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Introduction to the Language of Kinematics

  • Introduction
  • Scalars and Vectors
  • Distance and Displacement
  • Speed and Velocity

Kinematics is the science of describing the motion of objects using words, diagrams, numbers, graphs, and equations. Kinematics is a branch of mechanics. The goal of any study of kinematics is to develop sophisticated mental models that serve to describe (and ultimately, explain) the motion of real-world objects.

In this lesson, we will investigate the words used to describe the motion of objects. That is, we will focus on the language of kinematics. The hope is to gain a comfortable foundation with the language that is used throughout the study of mechanics. We will study such terms as scalars, vectors, distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration. These words are used with regularity to describe the motion of objects. Your goal should be to become very familiar with their meaning.  

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Mechanics - Kinematics. Powerpoint.

Mechanics - Kinematics. Powerpoint.

Subject: Kinematics

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity


Last updated

22 February 2018

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Kinematics Equations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ppt presentation on kinematics

Kinematics Equations

Kinematics equations the main equations will be asterisked note: you will not be expected to do this on a test, but it is important to know these equations come from ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • There are a total of five (5) variables that are used in combination in these equations vF, vi, a, t and d.
  • You choose the equation based on what variables you have and which you need. is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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kinematics equations

Kinematics Equations

Jul 22, 2014

880 likes | 5.1k Views

Kinematics Equations. Kinematics. Equations used to describe & represent the motion of objects are known as kinematic equations . Quantities used in Kinematic Equations d = Displacement t = Time v f = Final velocity v i = Initial velocity ( v o ) a = Acceleration.

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  • final velocity equation
  • final speed
  • french canadians
  • acceleration equation


Presentation Transcript

Kinematics Equations used to describe& representthe motion of objectsare known as kinematic equations. Quantities used in Kinematic Equations d = Displacement t = Time vf = Final velocity vi = Initial velocity (vo) a = Acceleration

Acceleration Equation a = v t a = Vf- Vi t Units are m/s2 (distance / time2)

Acceleration Equation a= acceleration Vf= Final Velocity Vi = Initial Velocity D= displacement ∆= Change in *Use this equation when you have no t*

Ms. Frazier makes a joke about French Canadians in the middle of Whole Foods. A visitor from Quebec, standing 5 meters away, overhears the joke and throws a baguette at Ms. Frazier’s head. If the baguette started at 5 m/s and ended at 10 m/s, how fast did the baguette accelerate toward Ms. Frazier’s noggin’? = (10 m/s)2 – (5 m/s) 2 2(5m) = 100 m2/s2 – 25 m2/s2 10 m =75 m2/s2 10 m = 7.5 m/s2 What we know Vf= 10 m/s Vi= 5 m/s D = 5 meters Term to find out a = acceleration The Formula we will use

Displacement Equation d= displacement Vi = initial velocity T = time A = acceleration * Use this equation when you have no Vf*

A car traveling at 40 m/s accelerates at 10 m/s2 for 5 seconds. How far did the car move during this time? = (40 m/s)(5 seconds) + (5 seconds) = (200m) + (25 seconds = (200m) + (125 m) =325meters What we know a = 10 m/s2 Vi= 40 m/s t = 5 seconds Term to find out D = distance The Formula we will use

Final Velocity Equation Vf= Vi + at Vf= Final Velocity Vi= Initial Velocity a= Acceleration t= Time * Use this equation when you have no Vf*

A cart rolling down an incline for 5.0 seconds has an acceleration of 4.0 m/s2. If the cart has a beginning speed of 2.0 m/s, what is its final speed? What we know Vi= 2.0 m/s a= 4.0 m/s2 t= 5.0 s = (2.0 m/s) + (5.0 s) = 2.0 m/s + = 22 meters/seconds Term to find out Vf= Final Velocity The Formula we will use

Final Velocity Equation Vf2= Vi2+ 2ad Vf= Final Velocity Vi= Initial Velocity a= Acceleration d= displacement * Use this equation when you have no t*

Crusty the Clown gets shot 35 meters out of a cannon and into a vat of Jell-O. If Crusty accelerated at 5 m/s2 and his initial velocity was 0 m/s, what was the velocity of Crusty when he hit the Jell-O? What we know Vi= 0 m/s a= 5 m/s2 D = 35 m = (0 m/s)2 + (35m) = 0 m2/s2+ 2 = 2 = 18.71 m/s Term to find out Vf= Final Velocity The Formula we will use

Kinematic Equations • * NO “t” • * NO “Vf” • Vf= Vi + at * NO “d” • Vf2= Vi2 + 2ad * NO “t”

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Using the Kinematics Equations… It’s MIND GAMES!. Midterm Test Review Kinematics Especially. Don’t forget. Your midterm will be broken into TWO DAYS. Part 1 = CHAPTER 1 = 10/15 (Tuesday) Part 2 = CHAPTER 2 = 10/17 (Thursday)

272 views • 12 slides

Kinematics Equations Part 1

Kinematics Equations Part 1

Kinematics Equations Part 1. The physics of how an object moves: How far does it go, How fast does it go, How fast it gets faster or slower, How long does it take , And the math that goes with it. Solving Problems GUESS method. Why?

447 views • 13 slides

Kinematics – Kinematic Equations

Kinematics – Kinematic Equations

Kinematics – Kinematic Equations. http:// /courses/honors/kinematics/ honors_kinematics.html. Objectives and Learning Targets. Use kinematic equations to solve problems for objects moving at a constant acceleration in a straight line and in free fall.

2.68k views • 12 slides


Kinematics. Kinematics - The branch of classical mechanics that describes the motions of points, bodies (objects) and systems of bodies (groups of objects) without consideration of the causes of motion. Classical Mechanics Lecture 1. Today's Concepts:

863 views • 40 slides

Tracking Eye Movements of Students Solving Kinematics Equations

Tracking Eye Movements of Students Solving Kinematics Equations

Tracking Eye Movements of Students Solving Kinematics Equations. Nick Oderio August 1 st , 2013 KSU REU 2013-PER. Theoretical Framework. The Multimedia Principle -people learn better from words and pictures than from words alone

246 views • 14 slides


Kinematics. AP Physics B. Objective #1. Objective: Introduction to kinematics Before: Introduction to kinematics During: Discuss kinematics After: Review kinematics. Defining the important variables.

610 views • 17 slides


Kinematics. Kinematics is the branch of physics that describes the motion of points, bodies (objects) and systems of bodies (groups of objects) without consideration of the causes of motion. Kinematics.

877 views • 23 slides

Kinematics Equations

Kinematics Equations. IB Motion Graph Review. Distance/Position/Displacement Time Graphs Constant vel. Slope = Velocity. Slower Velocity. Starting point. Positive Negative Quadrants. Where object is w/ref to starting point. What is the object’s : a . displacement distance. 10. 30.

322 views • 18 slides



Unit 1. REVIEW OF KINEMATICS EQUATIONS FOR HORIZONTAL MOTION. Text Reference 2.4. Remember: …… To change from km/h to m/s you must divide by 3.6 To change from m/s to km/h you must multiply by 3.6. …..Standard Reference system for direction such as:.

1.37k views • 103 slides

Kinematics equations for motion with constant acceleration

Kinematics equations for motion with constant acceleration

Kinematics equations for motion with constant acceleration. (1). (2). (3). (4). Position ( ): A quantity which describes the location of the object in one, two, or three dimensions. Velocity ( ): A quantity which describes the change of position with respect to time

947 views • 14 slides


Kinematics. Definitions. Displacement Distance moved in a particular direction Scalar Quantity that only has magnitude (size) eg speed, distance, temperature, pressure Vector Quantity that has magnitude (size) and direction eg velocity, displacement, acceleration, force. Definitions.

504 views • 30 slides

Kinematics Equations

Kinematics Equations. Just what you have been waiting for…more math!. Kinematics. What are the four ways we can describe motion? With words With graphs With diagrams With equations. Equations. Remember that the basis for all equations is some sort of graphed experimental data

329 views • 12 slides

Unit 3 Kinematics Equations

Unit 3 Kinematics Equations

Unit 3 Kinematics Equations. Objectives: Learn the 4 motion equations for 1 dimensional motion when acceleration is constant. 1. Kinematics Equation 1 Motion at Constant Acceleration. Δ v. a =. Δ t. but since "Δ" means change Δ v = v - v o and Δ t = t - t o

1.14k views • 55 slides


Kinematics. Types of Quantities. Almost all quantities have units - examples: meters, seconds, kilograms - Without units numbers would be meaningless Vector – Quantities that includes both magnitude and a direction Vectors can be drawn They are represented by arrows

310 views • 15 slides


Kinematics. Velocity and Acceleration. Motion. Change in position of object in relation to things that are considered stationary Usually earth is considered stationary Nothing is truly stationary (earth travels 108,000 km/hr orbiting sun)

352 views • 30 slides


KINEMATICS. Kinematics describes fluid flow without analyzing the forces responsibly for flow generation. Thereby it doesn’t m a t t er what kind of liquid is in question (water, air, oil).

301 views • 23 slides

A brief knowledge of Kinematics Physics Equations

A brief knowledge of Kinematics Physics Equations

In this blog, we have explained about the kinematics physics equations. The students are also told about the related formulas and equations.

118 views • 8 slides


  1. PPT

    ppt presentation on kinematics

  2. PPT

    ppt presentation on kinematics

  3. PPT

    ppt presentation on kinematics

  4. PPT

    ppt presentation on kinematics

  5. PPT

    ppt presentation on kinematics

  6. PPT

    ppt presentation on kinematics


  1. Real-Time Predictive Kinematics Control (Presentation)


  1. PDF One-Dimensional Motion: Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration

    Kinematics describes quantitatively. how a body moves through space. We'll begin by treating the body as rigid and non-rotating, so we can fully describe the motion by following its center. Dynamics accounts for the observed motion in terms of forces, etc. We'll get to that later.

  2. Introduction to Kinematics

    Kinematics is a branch of mechanics. The goal of any study of kinematics is to develop sophisticated mental models that serve to describe (and ultimately, explain) the motion of real-world objects. In this lesson, we will investigate the words used to describe the motion of objects. That is, we will focus on the language of kinematics.

  3. Kinematics PowerPoint Presentation

    This bundle provides resources for Kinematics / Motion topics in Physics. I use it for CIE GCSE Physics but it will be perfect for any qualification of this level. The bundle includes a presentation and 5 worksheets. The presentation covers: * Units of distance, time, speed * Speed * Distance, speed & time * Gradients of graphs * Distance-time ...

  4. PPT

    Key steps to solving kinematics problems include: 1. Labeling your analysis for horizontal (x-axis) or vertical (y-axis) motion. 2. Choosing and indicating a positive direction (typically the direction of initial motion). 3. Creating a motion analysis table (v0, v, Δx, a, t).

  5. PHYSICS UNIT 1: KINEMATICS (Describing Motion)

    Kinematics. Forces and Motion. Physics. Physics - a study of matter and energy with an emphasis on energy Mechanics - a branch of physics that deals with a study of motion, there are 2 types. Motion. Types of Motion. Kinematics - a study of how objects move Types of motion are: 924 views • 74 slides

  6. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Kinematics • Kinematics is the branch of physics that describes the motion of points, bodies (objects) and systems of bodies (groups of objects) without consideration of the causes of motion. Kinematics • Relative motion - All motion is relative. Right now we appear to be motionless relative to each other.

  7. PowerPoint Presentation

    3. Coordinate System in One Dimension. Used to describe the position of a point in space. A coordinate system consists of: An origin at a particular point in space. A set of coordinate axes with scales and labels. Choice of positive direction for each axis: unit vectors. Choice of type: Cartesian or Polar or Spherical.

  8. Kinematics

    2. Kinematics. At the end of this lesson you should be able to. Demonstrate understanding of displacement, speed, velocity, average velocity and acceleration, Derive the equations of kinematics, Represent motion graphically. The Mauritius Institute of Education. 3.

  9. Physics Powerpoints

    Mr. Wright's Classroom Resources. Grades, attendance, calendar, and other useful school related resources are at FACTS.

  10. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. The first kinematics equation is v = v0 + at. This equations states that the speed of an object can be determined by first multiplying the acceleration by how long the object is traveling and then adding that speed to the initial speed of the object.

  11. Mechanics

    1. Worksheet deriving kinematics equations of motion under constant acceleration, using speed / time graphs. (correction made - 16/12/2010 - there was a typo at the bottom of the page - thanks to those that pointed this out). 2. Powerpoint presentation deriving the equations of motion under a constant acceleration.

  12. Kinematics Equations

    Kinematics Equations. Description: Kinematics Equations The main equations will be asterisked NOTE: You will NOT be expected to do this on a test, but it is important to know these equations come from ... - PowerPoint PPT presentation. Number of Views: 507. Avg rating:3.0/5.0.

  13. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Kinematics Equations. Kinematics Equations used to describe& representthe motion of objectsare known as kinematic equations. Quantities used in Kinematic Equations d = Displacement t = Time vf = Final velocity vi = Initial velocity (vo) a = Acceleration. Acceleration Equation a = v t a = Vf- Vi t Units are m/s2 ...

  14. PPT An Introduction to Robot Kinematics

    An Introduction to Robot Kinematics Renata Melamud An Introduction to Robot Kinematics Other basic joints Spherical Joint 3 DOF ( Variables - 1, 2, 3) Revolute Joint 1 DOF ( Variable - ) Prismatic Joint 1 DOF (linear) (Variables - d) We are interested in two kinematics topics Forward Kinematics (angles to position) What you are given: The length of each link The angle of each joint What you ...