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Understanding Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion

Solar System with the sun and planets amid stars. Illustration Venus Mercury Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus space orbit

In the early 17th century, German astronomer Johannes Kepler postulated three laws of planetary motion . His laws were based on the work of his forebears—in particular, Nicolaus Copernicus and Tycho Brahe . Copernicus had put forth the theory that the planets travel in a circular path around the Sun . This heliocentric theory had the advantage of being much simpler than the previous theory, which held that the planets revolve around Earth . However, Kepler’s employer, Tycho, had taken very accurate observations of the planets and found that Copernicus’s theory was not quite right in explaining the planets’ motions. After Tycho died in 1601, Kepler inherited his observations. Several years later, he devised his three laws.

Planets move in elliptical orbits.

An ellipse is a flattened circle. The degree of flatness of an ellipse is measured by a parameter called eccentricity. An ellipse with an eccentricity of 0 is just a circle. As the eccentricity increases toward 1, the ellipse gets flatter and flatter. A major problem with Copernicus’s theory was that he described the motion of the planet Mars as having a circular orbit. In actuality, Mars has one of the most eccentric orbits of any planet, with an eccentricity of 0.0935. (Earth’s orbit is quite circular, with an eccentricity of only 0.0167.) Since planets orbit in ellipses, that means they aren’t always the same distance from the Sun, as they would be in circular orbits. Since a planet’s distance from the Sun changes as it moves in its orbit, this leads to…

A planet in its orbit sweeps out equal areas in equal times.

Consider the distance that a planet travels over a month, for example, during which it is closest to and farthest from the Sun. One can in a diagram form a roughly triangular shape with the Sun as one point of the triangle and the planet at the beginning and end of the month as the other two points of the triangle. When the planet is close to the Sun, the two sides that have the Sun as the vertex will be shorter than those same sides of the triangle when the planet is far from the Sun. However, both of these triangular shapes will have the same area. This happens because of the conservation of angular momentum . When the planet is closer to the Sun, it moves faster than when it is farther from the Sun, so it travels a greater distance in the same amount of time. Therefore, the side of the triangle connecting the two positions of the planet when it is closer to the Sun is longer than it is when the planet is farther from the Sun. Despite the distance to the Sun being shorter, the fact that the planet travels a longer distance in its orbit means that the two triangles are equal in area.

T 2 is proportional to a 3 .

The third law is a little different from the other two in that it is a mathematical formula, T 2 is proportional to a 3 , which relates the distances of the planets from the Sun to their orbital periods (the time it takes to make one orbit around the Sun). T is the orbital period of the planet. The variable a is the semimajor axis of the planet’s orbit. The major axis of a planet’s orbit is the distance across the long axis of the elliptical orbit. The semimajor axis is half of that. When dealing with our solar system, a is usually expressed in terms of astronomical units (equal to the semimajor axis of Earth’s orbit), and T is usually expressed in years. For Earth, that means a 3 / T 2 is equal to 1. For Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, its orbital distance, a , is equal to 0.387 astronomical unit, and its period, T , is 88 days, or 0.241 year. For that planet, a 3 / T 2 is equal to 0.058/0.058, or 1, the same as Earth.

Kepler proposed the first two laws in 1609 and the third in 1619, but it was not until the 1680s that Isaac Newton explained why planets follow these laws. Newton showed that Kepler’s laws were a consequence of both his laws of motion and his law of gravitation .

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How Does Newton Explain Planetary Motion?

Sir Isaac Newton explained planetary motion with his theory of universal gravitation.

Gravity (Physics): What Is It & Why Is It Important?

The ancients believed that planets and other celestial bodies obeyed a different set of laws from ordinary physical objects on the Earth. By the 17th century, however, astronomers had realized that the Earth itself was a planet and that -- rather than being the fixed center of the universe -- it revolves around the sun like any other planet. Armed with this new understanding, Newton developed an explanation of planetary motion using the same physical laws that apply on Earth.

Sir Isaac Newton

Newton was born in Lincolnshire, England, in 1642. At the age of 27 he was appointed professor of mathematics at Cambridge University. His particular interest was the application of mathematical methods to the physical sciences. Planetary motion was one of the most hotly debated topics of the time, and Newton devoted much of his effort to developing a mathematical theory of this. The result was his law of universal gravitation, which was first published in 1687.

The Motion of the Planets

In Newton's time, everything that was known about planetary motion could be summarized succinctly in three laws attributed to Johannes Kepler. The first law states that planets move around the sun on elliptical orbits. The second law states that a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times. According to the third law, the square of the orbital period is proportional to the cube of the distance to the sun. These are purely empirical laws, however. They describe what happens without explaining why it happens.

Newton's Approach

Newton was convinced the planets must obey the same physical laws that are observed on Earth. This meant there must be an unseen force acting on them. He knew from experiment that, in the absence of an applied force, a moving body will continue in a straight line forever. The planets, on the other hand, were moving in elliptical orbits. Newton asked himself what sort of force would make them do this. In a stroke of genius, he realized that the answer was gravity -- the very same force that causes an apple to fall to the ground on Earth.

Universal Gravitation

Newton developed a mathematical formulation of gravity that explained both the motion of a falling apple and that of the planets. He showed that the gravitational force between any two objects is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. When applied to the motion of a planet around the sun, this theory explained all three of Kepler's empirically derived laws.

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  • University of Nebraska: Newton and Planetary Motion
  • University of Texas: Kepler, Newton, and Laws of Motion
  • University of Oregon: From Galileo to Newton: Physics Emerges

About the Author

Andrew May has more than 25 years of experience in academia, government and the private sector. A full-time author since 2011, he wrote "Bloody British History: Somerset" and "Pocket Giants: Isaac Newton" (to be published in 2015). He is a regular contributor to "Fortean Times" magazine, and also contributed to "30-Second Quantum Theory." May holds a Master of Arts in natural sciences from Cambridge University and a Ph.D. in astrophysics.

Photo Credits

Hulton Archive/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

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Kepler's Three Laws of Motion ( OCR A Level Physics )

Revision note.

Katie M

Kepler's Three Laws of Motion

Kepler's first law.

  • Kepler's First Law describes the shape of planetary orbits
  • It states: 

The orbit of a planet is an ellipse, with the Sun at one of the two foci


The orbit of all planets are elliptical, and with the Sun at one focus

  • Some planets, like Pluto, have highly elliptical orbits around the Sun
  • Other planets, like Earth, have near circular orbits around the Sun

Kepler's Second Law

  • Kepler's Second Law describes the motion of all planets around the Sun

A line segment joining the Sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals


  • The consequence of Kepler's Second Law is that planets move faster nearer the Sun and slower further away from it

Kepler's Third Law

  • Kepler's Third Law describes the relationship between the  time of an orbit and its  radius

The square of the orbital time period T is directly proportional to the cube of the orbital radius  r

  • Kepler's Third Law can be written mathematically as:
  • Which becomes:
  • T = orbital time period (s)
  • r = mean orbital radius (m)
  • k = constant (s 2 m –3 )
  • In the case of our solar system,  k is constant for all planets orbiting the Sun 

You are expected to be able to describe Kepler's Laws of Motion, so make sure you are familiar with how they are worded. 

Applications of Kepler's Third Law

  • Kepler's Third Law, the fact that  T 2 ∝  r 3 applies to  any body in orbit about some larger body
  • The moons orbiting other planets, like the four moons of Jupiter (Io, Europa, Callisto and Ganymede)
  • Exoplanets in orbit about foreign stars
  • Therefore,  useful  and  interesting data about the  mass of orbital systems can be deduced from experimental data

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Author: Katie M

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.

Physics Bootcamp

Samuel J. Ling

Section 12.1 Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion

Subsection 12.1.1 math of ellipse.

Ellipse plays central role in planetary motion. Here, we review some of the basics of ellipse.

Ellipse is an oval-shaped planar curve with two focal points \(F_1\) and \(F_2\) as shown in Figure 12.1.1 . The sum of the distances \(d_1\) and \(d_2\) from the focal points to the points of the ellipse is constant,

Let \(c\) denote the distance of a focus from the center, \(a\) the distance from the center to the end of the wider side, and \(b\) the distance from the center to the end of the narrower side. The quantities \(a\) and \(b\) are also called semi-major and semi-minor axes, and quantity \(c\) is called the focal distance. They are related by

The ratio \(c/a\) is called the eccentricity and denoted by \(e\text{.}\)

Ellipse in Cartesian Form

Suppose we place an ellipse with wider side along \(x\) axis and the narrower side along \(y\) axis. This will place the center of the ellipse at the origin. The foci will be symmetrically located on \(x\) axis at \((-c,0)\) and \((c,0)\text{.}\) The definition of ellipse says that any point \((x,y)\) on ellipse must obey

The points \((a,0)\) and \((-a,0)\) will be the end points of the ellipse on the \(x\) axis. Then,

By appropriately rearranging terms in Eq. (12.1.4) and squaring to remove radicals, and then using Eq. (12.1.1) we can obtain the standard form of equation of ellipse.

Ellipse in Polar Form With Origin at Focus

Sometimes, it is better to work with polar form of an ellipse that has origin at the focus and not at the center. Let \(r \) denote the radial coordinate and \(\theta\) counterclockwise from the \(x\) axis that is along the major axis. Then, it is possible to show that if origin is at the focal point on the right then

and if origin is at the focal point on the left then

If the origin was not at one of the foci, but at the center of the ellipse, we would get

Finally, we will find the formula of the area of an ellipse useful.

Subsection 12.1.2 Kepler's Laws

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) analyzed the voluminous data of planetary positions recorded by Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) and deduced the following three laws of planetary motion. A good place to get planetary data now a days is at the NASA website .

First Law or the Law of Elliptical Orbits

Planets travel in elliptical orbits about the Sun with the Sun at one focus.

Second Law or the Law of Equal Areas

The line joining the Sun and a planet covers equal area in equal time. Thus when a planet is nearer to the Sun, it has a higher speed than when it is further out. Figure 12.1.3 illustrates this law.

Third Law or the Law of Harmonies

The ratio of square of the period of revolution about the Sun to the cube of the semi major axis of the elliptical orbit of two planets are equal to each other. Thus if \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) are time for planets 1 and 2 to go around the Sun, and \(a_1\) and \(a_2\) the semi-major axes of their elliptical orbits, we have the following equality (see Figure 12.1.4 ).

Checkpoint 12.1.5 . Earth's Orbit Around the Sun.

The closest and farthest distance of the Earth from the Sun are 0.98 AU and 1.02 AU, where, the Astronomical Unit, 1 AU = 149,598,000 km. Find (a) the semi-major axis, (b) the eccentricity of Earth's orbit, and (c) the semi-minor axis.

\(2a =\) sum of the two distances given.

(a) \(1.0\text{ AU}\text{,}\) (b) \(0.02\text{,}\) (c) \(b=0.9998\text{ AU}\approx 1.00\text{ AU}\text{.}\)

(a) We will refer to the following figure.

From the figure, we see that

(b) Therefore, the focal distance is

From \(a\) and \(c\) we get the eccentricity of the orbit.

Therefore, \(b=0.9998\text{ AU}\approx 1.00\text{ AU}\) = a. Since \(a\approx b\text{,}\) the orbit of Earth is very close to circular.

Checkpoint 12.1.6 . Mar's Orbit Around the Sun.

The closest and farthest distance of Mars from the Sun are \(1.38\text{ AU}\) and \(1.67\text{ AU}\text{,}\) where, the Astronomical Unit, \(1\text{ AU} = 149,598,000\text{ km}\text{.}\) Data: Semimajor axis of Earth's orbit = \(1.0\text{ AU}\) and orbital period of Earth = \(365.2\text{ days}\text{.}\)

Find (a) the semi-major axis, (b) the eccentricity , and (c) the period of Mars's orbit.

The semi-major axis of Earth is \(1.0\text{ AU}\) and the orbital period is \(365.2\text{ days}\)

(a) \(1.0\text{ AU}\text{,}\) (b) \(0.02\text{,}\) (c) \(687.8\text{ days} \text{.}\)

We will refer to the following figure.

(a) From the figure, we see that

(c) From the semi-major axis of Mars and the semi-major axis and orbital period of Earth, we can find the orbital period of Mars by using Kepler's third law.

Checkpoint 12.1.7 . Orbit of Haley's Comet.

The orbit of Halley's comet is approximately elliptical with \(e=0.967\text{.}\) Halley's comet comes around every 76 years.

Find (a) the distance of the closest approach to the Sun and (b) the farthest distance the comet goes from the Sun.

Data: The semi-major axis of Earth is \(1.0\text{ AU}\) and the orbital period is \(365.2\text{ days}\text{,}\) where \(1\text{ AU} = 149,598,000\text{ km}\text{.}\)

(a) and (b) : Use third law to find \(a\) of Haley's comet first.

(a) \(0.59\text{ AU}\text{,}\) (b) \(35.29\text{ AU}\text{.}\)

First we use Kepler's third law on orbits of Haley's comet and Earth to obtain the semi-major axis of Heley's comet.

Now, we use the definition of eccentricity to find the focal distance.

Now, refer to the figure to obtain the min and max distances.

Checkpoint 12.1.8 . Predict the Orbital Period of Mercury From Aphelion and Perihelion Data on Earth and Mercury.

The perihelion and aphelion distances of Mercury are \(46.0\) and \(69.8 \) in units of \(10^{6}\text{ km}\text{,}\) and that of Earth are \(147.1\) and \(152.1 \) in the same units. What is the orbital period of Mars in Earth days if the orbital period of Earth is \(365.2\text{ days}\text{?}\) Compare your answer to the listed value of \(88.0\text{ days}\text{.}\)

Use Kepler's third law.

\(87.9 \text{ days}\text{.}\)

We can use Kepler's third law.

Here, the semimajor axis \(a\) is the average of the perihelion and aphelion distances. We don't even have to average them, we can just add them, since the dividing factor 2 will be canceled in the ratio.

This is impressively close to \(88.0\text{ days}\text{.}\)

Checkpoint 12.1.9 . Discovering Kepler's Third Law from Modern Data.

The distances of various planets from Sun and their orbital periods are given in NASA website as follows. (Unit of distance is \(10^6\text{ km} \) and the unit of time is Earth \(\text{day}\text{.}\))

The list order is [Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto]. The orbital periods are [88.0, 224.7, 365.2, 687.0, 4331, 10747, 30589, 59800, 90560] and the distances from the Sun are [57.9, 108.2, 149.6, 227.9, 778.6, 1433.5, 2872.5, 4495.1, 5906.4].

You suspect that \(T \propto r^n\text{,}\) where \(T\) is the period and \(r\) the distance. But you don't know \(n\) yet. We pretend we don't know - since this has already been found by Kepler, but here we will find it our own way from the data. Find \(n \) from the given data.

Plot \(\ln T\) versus \(\ln r\text{.}\)

\(n = 1.50\text{.}\)

Since we suspect \(T\propto r^n \text{,}\) we make it an equality first and set

where \(c\) is an unknown constant - at the moment of no interest. By taking natural log of both sides you get

Thus if we plot \(\ln T\) on the \(y\)-axis and \(\ln r\) on the \(x\)-axis, and fit the data to a straight line, the slope of this line will give us \(n\text{.}\) The following figure shows the calculations and result done in Microsoft Excel.

Subsection 12.1.3 Kepler's Impact on the Development of Physics

Kepler's three laws played critical role in the discovery of the universal law of gravitation, and had major impact on the acceptance of science by the general public. By 1666 Newton had early versions of his three laws of motion, but yet did not have the law of gravitation. In that year he had an insight that Earth's gravity extended also to the Moon and was counterbalanced by the centrifugal force. Newton used the balance of the two forces to find that the gravitational force must decrease as inverse square of the distance. The calculation was, however, only for a circular motion.

Newton did not work on the planetary motion problem any further till 1679 when another physicist, Robert Hooke, which you have met in the Hooke's law of the spring force, went to see him about the elliptical orbit problem of the planets. Hooke had conjectured that a planet moving in an ellipse must be acted on by a central force by the Sun. Hooke had also come to the conclusion that this force must vary as the square of the inverse of the distance of the planet from the Sun, but he could not prove his conjectures mathematically.

After Hooke's visit, Newton went back to work on the planetary motion problem. First he showed mathematically that, if a body obeys Kepler's second law, then the force on the body must be central. Isaac Newton also showed that the angular momentum of a body is conserved if the body is acted upon by a central force. This finding demonstrated the physical basis of Kepler's second law.

Next, Newton showed that if a body is in an elliptical path, then the force must be pointed towards one of the foci and must vary as the square of the inverse of the distance from the focus. However, Newton did not publish any of these results until after the great Astronomer, Edmund Halley (1656-1742), asked him in 1684 if he could prove Hooke's conjecture. To Haley's surprise, Newton immediately replied that he had proved it five years earlier. Upon Halley's insistence Newton wrote up his treatise on mechanics and its applications to the celestial mechanics. This work is called the Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, or Principia and was published in 1687.

Halley used Newtonian calculations to ascertain that comets appearing in the sky in 1531, 1607 and 1682 were the same object and it was regularly appearing every 76 years. Sure enough the comet, now called Halley's comet, arrived on Christmas day in 1758 as predicted by Edmund Halley. The last time Halley's comet observable on Earth was in 1986 shown in Figure 12.1.10 .

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Kepler's laws of planetary motion, before and after Newton's Principia: An essay on the transformation of scientific problems

Profile image of Brian Baigrie

1987, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A

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essay about planetary motion

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  • Newton's Laws of Motion
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Kepler's Three Laws

  • Kepler's Three Laws
  • Circular Motion Principles for Satellites
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  • Weightlessness in Orbit
  • Energy Relationships for Satellites


Kepler's three laws of planetary motion can be described as follows:

  • The path of the planets about the sun is elliptical in shape, with the center of the sun being located at one focus. (The Law of Ellipses)
  • An imaginary line drawn from the center of the sun to the center of the planet will sweep out equal areas in equal intervals of time. (The Law of Equal Areas)
  • The ratio of the squares of the periods of any two planets is equal to the ratio of the cubes of their average distances from the sun. (The Law of Harmonies)

The Law of Ellipses

The law of equal areas.

Kepler's second law - sometimes referred to as the law of equal areas - describes the speed at which any given planet will move while orbiting the sun. The speed at which any planet moves through space is constantly changing. A planet moves fastest when it is closest to the sun and slowest when it is furthest from the sun. Yet, if an imaginary line were drawn from the center of the planet to the center of the sun, that line would sweep out the same area in equal periods of time. For instance, if an imaginary line were drawn from the earth to the sun, then the area swept out by the line in every 31-day month would be the same. This is depicted in the diagram below. As can be observed in the diagram, the areas formed when the earth is closest to the sun can be approximated as a wide but short triangle; whereas the areas formed when the earth is farthest from the sun can be approximated as a narrow but long triangle. These areas are the same size. Since the base of these triangles are shortest when the earth is farthest from the sun, the earth would have to be moving more slowly in order for this imaginary area to be the same size as when the earth is closest to the sun.

The Law of Harmonies

Kepler's third law - sometimes referred to as the law of harmonies - compares the orbital period and radius of orbit of a planet to those of other planets. Unlike Kepler's first and second laws that describe the motion characteristics of a single planet, the third law makes a comparison between the motion characteristics of different planets. The comparison being made is that the ratio of the squares of the periods to the cubes of their average distances from the sun is the same for every one of the planets. As an illustration, consider the orbital period and average distance from sun (orbital radius) for Earth and mars as given in the table below.

/m )


3.156 x 10 s

1.4957 x 10

2.977 x 10


5.93 x 10 s

2.278 x 10

2.975 x 10

Observe that the T 2 /R 3 ratio is the same for Earth as it is for mars. In fact, if the same T 2 /R 3 ratio is computed for the other planets, it can be found that this ratio is nearly the same value for all the planets (see table below). Amazingly, every planet has the same T 2 /R 3 ratio.

/au )





































( NOTE : The average distance value is given in astronomical units where 1 a.u. is equal to the distance from the earth to the sun - 1.4957 x 10 11 m. The orbital period is given in units of earth-years where 1 earth year is the time required for the earth to orbit the sun - 3.156 x 10 7 seconds. )

Kepler's third law provides an accurate description of the period and distance for a planet's orbits about the sun. Additionally, the same law that describes the T 2 /R 3 ratio for the planets' orbits about the sun also accurately describes the T 2 /R 3 ratio for any satellite (whether a moon or a man-made satellite) about any planet. There is something much deeper to be found in this T 2 /R 3 ratio - something that must relate to basic fundamental principles of motion. In the next part of Lesson 4 , these principles will be investigated as we draw a connection between the circular motion principles discussed in Lesson 1 and the motion of a satellite.

How did Newton Extend His Notion of Gravity to Explain Planetary Motion?

Newton's comparison of the acceleration of the moon to the acceleration of objects on earth allowed him to establish that the  moon is held in a circular orbit by the force of gravity  - a force that is inversely dependent upon the distance between the two objects' centers. Establishing gravity as the cause of the moon's orbit does not necessarily establish that gravity is the cause of the planet's orbits. How then did Newton provide credible evidence that the force of gravity is meets the centripetal force requirement for the elliptical motion of planets?

Recall from  earlier in Lesson 3  that Johannes Kepler proposed three laws of planetary motion. His Law of Harmonies suggested that the ratio of the period of orbit squared ( T 2 ) to the mean radius of orbit cubed ( R 3 ) is the same value  k  for all the planets that orbit the sun. Known data for the orbiting planets suggested the following average ratio:

Newton was able to combine the law of universal gravitation with circular motion principles to show that if the force of gravity provides the centripetal force for the planets' nearly circular orbits, then a value of  2.97 x 10 -19  s 2 /m 3  could be predicted for the  T 2 /R 3  ratio. Here is the reasoning employed by Newton:

Consider a planet with mass M planet  to orbit in nearly circular motion about the sun of mass M Sun . The net centripetal force acting upon this orbiting planet is given by the relationship

This net centripetal force is the result of the gravitational force that attracts the planet towards the sun, and can be represented as

Since F grav  = F net , the above expressions for centripetal force and gravitational force are equal. Thus,

Since the velocity of an object in nearly circular orbit can be approximated as v = (2*pi*R) / T,

Substitution of the expression for v 2  into the equation above yields,

By cross-multiplication and simplification, the equation can be transformed into

The mass of the planet can then be canceled from the numerator and the denominator of the equation's right-side, yielding

The right side of the above equation will be the same value for every planet regardless of the planet's mass. Subsequently, it is reasonable that the  T 2 /R 3  ratio would be the same value for all planets if the force that holds the planets in their orbits is the force of gravity. Newton's universal law of gravitation predicts results that were consistent with known planetary data and provided a theoretical explanation for Kepler's Law of Harmonies.


Check your understanding.

1. Our understanding of the elliptical motion of planets about the Sun spanned several years and included contributions from many scientists.

a. Which scientist is credited with the collection of the data necessary to support the planet's elliptical motion? b. Which scientist is credited with the long and difficult task of analyzing the data? c. Which scientist is credited with the accurate explanation of the data?

Tycho Brahe gathered the data. Johannes Kepler analyzed the data. Isaac Newton explained the data - and that's what the next part of Lesson 4 is all about.

2. Galileo is often credited with the early discovery of four of Jupiter's many moons. The moons orbiting Jupiter follow the same laws of motion as the planets orbiting the sun. One of the moons is called Io - its distance from Jupiter's center is 4.2 units and it orbits Jupiter in 1.8 Earth-days. Another moon is called Ganymede; it is 10.7 units from Jupiter's center. Make a prediction of the period of Ganymede using Kepler's law of harmonies.

Answer: T = 7.32 days

Io: R io = 4.2 and T io = 1.8

Ganymede: R g = 10.7 Tg=???

Use Kepler's 3rd law to solve.

(T io )^2/(R io ) 3 = 0.04373;

so (T g )^2 / (R g ) 3 = 0.04373

Proper algebra would yield (T g )^2 = 0.04373 • (R g ) 3

(T g ) 2 = 53.57 so T g = SQRT(53.57) = 7.32 days

3. Suppose a small planet is discovered that is 14 times as far from the sun as the Earth's distance is from the sun (1.5 x 10 11 m). Use Kepler's law of harmonies to predict the orbital period of such a planet. GIVEN: T 2 /R 3 = 2.97 x 10 -19 s 2 /m 3

Answer: T planet = 52.4 yr

Use Kepler's third law:

(T e )^2/(R e )^3 = (T p )^2/(R p ) 3

Rearranging to solve for T p :

(T p )^2=[ (T e ) 2 / (R e ) 3 ] • (R p ) 3 or (T p ) 2 = (T e ) 2 • [(R p ) / (R e )] 3 where (R p ) / (R e ) = 14

so (T p ) 2 = (T e ) 2 • [14] 3 where T e =1 yr

T p = SQRT(2744 yr 2 )

4. The average orbital distance of Mars is 1.52 times the average orbital distance of the Earth. Knowing that the Earth orbits the sun in approximately 365 days, use Kepler's law of harmonies to predict the time for Mars to orbit the sun.

Given: R mars = 1.52 • R earth and T earth = 365 days

Use Kepler's third law to relate the ratio of the period squared to the ratio of radius cubed

(T mars ) 2 / (T earth ) 2 • (R mars ) 3 / (R earth ) 3 (T mars ) 2 = (T earth ) 2 • (R mars ) 3 / (R earth ) 3 (T mars ) 2 = (365 days) 2 * (1.52) 3

(Note the R mars / R earth ratio is 1.52)

T mars = 684 days

Orbital radius and orbital period data for the four biggest moons of Jupiter are listed in the table below. The mass of the planet Jupiter is 1.9 x 10 27 kg. Base your answers to the next five questions on this information.



1.53 x 10

4.2 x 10



3.07 x 10

6.7 x 10



6.18 x 10

1.1 x 10



1.44 x 10

1.9 x 10


5. Determine the T 2 /R 3 ratio (last column) for Jupiter's moons.

a. (T 2 ) / (R 3 ) = 3.16 x 10 -16 s 2/ m 3

b. (T 2 ) / (R 3 ) = 3.13 x 10 -16 s 2/ m 3

c. (T 2 ) / (R 3 ) = 2.87 x 10 -16 s 2/ m 3

d. (T 2 ) / (R 3 ) = 3.03 x 10 -16 s 2/ m 3

6. What pattern do you observe in the last column of data? Which law of Kepler's does this seem to support?

The (T 2 ) / (R 3 ) ratios are approximately the same for each of Jupiter's moons. This is what would be predicted by Kepler's third law!

7. Use the graphing capabilities of your TI calculator to plot T 2 vs. R 3 (T 2 should be plotted along the vertical axis) and to determine the equation of the line. Write the equation in slope-intercept form below.

T 2 = (3.03 * 10 -16 ) * R 3 - 4.62 * 10 +9

Given the uncertainty in the y-intercept value, it can be approximated as 0.

Thus, T 2 = (3.03 * 10 -16 ) * R 3

See graph below.

8. How does the T 2 /R 3 ratio for Jupiter (as shown in the last column of the data table) compare to the T 2 /R 3 ratio found in #7 (i.e., the slope of the line)?

The values are almost the same - approximately 3 x 10 -16 .

9. How does the T 2 /R 3 ratio for Jupiter (as shown in the last column of the data table) compare to the T 2 /R 3 ratio found using the following equation? (G=6.67x10 -11 N*m 2 /kg 2 and M Jupiter = 1.9 x 10 27 kg)

The values in the data table are approx. 3 x 10 -16 . The value of 4*pi/(G*M Jupiter ) is approx. 3.1 x 10 -16 .

Return to Question #6

Kepler's laws of planetary motion, before and after Newton's Principia: An essay on the transformation of scientific problems

  • Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 18(2):177-208
  • 18(2):177-208

Brian Baigrie at University of Toronto

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  • What is Kepler's First Law of Planetary Motion?

The orbit of planets and dwarf planets around the sun is elliptical in nature.

Kepler’s First Law of Planetary Motion states that the orbit of a planet is an ellipse, with the sun located on one of the two foci. Contrary to many people’s beliefs and understanding, the orbits that the planets move on are not circular. The Kepler’s First Law of Planetary explains the real shape of the orbits. A circle has fixed points that are equidistant from the center, unlike an ellipse which consists of points with a certain distance from two points, which are referred to as foci. The foci are situated on the major axis of the ellipse such that the sum of the distance between any point on the ellipse and the two foci is constant.

Reason for the Assumption

The pioneer astronomers who attempted to make models of the solar system assumed that the orbits were perfectly circular. Therefore, they made models that perpetuated perfect circular orbits. This is probably why most individuals believed that the orbits were circular. Plato’s astronomical works also highlights the orbits as perfectly circular. However, it should be noted that most of the orbits are almost circular and with varied eccentricity.

Kepler’s Discovery

Johannes Kepler, a German astronomer discovered that the circular orbits were unrealistic. Therefore, he studied the astronomical objects and their orbits and came up with laws to prove that the orbits were elliptical and not circular. Kepler was making a case study on the orbital motions of planet Mars when he discovered that the orbits were elliptical, or rather oval-like in shape. Calculations of the eccentricity of planet Mars’ orbit indicate that it is perfect ellipse shape. It is also proof enough that orbits of other planets located farther from the sun are also ellipses. He wrote to another astronomer, David Fabricius, to explain his discovery. He penned his new-found discovery on October 11, 1605, with most of his works published between 1605 and 1609.

How Effective Is Kepler’s First Law of Planetary Motion

Kepler’s first law of planetary motion came in handy in explaining the Heliocentric Theory proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus. Nicolas Copernicus was attempting to explain why the speed of the planets while moving around the sun varied. It was quite a challenge for him to explain and provide evidence for his discovery. But with the Kepler’s First Law of Planetary motion, he was able to explain his theory, which was later proved to be valid.

How Valid Is Kepler’s First Law of Planetary Motion

If the orbits were perfectly circular, then the phenomena of perihelion and aphelion could not have been possible. Perihelion and aphelion occur because the orbits are elliptical. In 1687, Isaac Newton validated all of the three Kepler’s Laws and found that they would apply in the solar system to an extent as a consequence of his own low of motion and universal gravitation. The orbits have also been found to become more elliptical as the years go by. The eccentricity of the orbits keeps on increasing after over 10 decades. This explains why the dates of perihelion and aphelion are not fixed but rather keep changing.

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  2. Understanding Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion

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  8. Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion

    Section 12.1 Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion Subsection 12.1.1 Math of Ellipse. Ellipse plays central role in planetary motion. Here, we review some of the basics of ellipse. Ellipse is an oval-shaped planar curve with two focal points \(F_1\) and \(F_2\) as shown in Figure 12.1.1.The sum of the distances \(d_1\) and \(d_2\) from the focal points to the points of the ellipse is constant,

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  11. (PDF) Kepler's laws of planetary motion, before and after Newton's

    PDF | On Jun 1, 1987, Brian S. Baigrie published Kepler's laws of planetary motion, before and after Newton's Principia: An essay on the transformation of scientific problems | Find, read and cite ...

  12. PDF Essays on mathematical astronomy Planetary motion and Kepler's equation

    Planetary motion and Kepler's equation 2 a b f = ae focus Given a and e we have b = a p 1−e2. Since √ 1− e2 ∼ 2/2, the semi­axes b and a are very close for even moderately small . Thus the shape of the ellipse is close to a circle unless e is close to 1. 2. Conics and planetary motion

  13. What is Kepler's First Law of Planetary Motion?

    The orbit of planets and dwarf planets around the sun is elliptical in nature. Kepler's First Law of Planetary Motion states that the orbit of a planet is an ellipse, with the sun located on one of the two foci. Contrary to many people's beliefs and understanding, the orbits that the planets move on are not circular.

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    Sun focus. A2 A12aA3Fig. 1.2. The geometry implied by Kepler's first two laws of planetary motion for a. eccentricity of 0.5. (a) The Sun occupies one of the two foci of the elliptical path traced by the planet; the. other focus is empty. (b) The regions A1, A2, and A3 denote equal areas swept out in equal times.

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    Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion. While Copernicus rightly observed that the planets revolve around the Sun, it was Kepler who correctly defined their orbits. At the age of 27, Kepler became the assistant of a wealthy astronomer, Tycho Brahe, who asked him to define the orbit of Mars. Brahe had collected a lifetime of astronomical ...

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