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The Giver: 8 Creative Class Activities

The Giver by Lois Lowry is a teacher’s dream novel. The complex dystopian plotline, dynamic characters, and thought-provoking themes provide so many opportunities for teachers to foster text-to-self and text-to-world connections. Critical thinking activities that allow students to empathize with the characters are a must-have in any novel unit. Below are 8 of my favorite activities for The Giver   that do just that.  

1. The Ceremony of 12 Simulation

This first activity is always a class favorite. It allows students to empathize with Jonas and his friends as they are assigned careers by the Chief Elder during the Ceremony of 12 .

How This Activity Works:

Welcome students to the classroom with a colorful poster for The Ceremony of Twelve. Once they are all settled, immediately transform into The Chief Elder. Address the class explaining that although they have spent the last 11 years learning to fit in and standardize their behavior, that this ceremony will celebrate their differences. Then, one-by-one present each student with their new job and a designated card that states all of the roles and responsibilities. After each student gets their assignment, have the rest of the class say in unison, “Thank you for your childhood.”

Give your students a choice of assignment. They can either fill out an application for a job switch or write a journal discussing their feelings on their new role in the community!

The Giver Ceremony of 12 Activity

2. Seeing Beyond Activity

In The Giver , Jonas has the capacity to ‘see beyond.’ This means that Jonas, unlike the other members of the community, can use his senses from memory that allow him the ability to see color. This fun, seeing beyond class activity allows students to step into Jonas’ shoes to understand his ability to see beyond.

Students enter the classroom to a colorful poster welcoming them to Seeing Beyond. Ask them to circulate the room to different areas that have hidden image optical illusions. Some will be able to see the hidden pictures, while others will not.

After the activity, students work with partners to discuss how they felt when they were or were not able to see the hidden image. They will also discuss how it felt to successfully or unsuccessfully help someone else see the image and how this relates to the novel.

The Giver Seeing Beyond Activity

3. Memory Transmission Activity

Through his role as The Receiver, Jonas receives transmitted memories of the past from The Giver. This FREE memory transmission activity allows students to empathize with both Jonas and The Giver as they will both receive and transmit memories. This one has always been a real hit with my students!

The Giver Memory Transmission Activity

Put a colorful poster on the door welcoming your class to The Giver’s Annex. Then, transform into The Giver and give each group of students descriptions of new memories that Jonas will receive.

Some of the memories involve painful memories, like homelessness, while others involve more positive memories like Neil Armstrong’s arrival on the moon! Students discuss prompting questions that will have them understand the value of keeping the world’s memories safe. After all the memories have been transmitted, they will shift into the role of The Giver. In this role, they will transmit one important historical memory to Jonas of their choosing.

Memory Transmission Free Activity

4. The House of Old Activity

The elderly in The Giver are seemingly treated with the utmost respect and care in The House of Old , but the reader soon learns that things are not as positive as they appear. The elders of the community are killed (a.k.a released from society). This activity allows students to examine how the elderly are treated in different cultures/countries in the world and how this compares to how they are treated in Jonas’ community.

Students will enter the classroom to a colorful poster welcoming them to The House Of Old. They participate in small group discussions with information cards that provide details about how the elderly are treated in different cultures. When they are done, they fill in the blank card with how the elderly are treated in the novel and share with the rest of the class!

Welcome to the House of Old

5. Dream Sharing Activity

In Jonas’ community, everyone must share any dreams they have with their family members. On the surface, dream sharing seems like a good way to keep open communication about inner feelings. In reality, however, it is another way that the government can keep control of the thoughts of their citizens and squash any independent thinking. This activity allows students to interpret their own dreams and consider what deeper meaning their dreams may have.

After reading chapter 6, a poster welcoming them to Dream Sharing greets students at the door. Break the class up into groups of 4 and tell each group to imagine they are family members. Each group receives dream prompt cards with common topics for dreams that have symbolic meanings. Each student shares a dream they remember which connects with one of the topics. If they can’t connect with any topic, they can share any dream they remember.

After everyone has shared their dreams, give each group the Dream Interpretation Cards that explain the symbolic significance of each dream topic. Students discuss and reflect on how it felt to reveal a dream and consider whether or not this would be a good practice in their everyday life.

The Giver Dream Sharing

6. A World Without Pain Activity

In Jonas’ community, members are sheltered from feeling any physical or emotional pain. While this theoretically seems like a peaceful way to live, Jonas soon learns that feeling no pain desensitizes people and doesn’t allow them to appreciate positive emotions. From pain, people are also able to learn from mistakes and avoid making those same mistakes again in the future. This activity brings this idea to the forefront by showing students a real-life example of someone who feels no pain.

Students work in groups to read information about people who feel no physical pain. You could have them research Gabby Gingras or Ashlyn Blocker, for example. As a group, students discuss whether or not they would like to live a life without physical pain and what challenges they might face if they chose yes. Then, they work with their group to brainstorm a list of advantages and disadvantages to living a life free of emotional pain.

No Pain Activity

7. The Telling of Feelings Activity

Jonas and his family participate in a nightly ritual called The Telling of Feelings  where each person describes an emotion that they experienced during the day and discusses it with the others. Help students understand what this ritual would be like by forming classroom families and simulating the practice.

After reading chapter 2, put students into groups. It is preferable that groups consist of two boys and two girls, but it isn’t necessary. Tell them that the group is their new family and they are to assign roles (parents and siblings).

Each student gets a “Feelings Card” that they fill out in preparation for the ritual. Students must choose a precise word that describes a feeling they had that day. Each member of the group shares their feelings while the other members listen carefully.

After the ritual, have students discuss whether or not they could see themselves doing this with their family, if it would make a family closer, and why they think this is a required ritual in Jonas’ community.

Telling of Feelings Activity Lois Lowry

8. Family Forming Activity

In The Giver , couples can only have 2 children as mandated by the government. While this may seem completely removed from the modern-day, this activity will teach students about China’s one-child policy and allow them to consider how it relates to the novel.

This activity works best with a bit of pre-reading discussion. Students discuss how they would react if the government limited the number of children they could have. Ask them if they think this could or would ever happen.

After some discussion, have them read an article or watch a video on China’s one-child policy. I have students record their thoughts as they read using a graphic organizer. The one I use has them consider their thoughts, what they learned, and something that surprised them. Ask students to make a connection between this policy and the events of the novel.

The Giver family forming activity

Grab a ready-to-use unit plan with over everything you need to teach  T he Giver (340 pages/slides of eye-catching powerpoints, printable assignments, questions, vocabulary, and interactive class activities) by  clicking here .

The Giver Unit Plan

I hope you found this helpful! If you are interested in more tips and resources for developing students’ reading skills in ELA, click here.

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I’m Bonnie, a curriculum writer, literacy educator, and all around book lover on a mission to make English teachers’ lives a whole lot easier! 

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The Giver Novel Study

This page has printable resources to use with Lois Lowry's novel, The Giver . Activities include vocabulary review, reading comprehension questions, writing prompts, and a puzzle.

The Giver Worksheets

Chapters 1-5

Questions for Chapters 1-5 Free Book The Giver Worksheet

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Chapters 6-10

Questions for Chapters 6-10 Book The Giver Worksheet

Chapters 11-14

Questions for Chapters 11-14 Book The Giver Worksheet

Chapters 15-19

Questions for Chapters 15-19 Book The Giver Worksheet

Chapters 20-23

Questions for Chapters 20-23 Book The Giver Worksheet

Literature Circles

Question Leader Book The Giver Worksheet

We have printable literature units for many different books, including Charlotte's Web , Holes , Because of Winn Dixie , and Mr. Popper's Penguins .

We have fiction and non-fiction reading passages for 5th graders. Each passage includes comprehension questions.

Sample Worksheet Images for The Giver Novel

The Giver Questions

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The Giver Essay Topics & Writing Assignments

The Giver by Lois Lowry

Essay Topic 1

Jonas is anticipating the Ceremony of Twelve with fear. He discusses his fear with his family when he returns home. Write about an event where you felt tremendous anticipation. How did you soothe your feelings? Did you discuss your feelings with your family or did you find another way to express yourself?

Essay Topic 2

In Chapter Two readers learn about the importance of following "The Rules." However, some rules are routinely broken. Discuss the rules that are routinely broken in The Giver, then compare them to the rules of American society that are routinely broken. How does breaking the law, even minor laws, affect society as a whole?

Essay Topic 3

Gabriel has pale eyes; Jonas has pale eyes; The Giver has pale eyes. Describe the ways in which the characters in The Giver use physical characteristics to impart, judge, and interpret meaning. In what ways do...

(read more Essay Topics)

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  1. The Giver Assignment Activity by Tina Leonard

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  2. The Giver Writing Prompts by Inspired ELA

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  3. The giver

    the giver writing assignments

  4. Lowry's The Giver project, assignments, & test by cruzcyberclass

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  5. THE GIVER: Unit, Lesson Plans, Writing Activities, Student Packet

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  6. The Giver Writing Assignment

    the giver writing assignments


  1. The Giver

     The Giver - Writing Assignments. Writing Assignment #1. Writing Assignment #2. Writing Assignment #3. Click Here To View The Rubric For These Assignments. Please Refer to the Unit Calendar for Due Dates of the Above Assignments. ...

  2. PDF The Giver: ESSAY ASSIGNMENT 3/17/14 Value: 15 points Due: end of class

    The Giver: ESSAY ASSIGNMENT Mora 3/17/14 Value: 15 points Due: end of class on Monday, March 17, 2014 Directions: You will choose 1 out of the 14 prompts provided and respond to it in the form of an essay no less than 3 paragraphs in length. Your response has the following requirements: The number of the prompt chosen will be written next to ...

  3. 8 Creative Activities to Teach The Giver (by Lois Lowry)

    The Giver by Lois Lowry is a teacher's dream novel. The complex dystopian plotline, dynamic characters, and thought-provoking themes provide so many opportunities for teachers to foster text-to-self and text-to-world connections. Critical thinking activities that allow students to empathize with the characters are a must-have in any novel unit.

  4. PDF Directions: Read each of the following prompts. Circle the ...

    pleasures due to his selection as the Receiver of Memory. Decide whether Jonas's assignment as the next Receiver of Memory is an honor or a punishment. Support your ideas with evidence from the text to show how the selection affects Jonas. 2. ARGUMENTATIVE: In Lois Lowry's, The Giver, Jonas's community does not have choice and free will.


    The Giver 121 The completed writing should use grade-appropriate words and phrases, as well as a variety of sentence patterns, and language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, maintaining a formal tone and recognizing redundancy.

  6. PDF Grade ELA Unit The Giver

    Resource 3.5B The Giver Job Assignments . 51 . Resource 3.6 The Giver Job Assignment Activity . 52-55 . Resource 3.7 Non-Fiction Reading Activity for The Giver . 57-59 . ... Resource 5.16 SAUSD Argumentative Writing Rubric . 139 Lesson 6: Resource 6.1 Independent and Dependent Clause Cornell Notes . 141-143 . Resource 6.2 Culture Project . 145 ...

  7. The Giver: Literature Study Unit

    The Giver Novel Study This page has printable resources to use with Lois Lowry's novel, The Giver . Activities include vocabulary review, reading comprehension questions, writing prompts, and a puzzle.

  8. The Giver Essay Topics & Writing Assignments

    The Giver Essay Topics & Writing Assignments. Lois Lowry. This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials. Print Word PDF. View a FREE sample. Essay Topic 1. Jonas is anticipating the Ceremony of Twelve with fear. He discusses his fear with his family when he returns ...

  9. PDF The Giver BookFiles Guide (PDF)

    Scholastic BookFiles: A Reading Guide to The Giver by Lois Lowry/Jeannette Sanderson. p. cm. Summary: Discusses the writing, characters, plot, and themes of this 1994 Newbery Award-winning book. Includes discussion questions and activities. Includes bibliographical references (p. ). 1. Lowry, Lois. Giver—Juvenile literature. 2. Science ...


    the main events and characters in The Giver. 6. Students will practice writing through a variety of writing assignments. 7. The writing assignments in this are geared to several purposes: a. To check the students' reading comprehension b. To make students think about the ideas presented by the novel c. To make students put those ideas into ...