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न्यूटन : फिल्म समीक्षा

न्यूटन : फिल्म समीक्षा | Newton Movie Review

बंद हो गई अक्षय कुमार की ये दो फिल्में!

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बॉलीवुड हलचल

सिनेमाघरों में दोबारा रिलीज हुई कल्ट क्लासिक पड़ोसन, सायरा बानो ने जताई खुशी.

सिनेमाघरों में दोबारा रिलीज हुई कल्ट क्लासिक पड़ोसन, सायरा बानो ने जताई खुशी

मिलन फैशन वीक 2024 में अपना जलवा बिखेरेंगी तमन्ना भाटिया

मिलन फैशन वीक 2024 में अपना जलवा बिखेरेंगी तमन्ना भाटिया

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स्टार प्लस लेकर आ रहा नया शो इस इश्क का रब रखा, फहमान खान निभाएंगे पायलट का किरदार

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राउंड 3 के लिए तैयार हैं शरवरी, अल्फा के लिए दिखाया दमदार मंडे मोटिवेशन

सिद्धार्थ संग गुपचुप तरीके से शादी के बंधन में बंधीं अदिति राव हैदरी, 400 साल पुराने मंदिर में लिए सात फेरे

सिद्धार्थ संग गुपचुप तरीके से शादी के बंधन में बंधीं अदिति राव हैदरी, 400 साल पुराने मंदिर में लिए सात फेरे

और भी वीडियो देखें

newton movie review in hindi

स्त्री 2 फिल्म समीक्षा : विक्की की टीम का इस बार सरकटा से मुकाबला

स्त्री 2 फिल्म समीक्षा : विक्की की टीम का इस बार सरकटा से मुकाबला

खेल खेल में मूवी रिव्यू: अक्षय कुमार की कॉमिक टाइमिंग जोरदार, लेकिन ‍क्या फिल्म है मजेदार?

खेल खेल में मूवी रिव्यू: अक्षय कुमार की कॉमिक टाइमिंग जोरदार, लेकिन ‍क्या फिल्म है मजेदार?

वेदा फिल्म समीक्षा: जातिवाद की चुनौती देती जॉन अब्राहम और शरवरी की फिल्म | Vedaa review

वेदा फिल्म समीक्षा: जातिवाद की चुनौती देती जॉन अब्राहम और शरवरी की फिल्म | Vedaa review

औरों में कहां दम था मूवी रिव्यू: अजय देवगन और तब्बू की फिल्म भी बेदम

औरों में कहां दम था मूवी रिव्यू: अजय देवगन और तब्बू की फिल्म भी बेदम

Kill movie review: खून के कीचड़ से सनी सिंगल लोकेशन थ्रिलर किल

Kill movie review: खून के कीचड़ से सनी सिंगल लोकेशन थ्रिलर किल

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India TV Hindi

Newton Movie Review: 'न्यूटन के गति के नियम' का सार है राजकुमार राव की फिल्म 'न्यूटन'

'न्यूटन' फिल्म में एक डायलॉग है, ‘आप हमसे कुछ घंटे की दूरी पर रहते हैं लेकिन हमारे बारे में कुछ नहीं जानते हैं।‘ यह डायलॉग दरअसल हम पर तंज कसता है।.

newton film review- India TV Hindi

फिल्म समीक्षा

आप शहरों में, कस्बों में या फिर गांवों में रहते हैं, वोट देते हैं, नए-नए फोन, नोटबंदी और जीएसटी पर बातें करते हैं, फेसबुक पर लंबे-लंबे फेसबुक पोस्ट लिखकर ज्ञान देते हैं,  लेकिन क्या आपने कभी उन इलाकों की कल्पना की है जहां इस बात से फर्क ही नहीं पड़ता है कि दिल्ली में कौन सरकार बना रहा है, हमारे लिए चुनाव में कौन खड़ा है?  ‘नोटबंदी’ और ‘जीएसटी’ से हमारी जिंदगी में क्या प्रभाव पड़ेगा? निर्देशक अमित मर्सुकर ‘ न्यूटन ’ के साथ हमें एक ऐसी ही जगह पर लेकर चलते हैं, जहां हम करीब से उन लोगों से रुबरू होते हैं, जहां अभी नया-नया संविधान पहुंच रहा है, और जहां चुनाव के बाद सिर्फ इतना ही फर्क पड़ता है कि नेताओं के पोस्टर बदल जाते हैं। 

फिल्म में नूतन कुमार खुद का नाम बदलकर न्यूटन खुद से जरूर रख लेते हैं, फिल्म के पहले सीन में न्यूटन को सेब खाते जरूर दिखाया गया है, और न्यूटन के कैरेक्टर को फिजिक्स में एमएससी पास किया हुआ जरूर बताया गया है, लेकिन फिल्म का नाम न्यूटन यूं ही नहीं रखा गया है। बचपन में आप सभी ने न्यूटन के गति के नियम जरूर पढ़े होंगे। न्यूटन का पहला नियम कहता है कि कोई भी वस्तु तब तक विराम अवस्था में या एकसमान गति की अवस्था में रहती है जब तक उस पर कोई बाह्य बल न लगाया जाए। दूसरा नियम कहता है कि किसी भी पिंड का संवेग परिवर्तन की दर से लगाये गये बल के बराबर होता है, और  न्यूटन के गति का तीसरा नियम कहता है- प्रत्येक क्रिया की प्रतिक्रिया होती है। फिल्म में भी कुछ यही दिखाया गया है, जब तक आप प्रयास नहीं करेंगे प्रतिक्रिया नहीं होगी, और चीजें विराम अवस्था में रहेंगी या फिर एक ढर्रे पर चलती रहेंगी। हालांकि फिल्म में यह भी बताया गया है कि कोई भी बदलाव एकबार में नहीं हो जाता है, धीरे-धीरे और प्रयास करने पर होता है। फिल्म में एक डायलॉग है, 'कोई भी बड़ा काम एक दिन में नहीं हो जाता है।'

फिल्म की कहानी नूतन कुमार उर्फ न्यूटन ( राजकुमार राव ) से शुरू होती है। न्यूटन छोटे शहर का एमएससी पास लड़का है, जिसकी नई-नई सरकारी नौकरी लगती है। न्यूटन ईमानदार कर्मचारी है, या संजय मिश्रा की भाषा में कहे तो ‘उसे अपनी ईमानदारी का घमंड है।‘ इलेक्शन के वाले दिन न्यूटन की ड्यूटी छत्तीसगढ़ के नक्सल प्रभावित इलाके में लगती है। घने जंगलों के बीच बसे उस गांव में 76 लोग वोटर लिस्ट में हैं, न्यूटन हेलीकॉप्टर से गांव तो पहुंच जाता है, लेकिन सुरक्षा के लिए तैनात असिस्टेंट कमान्डेंट आत्मा सिंह (पंकज त्रिपाठी) न्यूटन लगातार डराकर वोटिंग न कराने के लिए उकसाता है। न्यूटन तो ईमानदार है वो किसी की नहीं सुनता आखिर पोलिंग बूथ पर पहुंच जाता है। लेकिन उसके सामने एक नई समस्या आकर खड़ी हो जाती है, नक्सलियों के डर से गांव वाले वोट डालने ही नहीं आते, अगर वो आ भी जाए तो उन्हें पता ही नहीं उनके लिए चुनाव में कौन खड़ा है? उन्हें पता ही नहीं वोटिंग से क्या होने वाला है? वो जिंदगी में पहली बार ईवीएम मशीन देख रहे होते हैं। ऐसे में न्यूटन किस तरह लोगों का वोट लेगा? वोटिंग हो भी पाएगी या नहीं? वोटिंग के दौरान नक्सली हमला तो नहीं करेंगे? ऐसे कई सवाल हैं जिनका जवाब आपको सिनेमाहॉल में मिलेगा।

newton movie review in hindi rajkummar rao film

फिल्म का निर्देशन अमित मर्सुकर ने किया है, निश्चित रूप से फिल्म का कोई हीरो है तो वो इसके निर्देशक ही हैं। उन्होंने बिना किसी लेक्चर के हमें एक अच्छी कहानी दिखाई है, फिल्म में मैसेज है, कई चुटीले डायलॉग हैं लेकिन कहीं भी लंबा चौड़ा लेक्चर आकर हमें बोर नहीं करता है। स्लो स्पीड में फिल्म चलती है, हालांकि इस वजह से कई लोगों को यह फिल्म बोर भी कर सकती है। लेकिन आप अगर दिमाग घर पर छोड़कर नहीं बल्कि सिनेमाहॉल ले जाकर फिल्म देखना चाहते हैं तो ‘न्यूटन’ आपके लिए है।

फिल्म में एक डायलॉग है, ‘आप हमसे कुछ घंटे की दूरी पर रहते हैं लेकिन हमारे बारे में कुछ नहीं जानते हैं।‘ यह डायलॉग दरअसल हम पर तंज कसता है। यह एक ब्लैक कॉमेडी फिल्म है, जिसके डायलॉग सुनकर आपके चेहरे पर हंसी तो आएगी लेकिन थोड़ी देर बाद आपको एहसास होगा कि यही इस देश की कड़वी सच्चाई भी है।

फिल्म आपको पूरी तरह बांधकर रखती है। फिल्म में न ही कोई गाना है, न ही कोई रोमांटिक सीन है, फिर भी आपको मजा आएगा। हालांकि सेकंड हाफ में आकर फिल्म थोड़ी कमजोर हो गई है, और एक-दो सीन बनावटी लगते हैं, लेकिन ओवरऑल फिल्म देखने लायक है।

अभिनेता राजकुमार राव फेस एक्सप्रेशन में माहिर हैं। फिल्म में वो अपने हाव-भाव और चेहरे से ही काफी कुछ कह जाते हैं। उन्हें जो भी किरदार दिया जाता है वो उसमें ढल जाते हैं। राजकुमार के अलावा फिल्म में पंकज त्रिपाठी सेकंड लीड हैं, जो के असिस्टेंट कमांडेंट के किरदार में हैं। राजकुमार के साथ उनके संवाद और और डायलॉग बोलने का तरीका लाजवाब है। इससे पहले वो ‘बरेली की बर्फी’ में कृति सेनन के पिता के किरदार में दिख चुके हैं। इस फिल्म में एक बार फिर उन्होंने साबित कर दिया है कि सपोर्टिंग कास्ट मजबूत हो तो फिल्म काफी प्रभावी बन जाती है। संजय मिश्रा भी फिल्म में छोटी मगर अहम भूमिका में नजर आए हैं। अंजलि पाटिल एक लोकल महिला का किरदार में हैं, उन्हें देखकर लगता ही नहीं है कि वो अभिनय कर रही हैं, वो बिल्कुल सहज और किरदार में फिट लग रही हैं।

फिल्म में चुनावी समस्या के अलावा कुछ और भी मुद्दों पर ध्यान खींचा गया है, जैसे बाल विवाह, दहेज प्रथा, लड़कियों की शिक्षा आदि। न्यूटन जब रिश्ते के लिए जाता है और कहता है वो लड़की पढ़ी-लिखी नहीं है कम से कम ग्रेजुएट तो होनी चाहिए लड़की। इस पर उसके पिता का जवाब होता है, ‘ग्रेजुएट लड़की क्या पैर दबाएगी तुम्हारे मां के’

जरूर देखिए न्यूटन

इस शुक्रवार संजय दत्त की कमबैक फिल्म ‘भूमि’ और श्रद्धा कपूर की फिल्म ‘हसीना पारकर’ भी रिलीज हो रही है। तीनों ही फिल्में अलग जॉनर की हैं, लेकिन अगर आप अच्छे सिनेमा देखने के शौकीन हैं तो ‘न्यूटन’ आपके लिए है।

स्टार रेटिंग

इस फिल्म को मेरी तरफ से 3 स्टार।

-ज्योति जायसवाल @JyotiiJaiswal​ 

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  • इस फिल्म में ऐश्वर्या राय बच्चन के साथ रोमांस करेंगे राजकुमार राव
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Newton Movie Review: Rajkummar Rao's black comedy is the finest Hindi film of 2017

Rajkummar rao-starrer newton competes with the other bollywood releases bhoomi and haseena parkar. newton is a rivetting watch and you should make time for it, says our review..

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Rajkummar Rao

It has taken a while, but Hindi cinema in 2017 finally has its moment of pride. Amit Masurkar's Newton, after travelling to over 40 international film festivals and winning prizes in Berlin and Hong Kong, releases in India. And it's fully worth taking a trip to the cinemas to watch this thought-provoking and amusing little indie, which follows a day in the lives of people involved in the painstaking process of conducting elections in an dangerous area deep in the jungles of Chhattisgarh.

Idealism breathes in every frame of Masurkar's second film thanks to its dutiful and open-minded hero Newton Kumar (Rajkummar Rao in yet another terrific performance) who becomes a presiding officer after a colleague backs out under the pretext of health and family issues. In a lovely tribute to the scientist who inspires the eponymous character's name, we first see Newton eating an apple and reading an election commission manual. He may not be generating brilliant ideas of his own but he sees merit in the ideas already laid on paper and keen to follow them to see great results.

Newton's principles and patience are put to test when he runs into Aatma Singh (Pankaj Tripathi), the armed officer responsible for providing security to Newton and his three colleagues which includes Gondi-speaking Malko (Anjali Patil). Singh's mission is to deny and dissuade our dear hero in his noble endeavour at every juncture. A verbal duel between individuals of opposite ideologies begins as Newton heads with his team - which includes the fantastic Raghubir Yadav as an experienced and talkative government official Loknath - to set up an election booth in a school in the middle of nowhere. Newton wants to be there to register the mandate of 76 tribal villagers. He will wait for them to turn up. He believes their voice counts and it will make a difference. But will it really?

The biggest achievement of Masurkar and Mayank Tiwari's screenplay is how it inspires awe of India's elaborate election process. In Newton, the process gets an edge in the wary relationship between the locals and the security forces, with the latter dominating in the presence of 'the others'. Masurkar makes viewers care for the citizens who are mostly forgotten and whose woes relegated from news coverage. This focus on both the micro (the characters) and macro (the threat of Naxal insurgents, the suppression of adivasis, the difficulties in law and order, the atmosphere of coercion and the lack of amenities and opportunities) issues is so detailed that it turns Newton into the most allegorical tales of India's complex polity. There is subtle critique of the state of affairs, and even wit such as when Sanjai Mishra's character explains what makes Isaac Newton's gravitational theory incredible is how it doesn't discriminate between the rich and poor. The makers are not taking sides here but through their nuanced writing make you realize there is only side to pick - the humane one.

Newton is a dark comedy that gives you equal measures of dread and disillusionment and hope and hilarity. It makes you see the pitfalls of the democratic system but also tells you that it's the only one capable of positive change. This is reality at its finest, with credible performances and backdrops that immerse viewers into the world and where even the faces of the background characters leave a heartbreaking impression. The script is full of humorous touches and intricate visual details.

In one of the film's most profound sequences, Masurkar through a series of action with minimal dialogue hits the audience's consciousness hard. We see weathered faces of locals, voter cards tucked in every imaginable corner, the many political candidates, guns, the media ruckus, the election officials going about their duty and armed officers being dictatorial in a democracy. Amidst all of it Newton sits helplessly containing his rage and tears. Rao, with his periodically blinking eyes and cautious delivery, beautifully conveys the challenges his upright aam aadmi faces in battling bureaucracy. Tripathi, Patil and Yadav are pitch perfect in their parts too.

Newton makes you want to be a more diligent Indian. It's a film that tells you that cynicism won't take us anywhere. It's a film that makes you want to not give up on incredible India. And it brings all these feelings by keeping you invested in the outcome of the election.

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‘newton’: film review.

India's Oscar hopeful 'Newton' is a political satire about a bureaucrat whose mission is to conduct free and fair elections in a tribal backwater.

By THR Staff

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‘Newton’ Review

India is the world’s largest democracy, a title which, at election time, does not sit lightly on a country of 1.3 billion citizens from multi-ethnic backgrounds. The subversive genius of Amit V. Masurkar’s sophomore feature Newton is how it brings out the best and the worst of the electoral system in the form of an offbeat comedy. Starring Rajkummar Rao  ( Shahid , Aligarh ) as a greenhorn polling official sent to collect votes in a remote jungle, this smart indie is amusing all the way to its bittersweet conclusion.

Following a successful festival run that began in Berlin, it has also done exceptionally well at the local box office, grossing nearly $5 million after being selected as India’s Oscar submission. In a year when the value of democracy has become a worldwide debate, it should stand a good chance of winning votes abroad.

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It’s a great story and it has been done before, for example in the 2001 Iranian film Secret Ballot by Babak Payami , where the polling official is a committed young woman who is reluctantly escorted around a desert island by a soldier while she hunts down voters. It ends up being an exercise in frustration for the idealistic vote-taker.

In Newton , Masurkar ( Suleimani Keeda ) and his co-scripter Mayank Tewari choose a different key to tell the story, less fable and more absurdist comedy. The professional cast is well-versed in ironic social nuance. Both exasperating and endearing in the title role, Rao again shows he is a chameleon actor whose gift for poker-faced comedy revs up the figure of a rigid young civil servant. One wonders if part of the film’s local popularity might be attributed to his heroic vindication of the bureaucrat, that much-reviled figure so common in India, who follows rules with such maniacal precision that it takes all day to mail a package or get a refund.

Rao plays young Nutan Kumar, who has changed his name to Newton — an unbending government bureaucrat in the making. Behind his bland, Forrest Gump-like expression lies a will of steel and a determination to carry out his orders to the letter. Although he has an M.A. in physics, he gets a job as a government paper pusher, soon learning that no file moves without a bribe and that he would be better paid working in a call center.

Then Election Day rolls around and the country’s 800 million voters are called to the ballot boxes. Volunteering to help, he is chosen as presiding officer of a remote polling station in the state of Chhattisgarh , reachable only by helicopter. Accompanying him to make sure everything goes according to the rule book are a local liaison (the savvy  Anjali Patil ) and a jaded veteran pollster ( Raghubhir Yadav ), who knows to bring along a pack of playing cards. Both actors offer crucial supporting turns.

Their first encounter in the jungle threatens to be their last. The local Army commander  Atma Singh (a refreshingly realistic Pankaj Tripathi ) informs them that Maoist rebels in the area have already shot one candidate to death and are threatening to disrupt the election. He announces bluntly that “no one will vote” and they may as well go home; the Army will collect the votes for them. This idea is soundly rejected by our hero.

Marched through the jungle under Army escort, the trio is finally installed in an abandoned one-room schoolhouse where they set up at 8:00 a.m. sharp and wait for business. But it isn’t until word arrives that a foreign journalist is on her way to Newton’s forlorn outpost that voters start showing up — under the same compelling Army escort.

After a while, even Newton has to wonder what they are doing there. The local tribal inhabitants, who have never voted before, have no idea who the candidates are and don’t even speak their language, Hindi. How does voting benefit them? “All that changes is the framed portraits of our leaders.” But in the final reels, the film soars from this moral low point to its deeply poignant conclusion that it isn’t how you vote that matters, but that the democratic process is carried out throughout the nation. 

A final showdown between Newton and the commandant comes out of the blue, as tense and unexpected as it is totally absurd, motivated by Newton’s dogged idealism and his realization that nothing is as important as being free to cast your vote. Or is it, nothing is as important as following the rules of the game? In this case, the two coincide. This slight ambiguity in the screenplay undercuts what could have been a conventional schmaltzy ending and leaves the viewer wryly bemused.

Production company: Drishyam Films Cast: Rajkummar Rao , Anjali Patil , Pankaj Tripathi , Raghubir Yadav Director: Amit V. Masurkar Screenwriters: Mayank Tewari , Amit V. Masurkar Producers: Manish Mundra , Pramila Mundra Director of photography: Swapnil S. Sonawane Production designer: Angelica Monica Bhowmick Costume designers: Salvi Chandrashekhar , Sachin Lovalekar Editor: Shweta Venkat Music: Naren Chandravarkar , Benedict Taylor Casting: Romil Modi , Tejas Girish Thakker World sales:  Drishyam Films Venue: Eros International screening room, Mumbai 106 minutes

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  • ‘Newton’ review: short, straighforward, but far from simple

It’s the obstinacy and cussedness of the film’s hero, in sticking to his principles, that makes him a potential albeit unrealised new age Mahatma

Updated - December 05, 2021 09:00 am IST

Namrata Joshi

Rajkummar Rao and Pankaj Tripathi are two of our best actors, on top of their game in Newton . As polling officer Newton and CRPF commandant Atma Singh, they also represent the two ends of one of the many divides that have polarised contemporary India. It’s a face off between idealism and cynicism, faith and conviction as against scepticism and misgivings, unbending uprightness and involvement versus dissipation and apathy. One is on a mission to conduct free and fair elections in Dandakaranya in conflict-ridden Chhattisgarh; the other, having seen many such polls, regards it as just a mock up — does anyone truly care about an election? The nation’s own dilemmas, contradictions and paradoxes play out in this battle of the contrarian forces and pulls.

  • Director: Amit Masurkar
  • Cast: Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Raghubir Yadav, Anjali Patil
  • Storyline: Polling officer Newton Kumar is bent on conducting free and fair elections in the conflict ridden jungles of Chhattisgarh

It’s a short, straightforward and simple film but far from simplistic. Director Amit Masurkar uses humour to make his point than get all moralistic, being quietly effective rather than shrill. For instance, what could be more ironical than a politician selling the idea of laptops and mobiles as “development” to the most backward of regions in the country? Not just the politicians, everyone is at the receiving end of writer Mayank Tewari and Masurkar’s wit — the political and administrative machinery, the CRPF and the insurgents; even Newton’s middle-class parents. Child marriage, dowry, bribery, corruption, class divides, our obsession with English, Hindi dominance, cultural homogenisation — there’s much that is up for questioning. Even Newton is not spared, whose pride in his integrity overruns his honesty itself.

The only innocent ones here are the tribals — caught between the state machinery and the insurgents. All that tribals want is the correct price for Tendu leaves but all they translate as is a vote bank. Masurkar lays bare the deficiency of the democracy yet there is an underlying belief in it. The only weapon the tribals have is the vote and an active participation in democracy is the way out. Will democracy itself survive? The telling image of the election party moving through the jungles under CRPF protection itself says a lot in its absurd poignancy.

Watching the film I was struck by the artistic landmines it could have potentially got trapped in but manages to navigate well. To borrow a line from a Peepi Live song there is the “Rang rangeela parjatantar” cliché complete with the cut-outs and posters of the candidates bought readily by the West every five years of the Great Electoral Circus. On the other are the ethnographic cut-outs — the ant-eating tribals — that can easily be rendered exotic, not just for the foreign audience but the unaware urban Indians too. But Masurkar uses one line to sort it all out, a line which took me back to a communist-cartoonist dialogue that Guru Dutt used in his 1955 film, Mr and Mrs 55 . When local tribal officer Malko (Anjali Patil) is asked if she is a pessimist, she says, “ Nirashawadi nahin, main adivasi hoon (I am not a pessimist, I am a tribal)”. Haven’t tribals carried on relentlessly despite the hardships and struggles? Not to speak of the mining, ecological disasters and depleting forest reserves adding to their woes.

Things do get heavy handed and border on the farcical in places — gathering voters to show off before the foreign journalist for instance. The opening disclaimer explaining Maoism and Naxalism felt needless and reductive more so when they are grounded and contextualised in the film. It kept rankling at me throughout.

Isaac Newton’s law of gravity might be the greatest equaliser — one that, as per the film, obliterates the class difference between an Ambani scion and a tea vendor when they both fall freely towards the ground from a mountain. It’s the fairness and egalitarianism that motivates the hero Newton too. But there’s also a cussedness and obstinacy to him, a headstrong quality in the way he sticks to his principles that make Newton seem like the new Gandhi, the inner Mahatma that needs to come alive. If only he could be as effective as Gandhi was in his times.

Published - September 21, 2017 09:30 pm IST

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Film Review: ‘Newton’

A hapless, rigidly rule-abiding official is sent to a strife-riven Indian tribal village to conduct an election, despite local apathy.

By Jessica Kiang

Jessica Kiang

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'Newton' Review: A Gentle Comedy About Democratic Duty In Rural India

With just enough social relevance to lend a blush of importance, but without the kind of spikiness that could threaten to burst its light dramedy bubble, “ Newton ,” India’s Oscar submission in the foreign language film category, is a good-natured charmer that’s just a little too cozy to satisfy its billing as satire. A warm portrait of a stiff-backed young election official learning that principles don’t always mesh with practicality in the Indian democratic process, its modest story is elevated by an ingratiating turn from Rajkummar Rao , embodying the kind of lovable doofus that Tom Hanks might have played in an American analog a few years ago. Directed by Amit V Masurkar , (whose last movie, the energetic “Suleimani Keeda,” carved a successful festival path) the film, about the difficulties of boots-on-the-ground democracy is, of all things, easy: easy to watch, easy to enjoy and easy to leave with one’s preconceptions wholly unchallenged.

Newton (Rao) is a serious-minded young civil servant who decides to prove his dedication to the democratic ideal by volunteering for a gig no one else wants — overseeing a ramshackle polling station in the middle of a rebel-infested nowhere, so that a handful of locals can participate in an election about which they know little and care less. Earlier scenes have already established him as a man of unyielding principle who is nonetheless caught between tradition and progressiveness: He rejects a marriage arranged by his doting parents once he discovers the girl is underage. But Newton will find his ethical rigidity bent to the breaking point in the jungle, with a motley crew of assistants, including irreverent old-hand Loknath (Raghubir Yadav); and Malko (Anjali Patil), a pretty young local woman brought in to facilitate and translate for the villagers, who don’t understand Hindi.

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As schematically familiar as that set-up sounds, “Newton” thankfully avoids most of the standard romantic comedy cliches, though the framework for a less nuanced, less culturally specific and more formulaic U.S. remake, set in rural Alaska or remote New Mexico for instance, certainly exists. But a remake would be a shame: “Newton” is at its best when it’s at its most idiosyncratic — when its ragtag characters are grumbling and hacking their way through fetid jungle or lethargically trading life philosophies to while away the time in the untrafficked makeshift station.

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Disgruntled and cynical army captain Atma Singh (Pankaj Tripathi) tasked with protecting Newton and his team from rebel attack, soon emerges as the film’s chief antagonist, as if this bluntly pragmatic soldier’s ideological opposition to Newton’s comparatively effete city-boy aura could be any more marked. But really the situation is the enemy — the sheer size and complexity of India as it tries to maneuver the machinery of the world’s largest democracy within its riotously diverse, often mutually mistrustful classes and populations, all of whom have their own agendas.

Regional critics have been quick to praise the film’s downplayed presentation. And Swapnil S Sonawane’s restrained cinematography and Naren Chandravarkar and Benedict Taylor’s unobtrusive music (bar one nice singing sequence that is more or less organically engineered), as well as the understated performances and lived-in production design, certainly set “Newton” apart from the bright, bold excesses of Bollywood. Yet if formally “Newton” cleaves more to the model of the international or American indie, its message is perhaps most pertinent to its nation of origin, where the film has already done strong numbers. 

It could have been a timely, relevant investigation into electoral malfeasance — a topical theme in many corners of the world right now. But it is undercut by a rather mealymouthed conclusion that portrays Newton’s bureaucratic intransigence not quite as heroic, but at least quixotically noble, and while its sincere belief in the value of democratic due process may resonate with some viewers internationally, younger audiences might find its resolutely nonpartisan politics a little too comfortable for comfort. The film’s ultimately uncontroversial central tenet is that it’s not how you vote but that you vote that matters. But, certainly Stateside, where “Newton” is tilting at Oscar’s windmills,  how you vote(d) feels like the crux of so much heated discourse that the film’s gently Utopian faith in democracy for its own sake seems far removed from the current American moment.

Reviewed online, Amsterdam, Nov. 22, 2017. (In Berlin Film Festival, Forum.) Running time: 105 MIN.

  • Production: (India) A Drishyam Films production. (International sales: Drishyam Films, Mumbai.) Producers: Manish Mundra, Pramila Mundra.
  • Crew: Director: Amit V Masurkar. Screenplay: Mayank Tewari, Masurkar. Camera (color): Swapnil S Sonawane. Editor: Shweta Venkat. Music: Naren Chandravarkar, Benedict Taylor.
  • With: Rajkummar Rao, Anjali Patil, Pankaj Tripathi, Raghubir Yadav (Hindi, Gondi dialogue)

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Movie Review: Newton

rajkumar rao

Newton Rachit Gupta , Sep 20, 2017, 21:52 IST

Rajkumar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Anjali Patil, Raghubir Yadav, Sanjay Mishra, Hardik Meriya
Amit V Masurkar

Quick take: Gravitas of great storytelling

Rating: 4.5 stars

Some films are as important to the world as an apple falling on the head of Sir Isaac Newton. Whether it’s their gravity or gravitas, these films are a sheer joy to behold. Amit V Masurkar’s Newton, is a film about the most ordinary man living out the most extraordinary experience in the most commonplace of Indian locales. The sheer brilliance here comes from the fact that Masurkar and his co-writer Mayank Tewari pack-in so much detail. It begs you to wonder if the drafts of Newton must’ve as bulky as the Indian constitution. Because that’s the level of insight and relevance of this film. It takes something as basic as the right to vote in the world’s largest democracy and turns it into a story of subtle but sublime drama. This is definitely one the best films of 2017.  

Rajkummar Rao plays Newton. He’s a regular government employee who takes immense pride in his honesty and morals. Why he has the quirky name of Newton makes for a very interesting conversation within the film as well. So, Newton is tasked with conducting an election deep in the heartland of Naxal territory. With a military escort and a motley crew, he sets off in to an unknown setup where a handful of adivasis (tribals) must be cajoled into casting their votes for the Lok Sabha elections. The leader of the army escort, Aatma Singh (Pankaj Tripathi) doesn’t always see eye-to-eye with Newton and vice versa. And that’s what forms the major crux of drama in Newton’s adventure with elections and non-negotiable honesty. Newton is no hero. He may be a man of strong morals and incorruptible faith but he’s also a complete social misfit. He’s the lad who’s so obsessed with being righteous that he’s forgotten how to be courteous. At many points in the story, Newton’s penchant for truth and honesty becomes frustrating. It’s rare for a Hindi film hero to be making the viewers feel like he deserves a tight slap, but that’s exactly the beauty of this film. Forget fighting stereotypes, this film takes a completely unknown path and shows how great writing can make great cinema.  

The most superlative part of Newton is its dialogue. The lines are just phenomenally clever and relevant to modern times. There are conversations on consumerism, patriotism and social values that are so deep that they can blow any other film this year out of the water. Yet, none of the lines are heavy duty. They’re wrapped in a comfy and zany quote of humour and it all looks as effortless as posting on Instagram. It’s the perfect combination of classy thoughts and mass appeal. Yet, Newton is not a commercial film. It doesn’t have the trappings to pull in a crowd and make them cheer for an aspirational hero. In that context, Amit Masurkar’s subliminal little satire is a niche product. While it’s no docu-drama, it is a veritable art film that can be appreciated by all, but truly savoured only by connoisseurs of finer taste.  

The star of this film is Rajkummar Rao. He’s had quite the busy year in 2017. While he’s walked away with hosannas in every release, no other movie this year has offered him the kind of chance Newton has. He’s not just a character, he’s representing an entire ideology. It’s like he’s RK Laxman’s common man rolled into a Rajkumar Hirani character. His quirks add zing to his story but his stern values and desire to do the right thing make him a mirror to everyman who has ever tried to be good. In Newton’s slightly outrageous story, he fights the system in a madcap but innocent way. Rajkummar Rao never acts out the character, he is the character and his performance is mind-blowing to say the least. Supporting performances by Raghubir Yadav and Anjali Patil are A-grade as well. But its Pankaj Tripathi, another actor with a prolific 2017, who matches Rajkummar step for step and reaction for reaction. Sanjay Mishra in a cameo, has some of the best lines of dialogue.  

Despite being the most diverse and complex democracy in the world, India’s election system has its own highlights and problems. Newton addresses the fact that the right to cast a vote means everything to an individual in a country like ours. When it gets down to drawing parallels between city slickers like Newton and jungle dwellers like the naxals and the tribals it is at its most brilliant. Newton presents everyday life in the most intimate and interesting way. Its comedy is on par with classics like Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro and yet it has the real grit of a Mohan Joshi Hazir Ho. Funny, relevant and deeply gratifying, Newton is a veritable modern classic.

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newton movie review in hindi

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Rajkummar Rao in Newton (2017)

A government clerk on election duty in the conflict ridden jungle of Central India tries his best to conduct free and fair voting despite the apathy of security forces and the looming fear o... Read all A government clerk on election duty in the conflict ridden jungle of Central India tries his best to conduct free and fair voting despite the apathy of security forces and the looming fear of guerrilla attacks by communist rebels. A government clerk on election duty in the conflict ridden jungle of Central India tries his best to conduct free and fair voting despite the apathy of security forces and the looming fear of guerrilla attacks by communist rebels.

  • Amit Masurkar
  • Mayank Tewari
  • Rajkummar Rao
  • Pankaj Tripathi
  • Anjali Patil
  • 133 User reviews
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  • 19 wins & 38 nominations

Official 'Newton' Theatrical Trailer

Top cast 65

Rajkummar Rao

  • Newton Kumar

Pankaj Tripathi

  • Aatma Singh

Anjali Patil

  • Malko Netam

Raghubir Yadav

  • (as Raghuvir Yadav)

Mukesh Prajapati

  • Election Instructor

Onkar Das Manikpuri

  • The Village Patel
  • Aatma Singh's Translator

Bachan Pachehra

  • Newton's Father
  • (as Bachan Pachera)
  • Newton's Mother
  • Foreign Reporter
  • Foreign Cameraperson
  • District Collector
  • Collector's Associate
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Did you know

  • Trivia Official entry from India for the Oscars
  • Goofs When Malko ( Anjali Patil ) along with other staff members goes out for lunch she stops and talks with Newton ( RajKumar Rao ) in the background is seen makeshift voting Booth with "small round shaped pattern of light" in the very next shot with Newton and Loknath ( Raghuvir Yadav ) it's gone.

Aatma Singh : When spoken wearing a uniform, even a request seems like a big threat.

  • Connections Referenced in 63rd Jio Filmfare Awards (2018)
  • Soundtracks Panchi Ud Gaya Performed by Mohan Kannan

User reviews 133

  • its_tanay_here
  • Sep 29, 2017
  • How long is Newton? Powered by Alexa
  • September 22, 2017 (India)
  • Official Facebook
  • Dalli Rajhara Forest, Balod, Chhatishgarh, India
  • Drishyam Films
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Technical specs

  • Runtime 1 hour 46 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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Rajkummar Rao in Newton (2017)

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Newton movie review: A charming satire on the dance of democracy

Newton movie review: it is one of the finest political satires we have seen in the last couple of years. it refrains from taking sides and offers a humorous take on state versus the maoists bloody battle..

Newton Cast: Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Sanjai Mishra Director: Amit Masurkar Rating: 4/5

Rajkummar Rao plays the lead in Newton.

When Nutan Kumar, son of a middle class family in Chhattisgarh, decides to change his name to Newton to avoid getting laughed at, he doesn’t know where it will lead him. After a few years, when he is a government clerk and is sent to conduct a free and fair election in the Maoist-hit Dandakaranya region, he realises the significance of Newton’s discovery of the gravitational force. It’s just that, in real life, not everybody has a similar free fall the way Newton predicted.

Actually, this is a conversation between Newton Kumar (Rajkummar Rao), a first time presiding officer bubbling with enthusiasm and nearly cynical honesty, and his commanding officer played by Sanjai Mishra.

During a casual interaction, an old and wise Mishra figures out how Newton wears his integrity as the badge of honour and is ready to fight till the end to protect it. He advises Newton to do his duty without thinking he is doing any favour to his fellow beings as this is what he is supposed to do. Later, in the interiors of the jungles in Bastar, Newton seems determined to treat everyone equal in front of the electronic voting machine.

Though Newton is aware of the high disappointment and illiteracy rate among the locals yet he is hopeful about the role of a fair election and how it can bring a potential change in their lives. He appears like a nice guy whose apolitical views are more political than most of us. He won’t take names of the politicians or the parties, but wants the adivasis to cast their votes at any cost. He wants the voters to make an informed decision but won’t pressurise them. His faith in the proper functioning of the system is unshakeable.

Unfortunately, his booth that has only 76 registered voters comes under the jurisdiction of Aatma Singh (Pankaj Tripathi), an egoistic and scheming para-military commander.

During polling, a presiding officer becomes the commanding officer of his booth by designation and that starts a tussle between Newton and Singh. None of them seems to back down and it appears they both are waiting for a trigger point. Of course, the rules will be followed, even in animosity. After all, they both are serving the same government.

From refusing to marry a minor for Rs 10 lakh cash and a motorcycle to standing up for the common people’s rights, Newton is as common as any of us. He can easily be beaten up, but we all know he will rise, again and again. He follows the rules and will make you do the same. His spine is not bent yet.

The contrast comes in the form of his staff during the polls. Loknath (Raghuvir Yadav), a government servant on the brink of retirement, and Malko Netam (Anjali Patil), a local teacher, are there to help him, but they don’t share the same sentiments.

While Loknath, who keeps thinking farcical zombie stories, takes polling as just another day in his life, Malko initially seems hopeful but slowly starts to give up against a mighty and corrupt system. There is another team member who mostly sleeps or does whatever he is asked to.

This team, except Malko, didn’t expect how bad could be the ground reality. Nobody understands proper Hindi or has inclination to get into the depths of the system. They’re simply living amid poverty, corruption and an unjust administration.

The brilliance of the director Amit Masurkar, who earlier made a very talkative Sulemaani Keeda, is visible here. Not much action is shown and yet we know the scale of violence that is rampant in the area. He suggests more than an ideological war that both parties, the Maoist and the state, would like us to believe they are raging. In fact, it’s a battle to retain physical control over the region. In the film, a character candidly says, “We want to break free from both the government forces and the Maoists.”

We travel inside the beautiful jungles that witness hundreds of murders and encounters every year. It’s a place for five-yearly visit for the national and international media. They come here armed with their microphones and high-end cameras to cover the insane dance of democracy, only to be fooled by the local officers. They see and capture only what they are shown because not many care to investigate once the elections are over. Even if they do the administration wouldn’t let them.

There are biases and there are parties. If Newton is taking forward the government’s agenda, Aatma Singh is also doing the same. Loknath’s aloofness and Malko’s noticeable concerns resonate within us. It’s a place of terrible paradoxes and miscalculated sentiments.

Former Maoists have joined the government to fight against their ex-colleagues. The locals struggle hard against fate and lack of resources and don’t want much outside interference in their day-to-day life. The urban intelligentsia believes it’s their duty to lay out rules for the uneducated, rural junta. It’s all messed up. From the outset, it doesn’t look anything more than a routine exercise to maintain the one-upmanship between the state and the violent guerillas.

Newton is sad to see the current state of affairs. Loknath doesn’t care. Malko thinks nothing will change. The other person keeps sleeping. Aatma Singh is also human who has a family to take care of and is worried about the safety of his people. The journalists are mostly clueless. Top officers want a media face-lift and the locals go about their usual businesses like basic farming and ‘hadiya’ (a kind of alcoholic beverage). Zero displacement.

Newton is one of the finest political satires we have seen in the last couple of years. It refrains from taking sides and offers a humorous take on state versus the Maoists bloody battle. It raises questions on the importance of the electoral system we are so proud of. It takes us much beyond what we see. The team of Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Raghuvir Yadav and Anjali Patil has come up with a top-notch performance. It’s a world waiting to be explored, so better do it now.

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Newton Movie Review: A Dark Comedy On The State Of The Indian Democracy

Newton Movie Review: A Dark Comedy On The State Of The Indian Democracy

Director: Amit V. Masurkar

Cast: Rajkummar Rao, Raghubir Yadav, Pankaj Tripathi, Anjali Patil, Sanjai Mishra

Newton is a brilliant and devastating film. With minimal drama and flash, director Amit V. Masurkar creates a many-splendored thing – the film is, at once, a dark, biting comedy, the heart-breaking portrait of a man who just wants to do an honest day's work and a scathing critique of the state of Indian democracy.

Amit and writer Mayank Tewari create a layered narrative which doesn't give us the comfort of obvious villains or easy solutions. They take us into the jungle and then deftly unveil the heart of darkness – corruption, apathy, greed, neglect, poverty, ignorance and the enduring stoicism of the local tribals. For the adivasis, who live in horrific poverty and somehow survive both the Indian armed forces and the insurgents, there is only one question – kitna paisa milega.


Newton is about an election official trying to do his duty in the jungles of Chhattisgarh. Nutan Kumar, who rechristened himself Newton because he got tired of people making fun of his name, wants only one thing – to make a difference. This is a man who plays by the rule book and is so upright that his instructor is forced to point out Newton's 'imandari pe ghamand.'

Newton arrives in the Maoist-influenced forest region of Dandakaranya. There are only 76 eligible voters in this conflict-zone. Many have never seen an electronic voting machine or even heard of the candidates they must choose from. The area's CRPF officer Atma Singh, played to perfection by Pankaj Tripathi , just wants to be done with the charade. He knows the truth – that this is an empty exercise, which will change little. But Newton persists – he will do whatever it takes to enable a free and fair election.


This is only Amit's second film after the micro-budget indie  Sulemani Keeda  and his leap as a director is staggering. There is a maturity and sophistication here. There are moments in the first half when the pacing lags but this passes soon. And the wonderful cast – led by  Rajkummar Rao  – doesn't falter. Rao, Tripathi, Raghubir Yadav and Anjali Patil as the local booth officer, imbue the story with heft and a sort of quiet wisdom. Each one embodies a different and equally valid, point of view.

Hansal Mehta recently told me that an actor of the caliber of Rajkummar Rao enables directors like him to think of ambitious narratives. In Newton , Rao is stubborn and stupid but also poignant and powerful. His anguish is searing. As is this film.

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Newton Movie Review: Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi Shine In This Political Film

Newton movie review: amit masurkar's newton is a dry and intriguing look at an india we don't usually see - and shows us how hard it is to take elections seriously..

<i>Newton</i> Movie Review: Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi Shine In This Political Film

Cast : Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Anjali Patil, Raghubir Yadav Director : Amit V Masurkar Rating : 3.5 stars out of 5 I would love to see Pankaj Tripathi as a sleuth. Not only is the actor incapable of hitting a false note, but there is a beautiful inscrutability to his actions and to his eyes. We don't know if he's about to stifle a yawn or bark lethal orders, and this feeling that even the actor himself is deciding in the moment what exactly to do next, as if he is making up the words he's saying, marks Tripathi out as an extremely compelling performer. It's hard to look away, and, as I said, I'd love to see him in a role that fetishises his seemingly unpredictable thinking process. In Amit Masurkar's Newton , Tripathi plays Aatma Singh, an army officer who has looked over many an election in many a war-torn part of the country. He is currently posted in the forests of Chhatisgarh, in a Naxal-controlled area with more landmines than there are voters. One morning before he can start on his breakfast eggs, he meets a presiding election officer called Newton who wants - exasperatingly enough - to do everything by the book. The film is, for the most part, about the day they spend together. This is a film about how impossible it is to follow the rules.  

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Movie review: Rajkummar Rao in Newton

Newton Kumar, played by the assiduously chameleonic Rajkummar Rao , is a stickler for the written word. He might have changed his first name - he was originally named Nutan, like the Bandini actress - but he likes to play by the rules, so much so that as a youngster playing cricket he'd find himself in the role of umpire. He is close to being irritatingly earnest, and through the course of this film, every character, even those who like him, lose their patience with him. This is also symptomatic of Newton itself, a film that, while striving to be admirably dry, proves at times to be achingly dull. The film's go-nowhere pace seems to be a conscious decision but its highest, most telling moments come through scintillating lines of dialogue (take a bow, Mayank Tewari) and actorly flourishes from a great ensemble. The rest of the film feels like it wants to appear slow in order to be taken seriously, which would be less of a problem if it had enough to say instead of just holding up a mirror. As it stands, Newton lays down its rules in the first few minutes of running time - that the world far from our cities is wildly different from that within them, and that elections are a sham in large parts of the world's largest democracy - and, as the film goes on, we realise it provides no third law. No film is obligated to offer profound insight, of course, and Masurkar has made a fine film merely reporting the unfamiliar while tickling us with the familiar - characters inside a makeshift polling station discussing zombie movie subplots, for instance. The dialogues are indeed excellent. A father tries to tempt his son to marry an underage girl by telling him he'll live a life drenched in ghee - " zindagi bhar ghee mein dooba rahega ," he says colourfully - and there is a lovely bit where the English word 'Joker' is dismantled and turned into the optimistic sounding Hindi ' Jo kar ', which is used to say do as you may. Even when the lines aren't great or seem too literal, like when Aatma talks, ponderously, about the weight of a nation or when Newton, near the end of the film, feels the need to deliver a story-so-far plot synopsis (in case we haven't been paying attention), the actors are more than capable of lifting the words. Sanjay Mishra, for example, shows up to tell us the underlying problem with Newton- that he is arrogant about his honesty - as if he's known and taught him forever, instead of having just met the young man. What an actor, though. Visually the film looks markedly plain, though cinematographer Swapnil Sonawane keeps attempting to compose odd tilt-shift frames where Newton is the only character in focus. These shots are ill-advised and yank us out of the spartan realism the film is going for, as does the solitary song sequence that feels unnecessarily cinematic. Masurkar can be too literal with visualisation - a voiceover informs that officials played cards and clipped their nails while we see them doing just that, and there are some clumsy analogies about the number 5 and the number 6 - but he has a fine comic voice, and some of the film's finest and most overlooked bits are when he's cutting away from Newton and the gang to show canvassing election candidates and their follies.  

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Rajkummar Rao in Newton

The film begins, in fact, with a politician standing next to a cutout barely larger than himself, like a flattened twin, exhorting the masses not to vote for him - before going on to say that he wants the populace to have a laptop in one hand and a mobile phone in the other. Caveat emptor, India.  

rajkummar rao youtube

Rao and Tripathi provide terrific performances, especially when pouncing on one another - even literally. They are well complemented by Raghubir Yadav in an entertainingly loquacious role, Anjali Patil as a smartly dignified Adivasi woman and, quite memorably, Mukesh Prajapati as an election officer who doesn't have much to say but is easily, enviably content. The reason he chose this high-security posting was because he wanted to ride in a helicopter, and while the film is all about witnessing the dog of democracy being wagged, this is one character who gets what he wants. Fresh free-range eggs, a meal of country chicken, a chopper ride. He is, therefore, the least likely to go anywhere. All beware the well fed.  

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<i>Newton</i> Movie Review: Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi Shine In This Political Film

Bollywood Hungama



Release date: 22 September, 2017

Newton movie.

Newton Kumar (Rajkummar Rao) is a righteous government officer living in a small town in Chhattisgarh. He is entrusted with the task of going to a Maoist-infected town and ensure that the residents there are able to vote despite the odds stacked against them. The officer entrusted with the security ...  of Newton and his team is Aatma Singh (Pankaj Tripathi) who understands the difficulties of the region and has his own way of dealing with things. Newton doesn’t agree with him and this creates a friction between them. What happens on D-Day and whether Newton succeeds in his endeavour forms the rest of the film.

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Summary / Analysis - Newton

Some days later, Aatma Singh is shopping with his family. It is implied he has been fired from his job. Meanwhile, Malko pays Newton a visit in a government office. Even though he’s recovering from the beating, his will and determined isn’t rattled as he continues to be a diligent officer.

Filmfare Awards

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Amit Masurkar

National awards.

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Pankaj Tripathi

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Week 1Rs 11.75 crore
Week 2Rs 3.75 crore

Trivia / Goofs

1. Rajkummar Rao got nominated in the Best Actor category at the Asia Pacific Screen Awards (APSA) for his performance in Newton. Also, the Amit Masurkar directorial has been nominated for the Best Screenplay award.

2. The world premiere of this sharp political satire took place at the 67th film festival in Berlin to a full house and ringing applause.

3. This film has officially been chosen as an entry from India to the Best Foreign Film category for the Oscars next year.

1. When Newton meets Aatma Singh for the first time, there is a part of the sacred thread (Janeoo) which is visible. In the subsequent frames in the same scene, there is no sign of it.

  • What is the release date of 'Newton'? Release date of Rajkummar Rao and Pankaj Tripathi starrer 'Newton' is 2017-09-22.
  • Who are the actors in 'Newton'? 'Newton' star cast includes Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Anjali Patil and Raghubir Yadav.
  • Who is the director of 'Newton'? 'Newton' is directed by Amit Masurkar.
  • What is Genre of 'Newton'? 'Newton' belongs to 'Comedy, Drama' genre.
  • In Which Languages is 'Newton' releasing? 'Newton' is releasing in Hindi.

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Newton is a 2017 Indian movie directed by Amit Masurkar starring Rajkummar Rao, Anjali Patil, Pankaj Tripathi and Raghubir Yadav. The feature film is produced by Manish Mundra and the music composed by Naren Chandavarkar.

Rajkummar Rao in Newton

Newton is a black comedy about a clerk who is placed on election duty in a conflict-ridden area of Chhattisgarh. He tries his best to conduct free and fair voting despite the apathy of security forces and the looming fear of an attack by Maoist rebels.

Teaser - Newton Video

Newton Photo 1

Mukesh Prajapati

Director: Amit Masurkar Producer: Manish Mundra Production Company: Drishyam Films Music Director: Naren Chandavarkar Song Lyrics Writer: Varun Grover Sound Designer: Niraj Gera Cinematographer: Swapnil Sonawane Editor: Shweta Venkat Matthew Screenplay Writers: Mayank Tiwari, Amit Masurkar Original Story Writer: Amit Masurkar

- Sep 22, 2017
- Mar 03, 2017

Rajkummar Rao at Newton media meet in Delhi - Newton Event Photos

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मूवी रिव्यू

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मूवी रिव्यू: बर्लिन

क्रिटिक रेटिंग, पाठकों की रेटिंग, अपनी रेटिंग दें, 'बर्लिन' मूवी की कहानी, 'बर्लिन' का ट्रेलर.

'बर्लिन' मूवी रिव्‍यू

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मूवी रिव्यू: तंगलान

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Sector 36 Review: ये फिल्म देखकर कहेंगे - I hate you Vikrant Massey, कमजोर दिल वाले न देखें

Sector 36 review: विक्रांत मैसी एक बार फिर सेक्टर 36 के साथ लौटे हैं. फिल्म में विक्रांत ने काफी खौफनाक रोल प्ले किया है. चलिए देखने से पहले इसका रिव्यू जान लीजिए..

Sector 36 Review Vikrant Massey Film Review in Hindi Netflix film Sector 36 Review: ये फिल्म देखकर कहेंगे - I hate you Vikrant Massey, कमजोर दिल वाले न देखें

आदित्य निंबालकर

विक्रांत मैसी, दीपक डोबरियाल

ओटीटी, नेटफ्लिक्स

Sector 36 Review:  साल 2005-2006 में नोएडा में निठारी कांड हुआ था, ये फिल्म उसी पर आधारित है लेकिन खुलकर बोलने का दम नहीं रखती, शुरू में डिस्क्लेमर आ जाता है कि ये तो फिक्शन है यानी काल्पनिक कहानी है, इस film में ऐसा बहुत कुछ है जो शायद आप देख नहीं पायेंगे लेकिन ऐसा भी बहुत कुछ है जो आपको देखना चाहिए और  विक्रांत मैसी को तो आप मिस नहीं कर सकते. 

कहानी दिल्ली के शाहदरा मैं एक अमीर बिजनेसमैन की कोठी में काम करने वाला प्रेम छोटे बच्चों को मार डालता है और उनकी लाश के टुकड़े करके कोठी में ही दफना देता है. वो ऐसा क्यों करता है, क्या इसमें उसके मालिक का हाथ है, वो कैसे पकड़ा गया, क्या उसके बड़ी पहुंच वाले मालिक को सजा हुई, निठारी कांंड की कहानी को काल्पनिक बताकर इस फिल्म में दिखाया गया है. जिन्हें ये कहानी नहीं पता उन्हें ये चौंका देगी.

कैसी है फिल्म ये फिल्म कमज़ोर दिल वालों के लिए नहीं है, जिस तरह इसमें बच्चों के साथ वहशीपन दिखाया गया है वो शायद हर कोई नहीं देख पाएगा. गलियां भी खूब हैं तो परिवार के साथ तो नहीं देख सकते. ये फिल्म ये भी बताती है कि पैसे और पावर के दम पर बड़े लोग कैसे इतने बड़े बड़े कांड करके भी बच जाते हैं. जिन लोगों को निठारी कांड का नहीं पता उनके लिए ये शॉकिंग होगी लेकिन फिल्म में रिसर्च की कमी है. ऐसा लगता है कुछ और भी होना चाहिए था, इससे ज्यादा जानकारियां तो न्यूज चैनल वालों ने दे दी थी, लेकिन तब भी ये फिल्म देखी जा सकती है बशर्ते आप कमज़ोर दिल वाले न हों. 

एक्टिंग 12th फेल के बाद जिस विक्रांत मैसी से आपको प्यार हुआ था अब उनसे नफरत हो जाएगी. विक्रांत ने प्रेम नाम के इस किरदार को जिस तरीके से निभाया है वो जबरदस्त है. आपका उसे मारने का मन करेगा, उसपर चिल्लाने का मन करेगा. विक्रांत की परफॉर्मेंस फिल्म की कमज़ोर रिसर्च को कवर अप कर गई है. दीपक डोबरियाल ने पुलिस वाले के किरदार मई में जान डाल दी है. दीपक कमाल के एक्टर हैं उन्होंने ये बात फिर साबित की है, उन्हें और मौके मिलने चाहिए

डायरेक्शन और राइटिंग आदित्य निंबालकर ने फिल्म को डायरेक्ट किया है और बौधायन रॉयचौधरी ने फिल्म की लिखा है. राइटिंग में रिसर्च की कमी है, और काम होना चाहिए था. direction अच्छा है लेकिन कुछ और ट्विस्ट डाले जाते तो फिल्म और दमदार बनती. 

कुल मिलाकर फिल्म देखी जा सकती है, विक्रांत के फैंस तो बिल्कुल मिस ना करें. 

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Berlin Review: सस्पेंस-थ्रिलर कहानी पसंद हैं तो जरूर देखें 'बर्लिन', क्लाइमैक्स उड़ा देगा आपके होश

फिल्म- बर्लिन स्टारकास्ट- राहुल बोस, अपारशक्ति खुराना, इश्वाक सिंह, कबीर बेदी डायरेक्टर- अतुल सभरवाल ओटीटी प्लेटफॉर्म- जी5 स्टार- ***

Berlin Review: आज के समय में सस्पेंस-थ्रिलर कहानियां दर्शकों का दिल जीत रही हैं। इसी कड़ी में बॉलीवुड के मशहूर निर्देशक अतुल सभरवाल साल 1993 का कालखंड चुनकर उसमें एक इंटेंस और इंट्रेस्टिंग कहानी लेकर आए हैं, जिसमें उनका कसा हुआ निर्देशन और कलाकारों का दमदारदेखने को मिला है।

फिल्म का नाम भले ही 'बर्लिन' हो, लेकिन इसका जर्मनी के बर्लिन से कोई लेना-देना नहीं है। ये फिल्म आज यानी 13 सितंबर 2024 को ओटीटी प्लेटफॉर्म जी5 पर रिलीज हुई है। जान लें कि ये फिल्म आपको देखनी चाहिए या नहीं।

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फिल्म 'बर्लिन' की कहानी

-फिल्म की कहानी में साल 1993 का समय दिखाया गया है जिसमें दिल्ली में 'ब्यूरो' नामक खुफिया एजेंसी के सोवियत डेस्क के हेड जगदीश सोढ़ी (राहुल बोस) एक मूक-बधिर युवक अशोक (इश्वाक सिंह) को संदिग्ध जासूस और कातिल के तौर पर गिरफ्तार करते हैं।

Bad Newz Review: एंटरटेनमेंट से भरा है 'बैड न्यूज', विक्की कौशल ने फिल्म में डाली जान, कॉमेडी का लगा ऐसा तड़का

-अशोक पर 1993 में रूसी राष्ट्रपति बोरिस येल्तसिन की भारत यात्रा के दौरान उनकी हत्या की साजिश में शामिल होने का आरोप है। साथ ही उस पर भारतीय खुफिया विभाग के जासूस को मारने का भी आरोप लगा है। जगदीश उसे जर्मन जासूस मानता है।

-मूक-बधिर अशोक से पूछताछ के लिए साइन लैंग्वेज के स्पेशलिस्ट और मूक-बधिर स्कूल में टीचर के तौर पर काम करने वाले पुश्किन वर्मा (अपारशक्ति खुराना) को नियुक्त किया जाता है। जैसे-जैसे पुश्किन, अशोक के साथ अपनी पूछताछ में आगे बढ़ता है, वैसे-वैसे उसे जासूसों की कार्यशैली, नौकरशाही, राजनीति और प्रतिद्वंद्वी जासूसी विभाग 'विंग' के काले सच का पता चलता है।

-वहीं पुश्किन खुद को जासूसी के खतरनाक षड्यंत्र में फंसा हुआ पाता है। मगर वह अशोक के साथ अपना एक मजबूत कनेक्शन महसूस करने लगता है।

-प्रतिद्वंद्वी जासूसी संस्था 'विंग' उसका इस्तेमाल चारे के रूप में करके इस पूछताछ को एक ऐसा भयानक मोड़ पर ला देती है, जिसके कल्पना तक पुश्किन ने नहीं की थी, मगर अब पुश्किन यह तय कर चुका है कि उसे अशोक की सच्‍चाई पता करनी है।

-क्या वह अशोक की असलियत जान पाएगा या फिर दो एजेंसियों की राइवलरी का शिकार होकर अपना सबकुछ गंवा देगा। ये जानने के लिए आपको फिल्म देखनी होगी।

'बर्लिन' मूवी का रिव्‍यू

-बॉलीवुड के फेमस लेखक और डायरेक्टर अतुल सभरवाल इससे पहले वेब सीरीज 'जुबली' लेकर आए थे जो कि लोगों को खूब पसंद आया था। वे 'मिडनाइट लॉस्ट एंड फाउंड' और 'औरंगजेब' के लेखन-निर्देशन भी कर चुके हैं। डार्क और इंटेंस ड्रामा उनकी शैली है और 'बर्लिन' में भी उन्होंने कुछ इस तरह का ही काम किया है।

-हालांकि फिल्म की गति थोड़ी धीमी है, मगर इसका थ्रिलर अंदाज दर्शकों को खूब पसंद आएगा। डायरेक्टर अतुल सभरवाल ने रूसी राष्ट्रपति के कत्ल की साजिश के बहाने देश की खुफिया एजेंसी में फैले पॉलिटिक्स को फिल्म का मेन बेस बनाया है।

-फिल्म की कहानी कुछ नई है। अतुल की कहानी का ये पहलू भी मजेदार है कि कैसे दिल्ली के बर्लिन नामक कॉफी हाउस में खुफिया बातचीत को राज बनाए रखने के लिए इन मूक-बधिर लोगों का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। फिल्म का स्क्रीनप्ले भी काफी जबरदस्त है।

-आइरिन धर मलिक का संपादन चुस्त है। सिनेमेटोग्राफर श्रीदत्त नामजोशी ने बहुत ही अच्छा काम किया है। फिल्म का बैकग्राउंड म्यूजिक भी दमदार है। फिल्म का क्लाइमैक्स शॉकिंग तो है, मगर बहुत जल्दी निपट जाता है। हालांकि सभी कलाकारों ने बहुत ही शानदार काम किया है। अगर आपको थ्रिलर और सस्पेंस पसंद है तो ये फिल्म देखी जा सकती है।

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बर्लिन (ZEE5)

पर्दे पर:13 सितंबर 2024
डायरेक्टर : अतुल सभरवाल
संगीत :
कलाकार : राहुल बोस, अपारशक्ति खुराना, इश्वाक सिंह, अनुप्रिया गोयनका, कबीर बेदी और अन्य
शैली : सस्पेंस थ्रिलर
यूजर रेटिंग :

Berlin Movie Review: सस्पेंस से भरपूर फिल्म में तारीफ बटोरने वाला काम किया है अपारशक्ति खुराना ने

फिल्म 'बर्लिन' आज (13 सितंबर) से आप ZEE5 पर देख सकते हैं.

Berlin Movie Review: अपारशक्ति खुराना इन दिनों हर रोल में फिट बैठ रहे हैं. फिल्म 'बर्लिन' में उन्होंने एक अलग अवतार लिय ...अधिक पढ़ें

  • News18 हिंदी
  • Last Updated : September 13, 2024, 14:00 IST
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ओटीटी पर लगातार नई फिल्में रिलीज हो रही हैं. इसी क्रम में 13 सितंबर को जी5 पर एक ऐसी फिल्म रिलीज हुई है, जिसे आप मिस नहीं करना चाहेंगे. उस फिल्म का नाम है ‘बर्लिन’, जो एक सस्पेंस फिल्म है और इस फिल्म में अपारशक्ति खुराना अपने किरदार से आपका दिल जीतने वाले हैं. इस फिल्म में उन्होंने क्या कमाल किया है. ‘स्त्री 2’ के बाद आप ‘बर्लिन’ में उनके किरदार की तुलना नहीं कर पाएंगे. दोनों ही फिल्मों में उनके किरदार विपरीत हैं.

चलिए, आपको फिल्म की कहानी के बारे में बताते हैं. फिल्म की कहानी साल 1993 में नई दिल्ली में सेट की गई है. पूरी कहानी एक ऐसे शख्स पर बेस्ड है जो न बोल सकता है और न ही सुन सकता है और उसका नाम है अशोक, जिसके किरदार में आपको इश्वाक सिंह नजर आएंगे. अशोक पर विदेशी जासूस होने का आरोप है. इंटेलिजेंस ऑफिसर सोंधी (राहुल बॉस) उससे बातचीत करने के लिए एक स्कूल टीजर पुश्किन को बुलाते हैं, जिसके किरदार में अपारशक्ति खुराना नजर आ रहे हैं. जो साइन लैंग्वेज एक्सपर्ट हैं.

पुश्किन को खुफिया विभाग लाया जाता है, जहां वह अशोक ने साइन लैंग्वेज में बातचीत शुरू करता है. शुरुआती बातचीत में में पुश्किन को ऐसा बिलकुल भी नहीं लगता कि अशोक कोई एजेंट है, लेकिन सोंधी उनसे विश्वास दिलाता है कि वह कई एजेंसियों के लिए काम करता है. इसी बीच एक रात पुश्किन को ब्यूरो वाले उठाकर ले जाते हैं. वह अपनी अलग कहानी उसे सुनाते हैं. उनका कहना है कि खुफिया विभाग वाले उनके दो लोगों को डिटेन कर रहे हैं.

ब्यूरो वाले पुश्किन को कुछ सवाल देते हैं और कहते कि वह अशोक से इन सवालों के जवाब निकाले. वो भी बिना खुफिया विभाग को पता लगे बगैर. पुश्किन काफी परेशान हो जाता है, अपने ही देश के दो विभागों के बीच फंसे अपारशक्ति को इस सस्पेंस से भरपूर फिल्म में देखने के बाद तारीफ करना तो बनेगा. अभिनय की बात करें तो अपारशक्ति के अलावा फिल्म में राहुल बोस, इश्वाक सिंह, अनुप्रिया गोयनका और कबीर बेदी ने भी अपने-अपने किरदार के साथ इंसाफ किया है.

साथ ही, फिल्म में अतुल सभरवाल का भी कमाल का निर्देशन देखने को मिल रहा है. उन्होंने हर एक चीज को काफी शानदार तरीके से पेश किया है. फिल्म देखते वक्त आप 1993 में चले जाएंगे और इसके पीछे सबसे बड़ा हाथ सिनेमाटोग्राफी का है. वैसे, यह फिल्म ओटीटी की जगह सिनेमाघरों में भी रिलीज होती तो शायद यह वहां भी अच्छा काम करती.

हालांकि ऐसा नहीं कि फिल्म में सब कुछ अच्छा ही अच्छा है, कुछ कमियां भी हैं. 2 घंटे की इस फिल्म में कई बार आपको कुछ जबरन के सीन नजर आएंगे. कई जगह फिल्म की स्पीड इतनी धीमी हो जाती है कि आप थोड़ा बोरियत भी महसूस करते हैं. हालांकि, फिल्म के क्लाइमैक्स को इतने शानदार तरीके से गढ़ा गया है कि वो इन सब कमियों को दूर कर देता है. कुला मिलाकर देखा जाए तो आप अपने पूरे परिवार के साथ घर बैठे इस फिल्म का आनंद उठा सकते हैं. मेरी ओर से फिल्म को 3.5 स्टार.

डिटेल्ड रेटिंग


Tags: Aparshakti Khurana , Bollywood movies


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    Newton Movie Review & Showtimes: Find details of Newton along with its showtimes, movie review, trailer, teaser, full video songs, showtimes and cast. Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Anjali Patil ...

  22. न्यूटन, रेटिंग: {3.5/5} , newton movie review in hindi, Rating: {3.5/5

    Live जम्मू कश्मीर में बीजेपी में विद्रोह, उचाना से चुनाव लड़ेंगे दुष्यंत चौटाला; शेयर न्यूज आज OFSS, Sky Gold समेत इन शेयरों से होगा फायदा, दिख रहे तेजी के सिग्‍नल

  23. Newton Hindi Movie

    Newton is a 2017 Indian movie directed by Amit Masurkar starring Rajkummar Rao, Anjali Patil, Pankaj Tripathi and Raghubir Yadav. The feature film is produced by Manish Mundra and the music composed by Naren Chandavarkar.

  24. बर्लिन रिव्‍यू, रेटिंग {3.5/5}: थोड़ी धीमी, पर मजेदार रोमांच से भरी है

    अपराशक्‍त‍ि खुराना, इश्‍वाक सिंह, राहुल बोस और अनुप्रिया गोयनका जैसे सितारों से सजी बर्लिन शुक्रवार, 13 सितंबर 2024 को OTT प्‍लेटफॉर्म Zee5 पर रिलीज हो गई है ...

  25. Sector 36 Review Vikrant Massey Film Review in Hindi

    Sector 36 Review: विक्रांत मैसी एक बार फिर सेक्टर 36 के साथ लौटे हैं. फिल्म में विक्रांत ने काफी खौफनाक रोल प्ले किया है. चलिए देखने से पहले इसका रिव्यू जान लीजिए.

  26. Berlin Review: सस्पेंस ...

    Berlin Review: अशोक पर 1993 में रूसी राष्ट्रपति बोरिस येल्तसिन की भारत यात्रा के दौरान उनकी हत्या की साजिश में शामिल होने का आरोप है। साथ ही उस पर भारतीय खुफिया ...

  27. Sector 36 Review: 'सेक्टर 36' ने ...

    Hindi News / Entertainment / Movie Review / Sector 36 Review: 'सेक्टर 36' ने जीता ऑडियंस का दिल, '12th फेल' स्टार विक्रांत मैसी फिर छाए . Join our WhatsApp Channel.

  28. Berlin Movie Review: सस्पेंस से भरपूर फिल्म में तारीफ बटोरने वाला काम

    Berlin Movie Review: अपारशक्ति खुराना इन दिनों हर रोल में फिट बैठ रहे हैं. फिल्म 'बर्लिन' में उन्होंने एक अलग अवतार लिया है. फिल्म में अपने किरदार से वह सभी का दिल ...