STEM Design Challenge: Building Earthquake Proof Buildings AND a Shake Table


Introduction: STEM Design Challenge: Building Earthquake Proof Buildings AND a Shake Table

STEM Design Challenge: Building Earthquake Proof Buildings AND a Shake Table

Challenge : What is the tallest earthquake proof structure your group can build?

Constraints and Rules : You are limited to using only the following materials in your actual structure: 10 Pieces of Spaghetti, 20 Marshmallows, and 30 centimeters of Tape. Your building will be considered “earthquake proof” if it can retain its complete structure on the shake table and not fall over during a period of 10 seconds of shaking the table. For the height, the highest point of the roof will be measured. The roof must be where 3 or more pieces come to a point or where four corners imply a flat roof surface. No “Antenna” type structures will not be included in the height measurement.

(My inspiration for this activity was The Marshmallow Challenge !)

This activity is well suited for 6th to 9th grade students.

Building Materials for Each Student Group:

  • 10 Pieces of Spaghetti
  • 20 Mini Marshmallows
  • 30 Centimeters of Tape

Tools for Each Student Group:

  • Shake Table (Medium size Sterilite storage container with holes, 4 rubber bands (large 7 inch size), 4 binder clips, hard base about 8" x 10" in size like a clipboard or handheld dry erase board)

As a teacher, for about $70 (at the time of writing this) you can get a bulk pack of 6 Sterilite containers (I use this all the time, not just for this activity!), 9 rolls of masking tape , a bag of rubber bands (honestly, these are likely in your school supply closet!), boxes of binder clips , and 12 dry erase boards (again, I use these all the time for other purposes too). Considering all these materials can also be used for other purposes, it's very cost effective. This is enough for 6 lab groups (with the exception of buying spaghetti and marshmallows from your local grocery story).

Basically I used these materials because I ALREADY had them and you likely do to! Also, there are other ways of making shake tables , so use the method that matches materials you already have on hand.

Step 1: Be Inspired.

Be Inspired.

Depending on your teacher education background, or your personal interests, earthquakes may or may not be your "thing". Just like students often watch YouTube videos to learn new things, we as teachers turn to the internet to find out interesting and important connections to make our instruction relevant and rigorous for our students.

Ross Stein is a leading earthquake expert (ahem, geophysicist) and has a great ted talk about earthquakes . Another relevant video about why you do not prepare for earthquakes is also worth a watch.

Seismologist Dr. Lucy Jones is very active on Twitter and worth following. The USGS has a TON of great resources for other lesson ideas to follow or precede this instructable activity.

To setup, I have all the materials (for the most part) ready to go at each lab space. I do not count out marshmallows, but use the honor system and have a cupful easy to access at each table. I let students also get their own spaghetti noodle pieces so they can ensure each piece is to their liking (and again, it saves me time so I don't have to count them out for 24 groups that may do this in a day).

Step 2: Introduce the Challenge to Your Students.

Introduce the Challenge to Your Students.

I introduce the challenge by explaining what they are going to be do using the engineering design process .

For example, I go over some of the following points:

Identify the problem: Many people die each year from earthquakes ( Source ). and most of these deaths are a result of collapsing buildings ( Source ).

Identify criteria and constraints: Your challenge - What is the tallest earthquake proof structure your group can build? You are limited to using only the following materials in your actual structure: 10 Pieces of Spaghetti, 20 Marshmallows, and 30 centimeters of Tape. Your building will be considered “earthquake proof” if it can retain its complete structure on the shake table and not fall over during a period of 10 seconds of shaking the table. For the height, the highest point of the roof will be measured. The roof must be where 3 or more pieces come to a point or where four corners imply a flat roof surface. No “Antenna” type structures will not be included in the height measurement.

Brainstorm possible solutions: I have students write “Possible Solutions” on their notebook paper and draw or describe as many ideas as they can in 3 minutes. I have them think of ideas individually before discussing ideas with their lab group.

Step 3: Show Students How to Build and Use the Shake Table.

Show Students How to Build and Use the Shake Table.

I let students assemble the shake table when they get in their group. This saves time for me having to do it for all my 8 groups, plus I don't want to steal their fun!

I model how to assemble the table. (It's really easy!)

  • Weave a rubber band through two of the holes in the storage container so both ends of the rubber band are inside the container.
  • Grab the two loop ends with the binder clip.
  • Clip the binder clip to the base. If you use whiteboards, have the white side facing down and wood side face up.
  • Repeat this for the other three sides.

I also model how to shake the table. This requires two students.

  • One students represents P waves and pushes and pulls the container.
  • At the same time, another student represents S waves and moves the container from side to side.

Be sure to emphasize that you are modeling like a moderate, 5 on the Richter scale type of earthquake. Otherwise, as you can imagine, students would shake it way too much. I emphasize that the container should not lift up from the surface of the table.

Step 4: Have Students Complete the Challenge!

Have Students Complete the Challenge!

Okay, finally! In lab groups students complete the challenge. I do not have an official time limit, but they do have to complete these during the class period. This generally takes 15-35 minutes depending on the group.

Continuing with the engineering design process, students are:

  • Sharing ideas with team members.
  • Selecting a design to try.
  • Building the selected design.
  • Testing the design.
  • Making changes as needed.

While students are working, I walk around and answer questions (like, "Can I tape the structure to the base?" to which I quietly nod "Yes". Foundations are important!). I tell students they cannot actually shake the table with their structure unless I, the safety inspector, am watching. I take officially height measurements before the team shakes their structure.

Step 5: Students Reflect on the Process, Results, and the Big Ideas.

Students Reflect on the Process, Results, and the Big Ideas.

Discussion: List at least TEN other considerations that engineers have to take into account when designing and constructing buildings (Hint: Thinking about Earthquakes is definitely not the only or top thing likely considered.). For an extra challenge, order these ten things from least to most important to you.

Conclusion: What is needed to make a building more earthquake proof (include information you learned from this lab as well as from other research)? Why is constructing earthquake proof buildings important?

Side note about the shake table in this picture: I actually only have 6 of the Sterilite containers but I would run 8 lab groups. I used 2 liter soda bottle holders for these other two groups! You might be able to get these FREE from a local business!

Modifications to this Activity : I have a modification to this activity that makes it more of a real world challenge, utilizing budgets and analyzing costs per square centimeter, that you can read about on my website here .

So that's my STEM earthquake proof structure challenge! I'd love to hear about how this goes if you do this yourself. If you do your own version of an earthquake proof challenge, how do you do it? We're here to learn together!

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  • TeachEngineering
  • Shake It Up! Engineering for Seismic Waves

Hands-on Activity Shake It Up! Engineering for Seismic Waves

Grade Level: 8 (6-8)

(two 50-minute periods)

Expendable Cost/Group: US $1.50

Group Size: 4

Activity Dependency: Seismic Waves: How Earthquakes Move the Earth

Subject Areas: Earth and Space, Physical Science, Science and Technology

NGSS Performance Expectations:

NGSS Three Dimensional Triangle

Partial design

Activities Associated with this Lesson Units serve as guides to a particular content or subject area. Nested under units are lessons (in purple) and hands-on activities (in blue). Note that not all lessons and activities will exist under a unit, and instead may exist as "standalone" curriculum.

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Engineers make a world of difference

In certain areas of the world, earthquakes are a serious concern. Civil and structural engineers who focus on designing buildings, bridges, roads and other infrastructure for earthquake-prone areas must understand seismic waves and how to construct structures that are able to withstand the forces from the powerful ground motions of the Earth. For testing purposes, engineers design shake tables to simulate (or re-enact) the seismic waves produced by earthquakes and verify the stability and survivability of their structures.

After this activity, students should be able to:

  • Explain the four different types of seismic waves produced by earthquakes.
  • Describe the purpose of shake tables and how engineers use them.

Educational Standards Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN) , a project of D2L ( In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g. , by state; within source by type; e.g. , science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc .

Ngss: next generation science standards - science.

NGSS Performance Expectation

MS-ETS1-1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions. (Grades 6 - 8)

Do you agree with this alignment? Thanks for your feedback!

This activity focuses on the following aspects of NGSS:
Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
Define a design problem that can be solved through the development of an object, tool, process or system and includes multiple criteria and constraints, including scientific knowledge that may limit possible solutions.

Alignment agreement: Thanks for your feedback!

The more precisely a design task's criteria and constraints can be defined, the more likely it is that the designed solution will be successful. Specification of constraints includes consideration of scientific principles and other relevant knowledge that is likely to limit possible solutions.

Alignment agreement: Thanks for your feedback!

All human activity draws on natural resources and has both short and long-term consequences, positive as well as negative, for the health of people and the natural environment.

Alignment agreement: Thanks for your feedback!

The uses of technologies and any limitations on their use are driven by individual or societal needs, desires, and values; by the findings of scientific research; and by differences in such factors as climate, natural resources, and economic conditions.

Alignment agreement: Thanks for your feedback!

NGSS Performance Expectation

MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. (Grades 6 - 8)

Do you agree with this alignment? Thanks for your feedback!

This activity focuses on the following aspects of NGSS:
Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
Evaluate competing design solutions based on jointly developed and agreed-upon design criteria.

Alignment agreement: Thanks for your feedback!

There are systematic processes for evaluating solutions with respect to how well they meet the criteria and constraints of a problem.

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Common Core State Standards - Math

View aligned curriculum

Do you agree with this alignment? Thanks for your feedback!

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association - Technology

State standards, colorado - math, colorado - science.

Each group needs:

  • 1 wooden board (sized to fit in the bottom of the shoebox with room to move in all directions)
  • 20 Popsicle sticks
  • 10 rubber bands
  • string, ~50 cm to 1m in length
  • hot glue gun and 3 glue sticks
  • 1 sandwich bag of mini marshmallows
  • toothpicks, a handful or unlimited, depending on materials limitations imposed by teacher
  • Shake It Up! Activity Worksheet , one per person

To share with the entire class:

  • masking tape
  • scissors and/or box cutters

Students use a stopwatch as a tall toothpick and marshmallow structure jiggles on a tabletop platform.

To build the teacher's shake table (optional):

  • Build a shake table that uses a variable speed drill to move the table; follow instructions at ; materials include: plywood, wooden blocks, foam core board, hollow metal tubes, hot glue, metal rods (welding rods), rod with u-shaped bend, wire, strapping tape (or piece of rubber), fasteners, and a variable speed drill with a speed control unit.
  • Alternatively, if you do not want to build the drill-powered shake table, you can construct a simpler one following instructions at . Or, have the class select the best shake table from all the groups and use that one for the one-minute earthquake challenge testing.
  • Alternatively, the engineering colleges at some universities make available their shake tables for use by outside student groups for academic purposes.

Students should be able to measure length with a ruler, and have an understanding of seismic waves (as provided in the associated lesson).

How many different kinds of waves can you think of? (Listen to student suggestions and add others. For example, electromagnetic [light, radio], sound, ocean [water], seismic, pressure, compression, standing and sine waves.) No matter what kind of wave, what do they have in common? (Draw a wave on the board and identify its parts.) That's right: amplitude, wavelength, crest, trough, frequency.

What types of waves do we associate with earthquakes? That's right, seismic waves. Seismic waves are waves that move through the Earth, and are typically created by earthquakes. For all seismic waves, the amplitude or intensity of the wave is dependent on three things:

  • The depth at which the earthquake took place (the closer to the surface, the greater the amplitude of the wave)
  • The intensity of the earthquake (earthquakes with higher Richter scale ratings produce more intense seismic waves)
  • The composition of the Earth's crust

The people who work in "earthquake engineering" focus on protecting us and the natural and human-built environments from earthquakes. They want to limit our risk of death and damage from earthquakes. How can we possibly make sure that our school or stadium or a skyscraper or a freeway overpass will not collapse in a big earthquake? Well, engineers create shake tables to test the ability of buildings and other structures to withstand the seismic waves produced by earthquakes. To do this, they carefully design and construct shake tables that can accurately re-enact the ground motion of the Earth during earthquakes. Sometimes they test full-size buildings and sometimes they test small-scale model buildings or components. Some shake tables are large enough to put a real-size building on; others are smaller, even tabletop size. By doing this, engineers can test materials, designs, and construction methods to develop building codes and best practices that provide people living in earthquake-prone areas with safe and survivable surroundings.

Engineers must understand everything about the various seismic waves produced during earthquakes and how they cause the Earth to move. Who can tell me the four types of seismic waves that engineers need to simulate? They are:

  • P-waves (or primary waves, a type of body wave)
  • S-waves (or secondary waves, a type of body wave)
  • Love waves (a type of surface wave)
  • Rayleigh waves (a type of surface wave)

What do you know about these different types of seismic waves? How are they different from each other? P-waves and S-waves are body waves, which travel through the body of the Earth. P-waves are the fastest of all the seismic waves and can travel through any medium, although they move through solids faster than through liquids and gases. P-waves vibrate the parallel to Earth or in the direction of their propagation. They are similar to a compression wave moving through a slinky. S-waves are the second fastest type of seismic waves, and they can only move through solids. S-waves are transverse or shear waves and move the Earth perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Both P-waves and S-waves are types of body waves and travel through the interior of the Earth.

Love waves and Rayleigh waves are surface waves, which travel along the surface of the ground. In general, surface waves are slower than body waves—and more destructive. Love waves cause a horizontal shifting of the Earth perpendicular to the wave propagation. Rayleigh waves are a type of sinusoidal wave and move like ocean waves. They are produced by the interaction of P-waves and S-waves. Rayleigh waves are the slowest of all the seismic waves with a speed approximately equal to 3 km/second.

Smart design and testing make buildings resistant to the seismic wave movement of earthquakes. A properly engineered structure does not necessarily have to be extremely strong or expensive, but it must be correctly and intelligently designed to withstand the seismic effects while sustaining an acceptable level of damage. What are your ideas? Let's create our own shaker tables and model buildings to test them.

Before the Activity

  • Gather materials and make copies of the Shake It Up! Activity Worksheet .
  • Build the teacher's shake table that uses a variable speed drill to create the shaking movement. Or, if you do not want to build the drill-powered shake table, at the end, have the class select the best shake table from all the groups and use that one for the earthquake challenge.

With the Students

  • Show students the available materials. Point out that this project follows the steps of the engineering design process: understand the need (requirements, objective), brainstorm different design solutions, select the most promising design, plan (strategy, drawings, measurements, materials), create and test, and improve to make the best solution possible.
  • Identify a few design requirements and constraints:
  • For the shake tables , a wooden board must serve as a base that can move around to simulate the ground movement during an earthquake. The goal is to create shake tables that move in ways that resemble the different types of seismic waves. For example, movement could be the back and forth motion of a P-wave or a more destructive rocking type movement representing a surface wave. Also design a way to control the shake table from outside of the box (so your hands are not in the box where the model building will be located).
  • The model buildings must be made only from toothpicks and marshmallows, and be at least one-foot (.3 m) tall. (Consider imposing a materials limitation to make the project more challenging.) Its base will be taped to the wooden board for testing.
  • Hand out the worksheets to students. Give them time to independently design and draw their shake tables and buildings, as instructed on page 1 of the worksheet. If possible, assign this as homework the night before so students have a chance to develop their own ideas before coming together in teams to determine the most promising designs.

(Note to teacher: If students need more clarification of the movement generated by the four seismic wave types, refer to the PowerPoint presentation in the associated lesson. Tips: It is a challenge to make the student shake tables really replicate all four wave movements; it is easiest to focus on the P-waves and surface waves. To replicate P-waves, students must find ways to move the board back and forth along a horizontal plane. To replicate surface waves, students must find ways to move the board in a more up-and-down, lopsided fashion. Placing marbles under a board enable it to slide back and forth, and using different-sized marbles generates a more "surface wave" type motion. To control the shake tables, it helps to cut access holes in the sides of the box, and/or adhere string or Popsicle sticks to the box and its components.)

  • Divide the class into groups of three or four students each.
  • Ask students in each group to brainstorm ideas, starting by sharing their individual ideas. Have each team choose one design to construct for its shake table. In the spirit of true brainstorming, encourage teams to combine and compromise their ideas to come up with creative solutions. (Review brainstorming guidelines at .)

Three teens at a table with a cardboard box, glue gun and truss-like structure of toothpicks and mini marshmallows.

  • Provide students with materials and give them time to construct their shake tables—a minimum of 30 minutes for construction is suggested.
  • Once shake tables are completed, have groups brainstorm ideas for their model building structures that use only mini marshmallows and toothpicks as the materials. Require that the buildings be at least one-foot (.3 m) tall. Have teams each agree upon a final design that they will construct.
  • Give students time to construct their model buildings, and then use their own shake tables to test and modify (improve) the designs. Point out that the testing-improving-testing process is an important part of the bigger engineering design process. That's how weaknesses are discovered and problems solved—before you have an actual earthquake! Emphasize that in the upcoming earthquake challenge they will have only one chance to put their final building designs through a "real earthquake" test to see if they survive, so they must be certain that their buildings are survivable. What works? What doesn't? What could be improved? Test, test, test!
  • Earthquake Challenge : Once teams have one-foot tall structures and are satisfied with their stability and robustness, put the structures through a one-minute simulated earthquake challenge in which every team uses the same shaker table—either the teacher's shake table (that uses a variable speed drill to shake the table), or the best of the teams' shake tables, as agreed-upon by the class.

Photo shows many 8th grade students around a table, one holding a stopwatch, watching a marshmallow and toothpick structure move on an electronic mini shake table.

  • Have one student use a stopwatch to time how long each building survives the earthquake simulation. Remind groups to be ready to record the length of time their buildings lasted, the end building heights, as well as observations about how the building structures behaved under the shaking conditions. Have students watch all team tests to gather observations that they will use to finish the worksheet questions.
  • Failure: If the building collapses or any part of the building besides its base touches the shake table, consider it failed, and note the time and stop the shake table. The building is not earthquake-safe for people. Once the shake table is off, measure the height of the building.
  • Success: If the building survives for a full minute and is still one-foot tall, consider it a success—the group has engineered a solution to the challenge and is "hired" to design real buildings for their community. Record measurements and observations.
  • Have students complete the concluding worksheet questions, incorporating what they learned from observing their own and other groups' model building behavior under seismic stress. Have them draw conclusions about the relationship between the appearance of the structure and its building strategies, and its performance. If time permits, lead a class discussion using the concluding questions (see the Investigating Questions section) so students can hear each others' opinions and ideas.

body wave: A seismic wave that travels through the Earth rather than across its surface.

engineering design process: A series of steps used by engineering teams to guide them as they solve problems: define the problem, come up with ideas (brainstorming), select the most promising design, plan and communicate the design, create and test the design, and evaluate and revise the design. Also called the design-build-test loop.

Love wave: A surface seismic wave that cause horizontal shifting of the Earth during an earthquake.

model: (noun) A representation of something for imitation, comparison or analysis, often on a different scale. (verb) To simulate, make or construct something to help visualize or learn about something else (such as a product, process or system).

P-wave: A seismic pressure wave that travel through the body of the Earth. The fastest of all seismic waves.

Rayleigh wave: A surface seismic wave generated by the interaction of P-waves and S-waves at the surface of the Earth that move with a rolling motion.

seismic wave: A wave of energy that travels through the Earth as a result of an earthquake.

shake table: A device for shaking structural models or building components. The movement simulates the ground motions of earthquakes. Also called a shaking table.

simulation: Imitating the behavior of some situation or process, especially for the purpose of study or experimental testing.

surface wave: A seismic wave that travels across the surface of the Earth as opposed to through it. Surface waves usually have larger amplitudes and longer wavelengths than body waves, and they travel more slowly than body waves.

S-wave: A shear or transverse body seismic wave, with motion perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

Pre-Activity Assessment

Design Section of the Worksheet : As either pre-activity homework or the first task of the activity, assign students to complete their own designs for shake tables and model building structures, including drawings, measurements, material specifications and explanations of how the designs function. Require that students describe which types of seismic waves their shake tables will produce and how those types of seismic waves move the Earth.

Activity Embedded Assessment

Observations and Questioning : During the activity, move around the classroom to observe students and ask them questions about what they are doing to determine how well they understand the activity. Ask individual students to explain what the group is working on, their strategies, what type of seismic waves their shake table creates, etc.

Post-Activity Assessment

Conclusion Section of the Worksheet and Class Discussion : Review students' answers to the Shake It Up! Worksheet questions to gain an understanding of why they think certain structures performed better than others. See whether or not students thought the ability of their shake tables to accurately represent seismic waves helped in the evolution of their building designs. Explore the questions in a class discussion format so that students can hear each others' opinions and ideas (see the Investigating Questions section).

(Note: These questions are included on the worksheet as part of the post-activity assessment.)

  • Which types of seismic waves did your shake table imitate (simulate)? Explain the movements and speeds. Explain how it does this.
  • Describe what happens to your building when you test it on your shake table.
  • How long did your building last through the "earthquake"?
  • Describe what happened to your building while it was going through the "earthquake."
  • Based on what you noticed from your group and other groups, which designs and strategies worked the best?
  • Why do you think this particular type of design worked the best?
  • Bonus question: How did the ability of your shake table to accurately represent seismic waves help in the evolution of your building design?
  • Bonus question: Think back and describe in your own words the steps of the engineering design process that you went through.

Safety Issues

  • Review safety precautions for using glue guns and box cutters.

Make sure students test, revise and improve the integrity of their structures using their own shake tables. If this is not emphasized, students may just build a shake table and a structure, and move directly to the "real earthquake" without the learning that comes from the testing/redesign cycle.

Now that students have completed their own trial and error experimenting, have them research the real-world design and construction strategies being used to make earthquake-resistant structures. Have students investigate and report back to class on earthquake engineering strategies for both new and existing structures of all types. Start by researching seismic base isolation, seismic vibration control and earthquake-resistant construction.

  • For lower grades or younger students, skip the team construction of shake tables altogether. Give students the challenge of building a structure that is at least 1 foot tall with only mini marshmallows and toothpicks, and only have them test on a common shake table provided by the teacher. Allow students to create more than one structure so they have the opportunity to radically alter their designs and recognize building strategies that work best. Also, provide different materials, such as gum drops, pipe cleaners or dry spaghetti, so they can test to see if some materials work better than others.
  • For upper grades or older students, offer more advanced materials for the team shake table construction, such as foam core board, wood, saws, drills and drill bits, and drills to power them. If desired, make the objective of the activity to create shake tables that most accurately represent a given seismic wave type or one that proves to be the most destructive . To test which shake table is the most destructive, have students each follow a set of instructions to build the same building. Then time how long it takes for each shake table to destroy the building, with the goal to have the lowest time.

For good descriptions and drawings of seismic waves types, see Michigan Tech's UPSeis web page at

Find more information on earthquakes, earthquake engineering, earthquake shaking table, Love wave, P-wave, Rayleigh wave, S-wave, seismic wave, and wave at

Show students a 43-second video showing a comparative test of two 12-floor model towers under earthquake simulation, one with seismic base isolation in place and one without. See Earthquake Protector: Shake Table Crash Testing at

shake table experiment

Students learn about the types of seismic waves produced by earthquakes and how they move through the Earth. Students learn how engineers build shake tables that simulate the ground motions of the Earth caused by seismic waves in order to test the seismic performance of buildings.

preview of 'Seismic Waves: How Earthquakes Move Through the Earth' Lesson

They make a model of a seismograph—a measuring device that records an earthquake on a seismogram. Students also investigate which structural designs are most likely to survive an earthquake.

preview of 'Earthquakes Rock!' Lesson

Students learn what causes earthquakes, how we measure and locate them, and their effects and consequences. Through the online Earthquakes Living Lab, student pairs explore various types of seismic waves and the differences between shear waves and compressional waves.

preview of 'Earthquakes Living Lab: FAQs about P Waves, S Waves and More' Activity

Students learn about the types of waves and how they change direction, as well as basic wave properties such as wavelength, frequency, amplitude and speed. During the presentation of lecture information on wave characteristics and properties, students take notes using a handout.

preview of 'Waves and Wave Properties' Lesson

World's Largest Earthquake Shake Table Test in Japan. Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc. Accessed April 20, 2011. (Article and a five-minute video show a full-scale seven-story wood-framed condominium tower being tested on world's largest shake table in July 2009, where it survived a 7.5 magnitude earthquake simulation with minor damage)


Supporting program, acknowledgements.

The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education, and National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no 0338326. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: February 25, 2020

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YES and EiE Blog

Teacher tip: simulate an earthquake with easy-to-make “shake table”.

Posted by Cynthia Berger on Thursday, April 5, 2018


Shake It Up

Here’s what a fully assembled shake table looks like.

To simulate a quake in the classroom, you need to create a simple testing device called a “shake table.”  Your educator guide and engineering journal give detailed instructions for making one, using . . .

  • self-adhesive foam,
  • two notebook-sized foam core boards,
  • 2 clear plastic tubes,
  • hex nuts, and
  • common office supplies like tape and rubber bands.

Easy Substitutions

If you don’t have all the materials listed in the guide, you can easily substitute other materials to make a realistic shake table.

Teachers at an EiE workshop get ready to test their model building.

Self-adhesive foam : When the table is fully assembled, the self-adhesive foam attaches to the top board, representing the soil surface underneath your model building.

  • An inexpensive substitute is florist’s foam.
  • Alternately, use a flat baking pan filled with garden soil. (This adds an extra dash of realism to the activity!)

Clear plastic tubes : In our model shake table, the tubes serve as rollers—you place them between the two foam-core boards. No fancy tubes? You can substitute  . . .

  • a couple of old magic markers,
  • a pair of wooden dowels, or
  • a couple of small balls. (Anything that rolls will work.)

Foam core boards: Textbooks are a good stand-in for the boards—and since they’re heavier than foam, you don’t need to use the hex nuts to add weight.

Bonus Challenge

Note that if you use balls as rollers for your shake table, it will perform differently than a table that uses cylindrical rollers. So here’s a bonus activity: Challenge your kids to research the unique ways that earthquakes move the ground, then construct different shake tables to model those motions.

We hope you'll experiment with other materials you may already have in your classroom. Let us know what happens!

Written by Cynthia Berger

Topics: Out-of-School time , EiE Teaching Tips

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Three students in the corner of a room with one of the students in the middle of stomping on a rescue shuttle launcher they made. The other students watch excitedly.

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October 10, 2019

Sweet Earthquake Structure Shake

A grounding science activity from Science Buddies

By Science Buddies & Sabine De Brabandere

shake table experiment

The ground is solid--until it's not! Learn about what can happen during an earthquake by building a sweet and sticky structure and giving it a shake. 

George Retseck

Key Concepts Physics Geology Earthquakes Engineering Materials

Introduction Have you ever thought about what type of ground buildings are constructed on? Rock, gravel, sand, soil and many others—there are lots of different types of "ground." And this issue becomes especially important in areas that are likely to get earthquakes. In this activity you will build a sweet building on a homemade shake table and find out how an earthquake impacts buildings constructed on sand. How will your structure perform in a model earthquake?

Background The earth's outer layer is like a puzzle made up of huge pieces of land. These pieces are called the tectonic plates, and they slide around slowly on the surface of the globe; they push against and slide alongside one another. Sometimes this friction generates sudden movements, which can trigger earthquakes. Earthquakes release a lot of energy, which is radiated out in the form of waves called seismic waves. One type of wave pushes and pulls the material it moves through, and people feel it as a back-and-forth or side-to-side motion. This type of wave is called the primary or P-wave. A P-wave can move through solid and liquid material.


  1. Make a Shake Table (micro:bit)

    shake table experiment

  2. Shake table experiment on fixed base structure

    shake table experiment

  3. Shake Table II

    shake table experiment

  4. Build an Earthquake Shake Table

    shake table experiment

  5. Shake table experiment setup.

    shake table experiment

  6. Make an Earthquake Shake Table

    shake table experiment


  1. EQ Shake table

  2. Shake Table Upgrade w Motor for Earthquake STEM Challenge

  3. Shake table testing for liquefaction study @Penn State

  4. Stone Masonry Shake Table (El Centro Record)

  5. Shake Table Testing of Half Scale Unreinforced Brick Masonry Structure

  6. Shake table video


  1. Earthquake Shake Table Experiment (build a shake table ...

    Architects and engineers run simulations using models and shake tables to test the integrity of buildings and determine necessary reinforcements. In this activity, I use a very simple, non ...

  2. STEM Design Challenge: Building Earthquake Proof Buildings ...

    I also model how to shake the table. This requires two students. One students represents P waves and pushes and pulls the container. At the same time, another student represents S waves and moves the container from side to side.

  3. Shake It Up! Engineering for Seismic Waves - Activity

    Learn how engineers design and build shake tables to test the resistance of buildings to earthquake shaking. Students design and build their own shake tables and model buildings to test their performance in a simulated earthquake challenge.

  4. Building the Tallest Tower | Science Project - Science Buddies

    In this experiment, you will build your own miniature shake-table which you will use to test your own LEGO buildings. By building structures of different heights, you will test if increasing the height of the structure has an effect on the stability of the building.

  5. Build | Seismic Shake-Up . DESIGN SQUAD GLOBAL - PBS KIDS

    Learn how to make a shake table to simulate an earthquake and design a sturdy building that can withstand it. Follow the instructions, tips, and examples to test your engineering skills and creativity.

  6. Earthquake Epicenter Experiment (Shake table) - YouTube

    Earthquake Epicenter Experiment (Shake table) Kids Fun Science. 27.2K subscribers. 86K views 6 years ago.

  7. Teacher Tip: Simulate an Earthquake with Easy-to-Make “Shake ...

    Learn how to create a shake table to test your model building's earthquake resistance using simple materials. Find out how to substitute different items and explore different earthquake motions.

  8. IMechE STEM Activity: Seismic Shaker - YouTube

    In this activity, find out how to build your own shake table and use it to develop and test stable, earthquake- resistant structures. For access to more free materials, please visit...

  9. Earthquake Structure Shake | Scientific American

    The shake table in this activity recreates the side-to-side or back-and-forth movement created by a P-wave during an earthquake. But a real seismic wave generates more powerful movement.

  10. Set Your Table for a Sweet and Sticky Earthquake Shake

    Have you ever been in an earthquake? What did it feel like? Did you jiggle back and forth? Up and down? Was there a jolt? Or a rolling motion? Come build a house Hansel and Gretel would love to eat, a special table to shake it on, and see how different soil types can amplify shaking.