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Essays on Motivation

🌟 the importance of writing a motivation essay 📝.

Motivation is like that extra sprinkle of magic dust that gives us the boost we need to achieve our goals and dreams ✹✹. It's the driving force behind our actions and the fuel that keeps us going when things get tough. Writing an essay about motivation allows us to delve deeper into this fascinating topic and explore its various aspects. So, why not grab your pen (or keyboard) and let's dive into the world of motivation! đŸ’Ș📚

🔍 Choosing the Perfect Motivation Essay Topic đŸ€”

When it comes to choosing a topic for your motivation essay, there are a few things to consider. First, think about what aspect of motivation you find most intriguing. Is it personal motivation, motivation in the workplace, or maybe the psychology behind motivation? Once you have a general idea, narrow it down further to a specific angle that interests you the most.

💡 Motivation Argumentative Essay đŸ’Ș📝

An argumentative essay on motivation requires you to take a stance and provide evidence to support your viewpoint. Here are ten exciting topics to get those creative juices flowing:

  • The role of intrinsic motivation in academic success
  • The impact of extrinsic rewards on employee motivation
  • Does social media affect motivation levels in teenagers?
  • The connection between motivation and self-esteem
  • How does motivation differ between genders?
  • The influence of music on motivation levels
  • Does money truly motivate people in the workplace?
  • The effects of positive reinforcement on motivation
  • The link between motivation and mental health
  • How does goal-setting impact motivation?

đŸŒȘ Motivation Cause and Effect Essay 📝

In a cause and effect essay, you explore the reasons behind certain motivations and their outcomes. Here are ten thought-provoking topics to consider:

  • The causes and effects of procrastination on motivation
  • How does a lack of motivation impact academic performance?
  • The relationship between motivation and success in sports
  • The effects of parental motivation on children's achievements
  • How does motivation affect mental well-being?
  • The causes and effects of burnout on motivation levels
  • The impact of motivation on work-life balance
  • How does motivation affect creativity and innovation?
  • The causes and effects of peer pressure on motivation
  • The relationship between motivation and goal attainment

💬 Motivation Opinion Essay 💭📝

In an opinion essay, you express your personal thoughts and beliefs about motivation. Here are ten intriguing topics to spark your imagination:

  • Is self-motivation more effective than external motivation?
  • Are rewards a necessary form of motivation?
  • Should schools focus more on intrinsic motivation?
  • The role of motivation in achieving work-life balance
  • Is motivation a learned behavior or innate?
  • The impact of motivation on personal growth and development
  • Does motivation play a significant role in overcoming obstacles?
  • Is fear an effective motivator?
  • The role of motivation in maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • Can motivation be sustained in the long term?

📚 Motivation Informative Essay 🧠📝

An informative essay on motivation aims to educate and provide valuable insights. Here are ten fascinating topics to explore:

  • The psychology behind motivation and its theories
  • How to stay motivated in challenging times
  • The impact of motivation on personal and professional success
  • Motivation techniques for achieving fitness goals
  • The role of motivation in leadership and management
  • Motivation in the context of mental health and well-being
  • The history of motivation research and key figures
  • Motivation strategies for students and educators
  • Motivation and its connection to creativity and innovation
  • Motivation in different cultural and societal contexts

📜 Thesis Statement Examples 📜

Here are a few thesis statement examples to inspire your motivation essay:

  • 1. "Motivation, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, plays a pivotal role in driving individuals towards achieving their goals and aspirations."
  • 2. "This essay explores the multifaceted nature of motivation, examining its psychological underpinnings, societal influences, and practical applications."
  • 3. "In a world filled with challenges and opportunities, understanding the mechanisms of motivation empowers individuals to overcome obstacles and reach new heights of success."

📝 Introduction Paragraph Examples 📝

Here are some introduction paragraph examples for your motivation essay:

  • 1. "Motivation is the driving force behind human actions, the invisible hand that propels us toward our goals. It is the spark that ignites the fire of determination within us, pushing us to overcome obstacles and realize our dreams."
  • 2. "In a world where challenges often outnumber opportunities, motivation serves as the compass guiding us through life's intricate maze. It is the unwavering belief in our abilities and the fuel that keeps our ambitions burning bright."
  • 3. "Picture a world without motivation—a world where dreams remain unfulfilled, talents remain hidden, and aspirations remain dormant. Fortunately, we do not live in such a world, and this essay delves into the profound impact of motivation on human lives."

🔚 Conclusion Paragraph Examples 📝

Here are some conclusion paragraph examples for your motivation essay:

  • 1. "As we conclude this journey through the realm of motivation, let us remember that it is the driving force behind our accomplishments, the cornerstone of our achievements. With unwavering motivation, we can surmount any obstacle and turn our aspirations into reality."
  • 2. "In the grand tapestry of human existence, motivation weaves the threads of determination, perseverance, and success. This essay's culmination serves as a testament to the enduring power of motivation and its ability to shape our destinies."
  • 3. "As we bid farewell to this exploration of motivation, let us carry forward the knowledge that motivation is not just a concept but a potent force that propels us toward greatness. With motivation as our guide, we can continue to chase our dreams and conquer new horizons."

📄 Motivation Research Paper Outline 📄

I. introduction 🌟.

  • Definition of Motivation
  • Importance of Studying Motivation
  • Research Questions or Hypotheses
  • Objectives of the Study
  • Significance of the Study
  • Scope and Limitations

II. Literature Review 📖

  • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
  • Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory
  • Self-Determination Theory
  • Research on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
  • Studies on Workplace Motivation
  • Impact of Motivation on Performance and Productivity
  • Gaps in the Literature

III. Research Methodology 🔬

  • Qualitative, Quantitative, or Mixed Methods
  • Sampling Techniques
  • Sample Size
  • Surveys, Interviews, Observations, etc.
  • Data Analysis Techniques
  • Ethical Considerations

IV. Results and Discussion 💬

  • Tables, Graphs, and Charts
  • Interpretation of Data
  • Comparison with Previous Studies
  • Theoretical Implications
  • Practical Implications

V. Conclusion 🏁

  • Summary of Findings
  • Conclusions Drawn from the Study
  • Recommendations for Future Research
  • Limitations of the Study

VI. References 📚

  • Citations of all Sources Used

VII. Appendices 📑

  • Additional Material (e.g., Survey Instruments, Interview Guides)

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Motivation is the drive or desire to achieve a goal or take action. Motivational states are commonly understood as forces acting within the agent that create a disposition to engage in goal-directed behavior.

Intrinsic, extrinsic, unconscious, and conscious.

Theories articulating the content of motivation: Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's two-factor theory, Alderfer's ERG theory, Self-Determination Theory, Drive theory.

  • Motivation can come from both internal (intrinsic) and external (extrinsic) sources.
  • Different people are motivated by different things, such as rewards, recognition, or personal satisfaction.
  • Setting specific, achievable goals can increase motivation levels.
  • Motivation can fluctuate based on external factors like stress, fatigue, or distractions.
  • Motivation is closely linked to productivity and success in various aspects of life.

The topic of motivation is important because it plays a crucial role in determining individual behavior, performance, and overall well-being. Understanding what motivates people can help in creating effective strategies for personal growth, goal achievement, and boosting overall satisfaction and success. It is a key aspect of psychology, education, management, and various other fields that aim to enhance human performance and well-being.

Relevant topics

  • Growth Mindset
  • Procrastination

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motivation essay for job

Motivational Letter Writing Guide + Examples for 2024

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You’re about to apply for the job opportunity of your dreams.

You’ve worked hard, and you can’t wait to take the next step in your career.

All that’s left for you to do is write a motivational letter.

But writing a motivational letter can be nerve-wracking.

Two hours and three coffees in, you’ve scrolled through your Facebook newsfeed (twice), watched one episode of the last season of Game of Thrones, sent angry tweets to its creators, and donated for the knee surgery of two dogs. 

You go back to your open Word doc, and all you’ve managed to write is, “This program seems like fun” or “I’ll totally be a great fit for your organization.”

Don’t worry! We’re here to help.

In this article, we’re going to cover:

  • How to Write a Motivational Letter, Step-by-Step
  • A Great Example of a Motivational Letter
  • Useful Motivational Letter Tips

What Is a Motivational Letter?

A motivational letter, sometimes also called a letter of motivation, is a formal letter that you might have to submit when applying for an educational program or a job. Its goal is to show the hiring manager or admissions officer why you’re the perfect candidate for the position.

Motivational letters are typically submitted alongside your CV or resume . Unlike a cover letter, which gives practical examples of how your skills and experience match the opening, a motivational letter focuses more on your personality, interests, and motivation to apply.

When Do You Need a Motivational Letter?

A motivational letter is usually required when an organization wants to gauge your enthusiasm, cultural fit, and motivations for a particular opportunity.

There are a few situations when you might need to submit a motivational letter, such as:

  • You’re applying for an educational program.
  • You’re applying to work at a non-profit organization or mission-driven company.
  • You’re applying for an internship in a competitive field.
  • You’re applying for a volunteer position at a charity or non-government organization.
  • You’re applying for a grant, fellowship, or some sort of scholarship .

No matter the situation, a motivational letter serves to express your distinct driving forces and convey your enthusiasm for that specific role, program, or opportunity. That’s why, done right, a motivational letter can convince the reader to go through your application in detail.

However, if the specific position doesn’t explicitly require a motivational letter or other written statement, you might be better off learning how to write a cover letter instead. Cover letters can be a great addition to your application and help you stand out from other candidates who are only relying on their resumes.

cover letter templates

How to Write a Motivational Letter

Now that you know what a motivational letter is, it’s time to write your own.

Just follow the steps we’ve outlined, and you’ll be done in no time:

#1. Address Your Letter Appropriately

Your motivational letter should include a header with all the necessary contact details.

For starters, this means you should include your contact information , such as your full name, email address, phone number, and any other details that might be necessary for your application.

Additionally, you should include your intended audience’s contact details. Depending on where and what you’re applying for, this might be either a hiring manager or an admissions officer.

To establish a connection with the reader, include a personalized greeting instead of the generic “To Whom It May Concern.” To do that, you have to find out who the hiring manager or admissions officer is.

Start by doing a bit of research. Review the job listing, the program’s official page, or the application instructions. If you can’t find their name there, check the organization’s website and look for a staff directory.

Once you have their name, address your motivational letter professionally . We recommend using an identifier followed by their last name. But if you’re not sure about their title or gender, you can just use their full name, too. For example:

  • Dear Mr. Smith,
  • Dear Dr. Singh,
  • Dear Cameron Smith,

Just avoid informal greetings like "Hey, John!" – your motivational letter is still meant to be a formal document.

#2. Stick to the Program Requirements

Writing a captivating motivational letter is all about showing the hiring manager or admissions officer how you meet the requirements for the position.

To help get the ball rolling as you start drafting your motivational letter, ask yourself: 

  • What kind of applicants are usually admitted to the program? 
  • How do you fulfill the requirements?

First, you need to know the exact program requirements and explain how your background and strengths align with the outlined criteria.

Comb through the details the organization has provided about the ideal skills, experiences, qualifications, or personal qualities they’re looking for in a candidate. Maybe they want someone proficient in data analysis , or they’re prioritizing candidates who are passionate about the industry.

Just remember –  you don’t have to highlight how you meet all the listed requirements if your application already includes a detailed academic CV . Just identify the top three to five requirements and give concrete examples of how you meet each.

Here’s an example:

Requirement: Minimum 2 years of volunteer experience

“I was a medical volunteer in Namibia for three years. It’s one of my most fulfilling adventures and transformative experiences so far since I am passionate about helping others. I believe it broadened my horizons and made me more resilient.”

#3. Align with Their Values

Your motivational letter should explain what drives you and show the reader how you share their organization’s values.

Take time to thoroughly research the organization , its culture, objectives, and driving forces. Find what resonates with your own beliefs and goals and mention it in your motivational letter.

But don’t just randomly sprinkle keywords into your letter. Instead, thoughtfully use your passion to build a narrative that shows how your values align with the institution’s mission. 

Be sure to give concrete examples. For instance, if the company values sustainability, you might want to share an anecdotal example, such as:

Values: Sustainability, Climate Action, Nature Conservation

I have a deep passion for nature conservation, and I have volunteered extensively with environmental organizations, especially in restoring local wetland habitats. I also practice eco-friendly habits in my professional life by advocating for reducing workplace waste and single-use plastics.

#4. Express Genuine Interest

Above all, your motivational letter should demonstrate that you really want to be there.

That said, there is a fine line between pleading and showing intelligent interest while also selling yourself. Generic statements can come across as insincere and unmotivated. Instead, write about what really attracted you to the opportunity.

Be as specific as possible and express your passion without necessarily begging them for a chance. For example:

  • I would love to live in Aberdeen because I’m fascinated by Highlander culture, and I’m excited to dive into the city’s rich cultural heritage and vibrant community dedicated to the arts, music, and preserving Scottish traditions.
  • It is my dream to be part of the Environmental Science Master's program because of its cutting-edge research in sustainable energy solutions and marine conservation efforts, which align with my passion for protecting our planet's ecosystems.

Specific examples and details show you've invested time learning about the organization, which helps your genuine passion shine through your motivational letter.

#5. Personalize It

While showcasing how you meet requirements is crucial, don't be afraid to let some of your personality and voice shine through.

Use descriptive adjectives to paint a fuller picture of who you are beyond just your credentials. Are you an endlessly curious, lifelong learner? A creative problem-solver? Passionate about how technological advancements can be used to increase sustainability?

Let your distinct character and values shine through to make your motivational letter more memorable and help differentiate you from other applicants. This can convey important soft skills and give the reader a glimpse of the person behind the qualifications.

Just make sure you’re still presenting a polished bit of personality and keeping it relevant to the opportunity. For example, if you’re applying for an MA in mathematics, don’t mention your passion for historical re-enactment.

Are you applying for an academic program? Learn how to write an academic personal statement here.

#6. Don’t Just Recap Your CV

Using your motivational letter to simply summarize your CV is a wasted opportunity. If the application requires a motivational letter, they’re looking to get to know you beyond the required stats and qualifications. 

The person reading your motivational letter is looking for the context around your motivations, passions, and aspirations. So, instead of just listing credentials, expand on the driving forces behind your experiences and decisions.

If you’re applying for a master's program, for example, mention your relevant undergraduate coursework, but also explain what sparked your interest in this specialization and why this path is personally meaningful. So, if you’re a History undergrad, elaborate on how volunteering at the archaeology museum made you pursue a graduate degree in Museum Studies and Curatorship.

Here’s a practical example of how that might look:

As a History undergraduate, my passion for preserving and sharing our cultural narratives was sparked by a semester-long museum internship. Working alongside curators as they brought ancient artifacts and stories to life through compelling exhibits opened my eyes to the vital role museums play in education and connecting communities to their roots.

This experience solidified my drive to pursue museum studies at the graduate level, where I can develop professional expertise in responsible collection stewardship, thoughtful exhibition development, and engaging public programming that keeps our shared histories vibrant and accessible for all.

Getting your documents ready for that application? Learn how to write a resume with our detailed guide.

#7. Convey Your Ambitions

Your motivational letter should express your ambitions and aspirations just as much as your relevant achievements . Admissions committees and employers who ask for motivational letters want to clearly understand both your goals and how this opportunity aligns with them.

Share your vision for how you plan to apply the knowledge, essential skills, or experience you'll gain. If it's a job, explain how it will prepare you for further career growth and impact in that field. For an academic program, discuss how you aim to contribute to cutting-edge research or become a leader and mentor.

Don't be afraid to think big - motivated candidates often have big goals of driving innovation, making a difference, or pushing boundaries in their discipline. Just make sure your aspirations are realistic and show that you have a plan and are truly invested in this path for the long term.

Here’s an example of how you can convey your ambitions in your motivational letter:

My long-term goal is to become a leader in sustainable urban design and planning that seamlessly integrates green infrastructure into the built environment. This master's program will equip me with the interdisciplinary skills to develop eco-friendly architectural solutions and climate-resilient city policies that prioritize environmental conservation alongside economic growth and social equity.

#8. Don’t Lie

One of the biggest mistakes you could make while writing your motivational letter is lying.

If you write anything remotely false, the reader will likely sense it. When you lie, you’re likely to unconsciously exaggerate your feelings and ideas. If you tell a fake story or inflate your excitement or achievements, you won’t get anywhere.

Your dishonesty is likely to be exposed and severely damage your credibility, leading to an immediate rejection.

Honesty and integrity are essential to writing an effective motivational letter. The goal of this document is to truly reflect who you are, why you’re the best match for this opportunity, and what you hope to achieve.

Don’t worry if you think your life so far just isn’t impressive enough to write a captivating story. No matter where you’re coming from, you can show the reader your unique perspective, personal growth, and unwavering determination to pursue your passions.

#9. Use a Motivational Letter Template

If you want your motivational letter to make a striking first impression, presentation matters.

A basic black-and-white document from a text editor will hardly stand out. Instead, try one of our professionally designed motivational letter templates for an attention-grabbing solution!

Novoresume offers modern, eye-catching templates that can give your motivational letter a polished look. You can even use the resume builder to match your motivational letter to one of our sleek resume templates for a coherent application.

Save precious time on formatting and create a visually flawless application in no time!

motivation letter resume matching

How to Structure a Motivational Letter

You’ve got the gist of how to write a motivational letter down, but it’s just as important to know how to structure it.

If your motivational letter is a messy, haphazard series of unrelated paragraphs, it simply won’t make the cut. You need your motivational letter to tell a coherent story, and this is where the structure comes in.

The whole process will probably require a few drafts until you get to the perfect, polished motivational letter. You might have to move around paragraphs or sentences until you have the ideal story that compliments your application, so don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time.

Let’s look at what each motivational letter looks like and includes:

How to Structure a Motivational Letter

#1. Contact Details

Start by adding all the relevant contact information at the top of your motivational letter.

Here’s what to include:

  • Full Name. Place your first and last name at the top of the page.
  • Professional Title. Match your professional title to the specific position you're aiming for. E.g.: if you’re applying for a Ph.D., write “Ph.D. candidate”.
  • Email Address. Include a professional and straightforward email address. We recommend sticking to something that combines your first and last name.
  • Phone Number. Include your phone number and add the dialing code in front if you’re applying overseas.
  • Location. Adding your city and state/country is more than enough.
  • Relevant Links. Optionally, you can include links to any relevant websites or social media profiles, such as a portfolio, a blog, a LinkedIn profile , etc.

Then, add the contact information of the admissions officer or hiring manager reading your motivational letter, such as:

  • Organization’s Name. Start with the name of the organization to which you're sending your application.
  • Recipient’s Name. If possible, find the name of the exact person who's going to be viewing your application, such as the hiring manager or the admissions officer for the department you're interested in. Check the organization’s website to get a head start.
  • Recipient’s Title. Always address the reader professionally. For example, if they’re a professor or doctor in their field, use the appropriate identifier.
  • Location. Provide the exact address of the organization you’re applying to. Include the city, state, country, and street number, and even specify the building if necessary.

#2. Introduction

Begin your motivational letter with a strong introduction.

The first few sentences need to be attention-grabbing – do this through a short, engaging pitch about yourself and why you are applying.

Here’s what you can include:

  • A summary of who you are and what you do.
  • Details about what you’re applying for and where.
  • A prelude to the bulk of your motivational letter.

Remember - this part only needs to include the general reasons behind your application, since you’ll have the opportunity to make a deep dive later on in the body of your motivational letter.

Let’s look at an example of what your introduction could look like:

Dear Dr. Octavio,

My name is Jane Doe, and I would like to express my interest in applying for the Ph.D. Robotics program at Columbia University. I’ve always dreamed of becoming a robotics engineer and contributing to advancement in the field, and I believe that a Ph.D. in Robotics from this university would set me miles ahead of reaching my goal.

The body of your motivational letter is where you get to really sell yourself.

It’s also where the bulk of your text is going to be, so it determines your motivational letter as a whole.

There are two things you should keep in mind when writing this section of your motivational letter: the paragraph structure and the paragraph contents.

Generally, there are two main paragraph-based structures for your motivational letter.

First is the classic, three-main-paragraph structure, where each paragraph accounts for your introduction, body, and conclusion. If you’re using a storytelling approach for your motivational letter, we recommend sticking to this one.

However, if you want to be more factual and to the point, we recommend trying the seven-paragraph structure. It divides the main body of your motivational letter into smaller paragraphs according to your main points, where each discusses a specific achievement, experience, or aspiration.

Use the body of your motivational letter to mention the stories behind your achievements, essential skills , and passion for whatever you’re applying for.

This is the right place to be as detailed and factual as possible. Give concrete examples of what motivated you to apply for this position, and show how that directly relates to what the organization is looking for in a candidate.

Here are some sentences you can paraphrase and use to help you write the body of your motivational letter:

  • My passion for [field] started when [experience] . 
  • I want to [join this organization] because [ motivation] . 
  • I have been part of [relevant organization or field] for [amount of time] . It’s the best thing for me because [reason] .
  • I remember once when I [experience] , which made me realize that I [gained interest in the specific field] .
  • [Organization or program] resonates with me because [specific reason] .
  • What distinguishes me from my peers is [something you’re proud of] .

Let’s look at a brief example of how this is put into practice.

I developed my passion for digital marketing during my internship at XYZ Inc. Working for a small startup allowed me to gain surface-level experience in most digital marketing channels. Now, I would like to deep-dive and gain advanced know-how by attending the Buffalo College Marketing program.

#4. Conclusion

After finishing the body of your motivational letter, it’s time to wrap it up and send it in.

Use this section to briefly summarize your main points and remind the reader why you’d be a great fit for the organization or program you’re interested in.

Then, mention your overarching career goal and how that aligns with their organization’s mission.

Finally, thank the reader for their time and sign off on your motivational letter. Here’s an example:

Therefore, I believe that my strong academic foundation in environmental studies and hands-on fieldwork experience are qualifications that position me to make outstanding contributions to your master's program. I believe that the knowledge I gain in the Sustainability and International Relations program will play a pivotal role in my mission of shaping innovative policies and scientific solutions to combat climate change and protect our planet's biodiversity for future generations.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to join UCLA in the fall semester.

George Maxton

How to Format a Motivational Letter

Always review your motivation letter carefully and stick to any stated requirements or guidelines for your application.

Organizations will sometimes include formatting specifications, like word count or page limits, or even questions they want you to answer in your motivational letter.

If you’re writing a motivational letter for an academic program, you can usually find this information on the admissions requirements webpage or within the provided application materials. 

For job applications, these details are usually listed on the job ad or in the company's job application portal.

Always follow these rules exactly as stated. Going off script could get your application immediately rejected since it shows you’re either not attentive or you’re not taking the opportunity seriously.

If, on the other hand, there aren’t any guidelines for your motivational letter, we recommend you follow these tips:

  • Keep your motivational letter one page long.
  • Use a clear structure with concise paragraphs to make your letter easy to skim.
  • Choose a professional font like Lora or Roboto and make sure it’s sized 11-12 pt.
  • Set your page margins to one inch on all sides so your page doesn’t look too cluttered or too empty.
  • Include the date you wrote your motivational letter for an extra professional touch.
  • Use powerful words and action verbs (“designed” and “conceptualized”) instead of cliched phrases (“helped with” and “managed”).
  • Smoothly connect your thoughts through transition words.
  • Proofread carefully for any spelling or grammatical errors.
  • Include a professional closing line like "Sincerely" at the end of your text.
  • Print your motivational letter out and sign it, or send it as a PDF to preserve your formatting.

How to Format a Motivational Letter

Motivational Letter Example

Let’s look at an example of a great motivational letter for a Ph.D. program at Harvard University and go through just what this candidate does right:

motivation letter example

The candidate’s letter to Harvard University’s Department of Political Science starts by addressing the person in charge of admissions for the Ph.D. program they’re interested in.

The general requirements for the Political Science program are:

  • Being research inclined
  • Having a demonstrated passion for politics
  • Showing above-average performance during undergraduate studies 

The values of the university they’re applying to are integrity, education, respect, and accountability.

The candidate’s motivational letter is neatly divided into a total of five paragraphs, of which three make up the body of the text.

Here’s how they highlight their motivation:

  • They know the history of the university and share the same values.
  • They’re genuinely excited and passionate about the program and the school.
  • They show what their qualifications are and how they’ll be a great fit for the program.
  • They explain what they hope to achieve if they get the opportunity to study at Harvard.

Essentially, the candidate has listed all their qualifications through a personal story. After reading this letter, the admissions officer will feel like they know the candidate adequately, especially since they have communicated who they are by highlighting how they match everything the Ph.D. program is looking for in an applicant.

Need more inspiration? Check out our 60+ cover letter examples for different professions.

Key Takeaways

You’ve made it to the end of our guide!

Now, you know everything there is to know about motivational letters. We’re confident you’re a shoo-in for that position you have your sights set on!

But before we go, let’s quickly sum up what we’ve covered so far:

  • A motivational letter is a formal document that’s usually required when applying for university admissions, a non-profit organization, or a volunteer position.
  • Motivational letters are different from cover letters since they focus more on your interests, passions, and ambitions than on your skills and achievements.
  • Generally, there are two ways to structure your motivational letter, depending on whether you want to tell a story or factually go through all the points that make you an ideal candidate.
  • The introduction of your motivational letter should be brief and immediately grab the reader’s attention. Use it to tell them who you are and why you’re interested in applying for the specific opportunity.
  • Always do your research on the specific program or organization. This can help you show genuine interest and convey your aspirations for the future in this field.
  • Make your motivational letter stand out by using one of NovorĂ©sumé’s templates and giving the admissions officer or hiring manager a gorgeous first impression.

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25 Best Motivation Letter Example Templates

The key to convincing potential employers that you are a good candidate is to write a motivational letter.  Motivational letters are one of the keys to impressing potential employers. This is different from a cover letter and can be more effective to showcase your years of experience by quantifying your previous accomplishments.

Below we have 25 motivation letter example templates for you to put together a single-page letter unique to you and help you land that dream job.

Sample Letter Template for Inserting Your Body Paragraphs (Body Paragraphs Below)

Using the free template below, the first paragraph should introduce why you are writing to this employer, who you are, and include a summary of your academic institutions and work experience. In the second paragraph, talk about your professional experience, relevant skills, and highlight your value to the company by aligning your skills and experiences with the job posting. The third paragraph should ask for the job interview and include your contact information so that the hiring manager can reach you.

Tailor the following motivation letter to your needs:

[Your Name] [Street Address] [City, State Zip Code] [Telephone Number] [Email Address]

[Hiring Manager Name] [Title] [Company Name] [Street Address] [City, State Zip Code]

Dear [Hiring Manager]:

My name is [Name], and I am writing to express my interest in applying for the [position] at [Company Name]. I have been working toward the goal of having a career in the [industry] industry with [Company Name] and helping it attain its goals of [researched company goals]. My [credential] from [University Name] gives me an edge that can benefit [Company Name].

[Insert your body paragraph(s) here.]

My resume is attached. If you have any questions or if you would like to schedule an interview, please call me at [phone]. I look forward to meeting you to talk further about employment opportunities at [Company Name].

Sincerely, Signature (if a hardcopy letter) [Your Printed Name] [LinkedIn Page, if you have one] [Facebook Page, if it will help you get the job]

25 Best Motivation Letter Example Template Body Paragraphs

Here are 25 sample body paragraphs to plug into the template to create your own letter for that potential job at your dream company.

1. What drew me to [Company Name] was your company vision, [company vision/slogan]. I have demonstrated these values through my work at [Company Name] by always being [quality] and taking the time to [quality]. [Quality] and [quality] are also very important to me, both professionally and personally.

I have [relevant experience] that has catapulted me into learning other aspects of [industry], such as [aspect] and [aspect]. With this well-rounded perspective of [industry], I believe I am the perfect candidate for this position. I have the necessary skills and experience to get you results while keeping your core values at the forefront of everything I do.

2. As you will see by my job application, I have vast experience in [industry], and I’ve always prioritized [quality] and [quality] to ensure a great first impression for every customer. While at [previous Company Name], I developed skills in customer service, sales, and shipping and receiving.

My contributions to the changes in our packaging department saved the company [$number], and our staff appreciated the new [packaging feature]. I believe my strong educational background and extensive experience in the field will be an asset to [Company Name]. I have always been passionate about [industry], and I know that my love of the industry will make my transition into your team very smooth.

3. In your job description for the [position], you listed [quality] as being a priority at [Company Name]. I have [years] of experience managing the [department] where [quality] was made a priority due to changes I implemented in my first year. I have worked in [industry] for [years], and I was impressed by your company news about [quality] being improved across all of your locations. With my extensive experience and a solid background in executing [previously mentioned priority goal], I feel my skills would be a welcome addition to the [department] at [Company Name].

4. Having previously held a [position] and experience in a [field], I understand how challenging it can be to maintain relevance with the rising value of currency and inflation in the [field] market without breaking the budget. I know that [Company Name]’s current focus is to improve [quality], and I’m happy to report that at [current Company Name], I was part of a team that did just that.

In one short [timeline], I led our team to increase [goal] by [number]%, and decrease [goal] by [number]%. The results gave [Company Name] the opportunity to expand [division] by [number]%. Leading my team through this transition allowed me to support all my team members to achieve incredible results. I’m certain I could be a huge benefit to your business.

5. As a master’s degree holder in [industry] with [years] of proven experience in managing both [department] and [department] effectively and efficiently, I am well-prepared for your position. Professionally, I am very organized, calm, and patient with excellent [industry] skills. When [Company Name] experienced hardship with [project], my team and I were able to provide comprehensive solutions that [Company Name] could implement quickly to avoid any loss whatsoever.

In addition to providing quality service to [clients], I have the leadership skills needed to motivate other employees to perform above the industry standard. My team members have always described me as approachable, and results-driven, and I’m proud to say I was awarded [award] for my role at [Company Name]. I would love to bring my incredible expertise to your organization, to plan what we can achieve together.

6. As an [position] at [Company Name], I am responsible for evaluating the [specific measure] of up to [number] [clients]. I am also responsible for developing a rotational system to manage the care of [clients] and coordinate the workforce. I have been recognized as an ambitious, reliable, and dedicated individual who works independently.

Furthermore, I realized and implemented [field] duties I learned in school when I worked in a [position] at [previous employer] for [years]. The [employer]’s management commended my handling of difficult situations with [clients] while I worked there. All of this, along with my relevant education, makes me an ideal candidate for this role.

7. The job position for [position] that you have advertised matches well with the skills that I have acquired during my time at [Company Name]. My areas of expertise and passions are [industry] analysis, project management, and research. In addition to being my passions, these skills are the foundation for any project management professional.

As a financial manager who excels in data analysis, I understand where the company should be focusing its efforts. My experience and deep skillset will launch your company forward into the next decade.

8. I see from your posting that you’re looking for a [position] with experience in [field] maintenance, which happens to be one of my primary strengths. As a [position] at [Company Name], I steered full upgrades to our [task] over [timeline], resulting in an average increase of [number]% in [measurable goal], as well as a decrease of [number]% in [measurable goal]. As a result, productivity and employee satisfaction improved dramatically across the board. Employees found themselves eager to use the new system, and productivity increased by [number]%.

Additionally, I have developed my knowledge of hardware and software issues on [software] as well as [software] at [Company Name]. In addition to my experience level with advanced technical abilities, my proven ability to troubleshoot and resolve problems, and my excellent interpersonal skills, I am confident that I could be a valuable team member at [Company Name].

9. My role as a [position] at [Company Name] is to ensure fluid communication between [department] and [department], including all parties involved. I have doubled the [quantifier] at all [company-organized functions] by implementing new [industry] tactics over the past year. My degree in [subject] also places me in an ideal position to bring forward leadership skills to motivate and encourage all employees.

I have a track record of reliable reporting and a self-reflection tool I use with myself and my employees to drive results to the highest level possible. Employees become motivated to work together as they know I am receptive to all feedback. My passion for hard work and solid results make me the best candidate for your job opening at [Company Name].

10. At [Company Name], I managed a team of [number] people, and my main priority was always based on their safety and security. In contrast to other [positions], I make sure everyone knows their responsibilities when they are due and when they need to make changes, all the while keeping safety in mind. This is done using the system that I have used for [years] throughout that works for me. We conduct a safety meeting every day before anyone lifts a tool, and every [area] is viewable at any time. Every project is then executed on time and on budget, and we can clearly see when we have succeeded and where we need to improve. I think your company would find that I am a good fit for this position.

11. I’ve spent [years] managing [departmental budgets] for a [number]-person company, so I could plan a [frequency] project budget or draft an inter-office budget in my sleep. My career goals include consulting with executives to determine their financial strategies based on their experience.

My skills speak for themselves, but it’s that personal touch that each executive will find invaluable as they watch their investments compound. I take the time to research every client I work for and get to the root of their motivation for maximum results. My experience as a result-oriented professional makes me the right candidate for this position.

12. It was exciting to see that there was an opening in [department] with [Company Name] as your involvement with [other Company Name] has been meaningful to me for a long time. As a result, this job is my best fit since it brings together my experience with [department] and [other Company Name]. This would be a great way for me to integrate myself into your team and help your company launch through your next steps to reach your ambitious goal of [goal].

With my team building and management experience, together with my ability to troubleshoot this process, I believe I would prove invaluable to [Company Name]. At [previous role], I ensured a successful launch of merging both parties, which had a profound effect on both sides. You can count on me to deliver the same caliber of results to your organization.

13. As a longtime admirer of [Company Name]’s success, it was a pleasure to see your job opening. In light of my experience decreasing [goal] by [number]% for [Company Name] while reducing [goal] by nearly [number]% and boosting [goal], I believe I can be of assistance in [Company Name]’s current market challenges. As your company is about to embark on this new chapter, and since I’ve just led a team through a similar project, I think setting up an interview would be beneficial.

14. Ideally, this position will enable me to use my experience gained while holding [position] with [Company Name]. As such, I performed the [duty] at the [location] in all areas of the [department] and the [department]. The experience I gained working in [industry] further prepared me to progress in [industry].

I have a great deal of transferable experience, specifically in [area] and [area]. My objective is to gain a broad understanding of [area], [area], and [area]. Given the opportunity to interview with you, I believe I will make a great first impression on you and your management team.

15. As a [role] at [Company Name], I am in charge of analyzing the [specific measurement] of up to [number] [clients] as well as developing a systematic method for coordinating the care of [clients]. Known for my tenacity, reliability, and dedication, I can work independently. Those clients had a better chance at satisfaction with me leading the team in [department].

When I held a [position] at [previous employer] for [years], I used what I learned in school to fulfill [field] duties. While I worked there, [employer’s management] recognized my ability to resolve difficult scenarios with [clients]. My relevant education, along with my professional experience, makes me an ideal candidate for the role.

16. I have [years] of experience in this part of the business and I understand the communication skills required to perform this job effectively. I am confident that my exposure and knowledge will be an asset to your company. My experience has taught me that teamwork is of the utmost importance. I believe that strong relationships with all the departments in the organization take the company toward success.

I have taught myself to reach out and build relationships with all facets of the organization. I am passionate about my work, and I am confident you will find me a perfect fit for your business.

17. My experience includes leading multi-disciplinary teams and providing actionable solutions through [field] reports, overall campaign effectiveness, analysis, and insights. At [Company Name], I have been successful at increasing [goal] from [number] to number] in [timeframe]. My competitive nature allows me to handle complex situations both strategically and tactically.

With my knowledge of [industry], I managed to achieve [goal for Company Name]. You provide applicants with a vast array of career and growth opportunities, and I would like to join your company because you offer excellent career and growth opportunities. I believe that I am your best chance at hiring someone who will work hard to acquire those opportunities aggressively and with great enthusiasm.

18. I am a brilliant professional [position] who has been consistently praised as a trustworthy leader by my colleagues. Throughout several my career, I have developed proven [skill], [skill], and [skill], which I hope to leverage within the [department] of your company. The first thing I think about before tackling any project is “How can I improve this process to make it safer, and more efficient?” I am always looking for better ways to accomplish company goals. With my vast education and wide-ranging experience, I believe I am the ultimate contender for this position.

19. When it comes to handling and manipulating [product], I am known for my attention to detail and precision. Also, I am proficient in communicating between various groups, including designers, producers, quality assurance personnel, and warehouse personnel.

Your healthcare work appeals to me most about your company. As an employee of [Company Name], I learned the requirements of working in a federally-regulated environment and maintaining the strictest adherence to environmental protection and health regulations. Furthermore, I am committed to setting the latest industry trends and best practices to ensure that my team and I are bringing the latest standards to the warehouse floor. The best thing about having me on your team is that you won’t have to worry about a thing.

20. I worked for a leading [Company Name] for ten years after obtaining a degree from [University]. Several [industry] developments were delivered, and business was good. Along with many other industry professionals, I was laid off during the recession. My new career began with [Company Name] as a leading consultant, achieving a [number]% [goal] for its [project]. Based on this success, my CEO offered me a promotion to my current position [position] for the newly launched [project] of [Company Name].

This high-profile position entails overseeing a team of [number of] [industry] consultants, [industry] engineers, and support staff. Because of my industry knowledge and contacts, I have been able to reduce [field] costs by [number]% every year. In addition to the growth and occupancy goals, I overshot my vacancy turnover goals and resident satisfaction rates as well. Since these results can be reproduced for [Company Name], I believe I would be a good leader to bring a successful future to your department.

21. I’ve had several responsibilities and accomplishments in my previous position at [Company Name], making me an ideal candidate for [position] at [Company Name]. Using a similar format to [Company Name], I wrote plans for [project] at [Company Name], and a number of locations have now adopted it. Furthermore, my [percent] success at [project] and [project] in [industry] are among the best in the state, and I am sure I can produce similar results at [Company Name].

My dream would be to acquire the position at [Company Name]. Your company’s values have always impressed me. I was initially encouraged to become a [position] by several members of [Company Name]. Although I love [task] dearly, there is no other business that would make me as happy to work for as [Company Name]. Should I inherit this position, I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to the team.

22. In my professional career [position], I have consistently been praised by my colleagues as a superior leader. My career has enabled me to develop [skills], [skills], and [skills] that I hope to leverage within your company’s [department]. My successes with [project] over the last [number] years were directly responsible for an increase of [number]% in sales for [Company Name]. In addition, I take the health and safety of my staff very seriously. Before every project, I plan ways to make it efficient, safer, and more cost-effective. Aiming for greater success for the company is my constant goal. Given my extensive education and a variety of experiences, I am the most qualified candidate for this particular role.

23. I am well-suited for this position as a result of my master’s degree and my graduate studies. To complete it, a great deal of independent research was required, necessitating initiative, motivation, and an extensive set of skills. The knowledge of the [industry] was essential for one course, [insert course]. I found this subject to be very stimulating. It prepared me well to begin my career with [Company Name].

My [industry] skills are proficient and precise, and I have a keen eye for detail, so I would be very grateful if I were able to prove myself in this position. My enthusiasm and determination will help me guarantee success in this role immediately.

24. It is my pleasure to have extensive knowledge and experience with multiple applications and processes, including but not limited to [software], [software], [software], [software], and [software]. Throughout my career as an analyst, I acquired skills such as [skill] and [skill], and I approach analytics with a passionate and curious outlook. On my website, you can read several client reviews that demonstrate my ability to spot anomalies and provide solutions to remediate them.

As a self-employed [position], I was not only responsible for delivering on promises to clients but also solely responsible for managing multiple accounts and communicating with any clients. I am confident that these communication skills will help me in this role, which requires good time management and prioritizing skills, along with the ability to communicate findings clearly and concisely.

Despite enjoying the flexibility that comes with working for myself, I am ready to move into a full-time position with a company like [Company Name]. As a team member, I am eager to have the opportunity to collaborate with both my colleagues and clients. Both technical and non-technical team members can benefit from my strong research abilities and presentation skills. As an individual, I am well organized, am open to constructive criticism, and am driven to surpass everyone’s expectations. In my work, I strive for clarity and excellence, which are principles aligned with the company’s core values, which makes me a confident candidate for success on [Company Name]’s team.

25. [Publication] published an article about the opening of your company’s branch in my area, and I read it with great enthusiasm. Congratulations on your new business venture, as well as your pre-launch sale of $[amount]. When I discovered that [Company Name] was hiring, I knew I had to apply.

I have long desired to find a company where I feel like I can make an impact even while working in a [position] in [industry]. My training and knowledge make this the perfect opportunity for me to be a part of your team. Having been vital in the successful launch of [product] at [Company Name], I feel my passion for this [industry] and experience with [field] places me at the top for suitable applicants.

In addition to your letter, you will want to include your resume. Remember: hiring managers read many resumes. If you’re applying for the job of your dreams, as a starting point, consider how quickly your resume could be skimmed by a reader. You want to be direct, assertive, and keep it succinct. Always consider the following:

  • Keep your letter to a simple, clean, single page.
  • Hook them with the first line.
  • Triple check for grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • Research the company you are applying to.
  • Check the job listing carefully for key requirements and align those with your accomplishments – quantifiable results are what employers are looking for!
  • Let your personality shine tough!

For recent graduates with no work experience, it can be the best way to demonstrate your relevant skills by showing specific skills you’ve acquired in school or through volunteering. I hope these examples of professional cover letter samples help you draft your winning letter.

Good luck. You can do this!


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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Chelsea Jay

Have you ever heard of a motivation letter? It’s a powerful tool to help you snag that dream job and it’s becoming increasingly popular. 

Let’s dive into what exactly a motivation letter is, when it’s best to use one, and how to write it. And don’t worry, we’ve got some inspiring examples to share with you too!

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What Is a Motivation Letter?

So, what is a motivation letter , you ask? Well, it’s a short letter that explains why you’re the perfect fit for a job. We’re talking just one page here. It’s your chance to highlight your achievements and showcase your interests.

Typically, you’ll attach a motivation letter to your resume when you apply for a job. But that’s not all. You can use it in other situations, like applying to a college or university, an educational program, an internship, or even a volunteer role.

Now, you might be thinking, “Isn’t that what a cover letter is for?” Great question! There are indeed similarities and differences between these two documents. We’ll break it down for you in just a bit.

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Craft your letter in 3 simple steps

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  • Select one of our unique cover letter templates
  • Write a text tailored to your professional profile
  • Download your letter in PDF or TXT format and easily share it online

Motivation Letter vs. Cover Letter

Now, let’s talk about cover letters and motivation letters. They might seem pretty similar at first glance—both are 1 page or less and go along with your resume and application. Their goal? To impress the hiring manager and make them seriously consider your application.

But here’s the scoop: there’s one key difference between these two types of letters.

Cover letters dive into the nitty-gritty, with specific examples of how your education, skills, job experience, and achievements perfectly align with the job requirements. They concentrate on highlighting your work experience.

On the flip side, motivation letters take a broader approach . Instead of focusing on specifics, they showcase your interests, personality traits, and the reasons behind your application. They’re great when you don’t have much relevant experience to share. We’ll dig into this more in the next section.

See? Cover letters and motivation letters each have their own superpower. Let’s discover how to make the most of motivation letters for your dream job!

The best cover letter templates

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When to Use a Motivation Letter

As mentioned above, if you lack experience directly related to the position you want, a motivation letter can be a real game-changer. It’s perfect for those entry-level roles you’re aiming for.

1. Motivation Letter for University

Now, let’s dive into some specific situations. When it comes to applying to university, your application alone might not fully capture your passion and excitement. That’s where a motivation letter jumps in to save the day.

Use it as a platform to highlight your special connections with the university, why you’ve always dreamed of attending that specific school , or why you’d be an amazing fit for their programs. Show them the real you!

2. Motivation Letter for Job

And when it’s time to land your very first entry-level job , you might not have the work experience to boast about on your resume just yet. But don’t worry! Your enthusiasm and unique qualities can shine through in your motivation letter. It’s all about what makes you stand out from the crowd.

3. Other Times to Use Motivation Letters

Here’s something super cool: motivation letters aren’t limited to just education or employment. They can work their magic for other opportunities too. Just imagine the impact a motivational letter could have on your application for a volunteer position or an internship. It could be a total game-changer.

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How to Format a Motivation Letter

The structure of a motivation letter is very important because it helps you present your ideas and showcase your desire to make a real impact in a new company. 

In this section, we’ll dive into the key parts of a motivation letter: the introduction, body, and conclusion. But that’s not all! We’re also here to guide you on what to include in each section, so you can create a compelling, well-formed letter.

Introduction and Recipient Information

Starting your motivation letter with a professional salutation is the way to go. It shows that you mean business. Make sure to address the recipient by their name and title if you have that information. It adds a personal touch and shows that you’ve done your homework.

But if you don’t have the recipient’s name, don’t stress. You can use a general salutation like “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern.” It’s totally okay and still professional.

Next comes the introduction. It’s all about giving a brief introduction of yourself and stating the purpose of the letter. Are you applying for a job, internship, or scholarship? Let them know! Keep it concise and to the point.

Write a letter to tell why you want the job and what makes you good for it. Split the body into 2 or 3 paragraphs so it’s easy to read.

  • Why you want the job : In the first part, tell why you want the job. Say what you like about the company and how the job fits your plans.
  • What you can do : In the next part, talk about what you can do. Share things you’ve done before that show you’re right for the job. Use real examples to show your skills.

Finish your motivation letter layout by going over what you said and showing how excited you are about the job .

Let them know you’re ready to talk more and give them a way to contact you. Close your letter with words like “Sincerely” and then put your name.

A well-structured letter, with attention to detail, effectively presents your eagerness and qualifications for the position.

motivation essay for job

How to Write a Motivation Letter

If you find resume and cover letter writing, a challenge, you might feel that motivation letters are intimidating as well. The good news is, they don’t have to be!

Create a Motivation Letter Template

Now you know how a motivation letter should look. Let’s get into the details. 

To know exactly how to write a motivation letter for a job application it’s really important to include all the necessary details. It should be like a regular business letter . Keep it professional and follow the usual format. 

Use the steps below to show why you’re the best for the job.

  • Use a template : A motivation letter template can help you write better and not miss anything. 
  • Your address : Put your address at the top or just above the date. Only add your street, city, state, and zip. No need for your name here. 
  • Date : Write the full date, like “April 6, 2023.” 
  • Who you’re writing to : Write the person’s title, name, and address. Make sure it’s all correct. 
  • Greeting : Start with “Dear” and the person’s name or title, like “Dear Mr. Smith.” Use a colon after. 
  • What to say : Split your letter into short parts. Start by stating the position or program you are interested in, then explain your motivations. Highlight your qualifications, skills, and relevant experiences that make you an ideal candidate. Be specific and provide examples or anecdotes that support your claims.
  • End your letter : Finish with words like “Sincerely” or “Thank you.” This shows you’re thankful for their time. 
  • Sign it : If it’s a paper letter, leave space to sign your name. If it’s an email, you don’t need this space.

Always type your full name on the letter, whether it’s on paper or email. This shows it’s really from you and you agree with what’s written. 

If you send other documents with your letter, like a resume, say so in the letter. Write something like “Enclosures: Resume, Application.” 

In emails, just say you’ve added attachments below your name or in the letter.

Motivation Letter Writing Tips

You can use the following tips as a checklist to make sure your letter is the best it can be.

  • Use the hiring manager’s name : If you don’t know it, look on the company’s website or call them. If you’re not sure about their gender, just use their job title or full name without “Mr.” or “Dr.” 
  • Don’t just repeat your resume in the letter : Instead, add the things that didn’t fit in your resume. 
  • Use action verbs : to make your letter lively. 
  • Include resume keywords . The company might pass both your resume and letter through an applicant tracking system (ATS).
  • Don’t sound too eager or make things up : They’ll find out if you’re not honest. 
  • At the end, include why you’re right for the job and what you hope to learn. Last, ask them to contact you or say you hope to talk soon. 
  • Check your letter for mistakes : Use tools like Grammarly to help.

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Motivation Letter Sample

Motivation letters are used for many reasons, so they can vary significantly. You can change the example in this section to fit your needs. 

The motivation letter example below is about an entry-level job for Raul. He hasn’t held a paying job before, but he highlights experiences that might not be on his resume.

123 Address Street

Anywhere, USA 33333

September 10, 2022

ABC Company

456 Workplace Lane

Dear Mr. Smith:

As a first-generation university student, I am looking for a position that will enable me to pay my tuition while making allowances for my class schedule. When I saw your job listing for a weekend Customer Service Representative on the campus information board, I felt that we would be a perfect fit for each other’s needs.

While my on-the-job experience is limited, I have a great deal of experience in dealing with customers. Throughout my teenage years, I have helped out in the family business, a small convenience and souvenir store at the heart of a tourist district.

My duties there were often public-facing, arranging items for sale and assisting customers in finding what they needed. I always did my best to help customers leave with smiles on their faces, even going above and beyond what might be expected. This resulted in many 5-star reviews for the business on Tripadvisor and Google.

Thank you for your consideration. I’d be happy to speak with you in person or via phone to discuss the position and my qualifications further.

With gratitude:

Raul Ascencio

The following motivation letter example concerns an  academic program.  Sue is a high school senior seeking a summer internship after graduation. Her letter is imbued with a passion for the field as well as its relationship to her career goals.

March 1, 2023

Cindy Diver

Caribbean Coral Restoration Project

789 Coastal Road

Nassau, Bahamas

Dear Dr. Diver,

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to do something to help reverse the damage humans have caused to our planet. For that reason, I was thrilled to receive an invitation to apply to the Caribbean Coral Restoration Project summer program.

Though I come from a landlocked state, I received my open water scuba certification from SDI last August. Training took place in a flooded quarry in Pembroke, Kentucky. I look forward to taking my first “real” oceanic open water dive in the warm waters near your research station.

During my high school education, I have pursued as many ecological opportunities as possible. I participated in the 4-H Club’s Wildlife Judging Team for four years, twice winning regional competitions. I also keep an action camera as a constant companion, participating in citizen science projects such as iNaturalist and Cornell University’s annual bird count.

I have been accepted into State University’s biology program, beginning next fall. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in biology, I plan to pursue my master’s in marine biology. I hope to start that part of my journey with real field experience under my belt. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information. My application and resume are enclosed.

Key Takeaways

With the correct format and style, you can create a motivation letter that can win over any recruiter. To do so remember the key points that were addressed in this guide.

  • Motivation letters can effectively be used in place of cover letters when you have little experience or are applying to a university, internship, or volunteer program.
  • Use professional business letter formats.
  • Address your motivations and qualifications clearly in the body of your letter.
  • Express your personality, passions, and motivations.

Ensuring your letter is written in this style will boost your chances whether you’re an entry-level employee or an experienced worker.

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How to write a motivational letter for your first job – Two easy to use examples

Job Application Motivational Letter Examples

So you have or are about to finish your university degree ? Congratulations, you have completed a major milestone. Make sure to celebrate it appropriately. However, whilst you have accomplished one major achievement, you also face an immediate new challenge: How to find your first job. Competition for entry level jobs is fierce and you need to write a very strong job application to get an invitation for an interview. One of the most overlooked aspects of an application is the motivational letter or sometimes also called a cover letter. As this is the first thing a recruiter will see, you need to make sure that you make an excellent first impression. Here is how to do it:

  • Put your most convincing evidence first. You need to make an impact in the first few sentences. Talk about your current or most relevant job first
  • Focus on achievements in your current and previous roles rather than merely your responsibilities. Quantify these wherever possible
  • Illustrate your achievements with brief but specific examples, explaining why these are relevant to this role. You can refer the employer to the CV for more detail
  • Concentrate on the areas which differentiate you from the competition rather than the basic job criteria
  • Demonstrate how well you have researched the role and the job context when explaining your career motivation
  • Explain your rationale if you are seeking a career change or sideways move
  • Be succinct. Ask a friend to go through it with you and edit out any wordy sentences and redundant words
  • End on a note of enthusiasm and anticipation.

Example 1: Motivation letter for a job as a Business Analyst

Cover Letter Job Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

In May 2019 I will graduate from [university name] with a Bachelor of Science in Economics and a Minor in Finance. I read your posting for the Business Analyst role with great interest and I’m convinced that I would be a great addition to your team.

My strong work ethic is evident from the fact I have served as President of the [student activity] concurrent with my academic studies, as well as paid summer internships in [name of the internship] at [name of the company] as well as [name of the internship] at [name of the company]. These experiences have enabled me to gain a realistic view of the demands and challenges of the Business Analyst position.

As Summer Associate at [name of the internship company], I was responsible for monitoring fundamental economic, industrial, and corporate developments through the analysis of information obtained from financial publications and services, investment banking firms, government agencies, trade publications, company sources, and personal interviews.

As an {internship name] at [name of the internship company], I worked on a number financial reports, including cash flow reporting, profit and loss account, and balance sheet analysis. My work has been used for companywide presentations.

In addition to my practical experience I’ve also always stayed focused on academics and I’m expected to graduate with a 3.9/4.0 GPA.

With the combination of these professional and academic experiences, I am looking forward to discussing the opportunity to join your organisation. Please find my CV attached.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Betty Schulz

Example 2: Motivation letter for a job as an IT Consultant

motivation essay for job

I would like to apply for the position of IT Consultant recently advertised on the [source] vacancy board. I expect to graduate from my master’s course in [subject] at the [Department] at the [university name].

As you can see from my enclosed CV, I worked during my undergraduate degree at the [university name] gaining valuable experience as an IT business analyst with [company name] and as a volunteer with [company name].

At [company name], one of my key achievements was to design and implement a company-specific information system which has resulted in a 25% reduction in administration time for the company.

Also, as part of the internship at [company name], I completed a 60 page report on how a good information system strategy could be developed and implemented by senior managers. Working as a volunteer with at [company name] further developed my cultural awareness and relationship management skills, qualities also relevant to the work of an IT consultant.

As well as these qualities, my graduate studies have also developed my skills in researching a topic, making presentations, writing reports and analysing data.

One of the main reasons for choosing IT consultancy as a career is that I have for a long time been interested in business but also fascinated by how technology and information systems can improve organisational effectiveness. The variety of working on different projects across different sectors of work also appeals to me.

My reasons for applying to [company name] are as follows: First, the range of clients [company name] works with is considerably broader than many of the other major IT consultancy firms that I have been researching. I recently read an article on [source] about the innovative work you have done both in the public and private sectors relating to IT systems mergers and information security, an area I’m very interested in. Secondly, having attended your recent presentation at [university name or name of the graduate fair] and having spoken with [name of the recruiter], I was impressed by the enthusiasm with which he talked about his work and the many opportunities at [company name] for ambitious graduates.

I am very excited about this opportunity and look forward to discussing my application with you in greater detail. Should you require any further information please get in touch.

Peter Smith

Looking for even more templates? Check out our guides and templates for  motivational letters for graduate school  and cover letter for internships .

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How to Write a Motivation Letter?


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 13, 2024

How to write a motivation letter?

Your resume represents your qualifications, achievements as well as strengths and weaknesses . Applying merely through a resume may reflect the general academic and professional information about you but it can also be seen as the lack of influential representation of the motivation and dedication you possess. This is where a Motivation Letter comes to the rescue as it is usually asked by academic institutions as well as organizations from the applicants. Through a motivational letter, you can convincingly transmit your passion, eagerness and diligence regarding how your dream course can enlighten your career path along with the benefits you wish to bring out to the institution or organization (whether as a student or an employee). Let’s explore how to write a motivational letter with the help of samples/examples for university, job application, internship and more!

This Blog Includes:

What is a letter of motivation/motivation letter , why do you need a motivation letter, what is the difference between a motivational letter and a cover letter, how to structure your motivation letter, motivation letter template/example, introduction, motivation letter example, dos and don’ts, sample motivation letter for university, sample motivation letter for internship, sample motivation letter for scholarship application, sample motivation letter for job application, sample motivation letter for job- 2, motivation letter for study abroad.

A motivation letter describes why you are a perfect candidate for a certain program/position. It is usually a one-page document that gets attached alongside your resume. Commonly there are 4 purposes for which one is required to draft it:

  • For Admission: If you are applying to a university or college to get enrolled in an educational program for any level ( undergraduate or postgraduate ).
  • For Training/Internship: If you want to get into a full-time internship with an organization.
  • For Employment: When you want to apply for a job profile at an organisation.
  • For Jobs in the Social Sector especially NGOs: Non-profit organisations generally demand motivation letters to analyse the interests and intentions of job aspirants.

Motivation letters are usually required during master’s and PhD level degrees as well as for all students planning to go for international degrees. Committees use motivation letters to determine whether you are a good fit for a programme or degree because university spots are scarce. Furthermore, university departments sponsor graduate research programs like master’s and PhDs, thus it is important to carefully assess if a prospective student’s research interests are a worthwhile use of their resources.

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Often students get confused between a cover letter and a motivational letter, it is important to keep in mind that the purpose of a cover letter is to accentuate some specific information mentioned on your resume and align it with the job requirements as well as the company profile. To put it simply, a cover letter is more of an introductory letter to your resume to the hiring authority whereas a motivational letter is mainly utilised as how your interests, motivations and aspirations match the academic program you want to study or a job profile you want to apply for. All the elite organizations are in search of individuals who would prove to be an asset to the company. Thus, it should deliver your intent and excitement using the key feature as your motivation.   

Every document a university or recruiter asks for serves a special purpose. Often than not, candidates are confused between two such documents – A cover Letter and a Motivation Letter. A cover letter is a professional letter given to an employer/recruiter along with a resume or CV. Cover Letters are generally used by companies, employers and recruiters as opposed to motivation letters which are used by university admission offices, educational institutes and internships. Both letters are intended to inform the recruiter or educational officer of why you are the perfect candidate and allow candidates to explain at length their motivation, interests, hobbies, achievements and career/academic future.

Related Read: Cover Letter for Fresher

If you are targeting your dream institution or organization, fascinatingly presenting your motivation can be a total game-changer. Ideally, the motivation letter should be one 1 page only in which you have to introduce yourself, describe your qualifications and achievements and highlight your interests as per the course/position you are applying to. Knowing the structure of your letter is pivotal towards comprehending the key elements that you need to add. Generally, the structure of a motivation letter can be any of the following:

  • Either you can opt for a traditional methodology of a 3-paragraph motivation letter wherein there will be an introductory paragraph, body of content and conclusion.
  • You can also use the 5-7 paragraph structure. You can divide the body of the letter into pointers elucidating 1-3 sentence paragraphs. 

Coming to the discussion of choosing the format, if you want to go more factual and possess a varied number of achievements, you can select the 5-7 paragraph style through which you can individually emphasise each achievement by framing it into a single point. On the other hand, if you prefer the storytelling method you can choose the 3 paragraph format without giving many breaks to your letter.

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Format of a Letter of Motivation

Now that you know the two main structures you can choose from, let’s have a look at the major inclusions in the format of a motivation letter:

A crisp, engaging pitch about yourself explaining why you want to apply. Some mandatory mentions are:

  • Personal details (Name, Address, Email, Profile, Work Experience if any)
  • Write about the course, internship or job profile you are applying for and also mention why,
  • Start by putting down the general reasons explaining why you are applying to the course, internship or job position. Afterwards, dive into the main body of it.

For Example, the introduction for a motivation letter for a PhD application at a university is given below:

Sometimes conveying your zeal to enter an academic program or an organization cannot be absolutely done by a resume as it restricts you to putting forward only the facts and figures instead of the inspirations and motivation that urged you to pursue it. This is where a motivation letter comes into view to ensure that your application should shine out from the hoard of other documents. Below mentioned are some quick tips and tricks to draft your motivation letter:

  • While writing the letter, make sure you know the concerned person to whom you are applying. Research the name and designation of the concerned individual and address them accordingly.
  • Gauge the requirements of the program/profile and explain how you are the right fit for it. 
  • Mention how your beliefs and interests align with the organisation/university’s vision and mission

Are you planning to study abroad, have a look at our blog on Sponsorship Letter for Visa

A motivation letter is written for different purposes such as for internships, job applications, university etc. Now that you know about a motivation letter, you should learn about how to write one. The best way to write it is by creating a genuine letter.

This is the main body of the letter. Describe your achievements, academic and professional journey and career aspirations. Elaborate on your skills and passions elucidating your zeal for your chosen course or job profile. Keep it factual and concise. Most of the time, the made-up stories get easily caught by the professionals who examine a variety of letters every day. It is strongly advised to maintain precision in your story. To cite the authenticity of your qualifications, you can also use metrics. 

Have a quick example of a motivational letter at some major add ones:

  • My passion for ____ began when ______.
  • I aspire to _____ because ______.
  • I have been a part of _____ for _____ months/years. It’s the best thing for me because of ______.
  • I remember once when I______ which made me realize that I_____.
  • _______ resonates with me because ______.
  • What distinguishes me from my peers is _______. 

Motivation Letter Example: 

Finally, to conclude, you can wrap up your letter and read it thoroughly before sending it.  Here are some of the points to help you with the concluding paragraph of the Motivation letter.

  • Summarize your major points: “ I believe that I would be an appropriate fit for the program because of _____ ”
  • Mention your long term goals: “ I would be obliged to be a part of _____, as it would allow me to _____ ”
  • Finally, pay regards to the reader with a ‘thank you’.

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Once you are familiarized with the structure and elements of a motivation letter, let’s provide you with a motivation letter examples and samples to help you understand the tone and style as well.

Motivation Letter for Internship

The best way to write a motivation letter is to write down all your ideas, experiences and achievements align them with your future career goals and then craft a creative and thoughtful essay to impress your employers or university admissions, officer.

A motivation letter is designed to help the employer gain insight into why you are the perfect candidate for the position. Following the proper structure, writing short sentences and talking about your experiences, skills, and education is essential for a motivation letter.

‘Yours Sincerely’ or ‘Best Regards’ or ‘Thank you for your time’ are perfect sentences to end a motivational letter.

You can begin a motivation letter with Dear Sir/Madam or if you are aware of the person you are addressing then you can mention their name and designation.

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Thus, we hope that this blog has familiarized you with the key features of a motivation letter with the help of examples and samples for jobs, internships, universities and more! If you are planning to apply for an academic program abroad, our Leverage Edu experts are here to guide you throughout the admission process of your chosen university while also helping you craft impressive SOP and LOR s as well as motivation letters to ensure that you get successfully shortlisted and fulfil your dream to study abroad!

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113 Motivation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Motivation is the driving force behind our actions, thoughts, and behaviors. It is what pushes us to achieve our goals, overcome obstacles, and persevere through challenges. Writing an essay on motivation can be a great way to explore the topic and gain a deeper understanding of what motivates us as individuals.

To help you get started, here are 113 motivation essay topic ideas and examples that you can use as inspiration for your own writing:

  • The importance of setting goals and staying motivated
  • How to find motivation in times of adversity
  • The role of motivation in achieving success
  • The impact of motivation on mental health and well-being
  • Motivation and its connection to self-esteem and confidence
  • The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
  • How to stay motivated when facing setbacks and failures
  • The relationship between motivation and procrastination
  • The role of motivation in education and learning
  • Motivation and its influence on job satisfaction and performance
  • The power of positive thinking and motivation
  • The impact of motivation on physical health and fitness
  • How to cultivate motivation in yourself and others
  • The role of motivation in leadership and management
  • Motivation and its effect on creativity and innovation
  • The connection between motivation and goal-setting
  • Motivation and its influence on decision-making
  • The relationship between motivation and self-discipline
  • Motivation and its impact on relationships and communication
  • The role of motivation in overcoming fears and insecurities
  • How to maintain motivation over the long term
  • The impact of motivation on personal growth and development
  • Motivation and its connection to happiness and fulfillment
  • The role of motivation in achieving work-life balance
  • Motivation and its effect on mental toughness and resilience
  • How to use motivation to overcome challenges and obstacles
  • The relationship between motivation and perseverance
  • Motivation and its influence on creativity and problem-solving
  • The role of motivation in building resilience and coping with stress
  • Motivation and its impact on decision-making and risk-taking
  • How to motivate others to achieve their goals
  • The connection between motivation and self-awareness
  • Motivation and its influence on emotional intelligence
  • The role of motivation in building a growth mindset
  • Motivation and its impact on self-care and self-love
  • How to use motivation to overcome self-doubt and insecurity
  • The relationship between motivation and passion
  • Motivation and its connection to purpose and meaning
  • The role of motivation in building confidence and self-esteem
  • Motivation and its influence on resilience and adaptability
  • How to cultivate motivation through mindfulness and meditation
  • The impact of motivation on creativity and innovation
  • Motivation and its connection to curiosity and exploration
  • The role of motivation in building relationships and community
  • Motivation and its influence on leadership and teamwork
  • How to use motivation to overcome fear of failure
  • The relationship between motivation and self-compassion
  • Motivation and its impact on mental health and well-being
  • Motivation and its influence on personal growth and development
  • How to maintain motivation during challenging times
  • The connection between motivation and resilience
  • Motivation and its connection to goal-setting and achievement
  • The role of motivation in building self-discipline and willpower
  • Motivation and its impact on decision-making and problem-solving
  • How to use motivation to overcome procrastination
  • The relationship between motivation and creativity
  • Motivation and its influence on emotional intelligence and self-awareness
  • Motivation and its connection to passion and purpose
  • How to cultivate motivation through positive thinking and affirmations
  • The impact of motivation on personal and professional success
  • The role of motivation in building healthy habits and routines
  • Motivation and its connection to self-care and self-love
  • How to maintain motivation during times of uncertainty
  • The connection between motivation and perseverance
  • Motivation and its connection to self-awareness and mindfulness
  • Motivation and its influence on decision-making and risk-taking
  • How to use motivation to overcome fears and insecurities
  • Motivation and its impact on personal and professional success
  • How to cultivate motivation through gratitude and appreciation
  • Motivation and its influence on decision-making and problem-solving

In conclusion, motivation is a powerful force that drives us to achieve our goals and overcome obstacles. By exploring the topic of motivation through essays, we can gain a deeper understanding of what motivates us as individuals and how we can cultivate motivation in ourselves and others. Whether you choose to write about the importance of setting goals, the role of motivation in achieving success, or the impact of motivation on mental health and well-being, there are endless possibilities for exploring this fascinating topic in your writing. So go ahead and choose a topic from the list above, or come up with your own idea, and start writing your motivation essay today!

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10 Smart Answers to “What Motivates You?”

Why do they ask “what motivates you”.

When an interviewer asks you about your motivation, they want to understand how passionate and committed you are to their company and the job opportunity. They are looking to gauge if you genuinely care about the work and if you will fit well within their team and culture. Your answer should be genuine and specific, highlighting your unique motivators and how they relate to the position you are applying for.

10 Example Answers to “What Motivates You?”

I’m motivated by the opportunity to learn and grow in my career. I’m always looking for ways to challenge myself and expand my skill set, and I find that being in a dynamic, fast-paced work environment helps me do that. I’m also motivated by the chance to collaborate with talented colleagues and contribute to a team effort that produces great results.”

“For me, motivation comes from feeling like I’m making a difference. Whether it’s through providing excellent customer service, creating innovative solutions to problems, or simply being a supportive team member, I find that I’m most energized when I feel like my work is having a positive impact. That’s why I’m drawn to companies that have a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to making a difference in their communities.”

“As someone who is naturally curious and loves to explore new ideas, I’m motivated by the opportunity to innovate and create. Whether it’s developing new products, designing new processes, or finding more efficient ways to do things, I’m always looking for ways to push the envelope and come up with something new and exciting. I find that this kind of work keeps me engaged and inspired.”

“One of the things that motivates me most is the chance to take on new challenges and push myself out of my comfort zone. I thrive on the adrenaline rush that comes with tackling something difficult and succeeding against the odds. Whether it’s taking on a new project, working with a new team, or learning a new skill, I’m always eager to take on new challenges and prove myself.”

“What motivates me is the desire to achieve my goals and fulfill my potential. I’m driven by a sense of ambition and a desire to succeed, and I’m always looking for ways to improve myself and my performance. Whether it’s through setting and achieving personal or professional goals, or simply striving to be the best version of myself, I find that this kind of drive keeps me focused and motivated.”

“I’m motivated by the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it’s through my work directly or through the company’s mission, I find that I’m most energized when I feel like I’m contributing to something bigger than myself. I want to be part of an organization that is making a difference and creating a better future for everyone.”

“For me, motivation comes from the chance to develop meaningful relationships with my colleagues and clients. I’m a people person at heart, and I find that working with others who share my values and goals is incredibly fulfilling. I want to be part of a team that is supportive, collaborative, and committed to achieving great things together.”

“I’m motivated by the opportunity to continuously learn and improve. Whether it’s through formal training programs or on-the-job experience, I’m always looking for ways to expand my knowledge and skills. I want to work for a company that values professional development and encourages its employees to grow and evolve over time.”

“As someone who is passionate about innovation and creativity, I’m motivated by the chance to work on projects that are truly groundbreaking. I want to be part of a team that is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and creating solutions that are truly innovative and impactful.”

Example 10:

“For me, motivation comes from the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with achieving a difficult goal. Whether it’s hitting a sales target, completing a complex project, or overcoming a personal challenge, I find that I’m most motivated when I have a clear goal in mind and a plan for achieving it.”

How to Answer “What Motivates You?”

Step 1: identify your motivations.

By identifying your key motivations, you’ll be able to provide a compelling response during your interview.

Personal Values

Reflect on your core beliefs and principles, and consider how they drive your actions and decisions. Here are some common personal values:

  • Self-improvement

Think about which ones align with your personality and the role you’re applying for. Describe how these values fuel your motivation and commitment to the job.

Career Goals

Consider the long-term objectives you’re working towards in your professional life. Be specific about your desired achievements and how they relate to the role you’re interviewing for. Some examples of career goals could be:

  • Acquiring new technical skills
  • Developing leadership skills
  • Contributing to a specific industry

Link these goals to the company’s mission, and express how this role will help you grow professionally and contribute to the organization.

Interests and Passions

Identify what you’re genuinely passionate about, both inside and outside of work, and connect these interests to the position you’re applying for. Here are some questions to help you introspect:

  • What topics of conversation energize you?
  • Which tasks and projects bring out your enthusiasm?

Step 2: Tailor Your Answer to the Job

Try to tailor your response to the specific job you’re applying for. Consider the key responsibilities, company culture, and overall mission of the organization.

Begin by researching the company and its values. This information can typically be found on the company’s website, social media profiles, or through online reviews. Pay special attention to the language used in the job description – it may indicate some of the top skills and values the company is looking for.

Next, reflect on your personal motivations and how they align with the job requirements. Make a list of the aspects of the position that genuinely excite you, and focus on these in your response.

1) Motivator:  Interest in the field

Sample Answer:  “One thing that motivates me is my genuine passion for the industry. I’ve always been fascinated by the way technology impacts our daily lives, and I’m excited to be part of a team that’s shaping its future. I find that this passion drives me to stay focused and committed to my work.”

2) Motivator:  Professional growth

Sample Answer:  “What truly motivates me is the opportunity for personal and professional growth. I enjoy taking on new challenges and expanding my skill set. Knowing that I’m constantly improving and contributing value to the team gives me a great sense of accomplishment.”

3) Motivator:  Helping others

Sample Answer:  “I’ve always been motivated by the desire to help others. In my previous role, I took pride in knowing that my work made a positive impact on my clients’ lives. This not only gave me a sense of fulfillment but also encouraged me to go above and beyond in my tasks.”

Step 3: Include Specific Examples

If applicable, you can provide specific examples from your experience that demonstrate your motivation. By doing so, you give the interviewer a clear and authentic picture of your work ethic and what drives you to succeed.

To begin, think about a time when you were particularly motivated to achieve a goal, finish a project or overcome a challenge. Describe the situation, what motivated you, and the steps you took to reach your objective. Remember to focus on aspects that can be applied universally, such as personal growth or helping others, rather than individual circumstances.

When crafting your answer, use the STAR method:

  • Situation : Describe the context or background of the event.
  • Task : Explain your responsibility or goal in that situation.
  • Action : Detail the steps you took to approach the task or challenge.
  • Result : Share the positive outcome of your actions, and how it demonstrates your motivation.

For example, if you’re motivated by helping others, you might say:

“In my previous role as a customer support specialist, I was motivated by finding solutions to customer issues and ensuring they had a positive experience with our company. One day, I encountered a particularly challenging issue that required me to work closely with multiple departments to find a resolution. Seeing the gratitude in the customer’s response when we resolved the issue was incredibly rewarding and further motivated me to work even harder in the future.”

By providing specific examples that showcase your motivation, you’ll demonstrate to the interviewer that you have a genuine passion for your work and a strong drive to excel in your career.

Step 4: Practice Your Response

Practicing your response to the question “What motivates you?” will help you feel more confident during your interview. So, once you’ve identified your motivators and examples, practice articulating your response. You can do this by speaking your answer out loud or writing it down. As you practice, focus on being concise and clear in your explanation. Avoid using filler words, such as “um,” “like,” or “you know.”

Consider practicing with a friend or family member who can provide feedback on your response. They can help you identify areas that need improvement, such as body language, tone, or clarity of your answer. Remember, your goal is to provide a strong, authentic response that showcases your unique motivations and fit for the role.

Avoid Common Mistakes

  • Be genuine:  Don’t try to impress the interviewer by simply stating what you think they want to hear. Instead, provide an authentic answer that truly reflects your personal motivations.
  • Stay relevant:  Although you should share your genuine motivation, ensure it connects to the job or the company’s goals. This will demonstrate your potential as a valuable employee in the organization.
  • Keep it concise:  Though it’s important to provide context for your motivation, avoid long-winded answers that drift off-topic. Stay focused and keep your response brief.

It’s a great idea to prepare a few examples that illustrate your motivation. This will make your response even stronger, and help convey your commitment to the role. For example, let’s suppose your motivation is your desire to contribute to meaningful projects. You might share a story about a time when you initiated or led a project that made a real difference in your previous role. Or you could mention a specific project or initiative at the company you’re interviewing for that excites you.

It’s essential to reflect on your personal motivations and connect them to the job you’re applying for. Consider how your motivations align with the company culture and values.

Tailor your response and try to use specific examples from your professional and personal life to illustrate your points. If you’re unsure what aspects to highlight, think about the desired skills and qualifications mentioned in the job description and how you have demonstrated those in the past. Don’t forget to practice your response before the interview. Good luck!

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Motivation Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on motivation.

Everyone suggests other than the person lack motivation, or directly suggests the person remain motivated. But, no one ever tells what is the motivation of how one can stay motivated. Motivation means to face the obstacle and find an inspiration that helps you to go through tough times. In addition, it helps you to move further in life.

Motivation Essay

Meaning of Motivation

Motivation is something that cannot be understood with words but with practice. It means to be moved by something so strongly that it becomes an inspiration for you. Furthermore, it is a discipline that helps you to achieve your life goals and also helps to be successful in life .

Besides, it the most common practice that everyone does whether it is your boss in office or a school teacher or a university professor everyone motivates others in a way or other.

Role of Motivation

It is a strong tool that helps to get ahead in life. For being motivated we need a driving tool or goal that keeps us motivated and moves forward. Also, it helps in being progressive both physically and mentally.

Moreover, your goal does not be to big and long term they can be small and empowering. Furthermore, you need the right mindset to be motivated.

Besides, you need to push your self towards your goal no one other than you can push your limit. Also, you should be willing to leave your comfort zone because your true potential is going to revel when you leave your comfort zone.

Types of Motivation

Although there are various types of motivation according to me there are generally two types of motivation that are self- motivation and motivation by others.

Self-motivation- It refers to the power of someone to stay motivated without the influence of other situations and people. Furthermore, self-motivated people always find a way to reason and strength to complete a task. Also, they do not need other people to encourage them to perform a challenging task.

Motivation by others- This motivation requires help from others as the person is not able to maintain a self-motivated state. In this, a person requires encouragement from others. Also, he needs to listen to motivational speeches, a strong goal and most importantly and inspiration.

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Importance of Motivation

Motivation is very important for the overall development of the personality and mind of the people. It also puts a person in action and in a competitive state. Furthermore, it improves efficiency and desire to achieve the goal. It leads to stability and improvement in work.

Above all, it satisfies a person’s needs and to achieve his/her goal. It helps the person to fight his negative attitude. The person also tries to come out of his/her comfort zone so that she/ he can achieve the goal.

To conclude, motivation is one of the key elements that help a person to be successful. A motivated person tries to push his limits and always tries to improve his performance day by day. Also, the person always gives her/his best no matter what the task is. Besides, the person always tries to remain progressive and dedicated to her/his goals.

FAQs about Motivation Essay

Q.1 Define what is motivation fit. A.1 This refers to a psychological phenomenon in which a person assumes or expects something from the job or life but gets different results other than his expectations. In a profession, it is a primary criterion for determining if the person will stay or leave the job.

Q.2 List some best motivators. A.2 some of the best motivators are:

  • Inspiration
  • Fear of failure
  • Power of Rejection
  • Don’t pity your self
  • Be assertive
  • Stay among positive and motivated people
  • Be calm and visionary

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Un ypp motivation statement: writing an effective one for the united nations ypp.

UN YPP Motivation Statement

As part of your resume-style profile in Inspira – UN’s online application platform –, you are required to submit a Motivation Statement (also known as a Motivational Statement) as part of your application. The main goal of this document is to give you a chance to introduce yourself and explain your motivation in applying to the UN YPP at this point in your career.

The Motivation Statement is a very important part of your application, and in this article we will guide you through the process of writing and structuring it to make sure you are well on your way to the success in the UN YPP!



To help you feel more secure and increase your chances of succeeding in the application stage, OpenIGO Network has developed an application review service, which is carried out by a native English proofreader and a PhD professor with extensive experience in the UN YPP.

Click here to find out more about it: 

UN YPP – Application Review

Our team has also developed a comprehensive manual (PDF eBook) to help you better understand the UN Young Professionals Programme itself and the stages of the selection process, allowing you to perform successfully in each of them.

In our eBook you will learn all the secrets on how to craft a strong Motivation Statement  that will make you stand out from other candidates: 

UN YPP – Preparation

This article is only a small sample from the extensive content present in the chapter “Writing an Effective Motivation Statement for the UN YPP” of our E-Book.

Understanding Motivation Statements

A motivation statement   is a  document job seekers  s end  to  organiza tion s with t he aim of indicating the applicant’s interest in the  job va c a ncy they’re applying for . This document also has to contain the reasons why you are applying for this job position/selection process .

In the UN YPP selection process, the motivation statement is a part of the candidate’s resume-style profile, serving as an introduction to the latter. However, make sure you do not simply replicate information that can be easily found on your profile. Instead, you should explain in what way this job opportunity aligns with your overall career goals, including a career or location change, as well as how elements of your personal character and experience will help you be successful when working with the UN. 

In order to write a strong UN YPP motivational statement, it is important to know what the recruiters will be looking for, so here are some of the aspects the recruiting team seeks to evaluate:

  • Competencies : Competencies may be understood as the candidate’s set of knowledge, abilities, attitudes and values. It is important for the candidate to show that they have the main competencies the organization is seeking, such as Professionalism, Teamwork, and Planning & Organizing. Since the United Nations is indisputably a value-driven organization, your personal values and the manner in which they are linked to the organization’s should also be highlighted.
  • Knowledge about the organization: It is expected that the candidate demonstrates knowledge about the United Nations, such as its mission, its operational approach, activities, and main objectives (knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals).
  • Cultural fit: Showing sound knowledge of the organization is not enough. The candidate should highlight that there is compatibility between their values, principles, objectives, and understanding of reality with those of the organization.
  • Communicative capacity: The motivation statement enables the recruiter to evaluate the candidate’s writing skills and their ability to structure ideas and coherently defend arguments.

When writing your motivation statement, take all of the aforementioned aspects into consideration and make them evident throughout the document when expressing three main things: your interest in working for the organization, the reason you are interested in the vacancy (or in a specific exam area, in the case of the UN YPP), and why you are a strong candidate for the position.

un ypp motivation statement

Structure and Content of a Motivation Statement

Choosing what to write in your motivational statement can be a challenging task, especially if you have experienced multiple and diverse professional/academical engagements throughout the years. This section will provide you with guidance on choosing the most relevant experiences to expound upon and the best way of structuring them in writing.

First of all, keep in mind that recruiters are primarily looking to read information that gives them a clear perception of the benefits you can offer the organization, if selected, and the ways in which you intend to help it to solve problems. To that end, a great way to display your skills and competencies is by choosing relevant stories from past professional or academic engagements where these competencies stood out. Remember to use keywords from the Competencies section of the UN YPP job opening for this part.

At our Online Magazine, we have an article only on competencies required by the UN YPP! Check it out here:

UN YPP Competencies

In chapter 06 of our UN YPP Manual for Candidates, we define what kind of work experience is considered as “relevant” for the UN YPP:

“Taking into consideration the UN recruitment guidelines, prior professional engagements are considered as ‘relevant’ if your duties are closely linked to the ‘Responsibilities’ outlined in the job opening you are applying for.”

  When choosing relevant facts/stories to share in your motivational statement, take the aforementioned definition into consideration, especially if you have had previous professional experience. Keep in mind, however, that the number one stipulation for an engagement to be considered “relevant” in the motivation statement section of your profile is that it showcase that you have the competencies required by the job opening you are applying for. An important volunteering activity that you engaged in, for example, although not directly related to your exam area, could be considered relevant if you tailor the story around the specific required competencies.

Keywords from the UN YPP job opening can also be used to display your knowledge of the organization. You can even demonstrate awareness of any particular challenges or developments the United Nations is currently facing within the specific exam area you are applying for.

Please note that there is no single way to structure your UN YPP motivation statement. The fundamental aspect of an effective structure is that the logical sequence of the parts is able to tell your story . Also, know that long texts should be avoided —one page is a good length to tackle the main topics. The maximum length for the UN YPP motivation statement is 2,000 characters (including spaces).

Checkpoints for a Motivation Statement

In this section, some general checkpoints have been listed for you to pay special attention to when writing and revising your motivational statement. Make sure to go through all of them prior to submitting your final version to Inspira.

As far as “language” is concerned, here is a list of aspects you should pay attention to:

– Avoid clichĂ©s, idioms and outdated language.

– Beware of errors in grammar, use of verb tense, and punctuation. Show that you have an understanding of the language’s basic rules. If possible, use a spell checker or have a proofreader analyze your content when you’ve finished writing your motivation statement.

– Give preference to writing out the full names of organizations, positions and people.

– Remember to use the first person singular to describe your personal accomplishments and achievements.

– A broad vocabulary should be used, which is appropriate for the United Nations, the competencies the program seeks, and the exam area.

– Do not use words and expressions without being sure of their meaning. Although it is important to have an extensive vocabulary, it is a mistake to think that you should misuse elaborate words which are hard to understand.

– Avoid repeating words and expressions, as they make the text tiresome and unattractive.

– Avoid slang, abbreviations (such as “asap” for example), or traces of the spoken word (that is, informal expressions typical of oral conversations).

– It is recommended that you refrain from using general terms, which demonstrate absolute certainty, such as: “always”, “never”, “every time”, “undoubtedly”, etc. Exchange these for softer expressions, such as: “possibly”, “one can imagine”, “probably”, and “it is inferred that”, among others.

  • Organization

Read your motivation statement and ask yourself why the sentences and paragraphs are arranged in that order. If you cannot find a justification, it is likely that your motivational statement is not logically organized;

  • Review your Motivation Statement

Doublecheck the grammar, spelling, verbal agreement, and cohesion, and especially check that the information is consistent with what you have put in your resume-style profile;

After finalizing your motivation statement, show it to your colleagues and ask them to provide sincere comments on its content and organization of ideas. In this way, any mistakes which you had not noticed in preparing the document can be identified and corrected.

Ideally, you should ask for the opinion of someone who does not have a close emotional tie with you or has enough maturity to be neutral, since, generally speaking, people who are very close are embarrassed about being critical, even when they have identified mistakes.

Getting professional feedback is a plus in competitive selection processes such as the UN YPP, and can highly increase your chances of passing the first screening round. That is why OpenIGO offers a complete Application Review for candidates applying for the program. You can find out more about this service at our online store . We can help you suceed in this competitive selection process!

Access the following link to know more about our UN YPP products: 

UN YPP – Products & Services

Read also: UN YPP – Overview

Magazine: Understanding the UN YPP Written Exam

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Best topics on Motivation

1. What Motivates Me as a Student

2. Rising Above Negativity: A Journey in Music and Self-Belief

3. Main Disadvantages Reward System and Recognition

4. Carl Rogers and Anna’s Case Study

5. My Ambition Far Exceeded My Talents

6. Motivation: Learning What Motivates You

7. Motivation Of People Seeking For Revenge

8. Application Of Motivation Models In Employee Engagement

9. The Promising Advantages of Honor Codes for the Student’s Future

10. How My Favorite Author’s Work Has Changed Me

11. How Motivation and Dedication Helped Me to Find My Goal in Life

12. How to Succed in College and Avoid Dropping Out

13. Finding the Motivation to Focus on One Objective

14. Selfishness as an Integral Part of Human Nature

15. Who Moved My Cheese: Overcoming the Obstacles

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  • Critical Reflection
  • The Bystander Effect
  • Growth Mindset
  • Milgram Experiment
  • Psychoanalysis

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American Psychological Association Logo

What keeps employees motivated

Psychologists are expanding their efforts to get research on what motivates people at work to employers at a time when the workplace is changing dramatically

Vol. 52 No. 7 Print version: page 52

  • Personality
  • Managing Human Capital

artwork depicting an office worker removing a smile from a face

The upheaval of the working world since March 2020 has no precedent in living memory. Some people went home for what they thought would be weeks, only to still be working from home more than a year and a half later. Others were left to struggle through enormous stresses in front-line occupations. It was, in short, a tough year for workplace motivation.

Yet psychological research suggests that there are ways businesses can support their employees moving forward even as the pandemic slips into a new phase of uncertainty. Much of this work comes from decades of research on the impacts of stress in the workplace and how job pressures influence motivation, said James Diefendorff, PhD, an industrial and organizational (I/O) psychologist at the University of Akron.

“Those demands consume regulatory resources, lead to faster emotional exhaustion and depletion, and require more opportunities for replenishment,” Diefendorff said. “It’s just amped up in the context of working under the various additional stressors and demands that the pandemic has introduced.”

Motivation in a pandemic

One of the key findings from I/O psychology over the past several decades is that not all workplace stresses are created equal. Some stressors are hindrances, which are things outside of an employee’s control that feel like barriers to performance: red tape, lack of resources, conflicting goals. Others are challenges, which feel like tasks that a person can overcome while growing and improving. An example of a challenge stressor might be learning a new skill to take on a new job responsibility. A meta-analysis led by Jeffery LePine, PhD, a researcher in organizational behavior at Arizona State University, found that while hindrance stressors crush motivation, challenge stressors actually boost it ( Academy of Management Journal , Vol. 48, No. 5, 2005 ). Research further suggests that people find challenge stressors motivating because they expect that if they put the work in, they can achieve an outcome they value. Hindrance stressors, on the other hand, feel insurmountable—no matter how hard you work, a satisfactory result is out of reach.

Many of the stressors introduced by COVID-19 were hindrance stressors, said Thomas Britt, PhD, an I/O psychologist at Clemson University. This was particularly true in health care, where limited personal protective equipment early in the pandemic put workers at risk. Hindrance stressors also abounded in other professions, such as in education, where teachers had to try to teach in far-from-ideal remote-learning circumstances.

The impact of the pandemic on workers is also clear through the lens of self-determination theory , a framework for understanding motivation developed by psychologists Richard Ryan, PhD, a professor at Australian Catholic University, and Edward Deci, PhD, a professor emeritus at the University of Rochester. Research into self-determination theory finds that three main psychological needs support optimal motivation: autonomy, competence, and relatedness ( Annual Reviews of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior , Vol. 4, 2017 ). The pandemic has been a disaster for all three, said Susan Fowler, a San Diego–based motivation consultant who uses self-determination theory as the basis for her work. Suddenly, many workers were being told they had no choice but to stay home, Fowler said. They were being asked to do things that made them feel bumbling and helpless, such as interacting solely via Zoom. And the necessity of social distancing meant they were often isolated from their colleagues.

At the same time, working from home reduced hindrance stressors—such as commutes—for some workers. Researchers, clinicians, and coaches alike are now tapping into basic research to show people how to connect with their own motivation and goals, especially when external circumstances challenge them.

“Motivation researchers are active in workplaces, classrooms, sports . . . pretty much anywhere people would be engaged,” Ryan said. “We want to find out, what are the internal factors that facilitate that engagement?”

Building optimal motivation

Research has turned up several good answers to that question. One of the most motivating experiences employees can have is making progress on a meaningful task, said Teresa Amabile, PhD, a social and organizational psychologist at Harvard Business School. Amabile and her colleagues asked more than 200 employees at seven companies in the tech, chemical, and consumer products industries to write daily diary entries describing events at work and rate their own feelings of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, creativity, and collegiality, among other measures. They also collected periodic ratings of the workers’ creativity from colleagues ( Administrative Science Quarterly , Vol. 50, No. 3, 2005 ).

“We could look at how the events that were occurring impacted their intrinsic motivation and their creativity,” Amabile said.

When people reported more intrinsic motivation, their creativity simultaneously rose, she said. So did other desirable states such as productivity, collegiality, and commitment to work. And what spurred intrinsic motivation? Amabile and her team found that the most powerful precursor was the feeling of making progress at meaningful work.

“Here’s what’s interesting: It doesn’t have to be a huge breakthrough,” Amabile said. “It can be small, almost trivial, steps forward.”

This finding fit with previous I/O psychology research. For example, job characteristics theory, developed in 1975 by Greg Oldham, PhD, an I/O psychologist now at Tulane University, and J. Richard Hackman, PhD, a social psychologist now at Harvard University, holds that meaningfulness is one of the three factors leading to motivation, along with responsibility and knowledge of results.

Anecdotal reports during the pandemic suggest that the winnowing effect of work-from-home policies actually boosted feelings of progress for many employees, Amabile said. With time freed from long commutes, random coworker interruptions, and morning makeup and hair-care routines, workers often felt they got more meaningful work done each day.

However, there are caveats to the benefits of meaningful work, said Britt. He and his colleagues surveyed U.S. working adults in multiple industries using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk website during the pandemic and found that mental health symptoms after hindrance stressors were more severe in those who felt a “calling” to their work ( Work & Stress , Vol. 35, No. 2, 2021 ). “Encountering these demands that you can’t control and that harm your performance is going to be particularly impactful for those who feel called to do the work and feel the work is highly important,” Britt said.

Furthermore, in a study of emergency department physicians, Britt and his colleagues found that a sense of meaning in work did not buffer doctors from mental health strain early in the pandemic ( Applied Psychology , online first publication, 2020 ). That was a surprise, Britt said, but it may indicate that when hindrance stressors become too overwhelming, a sense of purpose isn’t enough to rescue one’s sense of well-being at work.

Leading to motivate

One lesson from these findings is that workplaces need to make sure their employees have the basic resources they need to perform their job duties, Britt said. In times of crisis, workers also need extra time to rest and recover from stress. Listening to employee feedback and responding to their needs can help administrators and managers reduce hindrance stressors among their workers.

There are also strategies that workers themselves can use to boost their own motivation, Diefendorff said. These range from motivation-control strategies, such as setting subgoals and rewards for meeting them, to attention-control strategies to minimize disruptions and interruptions. Emotion-regulation strategies such as minimizing anxiety and worry can also be helpful for goal-setting, he said. But workers might also need to recognize when they’re too tapped out to use these strategies effectively. “You have to have self-compassion, which basically means cutting yourself some slack as a way to give yourself the time and space you need to try to recover your depleted resources,” Diefendorff said.

In general, Amabile said, managers can help by encouraging employees to see ways in which their work is meaningful and by providing clear goals and benchmarks for progress. Step back, micromanagers: The most motivationally beneficial leadership style is one that encourages employees to manage their own workflows and solve their own problems.

This style is called leader autonomy support, and it’s characterized by a manager who encourages their employees to self-initiate tasks, to share their own perspectives, and to make their own choices, while still stepping in to support them when needed.

A meta-analysis led by Ryan found that leader autonomy support fosters employees’ sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness within the workplace, which boosts autonomous work motivation. This self-derived motivation, in turn, is linked to feelings of well-being and engagement as well as declines in distress and improvements in positive behaviors at work ( Motivation and Emotion , Vol. 42, No. 5, 2018 ). The meta-analysis included studies from multiple countries, including Iran, the Philippines, Korea, Bulgaria, Holland, China, New Zealand, and South Africa. Ryan said that this beneficial effect of leader autonomy support seemed to hold in workplaces worldwide and that autonomy improved productivity, commitment, and satisfaction with work in both collectivist and individualistic societies.

“Regardless of culture, if you don’t have a sense of freedom and choice in your work activities, your well-being is undermined,” Ryan said.

Putting research in action

With the onset of the pandemic, motivational experts, like many other workers, moved online. Ryan and his colleagues at his consulting business, motivationWorks , found themselves coaching business leaders dealing with vastly different circumstances. Managers suddenly working with largely remote teams had to find ways to support their employees’ sense of competence to help them tackle the challenges that remote work created, Ryan said. Managers overseeing essential workers, on the other hand, faced a different set of issues.

“Especially in the health care industry, where we are doing extensive work, job stressors were manifold,” Ryan said. “Here, again, autonomy-supportive leaders were better able to hear and respond to the needs of their employees, which was crucial during this challenging period.”

Motivation research applies to a broad range of workplaces, far beyond the stereotypical white-collar office setting. Ryan and his colleagues found, for example, that autonomy, feelings of competence, and feelings of relatedness or connection within the workplace all positively influence job satisfaction and general mental health in a factory setting ( Journal of Applied Social Psychology , Vol. 23, No. 21, 1993 ). A case study led by Philip Cheng-Fei Tsai, PhD, of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages in Taiwan, that analyzed a Taiwanese manufacturing company undergoing a downsizing found that while managers thought factory workers were most motivated by the company’s salary and benefit structure and the opportunity for education and training, the factory workers were actually most driven by relationships with their colleagues and the extent to which their jobs allowed them to cultivate their relationships with their families ( Journal of World Business , Vol. 42, No. 2, 2007 ).

“In context where people can feel a sense of autonomy, where they can feel a sense of competence, and where they can feel connected and related to the people around them, that’s where they have the highest-quality motivation,” Ryan said.

Fowler saw a particularly emotional example of this in her work with a large construction firm during the pandemic. A supervisor she was working with noticed that one of his employees was frequently late and struggling at work. The supervisor made a stab at connection and asked the employee if he was homeschooling his kids, pointing out that remote learning was a struggle in his own home. The employee broke down. His wife was an emergency room nurse, he said. They had two kids in early elementary school and no family help. He was working around the clock to try to juggle it all.

The supervisor called together his team and explained the situation. Working together, the rest of the team shuffled their own schedules to make life easier for the struggling father. The result, the supervisor told Fowler, was that the entire staff felt like they were doing something good. Given choice and autonomy, they could support the family of a health care worker and feel a sense of connectedness rather than inconvenience.

“[The supervisor] said, ‘I learned that being empathetic and just having a casual conversation with someone may be one of the greatest gifts I can give my people as a leader,’” Fowler said.

Emotional connection can be powerful. In his work with business leaders, clinical and organizational psychologist and consultant George Kohlrieser, PhD, focuses on bonding. This can be a hard sell in some business cultures—he counts among his success stories a ­heavy-machinery dealership in South Carolina where he helped change the culture from one of aloof detachment to one where employees felt bonded to one another. Such connections foster employees’ sense of psychological safety, or the feeling that the workplace is a safe environment to take risks and be vulnerable.

With vaccination widely available in the United States, employers are increasingly calling workers back into offices. They’ll need to feel safe there—not only from new outbreaks of COVID-19 but also from the new uncertainties introduced by a year or more of remote work. Many industries are turning to hybrid solutions for employees who can work from home and who have realized that they don’t want to go back to cubicles and commutes, Ryan said.

“People have been able to experience firsthand that they can self-regulate their work efforts and also balance work demands with the things that matter most outside of work,” Ryan said. “Their horizons have been expanded, and I think we will see increasing demands for empowering work conditions.”

The key detail to making this work, Fowler said, is ensuring that every employee gets equal consideration, even if the ultimate workplace arrangement isn’t the same across the entire company. Some jobs require face time more than others, she said, but those employees should still have their needs considered and be offered as much autonomy as possible. Certain types of job training or mentoring, for example, might need to be done in person, but employees could still get opportunities to autonomously decide when or how they fulfill these responsibilities.

“Not everyone is going to get the same deal, but everyone should have the same consideration and conversation,” Fowler said.

Life span motivation

Not all workplace­relevant research starts out in studies of employees. Carol S. Dweck, PhD, a professor of psychology at Stanford University, did much of her early research on how the types of goals people have influence their levels of motivation in school. She found that when students were motivated by the desire to learn and become better at something, they bounced back from failure much more readily than when they were motivated by external carrots and sticks, such as the desire to get outside approval or avoid negative judgment ( Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , Vol. 54, No. 1, 1988 ). Out of this research, Dweck and her colleagues coined the well-known notion of a “growth mindset,” which views intelligence as malleable and failure as an opportunity to learn.

Expanding out of the educational system, Dweck and her colleagues have discovered that their growth mindset framework applies in workplaces. For example, they’ve found that the more that employees view their company leadership as cultivating a growth mindset—rather than a fixed mindset in which ability and intelligence are immutable—the greater trust and commitment they have in their organization ( Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings , 2018 ).

Researchers who study motivation in schools also provide perspective on how to teach motivation habits early, as well as how to avoid squelching kids’ intrinsic motivation before they even get their first job interview. These lessons may be particularly important as children return to the classroom after a year of disruptions and remote learning.

“There is pretty strong research that shows that the motivation in academic subjects during adolescence is an extremely strong predictor of people’s career trajectories later in life,” said Eric Anderman, PhD, a professor of educational psychology at The Ohio State University. Unfortunately, the traditional incentives of education don’t do much to kindle that motivation.

“As kids move up through the grades, the focus of school—the purpose of school—becomes more about getting grades and doing well and less about learning,” Anderman said.

Paralleling Dweck’s findings, Anderman and his colleagues have found that taking a mastery-based approach to education rather than a reward-based approach can improve motivation-related outcomes like task efficacy, knowledge, and behavioral intentions ( Journal of Educational Psychology , Vol. 112, No. 5, 2020 ). The hope is that instilling these habits early can immunize people against the motivation-killing norms they might face in the work world.

“In terms of preparing people for the real world, we do have to acknowledge that workplaces are competitive and there are going to be extrinsic outcomes,” Anderman said. “But it’s how we train people to cope with it. We don’t want to send them out of school with the message that they have to be number one at everything.” 

Further reading

Mindfulness and its association with varied types of motivation: A systematic review and meta-analysis using self-determination theory Donald, J. N., et al., Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin , 2020

Toward a new curriculum of leadership competencies: Advances in motivation science call for rethinking leadership development Fowler, S., Advances in Developing Human Resources , 2018

Student motivation and associated outcomes: A meta-analysis from self-determination theory Howard, J. L., et al., Perspectives on Psychological Science , 2021

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The Science of Improving Motivation at Work

motivation at work

The topic of employee motivation can be quite daunting for managers, leaders, and human resources professionals.

Organizations that provide their members with meaningful, engaging work not only contribute to the growth of their bottom line, but also create a sense of vitality and fulfillment that echoes across their organizational cultures and their employees’ personal lives.

“An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.”

In the context of work, an understanding of motivation can be applied to improve employee productivity and satisfaction; help set individual and organizational goals; put stress in perspective; and structure jobs so that they offer optimal levels of challenge, control, variety, and collaboration.

This article demystifies motivation in the workplace and presents recent findings in organizational behavior that have been found to contribute positively to practices of improving motivation and work life.

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This Article Contains:

Motivation in the workplace, motivation theories in organizational behavior, employee motivation strategies, motivation and job performance, leadership and motivation, motivation and good business, a take-home message.

Motivation in the workplace has been traditionally understood in terms of extrinsic rewards in the form of compensation, benefits, perks, awards, or career progression.

With today’s rapidly evolving knowledge economy, motivation requires more than a stick-and-carrot approach. Research shows that innovation and creativity, crucial to generating new ideas and greater productivity, are often stifled when extrinsic rewards are introduced.

Daniel Pink (2011) explains the tricky aspect of external rewards and argues that they are like drugs, where more frequent doses are needed more often. Rewards can often signal that an activity is undesirable.

Interesting and challenging activities are often rewarding in themselves. Rewards tend to focus and narrow attention and work well only if they enhance the ability to do something intrinsically valuable. Extrinsic motivation is best when used to motivate employees to perform routine and repetitive activities but can be detrimental for creative endeavors.

Anticipating rewards can also impair judgment and cause risk-seeking behavior because it activates dopamine. We don’t notice peripheral and long-term solutions when immediate rewards are offered. Studies have shown that people will often choose the low road when chasing after rewards because addictive behavior is short-term focused, and some may opt for a quick win.

Pink (2011) warns that greatness and nearsightedness are incompatible, and seven deadly flaws of rewards are soon to follow. He found that anticipating rewards often has undesirable consequences and tends to:

  • Extinguish intrinsic motivation
  • Decrease performance
  • Encourage cheating
  • Decrease creativity
  • Crowd out good behavior
  • Become addictive
  • Foster short-term thinking

Pink (2011) suggests that we should reward only routine tasks to boost motivation and provide rationale, acknowledge that some activities are boring, and allow people to complete the task their way. When we increase variety and mastery opportunities at work, we increase motivation.

Rewards should be given only after the task is completed, preferably as a surprise, varied in frequency, and alternated between tangible rewards and praise. Providing information and meaningful, specific feedback about the effort (not the person) has also been found to be more effective than material rewards for increasing motivation (Pink, 2011).

hawthorne effect

They have shaped the landscape of our understanding of organizational behavior and our approaches to employee motivation. We discuss a few of the most frequently applied theories of motivation in organizational behavior.

Herzberg’s two-factor theory

Frederick Herzberg’s (1959) two-factor theory of motivation, also known as dual-factor theory or motivation-hygiene theory, was a result of a study that analyzed responses of 200 accountants and engineers who were asked about their positive and negative feelings about their work. Herzberg (1959) concluded that two major factors influence employee motivation and satisfaction with their jobs:

  • Motivator factors, which can motivate employees to work harder and lead to on-the-job satisfaction, including experiences of greater engagement in and enjoyment of the work, feelings of recognition, and a sense of career progression
  • Hygiene factors, which can potentially lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of motivation if they are absent, such as adequate compensation, effective company policies, comprehensive benefits, or good relationships with managers and coworkers

Herzberg (1959) maintained that while motivator and hygiene factors both influence motivation, they appeared to work entirely independently of each other. He found that motivator factors increased employee satisfaction and motivation, but the absence of these factors didn’t necessarily cause dissatisfaction.

Likewise, the presence of hygiene factors didn’t appear to increase satisfaction and motivation, but their absence caused an increase in dissatisfaction. It is debatable whether his theory would hold true today outside of blue-collar industries, particularly among younger generations, who may be looking for meaningful work and growth.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory proposed that employees become motivated along a continuum of needs from basic physiological needs to higher level psychological needs for growth and self-actualization . The hierarchy was originally conceptualized into five levels:

  • Physiological needs that must be met for a person to survive, such as food, water, and shelter
  • Safety needs that include personal and financial security, health, and wellbeing
  • Belonging needs for friendships, relationships, and family
  • Esteem needs that include feelings of confidence in the self and respect from others
  • Self-actualization needs that define the desire to achieve everything we possibly can and realize our full potential

According to the hierarchy of needs, we must be in good health, safe, and secure with meaningful relationships and confidence before we can reach for the realization of our full potential.

For a full discussion of other theories of psychological needs and the importance of need satisfaction, see our article on How to Motivate .

Hawthorne effect

The Hawthorne effect, named after a series of social experiments on the influence of physical conditions on productivity at Western Electric’s factory in Hawthorne, Chicago, in the 1920s and 30s, was first described by Henry Landsberger in 1958 after he noticed some people tended to work harder and perform better when researchers were observing them.

Although the researchers changed many physical conditions throughout the experiments, including lighting, working hours, and breaks, increases in employee productivity were more significant in response to the attention being paid to them, rather than the physical changes themselves.

Today the Hawthorne effect is best understood as a justification for the value of providing employees with specific and meaningful feedback and recognition. It is contradicted by the existence of results-only workplace environments that allow complete autonomy and are focused on performance and deliverables rather than managing employees.

Expectancy theory

Expectancy theory proposes that we are motivated by our expectations of the outcomes as a result of our behavior and make a decision based on the likelihood of being rewarded for that behavior in a way that we perceive as valuable.

For example, an employee may be more likely to work harder if they have been promised a raise than if they only assumed they might get one.

Expectancy Theories

Expectancy theory posits that three elements affect our behavioral choices:

  • Expectancy is the belief that our effort will result in our desired goal and is based on our past experience and influenced by our self-confidence and anticipation of how difficult the goal is to achieve.
  • Instrumentality is the belief that we will receive a reward if we meet performance expectations.
  • Valence is the value we place on the reward.

Expectancy theory tells us that we are most motivated when we believe that we will receive the desired reward if we hit an achievable and valued target, and least motivated if we do not care for the reward or do not believe that our efforts will result in the reward.

Three-dimensional theory of attribution

Attribution theory explains how we attach meaning to our own and other people’s behavior and how the characteristics of these attributions can affect future motivation.

Bernard Weiner’s three-dimensional theory of attribution proposes that the nature of the specific attribution, such as bad luck or not working hard enough, is less important than the characteristics of that attribution as perceived and experienced by the individual. According to Weiner, there are three main characteristics of attributions that can influence how we behave in the future:

Stability is related to pervasiveness and permanence; an example of a stable factor is an employee believing that they failed to meet the expectation because of a lack of support or competence. An unstable factor might be not performing well due to illness or a temporary shortage of resources.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

Colin Powell

According to Weiner, stable attributions for successful achievements can be informed by previous positive experiences, such as completing the project on time, and can lead to positive expectations and higher motivation for success in the future. Adverse situations, such as repeated failures to meet the deadline, can lead to stable attributions characterized by a sense of futility and lower expectations in the future.

Locus of control describes a perspective about the event as caused by either an internal or an external factor. For example, if the employee believes it was their fault the project failed, because of an innate quality such as a lack of skills or ability to meet the challenge, they may be less motivated in the future.

If they believe an external factor was to blame, such as an unrealistic deadline or shortage of staff, they may not experience such a drop in motivation.

Controllability defines how controllable or avoidable the situation was. If an employee believes they could have performed better, they may be less motivated to try again in the future than someone who believes that factors outside of their control caused the circumstances surrounding the setback.

Basic Attribution Categories

Theory X and theory Y

Douglas McGregor proposed two theories to describe managerial views on employee motivation: theory X and theory Y. These views of employee motivation have drastically different implications for management.

He divided leaders into those who believe most employees avoid work and dislike responsibility (theory X managers) and those who say that most employees enjoy work and exert effort when they have control in the workplace (theory Y managers).

To motivate theory X employees, the company needs to push and control their staff through enforcing rules and implementing punishments.

Theory Y employees, on the other hand, are perceived as consciously choosing to be involved in their work. They are self-motivated and can exert self-management, and leaders’ responsibility is to create a supportive environment and develop opportunities for employees to take on responsibility and show creativity.

Theory X is heavily informed by what we know about intrinsic motivation and the role that the satisfaction of basic psychological needs plays in effective employee motivation.

Theory X & Y

Taking theory X and theory Y as a starting point, theory Z was developed by Dr. William Ouchi. The theory combines American and Japanese management philosophies and focuses on long-term job security, consensual decision making, slow evaluation and promotion procedures, and individual responsibility within a group context.

Its noble goals include increasing employee loyalty to the company by providing a job for life, focusing on the employee’s wellbeing, and encouraging group work and social interaction to motivate employees in the workplace.

Features of Theory Z

There are several implications of these numerous theories on ways to motivate employees. They vary with whatever perspectives leadership ascribes to motivation and how that is cascaded down and incorporated into practices, policies, and culture.

The effectiveness of these approaches is further determined by whether individual preferences for motivation are considered. Nevertheless, various motivational theories can guide our focus on aspects of organizational behavior that may require intervening.

Herzberg’s two-factor theory , for example, implies that for the happiest and most productive workforce, companies need to work on improving both motivator and hygiene factors.

The theory suggests that to help motivate employees, the organization must ensure that everyone feels appreciated and supported, is given plenty of specific and meaningful feedback, and has an understanding of and confidence in how they can grow and progress professionally.

To prevent job dissatisfaction, companies must make sure to address hygiene factors by offering employees the best possible working conditions, fair pay, and supportive relationships.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs , on the other hand, can be used to transform a business where managers struggle with the abstract concept of self-actualization and tend to focus too much on lower level needs. Chip Conley, the founder of the Joie de Vivre hotel chain and head of hospitality at Airbnb, found one way to address this dilemma by helping his employees understand the meaning of their roles during a staff retreat.

In one exercise, he asked groups of housekeepers to describe themselves and their job responsibilities by giving their group a name that reflects the nature and the purpose of what they were doing. They came up with names such as “The Serenity Sisters,” “The Clutter Busters,” and “The Peace of Mind Police.”

These designations provided a meaningful rationale and gave them a sense that they were doing more than just cleaning, instead “creating a space for a traveler who was far away from home to feel safe and protected” (Pattison, 2010). By showing them the value of their roles, Conley enabled his employees to feel respected and motivated to work harder.

The Hawthorne effect studies and Weiner’s three-dimensional theory of attribution have implications for providing and soliciting regular feedback and praise. Recognizing employees’ efforts and providing specific and constructive feedback in the areas where they can improve can help prevent them from attributing their failures to an innate lack of skills.

Praising employees for improvement or using the correct methodology, even if the ultimate results were not achieved, can encourage them to reframe setbacks as learning opportunities. This can foster an environment of psychological safety that can further contribute to the view that success is controllable by using different strategies and setting achievable goals .

Theories X, Y, and Z show that one of the most impactful ways to build a thriving organization is to craft organizational practices that build autonomy, competence, and belonging. These practices include providing decision-making discretion, sharing information broadly, minimizing incidents of incivility, and offering performance feedback.

Being told what to do is not an effective way to negotiate. Having a sense of autonomy at work fuels vitality and growth and creates environments where employees are more likely to thrive when empowered to make decisions that affect their work.

Feedback satisfies the psychological need for competence. When others value our work, we tend to appreciate it more and work harder. Particularly two-way, open, frequent, and guided feedback creates opportunities for learning.

Frequent and specific feedback helps people know where they stand in terms of their skills, competencies, and performance, and builds feelings of competence and thriving. Immediate, specific, and public praise focusing on effort and behavior and not traits is most effective. Positive feedback energizes employees to seek their full potential.

Lack of appreciation is psychologically exhausting, and studies show that recognition improves health because people experience less stress. In addition to being acknowledged by their manager, peer-to-peer recognition was shown to have a positive impact on the employee experience (Anderson, 2018). Rewarding the team around the person who did well and giving more responsibility to top performers rather than time off also had a positive impact.

Stop trying to motivate your employees – Kerry Goyette

Other approaches to motivation at work include those that focus on meaning and those that stress the importance of creating positive work environments.

Meaningful work is increasingly considered to be a cornerstone of motivation. In some cases, burnout is not caused by too much work, but by too little meaning. For many years, researchers have recognized the motivating potential of task significance and doing work that affects the wellbeing of others.

All too often, employees do work that makes a difference but never have the chance to see or to meet the people affected. Research by Adam Grant (2013) speaks to the power of long-term goals that benefit others and shows how the use of meaning to motivate those who are not likely to climb the ladder can make the job meaningful by broadening perspectives.

Creating an upbeat, positive work environment can also play an essential role in increasing employee motivation and can be accomplished through the following:

  • Encouraging teamwork and sharing ideas
  • Providing tools and knowledge to perform well
  • Eliminating conflict as it arises
  • Giving employees the freedom to work independently when appropriate
  • Helping employees establish professional goals and objectives and aligning these goals with the individual’s self-esteem
  • Making the cause and effect relationship clear by establishing a goal and its reward
  • Offering encouragement when workers hit notable milestones
  • Celebrating employee achievements and team accomplishments while avoiding comparing one worker’s achievements to those of others
  • Offering the incentive of a profit-sharing program and collective goal setting and teamwork
  • Soliciting employee input through regular surveys of employee satisfaction
  • Providing professional enrichment through providing tuition reimbursement and encouraging employees to pursue additional education and participate in industry organizations, skills workshops, and seminars
  • Motivating through curiosity and creating an environment that stimulates employee interest to learn more
  • Using cooperation and competition as a form of motivation based on individual preferences

Sometimes, inexperienced leaders will assume that the same factors that motivate one employee, or the leaders themselves, will motivate others too. Some will make the mistake of introducing de-motivating factors into the workplace, such as punishment for mistakes or frequent criticism, but negative reinforcement rarely works and often backfires.

motivation essay for job

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There are several positive psychology interventions that can be used in the workplace to improve important outcomes, such as reduced job stress and increased motivation, work engagement, and job performance. Numerous empirical studies have been conducted in recent years to verify the effects of these interventions.

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Psychological capital interventions

Psychological capital interventions are associated with a variety of work outcomes that include improved job performance, engagement, and organizational citizenship behaviors (Avey, 2014; Luthans & Youssef-Morgan 2017). Psychological capital refers to a psychological state that is malleable and open to development and consists of four major components:

  • Self-efficacy and confidence in our ability to succeed at challenging work tasks
  • Optimism and positive attributions about the future of our career or company
  • Hope and redirecting paths to work goals in the face of obstacles
  • Resilience in the workplace and bouncing back from adverse situations (Luthans & Youssef-Morgan, 2017)

Job crafting interventions

Job crafting interventions – where employees design and have control over the characteristics of their work to create an optimal fit between work demands and their personal strengths – can lead to improved performance and greater work engagement (Bakker, Tims, & Derks, 2012; van Wingerden, Bakker, & Derks, 2016).

The concept of job crafting is rooted in the jobs demands–resources theory and suggests that employee motivation, engagement, and performance can be influenced by practices such as (Bakker et al., 2012):

  • Attempts to alter social job resources, such as feedback and coaching
  • Structural job resources, such as opportunities to develop at work
  • Challenging job demands, such as reducing workload and creating new projects

Job crafting is a self-initiated, proactive process by which employees change elements of their jobs to optimize the fit between their job demands and personal needs, abilities, and strengths (Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001).

leadership and motivation

Today’s motivation research shows that participation is likely to lead to several positive behaviors as long as managers encourage greater engagement, motivation, and productivity while recognizing the importance of rest and work recovery.

One key factor for increasing work engagement is psychological safety (Kahn, 1990). Psychological safety allows an employee or team member to engage in interpersonal risk taking and refers to being able to bring our authentic self to work without fear of negative consequences to self-image, status, or career (Edmondson, 1999).

When employees perceive psychological safety, they are less likely to be distracted by negative emotions such as fear, which stems from worrying about controlling perceptions of managers and colleagues.

Dealing with fear also requires intense emotional regulation (Barsade, Brief, & Spataro, 2003), which takes away from the ability to fully immerse ourselves in our work tasks. The presence of psychological safety in the workplace decreases such distractions and allows employees to expend their energy toward being absorbed and attentive to work tasks.

Effective structural features, such as coaching leadership and context support, are some ways managers can initiate psychological safety in the workplace (Hackman, 1987). Leaders’ behavior can significantly influence how employees behave and lead to greater trust (Tyler & Lind, 1992).

Supportive, coaching-oriented, and non-defensive responses to employee concerns and questions can lead to heightened feelings of safety and ensure the presence of vital psychological capital.

Another essential factor for increasing work engagement and motivation is the balance between employees’ job demands and resources.

Job demands can stem from time pressures, physical demands, high priority, and shift work and are not necessarily detrimental. High job demands and high resources can both increase engagement, but it is important that employees perceive that they are in balance, with sufficient resources to deal with their work demands (Crawford, LePine, & Rich, 2010).

Challenging demands can be very motivating, energizing employees to achieve their goals and stimulating their personal growth. Still, they also require that employees be more attentive and absorbed and direct more energy toward their work (Bakker & Demerouti, 2014).

Unfortunately, when employees perceive that they do not have enough control to tackle these challenging demands, the same high demands will be experienced as very depleting (Karasek, 1979).

This sense of perceived control can be increased with sufficient resources like managerial and peer support and, like the effects of psychological safety, can ensure that employees are not hindered by distraction that can limit their attention, absorption, and energy.

The job demands–resources occupational stress model suggests that job demands that force employees to be attentive and absorbed can be depleting if not coupled with adequate resources, and shows how sufficient resources allow employees to sustain a positive level of engagement that does not eventually lead to discouragement or burnout (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner, & Schaufeli, 2001).

And last but not least, another set of factors that are critical for increasing work engagement involves core self-evaluations and self-concept (Judge & Bono, 2001). Efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, identity, and perceived social impact may be critical drivers of an individual’s psychological availability, as evident in the attention, absorption, and energy directed toward their work.

Self-esteem and efficacy are enhanced by increasing employees’ general confidence in their abilities, which in turn assists in making them feel secure about themselves and, therefore, more motivated and engaged in their work (Crawford et al., 2010).

Social impact, in particular, has become increasingly important in the growing tendency for employees to seek out meaningful work. One such example is the MBA Oath created by 25 graduating Harvard business students pledging to lead professional careers marked with integrity and ethics:

The MBA oath

“As a business leader, I recognize my role in society.

My purpose is to lead people and manage resources to create value that no single individual can create alone.

My decisions affect the well-being of individuals inside and outside my enterprise, today and tomorrow. Therefore, I promise that:

  • I will manage my enterprise with loyalty and care, and will not advance my personal interests at the expense of my enterprise or society.
  • I will understand and uphold, in letter and spirit, the laws and contracts governing my conduct and that of my enterprise.
  • I will refrain from corruption, unfair competition, or business practices harmful to society.
  • I will protect the human rights and dignity of all people affected by my enterprise, and I will oppose discrimination and exploitation.
  • I will protect the right of future generations to advance their standard of living and enjoy a healthy planet.
  • I will report the performance and risks of my enterprise accurately and honestly.
  • I will invest in developing myself and others, helping the management profession continue to advance and create sustainable and inclusive prosperity.

In exercising my professional duties according to these principles, I recognize that my behavior must set an example of integrity, eliciting trust, and esteem from those I serve. I will remain accountable to my peers and to society for my actions and for upholding these standards. This oath, I make freely, and upon my honor.”

Job crafting is the process of personalizing work to better align with one’s strengths, values, and interests (Tims & Bakker, 2010).

Any job, at any level can be ‘crafted,’ and a well-crafted job offers more autonomy, deeper engagement and improved overall wellbeing.

There are three types of job crafting:

  • Task crafting involves adding or removing tasks, spending more or less time on certain tasks, or redesigning tasks so that they better align with your core strengths (Berg et al., 2013).
  • Relational crafting includes building, reframing, and adapting relationships to foster meaningfulness (Berg et al., 2013).
  • Cognitive crafting defines how we think about our jobs, including how we perceive tasks and the meaning behind them.

If you would like to guide others through their own unique job crafting journey, our set of Job Crafting Manuals (PDF) offer a ready-made 7-session coaching trajectory.

motivation essay for job

Prosocial motivation is an important driver behind many individual and collective accomplishments at work.

It is a strong predictor of persistence, performance, and productivity when accompanied by intrinsic motivation. Prosocial motivation was also indicative of more affiliative citizenship behaviors when it was accompanied by motivation toward impression management motivation and was a stronger predictor of job performance when managers were perceived as trustworthy (Ciulla, 2000).

On a day-to-day basis most jobs can’t fill the tall order of making the world better, but particular incidents at work have meaning because you make a valuable contribution or you are able to genuinely help someone in need.

J. B. Ciulla

Prosocial motivation was shown to enhance the creativity of intrinsically motivated employees, the performance of employees with high core self-evaluations, and the performance evaluations of proactive employees. The psychological mechanisms that enable this are the importance placed on task significance, encouraging perspective taking, and fostering social emotions of anticipated guilt and gratitude (Ciulla, 2000).

Some argue that organizations whose products and services contribute to positive human growth are examples of what constitutes good business (CsĂ­kszentmihĂĄlyi, 2004). Businesses with a soul are those enterprises where employees experience deep engagement and develop greater complexity.

In these unique environments, employees are provided opportunities to do what they do best. In return, their organizations reap the benefits of higher productivity and lower turnover, as well as greater profit, customer satisfaction, and workplace safety. Most importantly, however, the level of engagement, involvement, or degree to which employees are positively stretched contributes to the experience of wellbeing at work (CsĂ­kszentmihĂĄlyi, 2004).

motivation essay for job

17 Tools To Increase Motivation and Goal Achievement

These 17 Motivation & Goal Achievement Exercises [PDF] contain all you need to help others set meaningful goals, increase self-drive, and experience greater accomplishment and life satisfaction.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

Daniel Pink (2011) argues that when it comes to motivation, management is the problem, not the solution, as it represents antiquated notions of what motivates people. He claims that even the most sophisticated forms of empowering employees and providing flexibility are no more than civilized forms of control.

He gives an example of companies that fall under the umbrella of what is known as results-only work environments (ROWEs), which allow all their employees to work whenever and wherever they want as long their work gets done.

Valuing results rather than face time can change the cultural definition of a successful worker by challenging the notion that long hours and constant availability signal commitment (Kelly, Moen, & Tranby, 2011).

Studies show that ROWEs can increase employees’ control over their work schedule; improve work–life fit; positively affect employees’ sleep duration, energy levels, self-reported health, and exercise; and decrease tobacco and alcohol use (Moen, Kelly, & Lam, 2013; Moen, Kelly, Tranby, & Huang, 2011).

Perhaps this type of solution sounds overly ambitious, and many traditional working environments are not ready for such drastic changes. Nevertheless, it is hard to ignore the quickly amassing evidence that work environments that offer autonomy, opportunities for growth, and pursuit of meaning are good for our health, our souls, and our society.

Leave us your thoughts on this topic.

Related reading: Motivation in Education: What It Takes to Motivate Our Kids

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Goal Achievement Exercises for free .

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  • Bakker, A. B., Tims, M., & Derks, D. (2012). Proactive personality and job performance: The role of job crafting and work engagement.  Human Relations ,  65 (10), 1359–1378
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  • CsĂ­kszentmihĂĄlyi, M. (2004). Good business: Leadership, flow, and the making of meaning. Penguin Books.
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  • Edmondson, A. (1999). Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams.  Administrative Science Quarterly ,  44 (2), 350–383.
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What our readers think.

Laloni Everitt

Good and helpful study thank you. It will help achieving goals for my clients. Thank you for this information

Olivera novitović, PhD

A lot of data is really given. Validation is correct. The next step is the exchange of knowledge in order to create an optimal model of motivation.


A good article, thank you for sharing. The views and work by the likes of Daniel Pink, Dan Ariely, Barry Schwartz etc have really got me questioning and reflecting on my own views on workplace motivation. There are far too many organisations and leaders who continue to rely on hedonic principles for motivation (until recently, myself included!!). An excellent book which shares these modern views is ‘Primed to Perform’ by Doshi and McGregor (2015). Based on the earlier work of Deci and Ryan’s self determination theory the book explores the principle of ‘why people work, determines how well they work’. A easy to read and enjoyable book that offers a very practical way of applying in the workplace.

Annelé Venter

Thanks for mentioning that. Sounds like a good read.

All the best, Annelé

Ida H Rivera

Motivation – a piece of art every manager should obtain and remember by heart and continue to embrace.

Sanjay Patil

Exceptionally good write-up on the subject applicable for personal and professional betterment. Simplified theorem appeals to think and learn at least one thing that means an inspiration to the reader. I appreciate your efforts through this contributive work.

Nelson Guevara

Excelente artĂ­culo sobre motivaciĂłn. Me inspira. Gracias


Very helpful for everyone studying motivation right now! It’s brilliant the way it’s witten and also brought to the reader. Thank you.

Robyn Walshe

Such a brilliant piece! A super coverage of existing theories clearly written. It serves as an excellent overview (or reminder for those of us who once knew the older stuff by heart!) Thank you!

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Employee motivation: it really does matter.

Forbes Coaches Council

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If you’ve ever been stuck in a job with no direction or motivation and have felt extremely discouraged, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, there are many employees who find themselves caught in the same situation. Managers and supervisors are often not taught how to motivate their employees. Regrettably, several management personnel are only advised on the performance-improvement-plan form of management. But often, the carrot produces better results than the stick.

Consider the bosses you’ve had in your career. Who were the good ones, and who were the bad ones, and — most importantly—what was the difference? After some contemplation, you’ll begin to see why the good ones were able to motivate you and make you passionate about coming into work.

Although it’s difficult in the corporate world to find employee satisfaction that is meaningful and lasting, as management, it’s your job to see to it your employees feel appreciated, which in turn will result in better teamwork, better attitudes and an eagerness to contribute.

Gregg Lederman, in his book CRAVE: You Can Enhance Employee Motivation in 10 Minutes by Friday , explains, “Strategic employee recognition is a management discipline that goes way beyond 'being the right thing to do.' Recognition should not be viewed only as a feel-good, altruistic endeavor. No, it’s a management discipline that should garner significant ROI.”

What makes Susan feel rewarded and valued won’t be the same as what motivates Kari or Chad. People are individuals, and being recognized in a way that is meaningful to them shows you care enough about them as individuals to acknowledge them as such. In my years of working with people in leadership positions, I always emphasize the importance of knowing enough about your employees to understand what they value individually as a reward. My advice is: If you don’t know, just ask. Most people are more than happy to relate what makes them feel appreciated.

If you are a supervisor or manager of a group of employees, it’s very important to understand that they aren’t robots. They require a human touch and frequent motivation. As a leader, it is your job to provide that. If you don’t, you’re going to find yourself constantly trying to fill the same positions over and over as unmotivated people get discouraged and quit.

In their book The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People , Gary Chapman and Paul White offer , “When leaders actively pursue teaching their team members how to communicate authentic appreciation in the ways desired by the recipients, the whole work culture improves. Interestingly, even managers and supervisors report they enjoy their work more! All of us thrive in an atmosphere of appreciation.”

My clients are often surprised how far a little bit of encouragement propels their employees and organization. In my experience, ignoring or discounting the importance of employee motivation often leads to disengagement.

In the HBR article "4 Reasons Good Employees Lose Their Motivation" (registration required), authors Richard E. Clark and Bror Saxberg offer this advice: “Carefully assessing the nature of the motivational failure — before  taking action — is crucial. Applying the wrong strategy (say, urging an employee to work harder, when the reason is that they’re convinced they can’t do it) can actually backfire, causing motivation to falter further.”

They explain that these reasons fit into four categories: values mismatch, lack of self-efficacy, disruptive emotions and attribution errors.

Basically, the first one, values mismatch, means the employee isn’t connected with the value of the task and therefore is disinclined to perform the task. With the second “trap” (as they refer to it), the lack of self-efficacy points to the feeling that the employee is afraid they aren’t capable of performing the task, and so they are fearful of appearing incompetent.

I’ve seen that when employees are overwhelmed with negative emotions, such as frustration or anger, they feel overcome by disruptive emotions, and it interrupts their ability to be motivated enough to perform a task. When the managers I’ve worked with take the responsibility to recognize these signs and remove hindrances that are holding their employees back from their true potential, things change for the better.

It’s important to understand that the work your employees are doing needs to make a difference in some way and for you to help them see it, too. Otherwise, your employees will grow restless and feel automated. It’s up to you to inject some passion and help them to see how valuable they are to the organization. Let your employees know on a frequent basis that they are welcome any time to come to you for feedback and sincere communication, and you will reap the benefits of a motivated workforce.

Janine Schindler, MCC

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Unique Motivation Statement For UN Job: 05+ Sample

Motivation Statement For Un Job

A motivation statement is a short essay describing why you are interested in a particular job or company and why you are the best candidate for the position. In a well-written motivation statement, you can explain your reasons for wanting to work for an organization and how your skills and experience fit the job. A strong motivation statement can also help you stand out from other candidates by providing a more personal look at who you are and what you can bring to the table. If you are applying for a job with the United Nations, your motivation statement is your chance to show that you have the passion and qualifications that the UN is looking for.

When writing your motivation statement, be sure to address the key selection criteria listed in the job posting. In addition, be sure to highlight any relevant experience or coursework that makes you especially qualified for the role. Finally, make sure to proofread your essay carefully before submitting it – spelling and grammar errors can give a bad first impression. With a well-written motivation statement, you can increase your chances of landing an interview and ultimately getting the job.

How To Write a Motivation Statement For Un Job?

A motivation statement is a key element of any successful job application. It is your opportunity to sell yourself to the employer and demonstrate why you are the best candidate for the role. In order to write an effective motivation statement, you need to understand what the employer is looking for and identify your own strengths and skills.

In addition, you need to be able to articulate your motivation for wanting the role. The following tips will help you write a strong motivation statement that will improve your chances of being offered the job.

First, it is important to research the organization and the specific role you are applying for. This will help you understand the employer’s needs and how you can meet them. Second, you need to identify your own strengths and skills that align with the role. Be sure to focus on qualities that will make you an asset to the organization.

Finally, it is important to explain your motivation for wanting the role. Why are you interested in the organization and what do you hope to achieve? By articulating your motivation, you will show that you are committed to making a positive contribution to the organization.

By following these tips, you can write a strong motivation statement that will improve your chances of being offered the job.

Related: How To Write a Cover Letter (And Get Hired in 2022!)

Motivation letter for un Job Example

Motivation Statement For Un Job

Dear Manager,

I am writing because I would like to apply for the job of International Organization Coordinator at the United Nations. This is a position that I am very interested in and I believe that I have the qualifications and experience that make me an ideal candidate.

Some of the reasons why I believe that I would be successful in this role include my previous experience working in an international organization, my education in international relations, and my language skills. I am confident that I can effectively coordinate the activities of an international organization and that I would be a valuable asset to the United Nations.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Motivation letter for un Job Sample

I am writing because I would like to apply for the job that you have posted. Based on what I have read in the job description, I believe that I am a good fit for the position.

Some of my relevant qualifications include:

  • Also, I have a degree in XYZ from a top university
  • I have experience in ABC
  • I am a hard worker with a go-getter attitude
  • So, I have excellent communication skills

In addition to my qualifications, I also have a strong interest in the company and its mission. Based on what I know, I believe that working for the company would be a great opportunity for me to learn and grow.

Thank you for your time and consideration. So, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Motivation letter for un Job Example

I am writing in regards to the open position for a job that I saw on your website. I believe that I am the perfect candidate for this job and I would like to explain why in this motivation letter.

First of all, I have the necessary qualifications for the job. I have a degree in the field and I have worked in a similar position before. I am confident that I have the skills and the knowledge to do this job well.

Secondly, I am very motivated to get this job. I am eager to use my skills and qualifications in a new environment and I believe that I can be a valuable asset to your team.

Thirdly, I am a hard worker. I am willing to put in the extra effort to make sure that the job is done well. I am also a team player and I am confident that I can work well with others.

Fourthly, I have a positive attitude. I am confident that I can overcome any challenges that I may face in this job. I am also optimistic that I can make a positive contribution to your company.

Finally, I would like to thank you for considering me for this job. So, I am confident that I have the skills and the qualifications that you are looking for. So, I am also confident that I have the motivation and the attitude to succeed in this job.

Also, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Motivation Statement For Un Job Template

I am interested in the position of _______ with the United Nations. This organization’s work is very important to me, and I firmly believe that I have the skills and experience needed to be a valuable asset to the team.

In my previous role as _______ , I gained a great deal of experience in _______ . And I am confident that I can use this experience to contribute to the United Nations’ efforts in _______ .

I am a highly motivated individual who is always looking for ways to improve my skills and knowledge. And I am confident that I can be a valuable asset to the United Nations, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your team’s efforts.

Thank you for your consideration.

Related: Best Motivational Letter For Graduate Program:7 Sample

Motivation Statement For Un Job With No Experience

So, I am writing to apply for the job of ___________ with the United Nations. Also, I am very excited about this opportunity as it would allow me to use my skills and experience in an international setting.

So, I have _____ years of experience working in ____________ and ___________. In my current position, I am responsible for ___________. I have also ___________. These experiences have given me the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in this role.

So, I am a motivated and hardworking individual who is committed to making a positive impact in the world. And I believe that I can contribute to the United Nations’ efforts to ___________ and ___________. So, I am eager to use my skills and experience to make a difference in the world.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Related: Creative Motivational Letter for Learnership [7 Samples]

5 Things To Include In Motivation Statement For Un Job

A motivation statement is your personal statement about why you want to study a particular subject, or why you want to take up a certain role. It should be clear, concise and persuasive, and it should explain what drives and inspires you. If you’re applying for a job with the United Nations, here are five things to include in your motivation statement:

  • Your passion for international development and your commitment to making a difference in the world.
  • Your desire to learn about other cultures and to work with people from all over the world.
  • Your skills and qualifications, including any relevant experience you have.
  • Your knowledge of the UN’s goals and mandate, and how you can contribute to their achievement.
  • Your willingness to accept new challenges and adapt to changing situations. By including these elements in your motivation statement, you will give yourself the best possible chance of being offered a job with the UN.

Related: What is Cover Letter? Complete Guide To Get any Job.

I hope you found this blog helpful in your job search. The job market can be tough, but by using the tips provided here and tailoring them to your unique situation, you will give yourself a better chance of standing out from the crowd. Stay motivated, stay positive, and keep putting yourself out there. Good luck!

Motivation Statement For Un Job Template

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Jessica William

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Job Satisfaction and Motivation, Essay Example

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Job satisfaction implies to contentment that is attributed to interaction of the positive and the negative feelings inherent in an employee toward the work that his or her performs. Job satisfaction entails more of a journey than a destination because is is applicable to the employee and the employer alike. There lacks a definitive way of evaluating job satisfaction and ensuring that it exists (Armstrong, 2005).

Job satisfaction among the involves the process through which all requirements as well as demands of workers are efficiently addressed by team leaders, managers, as well as any other responsible person in the business. Job satisfaction may results from competently addressing the employees’ needs as well as wants in the workplace. People are different as a result of cultural along with personally differences, this therefore require greater examination in order to address all employees needs effectively. From time to time employee demands and wants keep on changing due to the dynamics and technological advancements in the society. This has consequently made employees to have changes in their needs at theworkplace which need to be looked properly in order to ensure satisfaction.

Job satisfaction factors

Employees in any organization have constantly admired to be treated properly in harmony with their needs as well as want in order to experience satisfaction and honor. Most of the organizations are implementing any potential strategies to identify how they can install satisfaction among their employees. Failure to satisfy employees is a significant factor in low productivity as they may find no reason to perform effectively.

The overall satisfaction with regard to his or her job is determined by several factors that work in combination. The most important of these factors involve financial compensation. Others include working conditions, opportunity for advancement, the level workload and stress, respect from the co-workers, relationship with the supervisors and financial rewards.

Opportunities of training and development in the workplace are also a key factor in determining if the employees will be satisfied or not in their workplace. It is therefore the responsibility of the management to create room for employees to advance their skills as well as knowledge. This is efficiently achievable through setting up training centers within the organization and also paying seminar fees for them. It is critical to pay bills associated with the employees medical expenses in case of injury while at work in the organization and also create a secure working environment by putting in place sound security measures.

Importance of Job Satisfaction at the workplace

Job satisfaction has important implications on the working environment of employees this consequently affects the level of performance and output of the employee. The level of performance depends on the happiness in employees that comes from job satisfaction.

Employees are the most valued assets in a company. Thus the management must consider sufficient investment in their human capital to facilitate for the creation of a positive environment in the workplace, empowerment of employees by means of trusted relationships and provision of secondary benefits which ideally prop up the work life, interests as well as the general well being of the employee.

Employee Motivation

Maslow’s theory of motivation and the 5 stage levels

Maslow’s theory gives a detailed discussion of the understanding of relative creation of individual realization in individuals turning out to be further refined particularly when to making an explicit understanding in as far as they are concerned (Armstrong, 2005). Maslow has divided the elements of employment satisfaction into five (5) stage levels. The stage levels comprise of self-actualization, the esteem, love or belonging, the safety as well as the physiological appreciation of what purposely makes up human beings to have a better feeling associated with their self worth.

Why Maslow’s theory is the most effective in the organization?

These theories compel the strike a balance on their policies and growth and development among the employees in their business enterprises. It could be implicit that these theories are particularly intended to make an unambiguous indication on the best possible approach of treating employees in the work place and consequently motivate them so that they can effectively respond accordingly to the requirements that the organization management anticipates that they give attention to (Armstrong, 2005). The ability to strike such a balance is an important precursor in the growth of employees which would occur especially in relation to the connection that the organization management have towards their employees hence creating a more unified organization that is geared up towards progress.

Motivation is a phenomenon that is translated in a varied manner among different individuals. Every person is unique in terms of their individual needs, attitudes, wants, beliefs as well as expectations. There is no solitary motivational method that works for every employee. A supervisor therefore should not think that factors that motivate him personally are the same as the ones that motivate junior employees. In turn, things that motivate one employee are not the same as those for another employee. In addition, the level of motivation between individuals is differs depending on the situation.

Examples on how companies use this theory to motivate employees

The theories postulated by Maslow are applicable in many business organizations because the self-actualization as well as self-esteem mentioned in these theories has a significantly critical impact on how an individual develops to become a better person. In an attempt to motivate employees, Maslow theories enforce the creation of balance on company policies which serve an important role in advancing the growth and development among the company employees for the mutual benefit of the employer and the employee.

It is imperative for managers to become skilled at the determinants of motivation in a business. Employees who are not motivated are likely to conduct their work with little or no effort, which results to low output. In worst scenarios, unmotivated employees have been known to exit the company. This in turn will not make the organization achieve its goals and objectives. In work places that have constant changing environments, motivated employees help organizations to endure and survive through hardships

Motivation is a very important aspect in the management of human resources. The continuance of an organization relies on the motivation of its employees. The senior management in the organization need to appreciate and recognize the importance of motivating employees. Many managers do not realize the effect that motivation can have on their businesses

Organization management plays a crucial role in enhancing firm performance. It is the duty of the management to enforce policies as well as structures that concern employees’ behaviour along with attitudes.

Armstrong, M, A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice , 9 th Ed. Kogan Page, London, 2005.

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