leave and the rejoining. Read the article to learn the format in detail and check the samples for the same.

Table of Contents

Joining application after leave – formats and samples, joining letter after leave – format.

  • Joining Report after Maternity Leave

Joining Application after Leave due to Illness

Rejoining letter.

  • Frequently Asked Questions on Joining Letter after Leave

In our lifetime, we have written various kinds of letters to various people such as permission letters , letters to the HR for different reasons, applications to the Principal of the school, transfer applications, informal letters , etc. A joining letter after a long leave or an unpaid sabbatical leave has to mention all information pertaining to your leave and your joining date.

A joining letter after leave shall be written in the following format:

  • Name and address
  • Company’s name and address
  • Body mentioning the reasons
  • Closure of letter
  • Your name and details

Samples of Writing a Joining Report after Leave

To understand the format better, we have provided a few sample letters for your reference.

Joining Report After Maternity Leave

Tejaswini Mohapatra

75 Kamalam, B. Narayanpura

Mahadevpura, Bangalore

24th February, 2022

The HR Manager

Assure Pvt.Ltd

Sub: Rejoining office after maternity leave

Dear Chethan,

This is to inform you that I would be rejoining work from the 1st of March, 2022. I have been on maternity leave since March 3, 2021, and it ends on the 28th of February, 2022. I am sharing my employee ID and other job information for your reference. Kindly go through them and let me know if there is any other information I need to provide.

Name: Tejaswini Mohapatra

Emp ID: E0000

Role: Content writer

Dept: Digital marketing

Request you to consider this letter as my official intimation and do the needful.



Content Writer


  • Medical reports
  • Copy of the leave approval

#779, Sri Vihar Enclave

Banaswadi, Bangalore

The Chief Academic Officer

SAFF Solutions

Sub: Request to resume work after medical leave

Respected Sir,

I am Sofie Soni with employee ID E0000, working as Content Head in the Digital Marketing Team. I would like to inform you that I was on leave from 18th – 26th of January, 2022 because I was affected with COVID-19. I will be joining work on 27th February, 2022 as discussed over the phone.

I have attached my medical test reports along with this letter. I request you to kindly accept the joining letter. Awaiting your approval.

Yours faithfully,

Karishma Dutta

887, Dairy Circle

Koramangala, Bangalore

The Principal

Marian School of Social Science

Dairy Circle, Bangalore

Sub: Intimation of rejoining work

I, Karishma Dutta (TGT English), am writing this letter to intimate that I am ready to start work from the 3rd of April, 2022 as discussed previously. I had taken a sabbatical leave of two months (March and April) to complete my doctoral thesis. I have finished all research work and my viva is scheduled in the month of June. Kindly consider this as my official intimation and allow me to rejoin work from Monday (03/04/22).


TGT English

Frequently Asked Questions on Joining Letter After Leave

Why is a joining letter after leave sent.

A joining letter after leave is written to the organisation where you are working. It is written to inform your workplace that you will be joining the office on a certain date after a long leave.

How do I write a joining application after leave?

A joining application after leave can be written following the formal letter format including the details like the sender’s address, date, receiver’s address, reasons behind the rejoining in the body of the letter, complimentary closing, signature and name in block letters. Also make sure you attach the necessary documents for reference along with the letter.

Can I write a rejoining letter after I have resigned from the company?

Yes, you can write a rejoining letter after you have resigned from the company but you will have to mention the reasons behind your resignation and your rejoining.

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sample letter to resume work after leave

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Return to Work Letters: Samples for Every Maternity Circumstance

Manage the transition back to work by letting your manager know what you need.

Dominique Brooks is a professional writer, editor, and consultant. She is a medical doctor (MD) and has a Master of Business Administration degree.

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If you're preparing to return to work after maternity leave , you probably have a mile-long to-do list to prepare for this transition. Writing a return-to-work letter, either an email or a hard-copy, to your employer should be one of the things on your list.

Your manager probably knows that you are returning but may not be aware of your specific return date. Writing a letter lets your manager know when to expect you back and gives you the opportunity to ask for any scheduling changes and/or accommodations you'll need upon your return.

Basic Return to Work Letter

A basic return to work letter will work for most situations. You can write your own or use the ones that are provided here. There are some key points to include in any return to work letter. These include:

  • Your return date
  • Date your maternity leave began
  • Accommodations and schedule requests (if any)
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Along with your return to work letter, you may want to include other documentation, such as:

  • Note from healthcare provider
  • Copy of your original maternity leave request letter
  • Copy of confirmation letter of maternity leave approval from HR

You can download and use the return to work letter below to send to your manager to let them know your plans. If you need help downloading the printable letter, check out these helpful tips.


Return to Work Letters for Special Circumstances

There may also be a special circumstance when you need to make some modifications for your return to work. In that case, you'll need a specific type of return to work letter that fits your situation. The letters below can be used to help you get the accommodations that you need to make your transition more effective.

Letter for Returning to Work Early

Some parents need or prefer to shorten the length of their maternity leave and return to work early. In some cases, this may be for financial reasons, or a desire to return to the work they love. Whatever the reason, it's important to notify your employer that you are returning to work earlier than planned.

Your letter does not need to include the specific reason(s) for your early return, but you do need to let your manager know your expected return date. Some employers require a certain period of time for notice (e.g., 2 weeks), so be sure to check with your human resources department to ask how much notice is required.

Extended Leave Letter

Although many employers are receptive to a conversation about extra maternity leave , it's important to make your wishes known in writing. Before you ask for an extended leave, check in with human resources to ask how much time you have available to take off with pay or without pay. Every organization is different, so make sure you understand your company's policies for extra time off.

  • How to Get Extra Maternity Leave

Your extended leave letter must be sent well in advance of your expected return date. This gives your employer the opportunity to find (or keep) your replacement to cover your duties during your absence.

Return to Work with a Schedule Change

As a new parent, you may find that your previous schedule will no longer work for you and your family. You may want to switch to part-time work, need to change your starting time or end time, or need breaks throughout the work day.

Before writing the letter, work with your supervisor to create a schedule that works for you and your employer. It is helpful to let your boss know why you are requesting a schedule change and how you plan to make this work not only for yourself but also for your employer. This sample return to work letter (below) should be sent after you've discussed your proposed new schedule with your supervisor.

Breastfeeding Accommodations When Returning to Work

Continuing to breastfeed after returning to work may mean that you need certain accommodations. This may include a quiet place to pump milk , scheduled breaks for pumping, a place to store the milk , and/or other alterations to your schedule and workplace.

The federal " Break Time for Nursing Mothers " law requires that all employers are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to provide basic accommodations for breastfeeding mothers at work, which includes time to express milk and private space that is not a bathroom to pump.

This example letter is easy to modify according to your own circumstances and will serve as documentation of your request. Send this letter well in advance of your return to work to allow your company the opportunity to make appropriate arrangements.

Unable to Perform Job Duties Letter

After the birth of your baby, there may be certain parts of your job that you are unable to perform. For example, lifting heavy objects or sitting for an extended period of time. A work restriction or modification should only be asked for if medically necessary, and your letter should state the reasons(s) why you are unable to perform specific duties.

If this is a temporary problem such as needing additional time for c-section incision to heal, you can discuss your modified needs with your supervisor. However, if the problem is longer term, your workplace may require a letter from your healthcare provider in order to provide appropriate accommodations. It's best to use this letter as a follow-up to a conversation with your employer.

Tips for Crafting the Best Return to Work Letter

Return to work letters do not have to be very long. Short, sweet and succinct is typically all it takes to get your point across. Here are some pointers on how to write a good return to work letter:

  • Choose email or mail format . Email may be okay, but some companies require hard copies/mailed letters on official letterhead. Check in with your HR department about which they prefer.
  • Show enthusiasm . Though you may have mixed feelings about leaving your new baby, showing enthusiasm about your return helps set the tone for a positive return. It may be helpful to thank them for the time off during this life-changing event.
  • Touch base with other parents . If you have fellow parents at your workplace, reach out to them to ask for advice on how to best handle your letter/request/return. They may have some good tips and pointers to make the transition a little easier on you and your baby.
  • Communicate clearly . Clearly state your return date and any requested scheduling changes and accommodations in the letter without beating around the bush.
  • Check company policies . If your company has specific rules or your contract states guidelines for maternity leave and work returns, make sure you are aware of them. This way, you're not asking for accommodations that are not within your company's ability to grant.
  • Add your own voice. The template letters provided are a good start, but it's always a good idea to add your own 'voice' to your letter so it doesn't feel stale or generic.

More Resources

Need more help crafting your return to work letter? Books that offer letter writing tips and sample letters may be at your local library or available for purchase at your local bookstore or online. There is a lot of information online but sometimes you just want to hold a book and flip through the pages. If this is you, we've compiled some options for you.

Helpful letter-writing books include:

  • Webster's New World Letter Writing Handbook
  • 1,001 Letters For All Occasions: The Best Models for Every Business and Personal Need
  • Writing That Works: How to Communicate Effectively in Business.

As you prepare for your return to work, communicate with your manager and coworkers as clearly and consistently as possible. Other parents may be able to help guide you through the transition and provide support. And above all, remember to be patient with yourself as you navigate this stage of the parenting process.

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Leave Letter After Taking Leave: How to Write It Right

  leave letter after taking leave: a complete guide.

Leave letter after taking leave  is an important communication tool that helps employees formally notify their employer about their return to work or request additional leave.

Whether you've completed your leave or need an extension due to unforeseen circumstances, writing a clear and professional leave lette r ensures transparency and maintains a good relationship with your employer.

In this guide, we’ll explore the best practices for drafting a leave letter after taking leave, along with examples and tips to make the process seamless.

Understanding the Importance of a Leave Letter After Taking Leave

Why is a leave letter necessary.

After taking leave, a follow-up letter serves several purposes. It formally notifies your employer of your intention to return to work or requests an extension if you need more time off. This letter ensures that your absence is properly documented and helps maintain clear communication with your employer. A well-written leave letter can also reflect your professionalism and commitment to your responsibilities.

Common Scenarios

There are various situations where you might need to write a leave letter after returning from leave:

  • Returning to Work : When you’ve completed your leave and are ready to resume your duties.
  • Requesting a Leave Extension : If your leave period needs extended due to ongoing medical treatment or other reasons.
  • Medical Leave Follow-Up : After recovering from an illness, iinformyour employer of your readiness to return or nneed more recovery time

How to Write a Leave Letter After Taking Leave

Structure of the letter.

When writing a  leave letter after taking leave , it’s important to follow a structured format:

  • Subject Line : Clearly state the purpose, such as "Leave Extension Request" or "Return to Work Notification."
  • Salutation : Address your manager or HR representative politely.
  • Introduction : Mention the purpose of the letter and reference your previous leave.
  • Body : Provide necessary details, such as your return date or reasons for requesting additional leave.
  • Conclusion : Express gratitude for their understanding and confirm any next steps.
  • Signature : Sign off with your name and contact information.

Key Points to Include

When drafting your leave letter, make sure to include the following key points:

  • Mention of Previous Leave : Reference the leave you recently took, including the dates.
  • Reason for Follow-Up : Explain whether you’re returning to work or need more leave.
  • Supporting Details : If you're requesting an extension, provide any necessary documentation, such as a medical certificate.
  • Handover Details : If you’re returning to work, mention how you plan to resume your duties or handover if further leave is needed.
  • Contact Information : Ensure your employer can reach you for any further discussion.

Tips for Writing an Effective Leave Letter

  • Be Concise : Keep the letter brief and concise, focusing on the essential information.
  • Maintain a Professional Tone : Use formal language and be respectful.
  • Provide Documentation : If requesting an extension, include any necessary medical certificates or relevant documents.
  • Clarify Next Steps : Whether you’re returning or need more time off, clearly state what you’ll do next.

Sample Leave Letters After Taking Leave

Leave letter for school from parents after taking leave.

Subject:  Leave Letter for [Child’s Name] After Recent Absence

Dear [Class Teacher's Name]/[Principal's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that my child, [Child’s Name], who was on leave from [start date] to [end date] due to [reason, e.g., illness, family emergency], has now fully recovered and is ready to resume classes. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the sudden leave.

During the period of absence, [Child’s Name] missed some important lessons and assignments. We would greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with details of the missed work so that we can ensure [Child name] catches up promptly. We value your support and understanding in helping [Child’s Name] transition back to regular school activities smoothly.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Leave Letter for Fever After Taking Leave 

Subject:  Leave Letter for Absence Due to Fever

Dear [Manager's Name],

I am writing to inform you that I was recently on sick leave from [start date] to [end date] due to a high fever. My doctor advised me to rest during this period, and I have since fully recovered.

I apologize for any disruption my absence may have caused and assure you that I am now ready to resume my duties. If any missed work or urgent tasks need my attention, please let me know, and I will address them promptly.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Already Taken Leave Application Letter for Office

Subject:  Leave Application Following Recent Absence

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally document the leave I took from [start date] to [end date] due to [reason, e.g., personal reasons, medical issues]. Although I had verbally informed you earlier, I wanted to ensure this leave is properly recorded.

I have fully addressed the issue that necessitated the leave and am ready to resume my responsibilities. If there are any pending tasks from my absence, I am prepared to catch up on them as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.


Sick Leave Application After Taking Leave 

Subject:  Sick Leave Application for [Dates]

I am writing to inform you that I had to take sick leave from [start date] to [end date] due to [brief description of illness, e.g., a severe cold]. Unfortunately, the illness required more recovery time than initially expected, and I needed to extend my leave to ensure a full recovery.

I am now feeling much better and am ready to return to work. I apologize for the inconvenience my absence may have caused and am committed to catching up on missed responsibilities. Please let me know if there are any specific tasks you would like me to prioritize upon my return.

Apology Letter for Leave Without Information (School by Parents)

Subject:  Apology for Uninformed Leave of [Child's Name]

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to express my sincere apologies for [Child's Name]’s recent absence from school between [start date] and [end date], which occurred without prior notice. Unfortunately, due to an unforeseen family emergency, we could not inform the school in advance of [Child’s Name]’s need for leave.

I understand the importance of notifying the school about absences to ensure that [Child's Name] keeps up with their studies and does not miss important lessons. This lack of communication on our part was not intentional, and we deeply regret any inconvenience this may have caused. We are truly sorry for any disruption this may have caused.

If any assignments or lessons [Child's Name] are missed during this period, please let us know, and we will make every effort to ensure they catch up as quickly as possible. We truly appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. Your assistance in helping [Child's Name] catch up with their studies is invaluable to us.

Apology Letter for Leave Without Information to office

Subject:  Apology for Unapproved Leave from [Dates]

I hope this message finds you well. I sincerely apologize for my absence from work between [start date] and [end date], which occurred without prior notification or approval. An unexpected personal emergency arose, leaving me unable to promptly communicate my need for leave.

I fully recognize the importance of adhering to company leave protocols and the impact my unnotified absence may have had on our team. This situation was unforeseen, and I deeply regret any disruption it caused our workflow. I want to assure you that I have taken steps to prevent this from happening in the future, including setting up an emergency contact plan.

Going forward, I will make every effort to ensure all leave requests are communicated promptly and approved in advance. If any tasks or responsibilities were affected during my absence, I am ready to address them immediately.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. I apologize once again for any inconvenience this has caused.

Request for Leave Extension Due to Medical Treatment

Subject:  Request for Extension of Medical Leave

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request an extension of my medical leave due to ongoing treatment. Initially, I planned to return on [original return date], but my doctor has advised that I need additional time to recover fully.

I have attached an updated medical certificate for your reference. During this extended leave, I will remain available via email for any urgent matters and have coordinated with [colleague's name] to manage my responsibilities.

Thank you for considering my request.

Best Practices for Sending a Leave Letter After Taking Leave

  • Timing is Crucial: Send your leave letter when you know you’re ready to return or need an extension. This timely communication helps your employer plan accordingly and ensures a smooth transition.
  • Choose the Right Medium: While an email is typically sufficient, in some cases, especially for formal requests, you might consider delivering a hard copy in person or via mail. Ensure the letter is addressed to the right person, whether your manager, HR, or both.
  • Follow Up if Necessary: Following up is important if you don’t receive a response within a reasonable timeframe. This ensures that your request or notification has been received and processed.

Conclusion: The Importance of Clear Communication

Writing a  leave letter after taking leave  is essential in maintaining clear and professional communication with your employer. Whether returning to work or requesting additional time off, a well-crafted letter can help manage expectations and keep your work responsibilities in order. By following the guidelines and using the sample letters provided, you can ensure your leave process is smooth and well-documented.

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To write a leave application, you should include the following information: the reason for the leave, the dates of the leave, how you will keep in touch (if applicable), and a plan for catching up on any missed work.

You should submit your leave application as soon as you know that you need to take time off. This will allow your employer to plan accordingly and minimize disruption to the workplace.

This depends on your employer's policies and the specific reason for the leave.

In some cases, an unpaid leave of absence may be granted for personal or family reasons. However, it is best to discuss this with your employer to determine what is possible.

Yes, most employers are required to provide maternity and paternity leave to eligible employees. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

Yes, employees who are called to active military duty are entitled to take a leave of absence for military service. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

To request a leave of absence, you should first check with your employer to see what their policies and procedures are for taking time off. In most cases, you will need to submit a written request for leave to your supervisor or HR department. Be sure to include the reason for your leave, the dates you plan to be out, and any other relevant information.

Yes, in most cases you can take a leave of absence for personal reasons. However, the specific reasons for which you are allowed to take time off will vary depending on your employer's policies and the laws in your state. For example, some employers may allow you to take time off for personal reasons such as to care for a sick family member, while others may only permit leaves for medical reasons.

Whether your benefits will continue while you are on leave will depend on the specific policies of your employer and the laws in your state. In some cases, your employer may continue to provide benefits such as health insurance and paid time off during your leave, while in other cases, you may need to pay for these benefits yourself or they may be suspended during your leave.

Whether you will have to pay taxes on your leave pay will depend on the specific type of leave you are taking and the laws in your country.

For example, if you are taking a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the US, the pay you receive during your leave may be tax-free.

However, if you are taking a personal leave of absence without pay, you will not receive any pay and therefore will not have to pay taxes on it.


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sample letter to resume work after leave

Sample Letter of Return to Work after Vacation

Letter for Return to Work After Vacation Template

If you have been away from work because of the vacation that you had taken and now you intend to get back to work then in such a scenario, it is very important for you to write an Employee Return to Work Letter .

This post includes an Employee Return to Work Letter Sample which you can use for creating a personalized letter of return to work after vacation. You can simply follow this Employee Return to Work Letter Example for creating a perfect letter with all the details needed to be included in one such letter.

Letter for Return to Work After Vacation Template

Henry Brown

54, Trivia Apartments

Date: October 20, 2023

Mr. Richard Gibbs

Zenith Advertising Company

Sub: Regarding return to work after vacation.

Dear Mr. Richard,

Before starting with the letter, I would sincerely like to thank you for understanding me and supporting me in taking this vacation which was always one of the most important things to do for me.

As you are aware that I was on a long vacation for 45 days and now I have returned back in California. I am all set to resume my duties from October 31 st , 2023. I was one of the most inspiring trips I have ever had wherein I got to learn about the European culture and history and this would have not been possible had you not been supportive of me taking such a long break from work. I would also like to sincerely apologize for all the inconvenience my absence would have caused you or our company.

But while I was away, I was in regular touch with me colleagues and was helping them with the marketing campaigns that were scheduled during this time while I was absent. I am aware that we have two very important marketing campaigns coming up in the month of October and there are lot of other campaigns lined up because of the festive season that is around the corner.

I am truly blessed to be a part of such a great organization which is always supportive of the dreams of their employees. Thank you once again for all the support.

Search Sample Formats:

  • https://www yourhrworld com/formats/letters/letter-for-return-to-work-after-vacation/

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Be the first to comment - What do you think? Posted by Hrformats - October 19, 2023 at 3:49 PM

Categories: Letters  Tags: Employee , Letter , Return Work Letter , Vacation , Vacation Letter , Warning Letter

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Sample Letter for Return to Work After Maternity Leave

These templates provide a range of approaches for individuals communicating their return to work after maternity leave. From formal notifications to friendly updates, the templates cover various tones and levels of detail. They express eagerness to rejoin the team, gratitude for support during maternity leave, and openness to collaborative planning for a seamless return. The templates are designed to suit different communication styles while ensuring a positive and professional tone throughout the return-to-work process.

Template 1: Formal Return to Work Letter

Subject: Return to Work after Maternity Leave

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to officially notify you of my intention to return to work after my maternity leave. My planned return date is [specific date], and I am eager to resume my responsibilities.

I appreciate your understanding during my absence and am committed to ensuring a smooth transition back into my role. Please let me know if there are any additional arrangements or preparations required.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to rejoining the team.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Template 2: Friendly Return to Work Letter

Subject: Excited to Return to Work!

Hi [Supervisor’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share the exciting news that I am ready to return to work after my maternity leave. My expected return date is [specific date], and I am enthusiastic about rejoining the team.

I’ve made arrangements for a smooth transition and am open to any discussions or preparations needed. Looking forward to catching up with everyone and getting back into the swing of things.

Thank you for your support.

Best, [Your Name]

Template 3: Brief Return to Work Notification

Subject: Return to Work Notice

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I will be returning to work on [specific date] following my maternity leave. I am eager to resume my responsibilities and contribute to the team’s success.

Please let me know if there are any specific arrangements or updates I should be aware of before my return.

Thank you for your understanding.

Template 4: Expressing Gratitude for Maternity Leave

Subject: Gratitude for Maternity Leave

I hope this message finds you well. As my maternity leave comes to an end, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the support and understanding you’ve shown during this special time. I am excited to return to work on [specific date] and am committed to a seamless transition.

Your continued support is appreciated, and I look forward to contributing to the team’s success upon my return.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Template 5: Collaborative Return Plan

Subject: Collaborative Return Plan Discussion

I trust this email finds you well. As I prepare to return to work on [specific date] after my maternity leave, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss and plan for a smooth transition. I am open to any suggestions or adjustments needed to ensure a successful return to my responsibilities.

Please let me know a convenient time for a meeting to discuss the details.

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    When writing a leave letter after taking leave, it's important to follow a structured format: Subject Line: Clearly state the purpose, such as "Leave Extension Request" or "Return to Work Notification." Salutation: Address your manager or HR representative politely. Introduction: Mention the purpose of the letter and reference your previous ...

  22. Sample Letter of Return to Work after Vacation

    California. Sub: Regarding return to work after vacation. Dear Mr. Richard, Before starting with the letter, I would sincerely like to thank you for understanding me and supporting me in taking this vacation which was always one of the most important things to do for me. As you are aware that I was on a long vacation for 45 days and now I have ...

  23. Sample Letter for Return to Work After Maternity Leave

    Template 1: Formal Return to Work Letter. Subject: Return to Work after Maternity Leave. Dear [Supervisor's Name], I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to officially notify you of my intention to return to work after my maternity leave. My planned return date is [specific date], and I am eager to resume my responsibilities.