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10 Ways to Boost Customer Satisfaction

  • G. Tomas M. Hult
  • Forrest V. Morgeson

research on customer service satisfaction

Takeaways from an analysis of millions of consumer data points.

Customer satisfaction is at its lowest point in the past two decades. Companies must focus on 10 areas of the customer experience to improve satisfaction without sacrificing revenue. The authors base their findings on research at the ACSI — analyzing millions of customer data points — and research that we conducted for The Reign of the Customer : Customer-Centric Approaches to Improving Customer Satisfaction. For three decades, the ACSI has been a leading satisfaction index (cause-and-effect metric) connected to the quality of brands sold by companies with significant market share in the United States.

Despite all the effort and money poured into CX tools by companies, customer satisfaction continues to decline . In the United States, it is now at its lowest level in nearly two decades, per data from the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). Consumer sentiment is also at its lowest in more than two decades. This negative dynamic in the customer-centric ecosystem in which we now live creates the challenge of figuring out what is going wrong and what companies can do to fix it.

research on customer service satisfaction

  • GH G. Tomas M. Hult is part of the leadership team at the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI); coauthor of The Reign of the Customer: Customer-Centric Approaches to Improving Customer Satisfaction ; and professor in the Broad College of Business at Michigan State University. He is also a member of the Expert Networks of the World Economic Forum and the United Nations’ World Investment Forum.
  • FM Forrest V. Morgeson is an assistant professor in the Broad College of Business at Michigan State University; (Former) Director of Research at the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI); and coauthor of The Reign of the Customer: Customer-Centric Approaches to Improving Customer Satisfaction .

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An empirical research on customer satisfaction study: a consideration of different levels of performance

Yu-cheng lee.

1 Department of Technology Management, Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, 300 Taiwan

Yu-Che Wang

2 Department of Business Administration, Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, 300 Taiwan

Shu-Chiung Lu

3 PhD Program of Technology Management, Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, 300 Taiwan

4 Department of Food and Beverage Management, Lee-Ming Institute of Technology, New Taipei City, 243 Taiwan

Yi-Fang Hsieh

6 Department of Food and Beverage Management, Taipei College of Maritime Technology, New Taipei City, 251 Taiwan

Chih-Hung Chien

5 Department of Business Administration, Lee-Ming Institute of Technology, New Taipei City, 243 Taiwan

Sang-Bing Tsai

7 Zhongshan Institute, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Dongguan, 528402 Guangdong China

8 School of Economics and Management, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, 201306 China

9 Law School, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071 China

10 School of Business, Dalian University of Technology, Panjin, 124221 China

11 College of Business Administration, Dongguan University of Technology, Dongguan, 523808 Guangdong China

12 Department of Psychology, Universidad Santo Tomas de Oriente y Medio Día, Granada, Nicaragua

Weiwei Dong

13 School of Economics and Management, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai, 201418 China

Customer satisfaction is the key factor for successful and depends highly on the behaviors of frontline service providers. Customers should be managed as assets, and that customers vary in their needs, preferences, and buying behavior. This study applied the Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index model to a tourism factory to analyze customer satisfaction and loyalty. We surveyed 242 customers served by one tourism factory organizations in Taiwan. A partial least squares was performed to analyze and test the theoretical model. The results show that perceived quality had the greatest influence on the customer satisfaction for satisfied and dissatisfied customers. In addition, in terms of customer loyalty, the customer satisfaction is more important than image for satisfied and dissatisfied customers. The contribution of this paper is to propose two satisfaction levels of CSI models for analyzing customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby helping tourism factory managers improve customer satisfaction effectively. Compared with traditional techniques, we believe that our method is more appropriate for making decisions about allocating resources and for assisting managers in establishing appropriate priorities in customer satisfaction management.

Traditional manufacturing factories converted for tourism purposes, have become a popular leisure industry in Taiwan. The tourism factories has experienced significant growth in recent years, and more and more tourism factories emphasized service quality improvement, and customized service that contributes to a tourism factory’s image and competitiveness in Taiwan (Wu and Zheng 2014 ). Therefore, tourism factories has become of greater economic importance in Taiwan. By becoming a tourism factory, companies can establish a connection between consumers and the brand, generate additional income from entrance tickets and on-site sales, and eventually add value to service innovations (Tsai et al. 2012 ). Because of these incentives, the Taiwanese tourism factory industry has become highly competitive. Customer satisfaction is seen as very important in this case.

Numerous empirical studies have indicated that service quality and customer satisfaction lead to the profitability of a firm (Anderson et al. 1994 ; Eklof et al. 1999 ; Ittner and Larcker 1996 ; Fornell 1992 ; Anderson and Sullivan 1993 ; Zeithaml 2000 ). Anderson and Sullivan ( 1993 ) stated that a firm’s future profitability depends on satisfying current customers. Anderson et al. ( 1994 ) found a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and return on assets. High quality leads to high levels of customer retention, increase loyalty, and positive word of mouth, which in turn are strongly related to profitability (Reichheld and Sasser 1990 ). In a tourism factory setting, customer satisfaction is the key factor for successful and depends highly on the behaviors of frontline service providers. Kutner and Cripps ( 1997 ) indicated that customers should be managed as assets, and that customers vary in their needs, preferences, buying behavior, and price sensitivity. A tourism factory remains competitive by increasing its service quality relative to that of competitors. Delivering superior customer value and satisfaction is crucial to firm competitiveness (Kotler and Armstrong 1997 ; Weitz and Jap 1995 ; Deng et al. 2013 ). It is crucial to know what customers value most and helps firms allocating resource utilization for continuously improvement based on their needs and wants. The findings of Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) studies can serve as predictors of a company’s profitability and market value (Anderson et al. 1994 ; Eklof et al. 1999 ; Chiu et al. 2011 ). Such findings provide useful information regarding customer behavior based on a uniform method of customer satisfaction, and offer a unique opportunity to test hypotheses (Anderson et al. 1997 ).

The basic structure of the CSI model has been developed over a number of years and is based on well-established theories and approaches to consumer behavior, customer satisfaction, and product and service quality in the fields of brands, trade, industry, and business (Fornell 1992 ; Fornell et al. 1996 ). In addition, the CSI model leads to superior reliability and validity for interpreting repurchase behavior according to customer satisfaction changes (Fornell 1992 ). These CSIs are fundamentally similar in measurement model (i.e. causal model), they have some obvious distinctions in model’s structure and variable’s selection. Take full advantages of other nations’ experiences can establish the Taiwan CSI Model which is suited for Taiwan’s characters. Thus, the ACSI and ECSI have been used as a foundation for developing the Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index (TCSI). The TCSI was developed by Chung Hua University and the Chinese Society for Quality in Taiwan. The TCSI provides Taiwan with a fair and objective index for producing vital information that can help the country, industries, and companies improve competitiveness. Every aspect of the TCSI that influences overall customer satisfaction can be measured through surveys, and every construct has a cause–effect relationship with the other five constructs (Fig.  1 ). The relationships among the different aspects of the TCSI are different from those of the ACSI, but are the same as those of the ECSI (Lee et al. 2005 , 2006 ).

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The Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index model

The traditional CSI model for measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty is restricted and does not consider the performance of firms. Moreover, as theoretical and empirical research has shown, the relationship between attribute-level performance and overall satisfaction is asymmetric. If the asymmetries are not considered, the impact of the different attributes on overall satisfaction is not correctly evaluated (Anderson and Mittal 2000 ; Matzler and Sauerwein 2002 ; Mittal et al. 1998 ; Matzler et al. 2003 , 2004 ). Few studies have investigated CSI models that contain different levels of performance (satisfaction), especially in relation to satisfaction levels of a tourism factory. To evaluate overall satisfaction accurately, the impact of the different levels of performance should be considered (Matzler et al. 2004 ). The purpose of this study is to apply the TCSI model that contains different levels of performance to improve and ensure the understanding of firm operational efficiency by managers in the tourism factory. A partial least squares (PLS) was performed to test the theoretical model due to having been successfully applied to customer satisfaction analysis. The PLS is well suited for predictive applications (Barclay et al. 1995 ) and using path coefficients that regard the reasons for customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction and providing latent variable scores that could be used to report customer satisfaction scores. Our findings provide support for the application of TCSI model to derive tourist satisfaction information.

Literature review

National customer satisfaction index (csi).

The CSI model includes a structural equation with estimated parameters of hidden categories and category relationships. The CSI can clearly define the relationships between different categories and provide predictions. The basic CSI model is a structural equation model with latent variables which are calculated as weighted averages of their measurement variables, and the PLS estimation method calculates the weights and provide maximum predictive power of the ultimate dependent variable (Kristensen et al. 2001 ). Many scholars have identified the characteristics of the CSI (Karatepe et al. 2005 ; Malhotra et al. 1994 ).

Although the core of the models are in most respects standard, they have some obvious distinctions in model’s structure and variable’s selection so that their results cannot be compared with each other and some variations between the SCSB (Swedish), the ACSI (American), the ECSI (European), the NCSB (Norwegian) and other indices. For example, the image factor is not employed in the ACSI model (Johnson et al. 2001 ); the NCSB eliminated customer expectation and replaced with corporate image; the ECSI model does not include the customer complaint as a consequence of satisfaction. Many scholars have identified the characteristics of the CSI (Karatepe et al. 2005 ; Malhotra et al. 1994 ). The ECSI model distinguishes service quality from product quality (Kristensen et al. 2001 ) and the NCSB model applies SERVQUAL instrument to evaluate service quality (Johnson et al. 2001 ). A quality measure of a single customer satisfaction index is typically developed according to a certain type of culture or the culture of a certain country. When developing a system for measuring or evaluating a certain country or district’s customer satisfaction level, a specialized customer satisfaction index should be developed.

As such, the ACSI and ECSI were used as a foundation to develop the TCSI. The TCSI was developed by Chung Hua University and the Chinese Society for Quality. Every aspect of the TCSI that influences overall customer satisfaction can be measured through surveys, and every construct has a cause–effect relationship with the other five constructs. The TCSI assumes that currently: (1) Taiwan corporations have ability of dealing with customer complaints; customer complaints have already changed from a factor that influences customer satisfaction results to a factor that affects quality perception; (2) The expectations, satisfaction and loyalty of customers are affected by the image of the corporation. The concept that customer complaints are not calculated into the TCSI model is that they were removed based on the ECSI model (Lee et al. 2005 , 2006 , 2014a , b ; Guo and Tsai 2015 ; Tsai et al. 2015a , b ; 2016a ).

TCSI model and service quality

Service quality is frequently used by both researchers and practitioners to evaluate customer satisfaction. It is generally accepted that customer satisfaction depends on the quality of the product or service offered (Anderson and Sullivan 1993 ). Numerous researchers have emphasized the importance of service quality perceptions and their relationship with customer satisfaction by applying the NCSI model (e.g., Ryzin et al. 2004 ; Hsu 2008 ; Yazdanpanah et al. 2013 ; Chiu et al. 2011 ; Temizer and Turkyilmaz 2012 ; Mutua et al. 2012 ; Dutta and Singh 2014 ). Ryzin et al. ( 2004 ) applied the ACSI to U.S. local government services and indicated that the perceived quality of public schools, police, road conditions, and subway service were the most salient drivers of satisfaction, but that the significance of each service varied among income, race, and geography. Hsu ( 2008 ) proposed an index for online customer satisfaction based on the ACSI and found that e-service quality was more determinative than other factors (e.g., trust and perceived value) for customer satisfaction. To deliver superior service quality, an online business must first understand how customers perceive and evaluate its service quality. This study developed a basic model for using the TCSI to analyze Taiwan’s tourism factory services. The theoretical model comprised 14 observation variables and the following six constructs: image, customer expectations, perceived quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and loyalty.

Research methods

The measurement scale items for this study were primarily designed using the questionnaire from the TCSI model. In designing the questionnaire, a 10-point Likert scale (with anchors ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree) was used to reduce the statistical problem of extreme skewness (Fornell et al. 1996 ; Qu et al. 2015 ; Tsai 2016 ; Tsai et al. 2016b ; Zhou et al. 2016 ). A total of 14 items, organized into six constructs, were included in the questionnaire. The primary questionnaire was pretested on 30 customers who had visited a tourism factory. Because the TCSI model is preliminary research in the tourism factory, this study convened a focus group to decide final attributes of model. The focus group was composed of one manager of tourism factory, one professor in Hospitality Management, and two customers with experience of tourism factory.

We used the TCSI model (Fig.  1 ) to structure our research. From this structure and the basic theories of the ACSI and ECSI, we established the following hypotheses:

Image has a strong influence on tourist expectations.

Image has a strong influence on tourist satisfaction.

Image has a strong influence on tourist loyalty.

Tourist expectations have a strong influence on perceived quality.

Tourist expectations have a strong influence on perceived values.

Tourist expectations have a strong influence on tourist satisfaction.

Perceived quality has a strong influence on perceived value.

Perceived quality has a strong influence on tourist satisfaction.

Perceived value has a strong influence on tourist satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction has a strong influence on tourist loyalty.

The content of our surveys were separated into two parts; customer satisfaction and personal information. The definitions and processing of above categories are listed below:

  • Part 1 of the survey assessed customer satisfaction by measuring customer levels of tourism factory image, expectations, quality perceptions, value perceptions, satisfaction, and loyalty toward their experience, and used these constructs to indirectly survey the customer’s overall evaluation of the services provided by the tourism factory.
  • Part 2 of the survey collected personal information: gender, age, family situation, education, income, profession, and residence.

The six constructs are defined as follows:

  • Image reflects the levels of overall impression of the tourism factory as measured by two items: (1) word-of-mouth reputation, (2) responsibility toward concerned parties that the tourist had toward the tourism factory before traveling.
  • Customer expectations refer to the levels of overall expectations as measured by two items: (1) expectations regarding the service of employees, (2) expectations regarding reliability that the tourist had before the experience at the tourism factory.
  • Perceived quality was measured using three survey measures: (1) the overall evaluation, (2) perceptions of reliability, (3) perceptions of customization that the tourist had after the experience at the tourism factory.
  • Perceived value was measured using two items: (1) the cost in terms of money and time (2) a comparison with other tourism factories.
  • Customer satisfaction represents the levels of overall satisfaction was captured by two items: (1) meeting of expectations, (2) closeness to the ideal tourism factory.
  • Loyalty was measured using three survey measures: (1) the probabilities of visiting the tourism factory again (2) attending another activity held by the tourism factory, (3) recommending the tourism factory to others.

Data collection and analysis

The survey sites selected for this study was the parking lots of one food tourism factory in Taipei, Taiwan. A domestic group package and individual tourists were a major source of respondents who were willing to participate in the survey and completed the questionnaires themselves based on their perceptions of their factory tour experience. Four research assistants were trained to conduct the survey regarding to questionnaire distribution and sampling.

To minimize prospective biases of visiting patterns, the survey was conducted at different times of day and days of week—Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday for the first week; Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for the next week. The afternoon time period was used first then the morning time period in the following weeks. The data were collected over 1 month period.

Of 300 tourists invited to complete the questionnaire, 242 effective responses were obtained (usable response rate of 80.6 %). The sample of tourists contained more females (55.7 %) than males (44.35 %). More than half of the respondents had a college degree or higher, 28 % were students, and 36.8 % had an annual household income of US $10,000–$20,000. The majority of the respondents (63.7 %) were aged 20–40 years.

Comparison of the TCSI models for satisfied and dissatisfied customers

Researchers have claimed that satisfaction levels differ according to gender, age, socioeconomic status, and residence (Bryant and Cha 1996 ). Moreover, the needs, preferences, buying behavior, and price sensitivity of customers vary (Kutner and Cripps 1997 ). Previous studies have demonstrated that it is crucial to measure the relative impact of each attribute for high and low performance (satisfaction) (Matzler et al. 2003 , 2004 ). To determine the reasons for differences, a satisfaction scale was used to group the sample into satisfied (8–10) and dissatisfied (1–7) customers.

The research model was tested using SmartPLS 3.0 software, which is suited for highly complex predictive models (Wold 1985 ; Barclay et al. 1995 ). In particular, it has been successfully applied to customer satisfaction analysis. The PLS method is a useful tool for obtaining indicator weights and predicting latent variables and includes estimating path coefficients and R 2 values. The path coefficients indicate the strengths of the relationships between the dependent and independent variables, and the R 2 values represent the amount of variance explained by the independent variables. Using Smart PLS, we determined the path coefficients. Figures  2 and ​ and3 3 show ten path estimates corresponding to the ten research hypothesis of TCSI model for satisfied and dissatisfied customers. Every path coefficient was obtained by bootstrapping the computation of R 2 and performing a t test for each hypothesis. Fornell et al. ( 1996 ) demonstrated that the ability to explain the influential latent variables in a model is an indicator of model performance, in particular the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty variables. From the results shown, the R 2 values for the customer satisfaction were 0.53 vs. 0.50, respectively; and the R 2 value for customer loyalty were 0.64 vs. 0.60, respectively. Thus, the TCSI model explained 53 vs. 50 % of the variance in customer satisfaction; 64 vs. 60 % of that in customer loyalty as well.

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Path estimate of the TCSI model for satisfied customers. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001

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Path estimate of the TCSI model for dissatisfied customers. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001

According to the path coefficients shown in Figs.  2 and ​ and3, 3 , image positively affected customer expectations (β = 0.58 vs. 0.37), the customer satisfaction (β = 0.16 vs. 0.11), and customer loyalty (β = 0.47 vs. 0.16). Therefore, H1–H3 were accepted. Customer expectations were significantly related to perceived quality (β = 0.94 vs. 0.83). However, customer expectations were not significantly related to perceived value shown as dotted line (β = −0.01 vs. −0.20) or the customer satisfaction, shown as dotted line (β = −0.21 vs. −0.32). Thus, H4 was accepted but H5 and H6 were not accepted. Perceived value positively affected the customer satisfaction (β = 0.27 vs. 0.14), supporting H7. Accordingly, the analysis showed that each of the antecedent constructs had a reasonable power to explain the overall customer satisfaction. Furthermore, perceived quality positively affected the customer satisfaction (β = 0.70 vs. 0.62), as did perceived value (β = 0.83 vs. 0.74). These results confirm H8 and H9. The path coefficient between the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty was positive and significant (β = 0.63 vs. 0.53). This study tested the suitability of two TCSI models by analyzing the tourism factories in Taiwan. The results showed that the TCSI models were all close fit for this type of research. This study provides empirical evidence of the causal relationships among perceived quality, image, perceived value, perceived expectations, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty.

To observe the effects of antecedent constructs of perceived value (e.g., customer expectation and perceived quality), customer expectations were not significantly related to perceived value for either satisfied or dissatisfied customers. Furthermore, satisfied customers were affected more by perceived quality (β = 0.83 vs. 0.74), as shown in Table  1 . Regarding the effect of the antecedents of customer satisfaction (e.g., image, customer expectations, perceived value and perceived quality), the total effects of perceived quality on the customer satisfaction of satisfied and dissatisfied customers were 0.92 and 0.72. The total effects of image on the customer satisfaction of satisfied and dissatisfied customers were 0.45 and 0.19. Thus, the satisfaction level of satisfied customers was affected more by perceived quality. Consequently, regarding customer satisfaction, perceived quality is more important than image for satisfied and dissatisfied customers. Numerous researchers have emphasized the importance of service quality perceptions and their relationship with customer satisfaction by applying the CSI model (e.g., Ryzin et al. 2004 ; Hsu 2008 ; Yazdanpanah et al. 2013 ; Chiu et al. 2011 ; Temizer and Turkyilmaz 2012 ; Mutua et al. 2012 ; Dutta and Singh 2014 ). This is consistent with the results of previous research ( O’Loughlin and Coenders 2002 ; Yazdanpanah et al. 2013 ; Chiu et al. 2011 ; Chin and Liu 2015 ; Chin et al. 2016 ).

Table 1

Path estimates of the satisfied and dissatisfied customer CSI model

PathEffected signPath estimate
Expectation → value−0.009−0.203
Quality → value+0.83***0.74***
Image → CS+0.16*0.11*
Expectation → CS−0.21−0.32
Value → CS+0.27*0.14*
Quality → CS+0.80***0.62***
Image → expectation+0.58***0.37***
Expectation → Quality+0.94***0.73***
Image → loyalty+0.47***0.16*
CS → loyalty+0.63***0.14*

CS customer satisfaction

* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001

With respect to the effect of the antecedents of customer loyalty (e.g., image and customer satisfaction), the total effects of image on customer loyalty for satisfied and dissatisfied customers were 0.57 and 0.21. In other words, the customer loyalty of satisfied customers was affected more by customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction was significantly related to the customer loyalty of both satisfied and dissatisfied customers, and satisfied customers were affected more by customer satisfaction ( β  = 0.63 vs. 0.14). Consequently, regarding customer loyalty, customer satisfaction is more important than image for both satisfied and dissatisfied customers. Numerous studies have shown that customer satisfaction is a crucial factor for ensuring customer loyalty (Barsky 1992 ; Smith and Bolton 1998 ; Hallowell 1996 ; Grønholdt et al. 2000 ). This study empirically supports the notion that customer satisfaction is positively related to customer loyalty.

The TCSI model has a predictive capability that can help tourism factory managers improve customer satisfaction based on different performance levels. Our model enables managers to determine the specific factors that significantly affect overall customer satisfaction and loyalty within a tourism factory. This study also helps managers to address different customer segments (e.g., satisfied vs. dissatisfied); because the purchase behaviors of customers differ, they must be treated differently. The contribution of this paper is to propose two satisfaction levels of CSI models for analyzing customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby helping tourism factory managers improve customer satisfaction effectively.

Fornell et al. ( 1996 ) demonstrated that the ability to explain influential latent variables in a model, particularly customer satisfaction and customer loyalty variables, is an indicator of model performance. However, the results of this study indicate that customer expectations were not significantly related to perceived value for either satisfied or dissatisfied customers. Moreover, they were affected more by perceived quality of customer satisfaction. Numerous researchers have found that the construct of customer expectations used in the ACSI model does not significantly affect the level of customer satisfaction (Johnson et al. 1996 , 2001 ; Martensen et al. 2000 ; Anderson and Sullivan 1993 ).

Through the overall effects, this study derived several theoretical findings. First, the factors with the largest influence on customer satisfaction were perceived quality and perceived expectations, despite the results showing that customer expectations were not significantly related to perceived value or customer satisfaction. Hence, customer expectations indirectly affected customer satisfaction through perceived quality. Accordingly, perceived quality had the greatest influence on customer satisfaction. Likewise, our results also show that satisfied customers were affected more by perceived quality than dissatisfied customers. This study determined that perceived quality, whether directly or indirectly, positively influenced customer satisfaction. This result is consistent with those of Cronin and Taylor ( 1992 ), Cronin et al. ( 2000 ), Hsu ( 2008 ), Ladhari ( 2009 ), Terblanche and Boshoff ( 2010 ), Deng et al. ( 2013 ), and Yazdanpanah et al. ( 2013 ).

Second, the factors with the most influence on customer loyalty were image and customer satisfaction. The results of this study demonstrate that the customer loyalty of satisfied customers was affected more by customer satisfaction. Consequently, regarding customer loyalty, customer satisfaction is more important than image for satisfied customers. Lee ( 2015 ) found that higher overall satisfaction increased the possibility that visitors will recommend and reattend tourism factory activities. Moreover, numerous studies have shown that customer satisfaction is a crucial factor for ensuring customer loyalty (Barsky 1992 ; Smith and Bolton 1998 ; Hallowell 1996 ; Su 2004; Deng et al. 2013 ). In initial experiments on ECSI, corporate image was assumed to have direct influences on customer expectation, satisfaction, and loyalty. Subsequent experiments in Denmark proved that image affected only expectation and satisfaction and had no relationship with loyalty (Martensen et al. 2000 ). In early attempts to build the ECSI model, image was defined as a variable involving not only a company’s overall image but products or brand awareness; thus image is readily connected with customer expectation and perception. Therefore, this study contributes to relevant research by providing empirical support for the notion that customer satisfaction is positively related to customer loyalty.

In addition to theoretical implications, this study has several managerial implications. First, the TCSI model has a satisfactory predictive capability that can help tourism factory managers to examine customer satisfaction more closely and to understand explicit influences on customer satisfaction for different customer segments by assessing the accurate causal relationships involved. In contrast to general customer satisfaction surveys, the TCSI model cannot obtain information on post-purchase customer behavior to improve customer satisfaction and achieve competitive advantage.

Second, this study not only indicated that each of the antecedent constructs had reasonable power to explain customer satisfaction and loyalty but also showed that perceived quality exerts the largest influence on the customer satisfaction of Taiwan’s tourism factory industry. Therefore, continually, Taiwan’s tourism factories must endeavor to enhance their customer satisfaction, ideally by improving service quality. Managers of Taiwan’s tourism factories must ensure that service providers deliver consistently high service quality.

Third, this research determined that the factors having the most influence on customer loyalty were image and customer satisfaction. Therefore, managers of Taiwan’s tourism factories should allow customer expectations to be fulfilled through experiences, thereby raising their overall level of satisfaction. Regarding image, which refers to a brand name and its related associations, when tourists regard a tourism factory as having a positive image, they tend to perceive higher value of its products and services. This leads to a higher level of customer satisfaction and increased chances of customers’ reattending tourism factory activities.

Different performance levels exist in how tourists express their opinions about various aspects of service quality and satisfaction with tourism factories. Customer segments can have different preferences depending on their needs and purchase behavior. Our findings indicate that tourists belonging to different customer segments (e.g., satisfied vs. dissatisfied) expressed differences toward service quality and customer satisfaction. Thus, the management of Taiwan’s tourism factories must notice the needs of different market segments to meet their individual expectations. This study proposes two satisfaction levels of CSI models for analyzing customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby helping tourism factory managers improve customer satisfaction effectively. Compared with traditional techniques, we believe that our method is more appropriate for making decisions about allocating resources and for assisting managers in establishing appropriate priorities in customer satisfaction management.

Limitations and suggestions for future research

This study has some limitations. First, the tourism factory surveyed in this study was a food tourism factory operating in Taipei, Taiwan, and the present findings cannot be generalized to the all tourism factory industries. Second, the sample size was quite small for tourists (N = 242). Future research should collect a greater number of samples and include a more diverse range of tourists. Third, this study was preliminary research on tourism factories, and domestic group package tourists were a major source of the respondents. Future studies should collect data from international tourists as well.

Authors’ contributions

Writing: S-CL; providing case and idea: Y-CL, Y-CW, Y-FH, C-HC; providing revised advice: S-BT, WD. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


Department of Technology Management, Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. This work was supported by University of Electronic Science Technology of China, Zhongshan Institute (414YKQ01 and 415YKQ08).

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Contributor Information

Yu-Cheng Lee, Email: moc.liamg@861eelrd .

Yu-Che Wang, Email: wt.ude.uhc@gnawyrrej .

Shu-Chiung Lu, Email: moc.liamg@56ulecarg .

Yi-Fang Hsieh, Email: moc.liamg@gnafiyheish .

Chih-Hung Chien, Email: moc.liamtoh@neihctsirhc .

Sang-Bing Tsai, Phone: +86-22-2350-8785, Email: moc.liamtoh@gnibgnas .

Weiwei Dong, Email: moc.361@4949gnodiewiew .

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  • Open access
  • Published: 15 September 2016

An empirical research on customer satisfaction study: a consideration of different levels of performance

  • Yu-Cheng Lee 1 ,
  • Yu-Che Wang 2 ,
  • Shu-Chiung Lu 3 , 4 ,
  • Yi-Fang Hsieh 6 ,
  • Chih-Hung Chien 3 , 5 ,
  • Sang-Bing Tsai 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 &
  • Weiwei Dong 13  

SpringerPlus volume  5 , Article number:  1577 ( 2016 ) Cite this article

23k Accesses

32 Citations

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Customer satisfaction is the key factor for successful and depends highly on the behaviors of frontline service providers. Customers should be managed as assets, and that customers vary in their needs, preferences, and buying behavior. This study applied the Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index model to a tourism factory to analyze customer satisfaction and loyalty. We surveyed 242 customers served by one tourism factory organizations in Taiwan. A partial least squares was performed to analyze and test the theoretical model. The results show that perceived quality had the greatest influence on the customer satisfaction for satisfied and dissatisfied customers. In addition, in terms of customer loyalty, the customer satisfaction is more important than image for satisfied and dissatisfied customers. The contribution of this paper is to propose two satisfaction levels of CSI models for analyzing customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby helping tourism factory managers improve customer satisfaction effectively. Compared with traditional techniques, we believe that our method is more appropriate for making decisions about allocating resources and for assisting managers in establishing appropriate priorities in customer satisfaction management.

Traditional manufacturing factories converted for tourism purposes, have become a popular leisure industry in Taiwan. The tourism factories has experienced significant growth in recent years, and more and more tourism factories emphasized service quality improvement, and customized service that contributes to a tourism factory’s image and competitiveness in Taiwan (Wu and Zheng 2014 ). Therefore, tourism factories has become of greater economic importance in Taiwan. By becoming a tourism factory, companies can establish a connection between consumers and the brand, generate additional income from entrance tickets and on-site sales, and eventually add value to service innovations (Tsai et al. 2012 ). Because of these incentives, the Taiwanese tourism factory industry has become highly competitive. Customer satisfaction is seen as very important in this case.

Numerous empirical studies have indicated that service quality and customer satisfaction lead to the profitability of a firm (Anderson et al. 1994 ; Eklof et al. 1999 ; Ittner and Larcker 1996 ; Fornell 1992 ; Anderson and Sullivan 1993 ; Zeithaml 2000 ). Anderson and Sullivan ( 1993 ) stated that a firm’s future profitability depends on satisfying current customers. Anderson et al. ( 1994 ) found a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and return on assets. High quality leads to high levels of customer retention, increase loyalty, and positive word of mouth, which in turn are strongly related to profitability (Reichheld and Sasser 1990 ). In a tourism factory setting, customer satisfaction is the key factor for successful and depends highly on the behaviors of frontline service providers. Kutner and Cripps ( 1997 ) indicated that customers should be managed as assets, and that customers vary in their needs, preferences, buying behavior, and price sensitivity. A tourism factory remains competitive by increasing its service quality relative to that of competitors. Delivering superior customer value and satisfaction is crucial to firm competitiveness (Kotler and Armstrong 1997 ; Weitz and Jap 1995 ; Deng et al. 2013 ). It is crucial to know what customers value most and helps firms allocating resource utilization for continuously improvement based on their needs and wants. The findings of Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) studies can serve as predictors of a company’s profitability and market value (Anderson et al. 1994 ; Eklof et al. 1999 ; Chiu et al. 2011 ). Such findings provide useful information regarding customer behavior based on a uniform method of customer satisfaction, and offer a unique opportunity to test hypotheses (Anderson et al. 1997 ).

The basic structure of the CSI model has been developed over a number of years and is based on well-established theories and approaches to consumer behavior, customer satisfaction, and product and service quality in the fields of brands, trade, industry, and business (Fornell 1992 ; Fornell et al. 1996 ). In addition, the CSI model leads to superior reliability and validity for interpreting repurchase behavior according to customer satisfaction changes (Fornell 1992 ). These CSIs are fundamentally similar in measurement model (i.e. causal model), they have some obvious distinctions in model’s structure and variable’s selection. Take full advantages of other nations’ experiences can establish the Taiwan CSI Model which is suited for Taiwan’s characters. Thus, the ACSI and ECSI have been used as a foundation for developing the Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index (TCSI). The TCSI was developed by Chung Hua University and the Chinese Society for Quality in Taiwan. The TCSI provides Taiwan with a fair and objective index for producing vital information that can help the country, industries, and companies improve competitiveness. Every aspect of the TCSI that influences overall customer satisfaction can be measured through surveys, and every construct has a cause–effect relationship with the other five constructs (Fig.  1 ). The relationships among the different aspects of the TCSI are different from those of the ACSI, but are the same as those of the ECSI (Lee et al. 2005 , 2006 ).

The Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index model

The traditional CSI model for measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty is restricted and does not consider the performance of firms. Moreover, as theoretical and empirical research has shown, the relationship between attribute-level performance and overall satisfaction is asymmetric. If the asymmetries are not considered, the impact of the different attributes on overall satisfaction is not correctly evaluated (Anderson and Mittal 2000 ; Matzler and Sauerwein 2002 ; Mittal et al. 1998 ; Matzler et al. 2003 , 2004 ). Few studies have investigated CSI models that contain different levels of performance (satisfaction), especially in relation to satisfaction levels of a tourism factory. To evaluate overall satisfaction accurately, the impact of the different levels of performance should be considered (Matzler et al. 2004 ). The purpose of this study is to apply the TCSI model that contains different levels of performance to improve and ensure the understanding of firm operational efficiency by managers in the tourism factory. A partial least squares (PLS) was performed to test the theoretical model due to having been successfully applied to customer satisfaction analysis. The PLS is well suited for predictive applications (Barclay et al. 1995 ) and using path coefficients that regard the reasons for customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction and providing latent variable scores that could be used to report customer satisfaction scores. Our findings provide support for the application of TCSI model to derive tourist satisfaction information.

Literature review

National customer satisfaction index (csi).

The CSI model includes a structural equation with estimated parameters of hidden categories and category relationships. The CSI can clearly define the relationships between different categories and provide predictions. The basic CSI model is a structural equation model with latent variables which are calculated as weighted averages of their measurement variables, and the PLS estimation method calculates the weights and provide maximum predictive power of the ultimate dependent variable (Kristensen et al. 2001 ). Many scholars have identified the characteristics of the CSI (Karatepe et al. 2005 ; Malhotra et al. 1994 ).

Although the core of the models are in most respects standard, they have some obvious distinctions in model’s structure and variable’s selection so that their results cannot be compared with each other and some variations between the SCSB (Swedish), the ACSI (American), the ECSI (European), the NCSB (Norwegian) and other indices. For example, the image factor is not employed in the ACSI model (Johnson et al. 2001 ); the NCSB eliminated customer expectation and replaced with corporate image; the ECSI model does not include the customer complaint as a consequence of satisfaction. Many scholars have identified the characteristics of the CSI (Karatepe et al. 2005 ; Malhotra et al. 1994 ). The ECSI model distinguishes service quality from product quality (Kristensen et al. 2001 ) and the NCSB model applies SERVQUAL instrument to evaluate service quality (Johnson et al. 2001 ). A quality measure of a single customer satisfaction index is typically developed according to a certain type of culture or the culture of a certain country. When developing a system for measuring or evaluating a certain country or district’s customer satisfaction level, a specialized customer satisfaction index should be developed.

As such, the ACSI and ECSI were used as a foundation to develop the TCSI. The TCSI was developed by Chung Hua University and the Chinese Society for Quality. Every aspect of the TCSI that influences overall customer satisfaction can be measured through surveys, and every construct has a cause–effect relationship with the other five constructs. The TCSI assumes that currently: (1) Taiwan corporations have ability of dealing with customer complaints; customer complaints have already changed from a factor that influences customer satisfaction results to a factor that affects quality perception; (2) The expectations, satisfaction and loyalty of customers are affected by the image of the corporation. The concept that customer complaints are not calculated into the TCSI model is that they were removed based on the ECSI model (Lee et al. 2005 , 2006 , 2014a , b ; Guo and Tsai 2015 ; Tsai et al. 2015a , b ; 2016a ).

TCSI model and service quality

Service quality is frequently used by both researchers and practitioners to evaluate customer satisfaction. It is generally accepted that customer satisfaction depends on the quality of the product or service offered (Anderson and Sullivan 1993 ). Numerous researchers have emphasized the importance of service quality perceptions and their relationship with customer satisfaction by applying the NCSI model (e.g., Ryzin et al. 2004 ; Hsu 2008 ; Yazdanpanah et al. 2013 ; Chiu et al. 2011 ; Temizer and Turkyilmaz 2012 ; Mutua et al. 2012 ; Dutta and Singh 2014 ). Ryzin et al. ( 2004 ) applied the ACSI to U.S. local government services and indicated that the perceived quality of public schools, police, road conditions, and subway service were the most salient drivers of satisfaction, but that the significance of each service varied among income, race, and geography. Hsu ( 2008 ) proposed an index for online customer satisfaction based on the ACSI and found that e-service quality was more determinative than other factors (e.g., trust and perceived value) for customer satisfaction. To deliver superior service quality, an online business must first understand how customers perceive and evaluate its service quality. This study developed a basic model for using the TCSI to analyze Taiwan’s tourism factory services. The theoretical model comprised 14 observation variables and the following six constructs: image, customer expectations, perceived quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and loyalty.

Research methods

The measurement scale items for this study were primarily designed using the questionnaire from the TCSI model. In designing the questionnaire, a 10-point Likert scale (with anchors ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree) was used to reduce the statistical problem of extreme skewness (Fornell et al. 1996 ; Qu et al. 2015 ; Tsai 2016 ; Tsai et al. 2016b ; Zhou et al. 2016 ). A total of 14 items, organized into six constructs, were included in the questionnaire. The primary questionnaire was pretested on 30 customers who had visited a tourism factory. Because the TCSI model is preliminary research in the tourism factory, this study convened a focus group to decide final attributes of model. The focus group was composed of one manager of tourism factory, one professor in Hospitality Management, and two customers with experience of tourism factory.

We used the TCSI model (Fig.  1 ) to structure our research. From this structure and the basic theories of the ACSI and ECSI, we established the following hypotheses:

Image has a strong influence on tourist expectations.

Image has a strong influence on tourist satisfaction.

Image has a strong influence on tourist loyalty.

Tourist expectations have a strong influence on perceived quality.

Tourist expectations have a strong influence on perceived values.

Tourist expectations have a strong influence on tourist satisfaction.

Perceived quality has a strong influence on perceived value.

Perceived quality has a strong influence on tourist satisfaction.

Perceived value has a strong influence on tourist satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction has a strong influence on tourist loyalty.

The content of our surveys were separated into two parts; customer satisfaction and personal information. The definitions and processing of above categories are listed below:

Part 1 of the survey assessed customer satisfaction by measuring customer levels of tourism factory image, expectations, quality perceptions, value perceptions, satisfaction, and loyalty toward their experience, and used these constructs to indirectly survey the customer’s overall evaluation of the services provided by the tourism factory.

Part 2 of the survey collected personal information: gender, age, family situation, education, income, profession, and residence.

The six constructs are defined as follows:

Image reflects the levels of overall impression of the tourism factory as measured by two items: (1) word-of-mouth reputation, (2) responsibility toward concerned parties that the tourist had toward the tourism factory before traveling.

Customer expectations refer to the levels of overall expectations as measured by two items: (1) expectations regarding the service of employees, (2) expectations regarding reliability that the tourist had before the experience at the tourism factory.

Perceived quality was measured using three survey measures: (1) the overall evaluation, (2) perceptions of reliability, (3) perceptions of customization that the tourist had after the experience at the tourism factory.

Perceived value was measured using two items: (1) the cost in terms of money and time (2) a comparison with other tourism factories.

Customer satisfaction represents the levels of overall satisfaction was captured by two items: (1) meeting of expectations, (2) closeness to the ideal tourism factory.

Loyalty was measured using three survey measures: (1) the probabilities of visiting the tourism factory again (2) attending another activity held by the tourism factory, (3) recommending the tourism factory to others.

Data collection and analysis

The survey sites selected for this study was the parking lots of one food tourism factory in Taipei, Taiwan. A domestic group package and individual tourists were a major source of respondents who were willing to participate in the survey and completed the questionnaires themselves based on their perceptions of their factory tour experience. Four research assistants were trained to conduct the survey regarding to questionnaire distribution and sampling.

To minimize prospective biases of visiting patterns, the survey was conducted at different times of day and days of week—Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday for the first week; Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for the next week. The afternoon time period was used first then the morning time period in the following weeks. The data were collected over 1 month period.

Of 300 tourists invited to complete the questionnaire, 242 effective responses were obtained (usable response rate of 80.6 %). The sample of tourists contained more females (55.7 %) than males (44.35 %). More than half of the respondents had a college degree or higher, 28 % were students, and 36.8 % had an annual household income of US $10,000–$20,000. The majority of the respondents (63.7 %) were aged 20–40 years.

Comparison of the TCSI models for satisfied and dissatisfied customers

Researchers have claimed that satisfaction levels differ according to gender, age, socioeconomic status, and residence (Bryant and Cha 1996 ). Moreover, the needs, preferences, buying behavior, and price sensitivity of customers vary (Kutner and Cripps 1997 ). Previous studies have demonstrated that it is crucial to measure the relative impact of each attribute for high and low performance (satisfaction) (Matzler et al. 2003 , 2004 ). To determine the reasons for differences, a satisfaction scale was used to group the sample into satisfied (8–10) and dissatisfied (1–7) customers.

The research model was tested using SmartPLS 3.0 software, which is suited for highly complex predictive models (Wold 1985 ; Barclay et al. 1995 ). In particular, it has been successfully applied to customer satisfaction analysis. The PLS method is a useful tool for obtaining indicator weights and predicting latent variables and includes estimating path coefficients and R 2 values. The path coefficients indicate the strengths of the relationships between the dependent and independent variables, and the R 2 values represent the amount of variance explained by the independent variables. Using Smart PLS, we determined the path coefficients. Figures  2 and 3 show ten path estimates corresponding to the ten research hypothesis of TCSI model for satisfied and dissatisfied customers. Every path coefficient was obtained by bootstrapping the computation of R 2 and performing a t test for each hypothesis. Fornell et al. ( 1996 ) demonstrated that the ability to explain the influential latent variables in a model is an indicator of model performance, in particular the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty variables. From the results shown, the R 2 values for the customer satisfaction were 0.53 vs. 0.50, respectively; and the R 2 value for customer loyalty were 0.64 vs. 0.60, respectively. Thus, the TCSI model explained 53 vs. 50 % of the variance in customer satisfaction; 64 vs. 60 % of that in customer loyalty as well.

Path estimate of the TCSI model for satisfied customers. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001

Path estimate of the TCSI model for dissatisfied customers. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001

According to the path coefficients shown in Figs.  2 and 3 , image positively affected customer expectations (β = 0.58 vs. 0.37), the customer satisfaction (β = 0.16 vs. 0.11), and customer loyalty (β = 0.47 vs. 0.16). Therefore, H1–H3 were accepted. Customer expectations were significantly related to perceived quality (β = 0.94 vs. 0.83). However, customer expectations were not significantly related to perceived value shown as dotted line (β = −0.01 vs. −0.20) or the customer satisfaction, shown as dotted line (β = −0.21 vs. −0.32). Thus, H4 was accepted but H5 and H6 were not accepted. Perceived value positively affected the customer satisfaction (β = 0.27 vs. 0.14), supporting H7. Accordingly, the analysis showed that each of the antecedent constructs had a reasonable power to explain the overall customer satisfaction. Furthermore, perceived quality positively affected the customer satisfaction (β = 0.70 vs. 0.62), as did perceived value (β = 0.83 vs. 0.74). These results confirm H8 and H9. The path coefficient between the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty was positive and significant (β = 0.63 vs. 0.53). This study tested the suitability of two TCSI models by analyzing the tourism factories in Taiwan. The results showed that the TCSI models were all close fit for this type of research. This study provides empirical evidence of the causal relationships among perceived quality, image, perceived value, perceived expectations, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty.

To observe the effects of antecedent constructs of perceived value (e.g., customer expectation and perceived quality), customer expectations were not significantly related to perceived value for either satisfied or dissatisfied customers. Furthermore, satisfied customers were affected more by perceived quality (β = 0.83 vs. 0.74), as shown in Table  1 . Regarding the effect of the antecedents of customer satisfaction (e.g., image, customer expectations, perceived value and perceived quality), the total effects of perceived quality on the customer satisfaction of satisfied and dissatisfied customers were 0.92 and 0.72. The total effects of image on the customer satisfaction of satisfied and dissatisfied customers were 0.45 and 0.19. Thus, the satisfaction level of satisfied customers was affected more by perceived quality. Consequently, regarding customer satisfaction, perceived quality is more important than image for satisfied and dissatisfied customers. Numerous researchers have emphasized the importance of service quality perceptions and their relationship with customer satisfaction by applying the CSI model (e.g., Ryzin et al. 2004 ; Hsu 2008 ; Yazdanpanah et al. 2013 ; Chiu et al. 2011 ; Temizer and Turkyilmaz 2012 ; Mutua et al. 2012 ; Dutta and Singh 2014 ). This is consistent with the results of previous research ( O’Loughlin and Coenders 2002 ; Yazdanpanah et al. 2013 ; Chiu et al. 2011 ; Chin and Liu 2015 ; Chin et al. 2016 ).

With respect to the effect of the antecedents of customer loyalty (e.g., image and customer satisfaction), the total effects of image on customer loyalty for satisfied and dissatisfied customers were 0.57 and 0.21. In other words, the customer loyalty of satisfied customers was affected more by customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction was significantly related to the customer loyalty of both satisfied and dissatisfied customers, and satisfied customers were affected more by customer satisfaction ( β  = 0.63 vs. 0.14). Consequently, regarding customer loyalty, customer satisfaction is more important than image for both satisfied and dissatisfied customers. Numerous studies have shown that customer satisfaction is a crucial factor for ensuring customer loyalty (Barsky 1992 ; Smith and Bolton 1998 ; Hallowell 1996 ; Grønholdt et al. 2000 ). This study empirically supports the notion that customer satisfaction is positively related to customer loyalty.

The TCSI model has a predictive capability that can help tourism factory managers improve customer satisfaction based on different performance levels. Our model enables managers to determine the specific factors that significantly affect overall customer satisfaction and loyalty within a tourism factory. This study also helps managers to address different customer segments (e.g., satisfied vs. dissatisfied); because the purchase behaviors of customers differ, they must be treated differently. The contribution of this paper is to propose two satisfaction levels of CSI models for analyzing customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby helping tourism factory managers improve customer satisfaction effectively.

Fornell et al. ( 1996 ) demonstrated that the ability to explain influential latent variables in a model, particularly customer satisfaction and customer loyalty variables, is an indicator of model performance. However, the results of this study indicate that customer expectations were not significantly related to perceived value for either satisfied or dissatisfied customers. Moreover, they were affected more by perceived quality of customer satisfaction. Numerous researchers have found that the construct of customer expectations used in the ACSI model does not significantly affect the level of customer satisfaction (Johnson et al. 1996 , 2001 ; Martensen et al. 2000 ; Anderson and Sullivan 1993 ).

Through the overall effects, this study derived several theoretical findings. First, the factors with the largest influence on customer satisfaction were perceived quality and perceived expectations, despite the results showing that customer expectations were not significantly related to perceived value or customer satisfaction. Hence, customer expectations indirectly affected customer satisfaction through perceived quality. Accordingly, perceived quality had the greatest influence on customer satisfaction. Likewise, our results also show that satisfied customers were affected more by perceived quality than dissatisfied customers. This study determined that perceived quality, whether directly or indirectly, positively influenced customer satisfaction. This result is consistent with those of Cronin and Taylor ( 1992 ), Cronin et al. ( 2000 ), Hsu ( 2008 ), Ladhari ( 2009 ), Terblanche and Boshoff ( 2010 ), Deng et al. ( 2013 ), and Yazdanpanah et al. ( 2013 ).

Second, the factors with the most influence on customer loyalty were image and customer satisfaction. The results of this study demonstrate that the customer loyalty of satisfied customers was affected more by customer satisfaction. Consequently, regarding customer loyalty, customer satisfaction is more important than image for satisfied customers. Lee ( 2015 ) found that higher overall satisfaction increased the possibility that visitors will recommend and reattend tourism factory activities. Moreover, numerous studies have shown that customer satisfaction is a crucial factor for ensuring customer loyalty (Barsky 1992 ; Smith and Bolton 1998 ; Hallowell 1996 ; Su 2004; Deng et al. 2013 ). In initial experiments on ECSI, corporate image was assumed to have direct influences on customer expectation, satisfaction, and loyalty. Subsequent experiments in Denmark proved that image affected only expectation and satisfaction and had no relationship with loyalty (Martensen et al. 2000 ). In early attempts to build the ECSI model, image was defined as a variable involving not only a company’s overall image but products or brand awareness; thus image is readily connected with customer expectation and perception. Therefore, this study contributes to relevant research by providing empirical support for the notion that customer satisfaction is positively related to customer loyalty.

In addition to theoretical implications, this study has several managerial implications. First, the TCSI model has a satisfactory predictive capability that can help tourism factory managers to examine customer satisfaction more closely and to understand explicit influences on customer satisfaction for different customer segments by assessing the accurate causal relationships involved. In contrast to general customer satisfaction surveys, the TCSI model cannot obtain information on post-purchase customer behavior to improve customer satisfaction and achieve competitive advantage.

Second, this study not only indicated that each of the antecedent constructs had reasonable power to explain customer satisfaction and loyalty but also showed that perceived quality exerts the largest influence on the customer satisfaction of Taiwan’s tourism factory industry. Therefore, continually, Taiwan’s tourism factories must endeavor to enhance their customer satisfaction, ideally by improving service quality. Managers of Taiwan’s tourism factories must ensure that service providers deliver consistently high service quality.

Third, this research determined that the factors having the most influence on customer loyalty were image and customer satisfaction. Therefore, managers of Taiwan’s tourism factories should allow customer expectations to be fulfilled through experiences, thereby raising their overall level of satisfaction. Regarding image, which refers to a brand name and its related associations, when tourists regard a tourism factory as having a positive image, they tend to perceive higher value of its products and services. This leads to a higher level of customer satisfaction and increased chances of customers’ reattending tourism factory activities.

Different performance levels exist in how tourists express their opinions about various aspects of service quality and satisfaction with tourism factories. Customer segments can have different preferences depending on their needs and purchase behavior. Our findings indicate that tourists belonging to different customer segments (e.g., satisfied vs. dissatisfied) expressed differences toward service quality and customer satisfaction. Thus, the management of Taiwan’s tourism factories must notice the needs of different market segments to meet their individual expectations. This study proposes two satisfaction levels of CSI models for analyzing customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby helping tourism factory managers improve customer satisfaction effectively. Compared with traditional techniques, we believe that our method is more appropriate for making decisions about allocating resources and for assisting managers in establishing appropriate priorities in customer satisfaction management.

Limitations and suggestions for future research

This study has some limitations. First, the tourism factory surveyed in this study was a food tourism factory operating in Taipei, Taiwan, and the present findings cannot be generalized to the all tourism factory industries. Second, the sample size was quite small for tourists (N = 242). Future research should collect a greater number of samples and include a more diverse range of tourists. Third, this study was preliminary research on tourism factories, and domestic group package tourists were a major source of the respondents. Future studies should collect data from international tourists as well.

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Authors’ contributions

Writing: S-CL; providing case and idea: Y-CL, Y-CW, Y-FH, C-HC; providing revised advice: S-BT, WD. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


Department of Technology Management, Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. This work was supported by University of Electronic Science Technology of China, Zhongshan Institute (414YKQ01 and 415YKQ08).

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The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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Department of Technology Management, Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan

Yu-Cheng Lee

Department of Business Administration, Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan

Yu-Che Wang

PhD Program of Technology Management, Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan

Shu-Chiung Lu & Chih-Hung Chien

Department of Food and Beverage Management, Lee-Ming Institute of Technology, New Taipei City, 243, Taiwan

Shu-Chiung Lu

Department of Business Administration, Lee-Ming Institute of Technology, New Taipei City, 243, Taiwan

Chih-Hung Chien

Department of Food and Beverage Management, Taipei College of Maritime Technology, New Taipei City, 251, Taiwan

Yi-Fang Hsieh

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Lee, YC., Wang, YC., Lu, SC. et al. An empirical research on customer satisfaction study: a consideration of different levels of performance. SpringerPlus 5 , 1577 (2016).

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Received : 25 April 2016

Accepted : 02 September 2016

Published : 15 September 2016


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  • Customer satisfaction
  • Tourism factory industry
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  • Service management

research on customer service satisfaction

The state of customer care in 2022

Customer care leaders are facing a perfect storm of challenges: call volumes are up, employees are leaving and harder to replace, and digital solutions aren’t yet delivering on their full promise. Add rising customer expectations and decades-high inflation  to the mix, and it’s easy to understand why customer care leaders are feeling the pressure.

About the authors

This article is a collaborative effort by Jeff Berg , Eric Buesing , Paul Hurst, Vivian Lai, and Subhrajyoti Mukhopadhyay, representing views of McKinsey’s Customer Care service line.

The stakes couldn’t be higher as teams try to adapt to a postpandemic era of customer care. Over the past two years, leaders have had to quickly adapt systems and ways of working to accommodate the shift to working from home—up to 85 percent of their workforces, in some cases. Contact center employees are harder to hold onto, and nearly half of customer care managers experienced increased attrition in 2021, leading to performance variability.

Over the past two years, customer care leaders have had to quickly adapt systems and ways of working to accommodate the shift to working from home.

While digital solutions and the shift to self-service channels will solve many of these challenges, they aren’t quite reaching the goal. For most organizations, the vast majority of digital customer contacts require assistance, and only 10 percent of newly built digital platforms are fully scaled or adopted by customers.

Not surprisingly, McKinsey’s 2022 State of Customer Care Survey has found that customer care is now a strategic focus for companies. Respondents say their top three priorities over the next 12 to 24 months will be retaining and developing the best people, driving a simplified customer experience (CX)  while reducing call volumes and costs, and building their digital care and advanced analytics ecosystems.

With challenges on all fronts, the question now confronting leaders is how best to prioritize investment across the people, operations, and technology aspects of their customer care strategies. Knowing where to focus or what to do first isn’t easy, and businesses need to move quickly. Companies that don’t invest in this area face the possibility of further talent attrition, customer dissatisfaction, and even loss of market share.

But customer care is also now a major opportunity for businesses. Done well—through a combination of tech and human touch—it is an area where companies can drive loyalty through a more personalized customer journey while unlocking greater productivity, increased revenue, improved job satisfaction, and real-time customer insights.

This article presents the key findings of the 2022 State of Customer Care Survey and how businesses are shifting priorities at this critical time.

Challenges on all fronts

To uncover the latest trends in customer care, McKinsey surveyed more than 160 industry leaders and experts at the director, senior director, vice president, and C-suite levels to find out how their operations have been affected over the past two years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Care is at an inflection point

The survey findings indicate that customer care is at an inflection point. Call volumes are higher and more complex than before, while companies find themselves struggling to find talent and train them to proficiency at pace.

As customer care increasingly moves online, the distinction between digital and live interactions has also begun to blur. Organizations are looking for new capabilities that will enhance both the customer and employee experience in “moments that matter”—those interactions that may have previously happened face to face or have significant influence on overall CX.

Compared with results of the 2019 State of Customer Care Survey, customer care leaders are now more focused on improving CX, reducing contact volumes, deploying AI assistance, and increasing revenue generation on service calls (Exhibit 1).

Customer care talent is increasingly scarce

Higher call volumes and more complex calls are challenging existing capacity—61 percent of surveyed care leaders report a growth in total calls, with increased contacts per customer and a growing customer base as the key drivers. And 58 percent of care leaders expect call volumes to increase even further over the next 18 months.

While a growing customer base is a positive sign for business, it puts greater pressure on contact centers that are already under strain. More customers mean increased call numbers, and with more complex calls, customers tend to have to phone contact centers over and over again—further affecting capacity and resulting in a more negative CX overall.

To make matters worse, talent attrition is affecting customer care capacity. Employees are leaving faster than they did before the pandemic—a result of the Great Attrition—and are more difficult to replace. Nearly half of surveyed managers report increased employee attrition over the past 12 months.

The top-cited reason for employees leaving is poaching by competitors—58 percent—alongside employee burnout, employee dissatisfaction, lack of advancement opportunities, and poor work–life balance (Exhibit 2).

Retaining talent could prove vital in the race to maintain capacity. New hires require significant staff training, with 41 percent of surveyed leaders reporting that it takes between three and six months to train a new employee for optimal performance and a further 20 percent saying it takes more than six months.

Uniting self-service and live channels

Many companies have made significant investments in digital care capacity in recent years, though cross-channel integration and migration issues continue to hamper progress. For example, 77 percent of survey respondents report that their organizations have built digital platforms, but only 10 percent report that those platforms are fully scaled and adopted by customers. Only 12 percent of digital platforms are highly integrated, and, for most organizations, only 20 percent of digital contacts are unassisted.

In an increasingly digital first environment, however, customer care is fundamental to how organizations interact with their customers. Leaders in this field are asking, “How do we create a better, more personalized experience through digitally enabled services?”

Businesses are investing in three critical areas

Faced with the challenges of a fast-changing and demanding environment, companies can’t afford to refrain from acting on the customer care storm. Over the past two years, customers have flocked to digital channels because of the pandemic, and organizations have had to race to meet their needs with new channels that support remote and digital transactions.

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In a postpandemic future, this pivot to digital is likely to keep growing. And while many companies believe that they have made significant strides in their customer care transformation journey, a significant number remain at a foundational level—they are improving self-service options and automating common requests but haven’t yet moved far enough along the journey to distinguish from their competitors. Meanwhile, those that have the leading edge are leveraging real-time customer behavior insights and conversational AI to deliver proactive customer outreach.

Customer care leaders say their top three priorities over the next 12 to 24 months are to retain and develop the best people, drive a simplified CX while reducing call volumes and costs, and build out their digital care ecosystems.

Retain and develop the best people

Traditionally, customer care talent has been regarded as cheap, easy to replace, and relatively low skilled. But with call volumes growing and calls becoming more complex to resolve, these employees now require more strategic consideration.

With three out of five surveyed leaders citing attracting, training, and retaining talent as a top priority, businesses are looking at ways to build a better organizational culture. Two of the most effective ways to do this—according to customer care leaders—are to find ways to motivate and build trust with employees and to encourage leaders to listen and act on employee feedback (Exhibit 3).

Shift the interactions

Shifting the workload away from transactional, repetitive calls can address a number of the headaches facing customer care leaders. The move can free up capacity to improve CX while offering more rewarding work to employees.

Companies are looking to shift from a transactional to a solution-oriented interaction during the live, complex calls that matter most to customers. Organizations are also turning to self-service channels and tech to resolve high volumes. And the strategy is working. Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed that decreased their call volumes identified improved self-service as a key driver (Exhibit 4).

Organizations are planning to increase digital interactions one and a half times by 2024. The top three areas identified for investment include tech that improves omnichannel and digital capabilities—for example, chatbots and AI tools—automated manual activities in contact centers, and advanced analytics capabilities.

Despite digital tech taking on more of the burden for customer service interactions, human assistance will likely remain an important driver of overall CX, especially in the moments that matter. Customers want fast, efficient service, but they also want personalized customer care, whatever the channel of engagement.

Develop AI-powered customer care ecosystems

The growing challenges around increasing volumes, rising complexity, and limited talent availability are unlikely to be solved at scale without AI and data analytics. Companies can optimize the entire customer operations footprint by using tech to measure performance, identify opportunities, and deploy value-capturing change management, thus delivering critical operations insights and impact at scale.

For customers, AI-driven tools like predictive analytics can deliver a personalized and proactive experience that resolves issues before customers are even aware that they exist—enhancing CX at every point along the customer journey. Tech can also assist in developing a high-performing workforce by identifying optimal work processes and practices using analytics. Automated coaching can potentially be deployed to every individual, supporting efforts to attract, develop, and retain scarce talent.

" "

How CEOs can win the new service game

In the AI-powered care ecosystem, around 65 percent of tasks and 50 to 70 percent of contacts are automated, creating a true omnichannel experience that provides a consistent and seamless experience across interactions. In this way, the potential of contact centers could be unlocked to become loyalty-building revenue generators through greater solutioning and sales excellence.

Putting priorities into practice

CX is fast becoming a key competitive area. Companies that don’t prioritize their strategy and digital transformation journeys are likely to face continued customer dissatisfaction, as well as talent attrition—thus threatening their brand and market competitiveness.

Getting customer care right depends on prioritizing and investing across the people, operations, and tech aspects of the customer care strategy. Companies can consider the following key steps as they look to build out their capabilities and invest in their digital care ecosystems:

  • Start by setting out the vision for the customer care organization, capturing what excellence looks like.
  • Conduct a rapid but thorough due-diligence-style assessment of people, processes, and capabilities, looking at the customer care operation in a new light to identify not just incremental changes but a reimagined, large-scale transformation.
  • Path one follows a traditional design approach, which may take longer but prove less risky, as the entire transformation is considered at the outset.
  • Path two involves an interactive and agile design, test, and iterate methodology, which may lead to new solutions quickly.
  • Leverage the full suite of available technologies and analytical approaches that are driving successful outcomes in customer care, including natural language processing (NLP) and AI in frontline operations to match work to workers, together with cognitive AI assistance for resolving simpler customer queries.

Personalized digital interaction nowadays is an expectation rather than a luxury or an added perk, and customer care is the issue at the heart of this digital first environment—companies can’t afford to stumble at this juncture. If done well, however, customer care presents a great opportunity to build loyalty and long-term relationships with customers, creating organizational resilience for the future.

Jeff Berg is a partner in McKinsey’s Southern California office; Eric Buesing is a partner in the Stamford, Connecticut, office; Paul Hurst is a consultant in the Charlotte, North Carolina, office, Vivian Lai is a consultant in the New York office, and Subhrajyoti Mukhopadhyay is an expert in the Chicago office.

The authors wish to thank Karunesh Ahuja and Charles-Michael Berg for their contributions to this article.

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Customer service satisfaction

Customer satisfaction

Conceptualised service encounter satisfaction model proposed by Walker (1995, pp. 8-9) is divided into three disconfirmation stages:

  • Evaluation stage. In that stage the peripheral service is encountered prior to the core service being consumed.
  • Core service is more anticipated by the consumer.
  • After core service delivery interaction is undertaken in the final stage.

The influence of several complex and multiple factors to the customer tolerance zone is noted by Zeithaml et al (1993, p.2). Eleven factors affecting both desired and adequate service levels are described by Zeitheml et al (1993, pp.3-11) as following:

Desired service influencing factors:

1. Enduring service intensifiers

  • Derived expectations
  • Personal service philosophies

2. Personal needs

3. Explicit service promises

  • Advertising
  • Personal selling
  • Other communications

4. Implicit service promises:

5. Word of mouth:

  • Expert (Consumer reports, publicity, consultants, surrogates)

6. Past experience

Adequate service influencing factors:

7. Transitory service intensifiers

  • Emergencies
  • Service problems

8. Perceived service alternatives

9. Self-perceived service role

10. Situational factors:

  • Bad weather
  • Catastrophe
  • Random over-demand

11. Predicted service

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  • DOI: 10.30794/pausbed.1445607
  • Corpus ID: 272114453


  • Funda Mermertaş
  • Published in Pamukkale University Journal… 21 August 2024

33 References

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  • Vijayan Sugumaran 2 &
  • Jing Zhang   ORCID: 3  

Consumer behavior varies across different countries due to their distinct cultural backgrounds. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of this influence can greatly assist restaurant managers in achieving higher business performance. However, academic inquiry into cross-cultural differences in customer preferences for specific restaurant attributes, such as décor, food variety, and reservation, remains scarce, warranting further scholarly investigation. This paper analyses customer preferences for specific restaurant attributes based on aspect-level sentiment analysis of online reviews from Chinese and Western customers. We adopt ordinary least squares regression to analyze the impact of country on customer attention to different restaurant attributes and carry out quantile regression on customer satisfaction to determine the satisfaction variance in different service performance level. The results show that Chinese and Western customers demonstrate divergent levels of attention and satisfaction towards specific attributes. Specifically, Chinese customers exhibit higher interest and satisfaction in non-functional attributes, such as View , while allocating less attention to value-oriented attributes like Portion size of dish. Moreover, the impact of country on customer satisfaction displays heterogeneity, exhibiting a U-shaped variation across performance levels. To elucidate these differences, we delve into unique cultural elements in China, such as Confucian values and face culture, within the framework of Hofstede's cultural dimensions. Our work delves into the specific attribute-level preferences of Western and Chinese consumers, highlighting the heterogeneity of these preference differences at different performance levels. It underscores for managers the importance of considering consumer preference differences in conjunction with their own service performamce levels.

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This research was supported by programs granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (No. 72001131, 71901053 and 72031004), and the Key Project of Social Science Planning Foundation of Liaoning Province (No. L23AGL008).

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SILC Business School, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 201899, People’s Republic of China

Dian Liu & Wenshuang Zhao

Department of Decision and Information Sciences, School of Business Administration, Oakland University, 442 Elliott Hall, Rochester, MI, 48309, USA

Vijayan Sugumaran

School of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, 116024, People’s Republic of China

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See Figs. 4 , 5 , 6 and Table 17 .

figure 4

The quantile regression results for satisfaction to sub-attributes of Core Product

figure 5

The quantile regression results for satisfaction to sub-attributes of the Environment

figure 6

The quantile regression results for satisfaction to sub-attributes of Service-related and Value

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Liu, D., Zhao, W., Sugumaran, V. et al. Exploring heterogeneous differences between Chinese and Western customer preferences for restaurant attributes from online reviews. Electron Commer Res (2024).

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Accepted : 09 August 2024

Published : 09 September 2024


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Top customer service case management software in 2024

Written by by Kiran Shahid

Published on  September 6, 2024

Reading time  8 minutes

Table of Contents

Customer care is a balancing act. You need operational efficiency—swift case handling, cost control and peak team productivity. At the same time, you can’t sacrifice customer satisfaction since personalized, timely support builds loyalty and drives retention.

Traditional methods and fragmented tools often tip this balance. Bottlenecks, slow responses and customer frustration create manual routing, scattered data and poor visibility into team performance.

The right social media customer service case management software solves these problems by streamlining workflow and centralizing customer information.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through what customer service case management is, highlight its benefits, list features to look out for and share five customer service case management software to help you transform your customer service from a headache into a strategic advantage.

What is customer service case management?

Customer service case management handles customer inquiries, issues and requests across multiple channels. It involves:

  • Tracking customer problems
  • Routing issues to the right department
  • Resolving problems through a collaborative process

Imagine a customer posts about a faulty product, emails support, then calls in. With case management, all these touchpoints merge into one case to give your team the full picture to solve the issue fast.

Customer service case management software automates these processes by letting you track, manage and resolve customer interactions from initiation to completion. This allows you to deliver lightning-fast, spot-on customer support.

What’s the difference between case management and CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and case management, while related, play different roles in managing customer interactions. CRMs store comprehensive customer data, track sales processes and manage marketing efforts.

In contrast, case management specifically deals with handling individual customer issues or requests.

While a CRM provides a broad overview of customer relationships, case management offers a detailed, issue-specific approach. These systems also integrate with case management, tapping into CRM data to add context to every support case.

This synergy supercharges personalized, efficient customer service while maintaining a bird’s-eye view of customer relationships

Benefits of using customer service case management software

Effective case management gives your support team a 360-degree view of each customer’s history that enables faster, personalized problem-solving.

Why bother? Customers demand swift, consistent support across all channels. Case management software delivers just that—turning potential headaches into wow moments. Here’s how it helps exactly:

Enhances efficiency

Automate your workflows to simplify support processes. Smart routing zaps inquiries to the right team members to speed up responses. Your support staff is then free to tackle the tough stuff while automation handles the rest.

For example, Grammarly experienced an 80%+ reduction in average time to first response in less than two years after implementing case management software. Automated workflows and smart routing helped with this by instantly directing inquiries to the right team members.

Implement customer service case management software to automate routine tasks and watch your response times plummet while your team tackles the tough stuff.

Enhances productivity

A complete picture of customer information enables support teams to handle more cases in less time.

The Sprout Social Index™ 2023 showed that 54% of marketers plan to use customer self-service tools and resources like FAQs, forms and chatbots to scale social customer care. When integrated with case management systems, these tools eliminate the need to switch between multiple platforms and provide agents with all the relevant information at their fingertips.

Arm your support team with a comprehensive view of customer data and self-service tools to supercharge their productivity and decision-making.

Improves customer service

Case management software enables consistent, personalized support across all channels, leading to higher customer satisfaction.

According to the Index report , 76% of consumers notice and appreciate when companies prioritize customer support.

Callout card highlighting a stat from the Sprout Social Index saying 76% of consumers notice and appreciate when companies prioritize customer support.

Social media case management software ensures that whether a customer posts, emails or carrier-pigeons their request, they receive the same support.

This way, omnichannel support capabilities deliver a consistent, personalized experience that customers will notice and appreciate.

Improves operational insights

Customer service case management software provides crucial insights to continually refine your customer support processes.

Through customizable dashboards and real-time alerts, case management tools identify support issues such as delayed response times, misrouted requests and unresolved tickets. Your support team can then use this information to solve complaints faster, improve social media customer service and allocate resources more wisely.

Facilitates scalability

Case management software scales your support operations without compromising service quality or proportionally increasing staff. As businesses grow, case management software lets you easily onboard new team members, integrate additional communication channels and handle increased case volumes.

Choose a case management solution that can grow with your business, allowing you to maintain quality support even as your customer base expands.

Features to look for in customer service case management software

Choosing the right customer service case management software can make or break your customer service. Missing key features? Your team’s efficiency plummets and customer experience suffers.

Before you decide, scrutinize these must-have features to support smooth case handling and happy customers.

Ticketing system

Picture an air traffic control tower for customer issues—that’s your ticketing system. It’s the nerve center of your support operations that ensures no customer query flies under the radar.

Ticketing systems provide a structured approach to handling customer inquiries across multiple channels. Each case gets a unique ID for precise tracking, while smart routing directs cases to the most suitable agents based on expertise, workload and urgency.

Customizable workflows, status updates, service-level agreement (SLA) tracking and escalation systems prevent cases from slipping through the cracks.

The ticketing system enhances team productivity by offering a clear, organized view of all ongoing cases, leading to faster response times and increased customer satisfaction.

Knowledge base

A comprehensive knowledge base is a centralized repository for organizational information, best practices and solutions to common issues.

It’s a goldmine of wisdom specific to your brand. Need accurate, up-to-date info? Your agents can grab it in seconds.

With a robust knowledge base, new agents can transform potential 30-minute calls into 5-minute solutions. To work well, make sure your knowledge base is easy to search and has focused articles, FAQs, troubleshooting guides and clear product documentation that speed up social media customer service training . Advanced systems even use AI to suggest relevant articles based on customer queries.

Invest in a well-structured, easily accessible knowledge base to empower your agents, speed up issue resolution and provide consistent, accurate responses across all customer interactions.

Efficient workflow management orchestrates your entire support process, cutting manual labor and human errors while freeing agents to tackle high-value tasks.

Advanced workflow features include customizable escalation rules, SLA tracking and conditional branching. AI-automated workflows can categorize and prioritize cases, route them to suitable agents and suggest solutions based on historical data.

For example, when a VIP reports an issue, the system can automatically flag it as high-priority and route it to top agents without human intervention.

Implement a case management system with flexible workflow capabilities to organize your support process, improve team productivity and deliver consistently excellent service.

Reporting and analytics

Robust reporting and analytics transform your support team from firefighters to fire preventers, predicting and solving issues before they escalate.

Comprehensive reporting tools offer customizable dashboards displaying KPIs like average response time, first-contact resolution rate and customer satisfaction scores.

Advanced analytics can predict support volumes and resource needs, while in-depth analysis uncovers hidden customer needs and pain points.

Use these insights to implement targeted improvements to your support processes, products or services. With every tweak and enhancement guided by analytics, you’re not just fixing problems—you’re building trust and loyalty.

5 Customer service case management software

Social platforms aren’t just for memes and selfies. Based on customer service trends , they’re becoming the go-to megaphone for customer concerns, questions and cries for help.

Take it from Zoila Streich, Co-Founder of Independent Fashion Bloggers and former fashion business owner: 70% of her customers slide into her DMs for support.

A case management system ensures you don’t leave any customer unattended by helping you monitor and respond to these inquiries in a timely and organized manner.

These tools integrate with various social media channels so all your customer interactions, social or otherwise, end up in one place. No more platform-hopping. Just faster responses and smoother customer journeys.

Here are five of our top picks:

Sprout Social

Sprout Social’s Case Management simplifies customer care operations and enhances social interactions.

Sprout eliminates manual tasks and swiftly directs cases to the appropriate team members using automated case routing. Custom tags and statuses slice through the chaos and spotlight top-priority messages for rapid response.

A case management system showing an approved refund request for a customer who experienced incorrect billing.

Sprout also quantifies customer care efforts. The Case Performance Report measures team effectiveness, while Customer Feedback Requests collect satisfaction data. These tools simplify the process of demonstrating the impact of customer care on the business. Plus, with Enhance by AI Assist, agents can use AI to help adjust the tone and personalize each response. The Smart Inbox offers four stylistic options so every response feels like a one-on-one conversation.

Automate routine tasks, prioritize critical issues and personalize interactions at scale to boost efficiency and build deeper customer relationships.

Freshdesk , a cloud-based customer service software, helps businesses deliver personalized support across multiple channels.

A customer service platform displaying a ticket about a customer inquiring about the status of their shoe order.

This all-in-one solution manages customer cases from first contact to final resolution, flexing to fit diverse business needs and structures.

Its collaborative ticketing system fosters teamwork, while SLA management sets and tracks performance benchmarks, boosting agent effectiveness.

Freshdesk’s Freddy AI automates routine tasks while offering smart suggestions to agents. This AI customer service feature simplifies workflows and reduces response times. Plus, Custom Objects integration puts operation-specific data at your fingertips within the support interface.

Zoho Desk is a cloud-based customer service software that helps businesses streamline their support operations and enhance the overall customer experience. It enables seamless handling of customer inquiries, guiding them through assessment, planning and resolution.

A customer support interface showing a ticket for a wrong room allotment issue at a hotel.

Zoho Desk’s low-code platform allows quick customization of case management applications to fit specific business needs.

Key features include process automation, compliance tracking and time management tools, all integrated to boost operational efficiency. Zoho Desk also integrates with existing systems and offers streamlined communication tools to create a cohesive support ecosystem.

Zoho Desk balances automated workflows with human decision-making, empowering organizations to meet business objectives while staying agile.

Salesforce Service Cloud

Salesforce Service Cloud’s case management solution aims to enhance both agent efficiency and customer satisfaction through knowledge-centric capabilities.

A customer service console displaying details of a case about a flickering monitor issue reported by a customer.

It empowers agents and customers alike to find answers to common questions, expediting case resolution and promoting self-service. By recommending relevant articles within the agent console or Help Center, it reduces agent workload and ensures consistent, accurate responses.

Sprout integrates with Salesforce Service Cloud, providing a unified solution for social media and customer relationship management.

The Sprout Social integration open within Salesforce Service Cloud.

Available on all Sprout plans, this integration lets you create, manage and route Salesforce contacts, leads and cases directly within Sprout. It enables support and sales teams to efficiently handle social media customers without switching platforms.

By combining Salesforce Service Cloud’s robust case management with Sprout Social’s social media expertise, businesses can respond faster and provide more tailored customer service across multiple channels.

HubSpot Service Hub

HubSpot Service Hub speeds up customer interactions and support. It’s part of HubSpot’s CRM platform, which also includes marketing, sales, operations and content management tools.

A ticketing system dashboard showing multiple customer support tickets in different stages of resolution.

Key capabilities include: AI-powered help desk ticketing, self-service knowledge base and omnichannel messaging. It enables proactive customer success management through health scores, product usage insights and feedback collection tools.

HubSpot’s Smart CRM integration offers a complete customer view, while analytics and automation streamline operations with actionable metrics like customer satisfaction scores, average response times and ticket resolution rates. With this approach, customers will receive scalable, personalized support, which boosts customer retention and increases repeat purchases.

Get started with customer service case management software

Case management is the linchpin for converting your support function from a cost center into a growth engine. Consider features like omnichannel support, automation, self-service options, reporting and analytics and integration capabilities when choosing software.

Want to improve case management further? Implement a tiered customer service model that aligns support levels with customer value and needs.

Explore our in-depth guide on customer service tiers to build a scalable, world-class support strategy that drives customer retention and boosts revenue.

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research on customer service satisfaction

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Recall Visits in Japan Generate Lower After-Sales Service Satisfaction, J.D. Power Finds

Lexus, Nissan and MINI Rank Highest in Their Respective Segments

TOKYO: 5 Sep. 2024 — Among dealership customers in Japan who brought their vehicle in for a recall, satisfaction is 711 (on a 1,000-point scale) compared with those who brought their vehicle in for other after-sales services (725), indicating more negative experiences during the recall visit, according to the J.D. Power 2024 Japan Customer Service Index (CSI) Study, SM released today.

In 2024, overall customer satisfaction with after-sales service averages 725 points, almost unchanged from 2023 with an increase of 1 point. By factor, satisfaction for booking/dropping off the car is 728, while the satisfaction for service quality/car delivery is 724 and 722 for dealer facilities and support. By segment, overall satisfaction is 775 for luxury brands, 721 for mass market domestic brands and 747 for mass market import brands.

“Recall visits to dealerships have considerably increased in the past year,” said Taku Kimoto, senior managing officer of research at J.D. Power . “Dealerships are struggling with organizing their schedules due to more owner visits,  which is affecting the wait times for all customers. To increase satisfaction for recall appointments, dealerships can work on customer interactions, such as presenting more detailed repair explanations and patiently answer their questions. Customers perceive a recall as an unexpected event and many already have negative feelings when bringing their vehicle to the dealership, so dealerships need to bear this in mind and provide a basic explanation to the customer while checking to see that it was understood, as well as being considerate of customers’ feelings and treating them with care and flexibility.”

Following are some of the key findings of the 2024 study:

  • Recall visits increase and satisfaction drops: In recent years, customer expectations have increased for quality and safety, as advanced technologies have evolved and more features have been installed on new vehicles. In this context, recalls are brought to the fore in the after-sales service field, and how to treat customers during a recall visit has received harsh reactions. In this year’s study, among customers who used their dealership for after-sales service, 11% say that they “had their vehicle repaired or a problem fixed,” unchanged from a year ago. However, among these customers, 46% “were subject to recall,” substantially increased from 34% in 2023. Among customers who had a recall repair, satisfaction averages 711, 14 points lower than for overall after-sales service (725), revealing complaints during the recall repair visit.
  • Improving time efficiency and enhancing customer responses: Among customers who visited the dealership for a recall, the majority (53%) made the appointment within two weeks before the visit, 8 percentage points higher than the overall average (45%). This indicates that many of these customers made an appointment on short notice. Regarding repair time, 39% of customers who visited the dealership for a recall say within one hour from bringing their vehicle in to being returned, compared with 58% for the overall average. There are also challenges to be addressed during handing the vehicle over to customers who visited the dealership for a recall. In terms of poor responses during recall visits, 35% say that they never experienced that the service representative explained one-sidedly and 46% say that the service representative did not give proper answers to my questions—both of which are 7 points lower than the overall average. This suggests that for customers who visit the dealership for a recall, stress associated with poor communications with the service representative causes the decrease in satisfaction.

Study Rankings

Luxury Brands

Among the five luxury brands included in the study, Lexus ranks highest, with a score of 807. Lexus performs particularly well in all of the three factors: dealer facilities and support; booking/dropping off the car; and service quality/car delivery. BMW (772) ranks second.

Mass Market Domestic Brands

Among the eight mass market domestic brands included in the study, Nissan ranks highest, with a score of 736. Nissan performs particularly well in two factors, which are dealer facilities and support, and booking/dropping off the car. Honda (735) ranks second and Toyota (727) ranks third.

Mass Market Import Brands

Among the five mass market import brands included in the study, MINI ranks highest, with a score of 783. MINI performs particularly well in all the factors: dealer facilities and support; booking/dropping off the car; and service quality/car delivery. Volkswagen (772) ranks second.

The Japan Customer Service Index (CSI) Study measures satisfaction with after-sales service among new-vehicle owners between 14 to 49 months of ownership. The study surveys owners who visited a manufacturer-authorized service center for maintenance or repair work in the past year. The study, now in its 23rd year, this year is based on responses from 8,670 owners who purchased their new vehicle between April 2020 and March 2023. The online survey was fielded in May-June 2024.

About J.D. Power

J.D. Power is a global leader in automotive data and analytics, and provides industry intelligence, consumer insights and advisory solutions to the automotive industry and selected non-automotive industries. J.D. Power leverages its extensive proprietary datasets and software capabilities combined with advanced analytics and artificial intelligence tools to help its clients optimize business performance.

J.D. Power was founded in 1968 and has offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. To learn more about the company’s business offerings, visit .

Media Relations Contacts

Kumi Kitami, J.D. Power; Japan; 81-3-6809-2996; [email protected] Geno Effler, J.D. Power; USA; 714-621-6224; [email protected]

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Forrester’s 2024 European Digital Experience Review: Banks Should Prioritize Delivering More Secure And Inclusive Mobile Banking Experiences

According to Forrester’s Digital Experience Review™: Europe Mobile Banking Apps, Q3 2024 , 85% of European online banking customers use mobile apps frequently. However, to optimize the mobile banking experience, European banks need to implement more robust fraud and security measures, focus on inclusion and accessibility to deliver customer value and earn trust, and deploy more personalized, engaging and effortless financial capability tools to help customers take better control of their finances.  

Forrester evaluated the mobile apps of 11 European banks to gauge the effectiveness and ease-of-use for each mobile banking experience. These banks included ABN AMRO Bank (Netherlands), Bank Millennium (Poland), Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA, Spain), BNP Paribas (France), Handelsbanken (Sweden), Intesa Sanpaolo (Italy), Lloyds Bank (UK), PKO Bank Polski (Poland), Revolut (UK), Santander (Spain), and Swedbank (Sweden).  

The apps were scored across 18 customer scenarios, including managing finances, moving money, saving, and accessing help and support, which were combined with the results from Forrester’s Banking Customer Experience Index Rankings , as well as findings from unmoderated usability testing with 100 customers of the included brands.  

Key findings from the research include:   

  • AI is starting to transform mobile banking apps . Banks are shifting from basic search and chatbots within their apps to sophisticated virtual assistants. Leveraging AI, banks are able to better anticipate customer needs and offer more personalized guidance, transforming an informational and transactional tool into a trusted advisor.  
  • Security is a top concern for mobile banking customers. Twenty five percent of European banking customers cite worries about the security of their personal and/or financial information as a reason for not having used their mobile app in the past month.   
  • Of those evaluated, BBVA leads for its feature-rich app and usability . The Spanish bank’s conversational app, which enables customers to access all information in a single place, and proactive notifications to help customers manage their finances more effectively, helps it secure the top spot.   

“A small number of leading European banks are offering innovative digital services and leveraging AI to transform their mobile apps, setting the stage for future beyond-the-app experiences,” said Aurelie L’Hostis, principal analyst at Forrester. “However, our reviews indicate that significant weaknesses persist. Banks must work on delivering a more secure and inclusive mobile banking experience that promotes trust and financial wellbeing. Ultimately, as customers continue to shift to apps to manage their finances, banks need to differentiate their mobile experience and find ways to demonstrate added value to customers to drive loyalty.”  

To access this research or arrange an interview with a Forrester analyst, please contact  [email protected] .     

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