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Turnitin new feature – exclude templates

Turnitin has recently added a new feature you can use when you create your assignments. In the Optional settings area of the set-up, you can find a section for Exclude assignment template . You can either upload a file or add text directly by using the ‘Create Custom Template’ button.

Screenshot of the Exclude assignment Template section in Settings for Turnitin. Includes a button for 'Upload Template' and one for 'Create Custom Template'.

We strongly suggest that you use the Upload Template button to upload a file (.docx or PDF are recommended). You can add text directly in the custom template, but our testing showed that this wasn’t as consistent in excluding all of the content from the template.

Always pay attention to the total score of a similarity report! We used a template that includes a table for students to enter standard information such as user ID, module code, and module title. When we used this, we were able to add a new row in the table and add text in this row. The content in this row was not included in the similarity report – the exclusion tool assumed anything in the table ought to be included.

You can only add, edit, or remove the template before students submit files. Once any student has submitted work to the submission point, you cannot make any changes to this setting.

However, as always, you can adjust the exclusions in the Feedback Studio. To remove the template, go to the exclusion tab. Toggle off the option to Exclude Assignment Template and click Apply changes .

Screenshot of the Feedback Studio with the exclusions tab open. There is an arrow at that tab, at the button to turn off template exclusion, and at the apply changes button.

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Service announcements and essential information from the digital education office, new feature: exclude cover sheet or other text from turnitin similarity reports.

‘Exclude assignment template’ is a new option for Instructors which allows a template to be attached to a Turnitin assignment, the content of which will automatically be excluded from the Similarity Report. The template could, for example, include standard text or a cover sheet.

How to access this new feature? 

When setting up or editing a Turnitin assignment, ‘Exclude assignment template’ is found under Optional settings:

turnitin exclude assignment template

Figure 1: Exclude assignment template menu.

You have two options:

  • Create and upload a template file, eg in a Word document.
  • Click Create Custom Template and add text directly into the interface.

Make sure you check the template requirements:

  • Templates must have at least 20 words of text.
  • Uploaded file templates must be less than 100 MB.
  • Accepted file types for upload: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT), Hangul (HWP), and plain text.

When you have added your template, submit the Turnitin settings as usual.

Please note that once a student has made a submission to the assignment the template for that assignment can no longer be edited.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] .

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New Functionality in Turnitin: Assignment Template

Turnitin, our e-submission software, has introduced some new functionality regarding assignment templates.

It’s now possible to exclude templates from showing up in the Similarity Score.

To apply the exclusion, go to the Optional Settings in the Turnitin submission point and upload your assignment template:

turnitin exclude assignment template

There are requirements for your template:

  • Uploaded files must be less than 100 MB
  • Accepted file types for upload: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT), Hangul (HWP), and plain text
  • Templates must have at least 20 words of text

As well as uploading, you can also create a template from this interface too.

This functionality can only be applied to a submission point if there have been no submissions. Further information on using Turnitin can be found on our E-submission webpages  or you’re welcome to email us ( [email protected] ).

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Excluding assignment templates from within turnitin.

Occasionally students are provided with templates which are submitted alongside their assignment. If all students within the unit submit the same template, it will influence their Similarity Report. Templates can be uploaded to the assignment settings prior to a students submissions, so that they can be automatically excluded from all student's Similarity Reports in that unit.

Adding a template for exclusion

We recommend entering your template for exclusion during assignment creation. If you are unable to do so, you can return to the assignment settings to enter or edit your template before the first student has submitted.

Press on More Options in Turnitin.

Press on More Options In Turnitin

Scroll to the bottom of your Turnitin options and you will have two options to add your template for exclusion. You can either Upload a Template or create a  Custom Template.

Note: Press on Template Requirements to view file type, size etc.needed for your uploaded template.

Upload or Create Template

To Upload a Template:

  • Select Upload Template
  • Choose which file to upload as your template and select Open.
  • If you change your mind, select Clear Template and start again.

Choose File

To Create a Custom Template:

  • Select Create Custom Template
  • Type your template or copay and paste across from another document. A word count of your template will be provided underneath.
  • Select Edit Template to make changs or Clear Template to remove it completely.

Creating a template

Template exclusion in the Similarity Report

Template exclusions can be turned off for individual students in the assignment from the Similarity Report.

  • Open the student's Similarity Report
  • Select the Filters and Settings option from the sidebar as shown below.

Go to Filters

  • Uncheck the Exclude Assignment Template setting
  • Press Apply changes.

Exclude or turn off a template

Note: If the Exclude Assignment Template setting does not appear, it has not been enabled  in the assignment settings and can no longer be enabled for an assignment with submissions.

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TurnItIn Assignment Templates

When you activate TurnItIn for any Assignment Folder, TurnItIn will automatically check all documents submitted to that folder for text matches. If the students are filling out a worksheet or will otherwise have text in their documents taken directly from the assignment instructions, this can cause very high Originality Scores on students' submissions. To avoid this, you can provide TurnItIn a copy of the worksheet ahead of time, and instruct them to ignore the repeated text.

To have TurnItIn exclude a template from Similarity Reports, it must be uploaded in the assignment settings BEFORE any students have submitted to the folder. Templates must be less than 100MB and have at least 20 words of text. TurnItIn will accept the following file types for template uploads:

  • DOC/DOCX (Microsoft Word)
  • XLS/XLSX (Excel)
  • PPT/PPTX (PowerPoint)
  • WPD (WordPerfect)
  • PS (PostScript)
  • PDF (Adobe Acrobat)
  • RTF (Rich Text)
  • ODT (OpenOffice)
  • HWP (Hangul)
  • TXT (Plain Text)

Load a Blank Worksheet for TurnItIn to Exclude

  • Go to Course Tools -> Assignments . If you have not yet done so, create a new Assignment folder .
  • Click the drop-down arrow beside the name of your Assignment folder and choose Edit .
  • Click the Evaluation & Feedback block on the right side. Scroll to the bottom, then click Manage TurnItIn.
  • Check the box labeled " Enable Similarity Report for this folder".
  • Configure any TurnItIn settings you would normally enable (e.g., decide whether to show the Originality Reports to students) , then click More Options at the bottom of the screen.
  • A pop-up will appear. Under the label Exclude assignment template , click Upload Template .

  • BUE Library
  • TurnItIn for Insturctors: User Guides, Manuals & Tutorials:
  • Create an assignment

TurnItIn for Insturctors: User Guides, Manuals & Tutorials: Create an assignment

  • Turnitin Coordinators
  • Expire a Class
  • Convert a Standard Class To a Master
  • Drop a Student
  • File Types Accepted by Turnitin
  • Advice on Submitting Excel Files to Turnitin
  • Download & Print the Originality Report
  • Switching between Feedback Studio, Turnitin Classic & Text Only Views
  • Request a Paper Deletion
  • Converting a Master Class into a Standard Class
  • Quick Submit
  • Turnitin Draft Coach
  • Forgot your Password
  • Grade with Feedback Studio
  • AI Writing Detection
  • View Class Statistics

Create an Assignment

  • Click on the class name from your home page .

turnitin exclude assignment template

  • Click on the "Add Assignment" button on the class homepage .

turnitin exclude assignment template

  • Select an assignment type (the default is Paper Assignment),then click Next step.

turnitin exclude assignment template

  • Follow the boxes below to complete the remaining steps.

1. General Options

  • Title: Enter the assignment title.

Instructions: Write important instructions or requirements for his assignment if any.

Submit papers to:

  • Standard paper repository:  S ubmissions will be part of Turnitin student database to be used for future matching with other students' submissions globally.
  • No repository :   Submissions will not be stored to Students' global database and will not be used for any similarity comparisons. (This would be better in group project papers or lab reports where students would submit the same content or use the same references).

       4. Enable PeerMark: If you checked next to this option this will allow submitted papers to this assignment to be included in the peer review where students can read and review their colleagues' submissions on that assignment.

       5. Max Grade:  Enter a mark for this assignment (optional, it's only used if you're going to use rubrics).

      6. S et the dates 

  • Start date : is the date and time that students can begin submitting to the assignments.
  • Due date: is the deadline for the assignment after that d ate and time; no submissions are allowed unless late submissions are enabled.
  • Feedback Release Date:  is the d ate and time when comments and grades become available for students to view. It is recommended that the feedback release date to be after the due date to give you time to grade.

Avoid making deadlines on the first and third Saturdays of each month as all Turnitin services may be unavailable for use during a scheduled maintenance.

turnitin exclude assignment template

7. Click on Optional Settings button to adjust the similarity and grading settings

turnitin exclude assignment template

Submission settings

1. Allow submission of any file type: Turnitin by default will only accept files that can generate similarity reports. Review the list of accepted file types .

2. Allow late submissions:  Select whether students will be able to submit to the assignment after the due date has passed. Selecting  Yes  will allow students to submit after the due date and their submissions will be highlighted with a red colour.

Note: If late submissions are allowed and you are submitting a late paper, please note that late resubmissions are never allowed. Only first submissions can be submitted late to an assignment.

3.  Enable grammar checking using ETS ®   e-rater ®  technology: Select Yes to enable e-rater for an assignment.

The  ETS e-rater  grammar and spelling feedback provides students with suggestions for writing improvement in the following categories: grammar, usage, mechanics, style and spelling. 

  • Select the ETS handbook level from the drop-down.
  • Select the dictionary used for the spelling check.
  • The Categories enabled by default option allows instructors to choose which criteria will be applied to the submissions.

turnitin exclude assignment template

4. Attach a rubric :  Select yes If you would like to use a rubric /grading form to grade the papers submitted to this assignment.

turnitin exclude assignment template

You may use the "rubric list" drop down menu to select a previously created or imported rubric or you can click on Launch Rubric Manager then create a new rubric or grading form or click on the "Find a rubric that's right for your assignment in Turnitin Teaching Tools" link to  download & import online rubrics. Check the  GradeMark page  for more information on using rubrics.

turnitin exclude assignment template

Similarity Reports

1. Generate similarity reports for submissions: Similarity re ports are by default generated for all student submissions.

turnitin exclude assignment template

2. Select from the drop-down list when the Similarity Report is to be generated. 

  • Generate reports immediately (students cannot resubmit)  - Similarity Reports for all submissions will be generated immediately. Submissions must be deleted by the instructor to enable resubmission.
  • Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until due date): After 3 resubmissions; reports generate after 24)   - Students may resubmit until the due date. Similarity Reports for the first 3 attempts will generate immediately. Any submissions thereafter will generate a Similarity Report after 24 hours.  Once the due date and time is reached, o nly the latest submission is available to the instructor or student as previous versions are overwritten. This option is used when students are asked to reach a specific similarity score and revise their submissions.

Resubmission attempts are shared between you and your students. If you attempt to resubmit on their behalf, one of their attempts will be used.

  • Generate reports on due date (students can resubmit until due date):  - Similarity Reports will be generated on the due date and time of the assignment. Students may resubmit as many times as needed until the due date and time without receiving reports.

turnitin exclude assignment template

3. Allow students to view Similarity Reports: By default, Turnitin allows students to see Similarity Reports. If  No  has been selected, then the report will show  Not Available  to the students.

turnitin exclude assignment template

4. Excluding Quoted or Bibliographic material or Small sources:

  • Exclude bibliographic materials:   Turnitin by default excludes texts appearing in the bibliography, works cited, or references sections of assignments to be excluded from being checked for matches in the Similarity Index when generating Similarity Reports.  This setting can be modified only through individual similarity reports if  the first paper has been submitted.
  • Exclude quoted material:  Turnitin by default excludes texts  appearing within quotations to be excluded from being checked for matches in the Similarity Index when generating Similarity Reports.  This setting can be modified only through individual similarity reports if  the first paper has been submitted.

Exclude small sources?:  Turnitin provides instructors to automatically exclude sources in the source list that are below a set word count or a percentage score from all originality reports to focus on larger, more problematic and suspect matches. This can be done by either e ntering a numerical value into the  Word Count  or  Percentage  fields will be excluded from originality reports in this assignment.

turnitin exclude assignment template

Compare against

Compare against: Select which Turnitin repositories students' submissions will be checked against when generating similarity reports for papers. This allows an instructor to disregard a source type if the comparison against this source is not needed.

  • Student paper repository  - compares current submissions to previous students' submissions across institutions world wide and your institution.
  • Current and archived website content - compares current submissions to a repository of billions of  archived internet pages which is updated daily.
  • Periodicals, journals, & publications  - compares current submissions to many major professional journals, periodicals, and online books.

turnitin exclude assignment template

 Instructors can disregard a source type if the comparison against this source is not needed. 

Exclude assignment template

If you have provided a template document for your students to follow, this can be excluded from their similarity reports by uploading the template to avoid any matches with each other once they submit the same template. Templates can be uploaded to the assignment settings so t hat they can be automatically excluded from all student's similarity reports.

Adding a templ ate for exclusion

  • Upload a Template

Uploaded file templates must be less than 100 MB. If your file exceeds 100 MB, you ca n reduce its s ize by removing any images or save the file as a rich text or plain text file.

Accepted file types for upload: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT), Hangul (HWP), and plain text.

Templates must have at least 20 words of text.

          2. Create a Custom Template  

Type your template or copy and paste from another document.

turnitin exclude assignment template

 When exclude assignment template is enabled and once a student submits to the assignment, this setting cannot be edited from the assignment's settings. You can disable template exclusions from individual similarity reports from the Filters icon.  

Additional settings

If you  would like to save Check next to this option to have all future assignment settings the same as the current one & then click "Submit" to save your assignment settings above

  • << Previous: Advice on Submitting Excel Files to Turnitin
  • Next: View & Interpret the Originality Report >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 27, 2024 1:07 PM
  • URL:

How to set up a Turnitin assignment

turnitin exclude assignment template

This video shows step-by-step instructions on how to set up a Turnitin assignment.

  • In the relevant content area go to the Build content menu and select Turnitin Assignment (current) .
  • Give the assignment a title and add any instructions into the box below .
  • Set the point value for the assignment in the Max Grade box .
  • Set the Start Date , Due Date and Feedback release date and times.
  • Click Optional settings  to expand the section.
  • Choose to Submit papers to the Standard paper repository , unless there are valid reasons for not doing so.
  • Choose whether to Allow submissions of any file type . Please see the Online Submissions: Supported Files article for more information on supported file types .
  • Choose whether to A llow late submissions .
  • Choose to  Enable anonymous marking .
  • Enable Attach a rubric to select an existing rubric or create a new one. See the following article for further guidance: How to create and attach a rubric or grading form in Turnitin .
  • Enable all the three sources under Compare against .
  • Under Similarity Report , choose how to Generate Similarity Reports for student submission . This setting will determine whether students can submit once or multiple times before the deadline.
  • Allow students to view Similarity Reports must be disabled .
  • Choose whether to exclude bibliographic materials , quoted materials or small sources.
  • If submissions are based on a template, you can upload a copy of the template and choose to Exclude assignment template from being considered when generating similarity reports.
  • You can choose to save your settings for future assignments under Additional settings .  
  • Click the Submit button when done. 

Additional Resources  

  • Document: How to set up a Turnitin Assignment (Staff)
  • Check out  Turnitin Frequently Asked Questions  for links to guidance and resources.

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Turnitin in UB Learns

Turnitin Logo.

Published February 21, 2024

Ensuring your students uphold Academic Integrity Standards is an important part of being an instructor. As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more prominent in everyday use, we need to be more vigilant in how our students are incorporating generative AI into their assignments.

UB Learns has a third party plagiarism tool called   Turnitin (TII). This tool allows instructors to choose whether to run student submissions through a program that checks for plagiarism, checks for AI-generated work and can be used to provide feedback to students.

The following information can be used to enable TII and use it to enhance your grading experience.

Enable Turnitin for your Assignments

If the concern is about plagiarism and AI for an assignment, it is important to first enable Turnitin through the “Manage Turnitin” setting. Instructors must enable Turnitin for each assignment separately. It is not possible to enable Turnitin for an entire course.

Enabling Turnitin on Assignments

1. choose the assignment you wish to add tii to, select edit assignment.

Zoom image: Click on the chevron next to the assignment you wish to enable Turnitin on, then select Edit Assignment.

Click on the chevron next to the assignment you wish to enable Turnitin on, then select Edit Assignment.

When in the Assignments tool in UB Learns, click on the chevron next to the assignment you wish to enable Turnitin on. Next, click Edit Assignment from the pop-up menu.

2. Under Evaluation and Feedback, click on Manage Turnitin

Zoom image: Under Evaluation and Feedback, click on Manage Turnitin.

Under Evaluation and Feedback, click on Manage Turnitin.

In the Edit Assignment window, expand Evaluation & Feedback . At the bottom, click the Manage Turnitin hyperlink.

3. Enable TII features, click Save

Zoom image: Select the Turnitin features you would like to enable for the assignment.

Select the Turnitin features you would like to enable for the assignment.

In the Turnitin Integration menu, select the integrations you would like to enable for the assignment. Options include:

  • Enabling a Similarity Report .
  • Enable feedback and grading within the Turnitin Feedback Studio

Once you have made your selections, click Save .

4. Verify the integrations are active

Zoom image: Once back in the Edit Assignment window, in the Evaluation &amp; Feedback, you will see verification of  which Turnitin features are enabled. 

Once back in the Edit Assignment window, in the Evaluation & Feedback, you will see verification of  which Turnitin features are enabled. 

In the Edit Assignment window, under Evaluation & Feedback, you will now see which Turnitin integrations enabled for the assignment.

5. Select Save and Close

Once all integrations have been enabled for your assignment, click Save and Close in the Edit Assignment window.

Excluding Verbiage or Guidance From the Similarity Report

If the assignment has guidance or verbiage that is included with the submission, there is an option to create a template so that those words won’t count as part of the plagiarism detector. 

Enabling Exclusions in Turnitin

1. in the turnitin integrations window, select more options.

Zoom image: Click on More Options button in the Turnitin Integrations menu.

Click on More Options button in the Turnitin Integrations menu.

To exclude verbiage or guidance from being labelled as plagiarized in Turnitin, naviage to the Turnitin Integration menu for the assignment (see above). Once in the Turnitin Integration menu, click More Options . 

2. Under Exclude Assignment Template, upload an existing template or create a new template

Zoom image: Under the header, Exclude Assignment Template, you can choose to upload an existing template or create a new template.

Under Exclude Assignment Template, you can choose to upload an existing template or create a new template.

  • Please note: If you choose Create Custom Template , you will have to manually type in the guidance or verbiage you would like to exclude from the plagiarism check.

3. Submit and Save

Once done, click Submit . Next, click Save in the Turnitin Integrations window. Finally, click Save and Close in the Assignment window.

Using Turnitin to Detect AI Use

When your students submit an assignment with TII enabled, it is important to review the submissions. The similarity report will not only show you any plagiarism it has detected, but it can also provide an estimate of how much AI-generated text a student has used in place of their writing. When a student submits the assignment, they will only receive a plagiarism report if it was enabled, but will not be given a suspected AI use score. Even if Turnitin shows a score of “0%” for similarity, the AI-use score might be different.

Turnitin Report in a Student Assignment Submission

Zoom image: An example submission with Turnitin Similarity Report Enabled. The score is 14%, which may seem low and neglible, but it does not show the AI use in the score. Click on the percentage to show the AI detection feature.  

An example submission with Turnitin Similarity Report Enabled. The score is 14%, which may seem low and neglible, but it does not show the AI use in the score. Click on the percentage to show the AI detection feature.  

This score of 14% may seem to be low, leading some instructors to not click on the Similarity Report. However, if you go into the report by clicking on the percentage, you will see a more in-depth analysis of the student’s work.

Turnitin Feedback Studio Side Bar

Here we see that even though the report had a low similarity, the AI Detector, located at the bottom of the list, indicates that 2% of the student writing could be AI generated.

Zoom image: The AI Detection is at the bottom of the list. It indicates that 2% of the student writing could be AI generated.

The AI Detection is at the bottom of the list. It indicates that 2% of the student writing could be AI generated.

Caveat of Using Turnitin for AI Detection

Do not be quick to assume the AI check is accurate. TurnItIn acknowledges that low AI scores could indicate a false positive. We recommend reaching out to a student and initiating Academic Integrity protocols if the AI Writing Score is at least 35 - 45%. If the score is lower than this threshold, it is still important to reach out to the student and see if they utilized AI in creating their assignment.

Zoom image: This is the disclaimer for the Turnitin AI Detector. It specifically mentions that low scores have a higher likelihood of false positives.

This is the disclaimer for the Turnitin AI Detector. It specifically mentions that low scores have a higher likelihood of false positives.

Need additional help?

If you have any questions about how TII is integrated into UB Learns, please reach out to our UB Learns Support Team . You can  learn more about Turnitin at their website.

Additional Resources

Michelle Connolly.

Senior Learning Designer and LMS Support Specialist Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation

Jeffrey Kohler.

Associate Director Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation

Editor and Contributor

Jacqueline Conroy.

Project Manager for Communications and Outreach Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation

Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation 716-645-7700 [email protected]

turnitin exclude assignment template

Ultra Essential Guidance

Guidance and support for supported workflows in Blackboard Ultra

Turnitin (LTI) (Ultra): 1.2 Configure assessment in Blackboard and Turnitin

  • Navigate to the Blackboard course where the assessment needs to be configured.
  • Navigate to the location you would like to create the assessment. In the instance of a summative submission, this will likely be the Assessment, Submission and Feedback area of the course.

An image of the expanded plus button menu showing the link to course tools in Blackboard Ultra

  • Looking through the Course Tools menu, locate and click on Turnitin Assignment (LTI) . This will open a new screen that may take a few moments to load.
  • Enter the name of the assignment in the Assignment Title box in the top-left of the screen.

Warning Icon

  • Add any instructions to students in the assignment instructions. If this is an anonymous assignment, you should include the following text (or a localised version) instructing students to submit work with their student number:

“This submission is anonymously marked. You must submit your work with your student number in the file name . For example, “123456-Assignment name.docx”. Submissions made without the correct file name and/or with identifying information will forfeit anonymity.”

  • In Max Grade , the maximum grade available to students submitting work to this submission point can be added. This should always be 100 , including if you are using a 20pt marking schema. For more information on the 21pt marking schema in general, please refer to BEAM guidance. For more information on marking with the 20pt schema in Turnitin, please refer to the “ Marking and Moderation ” section.

Info Icon

  • In Due Date , enter the date and time the assessment is due.
  • In Feedback Release Date , enter the date and time you would like feedback and marks to be AUTOMATICALLY released to students.
  • Click on Optional Settings to expand more options. Note: These include assessment-critical settings that must be configured.
  • Standard paper repository : this will store submitted papers in Turnitin’s global paper repository, making them available to all institutions for future similarity checks. You should only select this option if this is a final submission of work.
  • Do not store the submitted papers: this will ensure that any submissions made to this submission point are not stored by Turnitin. If you are setting up a formative submission or a submission point for students to submit work in progress or drafts, you must use this setting. If you do not, the student’s final, summative submissions may generate erroneous Similarity Reports by comparing their initial draft with their final work.
  • Toggle Allow submissions of any file type on if you want to allow submissions of any file type.
  • Toggle Allow late submissions on if you wish to allow students to submit work after the due date has passed.
  • Toggle Enable anonymous marking on if you are using anonymous marking.
  • Toggle Attach a rubric if you wish to add an online rubric or grading sheet to this submission point. Note: This is not the same as a coversheet that some may ask students to include when they submit. This will open additional configuration options, allowing you to either select from pre-created rubrics/grading sheets or create a new one. For more information on using and creating rubrics and grading sheets in Turnitin, please refer to Turnitin’s guidance or contact the DEO for support.
  • Toggle Generate Similarity Reports for student submission on if you wish to generate similarity reports for all submitted work.
  • Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until due date) . This will generate a similarity report as soon as possible after the student has submitted but will prevent resubmissions after the due date has passed.
  • Generate reports immediately (students cannot resubmit) . This will generate reports as soon as possible after the student has submitted and will prevent resubmissions entirely .
  • Generate reports on due date (students can resubmit until due date). This will prevent the generation of similarity reports until the due date has passed. Students will be able to resubmit their work up unto the due date.
  • Toggle Allow students to view Similarity Reports on if you wish for students to be able to view their similarity reports. This is shown to improve a student’s understanding of plagiarism and academic integrity practices.
  • Toggle Exclude bibliographic materials on if you wish for the similarity report to ignore materials included in bibliographies. Toggling this on can provide a more accurate report in the first instance. It can be overridden in individual student’s similarity reports after submission.
  • Toggle Exclude quoted materials on if you wish for the similarity reports to ignore materials included in quotation marks. Toggling this on can provide a more accurate similarity report in the first instance. It can be overridden in individual student’s similarity reports after submission.
  • Toggle Exclude small sources on if you wish for the similarity reports to ignore matches with sources within a specified word length or overall percentage of submitted materials. Toggling this option on will then provide further configuration options. Broadly, this should not be enabled unless the assessment specifically allows for some degree of direct citation from other sources to not be considered as academic misconduct.
  • Under Compare Against :
  • Toggle Student paper repository on to check all submitted work against Turnitin’s repository of submissions from both Bristol and other institutions using Turnitin.
  • Toggle Current and archived web site content on to check all submitted work against Turnitin’s repository of website content.
  • Toggle Periodicals, journals and publications on to check all submitted work against Turnitin’s repository of published materials.
  • Under Exclude assignment template , you can click on Upload Template to upload a pre-produced template that will be excluded from the similarity report (limitations on what can be in that template can be viewed by expanding the Template Requirements information). This is useful if students will be asked to include a coversheet or grading rubric as a part of their submitted work, ensuring that all submissions receive a more accurate similarity report.
  • Click Submit . You will be returned to the Blackboard course’s Course Content The Turnitin submission point you have produced should now be visible to you. Students will now be able to begin submissions to the submission point from the Start Date you have set.

To extract marks from Blackboard to SITS when using a Turnitin submission point, you must connect the column associated with the submission point to the one sent to the course by eVision. This is a process commonly referred to as “mapping” or “mapping the column”. To do this:

  • Navigate to the
  • Locate the column sent from eVision and click on its title to enter its configuration.
  • Select Calculation Details from the top-left of the screen, taking you to a new interface.
  • Under Functions and Variables , select A new rule will appear in the right-hand section of the screen.
  • Click on the drop-down arrow on the new rule you have just created and scroll through the list of coursework to locate the Turnitin submission point you created. Click on the checkbox next to it. This will add the name of that submission point to the rule and turn the checkbox green.

A view of "mapping" one column to another so that the total value of the first column is transferred to the second.

If you need to change the start date on a Turnitin submission point after its initial configuration:

  • Navigate to the submission point’s location in the Blackboard course.
  • Click on the Edit release conditions marker on the submission point, next to where it reads Release conditions . This will open a new menu of options on the right-hand side of the screen.
  • In the new menu, scroll down to where it reads Set additional conditions and adjust the Show on date and time to the date and time you want the submission point to be released.
  • Click  Save .

If you need to change the due date on a Turnitin submission point after its initial configuration:

  • Click on the … icon on the submission point and select Edit . This will open a new menu of options on the right-hand side of the screen.
  • In the new menu, scroll down to where it reads Due date and adjust the date and time as required.
  • Click Save .
  • If you don’t already have group sets in your course, you will need to click the New Group Set option in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Create custom groups to manually choose how many groups to produce and which students you assign.
  • Randomly assigned groups to automatically create a number of groups with students randomly assigned to them.

Regardless of which option you chose, you can manually move students between groups either by:

  • Clicking on the … icon next to a student’s name and choosing another group to move them to.
  • Clicking on several students, highlighting their details in black, then clicking on the … icon in any of the highlighted student’s details to relocate them all to another group.
  • Once you have assigned all students to groups, name each group so that they are easily identified by a marker. This may be the marker’s name, a pre-agreed number, or some other identifier. To rename a group, click on the current name. You should also name the group set so it is easily linked to the assignment itself, perhaps giving it the name of the assignment and the suffix, “Marking Groups”.

It is important that groups can easily be linked to markers and assignments, especially if there will be pre-moderation standardisation or oversight by one marker.

  • Ensure that the visibility option in the top-right of the screen reads Hidden from students .
  • Click save .

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This sub is for all forms of discussion around the Turnitin product and other educational originality checking / marking.

Turnitin NEW ability to exclude template

Turnitin have pushed out a new feature (with seemingly no warning) that allows staff to exclude a template from the originality report. This means that if you use a template or pro forma or coversheet for submissions, you can provide this for exclusion from the originality report.

Details: Excluding assignment templates (

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  • Turnitin Guides
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  • Release notes and known issues
  • Welcome to Turnitin Guides

Welcome to Turnitin’s new website for guidance!

In 2024, we migrated our comprehensive library of guidance from to this site, During this process we have taken the opportunity to take a holistic look at our content and how we structure our guides.

This page is here to help you orientate yourself with these changes and update your resources

What's new?

We have restructured the content to help you navigate it more efficiently.

We are consolidating numerous pages to make our individual guides more valuable as well as removing duplicated content.

For example, our Similarity Report guidance on help.turnitin is repeated in numerous places to cater for each individual integration and license type. On guides.turnitin this content will exist in a single place to allow for users of all integrations and licenses to find it easily. We have made slight modifications to these guides to help you understand which guides are pertinent to you and your institution.

Our guidance search has greatly improved

As a result of our content restructure, the search functionality for guides.turnitin has improved. Use the search bar at the top of any page to locate the guidance you’re searching for.

Dedicated student and administrator guidance hubs

Visit the Student hub area to locate student guidance. For students who access Turnitin via an LMS or VLE, check out the subsection Submitting to Turnitin .

Visiting the Administrator hub area to locate administrator guidance and release notes. 

iThenticate and Crossref Similarity Check guidance is now located on a separate site

To improve the experience for our iThenticate and Crossref Similiarity Check customers we have move their help content onto a separate help site, . This will improve the search for all users.

We have also created an orientation page for this site to help users become acclimatised.

Some guidance is no longer grouped within the LMS umbrella

Some guidance which was previously provided under each LMS has been moved to sections that reflect those workflows’ outcomes. Use the table below as a cheatsheet to quickly locate guidance.

Student guidance
LMS guidance for administrators and instructors
Similarity Report and AI Writing guidance
Creating PeerMark assignments guidance
Creating and managing QuickMarks, rubrics and grading PeerMark assignments guidance
User profile guidance for administrators and instructors

Administrator account settings and migration help
Release notes and known issues

Articles in this section

  • Turnitin release notes
  • Integrations release notes
  • Known issues
  • Integrations known issues


  1. Turnitin new feature

    turnitin exclude assignment template

  2. New feature: exclude cover sheet or other text from Turnitin similarity

    turnitin exclude assignment template

  3. Create a Turnitin Assignment

    turnitin exclude assignment template

  4. Excluding assignment Templates from within Turnitin

    turnitin exclude assignment template

  5. Excluding assignment Templates from within Turnitin

    turnitin exclude assignment template

  6. Exclude assignment template

    turnitin exclude assignment template


  1. for Teachers: Adjusting Assignment Settings

  2. How to add a TurnItIn assignment to your moodle page

  3. How to Edit a Turnitin Assignment

  4. A better way to exclude someone from Turnitin text matching

  5. How to include and exclude references in plagiarism check on Turnitin

  6. Turnitin and Canvas


  1. Excluding assignment templates

    Excluding assignment templates Occasionally students are provided with templates which are submitted alongside their assignment. If all students within the class submit the same template, it will influence their Similarity Report. Templates can be uploaded to the assignment settings so that they can be automatically excluded from all student's Similarity Report in that class.

  2. Managing exclusions and filters in the Similarity Report

    Assignment templates Template exclusions can be turned off for individual submissions from the Similarity Report. Open the student's Similarity Report for the submission in question. Select the Filters and Settings option from the side bar. Uncheck the Exclude Assignment Template filter. Select New Report. If there is no Exclude Assignment Template filter option, it has not been enabled in the ...

  3. PDF Excluding Assignment Templates in Turnitin

    Excluding Assignment Templates in Turnitin Occasionally, instructors provide students with templates (prompts, worksheets, etc.) and this text is included in the student's assignment. If all students within the class submit the same template, it will influence their Similarity Report. Instructors can now upload a template to the Turnitin assignment settings so that it can be automatically ...

  4. Optional assignment settings

    In this guide: Submission settings Similarity Report settings Compare against Exclude assignment template Additional settings Don't have access to some of the listed settings? If a setting liste...


    The new version of Turnitin (2022) allows you to exclude assignment templates from similarity reports. This means Turnitin ignores the template's language and just scans students' written submission content, thus avoiding erroneous plagiarism flags. Please follow the instructions below to use the template exclusion function.

  6. Adjusting assignment settings

    Exclude assignment template If your students have been provided with a template document to follow or list of questions to be included within their submission, these can now be automatically excluded from the Similarity Report using this setting.

  7. Optional LTI settings

    Exclude assignment template If you have provided a template document for your students to follow, these can now be excluded from the Similarity Report by uploading the template or copying the text into the Create Custom Template field.

  8. Exclude assignment template

    Exclude assignment template. Automatically exclude the contents of a template you are giving to students to upload as part of their assignment. For example, if you have instructed students to: You can now upload the template document to prevent the original text from being flagged by the Originality Checker. Find the new option under Optional ...

  9. Turnitin new feature

    Turnitin has recently added a new feature you can use when you create your assignments. In the Optional settings area of the set-up, you can find a section for Exclude assignment template. You can either upload a file or add text directly by using the 'Create Custom Template' button.

  10. New feature: exclude cover sheet or other text from Turnitin similarity

    'Exclude assignment template' is a new option for Instructors which allows a template to be attached to a Turnitin assignment, the content of which will automatically be excluded from the Similarity Report. The template could, for example, include standard text or a cover sheet.

  11. New Functionality in Turnitin: Assignment Template

    17th January 2022 WordPress User [jbw] Turnitin, our e-submission software, has introduced some new functionality regarding assignment templates. It's now possible to exclude templates from showing up in the Similarity Score. To apply the exclusion, go to the Optional Settings in the Turnitin submission point and upload your assignment ...

  12. Using exclusions and filters

    You may wish to exclude quotes, bibliographies, and items of a similar nature from influencing your similarity score. Select the red Filter icon from the similarity toolbar. From the Filters and Settings side panel, use the checkboxes to make bibliography and quote exclusions from the report. Select the Apply Changes button to confirm your change.

  13. Excluding assignment Templates from within Turnitin

    Occasionally students are provided with templates which are submitted alongside their assignment. If all students within the unit submit the same template, it will influence their Similarity Report. Templates can be uploaded to the assignment settings prior to a students submissions, so that they can be automatically excluded from all student's Similarity Reports in that unit.

  14. TurnItIn Assignment Templates

    A pop-up will appear. Under the label Exclude assignment template, click Upload Template. Click Choose File and navigate to the location the file exists on your computer. Select the file and click Open. Scroll down and click Submit. Click Save to save your TurnItIn settings. Once configured in this way, documents submitted to this folder will ...

  15. Create an assignment

    When exclude assignment template is enabled and once a student submits to the assignment, this setting cannot be edited from the assignment's settings. You can disable template exclusions from individual similarity reports from the Filters icon.

  16. DOCX

    2 Excluding Assignment Template In the Optional Settings of a Turnitin Assignment Before setting up a Turnitin Assignment, make sure you understand how Turnitin works. We recommend reading General Advice to staffand making yourself aware of the file type requirements. Adding this in a new Turnitin Assignment Create a new assessment

  17. Turnitin assignment settings

    Exclude assignment template If you have provided a template document for your students to follow, these can now be excluded from the Similarity Report by uploading the template or copying the text into the Create Custom Template field. Once a student has made a submission to the assignment, this feature can no longer be edited.

  18. PDF Creating a Turnitin Assignment

    Turnitin is a plagiarism tool integrated into Blackboard. This tool allows submissions to be checked against previously submitted student assignments repositories, internet documents, and a repository of publications, periodicals and journals.

  19. PDF Creating and Grading a Turnitin Assignment

    If your students must download an assignment template, fill it out, and then submit the template again, we recommend that you upload a blank assignment template in the "Exclude assignment template" area.

  20. How to set up a Turnitin assignment

    Choose whether to exclude bibliographic materials, quoted materials or small sources. If submissions are based on a template, you can upload a copy of the template and choose to Exclude assignment template from being considered when generating similarity reports. You can choose to save your settings for future assignments under Additional settings.

  21. Turnitin in UB Learns

    Enabling Exclusions in Turnitin 1. In the Turnitin Integrations window, Select More Options 2. Under Exclude Assignment Template, upload an existing template or create a new template 3. Submit and Save Using Turnitin to Detect AI Use When your students submit an assignment with TII enabled, it is important to review the submissions.

  22. Turnitin (LTI) (Ultra): 1.2 Configure assessment in Blackboard and

    Under Exclude assignment template, you can click on Upload Template to upload a pre-produced template that will be excluded from the similarity report (limitations on what can be in that template can be viewed by expanding the Template Requirements information). This is useful if students will be asked to include a coversheet or grading rubric ...

  23. Turnitin NEW ability to exclude template : r/Turnitin

    Turnitin have pushed out a new feature (with seemingly no warning) that allows staff to exclude a template from the originality report. This means that if you use a template or pro forma or coversheet for submissions, you can provide this for exclusion from the originality report.

  24. Refining the Similarity Report

    Occasionally students are provided with templates which are submitted alongside their assignment. If all students within the class submit the same template, it will influence their Similarity Report. Templates can be uploaded to the assignment settings so that they can be automatically excluded from all student's Similarity Report in that class.

  25. Known issues

    If a course containing Turnitin assignments is copied and a student attempts to submit to the copied course before it is in any way edited by the instructor, the name of the copied course will automatically change to 'LTI Class' in Turnitin ... When attempting to exclude Abstract and Methods from within the Similarity Report, there is currently ...

  26. PDF Turnitin version comparison

    accessible from the Turnitin LTI assignment inbox within D2L Brightspace. Yes - On the due date of the assignment, an additional check is run and an updated ... Template exclusion Yes Yes Self-serve paper deletion requests Yes - Requests can be made by the instructor directly from the LTI assignment inbox. The Turnitin account administrator can ...