Thesis Production
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Word: Instructions and template
Template for manuscript, template for errata.
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This is a new simplified template for Word where all macros have been removed. The template works on all versions of Word.
Follow the steps below to get started:
Get started with the template
- Download the Word template below by right-clicking the UU Thesis template link and saving the file to your desktop. You can also select a folder where you want to store the template.
- Double-click the template file to open it.
- Click File › Save As › Browse . Name the document and choose a place where you want to store your dissertation document.
- You can now start formatting your text in the template.
- UU Thesis template This is a new simplified template for Word where all macros have been removed. The template works on all versions of Word.
version 2021-06-24-001
How to use the template
- Download the template:
- Table of contents: We recommend not to interfere with the inserted table of contents. To update the existing version, right click on the field and select “update field”, then select “update entire table”.
- Format: The template you downloaded has pre-formatted styles for body text, heading 1–5, quotes, lists etc. Make sure you state a format for each body text, title, etc. in your thesis. If you do that, it will be easy later to create a neat layout when you have finished writing. To state a format for e.g. heading 1, click or mark a heading in your text, then go to format templates and click on heading 1. Heading 1 now has the correct size, typeface and spacing before and after.
- Body text: If you want to write with indents, select format “normal (indented)”. If you choose to write with a space between paragraphs, you only use the format “Normal (space)”.
- Pictures: Use the “insert picture” format – which is the easiest method to place pictures correctly. Pictures are saved as JPGs and need to have a resolution of 300 ppi in the final format. If you are uncertain, you can email the picture to us, so we can check if it is suitable for printing. Who owns the copyright to the pictures?
- Figures: Figures created in PowerPoint are grouped, copied and then pasted into the Word file. If that doesn’t work, you can try to save the figure as a PNG file, and then place it into the Word file via “insert picture”. Figures created in Excel are saved as EMF files and then placed into a Word file.
- Tables: Tables are best created in Word files.
Tips and things to remember
- Odd pages in Word are right-hand pages in the printed book. A double-page spread is therefore from an even page to an odd page in Word.
- Use section breaks with extreme caution. If you are not careful, the page numbering, margins and page size can change after you have inserted a section break.
- Chapter headings (heading 1 level) are allways placed on a new page.
- Write with “view hidden characters” activated (¶).
Save with a new name after a day of writing. For example you can add a number or date (ex. mythesis_2021-01-02).
Save a copy of the latest version in three different locations, ex computer, usb-memory and in the cloud (ex. mail, google drive or iCloud)
Get started
Follow the steps below to get started.
- Go to Download the template
- Download the Word template by right-clicking the UU-Thesis-template.dotx link and saving the file to your desktop. You can also select a folder where you want to store the template.
UU templates pages
Top: 1,8 cm left: 2,25 cm Right: 2,25 cm Bottom: 2,2 cm
Version 2021-06-24-001
UU template styles
How to use the text styles, how to: how to use the text styles , text - normal, normal (indented) and normal (space).
Font size: 11 pt Line spacing (At least): 13 pt
There are three styles for body text: Normal, Normal (indented), and Normal (space). The size is 11 points (pt), and the margins are justified with straight margins on both the left and right side of the text. Normal is only used for the first paragraph below a heading. When pressing the Enter key to create a new line after a heading, this style is automatically applied to the empty line. Note that you should not leave an empty line after a heading. Normal (indented) is the normal body text style and should be used for most of your text. When pressing the Enter key to create a new line after either Normal or Normal (indented), this style is automatically applied to the empty line. Note that you should avoid leaving empty lines between paragraphs. Normal (Space) should be used after caption, lists, quotes, graphs, illustrations, equations, and tables.
The styles Heading 1-5 (Rubrik 1–5) are available for headings and should be used hierarchically. You should use Heading 1 for chapter headings; the heading will automatically be placed on top of a new page. Depending on your needs, it might not be necessary to use all heading levels in your text, often three or four levels is adequate. Note that you should not leave an empty line after a heading. Also note that Heading 1 to 3 is visible in the Table of Contents (TOC).
Heading 1 - Not in TOC
Heading 1 - Not in TOC is visually the same as a chapter heading (heading 1), but will not be included in the TOC.
Remove space before Heading 3,4 and 5
If you have a Heading 3, 4 or 5 that comes directly after a higher heading level, you can manually go in and remove the distance that remains between them.
How to: R e move space before Heading 3,4 and 5
There are four styles for different lists: Simple list (without bullets or numbers), Numbered list , Romen list , and Bullet list .
How to: Create list (Länk, öppnas i nytt fönster)
How to: create spacing before the list (länk, öppnas i nytt fönster).
How to: Create spacing After the list (Länk, öppnas i nytt fönster)
Quotes (Citat) longer than three lines are usually inserted as separate paragraphs instead of using quotation marks. To visually separate the quotation from the body text you should apply the style Quote . The text is indented from the left margin; text size is set to 10 points, and there is a spacing above the quoted paragraph. Note, if the Quote has more than one paragraph, use Quote (indented) for the second paragraph. Apply Normal (Space) to the first paragraph after quoted paragraphs to complete the separation of the quotation from the body text.
Fotnotsreferens och fotnotstext
Font size : 9 pt Text effect : Superscript
Font size : 9 pt Line spacing (Exactly): 10 pt
Image format
Image format centers the image in the paragraph and adds spacing above the image. You can insert an image before or after applying the Image format style.
How to: insert pictures (Länk, öppnas i nytt fönster)
If you want a caption added to the figures, tables, equations, or other object
NOTE: Figure captions are always placed under figure. Table captions are always placed above table.
How to: Insert captions (Länk, öppnas i nytt fönster)
If you need to insert a table you use Word tools Insert > table
How to: Insert table (Länk, öppnas i nytt fönster)
Use this style to format the texts inside the table.
Footnote text and footnote references in table
If you need to insert footnotes to a table, you can use the styles footnote text under table and footnote references in table for the text below the table and the reference symbol within the table respectively. Word does not apply these automatically.
Bibliographic references
Apply the style Reference list . The font size is set to 10.
TIP: If you use EndNote or any other reference manager, you should apply the style Reference list in the Word template after updating your references.
NOTE: If you have another version of Word rather than Word 2019 for Windows, then the layout might look slightly different but the principle is always the same.
Use multiple pages at one time
When laying out your document in Word, it’s sometimes helpful to view multiple pages on the screen at one time, especially if you have a large monitor. Seeing multiple pages at a time allows you to get a sense of how your overall layout looks.
How to do: view two pages
- Go to View > Print layout
- Place the cursor in the text on the first page you want to display in multipage view
- Click "Multiple Pages" in the "Zoom" section. By default, two pages are displayed side by side.
How to do: view multiple pages
- Click "Zoom" in the "Zoom" section, the Zoom tool opens
- Select "Multiple pages", click on the icon below and select the number of pages to be displayed (max 2x4 pages)
Infoga bild engelskt språk: Vy Zooma
How to do: show a page
- Place the cursor in the text on the first page you want to display
- Click "One Page" in the "Zoom" section
Turn the display of formatting marks on or off
How to do: Turn the display of formatting marks on or off
- Go to Start > Paragraph
Insert text from another Word document (copy/paste)
To make the available styles easy to apply, and avoid clutter from other commands in Word, you must always clear all styles before you paste anything into the UU-template.
Copy text using the Normal style
If you have many footnotes or italicized words, Copy text and clear text formatting will not work, if you do, the formatting of all your footnotes and italics will disappear. Instead, use Copy text using the style Normal . This way you maintain your footnotes and italicized words.
How to do: Copy text using the style Normal
- Open the Word document from which you want to copy your text
- Select all text
- Go to Start > Styles
- Select the style Normal in the Style pane
- Copy all text
- Create a Word document from the UU template (See Get started with the template )
- Paste your copied text into your new document
- Save the document
- The new document is now ready to be formatted according to the UU template's styles.
How to do: Clear all text formatting
Windows - MacOS
It is time to format your text according to the text styles in the template. You do this by choosing the style for headings, body text, tables, lists, etc. When you apply a style from the style list, the text will have the correct font, size, and amount of space above and below the text.
How to do: Apply styles
- Go to Start > Styles
- Place the cursor in the text on the first page for which you want to select a format.
- Click on the style in the list you want to apply to your text (eg Rubrik 1).
- The text is now formatted according to the selection you made (eg Rubrik 1).
Heading 3,4 and 5 - remove space before
How to do: remove space before heading 3,4 and 5.
- Place the marker on the heading you want to change (ex heading 3)
- Go to Home > Paragraph
- Under Spacing (avstånd), change Before (Före) value to zero.
Table of contents
Once you have formatted your text, just update the table of contents. It is preferable not to interfere with the inserted table of contents. To update the existing version, right click on the field and select “update field”, then select “update entire table”.
How to do: Update table of contents
- Right click on the field
- Select “update field”,
- Select “update entire table”.
Go to References > Update Table .
Select one of the following:
Update page numbers only This only updates the pages that the headings are on, and ignores any changes to the heading text.
Update entire table This will reflect any updates to the heading text, as well as any page changes.
Select OK .
Note: Manually created tables (not created automatically from the headings), can't be updated by Word. You'll need to manually type your changes in the table of contents.
How to do: Insert new table of contents
Windows - MacOS
How to do: Create list
- Select all lines of text to be included in the list you want to create.
- Click on the list format you want to use (Simple list (without dots or numbers), Numbered list, Roman list and Point list)
- The list is ready.
How to do: Create spacing Before the list
- Place the marker on the first line of the list
- Under Spacing (avstånd), change Before (Före) value to 13 pt.
How to do: Create spacing After the list
Apply Normal (Space) to the first paragraph after list paragraphs
How to do: Use Image format
- Place the marker on a new empty line.
- In the Style list choose Image format . Now you can see that the marker is centered.
- Insert the figure.
- Select the inserted image
- In the Style list choose Image format. Now you can see that the image is centered.
If you need to insert a figure/image you use Word tools Insert pictures .
Insert pictures
How to do: insert pictures, copy figures (word).
To make the available styles easy to apply, and avoid clutter from other commands in Word, you must always clear all formats, before you paste anything into the template.
- Select the figure you want to copy.
- Copy the selected figure
- Right click and select "paste unformatted" into your new document (UU template)
- Select the figure and apply Image format style
Insert table
How to do: insert table, insert captions.
If you want to insert a caption to the figures, tables, equations, or other object
- Right click on the image or table
- Choose insert caption (infoga beskrivning)
- In the Label list, select the label that best describes the object, such as a figure or table. If the list doesn't provide the label you want, click New Label , type the new label in the Label box, and then click OK .
- Type any text, including punctuation, that you want to appear after the label.
Click OK .
NOTE: Figure captions are always placed under figures. Table captions are always placed above tables.
How to do: Insert captions
Page and section breaks, page breaks.
In Word, a break is added automatically at the end of each page. You can also insert a manual page break if you want to start a new page in the document. Ex. if there is a piece of your text that you want to start on the next page or a table that fits on an entire page rather than the table being split into two pages. Then you can insert a page break to force the table into a single page.
Section breaks
You insert section breaks when you want to change the page layout, for example, if you want a section with larger margins or if you want pages in landscape view. This is why there is a section break after the page with abbreviations. All pages before the section break have no page numbers, but after the section break the page numbers begin (on the Introduction page).
Tip: If Word unexpectedly places a new page in the document, it may be due to a page break. To view page breaks so you can see them or to highlight and delete them, go to the Start> Show / Hide icon.
How to do: Use page breaks
how to do: use section break, how to do: use paragraph breaks to change the layout or formatting of a paragraph in your document.
Change page orientation to landscape or portrait
Use section breaks to change the layout or formatting in one section of your document
Numbered heading
You can number headings so that top-level headings (heading 1) are numbered for example 1, 2, 3 and second-level headings (heading 2) are numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on.
How to do: Use numbered headings (1 heading 1)
- Open your document and select the first heading with formatting Heading 1 (eg Introduction).
- On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, choose Multilevel List .
- Select the numbering style "1 Heading 1" under the List Library you want to use in your document.
These video instructions are for doctoral students who intend to use our new thesis template for Word and want to know how to use it. Subtitles in english is available. Subtitles in swedish will be available this fall.
Part 2: How to use the Text styles in the UU Thesis template
Part 3: Inserting figures and tables in the UU Thesis template
Part 4: Using Page breaks and Section breaks in the UU Thesis template
Part 5: Using Numbered headings in the UU Thesis template
Part 6: Accessability
- Template for manuscript Template for manuscript
- Template for Errata Word template for Errata
- << Previous: Thesis template
- Next: LaTeX >>
- Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 12:43 PM
- URL:
Forms and templates
To download forms and templates, you need to log in with your email address and your A password. Forms and templates are continuously updated. It is therefore important to download the latest version and not to reuse a previously saved document.
- Application for admission to doctoral (third-cycle) studies/change of subject (Swedish version)
- Cover page for documents for admission of a doctoral student (in Swedish)
- Special permission to take doctoral-level courses (for doctoral students from other higher education institutions) (in Swedish)
- Supplementary funding for doctoral students (in Swedish)
- Application for admission to doctoral (third-cycle) studies (English version)
Admission (requires login with email address and password A)
Templates for agreements
- Agreement between department and company concerning externally employed doctoral student (in Swedish)
- Agreement between department and other Swedish higher education institution (in Swedish)
The concept ‘externally employed doctoral student’ covers doctoral students employed by an organisation other than Uppsala University, such as a company, another public authority, a municipality or a research institute.
Templates for agreements (requires login with email address and password A)
Faculty-wide doctoral education courses
Application and reporting.
- Call for applications for funding for faculty-wide doctoral (third-cycle) courses 2025
- Application form for funding for faculty-wide courses 2025
- Template for reporting on faculty-wide courses 2024 (in Swedish)
- Template for reporting on faculty-wide courses 2023 (in Swedish)
Funding for faculty-wide doctoral courses (requires login with email address and password A)
Course evaluations
Course evaluations fulfil two main functions:
- they give doctoral students an opportunity to reflect on their learning and education in a structured manner,
- they provide input for quality enhancement.
University-wide guidelines provide guidance for work on course evaluations and are intended for courses at Bachelor’s (first-cycle), Master’s (second-cycle) and doctoral (third-cycle) level. The Quality and Evaluation Unit has drawn up a supporting document containing recommendations and advice for course evaluations in doctoral studies. Standardised course evaluation questions have been developed at the Faculty of Science and Technology for faculty-wide courses, along with codes to facilitate the creation of course evaluations in Kurt (the tool for online surveys). Standardised course evaluation questions and Kurt codes may also be useful for course evaluations for other doctoral courses given by the departments.
- Uppsala University’s guidelines för course evaluations
- Tips and advice for doctoral course evaluations (in Swedish)
- Standardised course evaluation questions for faculty-wide courses (in English)
- Standardised course evaluation questions for faculty-wide courses (in Swedish)
- Code for standardised course evaluation questions in Kurt (in Swedish)
- – a tool for generating online questionnaires
Opponent (external reviewer), examining committee, minutes
- Faculty opponent and examining committee at the public defence (in Swedish and English)
- Examining committee minutes for doctoral theses (in Swedish and English)
- Grading minutes for licentiate seminar (in Swedish)
- Replacement of examining committee, opponent and/or chairperson and/or presence (physical or digital) at doctoral defence (in Swedish and English)
- Information for the Examination Committee and the Opponent (in English)
Opponent, examining committee,minutes (requires login with email address and password A)
Templates for syllabuses and study plans
- Template for individual study plan (in Swedish)
- Template for individual study plan (in English)
- Template for general syllabus (in Swedish)
- Template for general syllabus (in English)
Templates for syllabuses and study plans (requires login with email address and password A)
Digital study plan
Please note! Only for departments that are committed to the pilot-project
- Admission basis
Delegation of responsibilities by professor in charge of doctoral studies
- Application for delegation of responsibilities by professor in charge of doctoral studies (in Swedish) (requires login with email address and password A)
Application for extension of doctoral student position
- Application for extension of doctoral student position due to parental leave/elected position (requires login with email address and password A)
Change of supervisor
- Form for changing supervisors (in Swedish) (requires login with email address and password A)
Discontinuation of doctoral studies
- Notification of discontinuation (requires login with email address and password A)
Activity and funding details for doctoral students
- Activity and funding details for doctoral students (requires login with email address and password A)
STS Independent Project (Uppsala University) Thesis Template
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Uppsala University Thesis Template
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Forespørsel sendt. Takk.
Dec 6, 2024 · Thesis template: Word. LaTeX. Support for thesis templates Word 2010/2013 and 2011 has ended. As of the 27th July 2020 Thesis production has discontinued all support for the thesis templates Word 2010/2013 Windows and Word 2011 Mac. From this point it won’t be possible to download the template for these versions from our website.
Dec 6, 2024 · What margins and measurements is the thesis template based on? The template is adapted for the printing of theses in the S5 format (165 x 242 mm). Sometimes the left and right margins are changed – when you paste formatted text from another document into the template, for example.
Digitise your old thesis. A large part of Uppsala University's scientific production before 2003 does not exist in digital form. The Library offers you who have a PhD at Uppsala University help to digitise your doctoral thesis and make it available in DiVA. It will then be searchable in LIBRIS, SwePub and Google Scholar as well.
Dec 6, 2024 · Download the Word template by right-clicking the UU-Thesis-template.dotx link and saving the file to your desktop. You can also select a folder where you want to store the template. Double-click the template file to open it. Click File › Save As › Browse. Name the document and choose a place where you want to store your dissertation document.
The traditional posting in the University Main Building is voluntary, and can be booked by emailing the University Main Building about a week in advance. State your date and time preference. The University Main Building provides nails and a hammer. There is also a drill for making a hole in the thesis. Contact the University Main Building
Forms and templates. To download forms and templates, you need to log in with your email address and your A password. Forms and templates are continuously updated. It is therefore important to download the latest version and not to reuse a previously saved document.
STS Independent Project (Uppsala University) Thesis Template. Computer Science division, Information Technology Department, Uppsala University. Xin Shen, Kamran ...
\cleardoublepage %----- %The table of contents is automatically generated by the template \setcounter{tocdepth}{4} % Sets the number of section levels in the table of contents to 4 \tableofcontents % Creates the table of contents \cleardoublepage % Ends the current page %----- % Chapters \pagestyle{fancy} % Fancy headings \pagenumbering{arabic ...
A template that can be used for a thesis at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University. An online LaTeX editor that’s easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more.
Uppsala University Phd Thesis Template - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Writing a Ph.D. thesis is one of the most challenging academic tasks, requiring extensive research, analysis, and writing over many months.