
Book Review: EK HOTA CARVER | एक होता कार्व्हर | books || खासमराठी

Book review: ek hota carver | एक होता कार्व्हर  | books || खासमराठी .

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जगण्याचा अर्थ सांगणारे ‘झपूर्झा’

‘झपूर्झा’ म्हणजे झपाटलेपणाने जगणे. आधुनिक मराठी कवितेचे जनक केशवसुत यांनी या शब्दाचा वापर प्रथम प्रचारात आणला. उन्मनी अवस्थेचे वर्णन करण्यासाठी १८९३ साली ‘झपूर्झा’ शीर्षकाच्या कवितेत केशवसुतांनी सर्वप्रथम हा शब्द वापरला होता..

जगण्याचा अर्थ सांगणारे ‘झपूर्झा’

छत्रपतींचा पुतळा गडबडीत बसवला, निकृष्ट दर्जाचे सामान वापरले; खासदार शाहू महाराजांचा आरोप

पुतळा कोसळल्या प्रकरणी मुख्यमंत्र्यांनी बोलावली तातडीची बैठक, दोन्ही उपमुख्यमंत्र्यांसह बांधकाम मंत्री, नौदलाचे अधिकारी उपस्थित राहणार

पुतळा कोसळल्या प्रकरणी मुख्यमंत्र्यांनी बोलावली तातडीची बैठक, दोन्ही उपमुख्यमंत्र्यांसह बांधकाम मंत्री, नौदलाचे अधिकारी उपस्थित राहणार

एवढ्या मोठ्या नेत्याला अशी विधाने करणे शोभत नाही; देवेंद्र फडणवीसांचा शरद पवारांवर पलटवार

एवढ्या मोठ्या नेत्याला अशी विधाने करणे शोभत नाही; देवेंद्र फडणवीसांचा शरद पवारांवर पलटवार

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गुलाबी साडी, गुलाबी जॅकेटनंतर रेट्रो लूकवाला गुलाबी HMD Barbie Phone चर्चेत

Breaking News : हार्बर रेल्वे दहा ते पंधरा मिनिटाने उशीरा, प्रवाशांची स्टेशनवर गर्दी

LIVE Breaking News : हार्बर रेल्वे दहा ते पंधरा मिनिटाने उशीरा, प्रवाशांची स्टेशनवर गर्दी

करोनामध्ये नोकरी गेली, बेरोजगारीमुळे बापलेकात तणाव; जालन्याच्या तरुणाला KBC 16 मुळे परत मिळाला मान!

करोनामध्ये नोकरी गेली, बेरोजगारीमुळे बापलेकात तणाव; जालन्याच्या तरुणाला KBC 16 मुळे परत मिळाला मान!

मुलांच्या ड्रॉइंग बुकमधील प्राणी खरे झाले तर? कसा दिसेल कुत्रा आणि मांजर, पाहून हसून हसून वेडे व्हाल

मुलांच्या ड्रॉइंग बुकमधील प्राणी खरे झाले तर? कसा दिसेल कुत्रा आणि मांजर, पाहून हसून हसून वेडे व्हाल

महत्वाचे लेख

युरेनियमच्या विळख्यात…

युरेनियमच्या विळख्यात…

व्हिडिओ निर्मितीतून शिक्षण

व्हिडिओ निर्मितीतून शिक्षण

सांस्कृतिक क्षेत्राला हवेत आता अच्छे दिन!

सांस्कृतिक क्षेत्राला हवेत आता अच्छे दिन!

जातपंचायतीचा समांतर न्याय कधी थांबणार?

जातपंचायतीचा समांतर न्याय कधी थांबणार?

…आता रंगभूमीसाठी एकत्र यायला हवं!

…आता रंगभूमीसाठी एकत्र यायला हवं!

।। रेषावसान ।।

।। रेषावसान ।।

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बनगरवाडी - व्यंकटेश माडगूळकर ( पुस्तक समीक्षा ) l bangarvadi book review in marathi

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पुस्तक - बनगरवाडी लेखक - व्यंकटेश माडगूळकर प्रकाशन -  मौज प्रकाशन गृह


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Best Selling Marathi Books

Best Marathi Books to read

Want to see the best marathi books  to read ? Well you have landed on the right article.Literature always fascinates people. Books and stories not only help readers in need but also in times when they are falling behind.   For years authors have done magic and have written some inexplicable stories which have impressed our hearts and soul.  India is a land of culture , reading one author’s or one language’s books is simply not enough. Each language has its sweetness and poise. Marathi is one of the oldest  and  richest languages . This Indo-Aryan language is very beautifully crafted and mostly spoken in Maharashtra.  Marathi literature has continued to stir hearts since the   11th and 12th centuries.   Marathi writers are excelling not only in poetry or novels but also in epic tales. Marathi literature has been enriching from the beginning, the language is itself so lucid and vocal, that the readers are attracted very easily. Even modern  Marathi novels are also   popular . The authors have done an excellent job of engaging today’s readers with their charm and creativity. The novels are appreciated by the literates and commoners and they are in the list of best marathi novels of all time. The  Marathi language  brings  depth  and  beauty to every verse and paragraph. Here are the top 15 marathi books of all time some of them are the most popular and loved Marathi books that will give you a wonderful time. 

Here's Our Top Picks :

  • Mrityunjaya : Best For Mythology
  • Chavaava : Best For Non - Fictional
  • Shyamchi Aai : Best Overall 

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Best Marathi Books List 

1. mrityunjaya.

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Originally published in 1967 , this book turns your perspective on how you perceive epic tales like Mahabharata. The book is extremely talented and written in the richness of Marathi.

It is one of  the best marathi books to read. The story is based on the popular character Karna , also known as the tragic hero of an epic tale. The book holds Mahabharata from a socio-political perspective and gives a vivid insight into how Karna lived his life. The book gives a standpoint from Karna’s perspective and tells the readers what it meant for Karna to be the son of famous Pandava queen Kunti and sun god Surya.

Though many of us do not engage in these tales, Mrityunjaya by Shivaji Sawant draws many in through its unique and brilliant storytelling. It remains to be one of the most read and loved books in Indian literature.


  • Published by – writers workshop
  • Key Quote -“Things are long gone. We are living in the era of the
  • plenitude of meanings – the abundance of bygone!”
  • Purchase the book at – Amazon Flipkart
  • Pages – 697

2. Chavaava

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Shivaji Sawant is the most popular Marathi novel writer. His skills hardly disappoint. Chava is another excellent example of how far the novelist can go to surprise his readers. The book is based on the life of   Chhatrapati Sambhaji, the son of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

This is one of the top books in the category of best selling marathi books  and also tops in the category of marathi famous books .  Those who are acquainted with Indian history will know what and how important these two personalities were for Indians and history lovers. The book focused on the tough and overwhelming life of the famous son. 

The story takes the readers to some of the most iconic and historic moments of India, of which Chatapati was part of The book described what a wonderful poet and excellent ruler he was. The text gave all the small details about the famous king’s son which are not to be found everywhere.

This is one of the classical book of all time and should definitely be your main pick for marathi book list for library . The writer Shivaji Sawant also did a great job in storytelling how he grew up to be this incessant ruler everyone admired. 

  • Published by – continental Prakashan
  • Pages  - 888

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The war of Panipat is one of the biggest highlights of Indian battles and reading it in a history textbook won’t suffice. This is where the beautiful writer Viswas Patil comes in and gives the history lovers something to talk about.

This is one of the classical book of all time and should definitely be your main pick for marathi book list for library . The book Panipat published in 1988 talks about every detail of the Panipat battle that might have been left out before. What makes this book hugely impressive is its note to every detail with reliable information and honest storytelling.

This book is known as one of the truest writings in the history of literature. Of course the book has its fictional parts just to frame everything together But the core and most of it is unhinged and raw, which is why the book and history lovers cannot let go of this Marathi original novel.

  • Published by – Rajhans Prakashan
  • Key quote – “Two pearls have been dissolved, 27 gold coins have been lost and of the silver and copper the total cannot be cast up”
  • Pages  - 275

4. Shyamchi Aai

book review in marathi

Shyamchi Aai holds a favourite spot for book lovers. The book, which was published in 1935 , is an autobiography of the author himself, Sadashiv Sane , also known as guruji sane . Through this book, he revisits his childhood days, which family he was born in, where he lived and how his mother played the biggest role in his life. The book shyamchi aai brings out the love in everyone for their mothers. The book is a tribute to all the things mothers do for their children to grow up worrying less.

The story is written with such ease that it engages a reader right from the beginning. Sadashiv makes the  Marathi language worthwhile through his unique and deep writing.

The book starts with how his mother was married to a rich family which later drifted and came close to bankruptcy and poverty. The story signifies her role in the crisis and tells the powerful journey of the author’s mother. 

  • Published by – Anmol Prakashan
  • Pages  - 210

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Swami is a famous and loved Marathi story novel penned by Ranjit Desai. The story is simple yet engaging. It tells us about the life and work of Peshwa Madhavrao from a never heard before standpoint. The book gives an account of many historical figures with in-depth character traits. The book teaches politics, deceit and betrayals. The story also takes an account of Mdhavrao’s personal life and his relationship with his wife Ramabai. 

The writing style of  Ranjit Desai is beautiful as it takes to progress in later chapters. The book interests today’s young readers who do not like history and enjoys reading stories worth their time. The story makes you fall in love with the married couple who were so ahead of their time and never felt to stand beside each other.

This comes in the list of best selling marathi books of all time.   Ranjit Desai also writes in detail about the then Peshwa empire and gives the readers a peek into the socio and political aspects of the ruler’s life.

  • Published by  – Mehta publishing house
  • Pages  - 418

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The book Yayati also known as a classic tale of lust revolves around a prince who used to be an ancestor of Kauravas and Pandavas. Yayati was a great warrior who had everything in life. The story tells the tale of his two wives whom he never could love. The prince gave in to lust and alcohol which slowly led to the destruction of his fine empire and destiny. The story is built so interestingly that the reader could hardly put it down.  This is one of the most famous marathi books .

The author describes Hayati's bodily pleasures and torments of mind like no other author could. The book also won Sahitya Akademi and Jnanpith awards for its incredible storytelling and plot framing.

  • Published by  – Mehta publishing house Pune
  • Key quote – “Gods are addicted to the pleasures and the demons are blindly worshipping power.”
  • Pages  - 432

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The story is about a simple man Pandurang Sangwikar who is an English student and finds it hard to master the subject of being an English speaking person . The story builds slowly around him, how he overcame his fright, stepped forward and faced other barriers in life. The book takes you through a person’s childhood to adult life, situations that made him what he is and the turns he took to be where he is. The excellent and flamboyant style of writing by the author makes this book a beautiful as well as an inspiring tale of success and challenges.

  • Pages - 350

8. Batatyachi Chal

book review in marathi

This novel is written about India back in the 1940s . The story is about the people who live in this small habitat of Batatyachi chal which is in Girgaon. The writer focuses his narration on the middle-class lives of people who live there. He writes about their daily lives and how living with each other may clash a bit often. The book covers many aspects of life such as cultural, lingual, social and economic . The most interesting part about the book is that the author indulged in a humorous telling of the story.

This book should definitely come in the list of marathi famous books name list.

Readers are not only amused by his writing style but also have laughed and enjoyed it throughout. It is a book that a person can read many times in his or her life.

  • Published by – Mauj Prakashan
  • Pages - 334

9. Natsamrat

book review in marathi

The story is about a veteran Shakespearean veteran theatre actor named Ganpat Ramchandra Belwalkar. The character has been respected and given wealth for all the talent he showed in his days. The protagonist is also known as Appa which is called the Natsamrtat, meaning the emperor of plays. The author V V Shirwadkar does a magnificent job in writing the characters with so much depth and beauty.

The book gives a reader an emotional ride while reading it. The development within the story is executed coherently with grace and stability.

  • Published by – Popular Prakashan
  • Pages - 111

10. Musafir

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Musafir is one of those few autobiography books that is loved by all. Throughout the book, Achyut Godbole has given his readers all the details about his life. His writing is fluid and super lucid. He knew what he was doing and made the best out of his life by writing this book. The book is an account of all the political, economical and social happenings in the last few years.

One of the best books to read in marathi which has some interesting tails about his life. He wrote about the grim dawn stages of life when he was arrested and the period of life he wasted after alcohol.

The book is an inspirational tale which is penned with a millionth-time honesty. The book is very interesting and keeps the readers stuck till the very end.

  • Published by – Manjul Publishing house
  • Pages – 210

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Well, who is not a fan of epic historical love stories? This book is the perfect tale of romance, betrayal and ruling. The story revolves around the famous ruler Peshwa Baji Rao and Mastani, his second wife. The book is an epic tale of love against all odds. It showcases the atrocities love and relationships had to face in that era. Though Baji Rao had his wife Kashi Bai , he still fell in love with an outsider who did not belong to his bubble of perfection.

The story ends by breaking the hearts of all the readers who could not put down the book for its beautiful and blending style of writing. The book later got adopted into the famous adaptation of the movie directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. 

  • Pages – 350

12. Bangarwadi

book review in marathi

The book has a very basic plot of a young government teacher getting appointed in a remote village of Bangarwadi . What makes this book stand out is the writing of Vyankentash Madgulkar. This is an ideal book for those who love fictional stories about a village and its livelihood. The author has kept the book short, straightforward and humorous. The plot is built with a perfect pace and throws a huge climax in the end. The story is very simple , yet the way Vyankentash Madgulkar has written it is brilliant. His way of putting characters into life and framing a beautiful story out of a simple base is extraordinary. 

The readers will love the innocence and humour found in village life. The story gives minute details about everything to make it all real and life-like. The story shows all kinds of stereotypes and backwardness that a small Indian village would ideally have. The book represents the condition of village people with the utmost reality. The story is acute and very honest in portraying characters. The author leaves no leaf unturned in making the story emotional as well as unique. 

  • Published by – Mauj publications
  • Pages – 130

13. Duniyadari

book review in marathi

From fights to first love, the book Duniyadari has it all.The readers find the book to be equally heartwarming and fun.

This is one the finest books to read in marathi .

The journey experienced through this book remains in the readers’ minds and souls. The climax and slow development of the storyline is just perfect and very well put together by the author.

  • Published by  – Sashideep Prakashan
  • Pages - 283

14. Partner

book review in marathi

The name of the book subtly gives away what it is about. The book shows a journey of a normal boy who is hated by his family but still manages to shine through life. His mother and brother despise the protagonist for being better and more successful than him. Finding no shoulder to rely on he keeps on living his life until one day he meets the girl of his dreams. He called her his  “partner” , as she was the one he wanted to spend his life with. 

The story is as romantic and heartbreaking as it could be. The author goes all the way to show how love can be pure and strong. The story also tells all the unimagined situations the protagonist had to face and overcome.

The readers always get teary while finishing this book Because it is one of the best and most well-thought love and life stories written in the history of Marathi literature. You can search the book name in marathi also.

  • Published by – Mehta publishing house
  • Pages – 160

book review in marathi

Shala is 100% worthy of recommendation. It is a well-written and brilliantly framed Marathi novel by Milind Bokil. The book takes you to your adolescent period of school days when you found friendship, love and fun. The book is simple and innocent while telling us the story of a young boy Mukund Joshi who has just stepped in at the age of fourteen. Fourteen is a sweet spot, where a child finds everything new and challenging in life. The story is transparent when talking about the first crush, punishments, and competitions.

The discreet friendships, mischievous acts and bravery in putting friends above everything are beautifully shown in this masterpiece. The book will always remain in the heart of Marathi literature   where readers found their lost solace and innocence. 

  • Published by – HarperPerennial
  • Pages - 388

Final Overview

Marathi literature is one of the oldest and purest forms of knowledge. The language is rich and readers have enjoyed the novel ever since the dawn of history. Above mentioned are the best books to read in marathi , these are one of the best marathi books list to read from. The stories in one of the best Marathi novels reflect history, culture, tradition, ruling and lov e . The authors with their impeccable talent have taken the language to new heights. The aforementioned novels are some of the best-written novels. Even now the readers reread them just to get the essence of the stories again. The top marathi books have high ratings as well as good reviews from booklovers. The Marathi novels have a significant role to play in Indian literature. The novels have improved the reader’s capacity as well as knowledge. I hope you liked our article on best marathi books to read , if you have any comments or suggestions do share them in the comments below. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1.who is the best marathi author.

There is a long list of authors whom we call the best in Marathi literature. To name a few, Ranjit Desai, Shivaji Sawant, and Vishwas Patil. They are the pioneers of Marathi novels. Their exceptional work and approach gave Marathi literature a huge turn. They have a classic style along with a reader-friendly method.

2. Who is the father of Marathi novels?

Dnyaneshwar is known as the first literary figure who had a great hold over the Marathi language and leadership. His literary influence was quite big to which no one to date has come closer.

3. Which is the first book in the Marathi language?

Research leads back to Viveksindhu to be the first Marathi literary work. The book dates back to 1188. It is very hard to find out the actual first Marathi book as the period of Marathi literature is one of the oldest and most traditional.

4. How many volumes are there in Marathi?

There are 42 dialects spoken in Marathi. It is the 4th most spoken language in India and the 15th most spoken in the world. It is estimated around 90 million Marathi speakers can be found all over the world.

Here are the Best M arathi Novels List : 

  • Mrityunjaya
  • Shyamchi Aai
  • Batatyachi Chal

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About the Author

Currently working as an Editor in Chief with Ankuraggarwal.in, he is managing all the ins and outs of the content management process and editorial operations. Having an experience of 8 years in the publishing/ e-solution industry, he manages a small freelancing team of fellow editors and has worked with several domains including academics, healthcare, lifestyle and technical writings. He is a stickler for accuracy and loves to read noir-fiction and binge-watch anthologies.

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Marathi Book Review : श्यामची आई - साने गुरुजी

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पुस्तकाचे नाव : श्यामची आई

लेखक : साने गुरुजी, प्रकाशक : रिया पब्लिकेशन्स, पृष्ठ : २४०, भाषा : मराठी, किंमत : ₹१०५/-, marathi book review  श्यामची आई.

   आपल्या सर्वांचे आवडते लेखन साने गुरुजी यांनी 'श्यामची आई' हे पुस्तक लिहिले आहे. श्याम लहान असतानाच श्याम ची आई वारते. आई वारल्यानंतर आईच्या स्मृती रात्रीच्या वेळी श्याम आपल्या सवंगड्यांना सांगतानाचं वर्णन म्हणजे हे पुस्तक !! आईची प्रत्येक स्मृती ही खूप सुंदर रित्या पुस्तकात मांडण्यात आली असून, पुस्तक वाचता वाचता 'अरे !! मी पण बालपणी असाच होतो', असं म्हणत तुम्ही हसाल, अनेक ठिकाणी रडाल ही, पण हेच ते पुस्तक आहे जे आपल्याला जाणीव करून देईल की आई-वडिलांनी आपल्यावर केलेल्या संस्कारांच ऋण फेडायला आपल्याला सात जन्म ही कमी पडतील !! जेव्हा तुम्ही हे पुस्तक वाचाल, तेव्हा तुम्हाला तुमची आईची मुर्ती नजरेसमोर उभारल्याशिवाय राहणार नाही. श्यामच्या गोष्टी वाचताना, तुम्ही पुन्हा - पुन्हा बालपणात जाल. तुमच्या बालपणीच्या स्मृती जाग्या होतील व त्या तुमच्या डोळ्यासमोर एखाद्या फुलाप्रमाणे डोलतील एवढं मात्र नक्की..!!

ह्या पोस्ट सुद्धा तुम्हाला आवडतील - तीन हजार टाके - सुधा मूर्ती

     श्याम ला त्याच्या आईने काय शिकवलं, कसं घडवलं, कसं चांगल्या विचारांचं अंकुर त्याच्या मनात पेरलं, कसं मार्गदर्शन केलं हे तो आईच्या प्रत्येक आठवणीतून आपल्या मित्रांना सांगत असतो, त्यातून आपल्याला सुद्धा खूप शिकण्यासारखं आहे, म्हणून मला वाटतं सर्वांनी एकदा तरी हे पुस्तक आवर्जून वाचलं पाहिजे.

तुम्‍हाला या पोस्‍ट आवडू शकतात

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बटाट्याची चाळ पुस्तक परीक्षण || Batatyachi Chal Book Review in Marathi

मुंबई... देशाची आर्थिक राजधानी! आज उंचच उंच मॉल मध्ये हरवलेली मुंबई पूर्वी कशी होती? या मुंबईला जर टाईम मशीन लावता आले आणि काळाच्या मागे नेता आले आले तर आपण खात्रीपूर्वक सांगू शकतो की मुंबई ही बटाट्याच्या चाळीसारखी होती... नात्यांनी मजबूत, भावनेने प्रेमळ आणि लहान मुलासारखी खोडकर आणि चळवळ ! व्यक्ती तितक्या प्रवृत्ती ही म्हण निर्माण करणाऱ्याला ही म्हण चाळीकडे बघूनच सुचली असावी. चला तर मग या चाळीतल्या घरांमध्ये डोकावून येऊ... दुसऱ्या महायुद्धात ब्लॅक आऊटच्या निमित्ताने उडालेल्या जिन्यातल्या दिव्यांना नव्याने उजाळा देऊ! 


पुस्तकाचे नाव - बटाट्याची चाळ

लेखकाचे नाव - पु. ल. देशपांडे

पब्लिशर - मौज प्रकाशन गृह

अखंड महाराष्ट्राचे साहित्याच्या बाबतीत आराध्य दैवत कोण असेल तर ते पुल होय. संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रात आणि विशेषतः मराठी माणसांमध्ये पुल देशपांडे माहीत नाहीत असा माणूस सापडणे कठिण आहे. जरी असा कोणी सापडला तर त्याने स्वतः काहीतरी गमावलं आहे असे म्हणायला देखील काही एक हरकत नाही. पु ल हे आपले जगणे समृद्ध करतात. जीवनाकडे हसत हसत बघण्याचा दृष्टिकोन ते आपल्याला देतात. पुलंनी उभी केलेली प्रत्येक व्यक्तिरेखा आपल्याला आपलीशी वाटते. कारण पुलंनी उभ्या केलेल्या व्यक्तिरेखा आपल्या आजूबाजूला फिरत असतात, रोजच्या आयुष्यात येतात आणि भेटतात. त्यामुळेच पु ल हे आपल्याला आपलेसे वाटतात. 

त्यांचा जन्म हा स्वातंत्र्याअगोदर 1919 चा आहे. तो काळ त्यांच्या लिखाणातून आपल्याला स्पष्ट दिसून येतो. त्यांचा मृत्यू हा 2000 साली झाला. आयुष्याची 8 दशके त्यांनी साहित्य सेवेत घालविली. त्यांच्या याच साहित्यसेवेतील त्यांच्या हातून घडलेला शिरोमणी म्हणजेच बटाट्याची चाळ! हसता हसता प्रत्येकाला अंतर्मुख करायला लावून स्वतः मध्ये डोकावू पाहायला लावणारे हे पुस्तक! 

बटाट्याची चाळ हे पुस्तक हाती घेतल्यावर त्याचे मुखपृष्ठ हे आपले लक्ष वेधून घेते. डेरेदार वृक्ष आणि त्यांचा बांध्यामध्ये वसलेली बटाट्याची चाळ. वरवर बघितले तर ती प्रचंड गजबजलेली दिसते, चाळीला आधार देण्यासाठी एखादा टेकू लागतो की काय असेच वाटते. त्यातली नाती एखाद्या वृक्षाइतकी भक्कम, त्यातही काहीशी गंमतच होती. पुस्तकातील सर्व चित्रे व मुखपृष्ठ हे वसंत सरवटे यांनी रेखाटलेले आहे. 

पुलंच्या या पुस्तकाला काही मोठी प्रस्तावना वैगेरे नाही. पुलंनी मोजून फक्त 4 ओळींमध्ये तीन वाक्ये लिहिलेली आहेत. प्रस्तावना इतकी छोटी असावी का? यातून पुलंचा साधेपणा हा नक्कीच स्पष्ट होतो. 

या पुस्तकात एकूण 12 प्रकरणे आहेत. प्रकरणे म्हणायला ती इतकी क्लिष्ठ नाहीये परंतु त्यांना आपण धडे म्हणालो तर पुलंना ते नक्कीच आवडणार नाही हे आम्हाला वाटते. त्यांना प्रकरण म्हणले तरच त्यात खरी मजा आहे. त्यातील काही प्रकरणाचा आता आपण ओझरता आढावा घेऊयात. 

पहिली दोन प्रकरणे हे सांस्कृतिक चळवळ आणि सांस्कृतिक शिष्ठमंडळ ही आहेत. या प्रकरणांमधून त्यांनी व्यक्तिरेखा साकारण्याचा प्रयत्न केलेला आहे. प्रत्येक व्यक्तिरेखा ही विरुद्ध अंगाने रंगवताना पुलंनी त्या व्यक्तिरेखेला न्याय देण्याचा प्रयत्न केलेला आहे. दोन्ही प्रकरणामध्ये ती चाळ, चाळीतील व्यक्ती आणि त्या व्यक्तींबाबतीत घडणारे किस्से याचे वर्णन ते करतात. 

गच्चीसह- झालीच पाहिजे, हे अजून एक छान प्रकरण. यामध्ये चाळीचा मालक हा नवीन झाल्याने तो काही नवीन सुविधा देण्याचे जाहीर करतो. यामध्ये तो गच्ची सर्वांसाठी खुली करतो. मग ती गच्ची आपली व्हावी यासाठी सर्वांचे प्रयत्न सुरू होतात. पुढे होणारी धमाल या प्रकरणात मांडलेली आहे. उपवास हे प्रकरण तर फारच मजेशीर आहे. पंतांचे वजन वाढल्याने ते डायट करायचे ठरवतात आणि त्या डायटचा कसा बोजवारा उडतो हे आजच्या काळातील साधर्म्य असणारी घटना त्यांनी रेखाटली आहे. रघुनानांची कन्येस पत्रे, काही वासऱ्या ही प्रकरणे सुद्धा उत्तमच आहेत. भ्रमण मंडळ म्हणजे या सगळ्यांचा कळसच आहे. इथे काही जण हे ट्रिप प्लॅन करतात, मग त्या ट्रिपचे काय घडते, ती कशी होते आणि त्यातल्या गमतीजमती काय घडतात हे जाणून घेण्यासाठी पुस्तक वाचणे अत्यावश्यक आहे. 

एक चिंतन हे प्रकरण आपल्याला स्वतःत तसेच आजूबाजूच्या परिस्थितीमध्ये खोल डोकवायला लावते. चाळ पूर्वी कशी होती आणि आता ती काय झाली आहे याचे दाखले ते देतात. आतमध्ये काहीसं वाईट वाटत परंतु आतमध्ये धागे तुटलेले नाहीयेत असा आशावादी दृष्टिकोन पुलं त्यांच्या लेखणीतून व्यक्त करतात. पुस्तकातील शेवटचे प्रकरण हे मनाला रुखरुख लावत असते. 

एकूणच हे पुस्तक म्हणजे मराठी साहित्यातील एक उत्कृष्ठ नमुना! आडवळनाणे पुलं बरंच काही सांगून जातात. त्यांच्यातील सारकॅसम खूप काही बोलून जातो. तो सारकॅसम आपल्याला हसायला लावतो परंतु नकळत घशात अचानक अवंढा येईल अशी तरतूद देखील करतो.  पुलंच्या प्रत्येक पुस्तकाचा दीपस्तंभ परिवार आणि अवघा महाराष्ट्र ऋणी आहे! 

दीपस्तंभ या पुस्तकाला देत आहे 10 पैकी 10 दीप! 

टिप्पणी पोस्ट करा

संपर्क फॉर्म.


'Shyamchi Aie' book review: Speaking to the heart

Some books talk to the heart. The Alchemist is one example. It packages simple wisdom and highlights values precious to those who wish to live a life that is spiritual without being ritualistic or based on any single religion. Which is why despite the increasingly materialistic mindset humans tend to adopt, the book has consistently remained a best seller through decades.

Shyamchi Aie is to the reader of Marathi literature, what The Alchemist is to an entire universe of readers thanks to its various translated versions. The simply told stories that reach out to both children and adults, hold within them grains of truth that are perennial and can lead to where peace of mind and compassion walk hand in hand to pave the way for a better life. Sane Guruji’s home-spun wisdom has endured through two centuries and this translation may enlarge his reach to include young readers not only in India, but across the world.

Shanta Gokhale’s translation carries within it what I believe is the spirit of the original. The prose runs softly like a smooth flowing river that, even as it meanders its way through tricky terrain, manages to avoid any hurdles.

The short episodes, that are stories told every evening by Shyam to his young peers, centre around the simple wisdom contained in the life lessons his mother has taught him, through advice and example.

The stories range from the humorous to ones that are touched with sadness, but each narration has the power to hold the reader’s attention, and the simple style makes it acceptable to many levels of readers.

The rural backdrop of the book adds its own charm, and descriptions such as the one of a ‘night of crisp bright moonlight,’ when ‘the river in the distance looked like flowing silver’, transport the reader into a world far away from the chaos of urban living.

Shyam’s story-telling includes frequent personifications of Nature, as when he talks of the same river, as knowing no rest. ‘She only knows to keep flowing.

This is her prayer and it never stops. As she flows, she hums or gurgles with laughter, or turns playful or solemn, or even angry. The river,’ he adds, ‘is a profound mystery.’ The result is a lyrical and visually rich text that feeds the reader’s senses and fuels the imagination.

Stories are wound around simple everyday aspects of a way of life many of us have forgotten. The making of leaf cups, which were an environmentally friendly approach to the process of serving food and eating, becomes the base for a story on why one must undertake every task with dedication and concentration.

So, when Shyam resists having to join his family in making the plates and bowls they eat from, and does a shoddy job, a tack slips out while he is eating from a plate he has made and sticks in his throat. His mother tells him that he should make plates that anyone would enjoy eating from and till he learns to do that, he must eat out of the plates he makes.

It’s a simple lesson and safe advice, and soon results in Shyam making plates that draw admiring comments from his father. When his sister gives him an apricot, Shyam muses that it tasted very sweet, because ‘sweetness doesn’t belong entirely to the thing itself. It also comes from the work you have done to earn it. True happiness comes from doing the work well.’

As inspiring as the stories, is the foreword by Jerry Pinto, who speaks directly to the young reader who may have picked up the book to browse through it.

With the first few lines which begin with ‘Hi, I like you very much already. You are reading. That’s a good sign’, Jerry ensures his reader is motivated to read the book, at least one story at a time.

Keeping the reluctance of young readers towards a two-dimensional book, and with a view to weaning them away from multimedia the publishers have added tiny teasers on the back cover and a series of notes at the end of the book.

All told, a definite must-have book, to delve into when you want a quiet moment. A book to bond over as you read it around to younger folk, or leaf through at times when tough decisions need to be made. At such times, more likely than not, Shyamchi Aie will have a solution to offer. And it will come packed into a delectable story.

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Book Reviews

Shivaji: The Great Maratha | Book Review | 2017 | Ranjit Desai

In this week's book review, Ameya critiques Ranjit Desai's Shivaji: The Great Maratha


Ranjit Desai was born in 1928 in Kolhapur, India. He is a well-known Marathi author and was awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award and Padma Shri.

Desai has authored several short stories, plays, and novels. He was particularly renowned for his mastery of the historical-fiction genre. Two of his best-known historical novels are Swami  and  Shriman Yogi .

Desai breathed his last in 1992.

Vikrant Pande translated Desai’s Marathi novel, Shriman Yogi , into English. It was titled Shivaji: The Great Maratha . An IIM-B alumnus, Pande is credited with the translation of several historical novels. After pursuing a successful corporate career, he is now working in the education sector.

Shivaji: The Great Maratha is a fictionalized biography of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj based on historical events.

The novel chronicles the life of Shivaji from his birth to death. The story begins from Shivaji’s tumultuous childhood and depicts how he became the greatest Maratha ruler of all time. Other important characters in this book include Jijabai, Sai, Shivaji’s sons, and his loyal courtiers and warriors.

The author has brilliantly driven home the fact that Shivaji was a master strategist who kept the wicked Mughals on their toes. His encounters with the Mughal armies, including his illustrious escape from Agra, are well documented in the novel.


Shriman Yogi ( Shivaji: The Great Maratha )  is a Marathi classic. This book is a literary masterpiece that has done justice to the life and struggles of Shivaji. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is a historical figure who has a larger-than-life feel to his persona. He was a great warrior, an outstanding strategist , and a compassionate king who is still revered not only by the people of Maharashtra, but all over India.

The author has beautifully portrayed the relationship Shivaji had with his family, especially with his mother and his first wife. The book also lets readers in on the vulnerable, humane side of this great king as he tried to balance the expectations of everyone around him.

An excerpt from Shivaji: The Great Maratha by Ranjit Desai

Shivaji: The Great Maratha is a tribute to this extraordinary, awe-inspiring man who is still an inspiration to the Hindus across the country.

At the same time, Vikrant Pande also deserves a shout-out for his terrific English translation of the original Marathi novel.


An excellent novel with an equally excellent translation means that Shivaji: The Great Maratha does not leave much room for literary criticism.

‘Raje, do you realize it is a poor man’s house? And if a raja stays there, the whole household wealth will be spent in a single evening. And what about your horsemen?’ ‘They will stay in the village, too.’ ‘Then you are going to punish the whole village!’
‘The victory is still far away.’ ‘Not at all. In fact, it is within reach. Otherwise people like you, who love your Raje so much, would not have dared to attempt something so foolish.’

We would recommend Shivaji: The Great Maratha to all our readers. It is an amazing historical novel about one of the greatest kings to have walked the earth.

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Book Review : शेतीची बिकट वाट...

Samruddha Shetichi Bikat Vaat Book Update :

पुस्तकाचे नाव : समृद्ध शेतीची बिकट वाट

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प्रकाशन : अक्षरबंध प्रकाशन, जऊळके दिंडोरी, जि. नाशिक

किंमत : २०० रुपये

एकेकाळी समृद्ध शेती असलेल्या भारताने आपली कृषिप्रधान देश ही ओळख आजवर अभिमानाने मिरवली. परकीय आक्रमण आणि पारतंत्र्याच्या काळात शेतीकडे दुर्लक्ष होत गेले. देशाला स्वातंत्र्य मिळाल्यावर वाढत्या लोकसंख्येच्या अन्नाची गरज कशी भागवली जाणार, असे म्हणणाऱ्या विकसित देशांना आपल्या शेतकऱ्यांनी आपल्या कामातून चोख उत्तर दिले. पण शेतीच्या प्रश्‍नांची जाण व दूरदृष्टी असलेल्या राजकीय नेतृत्व आणि प्रशासनाच्या अभावामुळे शेतीसमोरील आव्हानांमध्ये सातत्याने वाढच होत गेली.

आपल्या देशात फक्त निवडणुका जवळ आल्या की प्रत्येक पक्षाला शेतकरी आठवतो. मग कर्जमाफी, वीजबिल माफी, शेतीमालाला हमीभाव, अनुदान अशा लालूच दाखविणाऱ्या वरवरच्या मलमपट्ट्या केल्या जातात. पोकळ आश्‍वासनातून सामान्य शेतकऱ्याच्या हाती काय पडते, हा खरा संशोधनाचा विषय आहे. शेतकऱ्यांच्या समस्या नेमकेपणाने समजून योग्य धोरणांची आखणी करण्याची गरज आहे. या समस्या विविध वृत्तपत्रांमधून सातत्याने मांडण्याचे काम स्वतः फळबागशास्त्राची पदवी घेतलेले सचिन होळकर गेल्या काही वर्षांपासून करत आहेत. त्यांच्या लेखांचा संग्रह असलेले ‘समृद्ध शेतीची बिकट वाट’ हे आठवे पुस्तकही तेच काम नेटाने करते.

शेतकरी आत्महत्या हा खरेतर कोणत्याही समाजाला लागलेला कलंक आहे, हे आपण कधी मान्य करणार? आत्महत्या झाल्यावर प्रथम विविध कारणे दाखवत नाकारण्यापासून शेवटी नाइलाज म्हणून मान्य करण्यापर्यंत अचाट धावपळ करणारी नोकरशाही यंत्रणा आत्महत्या होऊच नये यासाठी प्रयत्न का करत नाही? दर काही वर्षांनी मिळणाऱ्या वेतन आयोगाप्रमाणे वाढणाऱ्या नोकरदारांच्या पगाराच्या तुलनेमध्ये शेतकरी आणि अन्य असंघटित वर्गातील सामान्यांचे उत्पन्न वाढले का, यावर कधीच कोण बोलत नाही? उलट देशांतर्गत ग्राहकांना खुश करण्यासाठी धोरणे राबविण्यात शासन आघाडीवर असते. मग धरसोड पद्धतीने घेतले जाणारे निर्यातबंदीचे निर्णय आणि विविध जाचक अटींच्या पायतळी शेतकऱ्यांच्या हित तुडवले जात असते. यातून शेतकरी संपत आहे, हे कुणाला समजत नाही का?

प्रत्येक पिकाच्या लागवडीपासून शेतकऱ्याला चांगल्या उत्पादनाची आणि उत्पन्नाची अपेक्षा असते. शेतीला जर आपण व्यवसाय म्हणत असू, तर उत्पन्नाची आशा असणे स्वाभाविकच आहे. त्यासाठी तो रासायनिक निविष्ठांचा वापर करत राहतो. त्याचा अतिरेक झाल्याचे सांगत कोणी त्याला सेंद्रिय आणि नैसर्गिक शेती करायला सांगतो. त्यातून शेतकऱ्यांनी नेमका कोणता मार्ग पकडावा, हे समजत नाही. या क्षेत्रातील तज्ज्ञांनी अभ्यासपूर्वक खरेतर एकत्रितपणे याचा निर्णय घ्यायला हवा.

या भ्रमातून बाहेर येऊन शेती व्यवस्थापन करताना आसमानी संकटाची मालिकाच त्याच्या उघड्यावरील शेतावर येऊन आदळत असते. त्याला जोड असते ती मानवनिर्मित कारणांची. उदा. प्रत्येक हंगामात कृषी निविष्ठांचे गगनाला भिडलेले भाव, बँकांद्वारे कर्ज मिळविण्यात येणाऱ्या आडकाठी, दिवसेंदिवस न मिळणाऱ्या विजेच्या बिलाची वसुली अशा अडथळ्यातून आलेल्या उत्पादनाला बाजारात नेऊन विक्रीपर्यंतचा खडतर प्रवास आणि तिथे मिळणारा नगण्य दर अशा स्थितीत शेतकऱ्याला फायदा कसा मिळणार? या पुस्तकामध्ये शेतकऱ्यांच्या समस्यांची मांडणी करण्यात आलेली आहे. शेतमजूराची अनुपलब्धता, आर्थिक चक्रव्यूह, सामाजिक पातळीवर शेतकऱ्याचे घसरणारे मूल्य, त्यातून बिघडत चाललेली मानसिक स्थिती...

अशा नुसत्या समस्यांची यादी पाहिली तरी आपल्याला शेतकऱ्याचा संघर्ष कळू शकेल. शेतकऱ्यांना शेती करताना येणाऱ्या प्रत्येक अडचणीविषयी अगदी मोजक्या शब्दांत मांडणी या पुस्तकात केलेली आहे. काही प्रमाणात या समस्यांवर उपाययोजना सुचविण्याचाही त्यांचा प्रयत्न दिसतो. मात्र विविध ठिकाणी वेगवेगळ्या वेळी प्रकाशित झालेल्या लेखांचा संग्रह किंवा पुस्तक करत असताना अधिक साक्षेपाने संपादन करण्याची गरज असते. त्या बाबत थोडे लक्ष दिले असते, तर या पुस्तकाचे मूल्य अधिक वाढले असते, असे वाटत राहते.

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ताज्या कृषी घडामोडींसाठी फेसबुक , ट्विटर , इन्स्टाग्राम ,  टेलिग्रामवर  आणि व्हॉट्सॲप आम्हाला फॉलो करा. तसेच, ॲग्रोवनच्या यूट्यूब चॅनेल ला आजच सबस्क्राइब करा.

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Best Marathi books to read

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The Indian state of Maharashtra is the source of the vast and varied body of Marathi literature . The first Marathi literary work, the “Jnaneshwari,” was written by the saint-poet Jnaneshwar in the 13th century. Marathi literature has a long and distinguished history.

Poetry, prose, drama, and non-fiction are just a few of the many subgenres of Marathi literature that have developed and become more diverse over the centuries. In addition, Marathi literature explores a wide range of topics, from spirituality and philosophy to social and political issues.

The focus on regional identity and culture in Marathi literature is one of its distinguishing characteristics. Marathi scholars have frequently looked to depict the interesting practices, customs, and history of the Marathi-talking individuals, as well as the social and policy-centered issues that influence them.

Today, Marathi writing proceeds to prosper and develop, with another age of authors investigating contemporary subjects and exploring different avenues regarding new abstract structures. There are plenty of excellent Marathi books to discover and enjoy, whether you are interested in contemporary or classic Marathi literature.

“Shyamchi Aai” by Sane Guruji

book review in marathi

Sane Guruji’s “ Shyamchi Aai ” is a timeless Marathi literature classic. The book is a touching story about a mother-son relationship that endures hardship and poverty.

The story follows Shyam, a young man experiencing childhood in rustic Maharashtra, and his mom, who is his greatest ally and wellspring of solidarity. Shyam’s mother is a community fixture and a beloved character due to her unwavering love and devotion to her son.

All through the book, we perceive how Shyam’s mom penances everything for her child’s schooling, in any event, going hungry to guarantee he has enough to eat. She is a genuine motivation, and her story helps us to remember the force of adoration and assurance.

The universal themes in “Shyamchi Aai” are one reason why it is so beloved. It talks about how important family is, how important education is, and how important hard work is. Readers of all ages and backgrounds will relate to these messages.

The book’s vivid descriptions of life in rural Maharashtra add another layer of intrigue. Normal Guruji’s composing rejuvenates the characters and setting, shipping perusers to an alternate general setting.

Anyone who enjoys heartwarming tales about the power of family and love should read “Shyamchi Aai.” It is a book that will leave you with feelings of inspiration and gratitude for the people in your life who support and encourage you.

“Partner” by V.P. Kale

book review in marathi

“Partner” by V.P. Kale, a contemporary Marathi novel about the complexities of relationships, is a great read. This book, which provokes thought, delves deeply into the complexities of human connection in a compelling and engaging manner.

Readers are drawn into the story of Keshav and Smita, a Mumbai couple in their 30s, from the very first page. In spite of their outward achievement – Keshav as a fruitful financial specialist and Smita as a dedicated spouse and mother – the two of them feel unfulfilled and separated from one another.

Readers are taken along with the characters on a journey of self-discovery as the story progresses, as they struggle to comprehend their desires and motives. En route, the creator presents a cast of interesting and appealing supporting characters, each with an exceptional point of view on affection and connections.

The nuanced and sensitive approach that “Partner” takes to complex issues is one of the things that makes it so engaging. Instead of offering simple responses or arrangements, the novel urges perusers to contemplate the idea of adoration, responsibility, and penance.

Simultaneously, “Partner” is a profoundly clear and engaging book, loaded with a clever exchange, entertaining circumstances, and unforeseen unexpected developments. The pace is just right, with scenes of drama and tension interspersed with quieter ones that are more reflective.

In general, “Partner” is a must-peruse for anyone with any interest at all in present-day Marathi writing or any individual who needs to investigate the complexities of human connections nicely and engagingly. Therefore, why not get your hands on a copy right now and find out for yourself what makes this book so special?

“Batatyachi Chal” by P.L. Deshpande

book review in marathi

“Batatyachi Chal” by P.L. Deshpande is a must-peruse book that catches the pith of Maharashtrian life in an apartment building. The quirky characters who live in the building are the focus of a collection of short stories in this book. Each character has a distinct story to tell, from the enigmatic poet who lives in the attic to the mischievous children playing in the courtyard.

Also, Deshpande’s composition is comical and humorous, making it an engaging read from beginning to end. The tales are loaded with clever perceptions and smart wit that will leave you laughing.

“Batatyachi Chal” isn’t just a funny book, though. Additionally, Deshpande’s stories deal with serious issues like poverty, social inequality, and everyday struggles. Deshpande provides insight into the difficulties that Maharashtra’s common people face through his characters.

Likewise, the book likewise gives perusers a brief look into the social customs and upsides of Maharashtrian culture. A fascinating look into this singular culture is provided by Deshpande’s vivid descriptions of festivals, rituals, and customs.

In general, “Batatyachi Chal” is a delightful read that not only entertains but also provokes thought. Deshpande’s clever and shrewd composition, joined with the beautiful characters and rich social setting, make this book a must-peruse for anyone with any interest in Marathi writing or Indian culture overall. So, why not grab a copy right now and join the lively Batatyachi Chal community?

“Swami” by Ranjit Desai

book review in marathi

Ranjit Desai’s “Swami” is an engaging historical novel that takes the reader on a journey through India prior to independence. Swami, a young boy who aspires to join the Indian independence movement, is the focus of the narrative. En route, he experiences many difficulties and learns important life examples.

First and foremost, the book vividly depicts the social and political climate of India prior to independence. We see the injustices and struggles that the Indian people went through under British rule through Swami’s eyes. The writing of Desai is full of fine details and conveys a strong sense of place and time.

As Swami’s journey progresses, we see him grow and mature as a character. He faces many obstacles and setbacks, but his determination never wavers. The book is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of hope in the face of adversity.

Notwithstanding its verifiable and persuasive subjects, “Swami” is likewise a wonderfully composed work of writing. Desai’s exposition is exquisite and wonderful, and his characters are lavishly drawn and completely understood.

Generally speaking, “Swami” is a must-peruse for anyone with any interest in Indian history and culture, as well as the people who value a very much created story. It is a classic of Marathi literature because its themes of perseverance and courage are timeless and relevant.

“Vyakti ani Valli” by P. L. Deshpande

book review in marathi

“Vyakti ani Valli” by P.L. Deshpande is a great read if you want something that will keep you interested and give you hope. A collection of biographical sketches of well-known people from a variety of fields, including literature, politics, and the arts, can be found in this classic Marathi book. Why you should add it to your reading list are as follows:

The book, first and foremost, is an entrancing investigation of the lives and traditions of probably the most compelling people in Maharashtra. From the social reformer Mahatma Jyotirao Phule to the poet Keshavsut, each sketch sheds light on the struggles, victories, and contributions of these remarkable individuals.

Deshpande’s writing is also funny and engaging, making even the most difficult topics understandable to readers. He brings each character to life through anecdotes, humor, and wit, making them relatable and memorable.

The book also discusses a wide range of people, giving readers a glimpse into the many facets of Maharashtrian society. From specialists to researchers, legislators to athletes, every individual carries their novel viewpoint and story to the book.

Likewise, “Vyakti ani Valli” isn’t simply an assortment of memoirs, but a festival of the human soul and the force of determination. Each sketch focuses on the challenges and stumbling blocks these people faced in their lives and the ways they overcame them to become great.

Lastly, anyone interested in learning more about Maharashtra’s history and culture will find the book to be a useful resource. It offers an exceptional point of view on the state’s rich legacy and the commitments of its kin to Indian culture overall.

In conclusion, “Vyakti ani Valli” is a must-read for anyone who enjoys moving tales of human perseverance, bravery, and accomplishment. So, get a copy right away to learn about the fascinating lives of some of Maharashtra’s most important people.

In conclusion, Marathi literature is a treasure trove of literary gems waiting to be discovered. Whether you are interested in exploring the rich cultural heritage of Maharashtra or simply looking for an engaging read, Marathi books have something for everyone. Choosing the best books from this vast ocean is really tough and we have made a humble attempt to come out with a list of the best books.

We put a lot of effort into putting up this blog article. Yet there’s always something that needs improvement. If you find anything erroneous or misleading, please let us know; we’ll happily include your feedback. Your feedback helps us to improve and ensures that we provide the best reading experience for all our readers.

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Stories and books have been a fundamental part of human culture since the dawn of civilization, acting as a powerful tool for communication, education, and entertainment. Whether told around a campfire, written in ancient texts, or shared through modern media, Book Reviews in marathi books and stories have the unique ability to transcend time and space, connecting people across generations and cul... Read More

Stories and books have been a fundamental part of human culture since the dawn of civilization, acting as a powerful tool for communication, education, and entertainment. Whether told around a campfire, written in ancient texts, or shared through modern media, Book Reviews in marathi books and stories have the unique ability to transcend time and space, connecting people across generations and cultures. They are not just a reflection of society but also a force that shapes it, influencing our beliefs, values, and behaviors. The cultural impact of Novels and Stories is profound because they serve as mirrors, reflecting the complexities of human experience. Through narratives, we learn about different ways of life, diverse perspectives, and the moral dilemmas that define the human condition. Book Reviews Stories and Books teach us empathy by allowing us to step into someone else’s shoes, to see the world through their eyes, and to feel their joys and sorrows. This shared experience fosters understanding and compassion, breaking down barriers of prejudice and ignorance. Moreover, Book Reviews in marathi stories and novels have the power to inspire change. Historical narratives, such as those found in literature, films, and oral traditions, often highlight social injustices, giving voice to the marginalised and challenging the status quo. By presenting alternative realities, marathi stories and books can ignite our imaginations and motivate us to strive for a better world. They have been instrumental in social movements, from the fight for civil rights to the push for gender equality, serving as a catalyst for dialogue and action. In every corner of the globe, stories are a cornerstone of cultural heritage, preserving traditions, wisdom, and values for future generations. They are a testament to the power of the human spirit, capable of both reflecting and reshaping the world around us. As vehicles of cultural expression, stories continue to play a vital role in shaping our collective identity, reminding us of our shared humanity. ..Read Less

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A reformer’s childhood: Review of ‘Shyamchi Aai’ by Sane Guruji, trs Shanta Gokhale

How does sane guruji’s marathi classic, now available in a new translation by shanta gokhale, fare in today’s context.

Updated - March 14, 2021 06:04 pm IST

Published - March 13, 2021 06:00 pm IST

Shyamchi Aaihas been a Marathi classic for the last 86 years, as famous as its author, Maharashtra’s beloved freedom fighter and social reformer, Sane Guruji. Most Marathi-speaking children must have read this book at home or in school. Puffin’s translation of Sane Guruji’s autobiography is the fourth English version of the classic. With Shanta Gokhale as the translator, it’s no surprise that it reads like it was originally written in English.

Mother figure

The book transports you to an enchanting world, where nature is part of life, where rushing streams have feelings, and tiger sightings are routine during night-time bullock-cart rides through the forest. There are achingly beautiful dusk scenes: the tinkling of cowbells, the strains of a cowherd’s flute and, always, a stream flowing in the distance.

This is not an imaginary world. The book is about the author’s childhood in Palgad village in Konkan, which later became famous as Sane Guruji’s birthplace. One wonders whether it is still as beautiful.

While the book is a reflection of the rural Konkan Brahmin lifestyle, at its core is the relationship between Shyam and his mother, a woman both deeply traditional and fiercely independent. For Shyam, she is no less than god. Whatever he is, he attributes to her. She teaches him to do what is right, be it helping her in her endless household chores or performing her rituals for her, even if it means braving ridicule.

Brutal honesty

The bond between Shyam and his mother is sometimes unbelievable. Which child tells his mother things like: “Are you disappointed in me?’’ or “When I see the love in your eyes, I feel strengthened”? The book is replete with such tear-filled conversations between mother and son. In her translator’s note, Gokhale writes that she had to underplay Shyam’s tears and use language less sentimental than Sane Guruji’s, keeping today’s young readers in mind.

How will the 10-12-year-old of today react to Shyamchi Aai ? While today’s young reader may wonder why a treat is equated to “getting to drink lemon syrup every night”, the small, everyday events of Shyam’s childhood are relatable: the complex relationship between close schoolmates; the longing for home which must assail every teenage hostelite; the value of a father’s praise and the fear of his anger; the brief visits of a married sister. Shyam’s brutal honesty about his own childish wrongdoings will also echo with young readers.

But what will a child of today make of some of the customs that marked the life of a poor village Brahmin more than a century ago? Some of these may still endure in India’s villages. Shyam recounts his family practising untouchability. His mother says social pressure forces her to do so, and Shyam reflects sadly on a country that has neither love nor pity. But where is the same angry condemnation of untouchability that there is of dowry, or of the suffering brought about by class differences?

Endless preparations for pujas take up hours of Shyam’s childhood. While these entail joyous interactions with nature — collecting different varieties of leaves and flowers — there is again no questioning of the rituals by the grown-up Shyam.

This is noteworthy, because it was Sane Guruji who led the campaign that resulted in the ancient Pandharpur temple opening its doors to Scheduled Castes. Indeed, Sane Guruji’s life was among the primary inspirations for Maharashtra’s Socialist stalwarts.

However, it is for the overall story of a childhood spent in the lap of nature, nurtured by a compassionate woman who was not just the archetypal self-sacrificing housewife but also a fount of wisdom, that parents must make their children read this book today.

Shyamchi Aai; Sane Guruji, trs Shanta Gokhale, Puffin, ₹250

The writer is a Mumbai-based freelance journalist.

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 भाषण मराठी - निबंध, भाषणे, उपयुक्त माहिती आणि बरेच काही

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book review in marathi

मृत्युंजय कादंबरी मराठी माहिती व सारांश

शिवाजी सावंत लिखित मृत्युंजय कादंबरीला इसवी सन 1967 साली प्रकाशित करण्यात आले होते. मृत्युंजय शब्दाचा अर्थ आहे मरणानंतरही जिवंत राहणे. महाभारताच्या युद्धात अनेक महारथी धारातीर्थी पडले, परंतु मृत्यूनंतरही जो मृत्युंजय ठरला तो होता महादानशूर कर्ण. कर्णाच्या व्यक्तिरेखेवर आधारित या कादंबरीला भारतीय ज्ञानपीठ संस्थेद्वारे 12 वा मूर्तिदेवी पुरस्कार 6 फेब्रुवारी 1996 ला देण्यात आला. याशिवाय देखील महाराष्ट्र शासन व इतर संस्थांद्वारे मृत्युंजय ला अनेक पुरस्कार देण्यात आले आहेत. 

मृत्युंजय ही एक ऐतिहासिक कादंबरी आहे. सर्वसामान्यांना महाभारतातील खलनायक म्हणून परिचित असलेल्या महावीर कर्णाच्या असामान्य व्यक्तिमत्वाच्या मागोवा घेणारी ही कादंबरी आहे या कादंबरीतील बऱ्याच कथा अनेकांना परिचित आहेत. खलनायक म्हणून भासणारा कर्ण प्रत्यक्षात महाभारतातील सर्वात मोठा नायक आहे हे ही कादंबरी पटवून देते. दानशूरपणा कशाला म्हणतात, संयम कसा असावा, मैत्री कशी जोपासावी व शक्तीची घमेंड कशी मोडावी हे सर्व शिकवणारी ही कादंबरी आहे. कर्ण त्याच्या परिवर्तनाच्या वाटेवर तो अमर झाला. त्याने स्वतःला सुतपुत्र मानले जेव्हा त्याला त्याची ओळख कळली तेव्हाही त्याने आपली ओळख सांगितली नाही, ज्याने स्वतःच्या गुरूचा शाप ही वरदान समजून घेतला. 

या कादंबरी ला वाचतांना जणू आपणही त्रेतायुगात वावरत आहोत असा भास होऊ लागतो. मृत्युंजय कादंबरी हाती घेतल्यावर कर्णाचे जीवन नव्याने मनात उलगडू लागते. साक्षात इंद्रदेवाला दान देणाऱ्या त्या सूर्य पुत्रसारखा दानविर या धर्तीवर आजवर झाला नाही अन् भविष्यात होणारही नाही. कर्ण ज्याने स्वतःच्या शब्दा साठी आपलं अस्तित्व. दान केले आपले प्रण कोणत्याही परिस्थितीत पूर्ण केले, स्वतःचे वचन पूर्ण केले.

इंद्र देव आणि कर्ण

कर्णाने दिग्विजया दरम्यान जमवलेली सर्व संपत्ती दान म्हणुन देण्याचा सपाटा सुरू केला होता. या दरम्यान एका रात्री साक्षात सूर्यदेव त्याच्या स्वप्नात आले व सूर्य देवाशी त्याचे संभाषण झाले सूर्यदेवाने कर्णाला सांगितले की "उद्या प्रत्यक्ष इंद्र याचक म्हणून तुझ्या द्वारात येणार आहे ! धन, संपत्ती, वस्त्र, गाई यापैकी काही न मागता तो तुझ्याकडून तुझी कवचकुंडले मागणार आहे. परंतु तू त्या कवच कुंडलांचे दान कधीही करू नको. हे दान नाही; हे दास्य ठरणार आहे.

परंतु कर्णाने सूर्याला वंदन करून सांगितले, हे सूर्य देव जर प्रत्यक्ष देवराज इंद्र याचक म्हणून माझ्या द्वाराशी येणार असेल तर अशा या याचकाला शोभणारे कवच कुंडलांचे दान मी अवश्य देईन. व अगदी सूर्य देवाने सांगितल्या प्रमाणेच ज्यावेळी कर्ण नित्यासारखे स्नान, आंहिक आणि अर्ध्यदान आटोपून दानासाठी बसला त्या वेळी कृश शरीराचा ब्राह्मण रुपी इंद्र त्याच्या समोर आला. इंद्राने धन, धनु, धरती, धाम, अश्व, वस्त्र, फुल, पुष्प, सेवक, सेविका यापैकी काहीही न मागता कर्णाच्या कवच कुंडलांचे दान मागून घेतले. कर्णाला सूर्य देवांचे शब्द लक्षात आले. 

क्षणाचाही विलंब न करता त्याने सर्रकन कंबरेचे खड्ग मैदानाबाहेर काढले व वृक्षावरची साल काढावी तसे आपल्या हातांनी आपले अभेद्य कवच शरीरापासून अलग केले. अंजिराचे फळ काप्तच आतला रक्तवर्णी गर्भ उघडा पाडवा तसे कर्णाचे मांसल शरीर दिसू लागले. मंद मंद हसत कर्णा ने कवाचासोबत आपल्या कानातील कुंडले देखील कापून देवराज इंद्राच्या समक्ष ठेवली. 

कर्णाच्या या दानशूरतेने संतुष्ट आणि प्रभावित झालेल्या इंद्रदेवाने त्याला एका शत्रूला वधू शकणारे वैजयंती अस्त्र भेट म्हणून दिले. "जयतु दानविर कर्ण" करीत आशीर्वाद देऊन ब्राह्मण वेशातील देवेंद्र तेथून निघाले.

कादंबरी चे वैशिष्ठ - Mrityunjay book summary in Marathi

या कादंबरीचे एक पाहताक्षणीच नजरेस येणारे खास वैशिष्ट्य म्हणजे ही इतर कादंबऱ्याप्रमाणे एकमुखी गोष्ट नाही आहे. तर महाभारतातील विविध पात्रांच्या मुखांतून पुस्तकाच्या प्रत्येक पानावर झरझर उतरणारा कर्णाचा जीवनपट आहे . कुंतीला मिळालेले असामान्य वरदान , त्यातूनच कर्णाचा झालेला असामान्य जन्म ,जगाच्या भीतीने कुंतीने घेतलेला कठोर निर्णय , गुरु द्रोण आणि पांडवांकडून कर्णाचा झालेला अपमान, त्यातूनच दुर्योधानासोबत जन्मास आलेले मित्रप्रेम , द्रौपदी वस्त्रहरण , कुरुक्षेत्रातील युद्ध या सर्वच गोष्टी वरवर प्रत्येकास माहित आहेतच . पण या प्रत्येक गोष्टींत काही बारीक बारीक अशा कितीतरी गोष्टी दडलेल्या आहेत ज्या पुस्तक हाती घेण्याआधी आपल्या विचारांतही नसतात किंवा वर्षानुवर्षे आपण या प्रश्नांची उत्तरे शोधत आलो आहोत पण जी अजूनही अनुत्तरीत आहेत. उदाहरणार्थ कुंतीला ही पुत्रप्राप्ती नक्की कशी झाली ?सारथ्याच्या घरी कर्णाचे बालपण कसे असेल? शोण म्हणून असलेला राधेचा मुलगा या कर्णासोबत कसा वागत होता? कर्णाची पत्नी वृषाली नक्की कशी होती…त्यांच्यातील प्रीतीचे क्षण कधी फुलले होते कि इंद्राला कवच कुंडल दान केल्यानंतर निस्तेज झालेल्या कर्णाप्रमाणे त्याचे प्रेमजीवनही कोमेजलेले होते? सूर्याचा पूत्र असूनही त्याने धर्माच्या विरोधात अधर्मी दुर्योधनास नेहमी साथ का दिली… केवळ मैत्रीसाठी? द्रौपदी वस्त्रहरणात त्याने द्रौपदीचे रक्षण नक्की का केले नाही ? अभिमन्यूला धर्माविरुद्ध जात मारणाऱ्यात कर्ण का सामील झाला ? खरेच तो अधर्मी होता ? जर असे होते तर मग श्रीकृष्ण विरुद्ध पक्षात असतानाही त्याने या सूतपूत्राचा अंतिम संस्कार करण्यात रस का दाखवला? जसजसे आपण एकेक पान वाचत जावू तसतसा हा हळूहळू उलगडत जाणारा खुलासा आपल्याला जागीच खिळवून ठेवतो.

आजचा तरुण व प्रत्येक वयोगटातील व्यक्तीने अवश्य वाचावी अशी हि मराठी साहित्यातील सावंत यांनी लिहिलेली अमर मृत्युंजय कादंबरी आहे. पुढील लिंक ला क्लिक करून अतिशय कमी किमतीत आपण ही कादंबरी खरेदी कररू शकतात. आणि आणखी एक गोष्ट देखील लक्षात ठेवा की पुस्तके प्रत्येक्ष हातात घेऊन वाचण्याची जी मजा आहे की ebook वाचण्यात कधीही येणार नाही. म्हणून आजच पुढील लिंक ला क्लिक करून मरितूनजे ची हार्ड कॉपी बूक करा. 

तर मित्रहो आजच्या या लेखात आपण मराठी साहित्यातील प्रसिद्ध कादंबरी मृत्युंजय विषयी ची माहिती प्राप्त केली. आशा आहे की  Mrityunjay book summary in Marathi आपणास आवडली असेल. या लेखातील मृत्युंजय कादंबरी मराठी माहिती व मृत्युंजय पुस्तकाचा सारांश कसं वाटला आम्हास कमेन्ट करून नक्की सांगा धन्यवाद

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