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Biology Dictionary

Anaerobic Respiration

Katy McLaughlin, Ph.D.

Reviewed by: BD Editors

Anaerobic respiration is the type of respiration through which cells can break down sugars to generate energy in the absence of oxygen. This is in contrast to the highly efficient process of aerobic respiration, which relies on oxygen to produce energy.

Molecular oxygen is the most efficient electron acceptor for respiration, due to its high affinity for electrons. However, some organisms have evolved to use other final electron acceptors, and as such, can perform respiration without oxygen.

Anaerobic respiration

Respiration is the process through which the energy stored in fuel is converted into a form that a cell can use. Typically, energy stored in the molecular bonds of a sugar or fat molecule is used to make ATP, by taking electrons from the fuel molecule and using them to power an electron transport chain.

Respiration is crucial to a cell’s survival because if it cannot liberate energy from fuels, it will not have sufficient energy to drive its normal functions. This is why air-breathing organisms die so quickly without a constant supply of oxygen: our cells cannot generate enough energy to stay alive without it.

Instead of oxygen, anaerobic cells use substances such as sulfate, nitrate, sulfur, and fumarate to drive their cellular respiration. Many cells can perform either aerobic or anaerobic respiration, depending on whether oxygen is available.

Anaerobic vs Aerobic Respiration


Both aerobic and anaerobic respiration are methods of harvesting energy from a food source, such as fats or sugars. Both processes begin with the splitting of a six-carbon sugar molecule into 2 three-carbon pyruvate molecules in a process called glycolysis. This process consumes two ATP molecules and creates four ATP, for a net gain of two ATP per sugar molecule that is split.

In both aerobic and anaerobic respiration, the two pyruvate molecules are subject to another series of reactions that use electron transport chains to generate more ATP.

It is these reactions that require an electron acceptor – be it oxygen, sulfate, nitrate, etc. –  in order to drive them.

Many bacteria and archaea can only perform anaerobic respiration. Many other organisms can perform either aerobic or anaerobic respiration, depending on whether oxygen is present.

Humans and other animals rely on aerobic respiration to stay alive, but can extend their cells’ lives or performance in the absence of oxygen through anaerobic respiration.


After glycolysis, both the aerobic and anaerobic cells send the two pyruvate molecules through a series of chemical reactions to generate more ATP and extract electrons for use in their electron transport chain.

However, what these reactions are, and where they happen, varies between aerobic and anaerobic respiration

During aerobic respiration, the electron transport chain, and most of the chemical reactions of respiration, occur in the mitochondria. The mitochondria’s system of membranes makes the process much more efficient by concentrating the chemical reactants of respiration together in one small space.

In contrast, anaerobic respiration typically takes place in the cytoplasm. This is because most cells that exclusively carry out anaerobic respiration do not have specialized organelles. The series of reactions is typically shorter in anaerobic respiration and uses a final electron acceptor such as sulfate, nitrate, sulfur, or fumarate instead of oxygen.

Anaerobic respiration also produces less ATP for each sugar molecule digested than aerobic respiration, making it a less efficient method of generating cellular energy. In addition, it produces different waste products – including, in some cases, alcohol!

Microorganisms grow differently in media depending on their respiration status

Cellular Respiration in Different Organisms

Organisms can be classified based on the types of cellular respiration they carry out.

  • Obligate aerobes – organisms that cannot survive without oxygen. For example, humans are obligate aerobes.
  • Obligate anaerobes – organisms that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. Certain species of bacteria are obligate anaerobes, such as Clostridium tetani,  which causes tetanus.
  • Aerotolerant organisms – organisms that can live in the presence of oxygen, but does not use it to grow. For example, the bacterium Streptococcus , which causes Strep throat.
  • Facultative aerobes – organisms that can use oxygen to grow, but can also perform anaerobic respiration. For example, Saccharomyces cerevisiae  which is the yeast used in brewing.

Scientists can classify microbes in this way using a simple experimental set-up with thioglycolate broth. This medium contains a range of oxygen concentrations, producing a gradient. This is because of the presence of sodium thioglycolate, which consumes oxygen, and the continuous supply of oxygen from the air; at the top of the tube, oxygen will be present, and at the bottom, no oxygen will be present. <h2title=”Types”>Types of Anaerobic Respiration

The types of anaerobic respiration are as varied as its electron acceptors. Important types of anaerobic respiration include:

  • Lactic acid fermentation – In this type of anaerobic respiration, glucose is split into two molecules of lactic acid to produce two ATP. It occurs in certain types of bacteria and some animal tissues, such as muscle cells
  • Alcoholic fermentation – In this type of anaerobic respiration, glucose is split into ethanol or ethyl alcohol. This process also produces two ATP per sugar molecule. This occurs in yeast and even in some types of fish, such as goldfish .
  • Other types of fermentation – Other types of fermentation are performed by some bacteria and archaea. These include propionic acid fermentation, butyric acid fermentation, solvent fermentation, mixed acid fermentation, butanediol fermentation, Stickland fermentation, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis.

Anaerobic Respiration Equations

The equations for the two most common types of anaerobic respiration are:

• Lactic acid fermentation:

C 6 H 12 O 6 (glucose)+ 2 ADP + 2 pi → 2 lactic acid + 2 ATP

• Alcoholic fermentation:

C 6 H 12 O 6 (glucose) + 2 ADP + 2 pi → 2 C 2 H 5 OH (ethanol) + 2 CO 2 + 2 ATP

Examples of Anaerobic Respiration

Sore muscles and lactic acid.

During intense exercise, our muscles use oxygen to produce ATP faster than we can supply it.

When this happens, muscle cells can perform glycolysis faster than they can supply oxygen to the mitochondrial electron transport chain.

The result is that anaerobic respiration and lactic acid fermentation occurs within our cells – and after prolonged exercise, the built-up lactic acid can make our muscles sore!

Yeasts and Alcoholic Drinks

Beer fermentation relies on anaerobic respiration

Alcoholic drinks such as wine and whiskey are typically produced by bottling yeasts – which perform alcoholic fermentation – with a solution of sugar and other flavoring compounds.

Yeasts can use complex carbohydrates including those found in potatoes, grapes, corn, and many other grains, as sources of sugar to carry out cellular respiration.

Putting the yeast and its fuel source in an airtight bottle ensures that there will not be enough oxygen around, and thus the yeast will convert to anaerobic respiration. This produces alcohol.

Alcohol is actually toxic to the yeasts that produce it – when alcohol concentrations become high enough, the yeast will begin to die.

For that reason, it is not possible to brew wine or a beer that has greater than 30% alcohol content. However, the process of distillation, which separates alcohol from other components of the brew, can be used to concentrate the alcohol and produce spirits such as vodka.

Methanogenesis and Dangerous Homebrews

Unfortunately, alcoholic fermentation isn’t the only kind of fermentation that can happen in plant matter. A different alcohol, called methanol, can be produced from the fermentation of cellulose. This can cause methanol poisoning.

The dangers of “moonshine” – cheap, homebrewed alcohol which often contains high amounts of methanol due to poor brewing and distillation processes – were advertised in the 20 th century during prohibition.

Death and nerve damage from methanol poisoning is still an issue in areas where people try to brew alcohol cheaply. So, if you’re going to become a brewer, make sure you do your homework!

Swiss Cheese and Propionic Acid

Propionic acid fermentation gives Swiss cheese its distinctive flavor. The holes in Swiss cheese are actually made by bubbles of carbon dioxide gas released as a waste product of a bacteria that uses propionic acid fermentation.

The holes in Swiss cheese come from anaerobic respiration

After the implementation of stricter sanitation standards in the 20 th century, many producers of Swiss cheese were puzzled to find that their cheese was losing its holes – and its flavor.

The culprit was discovered to be a lack of a specific bacteria which produce propionic acid. Throughout the ages, this bacteria had been introduced as a contaminant from the hay the cows ate. But after stricter hygiene standards were introduced, this was not happening anymore!

This bacteria is now added intentionally during production to ensure that Swiss cheese stays flavorful and retains its instantly recognizable holey appearance.

Vinegar and Acetogenesis

Bacteria that perform acetogenesis are responsible for the making of vinegar, which consists mainly of acetic acid.

Vinegar actually requires two fermentation processes, because the bacteria that make acetic acid require alcohol as fuel!

As such, vinegar is first fermented into an alcoholic preparation, such as wine. The alcoholic mixture is then fermented again using the acetogenic bacteria.

1. All cells perform glycolysis

2. Which of these is NOT a type of anaerobic respiration?

3. What are obligate anaerobes?

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  • Berg, J. M., Tymoczko, J.L., Stryer, L. Biochemistry. 5th edition. New York: W H Freeman; 2002. Section 18.6, The Regulation of Cellular Respiration Is Governed Primarily by the Need for ATP. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK22448/
  • Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. New York: Garland Science; 2002. References.  Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK26903/
  • Jurtshuk, P. Jr. Bacterial Metabolism. In: Medical Microbiology. 4th edition. Galveston (TX): University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; 1996. Chapter 4.  Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7919/
  • Lodish, H., Berk, A., Zipursky, S.L., et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 4th edition. New York: W. H. Freeman; 2000. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK21475/

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Cellular Respiration Lab (online lab)

This online cellular respiration lab activity is written for students who are unable to attend an in-person lab.


Cellular Respiration (online lab activity)

Copyright © 2020 by Jeff Carmichael, Ph.D.

University of North Dakota

Learning Objectives:

After completing this lab you should be able to:

  • Make predictions about fermentation rates based on hypotheses
  • Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration
  • Generate date on fermentation rates and interpret that data
  • Calculate and compare mass specific metabolic rates

Energy is required by all living organisms for metabolism.  Where does that energy come from?  The process of cellular respiration involves the breakdown of complex organic molecules (e.g., sugars and other nutrients).  The energy released from the breaking of bonds in these molecules is used to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP).  The ATP can then be used to drive a number of cellular metabolic reactions in living cells (e.g., move muscles, transport molecules across  membranes, produce action potentials in neurons).  Although the complete set of reactions is quite complex, the general reaction below summarizes the overall process of aerobic cellular respiration.

C 6 H 12 O 6   +  6O 2                     6CO 2   +  6H 2 O  +  ATP  +  Heat

Note that aerobic respiration requires oxygen.  Cells are able to produce a lot of ATP when oxygen is present.  Look up the process of respiration in your textbook and familiarize yourself with glycolysis, the Krebs Cycles (citric acid cycle) and the electron transport chain .  Determine how they are connected and which portion of respiration produces the most ATP.

Most living cells are also able to produce ATP through anaerobic respiration (fermentation).  However, this process only yields a few molecules of ATP per glucose (most of the energy is retained in alcohol which is formed as a byproduct of fermentation).  Note that fermentation is less efficient than aerobic respiration.  This lab will explore both aerobic and anaerobic respiration in various organisms.

Part 1- Anaerobic Respiration (fermentation)

One form of anaerobic respiration well known by most involves the use of yeast in the production of bread, beer, and other products.  Yeast produces CO 2 and alcohol as byproducts of anaerobic respiration (or, fermentation).  This activity will investigate the effect of various factors on the rate of fermentation in yeast.

  • ?   Make some predictions: What impact do you think each of the factors below will have on the rate of fermentation in yeast?  Explain your reasoning.



Addition of Pyruvate (an intermediate compound formed as a result of glycolysis):              

Addition of NaF (sodium fluoride- the active ingredient in toothpaste, also toxic to many organism):                                             

Addition of Glucose:                                                

Procedure that was followed in lab:

Add the contents of the five treatments shown in the table below in small beakers.  Mix well. Then, add to five separate fermentation tubes.




10 ml

5 ml

15 ml



10 ml

5 ml

15 ml


5 ml

10 ml


15 ml

5 ml


10 ml


15 ml




15 ml

15 ml

Place treatment 1 in the refrigerator and treatments 2 – 5 in the 40 o C incubator for 30 minutes.  After 30 minutes measure the height of the bubble (CO 2 ) in each tube and record your results in the table below.

The images below show results of the five treatments.  Note: if CO 2 was produced within a fermentation tube, you will see a “bubble” of air toward the top of the tube.

experiment to show anaerobic respiration

  • ?   Which treatment served as a control?  Explain your reasoning.                                           
  • ?   Based on your results, what was the effect of glucose, NaF, and Pyruvate on respiration?  How did temperature effect the rate of respiration?  Are these results what you predicted?  Explain these results .                                            

Part 2- Aerobic Respiration in Plants and Animals

Aerobic respiration consumes oxygen and produces carbon dioxide.  The rates of aerobic respiration varies among organisms and is determined by numerous factors.  In this experiment you will measure the rate of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production in germinated and un-germinated seeds and compare these with animals (worms).

  • ?   Which do you hypothesize will produce more carbon dioxide on a per weight basis, germinated or ungerminated seeds? Explain your reasoning.                                                
  • ?   Which do you hypothesize will produce more carbon dioxide on a per weight basis, germinated seeds or worms? Explain your reasoning.                                           

The CO 2 and O 2 measurements of the ungerminated seeds will be setup as a demonstration . 

  • Obtain 2 plastic BioChambers, O 2 probes, CO 2 probes, labquest modules, germinated seeds, and worms.
  • Weigh about 10 g of ungerminated seeds.  Record the exact mass below.

            9.6               = Mass of germinated seeds (g).

  • Weigh about 10 g of germinated seeds.  Record the exact mass below.

            9.1               = Mass of germinated seeds (g).

  • Place the seeds in BioChambers.
  • Obtain 4 worms and record their combined mass below.

            9.3              = Mass of worms (g).

  • Place the worms in a separate BioChamber.
  • Connect the oxygen and carbon dioxide probes to each biochamber as indicated by your instructor.
  • Choose New from the File menu.
  • On the Meter screen, tap Length. Change the data-collection length to 900 seconds.
  • Now change both the oxygen and carbon dioxide sensors to report their measurements in parts per trillion (PPT).  Tap Sensors, Change Units, choose CO 2 and oxygen, then choose PPT.
  • Begin data collection (click the green arrowhead) for both seeds and worms.
  • When data collection has finished (after about 10 minutes), graphs of oxygen and carbon dioxide gasses vs. time will be displayed.

experiment to show anaerobic respiration

Final CO 2 Levels (%):

Ungerminated seeds =            2

Germinated seeds =                6

Worms =                                 20

  • ?   Now calculate CO 2 production on a per weight basis for the germinated seeds and the worms.  Simply divide final CO 2 levels by the weight of the samples. 

Ungerminated seeds =                        % CO 2 / g

Germinated seeds =                            % CO 2 / g

Worms =                                             % CO 2 / g

  • ?   Are these results what you predicted?  How do the respiratory rates of the ungerminated and germinated seeds compare?  Which produced more CO 2 on a per weight basis—the plants or animals?  How could this experiment be improved to provide a more accurate comparison between living plant and animal tissue (think about the structure of sunflower seeds)? Explain .                                             

Part 3- Aerobic Respiration in Humans

            This activity will be a simple demonstration that compares the CO 2 and O 2 levels in the air you breathe in versus the air you exhale.

            Imagine you are at rest and breathing normally.  Now imagine you are at rest, but hold your breath as long as you comfortably can. 

  • ?   What do you predict would be the relative levels of CO 2 and O 2 in the air you breathe in versus the air you exhale when breathing normally and the air you exhale after holding your breath?  Write your hypotheses here.                                                

Now lets examine CO 2 and O 2 levels in the air people inhale and exhale.

Procedure followed in lab:

  • Obtain a large plastic BioChamber.  Make sure the lid is off and GENTLY turn it upside down and wave it through the air (this will remove any residual CO 2 that may be present from its previous use).
  • Next add the lid and CO 2 and O 2 probes and measure the gas levels for about 3 minutes.  Record the CO 2 and O 2 after 3 minutes below.


CO 2 =  395 ppm                                  O 2 = 20.5 %

  • Now measure the CO 2 and O 2 levels in the air you exhale while breathing normally.  Remove the BioChamber lid and use a straw to gently exhale a single breath into the BioChamber.  Add the lid and CO 2 and O 2 probes and measure the gas levels for about 3 minutes.  Record the CO 2 and O 2 after 3 minutes below.


CO 2 =  575 ppm                                  O 2 = 15.5 %

  • Remove the BioChamber lid and GENTLY invert and wave through the air to remove residual CO 2 .
  • Now measure the CO 2 and O 2 levels in the air you exhale after holding your breath.  Remove the BioChamber lid.  Hold you breath as long as you COMFORTABLY are able (be sure to breathe normally if you feel dizzy or light-headed).     Use a straw to gently exhale a single breath into the BioChamber.  Add the lid and CO 2 and O 2 probes and measure the gas levels for about 3 minutes.  Record the CO 2 and O 2 after 3 minutes below.


CO 2 =  700 ppm                                  O 2 = 12.5 %

  • ?   Compare the levels of CO 2 and O 2 in the three measurements recorded.  How do the results compare with your hypotheses?  Explain these results.  Consider the fact that you are releasing carbon (in the form of CO 2 ) every time you exhale.  Where does that carbon come from?                   
  • ?   Consider the oxygen consumed during aerobic respiration.  Why do we need that oxygen?  What, specifically, does it do?                          

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Explaining Primary Science: A Guide to Theory and Practice

Student resources, respiration experiment.

This video will show you how to demonstrate anaerobic respiration by filling a balloon using sugar and yeast. The equipment you will need for this experiment includes:

  • Sugar solution
  • Empty bottle with cap
  • A spatula  
  • Use the spatula to transfer the yeast to the empty bottle
  • Transfer the sugar solution to the bottle now with yeast
  • Close the bottle with the cap and shake it for a few seconds
  • Open the cap and insert the balloon over the bottle neck
  • Leave the balloon until inflated, which can take up to 40 minutes
  • Français
  • Preparatory

Lesson: Anaerobic Respiration Biology • Second Year of Secondary School

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experiment to show anaerobic respiration

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In this lesson, we will learn how to recall the reactants and products of anaerobic respiration and compare this process to aerobic respiration.

Lesson Plan

Students will be able to

  • state the word and symbol equations for anaerobic respiration (lactic acid fermentation) in animal cells and some bacteria as glucose ⟶ lactic acid ( C H O C H O + 2 A T P 6 1 2 6 3 6 3 ),
  • compare the processes of aerobic and anaerobic respiration in terms of products formed, need for oxygen, and relative amounts of energy transferred,
  • state the word and symbol equations for anaerobic respiration in yeast and plant cells as glucose ⟶ ethanol + carbon dioxide ( C H O 2 C H O H + 2 C O + 2 A T P 6 1 2 6 2 5 2 ),
  • outline the uses of anaerobic respiration (alcoholic fermentation) in yeast to manufacture bread and alcohol,
  • describe a simple experiment to demonstrate anaerobic respiration in yeast.

Lesson Presentation

Lesson video.

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Lesson Explainer

experiment to show anaerobic respiration

Lesson Playlist

Outlining the Disadvantage of Lactic Acid in the Body

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experiment to show anaerobic respiration

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7.5 Metabolism without Oxygen

Learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to do the following:

  • Discuss the fundamental difference between anaerobic cellular respiration and fermentation
  • Describe the type of fermentation that readily occurs in animal cells and the conditions that initiate that fermentation

In aerobic respiration, the final electron acceptor is an oxygen molecule, O 2 . If aerobic respiration occurs, then ATP will be produced using the energy of high-energy electrons carried by NADH or FADH 2 to the electron transport chain. If aerobic respiration does not occur, NADH must be reoxidized to NAD + for reuse as an electron carrier for the glycolytic pathway to continue. How is this done? Some living systems use an organic molecule as the final electron acceptor. Processes that use an organic molecule to regenerate NAD + from NADH are collectively referred to as fermentation . In contrast, in some living systems, the electron transport chain (ETC) uses an inorganic molecule as a final electron acceptor, which is called anaerobic cellular respiration . Both processes allow organisms to convert energy for their use in the absence of oxygen. Both methods are anaerobic, in which organisms convert energy for their use in the absence of oxygen.

Link to Learning

Visit this site to see fermentation in action.

Anaerobic Cellular Respiration

Certain prokaryotes, including some species in the domains Bacteria and Archaea, use anaerobic respiration. For example, a group of archaeans called methanogens reduces carbon dioxide to methane to oxidize NADH. These microorganisms are found in soil and in the digestive tracts of ruminants, such as cows and sheep. Similarly, sulfate-reducing bacteria, most of which are anaerobic ( Figure 7.15 ), reduce sulfate to hydrogen sulfide to regenerate NAD + from NADH.

Lactic Acid Fermentation

The fermentation method used by animals and certain bacteria, such as those in yogurt, is lactic acid fermentation ( Figure 7.16 ). This type of fermentation is used routinely in mammalian red blood cells, which do not have mitochondria, and in skeletal muscle that has an insufficient oxygen supply to allow aerobic respiration to continue (that is, in muscles used to the point of fatigue). In muscles, lactic acid accumulation must be removed by the blood circulation, and when the lactic acid loses a hydrogen, the resulting lactate is brought to the liver for further metabolism. The chemical reactions of lactic acid fermentation are the following:

The enzyme used in this reaction is lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). The reaction can proceed in either direction, but the reaction from left to right is inhibited by acidic conditions. Such lactic acid accumulation was once believed to cause muscle stiffness, fatigue, and soreness, although more recent research disputes this hypothesis. Once the lactic acid has been removed from the muscle and circulated to the liver, it can be reconverted into pyruvic acid and further catabolized for energy.

Visual Connection

Tremetol, a metabolic poison found in the white snakeroot plant, prevents the metabolism of lactate. When cows eat this plant, tremetol is concentrated in the milk they produce. Humans who consume the milk can become seriously ill. Symptoms of this disease, which include vomiting, abdominal pain, and tremors, become worse after exercise. Why do you think this is the case?

Alcohol Fermentation

Another familiar fermentation process is alcohol fermentation ( Figure 7.17 ), which produces ethanol. The first chemical reaction of alcohol fermentation is the following (CO 2 does not participate in the second reaction):

The first reaction is catalyzed by pyruvate decarboxylase, a cytoplasmic enzyme, with a coenzyme of thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP, derived from vitamin B 1 and also called thiamine). A carboxyl group is removed from pyruvic acid, releasing carbon dioxide as a gas. The loss of carbon dioxide reduces the size of the molecule by one carbon, producing acetaldehyde. The second reaction is catalyzed by alcohol dehydrogenase to oxidize NADH to NAD + and reduce acetaldehyde to ethanol. The fermentation of pyruvic acid by yeast produces the ethanol found in alcoholic beverages. Ethanol tolerance of yeast is variable, ranging from about 5 percent to 21 percent, depending on the yeast strain and environmental conditions.

Other Types of Fermentation

Other fermentation methods take place in bacteria. We should note that many prokaryotes are facultatively anaerobic. This means that they can switch between aerobic respiration and fermentation, depending on the availability of free oxygen. Certain prokaryotes, such as Clostridia , are obligate anaerobes. Obligate anaerobes live and grow in the absence of molecular oxygen. Oxygen is a poison to these microorganisms and kills them on exposure. We should also note that all forms of fermentation, except lactic acid fermentation, produce gas. The production of particular types of gas is used as an indicator of the fermentation of specific carbohydrates, which plays a role in the laboratory identification of the bacteria. Various methods of fermentation are used by assorted organisms to ensure an adequate supply of NAD + for the sixth step in glycolysis. Without these pathways, this step would not occur, and ATP could not be harvested from the breakdown of glucose.

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  • Authors: Mary Ann Clark, Matthew Douglas, Jung Choi
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Blowing Up Balloons Respiration Style

June 18, 2012 By Emma Vanstone 5 Comments

We’ve talked about respiration before when we made bread and used yeast to make the dough rise. Blowing up a balloon with yeast is another very easy experiment to demonstrate respiration in action and is quicker than making bread if you are short of time.

Blown up purple balloon with the bottom attached to a small jar containing yeast and water

What is respiration?

Respiration is a chemical reaction which occurs in animal and plant cells. It releases energy from glucose. Aerobic respiration needs oxygen, but anaerobic respiration doesn’t need oxygen.

Anaerobic respiration produces less energy than aerobic respiration. It occurs in humans when not enough oxygen reaches muscle cells ( for example, during hard exercise ). Bacteria and other microorganisms can also use anaerobic respiration, and yeast actually carry out an anaerobic process called fermentation .

Respiration occurs in the mitochondria of cells. You can find out more about mitochondria by making a model of a cell .

Blow up a balloon with yeast

A small clear drinks bottle

A packet of dried yeast

1 teaspoon of sugar

sugar, bottle, jug, yeast and balloon for a respiration activity


1. Blow the balloon up a few times to give it some stretch. This just makes it easier for the experiment to work.

2. Fill the small bottle about 3cm full of warm water.

3. Add the yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar.

4. Place the balloon over the open top so no air can escape.

5 Over the next half an hour, watch what happens. (Obviously, do other stuff and come back, it may be a little boring to actually watch it for half an hour!)

Yeast and Respiration

Yeast is a living organism. In order for it to survive, it needs to make energy. In its dried form, the yeast is dormant, but as soon as you provide it with warmth, water and sugar (its food), it ‘wakens’ and becomes active. The yeast uses the sugar (glucose) and oxygen from the bottle to make water, energy and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas, and this is what you see filling the balloon.

Remember, yeast can respire anaerobically when there’s not enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.


Glucose -> ethanol and carbon dioxide + energy

Aerobic Respiration Equation

Glucose + Oxygen –> Carbon Dioxide + Water + energy

Balloon that has been blown up with carbon dioxide yeast respiring

The image is taken from Snackable Science which contains SEVENTY fun edible experiments and investigations!

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Last Updated on May 3, 2023 by Emma Vanstone

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Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

Reader Interactions

' src=

June 18, 2012 at 3:04 pm

Oooh I like this one a lot! I am storing them all up for rainy days but I’ll get to this one quite quickly!

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June 18, 2012 at 6:32 pm

What a cool project! Do the balloons float, then, like helium?

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June 21, 2012 at 3:21 am

That’s so cool! We love everything science! My kids will love this!

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June 25, 2012 at 8:14 pm

Brilliant experiment!!!! The kids will love it!

Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!

Maggy & Alissa

' src=

March 31, 2013 at 9:18 am

all the experiments simple and kids could easily understand the concepts behind it.

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experiment to show anaerobic respiration

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Anaerobic Respiration and Fermentation (Tutorial)

1. introduction.

[h]Three examples of…

[q]What do beer, yogurt, and a sprinter have in common?


[f]VGhleSBhbGwgaW52b2x2ZSA= ZmVybWVudGF0aW9u LiBPbiB0aGUgbGVmdCBpcyBhbGNvaG9sIGZlcm1lbnRhdGlvbiAoZm9yIG1ha2luZyBiZWVyKTsgaW4gdGhlIGNlbnRlciBpcyBsYWN0aWMgYWNpZCBmZXJtZW50YXRpb24gKGZvciBtYWtpbmcgeW9ndXJ0KTsgb24gdGhlIHJpZ2h0IGlzIHRoZSBraW5kIG9mIGxhY3RpYyBhY2lkIGZlcm1lbnRhdGlvbiBhbmltYWxzIChsaWtlIGh1bWFucykgZG8gd2hlbiB0aGV5IHJ1biBzaG9ydCBvbiBveHlnZW4u[Qq]

2. Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration


  • the  3-carbon molecule pyruvic acid, or pyruvate.

Even though energy from glucose was used to make the ATP and the NADH, the third product, pyruvic acid, still has lots of chemical energy.


If oxygen is present, then pyruvate and NADH enter the mitochondria. Pyruvate gets completely oxidized in the Link Reaction and the Krebs cycle. The NADH from glycolysis joins with the NADH and FADH 2 produced by the Krebs cycle and Link Reaction to power the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation. This complete oxidation of pyruvate, along with the production of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation is called aerobic respiration : respiration with oxygen.

experiment to show anaerobic respiration

2a. Aerobic respiration consumes oxygen at a sustainable pace

If you’re sitting and reading this tutorial on a computer or some other device, you’re doing it while performing aerobic respiration. If you got up and got on a bicycle and cycled at a leisurely pace, you’d still be doing aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration is done when you can supply your muscles and other organs with enough oxygen to completely oxidize glucose. Aerobic respiration is sustainable . For example (assuming that you’re in reasonable shape), if you’re walking at an aerobic pace you’ll never need to stop to catch your breath.

2b. Anaerobic respiration happens when there’s not enough oxygen. It’s not sustainable.

experiment to show anaerobic respiration

Back to our bike ride. You reach a long, steep hill. Your muscles strain to keep the bike moving upward and forward. You start breathing harder to get more oxygen into your lungs. Your heart is beating faster to deliver that oxygen to your muscles.

After a while, your breathing rate and your heart rate reach their maximum. Yet even this maximum isn’t delivering enough oxygen to your system. At that point, you switch over to anaerobic respiration.

Anaerobic respiration is about continuing glycolysis in the absence of oxygen.  Why? Simply, it’s because two ATPs are a lot better than no ATP. Anaerobic activities include sprinting (whether running, biking, or swimming) and weightlifting. You can’t sustain these activities, but you can do them in short bursts. During these bursts, your muscles are going to need every ATP they can get.


To move past the “cleavage” phase (phase 2), G3P (at “F”) needs to be oxidized. That oxidation can only happen if NAD + is present (at “G”). But glycolysis converts NAD + to NADH. So, in order for glycolysis to continue to create its two ATPs/glucose, there needs to be a way for the cell to resupply itself with NAD + . That way is called fermentation . Fermentation oxidizes NADH, converting it to NAD+ so that  glycolysis can continue.

Fermentation happens in people in a process called lactic acid fermentation. Lactic acid fermentation is also used by the bacteria that make yogurt. And yeast carry out fermentations that produce alcohol. Let’s start with that one.

3. Alcohol Fermentation

3a. fermentation virtual demonstration.

[h]Alcohol fermentation demonstration

[q]Here’s an experiment to try at home. Take three flasks.

Put a spoonful of yeast in the first. Put a spoonful of sugar in the second. Put a spoonful of yeast AND a spoonful of sugar in the third. Add water and wait a few hours. Predict what will happen.


[f] Tm90aGluZyBoYXBwZW5lZCBpbiB0aGUgZmxhc2sgd2l0aCBvbmx5IHllYXN0LCBiZWNhdXNlIHRoZSB5ZWFzdCBoYWQgbm90aGluZyB0byBlYXQuIEluIHRoZSBzZWNvbmQsIHRoZXJlIHdhcyBmdWVsLCBidXQgbm8gb3JnYW5pc20gdG8gYnJlYWsgaXQgZG93bi4gSW4gdGhlIHRoaXJkIGZsYXNrIHRoZSB5ZWFzdCBicm9rZSBzdWdhciBkb3duIHRvIGFsY29ob2wgKGRpc3NvbHZlZCBpbiB0aGUgbGlxdWlkKSBhbmQgY2FyYm9uIGRpb3hpZGUgKHRoZSBnYXMgdGhhdCYjODIxNztzIGNhdXNpbmcgdGhlIGJhbGxvb24gdG8gZXhwYW5kKS4gSGVyZSBhcmUgdGhlIGRldGFpbHMu[Qq]

3b. Alcohol Fermentation: the details

experiment to show anaerobic respiration

“A” is glycolysis. Glucose is converted to two molecules of pyruvate (C 3 H 3 O 3 ), with a net yield of two ATP and two NADH.

In step “B,” enzymes break the carboxyl group off of pyruvate, producing the two carbon molecule acetaldehyde. The carboxyl group becomes a CO 2 molecule. This CO 2  becomes the bubbles in beer or champagne or bread. In other alcohol fermentation processes, such as in wine-making, the CO 2  is allowed to escape.

Step “C” is about regenerating NAD + so that glycolysis can continue. The cell does this by a redox reaction in which acetaldehyde is reduced to ethanol (a two carbon alcohol), while NADH is oxidized. Thise oxidation and reduction is paired together, with the electrons (and hydrogens) flowing from NADH (which is being oxidized) to acetaldehyde (which is being reduced).  You can see this by comparing the formulas for acetaldehyde (C 2 H 3 O) and ethanol (C 2 H 6 O). Ethanol, with all of those hydrogens, is a more reduced (and more energetic compound). Ethanol, in fact, is a fuel. You can drive a car with it. In California, where I live, up to 10% of the fuel that I put in my car is ethanol (with the other 90% being petroleum-derived gasoline).

4. Lactic Acid Fermentation

Lactic acid fermentation occurs in yogurt making bacteria, and in our very own muscle cells. Whenever we’re low on oxygen (every time we sprint, weightlift, etc). our cells will temporarily shift to lactic acid fermentation. This allows us to keep on producing two ATPs/glucose for a short period of time by continuing glycolysis, without oxidative phosphorylation. Here’s how it works.


As with alcohol fermentation, the process begins with glycolysis (“A”). In the absence of oxygen, enzymes take pyruvate and reduce it to lactate, or lactic acid. This reduction is accompanied by the simultaneous oxidation of NADH to NAD + . With NAD + available, glycolysis can continue, at least for a short while.

As you move towards the top of your aerobic zone, your body will try to maximize oxygen delivery to your cells through increasing your heart and breathing rate. As you exceed your aerobic capacity, anaerobic respiration begins. You’ll accumulate lactic acid in your muscle tissue, leading to what athletes experience as a “lactic acid burn.” At a certain point, as lactic acid and other waste products build up, you’ll have to slow down or stop altogether. As you do, you’ll reduce oxygen demand. You’re heart rate and breathing rate will decrease as you shift back to aerobic respiration (with its more efficient production of ATP). The lactic acid, a high energy compound, diffuses out of your muscles into your blood, which carries it to your liver. Liver cells, in turn, convert lactic acid into glucose, which can then diffuse back into the bloodstream to power cellular respiration.

experiment to show anaerobic respiration

If you’re interested in making yogurt, the process is quite simple. You add yogurt making bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Acidophilus to pasteurized milk (pasteurization lowers the amount of other bacteria in the milk). The  Lactobacillus and Acidophilus  will take lactose (milk sugar) and use it as a fuel to create ATP. Lactic acid is a metabolic waste product. As it accumulates, the pH of the milk drops to where it causes milk proteins to change from a liquid form to more a a gel, giving yogurt its texture and sourness.

5. Quiz: Anaerobic Respiration and Fermentation

[qwiz random = “true” qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Anaerobic Respiration and Fermentation (M10)”]

[h]Fermentation and Anaerobic Respiration

[q]Which letter or number represents glycolysis?

[textentry single_char=”true”]

[c]QQ ==[Qq]




[q]Which letter or number represent a process that removes a carboxyl group from pyruvic acid?

[c]Qg ==[Qq]

[f]IFllcy4gSW4gc3RlcCDigJxC4oCdwqBhIGNhcmJveHlsIGdyb3VwIGlzIHJlbW92ZWQgZnJvbSBweXJ1dmljIGFjaWQsIHdoaWNoIGV4aXRzIHRoZSBzeXN0ZW0gYXMgQ08= Mg== [Qq]

[f]Tm8uIEhlcmUmIzgyMTc7cyBhIGhpbnQuwqBBIGNhcmJveHlsIGdyb3VwIGlzIGEgY2FyYm9uIGJvbmRlZCB0byB0d28gb3h5Z2VuIGF0b21zICh3aXRoIG9uZSBvZiB0aGUgYm9uZHMgYmVpbmcgYSBkb3VibGUgYm9uZCkuIFdoZW4gY2FyYm94eWwgaXMgcmVtb3ZlZCwgYSBtb2xlY3VsZSBvZiBDTw== Mg== IGlzIGZvcm1lZC4gV2hlcmUgZG8geW91IHNlZSBhIENP Mg== IGxlYXZpbmcgdGhlIHN5c3RlbT8=

[q]Which letter or number represents a redox (oxidation/reduction) reaction?

[c]Qw ==[Qq]

[f]IFllcy4gSW4gc3RlcCDigJxD4oCdwqBhY2V0YWxkZWh5ZGUgKG1vbGVjdWxlIDMpIGlzIHJlZHVjZWQgc28gdGhhdCBOQURIIGNhbiBiZSBveGlkaXplZCB0byBOQUQ= Kw== LiBUaGlzIHJlZ2VuZXJhdGVzIE5BRA== Kw== IHNvIHRoYXQgZ2x5Y29seXNpcyBjYW4gY29udGludWUgdG8gZnVuY3Rpb24u[Qq]


[q]The biological purpose of the reactions below is to generate _________ so that glycolysis can continue.

[c]QVRQIMKgIMKgIMKgIA==[Qq][c]cHlydXZhdGUgwqAgwqAgwqA=[Qq][c]TkFESCDCoCDCoCDCoA==[Qq][c]Tk FE KyDCoCDCoCDCoA== [Qq][c]YWxjb2hvbA==




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[f]Tm8uIEdseWNvbHlzaXMgcHJvZHVjZXMgQ08= Mg== LCBhbmQgZG9lc24mIzgyMTc7dCByZXF1aXJlIGl0LiBUaGluayBvZiBhIG1vbGVjdWxlIHRoYXQgaXMgYWJzb2x1dGVseSByZXF1aXJlZCBpbiBvcmRlciBmb3IgdGhlIHJlZG94IHJlYWN0aW9ucyB0aGF0IG9jY3VyIGR1cmluZyB0aGUgJiM4MjIwO2hhcnZlc3QmIzgyMjE7IHBoYXNlIG9mIGdseWNvbHlzaXMgdG8gcHJvY2VlZC4=

[q]Which letter or number represents glucose?

[c]MQ ==[Qq]



[q]Which letter or number represents pyruvic acid?

[c]Mg ==[Qq]



[q]Which letter or number represents ethanol?

[c]NA ==[Qq]


[f]Tm8uIEhlcmUmIzgyMTc7cyBhIGhpbnQuwqBXaGF0IG1vbGVjdWxlIHJlc3VsdHMgYWZ0ZXIgcHlydXZpYyBhY2lkIChudW1iZXIgMikgaXMgbW9kaWZpZWQgYnkgZW56eW1lcyBpbiBzdWNoIGEgd2F5IHRoYXQgaXQgZmlyc3TCoGxvc2VzIGEgQ08= Mg== IGFuZMKgdGhlbiBnZXRzIGNoZW1pY2FsbHkgcmVkdWNlZD8=

[q]Of the molecules listed below, the only one that results from alcohol fermentation which can directly power cellular work is

[c]QVRQIMKgIM KgIMKgIA==[Qq][c]cHlydXZhdGUgwqAgwqAgwqA=[Qq][c]TkFESCDCoCDCoCDCoA==[Qq][c]TkFE KyDCoCDCoCDCoA== [Qq][c]YWxjb2hvbA==




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[q]The reaction responsible for filling the balloon in the flask on the right is…


[f]IFllcy7CoFRoZSByZWFjdGlvbiBhdCAmIzgyMjA7QiYjODIyMTsgcHJvZHVjZXMgdGhlIENP Mg== IHRoYXQmIzgyMTc7cyBmaWxsaW5nIHRoZSBiYWxsb29uLiBUaGlzIHByb2R1Y3Rpb24gb2YgQ08= Mg== IGR1cmluZyBhbGNvaG9sIGZlcm1lbnRhdGlvbiBpcyByZXNwb25zaWJsZSBmb3IgdGhlIGJ1YmJsZXMgaW4gYmVlciwgYnJlYWQsIGFuZCBjaGFtcGFnbmUu[Qq]

[f]Tm8uIEhlcmUmIzgyMTc7cyBhIGhpbnQuIExvb2sgZm9yIGEgcmVhY3Rpb24gd2hlcmUgdGhlIGdhc8KgQ08= Mg== wqBpcyBwcm9kdWNlZC4=

[q]Which letter or number represents lactic acid?

[c]Mw ==[Qq]



[q]What type of fermentation is being shown below?

[c]YWxjb2hvbMKg IMKgIMKgIMKg[Qq][c]bGFjdGljIGFjaWQ=

[f]WWVzLsKgVGhlIHR3byBjbHVlcyB0aGF0IGluZGljYXRlIHRoYXQgdGhpcyBpcyBhbiBhbGNvaG9sIGZlcm1lbnRhdGlvbiBhcmXCoHRoZSBwcm9kdWN0aW9uIG9mIENP Mg== IGluIHN0ZXAgJiM4MjIwO0IsJiM4MjIxOyBhbmQgdGhlIHByb2R1Y3Rpb24gb2YgdGhlIGhpZ2hseSByZWR1Y2VkIHR3by1jYXJib24gbW9sZWN1bGUgZXRoYW5vbCAoQw== Mg== SA== [Qq]6 O), which is molecule 4.

[f]Tm8uwqBMYWN0aWMgYWNpZCBmZXJtZW50YXRpb24gZG9lc24mIzgyMTc7dCBwcm9kdWNlIGFueSBDTw== Mg== wqAod2hpY2ggaXMgb2NjdXJyaW5nIGluIHN0ZXAgJiM4MjIwO0ImIzgyMjE7KSBhbmQgaXQgcmVzdWx0cyBpbiBsYWN0YXRlIChsYWN0aWMgYWNpZCkgd2hpY2ggaXMgYSB0aHJlZSBjYXJib24gbW9sZWN1bGUu

[c]YWxjb2hvbMKgIMKgIMKgIMKg[Qq][c]bGFjdGlj IGFjaWQ=

[f]Tm8uIEFsY29ob2wgZmVybWVudGF0aW9uIHByb2R1Y2VzwqAgQ08= MsKg YW5kIHByb2R1Y2VzIGV0aGFub2wgKEM= Mg== SA== [Qq]6 O) as a waste product.


[q]What type of fermentation occurs in animal cells when there’s not enough oxygen for oxidative phosphorylation of ADP to ATP?



[q]Which letter or number shows a redox (oxidation/reduction) reaction?

[f]IFllcy7CoFN0ZXAgJiM4MjIwO0ImIzgyMjE7IHNob3dzIHB5cnV2aWMgYWNpZCBiZWluZyByZWR1Y2VkIHRvIGxhY3RpYyBhY2lkIGFzIE5BREggaXMgb3hpZGl6ZWQgdG8gTkFE Kw== [Qq]

[q]In cells, fermentation occurs in



[c]dGhlIGN5dG 9wbGFzbQ==[Qq]






[q]Activities that can be sustained indefinitely (or, at least for a very long time) are


[c]YWVyb2 JpYw==[Qq]





[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]When food is broken down for energy in cells with oxygen, the process is

[c]IGFlcm 9iaWM=[Qq]


[f]IFllcy4gQnJlYWtkb3duIG9mIGZvb2Qgd2l0aCBveHlnZW4gaXMgYWVyb2JpYy4=[Qq] [f]IE5vLiDigJhBbmFlcm9iaWPigJkgbWVhbnMg4oCYd2l0aG91dCBveHlnZW4u4oCZIElmIHRoZXJl4oCZcyBveHlnZW4sIGl0IGNhbuKAmXQgYmUgYW5hZXJvYmljLg==

[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]Breakdown of food for energy WITHOUT oxygen is called


[c]IGFuYWVy b2JpYw==[Qq]

[f]IE5vLiDigJhBZXJvYmlj4oCZIG1lYW5zIOKAmHdpdGggb3h5Z2VuLuKAmSBJZiB0aGVyZeKAmXMgbm8gb3h5Z2VuLCBpdCBjYW7igJl0IGJlIGFlcm9iaWMu[Qq] [f]IFllcy4g4oCYQW5hZXJvYmlj4oCZIG1lYW5zIOKAmHdpdGhvdXQgb3h5Z2VuLuKAmQ==

[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]You’re riding your bike on a flat road. The pace is nice and easy. You could do it all day. Your production of ATP is

[f]IFllcy4gQXRobGV0aWMgYWN0aXZpdGllcyB0aGF0IGNhbiBiZSBzdXN0YWluZWQgZm9yIGxvbmcgcGVyaW9kcywgYW5kIHdoaWNoIGNhbiBiZSBhY2NvbXBsaXNoZWQgd2l0aCBhIG1vZGVyYXRlLCBzdXN0YWluYWJsZSBoZWFydCBhbmQgYnJlYXRoaW5nIHJhdGVzLCBhcmUgYWVyb2JpYy4=[Qq] [f]IE5vICYjODIyMDtBbmFlcm9iaWMmIzgyMjE7IG1lYW5zJiM4MjIxO3dpdGhvdXQgb3h5Z2VuLiYjODIyMTsgQW5hZXJvYmljIGFjdGl2aXRpZXMgcmVxdWlyZSBzaG9ydCwgaW50ZW5zZSBidXJzdHMgb2YgZW5lcmd5LCBhdCBsZXZlbHMgdGhhdCBjYW7igJl0IGJlIHN1c3RhaW5lZCBmb3IgbG9uZyBwZXJpb2RzIChtZWFuaW5nLCB5b3UgaGF2ZSB0byBzdG9wIGFuZCByZXN0KS4=

[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]You’re lifting weights. After ten repetitions, your muscles start to burn, and you’re having more and more difficulty lifting the weight. Your production of ATP is



[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]When humans and other animals perform anaerobic respiration, one of the byproducts is




[c]IGxhY3Rp YyBhY2lk[Qq]

[f]IE5vLiBHbHVjb3NlIGlzIHRoZSBzdGFydGluZyBmdWVsIHNvdXJjZSBmb3IgbW9zdCBmb3JtcyBvZiByZXNwaXJhdGlvbiwgbm90IGEgYnlwcm9kdWN0Lg==[Qq] [f]IE5vLiBPeHlnZW4gaXMgcmVxdWlyZWQgZm9yIGFlcm9iaWMgcmVzcGlyYXRpb24uIFRoaXMgcXVlc3Rpb24gaXMgYWJvdXQg4oCYYW5hZXJvYmljIHJlc3BpcmF0aW9uLOKAmSBzbyBveHlnZW4gaXMgbm90IGludm9sdmVkLg==[Qq] [f]IE5vLiBDYXJib24gZGlveGlkZSBpcyBhIGJ5cHJvZHVjdCBvZiBhZXJvYmljIHJlc3BpcmF0aW9uIGluIGh1bWFucy4=[Qq] [f]IFllcy4gV2hlbiBodW1hbnMgYW5kIG90aGVyIGFuaW1hbHMgbGFjayBzdWZmaWNpZW50IG94eWdlbiwgdGhleeKAmWxsIGNyZWF0ZSBBVFAgdGhyb3VnaCBhIGZvcm0gb2YgYW5hZXJvYmljIHJlc3BpcmF0aW9uIHRoYXQgcHJvZHVjZXMgbGFjdGljIGFjaWQgYXMgYSBieXByb2R1Y3Qu

[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]Lactic acid fermentation is a form of _____________ respiration.

[f]IE5vLiBDZWxscyBwcm9kdWNlIEFUUCB0aHJvdWdoIGxhY3RpYyBhY2lkIGZlcm1lbnRhdGlvbiBvbmx5IHVuZGVyIHdoZW4gdGhleSBsYWNrIHN1ZmZpY2llbnQgb3h5Z2VuLg==[Qq] [f]IFllcyDigJhBbmFlcm9iaWPigJkgbWVhbnMg4oCYd2l0aG91dCBveHlnZW4uIENlbGxzIHdpbGwgcHJvZHVjZSBBVFAgdGhyb3VnaCBsYWN0aWMgYWNpZCBmZXJtZW50YXRpb24gb25seSB1bmRlciB3aGVuIHRoZXkgbGFjayBzdWZmaWNpZW50IG94eWdlbi4=

[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]Yogurt is sour because the bacteria used to create yogurt from milk create


[f]IE5vLiBBbGNvaG9sIGlzIHByb2R1Y2VkIGJ5IHllYXN0IGR1cmluZyBhbGNvaG9sIGZlcm1lbnRhdGlvbiwgd2hpY2ggaXMgYW5vdGhlciBmb3JtIG9mIGFuYWVyb2JpYyByZXNwaXJhdGlvbi4=[Qq] [f]IE5vLiBHbHVjb3NlIGlzIGEgc3VnYXIgdGhhdCBpcyB0aGUgc3RhcnRpbmcgZnVlbCBmb3IgbW9zdCBmb3JtcyBvZiByZXNwaXJhdGlvbi4gSXQgdGFzdGVzIHN3ZWV0LCBub3Qgc291ci4=[Qq] [f]IFllcy4gVGhlIGJhY3RlcmlhIHVzZWQgdG8gY3JlYXRlIHlvZ3VydCBmZXJtZW50IHRoZSBzdWdhcnMgaW4gbWlsayB0byBsYWN0aWMgYWNpZCwgd2hpY2ggZ2l2ZXMgeW9ndXJ0IGl0cyBzb3VyIHRhc3RlLg==[Qq] [f]IE5vLiBXaGlsZSBjYXJib24gZGlveGlkZSBpcyBhIHByb2R1Y3Qgb2Ygc29tZSBraW5kcyBvZiBmZXJtZW50YXRpb24sIGl04oCZcyBub3QgcHJvZHVjZWQgYnkgeW9ndXJ0LWNyZWF0aW5nIGJhY3RlcmlhIHdoZW4gdGhleSBmZXJtZW50IG1pbGsgc3VnYXJzLg==

[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]Beer and wine are made through

[c]IGFsY29ob2wgZm VybWVudGF0aW9u[Qq]



[f]IFllcy4gVGhlIGFsY29ob2wgaW4gYmVlciBhbmQgd2luZSBpcyBwcm9kdWNlZCBieSB5ZWFzdCB0aGF0IGZlcm1lbnQgcGxhbnQgc3VnYXJzIGludG8gYWxjb2hvbC4gQ2FyYm9uIGRpb3hpZGUgaXMgcmVsZWFzZWQgYXMgYSBieXByb2R1Y3Qu[Qq] [f]IE5vLiBMYWN0aWMgYWNpZCBmZXJtZW50YXRpb24gb2NjdXJzIHVuZGVyIGFuYWVyb2JpYyBjb25kaXRpb25zIGluIGFuaW1hbCBtdXNjbGUgdGlzc3VlLCBhbmQgaW4gY2VydGFpbiBiYWN0ZXJpYSB0aGF0IGZlcm1lbnQgbWlsayBzdWdhcnMgdG8gbGFjdGljIGFjaWQu[Qq] [f]IE5vLiBBZXJvYmljIHJlc3BpcmF0aW9uIHRha2VzIGdsdWNvc2UgYW5kIGJyZWFrcyBpdCBkb3duIHRvIGNhcmJvbiBkaW94aWRlIGFuZCB3YXRlci4gVGhpbmsgb2YgdGhlIGtpbmQgb2YgYmV2ZXJhZ2UgYmVlciBhbmQgd2luZSBhcmUsIGFuZCB5b3XigJlsbCBoYXZlIHRoZSBhbnN3ZXIu

[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]The bubbles in beer are made of

[c]IGNhcmJvbi BkaW94aWRl[Qq]


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[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]Yeast are placed in a flask containing sugar and water. A balloon is placed over the mouth of the flask. Several hours later, the balloon has inflated. What happened?



[c]IENhcmJvbiBkaW94aWRlIHJlbGVhc2VkIGR1cmluZyBhbGNvaG9sIGZl cm1lbnRhdGlvbiBjYXVzZWQgdGhlIGJhbGxvb24gdG8gaW5mbGF0ZS4=[Qq]

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[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]Alcoholic fermentation is a form of


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[f]IE5vLiBBbGNvaG9sIGZlcm1lbnRhdGlvbiBvbmx5IG9jY3VycyB3aGVuIG94eWdlbiBpcyBsYWNraW5nIChzbyBpdCBjYW7igJl0IGJlIGFlcm9iaWMp[Qq] [f]IFllcy4gQWxjb2hvbCBmZXJtZW50YXRpb24gaXMgYSBmb3JtIG9mIGFuYWVyb2JpYyByZXNwaXJhdGlvbi4=[Qq] [f]IE5vLiBQaG90b3N5bnRoZXNpcyBpcyBob3cgcGxhbnRzIHByb2R1Y2UgY2FyYm9oeWRyYXRlcy4gQWxjb2hvbCBmZXJtZW50YXRpb24gaW52b2x2ZXMgYnJlYWtpbmcgZG93biBjYXJib2h5ZHJhdGVzIGludG8gYWxjb2hvbCBhbmQgY2FyYm9uIGRpb3hpZGUu

[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]Aerobic respiration requires


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[f]IE5vLiBBZXJvYmljIHJlc3BpcmF0aW9uIGNyZWF0ZXMgY2FyYm9uIGRpb3hpZGUgKGFuZCBkb2VzbuKAmXQgcmVxdWlyZSBpdCku[Qq] [f]IFllcy4gQWVyb2JpYyBtZWFucyDigJh3aXRoIG94eWdlbizigJkgYW5kIGl0IG9ubHkgb2NjdXJzIHdoZW4gc3VmZmljaWVudCBveHlnZW4gaXMgcHJlc2VudC4=[Qq] [f]IE5vLiBMYWN0aWMgYWNpZCBpcyBwcm9kdWNlZCBpbiBvbmUgZm9ybSBvZiBhbmFlcm9iaWMgcmVzcGlyYXRpb24sIGFuZCBpdOKAmXMgbm90IHJlcXVpcmVkIGZvciBhZXJvYmljIHJlc3BpcmF0aW9uIHRvIG9jY3VyLg==[Qq] [f]IE5vLiBBbGNvaG9sIGlzIHByb2R1Y2VkIGluIG9uZSBmb3JtIG9mIGFuYWVyb2JpYyByZXNwaXJhdGlvbiwgYW5kIGl04oCZcyBub3QgcmVxdWlyZWQgZm9yIGFlcm9iaWMgcmVzcGlyYXRpb24gdG8gb2NjdXIu

[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]The release of energy from food molecules in the absence of oxygen is



[f]IE5vLiBQaG90b3N5bnRoZXNpcyBpbnZvbHZlcyB0aGUgY3JlYXRpb24gb2YgaGlnaC1lbmVyZ3kgZm9vZCBtb2xlY3VsZXMgZnJvbSBjYXJib24gZGlveGlkZSBhbmQgd2F0ZXIu[Qq] [f]IE5vLiBBZXJvYmljIG1lYW5zIOKAmHdpdGggb3h5Z2VuLuKAmSBJZiBveHlnZW4gaXMgYWJzZW50LCB0aGVuIHRoZSB0eXBlIG9mIHJlc3BpcmF0aW9uIGNhbuKAmXQgYmUgYWVyb2JpYy4=[Qq] [f]IE5vLiBQcm90ZWluIHN5bnRoZXNpcyBpcyBhYm91dCBtYWtpbmcgcHJvdGVpbnMuIEl0IHJlcXVpcmVzIGVuZXJneSwgYnV0IG90aGVyd2lzZSwgdGhlcmXigJlzIG5vIGNvbm5lY3Rpb24gd2l0aCB0aGUgcmVsZWFzZSBvZiBlbmVyZ3kgZnJvbSBmb29kLg==[Qq] [f]IFllcy4gVGhlIHJlbGVhc2Ugb2YgZW5lcmd5IGZyb20gZm9vZCBtb2xlY3VsZXMgaW4gdGhlIGFic2VuY2Ugb2Ygb3h5Z2VuIGlzIGFuYWVyb2JpYyByZXNwaXJhdGlvbi4=

[q topic= “aerobic_and_anaerobic_respiration”]The processes of fermentation and aerobic respiration are similar in that both produce



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[f]IE5vLiBDYXJib24gZGlveGlkZSBhbmQgd2F0ZXIgYXJlIHJlbGVhc2VkIG9ubHkgaW4gYWVyb2JpYyByZXNwaXJhdGlvbi4gRm9yIHRoZSBhbnN3ZXIsIHRoaW5rIGFib3V0IHdoeSwgZnJvbSBhIGNlbGzigJlzIHBlcnNwZWN0aXZlLCBmZXJtZW50YXRpb24gb3IgcmVzcGlyYXRpb24gaXMgbmVjZXNzYXJ5Lg==[Qq] [f]IE5vLiBDYXJib24gZGlveGlkZSBhbmQgYWxjb2hvbCBhcmUgcHJvZHVjZWQgb25seSBkdXJpbmcgYWxjb2hvbCBmZXJtZW50YXRpb24uIEZvciB0aGUgYW5zd2VyLCB0aGluayBhYm91dCB3aHksIGZyb20gYSBjZWxs4oCZcyBwZXJzcGVjdGl2ZSwgZmVybWVudGF0aW9uIG9yIHJlc3BpcmF0aW9uIGlzIG5lY2Vzc2FyeS4=[Qq] [f]IFllcy4gVGhlIHB1cnBvc2Ugb2YgY2VsbHVsYXIgcmVzcGlyYXRpb24sIGZyb20gYSBjZWxs4oCZcyBwZXJzcGVjdGl2ZSwgaXMgdG8gY3JlYXRlIEFUUC4gQm90aCBhZXJvYmljIHJlc3BpcmF0aW9uIGFuZCBmZXJtZW50YXRpb24gY3JlYXRlIEFUUCwgdGhvdWdoIGFlcm9iaWMgcmVzcGlyYXRpb24gY3JlYXRlcyBtdWNoIG1vcmUu[Qq] [f]IE5vLiBHbHVjb3NlIGlzIHRoZSBzdGFydGluZyBmdWVsIGZvciBhZXJvYmljIHJlc3BpcmF0aW9uIGFuZCBtYW55IHR5cGVzIG9mIGZlcm1lbnRhdGlvbiwgYnV0IG5laXRoZXIgYWVyb2JpYyByZXNwaXJhdGlvbiBub3IgZmVybWVudGF0aW9uIHJlbGVhc2VzIGdsdWNvc2UuIEZvciB0aGUgYW5zd2VyLCB0aGluayBhYm91dCB3aHksIGZyb20gYSBjZWxs4oCZcyBwZXJzcGVjdGl2ZSwgZmVybWVudGF0aW9uIG9yIHJlc3BpcmF0aW9uIGlzIG5lY2Vzc2FyeS4=


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  • Biology Article
  • Experimentally Show That Carbon Dioxide Is Given Out During Respiration

Experiment To Prove That Carbon Dioxide Is Given Out During Respiration

One of the basic and fundamental life processes that are carried out by living entities is respiration. It is a catabolic process wherein complex organic molecules are broken down into simpler molecules. The process releases energy either in the absence or presence of oxygen, and hence respiration can be of two kinds:

  • Aerobic respiration – This kind of respiration takes place in the presence of oxygen, hence it results in the complete glucose oxidation with the release of energy. It includes three stages – namely, Krebs cycle, ETS and Glycolysis. All events relating to ETS take place inside mitochondria while stages connected with glycolysis take place in the cytoplasm.
  • Anaerobic respiration – In this type of respiration, oxidation of food takes place in an environment lacking oxygen supply. Less energy is released as a result of incomplete oxidation of glucose.

See Also: Differences Between Catabolism and Anabolism

To experimentally demonstrate that carbon dioxide is released during the process of respiration.


The process of respiration is biochemically carried out wherein food, glucose to be precise, is oxidized and energy is released. In this experiment, gram seeds (moistened) are used. The purpose of using these seeds is that they release carbon dioxide and are respiring actively. The released carbon dioxide is consumed by the solution of KOH.

Material Required

  • Soaked gram seeds
  • U-shaped delivery tube
  • Conical flask
  • Blotting paper (moist) /cotton wool
  • Rubber cork with a single hole
  • Freshly prepared KOH solution (20%)
  • Germinate close to 25 seeds. This can be done by wrapping them in moist blotting paper or cotton wool for around 3 to 4 days.
  • Set up the germinated or sprouted seeds in the conical flask. Spray some water into the flask to dampen the seeds.
  • With the help of a thread, suspend the conical flask containing the test tube having a freshly prepared 20% KOH solution.
  • Use the rubber cork to seal the opening of the conical flask.
  • One edge of the U-shaped glass delivery tube present in the conical flask should be inserted through the hole in the rubber cork. The other edge should be placed into a beaker that is saturated with water.
  • All attachments of the set-up should be sealed. This can be done using vaseline to create an air-tight environment.
  • The initial water level present in the U-shaped delivery tube needs to be marked.
  • Leave the experimental set-up uninterrupted for 1 to 2 hours. Observe the fluctuations in the water level in the tube.


Careful observation after a certain period of time reveals that the water level in the U-shaped delivery tube has risen in the beaker.


The rise in level water indicates that carbon dioxide is released as a result of germinating gram seeds during the process of respiration in the conical flask. The carbon dioxide that is released in the process is absorbed or consumed by the KOH solution that is suspended in the test tube in the conical flask, creating a vacuum or a void in the flask resulting in the upward water movement in the tube. Hence, the water level in the tube changes.


  • The seeds that are to be germinated need to be moistened
  • Air-tight environment for all the connections in the experimental set-up
  • The KOH solution that is used needs to be freshly prepared
  • Care needs to be taken to ensure that one end of the delivery tube is placed in the conical flask. The other edge is submerged in the water of the beaker
  • The tube that contains the KOH solution needs to be suspended carefully

Viva Questions

Q.1. Why is the energy output of the anaerobic respiration lesser than aerobic respiration?

A.1. The process of anaerobic respiration produces 2 ATP. Aerobic respiration, on the other hand, produces 38 ATP involving complete oxidation of glucose. In anaerobic respiration, glucose is partially broken down.

Q.2. List the levels of aerobic respiration.

A.2. The following are the levels in aerobic respiration:

  • Krebs cycle
  • Oxidative phosphorylation and ETS

Q.3. The cells’ energy currency is _________

A.3 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Q.4. What happens when the photosynthesis rate is equal to the respiration rate?

A.4. When both are equal, it enters into a compensation point where there is no gross gas exchange taking place.

Q.5. Can plants respire and take part in photosynthesis?

A.5 Yes, plants can respire in addition to taking part in photosynthesis during the day time.

Q.6. What is the purpose of keeping the seeds moistened in the experiment?

A.6. Seeds are required to be moist as water is required for growth to germinate. If they are not moist enough, they may dry up resulting in a dip in the respiration rate.

Q.7. Can boiled seeds be used in place of moistened germinating seeds?

A.7. No, they cannot be used as boiled seeds cannot undergo respiration. The experiment will show no result.

Q.8. State the significance of using KOH solution in the experiment.

A.8. The solution is known to absorb carbon dioxide that is released during the process of respiration of germinating seeds, thereby creating a slight vacuum in the flask hence increase in the water level. The rise in water level indicates the occurrence of the process of respiration.

Q.9. List one circumstance under which there would be no rise in the water level in the apparatus.

A.9. If the test tube holding the KOH solution is discarded from the experimental setup, the carbon dioxide produced during the respiration process shall not be consumed hence there would be no inflation in the water level.

Q.10. In the experiment, what is the purpose of using Vaseline?

A.10. It is used because it is used to seal all the apparatus, hence securing the set-up air-tight.

Q.11. Can you think of an alternate method to depict the release of carbon dioxide during the respiration process?

A.11. In the same apparatus, water could be replaced by lime water as lime water tends to turn milky in the presence of carbon dioxide.

Q.12. What are respiratory gases?

A.12. Carbon dioxide and oxygen are involved in the process of respiration, and hence are known as respiratory gases.

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experiment to show anaerobic respiration

I love byju’s its a very helpful website. and it clarifies all of my doubts. Great work! and keep it up! 🙂


Thanks to Byjus app

Thanks to all teachers to solve my doubt.

Website is very helpful

Very helpfully

Excellent it is very useful 👍

provide diagram and video too

Hello, we are working on it. Meanwhile, you can explore experiments to show the production of carbon dioxide in germination seeds – https://byjus.com/icse-class-9-biology-selina-solutions-chapter-7-respiration-in-plants/

experiment to show anaerobic respiration

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