websites to use for projects

26 best website design ideas for your 2024 projects

If you're looking for website ideas, here are 26 website projects that you can launch to bring in some extra revenue.

websites to use for projects

Use Webflow's visual development platform to build completely custom, production-ready websites — or high-fidelity prototypes — without writing a line of code.

Jeff Cardello

Get inspired with 26 fresh project ideas you can start building today.

Whether you’re a beginner web developer or an experienced builder, launching a new website project is a great way to sharpen your development skills, build out a web design portfolio , and even earn some revenue — depending on the type of website. 

If you’re not sure what type of web page to launch, you’re in the right place. We put together 26 different web development project ideas that you can start building today.

What kind of websites are in high demand?

Websites serve various purposes, often falling into one of three main categories: informational, transactional, or interactive. Each category has distinct characteristics and functionalities tailored to meet specific user needs.

  • Informational websites provide users with valuable content such as articles, blog posts, news updates, and educational resources. These platforms educate, inform, or entertain visitors on specific topics or subjects of interest.
  • Transactional websites facilitate online transactions, enabling users to buy or sell products/services, make reservations, or conduct financial transactions. E-commerce platforms, booking sites, and financial services websites are common examples of this category. ‍
  • Interactive websites encourage active engagement from users through social interaction, user-generated content, or multimedia sharing. Social media platforms, online forums, and multimedia-sharing are just a few examples.

While many websites may incorporate elements of each category, understanding these distinctions clarifies their primary functions and user interactions. 

What skills do I need to launch a website project?

Basic knowledge of web development languages and frameworks is essential. This knowledge includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end development, as well as server-side languages like Python, Ruby, or PHP for back-end development. Familiarity with web development frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue.js can also be beneficial.

But with website builders like Webflow, beginners and professionals alike can put their skills into action — no matter how developed their skills are.

Build a website with Webflow →

26 best website ideas you can start in 2024

Check out these 26 different website design ideas to see what’s possible.

1. Job site

Best Writing landing page

Looking for an evergreen website idea that will never go out of style? Job sites are a great, beginner-friendly website project that’s sure to bring in some major traffic.

Most job sites, though, are not very user-friendly and frustrate job hunters. A well-designed job site, however, has the potential to receive lots of website visitors and even generate some income.

Best Writing stands out as a great example. This website includes a minimalist website design that focuses on usability and the quality of its leads. It offers a seamless user experience and stellar user interface free from the clunkiness that bogs down so many other job boards.

Plus, unlike other job sites, Best Writing offers a search function to simplify the job search, giving users a quick way to find the specific type of job that they’re after.

Here’s where the revenue comes in: Best Writing also offers users the chance to sign up for a paid monthly membership that gives members advanced notice about new job postings. Additionally, the site also charges job posters a fee. Charging these fees allows the site to bring in revenue without relying on ads. 

Related reads: How to build (and grow) a job board with Webflow

2. Affiliate site

The Raymmar's Reads website.

An affiliate website offers an online store of products and resources in a specific niche. Think of them as digital boutiques catering to the tastes and interests of a select demographic.

A great example of an affiliate site is Raymmar’s Reads — which functions as a digital book club where Raymmar shares books he likes and includes Amazon affiliate links. Raymmar uses 3D animations and color-shifting background transitions to make this simple site stand out. 

Affiliate sites are a great way to bring in extra money, too — using Raymmar’s Reads for example, users can purchase products using his posted links. In return, the site owner receives part of the income from that purchase.

3. Membership website

LinkedIn membership login page

Membership websites are another great revenue-generating website idea. Members pay for a subscription in order to unlock premium content or tools that are not available anywhere else.

LinkedIn , the professional networking platform, offers a membership program called "LinkedIn Premium," which provides enhanced features and tools for users who subscribe to the service.

With LinkedIn Premium, members gain access to advanced search filters to find and connect with professionals, see who's viewed their profile, access personalized insights on job postings, and send InMail messages to contacts outside their network, among other benefits. LinkedIn Premium also offers different tiers of membership tailored to different needs, such as Premium Career, Premium Business, and Premium Sales Navigator, catering to individuals, businesses, and sales professionals, respectively.

This membership model allows LinkedIn to generate revenue by providing additional value to users who are willing to pay for enhanced features and tools beyond the basic free service.

If you’re looking for a great website idea to make money off of your content, building a membership website is a solid avenue.

4. Online learning website

Master the Handpan online learning website

Quite a few platforms out there will host online courses for you. But they come at a price. Why not launch your own site and avoid having to pay someone for what you could do on your own with a website builder like Webflow?

Master the Handpan offers everything you need to learn how to play the handpan metal drum. The site includes three different levels of paid lessons — beginner, intermediate, and master class — plus a music theory course. Along with their instructional materials, Master the Handpan also has a buyer’s guide, discussion forum, and blog. There’s plenty of free content here to pique the interest of any aspiring handpan player.

If you’re offering an online course for a niche interest like the handpan, someone may find your website faster through a search engine than if it was part of a larger online course platform where it may get less visibility. If there’s not a lot of competition for what you’re teaching, being able to quickly attain a high level of SEO may be feasible if you create your own website.

If you want to have complete control over monetizing your online courses, launching a website of your own is the way to go.

5. Marketing blog

Honey Pot Digital blog

A blog is a rather simple project that doesn’t take too many technical skills to build. The website functions as a space to share knowledge and showcase your expertise. It’s also a place where you can sell products and services such as online courses, consulting sessions, books, and merch. Plus, a blog is a great place to earn your target audience’s trust so you can promote the products and services you sell.

Owned and designed by Emma Peacock, Honey Pot Digital 's primary goal is to showcase her digital marketing services to business owners. Emma provides resources on her blog, touching on everything from social media to how to market one's business online.

Emma's blog positions her as an authority on digital marketing, which complements Emma's paid services. Making the leap from her free content to her paid services should be easy for anyone who finds her blog posts informative.

Blogs are great for drawing attention to paid content and other services you provide. They not only help you build your reputation, they also act as an SEO beacon that brings in organic traffic.

6. Ecommerce website

Skinlabs ecommerce website

Online shops are a great side business that almost anyone can launch. Keep in mind that with so many ecommerce websites out there, you’ll be entering a competitive space — so make sure you have a solid brand identity and niche so you can set your online shop apart from the rest.

An ecommerce store can range from a few items to hundreds, and it’s well within the capabilities of anyone to set up. You can always start as a small business and scale up as you gain more customers.

Skinlabs , for example, is a boutique skincare site that sells everything from cleaning balms to soothing toners. With crisp photography and a clean and bright web design, there’s a freshness to their website.

7. AI website

DataCamp AI website

‍ If you’re a web developer, you’re probably beginning to be familiar with the power of AI. Given its increasing popularity, an AI website is another great project to launch.

DataCamp is a great example of an AI website in action. This online platform offers interactive courses and tutorials for data science and analytics. It provides a membership-based service where users can access a vast library of courses, projects, and assessments related to data science, machine learning, programming languages like Python and R, and related topics.

Upon joining, users can set their learning goals and preferences, allowing DataCamp's AI algorithm to tailor personalized learning paths suited to their skill levels and career aspirations. The platform's hands-on projects and case studies simulate real-world scenarios, enabling members to apply their knowledge practically and build a robust portfolio.

8. Service-based website

Scribly service-based website

A service-based business is just a fancy name for a business that can do something for you that you can’t do yourself — for example, real estate agents or interior decorators.

Service-based businesses also occupy the digital realm. Scribly Media offers the service of content. For companies who don’t have an in-house content creation team or have a need for extra wordsmiths, Scribly provides writing, social media management, and content strategy.

If you have a special skill and there’s a demand for it, starting your own service-based business can help put a bit of extra money in your pocket.

9. Photography website

Rita Harper photography website gallery page.

Like any creative pursuit, putting together a photography website is essential in bringing exposure to your art. A photography portfolio website not only gives you a platform to show off your art, but can also market it to a wider audience. 

Built in Webflow, Rita Harper ’s photography website showcases Rita’s documentary photographers and photojournalism work. 

Like Rita, whether you’re a wedding photographer, photojournalist, or specialize in personal portraits — your photography portfolio should communicate your specific niche so it stands out to your ideal customer. 

You can also use your photography website to sell prints of your work. Don’t miss out on potential customers who might love to have your photos hanging up in their homes or workspaces.

10. Portfolio website

An image of Lise Kyle Chapman's portfolio website.

Let’s face it, as creatives, we sometimes depend too much on our artistic sensibilities rather than business acumen. We can all benefit from having a design portfolio website when pursuing new full time gigs or landing new clients. 

This portfolio for designer Lise Kyle Chapman showcases her work in an upbeat design, capturing both her expertise and personality.

If you do web design, writing, or another visual art, a portfolio website is essential for bringing visibility to your skills and talents — and potentially leveling up your revenue.

11. Niche search engine

Zomato search engine website

Another great website project idea is a niche search engine site. Unlike Google, for example, a niche search engine site focuses on a very specific target audience or subject.

Zomato stands as a real-life example of a niche search engine tailored specifically for the restaurant and food industry. Originally conceived as a platform for discovering restaurants, Zomato has evolved into a multifaceted search engine catering to various aspects of dining experiences. Users can explore a plethora of dining options by location, cuisine, and price range, aided by comprehensive restaurant profiles featuring menus, photos, and user reviews.

Through advertising partnerships and commission fees from facilitated transactions, Zomato generates revenue while providing valuable services to users and stakeholders in the food industry.

12. Review website

Leonard Maltin's movie review website.

If you enjoy movies, music, books, or some niche product and have opinions you’d like to share, consider building a review website. Writing reviews and making videos are fun ways to share your thoughts with others and connect with other fans.

Let’s say you’re into movies. You could start your own movie review blog and become the next Leonard Maltin .

Including some well-placed affiliate links and appropriate ads will help you generate a bit of passive income off of your own review site. Once you gain a following, you can also reach out to brands for freebies like movie passes or industry-related products in exchange for an honest review on your website. 

13. Comparison website

The camelcamelcamel website.

Comparison websites like Camelcamelcamel provide an easy way for consumers to find the best deals on what they’re after.

Comparison sites allow consumers to compare similar products based on different variables. These sites present product specs, pricing, and other information in infographics, making it easier for people to quickly understand the similarities and differences between products. 

While comparison websites aren’t an ideal web design project for beginners, they can be lucrative for designers who feel confident building and managing many moving parts. Once you set up the site to pull in relevant information so consumers can easily view similar products side-by-side, you can focus on monetization.

Comparison websites bring in money through affiliate marketing. It’s not uncommon to link out to products hosted on Amazon or other big name online retailers and collect affiliate earnings from sales.

websites to use for projects

Join us in San Francisco, London, or online to come together with the visual developers, marketers, and leaders behind the world’s greatest websites.

14. Recipe/food blog

 Half Baked Harvest food blog website

A food blog, like Half Baked Harvest, is a great way to share your creations with a greater audience. If you’re looking for website ideas for beginners, this website idea is relatively simple to create and easy to monetize.

Through your blog, you can provide step-by-step instructions for your favorite recipes along with your experience making them. If you love cooking, writing, and photography, a food blog is a fantastic way to share your culinary passion with others.

Food blogs and recipe websites can generate revenue in a few ways. Most food bloggers rely on affiliate links for everything from recommended cookware to specialty ingredients. Just be sure to add a disclaimer to your site about those affiliate earnings so your visitors don’t feel duped. You can also bring in extra money by selling ebooks, physical books, virtual cooking classes, and more.

15. Fan website

TheForce.Net — a fan site for Star Wars fans.

Fan websites focus on a specific fandom such as Potterheads, Whovians, or Trekkies. If you want to turn your favorite fandom into a side hustle , a fan website is a great option.

For hardcore Star Wars fans has news, an active message board, and plenty of other excellent content. While the focus of the site is clearly all things Star Wars, you’ll notice ads throughout that drive revenue for the site. 

Whether you’re a comic book fan, self-proclaimed video game nerd, or part of another niche fandom — a fan website can be fun to create, maintain, and use to communicate with your fellow fans. Plus, if your website gets popular enough, there are always opportunities to make money through advertising or affiliate links related to your area of interest.

16. Podcast website 

The Real Python podcast website.

If you produce a podcast, you might depend on social media as the main means of promoting it. Having a podcast website is another important marketing channel, providing an opportunity to create search engine optimized content that will bring in organic traffic. The bigger your podcast gets, the more likely the chance of getting sponsors and advertisers.

This website for the podcast Real Python not only provides multiple ways to listen to their episodes, but also offers courses, books, and other Python-related learning materials. The website includes plenty of free materials as well as a store that features a paid membership, books, and more.

17. Travel blog

Wandering Earl's travel blog homepage

Travel blogs aren’t just for social media influencers. Whatever your background, you have a perspective that’s unique. Document your journeys on your own travel website and share your experiences exploring the world. 

Wandering Earl has been blogging about travel and working abroad for a long time and his website is a great resource for anyone wanting to explore the world. Earl also uses his travel blog to promote and sell his tours. 

Of course, you don’t have to run a tour company to make money from a travel blog. You can earn money by selling travel guides such as physical books or ebooks, offering travel consulting services, and through ads and affiliate links. Travel blogs can also serve as a writing portfolio that helps you land paid gigs with travel outlets.

18. Fashion blog

The Werk! Place — a fashion blog by Tiffany Battle.

For those with a passion for fashion, a fashion blog is a great website that’s easy to get up and running. Write about the latest trends, share photos of your own outfits, and create content for your fellow fashion enthusiasts.

Tiffany Battle’s fashion website The Werk! Place focuses on her unique perspective on fashion. Along with great content, Tiffany takes affiliate marketing to the next level with her “Shop my Instagram” option along with her branded discount codes for different stores.

Most fashion blogs monetize their content through affiliate links. As always, be selective about what products you endorse on your fashion website, and always let people know that you're including affiliate links.

19. Events website

 Los Angeles Theater event website

Create an events website that has a specific focus. It could be for concerts, comedy open mics, art openings, or some other event people would be interested in. This is a great avenue for generating revenue through ads or making money through affiliate links, referrals, or partnerships with the events you feature.

For example, Los Angeles Theater provides its visitors with an easy way to see what’s going on entertainment-wise in the city.

20. Nonprofit website

 EduCares nonprofit website

Building nonprofit websites is a great way to expand your development skills, as they often require lots of different functionality, like the ability to accept donations.

EduCares Foundation , for example, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing educational opportunities and support to underprivileged children and communities worldwide. The foundation aims to break the cycle of poverty through education, empowering individuals to build brighter futures for themselves and their communities.

The website lets individuals and organizations donate online to the foundation's programs and initiatives. The website also features success stories and testimonials from beneficiaries of EduCares Foundation's programs to highlight the positive impact of education on individuals and communities.

If you want to make a difference while sharpening some of your web development know-how, a nonprofit site might be the perfect fit.

21. Resume site

Webflow resume website template

Not everyone needs or wants to put up an entire portfolio or personal website. Sometimes all you need is a resume site. A resume site is generally just a single page where you can include social media links, biographical information, and a contact form or other way to get in touch. Though the ROI may not always be obvious, it’s helpful to have a central place to send visitors who want to keep up with you or get in touch. 

A great example of a resume site is this free link in bio template . Creator JP Dionisio used this template to create a sleek and informative resume site that lists their qualifications and skills so prospective employers can quickly glean important information. A resume site like this is great for adding to social media accounts that limit you to a single bio, too.

22. Web application

Trello web application website

Web applications are some of the most popular tools around, making them a great website idea for developers. 

Trello , for example, is a popular no-code web app for project management that helps teams organize tasks, collaborate, and stay productive using custom to-do lists. It provides a visual platform where users can create boards, lists, and cards to manage their projects and workflows.

Plus, the software offers responsive design, meaning it works on mobile devices like iPhones or Androids.

23. SaaS website

Webflow homepage

Creating a business website for a SaaS product is a great way to improve your design skills and even find freelance work in the tech industry. SaaS is a software as a service product — think tools like Webflow, Zapier, or Buffer.

Users of these platforms pay a subscription to get access to tools and resources. Creating an actual SaaS product takes a lot of time and engineering resources. However, all of these platforms need a marketing site that shows off their product.

Webflow is one of the most popular tools out there for creating these SaaS marketing websites.

SaaS websites are more comprehensive websites, just like ecommerce websites. They usually require a homepage, feature and use case pages, and a blog. They are a key part to a SaaS company’s marketing strategy — making them a valuable website idea.

24. Newsletter website

Marketer Milk newsletter website

Creating a newsletter website is a great idea to provide useful information to any target audience. The key with this idea is to pick a niche and serve a small group of people with news-worthy content.

There are two different ways you can approach this website idea — write articles yourself or curate them from the web.

For example, Marketer Milk is a marketing newsletter website that curates marketing news and resources around the web. This concept is very similar to the curation idea mentioned earlier. However, the goal of this website is to get people onto an email list from your website.

You could start a newsletter simply by using a tool like Substack, but the key is to own your own digital real estate. So, creating a website for your newsletter is a great way to not rely on newsletter platforms to attract subscribers. It also gives you different marketing avenues, like writing SEO blog posts, to grow your website traffic.

25. Gallery

Grafit gallery website

Online galleries can also bring in some major traffic and revenue, if they’re set up properly. 

Grafit , for example, is an online platform and gallery website that showcases and discovers SaaS sites across different industries like education and e-commerce. Marketers and developers can use this portfolio platform to find inspiration for their own SaaS website and see how some of the top-performing companies attract customers.

26. Dropshipping

Printful dropshipping website gallery website

A dropshipping site is another popular revenue-generating website idea. A dropshipping site is an e-commerce platform or website where products are sold without the need for the seller to keep inventory in stock. Instead of purchasing and storing products upfront, the seller partners with suppliers or wholesalers who handle the inventory and shipping logistics. 

Printful , for example, is a dropshipping and print-on-demand fulfillment service that enables individuals and businesses to create and sell custom-designed products online. It offers a wide range of customizable items, including apparel, accessories, home goods, and promotional products.

Printful seamlessly integrates with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Etsy. Users can easily sync their online stores with Printful, automating the order fulfillment process.

Launch your next website project with Webflow

Whether you’re looking for a place to host your portfolio or resume, or bring in some extra revenue through affiliate links or e-commerce sites, Webflow makes it possible to bring your best web development project ideas to fruition. With an intuitive visual canvas, templates, a powerful CMS, and Webflow University to help you learn, we give you all the tools required to launch your next online venture.

From the fundamentals to advanced topics — learn how to build sites in Webflow and become the designer you always wanted to be.

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25+ Web Resources to Help You Build Your Projects

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25+ Web Resources to Help You Build Your Projects

1. Tickera – WordPress Event Ticketing System

2. layerslider – responsive wordpress slider plugin, 3. pagely – managed wordpress hosting, 4. goodie – web development service, 5. ultra – the most powerful wordpress theme, 7. colorlib – apply, 8. postcards, 10. codester, 11. meridianthemes, 12. uicookies – frame, 14. mailmunch, 15. whatfontis, 17. superbwebsitebuilders, 20. im xprs, 21. invoiceberry, 22. salesmate, 24., 25. evergreenfeed, 27. rumbletalk – wordpress social chat, frequently asked questions (faqs) about web resources for building projects.

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The competitiveness between web designers and developers has reached a crescendo. There are several ways to beat your competition. One is to have more knowledge and become an expert. Another is to get help from the tens of extremely useful web apps and services which are delivering outstanding results for its users.

In this showcase, we’ll show you 25+ web resources which will help you day-by-day to build and complete your projects. You will save time and money by using them.

Check the mini-reviews and start using these solutions.


Tickera is the most affordable, complete, professional and ultra-simple to use WordPress ticketing plugin on the market. Other than all the included features and great interface, a big advantage for Tickera is that it doesn’t take a cut from your profits — its strategy is to have a yearly cost plus a onetime fee, both numbers being small.

Tickera allows you to check in attendees easily by using simple iPhone and Android mobile applications as well as barcode readers, or even its powerful premium platform-independent Chrome desktop application to speed up the whole check-in process. Create stunning floor plans of your venue to make it easier for your attendees to pick the best seat for your show. Make seating groups, standing areas, round or square tables, points of interest… anything you need, any way you like. Just pick, drag and drop — it is as simple as it sounds.

This solution allows you to have a shopping cart where customers can buy any number of tickets at once. You can easily boost your sales by offering discount codes. Using the ticket builder, you can design fully customized tickets to differentiate the standard one from the VIP.

Pricing starts from $49 per year plus a one-time cost of $70, and it can be used forever, for any number of websites.


LayerSlider is probably the best solution on the market to easily create stunning sliders, image galleries, slideshows with mind-blowing effects, landing pages, animated page blocks, or even a full website. LayerSlider can be used for WordPress – the cost is $24 with lifetime updates and 6 months support, and for jQuery where the cost is $15.

Using the drag and drop editor which is packed with tons of great features (preview mode, undo-redo, Photoshop-like image editor and others) you can fully customize the existing templates (personal and corporate themes) or start from scratch. It’s super simple to use and professional results can be achieved by those without any coding experience or special knowledge.

On their website, you will find lots of information that will help you and a dedicated, friendly support team which will quickly assist you.


Pagely is a managed WordPress hosting solution that launched as the first of its kind to market 10 years ago. Since then, it has become a market leader using cutting-edge technology in its hosting stack, which is built upon Amazon Web Services. That means even more power and near infinite resources.

What was, and still is, different at Pagely is the human power. Since day one as pioneers in the market, they have worked hard to be kind to customers and competition alike and to always act with a conscience. Pagely continues to offer superior solutions for managed WordPress hosting with adaptive, seasoned engineers who consistently bring a flexible, friendly, and first-rate experience to customers, employees, and colleagues.


Goodie is a professional web development service which will help you have a gorgeous website starting from $999. If you need more features than the basic package, you will receive an affordable quote from the developer you have selected. If your request is super-simple to realize, the web developer will add value to your project so every cent you have invested will be worthwhile.

The team who built Goodie has been running small businesses for the last decade. They know how important it is to have people you can trust by your side. Goodie has 10 years of experience launching beautiful websites for businesses like yours.


The Themify Builder is the most powerful and easy-to-use page designer and builder for WordPress. Design any layout that you can imagine, bring it to life using the drag & drop interface, and watch it come together right in front of your eyes with live preview. Select, drag, and drop, and you have built beautiful pages — without any coding!


WPKube is a professional WordPress theme developer which has invested a lot to deliver excellent templates on the market. All its themes are responsive, load fast, are SEO friendly and can be quickly customized to fit your project perfectly.


Optimized for ultra-fast speeds, SEO-friendly and pixel perfect, Apply is a free one-page WordPress theme that looks great. It has a modern and clean design that will be perfect for your next project. Download it and start customizing it.


With Postcards, you can quickly create beautiful and responsive emails using their professional and easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder which has more than 70 components. Making custom designs is easier than ever and you don’t need coding skills or any special knowledge.

Keep in mind that its template modules have been tested to render perfectly across all major email clients, with support on the popular web, desktop, and mobile platforms.


Using Slides, you can get a beautiful site up and running in no time. Just choose slides you like and start tweaking the design — it is super simple to use, and excellent results will be achieved in minutes. Work efficiently from a clean code base that’s easily understandable and highly customizable. You will never go back to the usual website builders after using slides.


Codester is a great marketplace for web designers, developers and for everybody who is looking to buy and sell PHP scripts, app templates, themes for different platforms, plugins and much more. There are thousands of products and the marketplace is quickly growing every month.


MeridianThemes is a popular WordPress theme developer which creates pixel-perfect, multipurpose templates that can be fully customized in a couple of minutes to fit your projects. In its collection, you will find free and premium themes with mobile responsive designs, compatibility with the popular plugins and plenty of options. Check out Meridian’s portfolio.


Frame is a free HTML5 and multipurpose WordPress theme made by the highly reputed developer uiCookies. The one-page template is easy to customize, and it has a modern and clean design. You will improve your conversion rate once you start using Frame.


Whenever you are looking for a new logo design, but you don’t want to spend a fortune, LogoAI is a great place to go. It uses artificial intelligence to create a professional logo design and you will get the file in multiple file formats, and with brand guidelines including colors and fonts. LogoAI delivers everything a designer would.


MailMunch is a quick and popular way to capture leads from your website, with more than 50,000 websites using this solution every day. Choose from professionally designed themes that can fully match your website or blog and start converting. MailMunch offers a free-forever plan and the pricing per month starts from $15.


Looking for a new font? No matter what font are you searching for, WhatFontIs will show you over 60 similar free or commercial fonts. It’s super simple to use and lightning fast. Its font match gen platform uses a unique artificial intelligence and it learns new fonts every day.


Pixpa is an all-in-one platform for photographers, artists, and designers. Get your online portfolio with built-in eCommerce, client proofing, and blogging tools, using Pixpa’s powerful drag-and-drop builder.

Try it for free for 15 days — you will be impressed.


SuperbWebsiteBuilders is a top-notch destination for users looking for a simple yet powerful web building solution. The website offers dozens of quality website builder reviews, unveiling the overview, characteristics, distinctive features, pros, and cons of well-known services. For users who cannot decide on the most suitable system, the website has a category containing comparisons of similar services as well as their ratings. The reviews and comparisons are updated on a regular basis.


uKit is a fresh website builder that empowers businesses to create a professional looking website, be it a landing page, online business card, eCommerce site and more. The platform lets you get started free of charge and offers a wide library of designs that ensure a great multi-device viewing experience. Thanks to specialized built-in marketing and SEO tools for DIY website owners, creating a successful site has never been this easy!


uCalc is a modern, yet robust web calculator designer that lets you create and embed calculators into your website, hassle-free. The building process is a piece of cake and doesn’t require any development skills. It doesn’t matter what you want to calculate, uCalc handles it all — be it a pizza delivery quote calculator, window cost calculator, estimating the volume of concrete for foundation or the body mass index.


IM XPRS is a website builder, which allows you to solve a broad array of web building tasks and launch different types of websites. The system offers a wide spectrum of responsive thematic templates and customization tools to give the templates the desired look. The website builder is absolutely free, yet it has a perfect White Label solution for advanced web designers and owners of large businesses.


InvoiceBerry is a complete invoicing solution for small companies and freelancers which can be quickly used to create and send fully customized invoices, track expenses, create reports, track payments and much more. They offer a free-forever plan which you can start using today.


SalesMate is an all-in-one CRM app which web designers and developers may use to increase their sales and manage all the information in one place. Focus on the right contacts, save critical info about them and have a better sales process. The pricing starts from $15/month.


Ucraft is a cloud-based website builder, with a range of features and tools that allows the creation of high-quality websites with stunning functionality. The service ensures an intuitive and simple web design process, which always triggers an excellent result. It is possible to build responsive websites to cover all your business and personal needs here. Special attention should be given to the Free Landing Page Creator the service offers, advanced Designer Tools and eCommerce engine for easy online store creation and management.


Controlio is a popular computer and internet monitoring cloud-based software that allows you to track user activities on PC, remotely, from any location and device in 100% stealth mode. For small and medium companies they have a cost of $7.99 per user per month.


Using EvergreenFeed, you can put your social media presence on autopilot. It is as simple as it sounds, and you will save more than 5 hours every week. You add new posts by selecting the content, you choose the schedule for each social media account and you increase the reach by automatically posting the best content and the right times.


Uncode is a powerful, multi-scope and pixel-perfect WordPress theme that will make your life easier and your projects better. Loaded with a drag-and-drop builder, tons of features and options, Uncode will be a perfect fit for your next project.


RumbleTalk meets the needs of websites and companies to engage their website or event visitors in real-time chat as a group. It is proven that this is an easy and enjoyable way to quickly increase conversions.

It is super simple to implement, and the results come fast.

Whenever you are looking to get things done quickly while having excellent results, any of the above web resources are great options. Some of them have free trials or even free-forever plans, so testing them is easy and free of cost.

As a final note, these web tools and services were manually selected and represent the best 26 web resources in the first quarter of 2018.

What are some free web resources I can use to build my projects?

There are numerous free web resources available to help you build your projects. Some of these include GitHub, a platform for version control and collaboration, and CodePen, a social development environment for front-end developers. Other resources include Glitch, a friendly community where you can build the app of your dreams, and Stack Overflow, a platform for learning and sharing knowledge about coding.

How can I choose the right web resource for my project?

Choosing the right web resource for your project depends on the nature of your project and your specific needs. Consider factors such as the complexity of your project, the programming languages you’re using, and the level of collaboration required. Research each platform’s features, community, and support options to make an informed decision.

Are there web resources that offer project templates?

Yes, several web resources offer project templates. For instance, Canva provides a variety of website templates that you can customize to suit your project. Similarly, CodePen offers a collection of project templates created by other developers, which you can use as a starting point for your own projects.

Can I use these web resources if I’m a beginner?

Absolutely! Many of these web resources are designed to be user-friendly and cater to users of all skill levels. For instance, Glitch offers a hands-on learning environment for beginners, while Stack Overflow has a community of experts ready to answer your questions.

Are there web resources for DIY projects?

Yes, there are several web resources specifically designed for DIY projects. Websites like Instructables and Make: Projects provide step-by-step instructions for a wide range of DIY projects, from home decor to tech gadgets.

Can I collaborate with others on these web resources?

Yes, many of these web resources offer collaboration features. For instance, GitHub allows you to work with others on your projects, while Glitch lets you collaborate in real-time with your team.

Are there web resources that offer tutorials or learning resources?

Yes, many web resources offer tutorials or learning resources. For example, CodePen has a collection of tutorials and guides, while Stack Overflow offers a wealth of knowledge in its community Q&A.

Can I share my projects on these web resources?

Yes, most of these web resources allow you to share your projects. For instance, you can share your projects on GitHub, showcase your work on CodePen, or share your DIY projects on Instructables.

Are there web resources for specific programming languages?

Yes, there are web resources that cater to specific programming languages. For instance, Stack Overflow has dedicated sections for different programming languages, while GitHub supports virtually all programming languages.

Can I get feedback on my projects from these web resources?

Yes, many of these web resources have active communities where you can get feedback on your projects. For instance, you can get feedback from other developers on CodePen or from the community on Stack Overflow.

SitePoint Premium

Websites for you and your projects.

Hosted directly from your github repository . just edit, push, and your changes are live..


Ready to get started? Build your own site from scratch or generate one for your project.

You get one site per github account and organization, and unlimited project sites. let‘s get started..

  • User or organization site
  • Project site

Create a repository

Head over to GitHub and create a new public repository named username, where username is your username (or organization name) on GitHub.

If the first part of the repository doesn’t exactly match your username, it won’t work, so make sure to get it right.

What git client are you using?

  • GitHub Desktop
  • I don't know

Download GitHub Desktop

GitHub Desktop is a great way to use Git and GitHub on macOS and Windows.

GitHub Desktop screenshot

Clone the repository

Go to the folder where you want to store your project, and clone the new repository:

~ $ git clone username / username

Click the "Set up in Desktop" button. When the GitHub desktop app opens, save the project.

If the app doesn't open, launch it and clone the repository from the app.

After finishing the installation, head back to and refresh the page. Click the "Set up in Desktop" button. When the GitHub desktop app opens, save the project.

Hello World

Enter the project folder and add an index.html file:

~ $ cd username

~ $ echo "Hello World" > index.html

Create an index file

Grab your favorite text editor and add an index.html file to your project:

Add, commit, and push your changes:

~ $ git add --all

~ $ git commit -m "Initial commit"

~ $ git push -u origin main

Commit & publish

Enter the repository, commit your changes, and press the publish button.

…and you're done!

Fire up a browser and go to https:// username .

Use a theme, or start from scratch?

  • Choose a theme
  • Start from scratch

Repository Settings

Head over to and create a new repository, or go to an existing one. Click on the Settings tab .

Settings for a repository

Theme chooser

Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section. Press Choose a theme .

Automatic Generator button on, Settings

Pick a theme

Choose one of the themes from the carousel at the top. When you're done, click Select theme on the right.

Choose layout

Edit content

Use the editor to add content to your site.

Add content to your GitHub Pages site

Enter a commit comment and click on Commit changes below the editor.

Commit Markdown content to your repository

Head over to and create a new repository , or go to an existing one. Click on the Create new file button.

Create a file in your repository

Name the file index.html and type some HTML content into the editor.

Hello World on

Commit the file

Scroll to the bottom of the page, write a commit message, and commit the new file.

Commit the file

Click on the Settings tab and scroll down to the GitHub Pages section. Then select the main branch source and click on the Save button.

GitHub Pages Source Setting

Fire up a browser and go to http:// username repository .

Now that you’re up and running, here are a few things you should know.

Blogging with jekyll.

Using Jekyll , you can blog using beautiful Markdown syntax, and without having to deal with any databases. Learn how to set up Jekyll .

Custom URLs

Want to use your own custom domain for a GitHub Pages site? Just create a file named CNAME and include your URL. Read more .

Learn how to create custom 404 pages, use submodules, and learn more about GitHub Pages .

40 JavaScript Projects for Beginners – Easy Ideas to Get Started Coding JS

Jessica Wilkins

The best way to learn a new programming language is to build projects.

I have created a list of 40 beginner friendly project tutorials in Vanilla JavaScript, React, and TypeScript.

My advice for tutorials would be to watch the video, build the project, break it apart and rebuild it your own way. Experiment with adding new features or using different methods.

That will test if you have really learned the concepts or not.

You can click on any of the projects listed below to jump to that section of the article.

Vanilla JavaScript Projects

How to create a color flipper.

  • How to create a counter
  • How to create a review carousel
  • How to create a responsive navbar
  • How to create a sidebar
  • How to create a modal

How to create a FAQ page

How to create a restaurant menu page, how to create a video background, how to create a navigation bar on scroll, how to create tabs that display different content, how to create a countdown clock, how to create your own lorem ipsum, how to create a grocery list, how to create an image slider, how to create a rock paper scissors game, how to create a simon game, how to create a platformer game.

  • How to create Doodle Jump
  • How to create Flappy Bird
  • How to create a Memory game
  • How to create a Whack-a-mole game
  • How to create Connect Four game
  • How to create a Snake game
  • How to create a Space Invaders game
  • How to create a Frogger game
  • How to create a Tetris game

React Projects

How to build a tic-tac-toe game using react hooks, how to build a tetris game using react hooks, how to create a birthday reminder app.

  • How to create a tours page

How to create an accordion menu

How to create tabs for a portfolio page, how to create a review slider, how to create a color generator, how to create a stripe payment menu page, how to create a shopping cart page, how to create a cocktail search page, typescript projects, how to build a quiz app with react and typescript, how to create an arkanoid game with typescript.

If you have not learned JavaScript fundamentals, then I would suggest watching this course before proceeding with the projects.

Many of the screenshots below are from here .


In this John Smilga tutorial , you will learn how to create a random background color changer. This is a good project to get you started working with the DOM.

In Leonardo Maldonado's article on why it is important to learn about the DOM, he states:

By manipulating the DOM, you have infinite possibilities. You can create applications that update the data of the page without needing a refresh. Also, you can create applications that are customizable by the user and then change the layout of the page without a refresh.

Key concepts covered:

  • document.getElementById()
  • document.querySelector()
  • addEventListener()
  • Math.floor()
  • Math.random()
  • array.length

Before you get started, I would suggest watching the introduction where John goes over how to access the setup files for all of his projects.

How to create a Counter


In this John Smilga tutorial , you will learn how to create a counter and write conditions that change the color based on positive or negative numbers displayed.

This project will give you more practice working with the DOM and you can use this simple counter in other projects like a pomodoro clock.

  • document.querySelectorAll()
  • currentTarget property
  • textContent

How to create a Review carousel


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a carousel of reviews with a button that generates random reviews.

This is a good feature to have on an ecommerce site to display customer reviews or a personal portfolio to display client reviews.

  • DOMContentLoaded

How to create a responsive Navbar


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a responsive navbar that will show the hamburger menu for smaller devices.

Learning how to develop responsive websites is an important part of being a web developer. This is a popular feature used on a lot of websites.

  • classList.toggle()

How to create a Sidebar


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a sidebar with animation.

This is a cool feature that you can add to your personal website.

  • classList.remove()

How to create a Modal


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a modal window which is used on websites to get users to do or see something specific.

A good example of a modal window would be if a user made changes in a site without saving them and tried to go to another page. You can create a modal window that warns them to save their changes or else that information will be lost.

  • classList.add()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a frequently asked questions page which educates users about a business and drives traffic to the website through organic search results.


In this tutorial , you will learn how to make a restaurant menu page that filters through the different food menus. This is a fun project that will teach you higher order functions like map, reduce, and filter.

In Yazeed Bzadough's article on higher order functions, he states:

the greatest benefit of HOFs is greater reusability.
  • map, reduce, and filter
  • includes method


In this tutorial , you will learn how to make a video background with a play and pause feature. This is a common feature found in a lot of websites.

  • classList.contains()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a navbar that slides down when scrolling and then stays at a fixed position at a certain height.

This is a popular feature found on many professional websites.

  • getFullYear()
  • getBoundingClientRect()
  • slice method
  • window.scrollTo()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create tabs that will display different content which is useful when creating single page applications.


In this tutorial , you will learn how to make a countdown clock which can be used when a new product is coming out or a sale is about to end on an ecommerce site.

  • setInterval()
  • clearInterval()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create your own Lorem ipsum generator.

Lorem ipsum is the go to placeholder text for websites. This is a fun project to show off your creativity and create your own text.

  • event.preventDefault()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to update and delete items from a grocery list and create a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) application.

CRUD plays a very important role in developing full stack applications. Without it, you wouldn't be able to do things like edit or delete posts on your favorite social media platform.

  • createAttribute()
  • setAttributeNode()
  • appendChild()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to build an image slider that you can add to any website.

  • querySelectorAll()
  • if/else statements


In this tutorial , Tenzin will teach you how to create a Rock Paper Scissors game. This is a fun project that will give more practice working with the DOM.

  • switch statements


In this tutorial , Beau Carnes will teach you how to create the classic Simon Game. This is a good project that will get you thinking about the different components behind the game and how you would build out each of those functionalities.

  • querySelector()
  • setTimeout()


In this tutorial , Frank Poth will teach you how to build a platformer game. This project will introduce you to Object Oriented Programming principles and the Model, View, Controller software pattern.

  • this keyword
  • OOP principles
  • MVC pattern

How to create Doodle Jump and Flappy Bird


In this video series , Ania Kubow will teach you how to build Doodle Jump and Flappy Bird .

Building games are a fun way to learn more about JavaScript and will cover many popular JavaScript methods.

  • createElement()
  • removeChild()
  • removeEventListener()

How to create seven classic games with Ania Kubow


You will have a lot of fun creating seven games in this course by Ania Kubow:

  • Memory Game
  • Whack-a-mole
  • Connect Four
  • Space Invaders
  • onclick event
  • arrow functions

If you are not familiar with React fundamentals, then I would suggest taking this course before proceeding with the projects.


In this freeCodeCamp article , Per Harald Borgen talks about Scrimba's Tic-Tac-Toe game tutorial led by Thomas Weibenfalk. You can view the video course on Scimba's YouTube Channel.

This is a good project to start getting comfortable with React basics and working with hooks.

  • import / export


In this tutorial , Thomas Weibenfalk will teach you how to build a Tetris game using React Hooks and styled components.

  • useEffect()
  • useCallback()
  • styled components


In this John Smilga course, you will learn how to create a birthday reminder app. This is a good project to start getting comfortable with React basics and working with hooks.

I would also suggest watching John's video on the startup files for this project.

How to create a Tours Page


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a tours page where the user can delete which tours they are not interested in.

This will give you practice with React hooks and the async/await pattern.

  • try...catch statement
  • async/await pattern


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a questions and answers accordion menu. These menus can be helpful in revealing content to users in a progressive way.

  • React icons


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create tabs for a mock portfolio page. Tabs are useful when you want to display different content in single page applications.


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a review slider that changes to a new review every few seconds.

This is a cool feature that you can incorporate into an ecommerce site or portfolio.


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a color generator. This is a good project to continue practicing working with hooks and setTimeout.

  • clearTimeout()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a Stripe payment menu page. This project will give you good practice on how to design a product landing page using React components.

  • useContext()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a shopping cart page that updates and deletes items. This project will also be a good introduction to the useReducer hook.

  • <svg> elements
  • useReducer()


In this tutorial , you will learn how to create a cocktail search page. This project will give you an introduction to how to use React router.

React router gives you the ability to create a navigation on your website and change views to different components like an about or contact page.

  • <Router>
  • <Switch>

If you are unfamiliar with TypeScript, then I would suggest watching this course before proceeding with this project.


In this tutorial , Thomas Weibenfalk will teach you how to build a quiz app with React and TypeScript. This is a good opportunity to practice the basics of TypeScript.

  • dangerouslySetInnerHTML


In this tutorial , Thomas Weibenfalk will teach you how to build the classic Arkanoid game in TypeScript. This is a good project that will give you practice working with the basic concepts for TypeScript.

  • HTMLCanvasElement

I hope you enjoy this list of 40 project tutorials in Vanilla JavaScript, React and TypeScript.

Happy coding!

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20 of the Best Interactive Websites [+ How to Make Your Own]

Anna Fitzgerald

Published: January 05, 2024

The best websites are designed with users in mind. Interactive websites are particularly successful at user-centered design . They are not only personalized and playful — they also give users control over their experience and help guide them toward information they want.

User clicking button with hover effect on interactive website

Visitors on interactive websites are invited to scroll, click on navigation items, view portfolio items, and participate in other ways. The result is a more engaged and memorable user experience .

In this post, we’ll take a look at more than a dozen interactive websites that can inspire your own web design . Then, we’ll walk through some actionable steps you can take to make your site interactive.

websites to use for projects

HubSpot's Free Website Builder

Create and customize your own business website with an easy drag-and-drop website builder.

  • Build a website without any coding skills.
  • Pre-built themes and templates.
  • Built-in marketing tools and features.

Interactive Websites

Interactive websites either respond to a user’s interaction or guide the user journey with captivating animations, videos, and other interactive elements (like on this homepage ). This type of website does more than delight users — it helps keep them engaged on the site for longer. Here are some of the best examples of interactive design.


Fern is an Atlanta-based animation and design studio that specializes in  animation, illustration, and storytelling. Their website offers multiple ways for visitors to interact, including horizontal scrolling , animated text, GIFs, and video backgrounds.

You’ll find one of the most unique interactive elements when you scroll down to their Archives. It seems like a simple table with the name of the brand the agency worked with and a short description of the project. But when you hover over one of these names or descriptions, the cursor reveals a short animated clip that’s basically a trailer of the project. It’s the perfect combination of interactive and informative.

2. Earth Month With A Redwood

Interactive website Earth Month With a Redwood requires users to slide element to reveal homepage

Earth Month With A Redwood is a microsite for Redwood Empire Whiskey. Designed and developed by Affinity Creative, its purpose was to educate and incentivize customers to enter the Redwood Glamping Experience Sweepstakes.

Earth Month With A Redwoof not only invites users to interact with the site — it requires it. When you land on the homepage, you are invited to “plant your seed.” You have to slide the rotating element into the glass to essentially unlock the rest of the site. Once you do, the background will be replaced by a hand drawn map. At the bottom, you’ll see a scrolling banner that invites you to enter the sweepstakes or share it on Facebook or Instagram to increase your own chances. Once you hover over the banner, it stops scrolling. As you scroll, you’ll notice plenty of additional interactive elements.

3. Eamonn Day Lavelle


Eamonn Day Lavelle provides an excellent example of a simple interactive portfolio website. If you click “View Projects,” you are automatically scrolled down to a list of his projects. If you click on any individual project, then you are redirected to a more comprehensive landing page. Thanks to a fade-in transition effect , the page fades in and changes background color to visually depict the loading process.

The best part about this site is that it’s optimized for performance. Coded with HTML5 and CSS3 and weighing less than 8MB, the site loads incredibly fast. This proves that interactive design and website performance don’t have to be tradeoffs.

4. Whiteboard

Interactive website Whiteboard displays a digital portfolio collage that readers can click on to view individual projects

Whiteboard is a creative agency that drives strategy, designs brands, develops websites, builds apps, and launches campaigns, among other responsibilities. Its website is a treasure trove of interaction. You’ll find parallax scrolling , fly-in animations, hover animations, and much more.

For example, if you scroll down the page, you’ll find a unique portfolio section that looks like a collage board with images. If you hover over any of the individual images, then the image becomes a white text box with the brand’s name and an invitation to view the project, and the background becomes a full-width image from the case study.

5. Foot Locker's Home Game

Interactive website for Foot Lockers Home Game contest

The site excelled in capturing visitor’s attention and sustaining it. The first thing visitors see is a colorful background that looks a bit like a basketball court. Elements that look like paper cutouts of basketball hoops, sneakers, and Foot Locker gift cards continuously rain down the screen. There are CTA buttons encouraging users to “Follow Along” throughout the page. These buttons turn a different color and rotate when users hover over them. When scrolling through the section called “The Drops,” cards appear as the reader scrolls showing which prizes were available.


Interactive website (UN)TRAFFICKED invites users to follow a 13-year-old girl throughout a life-changing week

As the digital centerpiece of a large-scale campaign by the Kailash Satyarthi Children's Foundation and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation to end child exploitation in India, (UN)TRAFFICKED shows how powerful interactive web design can be.

7. Cyclemon

The catch: the bikes aren’t actually for sale. But the designs are.


As users hover over different elements, they change colors or move on the page. For example, there’s an interactive timeline that invites users to learn about the major landmarks in the company’s history, starting with its founding date. Then there’s a product slider. If a user hovers over one of the products, then more information appears thanks to the slide-in animation, including the product name, star rating, size availability and price. The user can click on another available size and the price will automatically change.


Violet is a company dedicated to making culturally competent health care accessible for all communities. Its website is characterized by bold colors and typography, animations, and illustrations.

Scrolling down the page, you’ll notice elements rotate as you scroll past them or the background color changes. Once you get close to the Library section, vertical scrolling changes to horizontal scrolling. The illustrated icons of each resource will also grow if you hover over them. The overall effect of the design is a personalized user experience, much like the company hopes all communities can receive from the health care system.

10. Decatur Dan


Dan Hall, better known as Decatur Dan, is a famous music video director who now creates visual stories for brands like Nike and Beats by Dre. His portfolio site — also developed by CTHDRL — exemplifies his visual storytelling skills. Inviting users to share his commitment to what’s bigger, greater, and better, his website allows users to drag and resize all elements on the page. As a result, users can remix his work into their own layout.

11. Delve Architects


Delve Architects is a London-based company that aims to bring a light-hearted and personable approach to architectural design. These two values are reflected in its website’s design.

The color palette is mostly made up of light pastels. The homepage is interactive so the user can choose how they navigate the site. Clicking on one of the color blocks will reveal an image and category, so users can view their projects, learn more about their practice, read their blog, or contact them with enquiries.

12. Cycles Gladiator


13. Daniel See


14. Portfolio Night

Interactive website Portfolio Night features a unique portfolio section that interacts to the users mouse behavior

This provides a truly unique example of an interactive portfolio section.

15. Prometheus Fuels

Interactive website Prometheus Fuels invites readers to learn how their company is creating fuel from the air

Prometheus Fuels invites readers to dive into an interactive story to learn how their company is creating fuel from the air. It’s basically part website, part video game. When users hover over the background, the car moves as if by game controller. If they hold the spacebar, they’ll see and hear the car accelerate. As the user scrolls and the car accelerates, bits of the story will be revealed.

How to Make Interactive Websites

  • Create a loading animation.
  • Make scrolling fun.
  • Leverage hover animations.
  • Incorporate video.
  • Add carousels.

1. Create a loading animation.

Loading animations are a great way to capture and keep the user’s attention immediately. Not only do they reassure users that the page is loading, they can also show off your brand personality and delight users. Many loading animations will indicate how long it will take for the page to load, which makes the waiting time seem shorter and makes users less likely to bounce.

Below is a simple and effective example.

2. Make scrolling fun.

You want to make it as fun as possible for users to browse your site and discover your content. Scrolling patterns can help. Let’s briefly go over the most popular options below:

  • Horizontal scrolling: This scrolling pattern allows the user to scroll left and right to reveal content from the sides of the window or container — instead of up and down, which is a more traditional orientation.
  • Infinite scroll:  With this type of long scrolling, content continually loads once a user reaches the bottom of the page. Pinterest is one of — if not the  — most well-known sites for using this scrolling pattern.
  • P arallax scrolling:  This scrolling pattern creates an illusion of depth. Basically, some elements are either fixed in place or set to scroll slower while other elements on the page scroll normally. This makes it look like some elements are moving in front of others, which simulates 3D movement.

Here’s an example of dynamic scrolling on a portfolio site:

Image Source

3. Leverage hover animations.

Another type of animation that can delight your visitors is hover animations. When a user hovers over an animated element like a button for example, it can change color, grow, shrink, rotate, and more, depending on how you coded it. Like loading animations, hover animations are enjoyable for the visitor and assure them that your site is working.

Here’s a great example of a hover animation that makes the primary CTA more clickable.


4. Incorporate video.

Since many users are more likely to play, share, and otherwise interact with videos than text, incorporating videos is an easy and effective way to make your website interactive. It can also help boost conversions. In fact, 83% of video marketers say video has helped them generate leads.

Taking interactive web design to a whole new level, Nikolaj Juhlsen used video to literally show visitors how it feels to take a ride.


5. Add carousels.

A carousel — or carousel slider — is a slideshow for presenting a series of content. When done right , a carousel slider is a great way to organize serial content or multiple, separate pieces of content, like images. It can also boost user engagement and provide a better experience by allowing visitors to quickly and easily navigate this content, especially on mobile.

Here’s an example of a product carousel that encourages user interaction:


How will your website interact with visitors?

Interactive websites can provide a more playful, personalized, and engaging experience to online consumers. The good news is that there are actionable steps you can take to add more interactivity to your site right away. You might add a video, re-organize a product display into a carousel, or create a loading animation, depending on your skillset and target audience.

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32 HTML And CSS Projects For Beginners (With Source Code)

websites to use for projects

updated Aug 20, 2024

If you want to feel confident in your front-end web developer skills, the easiest solution is to start building your own HTML and CSS projects from scratch.

As with any other skill, practicing on simple, realistic projects helps you build your skills and confidence step-by-step.

But if you are new to HTML and CSS, you may be wondering:

Where can I find ideas for beginner-level HTML and CSS projects?

Even if you are just starting out with HTML and CSS, there are some fun and easy projects you can create.

Whether you are new to learning web development or have some experience under your belt, this guide is the perfect place to start improving your skills.

In this article, I’ll walk you through 32 fun HTML and CSS coding projects that are easy to follow. We will start with beginner-level projects and then move on to more demanding ones.

If you want to become a professional front-end developer, the projects below will help you expand your portfolio.

When it’s time to apply for your first entry-level job, you can showcase your skills to potential employers with a portfolio packed with real-life project examples.

Let’s get started!

Please note: This post contains affiliate links to products I use and recommend. I may receive a small commission if you purchase through one of my links, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

What are HTML and CSS?

HTML and CSS are the most fundamental languages for front-end web development.

Learning them will allow you to:

  • Build stunning websites
  • Start a coding blog
  • Make money freelancing

Let’s take a quick look at both of them next:

What is HTML?

HTML or HyperText Markup Language is the standard markup language for all web pages worldwide.

It’s not a “typical” programming language like Python or Java since it doesn’t contain any programming logic. HTML can’t perform data manipulations or calculations, for example.

Instead, HTML allows you to create and format the fundamental structure and content of a web page.

You will use HTML to create:

  • Page layouts (header, body, footer, sidebar)
  • Paragraphs and headings
  • Input fields
  • Checkboxes and radio buttons
  • Embedded media

Thus, HTML only allows you to determine the structure of a web page and place individual content elements within it.

For more details, check out my post on what HTML is and how it works .

You can’t format the look and feel of your web page with HTML, though.

Your HTML web page will look dull and boring. Sort of like this:

The first HTML WWW website ever built

The example above is the first web page every built for the WWW , by the way.

This is how websites used to look in the ’90s. But we’ve come a long way since.

To make your HTML content visually appealing and professional-looking, you need another language: CSS. Let’s look at that next.

What is CSS?

CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language that allows you to adjust the design and feel of your HTML content.

Thus, CSS allows you to turn your pure-HTML pages into stunning, modern websites. And it’s easy to learn, too!

CSS allows you to target individual HTML elements and apply different styling rules to them.

For example, here’s a CSS rule that targets H2 headings, their font-size property, and sets it to a value of 24px:

You can use CSS to adjust:

  • Page layouts and sections
  • Backgrounds
  • Fonts and text styling
  • Spacings (paddings, margins)
  • Borders and shadows
  • CSS animations
  • Responsiveness (with media queries)

If you want to create stunning websites and become a front-end web developer, CSS is one of the first tools you must learn and master.

For more details, check out my post on what CSS is and how it works .

learning to code working on laptop

Why build HTML and CSS projects?

Practicing on realistic, hands-on projects is the best way to learn how to create something useful and meaningful with HTML and CSS.

The more projects you finish, the more confidence you build.

To build a web page from scratch you need a basic understanding of how HTML works. You should be comfortable with writing the necessary HTML code to create a page without copying a boilerplate or following a tutorial.

Thus, if you want to become a front-end web developer , building HTML and CSS projects will teach you how to use these two languages in real life.

Therefore, practising your skills with the projects in this article will give you a competitive edge against anyone who’s simply following tutorials and copy-pasting other people’s code.

Finally, building HTML and CSS projects helps you build a professional portfolio of real-world projects.

When it’s time to start applying for your first job, you will have 10 to 20 cool projects to showcase your skills to potential employers. Not bad!

32 HTML and CSS projects: Table of contents

Here’s an overview of the HTML and CSS projects we’ll go through:

Beginner project: CSS radio buttons

Beginner project: css toggle buttons, beginner project: hamburger menu, beginner project: pure css sidebar toggle menu, beginner project: animated css menu, beginner project: custom checkboxes, beginner project: pure css select dropdown, beginner project: modal/popup without javascript, beginner project: animated gradient ghost button, beginner project: css image slider, basic html & css website layout, tribute page, survey page with html forms, sign-up page / log-in page, job application form page, landing page, product landing page, interactive navigation bar, responsive website header, restaurant menu, restaurant website, parallax website, custom 404 error page, personal portfolio website, blog post layout.

  • Photography website

Music store website

Discussion forum website.

  • Event or conference website

Technical documentation website

Online recipe book, website clone.

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HTML and CSS projects for beginners with source code – Mikke Goes Coding

This quick project is a great example of what you can do with pure CSS to style radio buttons or checkboxes:

See the Pen CSS radio buttons by Angela Velasquez ( @AngelaVelasquez ) on CodePen .

☝️ back to top ☝️

This HTML and CSS project teaches you how to create custom CSS toggle buttons from scratch:

See the Pen Pure CSS Toggle Buttons | ON-OFF Switches by Himalaya Singh ( @himalayasingh ) on CodePen .

Every website needs a menu, right?

This hamburger menu is beautiful and clean, and you can build it with just HTML and CSS:

See the Pen Pure CSS Hamburger fold-out menu by Erik Terwan ( @erikterwan ) on CodePen .

Placing your website navigation inside a sidebar toggle is an easy way to clean up the overall look and feel of your design.

Here’s a modern-looking solution to a pure-CSS sidebar toggle menu:

See the Pen PURE CSS SIDEBAR TOGGLE MENU by Jelena Jovanovic ( @plavookac ) on CodePen .

If you want to build a more dynamic, interactive website navigation, try this animated CSS menu:

See the Pen Animate menu CSS by Joël Lesenne ( @joellesenne ) on CodePen .

Styling your checkboxes to match the overall design is an easy way to elevate the look and feel of your website.

Here’s an easy HTML and CSS practice project to achieve that:

See the Pen Pure CSS custom checkboxes by Glen Cheney ( @Vestride ) on CodePen .

Standard select dropdowns often look dull and boring. Here’s a quick CSS project to learn how to create beautiful select dropdowns easily:

See the Pen Pure CSS Select by Raúl Barrera ( @raubaca ) on CodePen .

Modals and popups often use JavaScript, but here’s a pure HTML and CSS solution to creating dynamic, interactive modals and popups:

See the Pen Pure css popup box by Prakash ( @imprakash ) on CodePen .

Ghost buttons can look great if they fit the overall look and feel of your website.

Here’s an easy project to practice creating stunning, dynamic ghost buttons for your next website project:

See the Pen Animated Gradient Ghost Button Concept by Arsen Zbidniakov ( @ARS ) on CodePen .

This image slider with navigation buttons and dots is a fantastic HTML and CSS project to practice your front-end web development skills:

See the Pen CSS image slider w/ next/prev btns & nav dots by Avi Kohn ( @AMKohn ) on CodePen .

Now, before you start building full-scale web pages with HTML and CSS, you want to set up your basic HTML and CSS website layout first.

The idea is to divide your page into logical HTML sections. That way, you can start filling those sections with the right elements and content faster.

For example, you can break up the body of your page into multiple parts:

  • Header: <header>
  • Navigation: <nav>
  • Content: <article>
  • Sidebar: <aside>
  • Footer: <footer>

HTML web page structure example

Depending on your project, you can fill the article area with a blog post, photos, or other content you need to present.

This layout project will serve as a starting point for all your future HTML and CSS projects, so don’t skip it.

Having a template like this will speed up your next projects, because you won’t have to start from scratch.

Here are two tutorials that will walk you through the steps of creating a basic website layout using HTML and CSS:


Building a tribute page is fantastic HTML and CSS practice for beginners.

What should your tribute page be about?

Anything you like!

Build a tribute page about something you love spending time with.

Here are a few examples:

  • a person you like
  • your favorite food
  • a travel destination
  • your home town

My first HTML-only tribute page was for beetroots. Yes, beetroots. I mean, why not?

Beetroot Base HTML Page

HTML and CSS concepts you will practice:

  • HTML page structure
  • basic HTML elements: headings, paragraphs, lists
  • embedding images with HTML
  • CSS fundamentals: fonts and colors
  • CSS paddings, margins, and borders

Here’s a helpful tutorial for building a HTML and CSS tribute page .

Whether you want to become a full-time web developer or a freelance web designer, you will use HTML forms in almost every project.

Forms allow you to build:

  • Contact forms
  • Login forms
  • Sign up forms
  • Survey forms

Building a survey page allows you to practice HTML input tags, form layouts, radio buttons, checkboxes, and more.

Pick any topic you like and come up with 10 pieces of information you want to collect from respondents.

Perhaps an employee evaluation form? Or a customer satisfaction form?

  • form elements: input fields, dropdowns, radio buttons, labels
  • styling for forms and buttons

Here’s an example survey form project for inspiration:

See the Pen Good Vibes Form by Laurence ( @laurencenairne ) on CodePen .

Let’s practice those HTML forms a bit more, shall we?

For this project, you will build a sign-up or log-in page with the necessary input fields for a username and a password.

Because we can create a user profile on almost every website, forms are absolutely essential for allowing people to set their usernames and passwords.

Your forms will collect inputs from users and a separate back-end program will know how to store and process that data.

Creating a clean and clear sign-up page can be surprisingly difficult. The more you learn about HTML and CSS, the more content you want to create to showcase your skills. But the thing is: a sign-up page needs to be as clean and easy-to-use as possible.

Thus, the biggest challenge with this project is to keep it simple, clear, and light.

Here’s an example project to get started with:

See the Pen Learn HTML Forms by Building a Registration Form by Noel ( @WaterNic10 ) on CodePen .

For more inspiration, check out these 50+ sign-up forms built with HTML and CSS .

Using a HTML form is the best way to collect information from job applicants.

You can also generate and format a job description at the top of the page.

Then, create a simple job application form below to collect at least 10 pieces of information.

Use these HTML elements, for example:

  • Text fields
  • Email fields
  • Radio buttons

Here’s an example job application page you can build with HTML and CSS:

See the Pen Simple Job Application Form Example by Getform ( @getform ) on CodePen .

One of your first HTML and CSS projects should be a simple landing page.

Your landing page can focus on a local business, an event, or a product launch, for example.

Landing pages play an important role for new businesses, marketing campaigns, and product launches. As a front-end developer, you will be asked to create them for clients.

For this project, create a simple HTML file and style it with CSS. Be sure to include a headline, some text about the company or its services, and a call-to-action (CTA) button.

Make sure that your landing page is clean and clear and that it’s easy to read.

If you build a landing page for a new product, highlight the product’s key benefits and features.

To get started, follow this freeCodeCamp tutorial to build a simple landing page . You will need JavaScript for a few features. If you are not familiar with JavaScript, leave those features out for now and come back to them later.

For more inspiration, check out these HTML landing page templates .

Switch landing page template – HTML and CSS projects for beginners

A product landing page is a page that you build to promote a specific product or service.

For example, if you want to sell your ebook about how to use CSS to build an animated website, then you would create a product landing page for it.

Your product landing page can be very simple to start with. When your skills improve, add some complexity depending on what kind of information you need to present.

One of the most iconic product landing pages is the iPhone product page by Apple, for example:

Apple iPhone product landing page example

Of course, the iPhone landing page is technically complex, so you won’t build it as your first project. But still, it’s a good place to find inspiration and new ideas.

The best way to design your first product landing page is to create a simple wireframe first. Sketch your page layout on paper before you start building it.

Wireframes help you maintain a clear overview of your HTML sections and elements.

To get started, browse through these product landing page examples for some inspiration .

Building an interactive navigation bar will teach you how to create an animated menu with dropdowns using HTML and CSS.

This is another great project for beginners, because it will teach you how to create menus using HTML and CSS. You’ll also learn how to style them with different colors, fonts, and effects.

You’ll also learn how to use anchors and pseudo-classes to create the menu navigation, as well as how to create the dropdown menus from scratch.

If you aren’t familiar with CSS media queries yet, building a responsive navigation bar is a smart way to learn and practice them.

CSS media queries allow you to create a responsive navigation menu that changes its size and layout depending on screen width.

To get started, check out this tutorial on how to build an interactive navigation bar with HTML and CSS .

One of the best ways to practice your HTML and CSS skills is to create custom website headers. This is a great project to add to your portfolio website, as it will show off your skills and help you attract new clients.

There are a number of different ways that you can create a stylish and responsive website header. One option is to use a premade CSS framework such as Bootstrap or Foundation. Alternatively, you can create your own custom styles by hand.

No matter which option you choose, be sure to make your header mobile-friendly by using media queries. This will ensure that your header looks great on all devices, regardless of their screen size or resolution.

To get started, check out this simple example for a responsive HTML and CSS header .

If you’re looking to get into web development, one of the best HTML and CSS projects you can build is a simple restaurant menu.

Align the different foods and drinks using a CSS layout grid.

Add prices, images, and other elements you need to give it a professional, clean look and feel.

Choose a suitable color palette, fonts, and stock photos.

You can also add photos or a gallery for individual dishes. If you want to add an image slider, you can create one with HTML and CSS, too.

Here’s an example of a very simple restaurant menu project:

See the Pen Simple CSS restaurant menu by Viszked Tamas Andras ( @ViszkY ) on CodePen .

Once you’ve built your restaurant menu with, it’s time to tackle a more complex HTML and CSS project.

Building a real-life restaurant website is a fun way to practice a ton of HTML and CSS topics.

Not only will you learn the basics of creating a beautiful, professional web page, but you also get a chance to practice responsive web design, too.

And if you’re looking to land your first front-end web developer job, having a well-designed business website in your portfolio will help you stand out from the crowd.

Restaurant website example project with HTML and CSS

Make sure your website matches the restaurant’s menu and target clientele. A fine-dining place on Manhattan will have a different website than a simple (but delicious!) diner in rural Wisconsin.

Here are a few key details to include on your restaurant website:

  • Clear navigation bar
  • Restaurant details
  • Menu for food and drinks
  • Location and directions
  • Contact details
  • Upcoming events

To get started, check out this free tutorial on how to build a restaurant website with HTML and CSS .

To build a parallax website, you will include fixed background images that stay in place when you scroll down the page.

Although the parallax look isn’t as popular or modern as it was a few years back, web designers still use the effect a lot.

The easiest way to build a parallax HTML and CSS project is to start with a fixed background image for the entire page.

After that, you can experiment with parallax effects for individual sections.

Create 3-5 sections for your page, fill them with content, and set a fixed background image for 1-2 sections of your choice.

Word of warning: Don’t overdo it. Parallax effects can be distracting, so only use them as a subtle accent where suitable.

Here’s an example project with HTML and CSS source code:

See the Pen CSS-Only Parallax Effect by Yago Estévez ( @yagoestevez ) on CodePen .

404 error pages are usually boring and generic, right?

But when a visitor can’t find what they’re searching for, you don’t want them to leave your website.

Instead, you should build a custom 404 error page that’s helpful and valuable, and even fun and entertaining.

A great 404 page can make users smile and – more importantly – help them find what they are looking for. Your visitors will appreciate your effort, trust me.

For some inspiration, check out these custom 404 page examples .

Any web developer will tell you that having a strong portfolio is essential to landing your first job.

Your portfolio is a chance to show off your skills and demonstrate your expertise in front-end web development.

And while there are many ways to create a portfolio website, building one from scratch using HTML and CSS will give you tons of valuable practice.

Your first version can be a single-page portfolio. As your skills improve, continue adding new pages, content, and features. Make this your pet project!

Remember to let your personality shine through, too. It will help you stand out from the crowd of other developers who are vying for the same jobs.

Introduce yourself and share a few details about your experience and future plans.

Employers and clients want to see how you can help them solve problems. Thus, present your services and emphasize the solutions you can deliver with your skills.

Add your CV and share a link to your GitHub account to showcase your most relevant work samples.

Make sure to embed a few key projects directly on your portfolio website, too.

Finally, let your visitors know how to get in touch with you easily. If you want, you can add links to your social media accounts, too.

In this project, you’ll create a simple blog post page using HTML and CSS.

You’ll need to design the layout of the page, add a title, a featured image, and of course add some content to your dummy blog post.

You can also add a sidebar with a few helpful links and widgets, like:

  • An author bio with a photo
  • Links to social media profiles
  • List of most recent blog posts
  • List of blog post categories

Once your HTML structure and content are in place, it’s time to style everything with CSS.

Photography website with a gallery

If you’re a photographer or just enjoy taking pictures, then this project is for you.

Build a simple photo gallery website using HTML and CSS to practice your web design skills.

Start with the basic HTML structure of the page, and figure out a cool layout grid for the photos. You will need to embed the photos and style everything beautiful with CSS.

My tip: Use CSS Flexbox and media queries to create a responsive galleries that look great on all devices.

Here’s a full tutorial for building a gallery website with HTML and CSS:

If you love music, why not practice your HTML and CSS skills by building a music store web page?

Before you start, make a thorough plan about your website structure. What’s the purpose of your music store? What genres will you cover?

Pick a suitable color palette, choose your fonts, and any background images you want to use.

My tip: If you feature album cover images, keep your colors and fonts as clean and simple as possible. You don’t want to overpower the album covers with a busy web page with tons of different colors and mismatching fonts.

Create a user-friendly menu and navigation inside the header. Fill the footer with helpful links for your store, career page, contact details, and newsletter form, for example.

Building a music store website with HTML and CSS is a great opportunity to practice your skills while you are still learning.

Start with very basic features, and add new ones as your skills improve. For example, you can add media queries to make your website responsive.

A forum is a great way to create a community around a topic or interest, and it’s also a great way to practice your coding skills.

In this project, you’ll create a simple forum website using HTML and CSS.

You’ll need to design the layout of the site, add categories and forums, and set up some initial content.

Of course, you should start with creating the basic layout and structure with HTML first. You will need a navigation bar, at least one sidebar, and an area for the main content.

To make your discussion forum website more interesting, add new content and remember to interlink related threads to make the site feel more realistic.

Event or conference web page

Creating a web page for an event is a fun HTML and CSS project for beginners.

You can either pick a real event and build a better landing page than the real one, or come up with an imaginary conference, for example.

Make sure to include these elements:

  • Register button
  • Venue details
  • Dates and schedule
  • Speakers and key people
  • Directions (how to get there)
  • Accommodation details

Divide the landing page into sections, and create a header and a footer with menus and quick links.

Come up with a suitable color palette, pick your fonts, and keep your design clean and clear.

Every programming language, software, device and gadget has a technical documentation for helpful information and support.

Creating a technical documentation website with just HTML and CSS allows you to build a multi-page site with hierarchies, links, and breadcrumbs.

The main idea is to create a multi-page website where you have a sidebar menu on the left, and the content on the right.

The left-hand side contains a vertical menu with all the topics your documentation covers.

The right-hand side presents the description and all the details for each individual topic.

For simplicity, start with the homepage and 2–3 subpages first. Come up with a clean layout and make sure your links are working properly.

Then, start expanding the website with additional sub-pages, content, and elements.

  • HTML hyperlinks and buttons

Creating an online recipe book as an HTML and CSS project requires a similar setup than the previous project example.

You will need to create a homepage that serves as a directory for all your recipes. Then, create a separate subpage for each recipe.

If you want to challenge yourself, add recipe categories and create separate directory pages for each of them.

  • embedding recipe photos

One of the best ways to practice HTML and CSS is to clone an existing web page from scratch.

Use your browser’s inspecting tools to get an idea of how the page is built.

As with any HTML and CSS project, start by creating the basic page template with:

Then, divide your page into sections, rows, and columns.

Finally, fill your page with individual elements like headings, paragraphs, and images.

Once the HTML content is in place, use CSS to style your page.

Start with something simple, like the PayPal login page.

Then move on to more demanding cloning projects, such as a news website. Try the BBC homepage, for example.

Where to learn HTML and CSS?

There are no prerequisites required for you to learn HTML and CSS.

Both languages are easy to learn for beginners, and you can start building real-life projects almost right away.

Here are a few courses to check out if you want to learn HTML and CSS online at your own pace:

1: Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3

Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS – Udemy

Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3 was my first online web development course focused 100% on HTML and CSS.

You don’t need any coding or web development experience for this course. But if you have watched some online tutorials but you’re not sure how to create a full-scale website by yourself, you are going to love it.

2: The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0

The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 – Udemy

The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 changed my life back when I started learning web development.

This course takes you from zero to knowing the basics of all fundamental, popular web development tools. You’ll learn:

  • HTML and CSS
  • JavaScript and jQuery
  • and much more

3: Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass)

Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) – Udemy

I’m a big fan of Brad Traversy, and I really can’t recommend his Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning course enough.

Even if you have never built a website with HTML and CSS before, this course will teach you all the basics you need to know.

4: The Complete 2024 Web Development Bootcamp

The Complete 2023 Web Development Bootcamp – Udemy

One of my most recent favorites, The Complete 2024 Web Development Bootcamp by Dr. Angela Yu is one of the best web development courses for beginners I’ve come across.

If you’re not quite sure what area or language to specialize in, this course is the perfect place to try a handful of tools and programming languages on a budget.

5: Learn HTML (Codecademy)

Learn HTML – Codecademy

Learn HTML is a free beginner-level course that walks you through the fundamentals with interactive online lessons.

Codecademy also offers a plethora of other web development courses. Check out their full course catalog here .

6: Responsive Web Design (freeCodeCamp)

Responsive Web Design Curriculum – freeCodeCamp

The Responsive Web Design certification on FreeCodeCamp is great for learning all the basics of web development from scratch for free.

You start with HTML and CSS to get the hang of front-end web dev fundamentals. Then, you start learning new tools and technologies to add to your toolkit, one by one.

Also, check out these roundups with helpful web development courses:

  • 27 Best Web Development Courses (Free and Paid)
  • 20+ Web Development Books for Beginners
  • 120+ Free Places to Learn to Code (With No Experience)
  • 100+ Web Development Tools and Resources

Final thoughts: HTML and CSS project ideas for beginners

When it comes to learning HTML and CSS, practice makes perfect. Did you find a few inspirational ideas here to start building your next project?

Learning HTML and CSS may seem intimidating at first. But when you break it down into small, less-intimidating projects, it’s really not as hard as you might think.

Try these beginner-level HTML and CSS project ideas to improve your front-end web development skills. Remember to add your projects to your portfolio website .

It’s possible to learn how to code on your own, and it’s possible to land your first developer job without any formal education or traditional CS degree.

It all boils down to knowing how to apply your skills by building an awesome portfolio of projects like the ones above.

So, which project will you build first? Let me know in the comments below!

Once you feel comfortable with HTML and CSS, it’s time to start learning and practising JavaScript .

To get started, check out my guide with 20+ fun JavaScript projects ideas for beginners .

HTML and CSS project ideas

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About mikke.

websites to use for projects

Hi, I’m Mikke! I’m a blogger, freelance web developer, and online business nerd. Join me here on to learn how to code for free , build a professional portfolio website , launch a tech side hustle , and make money coding . When I’m not blogging, you will find me sipping strong coffee and biking around town in Berlin. Learn how I taught myself tech skills and became a web dev entrepreneur here . And come say hi on Twitter !

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10 Creative Website Design Ideas To Help When You’re Stuck

  • Matan Naveh
  • on Web Design Inspiration
  • Updated on: 21.02.22

websites to use for projects

There are many reasons why you might feel stuck on a project. Perhaps your recent client is exceptionally vague about what they want and you’ve got no idea where to start. Or, perhaps, you feel burned out and uninspired after having worked non-stop for a long period of time. Or, maybe, you’ve been designing websites for the same type of clients with no opportunity to exercise your creative muscles. 

Whatever the reason is, feeling stuck is quite common when it’s your job to be creative. But, as long as you have a process to help you generate new web design ideas, you’ll be able to chip away at the roadblocks in front of you. 

In this article, we’re going to look at 10 things you can do to give your creativity a boost along with some resources you can bookmark for the next time you need it.

Table Of Contents

10 actionable web design ideas.

  • 1. Put Together a Step-by-Step Process ​
  • 2. Reacquaint Yourself With the Principles of Web Design ​
  • 3. Research the Most Recent Design Trends ​
  • 4. Zero In on One Tiny Element ​

5. Switch From Desktop to Mobile

  • 6. Experiment With Extremes ​
  • 7. Work on a Website in a Different Niche ​
  • 8. Take a Course or Read a Tutorial ​
  • 9. Look at Other Creative Works ​
  • 10. Go for a Walk ​

When you’re feeling unmotivated, uninspired, or just plain stuck, here’s what you can do to get those fresh web design ideas flowing again:

1. Put Together a Step-by-Step Process

Working without a process can be extremely detrimental to a web designer’s flow — especially when you’re in the weeds, feeling overwhelmed and struggling to come up with something new. 

Rather than force your brain to work in overdrive all the time, create a step-by-step process that removes this unnecessary clutter from your brain. 

Better yet, create your plan and templatize it in your task management software so you can repurpose it for all your jobs. 

Trello , for example, is a free platform that makes documenting and organizing website projects super easy: 


By laying out the details for each job into a framework like this, you’ll free your brain from having to worry about or recall them. This should give you some space to start thinking creatively again. 

2. Reacquaint Yourself With the Principles of Web Design

When you’re trying to come up with creative web design ideas, it’s easy to get hung up on their newness. But no one ever said that in order for a website to be good it needs to be completely new. 

In fact, there’s a web design principle that deals with this subject. Jakob’s Law explains that: “Users spend most of their time on other sites. This means that users prefer your site to work the same way as all the other sites they already know.”

If you find yourself obsessing over the newness or experimental nature of a website you’re working on, it’s a good idea to stop what you’re doing and go review the basics of good UX. By taking it back to the fundamentals, you’ll recenter your focus on what’s needed and then you can add creative touches later on if they make sense. 

Read up on the 20 most important web design principles.

3. Research the Most Recent Design Trends

If you’re having the opposite problem and struggling to take the next step after building out a solid foundation for your website, then spend some time researching recent design trends. 

The face of the web is always changing, so much so that it can be hard to keep up with all of the trends floating around. You never know what might happen if you start exploring them. 

You can start with Elementor’s roundup of the latest web design trends : 

  • Elegant serif fonts​
  • Playful typography effects​
  • Light colors​
  • Negative colors
  • Black-and-white textured illustrations
  • Black outlines
  • Simple shapes
  • Creative and atypical product photos​
  • Collage art
  • Seamless surrealism
  • Hover gallery menus


In addition to getting explanations of what these trends are and why they work so well, you’ll find examples of websites that currently use them. Take some time to explore these sites and see what sort of inspiration unfolds. 

4. Zero In on One Tiny Element

Are you familiar with Hick’s Law ? This is another web design principle that can help you out. It states that: “The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices.”

While this is certainly applicable to how you present options on a website, it’s just as relevant to what you’re dealing with now. Sometimes it’s hard to come up with new web design ideas when there are just too many things to consider at once. 

Creating a web design process will help with this. However, you can get even more granular with your focus. For example, rather than try to fill in all of the details at once on the Contact page:


Start by zeroing in on the most important element on the page: The contact form . 


It’s much easier to get started when you narrow your focus to just the contact form. As you begin to hash out the unique details of its design — typography and color choices, spacing, labels and placeholders, button design, and so on — you’ll find it easy to expand your attention to the rest of the page when you’re done with it.

There’s something else you can try if you’re feeling restricted creatively by how much (or little) space you have to work with. 

If you normally start designing from the desktop view, switch to a tablet or smartphone. Or if you’ve grown accustomed to starting with one of the smaller screens, scale up to desktop.

Switching to a different size canvas might be all you need to create the perfect vision for your website. 

This would also be useful if you’re having a hard time deciding how you want to format the text on the page. With desktop, it’s often hard to tell how long a header or paragraph really is. But once you scale it down the size of a smartphone screen, you’ll realize that more can be done to improve the readability and flow of a page. 

6. Experiment With Extremes

One reason you might be stuck on a particular website is that you haven’t found the perfect style for it. But rather than try to tweak the same idea you or your client started with, go to the extreme and see if that jogs something loose. 

The opposite style might not be the exact solution needed, but it could inspire you to repurpose something that does work and apply it to what you have so far. 

Here are some things you might experiment with: 

  • One-page vs. multi-page site
  • Photos vs. illustrations
  • Retro vs. modern typography
  • Text-only vs. image-heavy design
  • Monochromatic vs. analogous color palette
  • Animation vs. no animation

This could also be a really useful troubleshooting tactic if you’re tackling a website redesign and aren’t quite sure what kind of alternative design to try next.

7. Work on a Website in a Different Niche

There are a ton of benefits to niching down as a web designer . For starters, it’s much easier to make a name for yourself as a great designer if you build websites for a targeted group of people. It can also make your job easier as you’re not having to keep up with best practices and trends for every type of website you might be asked to build. 

That said, because you work on the same types of sites over and over again, it’s normal to feel nervous about running out of creative approaches for them. If you’re experiencing this, one way to get unstuck is by taking on a project outside of your niche. 

For example, if you build websites for financial services companies, you’re probably used to creating very buttoned-up designs that look like the one on the Popular Bank website:


There’s nothing wrong with designing websites that look like this for this niche. After all, when you’re looking for someone to protect your money, the last thing you want is a website that suggests they might not be that serious about it.

Now, let’s say you were to take on a website for a restaurant like Zuma : 


This kind of project would provide you with a nice change of pace. You’d have to come up with ways to nicely integrate menus, reservation systems, and lots of media into the design. You’d also get a chance to play around with more dramatic color palettes and fonts.

There’s no need to completely pivot your business to a new niche if you’ve been feeling burned out. Just take on a different project or two to challenge yourself. Giving yourself that outside experience might be all you need to bring the spark of creativity back into your regular work.

8. Take a Course or Read a Tutorial

Getting stuck on something because it’s too hard to build out or you’re unsure how to do it is always stressful. But rather than keep attempting the same painful or ineffective method you’ve used before, hit the “Pause” button and find out if someone has a better solution. 

You’ll find answers to a lot of design issues and hurdles on the web — even ones you might not have expected anyone else encountered. 

You can certainly use Google to see what’s out there. Places like StackOverflow and even Reddit might be helpful. However, more in-depth resources like courses and tutorials are going to be more helpful. Elementor has a couple of resources you might find useful as well. 

In this roundup of 17 online courses , you’ll find recommendations for web design and development courses that cover a wide range of topics — responsive web design, A/B testing , visual hierarchy and spacing, and more. 

If you’re struggling with typography, this collection of 20 typography tutorials will help. From the psychology of fonts to pairing them, most of the big questions related to font design have been answered here.

9. Look at Other Creative Works

There are a lot of places where you can find design ideas these days. Your email inbox. Your social media feed. The ads littering the sidebars of the websites and blogs you visit. 

But rather than run all over the place trying to find something that helps you out of a creative fog, find some bookmark-worthy design collection sites instead. You’ll spend less time hunting around for web design ideas and you’ll always have access to the latest and greatest in good, creative design. Here are some sites to start with:


You’ll find all kinds of creative work examples on Dribbble . Just don’t relegate yourself strictly to the “Web Design” section. Take a look at other works uploaded to the site and see what sort of unique designs you can find.


Behance is another site that’ll give you the chance to explore work in other areas, like photography, architecture, and fashion. What’s more, you’ll find video, audio, and animation here, so it’s not just static imagery you can draw inspiration from. 


If you’d prefer to get your inspiration from real websites, is a good place to find them. Go to the menu and you’ll find a variety of collections of award-winning sites, pages, and components to inspire you.

Daily Design Inspiration Sites


There are a number of sites dedicated 100% to providing you with design inspiration, like Web Design Inspiration in the screenshot above. Siteinspire is another good one to bookmark specifically for web design ideas while Designspiration has inspiring works across a variety of genres.

Really Good Emails

12 Reallygoodemails Website 10 Creative Website Design Ideas To Help When You’re Stuck 1

Although Really Good Emails only rounds up the best of the best in email marketing design, these designs aren’t all that different from what you’d design for a site. And because they’re built for a slimmer space, you might get some ideas on how to be more concise with your designs.

10. Go for a Walk

Sometimes sitting in front of your computer is only going to make things worse when you’re feeling stuck or uncreative. According to a Stanford University study done in 2014 , walking boosts creative thinking. 

The study compared participants in both seated settings as well as a number of walking situations (e.g. on a treadmill, outdoors, etc.). It found that creative output increased by 60% when someone was walking. 

While this particular study found that it doesn’t matter whether you stay indoors or go outdoors to reap the benefits of walking, detaching from your technologies and heading outside is a good idea. 

A 2020 study out of Cornell University found that nature on its own has mind healing benefits as well. All that’s needed is 10 to 50 minutes of time spent in natural spaces to improve one’s focus, mood, blood pressure, and heart rate.

If you don’t have easy access to nature, that’s okay. You can still get inspired by your surroundings — building signage, vehicles passing you by, other people walking about, and so on.

Overcome That Designer’s Block With Great Web Design Ideas

When you design websites for a living, it’s only natural to get stuck from time to time. But rather than keep your head down and try to force the ideas to come, try something different. 

With the 10 brainstorming tips above, you’re sure to come up with some fresh and creative web design ideas that are perfect for your client’s website. 

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55+ Creative Website Ideas and Topics for 2024

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Renderforest Staff

20 Feb 2024

12 min read  

55+ Creative Website Ideas and Topics for 2024

Having a website allows you to learn, teach, and make money online if you choose to turn it into a source of income. Some people view it as a hobby, some — an online business. And if you’re lucky, it can be both. 

Monetizing your website is possible, and it extends beyond just affiliate marketing. But if you want your own website that allows you to make money online, you should first find a profitable website idea. 

To run a successful website, you need to pick a specific niche, analyze your target audience , learn the basics of online marketing, and have enough tenacity to keep your content consistent. Before getting to those steps, you need a great website idea and a website builder that matches your needs.

In this article, we will cover 55+ website ideas that you can use to start a website today and grow it over time. Ready to get some inspiring website ideas? Then let’s get going! 

Create My Website

Blogs are one of the most popular types of websites, and there’s a reason for it. Having a personal blog is a low-cost pursuit that gives you flexibility, creative freedom, and limitless affiliate marketing opportunities. You can gain a sizable audience over time because people love reading personalized content and real-life stories.

While it can be a fulfilling hobby, blogging can also grow into a potentially profitable side business . Don’t make a mistake: It’s not just affiliate marketing — there are other real opportunities to earn money.

You don’t need any fancy equipment, web design skills, or large funds to start a blog. Good ideas and a passion for writing are all it takes to get into blogging. Take Arianna Huffington as an example, the founder of the Huffington Post. She sold her blog to AOL for $315 million . 

WordPress  and Medium are great blogging platforms to consider if you want to start a blog, or you can find an easy-to-use website builder .

blogging platforms

Wondering how to create a blog? First, figure out its big theme. Is it going to be personal or professional? If you opt for the latter, what industry do you want to dedicate your blog to? Pick your niche carefully, study similar blogs, and brainstorm fun, exciting ideas for your blog posts.  

A very common example is a travel blog, where people talk about various places they have traveled to. Not a traveler? Create an adventure blog to discuss any intriguing occurrences. These strange incidents might happen at home, on the way to work, or on an airplane.

News and Trends

Create a news website all about the latest top stories and trends in an industry you’re well familiar with. News websites need to be regularly updated; otherwise, they lose all credibility. So, if you decide to give this website idea a shot, be prepared to put in work on a regular basis and don’t disappoint your site visitors.

news website examples

E-Commerce Websites

If you’re a retailer and don’t have an online store yet, you’re missing out on a significant number of prospective customers. Building an e-commerce website can be hugely beneficial in extending your reach and attracting new clients. You might want to start your e-commerce store by focusing on a few products and gradually work your way up, scaling both your business and your online marketplace.

If you want to increase your e-commerce website’s visibility, broaden your target audience, and enter new markets, we suggest you consider localizing it. It’s because 72% of international users spend more time on websites in their native language, and by not making it English-only, you’re limiting the opportunities of your website. One way of quickly transforming your website is through machine translation post-editing, which merges technology with the expertise of native translators trained in multilingual SEO and website localization. This process guarantees the localization’s quality and ensures that it appeals to your user’s cultural and linguistic preferences.

Get some inspiration from e-commerce website design best practices and check out our article on the best e-commerce tools before building your website.

It’s important to note that potential customers who suffer from disabilities (e.g. blindness) won’t be able to access your online store. That is, unless you configure it so that it is accessible for them. Shopify, for example, allows you to 3rd party plugins in order to be compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). You can similarly use these to become Wix, WordPress and Squarespace ADA compliant

E-Commerce Platforms

Personal Portfolio or CV

Whether you’re an artist or a personal brand owner, a personal website is an excellent medium for showcasing your works and experience. A well-organized portfolio website or a CV will prove your professionalism and help you stand out among other job seekers. 

Personal website templates

Service Websites

If what you sell is not goods but services, launch a service website. Service websites are an excellent tool to reach and draw in people that are interested in your offerings. Provide essential information about your background, qualifications, and pricing.

Service Website Ideas

Online Courses

The internet is flooded with websites providing all kinds of online courses. A study from StuDocu showed that 42% of companies that use e-learning generate more income. There are a lot of scams and get-rich-quick types of content, which makes people picky and skeptical of some online courses. To stand out and create a trustworthy online learning platform, you need to make sure you’re offering genuine value to people. Whether you sell online courses , e-books, or educational videos , ensure your material is packed with knowledge and practical advice.

Create websites

If you’re a fervent fan of sports, turn your passion into a potentially rewarding online business. Your sports website can include news, predictions, live scores, statistics, highlights, or even the history of your favorite sport or team.

sports website ideas

Create a video game website where gamers can learn about or discuss their favorite video games. Your gaming website can host video game reviews, hacks, cheats, video game tutorials , and lists of the best games in different categories. To spice things up, record playthroughs and upload them onto your website.

Whether you’re an up-and-coming musician or a massive fan of music, building a musical website is a good idea. As a musician, having an online presence is of great importance. A personal website will grow your audience as well as give you more credibility as an artist. As a fan, you can create playlists, explain song lyrics, and connect to people with a similar taste in music. 

You can create your musical website in minutes with our stunning music website templates .

Music website templates Renderforest

You can create your very own review site to critique new technology, books, or films. People love checking out review websites before they buy, watch, or try something. 

A fan website, or fansite, is an online platform directed by a fan. It can be devoted to your favorite celebrity, Kpop idols, author, book, or anything else, really. A fan website is a great medium for building an online presence for your fanbase and connecting to like-minded people. Use the platform to share news, interviews, fan art, or even fanfictions. You can also consider turning it to a membership website with exclusive content.

Recommended Reading

  • How to Start a Website: Beginner’s Guide

Trivia Quizzes and Games

If you’re looking for a fun, lighthearted website idea, a trivia quiz and game website might be the answer you need. BuzzFeed has a whole section of trivia quizzes , and it’s one of the most loved features of their site.

Marketing Tips and Advice

Do you happen to be a marketing guru, interested in helping people with their marketing endeavors? Are you willing to teach the basics of creating an effective content strategy ? Or maybe the secrets to successful Social Media Marketing?

Business owners will appreciate your marketing tips and tricks. Online marketing has been a hot topic for a while and will continue to stay so for years to come. Leverage it to your advantage with a high-quality marketing website . Cover burning topics, such as SEO, SMM, how to draw in traffic, improve conversion rate, etc.

Marketing Website Ideas

A travel website is a smart choice for travel agencies, tour guides, travel bloggers, and digital nomads. Have you had your fair share of experiences exploring new places and sleeping at airports? Share your stories and life-saving hacks on your travel website to help out first-time travelers. For some inspiration, have a look at this list of travel website examples .

Having an attractive hotel website is crucial for hotel/motel or Airbnb owners to attract guests . Create a website that introduces all your services and amenities. Customize your web pages and create a gallery of your rooms and special features such as a pool, nice garden, etc. People looking to travel to your city will find your website incredibly helpful.

Oyster website

Source: Oyster

Job Search Websites

The International Labor Organization reports that the number of unemployed people in the world will reach almost 195 million due to the ongoing pandemic. Why not create a website that connects employers with those looking for jobs? 

Job board websites do that — employers can post jobs and potential applicants are one click away from applying for those jobs. In fact, this is one of those website ideas that can be easily turned into an online side business .

Create an online forum to encourage discussions and debates on stirring topics. Having an active forum is a great way to make user-generated content , building a community of people who like to exchange opinions, knowledge, and ideas. 

forum websites

Dropshipping Website

Dropshipping is yet another popular e-commerce website idea that can turn into a profitable side business . At the core, dropshipping is all about online sales. It’s different from a regular online store in that vendors deliver the goods themselves. This way, you spare yourself the hassle of organizing the delivery of goods . 

Tech and Gadgets

Are you a techie? Sharing your IT expertise is one of the best website ideas. Programming courses, useful codes, tech news — your options are endless. Another direction your site can take is providing updates on the latest devices and gadgets. Explain their features and how to use them optimally. 

Podcasts are one of the most consumed forms of content and hence one of the best website ideas. To get started with your podcast , brainstorm topic ideas, then record and upload podcasts to your website on a regular basis. Keeping your uploads consistent is what’s going to help you get listeners and ensure they keep returning to your site for more quality content. 

  • 30 Modern One-Page Website Templates

Surveys are smart website ideas that can generate a significant income. You can collaborate with companies to conduct market research for their business by running surveys on your website. Swagbucks is an example of a survey website that offers gift cards, coupons, and other benefits in exchange for taking polls or surveys.

Tutorials are fun and educational; it’s no surprise people love them. Having an entire website with various kinds of nifty tutorials is a worthwhile pursuit that can attract a lot of visitors to your site. If you need exciting tutorial ideas , we’ve got you covered.

Everybody loves movies! So here’s a good website idea for you: Make a site that dives deep into the world of cinema. Consider creating a movie review website that also includes recommendations and thorough analyses. Additionally, you can talk about famous actors and directors, examining their backgrounds, and paths to success.

movie review website examples

Another potential side business can emerge from this simple website idea . You can open a website that connects event organizers and those looking for events. These can range from neighborhood parties to much larger gatherings like concerts.

How do you monetize this business website idea ? Well, you can let organizers sell their tickets on your events website and charge a fee for every sale. You can also add premium features such as calendar synchronization. A person can simply click “going” and the event will be added to their calendar.

Trending Topics

If you like actively following trends on social media, this website idea is just for you. Keep a close eye on what’s trending and turn it into content for your website — e.g., the most popular TikTok videos of the week, best tweets, funniest Facebook comments, and other user-generated content.

Highlights of Each Year

Document the most noteworthy events and highlights year by year to build a super informative and educational website. Videos, infographics, list articles — you can choose any format you want.


An online presence is no less important for photographers. A tasteful and aesthetic photography website can become your outlet to share your best shots, spread the word about your brand, and attract new clients. 

To help you get started, we have designed professional photography website templates that you can use to create your site online.

photography website template Renderforest


Similar to photography, a videography website is a great approach to displaying your collection of video clips to your website visitors and potential clients. You can pair your videos with fitting music tracks to create a truly immersive experience for your viewers. A videography website will help to grow not only your brand but also your filmmaking skills.

To establish your business as a writer, you need a professional website that presents your works. Post your short stories, poems, essays, or snippets from your novels; engage in active discussions with your readers; share literary works that have inspired you. The more dynamic and multifaceted your website is, the more people will be drawn to it. 

Take a look at this list of the best publishing websites for writers that allow you to post your works.

Find your tribe of bibliophiles through a book website. If you’re a heavy reader, analyze complicated literary works, give book reviews, summaries, and recommendations. Got too many books and not enough space on your bookshelf? Use your website to sell some of your old books or exchange them for new ones. Here’s a list of useful book websites .

book recommendation websites

Art and Painting

To expand your audience as a visual artist, it’s a good idea to go digital and create an online gallery for your artwork. An art or painting online marketplace will help you connect to art lovers and potential customers if you wish to sell your art. You can set up an online store to let your website visitors make online purchases.

 Food and Restaurants

Food blogs have been taking over the internet. Here’s a good website idea for you — share your love for food through a blog and use it as a way to connect to gourmets from all around the globe. Talk about what you eat in a day, upload mouth-watering food pictures, review the best restaurants in your area, share the cheapest places to eat, and so on.

If you own a restaurant or a small cafe, you can take your business online by having a restaurant website with advanced features. This will help you attract more customers.

If you’re gifted at cooking or have recently discovered your great-grandma’s recipe book, start a recipe website! From breakfast smoothies to full-course dinners, share your favorite recipes, or invent your own if you want to get extra creative. 

Have an eye for fashion? There are a ton of fashion website ideas you can turn into an online business. On your fashion blog, you can discuss the newest trends, talk about wardrobe essentials , design your own clothes, give sewing or embroidery tips and outfit ideas. You can also use your online platform to sell your old clothes. 

Study the best fashion websites to get inspired to design your own site.

Fashion website template Renderforest

A beauty blog is an excellent website idea not only for cosmetic brands but also for makeup artists. With your beauty website, you can share beauty tips, do sponsorships to review makeup and skincare products, share hairstyle tutorials, recreate iconic makeup looks, and more. Besides, you can turn it into a membership website and sell some beauty products.

Promote an athletic and active lifestyle with a dynamic fitness website. Film and upload workout videos, give weight loss tips, or share your fitness journey through blog articles. Our editable website templates are ready to assist you if you want to create a fitness site. Fitness websites can also help small fitness center owners to promote their businesses and attract new clients.

Combine nutrition, fitness, beauty, and anything else you wish in a single well-rounded lifestyle website. Sharing your personal experience through blog articles is just one of the numerous website ideas. Lifestyle is quite a broad topic that will let you carve out your specific niche with no limits or restrictions.

lifestyle blog examples

Extreme Sports

If you’re a lover of the extreme, and living life on the edge is your calling, create a website to share your crazy adventures. People love unusual and exciting content. Plus, you never know who you might inspire to turn their life around.

Interesting Facts

Another interesting website idea is collecting fun, thought-provoking facts that might surprise people and sharing them online. Bust some myths and misconceptions about any topic of your choice. The Fact Site is a great example that has done a phenomenal job at this.

History of Countries

Take your readers on a trip around the earth and back in time with a history website. Start by picking a few countries that interest you and explore their diverse and rich histories.

Infoplease website

Source: Infoplease

Not only do science websites educate us, but they also ignite curiosity and innovative thinking. Build a website sharing studies, research, book and documentary recommendations, and your own take on intensely debated science topics.

Finance content has been steadily growing in popularity. Investing your time in a finance website can prove to be quite beneficial. Teach web surfers how to save money and build wealth, providing them with financial advice, news, stock market analyses, etc.

Startup Advice and Inspiration

Help beginner entrepreneurs with startup promotion tips and tricks, tools, and inspiration by creating a website specifically for them. Share your personal journey of running and promoting a startup and the challenges you encountered on your way to success. This is a good website idea, especially for those who have a really impressive background and can become a thought leader in this field.

startup education websites

Real Estate

A real estate website can serve as a bridge between agencies or realtors and their clients. Your website is the perfect place to list your best offers and properties. Also, you can include discussions, news, and updates regarding the real estate market. 

Explore these real estate website templates to get started with your site.

Are you an experienced freelancer? Dedicate an entire website to the freelance lifestyle, its perks, and downsides. Give actionable advice on how to find clients, overcome obstacles, and establish a strong freelance business.

Charity and Fundraising

An informative charity website can play a significant role in furthering your cause. Whether your goal is to raise awareness or organize fundraising, an online platform will help you spread the word much faster.

charity website template Renderforest

Lists are visually inviting and easy to scan — hence they make for a great content format. Make a website sharing your top lists of, well, anything. Listverse is well known for its top 10 lists in different categories. Head to their website if you need some inspiration.

Are you a meme mastermind? Create a humor website all about memes, their origins, and backstories. Explore and explain viral social media content through your meme website.

9gag website

Source: 9GAG

Conspiracy Theories

Find spooky and mind-blowing conspiracies or make up your own. Arouse your visitors’ curiosity with interesting blog articles, videos, slideshows, or any other form of content that your audience might enjoy.

Guided Meditations and ASMR

If you have a soothing voice and a good microphone, record guided meditations or ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response) videos for your website. You can either choose to upload audio files or pair them with visuals to post as videos. 

Language Learning

Encourage people who are just getting started with a foreign language. Turn your website into a learning platform where you explain confusing grammar, share vocabulary through virtual flashcards, or help language learners meet native speakers. Also, you can have a language learning app based on your website.

language learning sites

Mastering New Skills

If you’re someone who never shies away from a challenge, take up new skills on a regular basis, and share your experiences on your website. Closely document the process of learning each skill and the obstacles that arise.

Motivation and Productivity

We could all use some motivation from time to time to keep moving forward in life. Make a website distributing inspirational content, quotes, productivity tips, and anything else that might lift people’s spirits and help them deal with day-to-day challenges.

Personal Development

A self-help website is an excellent choice for life coaches and personal development gurus. Provide guidance on how to set and reach personal milestones and improve self-image. If you provide one-on-one coaching, make sure your website allows your guests to book an appointment online.

Tony Robbins website

Source: Tony Robbins

If your area of expertise is psychology, build a website to extend your knowledge to those who might benefit from it. Create enriching content with case studies, helpful facts, psychology tests, and more.


The critical importance of sustainable living is at its all-time high. A sustainability website will allow you to promote a low-waste and eco-friendly lifestyle. Inspiring individuals to make slight lifestyle adjustments can eventually change the course of our planet at large.

Natural Medicine

If you’re an experienced practitioner of naturopathy and herbal medicine, share your tried-and-true practices of treating common ailments. Speak about the healing properties of certain herbs and how to use them safely.

World Naturopathic Federation website

Source: World Naturopathic Federation

To Conclude

It can be demanding to create and run a successful website. As in most businesses, you’re required to put in consistent work before you see any significant return. But even if the results are slow, they might very well be worth it. So explore different and new website ideas to pick one that has a large audience and resonates with you.

Already picked your website idea? Bring it to life using our ready-to-go website templates. Select your category, choose a template, and start customizing it!

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WPBeginner » Blog » Showcase » 23 Popular Types of Websites You Can Make in WordPress (+Examples)

23 Popular Types of Websites You Can Make in WordPress (+Examples)

Updated: April 26, 2024 by Editorial Staff | Reviewed by: Syed Balkhi | Reader Disclosure

Wondering what types of websites you can create with WordPress?

Beginners often ask us about what kind of websites they can make using WordPress. Our short answer is ‘almost any type of website imaginable’.

In this article, we’ll show you top examples of types of websites you can create with WordPress.

Popular Types of Websites You Can Create with WordPress

Getting Started With WordPress

WordPress powers more than 43% of all websites on the internet, which makes it the most popular website builder on the market.

There are two types of WordPress websites. First, there is, which is a web hosting company. Then, there is, also known as self-hosted WordPress. To learn more, see our guide on the difference between vs. .

Throughout this article, when we say WordPress, we are talking about self-hosted WordPress websites. We recommend using because it gives you full access to all WordPress functionality out of the box.

To get started, you’ll need WordPress hosting and a domain name.

We recommend using Bluehost . They are offering a generous discount + free domain name to WPBeginner users. Basically, you can get started for $1.99 per month.

We have a step by step guide on how to make your website with WordPress .

If you just want to play around with WordPress, then you can install it on your computer. Take a look at our tutorials on how to install WordPress on Windows and Mac computers .

That being said, let’s look at some of the most popular types of websites you can create with WordPress.

1. Blog or Personal Website

Example of a WordPress blog

WordPress started out as a simple blogging tool and quickly evolved into a powerful content management system. During the last 18 years, those blogging and personal website components didn’t disappear.

They have become more polished, sophisticated, and powerful. WordPress is still the best blogging platform in the world, and it is used by small websites as well as large publications.

Due to its flexibility, WordPress is equally good for personal blogs as well as multi-author blogs. It allows you to create content-rich websites that can be easily grown into a business.

For more details, see our guide on how to start a WordPress blog with step-by-step instructions for a beginner blogger.

2. Business Website

Business website made with WordPress

WordPress is the easiest way to build a professional-looking business website. It is so powerful that many big name brands use WordPress to power their websites.

Business owners love its ease of use and flexibility. By using WordPress plugins , you can add social media integrations, optimize your site for search engines, track marketing data , and add any other feature you need.

You can choose from thousands of themes and easily customize the design, all without hiring a web designer.

To get started, see our complete guide on how to make a small business website using WordPress.

3. Ecommerce Website / Online Store

Ecommerce website

WordPress with WooCommerce is the world’s most popular eCommerce platform . It supports top payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe to easily accept payments online.

You can use WooCommerce to sell both physical and digital products. It allows you to easily add any type of product to your store, and has tools to manage inventory, orders, shipping, taxes, and more.

For step-by-step instructions, you can check out our tutorial on how to start an online store .

Apart from WooCommerce, there are other eCommerce plugins for WordPress, like Easy Digital Downloads and MemberPress , that can be used to sell digital goods and subscriptions.

4. Membership Website

Membership website

Membership websites sell subscriptions. This allows you to put some of your content behind a paywall, sell pay-per-view content , or run an online community.

MemberPress is the best WordPress membership plugin on the market. It comes with powerful access control, subscription management, user management, and integrations with third-party tools and payment gateways.

For more details, take a look at our step-by-step tutorial on how to create a membership website .

MemberMouse and WishList Member are also great alternatives for creating a membership site with WordPress.

5. Online Courses Website

Online courses website

WordPress can be used to easily sell courses and build an online learning community.

MemberPress Courses is the best WordPress LMS platform to sell online courses from your website. It comes with an easy-to-use interface to create courses, control access, and sell subscriptions.

To learn more, check out our tutorial on how to make an online course website with WordPress.

If you’re looking for an alternative, you can also use Thrive Apprentice or AccessAlly to create and sell online courses.

6. Online Marketplace Website

Marketplace website

Don’t have any products to sell? How about creating a marketplace for other vendors to sell their products online?

WordPress has some incredible plugins that turn your website into an online marketplace. Third-party sellers can then list their own products on your website, and you earn a fee on each order.

For details, see our tutorial on how to create an online marketplace in WordPress .

7. Pay-Per-View Website

Pay-per-view website

A pay-per-view website allows you to sell exclusive content on your website on a pay-per-view basis.

You’ll be able to directly sell content to users, instead of relying on  advertising  revenue, affiliate links, or other ways to make money. You can sell subscription plans, digital passes, set levels of access based on pricing, and more.

To learn more, see our tutorial on how to make a pay-per-view website in WordPress .

8. Podcast Website

Podcast website

WordPress and podcasting go hand in hand. Most popular podcasters on the web are using WordPress for their podcasting websites.

There are several excellent podcasting themes and plugins for WordPress which make the whole process way easier. Plus, you can integrate any podcast hosting service to seamlessly serve files from your own website.

For more on this topic, check out our step-by-step guide on how to start a podcast with WordPress .

9. Dropshipping Website

Dropshipping website

Dropshipping is a type of eCommerce store that doesn’t keep the products in stock. Instead, when a customer purchases a product, the store owner places the order with a third-party vendor who ships the item directly to the customer.

WordPress has some excellent dropshipping plugins that help you easily add third-party products to your website.

For more on this topic, take a look how to make a dropshipping website with step-by-step instructions.

10. Affiliate Website

Affiliate website

Want to make a commission by referring your users to products and services?

WordPress is used by millions of marketers to create highly successful affiliate websites. It has a ton of affiliate marketing tools and plugins that will help you boost your earnings.

You can sign up for individual affiliate programs, or you could create an Amazon affiliate store that relies on just one giant affiliate network.

For more details, see our complete affiliate marketing guide for beginners.

11. Coupons Website

Coupons website

Want to earn affiliate commissions from thousands of websites offering special discounts on their products and services? Then, you can use WordPress to make a coupon site.

With the right plugins, you can easily add coupons to your site. You can control the expiration dates and other details, and your users can even rate and vote for their favorite coupons.

Need more details? Take a look at our tutorial on how to make a coupon site in WordPress with detailed instructions.

12. Micro Job Website

Microjob website example

A micro job website is an online marketplace where employers can list tasks or gigs and individuals can apply for them. As the website owner, you can make money by charging a fee for each listing.

For more instructions, check out our tutorial on how to create a micro job website like Fiverr .

13. Job Board Website

Job board website

Several popular sites like Smashing Magazine, ProBlogger, and others use job boards as an extra source of income. There is a growing demand for niche job boards catering to the needs of a specific industry or specialization.

WordPress allows you easily create a job board where employers can post job listings and professionals can respond to them.

14. Business Directory

Business directory

Just like job boards, there is an increasing demand for niche business directories on the web. There are some great WordPress business directory plugins that allow you to easily create a business directory.

We have a guide on how to create a web directory like Angie’s List or Yelp.

15. Auction Websites

Online auction website

Want to run your own eBay-like auction website? With WordPress, you can create a fully functional auction website.

Users can bid online and make payments, and you get to earn by simply providing a platform for your niche auctions.

See our tutorial on how to make an auction website for detailed instructions.

16. Non-Profits and Religious Websites

Non-profit websites

WordPress is free, as in freedom (see our guide why is WordPress free? ). This makes it an ideal solution for nonprofit organizations.

With WordPress plugins, you can easily add a donation form to raise money for your cause. There are also many great WordPress themes for churches and nonprofits .

17. Portfolio Websites

Portfolio website example

Need a place to showcase your work? You can easily add a portfolio to your WordPress site with stunning image galleries and beautiful slideshows.

You can use your portfolio site to feature your writing skills, showcase your music, embed videos, or display your photography .

WordPress can be used to provide a very sleek and polished user experience for your portfolio site, making it easier for others to browse and learn about your work.

18. Travel Website

Travel blog

WordPress is the perfect platform to make a travel website. You can share your own travels or launch destination guides and build a business upon that.

For examples and instructions, take a look at our guide on how to make a travel website for beginners.

19. Fashion / Lifestyle Website

Fashion website

WordPress is a popular choice among fashion and lifestyle businesses. That’s because it’s easy to create a professional-looking website or blog, and you can even sell your own products or affiliate products.

For more on this topic, take a look at this guide on how to make a fashion website using WordPress.

20. Multilingual Websites

websites to use for projects

Want to create a website in multiple languages? WordPress has you covered.

Out of the box, WordPress is available in dozens of languages. Plus, it can also be used to create multilingual websites using WordPress translation plugins .

Need help? See our guide on how to create a multilingual website in WordPress .

21. Online Forums Website

Forums website

Online forums are a popular way to build a community and leverage user generated content to bring more search engine traffic to your website.

With bbPress, you can easily add online forums to your website. bbPress helps you convert your website into an easy to manage forum. Plus, you can still use the same website for other features like a blog, online store, or a business site.

For more details, see our tutorial on how to add an online forum in WordPress .

22. Social Network Website

Social Network website

Want to build a more active and engaged online community? WordPress allows you to easily build your own social network website with BuddyPress.

Users will be able to join your community, manage profiles, view activity, join groups, and more.

For more details, take a look at our step by step guide on how to build a social media website with BuddyPress.

23. Wiki / Knowledge Base Website

Knowledge base / wiki

Want to create a knowledgebase or wiki-like website?

WordPress allows you to easily add a documentation or knowledgebase section to your website. This allows you to use a powerful CMS to manage all your content under one dashboard.

You can pick any of these WordPress knowledge base plugins to start your own wiki website.

We recommend the Heroic KB Plugin because it’s easy to use and offers features like instant search, user feedback, article attachments, and more.

See our guide on how to create a wiki knowledge base in WordPress for more details.

We hope this article gave you a good idea of the types of websites you can create using WordPress. You may also want to see our beginner’s guide to the most important things you need to do after installing WordPress , and our expert picks of the best web design software .

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our  YouTube Channel  for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on  Twitter  and Facebook .

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Reader Interactions

76 comments leave a reply.

Syed Balkhi says

Sep 13, 2024 at 2:24 pm

Hey WPBeginner readers, Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner? Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes. You can get more details about the contest from here . Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

Jiří Vaněk says

Sep 2, 2024 at 4:15 am

I feel that anything I needed to accomplish was possible with WordPress and WooCommerce. Sometimes it can be quite complex, but I’ve found answers to many questions here. Yes, WordPress is not only powerful but also a very liberating tool, and the community around it makes it what it is today. I’m glad I learned how to work with WordPress because it has opened up new opportunities for me. The list is perfect, but I sometimes feel that with WordPress, you can do so much more. In my opinion, it’s number one, especially considering that you can get so much out of it for free right out of the box.

Achraf Hebboul says

Aug 19, 2024 at 2:10 pm

Currently, I’m thinking of switching my personal website from Firebase as a backend to WordPress, to avoid unwanted costs, I made the frontend with ReactJS and I can use WordPress as a backend technology as headless cms where I will use Advanced Custom Fields aka ACF to build required custom post type for my personal website, with that i can reduce the amount of hosting since i will use shared hosting, because it’s budget-friendly.

WPBeginner Support says

Aug 20, 2024 at 11:14 am

Marko Kozlica says

Jul 23, 2024 at 6:22 am

You can make anything on WordPress; the evidence is the likes of Disney that has its website on this platform.

Currently, we are developing a new website for our long-term client, which is the company directory for a specific niche. Even though we are not using ready-made themes, the ACF Pro, Elementor Pro, and custom coding do the job well. We chose Hello Elementor for the basis, but the complete design and functionalities are custom.

Moinuddin Waheed says

Dec 29, 2023 at 4:20 am

Really appreciate the wide range of spectrum that we can make a website with WordPress. I think wordpress is way powerful than it used to be because of its flexibility and ease of use. I am working to make an agency for website building. This list is very helpful for making range of websites.

Dec 28, 2023 at 11:40 am

Great list of all the websites that could be made in WordPress. I might have thought maximum of ten types among these but the list can be even more exhaustive depending on if we further micro categories this.

Nov 30, 2023 at 7:38 am

Can I use WordPress to create a forex trading website ?

Nov 30, 2023 at 2:06 pm

While it is possible, we do not have a plugin we would recommend to set that up. You would likely need developer support for the moment.

Serena says

Aug 25, 2022 at 8:40 am

Hi, can I use WordPress to create a website to look for professionals in the area?

Aug 25, 2022 at 11:07 am

For what it sounds like you’re wanting, we would recommend taking a look at our article below:

Jul 12, 2021 at 8:42 am

What do you think about creating a sport web

Jul 12, 2021 at 10:24 am

Thobza says

Apr 15, 2021 at 2:28 pm

Hi, can I use WordPress to do dropshipping?

Apr 16, 2021 at 9:20 am

You can, you can see our guide on this below:

Kyaune Cornelius says

Dec 19, 2020 at 2:33 am

Can I use word press to create a news website?

Dec 21, 2020 at 10:31 am

Yes, you certainly can create a news website.

Aug 8, 2020 at 10:58 am

Very Great Content , Simple clear and well explained Thank you so muuuchh !!!

Aug 10, 2020 at 1:41 pm

Tatiana says

Jun 30, 2020 at 4:00 pm

A well written and clear article that we can follow. After reading through the full content just wanna ask: what if I need three websites, like for example Bog, eCommerce, and Portfolio? Or does only allow one website/ domain? Thank you!

Jul 1, 2020 at 8:34 am

You can have all of that on one site or across multiple sites if you want.

Mar 19, 2020 at 10:29 pm

Very Helpful Content.

Mar 20, 2020 at 9:05 am

Feb 19, 2020 at 11:58 pm

Academic Journal not listed. WordPress can’t be used for it?

Feb 20, 2020 at 10:01 am

Girish KP says

Feb 17, 2020 at 11:31 pm

Nice work .

Feb 18, 2020 at 8:44 am

Ezekiel says

Jun 24, 2019 at 11:50 am

Please can i create a site that can be used for booking using WP ? A link provided with the answer would definitely help. Thanks

Jun 25, 2019 at 11:43 am

Yes you can, you would want to use one of the plugins in our article here:

chandra kant says

Apr 5, 2019 at 2:39 am

nice article

Apr 5, 2019 at 11:22 am

Monika says

Feb 15, 2019 at 4:52 am

Very good article, it has been made very well, it has very good information, its content is also very good, thank you

Feb 15, 2019 at 10:41 am


Feb 5, 2019 at 5:43 am

Your blog is very good, has got very good information in it, there is everything in it, the content is also very good, it has helped a lot from your blog.

Feb 5, 2019 at 11:12 am

Munachimso A. Ezenwanne says

Dec 21, 2018 at 2:25 am

Good day to you all, Please i need help with creating an Ecommerce website. Where i can be able to buy and sell products effectively and make reasonable income. Thank you.

Dec 21, 2018 at 6:24 am

Hi Munachimso,

Please take a look at our step by step guide on how to start an online store .

Saksham says

Aug 12, 2018 at 11:03 am

Just a suggestion from a fellow developer. It would be helpful to show the comments thread with collapsed replies. This will allow the user to browse more comments and they can expand the reply/replies to any comment which they are interested in exploring without having to unnecessarily scroll through everything.

Cheers, helpful post as always!

Abdirahim Ali Adow says

May 22, 2018 at 4:42 am

Hello i want to create a website to make money in online , is that possible through word press ? Thank you

Dec 1, 2018 at 12:57 pm

Yes man, Just keep posting and posting uunless you have thousands of visiters everyday and they you can earn money by referring, popups and redirection.I hope it helps you.

May 5, 2018 at 2:23 am

I want to create a market place website as like by wordpress. is it possible? I don’t need all feature of I want to create website myself but I don’t have any idea about coding. Can i create website myself?

May 6, 2018 at 8:49 pm

Please see our article on how to c reate a marketplace website using WordPress .

Mahira says

Mar 11, 2018 at 10:00 am

Nice info…any body can guide me that how can i create a list website? Like, email listing type.

Max Runge says

Apr 14, 2018 at 4:49 am

You can either code it on your own like, and than or with a plugin…. i would prefer a plugin if you don´t have any coding experiences

Donovan Casares says

Oct 24, 2017 at 1:41 am

I want to know if there is a way that you could create a website that can convert writings on paper to the actual website.

Emmanuel Agbanagba says

Oct 6, 2017 at 4:45 pm

Thanks for the reply to my question. I want you to kindly recommend at least three wordpress theme for the kind of website I am talking about – The website is an entertainment news website.It will have a envira gallery plugin..,buddypress plugin and awpcp plugin. Your recommendation will be highly regarded. Thanks once again-!

Emmanuel agbanagba says

Sep 30, 2017 at 12:58 pm

Please can i create a wordpress site with a photo gallery plugin,buddypress plugin and classified ads plugin installed all at once; and if yes x what theme is suitable for the website?

Oct 2, 2017 at 6:54 pm

Hi Emmanuel,

Yes you can use these plugins together. The choice of theme depends on what kind of websites you want to build, and your own design preferences. Please see our guide on how to choose a WordPress theme to learn more.

Owusu Marfo says

Aug 28, 2017 at 5:10 pm

Simply put! WordPress can be used to create almost every website.

Aug 22, 2017 at 7:11 pm

I want to create job and service advertisements website that will allow users to upload pictures and short videos in there dashboard which can be viewed when published. Can I use wp job manager, envira gallery and bbpress plugins to build the website? Please reply me ASAP and if no what is the best option available for such a website. Thanks

Alexander Azuka says

Aug 19, 2017 at 5:05 pm

please I want to make a social network site like whatsapp

Oladimeji Tobi says

Jun 12, 2017 at 10:41 am

To be frank, i’m overly confused…i’ve been trying to create a personal blog via wordpress…but it hasn’t been going well…..kindly help me out with a plausible info.

Henry nwala says

Jun 6, 2017 at 5:24 am

I want to create a dating website which plugin will be best for me thanks.

alex granier says

May 17, 2017 at 9:06 pm

hi. what about news portals? thank you

matthew ukwadia says

May 17, 2017 at 8:02 pm

please i want to build a professional sport anlysis, tips and review site what plugins will be best for this

May 17, 2017 at 11:51 pm

Hey Matthew,

Please take a look at our list of essential WordPress plugins . Review the list and install the plugins you think you will need.

You will probably also need plugins that can handle functionality specific to your website’s niche. For that you can search WordPress plugin directory. Also check our beginner’s guide on how to choose the best WordPress plugin .

Mar 11, 2017 at 9:37 am

Very informative article. Thanks for sharing..

Jan 24, 2017 at 1:14 am

Sir I Want to Make News Site Which Theme Will Be better . I Am In Big Confusion

Karabo says

Dec 16, 2016 at 6:00 am

I would like to use the wordpress to put all actives in my area,so that people would know what happening in that area.

a4nanand says

Sep 29, 2016 at 7:20 am

It is very useful for me. i actually needed that. you solved my big problrm regarding seo.

Anthony says

Nov 28, 2016 at 6:40 am

I have entered the wpbeginner log in and I like to know the best theme for my site, which I know a lot about this products. At the moment im using Memorable theme and is not complete. Any suggestion thanks

Sharon Nepe says

Sep 8, 2016 at 5:37 pm

I have just signed up for the basic blog website but later want a website that can do more than this. I want to create a community and post videos and eventually run an online business. Can I update my website. What would I update it to?

Kuldeep Singh says

Sep 17, 2016 at 3:49 pm

Yes you surely can update your website. Here’s your solution:

1. To create community: Try BuddyPress 2. For Video Solutions: Lots of plugins there or search for theme that does that in a site like ThemeForest. 3. For Online Solutions: For WordPress, the one & only WooCommerce

Sep 4, 2016 at 9:05 am

It’s a very helpful tutorial for every people thanks for sharing with us.

Kay Toe says

Aug 23, 2016 at 10:57 am

I would like to build a document distribution and information sharing websit for our organization. What type of website sutable for me. Best regards, Kay Toe

Vincent Walter says

Jul 1, 2016 at 1:50 pm

How possible is it to create a 100% totally free website for calls. I mean a website for making calls. Can someone throw a little light on this please?

Sep 14, 2015 at 10:11 am

Is there a wordpress template/plugin for surveys?

Sep 13, 2015 at 11:11 pm

I want to create a blog that offers Clickbank affiliate products. Can anyone suggest a suitable WP theme for this please?

Leland Garner says

Sep 13, 2015 at 1:20 pm

Hi! – I recently had a website for interactive learning with video, audio and question forms that users could answer online. The problem was all of those things used Flash. Can a WordPress site be set up with plugins which will do all of those things with HTML 5?

Tawhidul Islam says

Sep 9, 2015 at 1:33 pm

Jalisa Reitz says

Sep 9, 2015 at 11:58 am

Event Websites should be listed- they are so popular lately!

We also use WordPress for event websites over at EventAppi. You can either build in event management/registration into your business website OR many times people build an entire website just for conferences, events, etc. WordPress is the best way to build event websites in our mind!

Sep 9, 2015 at 11:11 am

Hi, we are looking at creating a new website for my sailing club and wondered if there is a plugin that allows you to manage it members. We would want to be able to edit type of membership, enter people details etc. Any ideas on a plugin?

Sep 9, 2015 at 2:23 pm

There are several membership plugins for WordPress which can do that.

Sunday Adeniran says

Apr 17, 2016 at 12:07 pm

Good list but which template can I use for student/teacher interactive environment?

Apr 18, 2016 at 5:50 am

Take a look at our guide, Selecting the perfect WordPress theme – 9 things you should consider .

Yasmin abdi abdilahi says

May 27, 2019 at 8:52 am

This is amazing ideas and templates I will use one of those ,I wanna to create my own website

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Website design inspiration FAQ

How do i get inspiration for my website.

Seeking website design inspiration can be an exciting journey. Start by exploring award-winning sites, browsing art galleries online, or delving into the history of web design to see how trends have evolved. Resources like design blogs, Pinterest, and industry-specific showcases can also spark creative ideas. Remember to look beyond digital spaces, as nature, architecture, and print media can offer unique perspectives that can be adapted for the web.

How do I come up with a website design?

To come up with a website design that truly resonates with users, begin by immersing yourself in a variety of sources for website design inspiration. Consider your target audience, the message you want to convey, and current design trends. Sketching out ideas, creating mood boards, and experimenting with color palettes and typography can help in coming up with a cohesive design concept.

How do you get inspiration for designing?

Finding inspiration for designing can be as simple as observing the world around you. For website design inspiration, engage with the online community, follow design influencers, and participate in webinars and workshops. Analyze well-designed websites to understand the rationale behind layout choices and user experience tactics . Interactive design platforms and experimenting with design software can also fuel your creativity.

How do I brand my website?

Branding your website is about creating a memorable identity that communicates your values and mission. Draw website design inspiration from your brand's story, color scheme, and logo to establish a visual language that speaks to your audience. Consistency is key across all pages to build recognition and trust. Look at how leading brands in your industry present themselves online for inspiration.

Can a beginner design a website?

Absolutely, a beginner can design a website using multiple resources for website design inspiration. Beginners can leverage online tutorials, free website templates, and drag-and-drop website builders—like the Wix Editor—that offer a guided approach to design. It's also helpful to analyze and learn from existing websites in your field to understand basic design principles and best practices.

How can I make my site look more professional?

When first creating your site, it’s important to explore website ideas, fonts and color palettes. You’ll want to explore color meanings and find visual inspiration so that you can find the right template to fit your brand’s specific needs. It’s a good practice to check out competitor’s web designs and see how they incorporate design and functionality to build engaging sites. Remember, when it comes to design, simplicity is key. You don't want to overload site visitors with too many distractions or make it unfriendly on mobile. You do want to create a good UX (user experience) and add high-quality videos and images where relevant—they make the user experience more exciting.

How can I find a professional designer to help me build my site?

If you feel you need help building your website, you can always hire a professional web designer to help you create, design or enhance your site.

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50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners

Faraz Logo

By Faraz - Last Updated: September 04, 2024

Dive into the world of web development with these 50 beginner-friendly HTML, CSS, and JavaScript projects. Explore source code, step-by-step guides, and practical examples to kickstart your coding journey.

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners.jpg

In today's fast-paced digital world, web development is a highly sought-after skill. Whether you're looking to build your own website, enhance your resume, or embark on a new career path, learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a great place to start. To help beginners get a hands-on experience, we've compiled a list of 50 beginner-friendly projects with complete source code. These projects will not only bolster your coding skills but also boost your confidence in creating interactive and visually appealing web pages.

Table of Contents

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Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the three core technologies for building web pages and web applications. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used for structuring web content, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used for styling and layout, and JavaScript adds interactivity and functionality to web pages.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before diving into the projects, it's essential to set up your development environment. Make sure you have a code editor like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text installed. You'll also need a web browser for testing your projects, and it's highly recommended to use Google Chrome with its developer tools.

1. Digital Clock

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Digital Clock

If you're just starting your journey into web development, creating a digital clock is a fantastic project to get your hands dirty with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You'll learn how to display real-time data, format it elegantly, and make it interactive. This project will introduce you to the basics of JavaScript's Date object and how to manipulate the DOM to update the clock's display in real-time.

2. Pulse Search Bar

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Pulse Search Bar

Creating a pulse search bar is a visually appealing project that combines HTML and CSS. You'll learn how to use CSS animations to create a subtle pulsing effect.

3. Social Media Icons

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Social Media Icons

In this project, you'll explore the world of iconography using HTML and CSS to create a set of beautiful social media icons. This is a great opportunity to learn how to use CSS for styling and positioning elements to achieve the desired look and feel. You can also practice linking these icons to your social media profiles.

4. Drop-Down Menu

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Drop Down Menu

A drop-down menu is a fundamental component of web design. By building one from scratch, you'll gain valuable experience in HTML and CSS to create a navigation menu that can expand and collapse as needed. This project lays the foundation for more complex navigation systems in the future.

5. Simple Calculator

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Simple Calculator

Want to add some interactivity to your website? Build a simple calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project will teach you how to capture user input, perform calculations, and display the results on your web page. It's a great way to start working with user interactions and basic JavaScript functions.

6. Login Page

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Login Page

Creating a login page is an essential skill for any web developer. With this project, you'll learn how to design a clean and user-friendly login interface using HTML and CSS. Additionally, you can explore JavaScript for form validation and user authentication in the future.

7. Sign Up Form

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Sign Up Form

Continuing from the login page, designing a sign-up form is another crucial web development skill. You'll delve into form elements, validation techniques, and user-friendly interfaces. This project will expand your HTML and CSS skills while preparing you for more complex forms in the future.

8. Animated Search Box

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Animated Search Box

Elevate your search bar game by creating an animated search box with HTML and CSS. This project will teach you how to make your website more dynamic and engaging, with a search bar that expands and contracts smoothly, providing an improved user experience.

9. Dark/Light Mode Switch

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Dark Light Mode Switch

Adding a dark/light mode switch to your website is not only trendy but also functional. With this project, you'll explore how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to allow users to switch between different color themes. It's a great way to learn about user preferences and customization options in web development.

10. Breadcrumb

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Breadcrumb

A breadcrumb navigation trail is essential for guiding users through a website's hierarchy. In this project, you'll learn how to create a breadcrumb trail using HTML and CSS. This will help users easily navigate your website and understand its structure.

11. Carousel Sliders

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Carousel Sliders

Creating a carousel slider is a fantastic way to enhance your website's visual appeal. Using HTML and CSS, you can build an interactive image slider that allows users to browse through multiple images or content items.

12. Glitch Effect Text

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Glitch Effect Text

If you want to add a touch of creativity to your website, consider implementing a glitch effect text. This project involves HTML and CSS to create text that appears to glitch or distort, giving your site a unique and eye-catching aesthetic.

13. Sound Bars

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Sound Bars

Incorporating soundbars into your website allows you to explore the world of audio visualization.

14. Loaders

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Loaders

Loaders are essential elements to keep users engaged while content is loading. By creating loaders with HTML and CSS, you'll learn how to provide feedback to users and enhance their overall experience on your website.

15. Radio Button

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Radio Button

Radio buttons are a fundamental part of form design. In this project, you'll dive into HTML and CSS to create radio button elements and learn how to style them to fit your website's aesthetics. You can also explore JavaScript to make them interactive.

16. Blog Card Grid

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Blog Card Grid

Building a blog card grid is a great way to display articles or posts on your website. With HTML and CSS, you'll create an attractive grid layout for showcasing content. This project will teach you responsive design techniques and the art of presenting information effectively.

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Footer

A well-designed footer can provide important information and links to users. Using HTML and CSS, you can create a stylish and functional footer that complements the overall design of your website. This project will also introduce you to layout concepts for organizing content at the bottom of web pages.

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Navbar

The navigation bar (navbar) is a critical element of web design. With this project, you'll learn how to create a responsive navbar using HTML and CSS. You can also explore JavaScript to add interactive features, such as dropdown menus or smooth scrolling navigation.

19. Sidebar

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Sidebar

Sidebars are a common feature in many websites, providing additional navigation or information. Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can create a sidebar that complements your website's layout and functionality. This project will enhance your skills in layout design and organization.

20. Sort HTML Table

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Sort HTML Table

Learn how to make your website more user-friendly by allowing users to sort data in an HTML table. With HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you'll create a sortable table that empowers users to arrange data according to their preferences, enhancing the usability of your site.

21. Switch Button

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Switch Button

Adding a switch button to your website can be a great way to give users control over specific features or settings. Using HTML and CSS, you can create a customizable switch button that toggles between different states.

22. Tab Bar

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Tab Bar

Tabs are a common UI pattern for organizing content. With HTML and CSS, you can build a tab bar that allows users to switch between different sections or categories of information on your website.

23. Submit Button

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Submit Button

Designing an attractive and responsive submit button is crucial for web forms. This project focuses on HTML and CSS, teaching you how to style submit buttons effectively and ensure they look appealing across various devices and browsers.

24. To Do List

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - To Do List

A to-do list is a practical project that introduces you to HTML and CSS for creating a dynamic task management system. You'll learn how to add, edit, and remove tasks, providing valuable experience in handling user data and interactions.

25. Hamburger Menu

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Hamburger Menu

Hamburger menus are a popular choice for mobile navigation. Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can create a responsive hamburger menu that expands to reveal navigation options when clicked. This project will improve your skills in designing mobile-friendly interfaces.

26. Accordion

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Accordion

Accordions are a great way to present information in a compact and organized manner. With HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can build an accordion that expands and collapses sections to display content when users interact with it.

27. Coffee Landing Page

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Coffee Landing Page

Creating a landing page for a coffee shop is an exciting project that combines your HTML and CSS skills to design an appealing and informative page.

28. Login and Sign-Up Form

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Login and Sign-Up Form

Expanding on the login and sign-up form projects, you can create a combined login and registration system. This project allows users to choose between logging in or signing up, streamlining the user experience on your website.

29. Card Design

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Card Design

Card design is a versatile skill in web development. With HTML and CSS, you can create stylish cards for showcasing various types of content, such as articles, products, or profiles. This project will sharpen your abilities in layout and design.

30. Glow Button

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Glow Button

Glowing buttons can add a touch of interactivity and elegance to your website. Using HTML and CSS, you can create buttons that illuminate or change color when hovered over.

31. Modal Popup Window

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Modal Popup Window

Modal popup windows are commonly used for displaying additional information or user interactions without navigating away from the current page. Using HTML and CSS, you can create modal windows that appear when triggered and can be closed by users.

32. Split Text

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Split Text

Splitting text into creative and visually appealing elements is a fascinating design technique. With HTML and CSS, you can split text into individual characters, words, or lines and animate them in unique ways.

33. Product Showcase Carousel

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Product Showcase Carousel

Showcasing products effectively is crucial for e-commerce websites. Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can create a product showcase carousel that allows users to browse through featured items. This project will teach you how to design and implement interactive product displays.

34. Drag and Drop File

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Drag and Drop File

Implementing drag-and-drop functionality can greatly enhance user experiences on your website. With HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can create a file upload interface that allows users to drag and drop files for uploading. This project delves into handling file input and user interactions.

35. 404 Not Found Page

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - 404 Not Found Page

Even error pages can be creatively designed. With HTML and CSS, you can create a custom 404 Not Found page that not only informs users of a broken link but also keeps them engaged with your website's branding and navigation options. This project demonstrates your ability to design user-friendly error pages.

36. Animated Product Page

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Animated Product Page

Taking your product pages to the next level, you can create an animated product page that provides detailed information and visualizations of products. Using HTML and CSS, this project enhances your skills in product presentation and user interaction.

37. Netflix Clone

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Netflix Clone

Creating a Netflix clone is a challenging but rewarding project for web developers. While it may involve more advanced concepts, it offers a comprehensive learning experience in HTML and CSS.

38. Google Clone

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Google Clone

Building a Google clone is another ambitious project that covers a wide range of web development skills. You'll create a simplified version of the Google search engine.

39. Dropdown Menu

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Dropdown Menu

Expanding on the drop-down menu project, you can explore more advanced dropdown menu designs with CSS and JavaScript. This project allows you to create multi-level dropdowns, mega menus, or dynamic content-driven menus, enhancing your navigation menu development skills.

40. Music Player

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Music Player

Developing a music player is a captivating project that combines HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create an interactive audio player. You'll learn how to play, pause, skip tracks, and display album art. This project offers hands-on experience with media elements and user interface design for music applications.

41. Profile Card

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Profile Card

Designing profile cards is a useful skill for displaying user information on social media, forums, or networking sites. With HTML and CSS, you can create stylish and customizable profile cards. This project will refine your layout and styling abilities.

42. Portfolio Template

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Portfolio Template

Building a portfolio website is a fantastic way to showcase your work as a web developer. With HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can create a personalized portfolio template to display your projects, skills, and contact information. This project will serve as a reflection of your abilities and a valuable asset for your career.

43. Copy Text to Clipboard

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Copy Text to Clipboard

Implementing a "Copy to Clipboard" feature on your website can greatly enhance user convenience. Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can create a button or icon that allows users to easily copy text or code snippets to their clipboard. This project delves into the clipboard API and user interface design for enhanced usability.

44. Hotel Landing Page

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Hotel Landing Page

Creating a hotel landing page is an engaging project that combines your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills to design an attractive and informative page for a hotel or resort. You can include details about rooms, amenities, booking options, and more, enhancing your web design and layout abilities.

45. Ice Cream Shop Landing Page

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Ice Cream Shop Landing Page

Designing a landing page for an ice cream shop is a sweet and visually appealing project. Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can create an enticing page that showcases delicious ice cream flavors, specials, and location information. This project encourages creativity in web design.

46. Blog Cards with Bootstrap

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Blog Cards with Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that simplifies web development. With this project, you can create stylish blog cards using Bootstrap's components and CSS. It's a great opportunity to learn how to leverage frameworks to streamline your development process.

47. Pizza Shop Website

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Pizza Shop Website

Building a website for a pizza shop is a fun project that combines your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills to create a mouthwatering online presence. You can include menu items, ordering options, delivery information, and more, honing your web development abilities.

48. Password Validation Form

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Password Validation Form

Enhance your form-building skills by creating a password validation form. With HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can design a form that enforces strong password requirements and provides real-time feedback to users. This project reinforces the importance of data validation and user experience.

49. Text to Voice

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Text to Voice

Adding text-to-voice functionality to your website can make it more accessible and user-friendly. Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can create a feature that converts text content into speech, benefiting users with visual impairments or those who prefer audio content. This project explores the Web Speech API and inclusive design principles.

50. Circular Grid

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Circular Grid

A circular grid with an amazing hover effect is a design element that consists of a grid of circular elements arranged in a circular pattern, with some sort of hover effect applied to each element. The hover effect could be something like a change in color, a change in size, or the display of additional content when the element has hovered over with the mouse.

Bonus: Pricing Table

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - Pricing Table

A pricing table is an essential element of any website that offers products or services for sale. It provides a clear and concise comparison of the different options available to the customer, allowing them to make an informed decision about which option best suits their needs.

Bonus: Search Filter

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - search filter

A search filter is a vital tool for any website offering a wide range of products, services, or content. It enables users to quickly narrow down their options based on specific criteria, making it easier to find exactly what they are looking for. By providing a clear and efficient way to sift through large amounts of information, search filters enhance user experience and satisfaction.

Bonus: Sticky Notes

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - sticky notes

If you're looking to build a useful and interactive web application, creating a sticky notes app is a perfect choice. This project will help you get familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by allowing you to implement features like adding, editing, and removing notes. You'll gain hands-on experience with DOM manipulation, local storage for saving notes, and styling elements to create a neat, user-friendly interface. This project will enhance your skills in handling user inputs and managing application state.

Bonus: CRUD Application

50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners - crud app

If you're new to web development, building a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application is a great way to understand how web apps work. This project will teach you the basics of handling user data, storing it, displaying it, and allowing users to update or delete it. You'll work with HTML forms, style them with CSS, and use JavaScript to make everything function smoothly. This project will give you a solid foundation for creating interactive and dynamic web pages.

In conclusion, embarking on a journey of web development through these 50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript projects for beginners has been an enriching experience. Each project has provided valuable insights and practical skills, equipping you with a versatile toolkit for creating dynamic and visually appealing websites and web applications.

Starting with projects like the digital clock and pulse search bar, you gained a solid foundation in the core technologies of the web. As you progressed through more complex tasks such as building a Netflix clone or a Google clone, you honed your skills in layout design, user interfaces, and even API integration.

From interactive forms like login pages and sign-up forms to creative elements like glitch text effects and sound bars, you've explored the diverse facets of web development, each project contributing to your growth as a developer.

Additionally, you've learned the significance of responsive design, accessibility, and user experience through projects like dark/light mode switches, copy-to-clipboard functionality, and text-to-voice conversion.

Remember that web development is dynamic, and your projects are stepping stones to even greater proficiency. Whether you're building personal projects, contributing to open-source initiatives, or pursuing a career in web development, the knowledge and experience gained from these projects will continue to serve you well.

As you move forward, continue exploring, experimenting, and challenging yourself with new projects and technologies. The world of web development is ever-evolving, and your skills will grow with it. Embrace the excitement of creating, innovating, and making the web a better place, one project at a time.

Creating a Fast Food Restaurant Landing Page with HTML and CSS.webp

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websites to use for projects

Want To Learn Web Development? Build Web Development Projects!

In this article, we share the 11 best web development projects in 2024 with source code.

Whether you’re trying to become a web developer or improve your current portfolio, we’ve included web development projects for beginners and experienced devs.

In 2024, web development is a broad field, so we’ve included some of the best web development projects for various tech stacks, including HTML/CSS/JS, ASP.NET, Django, MEAN, MERN, and more.

Plus, when you consider that the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a median annual salary of over $85,000 for web developers , building web development projects can be highly rewarding for your career.

If you’re looking to pick up valuable web development skills, one of the best approaches is project-based learning by building web development projects. So, if you’re ready, fire up your favorite web development IDE , and let’s check out the best web development projects .

  • Why Build Web Development Projects?

Web development is a constantly evolving field, and staying ahead of the curve can be challenging.

Project-based learning is one of the best ways to keep learning engaging. You can even overlap your web development project with a web development course . 

By looking for and building real-world web development project ideas, you can develop new skills, gain experience, and create a portfolio of work to showcase to potential employers.

Let’s take a look at the primary benefits of building web development projects.

  • Project-based learning: You're not just learning theory; you're applying knowledge in a practical context to develop a deeper understanding.
  • Build your portfolio: You can demonstrate your versatility and adaptability.
  • Career opportunities: Building your skills and creating a portfolio of work will put you in a better position to land your dream job.
  • Problem-solving: Web development projects are inherently challenging, and building them will enhance your problem-solving skills.
  • Creative expression: You can use your imagination and creativity to build projects that are unique and visually appealing.

If you’re a web dev beginner, a pro tip for you is that it’s really important to work on multiple web development projects. This is ideal for gaining experience with different technologies, languages, and web development frameworks .

This can also help you develop a broad set of skills to apply in various contexts, whether e-commerce, social media, education, healthcare, finance, and more.

  • Best Web Development Project Ideas for Beginners

1. Landing Page - HTML & CSS

Landing Page - HTML & CSS

Download source code

This is a tried and tested idea for beginner web development projects that you can use to develop your understanding of layout and design and how to use different HTML and CSS elements to build the page's structure.

This HTML project includes elements like headings, paragraphs, images, and forms.

You'll also get to use your knowledge of responsive design to ensure your landing page displays correctly across different devices and screen sizes.

Overall, if you want to become a web developer , this is a great project to get hands-on experience with HTML and CSS, allowing you to apply your knowledge in a practical setting and solidify your understanding of web development concepts. 

This project also gives you the opportunity to try different hosting resources. You could try Amazon for cloud hosting on a site built for high-volume traffic, for example, or stick with a free hosting platform for a smaller project.


  • Basic understanding of web development concepts
  • Familiarity with HTML tags and CSS selectors
  • Knowledge of responsive design techniques

Stack Required:

2. Personal Portfolio Website - HTML, CSS, & JavaScript

Personal Portfolio Website - HTML, CSS, & JavaScript

This beginner-level project will help you develop your skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as you'll design and code a personal portfolio website.

This JavaScript project will also require you to create a responsive design that not only works flawlessly across different devices but also optimizes it for fast loading and SEO.

By tackling this project, you'll gain hands-on experience using HTML to structure the content, CSS to style it, and JavaScript to add interactivity. Making this ideal for building real-world websites that can help jumpstart your web development career.

Our research also uncovered several types of web-building software with discounts at AppSumo. These resources often take the coding out of the process though, so use them only once you’re comfortable with your skills.

  • Knowledge of layout and typography design
  • Understanding of JavaScript functions and event handling

3. To-do List App - Ruby on Rails

To-do List App - Ruby on Rails

This project is an excellent way to enhance your web development skills with Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as you’ll be creating a functional web application that enables users to create, manage, and track their to-do lists. It’s also one of the best web development projects for students to stretch their current skill set.

Now, for newcomers to Rails, it might seem daunting to try out, but if you're coming over from another language, you could always use an AI coding assistant to help out during the building process. This is a great way to learn a new language on the fly.

Expect to be implementing CRUD functionalities, RESTful routing, and database queries in Ruby on Rails, as well as working with HTML forms, CSS styling, and JavaScript functions, and event handling.

Throughout this project, you’ll also utilize your technical skills in creating Ruby scripts and implementing an MVC architecture, alongside gaining experience in front-end development by creating responsive and visually appealing interfaces with HTML and CSS. 

By completing this project, you'll have the opportunity to hone your web development skills and gain practical experience in building a full-stack web application.

And remember, don't be put off by a tech stack that seems unfamiliar, as you can always use something like GitHub Copilot to help out!

  • Familiarity with HTML forms and CSS styling
  • Knowledge of JavaScript functions and event handling
  • Knowledge of Ruby on Rails
  • Understanding of database relationships and migrations
  • Ruby on Rails

4. Cinema Website - ASP.NET

Cinema Website - ASP.NET

This project is a great opportunity for beginners to strengthen their skills by working on a real-world web application with ASP.NET and Bootstrap, which are two powerhouses in the field of web development. 

This project is a great way to challenge yourself, as you’ll need a basic grasp of web development concepts, familiarity with HTML and CSS, and of course, knowledge of C#, object-oriented programming (OOP), and the .NET framework. It also helps to have an understanding of JavaScript functions and event handling.

By the end of this project, you will have built a fully-functional cinema web app that includes ticket booking functions, movie information display, and user authentication. All of which are great analogs to real-world applications and the skills you’ll need as a web developer.

  • Knowledge of C# programming and object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts
  • Knowledge of ASP.NET

5. URL Shortener - PHP

URL Shortener - PHP

This beginner-friendly web development project will help you develop your skills in PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML as you build a web application that shortens URLs and tracks the number of clicks on each shortened link. You can even run this open-source project on your own server, providing full control over data and statistics.

By working on this PHP project , you'll gain practical experience in web development alongside database management as you’ll need to implement SQL data storage and retrieval. Overall, this project is an excellent opportunity to apply common technologies to build a real-world web application that would look great in your portfolio.

  • Knowledge of PHP programming and object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts
  • Understanding of database systems and SQL
  • Intermediate Web Development Projects

6. Job Board - Laravel

This intermediate-level web development project is great for improving your skills in CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and the Laravel PHP framework. By building a job board web application, you’ll allow employers to post job listings and job seekers to search and apply for jobs. 

If you're still new to PHP, you might want to check out a PHP course to bolster your skills for building this project.

On the other hand, if you have PHP knowledge, you’ll get to experiment with commonly used web application features like user authentication, data search and filtering, job application tracking, and email notifications.

This is also a great way to improve your understanding of database management and SQL. 

By the end of this project, you’ll have gained practical exposure to web development with Laravel and various front-end technologies.

  • Strong understanding of web development concepts
  • Proficiency in HTML and CSS, including responsive design and CSS grid/flexbox
  • Familiarity with JavaScript, including DOM manipulation and AJAX
  • Experience with PHP and the Laravel framework
  • Understanding of SQL and database systems
  • Laravel PHP framework

7. Quiz App - MEAN Stack

This MEAN stack app is an intermediate-level project that’s excellent for improving your full-stack development skills by integrating M ongoDB, E xpress, A ngular, and N odeJS.

Expect to challenge yourself with this project, as you’ll be creating a RESTful API for a quiz application with some of the most popular JavaScript libraries .

Yep, you will need to build the front end using Angular, combining TypeScript, HTML, and CSS to develop a dynamic web app for users to take quizzes and view their results. 

You’ll also need to work with NoSQL and integrate each of the MEAN stack components to create a seamless full-stack application. By the end of this project, you’ll have solid experience using these technologies to create a fully functional application.

  • Experience with the MEAN stack
  • NodeJS installed on your machine
  • MongoDB installed and running on the default port (27017)
  • Express, Mongoose, Body Parser, and CORS packages installed
  • Angular 4 and Angular CLI installed
  • [MEAN Stack]
  • MongoDB 
  • Express 
  • Angular 

8. Weather Forecasting App - JavaScript

Weather Forecasting App - JavaScript

This intermediate project is a great way to level up your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills to create a fully functional weather app that allows users to search for weather conditions and forecast information in any location around the world.

To do this, you’ll be integrating with a weather API like OpenWeatherMap and then polling this service to fetch and display data within your app. API integration is a foundational skill for web dev pros, making this project a great way for you to hone these skills. 

You can also get to grips with Bootstrap to style a responsive app front-end that looks great on any device. 

  • Good understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Familiarity with NPM and Webpack
  • Basic knowledge of API integration
  • Familiarity with Bootstrap is a plus, but not required.
  • A weather API such as OpenWeatherMap
  • Advanced Web Development Projects

9. Content Management System - Django

If you’ve ever thought about building your own version of WordPress, this advanced web development project creates a fully functional Content Management System (CMS) for managing website content via Django, Python, JavaScript, HTML, SCSS, and Shell scripting. 

This is a great way to gain experience building a web app that allows web admins to create, edit, and publish content in a structured manner. You’ll also include support for hierarchical pages, multi-language and multi-site capabilities, draft/publish workflows, version control, and a customizable navigation system.

If you're a little rusty with Django or still learning to use it, I'd definitely recommend having a Django book on hand to tackle any challenges you might encounter.

If you’re already familiar with Python, this is an excellent way to branch out into web development, as you’ll use Django to create the content management logic. You’ll also need to use JavaScript for the frontend interactivity, HTML/CSS for the overall structure and styling, and Shell scripting for any automation. 

Our experience shows that you’ll need a foundation in Python to succeed with this project. For novices, we recommend enrollment in Python with Dr. Johns for an introduction to the fundamentals of the language.

  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Proficiency in Python programming language
  • Familiarity with the Django web framework
  • Knowledge of Shell scripting
  • Understanding of version control systems such as Git
  • Familiarity with database concepts and design
  • Basic knowledge of web development principles and architecture.

10. Slack Clone - TypeScript & Next.js

Slack Clone - TypeScript & Next.js

This Slack clone project is an exciting way for more experienced web developers to get to grips with building a real-time messaging app with a modern web stack.

Expect to test your TypeScript skills, use Next.js for server-side rendering and SEO, implement Firebase for real-time database and authentication, create and style components with Material UI, manage app state with MobX, and use Git with Shell commands to manage version control and deployment.

As you’d expect with the real Slack app, you’ll need to implement user authentication and authorization to ensure secure communication between users. You’ll also add the ability to create and manage channels.

If you're making the leap from JS to TypeScript, you might want to consider taking a TypeScript course to fill any knowledge gaps.

When it comes to UX, you’ll include infinity scrolling to provide users with a seamless way to view messages, and you’ll also optimize the app for search engines using SEO best practices.

By the end of this project, you’ll have an excellent understanding of what goes into creating something like Slack, along with a portfolio-worthy project. Win-win!

  • Proficient in JavaScript
  • Familiarity with React.js and CSS
  • Understanding of TypeScript syntax
  • Knowledge of Git and Shell commands
  • Material UI

11. Facebook Clone - MERN Stack

Facebook Clone - MERN Stack

This Facebook clone project is a great way to learn the ins and outs of building a social media platform like truly global Facebook. What’s more, you’ll be doing this with the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) stack, which is one of the most prevalent in modern web development.

As an advanced web development project, you’ll also be able to enhance your skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as gain hands-on experience with MongoDB for NoSQL and implementing authentication and authorization with Node.js and Express.js.

By the end of this React project , you'll have experience working with third-party UI libraries like Chakra UI, you’ll know how to develop real-time search functionality for user profiles using debounce, and you’ll know how to handle sign-up and login validations.

If you’re interested in full-stack web development, this is a great project to level up your skills while also adding something solid to your portfolio.

If you're unsure whether you're ready to tackle this project, consider taking a React course to level up your skills, then return and take it on!

  • A solid understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Experience with building web applications using the MERN stack.
  • Familiarity with Chakra UI or similar UI libraries.
  • Understanding of database design and usage with MongoDB.
  • Experience with authentication and authorization using Node.js and Express.js.
  • [MERN Stack]
  • What Is A Web Development Project?

At their core, web development projects encompass a diverse range of tasks aimed at creating and maintaining dynamic websites or web applications.

Ranging from simple web pages to sophisticated digital platforms, web development projects blend coding, design, and strategic planning.

They also provide a unique opportunity for developers to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, honing their skills across various technologies and frameworks.

Web development projects also serve as a canvas for innovation, problem-solving, and showcasing your talent.

By diving into the projects we've included in this article – from HTML/CSS/JS basics to advanced MEAN and MERN stack applications – you can gain hands-on experience and build a portfolio that showcases your versatility and expertise.

Whether building a responsive portfolio website, developing a feature-rich e-commerce platform, or crafting a social media clone, have fun, and use these projects to master the intricacies of web design and programming.

  • What Projects Do Web Developers Work On?

Web developers can work on a wide array of projects, each demanding a unique set of skills and creativity.

Typically, web developers take on varied workloads, from constructing straightforward websites to developing complex, interactive web applications.

Web developers are also often tasked with creating responsive user interfaces, integrating backend databases, and implementing interactive features that enhance user experience.

And as you've seen in this article, web development projects can range from personal blogs and small business websites to large-scale e-commerce platforms and social networking sites.

Depending on your current skill level and preferred tech stack, some popular web development projects that you might get to work on include developing web applications with real-time data processing, creating APIs, and crafting solutions for specific industries like healthcare, education, or finance.

Remember this: whether the project is a simple content management system or an intricate enterprise application, it offers a platform for you to showcase your technical acumen, problem-solving skills, and adaptability in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

This diversity not only challenges you as a web developer to stay on top of the latest technologies, but it also provides the opportunity for creative expression and innovation in solving real-world problems through digital solutions.

  • Wrapping Up

There you go, the 11 best web development projects in 2024, including a range of web development projects for beginners and experienced devs alike. 

We’ve even included web development projects for a range of popular tech stacks, including HTML/CSS/JS, ASP.NET, Django, MEAN, MERN, and more. 

Whether you’re just beginning your career in web development or you want to level up your portfolio, each of the web development projects on our list is ideal for learning web development while also demonstrating your skills to future employers. 

Whichever web development project you choose to tackle, have fun, and best of luck with your career in web development!

Looking for a web development course to take while building web development projects? Check out:

Dr. Angela Yu's Web Development Bootcamp on Udemy

  • Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Are 3 Types of Web Development?

Web development can be categorized into three main types: front-end development, which involves creating the user interface of a website or web application; back-end development, which involves creating the server-side components of a website or web application; and full-stack development, which encompasses both front-end and back-end development. 

2. How Do I Find Web Developer Projects?

There are several ways for web developers to find projects, depending on your experience level and goals. One common approach is to create a portfolio website or online presence to showcase your skills and attract potential clients or employers. You can also search for web developer jobs or freelance projects on job boards, social media, or online marketplaces. 

3. How Much Does a Web Developer Charge Per Project?

The cost of a web development project can vary widely depending on factors such as the project's complexity, the scope of work involved, and the developer's experience level. However, with an average annual salary of more than $85K , you can use this as a starting point to reverse-engineer a project rate, depending on the time you think it will take you.

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30+ Web Development Projects with Source Code [2024]

This Web Development Projects article provides you with an overview of different web development projects with Source Code and ideas, categorized by different types of web technologies.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced web developer, you’re sure to find a project that provides you to learn new skills. this article covers top web development projects with Source Code and web development project ideas , Whether you’re a final-year student aiming for a standout resume or someone building a career, these Web development projects provide hands-on experience, launching you into the exciting world of Web Development. by making these projects you will be able to master all the skills required to master web development.

Web Development Projects

Table of Content

What is Web Development?

Top web development projects, web development project ideas in 2024.

Web development refers to the building of websites and web applications. It covers a wide range of tasks, from creating simple static pages to complex web applications like social networking services. Some of the common languages used in web development are HTML , CSS , and JavaScript .

In simpler terms, web development is all about creating websites and web applications . This can include anything from designing the layout of a website to writing the code that makes it work. Web developers use a variety of programming languages and tools to create websites, and the specific skills required will vary depending on the type of website or application being developed.

Types of Web Developement

  • Front-end Development
  • Back-end Development
  • Full-Stack Development

Web Development Project for Beginners in 2024 [Source Code]

Let’s look at some of the best new Web projects for beginners in this section and each project deals with a different set of issues, including HTML and CSS. Beginners will be better prepared to tackle more challenging tasks by the time they have finished reading this article and have a better understanding of the fundamentals of Web Developement.

HTML & CSS Projects

  • Event Webpage
  • Parallax Webpage
  • Technical Documentatio Webpage
  • Facebook Home Page
  • Online Food Delivery Page
  • Circular Progress Bar
  • Google Search Bar
  • Animation Loading Bar
  • Neumorphism Login Form

Web Development Project for Intermediate in 2024 [Source Code]

Let’s look at some of the best new Web projects for Intermediate in this section and each project deals with a different set of issues, including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Intermediate will be better prepared to tackle more challenging tasks by the time they have finished reading this article and have a better understanding of the fundamentals of Web Developement in the Intermediate level.

HTML, CSS & JavaScript Projects

  • Responsive Sliding Login and Registration Forms
  • Student Grade Calculator
  • Slide Down a Navigation Bar on Scroll
  • Design a BMI Calculator
  • Task Tracker Project
  • Detect Internet Speed Test
  • Tip Calculator
  • Analog Clock
  • Pay Role Management Webpage
  • Mousemove Parallax Effects
  • Text to Speech Converter
  • Create a Portfolio Website
  • AI Image Generator Website

Web Development Project for Advanced in 2024 [Source Code]

Let’s look at some of the best new Web projects for Advanced in this section and each project deals with a different set of issues, including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Advanced developers will be better prepared to tackle more challenging tasks by the time they have finished reading this article and have a better understanding of the fundamentals of Web Developement in the Intermediate level.

AngularJS Projects

  • Simple Web-app
  • Progressive web-app
  • Single page rounting app
  • Multi-select dropdown

React.js Projects

  • Design a Calculator
  • Dice Rolling App
  • Coin Flipping App
  • Rock Paper Scissor Game

Node.js Projects

  • Single File Upload with Multer
  • QR Code Generator Service
  • Chat App using
  • Library Management System
  • User Management System

PHP Projects

  • Admin Login Page
  • Signup Form using PHP and MySQL
  • Group Chat Application
  • PHP Image Resizer
  • PDF Downloader

Web development has become an essential tool in almost every aspect of our lives, impacting various sectors and individuals in diverse ways. Here are some examples of how web development is used:

  • E-commerce:  Building online stores for selling products and services directly to customers.
  • Marketing and communication:  Creating websites and landing pages to showcase brands, products, and services, and reach target audiences.
  • Internal tools and applications:  Developing custom software for managing operations, data, and workflows.
  • Customer service:  Implementing chatbots, knowledge bases, and other interactive features for better customer support.


  • Personal branding and portfolios:  Creating online presences to showcase skills, experiences, and work.
  • Blogging and content creation:  Building websites and platforms for sharing ideas, stories, and knowledge.
  • Communication and collaboration:  Utilizing online tools for communication, project management, and social interaction.
  • E-learning and education:  Accessing online courses, resources, and platforms for learning and development.

Government and Public Services

  • Providing information and services to citizens:  Building websites and applications for accessing government information, applying for services, and interacting with authorities.
  • E-governance and transparency:  Promoting open data and facilitating online participation in government processes.
  • Public education and healthcare:  Developing online platforms for accessing educational resources and healthcare information.

Entertainment and Media

  • Streaming services:  Creating platforms for watching movies, TV shows, and other entertainment content online.
  • Social media platforms:  Building networks for online interaction, sharing content, and connecting with communities.
  • Online gaming:  Developing and deploying web-based games for various platforms and devices.

Science and Research

  • Data analysis and visualization:  Building web applications for analyzing and presenting complex scientific data.
  • Collaborative research platforms:  Developing online tools for researchers to share data, results, and collaborate on projects.
  • Educational resources and tools:  Creating online platforms for sharing scientific knowledge and resources with the public.

This post will contain all the popular Web development projects from creating a login form to creating an actual interactive application. All the projects are in order, from beginner to advanced level in each category. The article on each list has individual posts that will guide you from start to end.

Web Development ranges from developing a single static page to complex web applications, social network services, etc. To start with web development first you need to know about frontend, which is generally handled by HTML , CSS , and JavaScript . Going forward for advanced developments you have to learn about DBMS to handle database-related work, modern frameworks, and other backend services. Having only theoretical knowledge of various web technologies won’t take you anywhere unless you practice and get some hands-on experience. Making projects are the main sources that help you to connect with the real world and tackle the problems of the environment.

So, here in this article, we are providing you with some project ideas ranging from beginner’s level to advanced level to help you in this journey of learning web development.

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15+ Web Development Projects With Source Code [2023]

Introduction, what is web development, use of web development, top web development projects, web development projects for beginners, web development projects for intermediate, web development projects for advanced, additional resources.

As per an estimate, more than 1.7 billion websites exist, the number fluctuates daily. The web is super massive and 4.5 billion people across the world contribute with online interactions. All credit to the rapid development towards taking our businesses on the web and the digital revolution. The development did not take place all of a sudden, it was a rather slow process.

The users entered the era of the World Wide Web only when the visual-oriented web browsers came in the 1990s, and since then there has been an exponential increase in web technology, the craze for web development is at its peak now. Sounds pretty exciting, right?

This blog will help you to make your career in the field of web development by guiding exactly what you need to study, and how to implement them by making projects and starting your career in this domain. The blog covers web development projects and web development project ideas for you, by making these you will be able to master all the skills required to master web development and next to a successful career in the field. So what are you waiting for?

Confused about your next job?

Before working on the projects it is essential to know what web development is. Web development is the work involved in developing a website or web application for the internet, it mainly covers the non-design markup aspects of building websites. The professionals divide it into three categories:

  • Front-end web development
  • Back-end web development
  • Full-stack web development

While front-end web development deals with the visual aspect of a website, what users see its look and feel, back-end web development is concerned with the connection to the server, databases, etc. And full stack web development is a combination of both the frontend and backend types of web development.

Well, we know what web development is, but what are its uses of it? Obviously, to make websites!

Making websites is the most important use of web development. However, there are many other reasons as well for which people learn web development :

  • Building real-world projects.
  • A great income source
  • Creative and fun.

Whether you’re an aspiring or junior front-end, back-end, or full-stack developer, building real-world projects is not only one of the best ways to learn and improve your coding skills but is also crucial for you to build an attractive portfolio to advance your career. But what projects can I work on? Will they be unique enough?

Don’t worry we have got you covered, we will provide you with the list of 20 web development projects and ideas that you can develop independently.

Let’s explore the top 20 web development projects and ideas.

One-Page Layout or design

How about building an attractive one-page responsive layout by using Simple HTML and CSS. Sounds great, right.

In Fact, this is the simplest web development project that you can start with. The conquer template can be used to build this project.

Source Code – One Page Layout Skills Required – HTML, CSS, Responsive Layout.

Product Landing Page

You now know how to make a simple one-page layout, how about building a product landing page then as a second step??

But how does it differ from the above project? The answer is in a product landing page you will use columns and align the components of the landing page within columns. Basic editing tasks like cropping images and making use of design templates are also covered in this.

Source Code – Landing Page Skills Required – CSS, Image editing.

Netflix Home Page Clone

Let’s master our CSS skills a little more by making a Netflix home page clone using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript This will not only help you to master your skills, in addition, you will also learn about Positioning, and CSS Grids as well.

You will also get a feel as to how developers work when they are given a design and are to make an exact copy of it.

Source Code – Netflix Clone Skills Required – CSS Grid, Styling Tables, Tabs with JavaScript, Positioning

Background Generator

As a Next step, it’s time to have an understanding of some basic JavaScript. How about making a basic background or gradient color generator, where you will choose a color from the palette and that color will become the background.

This project aims to find the best-looking background gradient for your project. You just have to select the colors you want from the color picker and then copy the code displayed and paste it into your code as a background color. It’s That Simple!

Source Code – Background Generator Skills Required – HTML, CSS and JavaScript

It’s time to master JavaScript with a minor project of making a quiz application.

Optionally you can add the ability to give a score to the user at the end of the game, if the score is above a threshold value you declare the player to be a winner, using some gifs corresponding to winning and losing the game. This can be a very interesting project to work on.

Source Code – Quiz App Skills Required – HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Temperature Converter Website

You can make a simple yet attractive temperature converter website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as a next step.

It will involve validation of the user input, using the dropdown menu to know if the input is celsius or Fahrenheit. You can add more functionality to it.

Source Code – Temperature Converter Skills Required – Input Validation, Form designing, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Restaurant Website

Do you always wonder how I design a Restaurant Website had I been given a chance to do so?

We cannot give you a chance to do so now, however, you can make one for yourself and add it to your portfolio using your skills.

This project aims to create a fully responsive restaurant website, you can add many pages and links to your website. You can extend the functionality by connecting it with a real-time database and allowing users to order food online.

You must also deploy this using Netlify or Github Pages to showcase to the world that you are a great web developer.

Source Code – Restaurant Website Skills Required – Responsiveness, UX design, HTML, CSS

Basic Portfolio Website

After building a complete restaurant website by yourself, you should now be confident in your skills. However, Practice makes Perfect.

In the next step, you must try making your own portfolio website for yourself. Showcase your projects, your social media handles, your experience on the website. You can refer to some templates available for free on Google for that.

Source Code – Portfolio Website Skills Required – Responsiveness, UX design, HTML, CSS, Icons

Responsive Blog Website

Let’s make another responsive website and add it to our portfolio. A blog website is the one where users can add a new blog, edit it and view other blogs published on the platform.

At first glance, it may feel that we will have to use some kind of database for storing the blogs. However, it’s not the case. Using LocalStorage you can store the data with no expiration date, even when the browser is closed. Alternatively, you can use the database for storing the blogs.

That means it will be available even when you close the browser and come back to the page.

Source Code – Blog Page Skills Required – HTML & CSS, JavaScript.

Covid Awareness

It’s been so long since covid came, we witnessed the first wave, then the super dangerous delta variant and now there is the Omicron variant. All glories to the great scientists and doctors for making vaccines in such a short duration and to the government for making the vaccine available at such a large scale that we are in a safer state now than we could have been without the vaccines.

You might be wondering why I am discussing this now. Well, this is the idea for our tenth project, making a covid 19 awareness website. This will involve the general guidelines that people must follow, the need and importance of vaccination, and the need to stay in isolation in case one experiences symptoms. In short a general-purpose awareness website.

Source Code – Covid Awareness Skills Required – HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

To do List App

This is a common project that all web developers have done at least once in their lifetime. Not only will this help you to keep track of your daily tasks but is a good project too at least at the beginner level. You can connect it with a database to store the daily tasks, the benefit of storing daily tasks in a database will be, you can, later on, add delete functionality to it. If a user by mistake deletes a todo, you can give the privilege to restore it.

Source Code – To-Do List Skills Required – HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Dear Fellow developers, fasten your seat belt if you are doing projects in the sequence we advised you, till now you have done a total of 10 projects. This deserves appreciation!!

So far so good, however, all the projects we did till now are easy ones, it’s time to level up our web development skills and make some even better projects.

So you have been using one or the other browser extension for a long and did not know that they are made using JavaScript.

You can make extensions to make your day-to-day tasks well organized. As an example, you can make a notes extension that would let the user make a note directly in the browser without opening any other application. You can also build extensions like finding the meaning of any word that a user enters it would help users to read online.

Github Explorer

As a next step, you can make a GitHub explorer for yourself. This will fetch the details of the GitHub user just by entering his/her username. You can use the Github API to do so.

Using the API you can find details regarding the name of the user, the number of repositories, the number of followers, and so on.

In addition, upon clicking the username, you will be redirected to the GitHub profile.

Source Code – GitHub Explorer Skills Required – Promises in JavaScript, API

Weather Forecast Website

In this project, you will make a web application to check out the weather forecast for the current day and for the next few days. You will use an API to fetch real-time data and then add it to your application. The user will input his/her location and the weather forecast for the next 5 days will be displayed. In addition, a feature to automatically detect the location can add to the versatility of the project.

Source Code – Weather Forecast Skills Required – JavaScript, Node.js, ReactJS.

Link Shortener

In this project, you will be required to make an API to build short URLs. The functionality will be similar to bitly. Using Node, Express, and MongoDB you can make your own URL Shortener service. However, you can use any backend language also depending on your expertise. The project is not specific to any particular backend language.

Source Code – Link Shortener Skills Required – Node, MongoDB,JavaScript

Sorting Visualizer

The first step to learning Data Structures and Algorithms is to use Sorting Algorithms, they form the base for all the advanced topics ahead, However, it’s sometimes overwhelming to actually figure out how sorting algorithms work.

How about making a sorting visualizer?

A project that will help you to visualize how various sorting algorithms work. For example, in insertion sort, The array is virtually split into a sorted and an unsorted part. Values from the unsorted part are picked and placed at the correct position in the sorted part. This is something that college professors and all youtube instructors do in order to explain the concept. This is a great idea and making it live will help many students out there.

Source Code – Sorting Skills Required – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Sorting Algorithms

Transcript Summarizer for Youtube

As a Computer Science student, you learn on a daily basis from videos, articles, documentation, and so on. A majority of learning happens through Youtube as well. PS Youtube also provides entertainment.

A lot of time can be saved if you can summarize the content of the youtube videos. In this project, you will be creating a Chrome Extension which will make a request to the backend REST API where it will perform NLP and respond with a summarized version of a YouTube transcript.

Source Code – Youtube Transcript Skills Required – Python API, Hugging Face Transformers, Flask.

DSA Tracker

Always want to practice a lot of DSA Questions, but failed to keep track of each and every question that you did?

In this project, you will make a DSA Tracker for you, wherein questions will be divided into different categories and upon selection of one, you will be able to solve that. The project features:

  • Topic-wise question search
  • Topic-wise progress
  • Complete local storage
  • Mobile-first design

Source Code – DSA Tracker Skills Required – React, React-Reveal, Bootstrap, Localbase

Online Code Editor

Do you wish to build something Online Compiler ?

Online code editors feature all the common functionalities of complete IDEs, they run on browsers. Building an online code editor for you after building so many projects is the right step and will ace your skills to the next level, If done well this can be ideal for your next start-up as a free online interviewing platform.

Building an online code editor and compiler seems too complicated, but we can break it down into two pieces.

API running on the backend server, which will take a piece of code and language as input and output the answer after running the code on the server Frontend code editor, we can choose the language and edit and modify the code here. Then we make a post request to the backend API and show output on the website.

Keeping it simple, in the front end part, you can add a simple dropdown menu for selecting the language of your choice. Whenever a language is selected, the corresponding event listener will be triggered.

Source Code – Code Editor Skills Required – HTML, CSS, ReactJS, Hosting Services

Slack Clone

Slack is one of the widely used communication channels used by corporates for work-related communication. Making a slack clone is a great project for your resume and will surely catch the eye of the recruiters.

For the frontend and core functionalities, you can use React. Use Redux for effective state management and Firebase for real-time databases.

Source Code – Slack Clone Skills Required – Advanced React, Redux, Firebase, Web Application Development, Website Hosting.

In this blog we have presented you with the 15 web development projects that you need to ace your development skills, they were presented in a structured format and with increasing levels of difficulty. The objective was to make you realize that nothing is difficult if you take the right approach and truly want to learn something.

Q1) What are 3 types of web developments? Ans 1) There are 3 types of web development:

  • Front end web development
  • Back end web development

Q2) Few unique web development projects for students? Ans 2) You can try making your portfolio website, In addition, projects that require API Calls are a great way of impressing the recruiters, so you can try out making clones of popular social media websites like Instagram, Linkedin.

Q3) Is Web development a dying career? Ans 3) Web development is still regarded as one of the most promising and rewarding careers in terms of professional growth as well as freelancing.

Q4) Is web development in demand in 2023? Ans 4) There is an increasing demand for skilled web developers in 2023

  • Best Web Development Courses
  • How to Become a Web Developer
  • Web Developer Interview Questions
  • Web Developer Skills
  • Best Web Development Books
  • Web Development
  • Web Development Projects

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Center street transformation project, project overview.

The City of Milwaukee received a Safe Streets and Roads for All Implementation Grant to transform Center Street from one of the most dangerous streets in the City into a street environment for all roadway users. The new Center Street will feature protected bike lanes, enhanced pedestrian crossings, transit boarding improvements, street trees and traffic calming features.

The project will address a nearly two-mile segment of Center Street from Sherman Boulevard to Teutonia Avenue identified as part of the City's overlapping High Injury Network (HIN). This stretch of Center Street is characterized by many high-risk roadway features such as wide travel lanes; narrow, unprotected bike lanes; and underutilized parking lanes, which many drivers use to recklessly pass on the right.

Potential Project Features

Improvements to this heavily used corridor will comprehensively address safety problems by incorporating Complete Streets interventions that are proven to reduce crash risk. Potential improvements, to be finalized through public involvement, include:

  • Fully separated bike lanes
  • Narrow travel lanes
  • Reduced curb radii
  • Curb extensions
  • Leading pedestrian intervals
  • Raised intersections or crosswalks

Image 1 of 4

Potential configuration of new, safer Center Street with one-way protected bike lanes

Potential configuration of new, safer Center Street with one-way protected bike lanes

Potential configuration of new, safer Center Street with two-way protected cycle track

Potential configuration of new, safer Center Street with two-way protected cycle track

Bus bulb installed on W. Walnut Street

Bus bulb installed on W. Walnut Street

Curb extension on S. 6th Street

Curb extension on S. 6th Street

Project Funding

The City of Milwaukee was awarded $25M from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Safe Streets for All grant program for this transformative, community-driven project.

Project Location Map

Project area map

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websites to use for projects

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websites to use for projects


  1. 26 best website design ideas for your 2024 projects

    22. Web application. Source: Trello. Web applications are some of the most popular tools around, making them a great website idea for developers. Trello, for example, is a popular no-code web app for project management that helps teams organize tasks, collaborate, and stay productive using custom to-do lists.

  2. HTML Projects for Beginners: 10 Easy Starter Ideas

    Project 4: Crafting an eCommerce Page. Creating an eCommerce page is an excellent project for web developers looking to dive into the world of online retail. This project focuses on designing a web page that showcases products, includes product descriptions, prices, and a shopping cart.

  3. 18 Wix website examples that will knock your socks off

    This creative duo lets their work do all the talking by using a large, centered image gallery to offer a preview of their projects. This visual element is paired with just a handful of words describing Kunstrukt 's raison d'être. In order to emphasize the pictures displayed, all other elements on the site honor a simple monochromatic palette.

  4. 25+ Web Resources to Help You Build Your Projects

    24. Controlio is a popular computer and internet monitoring cloud-based software that allows you to track user activities on PC, remotely, from any location and device in 100% ...

  5. 21 Excellent WordPress Website Examples You Should Check Out (2024)

    Free Tools. Business Name Generator Get business name ideas for your new website or project.; WordPress Theme Detector Free tool that helps you see which theme a specific WordPress site is using.; Free Keyword Generator Keyword research easy. Get 300+ keyword ideas about your topic from Google. 27+ Free Business Tools See all other free small business tools our team has created.

  6. GitHub Pages

    Using Jekyll, you can blog using beautiful Markdown syntax, and without having to deal with any databases. Learn how to set up Jekyll. Custom URLs. Want to use your own custom domain for a GitHub Pages site? Just create a file named CNAME and include your URL. Read more. Guides

  7. 23 Web Development Project Ideas for Every Level

    Apart from web development, a front-end developer has to understand the basics of search engine optimization. Project: E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch! 20. Create your own content management system. If you've done other projects on this list, you've made WordPress, and you've made a simple blog.

  8. 40 JavaScript Projects for Beginners

    I have created a list of 40 beginner friendly project tutorials in Vanilla JavaScript, React, and TypeScript. My advice for tutorials would be to watch the video, build the project, break it apart and rebuild it your own way. Experiment with adding new features or using different methods. That will test if you have really learned the concepts ...

  9. Free Online Web Design Tool for Teams

    Design beautiful, responsive websites collaboratively in Figma. Go from wireframe to development, all in one tool. Design beautiful, responsive websites collaboratively in Figma. ... Jump start your project and design consistently at scale with tools like auto layout, components, styles, and more. Bring it to life, before development ...

  10. 20 of the Best Interactive Websites [+ How to Make Your Own]

    4. Whiteboard. Whiteboard is a creative agency that drives strategy, designs brands, develops websites, builds apps, and launches campaigns, among other responsibilities. Its website is a treasure trove of interaction. You'll find parallax scrolling, fly-in animations, hover animations, and much more.

  11. 32 HTML And CSS Projects For Beginners (With Source Code)

    In this project, you'll create a simple blog post page using HTML and CSS. You'll need to design the layout of the page, add a title, a featured image, and of course add some content to your dummy blog post. You can also add a sidebar with a few helpful links and widgets, like: An author bio with a photo.

  12. 10 Website Design Ideas To Inspire You

    Collage art. Seamless surrealism. Hover gallery menus. In addition to getting explanations of what these trends are and why they work so well, you'll find examples of websites that currently use them. Take some time to explore these sites and see what sort of inspiration unfolds. 4.

  13. 55+ Creative Website Ideas and Topics for 2024

    A self-help website is an excellent choice for life coaches and personal development gurus. Provide guidance on how to set and reach personal milestones and improve self-image. If you provide one-on-one coaching, make sure your website allows your guests to book an appointment online. Source: Tony Robbins.

  14. 23 Popular Types of Websites You Can Make in WordPress (+Examples)

    21. Online Forums Website. Online forums are a popular way to build a community and leverage user generated content to bring more search engine traffic to your website. With bbPress, you can easily add online forums to your website. bbPress helps you convert your website into an easy to manage forum.

  15. 50+ Website Design Inspirations & Ideas

    Web design inspiration. The Wix website builder offers a complete solution from enterprise-grade infrastructure and business features to advanced SEO and marketing tools-enabling anyone to create and grow online. Fuel your creativity with web design inspiration for every type of site. Get examples from real Wix users to transform your web ...

  16. 20+ Web Design Inspiration & Templates

    Build multi-page eCommerce websites with ease using a free UI kit. Learn more. 70+ free footer component examples. 70+ beautiful and creative website footer for web designers. ... Multi-page architectural website complete with gallery, portfolio projects and homepage. Learn more. Website template. Free SaaS website design with illustrations ...

  17. Collection of 100 HTML and CSS Mini Projects for ...

    HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are fundamental technologies for building web pages. Mini projects provide a practical approach for beginners to apply their knowledge and gain hands-on experience. 1. Glowing Search Bar.

  18. 50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code for Beginners

    With HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can build an accordion that expands and collapses sections to display content when users interact with it. 27. Coffee Landing Page. Creating a landing page for a coffee shop is an exciting project that combines your HTML and CSS skills to design an appealing and informative page. 28.

  19. 11 Best Web Development Projects + Code [2024 Update]

    SCSS. JavaScript. 3. To-do List App - Ruby on Rails. Download source code. This project is an excellent way to enhance your web development skills with Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as you'll be creating a functional web application that enables users to create, manage, and track their to-do lists.

  20. 15 Top HTML Projects For Beginners [With Source Code]

    1. A Tribute Page. You are about to embark on one of the most straightforward HTML projects you will ever do. As implied by the name, a tribute page is created to honor someone who has inspired you or to someone you adore and revere. To create a memorial page, you need to be familiar with the fundamentals of HTML.

  21. 30+ Web Development Projects with Source Code [2024]

    AI Image Generator Website. Web Development Project for Advanced in 2024 [Source Code] Let's look at some of the best new Web projects for Advanced in this section and each project deals with a different set of issues, including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Advanced developers will be better prepared to tackle more challenging tasks by the time ...

  22. 15+ Web Development Projects With Source Code [2023]

    Web development is the work involved in developing a website or web application for the internet, it mainly covers the non-design markup aspects of building websites. The professionals divide it into three categories: Front-end web development. Back-end web development. Full-stack web development.

  23. Center Street Transformation Project

    The project will address a nearly two-mile segment of Center Street from Sherman Boulevard to Teutonia Avenue identified as part of the City's overlapping High Injury Network (HIN). This stretch of Center Street is characterized by many high-risk roadway features such as wide travel lanes; narrow, unprotected bike lanes; and underutilized ...

  24. Introducing OpenAI o1

    How to use OpenAI o1. ChatGPT Plus and Team users will be able to access o1 models in ChatGPT starting today. Both o1-preview and o1-mini can be selected manually in the model picker, and at launch, weekly rate limits will be 30 messages for o1-preview and 50 for o1-mini.

  25. State Highway Administration Begins Safety and Resurfacing Project

    Maryland SafeZones Speed Enforcement Promotes Awareness, Work Zone Safety (September 12, 2024) - The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration is beginning work this week on a 3.3-mile safety and resurfacing project along MD 100 in Anne Arundel County from MD 170 (Aviation Boulevard) to MD 3 Business (Crain Highway), including the I-97 and MD 174 interchange ramps.