This site lists publications and discussion papers in experimental economics that make use of the "field" in some manner. I have been motivated by Charlie Holt's website, which has been quite helpful for my students and me. With the recent growth of field experiments, I felt it apropos to provide a site that collates papers using field experiments--both published and working. In my own work I have reserved the term "field experiment" for those cases where I observed subjects in their naturally occurring environments. I explicitly, therefore, discriminated between explorations in this environment and laboratory studies that used non-standard subject pools. In a JEL paper (Harrison and List, 2004), such important differences are accounted for via qualifiers. I follow this nomenclature on this site.

I have placed studies into three groups:

  • Artefactual field experiments: same as conventional lab experiments but with a non-standard subject pool (i.e., non-students). An example would be running Peruvian borrowers through lab games (e.g., Karlan, 2005 AER).
  • Framed field experiments: identical to artefactual field experiments but with field context in either the commodity, task, or information set that the subjects use. An example would be work that elicits valuations for public goods that occur naturally in the environment of the subjects (e.g. Bohm's work).
  • Natural field experiments: identical to framed field experiments except that the subjects do not know that they are participants in an experiment. An example could be found among the recent surge in fundraising experiments (e.g., List and Lucking-Reiley, 2002 JPE).

Of course, not all studies will fit neatly into one of these three categories. I hope, however, that the categories provide a useful way to think about the factors outside of a traditional laboratory experiment that are potentially important. I hope that you find the site useful -- I am sure that many studies are missing and therefore I will update the site often in an attempt to provide an informative source on field experiments. Accordingly, corrections and suggestions are welcome: [email protected] .

I would like to especially thank Dean Karlan and Joe Seidel, who had the idea to completely overhaul the site. Joe also spearheaded the changes to the site. Also, thanks to Nathaniel Higgins, Michael Price, and Jeff Cunningham for assistance. For online and personal use only, all rights reserved (John List and Dean Karlan). If you would like to post a study or find that I am missing a study, please send our team a message at [email protected] .

- John List

List et al 2024.

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Cooperation in a dynamic fishing game: a framed field experiment.

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Assessing the reuse of liquid nitrogen in artificial ground freezing through field experiments

  • Research Paper
  • Published: 18 September 2024

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framed field experiment

  • Hyun-Jun Choi 1 ,
  • Seokjae Lee 2 ,
  • Hyobum Lee 3 ,
  • Sangyeong Park 4 , 6 ,
  • Hangseok Choi 4 &
  • Jongmuk Won   ORCID: 5  

Liquid nitrogen is the most common refrigerant adopted in the artificial ground freezing (AGF) method for the rapid freezing of soil. However, the relatively high price of liquid nitrogen demands the reuse of liquid nitrogen in AGF, which utilizes partially gasified liquid nitrogen after an initial injection. This study investigated the reusability of liquid nitrogen in AGF by performing a field experiment. Temperatures of the ground were monitored near the sub-freezing pipes installed 1 m away from the main freezing pipes, where liquid nitrogen was initially injected. A frozen wall having a thickness of 1 m was formed between two sub-freezing pipes after 5 days of injecting liquid nitrogen into the main freezing pipes. Furthermore, the lowest temperature of  − 12 °C measured in the sub-freezing pipe implied that the temperature of nitrogen after circulating through the main freezing pipe was sufficiently low to freeze the surrounding soil formation. The freezing rate, elapsed time for freezing, and freezing duration evaluated from the monitored temperature data also demonstrated the promising potential of reusing liquid nitrogen in AGF for saturated silty deposits.

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framed field experiment

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The data used in this study are available from the corresponding author ([email protected]) upon request.


  • Artificial ground freezing

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This research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grants funded by the Korean government (No. RS-2023-00221719) and Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (No. RS-2024-00410248).

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Northern Infrastructure Specialized Team, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, 283 Goyangdae-Ro, Ilsanseo-Gu, Goyang, 10223, South Korea

Hyun-Jun Choi

Department of Civil Engineering, Kunsan National University, 558 Daehak-ro, Gunsan, 54150, South Korea

Seokjae Lee

Advanced Railroad Civil Engineering Division, Korea Railroad Research Institute, 176 Railroad Museum Road, Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16105, South Korea

School of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University, 145 Anam-ro, Seoul, 02841, South Korea

Sangyeong Park & Hangseok Choi

Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 50 UNIST-gil, Ulsan, 44919, South Korea

Jongmuk Won

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 400 Bizzell Street, Texas, 77840, College Station, USA

Sangyeong Park

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About this article

Choi, HJ., Lee, S., Lee, H. et al. Assessing the reuse of liquid nitrogen in artificial ground freezing through field experiments. Acta Geotech. (2024).

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Received : 16 October 2022

Accepted : 11 August 2024

Published : 18 September 2024


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The Oxford Handbook of Political Science

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50 Field Experiments and Natural Experiments

Yale University

Donald P. Green (Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley) is Professor of Political Science at Columbia University. The author of four books and more than one hundred essays, Green's research interests span a wide array of topics: voting behavior, partisanship, campaign finance, hate crime, and research methods. Much of his current work uses field experimentation to study the ways in which political campaigns mobilize and persuade voters, but he has also conducted experimental research on the effects of the mass media, civic education classes, and criminal sentencing. With Alan Gerber, he recently co-authored a textbook on this research method titled Field Experiments: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation (W.W. Norton, 2012).

  • Published: 05 September 2013
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This article evaluates the strengths and limitations of field experimentation. It first defines field experimentation and describes the many forms that field experiments take. It also interprets the growth and development of field experimentation. It then discusses why experiments are valuable for causal inference. The assumptions of experimental and nonexperimental inference are distinguished, noting that the value accorded to observational research is often inflated by misleading reporting conventions. The article elaborates on the study of natural experiments and discontinuities as alternatives to both randomized interventions and conventional nonexperimental research. Finally, it outlines a list of methodological issues that arise commonly in connection with experimental design and analysis: the role of covariates, planned vs. unplanned comparisons, and extrapolation. It concludes by dealing with the ways in which field experimentation is reshaping the field of political methodology.

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framed field experiment

Mets inch closer to postseason berth behind 9-run inning

Anthony DiComo

Anthony DiComo

NEW YORK -- Standing on the Citi Field turf after another banner win, Brandon Nimmo gazed up into the crowd, tilted his head toward a microphone and implored fans to come to the ballpark this weekend. He asked them to get rowdy, to be loud. The Mets had just completed a 10-0 victory and a series sweep of the Nationals, allowing them to maintain a two-game lead over the Braves in the National League Wild Card race.

New York is tied with Arizona -- but holds the tiebreaker over the D-backs -- for the second Wild Card spot.

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October baseball is in clear view for a Mets team that’s saved some of its finest work for mid-September. They know it. They feel it. They want as much support as possible for their final push.

“I’m pretty much convinced now, we’re not in the regular season anymore,” Nimmo said. “We’re in playoff baseball. Every win is extremely important. It decides whether we keep playing or not.”

framed field experiment

If the Mets continue performing like this, they will keep playing -- plain and simple. A little more than 23 minutes passed from the time DJ Herz threw his first pitch of the fourth inning Wednesday to the time a large crowd rose in respectful ovation. As far as statements go, this wasn’t a lengthy one. But it was unmistakably clear.

The Mets, who long ago sprung out of their coffins to establish themselves as legitimate NL Wild Card contenders, demonstrated with a nine-run fourth inning that they are capable of more than merely a playoff berth. They are a fireball growing hotter at just the right time. Over the span of those 23 minutes, New York sent a dozen men to the plate, rapped out seven hits and scored nine times in its most explosive half-inning of the season. In the dugout, the Mets impelled their “OMG” sign into overtime work.

Nimmo, who began the fourth-inning rally with a leadoff walk, also provided its most dramatic blow with a three-run homer to cap the scoring. In between, Tyrone Taylor hit an RBI double, Mark Vientos and Starling Marte each had a two-run hit and Luisangel Acuña plated a run for the second consecutive night.

It was an extravagant amount of support for Jose Quintana, who threw seven shutout innings to extend his scoreless streak to 22 2/3 and improve his ERA to 0.28 over his past five starts.

“I’m really proud of this group,” Quintana said.

How could he not be? For the better part of four months, most everything has gone right for the Mets. Before Wednesday’s game, owner Steve Cohen stood on the field and watched batting practice, proud of what his team had accomplished. Cohen, who is taking a step back from the daily trading operations of his hedge fund, plans to travel to Atlanta and Milwaukee next week to be with the Mets for their most impactful games. He intends to be present if his team clinches a playoff berth.

As recently as June, that seemed like a long shot for a group that began the year 0-5 -- and nearly lost its sixth game as well -- then was 11 games under .500 by the end of May. But Cohen always believed in the talent of this roster. So did manager Carlos Mendoza, who implored his players back in late spring to “trust the process” and “continue to find ways to get better.”

Have the latest news, ticket information, and more from the Mets and MLB delivered right to your inbox.

“And they did it. I’m proud of them,” Mendoza said Wednesday afternoon. “But look, we haven’t done anything. Yeah, it’s a good feeling when you come to the ballpark this time of year and you’re playing for something special. But we haven’t done anything.”

Indeed, despite their catbird perch, New York has yet to clinch a playoff spot. The club's best player, Francisco Lindor, remains sidelined with a lower-back injury, and the Mets don't know if he’ll be available for the start of their season-defining gauntlet: An upcoming 10-game stretch against two first-place teams and -- cue the dramatic piano chords -- an Atlanta club that has long been their tormentor. Any slip now could cost the Mets dearly.

That stretch begins Thursday against the Phillies in the first of four remaining home games at Citi Field. It’s technically possible those could be the final four baseball games in Queens this season.

And yet ...

“I’m not ready to call it our last homestand,” Mendoza said. “I don’t think anybody is ready to call it that.”


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  1. PDF Intro to Economic Experiments with a Focus on Framed Field Experiments

    What are framed field experiments? FFEs are field experiments conducted with a sample of real subjects in the actual settings where they make real -life decisions related to the study and using a commodity as real as is possible Framed Field Experiment in Zambia: setting, commodity and task. Source: IAPRI Environment Commodity Task

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    Field experiments are a method to test causal links in the real world with actual market participants. This article explains the key ideas, advantages, limitations, and applications of field experiments in various areas of economics and policy.

  3. Determinants of individual sustainable investment behavior

    In our framed field experiment, each participant was asked to allocate 500€ among four real globally oriented equity funds, i.e., funds that truly exist in reality. These funds differed, among other attributes, in terms of past performance, annual management fees, front-up fees, and particularly the level of sustainability measured by the ...

  4. 15 Field Experiments and Natural Experiments

    A chapter from a handbook of political methodology that evaluates the strengths and limitations of field experimentation. It covers the definition, forms, value, assumptions, and methodological issues of field experiments and natural experiments in political science.

  5. How is Information Valued? Evidence from Framed Field Experiments

    In a novel field experiment, businesspeople experts provided guesses about the price and quality of actual websites. Compensation was provided for correct results (high or low). Before answers were revealed, subjects could pay to get a noisy signal.

  6. PDF Using Field Experiments in Environmental and Resource Economics

    same is true for many artefactual and framed field experiments, the second type of 2 Social experiments and randomized control trials in the realm of development economics are prominent examples of framed field experiments. Over the past decade, such experiments have grown in importance and represent a very active area of research.

  7. Spatially coordinated conservation auctions: A framed field experiment

    This paper presents the first framed field experiment with farmers as participants that examines the effects of two features of conservation policy design: joint (collective) participation by farmers and the incentivization of spatial connectivity. The experiment employs farmers in China, a country making increasing use of payments for ...

  8. Increasing the adoption of conservation agriculture: A framed field

    The framed field experiment was designed to represent these key features of CA practices over a medium to long time horizon.7 Participants are asked to decide whether to adopt a single CA practice: MSD. While CA practices should be adopted jointly to realize maximum benefits, we focus on a single practice for experimental simplicity.

  9. Why High Incentives Cause Repugnance: a Framed Field Experiment

    Conducting a framed field experiment allows me to analyse a field transaction that has real-world consequences—signing up as a stem-cell or bone-marrow donor—while investigating experimental treatments not implementable outside of a lab setting. I identify individuals who prevent a certain transaction for high, but not for low, payments in ...

  10. Framed Field Experiments, The Field Experiments Website

    00613 Information, belief elicitation and threshold effects in the 5X1000 tax scheme: a framed field experiment. by Leonardo Becchetti & Vittorio Pelligra & Tommaso Reggiani. 00605 From personalized exchange towards anonymous trade: A field experiment on the workings of the invisible hand.

  11. Papers

    In 2019 I put together a summary of data from my field experiments website that pertained to framed field experiments (see List 2024). Several people have asked me if I have an update. In this document I update all figures and numbers to show the details for 2023. I also include the description from the 2019 paper below.

  12. PDF A framed field experiment on collective

    different experiments. In this context, the existence of multiple equilibria has been a common concern since the effectiveness of mechanisms is reduced if subjects coordinate on suboptimal equilibria.5 Following the taxonomy proposed by Harrison and List (2004) our experiment can be considered as a framed field experiment as our subject

  13. Field experiment

    A field experiment is an experiment carried out outside of laboratory settings to test causal relationships in real-world settings. It randomly assigns subjects to treatment or control groups and controls selection and overtness. Learn about its assumptions, methods, advantages, limitations, and examples.

  14. About

    Framed field experiments: identical to artefactual field experiments but with field context in either the commodity, task, or information set that the subjects use. An example would be work that elicits valuations for public goods that occur naturally in the environment of the subjects (e.g. Bohm's work). Natural field experiments: identical to ...

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    While we find that results of the framed field experimental correspond well with actual retail sales, there is a tendency for subjects to exhibit more pro-social behavior in the framed field experiment than in the natural setting, a finding which is consistent with the model of Levitt and List (2005). 1. Research design1.1. Framed field experiment

  16. Cooperation in a Dynamic Fishing Game: A Framed Field Experiment

    JEL Classification. Cooperation in a Dynamic Fishing Game: A Framed Field Experiment by Charles N. Noussair, Daan van Soest and Jan Stoop. Published in volume 105, issue 5, pages 408-13 of American Economic Review, May 2015, Abstract: We derive a dynamic theoretical model of renewable resource extraction.

  17. Lab-in-the-field experiments: perspectives from research on gender

    Natural field experiment: framed field experiments where the environment is one in which subjects naturally undertake the tasks being studied (such that participants do not know that they are in an experiment). Charness et al. propose an alternative classification that comprise lab, field and extra-lab experiments. Under their approach, extra ...

  18. Climate change and index insurance demand: Evidence from a framed field

    Using data from a framed field experiment in Tanzania, we estimate a structural learning model based on a Bayesian change-point inference method and separately identify the effect of learning, expectations, recency bias, and ambiguity on insurance demand. Furthermore, by simulating the supply-side of the insurance market under a set of ...

  19. Framed Field Experiments: 2021 Summary on Fieldexperiments.c

    "Information cascades: Evidence from a field experiment with financial market professionals," Framed Field Experiments 00116, The Field Experiments Website. John A. List, 2002. " Preference Reversals of a Different Kind: The "More Is Less" Phenomenon ," American Economic Review , American Economic Association, vol. 92(5), pages 1636-1643, December.

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    Evidence from a Framed Field Experiment Tongzhe Li, Ahsanuzzaman, and Kent D. Messer This experimental research studies consumer preferences for local food accompanied by various label definitions. 374 adult participants made purchase decisions for local oysters characterized by multiple definitions of the term local.

  21. Why High Incentives Cause Repugnance: A Framed Field Experiment

    Using a framed field experiment with a representative sample, I show that these preferences exist, and I investigate why people display it. Participants can permit or prevent a third party from being financially compensated for registering as a stem cell and bone marrow donor. I find that a substantial fraction of individuals permit a low ...

  22. Framed Field Experiment with Stock Market Professionals

    We found that the affect heuristic in forecasts occurs as both informed and uninformed investors use large financial center past returns for forecasting small country stock returns. The results suggest that stock market professionals have behavioral bias, such as the illusion of validity in this experiment.

  23. Assessing the reuse of liquid nitrogen in artificial ground freezing

    2.1 Testbed description. The AGF field experiment was performed in Ganghwa-gun, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 600 m from the Yellow Sea (Fig. 1a). To obtain the comprehensive geological profile of the testbed, boring and standard penetration tests (SPTs) were conducted at three locations, each located 10 m apart from the freezing pipes, as shown in Fig. 1b, c. Boring was performed up to a depth ...

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    Jordan Walker homers on a fly ball to left-center field, giving the Cardinals a 2-1 lead in the 4th frame Tickets. Single Game Tickets All ... giving the Cardinals a 2-1 lead in the 4th frame. Season 2024; More From This Game; Jordan Walker; St. Louis Cardinals; hitting; highlight; in-game highlight; home run; clutch moment; Apple News ...

  25. 50 Field Experiments and Natural Experiments

    This chapter evaluates the strengths and limitations of field experimentation, a form of investigation that involves random assignment of units to treatment and control groups in realistic settings. It discusses the value, assumptions, and challenges of field experiments for causal inference, and contrasts them with observational research and natural experiments.

  26. Mets' 9-run inning leads to rout of Nationals

    Mets improve playoff push behind 9-run frame, rout of Nats. 7 minutes ago. Anthony DiComo @AnthonyDiComo. Share ... On the field, they completed the heavy lifting of a 10-0 victory and a series sweep of the Nationals, allowing them to maintain a two-game lead over the Braves for the final NL Wild Card spot with 10 to play. Brandon Nimmo, who ...