Quotient Calculator – Fast & Accurate Division Tool

This tool helps you quickly calculate the result of dividing one number by another.

How to Use the Quotient Calculator

This calculator allows you to compute the quotient of two numbers, the integer result of the division and the remainder left after the division.

Simply enter the dividend (the number to be divided) and the divisor (the number by which you want to divide) in their respective fields and press the Calculate button. The results will appear in the table below.

DividendThe number to be divided.
DivisorThe number by which you want to divide the dividend.
QuotientThe result of the division.
Integer ResultThe integer part of the quotient.
RemainderThe left over part after dividing the dividend by the divisor.


There are a few limitations to be aware of:

  • The calculator will display an error if non-numeric values are entered.
  • Division by zero is not permitted and will result in an alert to the user.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate division in mathematics homework.

You’re sitting down to tackle your math homework, and you need to divide fractions or whole numbers. A quotient calculator simplifies this process, allowing you to input the numbers directly to get the answer quickly without getting bogged down in complex calculations.

This tool not only provides you the answer but also helps you understand the division concept better, ensuring that you are ready for your exams without confusion or errors.

Budgeting and Financial Planning

Utilizing a quotient calculator can be a game-changer when dividing your budget among different expenses. It helps you allocate resources efficiently by taking a total sum and allowing you to determine how much can be designated for each category.

This easy division means no more manual calculations or potential errors—just clear, straightforward results that help you manage your finances better.

Cooking Measurements

When you’re in the kitchen and need to adjust a recipe, you may find yourself needing to divide ingredient quantities. A quotient calculator lets you input the total amount and how many servings you want to create, instantly providing the amount needed per serving.

This ensures that your culinary endeavors turn out perfectly, without the guesswork of performing manual calculations that can lead to over- or under-seasoning your dishes.

Time Management for Projects

If you’re working on a group project and need to divvy up tasks equally among teammates, a quotient calculator makes this straightforward. Just enter the total hours required for the project and the number of group members to find out how much time each person should dedicate.

This tool helps you stay organized and on track, ensuring everyone pulls their weight and that deadlines are met efficiently.

Sports Statistics and Analysis

As a coach or a sports enthusiast, you may want to analyze players’ performance through statistics like points scored per game. Using a quotient calculator, you can easily divide total points by the number of games played to get average performances.

This insightful analysis not only enhances your understanding of the game but also allows you to strategize effectively based on the data collected.

Travel Budget Estimation

Planning a trip involves numerous calculations, especially when budgeting for activities, hotels, and meals. A quotient calculator can help you determine how much to set aside per day by dividing the total trip budget by the number of days you plan to travel.

This proactive planning helps avoid overspending and ensures that you enjoy your travel experience without financial worries hanging over your head.

Educational Grade Calculation

If you’re a student wanting to understand your progress, knowing your average grade can be crucial. A quotient calculator helps you determine your average by dividing the total points you’ve accumulated by the number of assignments completed.

This gives you a clear picture of where you stand academically, informing your study strategies and prioritizing areas needing improvement.

Comparison Shopping

When you’re on the lookout for deals, especially in bulk purchases, a quotient calculator can assist you in finding which product gives you the best value. By dividing the total price by the quantity, you get a cost-per-item figure that allows for quick comparisons.

This savvy shopping tactic ensures that you make informed decisions, ultimately saving you money and time on your purchases.

Real Estate Investment Analysis

As a potential real estate investor, understanding rental yield is critical. A quotient calculator can help you determine the rental yield percentage by dividing the annual income from a property by its cost, giving you a clear insight into the investment’s profitability.

This information empowers you to make smarter investment decisions, ensuring that your money works effectively for you.

Workout Regimen Optimization

If you’re focused on improving your fitness regimen, tracking your progress is essential. By using a quotient calculator to divide your total workout time by the number of sessions, you can easily figure out your average workout duration.

This knowledge helps you adjust your routines to maximize efficiency and maintain motivation as you see improvements over time.

Other Resources and Tools

  • Dividing Powers Calculator – Simple & Accurate Tool
  • Division Calculator – Simple & Accurate Tool
  • With Remainder Calculator – Quick and Accurate Results
  • Remainder Calculator – Quick & Easy Math Tool
  • Aleks Calculator – Accurate Math Solutions

Quotient Calculator

Division in math: dividend, divisor, quotient, quotient and remainder, using the quotient calculator.

Welcome to Omni's quotient calculator , where we'll focus on division problems. We start with terminology: define the dividend, divisor, quotient, and remainder . Once we know all the bits and pieces connected with division in math, we move on to examples, e.g., 4 divided by 3 , 12 divided by 4 , or 25 divided by 2 . Our tool specializes as an integer division calculator, although it also returns the answer for decimals.

🔎 Quotient, ratio, fraction, proportion... Do you know the differences between these terms? If not, make sure to check out our ratio calculator and fraction calculator !

Division in math is the inverse operation to multiplication. To be precise, if we have some calculations of the form:

a × b = c ,

then division should take the above product and return one of the factors :

c / a = b .

However, division in math uses different terminology than that of multiplication. Instead of factors and product, we have the dividend, divisor, and quotient:

dividend / divisor = quotient .

Recall that multiplication (just like addition) is commutative . In other words, the a and b can exchange places in the first formula from this section , and the result will stay the same .

🔎 What if... the operator changes place instead of the operands (dividend and divisor)? Learn what happens with our Polish notation converter !

On the other hand, division (just like subtraction) is not commutative . Therefore, the dividend in math is always the first of the numbers, while the second is the divisor (that's also why they have different names). For instance, c / a is something different from a / c .

Now that we've come to know the dividend, divisor, and quotient, we move on to the operation itself and the two result variants given by Omni's calculator to find the quotient. In essence, it all boils down to whether we tolerate fractions or not.

Division problems ask how many copies of something we can have if we distribute a number equally . For instance, say that you bought a large pizza with 8 slices for a family of 4 . To calculate how many slices each person gets, we use division:

8 / 4 = 2 .

But what if there were 3 people instead? Obviously, everyone could still have two slices, but that would leave two in the box . Now, the question is whether we want to keep them for later or cut them into smaller pieces . And that's where the quotient and remainder come in handy.

As said in the above section , the result of division is called the quotient . However, not all numbers are divisible by one another (like 4 divided by 3 or 25 divided by 2 ). In such cases, we can distribute as much as possible until we leave the last few, the non-divisible parts: that's the remainder.

In the pizza example above, an 8 -slice pizza given to 3 people gives 2 slices each with a remainder of 2 . Other examples would be, say, 4 divided by 3 , giving 1 with a remainder 1 , or 25 divided by 2 , giving 12 with a remainder 1 . Symbolically, we write the result of such division in math by separating the quotient and remainder by a capital R (see below).

8 / 3 = 2 R 2

4 / 3 = 1 R 1

25 / 2 = 12 R 1

We can also use this notation when the dividend in math problems is smaller than the divisor:

2 / 3 = 0 R 2

17 / 20 = 0 R 17

Or when the numbers are divisible by one another, like 12 divided by 4 :

  • 12 / 4 = 3 R 0

However, we need to be careful with remainders when dealing with negative numbers. As a rule, we define the remainder in mathematics as a positive number smaller than the absolute value of the divisor. Nevertheless, some applications (especially computer sciences) allow negative remainders. To satisfy both parties, Omni's integer division calculator presents both possibilities , and so if you use the calculator to find the quotient of, say, -4 divided by 3 or 25 divided by -2 , you'll get two results:

(-4) / 3 = -1 R (-1) = -2 R 2

25 / (-2) = -13 R (-1)= -12 R 1

Lastly, let's mention that we sometimes want to tackle division problems without mentioning the remainder . If we recall the example with an 8 -slice pizza for 3 people, this would mean cutting the 2 remaining slices into smaller pieces to finish it. Mathematically speaking, this translates to a fractional quotient .

8 / 3 = 2⅔ ≈ 2.666 .

In essence, everyone gets two full pizza slices and another two-thirds of a slice. No remainders here. If needed, make sure to check our fraction to decimal converter .

As you can see, you can use our calculator to find the quotient, whichever form you need . Quite a tool, wouldn't you say? So let's finish off with some clear instructions on how to operate it.

At the top of our tool, you can see the division formula with the names of its consecutive parts, which we use in the quotient calculator below. For instance, if you'd like to see what is 15 divided by 6 , you need to:

  • Input 15 into the " Dividend " variable field.
  • Input 6 into the " Divisor " variable field.
  • Read off the result from underneath in whatever form you need.
  • Enjoy the result and tell all your friends about it.

As stated in point 3 and in the above section , remember that the quotient calculator gives the answer in different forms: a fractional one (a mixed number or a decimal) or a quotient and remainder. Also, for general integers (i.e., negative numbers), you can expect two variants of the remainder , while for decimals, the quotient calculator simply returns the division result without any additional output (there are no remainders in this case).

Whichever form you choose, we hope our tool gives you what you need . Remember that the quotient calculator is only one of so many other arithmetic tools we have on offer.

🙋 Want to learn how to handle complex mathematical problems that involve more than one arithmetic operation? Check our distributive property calculator .

How do I do division?

To divide two numbers , say, a by b , you need to:

Take the first digit of a .

Divide that number by b .

Write the quotient from step 2 as the first digit of the result.

Write the remainder from step 2 underneath.

Write the next digit of a to the right of the number from step 4.

Repeat steps 1-5 for subsequent digits of a .

The quotient consists of the digits from step 3.

The remainder is what you got left after running out of digits of a .

How do I find the quotient?

To find the quotient of two numbers , say, a and b you need to:

Repeat steps 1-5 for subsequent digits of a

Is quotient division?

Yes. The result of dividing two numbers (the dividend by the divisor) is called the quotient.

How do I estimate quotients?

To estimate the quotient of two numbers , say, a and b , you need to:

Put the decimal dot after the result you got so far.

Repeat steps 1-5, but with zeros in step 5.

Stop once you reach a satisfactory estimation.

Is the quotient of two integers always a rational number?

Yes. By definition, a rational number is one that we can represent as one integer divided by another, which is precisely what the question mentioned.

How do I find the quotient and remainder without actual division?

To find the quotient and remainder of two numbers without actual division , say, of a and b , you need to:

  • Subtract b from a .
  • Subtract b from what you got in step 1.
  • Repeat until you can no longer subtract b .
  • The quotient is how many times you subtracted b .
  • The remainder is what you got left after step 3.
  • Enjoy the quotient and remainder of your two numbers.

assignment find the quotient

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Worksheet on Division

In worksheet on division, all grade students can practice the questions to divide the numbers and find out the quotient and remainder. This exercise sheet on division can be practiced by the students to get more ideas to learn to divide and verify the results.

1. Divide and verify the result:

(i) 27 ÷ 9 (ii) 72 ÷ 9 (iii) 45 ÷ 5 (iv) 54 ÷ 6

2. Find the quotient: 

(i) 9 ÷ 9 (ii) 9 ÷ 3 (iii) 24 ÷ 6 (iv) 56 ÷ 7

3. Find the quotient and remainder if any:

(i) 53 ÷ 7 (ii) 27 ÷ 6 (iii) 78 ÷ 9 (iv) 51 ÷ 3 (v) 86 ÷ 4 (vi) 93 ÷ 8 (vii) 88 ÷ 5 (viii) 95 ÷ 9

4. Find the quotient (Q) and the remainder (R) for each of the given. First one is shown as an example for you:

Remainder and Quotient

(ii) 65 ÷ 9

(iii) 78 ÷ 7

(iv) 54 ÷ 12

(vi) 70 ÷ 8

(vii) 68 ÷ 7

(viii) 56 ÷ 6

(ix) 80 ÷ 9

5. Divide the given numbers. Find the quotient (Q) and the remainder (R).

(i) 127 ÷ 3

(ii) 235 ÷ 7

(iii) 374 ÷ 6

(iv) 924 ÷ 8

(v) 267 ÷ 9

(vi) 903 ÷ 4

(vii) 3291 ÷ 6

(viii) 6687 ÷ 4

(ix) 1049 ÷ 3

6. Work out the division sums and verify the solutions:

(i) 483 ÷ 7

(ii) 485 ÷ 7 (iii) 237 ÷ 8 (iv) 666 ÷ 6 (v) 732 ÷ 8 (vi) 560 ÷ 5 (vii) 429 ÷ 3 (viii) 942 ÷ 3 (ix) 492 ÷ 3 (x) 647 ÷ 6

(xi) 764 ÷ 6 (xii) 467 ÷ 6 (xiii) 765 ÷ 8 (xiv) 567 ÷ 8 (xv) 576 ÷ 8 (xvi) 163 ÷ 4 (xvii) 185 ÷ 5 (xviii) 196 ÷ 6 (xix) 234 ÷ 7 (xx) 345 ÷8 (xxi) 371 ÷ 9

7. Find the quotient and remainder if any. Verify the result: 

(i) 2151 ÷ 2

(ii) 4050 ÷ 3 (iii) 4152 ÷ 4 (iv) 4198 ÷ 5 (v) 4210 ÷ 6 (vi) 2034 ÷ 7 (vii) 6927 ÷ 8 (viii) 8503 ÷ 9 (ix) 2069 ÷ 5 (x) 3798 ÷ 7 (xi) 1234 ÷ 6 (xii) 5115 ÷ 3 (xiii) 2037 ÷ 4 (xiv) 6592 ÷ 8 (xv) 2987 ÷ 9

8. Fill in the gaps given below to make the statement true.

(i) 12 ÷ 2 = ……………….

(ii) 16 ÷ ………………. = 4

(iii) 35 ÷ 7 = ……………….

(iv) 24 ÷ 3 = ……………….

(v) 32 ÷ 4 = ……………….

(vi) 81 ÷ ………………. = 9

(vii) 27 ÷ ………………. = 3

(viii) 42 ÷ ………………. = 6

(ix) ………………. ÷ 10 = 13

9. Write the division statements for the given multiplication statements. First one is done for you.

Division Statements

If students have any queries regarding the questions given in the worksheet on division please fill-up the comment box below so that we can help you.

However, suggestions for further improvement, from all quarters would be greatly appreciated. 

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Quotient Calculator

[fstyle] Quotient Calculator Dividend * Divisor * Quotient Remainder If you are human, leave this field blank. Calculate [/fstyle]

Welcome, mathletes and number crunchers! Allow me to introduce you to the star of the show, the Quotient calculation formula. This nifty little formula is your ticket to dividing like a pro. No more fumbling with fractions or getting dizzy with decimals. Just pop in your numbers, and voila! Quotient magic. Ready? Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents

Quotient Calculation Formula

The Quotient calculation formula is quite straightforward: Quotient = Dividend ÷ Divisor . It’s just the result you get when you divide one number by another. Simple, but oh-so-powerful!

Types of Quotient Calculations

Category Range Interpretation
Type 1 0-10 Low Quotient
Type 2 11-20 Moderate Quotient
Type 3 21-30 High Quotient
Type 4 31+ Very High Quotient

Quotient Calculation Examples

Individual Dividend Divisor Quotient Calculation
John Doe 100 5 20 100 ÷ 5 = 20

Quotient Calculation Methods

Method Accuracy Advantages Disadvantages
Manual Division High Accurate, no tools needed Time-consuming

Evolution of Quotient Calculation

Year Development
1000 BC Ancient Egyptians used a method similar to division

Limitations of Quotient Calculation

  • Accuracy: It relies on the accuracy of the input numbers
  • Range: It is not applicable to division by zero

Alternative Methods

Method Pros Cons
Multiplication Faster for small numbers Less accurate for large numbers

FAQs on Quotient Calculation

  • What is a quotient? A quotient is the result of a division operation.
  • How is a quotient calculated? A quotient is calculated by dividing the dividend by the divisor.
  • Can a quotient be a negative number? Yes, if either the dividend or the divisor (but not both) is a negative number, the quotient will also be negative.
  • What happens when the divisor is zero? Division by zero is undefined. You cannot calculate a quotient with a divisor of zero.
  • Can a quotient be a decimal? Yes, a quotient can be a decimal when the dividend is not evenly divisible by the divisor.
  • What is a remainder in quotient calculations? A remainder is the amount left over after division that cannot be evenly distributed.
  • What is the difference between a quotient and a ratio? A quotient is the result of a division operation, while a ratio is a comparison of two numbers by division.
  • How is the quotient used in daily life? Quotients are used in a variety of ways in daily life, including calculating averages, determining rates, and dividing resources or items.
  • What is a reciprocal in relation to a quotient? The reciprocal of a number is 1 divided by that number. The reciprocal of a quotient can be found by swapping the dividend and divisor.
  • Can a quotient be an irrational number? Yes, a quotient can be an irrational number if the division of the dividend by the divisor results in a non-repeating and non-terminating decimal.
  • Math.gov : A government site providing basic math concepts including quotient calculations.
  • EduMath.edu : An educational site offering in-depth information on various math topics including quotient calculations.
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Python Program to find the Quotient and Remainder of two numbers

Given two numbers n and m. The task is to find the quotient and remainder of two numbers by dividing n by m.

Method 1: Naive approach

The naive approach is to find the quotient using the double division (//) operator and remainder using the modulus (%) operator.


Time Complexity: O(1)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Method 2: Using divmod() method

Divmod() method takes two numbers as parameters and returns the tuple containing both quotient and remainder.

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Long Division With Partial Quotients #1

Mental math meets long division in this partial quotients worksheet! Children will learn step-by-step instructions for dividing with partial quotients, then will use this method to find the quotient of three problems. Learners will then practice checking their work using inverse operations. Designed for fourth and fifth graders, this worksheet offers a useful, accurate model for solving long division problems. For additional practice, try  Long Division With Partial Quotients #2 and  Long Division With Partial Quotients #3 .

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In Maths, the quotient is the number which is generated when we perform division operations on two numbers. Basically, it is the result of the division method. There are four main terminologies used in the arithmetic division such as divisor, dividend, quotient and remainder. Each term will be explained here in this article with meaning and examples.  Also, learn how to divide numbers here

Table of Contents:

Quotient Meaning

Parts of division problem.

  • Representation
  • Finding Quotient of a Number

Practice Questions

How to get quotient.


In the division method, a number is divided by another number to get a different number as an output. Here, the number/integer which is getting divided is known as a dividend and the integer which divides a given number is the divisor. The divisor which does not divide a number entirely gives a number, which is said to be the remainder. The division symbol is denoted by ‘÷’ or ‘/’. So, we can represent the division method as;

Dividend = Quotient × Divisor + Remainder

If the remainder is equal to 0, then;

Dividend = Quotient × Divisor
Quotient = Dividend ÷ Divisor

We can represent the division operation in the form of;

When a dividend is divided by a divisor, we get the result. So, basically, the division is the inverse process of multiplication, such that when we multiply the quotient and divisor, we will get the dividend. Thus we can also define divisor, dividend and remainder here.

  • Dividend: The number which is required to be divided
  • Divisor: The number which divides the given dividend
  • Remainder: The number which is left after the division method. When a number is completely divided then the remainder is zero, but when a number is partially divided, the remainder is not equal to zero.

Quotient Representation

The quotient has extensive use throughout Maths and is usually referred to as a fraction or a ratio. Let us see it’s representation to understand it better.

Quotient representation

In the above representation, we can see the numerator is the dividend and the denominator is the divisor. When the numerator is divided by the denominator, the result is the quotient. Now let us see the representation in terms of the long division method in the below figure .

Quotient meaning

How to Determine the Quotient of a Number?

While working with division problems, first we have to determine which is the dividend and divisor. To get the quotient of a number, the dividend is divided by the divisor. It means that the problem should be in the form:

Dividend (obelus sign) Divisor (equal to sign) = Quotient 

(i.e.) Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient

If a dividend is perfectly divided by divisor, we don’t get the remainder (Remainder should be zero). If the dividend is not perfectly divided by the divisor, we get a remainder.

For example, 12 ÷ 2 = 6

In this case, the dividend 12 is perfectly divided by 2. So we get the quotient value as 6 and remainder 0.

Now, let us consider the other example, 15 ÷ 2. In this case, 15 is not exactly divisible by 2, hence we get the quotient value as 7 and remainder 1.

Quotient Examples

Q.1: Divide 24 by 4.

Solution: 24 ÷ 4 = 6

Hence, 6 is the answer.

Q.2: Find the quotient for 105÷5.

Solution: 105÷5 = 21

Hence, 21 is the quotient

Q.3: Divide 60.5÷5.

Solution: 60.5÷5 = 60.5/5 = 12.1

Hence, 12.1 is the answer.

Q.4: Solve 108/12.

Solution: 108/12 = 9

Hence, the quotient is 9.

Q.5: Write the quotient and remainder for the following:

114÷12 9 6
32/6 5 2
125/9 13 8
  • Divide 177 by 3.
  • Divide 800/4.
  • Find the value of 45/12.

Frequently Asked Questions on Quotient

What is meant by quotient.

In Maths, a quotient is a resultant number when one number is divided by the other number. In other words, a dividend is divided by a divisor, we get the result quotient.

What are the different parts of the division problem?

The different parts of the division problem are: Dividend Divisor Quotient Remainder

Is quotient should be the answer to the division problem?

Yes, the quotient should be the solution to any division problem. If a number 5 is divided by 5, we get the quotient 1, which is the answer to the division problem.

What is the quotient of 17 divided by 3?

If 17 is divided by 3, we get the quotient 5 and remainder 2. (i.e) 17(Dividend) ÷ 3 (Divisor) = 5 (Quotient) + 2 (Remainder).

What is the quotient formula?

The quotient formula is given as follows: Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient (if the remainder is zero) The general formula for any division problem is given by: Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient + Remainder.

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Grade 6 - The Number System

Standard 6.NS.A.1 - Find the solution to an inequality by estimating the quotients of mixed numbers.

Included Skills:

Interpret and compute quotients of fractions, and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. For example, create a story context for (2/3) ÷ (3/4) and use a visual fraction model to show the quotient; use the relationship between multiplication and division to explain that (2/3) ÷ (3/4) = 8/9 because 3/4 of 8/9 is 2/3. (In general, (a/b) ÷ (c/d) = ad/bc.) How much chocolate will each person get if 3 people share 1/2 lb of chocolate equally? How many 3/4-cup servings are in 2/3 of a cup of yogurt? How wide is a rectangular strip of land with length 3/4 mi and area 1/2 square mi?.

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Program to Compute Quotient and Remainder

In this program, the user is asked to enter two integers (dividend and divisor). They are stored in variables dividend and divisor respectively.

Then the quotient is evaluated using / (the division operator), and stored in quotient .

Similarly, the remainder is evaluated using % (the modulo operator) and stored in remainder .

Finally, the quotient and remainder are displayed using printf() .

Learn more about how operators work in C programming .

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Question 1 :

Find the quotient and remainder of the following.

(i) (4x 3 + 6x 2 – 23x +18)  ÷  ( x + 3)

assignment find the quotient

Quotient  =  4x 2 - 6x - 5

Remainder  = 33

(ii) (8y 3 – 16y 2 + 16y –15)  ÷   (2y – 1)

assignment find the quotient

Quotient  =  4y 2  - 6y + 5

Remainder  = -10

(iii) (8x 3  – 1)  ÷   (2x – 1)

assignment find the quotient

Quotient  =  4x 2  - 2x - 1

Remainder  = -2

(iv) (-18z + 14z 2 + 24z 3 + 18)  ÷   (3z + 4)

  =  (-18z + 14z 2  + 24z 3  + 18)  ÷   (3z + 4)

Arrange the given polynomial according to the power.

 =  ( 24z 3  + 14z 2   -18z  + 18)  ÷   (3z + 4)

assignment find the quotient

Quotient  =  8z 2  - 6z + 2

Remainder  = 10

Question 2 :

The area of a rectangle is x 2 + 7x + 12. If its breadth is (x + 3), then find its length

Area of rectangle  =  length x breadth

x 2 + 7x + 12  =  length (x + 3)

Length  =  ( x 2  + 7x + 12) / (x + 3)

assignment find the quotient

Hence x + 4 is the breadth of the rectangle.

Question 3 :

The base of a parallelogram is (5x + 4). Find its height, if the area is 25x 2  – 16.

Area of parallelogram  =  base x height

base  =  5x + 4

Area  =  25x 2 - 16

 25x 2  - 16  =  (5x + 4 )  ⋅  height

Height   =   (25x 2  - 16) / (5x + 4)

assignment find the quotient

Hence height of the given parallelogram is 5x - 4.

Question 4 :

The sum of (x + 5) observations is (x 3  + 125). Find the mean of the observations.

Sum of (x + 5) observation  =  x 3  + 125

Total number of observation  =  x + 5

Mean observation  =  (x 3  + 125)/(x + 5)

assignment find the quotient

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Divided by

Quotients explained

What is a quotient, what are the different forms of a quotient, how can i find the quotient.


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Division is one of the four main operations in mathematics. It's used frequently in various walks of life, from cutting up a cake to creating a financial budget. It goes hand in hand with multiplication, which is the opposite operation of division, as it involves increasing one number by the other instead of reducing them.

Although division is taught to children from a young age, not everyone finds division problems simple. There may be some terms in relation to division that you are unfamiliar with or you might struggle to know the best method to calculate the answer in a complex equation.

It's helpful to understand the various components and terminology of mathematical operations so that you can understand how you reached the final answer. This can make it easier to spot any mistakes that you may have made and could help you to learn different methods of calculating the answer to equations.

Division can seem complex, so we've compiled this guide that breaks down the basic components of these mathematical operations, including the terminology that describes the formula, such as a quotient definition. We'll also explain two different methods that you can use to find a quotient from a division equation.

The quotient is the term used to describe the final answer when you divide one number by another. It can be an integer (full number) if the numbers can be divided equally or a decimal number if they cannot. For example, the quotient of the equation 8 ÷ 2 is 4, while the quotient of the equation 7 ÷ 2 = 4.5 or 3 r 1 (where 'r' refers to the remainder). It's important to remember that the quotient and divisor will always be smaller than the dividend.

You can use the formula Dividend = Divisor x Quotient to check if you have calculated the right quotient. In some instances, you may have a number left over, so you will need to use the equation Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder instead.

The table below features the terms related to division that you will encounter in these types of equations. The values in the final column are in reference to the quotient example from the equation 7 ÷ 2.

The total number of objects, pieces etc7
The amount that the total number of groups will be equally split into2
The number of objects or pieces in each group (the final answer)3
The leftover number that does not cleanly fit into any of the groups1

Continue reading to find out the different methods that you can use to calculate the dividend, along with the various forms that the quotient may take.

The quotient can either be an integer or a decimal number, depending on the dividend and divisor. When the dividend is completely divisible by the divisor, the subsequent quotient will be a full number. However, when the dividend is not completely divisible by the divisor, it will leave a remainder, which can be written as a decimal. Alternatively, the remaining amount can be added to the full quotient number after the letter 'r'.

For example,

15 ÷ 3 = 5, which is a full number

However, 15 ÷ 2 = 7.5 or 7 r 1

In the above example, the quotient is 7, and the remainder is 1. This is because 2 fits into 15 seven times, but there is one remaining number that doesn't completely fit. Although both the decimal number and the quotient with the remainder are the correct answer, you may decide to calculate the quotient in one form over the other. This could be because the project you are working on requires the answer in decimal points or vice versa. You will also find that most calculators will automatically give the quotient as a decimal number.

The quotient is the resulting answer after one number has been divided by another. Below is a breakdown of the various methods that you can use to calculate the answers.

assignment find the quotient


You can calculate the quotient without directly using division. To do this, you need to repeatedly subtract the same number from the dividend until you cannot subtract the number anymore without making a minus number. For example, you may be trying to calculate what 32 ÷ 8 equals. To find the quotient using subtraction, you need to subtract from 32 in groups of 8 until you cannot subtract 8 anymore. This would look like the following:

32 - 8 = 24

24 - 8 = 16

In the above example, 8 was subtracted from 24 on four different occasions, which means that 32 ÷ 8 = 4. In the same way, to calculate what 32 divided by 4 is, you would need to subtract 4 from 32 until you aren't left with anything. You would end up subtracting 4 from 32 on eight different occasions, which means that 32 ÷ 4 = 8.

This process will take longer if you are subtracting smaller amounts from the dividend as you will likely have to subtract more groups. This does mean that it's easier and quicker to calculate the quotient if the divisor is a larger number.

The method of repeated subtraction is largely used by people who aren't as confident with division. It is easy to work out on paper or through the use of physical objects. For example, a child could try to calculate 12 ÷ 3 by taking 12 toys and splitting them into groups by separating three toys from the original group at a time.

Long division

While repeated subtraction can be easily used to divide small numbers, the long division method is a better option when dividing larger numbers. The process of long division takes five steps:

  • Repeat/ Remainder

These five steps form the foundation for the following process using a 'division house' or 'bus stop' as it is sometimes called:

1. First, you need to see if the divisor is equal to or lower than the first digit of the dividend. If the divisor isn't equal or lower, you will need to combine the first and second digits of the dividend together.

2. You should then divide the dividend by the divisor and write the first digit of the quotient at the top of the division house

3. After you have subtracted the result from the digit, you should write the difference below the original number

4. Next, bring the next digit of the dividend down

5. Repeat the same process until you have your final answer

If all else fails, you can always rely on your trusty calculator to give you the quotient of a division equation. All you need to do is type in the first number, the divide symbol and the number that you are trying to divide the first number by. You can also use online calculators if you don't have a portable calculator or your mobile phone with you.

What is the difference between a quotient and a product?

The quotient is the answer when one number is divided by another. A product, on the other hand, is the answer when one number is multiplied by another. Quotients are always smaller than the dividend and divisor. Products are always larger than the numbers that have been multiplied together.

How can I check whether the quotient is correct?

The opposite operation from division is multiplication, so it is to be expected that you must perform a multiplication equation to check the quotient. You can use the formula (Divisor × Quotient) + Remainder, which should equal the dividend if the quotient is the correct answer to the division problem.

In the example equation of 25 ÷ 5, the answer is 5. To confirm that the quotient is correct, you can multiply 5 x 5, which will give you the answer 25, which was the dividend in the original equation.

A quotient is the term used to describe the answer after one number (the dividend) has been divided by another (the divisor). In perfect divisions, the quotient will be an integer, which is a full number. This is because the dividend can be completely separated into the divisor. However, you may be left with a decimal or a remainder if the dividend cannot be fully separated into the divisor.

There are two main ways to calculate the quotient in an equation: through long division or repeated subtraction. Long division is usually the preferred method when dividing large numbers, whereas repeated subtraction is a simpler method that can quickly divide small numbers.

You can check whether the quotient is correct by multiplying it by the divisor and adding on any remainders. The product of this equation should be the same as the dividend in the original division equation.

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assignment find the quotient

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Week 6 : Programming Assignment 1

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Week 6 : Programming Assignment 2

Public Test CasesInputExpected OutputActual OutputStatus

Week 6 : Programming Assignment 3

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  • a parameterized constructor to initialize the private fields
  • the getter/setter methods for each field

Week 7 : Programming Assignment 2

  • a parameterized constructor to initialize the private field
  • public void deposit(...) // to deposit money
  • public void withdraw(...) // to withdraw money, should print "Insufficient funds!" if not enough money to withdraw
  • public double getBalance() // to return the current balance

Week 7 : Programming Assignment 3

  • a parameterized constructor to initialize the Circle class
  • @Override the area function to compute the area of a circle ( Use Math.PI  for value of pi, not 22/7)
  • @Override the displayInfo() function to print exactly in the format provided by the test cases.

Week 7 : Programming Assignment 4

  • Create a class "Circle" that implements the "Shape" interface and provides its own implementation for calculateArea().
  • Create another class "Rectangle" that implements the "Shape" interface and provides its own implementation for calculateArea().
  • @Override the area function to compute the area of a rectangle

Week 7 : Programming Assignment 5

  • Create a class "FlyingFish" that implements both interfaces and provides its own implementation for fly() and swim()
  • It should have a private variable name, use a constructor to set the value and the functions fly() and swim() to print exactly as given in the test case.
Private Test cases used for EvaluationStatus
Test Case 1

Week 8 : Programming Assignment 1

  • name (String)
  • sound (String)
  • public void makeSound()  - This method should display the name of the animal and the sound it makes.

Week 8 : Programming Assignment 2

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x^{\msquare} \log_{\msquare} \sqrt{\square} \nthroot[\msquare]{\square} \le \ge \frac{\msquare}{\msquare} \cdot \div x^{\circ} \pi
\left(\square\right)^{'} \frac{d}{dx} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \int \int_{\msquare}^{\msquare} \lim \sum \infty \theta (f\:\circ\:g) f(x)
▭\:\longdivision{▭} \times \twostack{▭}{▭} + \twostack{▭}{▭} - \twostack{▭}{▭} \left( \right) \times \square\frac{\square}{\square}
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  • First Derivative
  • Product Rule
  • Quotient Rule
  • Sum/Diff Rule
  • Second Derivative
  • Third Derivative
  • Higher Order Derivatives
  • Derivative at a point
  • Partial Derivative
  • Implicit Derivative
  • Second Implicit Derivative
  • Derivative using Definition
  • Slope of Tangent
  • Curved Line Slope
  • Extreme Points
  • Tangent to Conic
  • Linear Approximation
  • Difference Quotient
  • Horizontal Tangent
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x^{\msquare} \log_{\msquare} \sqrt{\square} \nthroot[\msquare]{\square} \le \ge \frac{\msquare}{\msquare} \cdot \div x^{\circ} \pi
\left(\square\right)^{'} \frac{d}{dx} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \int \int_{\msquare}^{\msquare} \lim \sum \infty \theta (f\:\circ\:g) f(x)
- \twostack{▭}{▭} \lt 7 8 9 \div AC
+ \twostack{▭}{▭} \gt 4 5 6 \times \square\frac{\square}{\square}
\times \twostack{▭}{▭} \left( 1 2 3 - x
▭\:\longdivision{▭} \right) . 0 = + y

Number Line

  • difference\:quotient\:x+4
  • difference\:quotient\:g(y)=2y^{2}-3y+1
  • difference\:quotient\:h=\frac{w-3}{2-w}
  • difference\:quotient\:w=h^{2}-3h+4


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