Experiment: Gay-Lussac’s Law

What is gay-lussac’s law.

Gay-Lussac’s Law states that, at constant volume, the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature. This relationship is expressed as ( P ∝ T ), where (P) is pressure, and (T) is temperature.

1Use a sealed container with a fixed volume of gas.
2Measure the initial pressure P of the gas.
3Change the temperature T of the gas while
keeping the volume constant.
4Measure the final pressure P of the gas.
5Observe the relationship between the initial and
final pressures at different temperatures.

Experiment: Gay-Lussac’s Law Unveiled

In this section, we will explore the groundbreaking experiment conducted by Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, a pioneering chemist of the 19th century. His work led to the formulation of Gay-Lussac’s Law, which explains how gases behave when temperature and pressure change. Let’s dive in!

The Pioneering Chemist: Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac

Before we delve into the experiment itself, let’s take a moment to learn about the scientist behind this fundamental gas law. Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac was born in France in 1778 and made significant contributions to the field of chemistry. His work on gases and volumetric analysis laid the foundation for several key principles in modern chemistry.

Setting the Stage: Experimental Setup

The experimental procedure: step by step.

Follow along as we detail the step-by-step procedure of Gay-Lussac’s groundbreaking experiment. From initial measurements to data collection and analysis, each step was crucial in revealing the patterns governing gas behavior.

Observations and Data Analysis

With the experiment complete, Gay-Lussac meticulously recorded his observations and data. In this section, we will examine the results of his experiment and how they formed the basis for his revolutionary gas law.

Formulation of Gay-Lussac’s Law

With data in hand, Gay-Lussac formulated his law that governs the behavior of gases. We will explore the mathematical representation of the law and understand the principles that underpin it.

The Gas Law Equation: Understanding the Variables

To grasp the essence of Gay-Lussac’s Law fully, we need to understand the significance of each variable in the gas law equation. This subsection will break down the equation, explaining the roles of temperature, pressure, and volume in determining gas behavior.

Applications in the Real World

The combined gas law: extending the principles, deviations from ideal behavior.

While Gay-Lussac’s Law and the Combined Gas Law offer valuable insights, real gases do not always behave ideally. This section will shed light on the deviations from ideal behavior and the factors that contribute to them.

Gay-Lussac’s Law and the Kinetic Molecular Theory

Exploring other gas laws, frequently asked questions (faqs), q: what is gay-lussac’s law, q: what is the significance of gay-lussac’s law.

Gay-Lussac’s Law provides valuable insights into the behavior of gases when exposed to changes in temperature, allowing us to predict their responses in various situations.

Q: How is Gay-Lussac’s Law applied in the real world?

Q: what is the difference between ideal and real gas behavior, q: can gay-lussac’s law be derived from the kinetic molecular theory, q: are there any other important gas laws apart from gay-lussac’s law, conclusion: unraveling the secrets of gas behavior.

The law’s applications in diverse fields make it an indispensable tool for scientists and engineers alike. By connecting it to the Kinetic Molecular Theory. We can gain a more profound insight into the molecular underpinnings of gas behaviour. Additionally, as we continue to explore the world of science. Let us cherish the legacy of these groundbreaking discoveries that shape our understanding of the natural world.

What is Pressure Law ?

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Gay-Lussac's Law Temperature-Pressure Relationship in Gases and the Determination of Absolute Zero

By Chuck Roser, Retired Chemistry Instructor North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

Next Generation Science Standards

Students will investigate the relationship between temperature and pressure of a closed container.

• Students will determine the relationship between pressure and temperature and relate temperature to kinetic energy and motion of particles.

• Students will establish a proportional relationship between temperature and pressure.

This experiment’s objectives are to (a) observe the relationship between the pressure and temperature of a constant number of moles of gas in a constant volume container, and (b) to experimentally determine an estimated value for absolute zero.


When a gas is heated, its molecules’ average speed and kinetic energy are increased. If the container has a constant volume, the molecules will strike its sides with greater frequency. This creates greater force on the container’s walls per unit area, increasing pressure in the container. It is one of the bases for the warning against heating an aerosol spray can.

A graph may be plotted to show how the pressure of a fixed mass of gas varies as the temperature is changed. The temperature at which the pressure of an ideal gas would, in theory, reach zero can be determined by extrapolating the pressure vs. temperature graph to zero pressure. This temperature is referred to as absolute zero and is the zero point for the Kelvin temperature scale. An extrapolation to zero pressure is necessary because real gases condense to liquids and solidify before reaching absolute zero. The relationship between the pressure of an ideal gas and its Kelvin temperature is expressed in Gay-Lussac’s law:

In this experiment, the pressure within the Absolute Zero Demonstrator apparatus is measured at several different temperatures. A graph of pressure vs. temperature is then prepared to establish the relationship between pressure and temperature and to estimate a value for absolute zero. The apparatus consists of a copper bulb having a fixed volume (copper expands and contracts only slightly with temperature), a pressure gauge, and a fixed mass of gas. Gas pressure is measured with the pressure gauge. Before a measurement is taken, the apparatus is allowed to equilibrate to ensure that the gas and bulb are at the same temperature.

  • 2 2-L Beakers (for boiling-water baths)
  • 2 Stirring Hot Plates (with large magnetic stir bars)
  • 2 Celsius Thermometers (alcohol thermometers are preferable)
  • 2 Ring Stands (with large 3-prong clamps and clamp holders to hold the Absolute Zero Demonstrator)
  • 2 Small 3-Prong Clamps and Clamp Holders (to hold the thermometers)
  • 4 2-L Beakers (for the 50/50 boiling water/room temperature water bath; the room temperature water bath; the ice water bath; and the dry ice-ethanol, or acetone, bath)
  • Absolute Zero Demonstrator
  • 1 Pair Insulated Thermal Gloves (for handling the water baths, dry ice, liquid nitrogen, and Absolute Zero Demonstrator)
  • Wide-Mouth Dewar Flask (with liquid nitrogen) (optional)
  • Caution: Do not use open flames during the experiment. Ethanol and acetone are very flammable.
  • Caution: Dry ice and liquid nitrogen should be handled very carefully (wear safety glasses and insulated thermal gloves) due to the risk of frostbite.
  • Caution: Never put dry ice or liquid nitrogen in a closed container because each will build up pressure and explode the container.
  • Wear safety glasses during the experiment.
  • Use insulated thermal gloves and appropriate care when handling the water baths, dry ice, liquid nitrogen, and Absolute Zero Demonstrator.
  • All participants put on safety glasses. Individuals responsible for handling the Absolute Zero Demonstrator apparatus, water baths, dry ice, and liquid nitrogen put on insulated thermal gloves.
  • Immerse the apparatus’s bulb in the boiling-water bath. Support the apparatus with a large 3-prong clamp and clamp holder and support the thermometer with a small 3-prong clamp and clamp holder. Allow the water to return to a full boil.
  • Wait a few minutes for the apparatus to equilibrate. The pressure reading should stabilize at a constant value.
  • Record the pressure to the nearest mm Hg and temperature to the nearest 0.1° C.
  • Remove the apparatus from the bath.
  • Carefully pour out about one-half of the boiling water and replace it with room temperature water to create a 50/50 boiling-water/room temperature water bath. Immerse the apparatus’s bulb in the bath. Support the apparatus and thermometer as described in step 2. Repeat steps 3 to 5.
  • Immerse the apparatus’s bulb in the room temperature water bath. Support the apparatus and thermometer as described in step 2. Repeat steps 3 to 5.
  • Immerse the apparatus’s bulb in the ice water bath. Support the apparatus and thermometer as described in step 2. Repeat steps 3 to 5.
  • Immerse the apparatus’s bulb in the dry ice-ethanol (or acetone) bath. Support the apparatus as described in step 2. Do not use a thermometer to measure the temperature. The dry ice bath is assumed to be at the sublimation temperature of carbon dioxide, 1 atm pressure and –78.5° C. Wait a few minutes for the apparatus to equilibrate. Record the pressure gauge reading and –78.5° C.
  • Optional: Purge the apparatus with helium. Immerse the apparatus’s bulb in a wide-mouth Dewar flask containing liquid nitrogen. Support the apparatus as described in step 2. Do not use a thermometer to measure the temperature. The liquid nitrogen bath is assumed to be at its boiling point, 1 atm pressure and –195.7° C. Wait a few minutes for the apparatus to equilibrate. Record the pressure gauge reading and –195.7° C.

Data analysis

  • Prepare a graph of pressure vs. temperature in °C. This graph should have labeled axes with units as follows: scale the x -axis from –300 to 100° C (or a value negative enough to clearly show the x-intercept) and the y -axis from 0 to 1,000 mm Hg. Draw the best straight line through the data. Extend the line until it intersects the x -axis. The x -intercept (pressure = 0) gives the extrapolated value for absolute zero.
  • If you have access to a graphing calculator or graphing software, graph the data and perform a linear regression analysis.
  • Record the slope, y -intercept, and correlation coefficient ( r ). The closer the value of r is to 1.00 or –1.00, the better the data fit a straight line.
  • Follow your instructor’s directions about printing the graph with the linear regression line and regression statistics.
  • To solve for the value of absolute zero, use the equation for a line, y = mx + b . Absolute zero is the temperature at which the gas’s pressure equals zero. This is the line’s x -intercept . To calculate this value, set y = 0, substitute in the value of the slope, and solve for x .

Attach a graph of pressure vs. temperature in °C. This graph should have labeled axes with units as follows: scale the x -axis from –300 to 100° C (or a value negative enough to clearly show the x -intercept) and the y -axis from 0 to 1,000 mm Hg. Show the linear regression line through your data with the slope, y -intercept, and correlation factor.

Calculations and questions

  • Regression analysis: Linear regression statistics: slope: _________ y -intercept: _______ correlation factor ( r ): _____. Equation of the regression line: Use the slope and a y value of zero to calculate a value for absolute zero:___________. Show your calculations.
  • Are pressure and temperature directly or inversely related? Justify your answer based on your graph.
  • Discuss any sources of error that occurred or any improvements that could be made in this experiment.

Instructor's notes

1 Boiling water 100.0 373.1 945
2 Boiling water + room temp. water 53.0 326.1 840
3 Room temp. water 21.0 294.1 765
4 Ice water 0.0 273.1 720
5 Dry ice/ethanol (or acetone) –78.5    
6 Liquid nitrogen –195.7 77.4 225
  • It is easier to have 1 beaker available for each bath. Have the boiling-water, room temperature water, ice water, and dry ice/acetone baths already prepared. Have an extra-large beaker of boiling water available for making the boiling-water/room temperature water bath. Check the approximate amount of water needed to cover the bulb in the bath. Note: Be careful not to overfill the beakers or they will overflow when the bulb is immersed.
  • Different pairs of students can read the pressure and temperature values for each data point. Note: A mercury thermometer cannot be used with the dry ice/acetone or liquid nitrogen baths since mercury freezes at –39° C. An alcohol thermometer will freeze in liquid nitrogen. The dry ice/acetone bath is assumed to be at the sublimation temperature of 1 atm and –78.5° C, and the liquid nitrogen at its boiling point of 1 atm and –195.7° C.
  • A linear relationship between pressure and temperature can be demonstrated with the 4 water bath temperatures. A good value for absolute zero requires a low-temperature data point to reduce the range over which the extrapolation is done. The dry ice/acetone bath provides a good low-temperature data point; however, the liquid nitrogen value works better since it is closer to absolute zero.
  • The device should be purged with helium if liquid nitrogen is used since the oxygen in air will condense at the temperature of liquid nitrogen, causing the pressure reading to be too low.
  • Denatured ethanol and acetone can be obtained from a hardware store. Dry ice can be obtained from grocery or party stores. A Dewar flask and liquid nitrogen can sometimes be obtained from a local college.
  • The dry ice is allowed to sublime at the end of the lab and the ethanol or acetone can be reused. The liquid nitrogen is allowed to evaporate.

gay lussac experiment

Home » Top 6 » Thermodynamics Applications » Real Life Examples of Gay Lussac’s Law

Real Life Examples of Gay Lussac’s Law

In layman’s when we heat the gas, its pressure will increase. Well, if you want to know more about Gay Laussac’s law, you can check this article . I hope you will love it.

Pressure Cooker

The principle of pressure cooking is as simple as Gay Lussac Law. When we apply heat, water inside the pressure cooker vaporizes. Hence steam is produced.

Pressure Cooker Bomb

Well, at the top of the pressure cooker, there is a pressure regulator or Valve. The main function of the valve is to regulate the pressure cooker pressure. Through that valve, the steam is periodically released to maintain the operating pressure inside a pressure cooker.

Therefore, due to the gay Lussac law, a pressure cooker may explode. Due to the pressure cooker explosion, people around it could be severely hurt.

Bursting of a Tyre

Therefore, as a consequence of Gay Lussac Law (pressure-temperature law), pressure in tires also increases. Hence, after a certain threshold, a tire bursts.

Fire Extinguisher

Similarly, a nozzle allows us to direct the flow of a fire extinguishing agent. And finally, a tank or simply a cylinder that accommodates the fire extinguishing agent and propellant.

The working principle of fire extinguishers is quite simple. When you press the lever, the propellant exerts pressure on the fire-extinguishing agent. As a result, the valve opens. Hence, a fire extinguishing agent emerges from the nozzle. Obviously, there can be so many different types of fire extinguishing methods.

In layman, when the outside temperature increases due to fire. The pressure inside the fire extinguisher also increases. Thus, it can explode. That’s why Strong tanks or cylinders are needed to stop the fire extinguisher from exploding.

Aerosol Spray

That’s why there is a warning sign outside every deodorant bottle. “pressurized container, protect it from sunlight. do not expose it to a temperature above 50°C”. Because, if you do; you know according to Gay Lussac’s law definition, what will happen next??

Working of a Bullet

There are three components of a bullet. These are primer, propellant or gunpowder, and a proper bullet. All of them are held together in a case or a cartridge.

Let’s Fire a Bullet

Water heaters.

I hope that you know what is the water heater. And what does a water heater do? Well, in case you don’t know, the working of an electric water heater is almost similar to that of a pressure cooker. Therefore, it also follows the Gay Lussac Law. When a person switches on the home water heater, the filament inside the water heater gets heated up.

As a consequence, water inside the electric water heater also gets heated up to its threshold temperature. The hot water generated is released through the outlet nozzle. You would have seen that there is a temperature regulator outside a water heater.

Some other Gay Lussac’s Law Applications in Daily Life

Apart from the above-mentioned ones, I am also mentioning a few here.

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Vishakha singh, 8 thoughts on “real life examples of gay lussac’s law”.

Thank’s for the programme so interesting and awesome

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Thnxx. Keep visiting us!!!

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Thanx for your appreciation, Jerilyn, Keep visiting us!!!

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Gay-Lussac’s Law – Definition, Formula, Examples

Gay-Lussac's Law

Gay-Lussac’s law or Amonton’s law states that the absolute temperature and pressure of an ideal gas are directly proportional, under conditions of constant mass and volume. In other words, heating a gas in a sealed container causes its pressure to increase, while cooling a gas lowers its pressure. The reason this happens is that increasing temperature imparts thermal kinetic energy to gas molecules. As the temperature increases, molecules collide more often with the container walls. The increased collisions are seen as increased pressure.

The law is named for French chemist and physicist Joseph Gay-Lussac. Gay-Lussac formulated the law in 1802, but it was a formal statement of the relationship between temperature and pressure described by French physicist Guillaume Amonton in the late 1600’s.

Gay-Lussac’s law states the temperature and pressure of an ideal gas are directly proportional, assuming constant mass and volume.

Gay-Lussac’s Law Formula

Here are the three common formulas for Gay-Lussac’s law:

P ∝ T (P 1 /T 1 ) = (P 2 /T 2 ) P 1 T 2  = P 2 T 1

P stands for pressure, while T is absolute temperature. Be sure to convert Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature to Kelvin when solving Gay-Lussac’s law problems.

A graph of either pressure versus temperature is a straight line, extending up and away from the origin. The straight line indicates a directly proportional relationship.

Examples of Gay-Lussac’s Law in Everyday Life

Here are examples of Gay-Lussac’s law in everyday life:

  • Tire pressure : Automobile tire pressure drops on a cold day and soars on a hot day. If you put too much air in your tires when they are cold, they could over-pressurize when they heat up. Similarly, if your tires read the proper pressure when they are hot, they will be underinflated when it’s cold.
  • Pressure cooker : Applying heat to a pressure cooker increases the pressure inside the device. Increasing pressure raises the boiling point of water , shortening cooking times. Because the container is sealed, flavors aren’t lost to the air with steam.
  • Aerosol can : The reason you shouldn’t store aerosol cans under hot conditions or dispose of them by burning is because heating the can increases the pressure of its contents, potentially causing the can to burst.
  • Water heater : An electric water heater is a lot like a pressure cooker. A pressure-relief valve prevents steam from accumulating. If the valve malfunctions, heat drives up the steam pressure inside the heater, eventually bursting it.

Gay-Lussac’s Law Example Problem

An aerosol deodorant can has a pressure of 3.00 atm at 25 °C. What is the pressure inside the can at a temperature of 845 °C? This example illustrates why you shouldn’t incinerate aerosol cans.

First, convert the Celsius temperatures to the Kelvin scale . T 1 = 25°C = 298 K T 2 = 845 °C = 1118 K

Next, plug the numbers into Gay-Lussac’s law and solve for P 2 .

P 1 T 2  = P 2 T 1 (3.00 atm)(1118 K) = (P 2 )(298 K) P 2 = (3.00 atm)(1118 K)/(298 K) P 2 = 11.3 atm

Heating a gas cylinder to 250 K raises its pressure to 2.0 atm. What was its initial temperature, assuming the gas started out at ambient pressure (1.0 atm)?

P 1 T 2  = P 2 T 1 (1.0 atm)(250 K) = (2.0 atm)(T 1 ) T 1 = (1.0 atm)(250 K)/(2.0 atm) T1 = 125 K

Note that doubling the absolute temperature of a gas doubles its pressure. Similarly, halving the absolute temperature halves the pressure.

Other Gay-Lussac’s and Amonton’s Laws

Gay-Lussac stated that all gases have the same average thermal expansivity at constant temperature and pressure. In other words, gases behave predictably when heated. Sometimes this law is also called Gay-Lussac’s law.

Usually, “Amonton’s law” refers to Amonton’s law of friction, which states that the lateral friction between any two materials is directly proportional to the normal applied load, assuming a proportional constant (the friction coefficient).

  • Barnett, Martin K. (1941). “A brief history of thermometry”.  Journal of Chemical Education , 18 (8): 358. doi: 10.1021/ed018p358
  • Castka, Joseph F.; Metcalfe, H. Clark; Davis, Raymond E.; Williams, John E. (2002).  Modern Chemistry . Holt, Rinehart and Winston. ISBN 978-0-03-056537-3.
  • Crosland, M. P. (1961). “The Origins of Gay-Lussac’s Law of Combining Volumes of Gases”.  Annals of Science , 17 (1): 1. doi: 10.1080/00033796100202521
  • Gay-Lussac, J. L. (1809). “Mémoire sur la combinaison des substances gazeuses, les unes avec les autres” (Memoir on the combination of gaseous substances with each other).  Mémoires de la Société d’Arcueil  2: 207–234. 
  • Tippens, Paul E. (2007).  Physics (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill. 386–387.

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Gay-Lussac’s Law

Propane tanks are extensively used in the kitchen. It’s not enjoyable, however, to discover you’ve run out of gas halfway through a meal. On a hot day, gauges are used to measure the pressure inside gas tanks that read greater than on a cool day. When deciding whether or not to replace the tank before your next cookout, keep the air temperature in mind. In this article, we’ll go over Gay Lussac’s Law in detail, including its formula and derivation.

Table of Contents

What is gay-lussac’s law, recommended videos, formula and derivation, examples of gay-lussac’s law, solved exercises on gay-lussac’s law.

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Gay-Lussac’s law is a gas law which states that the pressure exerted by a gas (of a given mass and kept at a constant volume) varies directly with the absolute temperature of the gas. In other words, the pressure exerted by a gas is proportional to the temperature of the gas when the mass is fixed and the volume is constant.

This law was formulated by the French chemist Joseph Gay-Lussac in the year 1808. The mathematical expression of Gay-Lussac’s law can be written as follows:

P ∝ T ; P/T = k

  • P is the pressure exerted by the gas
  • T is the absolute temperature of the gas
  • k is a constant.

The relationship between the pressure and absolute temperature of a given mass of gas (at constant volume) can be illustrated graphically as follows.

Gay-Lussac’s Law

From the graph, it can be understood that the pressure of a gas (kept at constant volume) reduces constantly as it is cooled until the gas eventually undergoes condensation and becomes a liquid.

gay lussac experiment

Gay-Lussac’s law implies that the ratio of the initial pressure and temperature is equal to the ratio of the final pressure and temperature for a gas of a fixed mass kept at a constant volume. This formula can be expressed as follows:

(P 1 /T 1 ) = (P 2 /T 2 )

  • P 1 is the initial pressure
  • T 1 is the initial temperature
  • P 2 is the final pressure
  • T 2 is the final temperature

This expression can be derived from the pressure-temperature proportionality for gas. Since P ∝ T for gases of fixed mass kept at constant volume:

P 1 /T 1 = k (initial pressure/ initial temperature = constant)

P 2 /T 2 = k (final pressure/ final temperature = constant)

Therefore, P 1 /T 1 = P 2 /T 2 = k

Or, P 1 T 2 = P 2 T 1

When a pressurized aerosol can (such as a deodorant can or a spray-paint can) is heated, the resulting increase in the pressure exerted by the gases on the container (owing to Gay-Lussac’s law) can result in an explosion. This is the reason why many pressurized containers have warning labels stating that the container must be kept away from fire and stored in a cool environment.

Examples of Gay-Lussac’s Law

An illustration describing the increase in pressure which accompanies an increase in the absolute temperature of a gas kept at a constant volume is provided above. Another example of Gay-Lussac’s law can be observed in pressure cookers. When the cooker is heated, the pressure exerted by the steam inside the container increases. The high temperature and pressure inside the container cause the food to cook faster.

Examples of Gay-Lussac’s Law

The pressure of a gas in a cylinder when it is heated to a temperature of 250K is 1.5 atm. What was the initial temperature of the gas if its initial pressure was 1 atm?

Initial pressure, P 1 = 1 atm

Final pressure, P 2 = 1.5 atm

Final temperature, T 2 = 250 K

As per Gay-Lussac’s Law, P 1 T 2 = P 2 T 1

Therefore, T 1 = (P 1 T 2 )/P 2 = (1*250)/(1.5) = 166.66 Kelvin.

At a temperature of 300 K, the pressure of the gas in a deodorant can is 3 atm. Calculate the pressure of the gas when it is heated to 900 K.

Initial pressure, P 1 = 3 atm

Initial temperature, T 1 = 300K

Final temperature, T 2 = 900 K

Therefore, final pressure (P 2 ) = (P 1 T 2 )/T 1 = (3 atm*900K)/300K = 9 atm.

Frequently Asked Questions on Gay-Lussac’s Law

What is gay lussac’s law formula.

The law of Gay-Lussac is a variant of the ideal gas law where the volume of gas is held constant. The pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature while the volume is kept constant. P / T = constant or Pi / Ti = Pf / Tf are the standard calculations for Gay-Lussac ‘s law.

What does Charles law state?

Charles law states that the volume of an ideal gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature at constant pressure.

What is the importance of Gay Lussac’s law?

The meaning of this gas law is that it illustrates that rising a gas’s temperature induces a relative increase in its pressure (assuming that the volume does not change). Likewise, reducing the temperature allows the strain to decrease proportionally.

How does Avogadro’s law apply to everyday life?

Avogadro’s law states that the total number of atoms/molecules of gas (i.e.the amount of gaseous substance) is directly proportional to the volume  occupied by gas at constant temperature and pressure. You are driving more molecules of gas into it when you blow up a football.

What are the applications of Avogadro’s law?

The relationship between a gas’s relative vapour density and its relative molecular mass is defined. Establishes the relationship between the volume of a gas at STP and gram molecular weight.

To learn more about Gay-Lussac’s law and other gas laws, such as Charles’ law ,  register with BYJU’S and download the mobile application on your smartphone.

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gay lussac experiment

Best explaination

Than you for a very clear explanation.

Clear explanation with short content. Examples are the best way to understand the concept! I have understood the whole thing.

This is too good man Thanks 🙏🙏🙏

Thank you for best and clear explanation. Thank you so much

This notes make my study more better

Thanks for ur explanation

Thanks for your unbelivable explanation.

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Investigating Gay-Lussac's Law and Absolute Zero of Temperature with PocketLab and a Mason Jar

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Gay-Lussac's Law states that when the volume of a container of gas is held constant, while the temperature of the gas is increased, then the pressure of the gas will also increase.  In other words, pressure is directly proportional to the absolute temperature for a given mass of gas at constant volume.  Although this is, strictly speaking, true only for an ideal gas, most gases that surround us behave much like an ideal gas.  Even ordinary air, which is a mixture of gases, can behave like an ideal gas.

In this experiment, a PocketLab that is sealed inside a Mason jar can be used to verify Gay-Lussac's Law as well as extrapolate a value for the absolute zero of temperature. The PocketLab is set to "Two-Graph" mode, recording pressure in mBar and temperature in celsius degrees.  Considering the  PocketLab specifications   for the temperature sensor, it is seen that the allowed range is from -20C to 85C.  It would be perfect if we could measure the pressure of the air in the Mason jar for three different temperatures covering the allowed range.  The photos in the figure below show three such possibilities.

Three Temperatures

The photo on the left shows PocketLab sealed in a Mason jar on a table at room temperature, about the middle of the allowed range.  The photo in the middle shows the PocketLab Mason jar in a freezer, which will give us a temperature near the low end of the allowed range.  The photo on the right shows the PocketLab Mason jar in an oven set to a maximum temperature of 170F (77C), just a little below the high end of the allowed range.  It took about an hour for the PocketLab temperature sensor to reach the desired values in the freezer and in the oven, so patience is required.

For safety, protective goggles should be worn.  In addition, gloves should be worn when removing the jar from the freezer, as it is cold enough to cost frost bite if handled too long.  Gloves should also be worn when removing the jar from the oven, as it will be at a temperature that is not too far from that of boiling water.  It is also essential to monitor the temperature on the iPhone to make sure that it doesn't exceed the high end of the allowed range.  It should be removed from the oven and the oven turned off a little before reaching the high end of the allowed range.  For the author, the stainless steel freezer and oven did not stop PocketLab from communicating data with the iPhone setting on a nearby counter.  The author also kept the iPhone charging cord attached during the experiment to avoid running out of charge on the iPhone battery.

The Excel graph shown below summarizes the experimental results.  The three data points fall very close to a straight line obtained by doing a linear trend/regression.  The line is extended to the left until it reaches the temperature axis.  At that temperature, -233C, the pressure would be zero.  The value -233C can be obtained from the regression equation by setting y to 0 and solving for x. With the absolute zero of temperature at -273.15C by international agreement, our value of -233C represents an error of about 14.7%.  It would likely promote a good classroom conversation to discuss possible causes for this error.

Gay-Lussac's Law and Absolute Zero

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Egg in a bottle: an at home experiment demonstrating the combined gas law

by Ali Van Fleet

Materials needed: 1 boiled and peeled egg, strips of paper, 1 glass bottle, and lighter (Ali Van Fleet){p}{/p}

MEDFORD, Ore. — Don’t know what to do with all those leftover Easter eggs? You can use them to teach your kids about the combined gas law!

The combined gas law states that volume, pressure, and temperature of a gas are all related.

1. Charles Law: If the pressure of an ideal gas remains constant, its volume and temperature are directly proportional.

2. Boyle’s law: if the temperature of an ideal gas remains constant, its pressure and volume are inversely proportional.

3. Gay-Lussac’s law: if the volume of an ideal gas remains constant, its temperature and pressure are directly proportional.

This egg in a bottle experiment is the perfect example of this and it's really fun to do! Follow along with News 10 Meteorologist Ali Van Fleet.

What you need: -1 hard-boiled egg without the shell

-1 glass bottle

-Lighter Step by Step How to:

Step 1: Arrange your supplies so you can access them easily. This experiment moves pretty fast.

Step 2: ADULTS ONLY: Take your piece of notebook paper and light it on fire

Step 3: ADULTS ONLY: Drop the lit piece of paper in the glass jar and quickly place the egg on top (pointy part of the egg facing down)

Step 4: Watch as the egg drops into the bottle

***If you noticed in the video, it took me several tries to get the experiment to work. I noticed that if you use thicker paper the fire will stay lit longer thus increasing your chances of a successful experiment!

How it works:

At the beginning of the experiment, before you lit the paper, the egg could not fit into the opening of the bottle. The pressure of the air inside the bottle and outside are equal therefore the only force acting upon this egg is gravity.

When we light the paper on fire, drop it into the bottle, and place the egg on top (pointy part down) the air molecules that are inside the bottle begin to move faster and expand. But because the air is trapped inside the bottle the volume of space that it can take up is limited. As the temperature and pressure increase inside the bottle, some of the air molecules are used up in the combustion process. This results in carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.

Once the pressure inside the bottle is strong enough, it will cause the egg to dance back and forth and allow some of the air to escape. Both of these processes reduce the amount of air inside the bottle. But because the air is extremely hot the volume still fills up the bottle and the high pressure remains.

Once the majority of the air molecules have either escaped the bottle or used in combustion the flame of the paper will go out. Once this occurs, the air inside the bottle will begin to cool and contract. Reducing in volume and pressure but because we have fewer air molecules inside the bottle than when we started the pressure inside the bottle drops much lower than at the start of this experiment. Because the pressure inside the bottle is higher than it is within, the force the outside pressure exerts on our egg is strong enough to gently push the egg into the bottle. Once the egg is inside the bottle, the seal preventing air to get inside is removed and air rushes in and balances the air inside and out.


15 Mind-blowing Facts About Gay-Lussac’s Law

Karita Werth

Written by Karita Werth

Modified & Updated: 18 Jul 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

  • Physical Sciences
  • Avogadro's Law Facts
  • Boyle's Law Facts
  • Charles's Law Facts
  • Gas Laws Facts
  • Gay-lussac's Law Facts
  • Ideal Gas Law Facts


Welcome to this fascinating exploration of Gay-Lussac’s Law! In the field of chemistry, certain laws form the backbone of our understanding of the behavior of gases. Gay-Lussac’s Law is one such fundamental principle that unveils the relationship between the pressure and temperature of a gas. Named after the French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, this law provides invaluable insights into the behavior of gases at different temperatures.

In this article, we will delve into the depths of Gay-Lussac’s Law and uncover 15 mind-blowing facts that will leave you awe-inspired. From its origins and historical significance to its practical applications and impact on various industries, we will explore the wonders of this law. So, get ready to embark on a journey filled with interesting facts and intriguing discoveries!

Key Takeaways:

  • Gay-Lussac’s Law explains how the pressure of a gas changes with temperature, helping us understand gas behavior in everyday life, from weather systems to hot air balloons.
  • By following Gay-Lussac’s Law, scientists can predict how gases will react to temperature changes, making it a crucial concept in chemistry and providing insights into various practical applications.

Gay-Lussac’s Law Explains the Relationship Between Temperature and Pressure

Gay-Lussac’s Law, also known as the pressure-temperature law, states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature, when the volume and the amount of gas are constant. This law provides valuable insights into the behavior of gases under different temperature conditions.

It Was named after Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac

Gay-Lussac’s Law is named after the French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, who first formulated this law in Gay-Lussac made significant contributions to the field of chemistry and is renowned for his work on gases.

The Law Can Be Expressed Using a Mathematical Equation

Gay-Lussac’s Law can be mathematically expressed as P1/T1 = P2/T2, where P1 and P2 represent the initial and final pressures, and T1 and T2 represent the initial and final temperatures, respectively. This equation helps in predicting the change in pressure with a change in temperature.

It Applies to Ideal Gases

Gay-Lussac’s Law is applicable to ideal gases , which are theoretical gases with no intermolecular forces and occupy negligible volume. Real gases deviate slightly from ideal behavior at high pressures and low temperatures.

It Can Be Used to Predict the Effect of Temperature on the Volume of a Gas

According to Gay-Lussac’s Law, when the volume of a gas is held constant, an increase in temperature will result in an increase in pressure. Conversely, a decrease in temperature will lead to a decrease in pressure.

It Describes the Behavior of Gases in a Closed System

Gay-Lussac’s Law applies to gases confined to a closed system , where the volume remains constant. It provides insights into how the pressure of a gas changes with temperature variations within such a system.

It Is Related to Charles’s Law

Gay-Lussac’s Law is closely related to another gas law known as Charles’s Law, which describes the relationship between the volume and temperature of a gas when pressure is held constant. Together, these laws form the basis of the ideal gas law .

It Helps Explain the Behavior of Gases in Various Applications

Gay-Lussac’s Law is significant in many practical applications. It helps in understanding the functioning of gas-powered engines, the behavior of gases in weather systems, the compression of gases in scuba diving, and the behavior of gases in various industrial processes.

It Was Developed Through Experimental Investigations

Gay-Lussac’s Law was formulated based on Gay-Lussac’s extensive experimental work. He conducted various experiments involving different gases and observed the direct relationship between pressure and temperature in a controlled environment.

It Can Be Used to Determine the Absolute Temperature of Gases

Gay-Lussac’s Law can be utilized to determine the absolute temperature of a gas by measuring its pressure at different known temperatures. This temperature scale, known as the absolute or Kelvin scale, is widely used in scientific calculations.

It Is Valid Only at Constant Volume

Gay-Lussac’s Law holds true only when the volume of the gas remains constant. If the volume changes, then the relationship between pressure and temperature becomes more complex and involves additional gas laws .

It Has Implications for the Ideal Gas Law

Gay-Lussac’s Law is an integral part of the ideal gas law, which combines the relationships between pressure, volume, and temperature for an ideal gas. The ideal gas law equation, PV = nRT, includes Gay-Lussac’s Law as one of its components.

It Is Relevant to the Study of Stoichiometry

Gay-Lussac’s Law is essential in stoichiometry , the area of chemistry that deals with the quantitative relationships between reactants and products in chemical reactions. It helps in calculating the volumes of reactants and products based on their respective temperatures and pressures.

It Applies to Both Low and High Temperatures

Gay-Lussac’s Law is valid for gases at both low and high temperatures, as long as the volume remains constant. It allows scientists to understand the behavior of gases across a wide temperature range and predict how they will react under different conditions.

It Provides Insights Into the Behavior of Gases in Hot Air Balloons

Gay-Lussac’s Law plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of gases used in hot air balloons. By heating the air inside the balloon, the temperature increases, causing the pressure to rise and allowing the balloon to ascend.

Gay-Lussac’s Law, named after the French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, is a fundamental principle that explains the relationship between the pressure and temperature of a gas. This law states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature, provided that the volume and amount of gas remain constant. Understanding Gay-Lussac’s Law is essential in various fields of science and industry, including chemistry , physics, and engineering.

Through this article, we have explored 15 mind-blowing facts about Gay-Lussac’s Law. From its discovery and formulation to its real-life applications, Gay-Lussac’s Law serves as a cornerstone in our understanding of gas behavior. By delving into these fascinating facts , we can deepen our appreciation for the intricate and interconnected nature of the physical world.

So next time you come across a gas-related situation, remember the principles of Gay-Lussac’s Law and marvel at the wonders of the gas laws that govern our everyday lives.

1. Who discovered Gay-Lussac’s Law?

Gay-Lussac’s Law was discovered and formulated by the French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac in the early 19th century.

2. What does Gay-Lussac’s Law state ?

Gay-Lussac’s Law states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature, as long as the volume and amount of gas remain constant.

3. What are the real-life applications of Gay-Lussac’s Law?

Gay-Lussac’s Law has numerous applications in various fields. It is used to understand and predict the behavior of gases in industrial processes, such as chemical reactions and gas storage. It also helps in the design of pressure vessels and the study of weather patterns.

4. Can Gay-Lussac’s Law be applied to all gases?

Gay-Lussac’s Law is applicable to ideal gases, which follow certain assumptions. Real gases may deviate from the ideal behavior under extreme conditions.

5. How is Gay-Lussac’s Law related to other gas laws?

Gay-Lussac’s Law is one of the three fundamental gas laws, along with Boyle’s Law and Charles’s Law. These laws together form the basis of the ideal gas law equation.

Thirsty for more mind-blowing chemistry knowledge? Quench that curiosity by exploring Gay-Lussac's Law further! Unravel enigmatic facts about how this law applies to gases at constant volumes , perfect for those who love a good scientific mystery. Hungry for even more? Satisfy that appetite with an additional serving of 15 enigmatic facts about Gay-Lussac's Law of Gases . Each article promises a thrilling journey through the captivating world of chemistry, leaving readers inspired and amazed. Don't miss out on these incredible opportunities to expand your understanding of one of chemistry's most fundamental principles!

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Simulating Gay-Lussac's Free Expansion Experiment

Profile image of Hugo Hernandez

2023, ForsChem Research Reports

Beginning the 19 th century, Gay-Lussac proposed a free expansion experiment where gas is allowed to flow from one flask into another identical but empty flask, to show that thermal effects (cooling of the first vessel and warming of the second) were not caused by residual air present in the empty flask. While he successfully rejected such hypothesis, no alternative explanation was proposed for these effects. Classical and statistical thermodynamics have been used to explain the experimental results, but unfortunately, they are not entirely satisfactory. In this report, a different hypothesis is proposed where temperature changes in the flasks are caused by an unbalanced distribution of molecules, since the empty vessel is initially filled by the fastest molecules. Due to the low molecular density initially observed in the empty flask, temperature measurements are strongly influenced by the thermal behavior of the thermometer. A theoretical model and a simplified numerical simulation of the system are found to qualitatively support the proposed hypothesis as a potential explanation of the experimental results obtained by Gay-Lussac and other researchers.

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This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: http://www.elsevier.com/authorsrights The high-temperature expansion of the free energy of a fluid of square wells, SW, is considered. The first four terms in this expansion are calculated for SW systems of variable range λσ, where σ is the diameter of the spherical hard-core. The properties were calculated via molecular dynamics, MD, for ranges 1≤λ≤2.5 with special emphasis on the region of shorter ranges: λ= 1.025, 1.050, 1.075, 1.100, 1.125 and 1.150. The principal aims are to compare these results with the previous ones obtained using the Monte Carlo, MC, method (Espíndola-Heredia et al. J. Chem. Phys. 130, 024509 (2009)) that showed large statistical noise in the higher-order terms at high densities , and to provide a benchmark to check the theoretical Short-Range Expansion of the free energy of these systems. The results have been corrected to obtain the thermodynamic limit via a change of ensemble algorithm and by simulating systems with 125, 200, 500 and 1000 particles. The MD results are much smoother that the corresponding MC data and their precision allow to determine the behavior of the series for high densities. The simulation results are used to test a theory built to write the free energy for short ranges. The position of the critical point is calculated with this theory for very short ranges.

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    Simplified representation of the Gay-Lussac experiment A total simulation time of was considered (similar to Potter's replicates). All simulations were performed at an initial temperature of . Table 2 summarizes the simulation conditions considered, corresponding to both Gay-Lussac and Potter's experimental conditions.

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