house committee assignments texas

Understanding Texas Committee Appointments

Table of contents.

In the wake of the loss of the super colliding super conductor that would’ve put Texas on the global map, I cheered with optimism as a scientist was finally elected to Texas congress. He ran on a platform that he would correct the mistakes of funding that lead to recent waste in scientific funding. However I was stunned when, after his election, he was not appointed to the committee on science and technology. In fact he was appointed to a committee that had very little to do with anything (waste management). This was because, as we’ve discussed in our explanation of how Texas bills become laws , committee assignments have little to do with ones speciality or knowledgeable, but rather how senior the elected representative is.

While we’ll have section at the bottom with helpful links and sources, note that both the Texas house and senate have two different official websites that we’ll go ahead and link to now. In addition to the helpful links at the bottom of this page, we’ll continue to update this page with information about committee appointments and committee assignments as they happen.

  • Texas Senate Website
  • Texas House Website

Why do Committee Assignments Matter?

Before a bill is voted on in either the house or the senate, it first goes through the relevant committee. This works the same way whether you’re in Texas, Georgia or even at the federal Government level. The reasoning for committees is that chambers of congress cannot vote on every bill that gets filed (there’s just too many) so committees are a way of making the process “manageable.” If a bill fails to make it out of the committee (be it the Senate or House), the bill is dead. So the stakes are high.

What do they do?

Once a bill is successfully filed by an elected representative, the bill is assigned to the relevant committee. If the bill is first filed in the house then it is assigned to a House committee. If the bill is filed in the Senate, then it is assigned to a Senate committee. Once a bill is assigned to a particular Committee they’ll call in relevant experts and have a series of debates within the committee before voting. If the bill passes the committee in the respective chamber, then the bill goes to the floor of that chamber first (where it is debated) and then ultimately a vote from all members in that chamber.

All bills must go through this process, committees cannot be bypassed.

How Are They Chosen

If you’ve read the entire article up to now, you should be asking yourself “Well, how are committee assignments chosen then?” Good question. In Texas the Senate and the House have a different process but both rely on the head of the chamber (Speaker of the house and the Lieutenant Governor) determining committee assignments based on referrals from their own party.

How House Committees Appointments Are Made

In Texas, House committee assignments are made by the speaker of the house, according to the official Senate website (and note the importance of seniority): “The members give the speaker the authority to appoint the membership of each standing committee, subject to rules on seniority, and to designate the chair and vice chair for each committee. Under the rules, the speaker is responsible for referring all proposed legislation to committee, subject to the committee jurisdictions set forth in the rules. The rules also allow the speaker to appoint conference committees, to create select committees, and to direct committees to conduct interim studies when the legislature is not in session.”

However that’s not all of it. The first part, perhaps the most important part, explicitly makes reference to the importance of seniority. Via official house rules , half of a committees’ seats are assigned by seniority. In cases where representatives have equal seniority, the speaker makes the call on who gets the seat. After half of committee seats are decided, the Speaker of the House then chooses the rest of that committees appointments.

The most recent speaker of the house was Dade Phalen , who took over the position in 2021.

How Senate Committees Are Chosen

Senate committee assignments in Texas are appointments made by the Lieutenant Governor. The standing Lieutenant Governor is conservative radio talk show host Dan Patrick (but not the former ESPN talk show host).

Current House Committees

Here is the full list of all 34 (plus multiple subcommittees) current in the Texas house of representatives. Let’s take one example to show you how to see the activity (and current members) of a committee. On the previous link, click on any one of the committees from the list. We’ll take the first one, the Agriculture & Livestock Committee.

Texas House Committee Website

The red line points to “Bills Referred”–this will take you to the following page which indicate which bills were referred to the committee during the previous session. The list is split into two sections “Bills In Committee” and “Bills Out Of Committee.” The bills out of committee are the bills that successfully passed through the committe.

Agriculture & Livestock
Business & Industry
County Affairs
Criminal Jurisprudence
Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Defense & Veterans’ Affairs
Energy Resources
Environmental Regulation
General Investigating
Higher Education
Homeland Security & Public Safety
House Administration
Human Services
International Relations & Economic Development
Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Land & Resource Management
Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Local & Consent Calendars
Natural Resources
Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Public Education
Public Health
Resolutions Calendars
State Affairs
Urban Affairs
Ways & Means

Current Senate Committees

Below is a table of the current senate Committees in Texas in tabular form. Though their official website is hard to navigate and looks like it was built in the 1990s (one of the reasons we made this website), the official Texas Senate Website is actually full of information if you know how to access it. Notice that the Texas Senate has only 15 committees committees compared to the House’s 34 (not counting sub-committees).

Business & Commerce
Criminal Justice
Health & Human Services
Higher Education
Local Government
Natural Resources & Economic Development
State Affairs
Veteran Affairs & Border Security
Water, Agriculture & Rural Affairs

Helpful Links

House Committee meetings : Every house committee in the Texas legislature keeps a list of every meeting that took place, the witness list for the meeting, and the minutes of the meeting. You can access this by clicking here and clicking on the relevant committee. This will pull up a list of every committee meeting from the session selected.

Watch and see upcoming house Committee Meetings : This page will be updated when the session begins with the schedule of house committee meetings. You will also be able to access a live stream of all committee meetings from this page.

Senate Committee Meetings : The previous link will take you to a page, similar to the first link that sent you to a list of house committee meetings, only this takes you to a list of Senate committee meetings.

Watch and see upcoming Senate Committee Meetings : The previous link will take you to a page that, after the session begins, will be updated with a schedule of all upcoming meetings by committee in the Senate.

Find Committee Assignments By Name : This reverses the structure and allows you to look for committee assignments by elected representative. As we discussed, most representatives will serve on 2-3 different committees with the more senior representatives being on the more “important” committees.

house committee assignments texas is a website dedicated to monitoring, communicating and informing Texans about law changes across the state. 

Speaker Dade Phelan shakes up Texas House leadership with new chairs on key committees

With assignments out, legislation that has been filed can be referred to committees for potential hearings. The committees overseeing public education, budget writing and redistricting are among those with new chairs.

A committee hearing room featuring plexiglass dividers on Jan 4, 2021.

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Republican Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan shook up the chamber’s committee leadership Thursday , signaling who his top lieutenants will be during his first session overseeing the lower chamber.

State Rep. Greg Bonnen , a Friendswood Republican, will now oversee the budget-planning House Appropriations Committee, replacing state Rep. Giovanni Capriglione , R-Southlake. Bonnen is brother to former House Speaker Dennis Bonnen, who retired after one term at the post following a scandal over secretly recorded comments he made about other House members.

In another move, Houston Democrat Harold Dutton will now chair the Public Education Committee. Dutton replaces state Rep. Dan Huberty , R-Houston, the longtime chair who in 2019 helped pass massive reforms to the state’s school finance system.

Dutton’s appointment is particularly notable since he has joined Republicans in supporting the growth of charter schools and other forms of schools outside of traditional public schools — often a major point of division in educational politics . In past sessions, Dutton has authored legislation that would provide charter schools with more state funding and authority to run programs for students who have dropped out or are at risk of doing so. Many other House Democrats are opposed to the expansion of charter schools, which have more freedom from state regulations than traditional school districts.

The House Redistricting Committee, which will be particularly powerful this year, will also have a new chairman: State Rep. Todd Hunter , R-Corpus Christi. Hunter replaces state Rep. Phil King , R-Weatherford. Hunter will spearhead the redrawing of the state’s political maps for the House, a once-in-a-decade process that lawmakers are expected to tackle in a special session later this year . Federal judges previously found that state lawmakers charged with redrawing those maps in 2011, "including specifically Rep. Hunter," racially gerrymandered districts in Nueces County "to further undermine Latino voting strength."

Other significant committee shifts included state Rep. Briscoe Cain , a Deer Park Republican and member of the hardline conservative Freedom Caucus, who now chairs the House Elections Committee. Cain flew to Pennsylvania after the November election to help former President Donald Trump's legal team unsuccessfully challenge election results in the state. Some of Texas’ most prominent Republican politicians joined Trump in amplifying misinformation about the election after his loss to President Joe Biden. Although he's left office, Trump is currently facing an impeachment trial, accused of inciting the violent insurrection on the U.S. Capitol last month. Cain replaces state Rep. Stephanie Klick , R-Fort Worth, as the Elections Committee chair.

Another member of the House Freedom Caucus, state Rep. Matt Krause of Fort Worth, will now chair the General Investigating Committee, replacing state Rep. Morgan Meyer , R-Dallas, who will serve as chair of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee.

In an email to House members announcing committee assignments, Phelan wrote that he "never could have anticipated how difficult the task of assigning committees would be" before winning the speaker's gavel.

"Please know that throughout this process, I have been invariably mindful of the requests that were made of my office, and although it would be impossible to accommodate every request, each was given thoughtful, due consideration," he wrote.

With assignments now out, legislation that has been filed can be referred to committees for a potential hearing. Over in the Senate, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick last month announced committee assignments for the 2021 session.

Meanwhile, state Rep. Will Metcalf , R-Conroe, replaces state Rep. Charlie Geren , R-Fort Worth, as chair of the House Administration Committee, and state Rep. Chris Paddie , R-Marshall, will serve as chair of the House State Affairs Committee, which Phelan chaired during the 2019 session.

State Rep. Dustin Burrows , R-Lubbock, will now chair the House Calendars Committee, which oversees the timeline and order for which bills reach the House floor for debate, replacing state Rep. Four Price , R-Amarillo. Burrows was also involved in the 2019 political scandal that led to Bonnen's retirement and resigned as chair of the House GOP Caucus following allegations that the two were planning to politically target fellow House Republicans in the 2020 primaries.

According to the speaker's office, 21 chairs of the chamber's 34 standing committees are Republicans and 13 are Democrats. And a Democrat — state Rep. Joe Moody of El Paso — is again serving as speaker pro tem, a position he held under Bonnen during the 2019 session.

Five committee chairs and 14 vice-chairs are women, while 14 chairs and 21 vice-chairs are Black, Hispanic or Asian American.

Compared to 2019, Democrats this session have one more chair and three additional vice-chairs serving on committees, though the 83-67 split in the chamber remains unchanged. Democratic state Rep. Terry Canales of Edinburg will again chair the House Transportation Committee, and Democratic state Rep. Senfronia Thompson of Houston, who previously chaired the House Public Health Committee, will now oversee the House Licensing and Administrative Procedures Committee.

Two others already in leadership positions — Rafael Anchía of Dallas and Chris Turner of Grand Prairie — will chair the House Pensions, Investments and Financial Services and the Business and Industry committees, respectively. Anchía, who serves as president of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus, previously chaired the International Relations and Economic Development Committee. And Turner, who serves as chair of the House Democratic Caucus, chaired the House Higher Education Committee.

Aliyya Swaby contributed to this report.

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Where Are House Committee Assignments?

Texas is 26 days into its 140-day legislative session, and House committee assignments have yet to be announced.

house committee assignments texas

By Sydnie Henry | February 6, 2023

Committee assignments in the Texas House have not been announced, despite the Legislature being nearly one-fifth of the way through the legislative session.

House Speaker Dade Phelan (R–Beaumont) is responsible for assigning committees for Texas’ biennial legislative session, which runs for 140 days.

Conservative activist Tom Glass noted that of the past few legislative sessions, only in one were committee assignments released later than this session.

2013 Straus Jan 31 23
2015 Straus Feb 4 23
2017 Straus Feb 9 31
2019 Bonnen Jan 23 16
2021 Phelan Feb 4 24

  In 2017 former House Speaker Joe Straus (R–San Antonio) released the House committee assignments 31 days into session.

Political strategist and commentator Luke Macias said , “There’s definitely not a rush by any means for the House to begin working.”

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who serves as president of the Texas Senate, announced the Senate committee assignments on January 23, less than two weeks after the session’s opening day.

At this point, the House had just begun taking committee assignment requests from members.

According to Macias, “The longer you take to appoint [House committees], the longer it takes to organize.”

“The first 30 days of the Legislature is set aside to file bills,” explains Macias. “And then the next 30 days is set aside for committees to take up and consider and hear and take action on those bills. And then at the 60-day mark, the Legislature can take up and consider on the House floor for debate any legislation.”

As the 30-day mark creeps closer, the House has yet to assign committees, and Gov. Greg Abbott has yet to announce the date of his state of the state address—where his emergency priorities are determined. Notably, for the first 60 days of session, only the governor’s priority legislation can be taken up on the House floor for debate—after first going through a yet-to-be-assigned  House committee.

Phelan is expected to announce committee assignments for members of the Texas House later this week, and Gov. Greg Abbott is expected to announce a date for the state of the state address for next week.

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Sydnie Henry

Sydnie Henry

A born and bred Texan, Sydnie serves as the Managing Editor for Texas Scorecard. She graduated from Patrick Henry College with a B.A. in Government and is utilizing her research and writing skills to spread truth to Texans.


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house committee assignments texas

Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan names committee chairs. Here's who'll lead the groups.

The Texas House stuck with its tradition of awarding committee chairmanships to both parties, but Democrats, who are outnumbered in the 150-member chamber, received fewer positions of power than they did in 2021 during the last legislative session.

Speaker Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont, announced his committee chairmanship picks Wednesday.

"I want you to know that everything that you requested was taken with the utmost deliberate care and utmost respect for yourself and your district," the second-term House leader told members before his list was read aloud on the House floor. "My goal is for every single one of you to have the tools you need to be a vital part of this House and accomplish what you came here to do."

Republicans, who hold a comfortable 86-64 House majority, won many of the most prestigious assignments: Angleton's Greg Bonnen, a six-term veteran was again tapped to head the budget-writing Appropriations Committee, and Corpus Christi's Todd Hunter, who is among the chamber's most senior members, given reign over State Affairs. The State Affairs Committee traditionally handles many of the most consequential, and often most controversial, bills in any given session.

Nine Democrats were given chairmanships:

  • El Paso’s Joe Moody (Criminal Jurisprudence)
  • Robstown’s Abel Herrero (Corrections)
  • Dallas County’s Victoria Neave Criado (County Affairs)
  • Houston’s Harold Dutton (Juvenile Justice and Family Issues)
  • Houston's Senfronia Thompson (Select Committee on Youth Health and Safety)
  • Mission's Oscar Longoria (Business and Industry)
  • Uvalde's Tracy King (Natural Resources)
  • Edinburg's Bobby Guerra (Resolutions Calendars)
  • Edinburg's Terry Canales (Transportation)

More: Last session Democrats broke quorum. Texas House now has penalties to prevent that.

Notably, Phelan named Fort Worth Republican Charlie Geren to be speaker pro tem. The position is largely ceremonial, but was previously held by Moody in the last legislative session until Phelan stripped him of the title during the Democrats’ quorum break. 

Public Education gets Republican chairman

Arguably one of the biggest shake ups was on the Public Education Committee. Phelan picked Rep. Brad Buckley, R-Killeen, to lead the group, taking the chairmanship from the minority party. 

Rep. Harold Dutton, D-Houston, previously held the position during the last legislative session, where he helped slow the progress of a controversial bill that restricted transgender youth's ability to participate in sports until Phelan redirected the legislation to a Republican-chaired special committee during a special session. House Bill 25 ultimately passed. 

The Public Education Committee is set to be the stage of a number of battles this session with Republicans looking to push a school voucher program that faces fierce opposition from Democrats and rural Republicans. 

The Texas Public Policy Foundation, an Austin-based conservative think tank, applauded Buckley’s appointment in a news release Wednesday. 

“Representative Buckley will be an excellent chair for the House Public Education Committee, and we look forward to working with them this legislative session,” said Mandy Drogin, campaign director for TPPF’s Next Generation Texas initiative. “This is an important first step in ensuring that Texans have a system that respects the parent and ensures transparency and a high-quality education on school campuses.”

Why committee assignments matter in the Texas House

Every piece of legislation that lawmakers act on is vetted through committees, both in the House and Senate. The Senate named its panels late last month, about two weeks into the 140-day session that started Jan. 10.

Each committee member, regardless of party, gets to vote on whether to send a bill to the full chamber. But it's up to the committee chairs to decide which bills even get hearings and which ones get passed over.

And even if a bill is heard, the committee chairs decide if and when any vote will be called. Each committee has a vice chairman — often from a different party than the chairman — but vice chairs traditionally adhere to a chairman's wishes when they preside over a panel when the chairman is absent.

More: Texas Senate: Here's who will chair committees in the 88th legislative session

Why have a Democratic chairman?

Many hardline conservatives in and out of the Legislature have tried to pressure Phelan away from giving committee chairmanships to Democrats but the speaker made clear he intended to continue the tradition. Dating back to when Democrats were in charge of the House, tradition held that chairmanships would be handed out at the discretion of the speaker, and each has seen value in giving at least some members of the opposition party a seat at the adults’ table.

Matt Rinaldi, a former state representative who now chairs the Texas Republican Party, saw a mixed bag in this year’s bipartisan assignments.

“The good: Opposition to Democrat Chairs clearly had an effect, as the # of Dems in leadership was significantly reduced,” Rinaldi said in a tweet. “The bad: Republicans awarded 8 of 33 standing committees to Democrats, including putting left wing Democrats in charge of important & partisan policy areas like criminal law, business, family Issues, and youth health.”

What the House's top Democrat is saying

"As chairman of the House Democrats, it comes as no surprise that a Republican speaker would want fewer Democrats in leadership," state Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer of San Antonio, "What I don’t understand is why fewer women and minorities were appointed to leadership despite the speaker himself lauding that the Texas House is more diverse than ever before.

"It is a disservice to these committees and to Texas to intentionally reduce the voices of women and communities of color in leadership."

What's next in the Legislature?

With the House and Senate having made their committee assignments, the bills lawmakers have filed since November can be scheduled for hearings.

That means individuals and interest groups with stakes in the outcome will be increasing their presence in the Capitol to either testify for or against the legislation on their radar or open back-channel connections to target lawmakers and their staffs in hopes to influence outcomes.

Who's in charge?

Here is a list of the chairs and vice chairs of the Texas House Committees for the 88th legislative session. For a list of all the members on each committee go to the committee page on Texas Legislature Online . 

  • Chair: Rep. Briscoe Cain, R-Deer Park
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Charles “Doc” Anderson, R-Waco
  • Chair: Rep. Greg Bonnen, R-Friendswood
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Mary González, D-Clint
  • Chair: Rep. Oscar Longoria, D-Mission
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Cody Vasut, R-Angleton
  • Chair: Rep. Dustin Burrows, R-Lubbock
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Toni Rose, D-Dallas
  • Chair: Rep. Abel Herrero, D-Robstown
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Kyle Kacal, R-College Station
  • Chair: Rep. Victoria Neave Criado, D-Dallas
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Lynn Stucky, R-Denton
  • Chair: Rep. Joseph Moody, D-El Paso
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. David Cook, R-Mansfield
  • Chair: Rep. Trent Ashby, R-Lufkin
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Armando Martinez, D-Weslaco
  • Chair: Rep. Terry M. Wilson, R-Marble Falls
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Ray Lopez, D-San Antonio
  • Chair: Rep. Reggie Smith, R-Sherman 
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. John H. Bucy III, D-Austin
  • Chair: Rep. Craig Goldman, R-Fort Worth
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Eddie Morales Jr., D-Eagle Pass
  • Chair: Rep. Brooks Landgraf, R-Odessa
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. R.D. “Bobby” Guerra, D-Mission
  • Chair: Rep. Andrew Murr, R-Junction
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Ann Johnson, D-Houston
  • Chair: Rep. John Kuempel, R-Seguin
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Dennis Paul, R-Houston
  • Chair: Rep. Ryan Guillen, R-Rio Grande City
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Jarvis Johnson, D-Houston
  • Chair: Rep. Will Metcalf, R-Conroe
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Sheryl Cole, D-Austin
  • Chair: Rep. James B. Frank, R-Wichita Falls
  • Chair: Rep. Tom Oliverson, R-Cypress
  • Chair: Rep. Angie Chen Button, R-Richardson
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Claudia Ordaz Perez, D-El Paso
  • Chair: Rep. Jeff Leach, R-Plano
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Julie Johnson, D-Farmers Branch
  • Chair: Rep. Harold V. Dutton Jr., D-Houston
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. John Lujan, R-San Antonio
  • Chair: Rep. DeWayne Burns, R-Cleburne
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Glenn Rogers, R-Graford
  • Chair: Rep. Ken King, R-Canadian
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Armando Walle, D-Houston
  • Chair: Rep. Cody Harris, R-Palestine
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Rhetta Andrews Bowers, D-Garland
  • Chair: Rep. Tracy King, D-Batesville
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Ed Thompson, R-Pearland 
  • Chair: Rep. Giovanni Capriglione, R-Southlake
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Stan Lambert, R-Abilene
  • Chair: Rep. Brad Buckley, R-Killeen 
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Alma Allen, D-Houston
  • Chair: Rep. Stephanie Klick, R-Fort Worth
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Elizabeth “Liz” Campos, D-San Antonio
  • Chair: Rep. Drew Darby, R-San Angelo
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Chris Turner, D-Grand Prairie
  • Chair: Rep. R.D. “Bobby” Guerra, D-Mission
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Gary Gates, R-Richmond
  • Chair: Rep. Todd Hunter, R-Corpus Christi
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Ana Hernandez, D-Houston
  • Chair: Rep. Terry Canales, D-Edinburg
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. John Raney, R-College Station
  • Chair: Rep. J. M. Lozano, R-Kingsville
  • Chair: Rep. Morgan Meyer, R-Dallas
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Shawn Thierry, D-Houston
  • Chair: Rep. Sam Harless, R-Spring
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Donna Howard, D-Austin
  • Chair: Rep. Senfronia Thompson, D-Houston
  • Vice-Chair: Rep. Lacey Hull, R-Houston

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Texas House Speaker appoints eight Democratic committee chairs, fewer than last session

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Gabriel C. Pérez / KUT News

Speaker Dade Phelan announced committee positions on Wednesday , appointing only eight Democrats to chair standing committees compared to the 13 he appointed during the last legislative session.

This decision came after an unsuccessful push by some Republicans in the GOP-controlled House to ban Democrats from chairing committees altogether. 

Phelan also tapped some fresh faces to lead at least two closely-watched committees, appointing Brad Buckley, a Republican from Killeen, to chair the Public Education Committee and Todd Hunter, a Republican from Corpus Christi, to helm the State Affairs Committee.

Niki Griswold, who covers state politics for the Austin American-Statesman, said the committee assignments shook out as she expected. She expected Phelan to appoint some Democrats, but after pressure from the right wing of the party, it isn’t surprising that he reduced the number of Democratic chairs, she said. 

“These committee chairs play a very important role in deciding which bills live or die in this process,” she said. “The committee chairs decide which bills get a hearing in their respective committees, which is really important for getting public testimony, especially for those more controversial bills. And even after those hearings happen, these committee chairs decide which bills will get a vote from the committee and potentially get sent to the floor of the full chamber for a vote by the body.”

Griswold said her eye is on the Public Education Committee, which last regular session was chaired by a Democrat and is now chaired by a Republican.

“ That’s a really important committee, especially this session, which is set to be the stage of a lot of heated debates, particularly over school vouchers, which is a push from the GOP that has some pretty strong opposition from Democrats and rural Republicans,” she said. “Now, Public Education is chaired by Rep. Brad Buckley. So we’ll have to see how open he is to this debate surrounding school choice and vouchers.”

Griswold said the other new committee chair, Todd Hunter, is deeply respected in the House and has been a close ally of Phelan’s. His committee, State Affairs, also handles controversial topics. 

“ Typically, that committee hears some of the most controversial and consequential bills, often related to immigration or LGBTQ issues,” she said. “This committee is one of the most powerful in the House. We will definitely expect to see a lot of heated debates in that committee this session.”

Overall, Griswold said Phelan rewarded his allies and avoided appointing powerful Democrats to committee seats or chairmanships. 

“Speaker Phelan … was pretty clear in slapping the wrists of the Democrats who led the effort to break quorum last session,” she said. “We don’t see a lot of really powerful Democrats as chairs or vice chairs in this session. So I think we did see Phelan reward his supporters.”

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house committee assignments texas

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Texas House Committee Assignments

The talk around the Capitol continues to increase regarding when Texas House committee assignments will be announced.  At this point, most believe it will be next Thursday, or early next Friday.  Texas Senate committees were annouced last week, which we have posted here on our blog.

We will also post the full list of Texas House committee assignments when they are officially announced. 

One committee we are watching closely is State Affairs.

Last session, this committee was chaired by a conservative Republican.  So with the Speaker of the House continuing to be a Republican, we expect we’ll see the same type of member chair this committee again.  With the leadership of the past members of this committee and our support, major pro-family, pro-life, and pro-religious liberty bills were passed out of this committee.  We hope to have the same success this time around as well. 

As a reminder, the chairman of a committee has the power to allow or deny a hearing on a bill and to allow or deny a vote on a bill.  So one person can decide if a bill “lives” or “dies.”

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  1. South Texas Greatly Represented in House Committee Assignments

    house committee assignments texas

  2. Gray Reed Attorney and Texas State Rep. Jeff Leach Receives Committee

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  3. Texas House Committee Assignments 2024

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  6. Dade Phelan announces Texas House committee assignments

    house committee assignments texas


  1. Committees

    Joint Committees. Grid Reliability Legislative, Oversight. State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory. Texas Energy Fund Advisory. Texas Infrastructure Resiliency Fund Advisory. Website for the Texas House of Representatives provides information on legislation, committees, sessions, and the Texas House.

  2. Committee Schedules

    Joint. Website for the Texas House of Representatives provides information on legislation, committees, sessions, and the Texas House.

  3. Texas Legislature Online

    Meetings for Date. View committee meetings for a specific date. Use this option to view meeting minutes and witness lists from past meetings. This selection also allows viewing of hearing notices from previous legislative sessions. House.

  4. Understanding Texas Committee Appointments

    In Texas, House committee assignments are made by the speaker of the house, according to the official Senate website (and note the importance of seniority): "The members give the speaker the authority to appoint the membership of each standing committee, subject to rules on seniority, and to designate the chair and vice chair for each ...

  5. Texas Legislature Online

    Membership by Committee. View the membership of the selected committee. House Committee: Appropriations - S/C on Articles I, IV, & V (H-C013) Appropriations - S/C on Articles VI, VII, & VIII (H-C014) Appropriations - S/C on Strategic Fiscal Review (H-C011) Artificial Intelligence & Emerging Technologies, Select (H-C035) Educational Opportunity ...

  6. Texas House of Representatives

    Website for the Texas House of Representatives provides information on legislation, committees, sessions, and the Texas House. ... Protecting Texas LNG Exports Select Committee Report [PDF, 1,889 KB] The Panhandle Wildfires Investigative Committee Report [PDF, 1,951 KB] 88th Session Interim Charges [PDF, 499 KB] ...

  7. Texas Legislature Online

    Homeland Security & Public Safety. House Administration. Human Services. Insurance. International Relations & Economic Development. Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence. Juvenile Justice & Family Issues. Land & Resource Management. Licensing & Administrative Procedures.

  8. Speaker Phelan Announces Final House Committee Assignments for 2023

    "These assignments were made after careful consideration and reflection, taking into account the committee preferences expressed by each member - as well as the diverse talents they bring to build a combination to drive our success and impact on issues facing Texans this Legislative Session," said Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan while announcing his House Committee selections for 2023's ...

  9. Dade Phelan shakes up Texas House leadership with new chairs on

    The House Redistricting Committee, which will be particularly powerful this year, will also have a new chairman: State Rep. Todd Hunter, R-Corpus Christi.Hunter replaces state Rep. Phil King, R ...

  10. Where Are House Committee Assignments?

    Committee assignments in the Texas House have not been announced, despite the Legislature being nearly one-fifth of the way through the legislative session. House Speaker Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont) is responsible for assigning committees for Texas' biennial legislative session, which runs for 140 days. Conservative activist Tom Glass noted ...

  11. Dade Phelan announces Texas House committee assignments

    Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont, announced committee assignments for the 87th Legislature Thursday, naming 21 Republicans and 14 Democrats chairs of standing committees. State Rep. Joe ...

  12. Texas Legislature: Who will chair House committees in 88th session

    Here is a list of the chairs and vice chairs of the Texas House Committees for the 88th legislative session. For a list of all the members on each committee go to the committee page on Texas ...

  13. Texas Legislature Online

    View bills that are in or out of committee. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend public meetings in the house and who may need auxiliary aids or services such as interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, readers, large print or braille, are requested to contact the House Committee Coordinator at (512) 463-0850 72-hours ...


    COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Yesterday, Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, Dade Phelan, released the House committee assignments for the 87th Legislative Session. I am humbled that Speaker Phelan re-appointed me to a second- term as Chairman of the House Committee on Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence.

  15. Texas House Speaker appoints eight Democratic committee chairs, fewer

    Texas House Speaker appoints eight Democratic committee chairs, fewer than last session. ... Niki Griswold, who covers state politics for the Austin American-Statesman, said the committee assignments shook out as she expected. She expected Phelan to appoint some Democrats, but after pressure from the right wing of the party, it isn't ...

  16. Texas Legislature Online

    12. Dates highlighted in blue have one or more committee meetings scheduled. Bills Scheduled for Public Hearing. Live Broadcast. View committee hearings. View broadcast schedule. E-mail Alerts. Receive alerts when committee notices are posted. Receive alerts when committee minutes are published.

  17. Texas House of Representatives

    Section 16. House Administration (Procedural) — (a) The committee. shall have 11 members, with jurisdiction over: (1) administrative operation of the house and its employees; (2) the adoption of policies and procedures for appropriate workplace. conduct under Rule 15 and the housekeeping resolution, including policies and.

  18. Texas House Committee Assignments

    Texas Senate committees were annouced last week, which we have posted here on our blog. We will also post the full list of Texas House committee assignments when they are officially announced. One committee we are watching closely is State Affairs. Last session, this committee was chaired by a conservative Republican.

  19. Texas Legislature Online

    Border Security (Vice Chair) Committee of the Whole Senate. Criminal Justice (Chair) Criminal Justice (Vice Chair) 1/23/2023 - 12/31/2023. Education. Finance. Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Conference Committees.

  20. Texas House of Representatives

    Jurisdiction: Section 31. State Affairs — The committee shall have 13 members, with. jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to: (1) questions and matters of state policy; (2) the administration of state government; (3) the organization, operation, powers, regulation, and management. of state departments, agencies, and institutions;

  21. The Texas State Senate

    88th Session Select, Interim, and Joint Committees. Senate Special Committee on Hurricane and Tropical Storm Preparedness, Recovery, and Electricity. Senate Special Committee on Redistricting. Grid Reliability Legislative Oversight Committee. State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory Committee. Texas Energy Fund Advisory Committee.

  22. Texas Legislature Online

    Legislature: 88 (R) - 2023 Sen. Drew Springer. Committees. Administration (Vice Chair) Committee of the Whole Senate. Education. Subcommittee on Higher Education. Local Government (Vice Chair)

  23. Texas Legislature Online

    Legislature: 88(R) - 2023 Sen. Morgan LaMantia Committees. Committee of the Whole Senate: Education: Health & Human Services: Hurricane & Tropical Storm Prep, Recov, & Electric, Special