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Business Plan Conclusion: Summary & Recap

solid business plan conclusion

You’ve written your business plan, but now you want to wrap it up to make a lasting impact on your reader. In this article, we will define the conclusion to a business plan as well as provide some tips to help you attract and seal the deal with potential investors and lenders.  

What is a Business Plan Conclusion?

This business plan conclusion is a concise summary and recap of all of the components of a business plan , but especially the executive summary. It summarizes your business plan in 2-3 paragraphs, with an emphasis on the most important points.  

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Is the Business Conclusion Necessary?

It’s good practice for business plans, but not always necessary to be successful in obtaining funding.

If you have a stellar executive summary, it may be unnecessary.

If the business conclusion is written well enough, it can serve as an executive summary of sorts – a short recap that provides more detail than the business plan as a whole, but only includes the most important points. It could also serve as an executive summary that is more concise than an actual executive summary.  

How To Write a Conclusion for Your Business Plan

The conclusion of your business plan is the last thing people read before deciding to invest in you and your business, so it needs to make a lasting impression.  

Determine Location

think about your audience

Depending on your intended audience, there are two common places for the conclusion. If your plan is meant for internal purposes, you may have the conclusion at the end of the entire document. However, if you are seeking funds from investors, you want to place the conclusion at the end of the Executive Summary, increasing the chances that it is actually read.

Review & Concisely Recap 

conclusion reviews key points from the executive summary

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Startups might include the following information:.

  • Funding requirements
  • Service or benefit to the investor
  • Target market and audience
  • How products or services solve the target market’s problem
  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitive advantage
  • Management team experience
  • Financial projections
  • Launch plan

Established businesses might include information in their conclusions such as:

  • Mission statement
  • Company’s history
  • Products and/or services
  • Historical growth data
  • Financial summary
  • Company’s goals

Summarize the 3-5 points in a couple of paragraphs. You don’t need to summarize everything that happened in your business plan, just the most important points of the business plan.

Support Your Claims with Stats and/or Visuals

company’s profitable revenue model

Establish a Call-To-Action (CTA)

acquire funds for lucrative returns

Proofread & Spell-Check

grammar and tone carefully considered

The conclusion needs to give your readers a sense of closure by wrapping up all loose ends while making your last pitch effort to obtain the money your business may need.

Business Plan Conclusion Example

Use this conclusion example to help you with how to end a business plan, but keep in mind to make it relevant to your target audience, industry, and funding requirements:

Expanding into the Seattle metro area will allow Skyridge to provide its cutting-edge technology to more people who need it. Purchasing the fabrication plant in Seattle allows us to produce all of our products in-house and in one location, delivering them promptly and efficiently to the northwestern region.

We have the power to change the way people use technology, and we want [Investor’s Name] to be a part of it. By investing in Skyridge’s growth, [Investor’s Name] will benefit in the following ways:

  • Inclusion with a startup that has seen XXX% growth over the past X years and our company’s management team with XX years of experience in the technology industry
  • Contribution to Seattle’s economic growth and its citizens’ access to technology that enhances their lives
  • Participation in company planning meetings and receive an XX% share in all profits earned

We can add to the number of lives Skyridge’s technologies impact, generate more job opportunities in the region, and alter the technology sector if we work together. If you agree with our vision for a better future for everyone, join us.

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Writing an Effective Business Plan Conclusion: Tips & Examples

Do you need help concluding the business plan that you have worked so hard to create? A well-crafted business plan conclusion is essential for setting the tone for the entire document, and summarizing the key points that justify why the business will be successful. In this article, we will explore how to write an effective business plan conclusion that will ensure that your plan is read and taken seriously.

How to End a Business Plan?

The conclusion of your business plan should briefly summarize the main points of your argument. It should state why you believe your business will succeed and explain how you intend to achieve your goals. A business plan conclusion should cover the opportunity, highlight the strengths of your plan, summarize your vision, and remind the reader why your business is in a unique position to succeed.

A template example of a solid business plan conclusion follows:

  • Opportunity: Explain the opportunity that your business is capitalizing on and why it is attractive.
  • Key Strengths: Highlight the key strengths of your plan, such as your competitive advantage and any unique selling points.
  • Vision: Summarize your vision for the business and its future.
  • Unique Position: Remind the reader why your business is in a unique position to succeed.

It is important to keep your business plan conclusion succinct and to the point. It should be no longer than a few paragraphs, and should be a clear and concise summary of the entire document.

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What is the final stage of the business plan?

Conclude your business plan with a presentation for obtaining funding, and provide any relevant data, graphs, and charts to back it up. Make it explicit how much money you are asking for from investors—whether it is equity, a collaboration, or a loan.

What is the appropriate way to conclude a business plan letter?

What should be included in the concluding section of a business plan.

It should also include a description of the problems you are trying to solve, a review of your marketing strategy, and an assessment of the financials. The best way to write an executive summary is to write it after you have a thorough understanding of your entire plan and can succinctly summarize it. The executive summary should include your company’s mission statement, a description of the products and services you offer or plan to offer, an overview of the problems you are aiming to solve, an assessment of your marketing strategy and an overview of the financials.

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Closing Statement Example for Business Plan: Tips & Guide

Table of Contents

Your business plan’s closing statement is the last thing an investor will read, so it must be compelling enough to encourage them to invest. The final paragraph of your business plan should do two things. It should summarize the entire document and give the reader a better grasp of your company’s USPs (unique selling propositions). By using persuasive writing techniques and language, you can ensure your ending is as impactful and memorable as possible. To help get you started, this blog post will provide tips and an example of a successful closing statement for a business plan.

What Is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines a business’s strategy and operating procedures . It’s typically used to attract investors, secure funding, and provide direction for the business in the future. Typical components of a business plan include 

  • An executive summary
  • Market analysis overview
  • Financial projections
  • Details on how the company plans to achieve its stated objectives.

example of conclusion business plan

Tips on Writing a Conclusion for Your Business Plan

Your company’s closing statement in a business plan can inspire investors or motivate employees. It should offer a view into the future by stating your goals for the company’s growth and development.  Consider the following suggestions for concluding your business plan .

Proper Amount of Information

The final section of your business plan should include a concise summary of your essential ideas. Explain why your company will succeed and how you intend to get there. This business plan section is your last attempt to convince potential backers to put money into your venture. The final section of a company plan written for internal use can be more optimistic. You could mention your future goals for growth or expansion in this situation. This will help the audience understand the direction you envision the company heading. To win over investors, you might include the following in your final paragraph:

  • The state of your company’s finances as of right now
  • Money to help your business expand and thrive
  • Customers and clients who fit your target demographic
  • Demand from Consumers
  • Particulars that set you apart from the competition
  • Your strategy to boost revenue.
  • Include the following in your conclusion to provide management with some insight into the future of the company:
  • Details about your company’s past and its offerings
  • Intentions for the long-term
  • Future growth or expansion plans

These aren’t the only points that should be mentioned in a conclusion, but they’re among the most crucial.

Incorporate Data and Statistics

To make your case more convincing, you should use evidence like figures and facts. Doing so will strengthen your argument and leave the reader with a favorable impression of your company. Your company’s financial history and growth projections may help convince investors to invest in your company. Market share and customer happiness statistics can help reassure upper management that their company is on the right track.

Keep a Good Attitude

Avoid sounding pessimistic as you wrap things up. Avoid statements like “Despite our difficulties, I am certain that our business will be successful.” Don’t dwell on past failures, but rather on your company’s successes and future prospects.  Using phrases like “I am positive about the future of our company” will leave the reader with a favorable impression of your firm.

End With a CTA

The business plan’s final section should end with a call to action. In this section, you might argue why the reader should join your cause or invest in your business. Your stand must be a concise and direct call to action. Readers need to know exactly what you want them to do, and you need to convince them to do it.

Conclude and Reflect

After you’ve finished writing your conclusion, it’s essential to go back and read it over. Ensure that your point is made without ambiguity and that all relevant details are included. Ensure the tone is upbeat and cheerful, and check for spelling and grammatical problems. To attract investors, it’s essential to have a second pair of eyes look over the final draft of the business plan. Obtaining as much input as possible will help you ensure your argument is well-articulated and persuasive. After you’ve come to a satisfying conclusion, it’s time to move on to the next phase of your business plan.

Location: End of Document or Executive Summary?

Determine whether you want your business plan’s conclusion to appear at the end of the document or the executive summary. If you’re writing a business plan to attract investors or obtain funding, consider adding the conclusion to the executive summary.  Investors will likely skim the rest of your report before getting to your executive summary. Including it there is crucial to ensure they get your main points. Doing so will give your audience a clearer picture of where you are going with your argument.

Closing Statement Example for Business Plan

We are certain that ABC Corporation will become a key player in the XYZ industry due to our extensive market research and analysis. Our unique combination of innovative products and services, competitive pricing, and dedicated customer service makes us the go-to provider for ABC customers.  The funds we secure from this investment round will help us develop and improve our products and services. It will also finance our expansion into new markets.  With your support, we can make ABC Company the industry leader in XYZ. Thank you for considering our business plan and taking the time to learn more about our company. We look forward to working with you and exploring the potential of this partnership.  Thank you for your time.  Sincerely,  XYZ Team 

The closing statement example for business plan above is an excellent example of how a business model should end. It emphasizes the objective, progress, and, most significantly, the business owner’s commitment to its mission . In summary, the conclusion should restate your company’s value proposition and create a lasting impression on the reader.

Closing Statement Example for Business Plan: Tips & Guide

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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How to Write a Business Plan Conclusion?

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  • Vinay Kevadia
  • June 20, 2024

business plane conclusion

Completed writing your business plan?

Let’s wrap it up with a conclusion that ends your business plan on an exciting and positive note. Not to forget—a conclusion that convinces the readers about your business’s potential to succeed.

In this blog post, you will learn exactly how to write a conclusion of a business plan and get an example to guide you.

Let’s get started.

What is a business plan conclusion?

A business plan conclusion is the final section concluding very concisely the points discussed in your business plan.

It reinforces the business’s strengths and feasibility and reassures the readers of potential business success. It clarifies the reader’s benefit of associating with your business and convinces them of a profitable investment opportunity.

A conclusion is about 3-4 paragraphs long and is designed to drive action and leave a lasting impression on reader’s minds.

Business plan conclusion vs. executive summary

Many people confuse a conclusion and an executive summary to be the same. However, they are not. Let’s see how.

  • An executive summary is a broad overview of your entire business plan. The conclusion, on the other hand, is a concise summary reinforcing the key takeaways of your plan.
  • While an executive summary introduces the readers to your business idea, a conclusion convinces them to take the desired action.
  • An executive summary is a preview of what the plan will be about. The conclusion, on the contrary, is a review of what the plan has discussed.
  • An executive summary is concise. However, conclusions are more concise covering only the aspects that can drive decisions and actions.

Clear enough, right? Let’s move ahead.

Why is a business plan conclusion important?

Although a conclusion is not mandatory, it is an important aspect of a business plan. It communicates your passion and commitment to a business idea and convinces the readers of your ability to succeed.

A conclusion synthesizes the key insights of your business plan focusing on aspects such as market analysis , business strategy, competitive advantage, and milestones. It reinforces your plan’s vision and establishes your strategic position amongst readers.

A well-crafted conclusion will drive desired actions from the readers. It can seal the deal and fulfill your objective of writing a business plan.

How to write a conclusion for your business plan?

From what information to include to where to place the conclusion—this section will guide you to write an impactful conclusion for your business plan.

1. Choose the right placement

There are two places for you to place your conclusion. It can either be after your executive summary or at the end of the document.

The location changes depending on who you plan to present your business plan with.

If you prepare a business plan for investors , placing your conclusion after the executive summary will increase the likelihood of it getting read.

However, the conclusion should be placed at the end for business plans that are prepared for internal use and business partners. Conclusion in this case reviews and emphasizes the company’s strengths.

2. Place the right information

The information in your conclusion changes depending on your audience and the intent of the business plan.

For instance, if you’re a new business trying to secure funds, your conclusion can synthesize the key details about the following:

  • Funding demands
  • Benefit to the investors
  • Target market and target customers
  • Solution for the problem
  • Marketing strategy
  • Team members and their expertise
  • Financial projections
  • Competitive advantage
  • Launch plan

However, if you’re a small business trying to grow or use this plan for internal use, consider covering key insights from the following aspects:

  • Mission statement
  • History and the milestones
  • Data supporting growth
  • Industry trends
  • Financial summary
  • Long-term goals and objectives

These are the details you can cover while writing your conclusion. However, including every bit of these in your conclusion is unnecessary.

Think from your reader’s perspective. Determine the information that would excite them about your business and form your conclusion accordingly.

3. Include stats and visuals

Now that you’ve decided on the placement and information to be included in your conclusion, it’s time to make your conclusion zesty.

How? Get the facts and stats that would support the claims you make in your conclusion.

For instance, if you’re promising growth, show market research that supports your claim. Again, if you’re promising a certain return on investment, include the statistics that can make investors believe you.

Sway away from vague statements and assumptions. And, if you feel that the statistic would be best absorbed through visual charts or graphics, don’t be afraid to add one.

4. Add a CTA

If you want the readers to take action, guide them. Add a crisp clear call to action(CTA) and explain how the readers would benefit from taking that action.

For instance, 

  • Join us as a silent partner by investing in Beanco.
  • Invest $2 M and secure a 20% stake in equity.
  • Support our growth by sharing references.

Don’t beat around the bush. If you are making a funding request, be unapologetic. And even if not, your CTA should suggest how a reader can support your growth.

5. Review and proofread

Once your conclusion is ready, re-read and proofread it for any grammatical or spelling errors. Fix the flow and remove fluff to make your conclusion crisp and persuasive.

Get your friends and business partners to read the conclusion and check if the message you are trying to send is crisp and clear. If not, make the necessary adjustments.

Business plan conclusion example

Use this business plan conclusion as a reference and tailor yours keeping in mind the needs, objectives, and audience for your business plan.

Launching EcoRide Electric Scooters will revolutionize urban transportation by providing an eco-friendly, efficient, and affordable solution for city commuters. Our innovative design and advanced technology will set us apart in the rapidly growing market for sustainable transport options.

We are poised to make a significant impact on urban mobility, and we want [Investor’s Name] to be a foundational part of our journey. By investing in EcoRide Electric Scooters, [Investor’s Name] will benefit in the following ways:

  • Joining a groundbreaking startup with a vision to reduce urban pollution and traffic congestion, led by a passionate team with over 20 years of combined experience in the automotive and tech industries.
  • Supporting the development and deployment of cutting-edge electric scooters, contributing to a cleaner, greener urban environment.
  • Gaining equity in a high-potential startup with a scalable business model and the potential for significant returns as we expand to new markets.

Together, we can transform urban transportation, reduce carbon footprints, and create a sustainable future for city dwellers. If you share our vision for a cleaner, more efficient urban commute, partner with us.

Let’s conclude your business plan

Now that you have understood the process and referred to an example, let’s conclude your business plan.

Identify the information you must highlight, encapsulate it into a powerful conclusion, and pair it with an even more powerful CTA.

However, remember that the conclusion just seals the deal. It’s the business plan that will hook your readers till the end. With Upmetrics’s AI business plan generator , you can create truly engaging business plans in just about 10 minutes.

So, improvise your business plan, sum it up with a convincing conclusion, and send over your business plan to your potential investors to secure funding.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long should a business plan conclusion be.

A conclusion of your business plan can be anywhere between 2-3 paragraphs long. In this ideal length, you must outline the key takeaways of your plan, clarify the next step to the readers, and explain to them the benefit of supporting your business.

What is the most important part of a business plan conclusion?

A CTA is the most important part of the conclusion, especially if you are trying to raise funds. However, if you are writing a plan for internal purposes, focus more on synthesizing the key essentials of a plan.

Can I include new information in the conclusion?

A conclusion does not introduce any new information. It simply reinforces the business’s position and convinces the readers to take the desired action for one last time. For instance, offer funding for your business.

Is it necessary to include a call to action in the conclusion?

It is very important to add a crisp clear CTA while concluding your plan. You can’t expect the readers to invest in your business or help you grow if you don’t clarify the steps to take action.

About the Author

example of conclusion business plan

Vinay Kevadiya

Vinay Kevadiya is the founder and CEO of Upmetrics, the #1 business planning software. His ultimate goal with Upmetrics is to revolutionize how entrepreneurs create, manage, and execute their business plans. He enjoys sharing his insights on business planning and other relevant topics through his articles and blog posts. Read more

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How to Conclude a Business Plan

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Business plans explain what a company does, who runs the company and how the company plans on hitting revenue goals, based on competitive advantages and marketing strategies. Some businesses write a business plan for internal review, tracking annual goals. Business plans are also used to seek investor loans or to finance their business. When presenting the plan for financing, it's important to conclude the plan with purpose, but to do so succinctly.

Conclusion or Executive Summary?

Business owners might confuse a business plan's conclusion with the plan's executive summary. The executive summary is actually the first section of a business plan, which provides a synopsis and a high-level overview of the major sections of the plan. A business owner might confuse this with the conclusion, because many business experts suggest writing the executive summary last, after the necessary information has been fleshed out.

The executive summary is usually a series of section teasers that give readers a high-level preview of the plan. It's also possible for the business plan to have a formal conclusion at the end of the sections. The conclusion is usually tailored and targets the informational needs of a specific investor or of a specific strategic partner.

Conclusion as a Summary of Needs and Abilities

If the executive summary states what the plan will be, then the conclusion reviews what the plan has stated. A business plan conclusion redefines the company's needs, the competence of management to achieve the goals and the key points to justify why the business will succeed with funding. Investors are looking for reasons why they should risk money in the venture; this is achieved by highlighting the unique ways in which the company solves problems and how an influx of funding will yield success. Usually, there's a specific call to action in the conclusion.

End Notes and References

Creating a business plan requires market and industry research. The larger the company or the more complicated its products or services, then it is even more important that research is needed to verify regulations, industry trends and technology innovations. End notes are the expert resources used in writing the plan and justifying propositions. These are like a bibliography in a high-school research paper.

End notes refer to specific data cited in the plan, listed in order of use by the correlating fact within the business plan. For example, the competitive-analysis section might cite consumer data obtained by public industry reports. If this is the third citation of data, the superscript is the numeral three that corresponds to the third end note.

">The Tone of the Conclusion

The business plan's conclusion should rely on facts and maintain a professional tone. Any projections and assumptions are backed by data points, the business' prior success, and management's ability to deliver. This is similar to a scientist using known facts to create a hypothesis for a new study.

For example, if the conclusion states that funding can scale factory operations by 50 percent more and yield 150 percent more in revenues, the conclusion of growth needs to be backed by those specific data points, which conclude that the assumption is correct.

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With more than 15 years of small business ownership including owning a State Farm agency in Southern California, Kimberlee understands the needs of business owners first hand. When not writing, Kimberlee enjoys chasing waterfalls with her son in Hawaii.

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