Essay On Domestic Violence

500 words essay on domestic violence.

Domestic violence refers to the violence and abuse which happens in a domestic setting like cohabitation or marriage. It is important to remember that domestic violence is not just physical but any kind of behaviour that tries to gain power and control over the victim. It can affect people from all walks of life and it basically subjects towards a partner, spouse or intimate family member. Through an essay on domestic violence, we will go through its causes and effects.

essay on domestic violence

Causes of Domestic Violence

Often women and children are the soft targets of domestic violence. Domestic violence is a gruesome crime that also causes a number of deaths. Some of the most common causes of domestic violence are illiteracy and economical dependency on the menfolk.

The male-dominated society plays an important role in this problem. Further, dowry is also one of the leading causes which have the consequence of violence against newly-wed brides. In many parts of the world, physically assaulting women and passing horrendous remarks is common.

Moreover, children also become victims of this inhuman behaviour more than often. It is important to recognize the double standards and hypocrisy of society. A lot of the times, the abuser is either psychotic or requires psychological counselling.

However, in a more general term, domestic violence is the outcome of cumulative irresponsible behaviour which a section of society demonstrates. It is also important to note that solely the abuser is not just responsible but also those who allow this to happen and act as mere mute spectators.

Types of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence has many ill-effects which depend on the kind of domestic violence happening. It ranges from being physical to emotional and sexual to economic. A physical abuser uses physical force which injures the victim or endangers their life.

It includes hitting, punching, choking, slapping, and other kinds of violence. Moreover, the abuser also denies the victim medical care. Further, there is emotional abuse in which the person threatens and intimidates the victim. It also includes undermining their self-worth.

It includes threatening them with harm or public humiliation. Similarly, constant name-calling and criticism also count as emotional abuse. After that, we have sexual abuse in which the perpetrator uses force for unwanted sexual activity.

If your partner does not consent to it, it is forced which makes it sexual abuse. Finally, we have economic abuse where the abuser controls the victim’s money and their economic resources.

They do this to exert control on them and make them dependent solely on them. If your partner has to beg you for money, then it counts as economic abuse. This damages the self-esteem of the victim.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Domestic Violence

To conclude, domestic violence has many forms which include physical aggression like kicking and biting and it can also be sexual or emotional. It is essential to recognize the signs of domestic violence and report the abuser if it is happening around you or to you.

FAQ of Essay on Domestic Violence

Question 1: Why is domestic violence an issue?

Answer 1: Domestic violence has a major impact on the general health and wellbeing of individuals. It is because it causes physical injury, anxiety, depression. Moreover, it also impairs social skills and increases the likelihood that they will participate in practices harmful to their health, like self-harm or substance abuse.

Question 2: How does domestic violence affect a woman?

Answer 2: Domestic violence affects women in terms of ill health. It causes serious consequences on their mental and physical health which includes reproductive and sexual health. It also includes injuries, gynaecological problems, depression, suicide and more.

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How To Write an Essay About Domestic Violence

Understanding domestic violence.

Before starting an essay about domestic violence, it's important to understand what constitutes domestic violence and its impact on individuals and society. Domestic violence refers to a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. It can include physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. Begin your essay by defining domestic violence, discussing its various forms, and addressing common misconceptions. It's also crucial to explore the psychological and social factors that contribute to domestic violence, as well as its short and long-term effects on victims, families, and communities.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A strong essay on domestic violence should be anchored by a clear, focused thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about domestic violence. For example, you might discuss the societal factors that contribute to domestic violence, the challenges in seeking justice for victims, or the effectiveness of intervention and support programs. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and provide a structured approach to your analysis.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

Support your thesis with relevant data, research, and examples. This might include statistics on the prevalence of domestic violence, case studies, or research findings on the effects of domestic violence on individuals and society. Use this evidence to support your thesis and build a persuasive argument. Remember to consider different perspectives and include voices of survivors in your discussion.

Analyzing the Impact of Domestic Violence

Dedicate a section of your essay to analyzing the impact of domestic violence. Discuss various aspects, such as the physical and mental health consequences for victims, the social and economic costs, and the effect on children and families. Explore both the immediate and long-term effects, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your discussion and restating your thesis in light of the evidence provided. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and emphasize the significance of addressing domestic violence in society. You might also want to highlight areas where further research or policy development is needed, or suggest ways individuals and communities can help combat domestic violence.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, review and edit it for clarity and coherence. Ensure that your arguments are well-structured and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers or experts in the field to refine your essay further. A well-written essay on domestic violence will not only demonstrate your understanding of the topic but also your ability to engage with complex social issues.

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Essay on Domestic Violence Against Women

Students are often asked to write an essay on Domestic Violence Against Women in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Domestic Violence Against Women


Domestic violence against women is a global issue, causing harm and suffering. It includes physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, often by a partner or family member.

Forms of Violence

Violence can be physical, like hitting or pushing. Emotional abuse might involve insults or threats. Sexual abuse is another form, often within relationships.

The impacts are severe, affecting women’s mental and physical health. It can lead to depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

Education is key in prevention. We should teach respect and equality, and offer support to those affected.

250 Words Essay on Domestic Violence Against Women

Domestic violence against women is a global issue, transcending cultural, geographical, and socio-economic boundaries. Despite its widespread prevalence, it remains largely underreported due to the stigma, fear, and societal norms surrounding it.

The Scope of the Problem

A staggering number of women worldwide experience domestic violence, with the World Health Organization estimating that one in three women has been subjected to physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner. This violence takes various forms, including physical assault, sexual abuse, psychological manipulation, and economic coercion.

Underlying Causes

The root causes of domestic violence against women are deeply embedded in patriarchal norms and gender inequality. Power imbalances, reinforced by societal structures, lead to women’s subjugation and vulnerability to violence. Other factors, such as poverty, lack of education, and substance abuse, further exacerbate the problem.

The impacts of domestic violence against women are profound and far-reaching. Beyond the immediate physical harm, victims often suffer from long-term psychological trauma, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Moreover, the cycle of violence can have intergenerational effects, perpetuating a culture of violence and inequality.

Addressing domestic violence against women requires a multi-faceted approach, encompassing legal reforms, education, and societal change. It is crucial to challenge and transform the deeply ingrained norms and attitudes that perpetuate such violence. Only then can we hope to create a world where women are free from the threat of domestic violence.

500 Words Essay on Domestic Violence Against Women

Domestic violence encompasses physical, sexual, psychological, and economic abuse. It is not confined to any particular political or economic system, but it is prevalent in every society in the world. It cuts across boundaries of wealth, race, and culture. The World Health Organization estimates that one in three women worldwide has experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.

Underlying Factors

The roots of domestic violence lie in the patriarchal societal structures that validate and perpetuate the domination of men over women. These structures are often reinforced by cultural, religious, and social norms that condone or even encourage violence against women. Economic dependence, fear of social stigma, lack of awareness about legal rights, and inadequate support systems further trap women in abusive situations.

Consequences of Domestic Violence

Prevention and response.

Preventing and responding to domestic violence requires comprehensive, multidimensional strategies. At the individual level, empowering women through education and economic independence is crucial. At the societal level, changing attitudes and norms that perpetuate gender inequalities and violence is key. Legal measures and policies should be in place to protect victims and punish perpetrators. Moreover, support services like shelters, hotlines, counselling, and legal aid should be readily available and accessible.

Domestic violence against women is a grave violation of human rights with significant societal implications. It is a complex issue that demands concerted efforts from all sectors of society. As we move forward, it is crucial to foster a culture of respect and equality, where violence is unacceptable, and women can live free from the fear of abuse. Only then can we hope to eradicate this blight from our societies and build a safer, more equitable world for all.

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Domestic Violence Essay | Essay on Domestic Violence for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Domestic Violence Essay: Domestic violence is the violence or abuse that is practised in a domestic setting – such as cohabitation or marriage. Domestic violence is not only physical. Domestic violence includes any behaviour that is practised to gain power and control over the victim.

Domestic violence can be affecting people from all walks of life. It can be subjected towards a partner, spouse or intimate family member. Domestic violence is a learned behaviour and is not practised due to any common excuses such as drugs or alcohol, anger or mental problem.

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Long and Short Essays on Domestic Violence for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Domestic Violence for reference.

Long Essay on Domestic Violence 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Domestic Violence is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Domestic violence also referred to as or intimate partner violence or domestic abuse – takes place in an intimate relationship. Domestic violence can happen in both heterosexual relationships as well as same-sex relationships. Threatening a person is also a type of domestic abuse affecting the person mentally and emotionally. Any abusive relationship involves an imbalance of power and control being practised on the victim. An abuser to exercise control over his or her partner uses harsh and hurtful words and behaviours.

While some relationships are abusive from the outside, it might not be easy to identify domestic violence at first. While some relationships are abusive from the very beginning, abuse often starts subtly, and with time it gets worse. Domestic violence can be taking several forms –such as physical, economic, verbal, religious, emotional sexual and even reproductive.

Acts of domestic violence may include persistent forms of marital rape. Also, violent physical abuse such as beating, choking, female genital mutilation and acid throwing that can lead to disfigurement and in extreme cases, death. Apart from these, calling the victim names to insult or put them down and preventing or discouraging the victim from going to work or school or even stopping them from seeing family members or friends.

They are trying to control how one should spend their money or controlling what one wears. Acting jealous or possessive or even constantly accusing the victim of being unfaithful. These are also a few ways in which domestic violence is practised. On a worldwide basis, women are overwhelmingly the victims of domestic violence. Also, women tend to be experiencing severe forms of violence. In some countries, cases of domestic violence are often seen as justified – especially in cases of suspected or actual disloyalty on the women’s part and are also legally permitted.

Research has shown that there exists a significant and direct correlation between a country’s level of gender equality and domestic violence rates. Countries that experience higher rates of domestic violence have less gender equality. Domestic violence on a worldwide basis is among the most underreported crimes globally for both women and men. Due to the presence of the social stigmas regarding victimization of male, men who are domestic violence victims face an increased likelihood of being overlooked by healthcare providers.

Domestic violence often takes place when the abuser believes that the victim is subordinate to them, and it is the abuser’s entitlement, justified and acceptable. Domestic violence may produce a cycle of intergenerational abuse in children and other members of the family – as they feel that this kind of behaviour is normal and acceptable.

In an abusive relationship, there is a cycle of violence and abuse, which is committed by the abuser when there is a rise in tension or an act of violence is committed. It is then followed by a period of calm and reconciliation. Victims of domestic violence are stuck in domestic relationships or situations through the lack of financial resources, power and control, isolation, to protect a child, fear of cultural acceptance, traumatic bonding with the abuser or fear of shame.

Short Essay on Domestic Violence 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Domestic Violence is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Domestic violence is a part of a relationship between two partners in which the abuser seeks to assert control and power over the victim. The abuser may use different forms of abuse to assert their power. Many individuals fail to identify themselves as abusers or victims as they may consider their abusive and traumatic experiences as a part of family conflicts that got out of control. Definition, perception, awareness and documentation of domestic violence widely differ from country to country.

Traditionally domestic violence was only associated with physical violence. Domestic violence involves not only physical but also emotional, psychological and sexual abuse. Manipulating the victim with the help of his or her children is also a type of domestic violence. The abuser may be isolating the victim from other people who may be assisting. Victims of abuse may experience mental illness, physical disabilities, dysregulated aggression, psychological disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, chronic health issues and poor ability at creating healthy relationships.

10 Lines on Domestic Violence in English

  • Domestic violence can be practised in many forms including physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
  • A purple ribbon symbolizes and promotes the awareness of domestic violence.
  • Domestic violence, in its broadest sense, also includes violence against parents or the elderly and children.
  • Domestic violence – more than car accidents, rape and mugging combined – is the leading cause of injury of women.
  • Domestic violence often happens in cases of child or forced marriages.
  • Children who grow up in a household with violence often show psychological issues from an early age.
  • An intimate partner or family member may commit domestic violence.
  • The abuser may seek to isolate the victim from near and dear ones.
  • Before the mid-1800s wife-beating valid considered as a reasonable practice, for the husband to exercise control over his wife.
  • 85% of victims of domestic violence are women.

FAQ’s on Domestic Violence Essay

Question 1. What are the different forms of domestic violence?

Answer: Physical, emotional, verbal, economical, religious, sexual or reproductive.

Question 2. How to come out of an abusive relationship?

Answer: The first step of getting out of an abusive relationship is identifying the relationship as abusive.

Question 3. Which country has the highest rate of domestic violence?

Answer: New Zealand has the highest rate of reported domestic violence cases.

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Essay on Domestic Violence

Essay generator.

Domestic violence, a critical social issue, plagues numerous households worldwide. It’s a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. This essay seeks to explore the multifaceted aspects of domestic violence, its psychological underpinnings, and the broader implications for society.

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence involves physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. It includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone.

Types of Domestic Violence

  • Physical Abuse : Hitting, slapping, shoving, grabbing, pinching, biting, hair pulling, etc., are types of physical abuse. It also includes denying a partner medical care or forcing alcohol/drug use.
  • Emotional Abuse : Undermining an individual’s sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem. This may include constant criticism, diminishing one’s abilities, name-calling, or damaging one’s relationship with their children.
  • Economic Abuse : Making or attempting to make an individual financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding access to money, or forbidding attendance at school or employment.
  • Sexual Abuse : Coercing or attempting to coerce any sexual contact or behavior without consent. This includes, but is not limited to, marital rape, attacks on sexual parts of the body, forcing sex after physical violence, and treating one in a sexually demeaning manner.
  • Psychological Abuse : Causing fear by intimidation; threatening physical harm to self, partner, children, or partner’s family or friends; destruction of pets and property; and forcing isolation from family, friends, or school and/or work.

The Psychology Behind Domestic Violence

Understanding the psychology behind domestic violence is complex. It often involves an intricate interplay of power, control, and deep-seated psychological issues.

  • Power and Control : Abusers often feel the need to exert dominance over their partner, stemming from deep insecurities and a desire to control.
  • Cycle of Abuse : Domestic violence usually follows a pattern known as the cycle of abuse, consisting of the tension-building phase, the abusive incident, the honeymoon phase, and calm before the cycle starts again.
  • Childhood Trauma : Many abusers have histories of traumatic childhoods, including physical or emotional abuse, which can perpetuate a cycle of violence.
  • Societal Influences : Societal norms and cultural backgrounds that perpetuate gender inequality and glorify aggression can contribute to domestic violence.

The Impact of Domestic Violence

The impact of domestic violence is profound and far-reaching.

  • Physical and Mental Health : Victims of domestic violence suffer from various physical ailments, mental health issues like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and in extreme cases, death.
  • Impact on Children : Children who witness domestic violence are at increased risk for emotional and behavioral problems, and may repeat the cycle of violence in their own relationships.
  • Societal Cost : Domestic violence impacts society through increased healthcare costs, legal costs, and lost productivity.

Addressing Domestic Violence

Combating domestic violence requires a multifaceted approach:

  • Awareness and Education : Raising awareness about the signs of domestic violence and educating people about its unacceptable nature is crucial.
  • Support Systems : Robust support systems including hotlines, shelters, counseling, and legal assistance are vital for victims.
  • Legal Framework : Strong legal frameworks that protect victims and hold abusers accountable are essential.
  • Community Involvement : Community education and involvement in prevention programs are necessary to change societal norms and behaviors.

Writing About Domestic Violence

For students writing about domestic violence:

  • Use a Sensitive Tone : Given the delicate nature of the topic, it’s important to use a tone that is empathetic and respectful.
  • Incorporate Data and Research : Use statistics, studies, and research to provide a factual basis for the essay.
  • Personal Stories : While maintaining confidentiality and sensitivity, incorporating stories can provide powerful insights into the issue.
  • Discuss Solutions and Prevention : Go beyond outlining the problem to propose potential solutions and preventive measures.

In conclusion, Domestic violence is a complex issue that requires deep understanding and concerted efforts to address. It’s imperative to recognize the signs, understand the underlying causes, and work towards effective solutions. For students participating in essay writing competitions, delving into this topic is not only an academic exercise but also an opportunity to contribute to the critical discourse on this pressing social issue. By understanding and articulating the nuances of domestic violence, one can advocate for change and a safer, more equitable society.


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Domestic Violence Essays

Importance of assessing all patients for signs of abuse or domestic violence and populations that are most at risk of being abused, theories that explain domestic violence, economic pressures and domestic violence within african american families in detroit, mi, pervasiveness and complexity of domestic violence, family news journal, sunnybrook health sciences centre – domestic violence, domestic violence/interpersonal violence agency paper, changing vawa’s funding priorities to prevent domestic violence, domestic violence: big little lies television show, evaluation of domestic violence in denver, colorado, support plan for family violence on an 18-year-old young adult, mrs. minnie wright, exploring domestic violence among women in the united states., gender-based violence; exploring theories connected to gbv and strategies to mitigate the challenge, research paper – types of reports, essays about domestic violence.

Considering the fact that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some type of physical violence at the hands of intimate partners, domestic violence is an incredibly relevant topic, and exploring it in an essay is a great way to raise awareness.

The topic of domestic violence has been getting more attention than ever recently as more and more victims feel empowered to share their stories online and speak out against their aggressors. It often takes victims months and years to even talk about their trauma, but by addressing it, they are addressing the big elephant in the room.

Domestic violence is often a topic shrouded in whispers or downright silence. It’s not easy for victims to talk about their experiences because they don’t feel safe in a society that tends to sweep things under the rug. However, society has been changing and the conversation around domestic violence has become louder, thus emboldening victims to come forward.

Now, there is a lot to be said about domestic violence, so there are many ways you can explore the topic in your essay. For example, you can talk about the consequences of domestic violence and how it affects victims mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Moreover, you can discuss how differently men and women experience domestic violence and are affected by it. In the same line, you can discuss the way victims are often dismissed or disbelieved, especially men, who are less likely to come forward about their experiences with domestic abuse.

Another way to approach the topic of domestic violence in your essay would be to discuss the importance of talking about it in our communities and creating safe spaces for victims. Of course, these are only a few ideas! There are many other ways to explore the topic.

However, you decide to discuss domestic violence in your essay, make sure to adopt a strong position and present good arguments to support it. Leveraging research and statistics is a great way to make your essay more compelling and there’s no shortage of that, so do your due diligence.

If you are stuck or need ideas for an essay on domestic violence, feel free to use samples from this page to ace your paper!

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Domestic Violence: Criminal Justice Essay

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In the current society, domestic violence (DV) has become a major concern following the increasing number of victims reporting cases of DV in their families. DV is a social challenge that crosses economic, religious, geographical, and even cultural boundaries. It is a violation of human rights since the affected people undergo emotional, psychological, and even physical torture that impacts their general well-being. Even though DV is a global problem, women and children are the victims of the issue. The offenders usually target the weak individuals whom they deem cannot defend themselves and thus they humiliate and perform all types of ill-act on them. The aspect of DV entails aggressive control, violent behavior, and threatening, degrading, and coercive conduct by a partner or a family member. The problem extends to teens especially the ones dating, they experience courting violence. The underlying causes of DV include trauma, belief in domination, and experiencing a DV as a child. Other factors such as level of education, poor communication, substance use, insecurity, and personality disorders facilitate the prevalence of DV leading to mental and physical health effects.

The prevalence of DV in the community is linked to issues such as childhood trauma. When either of the partners experiences any form of abuse during their young age, they are more likely to develop the same behaviors when they become old. Similarly, aspects such as neglect by the parents or constant fight between the guardians remains a clear memory and thus tend to haunt them in the future especially if the perpetrator failed to receive proper counsel. Furthermore, by witnessing DV, when the child becomes an adult they tend to implement such acts on their partners because the majority believes that is the best way to handle family differences. Therefore, experience from childhood plays a significant role in facilitating the increasing rate of DV in society.

Similarly, limited access to education contributes to the increasing rate of DV in society. generally, schooling enhances the individual exposure to various facets of life. When a person is confined within a single cultural perspective due to less experience, they are more likely to retain the norm and act based on it. However, if such an individual interacts with others through education and learns new ideas, they might be able to have a different view of issues hence changing their overall mindset. Furthermore, education grooms people making them to be decent and reasonable enough to solve issues without coercing their partners. Therefore, when individuals do not have adequate knowledge, they will hold the societal practices thus making them engage in DV.

Poor communication among the couple or family members facilitates DV in society. Generally, when one partner fails to communicate effectively on crucial matters, the level of tension rises between them. With such fluctuation in temper, the likelihood of conflict occurring increases between the people involved. Similarly, failure to provide reliable information may cause the other party to become suspicious thus promoting them to act negatively. For instance, an individual may opt to neglect the counterpart in the event of an unclarified misunderstanding. Such approaches result in degrading the other party and thus they feel less cared about.

Furthermore, there are some cultural backgrounds that foster the belief that men should dominate women. In such a setting, males tend to have control over their female counterparts in society (Song et al. 650). For instance, at home, all the available resources are managed by the man, and the women’s responsibility is reduced to protecting children. In such a setting, men tend to be more aggressive and thus portray violent behavior that affects the well-being of their partners. In other words, the ideology of male power is making the majority of men coerce, and control women to be more submissive to their demands. Such aggressions are enhancing the issue of DV especially when the females tend to resist the mistreatment they are facing.

In addition, the usage of illegal substances such as bhang, cocaine, and other drugs contributes to the increasing DV in society. When an individual has consumed any of the mentioned drugs, their brain function is altered and thus they fail to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner (Boserup et al. 2754). Some partners go to the extent of physically assaulting their loved ones. Partners who are addicted to alcohol spend more money on the drinks leaving their families with limited resources to protect them. In such cases, they abuse the individuals and affect their emotional well-being.

Moreover, some cases of DV are associated with borderline personality disorder (BPD). People suffering from BPD conditions are more likely to portray violent behaviors, physical abuse, and even emotional torture. The family members who associate and interact with such persons usually experience DV following the inability of the BPD individuals to control themselves. Therefore, personality disorders are significant influencers of the DV issue in the community.

Generally, people who encounter DV issues are impacted emotionally and physically. Their health is at great risk following the conduct of the aggressors. On the basis of mental health, DV leads to panic attacks, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other emotional problems. Such outcomes can easily trigger suicidal thoughts, development issues, and even psychotic episodes. Furthermore, the victim may develop low self-esteem and aggressive conduct which is detrimental to the well-being of the people. When experiencing the mentioned conditions, the victims cannot easily mobilize the necessary resources to facilitate their living in the community. Similarly, the children might face difficulty concentrating on their studies hence affecting their academic performance.

Similarly, the physical health effect of DV is detrimental to the victims. Assaults may result in significant body scratches, chest complications, pelvis and even bleeding (Kaukinen 670). Sometimes the offenders may opt to use a sharp object to pierce through the body of their targets causing serious injuries. In addition, in some cases, women are dragged by their hair and even pushed against the wall. The overall consequences of such conduct include migraine, death, hypertension, and other related diseases which have an effect on the well-being of the affected person.

Even though the communities have shown some advancement, the aspect of DV has remained a significant social issue affecting many people. Underlying factors such as childhood trauma and witnessing DV cases contribute effectively to the growing DV. Limited access to education, substance abuse, poor communication, and PBD are other facets facilitating the rising cases of DV. The social problem results in both mental and physical health effects such as depression and scratches respectively. Therefore, DV is a major issue affecting the majority, especially the vulnerable group in society. Without awareness, the people suffering from the behaviors might not overcome the challenges and thus remain victims of the conditions.

Works Cited

Boserup, Brad, Mark McKenney, and Adel Elkbuli. “ Alarming Trends in US Domestic Violence during The COVID-19 Pandemic .” The American journal of emergency medicine, vol. 38, no. 12, 2020, pp. 2753-2755. Web.

Kaukinen, Catherine. “ When Stay-at-Home Orders Leave Victims Unsafe at Home: Exploring the Risk and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence during The COVID-19 Pandemic .” American Journal of Criminal Justice, vol. 45, no. 4, 2020, pp. 668-679. Web.

Song, Yueping, Jingwen Zhang, and Xian Zhang. “ Cultural or institutional? Contextual effects on domestic violence against women in rural China .” Journal of Family Violence, vol. 36, no. 6, 2021, pp. 643-655. Web.

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Essays on Domestic Violence

A topic of domestic violence had been under the public radar for a long time – writing a domestic violence essay is not a task you would have received, for example, in the 18th century. Thankfully it is not the case anymore and domestic violence is a globally recognized issue rather than a taboo. You may ask “are domestic violence essays difficult to write?” The answer is definitely yes – matters like these are difficult to comprehend, and even more so to put into writing. That is why domestic violence essay samples provided below will be of great help to you when attempting to write your essay. Our samples of essays on domestic violence showcase different academic approaches to this public issue and may serve as guidelines for conducting your own study.

Domestic violence refers to various forms of abuse between married or intimate individuals. The term has also expanded to include emotional, sexual, physical, financial, and psychological harm imposed by one person to another in a close relationship (Anon, 2007). Over the years, the term has also expanded to include physical...

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This research was carried out due to research work that examined the issue of domestic violence in terms of qualitative and quantitative teachings. A literature review was conducted to determine the psychotype of the victims of their partners , why they tolerate tyrants and what motivates them when choosing such...

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Emerging issues in the world have taken a divergent scope influenced by the ever dynamic life of man. It is quite clear that observable steps can be seen wwhen it all started to the war against servitude during the dark ages, millitary demonstration in the era of making thrones and...

The violence that results from domestic misunderstandings is a serious social issue as it possesses the threat of tearing down contemporary founded families and societies. It’s committed by an individual as a result of making a conscious judgment to enforce power and control over an intimate companion. Abusers often resort...

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Behind Closed Doors. CIAC UK. Text 1 Reflection: Before watching this film, I used to think that domestic violence involves only physical abuse such as beatings. However, it occurred to me that emotional abuse in marriages is the most common leading to great psychological pain.  I also thought that domestic misunderstandings...

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i. What is the broader context of society that must be considered when assessing the task environment of organizations that offer shelter services for intimate partner violence (IPV)? The broader context of society that must...

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Domestic and Family Violence Domestic and family violence is common in many homes involving wives, children, or husbands. In Mills' article domestic violence is presented as abuse towards women especially by feminists who tend to defend them without investigating the issue. Men are judged and associated with hurting their wives and...

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Domestic violence is largely caused by various types of pain or agony, including those that are psychological, physical, mental, and sexual. Domestic violence also includes family violence or spousal abuse, which refers to an overt pattern of violent acts committed by one partner against the other in close affiliations such...

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A Pattern of Abusive Behavior - Domestic Violence A pattern of abusive behavior between related parties known as "domestic violence" is used by one party to keep control over the other's intimate companion. Threats and acts may be physical, mental, psychological, sexual, and/or economic. Intimidation, humiliation, seclusion, manipulation, terrorizing, blaming, inflicting...

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Students who have to cover the topic of domestic violence find it not comfortable and cruel. No one in the world has the legal rights to penetrate somebody’s private space, committing physical or psychical actions. GradeMiners have published numerous free essays on domestic violence, revealing many issues related to gender, family, social equality, and other related topics and law regulations.

Domestic Violence Essay Examples: How to Reveal the Key Points

The problem of home violence is not new, but fortunately, victims speak more and more about cruel behavior in marriage and relationships. This problem is for more than 10 million people in the United States yearly. Most often, women suffer from physical or sexual abuse from the side of their partners. But unfortunately, children may also suffer from physical punishment or rape. Such crimes are treated by justice as domestic violence and are subject to legal penalties. Therefore, victims should not be silent in engaging interest in such a sensitive and urgent topic.

A student who receives domestic violence essay paper has a large scope of work. They should investigate the law issue, the actions considered violent, responsibility for their commitment, and ways to prevent and stop such illegal and brutal deeds. Moreover, they should also mention the achievements of activists and movements that struggle against this problem.

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500 word essay on domestic violence

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Published: Jan 30, 2024

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Definition of domestic violence, causes of domestic violence, effects of domestic violence, prevention and intervention.


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    Long Essay on Domestic Violence 500 Words in English. Long Essay on Domestic Violence is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Domestic violence also referred to as or intimate partner violence or domestic abuse - takes place in an intimate relationship. Domestic violence can happen in both heterosexual relationships as well as same-sex ...

  8. Essay on Domestic Violence [Edit & Download], Pdf

    This essay seeks to explore the multifaceted aspects of domestic violence, its psychological underpinnings, and the broader implications for society. Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence involves physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person.

  9. Domestic Violence: Reason, Forms and Measures Essay

    Domestic or family violence involves abusive behavior patterns that individuals go through in an intimate relationship. Domestic violence takes place in families where parents may abuse their children or in marriages where one spouse abuses the other. Get a custom essay on Domestic Violence: Reason, Forms and Measures. 188 writers online.

  10. Domestic Violence: a Crime Against Humanity

    Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence, is a pattern of abusive behavior used by one partner to gain power and control over the other in an intimate relationship. It can take many forms, including physical violence, sexual violence, psychological abuse, and economic abuse. Domestic violence is a crime against humanity, and ...

  11. Domestic Violence Essay

    Domestic violence is all about one person wanting control and power over the other and it can be expressed in many ways. It can occur in more than one way such as; coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, stalking, sexual abuse, and economic abuse. It can also be a single act or a pattern of behaviour. 1237 Words.

  12. Essay on Domestic Violence for Students

    Long Essay on Domestic Violence in 500 Words. Domestic violence is a complex issue with a range of contributing factors. One significant cause is the imbalance of power within relationships. This power dynamic can manifest in various forms, such as one partner exerting control over the other's finances, isolating them from friends and family ...

  13. 500-Word on Violence: [Essay Example], 508 words GradesFixer

    500-word on Violence. Violence is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been present throughout human history. It manifests in various forms, including physical, emotional, and psychological violence, and has profound and far-reaching consequences for individuals, communities, and societies as a whole.

  14. Domestic Violence Essay Examples

    Essays About Domestic Violence Considering the fact that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some type of physical violence at the hands of intimate partners, domestic violence is an incredibly relevant topic, and exploring it in an essay is a great way to raise awareness. The topic of domestic violence has been getting more attention than ever recently as more and more victims feel ...

  15. Domestic Violence: Criminal Justice

    Domestic Violence: Criminal Justice Essay. In the current society, domestic violence (DV) has become a major concern following the increasing number of victims reporting cases of DV in their families. DV is a social challenge that crosses economic, religious, geographical, and even cultural boundaries. It is a violation of human rights since ...

  16. Essays on Domestic Violence

    Definition of Domestic Violence. A Pattern of Abusive Behavior - Domestic Violence A pattern of abusive behavior between related parties known as "domestic violence" is used by one party to keep control over the other's intimate companion. Threats and acts may be physical, mental, psychological, sexual, and/or economic.

  17. Domestic Violence Essay Examples

    Domestic Violence descriptive essay. Subject: ⚖️ Law. Pages: 2. Words: 542. Rating: 4,4. Domestic violence is and has always been a serious problem in millions of homes throughout the world. It has led to the breakage of many…. 💥 Domestic Violence ⏳ Social Issues. View full sample.

  18. Understanding and Preventing Domestic Violence

    Definition and Types of Domestic Violence. Domestic violence is defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. It can manifest in various forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, and economic abuse.

  19. Domestic Violence: Uncovering The Dark Reality

    Domestic Violence: Uncovering The Dark Reality. Violence against family members is something women do at least as often as men. There are dozens of solid scientific studies that reveal in a startlingly different picture of family violence than what we usually see in the media. For instance, Murray Straus, a sociologist and co-director for the ...

  20. Domestic Violence Sociology

    Domestic violence is a misdemeanor that takes place all over the world. Domestic violence is the physical, emotional, verbal, and/or sexual abuse of an intimate partner or family member. A person who goes through domestic violence tends to not say anything about the abuse because there is fear that the abuser could kill him/her for saying ...

  21. Breaking Free from Abusive Relationship: Domestic Violence

    Introduction. Domestic violence is a pervasive and harrowing issue that plagues society, leaving victims trapped in abusive relationships. This research delves into the complex journey of how victims escape such situations, the necessary steps involved, the consequences they may face upon leaving, and the likelihood of entering into another abusive relationship.

  22. Domestic violence

    Intimate partner violence (IPV), is when one of the partners use physical, sexual, or even mental abuse to hurt the partner they are intimate with. (Smith, Homish, Leonard, & Cornelius, 2011). However, domestic violence is also towards relationships that are not intimate, but are just together as a couple.

  23. Understanding and Addressing Domestic Violence

    Definition of Domestic Violence. Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship. It differs from other forms of violence in that it occurs within a specific context of an intimate relationship and often includes various forms of abuse ...