how long should a grade 6 essay be

Essays in 6th Grade: A Basic Format that Elevates the Standard 5-Paragraph Structure

how long should a grade 6 essay be

6th grade is such a funny year. Funny haha and funny weird. Student writing levels are all over the map. You will have students coming to you writing on a very elementary level, still needing loads of help with grammar and paragraph formation. Then, you will have students ready to write critique pieces and analyses. How do you navigate this? Read to find out more!

Give Them a Start

I've learned that 6th graders still need format . They still need structure. They still need checklists. As much as I loathe limiting them in this way, I think it is very reassuring to them. That's not to say you can't tweak for the strong writers, but I do still feel they need it.

For my students in particular, I like to let them dabble in looser formats of non-fiction writing in other ways. They do book reviews , a debate , podcasting , etc. They are offered choices in reading responses to non-fiction reading and analysis, too. My classes actually write digital eBooks, too. But on the whole, they are expected to write two essays with a very similar format twice a year.

Bye-Bye 5-Paragraph Essay

Alright, so this is kind of not totally true. My students do end up writing 5 paragraphs, but that typical structure we all commonly know, I navigate away from. I think it's a fine format, but as they get into middle school they are expected to compare a LOT more and not focus on one specific topic . They are expected to follow through on a thread, a claim, a theme, an idea and how it is shown in various sources. And this is super new for them, analyzing various sources on the same concept. They really need a structure for this.

So, the typical essay, before they get to me, goes like this, and it is a good precursor:

Introduction that states your thesis and 3 major reasons to support your claim.

Conclusion that looks a whole lot like the introduction.

This format does not allow analysis of multiple sources and if you throw in other sources, it gets messy. Instead, I gear my students to focus on each source separately, then comparing them all.

The Format that Works (Research and Literary Analysis)

First of all, it's important to know what essays I actually do with my kiddos. I do a research unit. This changes almost every year, but typically they choose some kind of topic, I group them based on their topic choice. First, they do research (non-fiction skills) using a book, article, and video. They then use those sources to write an essay on a claim they make based on their topic. Later, they make eBooks in groups based on their topic.

The other essay I do is Literary Analysis . This follows a dystopian unit . They read a dystopian book in book clubs. Then, I have them choose from a short list of short stories that are dystopian. Lastly, we watch the movie The Truman Show . (This year I had them watch "The Scarecrow" on YouTube since we were hybrid due to the pandemic). They then determine a theme that is true for all three sources and write an essay based on that theme.

This essay format works for both of these essays. So here it goes!

how long should a grade 6 essay be

Introductory and Conclusion Statements

In a traditional essay, students have to write a hook, their claim/thesis, and essentially ANOTHER three sentences that state what their essays will be about. In my opinion, all of this is completely unnecessary. How many times do you read introductions in books? Okay, real avid readers do, but in reality many people don't. So for these, I tell my students to get right to the point .

Here's what should be in their introductory and conclusion statements:

A statement that introduces the topic. (This is a hook of some kind. I sometimes tell them to start it with "in our world..." or "in our lives..." and something that relates to their topic. Or just starting it with their topic and explaining what it is.)

The claim/thesis.

A statement that references there are differences and similarities in the sources. (For example: "[Title of sources] support this claim in different and similar ways." That's it.)

This all ends up being 2-3 sentences.

Topic Sentences

I have my students start their essay prep with topic sentences. This helps them get a sense of where their essays will go.

The big thing to understand here is how the paragraphs are set up .

Body #1 : Focus on source #1 and how it shows claim/thesis.

Body #2 : Focus on source #2 and how it shows claim/thesis.

Body #3 : Focus on source #3 and how it shows claim/thesis.

Body #4 : Focus on how ALL SOURCES show the claim/thesis in the same way.

So they start with creating topic sentences for those paragraphs. Each topic sentence is set up like this. The last topic sentence would start with "all sources..." instead of "source title".:

how long should a grade 6 essay be

Body Paragraph Format

In the picture you see below, I have specific colors for specific aspects of body paragraphs. ALL body paragraphs follow this format in that exact sequence/order. I will be completely honest, I don't give them a ton of wiggle room since this is pretty new to them. However, my stronger writers dabble in mixing evidence stems and elaboration stems around.

how long should a grade 6 essay be

Their paragraph starts with the topic sentence they already prepared. From there, the next sentence begins with an evidence stem . Here are a few examples of evidence stems:

According to the text,

The author states,

In [title],

Right after the evidence stem, in the same sentence, they add their text detail to support their topic sentence. I encourage them to quote exactly from the text for most text details. They can paraphrase, too, but should really try to get exact lines.

In regards to quoting, I also mention to them not to quote plop . I made this up. I plan on making a product for this at some point. A quote plop is bad . It's when students take a line from the text and just plop it in their essay. I show them how to break up the quote from the text with their own words.

So, a first sentence may look like this: According to the text [evidence stem, highlighted green] , when Luke was hiding due to being a third child, "they took the woods away" , [text detail with context, a.k.a. not just plopping the quote in the sentence, highlighted yellow].

Directly after that sentence should be an elaboration stem with an elaboration explaining how the text detail shows their claim/thesis. Students highlight this entire sentence in blue and their claim within it dark blue. Here are some elaboration stems:

This proves [claim] because...

This shows [claim] because ...

After that they do the same process two more times; two more text details with elaborations. Lastly they do a closing sentence .

how long should a grade 6 essay be

Comparison Paragraph: This is set up almost exactly the same, except the focus is on how ALL the sources show the claim in the same way. They then provide a NEW text detail from each source to prove how the claim is being shown similarly in each.

how long should a grade 6 essay be

Once all their body paragraphs are written, I have them go review their introductory and conclusion statements, put everything into a final draft and leave the highlights in the essay . This helps them visualize all the components and helps me grade!

For revision, the focus is on not quote plopping, being sure their details support their thesis, changing up the wording of claims/theses, and rearranging for strong writers.

Bottom Line

While this is very limiting for some, it is super helpful for struggling writers. Having that checklist and having the highlights helps students visualize what they need to compare sources in an essay format.

I'd say it'd be great to introduce this in 6th and by 8th, they can certainly make these more interpretive, creative, and unique.

You can find a lot more detail about this in the product below . What you see here is only a taste. This contains a full sample essay, checklists, tips, and more. You can also edit it to meet your needs.

how long should a grade 6 essay be


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how long should a grade 6 essay be

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Really interesting - thank you!!

This exactly the kind of thing I've been looking for, and even better! I love your approach and it's so well explained. I couldn't disagree more with any of the negative feedback to this article. I think it's perfect for my style of teaching and my standard of writing. Most of all, the way you explained this and broke it down into small steps will make it so achievable for even lagging students to develop great writing skills and feel confident in the process! You nailed it. Thank you so much!

I read all the essay writing format instructions. All the points are useful for any kind of essay writing. But at the age of high-level essay writing learners need to be essay writer experts like the 6 Dollars Essay Website , ready to do professional essay writing for any essay grade.

This is beyond me and I teach HS English. Where does this lady teach, at Princeton? I do not know any 6th grader that does this or would understand this. I see why so many of our young people have become disinterested in the learning process. I also see why so many teachers quit. The profession is stale, boring, and antiquated. This article was not fun to read and I'm thinking this new 5 paragraph writing style would be a drag for the average ela teacher to teach.

. In the blog post, I mention the various types of writing I do with students. I also have other blog posts that discuss these other formats. This is not the end all be all. In my over a decade experience with teaching writing, having a structure helps struggling writers. This is not a writing style. This a format for one type of writing. As teachers, we should be offering all types of formats, especially with younger writers who are still learning how to write.

6th grade writing

by: Hank Pellissier | Updated: June 16, 2024

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6th grader's writing under Common Core standards

This year, your sixth grader should learn to use precise language, the right pronouns, and high-quality sources for research. Public presentations are also a nerve-wracking but important skill highlighted this year. Read on to learn the key sixth grade writing skills your child should learn this year.

Introducing argument writing

Developmentally, sixth graders are entering a rebellious phase. Luckily, all this attitude has an academic outlet: argument writing . Your tween will write persuasive essays that promote their bold opinions with organized logic, backed by evidence from carefully researched, respectable sources. ( Wikipedia , The Onion , and National Enquirer won’t qualify, but Wikipedia does often link to sources at the bottom of their entries that may be acceptable.)

Your 11- or 12-year-old will also write formal essays that explain complicated topics with precise information. They’ll start with intriguing introductions, and then present their research in a clear, organized way. They will use quotes, facts, definitions, compare-and-contrast statements, cause-and-effect statements, graphics (e.g., charts, graphs), subject-specific vocabulary, and multimedia. It will all be formatted (e.g., using headings, subheadings, and bullet points), to make their points clear. They’ll end with concluding paragraphs that recap their main points.

“ To put it another way, Mommy, there is compelling evidence that I need another scoop of ice cream. ” This grown-up language sounds amusingly hoity-toity in squeaky voices, but don’t laugh when your child attempts it in daily conversation. Indeed, it is good practice for their writing.

Incredibly, what happened next was..

Storytelling is a fun part of sixth grade writing. This year, kids practice narrative writing in fiction and nonfiction papers. They learn effective ways to select their narrator, characters, setting, dialogue, descriptions, and conclusion. They work to make plot sequences seem natural. To really make their stories sing, kids should use specific details, precise language, and transition vocabulary (think: After nightfall or When she awoke ) that guides readers from one setting or plot point to another. Don’t be surprised if your shy bookworm starts writing a trilogy.

If at first you don’t succeed

Grit. Determination. Perseverance. Ernest Hemingway rewrote the last page of one of his novels 39 times. Rewriting and editing both teach kids discipline and determination. They are required to plan before they write, and then plan some more as their draft develops. They’re encouraged to outline before they start writing. They draft and redraft. They will revise certain parts and maybe restructure their entire paper. Then they will edit, possibly rewrite, and re-edit. At every turn, they’re encouraged to try new approaches. This isn’t obsessive redundancy; it helps students practice thinking about what they’re really, truly trying to say and then use their writing skills to convey their thoughts clearly and exactly.

Command of the keyboard

Writing nowadays often means typing . Sixth graders accelerate their hand-eye coordination as they evolve from hunt-and-peck slowness to rat-tat-tat-tat-tatting at a furious pace. The goal is for sixth graders to be able to sit and type three pages in a single sitting. Additionally, kids are taught online interaction and collaboration (e.g., emailing their work to each other, sharing Google docs, and adding suggestions and comments to each other’s work).

My research reveals…

Sixth graders get writing assignments that require research. To answer questions like What famous historical character do you admire? What’s your favorite invention? What endangered species do you worry about the most? , your young detective will read thick reference books and print periodicals at the library and digital data online (yes, often via Google). Students learn to evaluate the credibility of sources . Is National Lampoon as legitimate as Encyclopedia Britannica ? No. Using evidence, they compile information to write reports. They’ll learn to paraphrase what they’ve read, synthesize new thoughts, and use quotations to share information without plagiarizing.

Novel approach

Is Harry Potter more emotionally conflicted than Katniss Everdeen? Sixth graders sharpen their critical thinking skills by doing literary analysis. They’ll analyze poems, stories, historical novels, and nonfiction books. Kids learn to compare and contrast topics and themes. They’ll do this, for example, by discussing the consequences of prejudice in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry and in Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad or by explaining how nature directs the plots of The Secret Garden and The Island of the Blue Dolphin . In nonfiction, sixth graders learn to divide an author’s statements into facts supported by evidence versus opinions. For example, was the Great Houdini truly “the world’s greatest magician” or is this an opinion? After all, David Copperfield walked through the Great Wall of China.

Pronouns: not just me-me-me all the time

Grammar isn’t easy, especially for 11- and 12-year-olds. Pronoun usage can be particularly tough. Kids learn about proper pronoun case . What’s that? Subjective case refers to pronouns used as subjects (I, you, he, she, it, we, they). Objective case indicates pronouns used as objects (me, you, him, her, it, us, they). Possessive case conveys ownership (my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, theirs). Using pronouns incorrectly can leave the writer (or speaker) looking unintelligent. For example, Us and her carried apples over to yous big barn is neither proper nor pretty.

Mistakes in pronoun person are common among this age group. To correct this, your child needs to loyally stick with the “person” they started with. No switching from first person (I or me) to second person (you), or vice-versa: When I go to school, you should have your homework done, or When you go to school, a person should have his homework done . (Hint, that second example goes from second person to third person.) Both switches are incorrect and can create confusion.

Pronoun number is also crucial. If the subject indicates a plural quantity, the related possessive pronoun needs the identical number. Here’s an example of this common error: All of the school girls took her umbrella. (It should be their umbrellas) . Vague pronouns are also a no-no. Take the sentence: Alice put a vase with a red rose on the desk, and sold it. What was sold: the vase, the rose, or the desk? We don’t know because it, used here, is too vague.

Sentences, spelling, punctuation

Sixth grade writing raises the bar when it comes to sentence structure. Kids are expected to vary their sentences by alternating the length and structure to keep their writing interesting.

When it comes to spelling, many sixth graders know that spelling rules in English are finicky and have many exceptions. Kids learn to spell odd English words correctly, with silent letters ( island, crumb ) and bizarre combo consonants ( cough, pheasant ). As such, spelling is best learned through practice and, eventually, by memorizing. If your child gets frustrated spelling words like climb or plumbing , let them know that Theodore Roosevelt, Andrew Carnegie, and a committee of concerned citizens tried to simplify English spelling more than a century ago — sadly, to no avail.

Finally, as their writing becomes more advanced, sixth graders tend to use commas, parentheses, and dashes to set apart phrases and clauses. You can help by reviewing these sentences and making sure the punctuation is placed correctly.

It’s all about presentations

In sixth grade, kids will read their writing aloud to classmates. As they read, they’ll be expected to make eye contact, pronounce their words clearly, and speak loudly enough to be heard by the entire class. They’ll share their arguments, research papers, projects, and literary efforts, which will often be accompanied by visual displays, music, audio, charts, and slides. Your child may be nervous before these presentations, but hopefully your child will be empowered by the experience.

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Collection of recommendatory guides

How many paragraphs should a 6th grader write?

Table of Contents

  • 1 How many paragraphs should a 6th grader write?
  • 2 How long is an essay in middle school 6th grade?
  • 3 How do you write a 6th grade paragraph?
  • 4 What should 6th grade writing look like?
  • 5 What do 6th graders learn in English?
  • 6 How do you teach paragraphing?

The five-paragraph format is commonly used in sixth grade. This format contains the introduction, three body paragraphs and a conclusion.

How long is an essay in middle school 6th grade?

How long is a 6th grade essay? In sixth grade, students write to express, discover, record, develop, and reflect on ideas. They problem solve and produce texts of at least 500 to 700 words.

What is a paragraph for Grade 6?

Paragraphs are groups of sentences that share a common idea. They are all written about a certain topic, just like friends usually share a common interest. Paragraphs often include examples or evidence to support a topic, idea, or opinion.

How do you write a 6th grade paragraph?

  • Paragraph Writing – 6th grade expectations.
  • Topic Sentence (Introductory Sentence):
  • • Should state the topic of the paragraph.
  • Body Sentences:
  • • Should include facts and details and examples that support the topic.
  • • Should begin with a transition word or phrase.

What should 6th grade writing look like?

Sixth grade students are expected to produce cohesive, coherent, and error-free multi-paragraph essays on a regular basis. Sixth-graders write essays of increasing complexity containing formal introductions, ample supporting evidence, and conclusions.

How tall is a 6th grader?

about five feet The average height for a sixth grader (age 12) is about five feet. Girls tend to be about an inch taller on average. But there is a wide range. Any height from about 52 inches (4′4″) to 65 inches (5′5″) is in the normal range according to the CDC.

What do 6th graders learn in English?

Throughout 6th grade students learn to read literature and interpret its layers of meaning. Students analyze: Character and character motivation; conflict and plot development; theme development; symbolism; and the importance of historical/cultural context in literature.

How do you teach paragraphing?


  • TEACH. Paragraphs need to have topic sentences.
  • TEACH INDENTS. This is the perfect time to introduce INDENTS!
  • TAKE NOTES. If using interactive notebooks, create something similar to the following.
  • PRACTICE. Provide students with practice.

Does paragraph need a title?

(Point 1 – a good tip) In business writing, use paragraph titles. A good tip for business writing is to give each of your paragraphs a title that summarizes the paragraph content. This serves two purposes. You could use a single-word title for your paragraph (e.g., Cost), but it wouldn’t be as useful.

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How to Write A 6th Grade Level Essay

Your child has started sixth grade, which may be the start of middle school for them. This is an exciting time for a lot of reasons, but they are also learning how to write much more sophisticated and interesting essays. This is also true for the writing prompts they are seeing. The prompts can be creative, informative, expository, persuasive, or a combination of the categories they’ve seen up until now. They will have to understand what kind of essay to write based on the prompt itself and how to answer it.

Here are examples of writing prompts they may see:

5th grade writting prompt

  • Write a short story about your favorite fictional character. This prompt can have a narrative or creative response, or both at the same time. The response should make sense for that character, for example, if they are writing about their favorite character that is a regular cat, having that cat fly to the moon wouldn’t be a good response.
  • What is the strangest thing that’s ever happened to you? This would be a good prompt for a narrative essay. Your child will have to give a lot of detail relating to what they saw, felt, heard, and did in a logical order. It doesn’t have to be a chronological story; by this point, they may be able to creatively tweak the timing of things to make it more interesting. For example, they may start their story with, “Waking up that morning, I had no idea that my day would end up so strange.” They are writing from the perspective of already experiencing the events, so this is appropriate.
  • Write a poem about your grandparents. This is a creative prompt that can be a lot of fun for your child. They should have been introduced to similes, metaphors, and other literary devices and they should use those when they can in their creative responses. Writing a poem gives them a chance to exercise these new skills and allows them to explore more emotions without having to worry about narrative structures.

If your child is struggling with their writing, it may be helpful to enroll them in Reading Genie. The program at Reading Genie is designed to help students not only catch up, but get ahead in their writing skills. They are given fun and engaging prompts that the teachers can help them with, and they get the practice they need.

It can also be helpful for you to do the writing prompts with your child. Even if you both don’t write anything, talking about these kinds of ideas or questions is a great way to help your child get their creative juices flowing, and they can apply those ideas to writing prompts later. It can be a lot of fun, too!

Check out the top-rated writing tutoring program in New Jersey . Held at our New Jersey tutoring centers , our middle school writing program is specifically designed to meet state standards and help prepare students for standardized testing. Learn more about our writing classes in East Brunswick , writing classes in Hillsborough , writing classes in Marlboro , writing classes in South Brunswick , writing classes in Plainsboro , and writing classes in South Plainfield .  


Topics: Essay , Writing Skills , paragraph writing , Sixth Grade , Writing Prompt

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What is the ideal length for an essay?


A standard page for an essay has double-spaced 275 words, font size 12, and 1-inch margins. Even though this is the standard, many students are puzzled by how long a typical essay should be.

Related: What is an essay?

Even when students are given instructions, it can sometimes be confusing how long they need to write their essay. Instructors assign students to papers or essays based mainly on the number of pages and sometimes the word count. The latter is not very popular, though.

Essays being the most popular type of academic assignment, students struggle to achieve the right quality within the given length. Without knowing the length of a given type of essay or determining what number of words to write an essay, students can either overwrite or underwrite.

Now, professors being rigorous and unforgiving, will mark the essays until the prescribed length and discard the rest. If the essay has fewer words than required, they might as well dismiss it and award a zero grade. Based on this, we put to rest the question through our comprehensive guide that has the word, paragraph, and page count tables. Whether single or double-spaced, learn how long to write an essay on a given topic if the word count is not given, but you have the page number.

What is the ideal length of an essay?

No rule of the thumb dictates the set number of words, pages, or paragraphs. Nevertheless, an essay must contain a minimum of three paragraphs.

Although the standard five-paragraph essay is preferred, its limiting nature leaves you free to write any number of paragraphs unless you are strictly instructed to write a five-paragraph essay.

As long as your essay has three main parts: introduction , body, and conclusion, it meets the basic requirements of an ideal essay. Unlike the common belief that the body paragraph must have three paragraphs, there is no rule against writing more or fewer paragraphs as long as you address the requirements of the essay.

The same applies to paragraphs. In academic writing, the ideal length of a paragraph is 150 words. However, anything between 100-200 words is also considered acceptable.

The bottom line is to make your paragraph long enough to cover everything for each idea but concise enough to be interesting!

What factors determine the length of an essay?

Numerous factors determine the length of a typical essay. The word count of your paper depends on

1. Academic level

High school and primary essays are not similar to university and college level essays in terms of presentation and length. It is important to read the academic essay requirements for every level before writing an essay.

We summarize the guidelines of the lengths of essays given the contents and the academic level in the table below.

Different essay length requirements depend on the subject. Humanities, social sciences, and legal papers typically have both short and long essays. The short essays range between 500 words to 875 words, while the long essays can be from 6-pages double spaced to 20 pages in length.

Subjects such as English Literature, composition, linguistics, leadership, management, and business also have varying lengths of essays depending on the instructor.

Depending on the subject you are taking, you will notice unique length requirements when writing essays.

3. Department

University and college departments have different length requirements for essays. You should be aware of the length requirements of the department as it can help you decide on the number of words to use when writing your essay.

4. Essay prompt or Tutor's Instructions

Another key determinant of the pages or word count that you need to write an essay on is the essay prompt instructions. Apart from containing the essay topics, the essay prompt also defines the number of words, length, or pages you need to write an essay.

5. Spacing of the Sentences

The typical structure of a standard academic essay is such that the pages are double-spaced. However, there are instances when the essay instructions specify that you use single spaces in your essay.

A double-spaced page is approximately 275 words long, whereas a single-spaced page is approximately 550 words. Going by this analogy, a single-spaced page is twice the word count of a single double-spaced paper. A single-spaced page of an essay has the same number of words as a 2-page double-spaced essay.

In some other instances, students are required to write essays that have 1.5 spaced lines. In this case, the word count per page should guide the length of your essay.

Therefore, even as you read the assignment prompts, be sure to note the type of page spacing required by your instructor or professor. It helps stay within the preferred word count, which is always plus or minus 10%.

6. Fonts used in the essay paper

In standard academic writing, papers are written using font 12. It is the nominated size that most academic institutions have adopted for essays.

Deciding to use a bigger font increases the page count but the word count. With so many fonts available, always write your essay using the font size and type recommended by the instructor in the essay prompt.

7. Paragraph lengths and formats

A typical paragraph has approximately 150 words. The number of paragraphs you have will depend on the number of pages that you are writing. For instance, as we shall see later, a 6-page essay that is double spaced will have 1650-1800 words in total.

The introduction paragraph and the conclusion paragraphs contain 10% of the word count each, meaning that they will each have 165 - 180 words each. The rest of the body paragraphs will share the remaining word count, which leaves you with the discretion of balancing the paragraphs.

Word to paragraph conversion Table

The length of each part of an essay.

For every academic essay, the main body takes the largest percentage of the entire word count or pages. Ideally, the body paragraphs make your case by presenting your arguments, examples, evidence, and developing your ideas.

As a rule of thumb, the introduction should be 10% of your essay's length. This means that it can either be a paragraph or two. In essays under 3000 words or 12 pages, the introduction can be a paragraph long. However, for long and complex essays, the introduction can be 2-3 paragraphs covering the background, purpose, layout, thesis, and facts.

The body of your essay is 80% of the total word count, which means that an essay that is 3000 words long will have a 2400-word body. You can then use 100:200-word paragraphs for the body.

Lastly, th conclusion of an essay, mostly a single paragraph both for shorter and longer essays, comprises 10% of the total word count. Even though it does not have to summarize each step of your essay, it must cover the main points and relate them to your thesis statement .

If you are wondering how long each section of your essay should be, here is some illustration. Remember, as the essay gets longer, each part gets longer to maintain a balance. Regardless, the starting and ending paragraphs of your essay are always shorter but similar in length. The body section comprises the largest part of your essay.

Length of Essay Vs. Essay Complexity

Does the length of an essay define its complexity? No, the word count or the number of pages of your essay does not signal its complexity. Instead, the word count or length of the essay is a guide for how to present information within your essay.

By extension, the professor or instructor is testing your comprehension, paraphrasing, and organization skills in any given essay. The length is a guide on the development of your thesis statement, introduction, main body, and conclusion.

When developing your thesis, ensure that your main claim or topic of the essay is well known. The page count or essay length also helps you in setting the scope of your arguments.

For instance, a short essay will have specific, focused, and clear paragraphs that do not waste words. This is not to mean that extended essays are avenues for wasting words; no! Longer essays allow you to take a broader approach to a topic when writing a comprehensive essay.

Another purpose of the word count or length of an essay is to guide you on how long you need to edit and proofread your essay. The longer the essay, the longer it takes to plan, write, and edit/proofread.

If you feel that the word count or length is unmet after writing your essay, you need to extend your arguments, provide more evidence, critically present facts, and provide detailed insights to support the thesis. If there is no space and the thesis is not supported, it is time to revisit your thesis and make it more focused.

What to do when your essay is over or above the suggested length

Imagine this; you were to write a 3000 words essay. However, because of the flowing nature of ideas, a robust thesis statement, and lack of proper planning, you go over the word count. The main question is, will going over the suggested essay length affect your grades.

Absolutely! Going beyond the word count draws punitive measures like under grading, deduction of marks, or a zero grade. However, there are instances when going over the word count can be accommodated.

Mainly, exceeding the upper word limit by 10% for assignments between 10-12 pages or 2750-3300 words is allowed. Check with your professor whether short essays too can be exempted from violating the upper word count.

If you have to exceed the upper word count limit, you need to have very cogent reasons. Agreeably, it takes longer to mark and grade longer essays. To relieve the marker stress of going beyond the word count, sticking to the upper limit can make them mark your paper with the best attitude.

Nevertheless, if you are already past the upper limit and want to edit down, here are some strategies:

  • Start by revisiting your thesis statement, cut it down, and make it focused if you must.
  • Go through every paragraph and make sure it supports your revised thesis. If there are irrelevant arguments, cut them off.
  • Ensure that every paragraph has one idea that relates to the thesis.
  • Weed out the filler words, run-on sentences, and any grammatical/syntax errors that make your sentences longer.
  • Ensure that the sentences are short, focused, concise, and straightforward.
  • Maintain the major arguments that support the logic of your arguments
  • Use transitions to create flow in your essay
  • Revise the introduction and the conclusion last
  • Have someone else proofread and edit your essay to shorten it for you.

When writing college essays, the admission officers always stop reading when the word count is covered. This is specifically detrimental if the rest of the essay is far much convincing than what is within the word range.

What to do if the essay is under the suggested length

Although you have the freedom of writing 10% less the entire word count for longer essays, you should consider sticking to the upper word limit. For instance, for a 6-page double-spaced essay, ensure you write 1650 to 1800 words. For a 10 double-spaced page paper, ensure your word count is between 2750 and 3000 words.

If your word count is below the suggested length, you should:

  • Add different insights, pieces of evidence, and facts in new paragraphs to support your thesis statement.
  • Ensure that you have exhaustively explained your argument through critical analysis of views from different sources, giving examples, and drawing conclusions.
  • Transition your paragraphs to maintain a good flow
  • Balance the number of words per paragraph in your essay paper.

If you are writing a college essay, remember that it has a tight word limit. If you write less than the suggested word count, your chances of admission reduce. It is preferable if you stick to the word range given by the college admissions committee.

How to know the best length of an essay if none is specified

It is possible to have an essay prompt that fails to clarify the word count, word limit, or essay length. It is always stressful trying to figure out the ideal length of the essay. We have a few tips and tricks to use. If there is no word limit, here is what to do:

1. Read the samples provided in class

Some professors or instructors are generous enough to give you examples of well-written essays. Do not marvel and get lost on their generosity as it is a hint and a trap. Suppose you notice that there is a sample and no word limit given but the topic, write an essay whose length is the same as the sample. The same applies to college entry essays with no word limit. You can check the samples on websites or the college writing centers to help you estimate the word limit.

2. Consult with the professor/admissions office

If you are writing an essay and notice that the word limit is lacking, consult with your instructors, professors, or the admissions committee in the case of college essays. They are always willing to suggest the appropriate word count, and who knows, you can save the entire class from the conclusion. In most instances, several calls or emails to the professor elicit comprehensive responses and directions over the matter to the entire class.

3. Be keen during the lectures before assignments

Sometimes the professors or the instructors deliberately leave out the word limit on the essay prompts to test your attention and listening skills. If there is an upcoming essay assignment, always pay attention to the words of the professor in the last class before the assignment.

4. Pay attention to the wordings of the prompt/description

There are some instances when an instructor, admissions committee, and the professors can give you instructions in terms of sentences or paragraphs. For instance, you can be told to write a well-balanced five-paragraph essay on a given topic. With your knowledge of the number of words per sentence or paragraph, you can estimate the word limit or the length of the essay. 

FAQs on Length of Essay

How long is a 500 words essay.

Five hundred words essay is 2 pages well-developed in 3-4 paragraphs.

How many pages are 750-800 words?

750 words essay is 3 pages long well developed into 3-4 paragraphs.

How long is a 1000-word essay?

A 1000-word essay is 4 pages long. It has 5 paragraphs and can have a varying number of sentences.

How many pages are 1500 words?

1500-word essays border between 5 pages to 6 pages. It can be 5-6 paragraphs long, depending on how you structure your essay.

How long is an essay in college?

An ideal college entry essay is 500 words long for short essays and 1000 words essays for moderately long essays. However, the requirements on the word limits differ and depend on the institution.

How many sentences should an ideal essay have?

The number of sentences depends on the type of essay you are writing. For instance, you are telling a story for the narrative essays, which means that your sentences will be longer. The introductions and conclusions can always be 4-5 sentences”the sentences in the paragraphs depending on the type of presentation format you require.  For clarity, having sentences that are shorter than 25 words. If this is something to consider, your 500-word essay should have between 20 and 25 sentences.

How many sentences make a paragraph?

If you are writing the introduction and conclusion paragraphs, ensure you have 4-5 sentences. The number can either go high or low depending on how you present your ideas. For shorter essays, having 3-5 sentences for the first and last paragraphs and 5-7 sentences in the main body paragraphs is sufficient. However, nothing is cast in stone. There is never a rule on the number of sentences per paragraph as long as you balance the length of your paragraphs.


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How Long Is An Essay? A Guide To Essay Length

Learn the length of six different essays and the factors that affect the essay length.

The length of an academic essay varies depending on your academic level, your field of study, your department’s policies, and the requirements of your particular course. In most cases, the length specifications are listed on your assignment sheet. It can be expressed as a range of words, paragraphs, or pages, or as a specific number.

In college, the majority of professors will provide you with a general outline of how long your essay should be. Please continue reading if you want to learn more about essay length.

Table of Contents

How Long Is An Essay?

An essay is typically a brief composition that aims to be clear and concise. In the academic setting, essays can be useful in demonstrating your knowledge and in presenting an idea, but they are not as in-depth as a thesis or research paper.

A higher education assignment will typically include instructions on the expected number of pages or words. Typically, this will be a range, say between 2500 and 4000 words.

Verify the assignment’s specifics and any guidelines your teacher may have before you begin formulating a plan for “how to write my paper.” Here are a few quick reminders:

  • Every essay must have a beginning, a body, and a conclusion. This means that in order to cover everything, your essay must have at least three sections.
  • Typically, a basic paper will have a five-paragraph essay. The introduction and conclusion paragraphs in this essay are typically much shorter.
  • One of your essay’s main ideas should be covered in each body paragraph.

The best thing you can do when submitting an essay, whether it’s for a college application or an academic assignment, is to carefully read the instructions. Most of the time, you should gain a basic understanding of the word count required of you.

The fact that you don’t have to lengthen your essay to reach the highest number should be noted if you are given a “range” for your essay’s word count. Simply use the language you need to support your position. And here is the information about the essay length in 6th grade , 7th grade , and 8th grade .

  • High school essay: 300-1000 words
  • Essay for college admissions: 250-650 words
  • Essay for college students in their first year: 1500-5000 words
  • Essay for graduate school admission: 500-1000 words
  • essays for graduate school: 2500-6000 words

how long is an essay

Essay Length Tips

The advice provided below is relevant to academic essays that are assigned as writing assignments. The following section will cover every topic related to admissions essays.

  • For essays, there should be a minimum of three paragraphs—an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
  • An essay with five paragraphs is the most typical format for a basic paper.
  • The opening and closing sentences are always proportionately shorter in length.
  • Only one main idea, which is your topic sentence, may be covered in each body paragraph.
  • About 275 words typically appear on a page of Times New Roman (12pt) text that is double-spaced.
  • Double that, or about 550 words, can fit on a single page.

How Long Are The Six Types Of Essays?

Here are the six types of essays you should know:

The One-paragraph Essay

The one-paragraph essay, which is typically between 150 and 250 words in length, may be given by academic tutors simply as practice for the fundamentals of paragraph writing, or it may be used for specific purposes like practicing summarizing an article that has been read in class or writing an extended definition of a concept.

One-paragraph essays can be used as a diagnostic tool to quickly assess a student’s writing ability. For the one-paragraph essay, you must combine at least some of the introduction, body, and conclusion into a single paragraph, unlike other essay lengths.

The Three-paragraph Essay

The three-paragraph essay, which is typically 500 words long, is used to introduce students to the idea that all essays should have an introduction, a body section, and a conclusion if the writer wants to produce coherent and logical writing.

The first and last paragraphs will be the introduction and conclusion, which are typically a little shorter in length. The central body paragraph will contain the essay’s content or argument.

The Five-paragraph Essay

The five-paragraph essay is typically set by teachers who are satisfied that their students understand the introduction-body-conclusion essay structure and who want to give them more freedom to elaborate on the ideas and arguments the writer has presented in the body section of the essay. It is typically 1,000 words long.

With an essay of this length, the introduction and conclusion are still each given one paragraph, but the body of the essay can have three paragraphs devoted to the discussion of the theme. Now that the essay has reached this length, it is acceptable to use certain essay types, like cause and effect essays, and compare and contrast essays.

The Extended Essay

While it’s uncommon for such essays to be longer than 5,000 words, the extended essay is the most typical type of essay that’s assigned during a bachelor’s or master’s degree. It may be any length. With a plus or minus 10% word count tolerance, the most typical lengths for an extended essay are 1,500, 3,000, and 5,000 words.

Such essay types may also start to follow more complex structures, such as those found in dissertations and theses, rather than just adhering to the introduction-body-conclusion structure of shorter essays, which will undoubtedly require research and referencing skills.

The Dissertation

Generally assigned as the final project for both bachelor’s and master’s degrees, the typical length of an academic dissertation is 10,000 or 15,000 words. Unlike shorter essay types, dissertations have more complex structures and are almost always based on primary research (original research that the writer has conducted themselves).

Last but not least, the thesis is the longest style of academic essay and is only used by Ph.D. candidates. The doctorate thesis, which is typically between 40,000 and 60,000 words long, may include all the components of a dissertation, but in much greater detail and with more thorough research.

Such essays are almost certainly original and are based on primary research, with a larger focus on the accuracy of the literature review, data collection, and data analysis. Many students will never write an essay of this kind.

How Long Does Each Essay Section Need To Be?

Each paragraph in a short essay (400–1000 words) usually contains 100–200 words. Shorter than the total number of words in the body section, the introduction and conclusion should be about the same length.

For a 1000-word essay, the introduction and conclusion should each be 4–5 sentences long, according to Jennifer Duncan from The Writing Centre at the University of Toronto at Scarborough. The length of these sections can be several paragraphs or even entire pages if your word count must be higher.

how long is an essay

You may have seen conversion charts that state, “This number of words equals this number of paragraphs.” They are all based on fixed paragraph lengths and are therefore not very accurate.

Yes, you can convert an essay that is 400–800 words long in this way. But, when your paper is bigger than a thousand words, your paragraphs can scale along, which means their number won’t grow exponentially with the overall essay size.

A long essay (2000 words) won’t necessarily have fifteen paragraphs, for example, if a 700-word essay has five paragraphs.

How Long Is The Introduction In An Essay?

Typically, your introduction, or first paragraph, is referred to as a hook. Here, you should catch the attention of the reader and introduce the topic of your essay. When choosing a length, keep it brief and sweet whenever possible.

It’s usually a good idea to do some planning ahead of time to make sure every section of your essay is the proper length. A seasoned essay writer will carefully read the instructions to make sure you comprehend the task.

Your essay’s complexity and depth should be apparent from the recommended word count. Give a high-level overview of your topic if your essay is only supposed to be a few paragraphs long. You can delve more deeply into the details in longer essays.

You must be as clear and concise with your argument as you can in short essays. When you’re given a higher word count, however, you shouldn’t use this as an excuse to “waffle”. Follow the outline you create for your essay and stay on point.

When deciding how much information and support you should include in each section, an outline should serve as a road map.

How Long Is A Paragraph In An Essay?

As mentioned above, the answer to “how long should a college essay be?” usually starts with a base answer of “at least five paragraphs”. This makes it possible for you to introduce your thesis or commentary, follow it with three supporting paragraphs, and then end with a summary.

Your essay will have a range of paragraph length s. In the majority of academic essays, the main body of the argument should occupy the majority of the paper. Here, you should develop your ideas and support them with examples.

Generally speaking, the introduction should match the essay’s overall length. The introduction can be one or two paragraphs long if your text is only about 3,000 words. A longer, more detailed introduction that provides background information and context may be necessary for complex essays.

A single paragraph should typically serve as your essay’s conclusion. A paragraph might not be enough to summarize everything you’ve said, especially if your paper is longer and more involved.

How Long Is The Conclusion In An Essay?

The last section of your essay is the conclusion . For shorter essays, it is typically one paragraph. In this section, you should restate the main ideas from the body and summarize your analysis. Depending on how long the essay is, the conclusion may be 300–700 words long.

How Long Is The Outline In An Essay?

For a university-level essay or argumentative essay, you’ll need a more thorough outline with the same elements as a simpler outline, but with more specifics that include evidence and justification for your supporting points. The length of an outline should be no longer than 1 to 2 pages .

What Influence An Essay’s Length?

The length of a typical essay is influenced by a variety of factors. The word count of your paper depends on

Academic Level

In terms of presentation and length, essays written for high school and primary grades differ from those written for universities and colleges. Before beginning an academic essay, it is crucial to read the guidelines for each level.

Depending on the subject, different essay length requirements apply. Long and short essays are common in papers in the humanities, social sciences, and law. The length of the long essays can be anywhere between 20 pages and 6 pages, double-spaced, while the short essays are between 500 and 875 words long.

Essay lengths can also vary depending on the instructor and the subject matter, including English literature, composition, linguistics, leadership, and business. You will see different length requirements for essays depending on the subject you are studying.

Departmental length requirements for essays vary between universities and colleges. The length requirements of the department should be understood because they can guide your decision regarding how many words to use in your essay.

Essay Prompt Or Tutor’s Instructions

The guidelines provided in the essay prompt are another important factor in determining the number of pages or words you must use. The essay prompt not only specifies the essay topics, but also how many words, lengths, or pages your essay should be.

Spacing Of The Sentences

Pages in a typical academic essay are double-spaced due to the essay’s typical structure. The essay instructions may, on occasion, demand that you write your essay using only single spaces.

how long are essays

A single-spaced page has about 550 words on it, compared to about 275 words on a double-spaced page. By this analogy, a single double-spaced page would have twice as many words as a single single-spaced page. An essay that is one page long and single-spaced contains the same number of words as an essay that is two pages long and double-spaced.

Other times, teachers will instruct students to write 1.5-spaced-line essays. The length of your essay in this situation should be determined by the word count per page.

As a result, even as you read the assignment instructions, pay attention to the kind of page spacing that your professor or instructor requires. The preferred word count, which is always plus or minus 10%, is made easier to stay within.

Fonts Used In The Essay Paper

Papers are typically written in font 12 for academic writing. Most academic institutions have adopted this size as the standard for essays.

Making the font larger results in more pages, but fewer words. Always write your essay using the font size and style suggested by the teacher in the essay prompt, given the wide variety of fonts available.

Paragraph Lengths And Formats

150 words or so would be considered a typical paragraph length. It will depend on how many pages you are writing and how many paragraphs you will have. For instance, as we shall see later, a 6-page essay with double spacing will contain a total of 1650–1800 words.

10% of the word count is allocated to the introduction and conclusion paragraphs, which means that they each have between 165 and 180 words. You will have the final word count to balance the paragraphs at your discretion because the other body paragraphs will split it.

Using Length As A Guide To Topic And Complexity

The suggested word count not only helps you determine how long your essay should be but also makes it easier for you to determine how much complexity and information you can fit into the available space.

The creation of your thesis statement, which establishes the parameters of your overall argument and identifies the primary subject of your essay, should be guided by this.

A focused, narrow topic and an obvious, unambiguous line of reasoning are requirements for a short essay. A longer essay should still have a clear focus, but it may also need to take a more comprehensive approach to the subject or make a more complex, ambitious argument.

Make sure you have a clear understanding of how much evidence, detail, and argumentation will be required to support your thesis as you create the essay’s outline.

Consider revising your thesis to be more general or more specific if you discover that you lack the ideas to fill out the word count or that you require more space to present your case effectively.

The amount of time you will need to spend editing and proofreading the essay will also depend on how long it is.

What To Do If My Essay Is Too Long Or Too Short?

It’s usually best to stick to the range you’re given if you’ve taken the time to determine how long your essay should be for high school or college. You should try to write an essay that is at least as long as what was asked of you in the assignment.

If you’re struggling to hit the suggested word count, you can consider:

  • To make your points stronger and more credible, add more examples, supporting data, and in-depth analysis to each paragraph.
  • Ensure that you thoroughly analyze and clarify each of your points without leaving any room for doubt.
  • additional research is being done in order to examine a subject from a different perspective.

Don’t add any filler to simply increase the word count. Aim to avoid becoming overly fixated on a particular number and stick to simple sentences whenever possible. Get as much useful information as you can into your essay—that’s the key.

Notably, just as you should reach at least the minimum word count, you should avoid exceeding the maximum word count. You may occasionally go 10% over the maximum word count. You might be able to use 3300 words for an assignment with a word count of up to 3000, but it’s best to double-check with your instructor to be sure.

If the additional words are irrelevant to your argument, exceeding your suggested word count won’t impress your professor. You should probably proofread your writing to make sure everything is accurate and as brief as possible.

Get rid of extraneous words and keep in mind that it will take longer for your instructor to grade an essay the longer it is.

Always strive to write your assignment for the minimum amount of time specified. In the event that you have trouble writing enough words:

  • To strengthen or clarify your points, include more examples and supporting data in each paragraph.
  • Aim to elaborate on your points more fully and make sure each example has been fully explained or analyzed.
  • In a new paragraph, elaborate on a different aspect of your subject. In order to make a more ambitious argument, you might need to revise your thesis statement.
  • Don’t use filler; doing so will weaken your essay and obscure your argument.
  • Keep your focus off on a precise figure. It’s more important that your argument is compelling and sufficiently developed for an essay of the advised length than whether you use 50 or 100 words to convince your reader of your point of view.

What Is The Ideal Essay Length For College?

Here, “college essays” imply essays written for admissions. Compared to the ones you write for homework, admissions essays are very different. They usually want to convince the committee that you are a deserving candidate.

how long are essays

The appropriate section of the college website should have all the information about such essays available to the public. However, you still have some options if you don’t know the word count requirement and can’t find it. Below is a quick answer to the “how long is a college essay” question.

An essay for college typically has 500 words.

Admissions Essay Length Tips

  • Once you open the college’s site, look for phrases like “essay questions,” “information about supplemental essays,” “application instructions,” etc.
  • Because board officers must read a large number of them every day, admissions essays are typically brief (250–600 words).
  • Keep the length within the specified range; for example, if it says 500–550 words, the maximum length would be 600.
  • Don’t go over the word limit because it might prevent someone from reading your essay all the way through.

What If There Are No Restrictions On Length?

College essay prompts occasionally don’t specify a maximum length. But don’t worry just yet; there are a number of ways to handle this circumstance.

A Sample Of Your Writing Must Be Submitted

Potential candidates may have a variety of options. Amherst College offers you two options: (Option A) compose a response to one of the quotations on the list, or (Option B) turn in a graded essay that best demonstrates your writing abilities.

The final option implies that your options are constrained by the number of words in the papers you can pick from. However, there is usually a page with instructions for paper sample submissions.

The Description Makes It Clear How Long It Should Be

Wellesley College does not specify a word count or a number of pages in the instructions for the essay prompt. Instead, it says, “in two well-developed paragraphs.” So, paragraphs can be as long as 450–500 words, which is a reasonable maximum. Therefore, this is when you’ll need to make an estimate or even a little guess.

You Must Look For The Length Specifications

It can happen that the essay length requirements are not listed on the same page as the prompts. But if you Google it, you can discover posts on social media sites and forums that cover these essay writing requirements.

You can also try searching “long” or “length” within the college site by typing “” with those words.

Call The Admissions Department Right Away

Call the admissions office if you can’t find the word limit guidelines anywhere. Even if they don’t have a precise figure, they can estimate the length of your essay based on the ones they have already read.

Why Is Adherence To Expected Essay Length Important?

Remember that the length of the essay the professor expects will vary depending on the student’s academic standing. Even if you are unsure of the precise word count requirements for an essay for a particular class or university course, follow the general guidelines.

The tutor may conclude that the student did not submit the assignment with sufficient effort if the student writes an essay that is shorter than anticipated.

In fact, if the essay has a large word count, the student may have added unnecessary information without doing proper analysis or used wordy constructions.

Conclusion: Polish Your Essay

Most assignments include explicit instructions on how many words or pages you are required to write. Instead of being a precise number, this is frequently a range (for instance, 2500–3000 words or 10–12 pages). Finding the ideal essay length can seem like a challenging process.

Fortunately, using the aforementioned advice, you ought to be heading in the right direction. Don’t forget to share this post if it helps you.

How Long is a Short Essay?

Short essays usually involve answering a question related to course content and could be anywhere from 200 words to 750 words long, depending on the professor’s guidelines. Writing a short essay can be difficult because you have to decide what information is most crucial to include and what can be skipped.

How Long is a 200-word Essay?

A 200 words essay will be 0.4 pages single-spaced or 0.8 pages double-spaced . 500 words make up one standard single-spaced page.

Is a 500 Word Essay Too Short?

In general, 500 words or so is pretty safe for a college essay . In fact, the word limit is pretty typical.

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