University of Sydney International Scholarship

Funded by the University of Sydney and valued at up to $143,881 this scholarship provides a living-costs stipend to support outstanding international research students.

Value Eligibility Open date Close date
$40,109 p.a. All year Refer to the deadlines below. You must have submitted your degree application by these dates.

How to apply

The University of Sydney International Scholarship runs on the same assessment timeline as the Research Training Program.

  • If you wish to commence in Research Period 1 (1 January) or Research Period 2 (1 March),  you must submit your research degree application in September of the year prior.
  • If you wish to start in Research Period 3 (1 July) or Research Period 4 (1 October),  you must apply in December of the year prior. 

Please check the table below for exact dates.

Current students can apply here . Applications are open all year round – the deadlines mentioned here apply. 

Commencing students should select the checkbox to be considered for research scholarships when completing the admission application for your postgraduate research degree. A separate application is not required.

Application and award timeline

Scholarship Commencing research period

Submission deadline

Offers received from

Research Period 1 and 2, 2024

15 September 2023

24 November 2023

Research Period 3 and 4, 2024

21 December 2023

23 February 2024

Research Period 1 and 2, 2025

13 September 2024

22 November 2024

Research Period 3 and 4, 2025

17 December 2024

February 2025 (Estimate)

Submission deadlines

The submission deadline refers to the date a student will need to meet, in order to be considered for an offer round.

New students can be considered for an RTP scholarship by completing the course application by the submission deadline. Current HDR students will need to submit a  separate application  by the submission deadline.

Current students must refer to the relevant submission deadline to be considered in the upcoming international offer round. For example, currently enrolled international students must submit their documents by 21 December 2023 to receive an outcome in February 2024.

If you are a prospective student and have elected to be considered for an RTP scholarship, as part of your application for admission, please ensure you submit and all mandatory documents by the submission deadline. For example, if you wish to receive an RTP scholarship outcome in February 2024 and are commencing in research period 1 or 2 2024, you will need to complete your submission by 21 December 2023. Any submission after 21 December 2023 may result your scholarship application being considered in the next international round in November 2024.

For 2024 awards, the scholarship is valued at $40,109 per annum. The scholarship assists with tuition fees and living costs.

Who's eligible

  • be a commencing or enrolled international student
  • have an outstanding record of academic achievement and research potential
  • have an unconditional offer of admission or be currently enrolled in a master's by research or PhD at the University of Sydney.

Terms and conditions

Stipend scholarship.


1. Applicants must be an international student at the time of award.

2. University of Sydney International Scholarship holders are expected to enrol in a full-time postgraduate research degree. The relevant Associate Dean (Research Education) may approve a part-time Scholarship* where the University is satisfied that there are special circumstances beyond the student’s control (for example medical conditions, financial hardship, carer’s responsibilities).

*A part-time scholarship may have tax implications and student should seek tax advice from registered tax agents. International students will only receive approval to study part-time if it is permitted under their visa.

3. Applicants must apply to be considered for RTP Scholarships at the time of their application for admission to their HDR Course and must submit the required supporting material in the manner specified on the Scholarships Office website. Applicants who have already commenced their HDR candidature must apply by completing the application form available through the Scholarships Office website.

4. The Scholarship may be held for up to 14 research periods (full time) for Research Doctorate studies, or for up to 7 research periods for Research Masters studies. Periods of study already undertaken towards the degree prior to the commencement of the award will be deducted from the maximum tenure of the award.

5. No extension is possible.

6. A student is expected to commence the Scholarship by the census date of their commencing intake, and during the year the Scholarship is awarded. If a student has commenced their studies, the Scholarship may commence immediately. Deferment of the Scholarship to next calendar year is not permitted.

7. A recipient may defer their Scholarship for up to one research period with the approval of:

a. their supervisor, and b. the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education).

8. Stipends may be provided for the duration of an approved industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity (as stated in Clause 31 of this document) if:

a. the recipient already holds, and remains eligible for, a University of Sydney International Stipend Scholarship; b. no other income is received from these activities; and c. the maximum duration of the Scholarship has not been reached.

Stipend and Allowances

9. Holders of the Scholarship will receive a stipend of $40,109 per annum (2024 rate), indexed annually on 1 January.

10. Reimbursement of up to $420 for Masters candidates and up to $840 for Doctoral candidates will be made for eligible claims for direct costs of producing a thesis in accordance with the University’s thesis allowance claim information. The claim must be lodged with the Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre (HDRAC - [email protected]) within one year of submission of the thesis and no more than two years after termination of the Scholarship. Costs associated with printing a thesis are not eligible as a printed thesis is no longer required for submission and examination.

11. Holders of the Scholarship may receive a concurrent award, scholarship or salary to undertake their research degree provided such award, scholarship or salary provides a benefit less than 75% of the Scholarship. The Scholarship will be terminated if this limit is exceeded. Salary for work unrelated to the student’s research is not subject to this limit.

Selection Criteria

12. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship on the basis of:

a. academic merit, b. research experience, c. availability of a high-quality research environment and resources to support the candidature, and d. availability of high qualify supervisory arrangements to support the candidature.

13. Preference may be given to applicants who:

a. identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person as per University of Sydney policy, b. have not previously received an Australian Government or University Scholarship to complete an HDR course at the same level, c. have not previously completed an HDR course at the same level of study.

14. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship by the Higher Degrees by Research Scholarships Sub-Committee (HDRSSC) on the recommendation of the Faculty.

15. The University of Sydney will notify applicants of the outcome of their RTP Scholarship application by email to the student’s University email address (for current students), or the preferred email address contained in the student’s application for admission.

Leave Arrangements

16. Holders of the Scholarship receive up to 20 working days recreation leave every 12 months of the Scholarship and this may be accrued. Any unused leave when the Scholarship is terminated or completed will be forfeited. Recreation leave does not attract a leave loading. The supervisor's agreement must be obtained before leave is taken.

17. Holders of the Scholarship may take up to 10 working days sick leave every 12 months of the Scholarship and this may be accrued over the tenure of the Scholarship. Students with carer responsibility may convert up to five days of their annual sick leave entitlement to carers leave on presentation of medical certificate/s. Students taking sick leave must inform their supervisor as soon as practicable.

18. Holders of the Scholarship may receive additional paid sick leave of up to a total of twelve weeks during their Scholarship for medically substantiated periods of illness where the student has insufficient sick leave entitlements available under Clause 17 above. Students applying for additional paid sick leave must do so at the start of absence or as soon as practicable. Periods of additional paid sick leave are added to the duration of the Scholarship.

19. Subject to relevant visa conditions, once holders of the Scholarship have completed twelve months of their award, they are entitled to a maximum of twelve weeks paid parental leave during the tenure of the Scholarship. Students applying for paid parental leave should do so at least four weeks prior leave commencement date. Periods of paid parental leave are added to the duration of the Scholarship. Holders of the Scholarship who have not completed twelve months of their award may access unpaid parental leave through the suspension provisions. When applying for parental leave, applicants should include at least one of the following documents:

a. letter from medical professional related to pregnancy, b. a surrogacy agreement, c. birth certificate of the child, d. adoption documents, or e. documentation that substantiates the application.

Research Overseas

20. Holders of the Scholarship may not normally conduct research overseas within the first six months of an award.

21. Holders of the Scholarship may conduct up to 12 months (18 months for students of Anthropology and other special cases) of their research outside Australia. Approval must be sought from the student's supervisor, and Head of Department/School, and will only be granted if the research is essential for completion of the degree. All periods of overseas research are cumulative and will be counted towards a student's candidature. Students must remain enrolled at the University and receive approval to Count Time Away.

Transfer between Research Masters and Research Doctorate degrees

22. Holders of the Scholarship may transfer from a Research Masters degree to a Research Doctorate degree or vice-versa provided such change in candidature is approved by the Faculty/University School. A transfer from Research Doctorate to Research Masters may result in termination of the Scholarship. Should the Scholarship holder be approved to retain the Scholarship, the maximum duration of the Scholarship becomes that for the new candidature.

Transfer to another University, Faculty, School or Supervisor

23. The Scholarships are not transferrable to another university. Should the holder of the Scholarship transfer to another faculty, school or supervisor within the University of Sydney, the duration of the Scholarship will not be extended.

24. Holders of the Scholarship may not apply to suspend their award within the first six months unless

a. permitted by a legislative provision; or b. approved by the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education) on the basis of special circumstances^.

^Special circumstances include carer responsibilities or medical conditions and will generally be out of the recipient’s control. International students should check the terms and restrictions applicable to their visas before applying.

25. Subject to relevant visa conditions, after the first six months, holders of the Scholarship may apply for up to 12 months suspension for any reason during the tenure of their award. Periods of suspension are cumulative and failure to resume study after suspension will result in the award being terminated. Approval to suspend must be given by the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education). Periods of study towards the degree during suspension of the Scholarship will be deducted from the maximum tenure of the Scholarship.

26. The Scholarship will be suspended during any period of suspension of studies. International students should check the terms and restrictions applicable to their visas before suspending.

27. Subject to relevant visa conditions, holders of the Scholarship are entitled up to an additional 12 month suspension (less any period of paid parental leave) following holders becoming a parent. The Scholarship holder should apply for suspension within four weeks of the expected date of becoming a parent.

28. Whenever a student suspends their studies the university must report the suspension to immigration authorities and the student may be obliged to return to their home country for the duration of the suspension. Therefore, if a student wishes to remain in Australia during a period of suspension of studies, they must contact the closest Australian immigration office within 28 days of the approval notice to seek approval to remain in Australia during the suspension.

Changes in Enrolment

29. Holders of the Scholarship must notify the supervisor and Higher Degree by Research Administration (HDRAC) within 10 business days of any planned changes to their enrolment including but not limited to: attendance pattern, suspension, leave of absence, withdrawal, course transfer, and candidature upgrade or downgrade by written notice. If the award holder does not provide notice of the changes identified above, the University may require repayment of any overpaid stipend.

30. Students who obtain Australian Permanent Residence status during the course of their enrolment at the University of Sydney (or prior to enrolment at the University) must notify Student Fees, Student Administration Services Office, and HDRAC immediately when their Australian Permanent Resident visa is issued. In this case, students must bring their passport to the Student Centre as soon as possible so that the University can adjust their residency status. Subject to satisfactory progress, students will be eligible to continue with the Scholarship.

Industry placements, research internships and professional practice activities

31. Holders of the Scholarship may undertake industry placements, research internships, and professional practice activities of up to six months’ duration that are approved as part of their HDR course by:

a. their supervisor; b. the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education).


32. The University of Sydney contribution must be formally acknowledged when, at any time during or after completion of a relevant HDR course:

a. the recipient; b. the recipient’s supervisor; or c. any other party publishes or produces material (such as books, articles, newsletters or other literary or artistic works) relating to the recipient’s research project.

33. This requirement is met by including the following statement in any materials: “This research is supported by the University of Sydney International Stipend Scholarship.


34. The Scholarship will be terminated upon the Student’s: a. resignation or withdrawal from their degree, b. failure to enrol without approved leave or suspension, c. submission of their thesis or at the end of the award, whichever occurs first, d. acceptance of another scholarship that provides a stipend of higher value.

35. The Scholarship will also be terminated before clause 34 of this document if the University, after an enquiry, concludes that the Student has: a. not carried out the course of study with competence and diligence, or in accordance with their Scholarship offer, b. failed to maintain satisfactory progress, c. committed serious misconduct.

36. Stipend payment will be suspended throughout the duration of the enquiry/appeal process.

False or Misleading Information

37. The University of Sydney reserves the right to reassess a student’s Scholarship entitlements if it believes the student has provided false or misleading information to the university in relation to their application for admission or the Scholarship award.

38. The University recognises the right of any student to appeal to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Researcher-Training) against any decision affecting the award or tenure of the Scholarship.

Tuition fee scholarship

1. The Candidate must be an international student, who has either obtained unconditional admission offer for, or has already enrolled in, their Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) commencing in 2023, at the University of Sydney “the University”.

2. The Candidate must have been awarded a stipend scholarship of $20,000 or above per annum on merit following a competitive process.

3. The Candidate must discuss their eligibility with their supervisor in order to be considered for the University of Sydney International Tuition Fees Scholarship, the “Scholarship”.

4. The Candidate must provide evidence to substantiate their eligibility upon request. Failure to do so may lead to ineligible for consideration.

5. The Candidate must not have consumed more than one research period of their candidature at the time of consideration.

6. The Scholarship may be awarded for up to 14 research periods (full time), or for the duration of their stipend scholarship, whichever will conclude first. Periods of study already undertaken towards the degree prior to the commencement of the Scholarship will be deducted from the maximum tenure of the Scholarship.

7. The Scholarship would commence from the research period and year stated in the offer letter.

8. The holder of the Scholarship, “the Student”, may defer their Scholarship for up to one research period, subject to the deferred research period is within the same year of the original offer, and with approval of:

a. their supervisor; and b. the Associate Dean (Research Education).

9. The Scholarship may be provided for a duration of an approved industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity (clause 26 of this document) if the maximum tenure of the Scholarship has not been reached.

10. The Scholarship provides 100% tuition fee after relevant census dates as a credit to the Student’s tuition fee liability account for a duration as per clause 6 of this document. The credit will only apply to tuition fee liability.

11. No other benefits are payable.

12. The Scholarship is awarded by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Researcher Training) on the recommendation from the Associate Dean (Research Education).

13. The Scholarship offer will be issued by email to the Student’s university email address.

14. The Student may be approved to receive up to a total of twelve weeks of extended sick leave for medically substantiated periods of illness. Application for extended sick leave must be submitted to Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre (HDRAC) at the start of absence or as soon as practicable. Periods of approved extended sick leave are accumulative and are added to the tenure of the Scholarship.

15. Once the Student has received the Scholarship for twelve months (full time equivalent), they are entitled to a maximum of twelve weeks of parental leave. Application for parental leave must be submitted to HDRAC at the start of absence or as soon as practicable. Periods of approved parental leave are accumulative and added to the tenure of the Scholarship. When applying for parental leave, the Student must provide at least one of the following documents:

a. letter from medical professional related to pregnancy, b. a surrogacy agreement, c. birth certificate of the child, d. adoption documents, or e. relevant documentation that substantiates the application.

16. If the Student who has not received the Scholarship for twelve months, they may access parental leave through the Suspension provisions of this document.

17. The Student may not normally conduct research overseas within the first six months of the Scholarship.

18. The Student may conduct up to 12 months (18 months for students of Anthropology and other special cases) of their research outside Australia. Approval must be sought from the Student's supervisor, and Head of Department/School, and will only be granted if the research is essential for completion of the degree. Approved periods of overseas research are cumulative and will be counted towards the Student's candidature. The Student must remain enrolled and have received approval to Count Time Away.

Transfer from Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) to Master’s degree by Research

19. A transfer from a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree to Master’s degree by Research may result a termination of the Scholarship. Should the Student be approved to retain the scholarship, the maximum tenure of the Scholarship becomes that for the Master’s degree by Research.

20. The Scholarship is not transferrable to another university. Should the Student transfer to another faculty, school, or supervisor within the University, the tenure of the Scholarship will not be extended.

21. The Student may not apply to suspend their candidature within the first six months (full time equivalent) unless a. permitted by a legislative provision; or b. approved by the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education) for extenuating circumstances^ ^extenuating circumstances include carer responsibilities or medical conditions that are generally out of the Student’s control. Approval is subject to the Student’s visa conditions.

22. After the first six months (full time equivalent), the Student may apply for up to 12 months suspension for any reason during the tenure of the Scholarship, subject to the Student’s visa conditions and prior approval from Associate Dean (Research Education). Application for suspension must be submitted to HDRAC. Periods of approved suspension are cumulative and will be added to the tenure of the Scholarship.

23. Whenever the Student suspends their studies the University must report their suspension to immigration authorities and the Student may be obliged to return to their home country for the duration of suspension. Therefore, if the Student wishes to remain in Australia during their period of approved suspension, they must contact the Australian immigration office, within 28 days of the University’s notice, to seek approval to remain in Australia during their suspension period.

24. The Student must notify the supervisor and HDRAC within 10 business days of any planned changes to their enrolment including but not limited to: attendance pattern, suspension, leave of absence, withdrawal, course transfer, and candidature transfer from Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) to Master’s by Research in writing.

25. A Student who has been issued an Australian Permanent Residence visa during their studies, or prior to their enrolment, at the University must bring their passport to the Student Centre as soon as possible to adjust their residency status on their student’s records.

26. The Student may undertake industry placements, research internships, and professional practice activities up to six months that are approved as part of their course by: a. their supervisor, and b. the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education).

27. The Scholarship will be terminated upon the Student’s: a. resignation or withdrawal from their PhD, b. failure to enrol without approved leave or suspension, c. submission of their thesis, d. acceptance of another scholarship provides tuition fee, e. residency status changes to be a domestic student as defined by Higher Education Support Act, or f. Scholarship’s maximum tenure has been reached.

28. The Scholarship will also be terminated before clause 27 (f) of this document if the University, after an enquiry, concludes that the Student has: a. not carried out the course of study with competence and diligence, or in accordance with their Scholarship offer, b. failed to maintain satisfactory progress, c. committed serious misconduct, or d. been deemed ineligible as per Eligibility of this document.

29. The University reserves the right to reassess a Student’s Scholarship’s entitlements if it believes the Student has provided false or misleading information in relation to their application for admission or the Scholarship.

30. The University recognises the right of Student to appeal to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Researcher Training) against any decision affecting their Scholarship.  

  • 1800 SYD UNI ( 1800 793 864 )
  • or +61 2 8627 1444
  • Open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

Prospective students (domestic)

Prospective students (international)

Current students

Documents for applicants

  • Applicant information pack (pdf, 314KB)
  • HDR scholarship selection process (pdf, 129KB)
  • Research experience information and appendix guide (pdf, 411KB)
  • Research experience evidence template (pdf, 99KB)
  • Research Training Program Scholarships Policy (pdf, 390KB)


ANU PhD Scholarship


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About this scholarship

This is a stipend scholarship offered by ANU Colleges to Higher Degree by Research candidates. It is normal for recipients to undertake study on a full-time basis, however, in accordance with strict criteria, the scholarship can be awarded for part-time study for Domestic candidates only. International scholars must undertake study on a full-time basis.


Payments made fortnightly

Payments made for 3.5 years

Student types

Student levels

Selection bases

Ongoing eligibility

Extension duration

Field of study


These scholarships are available to potential and current students who:

  • are domestic or international students; and
  • have applied for admission to a PhD or Professional Doctorate by Research program; and
  • have a Bachelor degree with first-class honours (some Colleges may consider students with upper second-class honours), or a Master degree with a research component or equivalent from a recognised university.

Additional information

How to apply, reference documents, further information.

  • Scholarship for 3.5 years
  • Travel and removal allowances for students relocating to Canberra to commence their research program
  • Thesis allowance
  • Dependant Child allowance (International students only)
  • Paid medical and parental leave

No application is required specifically for this scholarship as all eligible candidates will be considered. Applications must be complete at the time of submission, including all supporting documentation and referee reports, in order to be considered in the scholarship ranking process.

Application Deadline

In order to be considered for an ANU PhD scholarship, in the main round of scholarship offers, applicants are required to apply for admission by the deadlines below. Once you have applied for the program, all eligible applicants will be automatically considered for the ANU PhD scholarship

Deadlines for scholarship rounds

Scholarship round Admission application closing date Commencement year
Round 1 (for International applicants only) Closing 31 August The following year (January through to March)
Round 1 (for Domestic applicants only) Closing 31 October The following year (January through to March)
Round 2 (The following year (January through to March) Closing 15 April By end of August of the same year as application deadline
  • ANU PhD Scholarship - Conditions of Award 130a/2024 (PDF, 216.91 KB)
  • Previous ANU PhD Scholarship - Conditions of Award 187a/2023 (PDF, 188.69 KB)

Use contact details to request an alternative file format.

Applicants are also strongly encouraged to make contact with the relevant Graduate Studies Convener or a prospective supervisor, prior to lodging an application, to discuss the proposed research topic and related matters.

Contact us:

phd scholarships australia value

10 PhD scholarships in Australia for 2022

PhD scholarships in Australia

Australia has been a perennial favourite destination among international PhD candidates: cutting-edge facilities, well-regarded universities with robust global rankings and dynamic research culture. Little wonder many seek PhD scholarships in Australia.

Home to six of the world’s top 100 universities, this country is one of the world’s education powerhouses. These universities offer almost every major possible, which is another attractive incentive.

At the same time, an Australian PhD takes on average three and a half years to complete; with research supervisors who strive to ensure students complete their PhDs on time and successfully. The high emphasis placed on education in Australia should assure that the quality of an Australian PhD is not compromised as well.

All of the above, however, do not come cheap. Melbourne has “one of the world’s wildest and most expensive real estate markets .” Sydney was recently ranked the most expensive city in Australia and 14th most expensive globally, thanks to its astronomical property prices, living costs, transportation and telecommunications.

University tuition fees are not cheap either. That is why in order to attract the best talents from all over the world, the government and universities listed below have created the following PhD scholarships in Australia for international students:

Australian National University – Australian Government Research Training Programme (AGRTP) International Fee Offset Scholarship

Australian National University is the top-ranked university in Australia (QS World Ranking 2021). Located in Canberra, this research-intensive university is well-known for its research expertise and strong industry partnerships.

PhD scholarships

These generous Australian PhD scholarships include living stipend and tuition fees coverage as well as health insurance cover, making them one of the world’s best PhD scholarships. Source: Sonny Tumbelaka/AFP

This particular PhD scholarship – provided by the Australian governmen t – covers three years’ tuition fees with two possible six-month extensions, and overseas student health cover for the student and their immediate family. You should contact your prospective supervisor beforehand to discuss your research topic; the deadline is Apr. 15 if you plan to study in 2022.  

University of Sydney International Scholarship

The University of Sydney is consistently one of the world’s top 50 universities, thanks to its excellent teaching and research. Offering Australia’s widest range of academic programmes, students at this university can participate in the latest research projects as well.

This International Scholarship – covering both tuition fee and stipend scholarships via the Australian Government Research Training Programme – is worth 35,629 Australian Dollars (2021 rate). Note that it has four research periods – however, the submission deadline is Sep. 30, 2022 should you apply in Research Period 1 and 2, 2023.

China Scholarship Council-University of Melbourne PhD Scholarship

Ranked 33rd in the world, the University of Melbourne has an enviable network of research platforms that enable its student researchers to have access to some of the best research infrastructure. Their vibrant community of alumni and leading academics allows you to access industry-integrated learning and networking opportunities there as well.

This PhD scholarship – for citizens of the People’s Republic of China only – is provided by both the China Scholarship Council and the University of Melbourne; the former will contribute to return airfares, living stipend of 22,800 Australian dollars per year (2020 rate) and visa application fees. The latter provides a full fee tuition scholarship up to four years and a supplementary living allowance of AU$10,200 per year (2021 rate).

University of Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarship

All international students can apply for this PhD scholarship without needing to fill in a separate form. When you apply for a graduate course at University of Melbourne, you are automatically considered for this scholarship . 

Scholarship winners will get AU$31,200 (2021 rate) as a living stipend for three and a half years, a relocation grant of AU$3,000 if they are from overseas, and Overseas Health Student Cover. The Fee Offset Scholarship will pay your tuition fees for up to four years.

Monash University Graduate Research Scholarship

Monash University is a member of the prestigious Group of Eight – a group of Australian universities with excellent teaching and research – with six locations in the state of Victoria. Not only is it ranked 58th by QS World University Rankings 2022, but it is also the most innovative university in Australia within the Asia-Pacific region (Reuters, 2019) too.

phd scholarships australia value

Working while completing a PhD is impossible, which is why these PhD scholarships in Australia are created. Source: William West/AFP

This scholarship is worth AU$30,000 per year, covering living costs and an additional relocation grant of AU$1,500. The application deadline is Mar. 31, 2022. This can be tied in with the Monash International Tuition Scholarship which covers tuition fees and Overseas Health Student Cover – the deadline application is Mar. 31, 2022 as well.

University of South Australia – William T. Southcott Scholarship

The University of South Australia is famous for having its research rated at or above world-class levels due to its expert supervisors and cutting-edgefacilities. If you are interested in pursuing a PhD in Practical Engineering, this university is offering the William T. Southcott Scholarship . 

It is valued at AU$32,000 per annum for a maximum of three years or three and a half years with an extension which is granted in extremely rare circumstances. As it is linked to a relevant research project – which will commence in 2022 – please contact the Graduate Research Team for further information. 

University of Queensland Earmarked Category 1 PhD project scholarship

The University of Queensland is ranked among the top 50 globally by the Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities, 46th in the QS World University Rankings and 66th in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Such illustrious rankings are due to innovative research that contributes to life-changing advances, combined with its world-class teaching and research facilities.

This university has Earmarked Category 1 PhD projects within four broad areas; you may apply for the scholarship – which covers both tuition fees and living costs – given by the Australian government for these projects . You should aim to apply before Mar. 31, 2022 .

University of Queensland – PhD Scholarship for Bioresorbable Metals for Intraoperative Ligation Clips: In Vitro and Biomechanical Engineering Experiments

This PhD position is available at the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, which forms part of the CranioFacial programme within the Herston Biofabrication Institute (HBI). This is a collaborative project between the University of Queensland and the HBI.

Get in touch here for further information if you meet the minimum application requirements. This scholarship is valued at AU$28,854 per year (2022 rate) for three and a half years with a possible extension; the deadline is Jan. 9, 2022.

University Technology Sydney International Research Scholarship

Located in the heart of Sydney with a culturally diverse campus, University Technology Sydney is an inclusive public university of technology. Despite their young age – established in 1988 – the university is one of Australia’s largest universities.

This particular PhD scholarship – with an aim to attract international students of high calibre to drive UTS’s research arm – will pay for your tuition fees for up to three years. The deadline is Jan. 15, 2022.

Flinders University – Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-P) Grant: PhD Scholarship in Material Science and/or Civil Engineering

Flinders University is among the top 2% of world universities (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022). Located in Bedford Park, south of the city of Adelaide, its main teaching and research campus is home to over 26,000 students.

This particular PhD – a partnership between Flinders University and the University of Melbourne – includes a living stipend of AU$28,854 per year (2022 rate) for three years with a possible extension.

All in all, these PhD scholarships are great choices especially if you have been planning to study in Australia in 2022.

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PhD Scholarship Opportunities

We offer a variety of scholarships to support you financially as your undertake your PhD. See below for all currently available scholarships and be sure to subscribe to study alerts to be notified of any new opportunities. For more scholarship information, please visit UQ Find a Scholarship .

Please note, all PhD applications at UQ are managed through a Central Portal on the  UQ Graduate School  website. Once you have selected your project (and received official endorsement), you may proceed to  apply directly via the portal .

Ensure you check  scholarship round application deadlines  and outcome dates before applying in addition to any key dates listed on this page.  For any queries, please contact the HDR Liaison Officer,  [email protected] .  

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UQ Graduate School Scholarship (UQGSS)

The UQ Graduate School Scholarship is the most common scholarship applied for when planning to undertake a Phd. Most PhD's at UQ are funded via the UQ Graduate School Scholarship. For more information on eligibility and how to apply, please visit the UQ Graduate School .

*Please note, currently the UQ Graduate School Scholarship is only available to Domestic candidates. International applicants are still elligible for Earmarked PhD projects (and accompanying Earmarked Scholarship).

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IMB Global Challenges top-up scholarship

The Global Challenges PhD top-up scholarship offers a per annum top up of $5,000 to the UQ Graduate School Scholarship plus $5,000 support for a placement and $2,000 professional development support (over the period of the candidature) to outstanding domestic and eligible international onshore applicants .

The PhD projects on offer will give each student the opportunity to take a deep dive into a specialised topic and research discipline in one laboratory and within our broad-ranging approach. Each project will provide the rich foundational research training gained by completing a PhD and an opportunity to make a unique contribution to the field of knowledge. By conducting these projects within a cohort of other students, also aiming to broadly address the identified themes, the collective will form an intellectual hub, together, solving these global challenges. 

Importantly, the top-up includes specialised training in each theme and cutting-edge research techniques, tailored transferable skills training and support to conduct a placement nationally or internationally with a related partner. Collectively, these will form four pillars of support for the research project and create job-ready graduates with links to the national and international research, entrepreneurial and industry community. This year's theme is 'Drugs inspired by nature' .

To qualify for a Global Challenges top-up scholarship, you must:

  • Apply for a participating  PhD Projec t
  • Submit an Expression of Interest to IMB by 1 September 2024
  • Submit your PhD application before the deadline (check back for 2025 deadline)

For more information about this scholarship top-up, please visit the UQ Graduate website .

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In your application, ensure you:

  • Select ‘My higher degree is not collaborative’
  • Select 'I am applying for, or have been awarded a scholarship or sponsorship'.
  • Select ‘Other’, then add ‘ IMB Global Challenges + identified theme’

Please note, there are conditions for undertaking this top-up scholarship. Refer to details below.

Top-up conditions

If awarded the Global Challenges top-up scholarship, there are a few conditions that must be met in order to receive funding. These include:

  • Conducting a cross-disciplinary project that is targeted at solving a global problem within the theme of  'Research inspired by nature' .
  • Conducting a project that is multidisciplinary, with an advisory group that is composed of at least one Associate advisor in a different IMB Centre (or UQ institute/school) to the principal advisor
  • Conducting a placement with an external partner - arranged by you in collaboration with The University of Queensland Graduate School within the first 18 months of commencement, the placement can take place at any time during the candidature but is normally undertaken towards the end of the PhD. The extension of your candidature period from 3.5 years to 4 years is conditional on undertaking a placement.
  • Being an IMB ambassador - both to promote the scholarship and IMB generally.
  • Being an active participant in SIMBA and mentoring junior scholarship holders
  • Training Week
  • Technical training Masterclass
  • PhD student retreat
  • Industry engagement training and event 
  • UniQuest commercialisation workshop
  • Career development workshops, alumni mentorship programs and career panel opportunities

* Please note, the top-up scholarship duration is 3.5 years guaranteed plus 0.5 years conditional on completing training and a placement. Please know that further activities that build your cohort and enrich your PhD experience will be advised over the period of your candidature and your attendance will be required.

Earmarked Scholarships

Earmarked scholarships are offered for research projects aligned with recently awarded grants from major Australian Government research funding bodies, including the Australian Research Council, the National Health and Medical Research Council and the Medical Research Future Fund.

Earmarked scholarships offer PhD students the opportunity to contribute to large projects of national significance and work with leading researchers. The scholarship provides a living stipend of $32,192 per annum (2023 rate, indexed annually), tuition fees, and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). You can apply anytime - there is no closing date.

IMB Earmarked Scholarships are added to the PhD Projects list as they become available.  Sign up to study alerts  to be notified of any new opportunities. For more information on Earmarked Scholarships and how to apply, please visit the UQ Graduate School website .

* Please note, Domestic and International candidates may apply for an Earmarked PhD project and accompanying Earmarked Scholarship.

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Scholarships for PhD and MPhil students

Understand the types of scholarships and funding available to support your Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Philosophy (MPhil) or professional doctorate.

Follow your passion for research

Scholarships give you the financial freedom to focus on your research and get the most out of your studies. We offer a range of scholarships to support your needs. Check if you’re eligible and apply on time. 

Browse scholarships

Funding types for postgraduate research (HDR) scholarships

There’s more than one way to be supported during your research. You can apply for multiple scholarships based on different funding types to support aspects of your research and experience.

Living stipend

The major scholarships are living stipends. These offer $35K per year (tax free) in fortnightly payments to help cover your living costs. 

Browse all living stipend scholarships

Tuition fees

Tuition fees cover the cost of your tuition for the duration of your studies.

If you’re a domestic student, you can apply anytime without needing a living stipend scholarship.

If you’re an international student, you'll need a living stipend scholarship to be eligible for a tuition scholarship. 

Browse tuition fee scholarships

If you're on a living stipend scholarship, you could be eligible for a top-up scholarship to further help with the cost of living.

Browse all top up scholarships

Financial award

Grants and bursaries are usually given as a one-off award, and you can usually only receive 1 per academic year. You could receive funds to support extra-curricular activities, so it's worth taking the time to find out what you could apply for. 

Browse all financial award scholarships

If you're going on a trip as part of your studies, we have scholarships that provide a travel allowance to cover your travel costs. 

Browse all travel scholarships


Accommodation scholarships can cover the full costs of your accommodation fees at an approved provider or support you with a one-off stay if you’re travelling for your studies. 

Browse all accommodation scholarships

Major living stipend scholarships

You may be eligible to receive a number of scholarships during your research, but you can only receive 1 base stipend scholarship. You apply for these scholarships as part of your program application. 

Be sure to check the rules and requirements before you apply. 

A competitive scholarship available for all study areas.

Applications are called for in specific rounds.

These scholarships:

  • are available for domestic and international students
  • fund tuition fees, living stipend of $35K a year tax free (2024 rate), indexed yearly
  • include Single Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).

View Graduate School Scholarship

A competitive scholarship available for specific projects linked to prestigious research grants.

Applications are called for as projects become available. Once a candidate has been found for a project it will no longer be available. 

  • ​​​​fund tuition fees, living stipend of $35K a year tax free (2024 rate), indexed yearly

View Earmarked scholarship

A competitive scholarship available for all study areas to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

  • are available for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander students
  • fund tuition fees and a living stipend of $45K a year (2023 rate), indexed yearly.

View Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Scholarship

Other postgraduate scholarships

We also offer scholarships that are funded by external organisations, UQ faculties, centres, institutes, and donors. These scholarships often align with a particular field of research or purpose.

Eligibility and funding types vary for the scholarships available. 

Explore all tuition and living stipend scholarships

Tuition only scholarship

Graduate school scholarship – tuition (uqgss-t).

Available for domestic students only, this is a tuition-based research scholarship available for all study areas. This does not include a living stipend. You apply for this as part of your program application.

View Graduate School Scholarship – Tuition


If you have questions, the Graduate School can help.

Email:  [email protected]   Phone:  07 3346 0503

Deakin University Australia

  • Domestic or International?

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HDR Scholarship - Research Training Program Scholarship (RTP) / Deakin University Postgraduate Research Scholarship (DUPR)

The RTP scholarships are funded by the Australian Government, while the DUPR scholarships are funded by Deakin University. Both awards are available to domestic and international students. Only top-ranked applicants will be offered an RTP.

Important dates

Applications for Round 1 2025 for candidatures commencing 26 February 2025 – 1 May 2025 are now open. Full applications must be submitted by 6 October 2024. For further information, visit How to apply for a research degree .

Benefits and Duration

Stipend and Allowances Value (Terms and Conditions apply)

  • A stipend of $34,400 per annum tax exempt (2024 rate)
  • A relocation allowance from $500 to $1,500 (for single to family) awarded to students who are moving from interstate or overseas in order to study at Deakin
  • For international students only: Single Overseas Student Health Cover policy for the duration of the student visa

Doctoral Degree Duration

  • 3 years for stipend and 4 years for the tuition fees offset

Research Master Degree Duration

  • 2 years for stipend and 2 years for the tuition fees offset

Eligibility criteria

  • To be eligible for an RTP Stipend, RTP Fees Offset, RTP Allowance or DUPRS a student must be a domestic or international student enrolled in an HDR course of study at Deakin University
  • To be eligible for an RTP Fees Offset an applicant must not be receiving an equivalent award or scholarship from the Commonwealth designed to offset HDR fees
  • To be eligible for an RTP or DUPRS Stipend a student must not be receiving income from another source to support that student’s general living costs while undertaking their course of study if that income is greater than 75 per cent of that student’s RTP or DUPRS Stipend rate. Income unrelated to the student’s course of study or income received for the student’s course of study but not for the purposes of supporting general living costs is not to be taken into account.
  • Please refer to the  research degree entry pathways page for information on admission requirements to a HDR course at Deakin University.
  • Terms and conditions for each scholarship are detailed in the Further Information section below. For information about our RTP Scholarship Policy please refer to the  Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Scholarships Procedure.

Selection Process

RTP and DUPRS Stipends will be awarded to students as the result of a competitive process outlined in the ranking guidelines as below. Students receiving an RTP or DUPRS Stipend will be enrolled as on-campus full-time students.

Applicants for an RTP or DUPRS Stipend must have:

  • completed at least four years of tertiary education studies
  • have achieved 80% or equivalent in the research component of their previous study or an equivalent level of academic attainment, taking into account previous study, relevant work experience, research publications and other research experience
  • meet all other minimum entry requirements according to the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Admission, Selection and Enrolment Procedure . Please refer to the research degree entry pathways page for more information.

Currently enrolled HDR students can apply for an RTP or DUPRS Stipend and will be assessed by the Faculty/Institute. Currently enrolled students may not apply after they have completed more than 3 years of their doctoral course or 2 years of their masters course (or part-time equivalent).

For information about the RTP Fees Offset selection process and the offer process for all scholarships please refer to the  Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Scholarships Procedure.

PDF HDR Scholarship Ranking Guidelines 2024 241.2KB

How to apply

Prospective students.

Learn more about submitting a successful application on the how to apply page.

Find out more

Complete the Currently enrolled HDR student scholarship application form .

Current student application form (DOCX, 46KB)

For more information please  email the Researcher Development Academy

Further information

PDF RTP Domestic Terms and Conditions – 3 Year 158.6KB

PDF RTP Domestic Terms and Conditions – 2 Year 158.5KB

PDF DUPR International Terms and Conditions – 3 Year 254.2KB

PDF DUPR International Terms and Conditions – 2 Year 254.6KB

Discover more

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Domestic student

  • an Australian citizen;
  • an Australian permanent resident;
  • an Australian permanent humanitarian visa holder;
  • a New Zealand citizen.

International student

  • a temporary resident (visa status) of Australia;
  • a permanent resident (visa status) of New Zealand;
  • a resident or citizen of any other country, intending to study on a student visa.

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Data61 PhD Scholarships

Calling for PhD students who are passionate about science and engineering in digital and data sciences. We have a range of exciting opportunities available.

  • Enhance your PhD studies with a PhD studentship at CSIRO’s Data61
  • Kickstart your research career with the dedicated data and digital arm of Australia’s national science agency.
  • Work with talented people on projects aimed at solving the greatest challenges through innovative science and technology. 
  • Build your skills, apply your knowledge and deepen your skill set to design and solve complex research problems.

Data61’s PhD Scholarships give students the opportunity to work with a university and Data61 supervisor to further their careers at one of Australia’s most trusted science organizations.

We have a range of full stipend and top-up scholarship opportunities available

Mars Buttfield-Addison

Mars’ PhD journey

Meet data scientist, astrophile, author and virtual universe builder Mars Buttfield-Addison. A PhD candidate based in our Sandy Bay Tasmania office, Mars is applying machine learning methods to detect and track satellites and space debris.

Ms Farina Riaz

Farina’s PhD journey

Meet Ms Farina Riaz, a postgraduate student at CSIRO’s Data61 who is currently working on quantum artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications. We chat to her about her most impactful projects, career journey, and how STEM industries and research organisations can attract more talented women.


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Data61 PhD Scholarships

Looking to kickstart your career in research? CSIRO’s Data61 PhD Scholarship students gain access to world-class facilities and tools, quality mentoring and the innovation resources to empower you to help solve our greatest data-driven challenges.

About Data61 PhD Scholarships

At CSIRO's Data61, we aim to develop top-quality doctoral students who will prosper in careers in Australia’s data-skilled workforce. Our PhD scholarship program provides opportunities for outstanding postgraduate students with demonstrated academic and research excellence to further their careers at one of Australia’s most trusted organisations.

We offer a diverse, inclusive and flexible working environment where our people are supported and empowered to come up with digital and data solutions with impact.

You’ll work closely with your supervisors and teams on research projects that are aligned to our strategic goals . Our scholarships are awarded in partnership with Australian universities, so you’ll receive support and guidance from university supervisors alongside some of the country’s leading data and digital science experts.

Please carefully read the eligibility requirements and FAQs prior to contacting enquiries.

Scholarship eligibility and requirements

Candidates are selected through a competitive assessment process.

Applications are open to:

  • domestic and international students who current live in Australia
  • international students overseas at the time of application, who hold a visa to study in Australia.

In addition to the above criteria, you must:

  • hold a first-class honours (H1) Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in the relevant research area (completed or near completion)
  • have applied for admission to a PhD program at an Australian university or have completed less than 12 months study in a PhD program at an Australian university at the start of the scholarship’s commencement period
  • have a university supervisor who confirms they are willing and able to supervise you listed in your application, as Data61 does not organise your academic supervisor
  • not already hold a PhD degree
  • be ready to commence within the specific time and period noted in the advertisement.

If you do not have admission to a PhD program at an Australian university, we recommend you apply for admission before putting forward a Data61 PhD scholarship application. Depending on your university's processes, candidates may apply for eligible university scholarships at the same time as they apply for university admission. Please liaise with your university's student office about their specifications.

Scholarship funding and conditions

Data61 PhD scholarships have a maximum term of 3 years and 6 months.

  • You will be co-supervised by researchers in Data61 and academics from your Australian university.
  • A full scholarship includes a stipend $42,000 for years 1 and 2, increasing to $44,000 from year 3. Students who are successful in receiving a university base stipend from an Australian university can apply for a top-up scholarship only. Top-up scholarships are valued at $10,000 per annum.
  • If you have already commenced a PhD, the term of scholarship will be reduced by the period of study already undertaken.
  • Scholarships include learning and development expenses of up to $5,000 over the term of scholarship with the use of these funds being at the discretion of CSIRO and the student's university supervisor.
  • To continue receiving Data61 scholarship payments you must maintain satisfactory academic progress and engagement with Data61. Progress is monitored through complementary annual scholarship and academic reviews undertaken by the university review panel which will include the relevant Data61 supervisors.

Students who are successful in receiving a university base stipend from an Australian university can only apply for a top-up scholarship.

How to apply

Opportunities are advertised on the CSIRO Studentships and Scholarships website when they are open. Bookmark the CSIRO Studentships and Scholarships  website to find out when applications open and create a personal profile to apply.

We only accept applications through our online recruitment portal. Please do not email through your applications.

In accordance with our privacy policy, applications or CVs sent via email will be deleted.

If after reading the above information and the FAQs page and you still have a query which is not addressed here, please contact us.

Other information

Discover some of Data61's past Technology and space research and current job opportunities to inspire your future. Please visit the FAQs for further details prior to contacting enquiries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Application assessment, leave allowances, converting to part-time study - FAQs answered

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  • Research & innovation
  • Graduate research


Scholarships and awards are available for eligible HDR candidates at UOW. These scholarships include annual stipends, living allowances and tuition fee costs.

  • Scholarship information


Phd scholarship in proteomic profiling of ancient viral relics resident in the human genome.

This scholarship provides the successful doctoral candidate with the opportunity to pioneer innovative protein tagging and proximity labeling proteomic technologies. These technologies will allow the candidate to elucidate the interactome of endogenous retroviruses in human cells, shedding light on fundamental aspects of human biology.

Faculty: Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health

Study area: Environmental & Biological Science

Student type: Domestic students

Scholarship amount: Successful full time candidates receive a tax-free stipend at the 2024 stipend rate of $34,000 p.a. including annual increments.

Application closing date: September 23, 2024

Prestigious PhD Scholarships in Engineering disciplines

A national research entity funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) and headquartered at the University of Wollongong (UOW), ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre (ITTC) for Innovative Composites for the Future of Mining Equipment (Composites for Sustainable Mining) is comprised of seven Australian universities (participating organisations) and eight local and international industry organisations.

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences

Study area: Computer Science & Information Technology, Engineering

Student type: Domestic students, International students

Scholarship amount: Successful candidates will receive a tax-free stipend of up to $AUD 36,161 per annum for the duration of the award.

Application closing date: When positions are filled

A Flourishing Career Opportunity for Women in STEM

Industry placements and professional development for PhD Candidates.

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health

Study area: Engineering, Environmental & Biological Science, Computer Science & Information Technology, Maths, Physics

Scholarship amount: This opportunity comprises of:

  • A $9000 internship stipend for 3 months.
  • An $1000 support grant to the research group and $10,000 in value for the wider program including leadership, entrepreneurship training and networking events.
  • An internship stipend of $18,000 will be paid for those undertaking a 6-month internship. PhD stipends are paused during the internship period.

Application closing date: Open year round

Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) Stipend Scholarship

The Australian Government Research Training Program Award (AGRTP) is a stipend intended to cover some living expenses.

Faculty: Faculty of Business and Law, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Study area: Humanities & Social Inquiry, Creative & Performing Arts, Education, Engineering, Environmental & Biological Science, Accounting Finance & Economics, Health, Computer Science & Information Technology, Literature & Language, Law, Management, Marketing, Maths, Medical Science, Nursing, Physics, Psychology & Human Behaviour, Social Sciences & Advocacy, Chemistry

Scholarship amount: 2024 stipend: $34,000* non-taxable * Stipends are indexed annually

Application closing date: 3 October, each year.

University Postgraduate Award (UPA)

University Postgraduate Awards (UPAs) are a stipend intended to cover some living expenses.

Study area: Humanities & Social Inquiry, Business, Communications & Media, Creative & Performing Arts, Education, Engineering, Environmental & Biological Science, Accounting Finance & Economics, Health, Computer Science & Information Technology, Literature & Language, Law, Management, Marketing, Maths, Medical Science, Nursing, Physics, Psychology & Human Behaviour, Social Sciences & Advocacy, Chemistry

University Postgraduate Award Indigenous (UPAI)

UOW offers Indigenous PhD scholars the maximum Research Training Program (RTP) stipend rate to undertake a Doctoral or Master of Philosophy degree.

Scholarship amount: The stipend scholarship for prospective and current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students studying a PhD is $50,291* (2024 rate) per annum, indexed annually.

You're viewing this site as a domestic an international student

You're a domestic student if you are:

  • a citizen of Australia or New Zealand,
  • an Australian permanent resident, or
  • a holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa.

You're an international student if you are:

  • intending to study on a student visa,
  • not a citizen of Australia or New Zealand,
  • not an Australian permanent resident, or
  • a temporary resident (visa status) of Australia.

How to get a PhD scholarship

How to get a PhD scholarship or funding

Uni life Published 23 Jan, 2024  ·  3-minute read

If you’re passionate enough about a topic to complete a PhD on it, we think that’s amazing. But, understandably, you’ll want some reassurance that you’ll be supported financially during your research endeavours. Let’s look at how to get a PhD scholarship in Australia.

A common way for PhD candidates to supplement their income is to do casual or even part-time work while completing their degree. However, this isn’t a viable option for everyone – and it may not be enough in some circumstances.

In such cases, a PhD scholarship is just what the doctorate ordered.

What is a PhD scholarship?

A PhD scholarship is much like any scholarship – it supports a PhD candidate to complete their studies. 

PhD scholarships are offered by a variety of universities, specific schools, and research institutes. For example, at The University of Queensland (UQ), there are 2 categories of PhD scholarships you can consider:

  • UQ Graduate School scholarships  (UQGSS)  – about $35K per year for 3.5 years
  • earmarked scholarships for joining an existing research project – about $35K per year for 3.5 years.

In either case, your scholarship will comprise tuition fees and a living stipend. Both types also come with the possibility of a single extension and both domestic and international students are eligible to apply.

There is also a UQ Graduate School Scholarship which only covers tuition fees and does not include a living stipend. The UQGSS-T is only available to domestic students.

Deciding which scholarship category suits you will likely come down to whether an existing research project aligns with your interests. If you’ve got a niche passion and the ambition to find your own supervisor and create a fresh research proposal , a Graduate School scholarship is likely the path for you.

If you’d prefer to join an existing team of researchers pursuing an established line of research, you might find an earmarked scholarship more appealing. You can expand your search for a project that interests you by visiting , though we’d obviously love to see you contribute to the groundbreaking research efforts right here at UQ.

UQ has earmarked scholarships available for a wide variety of research projects. Our research areas span from agriculture to creative arts, health, business, science and everything in between. Explore our research areas and find an earmarked scholarship that appeals to your interests .

Top-up PhD scholarships in Australia

You may also find yourself eligible for a top-up scholarship of $7-14K per year. Find out more about top-up scholarships .

A UQ PhD candidate examines plants in a greenhouse while holding a tablet

How to get a scholarship for a PhD

When you’re looking at an earmarked PhD scholarship for an existing project, the process is rather simple: apply for the advertised position by contacting the project supervisor.

However, things get a bit trickier when you’re creating a new research proposal. Here are some tips for how to get a fully funded PhD project:

  • Make sure your school or institute knows you want a scholarship , as they will need to nominate you for one. At UQ, this means selecting the option in your PhD application that says I would like to be considered for a UQ scholarship…
  • Choose the right supervisor. Some of the criteria for getting a PhD scholarship include the experience and expertise relevance of your supervisor and advisory team. So, you’ll want to find a supervisor who checks all the right boxes .
  • Get advice from your PhD supervisor . The quality of your research project is another large factor in determining whether you get a PhD scholarship. At the start, the main means of demonstrating this is your research proposal, so be sure to use your supervisor’s wisdom to make this proposal as steadfast as possible .
  • Prepare the appropriate documents/evidence. Other criteria include your academic performance, your research capabilities, and the quality of your proposed research environment. This means having evidence prepared to demonstrate these factors (e.g. the academic transcript from your honours/postgraduate degree, or details of the laboratory where you’ll be conducting your research) can help you attain a PhD scholarship.

Learn more about completing your PhD at UQ Explore all UQ scholarships available for postgraduate research students

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There are a range of government and University funded scholarships available to support you during your Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidature. These scholarships provide support with a range of expenses associated with undertaking HDR research including living expenses, tuition waivers, and ancillary costs associated with your research.

HDR scholarships can include one or more of the following types of support*:

  • Stipend – this is a living allowance paid to the student fortnightly for the duration of the scholarship to help with living expenses. Please be aware that stipends are intended to contribute towards living expenses for the student themselves and may not be sufficient to fully cover the cost of living, particularly if accompanied by dependents.
  • Fee Offset/Waiver – this pays tuition fees that would otherwise be paid by the student for the duration of the scholarship. Note: this is a financial arrangement within the university and is not paid to the student.
  • Allowances – reimbursement for costs associated with undertaking HDR research such as relocation costs, and Overseas Health Cover.

* NOTE:    If you are successful in obtaining a scholarship, your offer letter will provide details of which, if any, of these types of support you have been awarded.

Search for postgraduate research scholarships

Scholarships Available for HDR Students

Research training program stipend and university of adelaide research scholarships.

The most widely awarded scholarships available to HDR students are the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (RTPS) and the University of Adelaide Research Scholarship (UARS) . Both of these awards provide a stipend ( living allowance ) and fee offset/ waiver for the duration of the scholarship. Detailed information about additional allowances and conditions of these scholarships are provided in the Conditions of Award .

Applications for RTPS and UARS scholarships primarily occur through the scholarship rounds held prior to the beginning of semester ( see Applying for HDR Scholarships – Opportunities i n the Competitive Rounds ).

* Information for supervisors who have a strategic scholarship to allocate can be found in Staff Resources .

Other HDR Scholarships

In addition to the RTPS and UARS awards, there are other opportunities available to HDR students , including externally funded major awards, supplementary scholarships ( top - up scholarships ) , industry programs and placements, allowances for operating costs, and travel scholarships. These scholarships are individually listed in the University Scholarships Database .

Most, but not all, of these opportunities are offered separately to the scholarship rounds and require a separate and specific application. You will find information about how to apply for individual scholarships attac hed to the funding opportunity listed in the database .

* Information for supervisors looking to establish a scholarship can be found in Staff Resources .

Summary of Main HDR Scholarships

Name Eligibility Duration Value


Applicants must:

Hold a relevant Bachelor Degree with Honours or equivalent

Doctor of Philosophy = up to 3.5 years

Master of Philosophy = up to 2 years

Stipend = $34,210 p.a. (2024 rate)

Fees Offset (Domestic Students)/ Tuition Fee Waiver (International Students)

Allowances = Overseas Student Health Cover (International Students only), Relocation allowance, Visa Entitlements and Requirements, Early Submission allowance

Applicants must:

Hold a relevant Bachelor Degree with Honours or equivalent

Doctor of Philosophy = up to 3.5 years

Master of Philosophy = up to 2 years

Stipend = $50,291 p.a. (2024 rate)

Tuition Fee Waiver

Fees Offset (Domestic Students)/

Allowances = Relocation allowance, Early Submission allowance


Applicants must be eligible to hold admission into a Higher Degree by Research (HDR)


Doctor of Philosophy = up to 3.5 years

Master of Philosophy = up to 2 years

Stipend = $34,210 p.a. (2024 rate)

Fees Offset (Domestic Students)/ Tuition Fee Waiver (International Students)

Allowances = Overseas Student Health Cover (International Students only), Relocation allowance, Early Submission allowance

See conditions of award for further details

Finding Information about HDR Scholarships on Offer

Information about all of the HDR Scholarships on offer can be found in the University Scholarships Database . The database includes scholarship opportunities for future, current and past students, such as external funding opportunities and travel scholarships.

Entries in the database include information about the background of the award, what is included, eligibility criteria, and how to apply for the award.

The database is updated on a continuous basis as awards become available. If you are seeking a scholarship, you should check the database regularly so that you do not miss an opportunity.

Applying for HDR Scholarships - Opportunities in the Competitive Rounds

Scholarships are mainly awarded in competitive rounds that align with the primary intakes of students at the start of the year and mid-way through the year. These rounds are known as the Major Round (February/March intake) and the Midyear Round (July/August intake).  

Separate Major and Midyear rounds are held for domestic and international applicants. This ensures that successful international applicants have sufficient time to make the arrangements to move to Australia while also providing sufficient time for domestic students to complete any current programs before the round is held.

Scholarships Available in the Competitive Rounds

Two principal types of major scholarships are offered in the competitive scholarship rounds: Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarships and University of Adelaide Research Scholarships . Whether these scholarships are offered in a specific scholarship round is subject to the availability of scholarships at that time. The scholarship round information tables ( see Domestic Round , International Round below) identify which scholarships will be offered in a specific round.

  • Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarships ( Domestic , International )
  • University of Adelaide Research Scholarships ( Domestic , International ) 
  • Applicants who do not hold an Honours degree, postgraduate qualifications with a significant research component, or have significant research experience and/or publications will be considered for the University of Adelaide Research Scholarship s ( Domestic , International )

Further information about eligibility for these principal scholarships is included in the Conditions of Award .

A range of other scholarships may also be offered during the competitive scholarship rounds, as permitted by funding availability. Information about any additional awards being offered during a specific scholarship round are provided in the online application system . It is recommended that applicants carefully consider the information provided about these scholarships when they complete their application, as applicants may also be eligible for these additional awards.

Domestic Round

The domestic rounds include both domestic applicants and international applicants who are current students or recent graduates of the University of Adelaide. A student is considered a 'recent graduate' if they have completed their University of Adelaide qualification within the last 2 years (4 semesters).

Round Open Date Closing Date Outcomes Major Scholarships on Offer Intake
2024 Midyear Round 1 May 2024 5 June 2024 August 2024

Semester 2, 2024 (1 July 2024- 31 December 2024)
2025 Major Round 1 September 2024 31 October 2024 From December 2024
Semester 1, 2025 (1 January 2025 - 30 June 2025)

Please note: international students who are applying in the domestic rounds as a current or recent University of Adelaide student will need to apply as an international applicant ( see here ) within the domestic round application period.

International Round

The international rounds are reserved for international applicants only. International students who are current students or recent graduates* of the University of Adelaide should refer to the Domestic Round Dates – but will need to submit applications using the International application system.

Round Open date Closing date Outcomes Major Scholarships 
on Offer
2025 Major Round Closed 16 June 2024 From Mid-September 2024
Semester 1, 2025 (1 January 2025 - 30 June 2025)
2025 Minor Round Open 24 December 2024 From Early-April
From 30 June 2025

University of Adelaide Students/ Recent University of Adelaide Graduates Rounds

The following students are eligible to apply in these rounds:

  • University of Adelaide students who are in the final semester of their current program
  • University of Adelaide students who have recently completed their program within the last 2 years (4 semesters)
Round Open Date Closing Date Outcomes Major Scholarships on Offer Intake
2024 Midyear Round 1 May 2024 5 June 2024 August 2024

Semester 2, 2024 (1 July 2024- 31 December 2024)
2025 Major Round 1 September 2024 31 October 2024 From December 2024
Semester 1, 2025 (1 January 2025 - 30 June 2025)

Refer to the scholarships page for details about  Major scholarships available  in the competitive rounds.

Scholarship Selection Guidelines for the Competitive Rounds

The number of scholarships on offer in each competitive scholarship round is subject to funding availability and these scholarships are awarded based on merit. Scholarship applications are assessed based on a combination of academic merit, research experience, and alignment with the University of Adelaide’s strategic goals.  To provide yourself with the best chance at being selected for a scholarship, ensure that you include as much detail as possible in your application about:

  • your qualifications
  • your grades
  • your publications, and
  • your research relevant work experience

If you have previously studied overseas, your qualifications from any overseas institutions will be assessed in comparison to the Australian Quality Framework (AQF). If your grades do not compare with the Australian system, your results will be scaled accordingly to ensure that your application can be assessed fairly.

If you are currently enrolled as an HDR student, please note that in assessing your application consideration will only be given to work completed prior to your current HDR.

Scholarship applications from applicants who have completed a Bachelor degree and no postgraduate qualifications will be assessed using the cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) from their undergraduate program.

Scholarships are awarded to the highest ranked applicants in the round. Whether an applicant is awarded a scholarship is determined by the quality of their application relative to the other applications in the round.

NOTE: If you are currently enrolled as an HDR student, consideration will only be given to work completed prior to your current HDR.

Applying for HDR Scholarships - Out of Round Opportunities

In addition to the competitive scholarship rounds there are other opportunities which include externally funded major awards, supplementary scholarships, industry programs and placements, allowances for operating costs, and travel scholarships. These scholarships are listed online in the University Scholarships Database . They usually require a separate and specific application and you will find this information attached to the funding opportunity listed.

Am I eligible for a scholarship?


To be eligible for an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship or University of Adelaide Research Scholarship, you must be eligible to enrol in a full-time Higher Degree by Research (HDR) program at the University of Adelaide.  For more detailed information regarding eligibility criteria, including specific GPA requirements, program structure and a direct link to the Academic Program Rules, please see the Adelaide Graduate Research School Calendar .

International applicants must also provide satisfactory evidence of meeting the minimum English language proficiency requirements for direct entry by the scholarship round closing date. Further information about what is required can be found here .

You must be eligible to enrol in a full-time Higher Degree by Research (HDR) program at the University of Adelaide.  For more detailed information regarding eligibility criteria, including specific GPA requirements, program structure and a direct link to the Academic Program Rules, please see the Adelaide Graduate Research School Calendar .

Other advertised scholarship opportunities may have additional eligibility criteria. You should refer to the relevant entry in the University Scholarships Database for further information.

How do I apply for a scholarship?

You will need to complete an online admission and scholarship application. You can find the page to apply here . Please select at the top of the page if you are applying as a domestic or international student, and the page will show you the dates for each scholarship round currently available. Work your way down the steps, read each section and you will be directed how to apply online.

Can I apply for more than one scholarship in the competitive rounds?

Yes, you can apply for as many scholarships as you would like (and are eligible for). However, please be aware that if you are successful, whether you can hold multiple scholarships is determined by the rules of award for the individual scholarship.

Where do I find a supervisor?

For information on how to connect with a supervisor, please see Step 3 of How to Apply .

I am currently completing a Master of Philosophy, and wish to apply for PhD admission & scholarship in the competitive round. What is the deadline to submit my thesis?  Domestic and onshore international applicants completing a Higher Degree by Research qualification in the same semester of application at an Australian university (University of Adelaide only for international students) will only be eligible for consideration if they have submitted their thesis for examination by the scholarship closing date. Note: examination results must be provided within 3 months of the scholarship closing date.

Will the publications and/or research experience I have gained since completing my qualification(s) add weight to my application? If you ensure that your publication(s) and/or relevant research experience is detailed in your application and uploaded Structured CV, it will be considered. However, the Graduate Scholarships Committee will pay close attention to the quality of the journal in which the work is published as well as your contribution to the publication. Research outputs are usually assessed in light of the opportunities you might have had subsequent to your initial graduation.

My previous scholarship application was unsuccessful.  Can I reapply for a scholarship?

If you have not yet enrolled in your academic program, yes you can reapply for a scholarship. If you have previously applied for admission and a scholarship, and were unsuccessful, you can reapply in any subsequent round.

If you have already enrolled in your academic program, please see the question below.

I have enrolled in my academic program.  Can I apply / reapply for scholarships?

Yes. If you are currently enrolled in an HDR and have sufficient candidature left, you can apply for scholarships. 

  • For a PhD scholarship, you must have a minimum of 2 years candidature remaining as of 1 January (Major Round) or 1 July (Midyear Round) to be eligible to apply for a scholarship
  • For a Masters scholarship, you must have a minimum of 6 months candidature remaining as of 1 January (Major Round) or 1 July (Midyear Round) to be eligible to apply for a scholarship.

Please note: Only the work completed prior to your enrolment in the HDR study for which the scholarship is being sought will be considered in assessing your application. 

Are there any opportunities for industry placements?

Incorporating industry engagement into your HDR program provides unique opportunities and a strong complement to your academic studies and will give you a head start in future employment opportunities.

More information about these opportunities can be found here:

Can I apply for a tuition fee waiver?

The University of Adelaide does not offer tuition fee waiver only scholarships. Tuition fee waivers are associated with major scholarships awarded to students. Please apply in a scholarship round to be considered for a scholarship. If you are successful, a fee waiver will be included as part of your scholarship offer.

When will I know the result of my scholarship application?

Domestic applicants

We will begin releasing outcomes from the date listed for the relevant competitive scholarship round on the website . You will be notified of the outcome of your scholarship application at the same time that you are notified whether you have been successful in your application for admission (i.e. in the same correspondence).

Your scholarship outcome will not be released until all of your academic results have been finalised (and you have provided appropriate evidence to the Adelaide Graduate Research School), and all aspects of your admission application have been approved. 

International applicants

We will begin releasing outcomes from the date listed for the relevant competitive scholarship round on the website . You will be notified of the outcome of your scholarship application separately from your admission outcome notification.

There may be compliance checks and other relevant approval processes that need to be completed before a scholarship outcome can be determined.  You will be advised of the outcome of your application as soon as a decision is made.

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Waite campus. Students in plant accelerator. Smarthouse Imaging room.

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Wiltu Yarlu

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Wine research

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We have 121 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Australia

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PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Australia

Fish and fisheries ecology of culturally important ‘saltwater’ resources in the kimberley region of western australia – phd top-up scholarships (2 x positions), phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project is in competition for funding with other projects. Usually the project which receives the best applicant will be successful. Unsuccessful projects may still go ahead as self-funded opportunities. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but potential funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Use of fragmented, agricultural landscapes by koalas

Koala population health and management in agricultural landscapes, unraveling als mechanisms: integrating single-cell long-read sequencing and crispr technologies, funded phd project (students worldwide).

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Monitoring Wildlife Using Sound and Other Methods

Engineering inorganic-organic interfacial energy transfer, thermoradiative power generation (or solar power at night), phd or mphil in solar photovoltaics at anu, sustainable approaches to improve cotton productivity, the evolution of antibiotic tolerant staphylococcus aureus cell types during long term colonisation developing into diabetes foot infection., join a world-leading, joint phd program with a generous scholarship, funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

Australia PhD Programme

An Australian PhD usually takes 3 years of independent study towards an original thesis. Unlike most countries, this will usually be assessed as a piece of written work, without an oral ‘viva voce’ exam. However, some universities may arrange an online viva.

Invasive snails as vectors of pathogens and parasites

Data driven decision models for forest biosecurity, development of broadband electronic warfare sensors for signal detection and direction finding, managing fruit fly in papua new guinea treaty villages.

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Graduate Research

PhD scholarships and opportunities

phd scholarships australia value

Advanced Nanomaterials-Based Portable Water Filtration Bags

Closing date: 30 september 2024 apply now, phd scholarship.

The main aim of the project is to research and develop new and advanced nanomaterials and further incorporate them in a portable water filtration bag to enhance the cleaning of waste and contaminated water and make it fit for drinking and other purposes.

phd scholarships australia value

Testing the Efficacy of Conservation Measures for Endangered Littlejohn's Tree Frogs

Littlejohn’s tree frogs are threatened by mine subsidence, fire, disease, and small population size that has led to high levels of inbreeding. This study will explore how conservation actions to mitigate these threats affect population and individual frog health.

phd scholarships australia value

Asars PhD Top-up Scholarship in Arteriosclerosis

Closing date: 04 november 2024 apply now, top-up scholarship.

Matilde Asars left a bequest in her will to the University, with the purpose being to support “research into Arteriosclerosis.”

phd scholarships australia value

Wansey PhD Scholarship in Heart Disease

Francoise Wansey left a bequest to the University in her will, “for the benefit of persons in Newcastle and the Hunter River area suffering from heart disease”. This PhD scholarship is to support research in heart disease.

phd scholarships australia value

Quantifying the Hofmeister Series in Complex Electrolytes

Closing date: 01 december 2024 apply now.

This project will apply quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics simulations to the study of Hofmeister and specific ion effects in complex electrolytes, including non-aqueous solvents, deep eutectic solvents and ionic liquids.

Targeting the Epididymis to Protect the Integrity of the Sperm Epigenome

A PhD scholarship as part of a National Health and Medical Research Council Ideas Grant. The PhD student will be part of a leading research team to investigate how the epididymis responds to environmental stressors to promote changes in sperm epigenetic information.

3D printing Nano

3D-Printing in the Micro-and Nano-Scale

Closing date: 31 december 2024 apply now.

This project aims to develop a 3D-printing platform that is capable of printing micro- and nanostructures such as functional nanofibers, nanofiber mesh and 3D scaffolds that mimic microstructures of tissues.

phd scholarships australia value

Improving Trauma-Informed Care Approaches In Health Service Provision And Access For Women Who Have Experienced Violence

Closing date: 31 march 2025 apply now, phd opportunity.

This project aims to collect information from both service providers and those who have experienced violence to provide best practice guidelines in trauma-informed care (considered the highest standard of care) for women who have lived with violence.

phd scholarships australia value

Developing a Technical Framework for Testing Printed Solar Technology

Closing date: 31 may 2025 apply now.

This exciting project combines CSIRO's and UON's unique characterisation and fabrication facilities to identify the key degradation mechanisms in Kardinia Energy's printed solar technology with the goal to design accelerated testing methods that can replace the existing, unsuitable IEC methods.

Glenn and Ken Moss PhD Scholarships in Engineering Research

Closing date: 01 january 2018 apply now.

This donor funded supplementation scholarship has been established and funded for University of Newcastle students studying PhD (Mechanical Engineering) or PhD (Mechatronics). If a candidate is not available in Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronics, then the scholarship may be offered to a student from another Engineering Discipline.

phd scholarships australia value

Judy Kennedy Research Scholarship in Mental Health

The scholarship should be awarded to a student whose research aims to improve the care and outcomes for people with mental illness and their families.

Understanding, Optimizing, and Safeguarding the Thermal Desorption and Destruction of PFAS

The CSIRO Industry PhD Program (iPhD) is a research training program, focusing on applied research that benefits industry by solving real-world challenges. It aims to produce the next generation of innovation leaders with the skills to work at the interface of research and industry in Australia.


Progressive Voices/Movements in Islamic Theology in the (Post-)Secular Society of 21st Century

Closing date: 31 december 2025 apply now.

PhD research on “Progressive Voices/Movements in Islamic Theology in the (Post-)Secular Society of 21st Century”

Recently expired PhD Scholarships

phd scholarships australia value

University of Newcastle Philanthropic Scholarship for Diffuse Midline Glioma Research

Closing date: 16 august 2024 apply now.

This scholarship will be funded by donations supporting the University’s Cancer Signalling Research Group for research into the fatal paediatric brain cancer: diffuse midline glioma (DMG).

ARC COE Logo - square set

Advanced Beneficiation of Minerals

Closing date: 31 august 2024 apply now.

Six PhD scholarships are available focused on novel technologies for achieving advanced mineral beneficiation covering flotation, gravity separation and agglomeration, relevant to critical and strategic minerals.

Sticking To The Facts: Enhancing Public Discourse And Policy Making By Creating A ‘Fact Bank’ For Pacific Island Journalists

Closing date: 08 september 2024 apply now.

This project will improve public discourse and policy discussion on biodiversity loss, climate change and plastic pollution by enhancing understanding of the information ecosystem, creating a ‘fact bank’ for journalists and ‘sticking to the facts’ to determine its impact.

phd scholarships australia value

Margaret Flynn Ornithology Conservation Science Scholarship

Closing date: 15 september 2024 apply now.

One PhD position is available within the Conservation Science Research Group to study the movement ecology and habitat use of shorebird communities within the Port Stephens and Hunter estuaries.

phd scholarships australia value

PhD Position in Drone technology and Greater Glider Conservation

This study will explore the capacity for drone technologies to survey and monitor Greater Gliders at large spatial scales and broaden our understanding of how drone technologies fit within the monitoring toolbox relative to more traditional survey methods.

Graduate Research [email protected] +61 2 4921 6537

The University of Newcastle acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands within our footprint areas: Awabakal, Darkinjung, Biripai, Worimi, Wonnarua, and Eora Nations. We also pay respect to the wisdom of our Elders past and present.

Are you visiting our site from South Asia ? Head to our dedicated page with all the information you need to study at the University of Newcastle. Close

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Ph.D scholarships in Australia for International students 2024-2025

Find Ph.D scholarships for international students to study in Australia 2024-2025.

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Flinders University ARC Training Centre for Biofilm Research and Innovation PhD Scholarship 2024

ARC Training Centre for Biofilm Research and Innovation – Delivering innovative biofilm solutions We are the leading Australian research and training centre tackling biofilm-related challenges. The ARC Training Centre for Biofilm Research and Innovation, led by Flinders University i

Published: 13 Sep 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Value: $46,161 Deadline: 15 Sep 2024

Flinders University PhD Scholarships for the Global Hydrogen Production (HyPT) Centre 2024

We are seeking two outstanding candidates for PhD scholarships for the Global Hydrogen Production (HyPT) Centre with a comprehensive team of 34 leading scholars from 19 institutions in six countries (US, Australia, Canada, Egypt and Germany) to formulate the pathway to large-scale net-zero

Published: 10 Sep 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Deadline: 15 Sep 2024

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University of Southern Queensland International Stipend and Fee Research Scholarship (DPHD) 2024

UniSQ offers an International PhD Stipend and Fee Scholarship for international students studying or commencing the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in 2025. Applications in all areas of research are welcome, but these should be aligned with UniSQ's flagship areas.  Students applying for

Published: 10 Sep 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Deadline: 30 Sep 2024

Flinders University PhD Scholarship 2024

Audiology program within College of Nursing and Health Sciences is looking for a candidate to fill a PhD position to investigate listening in noise in children with hearing loss. Chronic hearing loss in children has serious consequences on language, and social development. While early intervention p

Published: 26 Aug 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Deadline: 30 Aug 2024

Flinders and Additive Surgical Industry PhD Scholarship 2024

Change lives and change the world with impactful PhD research co-funded by Flinders and Additive Surgical Receive a $33,990 per annum (indexed annually) scholarship tax free, for up to 3.5 years Apply your research skills during an internship with Additive Surgical Flinders University a

Published: 13 Aug 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Deadline: 16 Aug 2024

Flinders Caring Futures Institute’s Cancer Survivorship Program 2024

We are seeking an outstanding candidate for a PhD scholarship to join the Flinders Caring Futures Institute’s Cancer Survivorship Program, that seeks to develop and evaluate caring solutions that improve outcomes for cancer survivors at the individual, system, and policy levels.  Flind

Published: 12 Aug 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Deadline: 14 Aug 2024

Flinders University AusHealth Curecell Awards 2024

Not-for-profit charities AusHealth and Curecell are committed to translating cutting-edge research into real-world, commercial outcomes. The awards – intended to help with living costs – will be made to students currently enrolled in a PhD, whose research projects have real potential for

Published: 09 Jul 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Value: $10,000 Deadline: 31 Jul 2024

Flinders University PhD Scholarships for Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Grant Oceanographic Modelling 2024

Flinders University is globally recognised for water and environmental research, ranked 17th in the 2021 Shanghai Ranking for Water Resources. It is the headquarters of the highly regarded National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NCGRT), which provides a supportive, high-quality enviro

Published: 08 Jul 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Deadline: 30 Jul 2024

Flinders, Community Bridging Services (CBS) Inc. and Department for Health and Wellbeing Industry PhD Scholarship 2024

Change lives and change the world with impactful PhD research co-funded by Flinders University, Community Bridging Services Inc. and Department for Health and Wellbeing. The aim of this collaborative research project is to undertake an evaluation of the sector-leading Individual Placement and Sup

Published: 12 Jun 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Value: $33,990 Deadline: 05 Jul 2024

The ARC Training Centre for Biofilm Research and Innovation, led by Flinders University is a 5 year, $7.8m research and training program, bringing together 5 universities, 10 industry partners and key industry and regulatory bodies to deliver innovative research and biofilm solutions to tackle

Published: 29 May 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Deadline: 30 Jun 2024

Flinders, Community Bridging Services Inc. and Department for Health and Wellbeing Industry PhD Scholarship 2024

Published: 13 May 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Value: $33,990 Deadline: 05 Jun 2024

Flinders University Overseas Travelling Fellowship 2024

The Overseas Travelling Fellowship is the most prestigious award offered by the University to higher degree research students. No more than two Travelling Fellowships will be awarded in any one year. The Overseas Travelling Fellowship has been established to enable full-time or part-time PhD s

Published: 22 Apr 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Deadline: 30 Apr 2024

Flinders and Geotechnical Engineering Technology Consulting (GETC) Pty Ltd Industry PhD Scholarship 2024

Flinders and Geotechnical Engineering Technology Consulting (GETC) Pty Ltd Industry PhD Scholarship: The behaviour of solar farm pile foundations in reactive soils and implications for their design Change lives and change the world with impactful PhD research co-funded by Flinders and GETC

Published: 12 Apr 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Deadline: 14 Apr 2024

This project will be in collaboration with the Defence Science and Technology Group and will focus on water quality factors and their influence on materials and biofilm formation in the marine environment. ARC Training Centre for Biofilm Research and Innovation – Delivering innovative biofi

Published: 18 Mar 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Value: $38,982 Deadline: 31 Mar 2024

Flinders University PhD Scholarship – Social Policy - ARC Discovery Grant 2024

Outstanding candidates are sought for a three-year PhD scholarship for full-time research on an Australian Research Council (ARC) funded research project “Young People with Disability & Young Carers: Opportunities & Contributions". This ground-breaking project in social policy is

Published: 26 Feb 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Deadline: 04 Mar 2024

Flinders University ARC Training Centre for Biofilm Research and Innovation and PhD Scholarship 2024

Published: 26 Jan 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Value: $36,161 Deadline: 09 Jan 2024

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University of New England Australia’s Women Cartoonists Scholarship 2024

Expressions of Interest are invited for a PhD project to be completed as part of the Australian Research Council (ARC) funded Discovery Grant ‘Cartoon Nation: Australian Editorial Cartooning – Past, Present, and Future’ The PhD project should be designed to explore aspects of th

Published: 23 Jan 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Value: $32,192 Deadline: 18 Oct 2024

We are seeking an outstanding PhD candidate to undertake a program of research within a broader NHMRC Ideas Grant entitled: Personalised daily body-clock tracking and circadian light therapy retiming to improve sleep, performance, health and safety. This exciting project is supported by a large

Published: 22 Jan 2024 Type: PhD Study in: Australia Value: $33,990 Deadline: 31 Jan 2024

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  • King's College London Chevening Scholarship for International Students 2024
  • US-CDC 2024 Public Health Informatics Fellowship Program (PHIFP)


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Engineering Postgraduate Research Scholarships

UNSW postgraduate students

The LEAP Research Scholarships were established to support world class engineers to pursue excellence in research at UNSW Engineering – Australia’s largest engineering faculty and ranked in the world’s top 50.

You’ve looked long and hard. Now LEAP!

Boosting world-class engineers who see new ways to achieve Australia’s technology future.

Value: $10,000 pa top-up for a maximum of 3.5 years.

The LEAP Industry PhD Top-Up Scholarship supports talented PhD students in the Australian Graduate School of Engineering (AGSE) to promote industry-engaged research degrees throughout UNSW, to industry partners, and the wider community.

For more info and eligibility please contact: [email protected]

Residency: Domestic

Value: $10,000 per annum top-up for a maximum of 3.5 years.

The LEAP Engineering Ambassador Scholarship supports highly motivated commencing HDR students who are keen to promote the Faculty’s research throughout UNSW and the wider community with a particular focus on the undergraduate student community.

For more information and eligibility please contact: [email protected]

Residency:  Domestic

The LEAP Women in Engineering Scholarship supports highly motivated female commencing HDR students who are keen to promote the Faculty’s research throughout UNSW and the wider community with a particular focus on the undergraduate student community.

For more information and eligibility please contact:  [email protected]

The LEAP First Nations Scholarship supports exceptional students of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage to pursue a Higher Degree in research (MPhil or PhD) in the field of engineering.  

Commencing HDR students from the First Nations who possess a demonstrate passion and talent for research and are keen to utilise their leadership skills acquired through their research degrees to contribute positively to society, are encouraged to apply.

Residency:  First Nations people (Aboriginal & Torres Strait islander only)

Value:  $38,854 per annum stipend for the length of the degree program up to a maximum of 3.5 years.

The HDR Sanctuary Scholarship supports passionate commencing students who have an asylum seeker or refugee status and are experiencing financial hardship to pursue or complete the HDR program (MPhil or PhD).

Residency:  an asylum seeker or refugee specific visa holder

phd scholarships australia value

Postgraduate research

Delve deeper into your area of interest and contribute new knowledge to the field

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Find a scholarship that rewards your ambition and supports your future. Whether you're a domestic or international student, we're likely to have a scholarship that will help you reach your full potential.

Dhyey Shah

PhD Student, UNSW Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering Recipient of LEAP Engineering Ambassador Scholarship

What made me want to start a HDR program after completing my undergraduate dual degree was the fact I love the atmosphere UNSW creates. I felt comfortable, I felt accepted, and I felt continuing my studies at UNSW was conducive to me improving both as an academic and student in research, and as a person. Everything was in place for me to stay here and pursue a PhD in something I’m really passionate about.

My scholarship is an Engineering Research Ambassador Award, which involves putting my best foot forward as an ambassador of Higher Degree Research. It has given me the freedom to dip my toes into a lot of areas beyond my research, which has broadened my understanding of the bigger picture and the opportunities available to me.

PhD Student, UNSW School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Recipient of LEAP Engineering Ambassador Scholarship

Although, I know some students who always knew they wanted to go into academia and started to consider those pathways as an undergraduate, for me it was a little different. After my bachelor, I worked in industry for a few years before deciding to come back to do a PhD. Doing my own research gives me a sense of ownership, as it can be my own liberated space where I can pursue what I am passionate about.

Doing a PhD is helping me to improve my skills in independent problem solving and communicating my research to a non-technical audience. Being encouraged to try new solutions is enabling me to become an expert in my field.

Esta Qiu

  • Scholarships

Commonwealth Scholarship Commission: Commonwealth PhD Scholarships (for high income countries)


Application is required.

Key scholarship details

Application status

Open for applications

Eligible study level

Honours, Graduate coursework, Graduate research

Eligible student type

Domestic and international students

Eligible study stage

Current study, Alumni

Benefit duration

One or more years

The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan is one of the largest and most prestigious international scholarship schemes in the world. The "Commonwealth PhD Scholarships (for high income countries)" support full-time doctoral study and are co-funded by the UK Department for Education in conjunction with UK universities to support world class research.

For information about eligibility and selection criteria and application open and closing dates, see: Commonwealth PhD Scholarships for high income countries - Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (

The information listed here is subject to change without notice. Where we have listed information about jointly run scholarships programs, please also see our partners' websites. Information describing the number and value of scholarships awarded is indicative.

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How can we help?

  • Scholarships

Domestic PhD Stipend Scholarship

UniSQ is offering a number of stipend (living allowance) scholarships for domestic students studying, or commencing the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)  in 2025. Applications in all areas of research are welcome, but these should be aligned with UniSQ Flagship Areas . 

Students applying for a scholarship should discuss with their potential supervisor the Flagship Area most closely aligned to their proposed research and select this Flagship in the application system.

Each flagship scholarship offers an optional Industry Stream, which requires a mandatory 60-day industry internship. Co-funded scholarships and industry-funded stipend top-ups are highly desirable.  This stream requires a Letter of Support completed by your industry partner. Applicants and/or their prospective supervisor are responsible for identifying an industry partner. To qualify, continuing students must be within 18 months of starting full-time studies or 36 months of part-time studies as of December 2024. Consult the Industry Internship Coordinator before applying to ensure your internship meets UniSQ requirements.

In addition to an industry stream, there are dedicated scholarships for First Nations students, Women in STEMM, and students with disabilities.

Explore the range of current Research Thesis Topics or connect with our extensive list of UniSQ Experts   to align your areas of interest with world-class research opportunities at UniSQ.

Application for entry into the program is a separate process that must be started to be eligible for the scholarship. Application steps can be found here.

  • Stipend of AUD $35,000 per annum.
  • Maximum period of tenure of an award is three years. Periods of study already undertaken towards the degree will be deducted from the period of tenure.

To be eligible applicants must:   

  • have completed a Bachelor Degree with First Class Honours, or equivalent level;  
  • have applied, or currently enrolled in the PhD at UniSQ;
  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen;
  • commence or continue study in 2025.

Applicants will be assessed on:

  • Academic achievement (e.g. class of honours or equivalent; performance on postgraduate degree; academic prizes and awards)
  • Research capability (e.g. research publications in high quality journals; research presentations at conferences; research internship experience; evidence of creative works if applicable)
  • Research project and environment (e.g. alignment with UniSQ research priorities; research relevant to Australian research context; external support for the proposed research; impacts of the proposed research; clear articulation of resources required for successful completion)
  • Supervisory team (e.g. consult with the supervisory team to demonstrate publication records in high quality journals, complementary expertise, supervisor capacity and resource support for the proposed research).

To apply, please ensure you have digital copies of the below information:

  • Supervisor support letter  (DOCX 525KB);
  • Curriculum vitae (including research publications and /or presentations);
  • Preliminary Research Thesis Topic Proposal (DOC 53KB);
  • Documentation confirming citizenship.
  • Statement of Claim addressing the selection criteria; 
  • Education qualifications (testamur and academic transcripts for all undergraduate and postgraduate awards);

If applying for the Industry Stream:

  • The industry partner must complete the Letter of Support . Please note that if the scholarship is awarded under the Industry Stream all required contractual agreements must be in place prior to the student commencing in the program.

To be eligible for the industry stream, continuing students must be within 18 months of commencing their studies if enrolled full-time, or within 36 months if enrolled part-time, as of December 2024.

Application must be made via the UniSQ Scholarship Application Management System by the closing date. If you require assistance in completing your application please download the Scholarship Online Application Manual  (PDF 2.14MB).  

PhD scholarship: Evaluating and improving drug checking services in Australia

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Drug checking (a.k.a. pill testing) services (DCS) provide members of the public the opportunity to submit substances of concern for chemical analysis and get the results back alongside a tailored health intervention. A PhD candidate is sought to lead a research project to address one or more knowledge gaps related to DCS, supervised by Dr Monica Barratt, who leads a research program focused on emerging drug market trends. Dr Barratt is partnered with The Loop Australia, offering access to service-level data and internship possibilities. The candidate may have an academic background in qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approaches to research. People with living or lived experience of substance use and/or who have worked with people who use drugs are encouraged to apply.

Drug checking (a.k.a. pill testing) services (DCS) provide members of the public the opportunity to submit substances of concern for chemical analysis and get the results back alongside a tailored health intervention. While new in Australia, DCS have been established for 50+ years in 30+ countries. But there is still much we don’t know. Knowledge gaps include: (1) their medium-to-long-term effectiveness, (2) the effects of the public outputs of DCS, (3) how best to leverage community experiences of toxic drug outbreaks, and (4) how best to reach diverse groups. A PhD candidate is sought to lead a research project to address one or more of these knowledge gaps, supervised by Dr Monica Barratt, who leads a research program focused on emerging drug market trends. Dr Barratt is partnered with The Loop Australia, offering access to service-level data and internship possibilities. The candidate may have an academic background in qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approaches to research. People with living or lived experience of substance use and/or who have worked with people who use drugs are encouraged to apply.

Value and duration

$34,841 for 3 years with possibility of extension to 3.5 years

Opening date

Applications are now open.

Closing date

20 October 2024.

Number of scholarships


To be considered for the PhD Scholarship, applicants must meet the Eligibility criteria and English requirements as described on the How to Apply page, and should ideally meet the selection criteria below:   1. Hold a degree (Honours or Masters) with a demonstrated research component. HD level grades are desirable. Relevant disciplines include but are not limited to psychology, sociology, criminology, health sciences, epidemiology. 2. Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with an ability to explain technical detail to non-technical audiences. 3. Previous demonstrated experience conducting quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods research with humans on health or social topics (please describe what kinds of research you have experience with, what roles you played in these projects, and analysis techniques, approaches and software you have used) 4. Previous interest in, or knowledge of, the drugs and harm reduction fields. While demonstration of existing knowledge of the drugs field is desirable, candidates with demonstrated research expertise in other fields are still welcome to apply.   5. People with living or lived experience of substance use and/or who have worked with people who use drugs are encouraged to apply. If you do not hold one of the qualifications detailed under the Eligibility criteria on the How to Apply page, you will only be considered for scholarship if you have previous publications or significant research experience at the discretion of the project lead.

How to apply

All applicants should email the following to Dr Monica Barratt, [email protected]

  • a cover letter, which should directly address each of the key selection criteria (see eligibility section above),
  • your academic transcript,
  • your Curriculum Vitae, including a section on research skills and their application, and
  • a 1-2 page research proposal focusing on responding to unregulated drug markets with drug checking services. 

The research proposal is a key part of the application process where applicants must demonstrate the value of their research and their suitability for scholarship selection. 

Your proposal should be developed under the following headings:

Research questions you plan to investigate in the context of existing research/literature Methodology/research tasks required to undertake the research Significance and impact of the research

Following the scholarship closing date, these applications will be assessed, with applicants making the first round invited to a casual chat. Second round applicants will be asked to participate in an interview. 

Further Information

Potential candidates should consult Dr Barratt's publications consider how their proposal and their skillset fit, see

Note to SGR/IT - this application should replace the one published here:

As that one had incorrect information and was missing multiple fields, including the project title and description.

Please ensure that this current advertisement contains ALL fields. Thank you.

Terms and conditions

This scholarship will be governed by RMIT University's  Research Scholarship Terms and Conditions .

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Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.

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  20. PhD scholarship: Evaluating and improving drug checking services in

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