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Automotive Engineering Dissertation Topics For Marvellous Dissertations

Date published July 31 2020 by Carolina James

What if you had the power to look into the future? Wouldn’t that make things easy for you in the long run? Same is the case with dissertation topics. Dissertation topics can predict how the next few years of your academic life are going to go. A good dissertation topic means a good time, and a bad dissertation topic means a bad one. Therefore, it is important to make the most out of your dissertation topics.

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Latest Automotive Engineering Dissertation Topics for 2022-2023

In order to make sure that you have the best possible years ahead of you our team of subject matter expert senior writers have prepared a free list of the best automotive engineering dissertation topics and automotive engineering dissertation ideas that you can find online.

Aims and Objectives

  • To evaluate road safety by the use of Self Driving Vehicles.
  • To measure the efficacy of Self Driving vehicle in Detecting of Threads.
  • To evaluate the Use of AI in preventing the error made by driver for avoiding collision.
  • To analyses the use of AI in prediction of automotive vehicle collision.
  • To identify and explore different materials and design for Safety bags.
  • To analyse the role of safety airbags verses seat belts in the passenger safety.
  • To measure the efficiency of the front and side air bag efficiency.
  • To examine different factors that influence the safety bag efficiency.
  • To test the efficiency of KERS systems in reaching the lost momentum and accelerations.
  • To identify the challenges in incorporating KERS in normal cars.
  • To identify the working limit of KERS before failure.
  • To analyses the economic aspect of the implementation of KERS in normal cars.
  • To measure the costs effectiveness and stopping time of different systems.
  • To be familiar with the working difference of Electro Hydraulic Break system and Conventional break system.
  • To measure the efficiency of both systems under consideration.
  • To inspect different types of electro hydraulic break systems available.
  • To identify the impact of the use of Nitrogen tires.
  • To identify the problems related to the use of air in tires.
  • To evaluate the degree of wear and tear related to the use of Air and Nitrogen in Tire.
  • To identify and compare the standards of safety related to the use of air and nitrogen filled tire.

Aim: Hybrid vehicles are combination of traditional internal combustion engine with the electric propulsion system. Their unique design ensures fuel efficiency. The vehicles demand has been surging since their inception. This case study s an analysis of the hybrid vehicles drives and their design specifications. The test methods for examining the efficiency are also explored Objectives: The objectives of the study include

  • To evaluate the unique design and technical specifications of the hybrid vehicles
  • To analyze the materials used and their efficiency in the production
  • To examine the impact of new technologies on the design evolution and efficiency of hybrid vehicles
  • To examine the design specifications of light weight sport utility hybrid vehicles
  • To analyze the impact of novel machines design on the environmental pollution
  • To evaluate the technical efficiency of the vehicles with respect to fuel consumption
  • To examine the design options of hybrid vehicles with alternate energy methods
  • To critically examine the cost factors associated with the technical designing and improvisation of hybrid vehicles
  • To compare the efficiency of hybrid vehicles with the traditional vehicles
  • To examine the longevity of hybrid vehicles
  • To evaluate different types of designs and technical specification models of hybrid vehicles

Aim: Traffic control is an important are of transport management and often requires out of box thinking. Modern vehicles have change significantly and different types and combinations of vehicles have made traffic control more challenging. This study aims to analyze the impact of vehicle transition to traffic control management and the options of cellular vehicle to everything technology implementation. Objectives: The objectives of the study include

  • To explore the options and challenges of traffic control mechanism
  • To examine the security concerns regarding the traditional traffic mechanism
  • To evaluate the possibilities of cooperative traffic control solutions
  • To analyze the impact of intelligent cooperative control transport systems on traffic management efficiency
  • To evaluate the C-V2X technology and its effectiveness over traditional methods
  • To study the environmental impact of implication of C-V2X technology
  • To examine the different safety options available with the C-V2X technology
  • To evaluate the options of C-V2X on cellular infrastructure exploitation for road safety
  • To analyze the problems and challenges associated with development of cellular infrastructure
  • To examine the impact of C-V2X technology on the fuel efficiency and consumption of vehicles
  • To examine the impact of 5G technology on the development of C-V2X technology
  • To evaluate the implications of platooning of vehicles using the C-V2X

Aim:   Artificial intelligence has been introduced in all walks of life. Traffic control and management is a challenging field with many inherent issues. This study aims to analyze the implications of artificial intelligence for controlling traffic issues especially the vehicle collision Objectives :   The objectives of the study include

  • To explore the options of Artificial intelligence implications on the traffic control mechanisms
  • To evaluate the efficiency of artificial intelligence in the threat detections and assessments regarding traffic control
  • To examine the impact on self-driving vehicles on the road safety and traffic
  • To examine the use of AI technologies in object detections
  • To evaluate the use of AI in the predicting the probabilities of colliding events
  • To examine the impact of predictive analytics of traffic pattern of traffic management
  • To evaluate the role of traffic light controls in preventing the vehicle collision
  • To analyze the impact of reduction in waiting time on signals on vehicle collision
  • To evaluate the cost and economic factors associated with the development of AI traffic control system
  • To examine the role of learning-based traffic algorithms in preventing the vehicle collision
  • To evaluate the use of A I in preventing the driver types and probabilities of collision
  • To evaluate the impact of hybrid and electric vehicles on traffic management

Aim: The brake systems are an important [art of vehicle production and management. The brakes are the main safety measure against vehicle Collison. This study aims to analyze the difference between two main brake system Conventional and electrical hydraulic brake systems. The cost and time parameters of the both will be examined in detail. Objectives : The objectives if the study include

  • To explore the technical differences between air brakes and hydraulic brakes
  • To examine the fuel efficiency and consumption for both brake systems
  • To examine the factors effecting the costs in both systems
  • To compare the longevity aspects of both brake systems
  • To analyze the level of technology required for the development of both systems
  • To compare the efficacy level of both brake systems
  • To examine different types of electric hydraulic brake systems
  • To evaluate the use of multiple technologies in improving the efficacy of electro hydraulic systems
  • To evaluate the potential failures points for both brake systems
  • To examine the systems operations of both brake systems
  • To evaluate the component specifications of both brake systems

Aim: The use of nitrogen has been remained controversial for tires instead of for many reasons. It has its own pros and cons. This study aims to analyze the use of nitrogen gas and its impact on tires life expectancy Objectives : The objectives of the study include

  • To evaluate the different types of tires, the material used and traditional methods of production
  • To examine the use of air in tires and its problems
  • To analyze the impact of using nitrogen in the tires
  • To compare the safety standards and precautions for both air filed and nitrogen filled tires
  • To analyze the consistencies of compressed air and nitrogen for tire filling purpose
  • To analyze the impact of improper inflation on tire longevity
  • To examine the tire pressures with both nitrogen and compressed air
  • To examine Tire care and maintenance with both options
  • To evaluate the other factors that impact the wear and tear of tires
  • To examine the use of gadgets on pressure handling of tires
  • To evaluate the cost factors associated with maintenance of both types of tires
  • To examine the impact of operating temperatures and speed on the longevity of tires
  • To analyze the factors effecting the availability of Nitrogen and compressed air

Aim: The variable valve timings and lift electronic control are technologies used to improve the volumetric efficiencies of the automobile engines and improve the fuel efficiency. This study investigates the factors effecting the VVT-I and VTEC in maintain fuel efficiency and the emissions impact on environment. Objectives : The objectives of the study include

  • To examine the technical specifications of the VVT-I and VTEC
  • To analyze the material used in the creation and design specifications of both engines
  • To compare the difference between forced induction and rotary engine approaches in the development of VTEC
  • To examine different types of VVT-I and VTEC
  • To evaluate the implications of VTEC in other vehicles
  • To examine the cost factors associated with development of both engines
  • To analyze the impact of both engines on the speed of vehicle
  • To understand the environmental impact of both engines
  • To evaluate the VVT-1 efficiency at different speeds of engines special its impact on the emissions
  • To examine the cars using both types of engines and their sustainability impact and market performance
  • To examine the performance differences of VTEC turbo as compare to the previous models
  • To analyze the performance of both engines with alternate energy options

Aim: The kinetic energy recovery system is an advanced technology use to recover the kinetic energy and momentum of racing cars after braking. The systems use a reservoir for storing energy and later use it under acceleration. This study aims to analyze the impact of KERS and its possible implications on the commercial vehicles. Objectives: The objectives of the study include

  • To analyze the evolution of KERS and the technological advancement at each stage
  • To evaluate the impact of using KERS on formula one racing cars
  • To examine the efficiency of the system in re gaining the momentum and acceleration
  • To critically evaluate the battery options and capacities of different KERS systems
  • To analyze the challenges of incorporating this technology to commercial vehicles
  • To examine the costs and economic factors associated with the incorporation of this technology on commercial vehicles
  • To evaluate the implications of KERS incorporation on other vehicles like motor bikes
  • To analyze the limitations of the system and its failure points
  • To examine the impact of technological development on the KERS
  • To evaluate the impact of KERS on the speeds of the car
  • To analyze the successful case studies of implementation of KERS on the commercial vehicles

Aim: The dampers are used in automobiles to convert the kinetic energy to another form of energy using friction. The Magneto Rheological damper uses the MR liquid as the carrier and is different from traditional dampers in many aspects. This study aims to compare and analyze the difference between two dampers and investigate the reasons of MR damper efficacy Objectives : The objectives of the study include

  • To examine the design and construction differences of two dampers
  • To evaluate the technical specifications and materials used in the creation of MR dampers
  • To evaluate the use of semiactive intelligent control on the creation of MR dampers
  • To analyze the efficacy of both dampers n vehicle suspension
  • To compare the specific characteristics of MR damper with respect to principles applied in the design
  • To analyze the impact of other adaptive suspension technologies on MR damper
  • To examine with the hep of numerical models the various types of MR damper sand their effectiveness
  • To analyze the cost factors associated with development of MR vs traditional dampers
  • To evaluate the impact of MR dampers on the speed and safety of the cars
  • To examine the use and efficiency of different algorithms on the performance of MR dampers

Aim : Hypervelocity terminal intercept guidance systems are used to detect the threating steroids that can proceed to enter the earth’s atmosphere. This study aims to analyze the impact of novel terminals and their efficiency in detecting the asteroids. Objectives : The objectives of the study include

  • To evaluate the technological development in the novel guidance system
  • To analyze the features of traditional terminal intercept guidance system with the new system
  • To examine the algorithms used in the terminal intercept guidance systems and their efficiency level
  • To analyze the size pf the detected asteroids as well as the distance at the time of identification
  • To evaluate the underlying laws used in the detection of asteroids in the new hypervelocity terminal
  • To examine the efficiency of the terminal guidance systemin detecting the proximity gravitation of near-earth objects
  • To evaluate the accuracy level of the terminal intercept system in detecting the direction and magnitude of the asteroid
  • To evaluate the frequency of detections of the new hypervelocity system

Aim: The air bags are used in automobiles for prevention from hazardous and grave results of any accident. This study aims to evaluate the factors effecting the efficiencies of safety air bags and the successful strategies that have yield best results regarding the placement of safety bags Objectives : The objectives of the study include

  • To explore the different materials and designs used for the production of safety bags
  • To analyze differentiate and passive security options for vehicles
  • To examine the objectives of the air bags for safety
  • To evaluate the requirements and functionalities of the air bags
  • To examine the impact of low air permeability on the quality of air bags
  • To analyze the impact of air bags vs the seat belts on the safety of passengers
  • To examine the factors effecting the efficiency of air bags
  • To evaluate the efficiency of frontal and side air bags
  • To compare the efficiency level of different shapes of air bags
  • To evaluate different types of ai bags control units and their effectiveness in ensuring the safety of passengers
  • To analyze the impact of different triggering conditions during testing on the efficiency level of the air bags

Aim: The requirement engineering process deals with the collection, integration and design of information for better understanding of the client’s requirement. It helps in the design and creation of suitable products. This study aims to analyze the use of advanced models and their efficiency in requirement engineering in automotive industry. Objectives : The objectives of the study include

  • To evaluate different tasks involved in requirement engineering process
  • To examine the procedures involved in the software development of requirement engineering
  • To evaluate the internal control measures, involve in the process of requirement engineering
  • To analyze the technical challenges, involve in the data collection and integration process
  • To examine the strengths and weaknesses of different models used in requirement engineering
  • To study the implications of requirement engineering in the automotive industry
  • To analyze the challenges of requirement engineering in the automotive industry
  • To examine the process issues involved in the requirement engineering of automotive industry
  • To examine different technical and management tools used in requirement engineering and their efficiencies in automotive industry
  • To understand the usability of requirement engineering in automotive industry product development
  • To examine different approaches of requirement engineering and appropriate model foreach approach.

Aim : The hotspot analysis has been used in many industries to filter use the information and make use of the most relevant available information. It’s often uses to achieve the sustainability targets in automotive industry. This industry aims to investigate the industrial frame work for hot spot identification and analysis in the context of automotive industry. Objectives : The objectives of the study include

  • To evaluate the composite structure in automotive industry including the use of composite materials
  • To examine the policy and regulatory framework for verification and identification of hot spot analysis
  • To analyze the traditional materials in automotive industry
  • To compare and contrast traditional materials in the composite structures in automotive industry
  • To examine different designs and technical specifications of composite structures
  • To analyze the cost factors associated with the development of composite structures
  • To examine the impact of different composite structures of the environmental sustainability
  • To examine the parameters of industrial framework of the hotspot analysis
  • To identify the strengths and weaknesses of different automotive composite structures
  • To examine the criteria for failure in automotive industry for composite structures
BS A critical analysis of using computational verification methods for automotive safety systems for the safety of both the vehicle and the driver. A case study of freight truckers.
BS A novel study for predicting perceived quality of cars. An exploration of the framework and evaluation methodology used.
BS A study for on motion planning and control for truck and trailer systems. A case study on advance driver assistance system (ADAS) and self driving vehicles.
MSC A critical study on the highly dynamic drives for electric hybrid vehicles. A case study on novel electric machine design and dynamic test method for better efficiency
MSC A novel approach towards cooperative traffic control solution for vehicle transition from autonomous to manual mode exploiting cellular vehicle to everything (C-V2X) technology.
MSC An novel evaluation on the use of artificial intelligence for threat assessment and decision making for avoiding automotive vehicle collisions
MS A critical comparison between the effectiveness of Electro Hydraulic Brake (EHB) system VS. conventional Hydraulic Brake system. Assessing cost effectiveness and time of stopping between the two systems.
MS A novel analysis on the use of nitrogen gas in the place of simple air for automobile tyres. Evaluating the decrease of tyre degradation and wear and tear in increasing life expectancy of tyres.
MS A critical evaluation of how intelligent Variable valve Timing and lift Electronic Control (i-VTEC) engines can deliver great fuel efficiency and performance while maintaining cleaner emissions and driving comfort.
MS A systematic review of the ground breaking Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) used in formula one racing. Examining how this technology can be helpful if incorporated in normal cars.
Ph.D. A comparative analysis between Magneto Rheological (MR) damper and conventional shock / spring dampers. What makes Magneto Rheological (MR) damper quicker, more comfortable and a better option for daily use cars?
Ph.D. A critical analysis on the novel hypervelocity terminal intercept guidance systems for deflecting and disrupting hazardous asteroids that potentially enters stratosphere layer of Earth’s atmosphere.
Ph.D. A novel exploration on making safety air bags in cars even more efficient. What are the unexplored domains related to air bags placement and deployment that have shown promising results?
Ph.D. An exploratory analysis of using advanced models during requirements engineering in the automotive industry.
Ph.D. A systematic study on the industrial framework for verification and hot spot identification and in automotive composite structures
Ph.D. A critical analysis on the design and analysis of a fault tolerant fractional slot Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Machine (PMSM) for vehicle application

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Automotive Engineering Dissertation Ideas For Phenomenal Dissertations

Where on one hand, automotive engineering dissertation topics makes your life easier, on the other hand automotive engineering dissertation ideas gives you the versatility in your approach and decisions for choosing automotive engineering dissertation topics that suits you the best. For this reason our market professional writers have prepared a free list of some of the best automotive engineering dissertation ideas that you can find online to custom make your own automotive engineering dissertation topics.

This study aims to review the advancements in formula one racing car technologies over the years. Formula one has become an automotive for NASA and the home of research and development for the motor industry. The objective of formula one technology is to study the advancements and make changes in the industry of automobiles accordingly. Most driver use automatic transmissions and another objective would be to switch to manual transmissions so that cruising can be done easily. This further helps the driver to control the flow of speed and control the car accordingly. One objective has been to change the car interior and safety measures along with brakes. This one of the major improvement’s cars have been working around and proved to a major reason for success. A turbocharger has been introduced in cars that improves on a naturally aspirated engine’s power output by using a turbine forced induction device to force extra air into a combustion chamber. Racing cars further test limits of what the systems are capable of and they are a great tool of marketing.

Aims and Objectives The aim of this study is to compare and analyze independent wheel vehicle suspension and conventional vehicle suspension system. Vehicle suspensions have always been considered as an essential component to alleviate the impact from road excitations to the vehicle body to ensure the properties of comfortable driving, good handling and safety of vehicles. These are often implemented by car companies for their cost effectiveness and reliabilities and often confronted with contradictions between handling performance and ride comfort. To date many engineers have made great effort to improve the properties of vehicle suspensions that include active suspensions and semiactive suspensions applied to luxury passengers. For manufactures, however, they are often faced with the inconvenience associated with these advanced suspensions, such as high cost, uncertain reliability, huge power consumption, and inherent complexity. Therefore, in order to overcome the drawbacks of the above-mentioned conventional and advanced suspensions, novel passive suspension systems are being adopted in automotive industry. The interconnected suspension system is one of the most effective passive suspension systems that can eliminate the compromise between vehicle stability and ride performance. In contrast to conventional suspensions, interconnected suspensions not only are capable of uncoupling the four suspension modes (bounce, pitch, roll, and warp), but also have advantages in controlling stiffness and damping of each suspension mode.

Aims and Objectives This study aims to evaluate the use of night vison technology in automobiles and to further use a case study on how safety of drivers and freight automobiles that move at night and how it can increase. The objectives are related with a well-maintained vehicle and how it will allow for safer driving at night and reduce the risk of the driver getting stranded and it can be improved by following practices:

  • Properly aligned headlights will help you see the road better and also prevent you from blinding oncoming drivers - We advise having them checked regularly with your dealer/mechanic.
  • Check that all exterior lights work properly - front and rear, brake lights, turn signals and high beams.
  • It is best to ensure that they both work at the same level of efficiency or to replace them in pairs.
  • They must also be clean as dirty headlights can greatly reduce efficiency.
  • Your brake lights need to give drivers behind you the critical warning and reaction time when you need to make an emergency stop.
  • Ensure your windows and headlights are clean (inside and outside). Dirty windows can add to glare and impair vision, making it more difficult to see.
  • This will also prevent frost, ice or condensation from placing further restrictions on visibility.

Aims and Objectives The automotive industry is undergoing a revolution where the more traditional mechanical values are replaced by an ever-increasing number of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) where advanced algorithms and software development are taking a bigger role. Increased safety, reduced emissions and the possibility of completely new business models are driving the development and most automotive companies have started projects that aim towards fully autonomous vehicles. For industrial applications that provide a closed environment, such as mining facilities, harbors, agriculture and airports, full implementation of the technology is already available with increased productivity, reliability and reduced wear on equipment as a result. However, it also gives the opportunity to create a safer working environment when human drivers can be removed from dangerous working conditions. As technology is increasing and artificial technology is replacing most of the manual functions it is assisting in daily driving of users.  Motion planning can be considered as one the basic challenges within robotic sciences which has been researched upon by many analysts over the past few decades and it resulted in different algorithms with various specifications. Motion planning for an autonomous vehicle is a procedure to find a path from initial process to the final state by avoiding any further collision from obstacles. It can also be called as a piano mover’s problem.

Aims and Objectives The automotive indus The primary aim of RBDO is to identify optimum designs which have a low probability of failure under uncertainties. Robust design optimization aims at finding optimum designs that are less sensitive to variations. Robust design optimization in general also aims at restricting the probability of failure to a minimum. In the automotive industry, the time to market has been significantly reduced in recent years. Simulation-based design processes play a vital role in reducing the product development cycle time. Advancements in computational power and efficient algorithms have made the simulation-based design process faster and more efficient, and also made it possible to include structural optimization. Furthermore, increased safety requirements and emission targets have led the automotive industry to focus on developing light-weight body structure design without compromising performance level. Consequently, the use of simulation-based design optimization in the product development process is increasing in order to achieve this target. Conventional deterministic optimization methods do not incorporate uncertainties. The optimum design obtained under deterministic conditions might be sensitive to input variations such as variations in material properties, geometry or loading conditions. Previously, the effect of these uncertainties was minimized by using high level safety factors. However, often these safety factors negatively affect weight efficiency. Consequently, it is necessary to consider the variations in input variables during optimization in order to identify designs that can handle uncertainties without failing to fulfil performance requirements.

Aims and Objectives The objective of this study is to predict the real-life benefits, namely the number of injuries avoided rather than the reduction in impact speed, offered by a Vacuum Emergency Brake (VEB) added to a pedestrian automated emergency braking (AEB) system. To achieve this through the virtual simulation of simplified mathematical models of a system which incorporates expected future advances in technology, such as a wide sensor field of view, and reductions in the time needed for detection, classification, and brake pressure build up. The German In-Depth Accident Study database and the related Pre-Crash Matrix, both released in the beginning of 2016, were used for this study and resulted in a final sample of 526 collisions between passenger car fronts and pedestrians. Weight factors were calculated for both simulation model and injury risk curves to make the data representative of Germany as a whole. The accident data was used with a hypothetical AEB system in a simulation model, and injury risk was calculated from the new impact speed using injury risk curves to generate new situations using real accidents.

Aims and Objectives The objective for the Active Solar Heating and Cooling Program (U.S. Department of energy) is to develop the technology base to allow the private sector to produce efficient, economically competitive solar technology options for the marketplace. The program encompasses a balance of research on systems, components, and materials. The systems research directs the program through analysis of alternative, advanced concepts in heating and cooling. Additionally, research in systems reliability provides data on critical components and materials that affect long-term performance. The analysis and reliability programs are augmented by a laboratory and field-test program that develops data on experimental and state-of-the-art systems. These data identify design and operational problems and, thus, opportunities for research. The research has fused on understanding and improving the heat and mass transfer characteristics of the dehumidifier component of desiccant cooling systems. In line with this effort the study evaluated the steady-state performance of hybrid desiccant/vapor compression systems, in a number of configurations, and compared the use of resource energy to that of conventional air-conditioning systems. This study will evaluate the potential for developing hybrid systems by using current knowledge in dehumidifier design and will point the way for further research, if warranted.

Aims and Objectives The study aims to evaluate how important is the need to vehicle support for safe individual mobility. The aim of this report has two main aims. First, to analyze individual mobility data to obtain fundamental statistical parameters of driving patterns for both conventional and electric vehicles. In doing so, the information contained in large mobility datasets is condensed into compact and concise descriptions through modelling observed distributions of mobility variables by expected theoretical distributions. Specifically, the stretched exponential distribution is shown to model rather accurately the distribution of single-trips and their duration, and the scale-invariant power-law with exponential cut-off the daily mobility length, the distance travelled per day. In contrast to many other discussions about sustainable futures, this vision tries to go beyond conventional perspectives and mainly technological based approaches. Its basic idea is rooted in the participation and engagement of citizens, bottom-up processes of niches, new businesses and management strategies and responsible governance.

Ph.D. A study for the prediction of structural dynamic behaviour under uncertainties. Evaluating its applications with respect to automotive structures
Ph.D. A novel analysis on using electric machine control for energy efficient electric drive systems.

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Some tips for effective proof reading are to firstly take a break before starting your proof reading, isolate yourself in a distraction free environment while proof reading, use proof reading softwares to help you, go through your dissertation again and again.

The major chapters in a dissertation are, introduction, literature review, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion and reference.

The best places to find data for your automotive dissertation are Data USA, Deloitte, Link Springer, SAE, Wiley and IBM to name a few.

The most famous citation or reference styles for dissertation are APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago / Turabian, CSE, IEEE

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Automotive Engineering Research Thesis Topics

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Automotive engineering research topics

For the convenience of our students, we will be pointing out a number of topics for students to guide them in their automotive engineering research. The topics will cover a broad range of fields that are part of the automotive engineering program so that students are not limited in their choice of automotive engineering research topics for their thesis samples.

In addition, we will also present relevant PhD thesis topics in automotive engineering to cater to students enrolled in doctorates. These automotive thesis topics have been prepared by our PhD qualified experts who have broad experience in dealing with doctorate level students and can thus be immensely beneficial for students undertaking the doctorate degree.

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Below is a list of some of the latest master’s thesis topics in automotive engineering that are available online.

A critical comparison between the effectiveness of Electro Hydraulic Brake (EHB) system VS. Conventional Hydraulic Brake system

Aim and objectives.

The overall aim of the research is to assess the relative performance and advantages of these two types of brake .

  • Identifying the key differences between EHB and hydraulic brake systems, including their respective components and operating principles.
  • Evaluating the performance of EHB and hydraulic brake systems under various conditions, such as braking distance, brake fade, and pedal feel.
  • Assessing the reliability and durability of EHB and hydraulic brake systems, including factors such as maintenance requirements and component lifespan.
  • Comparing the costs of EHB and hydraulic brake systems, including initial purchase price and ongoing maintenance expenses.
  • Investigating the potential environmental impacts of EHB and hydraulic brake systems, including emissions and resource consumption

A case study on novel machine design for electric hybrid vehicles for improved efficacy

The aim of the research is to conduct an in-depth analysis of a specific example of a new machine design for an electric hybrid vehicle, with the aim of understanding the design principles and features that contribute to improved efficacy.

  • Identifying and describing the key components and features of the novel machine design.
  • Analyzing the performance and efficacy of the design, including factors such as energy efficiency, power output, and emissions.
  • Comparing the novel machine design to other designs for electric hybrid vehicles, in order to understand its strengths and weaknesses.
  • Examining the challenges and limitations faced by the designers in developing the machine, and how they were addressed.
  • Drawing conclusions about the effectiveness and potential impact of the novel machine design, and identifying any potential areas for further improvement or refinement.

Looking For Customize Thesis Topics?

Take a review of different varieties of thesis topics and samples from our website TheResearchGuardian.com on multiple subjects for every educational level.

Use of AI- driven automotive

The research   aims to examine how analysis of real-time data through AI can contribute to effective traffic management and control.

  • To evaluate how Al can help deal with the bottlenecks in traffic by optimizing traffic flows and thus reducing travel delay times and congestion.
  • To examine how Al can be used to leverage data related to different transportation types to mitigate safety risks and thus improve road safety.
  • To evaluate the efficiency of AI systems in detecting threats and make assessments regarding traffic control.
  • To examine the role of learning based traffic algorithms in predicting the probability of vehicular collisions and thus preventing collisions.

Use of intelligence variable valve timing and lift electronic control to improve fuel efficiency

The study aims to identify factors that enable VVT-I and VTEC to contribute to the volumetric efficiencies of automobile engines and improve their fuel efficiency.

  • Examine the technical specifications of both engines and compare different types of VTEC and  VVT- 1  , including cost factors involved in their constructions.
  • Analyze how both engines contribute to the speed of the vehicle as well as their environmental impact.
  • Assess differences in the application of forced induction and rotary engine approach in development of VTEC and implications of VTEC in other vehicles.
  • Optimization of vehicle structures under uncertainties using simulation –based design.

A critical analysis of Magneto n Rheological damper as compared to conventional shock and spring dampers

Magneto rheological dampers utilize MR fluids instead of hydraulic oil whose viscosity changes varies with magnetic field and can thus actively change their damping abilities to suit driving style and road conditions. The study therefore aims to conduct a performance analysis of magneto rheological dampers and conventional shock and spring dampers.

  • Examination of the differences in construction and design of the two dampers and analyze the efficacy of both dampers on vehicle suspension.
  • Evaluate the use of semi-active intelligent control in determining optimal control forces for MR dampers.
  • Utilize numerical models to assess the effectiveness of various types of MR damper and their impact on the speed and safety of cars.

Revolutionary kinetic energy recovery systems used in formula one racing and benefits of its integration in regular autos

Formula one racing cars are distinguished for their use of kinetic energy recovery systems that help automobiles recover the kinetic energy and lost momentum after applying brakes . The study therefore seeks to explore how kinetic energy recovery system can be incorporated in normal cars and its implications for their performance.

  • To review the evolution of KERS in formula one racing cars and the impact it has on the car’s superior performance
  • To investigate the relevance of KERS for road car applications and review case studies to demonstrate successful implementation of KERS in normal cars.
  • To evaluate the mechanisms behind KERS that boost acceleration in formula one cars along with the system’s limitation and failure points.
  • Conduct a balanced assessment of the potential benefits and costs involved in adopting KERS as well as challenges in incorporating KERS in normal cars.

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An exploration of the potential domains in air bag installation and deployment

The air bags function to provide additional protection to passengers and mitigate the effects of any hazardous or fatal accident. The aim of the study is to identify the factors that make an air bag resilient to shocks and strategies related to placement of safety bags that afford maximum protection.

  • Identifying the factors that affect the performance of airbags during a collision, such as the speed and severity of the impact, the position of the airbag, and the size and shape of the vehicle.
  • Developing new designs or materials for airbags that improve their performance, such as more advanced inflators, more efficient deployment mechanisms, or more effective cushioning materials.
  • Evaluating the performance of different airbag designs using computer simulations or physical testing.
  • Investigating the potential costs and benefits of different airbag designs, including the initial purchase price and the cost of maintenance and replacement.
  • Examining the safety implications of different airbag designs, including the potential for unintended consequences or negative impacts on vehicle occupants.

Use of nitrogen gas instead of ordinary air in automotive tires

Using nitrogen gas instead of ordinary air in car tires is a topic that has received some attention in the automotive industry, as it is believed that nitrogen can improve the performance and longevity of tires. The research aims to discover use of nitrogen as an alternative to ordinary tyre and its impact on extending tire expectancy.

Investigating the scientific basis for the claimed benefits of using nitrogen in car tires, such as its stability and ability to resist temperature changes.

  • Evaluating the actual impact of using nitrogen on the performance and lifespan of car tires, including factors such as tread wear, handling, and fuel efficiency.
  • Comparing the costs and benefits of using nitrogen in car tires, including the cost of filling tires with nitrogen and the potential cost savings from extended tire life.
  • Determining the feasibility and practicality of using nitrogen in car tires for different types of vehicles and driving conditions and its safety implications.

RBDO to discover optimum vehicle designs

The aim of the research is to explore the use of RBDO in designing optimum vehicle designs.

  • Identifying key factors that affect the reliability and performance of vehicles, such as load, temperature, and environmental conditions.
  • Developing optimization algorithms for identifying optimal designs that meet specified reliability and performance requirements.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of RBDO in improving the reliability and performance of vehicles.
  • Determining the practicality and cost-effectiveness of implementing RBDO in the design process for different types of vehicles.

Installation of night vision technology in automobiles

The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of different night vision technologies in improving visibility and detecting potential hazards

  • Assessing the impact of night vision technology on driver behavior and decision making.
  • Evaluating the potential costs and benefits of installing night vision technology in different types of vehicles.
  • Identifying any potential negative impacts or unintended consequences of using night vision technology, such as distraction or overreliance.
  • Investigating the potential for integrating night vision technology with other safety systems, such as collision avoidance or adaptive cruise control.

A systematic study on the industrial framework for verification and hot spot identification in automotive composite structures

The research aims to examine and explore processes and tools used to identify and address potential failure points in thesis structures

  • Identifying the key challenges and limitations faced by the automotive industry in verifying and identifying hot spots in composite structures.
  • Examining the various methods and tools used to verify the integrity of composite structures, such as non-destructive testing, finite element analysis, and physical testing.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of different verification methods and tools, including factors such as accuracy, speed, and cost.
  • Investigating the potential for integrating different verification methods and tools into a cohesive industrial framework for composite structures.
  • Determining the practicality and feasibility of implementing the proposed industrial framework in different types of automotive composite structures.

A critical examination of the use of computational verification methods for automobile safety systems

The aim of the research is to study the various ways in which computational techniques are used to validate the performance and reliability of these systems.

  • Identifying the key types of computational verification methods used for automobile safety systems, such as simulation, model checking, or testing.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness and accuracy of different computational verification methods in predicting the behavior of safety systems under different conditions.
  • Comparing the costs and benefits of using computational verification methods, including factors such as speed, efficiency, and scalability.
  • Investigating the potential limitations and challenges of using computational verification methods, such as the need for specialized training or the complexity of the models.

A novel approach towards cooperative traffic control for vehicle transition from autonomous to manual mode using cellular vehicle to everything (C-V2X) technology

The research aims to discover new ways to coordinate the behavior of autonomous and manually-driven vehicles on the road, with the aim of improving safety and efficiency.

  • Developing a new traffic control system that takes advantage of C-V2X technology to enable cooperative communication and coordination between autonomous and manually-driven vehicles.
  • Evaluating the performance of the proposed traffic control system in terms of safety, efficiency, and reliability.
  • Investigating the challenges and limitations of implementing the proposed traffic control system, including technical, regulatory, and social factors.
  • Determining the potential for scaling up or adapting the proposed traffic control system for use in other transportation systems or applications.

Fault tolerant fractional slot Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Machine (PMSM) for vehicle application

The aim of the research is to identify the principles and techniques used to design and analyze PMSMs for use in electric or hybrid vehicles.

  • Identifying the key design considerations for fault tolerant PMSMs, such as torque ripple, cogging torque, and thermal performance.
  • Developing models or simulations of the behavior of fault tolerant PMSMs under different operating conditions.
  • Evaluating the performance of fault tolerant PMSMs in terms of efficiency, power density, and fault tolerance.
  • Comparing the costs and benefits of fault tolerant PMSMs to other types of electric machines, such as induction motors or switched reluctance motors.
  • Investigating the challenges and limitations of designing and analyzing fault tolerant PMSMs, including factors such as manufacturing constraints, thermal management, and reliability.

Things to remember when choosing automotive engineering thesis topics

It’s understandable that choosing a research topics can make students anxious and nervous but we are here to guide and help you in choosing the perfect topic in order to drastically improve your prospects of achieving a masters or PhD degree in automotive engineering. Following are a number of suggestions that can help you overcome your confusion and doubts in selecting the right topic for your masters or PhD thesis.

  • While it is certainly ideal to have a novel idea for your research topic but there is nothing wrong in drawing upon the existing topics for your research. Research builds upon existing knowledge so even an existing MBA Thesis topic can be modified and adapted to explore gaps or limitations of earlier research.
  • It is also important to ensure that the selected topic has sufficient secondary data from reliable sources so that you have all the relevant information to reinforce your research claims.

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Mechanical, Automotive & Materials Engineering Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Compatibility of Friction Materials of Brake Pads with Alumina-Coated Cast Iron , Yinting Liu

Development of Flexible Temperature Sensors for EV (Electric Vehicle) Batteries , Zifan Li

Dynamic material characterization of polymeric foam by means of experimental, analytical, phenomenological and numerical methods , Foad Rahimidehgolan

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Development of Thermally Stable and Environmentally Robust Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Based Accelerometers , Hasnet Eftakher Uddin Ahmed

Fault Diagnosis of Lubrication Decay in Reaction Wheels Using Temperature Estimation and Forecasting via Enhanced Adaptive Particle Filter , Madhi Aldadi

Novel Methods of Thermal Management in High‐Performance Induction Motors Using Direct Stator Winding Cooling , Alex Arangio

Experimental Improvements to a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber for Fuel Spray and Ignition Studies , Binghao Cong

Development of Ceramic Coatings to Enhance Electrical Insulation of Bearings for Electrical Motors , Dewei Deng

Microstructure, Tensile Properties, and Fracture Behavior of Squeeze Cast Wrought Mg Alloy AZ31 With and Without PEO Coating , Ali Dhaif

Thermal Analysis Based Design of Hollow Shaft for Improved Cooling of Induction Motors , Isabelle Dinh

Life Cycle Assessment of Sustainable End-of-Life Management Operations for Electric Vehicle Battery Pack , Natalia Di Vittorio

Application of Equilibrium-based PAH Adsorption to Modelling Graphene Synthesis in a Microwave-Assisted Plasma Reactor , Jiahai Fan

Development of Copper Clad Aluminum Conductors for Electric Motor Applications , BRANDON Michael FINATERI

Parametric automobile and open-jet wind tunnel models and their application to improved drag coefficient corrections , Matthew Fujs

Development of a Methodology for Virtual Efficiency Evaluation of Electric Drive Modules , Luca Gonella

1D/3D Electrochemical Thermal model of a Battery System at Cell and Modular Levels , Kieran James Johnson-Bujold

Prediction and management of aircraft noise annoyance around Canadian airports , Julia Georgieva Jovanovic

Improving Carbon Nanoparticle Formation Modeling by Incorporating Physical Phenomena through Advanced Simulation Approaches , Arash Khabazipur

Strategies to Improve the Electrochemical Performance of Aluminum Anodes in Primary Alkaline Aluminum-Air Batteries , Razieh Kiani Harchegani

Modelling the Effect of Manufacturing Tolerances on the Performance of a MEMS Resonator , Jiahui Kevin Li

Mechanical and Electrical Properties and Microstructure of PSMC and SC Al-1.8Fe Alloys , Sufeng Liu

Superhydrophobic and Oleophobic Surfaces. Synthesis and Applications , Zirui Liu

Serpentine Spring Design for Sensitivity Enhancement of Dual-Axis Capacitive MEMS Accelerometer , Yanyu Li

Thermo-mechanical analysis of complex geometries manufactured by directed energy deposition processes using machine learning approaches , Seyedeh Elnaz Mirazimzadeh

Reducing Energy Usage for Residential Furnace Blowers: Blade Re-Design and Assessment of the Impact of Flow Non-Uniformity Elimination , Mohammad Mirmohammadi

Residual stress in metal additive manufacturing of thin-walled components: investigation and development of prediction models with respect to path planning , Bita Mohajernia

Anisotropic mechanical material investigation on moisture and strain rate sensitivity of direct compounded compression moulded Glass/PA6 LFTs , Pouya Mohammadkhani

Numerical Thermal Performance Analysis of a Phase Change Material-Air-Liquid Heat Exchanger Using Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage , Mahdi Momeni

A Maturity Assessment Model for Digital Twin-Value Stream Technology in Greenhouses , Helia Norouzi

Developing a Compressor, Fan, and Active Grille Shutter Control Strategy for Air Conditioner Duty Cycles to Improve Overall Vehicle Power Consumption , Trevor Parent

Development of Virtual Methodology to Evaluate Electric Motor Losses , Giovanni Ricciardi

Corrosion and Wear of Graphene-PMMA Nanocomposite Coatings Made by Drop-Casting , Amir Reza Salasel

Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Electrical Conductivities of As-cast Al-0.3Mn Alloy , Wutian Shen

Transient Thermal Simulation of Lithium-ion Batteries for Hybrid/Electric Vehicles , Nicholas Vinten

Pseudo-3D Computational Fluid Dynamic and Equivalent Circuit Models of a Supersonic Fluidic Oscillator for a Superplastic Forming Process , Sichang Xu

Spring Design for High-Performance Microelectromechanical System (MEMS) Based Tuning Fork Gyroscope , Huaishen Yan

The Importance of Accurately Predicting Corner Separations in Fan Stall Point Identification with Steady RANS: Computations with The Helicity-Corrected Spalart-Allmaras Turbulence Model , ZHIFAN YU

Variability of Noise Exposure Forecast Outputs Due to the Selection of Input Parameters , Junxian Zhao

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Advanced ultrasound assessment of polyethylene butt fusion joint for gas pipelines , Maryam Shafiei Alavijeh

Enabler Methodology to Use a Dynamic Simulator to Develop Global Vehicles , Manuella Maria Aleci

Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Analysis of Molten Salt Heat Exchanger in a Novel Thermolysis Reactor Design for the Thermochemical Cu-Cl Cycle for Hydrogen Production , Ehsan Armoudli

Transient Experimental Study of a Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage in a Phase Change Material-Air-Liquid Heat Exchanger , Serena Askar

Analysis of Combustion in Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) Coatings of the Piston Surface in Spark Ignition Engines , Brendon Bain

Propulsion Thermal Management for Fuel Economy Improvement of Mild Hybrid Vehicles , Baptiste Robert Bodin

Mechanical Characterization of Direct/In-line Compounded, Compression Molded Polyamide / Carbon Fibre Long Fibre Thermoplastic , Matthew Bondy

Development of Predictive Ballistic Models for Hypervelocity Impact on Sandwich Panel Satellite Structures , Riley Carriere

Wear Mechanisms of Tool Steel and Their Effect on Trimming of High Strength Steel Sheets , Zeyuan Cui

Analysis Guidelines and Functionalities of the CATIA Native FEA Solver for Composite Materials , Mohamed Edrisy

Numerical Prediction of the Impact Response of Tailored 1500 Mpa and 2000 Mpa Press Hardening Boron Steel , Joseph Guignard

Characterization of a Three-Way Catalyst for High Efficiency Spark Ignition Engines , Cavin Hesketh

Design and Development of a MEMS Vibrating Gyroscope with Novel Inner Support Springs , Imran Khan

Experimental Setup of a Rapid Compression Machine for Spark Ignition Studies , Daniel Llaguno

An Investigation into the Effect of Cutting Fluid Additives on Machining of Hard-to-Machine Metal , Junhui Ma

Numerical Performance Prediction of a Composite Automotive Suspension Lower Arm , Zhe Ma

Utilization of Carbon-Based Windings Toward Next Generation Traction E-Motors , Donovan O'Donnell

Design and Analysis of Soft Actuator with Enhanced Stiffness with Granular Jamming , Abbishek Manoj Patel

Development of a Model for Graphene Synthesis in Microwave Plasma-Assisted Reactors , Caleb Prindler

Redesign and benchmarking of electric vehicle batteries for demanufacturing for secondary life applications in the circular economy , Abhay Singh Rathaur

Bake-Hardening of Aluminum Alloys for Automotive Applications: Influence of Temperature, Time and Pre-Strain Parameters , Giorgio Rolle

A Preliminary Study of Electrode Geometry Impact on Spark Discharge Processes , Hongyang Shangguan

Development of Tribological and Surface Characterization Methods for Evaluation and Prevention of Galling of Aluminum Alloy Sheets during Forming Processes , Shayan Shirzadian

Design and development of a 3D-printed microfluidic lab-on-a-chip for particle manipulation , Hualong Wang

Enhancing Thermoelectric Generator Performance , Xi William Wang

Numerical Simulations of Cavitation in the Oil Pump and Thin-Fluid-Bearing for Automotive Applications , Jiaqi Xu

High Temperature Lubricated Wear of Sand Cast and Die Cast Al Alloys for Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) and Other Applications , Xi Zhang

Effects on Vehicle Ride Comfort of an Adaptive Suspension System Using Neural Networks , Sylvia Yin Zhixian

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Hypervelocity Impact on Satellite Sandwich Structures: Development of a Simulation Model and Investigation of Projectile Shape and Honeycomb Core Effects , Reihaneh Aslebagh

Decision-Making Framework for Circular Economy in Remanufacturing , Saleh Maffoudh Bagalagel

Modelling and Control of Non-Glare Zone Width of Adaptive Driving Beam (ADB) in Different Driving Scenarios , Yihing Chen

Analysis of Loss Mechanisms and Frequency Mismatch in Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)-Based Resonators , Zilang Chen

Mixed Reality Application for Inspection and Validation in Industrial Environments: Human Performance and Brain-Computer Interface Advantages over Gestures , Silvio Da Col


Development of Novel Low-Cost Rapid Tooling Solution by Incorporating Fused Deposition Modeling Sacrificial Patterns , Alireza Davoud Pasha

Machining of Inconel 718 nickel-based superalloy using nano-lubricants and liquid nitrogen , Behzad Eskandari

Electrospinning of PEO Nanofibers , Nehal Faldu

Reaction Wheels Fault Isolation Onboard 3-Axis Controlled Satellite using Enhanced Random Forest with Multidomain Features , Mofiyinoluwa Oluwatobi Folami

Optimization of Chemistry and Process Parameters for Control of Intermetallic Formation in Mg Sludges , Yintian Fu

An Engineered Tensile Energy Dissipation Device Exploiting a Cutting Deformation Mode , Anthony Gudisey

Development of a Stochastic Reactor Model Network Towards Combustion Systems , Nupur Gupta

A Data-Driven Approach using Long-Short Term Memory for Fault Prognosis and Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Satellite Reaction Wheel , Md Sirajul Islam

Energy Management and Size Optimization of Hybrid Energy Systems , Mohammadreza Babaei Jamnani

Thermal Efficiency Analysis on Lean Burn Spark Ignition Engine , Joshua Patrick Jayaseelan

Finite Element Analysis of Surface Hardening Treatments of Steels for Automotive Powertrain Applications , Filippo Jones

Development of an Electronic Stability Control for Improved Vehicle Handling using Co-Simulation , Wonjo Jung

Predictive Model of Air Dam Deflection Under Aerodynamic Loads , Chang Kyun Kang

Effect of approach flow condition on the wake of an Ahmed body , Nam Kang

Quantification of Velocity at the Sparkplug in a Lab Scale Combustion Chamber , Mayur Panduranga Kodikal

Numerical Study of the Impact of DME Blending on Emissions from a Compression Ignition Engine , Hongwei Lei

Optimization of Chemical Compositions of Al-Si-Cu-Ni-Sr Alloys with High Strengths and Electrical Conductivities , Yuxian Li

Development of superior energy absorbing devices with adaptive capabilities utilizing hybrid cutting/clamping deformation modes , John Magliaro

Development of Superior Energy Absorbing Devices with Adaptive Capabilities Utilizing Hybrid Cutting/Clamping Deformation Modes , John Magliaro

Development of Polymer Composite Coatings for Condensing Heat Exchangers , Joselyne McPhedran

Flow Characteristics of Self-Oscillating Round and Square Jets in a Confined Cavity , Maziar Mosavati

Development of a Pneumatically Controllable Microdroplet Generator with Electrical Sensing , Gnanesh Nagesh

The development of fully automated RULA assessment system based on Computer Vision , Gourav Kumar Nayak

Body Force Modeling of Axial Turbomachines Without Calibration , Syamak Pazireh

Interfacial Heat Transfer in Squeeze Casting of Cast Al Alloy A380 and Mg Alloy AZ91 and Wrought Alloy AZ31 , Luyang Ren

Design and Investigation of a Semi-Active Suspension System in Automotive Applications , Behnam Riazi

Efficient Design of Integrated Underbody and Battery Pack for Battery Electric Vehicles , Gabriele Rosso

Dynamic Facility Layout for Cellular and Reconfigurable Manufacturing using Dynamic Programming and Multi-Objective Metaheuristics , Saeideh Salimpour

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Automotive Engineering

Dissertations from 2024 2024.

Engineering Multifunctional Silicon Nanostructures from Biorenewable Cellulose Nanocrystals , Nancy Chen

Green Chemistry Design Of Epoxies From Biomass For Circular Economy , Kavya Ganesan

A Reinforcement Learning Framework for Powertrain Control Including Shared Learning Among a Fleet of Vehicles , Lindsey Kerbel

Monitoring Vehicle Seat Occupancy Status and Tracking Human Passenger Activities Inside Vehicle Passenger Cabins , Rahul Prasanna Kumar

Harnessing Nature's Building Blocks: Exploring Sustainable Biomass for Polymer and Composite Materials , Kavan Sheth

Hybrid Physics-Infused Machine Learning Framework For Fault Diagnostics and Prognostics in Cyber-Physical System Of Diesel Engine , Shubhendu Kumar Singh

Process-Structure-Property-Performance Modeling for Semicrystalline Thermoplastics and Composites , Tatiana Stepanova

Vision-Based Autonomy Stacks for Farm Tractors and Intelligent Spraying Systems in Orchards , Shengli Xu

Reinforcement Learning-Based Energy Management for Electric Vehicle Application , Yiming Ye

Multi-Scale Modeling of Selective Laser Sintering: From Manufacturing Process and Microstructure to Mechanical Performance in Semi-crystalline Thermoplastics , Cameron Zadeh

Numerical Simulation of Laser Induced Elastic Waves in Response to Short and Ultrashort Laser Pulses. , Alireza Zarei

Dissertations from 2023 2023

Accelerating the Derivation of Optimal Powertrain Control Strategies Using Reinforcement Learning and Virtual Prototypes , Daniel Egan

Energy-Aware Coordination of Automated Vehicles , Nathan Goulet

Classification of Electrical Current Used in Electroplastic Forming , Tyler Grimm

Applications of Large Eddy Simulations to Novel Internal Combustion Concepts , Patrick O'Donnell

Dissertations from 2022 2022

Multiscale Topology Optimization With a Strong Dependence on Complementary Energy , Dustin Dean Bielecki

Non-destructive Terrain Evaluation and Modeling for Off-Road Autonomy , Howard Brand

A Multi-Perspective Architecture Framework for Managing Multi-Fidelity Simulations Using Feature-Based Product Line Engineering , Ryan Colletti

Investigating Drivers’ Knowledge and Experience With the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) Which Led to the Development and Evaluation of an Emergency Braking Training Exercise Using a Driving Simulator With Haptic Pedal Feedback , Lauren Mims

Modeling, Estimation, and Optimal Control of Lithium-Ion Battery at Cell and System level , Hamidreza Mirzaei

Improving the Human-Machine Interaction of AI Systems for System Health Monitoring , Ryan Nguyen

A Novel Computationally Efficient AI-Driven Generative Inverse Design Framework for Accelerating Topology Optimization and Designing Lattice-Infused Structures , Darshil Patel

Modeling, Control and Estimation of Reconfigurable Cable Driven Parallel Robots , Adhiti Raman Thothathri

Dissertations from 2021 2021

Human-Robot Collaboration in Automotive Assembly , Yi Chen

Human-Automated Vehicle Interactions , Longxiang Guo

Coupled Thermal Mechanical Analysis Methodology for Thermal Performance Evaluation and Failure Mode Identification of Thermal Barrier Coatings for Heavy Duty Diesel Engines , Sean Moser

Understanding Process-Structure-Property-Performance Relationships of Thermoplastic Olefins (TPO) Foams Through a Novel Manufacturing to Response Pathway , Sai Aditya Pradeep

An Assessment of Thermal Barrier Coatings for The Low-Temperature Combustion Family: From HCCI To GCI , Ziming Yan

Cooperative Perception for Social Driving in Connected Vehicle Traffic , Daniel Yoon

Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Role of Low Carbon Alcohol Fuels in Advanced Combustion , Brian Gainey

Multi Sensor Multi Target Perception and Tracking for Informed Decisions in Public Road Scenarios , Andinet Negash Hunde

Thermoelectrics: Ecological Profile and Fundamental Principles for Sustainability , Rakesh Krishnamoorthy Iyer

Combustion Phasing Modeling for Control of Spark-Assisted Compression Ignition Engines , Dennis Robertson

Evaluating Drivers’ Understanding of Automotive Symbols Related to Powertrain and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems , Breno Schwambach Costa

Dissertations from 2019 2019

Cure Dependent Viscoelastic-Plastic Modeling of Adhesives to Capture CTE Effects in Multi-Material Structures , Akshat Agha

Optimal Control of UV-Induced Curing Processes for Layer-by-Layer Manufacturing of Composites , Shiferaw Damtie Beyene

Probabilistic Framework for Behavior Characterization of Traffic Participants Enabling Long Term Prediction , Jasprit Singh Gill

Hybrid Single Shot Manufacturing of Multi-Materials Structure for Automotive Applications , Hakan Kazan

On Resilient Control for Secure Connected Vehicles: A Hybrid Systems Approach , Roberto Merco

Evaporator Modeling and an Optimal Control Strategy Development of an Organic Rankine Cycle Waste Heat Recovery System for a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Application , Dhruvang Rathod

Understanding the Theory and Use of Resistive Welding Technology for Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite Structures in Automotive Applications , Veera Aditya Choudary Yerra

Dissertations from 2018 2018

Characterization and Modeling of the High Strain Rate Response of Advanced High Strength Steels , Rakan Alturk

A Controls-Oriented Approach For Modeling Professional Drivers During Ultra-High Performance Maneuvers , Jeffery Ryan Anderson

Sustainable Manufacturing of Natural Fiber Reinforced Green Composite , Kousaalya Bakthavatchalam

Polymer Injection Forming: A New Age Technology for Manufacturing Polymer-Metal Hybrids , Saeed Farahani

Model Predictive Control of Modern High-Degree-of-Freedom Turbocharged Spark Ignited Engines with External Cooled EGR , Rohit Vishvanath Koli

Experimental and Analytical Techniques for Evaluating the Impact of Thermal Barrier Coatings on Low Temperature Combustion , Ryan O'Donnell

Alternative Milling Path Planning Strategies and Force Modeling for Nickel-Based Superalloys , Abram Pleta

Impacts of Thermal Barrier Coating Morphology and Catalytic Properties on Low Temperature Combustion Engine In-Cylinder Processes , Thomas Powell

Evaluation of Thermal Mechanisms to Predict the Transient Electroplastic Effect in Aluminum and an Investigation of Electrically Assisted Drilling , Brandt J. Ruszkiewicz

Slip-Stick Contact Conditions for the Thermo-Mechanically Coupled Flow Drill Screw Process , Jamie Daniel Skovron

Dissertations from 2017 2017

A Resilient Control Approach to Secure Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) with an Application on Connected Vehicles , Zoleikha Abdollahi Biron

A New Multiscale Modeling Framework for Lithium-Ion Battery Dynamics: Theory, Experiments, and Comparative Study with the Doyle-Fuller-Newman Model , Harikesh Arunachalam

Ant-inspired Interaction Networks For Decentralized Vehicular Traffic Congestion Control , Andreas Kasprzok

Battery Aging Studies Based on Real-World Driving , Zifan Liu

A Voice and Pointing Gesture Interaction System for Supporting Human Spontaneous Decisions in Autonomous Cars , Pablo Sauras-Perez

Low-Pressure EGR in Spark-Ignition Engines: Combustion Effects, System Optimization, Transients & Estimation Algorithms , Konstantinos Siokos

External Economic Costs of Intelligent Urban Transportation Systems: A Method to Evaluate the Externalities of Comparative Technology Adoption Pathways in the Urban Mobility Service sector , Jianan Sun

Predictive Maneuver Planning and Control of an Autonomous Vehicle in Multi-Vehicle Traffic with Observation Uncertainty , Qian Wang

Observer Based Cylinder Charge Estimation for Spark-ignition Engines , Zhe Wang

Plant Modeling, Model Reduction and Power Optimization for an Organic Rankine Cycle Waste Heat Recovery System in Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Applications , Bin Xu

Friction Stir Back Extrusion of Aluminium Alloys for Automotive Applications , Zeren Xu

Design, Synthesis and Sustainable Applications of Animal Protein-Based Thermoset Polymers and Covalent Organic Frameworks , Xiaoyan Yu

Vehicle Parameters Estimation and Driver Behavior Classification for Adaptive Shift Strategy of Heavy Duty Vehicles , Darui Zhang

Proteinaceous Resin and Hydrophilic Encapsulation: A Self-Healing-Related Study , Ting Zheng

Dissertations from 2016 2016

A Probabilistic-Based Approach to Monitoring Tool Wear State and Assessing Its Effect on Workpiece Quality in Nickel-Based Alloys , Farbod Akhavan Niaki

Manufacturing System Energy Modeling and Optimization , Lujia Feng

Characterization and Modeling of Deformation, Springback, and Failure in Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSSs) , Jun Hu

Clarity of View: An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)-Based Multi-Factor Evaluation Framework for Driver Awareness Systems in Heavy Vehicles , Dee Kivett

Physics-based Models for Engine System Studies: Quasi-D Dual-fuel Combustion and Real-time Intake Charge Flow Estimation , Shuonan Xu

Material Characterization and Finite Element Simulations of Aluminum Alloy Sheets During Non-Isothermal Forming Process , Nan Zhang

Supervisory Control Optimization for a Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Consideration of Battery Thermal Management and Aging , Xueyu Zhang

Formulation of an Interactive Ruled-based Design Envelope for Ensuring Aftermarket Vehicle Dynamics Compliance , Xianjie Zhou

Dissertations from 2015 2015

Measurement of Older and Younger Drivers' Selected Seat Position within their Personal Vehicles to Influence Recommended Practices for Meeting Safety Needs of Drivers , Shayne Kelly McConomy

An Optimization Approach for Energy Efficient Coordination Control of Vehicles in Merging Highways , Jackeline Rios-Torres


Model Based Combustion Phasing Control for High Degree of Freedom Spark-Ignition Engines , Shu Wang

Understanding the Automotive Pedal Usage and Foot Movement Characteristics of Older Drivers , Yubin Xi

A Study Model Predictive Control for Spark Ignition Engine Management and Testing , Qilun Zhu

Dissertations from 2014 2014


Adaptive and Robust Braking-Traction Control Systems , John Adcox

A Study of the Effects of Manufacturing Complexity on Product Quality in Mixed-Model Automotive Assembly , Kavit Ravindra Antani

Battery Second Use: A Framework for Evaluating the Combination of Two Value Chains , Melissa Bowler


Advanced Bulk Processing of Lightweight Materials for Utilization in the Transportation Sector , Justin Milner


Investigation of Electrical Component Failures Affecting Vehicle Electronics , Dexin Zhang

Dissertations from 2013 2013


Automated CNC Tool Path Planning and Machining Simulation on Highly Parallel Computing Architectures , Dmytro Konobrytskyi

Hybrid Low-Order Modeling for Conceptual Vehicle Design , Robert Mau

Impact-Acoustic Evaluation Method of Internal Crack in Rubber Composite Structure , Qin Shen


Dissertations from 2012 2012

Updated Force Model for Milling Nickel-based Superalloys , Andrew Henderson

Flow Behavior Modeling and Process Control of Electrically-Assisted Forming (EAF) for Sheet Metals in Uniaxial Tension , Joshua Jones



Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of the Electrically-Assisted Manufacturing (EAM) Technique During Open Die Forging , Wesley Salandro


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Automotive Technology and Human Factors Research: Past, Present, and Future

Profile image of Paul Green

2013, International Journal of Vehicular Technology

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Abstract When considering how safety systems fulfil drivers' needs, leading to an evaluation of overall benefit, it is important to understand the overall functionality of the system, take into account as many design parameters as possible and consider previous evaluation work. The objective of this research is to provide an inventory of invehicle technological systems that are present on current production models, using a standard template.

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The safety implication of new in-vehicle technologies is a leading concern for car manufacturers. Several methods aim to measure the driver distraction induced by driver information and assistance systems. One of these methods, denoted the Lane Change Test (LCT), aims to measure quantitatively the degradation of the driving performance induced by secondary tasks. An experiment involving 17 participants was conducted from September to November 2006 to investigate the robustness of the method. A calibration task was used to compare performances in PC and in simulator environments. Radio and navigation tasks were performed in four different vehicles to assess the relevance of the method to discriminate among different types and location of in-vehicles devices and displays. In addition to the main indicator suggested in the LCT procedure (mean lateral deviation), features of the secondary tasks (latency, duration) were considered. The results confirm the transferability of the method fr...

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An analysis on students’ thesis topics and research types in automotive engineering education program

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Ibnu Siswanto at National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

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The Number of Final Project Articles of the Automotive Engineering Education Students (2014-2018)

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Sergey Z Vatsadze


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    This study aims to analyze the topics and types/methods of research in the thesis of students of the Automotive Engineering Education study program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. This research is ...

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    PHES uses the gravitational energy of a reservoir of water located at a certain elevation. When an electrical demand is required, the water is sent to a lower reservoir, flowing through a turbine that produce electricity. Depending on the case, some communities could implement smaller PHES system for seasonal storage.

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  23. Sergey Z Vatsadze

    Nov 1995 - PhD Thesis, MSU. Thesis Title "The Conformational and Coordination Properties of 3,7-Diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonanes" Nov 1991 - Dec 1994 - PhD Student, Organic Chemistry Chair, Chemistry Department, MSU Jun 1984 - Jun 1991 - Student, Chemistry Department, MSU. Diploma Thesis (equals to MSc) with Honour Area of expertise: