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This open access peer-reviewed journal provides a focus for advances in our understanding of the creative uses of spreadsheets in education.
Baker and Sudgen (2003) provide an overview of the use of spreadsheets in education since their invention in 1979, presenting some evidence that using spreadsheets can result in better outcomes in mathematics coursework. This article argues that: Building spreadsheets requires abstract reasoning by the learner.
Keywords: Spreadsheet, education, mathematics education, statistics education, survey. 1A B r i e f H i s t o r y Paper-based spreadsheets hav e b een around for centuries, primarily for use as ...
Get started with Google Sheets with training on the Google for Education Teacher Center. Get started with Google Sheets with training on the Google for Education Teacher Center. Jump to content. Quick links. Resource library Training courses Get product help Sign into Classroom For K12 Educators certification programs Google workspace for ...
This paper briefly examines the history of the spreadsheet, then goes on to give a survey of major books, papers and conference presentations over the past 25 years, all in the area of educational applications of spreadsheets, to provide a comprehensive bibliography and springboard from which others may develop their own applications and reports on educational applicationsof spreadsheets ...
A peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles on spreadsheets, educational, creative, constructivist, technology and information topics. The journal is free to publish with and uses a CC BY-NC-ND license.
Indeed, as far as teacher education is concerned, a paradigm shift in educating the teachers to use spreadsheets as a pedagogical tool through electronic media has occurred due to the fact that ...
Spreadsheets in mathematics education: research and practice Spreadsheets have given mathematicians and mathematics students a tool to extend the capacity and speed of computation. This has enabled students to better focus on the underlying mathematical ideas rather than on routine mathematical manipulation. Ploger, Klinger and Rooney [5 ...
spreadsheets in education attests to the correctness of decision to launch the journal. In conclusion, the . authors plan to discuss issues related to what areas of education are underrepresented ...
spreadsheets can be used in mathematics lessons, there is a need to further articulate how to connect these findings with broader research on best practices in education. This paper aims to increase our understanding of the role of spreadsheets in mathematics education and connect their use explicitly to research surrounding best practices.