From key account management to strategic partnerships: critical success factors for co-creation of value
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Key Account Management: an exploratory study Master's Thesis of Sara Petrelli 15-989-635 Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Antonella La Rocca Academic Year 2019/20 August 2020 . 2 Abstract There has been an increasing interest in the topic of key account management in business to
This thesis reflects my keen interest and curiosity for the topic of key account management in an international B2B setting. I have gained extensive experience in working with strategic and key accounts over the years and I aimed to investigate the effective practices and difficulties of this strategic method.
customer groups. In the literature regarding key accounts, the scope is primarily on studying the design of key account management (Kempeners and van der Hart, 1999; McDonald, Millman, and Rogers, 1997; Wengler, Ehret, and Saab, 2006), the drivers that lead to key account management (Brehmer and Rehme, 2009), benefits and challenges (Peters, Ivens
proposed a Master's Thesis project with the purpose of identifying and accessing the key elements for development and implementation of the KAM concept as a tool for the creation and increase of sustainable competitive advantage. This research has been conducted from several different perspectives: academics, consultants and the case company.
The implementation of key account management program as an inter and intraorganizational change - a qualitative case study in the energy industry ... Metadata Show full item record. Vanhala, Heidi. Masters thesis Fulltext of publication Available only in campus libraries. Publisher University of Eastern Finland Faculty of Social Sciences and ...
ii ÅBO AKADEMI - Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics Abstract for Master's Thesis Subject: International Business Administration Writer: Lisa Haltia Title: Customer Intimacy and Key Account Management: building the foundation for B2B Customer Experience Supervisor: Maria Ivanova-Gongne Supervisor: Nikolina Koporcic Abstract: Customer experience management keeps intriguing ...
MASTERS OF SCIENCE, MARKETING, SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, ... DECLARATION This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other university. No part of this thesis may be reproduced without the prior written permission ... key account management practice and its incorporation into the organisation's operations (Morgan ...
Master Thesis Key Account Management - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Embarking on a master's thesis about key account management poses various challenges for students. The vast scope of the topic can be overwhelming, with abundant literature, theories, and case studies to navigate. Students must also craft an original contribution while balancing ...
Background and rationale for this study: This study investigates Key Account Management (KAM) from a Marketing and Business to Business perspective. A review of literature finds that in recent years marketing scholars have proposed that KAM is developing from its traditional roots in sales management to a greater focus on relational aspects; for example, including elements of Customer ...
Key Account Management Master Thesis - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses the challenges of writing a Key Account Management master's thesis and seeking professional assistance. It states that writing a thesis is a difficult process that requires extensive research, analysis, and ...