presentation at 33 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy Week by Week

33 weeks pregnant illustration

33 Weeks Pregnant


Key Takeaways at 33 Weeks Pregnant

  • Another new symptom that might crop up soon? Darker nipples . Hormonal changes can make your areolas look different. This is believed to be an evolutionary phenomenon to help baby find them for breastfeeding.
  • Speaking of boobs—are they a tad bit leaky? Your breasts are definitely bigger and they may even started making colostrum , a thick and highly beneficial yellow fluid that breastfeeding babies will eat in the first few days of life.
  • It’s still a bit too early for baby to arrive—although it’s important to look for signs of preterm labor . That said, baby weighs approximately 4 pounds around now.
  • Baby should hopefully be dropping lower into your pelvis soon. Ideally, they’ll be head down in position, ready for birth! If your OB or midwife tells you they’re breech , don’t panic. There’s time for them to move, and your provider will walk you through options.

Week 33 of pregnancy is a good time to start packing your hospital bag. You might also want to read up on postpartum care and stock your medicine cabinet with some essential new mom care supplies. Sure, you might not see baby for another month or so, but if you have an early surprise arrival, at least you won’t have to think about which shirt to pack or whether or not you have hemorrhoid cream at home. (About that…sorry.)

Video Highlights at 33 Weeks

3d views: my baby, my body.

See their progress for yourself with our 3D interactive tool.

Baby at Week 33

By 33 weeks, baby’s brain and nervous system are completely developed and control some bodily functions. At this stage, baby’s brain has electrical activity in the sensory parts of the cerebral cortex. That said, the cerebral cortex—which is responsible for thinking, feeling, decision-making and voluntary actions—is the last part of the brain to mature. In fact, this rational part of the brain won’t be fully matured until your child is about 25 years old!

Right now, baby’s liver is stashing away iron from the foods you eat, so order a steak with a side of leafy greens. Iron helps your body make hemoglobin, which moves oxygen via red blood cells throughout the body. If you’re planning to breastfeed, breast milk is low on iron. But most babies are born with enough iron in their bodies to last them for the next six months—or about the time they’ll start eating iron-rich solid foods.

While baby’s bones are hardening, they remain soft and flexible. At birth, babies have five separate skull bones, which are separated by connective tissue known as fontanelles (soft spots) . This allows your baby’s head to shape-shift to fit through the birth canal. By the time baby is 12 to 18 months old, those soft spots will have hardened and disappeared.

How big is baby at 33 weeks?

At 33 weeks pregnant, baby is as big as a head of celery. They weigh about 4.2 pounds and measure about 17.2 inches.

33 weeks pregnant is how many months?

Thirty-three weeks pregnant is just over eight months pregnant, although most doctors refer to your progress in pregnancy by week, not month.

33 week ultrasound

If you were to have a 33 weeks pregnant ultrasound, you’d see that baby is keeping their eyes open while awake. A 33 weeks pregnant ultrasound might be done as part of a biophysical profile (BPP). This test is done in the third trimester for high-risk patients (so if you’re 33 weeks pregnant with twins, you might be getting these every so often) and after 40 weeks for women who go past their due dates. The ultrasound will gauge your 33-week fetus’s movement, breathing, muscle tone and amount of amniotic fluid. The other part of the BPP—the non-stress test—will measure how baby’s heart rate changes when they move or you have contractions.

Think of it as an extra peek to confirm all is well with your 33-week baby. Maybe the peace of mind will help you with that whole relaxing thing.

7 Best Postpartum Underwear, Tested by New Moms

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 33

If we had to sum up 33 weeks pregnant symptoms in one word? Discomfort! Here’s what you’re probably feeling this week.


You’re one hot mama-to-be, likely because baby is radiating body heat.

Hormone fluctuations at 33 weeks can cause headaches . So can stress or dehydration, so try to take it easy and drink plenty of water. A few extra trips to the ladies’ room is worth the sacrifice.

Shortness of breath

By now, you may be used to not being able to fully catch your breath (especially if you’re 33 weeks pregnant with twins). Imagine what a relief it will be when baby “drops” and frees up some space around your lungs. For different moms-to-be, this happens at different times, but chances are, it could be very soon.

Forgetfulness and clumsiness

This is the unproven phenomenon also known as " pregnancy brain ." Your flightiness may be less due to your physiological changes and more due to the stress and anxiety of expecting baby in less than two months.

What should you be feeling at 33 weeks pregnant?

Have you been gripped with an overwhelming desire to clean your house or get all of baby’s onesies and diapers organized in the nursery? You’re nesting, an impulse that takes over in the final weeks of your pregnancy as you prepare for your new little arrival. The only thing slowing you down, aside from those 33 weeks pregnant symptoms? Lack of sleep, which is common in the third trimester. There are a number of possible causes, ranging from a full bladder to an active and kicking baby. Take care of yourself and rest when you can!

Your Pregnant Belly at 33 Weeks

By 33 weeks pregnant, you may have gained around 22 to 28 pounds total—32 to 42 pounds if you’re 33 weeks pregnant with twins. For some moms-to-be, having some extra curves makes them feel sexy. Know that as long as your doctor has said sex is okay during your pregnancy, you can continue to enjoy it right up until delivery day.

If you feel your belly tightening occasionally, you’re probably having Braxton Hicks contractions . Here’s how you know: Braxton Hicks aren’t painful and often happen after sex or exercise. They’re different from regular contractions because they stop when you switch positions. Real contractions keep going at regular intervals—and once they're every five minutes for at least an hour, it's time to call your provider.

At 33 weeks pregnant, cramping like you’d have with a period could be a sign of preterm labor . So can vaginal bleeding, unusual discharge or leaking. At 33 weeks pregnant, pressure in your pelvis could be a sign too. Be on the lookout for these symptoms. If anything worries you, empty your bladder, lie on your left side, drink water and call your OB immediately.

What position is baby in at 33 Weeks?

It’s almost go time, so baby is likely positioned head down, or will be very soon. A 33-week fetus is also making its way toward your pelvis, so you may feel like your belly has “dropped” lower. Some babies wait until the last minute to make this move, however, so don’t worry if you don’t feel any changes.

Can you have a baby at 33 weeks?

It’s early still, so at this point having real contractions would be considered preterm labor for a baby at 33 weeks along. Certain complications and conditions make you more likely to go into labor early, such as having excess amniotic fluid or being 33 weeks pregnant with twins.

Sleep might feel like a lost cause as you try to get comfortable and deal with all of the other pregnancy symptoms that seem to surface at night (thanks a lot, heartburn!). But sleep in your final trimester is more important than ever, as you prepare for the arrival of your little one—so you want to do your best to get quality sleep at night or during the day if you can squeeze in a nap… Try using a pregnancy pillow that’ll support your back and knees, and will help you stay on your side, which is the safest position for sleep in the third trimester.

Rachel Mitchell

CEO and certified sleep consultant at My Sweet Sleeper

Tips for 33 Weeks Pregnant

Here are some ways to show yourself some love at 33 weeks pregnant.

Use a cold compress

Apply one of these to the back of your neck to relieve headaches without medication . Bonus: A cold compress will also cool you down when you’re feeling super hot. Refreshing!

Keep your cool

And speaking of overheating, you may want to invest in a portable cooling device, especially if you're at 33 weeks during the hot-weather months. It can be anything from a desktop air conditioning unit that plugs into an outlet to a battery-powered, handheld fan you carry with you for a quick blast of cool air.

Increase your odds of a good night’s sleep

If you feel fatigued and forgetful during the day, create a bedroom environment that invites sweet sleep. Try a white noise machine or light-blocking window coverings, or spritz calming lavender essential oil onto your sheets. Needless to say, set your thermostat so the room is nice and cool, and you won’t lose sleep sweating through the night!

You’ve got a lot on your plate right now, so don’t let anything slip through the cracks because of #PregnancyBrain. Write everything down, whether it’s in a to-do list or a digital calendar app on your phone.

Frequently Asked Questions

What essentials should i pack in my hospital bag.

Every parent’s hospital bag looks a bit different—and if it’s your first time delivering, you’ll probably overpack. You’ll want to start prepping your bag at least three weeks before your due date.

Be sure to include a couple of loose and comfortable outfits for you (including an open-front robe or shirt and nursing bra, if you’re planning to breastfeed), a couple of packs of heavy-duty pads, extra underwear (including a few pairs of disposable panties) and anything else you’d like for comfort and entertainment (toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, a magazine). Make sure to include your hospital admission forms, your photo ID and your birth plan (if you’re making one). For baby, pack a coming home outfit, including warm socks and a hat, and a car seat. And don’t forget a phone charger!

Are there ways to naturally get a breech baby into position?

If your baby isn’t in the heads-down position by about now, try not to worry—many babies flip-flop for the next few weeks. The vast majority of breech babies will turn by week 36 all on their own.

There isn’t any good science proving it’s possible to encourage your baby into position. But you can play music by the bottom of your uterus (hoping baby will turn toward the noise), place something cold near the top of the uterus near baby’s head (so they’ll turn away) or try one of a few yoga positions (all fours on your hands and knees, bridge pose and child’s pose).

When should I start to plan my maternity leave?

If you haven’t already, talk to your company’s human resources department ASAP about planning your maternity leave. Your HR rep will share various family leave policies, including whether the company offers paid family leave or if it qualifies for unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)—not all companies do. You’ll need to provide your employer with at least 30 days’ notice if you plan to take advantage of FMLA, as long as it’s possible to do so. Depending on where you live, you may qualify for your state’s paid or unpaid leave laws.

You’ll also want to schedule a meeting with your boss as soon as possible. You can discuss what you’re working on, who can cover FOR you and an initial plan for easing you back into work when you get back.

What baby essentials do I need to have before baby is born?

Buying for your first baby can feel stressful, but try not to let the barrage of advice and advertisements overwhelm you. One critical item: A car seat (you can’t take baby home from the hospital without one). Otherwise the basic essentials are (mostly) common sense: a decent supply of newborn diapers, at least six sets of PJs, several bodysuits, a couple of cardigans, socks or booties, a weather-appropriate hat a snowsuit (if it’s cold), a baby sleep space with a firm mattress, a couple of tight-fitting sheets and perhaps a sleep sack or swaddle. You’ll likely also want to buy a stroller, along with gear to breastfeed and/or bottle-feed (think: a pump, nursing bra, a bottle, a bottle brush and formula).

What do I need to know about preterm labor at week 33?

Babies who are born at week 33 are considered moderately preterm and have very good odds of survival, although health risks increase the earlier a baby is born. If you’re at significant risk for preterm birth—for example, because you delivered early in a past pregnancy—your practitioner may offer you progesterone now to reduce the risks of preterm labor.

Be sure to ask your practitioner about signs of preterm labor. One major sign is contractions that are regular and get stronger and more frequent (every 10 minutes or less). Other signs include pelvic pressure, low back pain, abdominal cramps and an increase or change in vaginal discharge (especially if it’s bloody). Let your practitioner know right away if you think you might be in labor; if birth is imminent, they may offer you medications to improve baby’s health, such as corticosteroids to help their lungs mature.

I knew from the start I wanted an epidural and a doula. I wanted the option for pain management but loved the idea of having a coach and advocate to help me through labor. I asked my OB for recommendations and interviewed a few to find the best fit. Full disclosure, she was as much for me as she was for my husband! She was great with both of us during all 20 hours of my first labor.

Lauren K., mom of two

Pregnancy Checklist at Week 33

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

American Pregnancy Association, Breast Changes During Pregnancy

March of Dimes, Signs and Symptoms of Preterm Labor , December 2020

American Pregnancy Association, 33 Weeks Pregnant

Kaiser Permanente, Pregnancy: Dropping (Lightening) , July 2023

Cleveland Clinic, Breech Baby , October 2021

Kaiser Permanente, Packing Your Bag for Delivery Day

American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Patterns of Fetal Breathing Activity in the Human Fetus at 24 to 28 Weeks of Gestation , February 1988

Allina Health, Second Trimester: Your Growing Baby , December 2021

Mayo Clinic, Fetal Development: The 3rd Trimester , June 2022

Cleveland Clinic, Fetal Development , March 2023

Lamaze International, How Far Along Are You? Counting Pregnancy by Weeks, Months & Trimesters , September 2021

Brain and Behavior, Fetal Eye Movements in Response to a Visual Stimulus , August 2020

Johns Hopkins Medicine, Biophysical Profile: BPP Ultrasound and Nonstress Test

Johns Hopkins Medicine, The Third Trimester

American Pregnancy Association, Headaches in Pregnancy

Children's Hospital at Montefiore, Pregnancy: Dropping (Lightening) , July 2023

Scientific Reports, The Effect of Pregnancy on Maternal Cognition , June 2021

American Pregnancy Association, Nesting During Pregnancy

Sleep Foundation, Sleeping While Pregnant: Third Trimester , March 2023

Nutrition During Pregnancy (US Institute of Medicine Committee on Nutritional Status During Pregnancy and Lactation), Weight Gain in Twin Pregnancies , 1990

March of Dimes, Sex During Pregnancy , February 2023

StatPearls, Braxton Hicks Contractions , August 2023

Cleveland Clinic, Stages of Labor , April 2022

March of Dimes, Preterm Labor and Premature Birth: Are You at Risk? , March 2018

Sleep Foundation, How to Sleep Better While Pregnant , March 2023

Mayo Clinic, Polyhydramnios , April 2023

Johns Hopkins Medicine, Headaches in Early Pregnancy

Learn how we ensure the accuracy of our content through our editorial and medical review process .

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presentation at 33 weeks pregnant

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Week 33 of Your Pregnancy

Find out how your body is changing—and how your baby is developing—in week 33 of your pregnancy.

Design By Alice Morgan / Illustration by Tara Anand

It's week 33 of your pregnancy and, with just a few weeks left until your due date, you may be getting anxious about labor and delivery . You may also be wondering about what comes next, i.e. what does life with a newborn look like. But for now, let’s focus on the moment. Let’s learn all about the changes you and your unborn baby are undergoing at 33 weeks pregnant. Oh, and learn the difference between “practice” contractions and real contractions—so you’re ready to go, when the time comes.

Pregnancy Week 33 Quick Facts

  • At 33 weeks, you are 8 months pregnant
  • You have 7 weeks until your due date
  • You're in the third trimester

Your Unborn Baby's Size at 33 Weeks 

Your unborn baby is about the size of a pineapple . The fetus weighs between 4.23 pounds and is about 17.20 inches long.

Pregnancy Symptoms Week 33 

During week 33, your pregnancy symptoms will be similar to week 32 (and earlier weeks). However, the intensity of said symptoms may increase this week. You may experieince:

  • Braxton Hicks contractions
  • Frequent urination
  • Breathlessness

"Braxton Hicks contractions are a normal and common occurrence during pregnancy. These contractions, also known as ‘practice contractions,’ are the body's way of preparing for labor. It is important to note that, if you experience frequent or painful contractions, it is best to contact your health care provider to ensure that there are no underlying issues or complications," says Stanislaw Miaskowski, M.D., OB-GYN with the Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies in Orlando, Florida. 

Braxton Hicks are characterized by the tightening of the uterine muscles. "The contraction can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes and can occur sporadically or in a regular pattern,” says Dr. Miaskowski. “True labor contractions [on the other hand] will typically maintain in a regular pattern, with contractions occurring every two to five minutes and lasting for 30 to 60 seconds for at least an hour. Additionally, the contractions will increase in intensity over time.”

That said, Braxton Hicks can be disruptive—and can catch you off guard. So how can you best manage Braxton Hicks contractions? Dr. Miaskowski suggests changing positions, resting, hydrating, and practicing breathing techniques such as slow, deep breathing or belly breathing to help relax the body and reduce the intensity of Braxton Hicks contractions. Massaging the abdomen can also reduce the discomfort caused by Braxton Hicks contractions.

It is important to note that if you experience frequent or painful contractions, it is best to contact your health care provider to ensure there are no underlying issues or complications.

You may have already been experiencing frequent urination for some time, but in week 33 (and beyond) some pregnant individuals find they need to rush to the bathroom all of the time. "Frequent urination is due to additional pressure on the bladder from the growing uterus and the increased circulating fluid volume in pregnancy," says Teresa Tan, M.D., OB-GYN at Altos Medical Group with Stanford Medicine Children's Health in Mountain View, California. 

In most cases, this is normal, but pregnant individuals should be concerned and seek out medical guidance if there is corresponding pain and/or burning with urination, increased urgency, and/or fever and chills.

Experts recommend pregnant individuals do their best when it comes to breathlessness. Again, it may not be a new symptom, but by week 33—and beyond—symptoms may start to increase. According to Dr. Tan, this is due to the pressure the pregnancy is placing on the diaphragm.

For pregnant people who have a chronic respiratory condition, breathlessness may make things harder. So, if you have pre-existing respiratory issues like asthma, it's important to keep your rescue medication nearby at all times. 

And whether you have a history of respiratory issues or not, Dr. Tan says she would be very concerned if a pregnant individual has severe symptoms, including "difficulty talking, chest pain, swelling in the face or throat, or any other concerning issues relating to breathlessness." Simply put, if you feel you are having a respiratory emergency, head to your closest emergency room or medical facility, or dial 911. 

Remember, if you have questions about any symptoms—big or small—don't hesitate to call your health care provider.

Design by Alice Morgan

Developmental Milestones 

Developmentally, big changes are happening to the fetus during week 33. Your unborn baby is practicing their breathing movements as their lungs continue to develop and get stronger. They now have their very own immune system. In fact, antibodies can now be passed from you to your fetus as they continue to grow. Once the unborn baby is delivered and outside the womb, its immune system will help fight against germs.

Your unborn baby's brain and nervous system are now fully developed and their bones will continue to harden with one exception: the skull. A fetus' skull bones stay soft and separated until after the birth to make the journey through the birth canal easier.

Prenatal Tests and Doctor's Appointments 

The majority of pregnant people will have this week off, having had a visit last week and a visit scheduled next week. However, if there were scheduling conflicts or if you are high-risk, you may have a 33-week appointment. 

As is the case with most prenatal visits, there are a number of routine tests and procedures: you will probably be weighed, have your blood pressure taken, and have your urine tested. During the standard 32 to 34 prenatal visit, your provider will monitor your unborn baby's fetal heart rate, and notice any changes with your unborn baby's fetal growth measurements. 

Many providers will also check on the position of the unborn baby. The most common fetal position is cephalic and occiput anterior, meaning the unborn baby's head enters the pelvis facing your back and is considered to be the least risky position for a vaginal birth. The  breech position  is when the unborn baby is lying bottom or feet first. Transverse position is when the unborn baby is positioned horizontally across the uterus rather than vertically. 

If you do not want to know your weight, let the staff know as soon as you're called into the exam room. It's important to advocate for yourself during your prenatal check-ups. That said, it is worth noting that weight checks are an important part of many prenatal visits, i.e. they help your care team catch significant losses and/or gains. So while self advocacy is important, it can and should be done through the lens of informed consent. You can also just ask your doctor, midwife, or health care provider to keep your numbers a secret. They do not have to disclose the results to you.

Common Questions at This Pregnancy Stage

What can I do about frequent urination?

While frequent urination is not dangerous, it can be an unpleasant (and disruptive) pregnancy symptom. But what can you do about it? According to Dr. Tan, the best way is to plan accordingly: "Frequent urination can be helped with planned/timed voiding to avoid sudden urges and emergencies. Pelvic floor strengthening exercises can also be useful." Is my unborn baby in the right position?

When it comes to labor and delivery, you want your baby to be positioned head-down, facing your back, with their chin tucked to their chest. This is called cephalic presentation. Most babies settle into this position between the 32nd and 36th week of pregnancy, but some babies may move into this position sooner—or later. If you are concerned about babies positioning, speak to your doctor, midwife , or health care provider. Should I be meal prepping?

While you still have several weeks left in pregnancy, it is never too early to start meal prepping—especially crock pot-style meals which can be frozen in Tupperware containers or Ziploc bags. Kimberly Zapata, an associate editor at Parents, started the process in her eighth month. Not sure where to begin? Think casseroles, stews, soups, and other meals which are easy to prep, freeze, and reheat.

Things You Might Consider This Week 

At 33 weeks pregnant, now is a great time to check out breastfeeding classes—if you are considering breastfeeding and want more information. La Leche League has free online resources and their meetings (both online and in-person) are often very welcoming to pregnant individuals and first-time parents. Don't think you have to wait until after you've given birth to join a breastfeeding support group community.

You may also want to consider packing your hospital bag during week 33 of your pregnancy. While you still have time, it’s never too early to get things in order—especially when you consider that you could give birth before your due date. But what do you need to pack in your hospital bag? I mean, where do you begin? Check out this handy checklist to ensure you have everything in order. 

Support You May Need This Week

You may have a lot of energy this week, specifically organizational energy. Commonly referred to as nesting , this instinctual reaction is one of the ways expectant parents unconsciously prepare for birth. But while you may want to do all the things all at once—like meal prep, paint, build furniture, and babyproof your home —it’s important you don’t overextend yourself. Instead, ask for help. No task is too silly (or small) and every little bit helps.   

Head over to week 34 of pregnancy

What Week 33 of Your Pregnancy Is Really Like

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