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  • Jorge earned his Bachelor's of Science from Georgia Tech.
  • In 2009, he was awarded the 2009 NSF/AAAS International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge First Place in Informational Graphics with his collaborator Dwayne Godwin, a professor of Neuroscience at Wake Forest University. Their comics about the brain appeared in Scientific American Mind from 2010-2017.
  • In 2011, PHD Comics was adapted into a feature-length film called " The PHD Movie ", which screened at over 500 locations worldwide, including all 7 continents. A sequel titled, " The PHD Movie 2: Still in Grad School " was produced in 2015 and also screened worldwide. Nature Journal called the movie " Astute, funny " while the New York Times wrote, " Well, Postdocs think it's funny. "
  • To date, he has delivered over 400 invited lectures internationally on his experiences in academia and being an independent artist and science communicator.
  • The PHD Comics website has been visited by over 60 million visitors in the last 10 years.
  • Six book collections of his comics have been published (available in stores and online ).
  • " We Have No Idea ," his book co-written with physicist Daniel Whiteson was published May 2017 by Riverhead Books/Penguin Random House and was a Der Spiegel Best-Seller. The book won the Wenjin National Book Award in China.
  • His animated explanations of the Higgs Boson and Gravitational Waves went viral and have been viewed millions times.
  • He was the subject of a question in a British Quiz Show .
  • He lives near Los Angeles, CA with his family.
  • He was named one of Los Angeles' most interesting people of 2013.

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The comics depict the typical life of graduate students in Stanford University: how they obsess about ever getting their theses completed, struggle to make ends meet with their meager stipends, wonder why life is passing them by, and slack off while their supervisors aren't looking.

Contains examples of:

  • Absent-Minded Professor : Almost all of the Research Advisors introduced. They can barely remember the students' name, and hardly ever bother to read their thesis draft.
  • Adaptation Name Change : Cecelia's advisor Professor Jones is named Professor Chu in the movies.
  • All Issues Are Political Issues : Tajel often carries protest signboards for various causes.
  • Ambiguously Brown : Dee's friend has a dark skin, but he has no name or distinctive features to determine his actual race (unlike Tajel, who we know is half-Indian from her mother).
  • Batman Gambit : During Cecelia's thesis defense in the second film, her advisor Professor Chu gets an adversarial committee member to endorse her thesis by agreeing with him that an additional year of work is needed, knowing that he will change his mind to be Commander Contrarian .
  • Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs : The "How You Spend Your Time" pie chart has a Sports & Leisure section which consist of surfing the internet, doing sports, and reading about sports while surfing the Internet.
  • Call-Back : Mike teaches the protagonist how to distract with graphs, which unfortunately doesn't work too well for him. Mike himself does it over a year later, with more success.
  • When we see Tajel interact with Prof. Rivera for the first time, he was lamenting her lack of apparent seriousness in her studies, especially when she chose to write about "The Grad student of Academia" for her research topic. Nowadays, their dynamics are reversed, as Rivera becomes the most egregious example of Absent-Minded Professor who never reads Tajel's draft and gives her useless advice, while Tajel desperately tries to get his support in writing her thesis.
  • Professor Smith changed too. Originally he was The Faceless , then started to become more of an Absent-Minded Professor who tries to blend in with the students despite being clueless of their trends. Later, he just became a professor with a serious Lack of Empathy .
  • Chekhov's Gunman : Early in the second movie, Allison points out Dr. Dukosky as the founder of their field, but the latter is surrounded by other conference attendees at the time and cannot be seen. Later during conference presentations, the Nameless Hero has a casual conversation with an old lady who turns out to be Dr. Dukosky, and she provides him with helpful advice in a subsequent scene.
  • Child Prodigy : Professor Jones's daughter is only a first year in elementary school, but is intelligent enough to fix Mike's research data.
  • Comic-Book Time : Every year, the strip features the characters celebrating birthdays, summer vacations and various holidays, but despite their constant complains that they're never graduating, they never seem to actually age. Cecelia lampshades this in one of her birthday strips, in which she decided that the time she spends in grad school doesn't count to her age, because it's basically living in a vacuum.
  • Cool Old Lady : The second movie has Dr. Dukosky, the highly respected founder of the Nameless Hero's field of study, who takes the time to strike up a friendly conversation with him and offers him advice.
  • Scott all but disappeared from the storyline after he broke up with Cecilia.
  • Played for Laughs with Gerard, the token Humanities student, who was told by the PHD Comics management that he should either change his major or leave the comics altogether. He was then forced to attend a hearing to justify his existence, and had not appeared ever since.
  • Creative Closing Credits : The first film overlays the credits on top of academic paperwork, accompanied by sketches of the cast and crew in the art style of the comics.
  • Cuteness Overload : Most of the campus faculty practically melts at the sight of Mike's baby daughter, Sophy. He exploits this to distract them while he steals food from associations he doesn't belong to.
  • Demoted to Extra : In the first film, Mike and Tajel were important supporting characters who gave guidance to the Nameless Hero and Cecelia respectively. In the second film, their roles are diminished, only getting some token lines and scenes that for most part don't directly affect the main plot.
  • Divergent Character Evolution : In the earlier strips , all the University professors were portrayed as a collective group of sinister, faceless Hive Mind who goes out their way to make the students' lives more difficult, especially during Quals. Now, they're mostly given distinct appearance and personalities: Professor Smith is still the mean Stern Teacher , Professor Jones tries to be helpful but is often scatterbrained, Professor Rivera is very flippant and easygoing, but doesn't really pay attention to what his students are doing.
  • Education Through Pyrotechnics : The machines used for experimental research frequently blow up in people's faces.
  • The Faceless : Most of the research advisors don't get drawn in the comic panels, at least in the earlier strips. No longer the case since the 2003 strips.
  • Failure Is the Only Option : To keep going, the series needs the characters to remain grad students, meaning they have to postpone the completion of their respective theses indefinitely. Mike ultimately subverts this; having been the oldest grad student for several years, he finally manages to finish his dissertation after years of procrastination and graduate, but stays anyway as a member of the teaching staff.
  • Fourth-Wall Observer : Tajel takes this role in the movies. She addresses the audience at the end of both films, and refers to herself as a "secondary character" in the first movie.
  • Gag Series : The main point of the strips are to make jokes about the life (or lack thereof) of a grad student, and make fun of the research advisors and Academia in general. When the strips go for more detailed plot and character development, some readers actually complain.
  • Ignored Aesop : A Smithmas Carol ends with Smith reflecting on his life's journey and concluding with this: Prof. Smith: Eh, who cares? I've got tenure.
  • Limited Wardrobe : Probably justified considering how cash-strapped the characters are. In any case, they are almost always depicted in the same outfits.
  • Living Prop : Discussed in-universe regarding the status of grad students. Apparently, the faculty would be more likely to notice an actual missing furniture than they would a missing student.
  • Meta Guy : Gerard, the Humanities student Recurring Character , only exists to represent another Grad School department apart from engineering. He's definitely aware of this, and most of his appearances have him address the readers in some way.
  • Misery Poker : A humorous variation took place during the PhD widows meeting between Scott and Jenny as they ranted on their respective partners, Cecelia and Mike. Scott: Cecelia seems to have lost her way... She has a lot of work ethic but lacks purpose. Jennifer: My husband, on the other hand, has a baby on the way, but his work is pathetic and slacks on purpose.
  • Misplaced Kindergarten Teacher : Cecelia's teaching style has shades of this in the first movie; she prepares baked goods for her students and comes up with an interpretive dance (complete with props and rhymes) to introduce the course material to them. She is eventually discouraged from doing this by the undergrads' seeming apathy, but returns to it enthusiastically once she gets out of her funk.
  • Named by the Adaptation : In the movies, the Nameless Grad Student's name is given as Winston.
  • Obstructive Bureaucrat : Faced by Mike when submitting his thesis (he has to come back because the layout isn't in perfect conformity with university rules), by Tajel when applying for a visa, and by the main character when trying to get reimbursed for travel.
  • Promoted to Love Interest : The second film pairs up Cecelia and Winston (the Nameless Grad Student), though this is only revealed to the audience at the end .
  • Recurring Character : Scott. He's Cecelia's boyfriend, but since he's not a Stanford student, he is actually featured less frequently than the nameless Living Props that are the Engineering Grad students. Lampshaded by Tajel when he suddenly shows up after a long absence. "Scott? I feel I haven't seen him in years
  • Relationship Reveal : Throughout the second film, Cecelia and Winston (the Nameless Grad Student) are both shown receiving texts from an unrevealed party. It is revealed at the end that they had been texting each other and are romantically involved, following a Ship Tease at the end of the first film .
  • Rhymes on a Dime : A lot of the comics' punchlines come from characters bantering with each other in rhymes. One example is the Misery Poker mentioned earlier, and another is the following exchange between Cecelia and her advisor. Cecelia: I have to reference... without deference? Prof. Jones: That's the preference.
  • Rhyming Title : Several strips have titles such as "Webcam Labcam" and "What is... a Thesis?"
  • Right in Front of Me : Upon meeting Khumalo, Tajel starts chatting him up without realizing that he's her new professor.
  • Running Gag : π/2
  • Sequel Hook : Near the end of the first film, Mike learns that his wife is pregnant. A sketch of their baby daughter is shown in the end credits, with "Sequel!" written next to her. She does end up appearing in the second film, though only for a brief moment in the opening montage.
  • Skewed Priorities : Mike can remember "important stuffs" like who is the colorist for a particular X-Men issue, but forgets to take Quals, which he needed to graduate.
  • The Slacker : While several characters are slackers to some extent, Mike Slackenerny stands head and shoulders above the rest in this regard. An eternal student, he's the PhD answer to Doonesbury 's Zonker Harris.
  • She also accidentally spurts her drink on Scott when the latter mentioned that he had a job offer in London.
  • Starving Student : All of the students, who live off instant ramen, and spend a lot of their time scavenging for free food.
  • Mike finally graduated from his Ph.D, but he continues to stick around the campus as a Post-Doc whose activities mostly involve sleeping, napping and scavenging for free food.
  • Prof. Rivera left Stanford for a position in another University, but continues to serve as Tajel's adviser. Since he barely communicate with his student or give her useful advice anyway, his departure has no virtually effect to her thesis.
  • Still Got It : Prof. Smith when he finds out he can still take a nap balanced on a chair, as he used to do as a grad student.

phd comics archive

  • Though the supposed take that at Mythbusters makes it abundantly clear that he's never actually watched it and doesn't think about what the actual purpose of the show is (not to prove that something always happens, but to prove if it could happen somehow).
  • Two Scenes, One Dialogue : In both films, there's a scene in which Cecelia and the Nameless Grad Student receive the same advice simultaneously from different parties at a pivotal moment. In the first film, the advice is respectively given by Tajel and Mike. In the second, it's given by the emeritus professor on Cecelia's thesis committee and Dr. Dukosky.
  • Vague Age : No one really knows how old any of the characters are, since most of them are grad students who have spent countless of years in their program and not showing any signs of graduating soon, despite their constant lament that they're getting older and older as the years goes by. And given that Mike's baby daughter visibly ages over time, the setting probably doesn't run on Comic-Book Time .
  • PhD - Episode 1 is based on The Phantom Menace .
  • What is... The Thesis? is from The Matrix .
  • Raiders of the lost dissertation is Raiders of the Lost Ark .
  • Yank the Dog's Chain : During the credits of the second movie, a montage is shown of Mike's attempts to land an industry job during the conference. He is eventually offered a position... only for the employer to retract the offer when Mike starts gratuitously celebrating on the spot.

Alternative Title(s): Piled Higher And Deeper , Piled High And Deeper

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What happened to the Piled Higher and Deeper comics?

Without dating myself too badly, I have enjoyed PhD comics since the beginning. For the past few years, there have been about 2 or 3 new comics a week, but there has not been a new comic in months. I don't really follow all their social media contacts, but it does not look like there has been a tweet or a facebook update in a while.

Was there any announcement about a break (or the end)?

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StrongBad's user avatar

  • 15 Odd to see such an obviously off topic question from a mod. You know about the chat rooms, of course. –  Buffy Commented Mar 25, 2019 at 14:51
  • 4 Maybe you could ask them by e-mail? As it now stands, it looks rather off-topic to me. –  user105967 Commented Mar 25, 2019 at 14:51
  • 21 @Buffy why is it off topic? If Google scholar or pubmed went down, or had a major unannounced change, wouldn't that be on topic? Something like XKCD comics has a non-academic following, but my guess is PhD Comics is more or less only followed by academics. –  StrongBad Commented Mar 25, 2019 at 14:59
  • 1 I would not consider it off-topic, since it is clearly related to academics. It is just hard to answer, as Guest already has indicated. Maybe Jorge Cham has run out of ideas and is looking for our contributions?! I guess some of the funny to bizarre situations we encounter in academics are worth telling. –  carlosvalderrama Commented Mar 25, 2019 at 15:44
  • 4 The problem with this being adjudged on-topic is, it will act as a precedent for similar me-toos , and even more so because the OP is a mod. Also, unless somebody gets a horse's mouth account (i.e. from Jorge himself), any other answer is essentially speculative. –  299792458 Commented Mar 25, 2019 at 16:48

3 Answers 3

According to the latest comic , the series is on hiatus until November 2019. The unsubtle message behind the comic is that the author doesn't owe an explanation to anyone.

user108490's user avatar

  • 1 Just to be clear I wasn't asking for justification or even an explanation, but was just looking for the email Prof Smith sent. I still haven't recovered from losing homestar. –  StrongBad Commented May 7, 2019 at 13:56
  • When was this comic published, just a couple of days ago, right? I'm going to assume there's a mistake in PhD comics archive (since I don't remember that comic being there last year) and it was actually published 6th May 2019? (and apparently the author feels like he does owe his readers an explanation, despite the message the comic is trying to send -- seeing as he published this "explanatory" comic more than 6 months after stopping other activities). –  penelope Commented May 8, 2019 at 13:40

Not sure what happened with PhD comics, but Jorge Cham seems to be actively involved in this other project: It looks like the last comics were around the time of his Kickstarted book celebrating 20 years of PhD comics. Maybe he got burned out by that endeavour?

Doc's user avatar

  • 1 I noticed that a lot of the more recent comics were credited to someone else, as sort of "thanks to ___ for this idea!" - the comic's been around a long time, might be running out of creative novelty. –  Bryan Krause ♦ Commented Mar 25, 2019 at 19:07
  • +1 -- following that link shows that this other project is putting out 2-3 updates a week. I suspect he just doesn't have enough bandwidth for both, so the frequency of the comics has fallen off (though you'd think there would be a note). –  cag51 ♦ Commented Mar 26, 2019 at 11:18

He took a break , but the comics are back now .

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PhD Comics- Fun Things to PhD!

Doing a PhD is a tedious job we know it right. It is really a serious business to do and that is why it is designated as the highest level of honor in the education system.  The era is of the internet, people are busy doing so much work and social media, rest of the […]

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  1. Piled Higher and Deeper

    Getting caught at work reading the archive? Buy the PHD Books and take the comics home : 10/27/1997: Very Close - First Phd strip! 10/28/1997: Calling Mom : 10/29/1997: ... How funny you find PHD Comics : 7/29/2015: Academic Deadlines : 8/7/2015: A Grammatical Conundrum : 8/31/2015: Attachment : 9/4/2015: Sharing : 9/9/2015: Vacation Equation ...

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    view comic: 3577: The Economic Meltdown' view comic: 3541: Author List' view comic: 3492: Marriage v. The Ph.D.' view comic: 3225: Addressing Reviewer Comments' view comic: 3215: Average time spent writing one e-mail' view comic: 2888: Analysis of Value' view comic: 2849: Abstract Mad Libs' view comic: 2840: Graph - Motivation level' view comic ...

  3. PHD Comics: Staples

    20 YEARS! - PHD Comics turns 20! We are celebrating by Kickstarting a new book, having a huge sale and offering custom comics and cartoons! Join the fun by clicking here! 11/25/2017: The PHD Store - is back online! Need a gift for the holidays?

  4. a graduate student comic strip collection

    "A collection of the first five years of 'Piled Higher and Deeper,' a comic strip about life (or lack thereof) in graduate school, as it originally appeared in Stanford University's 'The Stanford Daily Newspaper' and online at"

  5. Piled Higher and Deeper

    A PhD Comics special on the occasion of Open Access Week 2012. Piled Higher and Deeper (also known as PhD Comics) [1] is a discontinued newspaper and webcomic strip produced from 1997 to 2018. The series was written and drawn by Jorge Cham, and follows the lives of several grad students.First published in 1997 when Cham was a grad student himself at Stanford University, the strip deals with ...

  6. PHD Comics (@phd_comics) on Threads

    Life, or the lack thereof, in Academia. Comics by Jorge Cham. 43K Followers.

  7. Jorge Cham

    This is the home page of Jorge Cham. Jorge is the best-selling and Emmy-nominated creator of "PHD Comics", the popular ongoing comic strip about life (or the lack thereof) in Academia.He is the co-creator and co-Executive Producer of the celebrated animated series Elinor Wonders Why, which airs on PBS Kids and in 78 countries around the world.He is the co-author of the award-winning book We ...

  8. Piled Higher and Deeper

    Piled Higher and Deeper. 416,368 likes · 80 talking about this. "Piled Higher and Deeper" (PhD) is the comic strip about life (or the lack thereof) in academia.

  9. Piled Higher and Deeper: A Graduate Student Comic Strip Collection

    A collection of the first five years of "Piled Higher and Deeper," the unique and popular comic strip about life (or the lack thereof) in graduate school, as it originally appeared in Stanford University's "The Stanford Daily Newspaper" and online at "Piled Higher and Deeper" the comic strip is currently published in several newspapers and online, where it is read by grad ...

  10. PHD (Webcomic)

    PHD (Piled Higher & Deeper) is a Satire webcomic by Jorge Cham that has been running since 1997.. The comics depict the typical life of graduate students in Stanford University: how they obsess about ever getting their theses completed, struggle to make ends meet with their meager stipends, wonder why life is passing them by, and slack off while their supervisors aren't looking.

  11. What happened to the Piled Higher and Deeper comics?

    18. According to the latest comic, the series is on hiatus until November 2019. The unsubtle message behind the comic is that the author doesn't owe an explanation to anyone. Just to be clear I wasn't asking for justification or even an explanation, but was just looking for the email Prof Smith sent.

  12. PHD Comics (@phd_comics) • Instagram profile

    235K Followers, 5 Following, 690 Posts - PHD Comics (@phd_comics) on Instagram: "Comics by Jorge Cham. Creator of PHD Comics, Oliver's Great Big Universe, Co-creator of @elinorwonderswhy , Co-host of @danielandjorge. Get more at:"

  13. PhD Comics (@phdcomics)

    The latest posts from @phdcomics

  14. PHD Comic Strip

    Next one is main menu launcher screen. There will be 8 categories: 1. Popular - most popular strips. 2. Years - strips in chronological order. 3. Main Heroes - strips sorted by heroes. 4. Diagrams and Equations - strips containing diagrams and equations. 5. That's just Science - strips that contain some funny facts, not related to main heroes. 6.

  15. PhD comics Archives

    PhD Comics- Fun Things to PhD! By Dr Tushar Chauhan / June 30, 2020 / 2 minutes of reading Dr Tushar Chauhan / June 30, 2020 / 2 minutes of reading

  16. Web Archive

    Rights & Access. The Library of Congress is making its Web Archives Collection available for educational and research purposes. The Library has obtained permission for the use of many materials in the Collection, and presents additional materials for educational and research purposes in accordance with fair use under United States copyright law ...

  17. open-access-explained-phd-comics directory listing

    An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon.

  18. PHD Comics: New Book! Oliver's Great Big Universe!

    NEW BOOK! Pre-order now! - I'm SUPER excited to announce my new book Oliver's Great Big Universe is now available to order! It's funny, heart-warming and full of awesome science. Please check it out! NEW TV SHOW! - Check out ELINOR WONDERS WHY the new animated TV show for young kids I co-created! It's about Nature and encouraging kids to follow ...

  19. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Books, Movies

    Comic Books and Graphic Novels

  20. PHD Comics: A story in file names

    It's about Nature and encouraging kids to follow their curiosity. 5/14/2018. 20 YEARS! - PHD Comics turns 20! We are celebrating by Kickstarting a new book, having a huge sale and offering custom comics and cartoons! Join the fun by clicking here! 11/25/2017. The PHD Store - is back online!

  21. phdmovietorrents : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

    A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building façade. An illustration of a heart shape "Donate to the archive" An illustration of a magnifying glass. An illustration of a magnifying glass. ... PHD comics movie.mp4 download. 2.7G . phd-movie-2-hd.mp4 download. download 2 files . SUBRIP . Uplevel BACK 87.3K ...

  22. PHD Comics: Tales from the Road

    20 YEARS! - PHD Comics turns 20! We are celebrating by Kickstarting a new book, having a huge sale and offering custom comics and cartoons! Join the fun by clicking here! 11/25/2017: The PHD Store - is back online! Need a gift for the holidays?

  23. PHD Comics: Who owns your data?

    9/9/2020. NEW TV SHOW! - Check out ELINOR WONDERS WHY the new animated TV show for young kids I co-created! It's about Nature and encouraging kids to follow their curiosity. 5/14/2018. PHD Comics turns 20! We are celebrating by Kickstarting a new book, having a huge sale and offering custom comics and cartoons! Join the fun by clicking here!