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Graduate Education
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- Information Systems and Technology
- Student Financial Services
- Writing and Communication Center
- Major Course of Study
- General Institute Requirements
- Independent Activites Period
- Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
- First-Year Advising Seminars
- Interphase EDGE/x
- Edgerton Center
- Grading Options
- Study at Other Universities
- Internships Abroad
- Career Advising and Professional Development
- Teacher Licensure and Education
- ROTC Programs
- Financial Aid
- Medical Requirements
- Graduate Study at MIT
- General Degree Requirements
- Other Institutions
- Registration
- Term Regulations and Examination Policies
- Academic Performance and Grades
- Policies and Procedures
- Privacy of Student Records
- Abdul Latif Jameel Clinic for Machine Learning in Health
- Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
- Art, Culture, and Technology Program
- Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
- Center for Bits and Atoms
- Center for Clinical and Translational Research
- Center for Collective Intelligence
- Center for Computational Science and Engineering
- Center for Constructive Communication
- Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
- Center for Environmental Health Sciences
- Center for Global Change Science
- Center for International Studies
- Center for Real Estate
- Center for Transportation & Logistics
- Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
- Concrete Sustainability Hub
- D-Lab
- Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation
- Division of Comparative Medicine
- Haystack Observatory
- Initiative on the Digital Economy
- Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
- Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies
- Institute for Work and Employment Research
- Internet Policy Research Initiative
- Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
- Knight Science Journalism Program
- Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research
- Laboratory for Financial Engineering
- Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
- Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity
- Laboratory for Nuclear Science
- Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship
- Lincoln Laboratory
- Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
- Materials Research Laboratory
- McGovern Institute for Brain Research
- Microsystems Technology Laboratories
- MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology
- MIT Energy Initiative
- MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative
- MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
- MIT Media Lab
- MIT Office of Innovation
- MIT Open Learning
- MIT Portugal Program
- MIT Professional Education
- MIT Sea Grant College Program
- Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
- Operations Research Center
- Picower Institute for Learning and Memory
- Plasma Science and Fusion Center
- Research Laboratory of Electronics
- Simons Center for the Social Brain
- Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Centre
- Sociotechnical Systems Research Center
- Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
- Women's and Gender Studies Program
- Architecture (SB, Course 4)
- Architecture (MArch)
- Art and Design (SB, Course 4-B)
- Art, Culture, and Technology (SM)
- Architecture Studies (SMArchS)
- Media Arts and Sciences
- Planning (SB, Course 11)
- Urban Science and Planning with Computer Science (SB, Course 11-6)
- Aeronautics and Astronautics Fields (PhD)
- Aerospace Engineering (SB, Course 16)
- Engineering (SB, Course 16-ENG)
- Biological Engineering (SB, Course 20)
- Biological Engineering (PhD)
- Chemical Engineering (Course 10)
- Chemical-Biological Engineering (Course 10-B)
- Chemical Engineering (Course 10-C)
- Engineering (Course 10-ENG)
- Engineering (Course 1-ENG)
- Computation and Cognition (Course 6-9)
- Computer Science and Engineering (Course 6-3)
- Computer Science and Molecular Biology (Course 6-7)
- Electrical Engineering with Computing (Course 6-5)
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (MEng)
- Computer Science and Molecular Biology (MEng)
- Health Sciences and Technology
- Archaeology and Materials (Course 3-C)
- Materials Science and Engineering (Course 3)
- Materials Science and Engineering (Course 3-A)
- Materials Science and Engineering (PhD)
- Mechanical Engineering (Course 2)
- Mechanical and Ocean Engineering (Course 2-OE)
- Engineering (Course 2-A)
- Nuclear Science and Engineering (Course 22)
- Engineering (Course 22-ENG)
- Anthropology (Course 21A)
- Comparative Media Studies (CMS)
- Writing (Course 21W)
- Data, Economics, and Design of Policy (MASc)
- Economics (Course 14-1)
- Economics (PhD)
- Mathematical Economics (Course 14-2)
- Global Studies and Languages (Course 21G)
- History (Course 21H)
- Linguistics and Philosophy (Course 24-2)
- Philosophy (Course 24-1)
- Linguistics (SM)
- Literature (Course 21L)
- Music (Course 21M-1)
- Theater Arts (Course 21M-2)
- Political Science (Course 17)
- Science, Technology, and Society/Second Major (STS)
- Business Analytics (Course 15-2)
- Finance (Course 15-3)
- Management (Course 15-1)
- Biology (Course 7)
- Chemistry and Biology (Course 5-7)
- Brain and Cognitive Sciences (Course 9)
- Chemistry (Course 5)
- Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (Course 12)
- Mathematics (Course 18)
- Mathematics (PhD)
- Mathematics with Computer Science (Course 18-C)
- Physics (Course 8)
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
- Chemistry and Biology
- Climate System Science and Engineering
- Computation and Cognition
- Computer Science and Molecular Biology
- Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science
- Humanities and Engineering
- Humanities and Science
- Urban Science and Planning with Computer Science
- African and African Diaspora Studies
- American Studies
- Ancient and Medieval Studies
- Applied International Studies
- Asian and Asian Diaspora Studies
- Biomedical Engineering
- Energy Studies
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Environment and Sustainability
- Latin American and Latino/a Studies
- Middle Eastern Studies
- Polymers and Soft Matter
- Public Policy
- Russian and Eurasian Studies
- Statistics and Data Science
- Women's and Gender Studies
- Advanced Urbanism
- Computational and Systems Biology
- Computational Science and Engineering
- Design and Management (IDM & SDM)
- Joint Program with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Leaders for Global Operations
- Microbiology
- Music Technology and Computation
- Operations Research
- Real Estate Development
- Social and Engineering Systems
- Supply Chain Management
- Technology and Policy
- Transportation
- School of Architecture and Planning
- School of Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making (Course 6-4)
- Nuclear Science and Engineering (PhD)
- School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
- Humanities (Course 21)
- Humanities and Engineering (Course 21E)
- Humanities and Science (Course 21S)
- Sloan School of Management
- School of Science
- Brain and Cognitive Sciences (PhD)
- Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Fields (PhD)
- Interdisciplinary Programs (SB)
- Climate System Science and Engineering (Course 1-12)
- Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science (Course 6-14)
- Interdisciplinary Programs (Graduate)
- Biological Oceanography (PhD)
- Computation and Cognition (MEng)
- Computational Science and Engineering (SM)
- Computational Science and Engineering (PhD)
- Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science (MEng)
- Engineering and Management (SM)
- Leaders for Global Operations (MBA/SM and SM)
- Music Technology and Computation (SM and MASc)
- Real Estate Development (SM)
- Statistics (PhD)
- Supply Chain Management (MEng and MASc)
- Technology and Policy (SM)
- Transportation (SM)
- Aeronautics and Astronautics (Course 16)
- Aerospace Studies (AS)
- Architecture (Course 4)
- Biological Engineering (Course 20)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (Course 1)
- Comparative Media Studies / Writing (CMS)
- Comparative Media Studies / Writing (Course 21W)
- Computational and Systems Biology (CSB)
- Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)
- Concourse (CC)
- Data, Systems, and Society (IDS)
- Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (Course 12)
- Economics (Course 14)
- Edgerton Center (EC)
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Course 6)
- Engineering Management (EM)
- Experimental Study Group (ES)
- Global Languages (Course 21G)
- Health Sciences and Technology (HST)
- Linguistics and Philosophy (Course 24)
- Management (Course 15)
- Media Arts and Sciences (MAS)
- Military Science (MS)
- Music (Course 21M)
- Naval Science (NS)
- Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
- Special Programs
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Theater Arts (21T)
- Urban Studies and Planning (Course 11)
- Women's and Gender Studies (WGS)
MIT graduate programs provide collaborative environments for advanced study by students and faculty working together to extend the boundaries of knowledge. MIT boasts globally prominent graduate programs in engineering, science, computation, architecture and planning, management, and the social sciences and humanities. MIT's five schools and one college encompass a broad variety of degree paths, each with their unique requirements. Across all schools and the college, MIT graduate programs offer students the opportunity to gain unparalleled discipline-specific knowledge; to master the tools needed to advance research; and to acquire a bedrock foundation in the skills necessary for career advancement.
This section outlines the general requirements together with other important aspects of graduate education, including admissions and financial aid.
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The PDF includes all information on this page and its related tabs. Subject (course) information includes any changes approved for the current academic year.
- Who’s Teaching What
- Subject Updates
- MEng program
- Opportunities
- Minor in Computer Science
- Resources for Current Students
- Program objectives and accreditation
- Graduate program requirements
- Admission process
- Degree programs
- Graduate research
- EECS Graduate Funding
- Resources for current students
- Student profiles
- Instructors
- DEI data and documents
- Recruitment and outreach
- Community and resources
- Get involved / self-education
- Rising Stars in EECS
- Graduate Application Assistance Program (GAAP)
- MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP)
- Sloan-MIT University Center for Exemplary Mentoring (UCEM)
- Electrical Engineering
- Computer Science
- Artificial Intelligence + Decision-making
- AI and Society
- AI for Healthcare and Life Sciences
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Biological and Medical Devices and Systems
- Communications Systems
- Computational Biology
- Computational Fabrication and Manufacturing
- Computer Architecture
- Educational Technology
- Electronic, Magnetic, Optical and Quantum Materials and Devices
- Graphics and Vision
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Information Science and Systems
- Integrated Circuits and Systems
- Nanoscale Materials, Devices, and Systems
- Natural Language and Speech Processing
- Optics + Photonics
- Optimization and Game Theory
- Programming Languages and Software Engineering
- Quantum Computing, Communication, and Sensing
- Security and Cryptography
- Signal Processing
- Systems and Networking
- Systems Theory, Control, and Autonomy
- Theory of Computation
- Departmental History
- Departmental Organization
- Visiting Committee
Graduate programs
- Past Terms' Subject Updates and WTW
- Subject numbering
- FAQ about Fall 2024 Changes
- 2022 Curriculum Transition
- 6-1: Electrical Science and Engineering
- 6-2: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- 6-3: Computer Science and Engineering
- 6-4: Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making
- 6-5: Electrical Engineering with Computing
- 6-7: Computer Science and Molecular Biology
- 6-9: Computation and Cognition
- 11-6: Urban Science and Planning with Computer Science
- 6-14: Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science
- Requirements
- Application, Acceptance, and Deferral
- Thesis Proposal
- MEng Thesis
- UROP and SuperUROP
- Study Abroad
- USAGE Members, 2024-25
- 6-A Industrial Program
- Degree Audits and Departmental Petitions
- Space on Campus
- EECS Communications Lab
- Resources for International Students
- Resources for Incoming Double Majors
- Resources for Advisors
- Graduate Admissions FAQs
- Graduate Admissions Information Letter
- What faculty members are looking for in a grad school statement of objectives.
- Conditions of Appointment as a Teaching Assistant or Fellow
- RA Appointments
- Fellowship Appointments
- Materials and Forms for Graduate Students
- Special Subjects Spring 2025
- Subject Updates Fall 2024
- Subject Updates Spring 2024
- Subject Updates Fall 2023
- Subject Updates Spring 2023
- Subject Updates Fall 2022
- Subject Updates Spring 2022
- Subject Updates Fall 2021
The largest graduate program in MIT’s School of Engineering, EECS has about 700 graduate students in the doctoral program at any given time. Those students conduct groundbreaking research across a wide array of fields alongside world-class faculty and research staff, build lifelong mentorship relationships and drive progress in every sector touched by electrical engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence and decision-making.
Doctoral degree
MIT offers the degrees of Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy interchangeably in the engineering and science departments (except biology and brain and cognitive sciences) and in the fields of medical engineering and medical physics. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is awarded in architecture; biology; brain and cognitive sciences; computational science and engineering; economics; history, anthropology, and science, technology, and society; linguistics; management; media arts and sciences; philosophy; political science; technology and policy; bioengineering and environmental health; urban studies and planning; and from health sciences and technology. These degrees certify creditable completion of an approved program of advanced study in addition to a research dissertation of high quality based on original research.
The two Institute requirements for a doctorate are completion of a program of advanced study, including a general examination, and completion and oral defense of a thesis on original research.
The course of advanced study and research leading to the doctorate must be pursued under the direction of the departmental committee on graduate students for at least four academic terms. In some cases, the required period of residence may be reduced, but in no instance can it be reduced to less than two regular academic terms and one summer session.
A student is enrolled in a program of advanced study and research approved by the department. The thesis research is in this same area, but the program often includes subjects reaching into several departments. If the field requires substantial participation by two or more departments, an interdepartmental faculty committee, approved by the Office of Graduate Education via petition , should be appointed to supervise the student’s program.
Each doctoral candidate must take a general examination in their program of study at such time and in such manner as the departmental or interdepartmental committee approves. This examination consists of both oral and written parts.
Although there is no Institute requirement of a minor for the doctoral degree, certain departments require that candidates take a number of subjects outside their major field.
Language proficiency
Information on language proficiency expectations in various departments
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MIT Sloan is the leader in research and teaching in AI. Dive in to discover why.
Which program is right for you?
Through intellectual rigor and experiential learning, this full-time, two-year MBA program develops leaders who make a difference in the world.
Earn your MBA and SM in engineering with this transformative two-year program.
A rigorous, hands-on program that prepares adaptive problem solvers for premier finance careers.
A 12-month program focused on applying the tools of modern data science, optimization and machine learning to solve real-world business problems.
Combine an international MBA with a deep dive into management science. A special opportunity for partner and affiliate schools only.
A doctoral program that produces outstanding scholars who are leading in their fields of research.
Bring a business perspective to your technical and quantitative expertise with a bachelor’s degree in management, business analytics, or finance.
Apply now and work for two to five years. We'll save you a seat in our MBA class when you're ready to come back to campus for your degree.
Executive Programs
The 20-month program teaches the science of management to mid-career leaders who want to move from success to significance.
A full-time MBA program for mid-career leaders eager to dedicate one year of discovery for a lifetime of impact.
A joint program for mid-career professionals that integrates engineering and systems thinking. Earn your master’s degree in engineering and management.
Non-degree programs for senior executives and high-potential managers.
A non-degree, customizable program for mid-career professionals.
PhD Program
The MIT Sloan PhD Program seeks students who demonstrate outstanding intellectual ability, have excellent academic records, exhibit a strong commitment to a career in research, and have previously worked in disciplines related to the intended area of concentration.
Dates and Deadlines
Admissions for 2025 is closed. The next opportunity to apply will be for 2026 admission. The 2026 application will open in September 2025.
Admissions Requirements
The following are general requirements you should meet to apply to the MIT Sloan PhD Program. Complete instructions concerning application requirements are available in the online application.
General Requirements
- Bachelor's degree or equivalent
- A strong quantitative background (the Accounting group requires calculus)
- Exposure to microeconomics and macroeconomics (the Accounting group requires microeconomics)
A Guide to Business PhD Applications by Abhishek Nagaraj (PhD 2016) may be of interest.
Nondiscrimination Policy: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment.
Read a complete text of MIT’s Nondiscrimination Statement
Application Components
Statement of purpose.
Your written statement is your chance to convince the admissions committee that you will do excellent doctoral work and that you have the promise to have a successful career as an academic researcher.
We require either a valid GMAT or valid GRE score. At-home testing is allowed. Your unofficial score report from the testing institution is sufficient for application. If you are admitted to the program, you will be required to submit your official test score for verification.
We do not have a minimum score requirement. We do not offer test waivers. Registration information for the GMAT (code X5X-QS-21) and GRE (code 3510) may be obtained at www.mba.com and www.ets.org respectively.
We require either a valid TOEFL (minimum score 577 PBT/90 IBT ) or valid IELTS (minimum score 7) for all non-native English speakers.
Your unofficial score report from the testing institution is sufficient for application. If you are admitted to the program, you will be required to submit your official test score for verification.
Registration information for TOEFL (code 3510) and IELTS may be obtained at www.toefl.org and www.ielts.org respectively.
- You are a native English speaker.
- You attended all years of an undergraduate program conducted solely in English, and are a graduate of that program.
Please do not contact the PhD Program regarding waivers, as none will be discussed. If, upon review, the faculty are interested in your application with a missing required TOEFL or IELTS score, we may contact you at that time to request a score.
We require unofficial copies of transcripts for each college or university you have attended, even if no degree was awarded. If these transcripts are in a language other than English, we also require a copy of a certified translation. In addition, you will be asked to list the five most relevant courses you have taken.
Letters of Recommendation
We require three letters of recommendation. Academic letters are preferred, especially those providing evidence of research potential. We allow for an optional fourth recommendation, but no more than four recommendations are allowed.
Your resume should be no more than two pages. You may chose to include teaching, professional experience, research experience, publications, and other accomplishments in outside activities.
Writing Sample(s)
Applicants are encouraged to submit a writing sample. For applicants to the Finance group, a writing sample is required. There are no specific guidelines for your writing sample. Possible options include (but are not limited to) essays, masters’ theses, capstone projects, or research papers.
Video Essay
A video essay is required for the Accounting research group and optional for the Marketing and System Dynamics research groups. The essay is a short and informal video answering why you selected this research group and a time where you creatively solved a problem.
The video can be recorded with your phone or computer, and should range from 2 to 5 minutes in length. There is no attention—zero emphasis!—on the production value of your video.
Brain and Cognitive Sciences PhD Program
Graduate students in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences are among the sharpest, most innovative brain scientists to be found anywhere. In a given year the department admits less than 5 percent of applicants, and our PhD program is consistently ranked among the best in the world. Students work hard to get here, and they are highly valued in the BCS community.
Innovative: Our students often take on riskier projects and pilot studies that probe the edges of our technical and scientific knowledge. They can move among projects more easily, and their successes lay the foundation for not only their careers but the future directions of their mentors’ labs.
Collaborative: Our students bring bold, fresh thinking to the department, and exploring these potentially transformative ideas often means reaching across boundaries of lab, center, and department to build new collaborations. Graduate students help BCS mesh with the rest of MIT.
Supportive: Graduate students are the most frequent mentors of undergraduate students in UROPs , actively guiding and developing those who will become the next generation of top-tier graduate students. BCS graduate students also are helping make sure the department is a welcoming, inclusive, and equitable community.
Overview of the Program
Graduate students in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences work with an advisor and advisory committee to pursue an innovative and rigorous program of original research. Students should aim to complete their PhD in five to six years.
- Students take three to four of their required six courses
- Students complete required Responsible Conduct in Science training.
- Students complete a minimum of three lab rotations by March 31.
- Students select a thesis advisor by April 30.
- Students complete the remaining two to three of their academic course requirements by the end of the Spring Term.
- Students complete teaching assistant training and their first teaching requirement.
- Students form their qualifying exam advisory committee, have their first committee meeting, and turn in the completed committee meeting form to BCS HQ by the end of the Spring Term.
- Students should plan which activities they will participate in to fulfill the professional development requirement .
- Students complete the second teaching requirement.
- Students complete the written and oral qualifying exam in October or November.
- Students form a thesis committee, submit a written thesis proposal to their committee, orally present their proposal to the thesis committee, and receive committee approval, before the end of the Spring Term.
- Students fulfill their professional development requirement by the end of the Summer term of their fourth year.
- Students must meet with their thesis committee once per year.
- Students take the final steps to completing the PhD oral examination (also known as the thesis defense) and submission of the approved written dissertation.
For detailed information on courses, rotations, and other program requirements, see Program Details .
Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
Ph.d. program.
The program of studies leading to the doctorate in philosophy provides subjects and seminars in such traditional areas as logic, ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, aesthetics, social and political philosophy, and history of philosophy. Interest in philosophical problems arising from other disciplines, such as linguistics, psychology, mathematics and physics, is also encouraged.
Before beginning dissertation research, students are required to take two years of coursework, including a proseminar in contemporary philosophy that all students must complete in their first year of graduate study. Students are also required to pass general examinations and demonstrate competence in the following areas: value theory, logic and the history of philosophy.
Interdisciplinary study is encouraged, and candidates for the doctorate may take a minor in a field other than philosophy. There is no general language requirement for the doctorate, except in those cases in which competence in one or more foreign language is needed to carry on research for the dissertation.
Below is a detailed description of the philosophy Ph.D. program. For information about applying, see our admissions page ; we have also compiled data on placement , retention, and average completion times .
1. Your Advisor
When you join the Department you will be assigned a faculty advisor who will supervise your course of study. Your advisor must approve your program at the beginning of each term, and you should keep them abreast of your progress and problems. When forming a Fifth Term Paper committee the chair of your committee becomes your advisor. Similarly, when you form a dissertation committee.
Your teachers will write comments on your performance in subjects which you complete. These comments will be placed in your file in the Department office (your file is open to you), and they will be discussed at a meeting of the faculty at the end of each term. You should see your advisor at the end of each term to review your progress.
You may change your advisor at any time. Similarly you may change the composition of your fifth year paper and dissertation committees, as well as adjust the topics of those projects. To make a change first ask the relevant faculty if they are willing, then notify the Chair of the Committee on Graduate Students (COGS).
The current composition of COGS is: Brad Skow (Chief Cog), Kieran Setiya , and Roger White .
2. Requirements
2.1 overall course requirements.
Students must pass (with a grade of C or higher) at least 10 graduate subjects in philosophy (unless you earn a minor, in which case see section 4 below ). At least 7 must be subjects at MIT.
Students may petition COGS to use undergraduate subjects at MIT to satisfy the overall course requirement (except: in the case of an undergraduate logic subject more advanced than 24.241, no petition is needed).
Students must take at least 2 subjects in philosophy at MIT during each term of their first year, and at least 1 subject in philosophy at MIT during each term of their second year. Normally, students take 4 subjects during their second year.
2.2 Teaching Requirement
All graduate students must acquire some teaching experience. This requirement is normally satisfied by serving as a Teaching Assistant in an undergraduate subject in philosophy at MIT.
2.3 Logic Requirement
The logic requirement may be satisfied by doing one of the following:
(a) Pass the half-term subject Logic for Philosophers with a grade of B or better. (b) Audit Logic I and complete the work (Logic I may not be taken for graduate credit). (c) Pass Logic II, Modal Logic, or Theory of Models. Other advanced logic classes may also be used, with COGS approval. (d) Submit to COGS a syllabus from a logic class completed elsewhere, with a grade of B+ or better, showing it equivalent to Logic I.
Students should complete the logic requirement by the end of their fourth semester.
2.4 Distribution Requirement
2.4.1 proseminar.
All first-year students are required to complete the two-semester sequence 24.400-24.401, Proseminar in Philosophy. The first semester is an intensive seminar on the foundations of analytic philosophy from Frege to roughly 1960. The second semester is an intensive seminar on highlights of analytic philosophy from roughly 1960 to the present. The two-semester sequence counts as two subjects.
2.4.2 History of Philosophy
Students must complete two graduate subjects in the history of philosophy. For the purposes of this requirement, the history of philosophy means philosophers or philosophical schools that flourished before 1879.
A subject that spends a substantial part of, but not all of, its time on history counts toward this requirement provided the student’s term paper focuses on the history part. If there is doubt about whether a subject qualifies, consult COGS.
History subjects designed for a mixture of graduate and undergraduate students, like 100-level courses at Harvard, also count.
COGS permission is required in order to satisfy this requirement by taking two subjects on the same philosopher. (COGS will likely reject using two subjects on Descartes’ Meditations to fulfill the history requirement; COGS will likely approve using two subjects on Kant, one focused on ethics, the other on metaphysics and epistemology.)
Students wishing to fulfill this requirement by some other means should contact COGS.
2.4.3 Value Theory
Students must complete one graduate subject in ethics or political philosophy or aesthetics.
2.4.4 Dissertation Seminar
Students must complete the year-long dissertation seminar. Normally this is done in the third year. Students wishing to delay it until their fourth year may do so with permission of the instructor.
2.5 Fifth Term Paper Requirement
By the end of a student’s third term (usually fall of the second year) the student should select a paper topic for their Fifth Term Paper and form a committee to advise them on their work. The committee will consist of two faculty members (a supervisor and a second reader). The proposed topic and names of committee members should be submitted to COGS before the end-of-term meeting.
During the student’s fourth term, the student, in consultation with the committee, should assemble a reading list on the chosen topic. As a guideline, the reading list might consist of roughly twenty papers or the equivalent; the faculty recognizes that lengths of lists will vary. The final list must be approved by the committee and submitted to COGS by the end-of-term meeting.
During the fifth term, the student will write a polished paper on the chosen topic, roughly 25 pages long, in consultation with their committee. After submitting a final version of the paper that the committee deems satisfactory, the student will sit for an oral examination with the committee on both the paper and, more generally, the paper’s topic, as defined by the reading list.
The fifth term paper project is graded pass-fail. Students must pass the oral exam by the end-of-term meeting of their fifth term. After a student passes the exam their committee will write a report on the project to be given to the student and placed in the student’s file. Successfully completing this project constitutes passing the written and oral general examination requirements imposed by MIT’s Graduate School.
2.6 Petitions
A student may petition COGS to waive a requirement in light of their special circumstances.
3. Independent Studies
While in the normal case a student’s 10 graduate subjects will be seminars, students may also take an independent study with a faculty member. Students wishing to register for 24.891 or 24.892 must obtain permission from the Chief COG. After talking with the faculty member they wish to supervise their independent study, the student should write a proposal describing how often they will meet, how long the meetings will last, a tentative list of readings, and the amount of writing they will do. The Chief COG will approve an independent study only if the amount of work proposed equals or exceeds the usual amount of work in a seminar.
Students can minor in a field outside philosophy of their choosing (for example, linguistics, psychology, science technology and society, physics, feminist theory…). To earn a minor in field X a student must (i) pass 3 graduate subjects in field X, (ii) pass one graduate philosophy subject on a topic related to field X, and (iii) obtain COGS approval. (It is best to seek approval before all 4 subjects have been taken.) A student may receive no more than two minors; in the case of two minors, a single philosophy subject may (in rare cases) be used to satisfy clause (ii) for both minors.
Students who earn a minor need only pass 8, rather than 10, graduate philosophy subjects (7 must be taken at MIT). The subject used to satisfy (ii) counts as one of these 8.
Our faculty uses pluses and minuses, but the grades on your official transcript will be straight letter grades. Here are the meanings that MIT assigns to the grades:
A Exceptionally good performance, demonstrating a superior understanding of the subject matter, a foundation of extensive knowledge, and a skillful use of concepts and/or materials.
B Good performance, demonstrating capacity to use the appropriate concepts, a good understanding of the subject matter, and an ability to handle the problems and material encountered in the subject.
C Adequate performance, demonstrating an adequate understandingof the subject matter, an ability to handle relatively simpleproblems, and adequate preparation for moving on to more advanced work in the field.
D Minimally acceptable performance.
When the faculty determines the status of a student in the program, it does so on the basis of a review of the student’s total performance, which includes weighing the strengths and weaknesses of the student’s whole record. Thus it is in principle possible to redeem a weakness in one area by excellence in others.
An Incomplete (a grade of I) indicates that a minor part of the subject requirements has not been fulfilled and that a passing grade is to be expected when the work is completed. The grade I for the term remains permanently on the student’s record even when the subject is completed. In subjects in which the major work is a term paper, students may earn an I for the subject only if they submit a draft to the instructor(s) by midnight on the day before the end of term meeting. If a student does not hand in a draft by midnight on the day before the end of term meeting, the instructor is required to give the student an F. (The end of term meeting is shortly after the beginning of exam week.)
Any uncompleted incompletes on registration day of the following term will be converted to an F.
6. Ph.D. Thesis
A student is normally not allowed to begin work on a Ph.D. thesis until they have completed all of the requirements listed above. Students must complete all of those requirements by the end of their fifth term; exceptions will be made only after petition to COGS.
Once a student has completed the requirements listed above, there is the option of taking a terminal Master’s Degree instead of the Ph.D. This requires completing a Master’s thesis — students should consult COGS for more details.
The Ph.D. thesis is a substantial piece of original and independent research that displays mastery of an area of philosophy. A student may plan to write a sustained piece of work on one topic; they may instead plan to write three or more papers on connected topics. By the second month of the student’s sixth term they will submit to COGS a short (three to five pages) description of the projected thesis.
When the plan is approved, COGS will appoint a thesis committee consisting of a thesis supervisor and two additional readers, who shall be members of the philosophy faculty chosen by the student and willing to undertake the responsibility. The student will then meet with the members of the thesis committee for discussion of the material to be dealt with in the thesis. COGS approval is required if the student wants to include a non-MIT professor, or an MIT professor who is not on the philosophy faculty, on the committee. COGS approval is also required for a committee whose members include fewer than two MIT philosophy faculty (and this will be approved only in exceptional circumstances).
The student will meet regularly with their thesis supervisor throughout the writing of the thesis, and will provide all members of the thesis committee with written work by the end of each term. This requirement holds for nonresident as well as resident students.
The following rules govern completion of the thesis.
6.1 Final Term
The student will meet with their thesis committee during the first week of the term to assess the feasibility of completing the thesis during that term. The student and the committee will agree on a table of contents for the thesis, and on a schedule of dates for meeting the following requirements; a copy of the contents and the schedule should be given to COGS.
6.1.1 MIT Deadline
MIT requires that the completed thesis be delivered to the Department office by a date set by the Registrar for all Departments. (Early in January for February degrees, early in May for June degrees.) The Department regards this requirement as met by delivery to the thesis committee by that date of what the student regards as the final draft of their thesis.
6.1.2 Thesis Defense
The student will meet privately with their thesis committee to defend the thesis and to discuss any needed revisions. This meeting constitutes the official oral examination of the thesis.
The private defense must be scheduled for a date which will leave time for the student to make revisions before the MIT deadline. Once a student has completed the oral examination, and made any requested revisions, the decision whether to recommend award of the PhD is made by unanimous vote of the thesis committee.
6.1.3 Public Defense
The public defense is open to all members of the Department and their guests; it is chaired by the thesis supervisor, and normally runs for an hour, starting with a twenty-minute presentation by the student of the main results of the thesis. The public defense is the one occasion on which the entire Department has an opportunity to learn about and participate in the student’s work, and is a central part of the Ph.D. program.
The public defense is to be held after the student’s committee has voted to recommend awarding the PhD. One week before the public defense, the student should email the revised version to the chief COG, to be made available to members of the Department. A copy of the abstract should be emailed to the Academic Administrator for distribution when announcing the public defense to the Department.
6.1.4 Final Library Copy
The final library copy must be given to the Departmental representative to MIT’s Committee on Graduate School Policy (CGSP) by the day before that committee’s end-of-term meeting at which it approves the final degree list.
6.2 September Degrees
Students who will be unable to complete their theses during the spring term may wish to petition COGS for consideration for award of the degree in September. Such petitions will be granted on condition that an appropriate thesis committee can be constituted to work with the student during the summer. A schedule analogous to that described under 6.1 — including the scheduling of private and public defenses — must be given to COGS by the end of the spring term. The final library copy of the thesis must be given to the Departmental representative to CGSP by the day before that committee’s September meeting at which it approves the September degree list.
7. Policies on Satisfactory Progress and Good Standing
A student is in good standing so long as they have not fallen behind on any deadline mentioned in this document. The most salient of these is the deadline for the 5th term paper.
If a student is not in good standing, they will be unable to use their travel funds. If a student is not in good standing or has received a grade of B or lower in two classes in the previous semester, they are at risk of failing to make satisfactory academic progress.
If a student is at risk of failing to make satisfactory academic progress, the faculty will discuss the matter at the next end of term of meeting. (If any of the student’s advisors are not present at the meeting, they will be consulted before any action is taken.) The faculty will consider the work the student has produced, or failed to produce, so far, and the progress it represents. If there are serious doubts about the student’s prospects of completing the PhD, which includes writing a thesis that meets the conditions in section 6 , the student’s academic progress will be deemed unsatisfactory, and they will be issued a written notice from the Chief COG. The notice will explain how the student’s progress is unsatisfactory, what the student should accomplish in the following semester in order to avoid an official warning from the Vice Chancellor, and what steps the faculty will take to help the student accomplish these things. If a student fails to meet the conditions of the notice by the end of the following semester, as determined by the faculty, the student will receive an official warning from the Vice Chancellor. This warning will explain why the student’s progress continues to be unsatisfactory, what the student should accomplish in the following semester in order to continue in the program, and what steps the faculty will take to help the student accomplish these things. If the student is in a position to receive a terminal Master’s Degree, the conditions for doing so will be detailed. If the student fails to meet the conditions of the warning by the end of the semester, as determined by the faculty, the student will be denied permission to continue in the program.
- Current MIT Graduate Students
Doctoral Programs in Computational Science and Engineering
Application & admission information.
The Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE) offers two doctoral programs in computational science and engineering (CSE) – one leading to a standalone PhD degree in CSE offered entirely by CCSE ( CSE PhD ) and the other leading to an interdisciplinary PhD degree offered jointly with participating departments in the School of Engineering and the School of Science ( Dept-CSE PhD ).
While both programs enable students to specialize at the doctoral level in a computation-related field via focused coursework and a thesis, they differ in essential ways. The standalone CSE PhD program is intended for students who plan to pursue research in cross-cutting methodological aspects of computational science. The resulting doctoral degree in Computational Science and Engineering is awarded by CCSE via the the Schwarzman College of Computing. In contrast, the interdisciplinary Dept-CSE PhD program is intended for students who are interested in computation in the context of a specific engineering or science discipline. For this reason, this degree is offered jointly with participating departments across the Institute; the interdisciplinary degree is awarded in a specially crafted thesis field that recognizes the student’s specialization in computation within the chosen engineering or science discipline.
Applicants to the standalone CSE PhD program are expected to have an undergraduate degree in CSE, applied mathematics, or another field that prepares them for an advanced degree in CSE. Applicants to the Dept-CSE PhD program should have an undergraduate degree in a related core disciplinary area as well as a strong foundation in applied mathematics, physics, or related fields. When completing the MIT CSE graduate application , students are expected to declare which of the two programs they are interested in. Admissions decisions will take into account these declared interests, along with each applicant’s academic background, preparation, and fit to the program they have selected. All applicants are asked to specify MIT CCSE-affiliated faculty that best match their research interests; applicants to the Dept-CSE PhD program also select the home department(s) that best match. At the discretion of the admissions committee, Dept-CSE PhD applications might also be shared with a home department beyond those designated in the application. CSE PhD admissions decisions are at the sole discretion of CCSE; Dept-CSE PhD admission decisions are conducted jointly between CCSE and the home departments.
Please note: These are both doctoral programs in Computational Science and Engineering; applicants interested in Computer Science must apply to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science .
Important Dates
September 15: Application Opens November 15: Deadline for OGE fee waiver applications December 1: Deadline to apply for admission* December – March: Application review period January – March: Decisions released on rolling basis
*All supplemental materials (e.g., transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation) must also be received by December 1. Application review begins on that date, and incomplete applications may not be reviewed. Please be sure that your recommenders are aware of this hard deadline, as we do not make exceptions. We also do not allow students to upload/submit material beyond what is required, such as degree certificates, extra recommendations, publications, etc.
A complete electronic CSE application includes the following:
- Three letters of recommendation ;
- Students admitted to the program will be required to supply official transcripts. Discrepancies between unofficial and official transcripts may result in the revocation of the admission offer.
- Standalone CSE PhD Statement Prompt: Please explain why you are a good candidate for the MIT PhD program in computational science and engineering (CSE). Describe why you wish to attend this program, what you would like to study, and any research experience you have. If your interests primarily involve machine learning, data science, or operations research, please explain why the CSE PhD program (rather than another MIT program focused specifically on one of those areas) is the right choice for you. Describe one or more accomplishments of which you are particularly proud, and that suggest you will succeed in your chosen area of research.
- Dept-CSE PhD Statement Prompt: (please note: joint program applicants will also need to respond to department-specific prompts) Please explain why you are a good candidate for the interdisciplinary PhD in computational science and engineering (CSE). Explain the motivation for your choice of home department or departments, what you would like to study, and any research experience you have. Describe one or more accomplishments of which you are particularly proud, and that suggest you will succeed in your chosen area of research.
- Official GRE General Test score report , sent to MIT by ETS via institute code 3514 GRE REQUIREMENT WAIVED FOR FALL 2025 ;
- Official IELTS score report sent to MIT by IELTS† (international applicants from non-English speaking countries only; see below for more information)
- Resume or CV , uploaded in PDF format;
- MIT graduate application fee of $90‡.
‡Application Fee
The MIT graduate application fee of $90.00 is a mandatory requirement set by the Institute payable by credit card. Please visit the MIT Graduate Admission Application Fee Waiver page for information about fee waiver eligibility and instructions. Please note that all OGE fee waiver applications must be submitted on or before November 15.
Please note: CCSE does not issue fee waivers; email requests for fee waivers sent to [email protected] will not receive a response.
Admissions Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
► Current MIT CSE SM Students: Please see the page for Current MIT Graduate Students .
GRE Requirement
GRE REQUIREMENT WAIVED FOR FALL 2025 All applicants are required to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Aptitude Test. The MIT code for submitting GRE score reports is 3514 (you do not need to list a department code). GRE scores must current; ETS considers scores valid for five years after the testing year in which you tested.
†English Language Proficiency Requirement
The CSE PhD program requires international applicants from non-English speaking countries to take the academic version of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). The IELTS exam measures one’s ability to communicate in English in four major skill areas: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. A minimum IELTS score of 7 is required for admission. For more information about the IELTS, and to find out where and how to take the exam, please visit the IELTS web site .
While we will also accept the TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language), we strongly prefer the IELTS. The minimum TOEFL iBT score is 100.
This requirement is waived for those who can demonstrate that one or more of the following are true:
- English is/was the language of instruction in your four-year undergraduate program,
- English is the language of your employer/workplace for at least the last four years,
- English was your language of instruction in both primary and secondary schools.
Degree Requirements for Admission
To be admitted as a regular graduate student, an applicant must have earned a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a college, university, or technical school of acceptable standing. Students in their final year of undergraduate study may be admitted on the condition that their bachelor’s degree is awarded before they enroll at MIT.
Applicants without an SM degree may apply to the CSE PhD program, however, the Departments of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Mechanical Engineering nominally require the completion of an SM degree before a student is considered a doctoral candidate. As a result, applicants to those departments holding only a bachelor’s degree are asked in the application to indicate whether they prefer to complete the CSE SM program or an SM through the home department.
Nondiscrimination Policy
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment. To read MIT’s most up-to-date nondiscrimination policy, please visit the Reference Publication Office’s nondiscrimination statement page .
Additional Information
For more details, as well as answers to most commonly asked questions regarding the admissions process to individual participating Dept-CSE PhD departments including details on financial support, applicants are referred to the website of the participating department of interest.
A doctoral degree requires the satisfactory completion of an approved program of advanced study and original research of high quality. Please note that the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (ScD) degrees are awarded interchangeably by all departments in the School of Engineering and the School of Science, except in the fields of biology, cognitive science, neuroscience, medical ...
The MIT Sloan PhD Program looks for a small number of people who will successfully complete our rigorous and demanding program and then thrive in academic research careers. The admission selection process is highly competitive; we aim for a class size of nineteen students, admitted from a pool of hundreds of applicants. ...
MIT graduate programs provide collaborative environments for advanced study by students and faculty working together to extend the boundaries of knowledge. MIT boasts globally prominent graduate programs in engineering, science, computation, architecture and planning, management, and the social sciences and humanities. ...
MIT Sloan PhD Program. 77 Massachusetts Avenue Building E52 Cambridge MA, 02139. 617-253-7188 [email protected]. Website: MIT Sloan PhD Program. Apply here. Application Opens: September. Deadline: December 1 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time. Fee: $95.00. Terms of Enrollment Fall Term (September)
The largest graduate program in MIT's School of Engineering, EECS has about 700 graduate students in the doctoral program at any given time. Those students conduct groundbreaking research across a wide array of fields alongside world-class faculty and research staff, build lifelong mentorship relationships and drive progress in every sector ...
If the field requires substantial participation by two or more departments, an interdepartmental faculty committee, approved by the Office of Graduate Education via petition, should be appointed to supervise the student's program. Each doctoral candidate must take a general examination in their program of study at such time and in such manner ...
The MIT Sloan PhD Program seeks students who demonstrate outstanding intellectual ability, have excellent academic records, exhibit a strong commitment to a career in research, and have previously worked in disciplines related to the intended area of concentration.
Graduate students help BCS mesh with the rest of MIT. Supportive: Graduate students are the most frequent mentors of undergraduate students in UROPs, actively guiding and developing those who will become the next generation of top-tier graduate students. BCS graduate students also are helping make sure the department is a welcoming, inclusive ...
Ph.D. Program The program of studies leading to the doctorate in philosophy provides subjects and seminars in such traditional areas as logic, ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, aesthetics, social and political philosophy, and history of philosophy. Interest in philosophical problems arising from other disciplines, such as ...
Describe why you wish to attend this program, what you would like to study, and any research experience you have. If your interests primarily involve machine learning, data science, or operations research, please explain why the CSE PhD program (rather than another MIT program focused specifically on one of those areas) is the right choice for you.