• PhD Study in India – A Guide for 2024

Written by Mark Bennett

The Indian higher education system has expanded at a simply phenomenal rate during the 21st Century - and it shows no sign of stopping. This rapid growth in the number of individual PhD universities is also producing a range of research opportunities , ranging from cutting-edge Science and Engineering projects to unique programmes exploring the country's own diverse history and culture.

This page provides a comprehensive introduction to PhD study in India, with information on universities, colleges, fees, funding opportunities, average duration and eligibility requirements.

On this page

Phd opportunities in india - what's on offer for 2024.

India's rich culture and stunning geography need little introduction and are a universal part of its appeal as a visitor destination. When it comes to international study, however, there's arguably never been a better time to consider a longer-term stay as a PhD student in India.

Here are just a few reasons to consider beginning your PhD at an Indian university in 2024:

  • Diversity and specialisation - Whether you want to research Business Management, Bombay Cinema or Buddhist Philosophy, the scope of options for PhD study in India means there's almost certainly an excellent programme available for you.
  • Affordability and accessibility - PhD fees in India vary a lot, but are often surprisingly low. Meanwhile, English is widely spoken and is adopted as the language of instruction at a wide range of universities.
  • Increasing global recognition - University rankings have taken some time to catch up with the speed of India's higher education expansion, but this is beginning to change. Several of India's leading universities and institutes now feature in international league tables for 2024.
  • Youth and dynamism - India's current population is one of the youngest in the world, demographically speaking. This fresh and dynamic outlook helps drive a culture of innovation and entrepreneurialism. You'll fit right in as a PhD researcher looking to develop new ideas and approaches.

India's universities can also claim some impressive alumni, including the current CEOs of Microsoft (Satya Nadella) and Google (Sundar Pichai). So, in a way, they may well have helped you find this page.

PhD Study in India - Key Details
The Universities of Calcutta, Madras and Mumbai (1857)
3-5 years
USD $2,000-5,000
July to May

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Indian universities

India's higher education system is one of the world's biggest, with well over 1000 different universities. It's also one of the most diverse, as these institutions fall into a range of different categories.

This has the potential to seem confusing, but, for prospective PhD students, the differences between individual universities (or groupings) won't generally be as important as the specific research projects and programmes they offer.

University types

There are five different varieties of university with the potential to offer PhD programmes in India. In most cases the distinction between these groups concerns the way in which they are established and administered.

The Indian higher education system is made up of the following:

  • 47 Central Universities - As their name suggests, these are centrally administered by the Indian Government through its Department of Higher Education. This group includes some of India's oldest research universities, as well as some newer and more specialised institutions.
  • 390 State Universities - These are set up and governed by individual Indian states and provinces. They include a wide range of institutions, many of which specialise in certain subjects.
  • 307 Private Universities - These are also set up within (and accredited by) individual states or provinces, but are established by independent organisations. They often tend to focus more on international recruitment than Central or State ('public') universities.
  • 124 Deemed to be Universities - This group includes a wide range of institutions that weren't set up as universities, but are currently recognised as having university-level expertise in certain subjects. As such they may carry out associated research and teaching.
  • 138 Institutes of National Importance - These are India's premier centres for teaching, scholarship and research. Each is established or recognised by a specific act of parliament and designated with particular specialisms and objectives. See below for more details.

PhD colleges in India

India is also home to over 39,000 colleges, but things aren't quite as vast (or complicated) as they seem. Indian higher education colleges tend to be affiliated with local state universities, helping deliver the teaching for the degree programmes those universities award.

In practice, this system is actually quite similar to the collegiate university model adopted within older UK universities such as Oxford and Cambridge : the student studies within a college towards a qualification granted by its associated university.

Some Indian colleges specialise in postgraduate (or 'post-graduate') programmes, effectively functioning like the graduate schools operated by universities in the USA or Canada.

Institutions of National Importance

India's Institutions of National Importance (INIs) are its most prestigious higher education institutions, tasked with strategic academic and professional objectives. Most are highly specialised and are organised into appropriate networks based on the subjects they pursue.

At present the list of INIs includes:

  • 23 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) - these focus primarily on Engineering and related subjects. Together with the National Institutes of Technology (below) they award the majority of Indian PhDs in these disciplines.
  • 31 National Institutes of Technology (NITs) - these also focus on Engineering as well as related subjects such as Architecture and Management.
  • 20 Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) - these are India's premier centres for professional training and research in Business and Management. Most of the programmes they offer award postgraduate degrees, including the Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) - equivalent to a PhD.
  • 7 Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) - these conduct research and training in a broad range of scientific fields.
  • 7 National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPERs) - focussing on Pharmacy, Pharmacology and related Chemical Sciences.
  • 7 All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMs) - focussing on professional training and qualification in Medicine and related Health Sciences.
  • 3 Schools of Planning and Architecture (SPAs) - focussing on professional training and research in Architecture and related subjects.

Needless to say, the INIs include some of India's highest ranked and most internationally renowned universities, making them a strong choice for international PhD study in appropriate subjects.

Subject specialisms

It's quite common for Indian universities to focus on particular subjects or even to specialise in these subjects at a postgraduate level. This can make it easier to find appropriate universities for your PhD, but it does mean that not all provide comprehensive research opportunities.

Indian university cities

The sheer size of India's university system means that opportunities for PhD study exist right across the country. However, there are a number of key 'hubs' for study and research. These include major cities such as Mumbai , Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad , Kanpur and Pune .

Indian university rankings

Global rankings are beginning to reflect the growth of India's university system and its increasing expertise in key subject areas. The country's Institutes of Technology (IITs) are particularly well ranked, with several in the current Times Higher Education world top 500:

Top 10 Indian Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
Indian Institute of Science201-250225301-400
Anna University501-600427-
Jamia Milia Islamia501-600 -
Mahatma Gandhi University501-600--
Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences501-600771-780-
Alagappa University601-800--
Aligarh Muslim University601-800 801-900
Banaras Hindu University601-800 701-800
Bharathiar University601-800--
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati601-800=364-
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

Do rankings matter for PhD study?

University rankings can help you choose a PhD project or programme, provided you know what to look at. Our guide explains how to use rankings as a prospective postgraduate.


Universities in India are overseen by the University Grants Commission . This is an official body ensuring that higher education in India is properly supported and meets appropriate standards.

PhD structure

The Indian PhD is an advanced research qualification, designed for students who have already completed undergraduate and (usually) postgraduate training.

As a doctoral student, you'll set out to independently research an original topic with the support of at least one supervisor (an academic at your university with relevant expertise and experience). At the end of your degree you'll submit a thesis describing your research activities and results.

In this sense, PhD study in India is very similar to other countries. However, as you'd expect from a country with such a large - and diverse - higher education system, there are a few differences.

Most Indian universities award the standard PhD as an academic research doctorate. Some also provide other qualifications, including more specialised doctorates:

  • Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) - A PhD-level qualification usually offered by Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). An FPM may include professional training, comparable to that involved in a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree. Programmes usually last for up to five years.
  • Doctorate in Pharmacy (Pharm D) - A specialised professional qualification usually lasting for at least six years.
  • Master of Philosophy (MPhil) - A shorter academic research qualification (lasting one to two years), also offered in the UK and other countries. Some MPhil programmes allow progression to a full PhD.

PhD programmes

It's common for Indian universities to establish doctoral programmes within which their postgraduate students receive additional training and support as they carry out their research.

At State Universities, these are often organised by local affiliated colleges (effectively operating as the university's graduate school). More specialised Institutions of National Importance may run a single doctoral programme within which all of their students work on related topics.

PhD programmes often commence with a coursework phase . This provides any specialist subject knowledge and research skills a student needs in order to carry out their own independent research.

The coursework component of your PhD will usually be completed in your first year (this may be shorter if you already have relevant qualifications and training at Masters level). After this you will prepare a synopsis of your project and be assigned an appropriate supervisor to guide your research.

From this point on you will work more independently, carrying out research and collecting results upon which to construct your thesis.

Programme length

In most cases, the duration of a PhD in India is around three years . It's possible to study for longer, but some universities may set a maximum registration period for doctoral students - this is usually around five years, if so.

Academic year

The Indian academic year usually runs from May to July . As a PhD student you will normally complete coursework and other training within this teaching period. However, your research project will be ongoing.

Assessment and examination

The main criteria for the award of an Indian PhD is the quality of the doctoral thesis you produce at the end of your degree.

You will first submit your thesis internally. This can be a more significant stage in India than elsewhere. Multiple faculty members will often be involved and these may request corrections and resubmissions before allowing a student to proceed to their external examination.

Once your university is satisfied, your thesis will be orally examined by one or more external examiners. In India this is known as the 'Open Defence'. The title is appropriate as these examinations usually take place in a ceremonial setting and in front of an audience including your fellow students, faculty, family and friends.

Don't be put off by the prospect of being examined 'live' in this way: The Open Defence is a well-deserved opportunity to take pride in your work and the expertise it has produced.

Publication requirements

In addition to completing your thesis itself, you may be expected to have produced a peer-reviewed publication before your doctorate can be awarded. This may seem daunting to a new or prospective student, but you'll soon find that you're already producing work of a high standard as part of researching your doctoral thesis.

Your faculty will probably maintain a list of the journals it regards as being acceptable and your supervisor will be able to advise you on the preparation of your research for publication.

Fees and funding

India is a comparatively inexpensive destination for PhD study, though the actual cost of a PhD in India will vary between universities and regions.

There is no set fee for PhD study at Indian universities. Generally, State Universities will be cheaper than Private Universities, but neither are especially expensive by international standards.

International students won't necessarily pay more to study in India, though some universities may restrict the number of 'foreign students' they enrol.

Programmes are generally between USD $2,000-5,000 per year, though some universities will charge more. The best approach is to identify an institution with appropriate facilities and expertise for your PhD, then inquire as to its fees.

You'll also have some other costs to cover for an Indian PhD. These may include registration and application fees as well as fees for your eventual PhD examination. Most will be fairly minor expenses, but it's worth checking with your university in advance and confirming exactly what - and how much - you'll be required to pay.

PhD funding

The main source of government support for international students in India is the ICCR Scholarship Scheme , formerly known as the General Scholarship Scheme (GSS). This provides funding for students from specific countries to study at Bachelors, Masters or PhD level in India, with some restrictions on subjects and programmes.

International applicants with Indian heritage may also be eligible to apply to the Scholarship Programmes for Diaspora Children (SPDC) scheme. However, this support may be restricted to undergraduate programmes.

A list of other scholarships and fellowships for study in India is maintained on the University Grants Commission website .

Most Indian universities will also have their own scholarships and fee waivers available for their students, though not all of these will be available to international applicants. You can view a partial list of institutions offering international fee waivers on the Indian Government website . Note that these waivers may not necessarily be for PhD programmes or other postgraduate courses.

PhD funding guides

There's plenty of support out there for you to complete a doctorate in India (or elsewhere). Our PhD funding guides will help you make sense of your options.

Applying for a PhD in India

Some Indian universities use admissions portals to help manage their applications. Others will accept direct applications, or advertise specific opportunities .

Admission requirements

To be eligible to study a PhD in India, you have to have a Masters degree in a relevant subject, usually with an overall grade of at least 55% (or the equivalent).

Candidates will also be expected to have the necessary language skills for their course. English is one of India's official languages and is used for teaching at most of its universities/ However, some specialised universities will teach in Hindi , Urdu or other Indian languages.

There is no age limit for doing a PhD in India. Most PhDs take between three and five years to complete so it's worth considering what you want to do after completing your degree.

In July 2022, the UK and Indian governments signed a mutual agreement to formally recognise eachother's higher education qualifications. This means that if you studied your Masters degree in the UK, it will automatically be recognised as the equivalent of an Indian Masters (and vice-versa!) This should make the application process easier for UK students looking to do a PhD in India.

The Indian PhD application process

Indian PhD applications are usually competitive. Each university will have a specific number of places available on its PhD programmes each year and will use a system of entrance examinations, interviews and research proposal assessment to select the best candidates.

Individual institutions are free to manage this process themselves, but most will follow the same general steps.

PhD notifications

First, the university will establish how many places it has available for its PhD programmes. These places are then published as a 'notification' for that round of PhD admissions.

Notifications for the next academic year will usually be published in the previous Autumn. You can find them by searching university websites. You can also check the PhD opportunities listed here on FindAPhD.

The Research Eligibility Test (RET)

Once you have responded to its PhD notification, your prospective university will begin to assess your suitability for doctoral work.

PhD applicants in India are normally required to complete a Research Eligibility Test (RET): this is a written exam confirming that you have the necessary subject knowledge and expertise to carry out advanced research in your chosen discipline.

The content of the RET will be specific to your university and programme. In some cases universities will use relevant examination material from its own Masters degrees (as this is the level you should be working at as a PhD student).

You check the requirements and process for your RET before you begin your application. It may be the case that you are required to attend a physical exam in India (along with other students). Your university should be able to tell you if it makes any alternative arrangements for international students.

The next step (after a satisfactory RET performance) is to attend a PhD interview . Your university will normally publish details of candidates invited to interview as a formal part of its PhD admissions round.

The most important part of your interview day will be the interview itself, during which you will answer questions about your interests and experience and (hopefully) demonstrate that you are a suitable candidate for its programme.

The university will also use this opportunity to check and assess your application documents . You will normally be asked to bring certificates and transcripts related to your existing qualifications, as well as other materials related to your application. The exact requirements will be published along with your interview details.

Research proposals

Your previous qualifications, RET score and interview performance will confirm you are suitably qualified and prepared for a place on an Indian PhD programme. Some universities may also wish to check the details for the topic you plan to explore with your PhD. If so, they will ask you to submit a research proposal .

This may be a separate stage in your application, or it may be part of your interview process. Again, you should check your university's requirements.

Application portals

Some Indian universities partner with external services to help manage their admissions. This can make your application a lot easier, with additional support and guidance available on the exact requirements.

The most important application portal for international students in India is EdCIL . This is an official partner service, designated by the Indian Government to support applications from students seeking to study abroad in India.

Application fees

Some universities (and portals) will charge fees during their application process. These cover the costs of registering and processing applications as well as the administration of examinations and interviews.

Individually, these fees are likely to be quite small (often less than $10 at a time). However, it's a good idea to make a note of all the required fees at the beginning of your application and ensure you don't end up paying more than you expect.

Student visas

You'll need a visa to study in India as an international student. This is usually easy to obtain, provided you are a genuine student and have been accepted to study at an Indian university.

India issues various visas, but the one you'll require as a PhD student is, surprisingly enough, a student visa . This is normally valid for up to five years and allows multiple entries into India during your course.

Application requirements

The materials required for an Indian student visa application will usually include:

  • Proof of admission to your university (you'll need this before you start your application)
  • Personal documents (your passport and other details)
  • Financial evidence (confirming you have sufficient money to support yourself during your course)

The cost of your visa will depend on the country you apply from. Currently prices range from $14-$118 .

Application process

Before you begin your visa application you should check your requirements with an Indian Misson (embassy) in your home country. At this point you may also be asked to submit required documents and pay the appropriate visa fee (this will depend on your nationality and situation). You can then apply for your visa online using a service set up by the Indian Government.

PhD life in India

Want to know more about what it's like to live in India during a PhD? Our detailed guide covers everything from accommodation and living costs to culture and entertainment.

An Indian PhD will qualify you well for further work related to your research area, in India or elsewhere. The expansion of the Indian university sector is creating many opportunities for academic work in the country and your experience of Indian higher education will prepare you well for these kinds of roles.

As of July 2022, all undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications earned in India are automatically recognised in the UK (and vice versa). This means that you'll be able to use your Indian PhD to more easily access a wide range of job opportunities in the UK.

It is usually possible to extend a student visa if you find work in India, or to apply for a separate employment visa (provided you have evidence of a suitable job offer). Your university should be able to provide more information and guidance during your PhD.

Find a PhD in India

Ready to start browsing some current PhD opportunities in India ? Alternatively, you can look at our other guides to PhD study abroad .

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Mark bennett.

Mark joined FindAPhD to develop our first ever advice articles in 2013 and now serves as our Director of Audience & Editorial, making sure our websites and information are as useful as possible for people thinking about Masters and PhD study. He has a PhD in English Literature from the University of Sheffield, as well as Bachelors and Masters degrees from the University of Kent and the University of South Wales.

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PhD Admission in India 2024: Dates, Eligibility, Entrance Exams, Admission Process, Top Colleges

Updated On: August 14, 2024 10:52 pm IST | UGC NET

Looking for PhD admission in India 2024? If yes, then you might be thinking about what are the PhD eligibility criteria, required entrance exams, top colleges, career scope, etc. Scroll through to find PhD admission process in India.

PhD Admission 2024: Latest Updates

Application deadline for phd admission 2024 in top colleges, eligibility criteria for phd admission 2024, admission process for phd admission 2024, entrance exams required for phd admission 2024, top entrance exams schedule for phd admission 2024, phd admission 2024: how to apply, top universities in india for phd admission 2024, preparation tips for phd admission, job prospects after phd in india.

PhD Admission in India

PhD admission in India 2024 is carried out based on a national-level Research Entrance Test or University-level Entrance Exam followed by a personal interview round in which applicants must present their research proposal. As a part of the PhD eligibility criteria, candidates must also sit for entrance exams such as the UGC, CSIR NET, IIT JAM, etc. PhD admissions are available for research programmes in a variety of fields, including mass communication, management, science, law, humanities, engineering, commerce, and pharmacy.

The Doctor of Philosophy, or PhD course is an advanced research degree that lasts three years if pursued full-time and six years if pursued part-time. It is necessary for applicants seeking PhD admission in India 2024 to present their findings, submit progress reports, and participate in an open defence viva voce for their thesis. UGC NET entrance test is administered by the National Test Agency (NTA) for participation in the PhD admission process in India at prominent central universities such as JNU, DU, etc. Aspirants must have scored at least 50% to 55% of aggregate marks or an equivalent CGPA in their postgraduate degree to be eligible for admission at the top PhD colleges in India 2024 .

All PhD admissions for the academic year 2024 have been completed. Here is a list of important dates and events that occurred for your convenience. Here are the latest updates on PhD admission 2024:

  • WBJEE 2024 counselling registration for the mop-up round has begun, and the registration deadline was August 7, 2024.
  • HSTES 2024 counselling registrations for BTech courses, Round 2 choice filling and locking, was held from August 5 to August 7, 2024, with R2 seat allotment results released on August 8, 2024.
  • The answer key for the Karnataka PGCET 2024 has been released.
  • TS EAMCET Counselling 2024 final phase of registration for BTech courses begins, and the freezing option was available on August 10, 2024. Furthermore, the provisional seat allocation were released on or before August 13, 2024.
  • The GUJCET 2024 round 2 seat allotment results was announced on August 12, 2024.
  • GATE registration 2025 will begin on August 24, 2024, for admission to the MTech course. Furthermore, the GATE 2025 exam will take place on February 1, 2, 15, and 16, 2025.
  • The COMEDK 2024 round 2 phase 2 seat allotment results and cutoff have been released.
  • CG PET counselling 2024 Round 1 registrations for BE/BTech courses have begun, and the deadline was August 12, 2024. Furthermore, the seat allotment results for R1 has released on August 14, 2024.
  • The TNEA counselling process 2024 General Counselling (Online) runs from July 29, 2024 to September 3, 2024.
  • The Maharashtra CET Cell has begun the MHT CET Counselling 2024. The document verification process is ongoing, and the provisional merit list for counselling will be released on August 27, 2024.
  • The online SRMJEEE 2025 application form will be available on the official website, srmist.edu.in, tentatively in November 2024.

The table below includes the top PhD colleges and their application dates for PhD admission 2024:


Application Deadline

IIM Ahmedabad

October 03 – January 29, 2024 (Over)

IIM Calcutta

November 01 – January 30, 2024 (Over)

IIT Bombay (IITB)

September 12 – October 20, 2023 (Spring Session) (Over)

Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

March 25, 2024 (Over)

IIT Delhi

Open till October 31, 2023 (Over)

IIT Madras

October 28, 2023 (Over)

IIT Kharagpur

March 25, 2024 (Over)

IIT Kanpur

April 12, 2024 (Over)

University of Delhi

To be updated

University of Hyderabad

December 30 – January 15, 2024 (Over)

IIT Roorkee

November 28 – February 28, 2024 (Over)

IIT Guwahati

January 02, 2024 (Over)

IIT Jammu

September 26 – October 20, 2023 (Over)

IIT Dhanbad

Open till October 30, 2023 (Over)

IIM Mumbai

Open till January 31, 2024 (Over)

IIM Amritsar

Open till February 15, 2024 (Over)

IIM Bodh Gaya

Open till February 29, 2024 (Over)

IIM Lucknow

Open till January 31, 2024 (Over)

Students who intend to pursue PhD in India must meet the necessary PhD admission eligibility criteria required by their respective colleges. Listed below are the detailed PhD qualifications required for pursuing a PhD from India:

  • Masters degree holders are eligible for PhD admission 2024 into the doctoral programme. Although, for some subjects, having a Master in Philosophy (MPhil) is one of the criteria for PhD admission eligibility. It must be noted by the candidates that in some Indian universities, for a Master's programme, a specific percentage (or equivalent CGPA) is required to satisfy a PhD course eligibility requirement.
  • For admission into some reputable universities, a candidate must qualify for the all-India examination, like the National Eligibility Test for Lectureship (NET) conducted by NTA. Final-year students appearing in the qualifying degree examination can also apply although they must submit the attested copies of their qualifying degree certificates
  • Admission is offered based on interview. Also, the interview may be supplemented with a written exam if needed.
  • Candidates should have a valid Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering or GATE 2024 score to satisfy a PhD admission eligibility criteria in the field of engineering and technology. Also, candidates should have completed their degree in MTech course / Masters in Engineering (ME) in any engineering branch to satisfy the PhD course eligibility in engineering.

The need for a PhD degree in India has increased in recent times because of the increasing career prospects and the growing requirement for higher specialisation. Applicants who want a PhD admission 2024 must consider the following points concerning the admission procedure as the admission is done based on merit and/or entrance exams.

  • Admission into colleges/ universities in India is available for candidates in full-time and part-time programmes in various disciplines of engineering, arts, management, commerce, science, humanities, finance, law, medicine and IT.
  • Candidates can choose to pursue their PhD either full-time or part-time. The minimum duration of PhD is two years wherein the course follows the semester system including theory and practical versions on the specialisation of a respective course.
  • For PhD admission 2024, a Master's degree is required in India. Some universities in India offer seats to students having a minimum of 55% aggregate marks or equivalent.
  • In some cases, doing an MPhil is a part of their PhD admission criteria to pursue courses offered by some universities.
  • Admissions to a PhD programme is done through an entrance test at the university level or national level.

The admission procedure for both processes is described below.

Merit-Based Entrance-Based

PhD Admission 2024: Selection Criteria

Candidates interested in pursuing a doctorate should consider the subsequent factors during the PhD admission process in India.

  • The applicants who are selected will be contacted to participate in a personal interview round as part of the final selection process.
  • Depending on the applicant's MTech project and certain academic areas, the interview process will take place.
  • Students chosen for PhD admission are determined by their performance on entrance exams or merit.
  • Applicants must pass certain academic requirements before beginning a PhD.
  • Based on personal interview results, PhD admission in India 2024  will be awarded. If needed, a written exam could be added to the interview.

The entrance exams for PhD courses conducted in India may vary university-wise. PhD admission in India is based on enrollment to several universities. Universities accept the results of either a national-level or a university-level entrance examination. The following section summarises the PhD admission 2024 entrance exam schedule. Mentioned below is the list of the top entrance exams for PhD in India:

- PhD Entrance Exam

- PhD Entrance Examination

/ JNU Direct PhD


PhD Entrance Exam

Osmania University PhD Entrance Exam

Vellore Institute of Technology Research Entrance Examination - VIITREE

Vishakhapatnam PhD Admissions Test

PhD Entrance Exam

PhD Entrance Exam of

– PhD Admission Test

PhD Admission Test

PhD Entrance Exam

BARC PhD Admission Test

Indian Veterinary Research Institute Bareilly PhD Admission Test

PhD Admission Test

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Lucknow-PhD Admissions Test

PhD Entrance Exam

Graduate School Admission Entrance Test

PG/PG Diploma/Superspeciality PhD online entrance test

DBT JRF Biotech Entrance Test

GTU PhD Entrance Exam

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST)

Symbiosis International PhD Entrance Test (PET)

As discussed, PhD admission 2024 is primarily based on entrance exams. Applicants can select from several PhD specialisations, including mathematics, engineering, education, and engineering. The table below shows the exam schedules for India's most competitive PhD entrance exams.

Entrance Exam

Registration Date

Exam Date


August 30 - October 12, 2023 (Extended)

August 30 - October 20, 2023 (With a late fee)

February 3, 4, 10 and 11, 2024


September 05 – October 25, 2023 (Extended)

February 11, 2024


March - April 2024

June 10 – 21, 2024


September 25 – November 30, 2023 (Jan Session)

January 25 – April 25, 2024 (July Session)

December 10, 2023 (Jan Session)

May 05, 2024 (July Session)

IGNOU PhD Entrance

December 12 – January 03, 2023

January 07, 2024

IPU PhD Entrance Test (PET)

March 2024

June 2024

RGUHS Pre PhD Entrance

March 23 – April 01, 2024

April 19 – 20, 2024

NIPER PhD Entrance Exam

April 2024

June  2024

Prospective applicants can take part in the PhD admission process in India with a bachelor's as well as a master's degree. However, they must be conscious that to be eligible to register for a PhD study at any of the Indian schools, they need to meet a certain percentage requirement (or comparable CGPA). PhD admission is granted based on the interview. If required, in addition to the in-person interview, a written exam may be administered at a respective university's discretion. The following is a discussion of how students can apply for admission to their preferred PhD course.

  • On the official portal of their preferred college or university, applicants should review all the details on all PhD courses before selecting their specific research topic.
  • Those who wish to apply for PhD admission in India 2024 should keep an eye out for notifications about admission to their desired course on the university's official website (preferable) and in the local newspaper.
  • The individual needs to cross-check if they match PhD eligibility criteria. Next, they should fully complete the application and submit it by the dates specified on the official portal. Additionally, aspirants need to be mindful that they need to register by the formulated deadline along with all necessary documents and fees.
  • A few Indian universities stipulate that applications must be submitted with a research proposal; the application itself is reviewed afterwards.
  • Most colleges shortlist candidates after the examination, and those only then appear for the entrance exam. There is one more testing phase included to reduce the number of applicants for PhD admission in India.
  • The individuals selected for the PhD programme are subsequently paired with research mentors.

Typically, PhD admissions in India are carried out in the spring and fall semesters. Usually, the Spring Cycle starts in January and ends in June with admissions. PhD admissions for the Autumn Session open in July and end in December. Thus, to stay informed about the admission cycle, aspirants need to keep a close eye on the important dates, and deadlines and monitor the respective official portal routinely. The following is a discussion of the top government and private universities that offer PhD admission in India 2024.

List of Government Institutions Offering PhD Admission 2024

PhD admission in India 2024 is now being offered by numerous Central and State Universities for the July Session. The majority of institutions use the Research Entrance Test or UGC NET/JRF results for admittance. Applicants may directly take part in an interview and showcase their research proposal if they have authentic UGC NET/JRF results. Also, a lot of universities only admit PhD hopefuls who have completed their JRF. Consequently, aspirants need to focus especially on these requirements. The following table highlights a list of the top government institutions offering PhD admission in India 2024:

College Name

Accepted Entrance Exam/s

UGC NET JRF/ University Entrance Exam


UGC NET JRF/ Entrance Exam


UGC NET JRF/ University Entrance Exam

UGC NET JRF/ Entrance Exam


Sarguja University

Entrance Exam + Interview

UGC NET JRF or Entrance Exam


List of Private Institutions Offering PhD Admission 2024

Numerous private colleges provide PhD programmes in a range of subjects and provide candidates with respectable stipends. In addition to offering PhD admission to students who have passed any fellowship entry exams, the majority of these institutions also administer their own Research Entrance Tests. The following table highlights a list of the top private institutions offering PhD admission in India 2024:

College Name

Accepted Entrance Exam/s




PhD Manipal Entrance Test (MET)


Entrance Exam Test


Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education


BITS PhD Entrance Exam


Here are some preparation tips for PhD entrance exams which students can use for reference:

  • Students should gather past year PhD entrance exam question papers from reliable sources and study accordingly.
  • They must refer to the PhD entrance exam syllabus as per their specialisation.
  • The entrance exam format varies depending on the conducting body; therefore, the aspirants must be informed of the structure to plan accordingly.
  • They must cover all exam subjects at least one month before the exam.
  • To relieve exam stress, the students must take advantage of the various mock tests available.
  • Keeping up with current events is vital because they are essential for grades.
  • Visiting the exam centre a day before the exam to avoid last-minute confusion about where the exam centre location is advised.
  • Before the exam, students must get a good night's sleep.

In today’s world, there is immense scope for candidates after they have completed their PhD. Gone are those days when the scope of PhD was limited to academia. After completing a PhD, one should track their potential and apply to jobs based on exact skills and expertise. Following are a few career options that candidates can choose after pursuing a PhD:

  • Lecturer & Professor
  • Author & Writer
  • Editor & Critic
  • Human Services/ Social Worker
  • Independent Consultant
  • Philosophical Journalist
  • Industrial R&D Lab professionals
  • Senior Research Scientist

PhD is considered one of the most valued degrees not just in India but abroad as well. When it comes to your career graph, it can be a good qualification for the aspirants. Many colleges or universities offer this course for aspiring students, however, one should satisfy their respective PhD admission eligibility. With this, candidates will have in-depth knowledge and develop mastery over the subjects they have chosen for specialisation, which will be extremely useful for them in their careers.

Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for more such updates and information. Aspirants can also check out our QnA Zone to get their queries resolved by our experts. We wish good luck to all the candidates seeking PhD admission 2024 in India!

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In most cases, a two-year Master's OR MPhil degree in the relevant field from any accredited Indian or foreign university is the minimal requirement for admission to a PhD programme. She or he must have earned a master's degree or a grade equivalent with at least 55%.

The university-level PhD entrance exam or the national research entrance test is used in deciding admissions. The next step is a face-to-face interview where applicants submit their research project. A lot of India's top universities are currently accepting applications for PhDs.

Yes, students can finish their PhD in two years. While a small percentage of exceptionally talented candidates can finish their PhDs in under 12 months, most applicants finish theirs in two years. The rarity and impressiveness of this cannot be overstated, but it is always possible. The secret to completing a PhD promptly is to have a solid academic background before you begin.

Yes. It is every so often possible to forego your master's programme and enrol directly in doctoral courses. You can choose to forego your PG degree by enrolling in a research programme after earning your bachelor's degree.

The list of the top 10 easiest PhDs to obtain includes a PhD in Humanities, a PhD in Education, a PhD in Theology, a PhD in Business Administration, a PhD in Psychology, a PhD in Literature, a PhD in Criminal Justice, a PhD in Public Policy, a PhD in History, and a PhD in Sociology.

A PhD is the highest educational qualification that can be obtained. A PhD candidate can expect to earn PhD salary between INR 6 and INR 12 lakhs per year.

Whether a PhD is required after a master's degree depends on a candidate’s interests in a particular specialisation. To be eligible to enrol in a PhD programme, candidates must hold a master's degree in good standing. A PhD course can be pursued by students in any field.

A PhD programme allows you to specialise in a variety of fields. Chemistry Clinical Psychology Education Physics Electronics and Communications Engineering Educational Leadership and Administration are some of the popular doctorate level courses.

A doctorate or PhD degree typically takes three years to complete. Candidates accepted into the programme have a maximum of 5 to 6 years to complete their research. However, the duration of the PhD programmes varies by institute.

Yes, students can get a direct PhD admission in India after completing the UG degree in any discipline or subject of their preference. As per the University Grants Commission (UGC), candidates can apply for a PhD provided they have a four-year bachelor’s degree along with a 75% aggregate mark or its equivalent grade.

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Unlocking the Ph.D. Journey: A Comprehensive Guide

phd admission 2023 in India


PhD ( PhD full form : Doctor of Philosophy) is an academic doctoral degree. A PhD programme typically lasts three years, with students expected to complete the programme in five to six years. The course duration, however, may differ from one institute to the next. 

Importance of pursuing a PhD

PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, is a research degree that is pursued to further academic or research endeavors. Before enrolling in this course, one must first grasp the requirements of the course. After completing a PhD, one can pursue higher-paying careers such as academia or research. 

Courses Highlights

Exploring different types of phd programs.

 PhD programs are available in a wide range of disciplines, including natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering, and more. It’s essential to explore various programs to find the one that aligns with your research interests and career goals. 

Understanding the course duration and structure

The duration of PhD programs can vary depending on the field of study, research area, and individual progress. Typically, a full-time PhD program lasts for about 3-5 years. 

Specializations and interdisciplinary options

PhD programs often offer opportunities for specialization within a broader field of study. This allows students to focus their research on specific areas of interest and become experts in niche topics. Additionally, interdisciplinary options are available, enabling students to combine multiple disciplines to address complex research questions. 

All about PhD: Full-Time, Part-Time Research Scholars, and Admission Process

In India, there are three different types of PhD programmes. Full-time, part-time, and online PhD programmes are among them. 

Full-Time PhD

  • A typical Doctor of Philosophy programme is a full-time PhD. These programmes last anywhere from four to six years.
  • Compared to other options for earning a PhD, a full-time doctor of philosophy programme has the most expensive tuition.
  • The majority of candidates want to enroll in a full-time PhD programme, including those who have received government or semi-government fellowships, institute research scholars with teaching assistance, and self-financed candidates. 

Part-Time PhD

  • Part-Time PhD programmes can occasionally be completed part-time. The majority of Part-Time PhDs are awarded to candidates who are employed by reputable research organizations, academic institutions, and businesses that are ideally adjacent to the university. 
  • Since part-time doctoral students must complete the same quantity of academic credits and other prerequisites as full-time students, a part-time PhD typically takes 7-8 years to accomplish.

PhD admission 2023 in India process

The PhD admission 2023 involves several common steps. 

  • Firstly, research and identify potential programs and faculty members whose research aligns with your interests. 
  • Check the eligibility criteria, including educational qualifications, prerequisite coursework, standardized test scores, language proficiency, and work experience. Establish contact with potential supervisors to discuss your research ideas. 
  • Prepare application materials such as an application form, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, transcripts, standardized test scores, resume/CV, and writing samples. 
  • Submit your application by the deadline, and the selection committee will review applications based on academic qualifications, recommendations, statement of purpose, etc. 

Eligibility Criteria

Only candidates who have earned a master’s degree in a field or stream that is related to the PhD course of study are qualified to enroll in it. Additionally, some colleges stipulate that in order to enroll in one of their PhD programmes, applicants must have earned an MPhil to get PhD eligibility. 

Top Entrance Exams for PhD 2023

In India, there are several entrance exams conducted for PhD admission 2023 in various disciplines. Here are some of the top PhD entrance exams in 2023  in India:

National Eligibility Test (NET): 

The National Eligibility Test is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC). NET is a common entrance exam for eligibility for Assistant Professor positions and for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Indian universities and colleges. Qualifying in NET can often serve as a prerequisite for PhD admission in 2023 in India. 

  • Exam pattern and syllabus : NET is conducted in multiple subjects and follows a computer-based test format. It consists of two papers – Paper 1 (General Aptitude) and Paper 2 (Subject-specific). Both papers are objective-type (multiple-choice questions).

The syllabus for Paper 1 includes teaching and research aptitude, reasoning ability, comprehension, and general awareness. The syllabus for Paper 2 is specific to the chosen subject.

  • Important dates and application process for each of them: The exam is conducted twice a year, usually in June and December. The exact dates, along with the application deadline and release of notification, can be found on the official NTA website.

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE): 

While GATE is primarily conducted for admission to postgraduate programs in engineering and technology, many universities and research institutions in India also accept GATE scores for PhD admissions. GATE is conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and various Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).

  • Exam pattern and syllabus: GATE is a computer-based test that assesses the comprehensive understanding of undergraduate subjects in engineering, technology, and architecture. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions and numerical answer-type questions.

The syllabus is specific to the chosen subject, and it covers various topics related to the discipline.

  • Important dates and application process of each of them: GATE is conducted annually in February. The official notification, application start date, application deadline, and exam dates can be found on the GATE organizing institute’s official website.

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)-UGC NET: 

CSIR-UGC NET is conducted by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in coordination with the UGC. It is specifically aimed at granting eligibility for lectureship and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) to candidates in science and technology disciplines.

  • Exam pattern and syllabus: CSIR-UGC NET is a computer-based test comprising multiple-choice questions. The exam is conducted in various science subjects.

The syllabus is discipline-specific and covers various topics in science and technology.

  • Important dates and application process of each of them: CSIR-UGC NET is conducted twice a year, typically in June and December. The official notification, application start date, application deadline, and exam dates can be found on the official CSIR website.

Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) AIEEA-PG: 

The All India Entrance Examination for Admission to Postgraduate (AIEEA-PG) is conducted by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) for admission to PhD programs in agricultural and allied sciences.

  • Exam pattern and syllabus: AIEEA-PG is a computer-based test with multiple-choice questions. The exam focuses on agricultural and allied sciences.

The syllabus covers subjects related to agricultural sciences, including agricultural engineering, horticulture, agronomy, veterinary sciences, etc.

  • Important dates and application process for each of them: The AIEEA-PG exam is usually held in May or June. The official notification, application start date, application deadline, and exam dates can be found on the official ICAR website.

Joint Admission Test (JAM): 

JAM is conducted by various Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) for admission to postgraduate programs in science. Some IITs also offer integrated PhD programs where JAM scores may be considered for admission.

  • Exam pattern and syllabus: JAM is a computer-based test with multiple-choice questions and numerical answer-type questions. The exam covers various subjects in science.

The syllabus is specific to the chosen subject and includes topics related to that discipline.

  • Important dates and application process of each of them: JAM is conducted in February. The official notification, application start date, application deadline, and exam dates can be found on the official JAM organizing institute’s website.

Syllabus for PhD

The syllabus for the PhD programme will be determined by the subject chosen by the student. It is worth noting that the PhD studies are accessible in nearly all major fields, including physics, chemistry, mathematics, bio-sciences, clinical research, zoology, applied sciences, economics, social work, literature, arts, psychology, and social sciences.

Topics for the research paper could include:

  • Introduction to the subject
  • Research Design
  • Research Foundation
  • Quality Standards
  • Measuring Structure and Size

Popular PhD Programs

Popular PhD courses in India can vary based on the specific field and institution. However, here are three examples of popular PhD programs across different disciplines:

PhD in Computer Science

The PhD program in Computer Science is highly sought after due to the increasing importance of computer science in various industries. This program focuses on advanced research and development in areas such as algorithms, artificial intelligence, data science, cybersecurity, and software engineering.

  • Key features: Key features include advanced research opportunities in areas like algorithms, artificial intelligence, data science, and software engineering, collaboration with industry partners, and the guidance of experienced faculty members.
  • Specializations offered: Specializations offered may include algorithms, artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, computer vision, cybersecurity, software engineering, human-computer interaction, and bioinformatics.

PhD in Biomedical Sciences

The PhD program in Biomedical Sciences attracts students interested in biomedical research, healthcare innovation, and the advancement of medical knowledge. This interdisciplinary program focuses on topics such as molecular biology, genetics, physiology, pharmacology, and bioinformatics.

  • Key features: Key features include access to state-of-the-art research facilities, collaborations with healthcare institutions for clinical research, and opportunities for publishing research findings and presenting at conferences.
  • Specializations offered: Specializations offered may include molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, pharmacology, neuroscience, immunology, microbiology, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, and clinical research.

PhD in Psychology

The PhD program in Psychology is popular among students interested in understanding human behavior, cognition, and mental processes. This program covers various subfields of psychology, including clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, and neuroscience.

  • Key features: Key features include a research-driven curriculum, emphasis on research design and data analysis, clinical training (for clinical psychology specialization), and close collaboration with faculty mentors for guidance throughout the doctoral journey.
  • Specializations offered: Specializations offered may include clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, neuropsychology, counseling psychology, organizational psychology, forensic psychology, health psychology, and experimental psychology.

PhD Course Structure

A PhD course typically consists of a structured program that enables students to pursue advanced research in a specific field. The course structure can vary depending on the university and discipline but generally includes a combination of coursework and independent research. Students typically start with foundational courses to build expertise in their field, followed by more specialized coursework related to their research area. They are also expected to undertake independent research under the guidance of a supervisor, culminating in the completion of a doctoral dissertation. Additionally, PhD students may be required to participate in seminars, workshops, and conferences to enhance their knowledge and engage with the academic community.

Top Colleges for PhD

The top universities in India which offer the country’s top doctor of philosophy programmes are: 

1. IIT Bombay PhD

The minimum requirement for applying is 60% overall in the master’s degree, and the candidate is chosen based on their performance on the GATE, CEED, and UGC-NET exams. A GATE score of at least 660 must be legitimate. PhD fees in India cost INR 1.83 lakh in total. Candidates must have a master’s degree and pass one of the following exams at IIT Bombay: CEED, GATE, or UGC-NET. 

  • Reputation and rankings: IIT Bombay is one of the premier institutes in India, consistently ranked among the top engineering institutions globally. It has a strong reputation for its rigorous academic programs, research excellence, and renowned faculty members.
  • Research facilities and resources: IIT Bombay offers world-class research facilities and resources to its PhD students. The institute has well-equipped laboratories, cutting-edge technology, and access to a vast range of research databases. It encourages interdisciplinary collaboration and provides ample opportunities for students to engage in high-impact research.

2. IISC Bangalore PhD

MSc or an equivalent degree in Physical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, or Chemical Sciences, BE/B Tech or an equivalent degree in any subject, or graduates of 4-year Bachelor of Science programmes, is the minimum requirement for IISC Bangalore’s PhD Science programme. Without the need for any additional National Entrance Tests, graduates of any course with a minimum four-year duration and a minimum CGPA of 8.0 are qualified to apply to the normal Ph. D. programme.

  • Reputation and rankings: IISc Bangalore is a prestigious institution known for its excellence in research and innovation. It consistently ranks among the top scientific research institutions in India and is recognized globally for its academic contributions.
  • Research facilities and resources: IISc Bangalore provides outstanding research facilities and resources to its PhD students. It houses state-of-the-art laboratories, advanced equipment, and access to extensive scientific literature. 

Both online and offline applications are accepted for the VTU Ph.D. programme. The needed 6.5 CGPA is the minimal requirement for eligibility. Selection will be based on prior performance and work history. The PhD admission 2023 is merit-based. Karnataka state candidates must pay PhD course fees of INR 7,970 while those from other states must pay INR 19,470.

  • Reputation and rankings : VTU (Visvesvaraya Technological University) is a respected institution in India, known for its focus on technical education and research. It has gained recognition for its quality programs and contributions to various engineering and technology fields. 
  • Research facilities and resources: VTU provides research facilities and resources to support the PhD programs. It has well-equipped laboratories, access to relevant research literature, and opportunities for collaboration with industry and academia.

4. Bangalore University PhD

The results of the PhD entrance 2023  administered by the university and the performance in the interview are used to determine admission. Candidates must receive a score of at least 50 percent out of 100 to be eligible to take the exam. The Ph. D Entrance Test is not required for applicants who have passed the CSIR NET, UGC NET, SLET, KSET, GATE, JRF, or hold an approved M. Phil. degree.

  • Reputation and rankings: Bangalore University is a reputable institution with a long-standing history of academic excellence. It is recognized as one of the top universities in India, offering diverse programs across various disciplines.
  • Research facilities and resources: Bangalore University provides research facilities and resources to support PhD students in their research endeavors. It has well-equipped laboratories, access to libraries and research databases, and a supportive academic community.

5. Amity University PhD

Amity University PhD admission 2023 is accepted twice a year, in January and July. The PhD application form 2023 must only be completed and submitted online. A Master’s or M.Phil Degree in the relevant discipline from any authorized Indian or Foreign University with 55% marks is necessary for admission to a PhD Programme. Eligible candidates will be required to participate in the Selection Process, which will include a PET (Ph.D. Entrance Test) and an Interview round, in accordance with the UGC’s PhD Guidelines.

  • Reputation and rankings: Amity University is a leading private university in India, known for its multidisciplinary approach and emphasis on research-driven education. It has gained recognition for its academic programs and industry partnerships.
  • Research facilities and resources: The university has well-equipped laboratories, access to industry-standard equipment, and collaborations with industry partners. It provides a vibrant research environment with opportunities for interdisciplinary research, conferences, and workshops.

PhD Career Scope and Job Profiles

After completing the PhD programme, job opportunities in all major fields are expected to improve. Also, keep in mind that the PhD programme provides the candidate with a research foundation, which may lead to more job chances. 

Here are some of the most common jobs for PhD holders:

  • Teaching jobs
  • Government jobs
  • Financial managers
  • Work as consultants at corporate firms and companies
  • Become a research associate
  • Product Manager
  • Development writer
  • Assistant Director, learning programs
  • Program officer of Think Tanks, Foundations, etc.

Average Salary Offered

Check below for the list of PhD jobs and the average salary offered for the respective job profiles.

Assistant ProfessorINR 7.5 LPA
Associate ProfessorINR 10 LPA
ProfessorINR 13 LPA
Research AssociateINR 7.5 LPA
ConsultantINR 8 LPA

1. How long does it take to complete a PhD?

A Ph.D. from India normally takes about six years. However, depending on the subject, programme, and location, the average time to finish a PhD might vary, with some programmes lasting longer than others. A doctorate student’s PhD might take anywhere from six to twelve years to finish.

2. Can I work while pursuing a PhD?

Yes, it is possible to work while pursuing a PhD. Many PhD students work as teaching or research assistants to supplement their income. However, it is important to balance work and study to avoid becoming overwhelmed with the demands of both.

3. What are the funding options for PhD programs?

Funding options for Ph.D. programs can vary depending on the country, institution, and field of study. Some options include university scholarships, research grants, teaching/research assistantships, government fellowships, and student loans. Generally, Ph.D. students should explore all possible funding sources to find the option that best suits their financial needs.

4. How do I choose a research topic for my PhD?

Choosing a Ph.D. research topic can be difficult and requires considerable thinking. Ph.D. candidates should consider selecting a topic that is relevant to their interests, experiences, and research objectives. Students should also assess the project’s feasibility, the availability of funds and resources, and the possible impact of the research. 

In conclusion, we have discussed various aspects related to pursuing a PhD. It is important to keep in mind that each PhD program may have its own specific requirements and guidelines, so it is advisable to refer to your institution or program for detailed information.

For aspiring PhD candidates, pursuing a doctoral degree is a bold and admirable endeavor. Surround yourself with mentors, advisors, and peers who can provide guidance and support throughout your journey. Embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth, and stay motivated by envisioning the impact your research can have on your field and society as a whole.

As you embark on the path towards obtaining a PhD, always remember that you have the potential to contribute new knowledge and make a meaningful impact through your research. The pursuit of a PhD is a transformative experience that shapes not just your academic and professional life but also your personal growth. Stay focused, stay motivated, and believe in yourself. 

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PhD in India- Fees, Duration, Scholarship and Universities

In this article, we are covering topics on- PhD in India, fees structure, entrance exams, admission procedure and other related information. Also, we will enlist courses and universities for doing PhD in India. Further, we will cover how to apply for a PhD scholarship in India and what are the sources. 

I personally feel that doing a PhD in India is tougher than in other countries. Why? I will explain it in this article. Wait and read till the end. 

The doctor of philosophy is the topmost degree in any education system. One should have to pass many hurdles and face numerous problems to even enter into PhD. However, for a clever and bright student, it might be an easy task. 

PhD is more than a degree, it is equivalent to some reputed award or we can say it is kind of honour. But technically speaking, you become an expert by doing a PhD . Your expertise nourished and polished during PhD and hence you become top of all.  

And because you are now some expert in some disciplines, you paid higher than others. People give you respect as well. 

This is the reason, doing a PhD is a tedious task. You can’t get a PhD easily. Therefore it is not a “cup of tea” for all. As a PhD student, you need to have great commitment and patience. You have to develop several skills during your PhD to get it smoothly. I had covered an amazing article on what skills required for PhD students. Read it first, it will help you. 

Read: PhD student-What skills and qualities one should acquire.

As I said, doing a PhD in India is not as easy as like in other countries. A candidate has to pass many steps and tedious procedure to complete it.

A candidate has to, 

  • Clear an entrance exam 
  • Propose a research problem 
  • Complete course work 
  • Write a thesis or dissertation 
  • Publish a research paper 
  • Attend or present their work 
  • And complete the viva voce

PhD in India: 

UGC- university grant commission from Delhi held, conduct and monitor’s the entire PhD process. The UGC is the governing body for all universities across India and it is taken care of all the processes and legal problems related to PhD in India. 

The PhD degree given by the UGC approved universities are only valid in India. For that, every university has to follow the rules and regulation stated by UGC. 

You can get all the information regarding PhD on the official website of UGC. 

Requirements and Eligibility criteria: 

When you think about doing a PhD, you must have completed a master degree or postgraduate degree in your related disciplines. 

So the first criteria for doing a PhD in India is the postgraduate degree. Notably, you must have completed your undergraduate degree from a well-known university. 

Here one thing you should know about your master degree is that some universities don’t allow students with part-time master or postgraduate degree for PhD. 

So you have to complete both bachelors as well as a master degree before applying for a PhD . 

However, for some courses master of philosophy (M.phil) is also taken into consideration besides a post-graduate degree. M.Phil is not mandatory for all. 

Next, with it, as per the UGC rules and regulations, a minimum 55% marks or equivalent CGPA is required to be eligible for PhD. 

After that, a candidate has to clear the NET- national eligibility test or GATE or some equivalent entrance exam held by the university. 

NET is compulsory for all subjects besides engineering. For engineering students, GATE (gratitude aptitude test in engineering) is required. However, before that, they must have completed their M.Tech or ME.  

The NET or GATE is exclusively conducted by the university grant commission. Based on your NET or GATE score you can apply in some of the topmost universities across India. 

Students of final year or last semester of masters can appear in NET or GATE. 

The above eligibilities are required only for applying in PhD. still, you can’t get admission if you aren’t fulfilling other criteria as well.  

After they shortlisted you for PhD, you have to submit a research proposal. If your research proposal is accepted then and then they can appear for PhD. 

These are the eligibility criteria for applying in PhD in India. Conclusively, you have to start preparing for PhD in your master’s, if you are willing to do it. 

Now, imagine that you have completed all these criteria, what next? What is the exact admission procedure to actually get into PhD? Let’s check it out. 

Admission procedure for PhD in India: 

Your token for admission in PhD is your post-graduate degree and NET or entrance exam. With a minimum of 55% marks and a good score in NET, you can apply in any universities across India. 

You can fill the form now.

A candidate can apply offline or online for PhD. Universities offer a limited number of seats for each subject. Once you shortlisted, they will notify you. 

After that, you have to download the final application form, fill it and submit it to university with all the attested copies of documents. 

Documents required: 

Students have to submit attested copies of all documents and verify the original one to respected authority. The required documents are: 

  • 12th mark sheet 
  • Final mark sheet of graduation 
  • Graduation degree certificate 
  • Final mark sheet of postgraduate 
  • Degree certificate of post-graduate 
  • Birth certificate 
  • UGC notification of clearing the NET/GATE or university entrance exam clearing certificate. 
  • Cast certificate if required 
  • Documents of fellowship or scholarship if any 
  • M.phil degree certificate if required
  • Publication if required 
  • Research proposal 
  • Recommendation letter from the guide. 
  • No-objection certificate 
  • University transfer certificate if any 
  • Passport size photograph 

Attested copies of all these documents must be submitted along with the application form. Besides, a candidate has to submit the research proposal, additionally. 

The research proposal is very important, based on your research interest, PhD supervisor or guide will be allotted to you. 

Format of a research proposal: 

The research proposal is more or less a kind of synopsis which explains the overall idea of your research problem. 

Title — propose your title in which you have to include a topic and method you wish to study. Try to make it small. If possible take some expert’s help to propose your title. 

Your title is a very important element of your PhD, it will remain unchanged throughout your PhD. Hence propose a clear, catchy and self-explanatory title. 

Abstract — explain your entire topic in 250 to 300 words in the abstract. 

Introduction and review — Explain your topic and provide some basic information in the introduction, Also provide some review related to your topic. 

Aim and objective s– propose at least three different objectives to solve your research problem. 

Methodology — in this section explain the method, process, protocol or hypothesis you want to use to solve the research problem. 

Results — state some output of your research. Here you have to enlist possible results (positive as well as negative) of your research problem. 

Note: you have to give a broad idea of everything, no need to explain everything in detail. Your research proposal must be 10 to 12 pages with a title page and bibliography. 

With all these documents, a candidate has to submit university fees. 

The university sent the research proposal to the respected faculty or the guide. If any guide is interested in your research problem they will send an acceptance letter to the university. University will send you the confirmation of the allotted guide. 

After that, you have to visit your guide. Your guide will give you a recommendation letter. You have to submit it along with a form and university fees to your department. 

After you fulfil all these requirements, your admission for PhD is completed. Due to these complications, doing a PhD is actually a tedious job in India.

But, you are not a PhD student, still. I will tell you why. Wait!

Fees structure for PhD in India:

The average fees in government college or universities are ranging from 20,000 INR to 50,000 INR annually. Although it may vary. 

 PhD fees are one of the biggest problems in India because private universities charge up to 100,0000 INR per year. 

In self-finance college yearly fees ranging from 2,00,000 INR to 6,00,000 INR. You have to do your research for 5 to 7 year. Now imagine how much you have to pay. 

The fees include education fees, library fees, tuition fees and other university and laboratory charges. 

However, universities do not give you travel allowances, you have to pay yourself to travel for sample collection. 

how long phd takes in india

For doing a PhD in a government university or college you have to pay around 8,000 to 10,000 INR per semester. 

Also, fellowship and scholarship options are available for some students. We will discuss it later in this article. 

Anyway, by doing some smart work and starting preparing for a PhD from day one of your master’s degree, you can easily clear NET or GATE. You can get admission in government quota easily. 

After completing all these steps and procedures, you have to decide whether you want to do a PhD part-time or full time . 

Notably, nowadays UGC offers part-time PhD only in some selected subjects and for some special cases. 

For example, If you want to do a PhD in biology, obviously you need to do research work in the lab. UGC has decided not to give part-time options in those subjects. Although, as I said in some special cases it can give. 

Some universities offer doctoral programs part-time as well. (there is a significant difference between doctorate and PhD. Read it here: Doctorate vs PhD ). 

PhD scholarship or fellowship in India: 

UGC has various scholarship and fellowship options for providing financial aid to students. If you prepare well and do some research before applying for a doctorate, you can get admission in PhD with a good amount of scholarship. 

The university gold medalist students are awarded the inspired fellowship by the university for getting a PhD. So as I said above, plan well from the first day of your master’s. 

Junior research fellowship in engineering and technology, a junior research fellowship in science, humanities and social sciences are two best options for financial aid. A candidate has to clear NET for that. With JRF-NET, you can apply to any university for a PhD. 

Besides this, UGC also provides financial aid for students of the minor community, OBC, SC and ST community. 

Maulana Azad national fellowship program is reserved for the minority students. Likewise, Rajiv Gandhi national fellowship is for SC/ST students. Also, universities give special scholarships to single girl child and women for higher education. 

Note: the purpose of giving reservation to minorities, special community (SC/ST/OBC) and women is to improve their financial and social status in society. Also, to empower and encourage the same. 

If you are not still eligible for any of the scholarship stated above. Don’t worry. There are other schemes as well. 

A candidate can propose a minor or major project to UGC. If your project is good UGC will give you funding to complete your project. 

Besides, there are other personal scholarships and fellowship options are also available at UGC. You can visit the scholarship and fellowship section of UGC here: UGC- scholarship and fellowship . 

Now the question is what amount it will pay? 

In the case of inspiring fellow students, UGC pays full fees throughout their research or PhD tenure. However, for other scholarships, the University grant commission pays a lump-sum amount of 25,000INR to 30,000INR per month. 

Duration for PhD in India: 

PhD is a length and time-consuming process. Likewise, in other countries, it takes around 3 to 5 years to complete a PhD in India. 

As per the university grant commission, candidates have to do their PhD research minimum for 3 years. Even Though your work is completed within 2 years (which is actually not possible) you still have to complete 3 years. Sometimes it takes 5 to 7 years too, for completing a PhD. 

The tenure of PhD depends on the complexity of your topics, your guides involvement and your hard work. 

As per my experience, it takes at least 4 years for a sincere student to complete a PhD. 

Structure of PhD: 

Let divide what you have to do during each year in PhD: 

In the first year, you have to complete your coursework. The coursework is based on the research methodology studies. No research work is conducted during the first year. 

Once you complete your coursework, you need to clear the coursework examination. 

Minimum 55% marks required to clear it, then after, every candidate has to submit the results to university. 

Now your PhD admission is confirmed. 

If you fail to pass the coursework, one more chance is given to you. If you fail to clear it within a year, your admission can be revoked. 

Now in the second year, you can start your research work. Initially during the second year, your major responsibilities are to collect samples, read and review research papers related to your topic and start making notes. 

Also, during the same time, you can start your lab work as well, if any. As per your guide’s instruction you can start working on your methodology. 

In the third year, you have to do extensive research work and try to complete your work within the first half of the year. Meanwhile, you need to start reviewing literature and start writing your thesis as well. During the same time, you have to attend seminars and symposiums. 

During the fourth year, you have to complete your lab work and publish a research paper too. 

Unless your research published, you can’t go ahead. Now once it is done, immediately you have to present your research at international seminars or conferences. 

In the last and fourth year, your work is done, you just have to write your thesis. Read papers and start writing your thesis. Review your thesis weekly by your supervisor. 

However, writing a PhD thesis is still tedious work. Read our guide on how to write a PhD thesis . 

In the second phase of the fourth year, you can submit your thesis (once university approved it). And you can appear for viva voce. 

At the end of the 4th year or starting of the fifth year, your viva got completed. If your thesis is not rejected or major indications are not given. 

As I said, ideally if you work sincerely you can complete your work within four years. If you fail to do so, you may have to pass a couple of more years to complete a PhD. 

Now I think you understand why doing a PhD is not a cup of tea for all. You indeed need to be more sincere and hardworking for doing it. 

PhD courses in India: 


PhD in civil engineering PhD in engineering and technology 
PhD in electrical engineering PhD in chemical engineering 
PhD in general engineering PhD in genetic engineering 
PhD in Electronics and communication PhD in mechanical engineering 


PhD in biology PhD in physics 
PhD in mathematics PhD in chemistry (organic and inorganic)
PhD in botany PhD in agriculture 
PhD in zoology PhD in statistics 
PhD in biochemistry PhD in material science 
PhD in microbiology PhD in nanotechnology 
PhD in biotechnology PhD in chemical science 
PhD in bioinformatics PhD in anthropology 
PhD in Alter PhD in biophysics 
PhD in Genetics PhD in physical chemistry 
PhD in environmental science PhD in biology and biomedical life science 

Other specialised subjects: 

PhD in medicine PhD in surgery 
PhD in PharmacyPhD in mental health 
PhD in ophthalmology PhD in occupational health and physiotherapy

Arts and humanities: 

PhD in the language (Hindi, English, Urdu, Gujarati, Bangla and Marathi)PhD in history 
PhD in social science PhD in home science 
PhD in philosophy PhD in humanities 
PhD in fine arts PhD in archaeology 
PhD in creative writing PhD in foreign languages 
PhD in geology and geography PhD in Sanskrit 

Management and commerce subjects: 

PhD in commerce PhD in economics 
PhD in Accounting and finance PhD in business management 
PhD in management studies PhD in organizational behaviour 

Other subjects: 

PhD in music PhD in dance 
PhD in yoga PhD in education 
PhD in law PhD in literature

List of universities for doing PhD in India: 

how long phd takes in india

IIT- Indian Indian Institute of technology  

Indian Institute of Technology is one of the topmost universities across India. It is a type of public technical university and established on 15 September 1956 via the Indian Institute of technology act 1956.

The IIT is located in 23 cities in India. Among all, IIT Mumbai, IIT Roorkee and IIT Varanasi are very popular. However, other cities are Jammu, Mandi, Poddar, Delhi, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Patna, Guwahati, Kharagpur, Dhanbad, Indore, Bhilai, Gandhinagar, Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad, Goa, Dharwad, Tirupati, Chennai and Palakkad. 

IIT offers a PhD in various disciplines of technology. Major PhD subjects are electronics and communication, mechanical engineering, biotechnology and chemical engineering. 

Website- Council of Indian Institute of Technology 

IISc- Indian Institute of Science 

The Indian Institute of Science was established in 1909.  It is a type of public research university situated in Bangalore. IISc is the topmost university for doing research and higher education in science and engineering in India, Affiliated with UGC, NAAC, AIU and ACU. 

PhD subjects offered by IISc: 

Biochemistry, Molecular reproduction; development and genetics, microbiology and cell biology, neuroscience, materials research, organic chemistry, mathematics, physics, computational and data science, chemical engineering, civil engineering, earth science, climate change and other. 

For more detail please visit the official website: Indian Institute of science.

IIM- Indian Institute of management  

The IIM was established to study management and related subjects in India. It is situated at Jammu, Amritsar, Sirmaur, Kashipur, Rohtak, Udaipur, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Shillong, Bodh Gaya, Ranchi, Calcutta, Indore, Nagpur, Sambalpur, Visakhapatnam, Bangalore, Kozhikode and Tiruchirappalli.

They offer PhD programs for Finance & accounting, information system, decision science, economics and social science, marketing, production and operational management, public policy, strategy and entrepreneurship. 

Visit the official website of IIM- Indian Institute of Management .

University of Delhi 

The university of Delhi often known as Delhi University (DU) was established in 1922 by the central legislative assembly act. It is a type of collegiate public central university of India, provides various graduation, postgraduate and PhD courses. The Delhi University offers PhD programs in various disciplines of science, commerce, arts and management. 

Visit the official website of the Delhi University for a full list of subjects offered by them: University of Delhi -list of PhD subjects.

Banaras Hindu University 

The Banaras Hindu University was established in 1916 by Mohan Malaviya with the help of Annie besant. BHU is one of the top Hindu University of India located in Varanasi, Uttarpradesh.

Interestingly, it is one of the largest residential universities in Asia with more than 30,000 students living within campus. A type of open public university BHU provides various undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD courses in various subjects. 

Major PhD subjects are Education, management studies, Sanskrit, Environment & sustainable development, Ayurveda, medicine, science, social science, dental science, Agriculture and Arts. 

Visit the official website of Banaras Hindu University for more details on various subjects offered by them- Banaras Hindu University- PhD subjects . 

PhD notification and announcements- Banaras Hindu University .

Punjab University 

Punjab University was established in 1882 as a public university. It was relocated in Chandigarh in 1947 after the partition. PU is one of the oldest universities in India.

It provides various graduation, postgraduate and PhD courses in Arts, science, commerce and engineering. Some of the PhD programs at PU are Arts, law, medical science, Pharmaceutical science, Design & fine arts, business & management and science. 

For more detail visit the official website of Punjab University- Punjab University- PhD . 

GTU- Gujarat Technical University

GTU was established in 2007 as the governing body for technical courses, especially in Gujarat.

It is a state university which affiliated courses majorly engineering, Pharmacy and other technical subjects. GTU provides PhD programs in various subjects of engineering. 

Visit the official site of GTU- Gujarat Technical University .

University of Kerala: 

The University of Kerala was established in 1937 by Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma, affiliated to UGC. Formerly It was known as the University of Travancore.

It’s situated in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Notably, It was established before the birth of Kerala state.  The university provides various PhD programs in different disciplines of science, arts and commerce. 

For more detail visit the official webpage of KU- Research Portal- Kerala university .

Besides, other well known and reputed universities are enlisted here: 

  • Amity university 
  • Anna university 
  • Birla institute of technology and science 
  • Manipal university 
  • Calicut university 
  • Chaudhary Charan Singh university 
  • ICFAI university 
  • University of Lucknow 
  • Jaipur national university 
  • Gujarat technical university 
  • Gujarat university 
  • Jawaharlal Nehru university 
  • University of Calcutta 
  • University of Mumbai 
  • AIIMS 
  • Amity school of engineering and technology 
  • Chandigarh university 
  • MMU, Ambala 
  • Institute of microbial technology 
  • PEC university of technology 

We will discuss the various PhD courses in our next articles with their fees structure, scholarship option and other information. 


As I said, doing a PhD in India is a tedious process. Still, It is a good hierarchy. Fees are fair, the process is good and supervisors are talented. So for brilliant students, doing a PhD in India is a good option. Further, Due to the complexity of the process, the chance of corruption is very less.

Dr Tushar Chauhan

Dr. Tushar Chauhan is a Scientist, Blogger and Scientific-writer. He has completed PhD in Genetics. Dr. Chauhan is a PhD coach and tutor.

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Dr Tushar Chauhan

9 thoughts on “phd in india- fees, duration, scholarship and universities”.

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How to do PhD in India? A Complete PhD Course Roadmap to Aspiring Graduates in 2024

When you're having a discussion on career prospects and specialized expertise in a particular field, the term "PhD" is inevitable. Pursuing a PhD in India stands as a substantial academic milestone, demanding dedication and meticulous preparation. If you're considering pursuing a PhD degree, you're in the right spot. 

Explore this enlightening blog post from the  Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS) , crafted to guide you through the nuances of a PhD degree, from understanding its essence to exploring diverse PhD program offerings and lucrative career pathways. Continue reading to explore the essential steps to initiate your PhD journey.

Let's get started!

What is a PhD? Definition of a PhD

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in India is a prestigious postgraduate doctoral degree bestowed upon students who make real and meaningful contributions to knowledge, technology, and methodologies within their research field. 

It represents the pinnacle of academic achievement in India. This degree is also referred to as a DPhil or D.Phil. in some countries. Individuals who attain a PhD are entitled to use the term "Doctor" before their name. 

However, when deciding between an integrated PhD and a regular PhD, many candidates find themselves unsure of the distinctions. The primary discrepancy lies in the educational prerequisites. 

To pursue a regular PhD, one must have completed their master's degree. Conversely, those who are keen on research but lack a graduate degree can opt for the integrated PhD course.

Why do a PhD? A Quick Overview 

Pursuing a PhD in India offers a solid gateway to profound learning and experience for those with fervent curiosity. Delve into your chosen topic, honing your expertise and contributing original insights to your field. 

Seize the opportunity to put theory into practice, refining time management, communication, and interpersonal skills. Engage with peers, fostering a supportive environment for mutual growth and fruitful collaboration. 

Beyond academia, a  PhD degree opens avenues to various career paths from academia to the private and public sectors, offering enticing prospects and societal impact. 

Moreover, networking opportunities abound, facilitating connections with fellow researchers and globally enriching your knowledge and professional benefits. 

A PhD degree typically serves as the primary prerequisite for individuals aspiring to become lecturers or university researchers. Academic researchers in India are responsible for generating the majority of scientific and technical articles published.

Five Different Types of PhD Courses in India 

In India, there are 5 common PhD degrees catering to various needs and circumstances. Let's explore them:

Full-Time PhD

A full-time  PhD in India is a regular PhD program that entails dedicated research conducted by students under the supervision of experienced mentors. The duration typically spans between 3 and 5 years.

Part-time PhD 

Most of the working professionals in India prefer part-time PhD programs, which allow them to attend a limited number of in-person classes. These programs typically span 4 to 6 years (or 7 years) in duration.

Online PhD 

Earning an online PhD degree typically involves around 4 years of rigorous research and study by students.

Integrated PhD 

An integrated PhD is a comprehensive program that combines both a master's and Doctoral degree (PhD course), typically lasting around 5 to 6 years. Graduates can apply for this program immediately after completing their bachelor's degree.

Industry-Sponsored PhD 

This type of PhD degree is usually backed up by a company or an industry, and the overall research is typically based on finding solutions for industry-specific problems. This course normally lasts for three to five years.

How to get PhD Degree in India? A Detailed Version of PhD Course Structure 

Coursework .

PhD programs typically involve students undertaking core courses or seminars relevant to their chosen field, aimed at laying the groundwork for advanced understanding. The exact composition of the coursework may vary across institutions but commonly encompasses mandatory and elective components.

Research Proposal 

Upon finishing the fundamental courses, students are required to craft a research proposal depicting the issue they intend to explore, the research inquiries they seek to address, and the methodologies they will employ for data collection and analysis.

Comprehensive Examinations 

Prior to commencing their research, students must successfully navigate comprehensive exams that assess their proficiency in their chosen field of study.


Once students have wrapped up their coursework and aced their comprehensive examinations, they're primed to dive into the research process. This often involves conducting experiments, gathering relevant data, and immersing themselves in various research pursuits to tackle the queries outlined in their research proposal.


A vital component of completing a PhD program is the process of completing a dissertation, an extensive manuscript detailing the student's research outcomes, conclusions, and scholarly impacts within their chosen domain. Successful completion involves defending this document before a panel of faculty and industry specialists.

Different Types of PhD Programs in India Offered at HITS

Students have a plethora of options when it comes to pursuing PhD programs spanning various disciplines like Arts, Science, Commerce, Mathematics, Agriculture, and more. Among these, some of the most sought-after PhD programs available at HITS include:

1. PhD in Aeronautical Engineering 

A  PhD in Aeronautical Engineering delves deep into advanced concepts of aircraft design, propulsion systems, aerodynamics, and more. 

Core PhD subjects of this program include computational fluid dynamics, aerospace materials, flight dynamics, and control systems. 

The future scope of this PhD course in India is promising, with the country's burgeoning aerospace industry fostering growth. 

Salaries for PhD holders in Aeronautical Engineering vary based on factors such as experience, location, and employer, but typically range from INR 8,00,000 to INR 20,00,000 (approx.) with ample opportunities for career advancement.

Suggested Read : Feeling puzzled about  Aeronautical Engineering ? Our blog has the answers you seek! - Check it out right away!

2. PhD in Automobile Engineering 

Pursuing a  PhD in Automobile Engineering offers advanced study in areas like automotive design, propulsion systems, and vehicle dynamics. 

Common PhD subjects include advanced vehicle dynamics, electric and hybrid vehicle technology, and automotive safety engineering. 

With India's growing focus on sustainable transportation and innovation in electric vehicles, the future career scope of this PhD degree seems promising. 

The students find various career prospects in R&D, academia, and industry leadership roles. 

3. PhD in Computer Science and Engineering 

A  PhD in Computer Science and Engineering offers you a deep dive into advanced topics like machine learning, AI, data science, and so on. 

Core subjects include algorithms, computer architecture, and software engineering, along with specialized areas like IoT and cloud computing. 

The future career scope for a PhD holder in this field is promising. Opportunities abound in research, academia, industry research and development, and entrepreneurship. 

In addition, the global demand for skilled tech professionals further enhances the opportunities for Indian PhD graduates in computer science engineering.

4. PhD in Information Technology 

Advanced research areas, including computer science, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity, are integral components of a  PhD in Information Technology . 

The subjects covered usually span advanced algorithms, network security, machine learning, and big data analytics. 

Graduates can look forward to promising career paths in IT services, software development, research, academia, and other burgeoning fields. 

Career opportunities for graduates include roles such as professors, researchers, data scientists, IT consultants, or specialists within a wide range of industries.

5. PhD in Electronics and Communication Engineering 

A  PhD program in Electronics and Communication Engineering explores the intricate aspects of signal processing, communication theory, and the design of electronic systems. 

Areas of study involve digital signal processing, semiconductor devices, and so on. 

The outlook for graduates seems optimistic, fueled by the burgeoning demand in sectors such as electronics manufacturing, automation, and telecommunications.

6. PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering 

The journey to obtaining a  PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering encompasses an in-depth exploration of advanced subjects like power systems, control theory, and so on. 

Typical coursework encompasses studies in research methodology, advanced mathematical principles, and a selection of specialized elective subjects. 

The future prospects are optimistic, driven by a growing demand for specialized knowledge in renewable energy, smart grids, AI, and the Internet of Things. 

Students who obtain their PhDs can venture into academia, research facilities, and the private sector, playing integral roles in fostering innovation and driving technological advancements.

7. PhD in Management 

A  PhD program in Management usually covers a wide range of subjects, including organizational behaviour, strategic management, marketing, finance, and operations. 

The curriculum typically involves rigorous research methods and theoretical frameworks to address modern business challenges. 

With the expanding corporate landscape and economy, the future scope for a PhD holder in management is promising. 

Opportunities exist for them in academia, consulting firms, research institutions, and corporate leadership roles, making it a rewarding path for those passionate about driving innovation and change in the business sphere.

8. PhD in Chemistry 

A  PhD in Chemistry generally involves advanced study and research across a range of areas, including organic, inorganic, physical, and analytical chemistry. 

Potential areas of study involve spectroscopy, computational chemistry, chemical kinetics, and nanotechnology. 

Opportunities span academia, research institutions, and private sector R&D, offering avenues for innovation, exploration, and more.

9. PhD in Physics 

Getting a  PhD in India in the domain of Physics typically entails advanced coursework in quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics, and theoretical physics, supplemented by research in specialized areas like condensed matter physics or astrophysics. 

The prospects for a PhD holder in physics in India are promising, with opportunities in academia and industries such as technology and energy. 

Additionally, interdisciplinary applications in fields like biophysics and nanotechnology offer avenues for innovation and further career progress.

10. PhD in English 

Within the academic landscape, pursuing a  PhD in English commonly delves into adamant analysis of literature, linguistics, and critical theory. 

Key areas of study involve literary criticism, cultural studies, and language acquisition. Elective courses frequently delve into niche PhD subjects such as comparative literature and the digital humanities. 

The future prospects of an English PhD in India are promising, with opportunities in academia, publishing, journalism, and content creation. 

Plus, there's a great demand for English-language instructors and researchers in fields like translation studies and communication.

11. PhD in Visual Communication 

A  PhD in Visual Communication delves into the intersection of design, media, and technology, providing advanced study in areas like multimedia, digital imaging, and graphic design. 

The PhD subjects include semiotics, user experience design, and cultural studies. 

With the evolving significance of visual storytelling in fields like advertising, digital marketing, and film, graduates can pursue careers as creative directors, UI/UX designers, or academics, contributing to the growing landscape of visual communication in India.

12. PhD in Physical Education 

A  PhD in Physical Education in India covers advanced study in areas like exercise physiology, sports psychology, biomechanics, and sports management.  

PhD subjects include research methodology, advanced sports performance analysis, and curriculum development. 

Future prospects for a PhD holder include academic positions at top universities, research opportunities in sports science institutions, consultancy roles in sports organizations, and leadership positions in sports management.

13. PhD in Arts 

A  PhD in Arts in India typically offers a specialized study in various fields such as literature, history, visual arts, performing arts, and cultural studies. 

Coursework often includes research methodology, interdisciplinary approaches, and critical theory. 

Potential PhD subjects in Arts cover diverse topics ranging from classical literature to modern art forms. 

The future prospects of PhD graduates in arts are promising, with opportunities in research institutions, cultural organizations, and the creative industry contributing to cultural preservation, education, and societal enrichment.

Things to Consider Before Pursuing a PhD Program in India 

Research interest alignment .

Ensure your PhD course research interests align with the expertise available at universities or PhD colleges in India.

Quality of Supervision 

Investigate the quality and availability of supervisors in your field, as their guidance is crucial for a successful  PhD degree .

Infrastructure and Facilities 

Assess the availability of the necessary infrastructure, laboratories, libraries, and other facilities required for your research.

PhD Course Duration in India 

Understand the duration and structure of the PhD program, including coursework requirements, comprehensive exams, and thesis submission timelines.

Work-Life Balance 

Consider the work-life balance, as pursuing a PhD in India can be really demanding. Evaluate how manageable it is to balance research, coursework, and personal life.

PhD Job Scope 

Research the career opportunities after completing your PhD degree, both within academia and in industry. Evaluate the demand for your field of  PhD courses in India and globally.

8 Top Career Opportunities After Completing a PhD in India

Teaching and research roles in universities and colleges across India are popular options for PhD holders due to ample opportunities and academic freedom.

Government Sectors 

Stable positions with good pay in various departments and ministries offer PhD course graduates a chance to contribute to national development.

Corporate Sectors

Indian companies increasingly seek toppers in PhD programs for their expertise, offering challenging roles and competitive salaries.

Opportunities to address societal issues in NGOs working on education, health, the environment, etc. appeal to those who completed Doctoral degrees in India looking to make a positive and meaningful impact.

Careers in print, television, and radio allow PhD program graduates to share knowledge with a broad audience, making it a great option for those with strong communication skills.

Banking and Finance

The sector values graduates who completed their PhD in India for their analytical prowess, offering lucrative perks in roles requiring financial expertise.

IT and Software

With India's booming IT industry, doctorate degree holders can find rewarding opportunities in this fast-growing sector, leveraging their expertise for innovation and development.


PhD degree holders possess the skills and knowledge to start successful ventures, giving them a competitive edge in building their own business empires.

Why is Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS) the Best College for a PhD Degree?

Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS) emerges as one the most reliable PhD colleges in India for those seeking a PhD in India, supported by various key factors:

Exceptional Mentorship 

Leveraging the expertise of exceptionally qualified faculty, HITS helps you have a better understanding of your PhD program in both national and international contexts, empowering you to embark on a journey of expansive exploration and knowledge acquisition.

World-Class Infrastructure 

At HITS, students benefit from world-class resources, including fully equipped modern laboratories and top-notch research centres. Such reliable amenities are designed to accommodate those enrolled in PhD programs related to their respective fields.

Advanced Academic Roadmap 

Developed by subject-matter authorities, our PhD curriculum defines specific course requirements across various programs. It comprises scholarly publications and a research thesis, facilitating enhanced comprehension through practical implementation.

PhD Admission at HITS: How to Apply for a PhD Program at HITS?

Head over to our official website for HITS. Once there, find the "APPLY ONLINE" button and click on it.

You'll now be directed to the admission portal for HITS. Complete your registration and set up your profile.

Fill out all necessary details in the HITS application form for PhD candidates.

Step 4 

Take your next step by submitting the required payment for the PhD application fee at HITS. After payment, ensure to click the submit button to finalize your application process.

Following the submission, it's important to maintain a printed copy of the PhD application form.

Necessary Documents for PhD Admission at HITS:

  • Mark Sheets for Class 10th and 12th Standards
  • Mark Sheet of Graduation 
  • Transfer Certificate (if required)
  • Conduct Certificate 
  • Passport-size Photos 

Also Read : Want to have more clarity on how to apply for college online?  Check out our blog ! 

PhD Eligibility Criteria at HITS 

1. educational qualifications .

Candidates must possess a Master's degree in a relevant field. The minimum requirement is 55% marks or an equivalent CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average).

2. National Level Entrance Exam Score 

Applicants must have a valid score in a recognized national-level entrance exams such as GATE or UGC-NET.

3. Research experience and publications 

Prior research experience and publications in reputed journals are highly valued.

4. Interview Round 

Candidates are required to clear the interview round conducted by the institute's selection committee.


Completing a PhD in India represents a meaningful achievement, propelling individuals to unparalleled levels of academic mastery and competence within their field of study. 

Kick-start your journey of innovation with  HITS . 

With over 400 dedicated research scholars, we facilitate collaborations with leading international universities, research centres, and industries nationwide and worldwide. 

At HITS, we provide you with state-of-the-art facilities, dynamic campaigns, and seasoned experts to empower scholars in their quest to drive positive change globally. 

Seize your spot at HITS and turn your aspiration of pursuing a PhD in India into a reality!

To stay updated on the current trends in the education realm,  check out our blog section right away!

Frequently Asked Questions on PhD Programs

1. What is the full form of a PhD?

The actual full form of a PhD is Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated as PhD, originating from the Latin term "Philosophiae Doctor." Despite its name, the term "philosophy" in a PhD doesn't necessarily refer to the academic subject of philosophy but stems from the Greek word meaning "a person who loves wisdom.".

2. What are some of the reasons for anyone to pursue a PhD?

Embarking on a PhD degree involves cultivating long-term career aspirations and allowing the candidate to make substantial contributions to the chosen field.

3. What are the best qualities that a professional PhD student possesses?

A professional PhD degree candidate possesses exceptional communication skills, outstanding academic prowess, adept time management abilities, and an unwavering passion for their subject.

4. What is the approximate salary of a PhD holder?

A PhD course is considered the pinnacle of academic achievement. Individuals with a PhD can earn an annual salary ranging from INR 6 to INR 12 lakhs (approx.).

5. What is the course duration for completing a PhD?

Well, the actual duration of a PhD in India varies, but it takes around 3 to 5 years. The time can be impacted by certain factors, including research complexity, individual progress, and program structure.

PhD in India: Admission, Courses, Eligibility, Scope & Colleges [2024]

phd in india

Quick Summary

  • A PhD is a postgraduate research degree in India. It’s the highest academic degree in the country. 
  • The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs .
  • For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master’s degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required .

Table of Contents

Did you know that India produces over 20 thousand PhD holders , making it one of the top 5 countries with the most PhD holders?

Sounds great right?

And this number of PhD holders is only going to increase in upcoming years, with the rise in new technologies and scientific research more and more people will pursue a PhD in India. If you are also thinking about pursuing PhD degree, then read this article till the end to know all about doing PhD in India. 

what is PhD

PhD in India- Course Highlights

PhD Full Form

Doctor of Philosophy

Course Level


Course Duration

3-6 Years

Course Fees

₹50000 to ₹1 Lac. Per year

Major Entrance Exams


Avg. Salary of PhD Holder

₹4.3- ₹10 LPA

Why Pursue PhD in India?

It is known that the purpose of a PhD is to teach individuals how to conduct research in a field. Candidates learn how to write scholarly papers and present findings, along with gaining skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. However, there are career-related reasons to choose PhD course, and these reasons are:

  • Getting monthly allowances from the government to fund research.
  • A PhD student is seen as an expert in their field, thus, making them eligible for job openings related to teaching and research.
  • A chance to go to other countries for Academic Exchange Programs and learn various things.
  • Getting complete control over what you want to study and how you wish to continue with your research.
  • A PhD student gets to interact and work with the best academicians in their field and the professional experts who will guide them during their research.

Types of PhD Courses in India

There are different types of PhD degrees, some are based on distance and some are based on stream. Here is the list of major types of PhD in India.

Common PhD Degrees

A full-time PhD degree is a regular PhD program where the candidate is required to pursue research on a full-time basis under the guidance of a supervisor. It is a Phd course duration of 3-5 years.

In this program, candidates who are working professionals and wish to pursue a PhD while continuing their job, can attend classes on weekends. Part-time PhD duration is 4-7 years.

This program is a combination of a Master’s degree and a PhD course, and is typically of 5-6 years duration. It is meant for students who wish to pursue a research career in a particular field.

Distance PhD is designed for candidates who cannot attend regular classes due to various reasons. The coursework is delivered through online mode, and the research work is conducted under the guidance of a supervisor.

This PhD degree is sponsored by a company or an industry, and the research is typically focused on solving industry-specific problems. This course usually lasts for 3-5 years

Stream-wise PhD Degrees

1. science stream.

PhD ( )

PhD (Biotechnology)

PhD ( )

PhD ( )

PhD ( )

PhD ( )

PhD (Applied Sciences)

PhD (Clinical Research)

2. Commerce Stream

PhD (Accounting)

PhD (Business Administration)

PhD ( )

PhD (International Business)

PhD (Revenue Management)

PhD (Business Forensics)

PhD (Market Volatility)

PhD (Enterprise Risk Management)

3. Arts Stream

PhD ( )

PhD (Psychology)

PhD (History)

PhD (English Literature)

PhD ( )

PhD (Social Sciences)

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Major PhD in India Entrance Exams

Every university takes its entrance exam for admission and checks the qualification for a PhD of every applicant. These are the major PhD course entrance exams.

is a national-level entrance exam which is taken to check eligibility for the post of Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship. The exam consists of two papers and tests the candidate’s knowledge of their chosen subject.

GPAT (Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test) is a national-level entrance exam conducted in India for admission to postgraduate pharmacy programs. It tests the aptitude of candidates in various areas of pharmaceutical sciences and is conducted online.

CSIR entrance exam is conducted by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research to select eligible candidates for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Lectureship in various fields of Science and Technology. It consists of multiple-choice questions based on the syllabus of the respective subject.

Have a read at a Comprehensive Guide to Entrance Exams after Graduation .

PhD in India- Eligibility Criteria

Getting admission in PhD course is not an easy task, and if you are trying to get admission to any PhD program, check for these PhD eligibility criteria beforehand.

  • The candidate must have completed a Master’s degree i.e. (MTech/ MSc/ MA/ MPhil/ MBA). And it must be a full-time Master’s course from a recognised university by the government.
  • The overall grade point average of the candidate’s Master’s program must be at least 55% (or equivalent).
  • Candidates under SC, ST, and OBC categories will be given 5%- or 10%-mark relaxations. Applicants must present their reservation certificate to use these benefits.
  • The candidate must pass the PhD entrance exam.
  • A No Objection Certificate (NOC) f rom the educational institution or company where candidates are employed is required. Candidates must have job experience in a related field for a part-time PhD.

PhD Course Structure

1. coursework.

In PhD courses, students take a set have to take core courses or seminars in their field of study to build foundational knowledge. The coursework varies according to university but does includes both required and elective courses.

2. Research proposal

After completing the core courses, students must develop a research proposal outlining the problem they plan to investigate, the research questions they aim to answer, and the methods they will use to collect and analyze data.

3. Comprehensive exams

Before beginning their research for PhD course, students need to pass certain comprehensive exams covering their field of study to demonstrate their competence in the subject matter.

4. Research

Once students have completed their coursework and passed their comprehensive exams, they can begin their research. This typically involves conducting experiments, collecting data, or engaging in other research activities to answer the questions outlined in their research proposal.

5. Dissertation

The final requirement for a PhD course completion is the dissertation, which is a book-length document outlining the student’s research findings, conclusions, and contributions to their field of study. The dissertation has to be defended in front of a committee of faculty members and other experts in the field.

Read more: Complete Guide to Writing a Research Paper

steps to write dissertation for phd in India

5 Step PhD Course Admission Process

If you are confused about how to do PhD in India then follow these seven steps for the admission process.

Step 1: Find a Mentor

PhD students should find a supervisor willing to support them through their PhD journey. After finding a supervisor, candidates can apply offline or online. Almost all colleges and universities accept online applications now. However, if you wish, you can apply via the offline process by visiting the office of the university.

Step 2: Fill Online Admission Form

Candidates must complete the online PhD admission form before applying on the university or college website. All the needed qualification for PhD process in India is listed on the university’s official website and should be met. The online application is rejected if candidates fail to meet these requirements.

Step 3: Submit Necessary Documents

After completing the online application form, candidates must provide all necessary papers. These documents may include your passing certificate, degree, and migration certificate. Check the list of papers on the website before applying for the PhD admissions.

Step 4: Pass the Entrance Exam

The college/university needs PhD entrance exam. This exam must be taken after completing the application form. Fill out the form for the entrance exam and appear for it.

Step 5: Pass the Interview

Upon passing the PhD entrance exam, candidates will be invited for a doctoral academic interview. Admission is based on the academic doctoral interview and PhD entrance exam results. The institution or college decides the grades of students at each level and after passing the interview and fulfilling some other requirements you get admission.

Top Colleges for PhD in India

University of Delhi, Delhi


Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi


Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

₹3 lacs.

Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar

₹3-4 lacs

Calcutta University, Kolkata


Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh


Sharda University, Greater Noida

₹3-4 lacs.

Christ University, Bangalore

₹1-2 lacs.

Top 10 Career Options After PhD in India

Assistant Professor

3.8 LPA

Research Scientist

6.8 LPA

Data Scientist

10 LPA

Senior Research Fellow

4.5 LPA

Associate Professor

8.5 LPA

Management Consultant

22 LPA

Postdoctoral Researcher

10 LPA

Plan Your Career in PhD

Being known as PhD holder is something to be proud of, not just because it’s a symbol of great knowledge but also a great future. If you want a career like this then doing PhD in India is the best choice and if you are confused about how you are going to get admission in PhD, then re-read the article.

You can start your journey by researching the various fields available. Identify the specialization that aligns with your interests and career goals. Prepare thoroughly for entrance exams and interviews, and seek advice from current PhD students or professors. Once admitted, stay dedicated, and make the most of the resources and opportunities available to excel in your PhD course.

Make sure you carefully explore all your professional options because your career is extremely important. Before making the right decision, look over our  career advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the duration of a phd in india.

A PhD program lasts for three to six years. Candidates have a maximum of five to six years to finish the program. The course length and the time taken by students to complete their thesis may be different for different institutes.

What are the eligibility criteria for a PhD in India?

For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master’s degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required. In addition to this, candidates must know the language in which the course is taught and evaluated. Now, an MPhil degree is not a must for PhD admissions.

How much does a PhD in India cost?

The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs. This figure can go up or down based on whether you choose a private institute or a government one.

Is it easy to get a PhD in India?

Getting a PhD in India is not easy. Candidates pursuing PhDs in India must pass the entrance exams such as NET. This written exam checks if they have the relevant subject knowledge to conduct advanced research. Candidates must further clear a PhD interview exam. Candidates must clear these rounds before pursuing PhDs in their chosen areas of specialization.

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Why do a Ph.D. at CDS?

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CDS offers course and research-based degree programs . The course program is M.Tech. (Computational and Data Sciences) , and the research programs are M.Tech. (Research) and Ph.D. . The Ph.D. program at CDS is the flagship program of the department, and it is these doctoral programs that have helped IISc secure the rank as top university and top academic institution in India. As a result, it is the Ph.D. students at IISc who gain the most from our leading rank and reputation, and also contribute the most to the success of the Institute.

The Institute and the department strongly encourage applicants to join the Ph.D. program if they have the enthusiasm for research and advancing technology. However, many of the applicants to CDS are new to research, and you may be wondering “Is a Ph.D. right for me?” . This FAQ will try to address some of the misconceptions of a Ph.D., and offer our view on what it takes to do a Ph.D. at the CDS department of IISc, and how you can benefit from it.

  • A research program gives the opportunity to develop advanced skills in a focused area, and make a tangible intellectual contribution. It is about depth rather than breadth .
  • The research programs at CDS have much fewer course credit requirements , e.g., 12 credits for M.Tech.(Research) and 24 credits for Ph.D. as part of the Research Training Program (RTP) , compared to 40 credits for M.Tech.(CDS) course degree. The set of RTP courses are completely flexible and decided by the student and their advisor. This allows you to take courses that train you in your research area, and gives more time to do guided research.
  • A research program also gives you flexibility in the topic that you wish to conduct research on, even if you are new to it as long as you are passionate about it. There is less time-pressure and you get the chance to pick up the necessary skills and make a sustained impact.
  • Students in a research program work closely with an advisor right from the start of their program and get to interact and collaborate with other students in the research lab. This offers additional mentorship from peers, and a strong research support network. The students get to use all facilities of that lab, in addition to the facilities of the department.
  • Lastly, the career options once you complete a research degree are much broader and international in nature. You will also get a higher quality and payscale job compared to someone with just a course-based degree.
  • That is perfectly fine. We have many students who join without prior research experience. Even those who have conducted research earlier may not have worked at a top institution like IISc, and will need to be retrained. The courses taken as part of the research training program in the first 2 semesters, along with the research experience gained in the lab and advisor you work, with will prepare you for research.
  • At the same time, you should already be strong in your undergraduate courses and fundamental concepts . During the admissions process, we will test your level of preparation in your undergraduate subjects and your ability to apply those concepts. Prior research experience is not required.
  • I heard a Ph.D. takes 5, 6, 7, 8+ years to complete. I don’t want to commit that long!
  • That is not true. IISc has firm guidelines on how long a Ph.D. degree can take, and students MUST complete their doctoral studies latest by 6 years. At the CDS department, the average time to graduate with a Ph.D. is less than 5 years .
  • Research programs offer students the flexibility to accelerate their graduation time if they perform well, and have made a mark in their research topic. This is up to the student and their advisor, and a motivated student can finish rapidly. In fact, in some research areas, the longer you take, the less interesting that topic becomes since technology is fast-changing.
  • Not particularly. In both Masters and Ph.D. research programs, you first get research training in an area, then identify a suitable dissertation topic, and finally work on that topic for the rest of your degree. The key difference between the Masters and Ph.D. programs is that a doctoral student can select a topic that is more interesting and impactful since they can spend more time doing research. The more in-depth a student works on a research problem, the more meaningful the outcomes and better the future prospects.
  • In fact, one can consider the 2-3 years spent in the M.Tech. (Research) program to be the preliminary part of doing a Ph.D. It takes just 1-2 years longer than a Masters student for a Ph.D. student to complete — this maximizes your academic investment! It is a big bonus compared to doing a Masters first and then separately a Ph.D., which can take 7+ total years.
  • What if I realize that I am not cut-out for research after I start my Ph.D. program?
  • This is a reasonable concern since the true meaning of research will be evident only after you start your research. We understand this and offer a chance for doctoral students who feel that a Ph.D. is not right for them to exit with a M.Tech.(Research) degree, once they fulfil the Masters’ degree requirement. This is a decision taken in consultation with the student, advisor, department, and the Institute. Nothing in the degree or transcript will state that the student transitioned from a Ph.D. This way, there is no impact on future academic or career prospects, and the risk is limited.
  • Since IISc is the top research university in India, all departments including CDS place an emphasis on admitting Ph.D. research students . In fact, 65% of all students at IISc are in the Ph.D. program. Given a pool of applicants in an admissions cycle, priority will be given to Ph.D. applicants, and M.Tech. (Research) students will only be considered subsequently in the merit list. So if there are more high quality applicants to the Ph.D. program, then there will likely be fewer seats for Masters’ students. So we encourage students to consider the information provided in this FAQ and apply for the Ph.D. program.
  • At the same time, good students with exemplary performance in the admissions interview always stand a fair chance of being considered for the Masters if they have applied only for it.
  • In fact, only a small fraction of students who graduate with a Ph.D. end up joining becoming a faculty, and the global career options are plenty.
  • A majority actually join the industry , and at a much higher pay scale than their Masters’ degree colleagues. There are also industry jobs that require a Ph.D. degree, and research labs like Microsoft Research and IBM Research hire only doctoral graduates. The career advancement is also much faster. Since many low-tech jobs in the industry are being replaced by Artificial Intelligence, the job prospects for doctoral scholars are going to be much higher as they bring in higher order thinking and skills that cannot be automated. The quality of the work that is done in such research positions is also more interesting and cutting-edge, compared to basic coding and product development for students without a Ph.D.
  • Many Ph.D. graduates also go on to start startups based on their research (e.g., Google was started based on Brin and Page’s doctoral topics, even though they dropped out). A doctoral degree trains a student to become independent and focused contributors, and to innovate on a daily basis. This is the essence of entrepreneurship. IISc also offers training on incubation and translation, and the department offers training on writing funding proposals. That’s why many startups and venture capitals, including Flipkart, Accel and Airwoot, hire Ph.D.’s or are led by them.
  • D. graduates also have the option of joining universities and government labs as scientists and postdocs . These allow you to conduct research as part of a team on projects of national and international importance, but do not expect you to teach courses or advise students.
  • Lastly, if you realize that you enjoy academic research and do wish to become a faculty at top universities worldwide, a Ph.D. is a requirement. Once you join IISc, you will realize that faculty labs are more like a high-energy startups rather than a cushy government job 🙂 And a Ph.D. from IISc is the best you can get in India to prepare you for a faculty position!
  • I am interested in working/studying abroad after my studies at IISc. Does a Ph.D. from IISc help?
  • Indeed, and this is common. IISc is the top university in India according to national and global rankings ( QS , THE ). We are also rank No. 8 in the world for small universities, which means more personalized attention to students. While IITs are well known for their B.Tech. Graduates, IISc is internationally famous for our Ph.D.s! Many of our graduates join top multinationals in India and abroad, in addition to postdoc positions at universities across the world for further training. In fact, one of the perks of doing a Ph.D. at IISc is the chance to attend international conferences several times and establish a network of global colleagues. This and your advisors’ contacts can help you secure a position at prime institutions worldwide.
  • At the same time, if you do wish to return and work in India long term, you can always use your IISc Ph.D. to get placed at top postdoc positions or industry labs internationally, and return back to India when you are comfortable. Most faculty at IISc have international doctorates, post-doctorate and/or industry experience, and can advise you on this.
  • IISc currently offers all Ph.D. students a scholarship of Rs.25,000/month for the first 2 years, and Rs.28,000/month for the next 3 years. This is periodically revised by the Government of India. All students are also provided on-campus hostel accommodation and mess facilities. The hostel and tuition fees are nominal. Students also have access to the Gymkhana sports facilities, various campus cultural and recreational groups, and a clean-green environment in the heart of the Bangalore city that is just a short ride from top restaurants and malls. All of this means you have more than Rs.15,000/month for your expenses , which is generous. In fact, this is not too different from an entry-level industry position once you deduct the housing costs and other expenses in a modern city like Bangalore!
  • In additional, Ph.D. students can also apply to prestigious fellowships from the Government of India, and industries from India and globally. These are open only to doctoral students. At the top end, the Prime Minister’s Fellowship provides students with up to 8.7 lakhs per year , while the Visvesvaraya fellowship for Electronics and IT offers Rs.35,000/month . TCS, Google, IBM Research and Facebook also have global fellowship programs for PhD students, with up to US$3000/month given as fellowship. Given that you are a student at IISc, your chances of securing such a fellowship is much better than any other university in India!
  • Yes and yes!
  • The essence of research is to take a fresh perspective on existing problems, or identify novel problems that can be solved. So this requires a diversity of views when approaching the research area. Globally, there is a growing recognition of the importance of gender diversity in research and academia, particularly in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) areas, to help solve hard research problems . As a result, there are specific programs to improve the enrolment of female students and employees in universities and industry. Special scholarships such as the Google Women Techmakers fellowship are available, and the Indian government also has programs from the Department of Science and Technology to support Women Scientists.
  • IISc and CDS value diversity. About 25% of students at IISc are female and we hope to increase this number of the coming years. We make all possible arrangements to accommodate specific needs of individual students to ensure their academic success and a productive career. IISc also has the Women in Science, Engineering and Research (WiSER) group that offer a supportive network of female students, faculty and industrialists to address specific concerns. Prof. Rohini Godbole from IISc has even compiled a book on the leading women scientists of India, Lilavati’s Daughters , to serve as role models. A research career also offers flexible timings rather than a 9AM-5PM corporate job, and this can help with work-life balance as well.

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Guide to PhD Admission in India – 2024

Ph.D. Admission 2024 in Government Universities in India: Institutions, Eligibility, Fees, and Publication Requirements

Dr. Somasundaram R

Pursuing a PhD in India is a significant academic pursuit that opens doors to advanced research and academic careers. If you are considering Ph.D. admission in 2023, this comprehensive guide will provide you with valuable information about the institutions offering PhD programs in government universities in India. ilovephd will explore the eligibility criteria, fees, and publication requirements to help you make an informed decision about your Ph.D. journey.

Top 50 research institutions in India in 2023 to do PhD

The top 50 research institutions in India in 2023, according to the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) :

  • Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras)
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IIT Delhi)
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IIT Bombay)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT Kharagpur)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur)
  • Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT Guwahati)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IIT Hyderabad)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IIT Indore)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (IIT Bhubaneswar)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Patna (IIT Patna)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Ropar (IIT Ropar)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati (IIT Tirupati)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IIT Gandhinagar)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Mandi (IIT Mandi)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Jammu (IIT Jammu)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai (IIT Bhilai)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad (IIT Palakkad)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad (IIT Dharwad)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Assam (IIT Assam)
  • Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani (BITS Pilani)
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad (IIIT Allahabad)
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore (IIIT Bangalore)
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology, Guwahati (IIIT Guwahati)
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT Hyderabad)
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kerala (IIIT Kerala)
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology, Lucknow (IIIT Lucknow)
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology, Manipur (IIIT Manipur)
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology, Patna (IIIT Patna)
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sricity (IIIT Sricity)
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara (IIIT Vadodara)
  • National Institute of Technology Calicut (NIT Calicut)
  • National Institute of Technology Durgapur (NIT Durgapur)
  • National Institute of Technology Hamirpur (NIT Hamirpur)
  • National Institute of Technology Jalandhar (NIT Jalandhar)
  • National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra (NIT Kurukshetra)
  • National Institute of Technology Manipur (NIT Manipur)
  • National Institute of Technology Raipur (NIT Raipur)
  • National Institute of Technology Silchar (NIT Silchar)
  • National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (NIT Tiruchirappalli)
  • National Institute of Technology Warangal (NIT Warangal)
  • National Institute of Technology, Delhi (NIT Delhi)
  • National Institute of Technology, Durgapur (NIT Durgapur)
  • National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur (NIT Jamshedpur)
  • These institutions are all highly respected for their research output and their contributions to the advancement of knowledge. They offer a wide range of research programs and opportunities for students and faculty, and they are committed to excellence in research.

Eligibility Criteria to Get PhD admission in government universities in India

To be eligible for PhD admission in government universities in India, applicants generally need to meet the following criteria:

  • Educational Qualification: A postgraduate degree (Master’s or equivalent) in a relevant discipline from a recognized university or institute.
  • Minimum Marks: Most institutions require a minimum aggregate percentage of 55% or an equivalent CGPA in the qualifying examination.
  • Entrance Exams: Universities may conduct their entrance exams, while some accept national-level exams such as UGC-NET , CSIR-NET, GATE, or JRF.
  • Research Proposal: A well-defined research proposal showcasing your research interests, objectives, and methodology is often required.
  • Interviews: Shortlisted candidates are usually called for an interview or written test to assess their research aptitude and subject knowledge.

Fees for PhD admission 2024 in govt universities in India

The fee structure for Ph.D. programs in government universities in India can vary based on the institution and discipline. However, government universities generally offer PhD programs with nominal or subsidized fees compared to private universities. It is advisable to visit the official websites of the respective universities for accurate and up-to-date fee details.

Publication Requirements for PhD in India

PhD programs emphasize the importance of research output and scholarly publications. While publication requirements may vary across universities and disciplines, it is common for Ph.D. scholars to publish their research in reputed academic journals or conference proceedings during their program.

The number of publications and specific requirements may differ from one institution to another. It is essential to consult the respective university’s guidelines and the recommendations of your supervisor regarding publication expectations.


Embarking on a PhD journey in a government university in India in 2024 is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the academic and research landscape.

By considering the list of institutions, eligibility criteria, fees, and publication requirements discussed in this guide, you can navigate the PhD admission process more effectively. Remember to visit the official websites of the universities you are interested in for the most accurate and updated information. Good luck with your Ph.D. admission and future research endeavors!

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Dr. Somasundaram R

Top 50 Research Institutions in India: NIRF Rankings 2024

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Latest news detail, comprehensive guide to phd admissions in india | latest ugc guidelines for phd admission.

13 Sep 2023

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on PhD admissions in India. Here, we'll break down the ins and outs of pursuing a doctoral degree in the country. Understanding the academic landscape, especially at this advanced level, requires knowing the processes and criteria involved. These latest UGC guidelines for PhD scholars not only explain the basics of applying for a PhD program but also emphasize the importance of the Latest UGC guidelines for PhD admission, particularly focusing on the UGC guidelines for PhD in 2023. By carefully examining and summarizing the most current policies and procedures outlined in the Latest UGC guidelines for PhD scholars 2023, our goal is to provide aspiring researchers with the necessary knowledge and insights regarding UGC guidelines for PhD admission 2023 to start their academic journey confidently and with clear direction.

What are the ways in which one can get PhD admissions in India?

1. National Eligibility Tests (NET) : If you qualify in national-level tests like NET by UGC or CSIR, you become eligible for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), which can be a criterion for admission.

2. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE): For engineering and technology fields, GATE scores are often considered for PhD admissions in IITs and other technical institutions.

3. Institutional Entrance Exams : Many universities and research institutions conduct their own entrance exams. For example, JNU, TISS, and others have their specific tests.

4. Research Entrance Test (RET) : Some universities hold their own Research Entrance Tests to admit students directly to PhD programs.

5. Interviews and Written Tests : Alongside standardized tests, universities may conduct interviews and/or written tests to evaluate a candidate's research aptitude.

6. Sponsored Candidates : If you're employed in a research organization or industry, your employer may sponsor you for a PhD. In such cases, you might need to clear the entrance exams or follow the guidelines set by the sponsoring institution.

7. Foreign Students Quota : Some universities reserve seats for foreign students. The admission process for foreign students may differ from that for Indian nationals.

8. UGC/CSIR Fellowship s: If you've qualified for UGC NET/JRF or CSIR NET/JRF, you can apply for PhD positions in institutions that accept these fellowships.

9. Industry Collaborations : Industries sometimes collaborate with academic institutions for research projects. If you're part of such a project, it might lead to a PhD admission opportunity.

10. Direct Admission (Without a Master's Degree) : In exceptional cases, candidates with a robust research background might be admitted directly to a PhD program without having completed a Master's degree.

11. Merit-Based Admission : Some universities may offer PhD admissions based solely on academic merit and previous research experience.

What is the process for getting PhD admissions in India?

1. Pick Your Field of Study : First things first, choose the field you're passionate about. Make sure it aligns with your academic background and career aspirations.

2. Find Potential Advisors : Look for professors or researchers working in your area of interest. Read up on their work and get in touch to express your interest in joining their team.

3. Check Eligibility Criteria : Take a look at the university or department's eligibility requirements. Typically, you'll need a relevant postgraduate degree with a minimum percentage or grade.

4. Gather Application Documents :    - CV : Put together a detailed CV highlighting your education, research experience, publications (if any), and other pertinent info.    - Statement of Purpose (SOP) : Write a clear statement explaining why you're keen on a PhD, your research interests, and how they align with the department's offerings.       - Research Proposal (if needed) : If required, outline your intended research topic, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.    - Academic Transcripts and Certificates : Include copies of your academic records and degree certificates.    - Letters of Recommendation : Usually, you'll need a couple of letters from professors or professionals who can vouch for your academic and research capabilities.    - Standardized Test Scores (if applicable) : If relevant, provide scores from tests like NET, GATE, or any other required national or international exams.    - Application Fee : If there's an application fee, be sure to pay it.

5. Submit Applications : Most universities have an online application system. Fill out the form, upload your documents, and pay any necessary fees.

6. Entrance Exam/Interview (if needed) : Some universities may conduct subject-specific tests or interviews to evaluate your research potential.

7. Shortlisting and Selection : Based on the applications, universities will shortlist candidates. If necessary, participate in interviews or written tests.

8. Admission Notification : Once the selection process is done, the university will let you know their decision. If you're accepted, you'll receive a formal offer letter.

9. Acceptance and Enrollment : If you get an offer, formally accept it and follow the provided instructions for enrollment. This might involve paying fees, providing more documents, and registering for courses.

10. Begin Your PhD Program : Start your PhD program according to the university's academic calendar.

What are the requirements for getting PhD admissions in India?

1. Educational Background :    - You should hold a postgraduate degree (Master's or equivalent) in a relevant field from a recognized university. Some institutions may have specific percentage or grade requirements.

2. Qualifying Tests (if applicable) :    - If you've cleared national-level exams like NET (conducted by UGC or CSIR) or GATE, it can boost your eligibility for PhD admissions, particularly in specific technical fields.

3. Research Proposal (if asked for):    - Certain universities might request a research proposal. This document outlines your planned research topic, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.

4. Statement of Purpose (SOP) :    - You'll need to submit a well-articulated SOP explaining your research interests, academic history, and reasons for pursuing a PhD.

5. Recommendation Letters :    - Typically, you'll require two to three recommendation letters from professors or professionals who can vouch for your academic prowess and research potential.

6. Standardized Test Scores (if relevant):    - Depending on your field, you may need to provide scores from tests like NET, JRF, or GATE. Some departments may also have their own subject-specific tests.

7. Academic Records :    - Supply copies of your academic records, including transcripts and degree certificates.

8. Work Experience (if applicable) :    - Relevant work experience may be considered as an additional qualification in some cases.

9. Interview or Written Test (if needed) :    - Certain universities or departments may conduct an interview or written test to gauge your research capabilities.

10. Language Proficiency :    - Proficiency in the language of instruction, typically English, may be evaluated, especially for international applicants.

11. Meeting Specific Departmental Requirements :    - Some departments may have extra prerequisites. For instance, they might expect candidates to have completed specific courses at the Master's level.

12. Category-based Considerations (if applicable) :    - Reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC/PwD) might have specific relaxations in eligibility criteria. It's advisable to verify with the respective university.

Funding opportunities for PhD programs in India:

1. Prime Minister’s Fellowship Scheme for Doctoral Research : This initiative offers a monthly stipend ranging from 70,000 to 80,000 INR for four years. It supports PhD scholars engaged in research related to science, technology, engineering, agriculture, or medicine, in collaboration with an industry partner.

2. Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) : Esteemed agencies like UGC, CSIR, ICAR, ICMR, and others award this fellowship to meritorious candidates who excel in national-level entrance exams like UGC-NET, GATE, CSIR-NET, etc. The monthly fellowship amount varies from 25,000 to 31,000 INR, depending on the subject and awarding agency.

3. Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) : This is for JRF recipients who have completed two years of dedicated research and have contributed to at least one research publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The fellowship amount ranges from 28,000 to 35,000 INR per month, depending on the field of study and the conferring agency.

4. Research Assistantship : Some universities or institutes offer this assistantship to their PhD scholars involved in teaching or research activities. The monthly stipend typically ranges from 10,000 to 20,000 INR, depending on the university and the nature of assigned responsibilities.

Revised Guidelines of UGC

If you hold a four-year undergraduate degree with a CGPA of at least 7.5 out of 10, you're eligible to apply for PhD programs without a master's degree. Those who have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) or have a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) are exempt from the entrance test conducted by universities or colleges for PhD admission. Around 40% of the available PhD seats in each subject will be filled through the entrance test, while the remaining seats will be allocated to NET/JRF qualified candidates or those with equivalent fellowships. The entrance test comprises two papers: one on research aptitude and methodology, and another on the specific subject of research. To pass, you need to score at least 50% in each paper. If you clear the entrance test, you'll need to submit a research proposal and attend an interview with a research advisory committee. The PhD program must span a minimum of three years and a maximum of six years. In the first year, you're required to complete coursework amounting to at least 12 credits. Your PhD thesis will be assessed by at least two external examiners, one of whom must be from outside the state or country. You'll also have to defend your thesis in an open viva voce examination.

New Guidelines of UGC

If you have a four-year bachelor’s degree with a CGPA of at least 7.5, or a master’s degree with 55% marks, you're eligible for a PhD program. Candidates who've cleared the NET or JRF exams are exempt from the entrance test conducted by universities or colleges for PhD admission. The entrance test consists of two papers: one on research skills and methods, and another on the specific subject of research. You need to score at least 50% in each paper to qualify. Once you pass the entrance test, you'll need to submit a research proposal and attend an interview with a research advisory committee. The PhD program spans a minimum of three years and a maximum of six years. In the first year, you're required to complete coursework amounting to at least 12 credits. Your PhD thesis will be evaluated by at least two external examiners, one of whom must be from outside the state or country. You'll also have to defend your thesis in an open viva voce examination.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the processes and rules of UGC guidelines for PhD admission 2023 requires some careful consideration. Being familiar with the UGC guidelines for PhD scholars is crucial because they form the foundation for academic pursuits at this level. It's essential to keep up with the latest UGC guidelines for PhD scholars, especially the latest UGC guidelines for PhD admission in 2023. These guidelines provide the necessary structure to ensure a thorough and consistent approach to doctoral education. Following the latest UGC guidelines for PhD scholars in 2023 not only ensures compliance with established norms but also creates an environment conducive to top-notch research and academic achievements.

FAQ - Ph.D.

  • Frequently asked questions about the Ph.D. Programme
  • Frequently asked questions about the entrance test and interview

Frequently Asked Questions About Ph.D.  Programme

  • What are the various scholarships available for Ph.D. scholars?
  • Are there any entrance exam or interview for getting into the Ph.D. programme?
  • How do I get the application forms?
  • Should I enrol in full-time or part-time Ph.D. programme?
  • I am currently working with an organization.  I can get a maximum of 2 years off work to pursue Ph.D. What category should I apply under?
  • How long does a typical Ph.D. take?
  • What do I expect out of a Ph.D? What do I need do to get a Ph.D.?
  • I would like to come and meet with the faculty and students of IEOR, before I make my decision to do a Ph.D. in IEOR.  Can I do that?
  • What level of professional exposure is given to Ph.D. Scholars?
  • What facilities can a Ph.D. scholar expect at IIT?
  • What are my job prospects after doing my Ph.D. in IEOR?
  • Where can I get additional information?
  • How do I select my guide? I want to work with faculty “ABC”. How can I ensure that?
  • What are the kind of courses that are offered? What should I expect?
  • Ph.D. at IIT Bombay ... is it going to be tough?
  • How to apply for Ph.D. in IITB-Monash Research Academy? Is it through the same admissions test?

Q. What are the various scholarships available for Ph.D. scholars? Institute scholarships (Teaching assistantships) are available for those who clear the GATE exam (for B.Tech/ M.Tech) and UGC/ CSIR/ MHRD exams (for M.Sc.).

Other sources of funding (through UGC/ CSIR/ MHRD awards, sponsored projects in the institute, etc.) also may be available to students as applicable.

The scholarships for Full-time Scholars are typically for a duration of four years.

Q. Are there any entrance exam or interview for getting into the Ph.D. programme? Yes, there is an entrance exam AND an interview, which all the applicants are expected to attend.  Typically, both the exam and interview are held on the same day.  The dates can be found in the schedule displayed in the site http://www.iitb.ac.in/newacadhome/phd.jsp

The entrance test covers topic to do with Optimization, Stochastic Models and other areas to do with Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.  Read the FAQs on exam and interview for more information.

Q. How do I get the application forms? Application forms can be downloaded from the site: http://www.iitb.ac.in/newacadhome/phd.jsp

Q. Should I enrol in full-time or part-time Ph.D. programme? The part-time Ph.D. programme is open to (1) College teachers in and around Mumbai, (2) IIT-B faculty/ staff, (3) IIT Project staff, (4) IIT Research Assistants and (5) External sponsored candidates from other organizations in and around Mumbai.  All others have to apply for Full-time Ph.D. programme.

Q. I am currently working with an organization.  I can get a maximum of 2 years off work to pursue Ph.D. What category should I apply under? One option is to enrol as a Part-time Research Scholar under one of its categories (mentioned above), as applicable.

  Q. How long does a typical Ph.D. take? Full-time Scholars registered under QIP are expected to complete Ph.D. in 3 years.  Other full-time scholars typically complete Ph.D. in 4-5 years.  In some cases it may take longer or shorter depending upon the progress of the candidate. Part-time scholars typically complete Ph.D. in 4-6 years.  As per Institute norms, for all categories of students, the period of validity of their Ph.D. registration is six years from the date of registration.

Q. What do I expect out of a Ph.D? What do I need do to get a Ph.D.? The description of the Ph.D. programme (course and research requirements) can be found here .  Towards the end of the student’s Ph.D., the candidate submits to the Institute a thesis which will be judged by a panel of experts (both from IITB and outside) for "its contribution to advancement of knowledge." 

Q. I would like to come and meet with the faculty and students of IEOR, before I make my decision to do a Ph.D. in IEOR.  Can I do that? Of course! You are welcome to meet the faculty and students of IEOR.  Please fix up an appointment beforehand by mailing the 2020 admissions coordinator, Prof. Vishnu Narayanan at [email protected] with the subject as ‘2020 Ph.D. Admissions’.

Q. What level of professional exposure is given to Ph.D. Scholars?

  • IEOR actively encourages Ph.D. students to participate in National as well as International Conferences and Workshops.
  • Periodic dissemination of student findings in academic journals and obtaining in the feedback of peer community is encouraged.
  • Travel grants are available for attending national and international conferences.
  • Original ideas and submission of research proposals to national funding agencies is also encouraged.
  • Handling of course lectures and tutorials can be done by Ph.D. Research Scholars, based on their interest and initiative.
  • Early Faculty Induction Programme ( EFIP ) to provide opportunity and nurture students to take up teaching career in Engineering Colleges.
  • Collaborations with companies on projects are also possible.
  • Placement after completion of the programme is strongly influenced by such activities.

Q. What facilities can a Ph.D. scholar expect?

  • Each Full time Ph.D. Scholar will be provided with a dedicated work area with a desktop computer and supporting infrastructure. They have access to computational servers and software in IEOR. Part-time Ph.D. scholars can also avail the use of IEOR Computation Lab.
  • A huge Central Library is available on campus, which houses plenty of books in the IEOR area.
  • IEOR also maintains a good collection of books.
  • IIT Bombay has subscribed to plenty of electronic journals which can be easily accessed via the Internet.
  • High speed 1GBps LAN is available on campus and in all hostel room to access the Internet.

Q.  What are my job prospects after doing my Ph.D. in IEOR? There is an increasing demand for specialised placement of doctoral candidates in consulting, research organisations/ labs in government and other sectors (MNCs), academics, specialist technology firms (e.g. data analytics, financial engineering), and other organisations.  Such jobs require people who are capable of doing sustained, rigorous and high quality work in the relevant area, for which our Ph.D. programme is a good training ground.

Q. Where can I get additional information? Browse the IEOR website.  There is plenty of information regarding the IEOR programme in general, academics, our research, IEOR activities, employment history and more.  The list of current Ph.D. students of IEOR can be found here .  You can get in touch with them for more information.  If you need additional information, please e-mail our 2017 Admissions Coordinator, Prof. Vishnu Narayanan at [email protected] with the subject as ‘2017 Ph.D. Admissions’.

Q. How do I select my guide? I want to work with faculty “ABC”. How can I ensure that? Once you are offered admission, you begin your Ph.D. with course requirements. This is the time where you try and gain some breadth across the field by picking various courses, not just the ones of your interest. After successful completion of courses, you are encouraged to have discussions with different faculty member from diverse backgrounds. Then based on mutual interest, guides can be decided.

Q. What are the kind of courses that are offered? What should I expect? Refer to this link for list of courses: http://www.ieor.iitb.ac.in/acad/courses You will get plenty of opportunity to brush up on different OR skills, if you feel you need more training.

Q. Ph.D. at IIT Bombay ... is it going to be tough?  As postgraduate students, we are expected to be motivated for rigorous reading writing exercises. To achieve one of the highest degrees offered by an institute of national importance certainly asks for commitment and perseverance. However, more often than not, the process turn out to be satisfying as well as enjoyable.

Q. How to apply for Ph.D. in IITB-Monash Research Academy? Is it through the same admissions test? IITB and IITB-Monash Research Academy (IMURA) have separate admissions process. Please refer http://www.iitbmonash.org for IMURA admissions and details.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Entrance Test and Interview

Disclaimer: The answers to these questions are merely suggestive. They based on experiences of students in the previous admissions tests and should not be considered as official policies.

  • What is the syllabus for the exam? What kind of questions come for the exam?
  • How do I prepare for this screening test? Please suggest some standard text books/study material/online lecture series that I could follow.
  • What is the role/requirement of programming skills?
  • I do not have a masters in IE or OR. Will that reduce my chances?
  • What are the employment prospects after completing Ph.D.?
  • My gate score is not valid. What should I do?
  • Is work experience mandatory?
  • What are the dates for interview/publication of results?
  • I will not be able to attend the interview/ written exam on the scheduled date.  What do I do?

Q. What is the syllabus for the exam? What kind of questions come for the exam? Please refer to the link http://www.ieor.iitb.ac.in/model_questions

Q. How do I prepare for this screening test? Please suggest some standard text books/study material/online lecture series that I could follow. You can read any standard textbook like "Introduction to Operations Research" by Hillier and Lieberman, or Chvatal's Linear Programming book. Any basic course on statistics should take care of the rest, Sheldon Ross, for example. The screening test (objective type) is used for the screening and the subjective part is used for the interview where the applicant's inclination is judged.

Q. What is the role/requirement of programming skills? For admission, your programming skills will be valued but background and understanding of IEOR subjects is more important. You will get to know a lot of new tools and programming languages if you are interested, which can help you in implementing your research findings.

Q. I do not have a masters in IE or OR. Will that reduce my chances? You should not face any serious impediment because this is an interdisciplinary program, where a basic level of IE&OR knowledge is required. In the course of study, you get an opportunity to learn from scratch here.

Q. My gate score is not valid. What should I do? The prerequisites for admission to a particular category are decided by the institute. Here is  a link: http://www.ieor.iitb.ac.in/admissions/phd

Q. Is work experience mandatory? Many of the students have joined Ph.D. without any work experience. For mandatory requirements, refer link in Q8.

Q. What are the dates for interview/publication of results? Please visit http://www.iitb.ac.in/newacadhome/phd.jsp for the detailed information and dates.

Q. I won’t be able to attend the interview/ written exam on the scheduled date.  What do I do? The scheduled dates are fixed and cannot be changed.  You need to attend on the given date.

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Everything About a PhD degree in India

  • January 19, 2023
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PhD degree in India

This guide will help you learn about PhD degrees in India and the various steps involved in applying for one. Whether you already have a bachelor’s degree or are still a few years away from earning one, there are many reasons to pursue a PhD Admission 2024 . PhD programs in India can lead to many opportunities in academia, research careers, and industry. You might wonder how much education or training it takes to earn such an advanced degree. The truth is that each country has standards for what makes someone eligible for admission into a doctoral program. That being said, here are some general guidelines that apply across the globe: 

Table of Content

  • What is PhD Degree?
  • Why pursue a PhD Degree?
  • How to Choose Doctorate Program?
  • Difference between MS in engineering and PhD in Engineering
  • Areas of PhD Degree in India
  • Requirements for PhD Admission
  • Duration of a PhD Degree
  • Is GRE Required For PhD Abroad?
  • Registration Procedure for GRE
  • Universities for GRE Scores
  • FAQ’s

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What is a phd degree  .

A PhD degree is a postgraduate research degree awarded after a student completes a thesis. It’s the highest academic degree in India and requires at least five years of research work, including coursework and exams. 

The word “ PhD ” stands for Doctor of Philosophy , which refers to someone who has earned this title by completing his/her doctoral studies (or “literae humaniores”) at an institution with a faculty granting such degrees. In other words: if you want to earn this degree from any university or college in India, you must first get admitted into one of their programs as an undergraduate student before being allowed access into their PhD program. 

Why pursue a PhD degree?  

A PhD degree program in India is a doctorate, which requires you to complete three years of full-time study. It’s considered higher than an MPhil (Master’s in Philosophy), which takes two years to complete. 

A professional doctorate (PD) is awarded to those who have completed a master’s degree in their field and seek further training and research work at the postdoctoral level. The PD program provides funding for doctoral studies and research facilities necessary for advanced study. This type of program aims at developing the skills needed by professionals working in their field but who may not necessarily have completed all requirements for receiving an academic doctorate, such as teaching experience or publishing articles during their time at university.

How to choose the right doctorate program?  

The first thing you should do is choose the right doctorate program. Many factors need to be kept in mind while selecting a program and deciding whether it’s right for you or not. Here are some tips: 

Choose one that aligns with your career goals. If your goal is to become a professor, then you should go for an MPhil/PhD degree course in Philosophy or Political Science; otherwise, if it’s more about earning money than becoming famous, then go for Law or Business Administration courses instead of Humanities subjects such as History, Literature etcetera.* Choose one that aligns with your academic interests.* Selecting a program based on personal interest can also lead to success but only if these interests have nothing against academics like poetry writing competitions etc. 

Difference between MS, MS in engineering, and PhD in engineering  

MS in engineering (MSEE) and MS in chemical engineering are offered through the same department but have different names. The MSEE is an undergraduate degree that can be completed within 2-3 years for those with a bachelor’s degree. It is designed to allow students to study specific fields of science and technology so that they might pursue advanced degrees at the PhD level or beyond later down the road. 

The MS in Chemical Engineering takes up four years of full-time study after earning an undergraduate degree as well as having completed applied research projects at local schools or industrial sites around your town/city where you live; this type of program tends to be more focused on technical skills than theoretical knowledge since it focuses primarily on developing practical applications rather than theories behind them (e.g., how do we design new machines?). 

What are the different areas for PhD degree in India?  

  • Engineering 
  • Business (i.e., management) 
  • Humanities and social sciences 

What are some common requirements for admission into a PhD degree program in India?  

You need to fulfill several requirements before applying for a PhD degree in India . Some of them include: 

  • GRE scores 
  • TOEFL scores (if English is not your first language) 
  • TOEIC scores (if English is not your first language) 
  • TOEFL iBT scores (if English is not your first language) * TOEFL CBT scores * TOEFL PBT scores 

What is the duration of doing a PhD degree?  

The duration of a PhD degree depends on the subject you choose and the university you apply to. A PhD admission in 2024 is a 3-year course, meaning you must complete it within five years or less. 

If you plan to study something like literature or science, it will take longer than if you want to study social sciences or humanities. 

Is GRE required when applying for a PhD abroad?  

GRE is required for most universities, and getting your score as high as possible is a good idea. However, there are some exceptions: 

  • PhD admission in 2024 doesn’t require the GRE (although some do). 
  • PhD programs in China don’t require the GRE. 
  • PhD programs in Germany don’t require the GRE as well. 

Do GRE scores matter when applying for a PhD abroad?  

While GRE scores are not a deciding factor for admission, they are used by many PhD degree programs to determine who they want to admit. 

So, if you have taken the test before and scored high on it, your chances of getting into a PhD program abroad are higher than if you had not taken it or scored poorly. However, this does not mean that those who do well in the GRE will automatically be admitted into any particular program on their application; all universities have different requirements and criteria for admission, so even if your score is above average (or even very high), there may still be other factors at play in determining whether or not you get accepted into a particular program (e.g., GPA). 

Some Questions related to PhD Courses in India

Yes, a PhD in Physics can be a difficult degree. The requirements for a PhD in Physics are high, and the coursework is challenging. You will need to be able to understand complex concepts and apply them to real-world situations. Additionally, you will need to be able to conduct independent research and be able to defend your findings in front of a panel of experts. Although a PhD in Physics can be difficult, it is also rewarding and can open up many doors for you in the future.

Yes, a PhD in English typically includes the study of linguistics as a component. Most English doctoral programs include courses in linguistics, including topics such as language acquisition, language change, and language theory. Depending on the program, students may also be able to specialize in linguistics and complete additional coursework and research in this field.

The top foreign universities that offer a PhD in Commerce are Harvard University, the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, Stanford University, the University of California – Berkeley, the University of Pennsylvania, New York University, Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, and the University of Michigan. Each of these universities offers an excellent program that allows students to explore the complexities of commerce and its various aspects, such as international business, economic theory, and marketing.

A PhD in Management is a research degree that allows you to focus on the study of management theory and practice. You’ll be able to choose from a number of different subjects, including: The nature of work Organizational change and development Strategic management Human resource management Theoretical models of decision making

A PhD in Computer Science is an advanced degree that requires a lot of hard work and dedication. The coursework is rigorous and the dissertation can be a long process. But, you will gain many skills that can help you succeed in your career in computers and software development. However, with the right attitude and support system, you can make it through!

Law is a very specific area of study, and you will need at least one degree in order to work as a lawyer. However, there are many different types of law degrees that you can earn, ranging from doctorate-level programs to undergraduate degrees. The most common form of law degree is the Juris Doctor (JD), which takes three years to complete. The best law subject for candidates is a doctorate-level degree, and the best law programs are those that offer both JD and PhD degrees. You can also earn an LLM, which is a master’s degree in law, but this is less common than the other two options.

Yes, it is possible. You can go for a PhD in Political Science after your Sociology graduation. There are many institutes that offer PhD programs in political science and you can get admission there. You can also go for an MA in Political Science after your Sociology graduation and then apply for PhD programs.

Yes, you can! Many universities offer online PhD in Biology programs. These are designed for students who want to continue working while earning their degree. You’ll be able to take classes from home and connect with your peers through video conferencing software. Aimlay can be your one-stop solution to pursue your desired degree (UG/PG/PhD) with offline studies or online mode. 

A PhD in Psychology is a doctorate degree that focuses on the study of behaviour, mental processes, and neural systems. The PhD in Psychology is typically earned after completing a series of courses and submitting a thesis. This can take anywhere from three to seven years to complete. This PhD degree is advanced that prepares students for careers as researchers, teachers, consultants, or administrators.

Yes, it is. There are many reasons why a PhD in Nursing is better for women than a Master’s degree in Nursing or a BSN degree. First of all, the PhD will prepare you for leadership positions as well as give you an edge on your graduate school application. The Master’s takes longer to complete and requires more coursework without providing any additional knowledge that would help you advance in your career.

How much do I need to score on the GRE to get admission to top universities abroad?  

The GRE is a standardized test that can be taken annually and determines whether students are eligible for admission into universities. This means that your score on the GRE is not as important as your GPA, which is determined by your school’s application requirements and thus varies from school to school. 

If you have decent grades across all subjects, then there is no reason why you won’t be able to get into any good university with an average GRE score of 1400 or lower (or even 1600). But if you don’t have such high grades overall in both theory and practice, then getting into top universities abroad will be much more difficult for you because they usually require higher levels of proficiency in math skills before considering someone for admission 

How to take the GRE in India, and what is the registration procedure?  

The GRE test is offered at many test centers in India. The list of GRE test centers in India includes: 

  • Delhi (Noida, Gurgaon) 
  • Bangalore (Bangalore) 
  • Pune (Pune) 

GRE is also offered in English and Hindi languages. You have to register yourself for the GRE exam by paying a fee of Rs 1,200 or more depending on your nationality. You can also opt for the online mode, which will be convenient for you and those who cannot afford traveling expenses to take their tests at any center near them. 

Which universities accept low GRE scores?  

The GRE is a standardized test used by many universities in the United States and other countries. It measures your ability to analyze, synthesize and defend arguments. The score you get on this exam will determine whether or not your application is accepted by a university or not. 

If you are applying to a top university then your GRE score should be above average so that it shows you have the potential for academic excellence and leadership qualities required of students at these institutes of higher education such as Harvard University or Yale University (both are highly ranked). 


Finding out information and applying for PhDs can be challenging, but hopefully, this guide will help you.  

Finding out information and applying for PhD admission 2024 can be challenging, but hopefully, this guide will help you. You can do it! Don’t give up, don’t be afraid to ask questions, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

If you ever have any doubts about what direction your research will take, many online resources can help answer those questions. There are also many services available at universities around the world where students can get advice from experienced professionals in their field of study as well as other students who’ve been through similar situations before them. 

We hope this blog has helped you understand about PhD degrees in India and how to apply for one. It can be daunting, but remember that the process isn’t as difficult as it seems. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us today!  

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Academia Insider

How Long Is A PhD Program? How Long Does It Take To Get A PhD Or Doctorate?

A common question that many graduate students have is whether they can pursue a PhD after completing their master’s degree.

The answer is yes, it is possible to continue your academic career by obtaining a doctoral degree in your field of study.

There are several factors that need to be considered before embarking on this path.

This article will provide an overview of the key factors students should consider when deciding whether to pursue a PhD after completing their master’s degree.

How Long Is A PhD Program?

PhD Coursework3 years (average)9 years
PhD Comprehensive Exams1-2 semesters9.5 years
PhD Dissertation: This is a key component of the years of study involved in a doctorate degree Research3 years (average)12.5 years
PhD Dissertation Defense1-2 semesters13 years

Why Do Doctoral Students Try To Get A PhD?

Doctoral students pursue a PhD for various reasons, many of which are deeply personal and professional.

Passion For Knowledge: For some, the journey is driven by a passion for knowledge and a desire to contribute new insights to their field of study. The allure of pushing the boundaries of human understanding is a significant motivator.

A PhD allows these individuals to engage in research that can potentially solve pressing issues or open new avenues for exploration.

Career: Another reason is the professional advancement a PhD offers. In academia, a doctorate is often a prerequisite for securing a faculty position or achieving tenure. Beyond academia, industries such as technology, pharmaceuticals, and education value PhD holders for their:

  •  advanced problem-solving abilities, and
  • capacity for independent research.

Personal fulfillment: For many, earning a PhD represents the culmination of years of dedication and intellectual effort. It’s a significant personal achievement that can foster a sense of accomplishment and mastery over a chosen subject.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD or Doctorate? Time to complete everything

On average, in the US it takes about six years, with three years dedicated to coursework and another three years for the dissertation project. It can take up to 13 years to complete a PhD program.

how long phd takes in india

Factors that can influence the duration include:

  • prerequisites of the program,
  • program format,
  • the student’s motivation,
  • prior knowledge,
  • Personal circumstances, such as being an international student, can influence the time it takes to complete the doctoral program.
  • Funding and scholarship stipend can significantly affect the years of study and the time it takes to earn a doctorate degree.
  • field of study,
  • dissertation topic,
  • Support of the graduate advisor can be a crucial factor in minimizing the time it takes to complete a doctorate degree.

The range can be as short as three years or as long as seven to eight years , depending on the individual and the circumstances.

There are also doctoral programs that takes 18 months only , but these are often not Ph.Ds, but professional doctorates like DBA, EDD, etc.

Why A Doctoral Degree Takes So Long To Complete? 

There are reasons why PhD programs are not a walk in the park. They take a long time to complete, as PhD programs usually come with these:

Complex Research Requirements

PhD programs often require original research that can take years to complete. Depending on your field of study, the dissertation may require extensive: 

  • clinical trials, or
  • field studies. 

A PhD student in biology might spend several months collecting data, only to realize they need to start over because of unexpected results. This trial and error process adds time to completing your PhD.

Coursework and Teaching Responsibilities

Many PhD programs require students to take advanced coursework in their first few years. If you’re also working as a teaching assistant or research assistant , balancing these responsibilities can stretch out your timeline.

PhD candidates often find that these commitments take valuable time away from their research.

In professional doctorate programs, the focus might shift more towards practical experience, but the workload still contributes to how long it takes to get your doctorate.

Dissertation Scope

The scope of the dissertation can dramatically impact how long it takes to earn a doctoral degree. If your topic is too broad or ambitious, you may spend years trying to narrow it down.

Many PhD students start with a wide focus, only to realize that they need to refine their research question to make it manageable. This can add years of study and revision to the process.

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Funding Limitations

Financial support often dictates the pace of your doctoral studies. Many PhD programs in the U.S. provide funding, but it typically comes with conditions like teaching or research duties.

Some students run out of funding before they finish their dissertation, forcing them to take outside work, or spend more time applying for research grants. These additional work further slows down the process.

What Factors Influence Doctoral Program Graduation Time?

When considering how long it takes to complete a PhD, several factors can shape the timeline:


PhD programs typically require a master’s degree as a prerequisite.

Students who already have a master’s degree may be able to skip some coursework, allowing them to complete their doctoral program faster.

For those starting with a bachelor’s degree, the program may take longer due to the additional coursework they’ll need to complete.

Program Format

The program format also plays a big role. Traditional full-time PhD programs in the U.S. usually take four to seven years to complete. However, online doctoral programs or part-time PhD programs often take much longer to complete.

While they offer flexibility, especially for working professionals, the part-time format may stretch the program out to eight years or more.

Online doctorate programs offer a different pace and support, but depending on the structure, it can add or shave off months or years from the time it takes to get your doctorate.

Field Of Study

The field of study is another huge factor in the time it takes to complete a PhD. Doctoral programs in STEM fields like engineering, physics, or biology typically require intensive lab work or experiments, which can take several months or even years.

On the other hand, humanities and social sciences PhD programs often require extensive reading and writing.

how long phd takes in india

Research for a dissertation in these fields might be less dependent on external factors, so some students might complete their PhD faster, depending on the scope of their project.

A dissertation topic that’s narrow and manageable might save a student time, whereas complex topics that require years of research, like field studies or clinical trials, take much longer to complete.

Personal Factors

Personal circumstances, such as being an international student, can also add time to the doctoral program. Many international students may face issues that can slow down their graduation time , such as:

  • navigating visa regulations,
  • adjusting to a new academic system, or
  • facing language barriers. 

Funding & Scholarships

Funding and scholarships play a crucial role, too. Many PhD programs are funded, but the level of financial support can vary.

Some students rely on teaching assistantships or research grants, which often come with time commitments that may slow their progress.

If funding is limited or ends early, students may be forced to work outside their academic program, which can extend the time it takes to complete a PhD.

A supportive graduate advisor is a critical factor that isn’t often talked about. A good advisor can

  • help you navigate challenges,
  • keep your dissertation on track, and
  • guide you to resources that speed up your research.

Without strong support, PhD candidates often take longer to complete their degree. An unresponsive or overburdened advisor can add months or even years to the process.

How To Graduate With A Doctorate Degree Faster

Graduating with a doctorate degree faster is possible if you take strategic steps. Here’s a couple ways to speed up the process:

Choose a Focused Dissertation Topic

The broader your dissertation, the more time it will take to complete. If you want to finish your PhD faster, choose a research question that’s both focused and manageable.

Many PhD students get stuck on projects that spiral into something too large to tackle. By picking a more specific topic, you can cut down the time it takes to get your doctorate. 

Rather than studying climate change in general, focus on how a specific region is affected by it.

how long phd takes in india

Build Strong Relationships with Your Advisor

The time it takes to complete a PhD often depends on how supportive your graduate advisor is. PhD candidates who have frequent, productive meetings with their advisors typically take less time to finish their degree.

The quicker you get feedback from your supervisor, the faster you can make revisions and move on to the next stage of your research.

If your advisor is responsive and well-organized, you’ll avoid delays that can add months, or even years, to your doctoral program.

Leverage Prior Knowledge

Many PhD programs are designed to build upon a master’s degree. If you already have a master’s degree in your field, you can often skip some foundational courses, which will allow you to move through the program faster.

Some professional doctorate programs even allow you to apply real-world experience toward your degree, cutting down on the time it takes to earn a doctoral degree.

Consider Online or Accelerated Programs

Some online PhD programs or professional doctorate programs offer accelerated timelines. These programs typically take less time than traditional, in-person ones.

There are also direct PhD entry programs, allowing you to jump straight into a PhD from a bachelor’s degree . These programs are however, a lot more challenging, due to the huge jump in rigor and expectations.

Many online doctoral programs also offer flexibility in coursework, which allows you to move at your own pace. If you’re looking to graduate faster, an online doctorate may be an option worth exploring.

Maintain Consistent Funding

The more stable your funding, the quicker you can complete your doctorate degree. Many PhD programs in the US require students to balance teaching or research duties to earn their stipend.

If you can secure grants or external scholarships, you can focus entirely on your research, shaving off years of study. You can also work part-time, although this may come at a cost of time. 

Leverage Technology

With technology, there are now many ways to speed up and simplify the research process. There are many AI tools out there that can help with research work such as:

  • Literature review,
  • Generating graphics or images.
  • Creating presentation slides, or
  • Generating drafts for the dissertation itself.

The key is to use these tools responsibly, in a way that does not cause you to become academically dishonest.

Should I Get My PhD After My Masters? What About Industry? 

Deciding whether to pursue a PhD immediately after a master’s degree or enter the workforce first depends on personal goals, interests, and circumstances.

A PhD typically requires around five years of self-directed effort, similar to starting a business. If passionate about research, it might be best to begin right away.

Working in industry before pursuing a PhD can lead to habits that may not benefit academia and can take longer to adjust back to a scholarly environment.

Long-term relationships are essential in academia, and aggressive industry tactics might not be well-received.

Starting a PhD earlier allows for more time to produce research and establish a successful career, particularly for those considering a long-term academic path.

PhD pursuit offers flexibility in research topics and projects, enabling exploration across various subjects and building connections with professionals from different fields. This leads to unique opportunities and experiences that may not be available when working for a single company.

Considering factors like personal goals and readiness for the workload and demands of a PhD program is crucial.

Weigh the potential benefits of advancing education against the time, cost, and personal demands of a doctoral program. If a PhD aligns with one’s career aspirations and personal goals, it may be a worthwhile pursuit.

However, if the investment required outweighs the potential benefits, it might not be the best choice.

It’s always possible to try a PhD program for a year or two and then make a more informed decision based on individual experiences.

Do You Need A Master’s For A PhD? A Shorter Career Path That Doesn’t Take So Long.

In certain fields, such as clinical psychology, it is possible to pursue a PhD without obtaining a master’s degree first.

To do so, one must demonstrate a strong academic and research background, as well as a commitment to the field.

Here are the most important attributes if you are thinking about going straight into a PhD without a master’s:

  • Strong academic and research background: Ensure that you have excelled in your coursework and maintained a high GPA.
  • Undergraduate research experience: Engage in research projects during your undergraduate studies, preferably with a thesis component.
  • Clinical exposure (if applicable): Gain relevant experience in the field to showcase your practical knowledge and commitment.
  • Leadership experience: Participate in activities that demonstrate your ability to lead and work effectively within a team, as this can be advantageous in the years of study required to earn a doctorate degree.
  • Interpersonal skills: Develop strong communication and collaboration skills, which are essential for success in a PhD program.
  • Clear determination: Express your dedication to pursuing a PhD directly from your undergraduate studies, highlighting your commitment to the field and how quickly you aim to earn a doctorate.
  • Assess your certainty: Be sure that you are confident in your goals and prepared to invest the necessary effort to be competitive without a master’s degree.

By satisfying these requirements, you can better assess your eligibility to apply for a PhD without a master’s degree and potentially save time and money in the process.

Earn a Doctorate without a Masters – How Does It Work? 

Obtaining a PhD without a master’s degree is not a common path, but it is possible under certain circumstances.

Typically, a PhD candidate has an undergraduate degree with high grades, a master’s degree, and relevant research skills.

However, there are exceptions where individuals have successfully transitioned from their undergraduate studies directly to a PhD program.

One such scenario involves having a strong rapport with a potential PhD supervisor, perhaps from your undergraduate program, which can significantly reduce the time it takes to earn a doctorate.

This relationship can help compensate for the lack of a master’s degree, but it’s not a guarantee.

Another example is being an exceptional student with a first-class undergraduate degree and a dissertation closely aligned with the advertised PhD project.

Demonstrating an outstanding attitude and performance during your undergraduate project may give you an edge over other applicants.

In applied PhDs, practical experience can also be beneficial, particularly if it includes valuable contacts in the field.

If your PhD is related to professional sports and you have numerous connections within the industry, it may facilitate recruitment and collaboration, enhancing your chances of acceptance.

However, as with the other examples, this is not a sure-fire way to secure a position. While securing a PhD without a master’s degree is challenging, it is not impossible.

The best approach is to pursue a master’s degree, as it will better prepare you for a PhD program.

Nonetheless, if you are determined to bypass the master’s route, perseverance and strategic networking can potentially lead to success.

Wrapping Up – How Long Does It Take To Complete A PhD?

Pursuing a PhD after a master’s degree is a common path for those looking to advance in academia or research-intensive careers.

While obtaining a PhD requires a significant commitment of time and resources, it can lead to prestigious positions or high-paying jobs. It is crucial to consider personal goals, interests, and the job prospects in the field before enrolling in a doctoral program.

For those considering a PhD without a master’s degree, it is essential to demonstrate a strong academic and research background and commit to the field.

The decision between an MPhil and a PhD depends on the desired scope, depth, and career impact of the research. Ultimately, individuals should carefully weigh the potential benefits against the time it takes, cost, and personal demands of a doctoral program before making a decision.

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Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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PhD Salary In India

A PhD or Doctor of Philosophy is the highest academic degree a person can receive after completing a course of study. The word “PhD” comes from the Latin phrase “Philosophiae Doctor” and refers to a competition of solitary research in a particular area of interest. A PhD can take up to 3 Years to complete, with a maximum of 6 Years. A doctorate in research opens doors to a variety of opportunities. Greater employment opportunities are one of the factors that motivate people to pursue PhDs in their chosen fields. 

According to a 2019 study from the All India Survey of Higher Education (AISHE), the number of PhDs awarded has increased by 60% over the previous five years. In 2019-20, the total number of admissions rose from 1,24,451 to 2,02,5520. The PhD Salary in India varies depending on the various professional options one can choose after obtaining a PhD in a certain field. 

The students keen to apply for PhD programmes are interested in learning about PhD salaries in India in 2023. The given article will help aspirants to learn the salaries for various professions depending on various PhD career alternatives, as well as the PhD Professor salaries in India.

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Job Opportunities Post PhD

According to their knowledge and interests, students can choose the speciality in which they want to do research. Entrance exams, like the CSIR UGC NET, IIT JAM, and NPAT, are used to get admission to PhD programmes. Candidates who want to enrol in PhD programmes in engineering should take the GATE exam. 

After completing a PhD programme, candidates have access to a wide range of options in both the private and public sectors. Depending on their area of expertise, for example, research scientists, associate professors, economists, historians, etc, candidates can obtain high-paying jobs. The starting salary for candidates is Rs 6 LPA. The highest salary may increase based on experience, knowledge, talents and other factors. 

Some of the best career options to pursue after completing PhD degree are given below:

1. Academics
2. Research Associate
3. Consultancy
4. Government Sector
5. Entrepreneur
6. Digital Media Company

Interested candidates can also learn about the detailed IAS Salary , in the linked article.

PhD In Different Specialisation

Employment for PhD candidates is also based on the Specialisation in which they have completed their doctoral studies. The PhD programme offers a wide variety of specialisations with various career profiles, including PhDs in Management, PhDs in the Arts, PhDs in Engineering, PhDs in Medicine, PhDs in Legal Studies, etc. The details are given below:

  • PhD Medical : Hospital Administrators, Medical Scientists, Professors and Researchers.
  • PhD Engineering : Research Scientists, Mechanical Design Engineers and Executive Engineers. 
  • PhD Mechanical Engineering : Executive Engineer, Research Scientist, Professor, Mechanical Design Engineer.
  • PhD Arts : Content Writer, Economist, Professor and Clinical Psychologist.
  • PhD Marketing: Deputy Manager, Marketing Manager, New Product Manager, Marketing Executive.
  • PhD Psychology : Research Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Professor, Therapist.
  • PhD Management : Management Consultant, Business Analyst, Data Analyst and Human Resource Manager.
  • PhD Economics: Professor, Banker,Financial Managers, Accountant and Economists.
  • PhD Mathematics: Accountant, Cashier, Finance Manager, Professor, Loan Counsellor.
  • PhD Biology : Professor, Microbiologist and Research Biologist
  • PhD Computer Science : Website Developer, Software Developer, Hardware Engineer and Network Engineer.
  • PhD Chemistry: Forensic Chemist, Junior Scientist, Chemical Researcher, Medical Technologist.

The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is an organisation that assesses and accredits higher education Institutions (HEIs) in India. Click in the linked article to learn about it in detail.

The specialisation influences the jobs in the private sector. PhD candidates have multiple opportunities in the private sector because they work in practically every field, although their employment is dependent on their area of specialisation. Private universities, Google, Microsoft, Deloitte, and Infosys are a few of the leading employers in the private sector. In addition to working in the private sector, PhD holders are also recruited in government organisation. After earning a PhD, candidates have a wide range of options to consider, including working for chemical or pharmaceutical businesses, the oil and gas industry, the research sector, NGOs, etc. Both the commercial and public sectors have different salary structures.

To know more about the Current Affairs related information, refer to the linked article.

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PhD Salary For Different Professions

The PhD salaries for the various PhD specialisations of the candidates are listed in the table below:

Arts PhD English Rs 4,00,000 – Rs 12.00,000
PhD Economics
PhD History
PhD Sociology
PhD Psychology
Law PhD Legal Studies Rs 2,00,000 – Rs 13,00,000
PhD Law
Engineering PhD Biomedical Engineering Rs 3,00,000 – Rs 15,00,000
PhD Information Technology
PhD Mechanical Engineering
PhD Bioinformatics
Medical PhD Neuroscience Rs 4,00,000 – Rs 11,00,000
PhD Pathology
PhD Physiotherapy
Management PhD Human Resource Management Rs 4,00,000 – Rs 12.00,000
PhD Marketing
PhD Business Management
PhD Finance
Science PhD Chemistry Rs 4,00,000 – Rs 14,00,000
PhD Computer Science
PhD Biology
Mathematics PhD Mathematics Rs 3,00,000 – Rs 10,00,000

Also, read the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF)

Below is information on PhD salaries in India for Professor, Associate Professor and other positions. Candidates can view the table to see what PhD Professors make in India.

Associate Professor Rs 4 to 8 Lakhs 
Professor Rs 7.80 to 30 Lakhs 
Research Assistant Rs 3.10 to 5 Lakhs
Computer Engineer Rs 4 to 9 Lakhs
Legal Assistant Rs 4 to 8 Lakhs
Consultant Rs 8 to 10 Lakhs
Research Scientist Rs 6 to 12 Lakhs
Senior Writer Rs 10 to 14 Lakhs

Check details related to Government exams after 12th in the given link. 

For help, candidates can turn to BYJU’S if they will be taking the exam for the first time and want some advice on how to prepare and study for the competitive exams. For the Best preparation strategy for competitive exams , candidates can visit the linked article and get detailed study material and preparation tips to excel in the examination.

Related links for Government exams are given in the table below:

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Frequently Asked Questions about PhD Salary

Q1. what is the typical pay for lecturers in indian public universities and schools, q2. what is a phd graduate’s highest salary, q3. what is a researcher’s highest annual salary, q4. is an internship necessary to work as a professor, q5. what factors influence the pay of a phd professional, q6. from a financial perspective, is a phd worth it.

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Study in the USA

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  • PhD in the USA - Types, Cos...

PhD in the USA - Types, Cost and Eligibility

Confused about a phd in the usa here’s everything you need to know.

The US as a study-abroad country for post-graduate programs is unique in its way since its fundamentals include structured degree programs with comprehensive training and independent research. These extraordinary qualities enhance the appeal of the PhD programs and that’s why many students prefer to study here

Why study PhD in the US?

The US institutions follow a rigorous approach in their graduate programs, which means they provide essential training and emphasis on professional development, which exceeds minimum requirements of ‘traditional’ research-focused PhD programs in other parts of the world.

In-depth understanding: American PhD programs, on an initial stage, develop a deep understanding of the subject. This forms the basis of your research. So, instead of just focusing immediately on your dissertation proposal, you have the time to first understand what it is all about

World-leading research institutions: The US institutions are ranked at the top of global league tables, which reflects their considerable investment in research output and expertise

International perspective: US universities welcome a large number of international students from various countries. Therefore, irrespective of your subject area, you’ll always be part of a diverse academic community

Innovation: The US is a kind of trendsetter in

post-graduate studies

. It is the second country after Germany to switch to the modern PhD degree that includes a structured approach to doctoral training

Ample opportunities: With 50 states, six time zones and a large number of higher education institutions, whatever you plan to seek from your PhD study, is available to pursue

Funding: Most of the research-intensive universities in the US are substantially funded. This means more chances of financial aid to students than any other country

Structure of the PhD

PhD programs in the US are a pure research degree. An original research is an essential requirement for an American doctorate since you need to present your rationale behind the thesis.US doctorates begin with taught classes and assessments in the form of a comprehensive exam. Upon completion of which a student finalises their dissertation topic and start with the research.

Duration of PhD

Usually, the duration of PhD in the US is four to six years (full time). In which you’ll spend Year 1 to Year 4 on the coursework stage of the program and Year 2 to Year 4 on the dissertation.The academic year in the US includes two teaching semesters i.e., August-December and January-May. During this time your classes and assessments will take place.

Types of PhD

Mostly, the US universities award the standard PhD or as an academic doctorate, which is equal to PhDs in other countries. However, some programs award professional doctorate degrees which include practical projects and case studies in addition to academic classes and dissertation research like the DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) and EdD (Doctor of Education).The last type of ‘doctoral’ qualification is for students who seek to qualify for regulated professions like law or medicine, for example, JD (Doctor of Laws) and MD (Doctor of Medicine) degrees which are different from academic doctorates.

Eligibility criteria for PhD programs

The eligibility criteria vary as per the institution and stream of the study program. However, the basic requirements are the same across fields:

16 years of educational background

Exceptional academic results in both levels i.e., undergraduate and master’s

GMAT scores for post-doctoral management programs (some might ask for GRE test scores)

Results of English language proficiency tests such as the IELTS

Academic and research projects, internships, or publications

Popular fields of PhD study in the US

Biological Sciences



Cost of pursuing PhD in the US

Many American institutions offer PhD programmes therefore, the fees for the same vary a lot. However, actual fees depend upon public and private institutions and sometimes on a students’ resident status:

Public institutions offer PhD degree normally at an average of $12,737 annually, but for international students, it may be higher

Private institutions offer PhD at an average of $43,300 annually on graduate programs to all students

Also Read - How you can finance your education in the USA The modern PhD is a dynamic qualification to develop a wide range of transferrable skills. Therefore, the job market for PhD graduates is quite diverse. Besides, many students pursue careers in higher education including administration and leadership positions and academic posts. While others use their research and teaching expertise into professions of secondary and further education or public administration or industry


Cost of living calculator

Estimate how much you will need to cover your expenses including cost of living comparison for various country and accommodation options.

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What to expect at the ET Soonicorns Summit 2024: Register now to learn how the Indian startup ecosystem is on the path to Recalibrate. Rebound. Reinvent

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  • Keynote speaker BV Naidu, Chairman of Karnataka Digital Economy Mission (KDEM), will share his insights into the role of KDEM in actively bridging the knowledge gap between the Government of Karnataka and the Indian startup ecosystem, and its initiatives to nurture the ecosystem.
  • A long, illustrious list of industry leaders, policymakers, and industry insiders sharing their playbooks of manoeuvring the highs and the lows of the startup ecosystem in India, - including Hari Menon, Co-Founder of BigBasket; Aman Gupta, Co-founder and CMO of boAt; Mayank Kumar, Co-founder and MD of upGrad; Shanti Mohan, Founder, LetsVenture; Shally Modi, Co-founder, Pratilipi, and many more.
  • Curated panels have been designed, wherein the industry leaders will brainstorm and lay down actionable insights to navigate the challenges of the startup ecosystem and foster a more pragmatic approach towards building a stronger landscape.
  • Fireside chats with the likes of Aman Gupta, Jitendra Chouksey, and Mayank Kumar to get a taste of the recipes for creating successful ventures, and sustaining the momentum.
  • Abhishek Dubey, Partner at Trilegal - M&A, Venture Capital & Private Equity: Dubey has more than a decade and a half of experience in transactional counsel. He has led a team of lawyers in many M&A, PE, and VC transitions in sectors including tech, pharma, education, real estate, oil and gas, e-commerce, and more. His expertise gives him immense knowledge of the laws governing these sectors and a serious overview of making the homecoming process seamless.
  • Ramakant Sharma, Founder and COO, Livspace: An engineering graduate from IIT Kanpur, Sharma has been the VP of engineering at Myntra, and an operating partner at Jungle Ventures. He plays a central role in driving all technological innovations at Livspace, while he also leads the operations team.

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