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Photo essay: what my faith means to me.

Boston University began as a Methodist seminary, the Newbury Biblical Institute, in Newbury, Vt., in 1839. And since its beginnings in Boston in 1869 as Boston University, it has been open to people of all sexes and all religions, many who carve out time from their daily studies and work to find moments to pray, meditate, and reflect. 

BU photographer  Cydney Scott  has long wanted to capture the many ways members of the BU community express their faith. 

“One of the great things about being a photographer is that I have the privilege of stepping into aspects of life that are unfamiliar to me,” Scott says. “Religious faith is one of them. Religion and faith give people solace, guidance, and a sense of community, among other things.” 

Source: Photo Essay: What My Faith Means to Me

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How Does Faith Impact Your Life? 10 Examples of How Faith Changes Everything

How does faith impact your life? It changes everything. I have learned from experience, that faith changes you; not a cliche of false hope but the truth.

Incorporating faith into your everyday, ordinary life will impact every part of your life.

Your thoughts, your decisions, and your relationships will change.

As Hurricane Ida swirled around us, I took out my phone and recorded the storm’s feisty wind and rain feeling vulnerable and out of my element. The view was hazy, so I opened the door for a clear shot and suddenly felt a sense of peace. It is hard to describe when God’s presence suddenly rests on you. But I knew one way or another we would be okay because God was with us.

Although our everyday life does not usually include facing hurricanes, we do walk through threatening storms.

We often face interruptions and challenges that cloud our perspective leaving us feeling vulnerable and exposed.

Faith impacts our life because it helps us view storms through a different lens; we put our trust in Jesus instead of ourselves.

Christ’s love for us and His promise to be with us gives us the confidence to embrace whatever comes our way.

How does faith impact your life? Faith is the launching pad from which you base your entire life including decisions, crises, and challenges.

Faith keeps you centered with the realization that you are not alone and can trust God to help you live a confident, joy-filled life.

Why is Faith Important in Everyday Life?

Why is faith important in everyday life? It provides a steady compass . A relationship with Jesus changes how you see things and how you walk in and out of situations.

When the disciples encountered Jesus, they were living ordinary lives. Most abandoned their jobs and began to follow Jesus not knowing how their new faith would impact their life. But one encounter with Jesus changed everything for them.

The transforming power of a life following Christ is available to you too. When you choose to follow Jesus, you are forever changed.

Trusting God doesn’t mean you won’t face trials, most of the disciples were killed for their faith.

Faith in Christ gives you a new identity and new hope . Faith is a supernatural connection to Jesus that brings freedom , comfort, wisdom, understanding, and peace.

Confidence and freedom are two big ways how faith impacts your life.

When you allow faith to impact your life it touches your spirit, your emotions , your relationships, your purpose , and your ability to identify and use your spiritual gifts.

How does faith impact your life? A life following Jesus is transformative, exciting, and resilient.

How to Have Faith in God

How do you have faith in God? How do you lean on Jesus and experience how faith impacts your life?

Faith in God starts with the realization that we need Jesus. When we surrender and humble ourselves before God and ask Jesus to take over our lives a wonderful thing happens—we are set free!

From this new place of freedom, y our identity becomes firmly rooted in being a child of God and realizing you are incredibly cherished and loved by God, the creator of the world.

Your faith defines you and causes an eruption within your soul. When you connect with the Holy Spirit it ignites a new light inside to help walk out your faith in God every day.

When you have faith in God it changes the quality of your life.

How does faith impact your life? It changes your view of yourself which affects your view of everything else.

Examples of Faith in Everyday Life

I grew up believing faith was a ritual. It was a good ritual but not something I carried throughout every part of my life.

But now I realize a full life in Christ is possible when I incorporate Him into my everyday, ordinary life.

As you go about your day, you make a lot of decisions and get to utilize your faith. But you must be intentional and give up control and fear to let your faith impact your everyday life.

Trusting God with decisions can be scary, but with God’s wisdom, we make better choices and develop a stronger connection with Jesus.

With each decision, we weigh the risk and the reward of our choice. Many decisions are repeated and subconscious, but some decisions require analysis and a tap into faith.

Decisions involving a conversation with God and a nudge by the Holy Spirit, allow faith to impact our choices and lives.

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10 Ways How Faith Impacts Your Life

#1 how does faith impact your life faith turns worry into prayer.

Worry and anxiety are unwelcome parts of life that can consume and rob us of joy.

Worry is fed by negative self-talk that can consume us.

How does faith impact your life? When worries turn into prayers for guidance and comfort, we find peace.

“Every time you start to worry, you should stop and turn the worry into a prayer. If you prayed about everything you worried about, you’d have a lot less to worry about. Worry won’t change anything. But prayer can change everything!” Rick Warren

#2 How does Faith impact Your life? Faith turns Fear into Courage

One example of how faith impacts your everyday life is its ability to help you overcome fear . Fear is a powerful emotion that has the power to consume us.

I used to be fearful whenever I boarded an airplane. I prayed specifically for God to help me be set free from this fear. Eventually, as my faith grew, I let go and now trust God when flying.

It took my faith a while to combat fear and turn it into courage, but now I enjoy flying.

How does faith impact your life? Faith helps you turn an all-consuming fear into a victory of courage.

#3 How does Faith impact your Life? Faith turns Mistakes into Growth

I dislike making mistakes but we all make mistakes.

But when you understand how faith impacts your life, you realize you don’t need to stay stuck in the aftermath of a bad decision and can learn and grow.

Most of my greatest spiritual growth has followed a great loss , struggle, or mistake.

#4 How does Faith impact your life? Faith turns Relationship Trials into Stronger Connections

Relationships bring joy to our lives and are an important link to growing in our faith. But relationship trials and conflict find us and derail our spiritual growth.

Asking God to turn our hurt, betray al, or rejection into understanding and forgiveness , transforms us.

Changing our hearts instead of staying stuck in bitterness , resentment, and disappointment , leads to stronger connections with our family, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances.

We learn to see others through the beautiful lens of God’s great love.

#5 How does Faith impact your life? Faith turns Conversations into Compassion

Relationships require staying connected so we often have conversations with friends and family.

Some are casual and some are more intimate. Some are in-person and some are written.

But when faith is laced through our conversations we learn to listen and respond from a place of love and selflessness and grow in compassion.

A conversation fueled by kindness can change someone’s outlook and give them hope.

“Are you listening to this? Really listening? Listen carefully to what I am saying—and be wary of the shrewd advice that tells you how to get ahead in the world on your own. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity. Stinginess impoverishes.” Mark 4:23-25 MSG

#6 How does Faith impact your life? Faith turns Anger into Release 

Anger is another emotion that robs us of a free life. If we think of anger as a balloon full of air, we envision slowly releasing our anger or the air out of a balloon to God.

You may need to repeat this imagery but when anger is released to God you’ll find calm and restored happiness.

“A [shortsighted] fool always loses his temper  and  displays his anger, But a wise man [uses self-control and] holds it back.” Proverbs 29:11 AMP

#7 How does Faith impact your life? Faith turns Doubt into Preparation

Doubt is a great enemy of faith.

We can turn our doubt to God and ask Him to guide us to the truth.

We can use our doubt to prepare us to learn to trust God with our next steps.

If doubt is not addressed it can spiritually drain us and make us stagnant in our faith.

#8 How does Faith impact your life? Faith turns Complaining into Gratitude

For some reason, it is easy to complain. Doesn’t it seem that we default to complaining?

We complain about the weather, our job, our spouse, or our kids.

Complaining seems to be the conversation of choice even when I casually pass people talking on their phones; it comes too easily to us.

We all need time to process and unravel situations, but we can learn to complain constructively; airing grievances, struggles, or pain to decompress and find solutions not download criticism.

A true test that faith is impacting our lives is when we focus on being grateful for what we have instead of complaining about what we don’t have.

When invested in how faith impacts your life, you will catch yourself complaining and turn it toward gratitude instead.

#9 How does Faith impact your life? Faith turns Judgment into Reflection

We all have opinions and make judgments. Some judgment is needed to help us make good decisions .

But judging can also turn our hearts away from God and cause us to feel superior.

Judging others to discredit them and elevate ourselves reveals a hole inside of ourselves that needs to be filled.

When we catch ourselves judging we can take time to reflect on ourselves and our motives. We can ask God to reveal what is causing us to be trapped in judgment.

Spiritual reflection helps turn our thoughts and doubts about a person or situation over to God and be set free.

Although it is easy to judge, it requires strength and wisdom to encourage and affirm.

  “Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults —unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Matthew 7:1-2 MSG

“So the next time you start to judge something or someone else, think about all the times you’ve judged yourself. Give the same mercy for others that you would want for yourself. You’re just one perspective and there are as many perspectives in the world as there are people.

So choose your words carefully because we shroud our words with a judgment that is self-defeating, negative, and doesn’t help us get any closer to our goals  and values.”

Rubin Khoddam Ph.D.

#10 How does Faith impact your life?  Faith Turns Self-focus into Christ Focus

The most important example of growing, living faith is a pivot from self-focus to Christ-focused.

Being Christ-focused does not come naturally and is impossible without a thriving relationship with Jesus.

But it is an exciting, liberating adventure when we take the focus off of ourselves and focus on Jesus.

“So, don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:31-33 NLT

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Bible Verses about Faith

Bible stories and verses about faith strengthen our connection with God and give us direction.

The Bible is powerful and takes on a living form when you use it as a reference to understand how faith impacts your life.

We are enough and our faithfulness to God is enough.

How does faith impact your life? You walk in the peace of belonging to God and knowing He is beside you to provide wisdom, comfort, and help.

When we put our faith into action, we are blessed to see God move in our lives , change us, and influence the people around us.

5 Bible Verses About Faith

  • Galatians 2:19-20 MSG

“What actually took place is this: I tried keeping rules and working my head off to please God, and it didn’t work. So, I quit being a “law man” so that I could be  God’s man. Christ’s life showed me how and enabled me to do it. I identified myself completely with him. Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ.

My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not “mine,” but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that.”

  • Hebrews 11:6 ESV

“And without faith, it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.”

  • James 2:14-17 TLB

“Dear brothers, what’s the use of saying that you have faith and are Christians if you aren’t proving it by helping others? Will  that kind of faith save anyone? If you have a friend who is in need of food and clothing, and you say to him, “Well, good-bye and God bless you; stay warm and eat heartily,” and then don’t give him clothes or food, what good does that do?

So you see, it isn’t enough just to have faith. You must also do good to prove that you have it. Faith that doesn’t show itself by good works is no faith at all—it is dead and useless.”

  • Ephesians 2:8-10 NASB

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this  is  not of yourselves,  it is  the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast.    For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

  • Proverbs 3:5-6 MSG

“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil!”

How Does Faith Impact Your Life?

I hope you believe and grasp how faith impacts your life. Prayer, reading books about spiritual growth, and studying the Bible will help you walk in your faith day by day.

And don’t give up! God will meet you wherever you are right now.

To experience a positive, joyful faith journey, it is also important to be active in a church, serve as often as possible, and be part of a small group that holds you accountable.

Have you learned how faith impacts your life? Do you have examples of faith in everyday life? Share your story !

lady in sand-how does faith impact your life

Mary Rooney Armand

Mary is the creator and writer for the faith-based blog ButterflyLiving.org. Her writing has been featured on multiple websites and she is the author of the book, “Identity, Understanding, and Accepting Who I Am in Christ” and “ Life Changing Stories ” a collaboration with 34 authors.

photo essay about how you live your faith

Mary Rooney Armand is an Author, Speaker, and Creator of the faith-based blog ButterflyLiving.org. Her stories help others grow in their intimacy with Christ and thrive in their relationships. Her work is featured on multiple websites including CrossMap, Woman of Noble Character, Pray with Confidence , and The Brave Women Series. Mary is the author of, “ Identity, Understanding, and Accepting Who I Am in Chris t” and, “ Life Changing Stories ” a collaboration with 34 authors sharing stories of God’s faithfulness. Besides writing, Mary leads small groups and speaks at retreats. She directed Kids Hope USA, a mentoring program for children, worked in marketing and sales, and has led mission trips to Honduras. Mary is a life coach with a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and an MBA. She and her wonderful husband Cory live in Louisiana and are the parents of four children, a new daughter-in-law, and two dogs! Connect with Mary on Instagram or Facebook.


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I am with you in this, Mary. I want to let my faith wash over every part of life!

photo essay about how you live your faith

Michele, thanks for stopping by and adding your encouragement!

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Amen Mary, thank you for this blessed message today. So beautifully spoken. Blessings.

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Faith turns Complaining into Gratitude – And I choose gratitude. Thanks for sharing this very insightful article.

Thank you for reading and encouraging me! Many Blessings!!

[…] rely solely on themselves or other people. Instead, their faith can be placed in the Lord. Indeed, religious faith allows people to acquire the confidence to face whatever comes to them. Much like children with […]

[…] Spiritual goals lead to the most meaningful outcomes–An existence fully committed to Jesus where we embrace His message and exhibit His fruit. […]

[…] God redeems your mistakes and helps you fulfill your purpose and call to glorify Jesus through how you live your life. […]

[…] Understanding the condition of being discouraged, and how discouragement manifests in our spirit, helps us learn to alleviate its effects and avoid it becoming a permanent state. We can learn how to nurture and uplift our souls. […]

[…] we focus on pointing others to Christ through our words and actions, we can trust that God will bind up any broken parts of our hearts that need […]

[…] The Bible has changed my life through the stories and hope found in its words. When feeling lost and unable to find comfort, I open the Bible and suddenly read scripture that bring guidance and peace. […]

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If you’re looking for a new church, Check out this site https://www.gracelifetriad.com , Know God’s purpose in your life. He surely has a plan for everyone!

[…] all the words that describe God as present and active with us in Psalm […]

[…] most things in life, we can learn how to surrender to God and grow closer to Him; the great benefit of surrender is living free and in a confident bubble of God’s joy and […]

[…] God is always faithful and worthy of our faithfulness to Him. We can place our trust and loyalty in Him and He never […]

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Oh wow, I think it’s lovely to hear that your religion both defines you and ignites the fires of your spirit. I can also see how when you get in touch with the Holy Spirit, a new light inside of you is lit, allowing you to better live out your faith in God every day. Reading this made me realize that I should find a church service near me that I can come to every Sunday. I believe this will bring me closer to God.

[…] I realized that while I was completely blindsided and unprepared for that meeting, God was not. […]

[…] demonstrates that the best way to cope with change is to remain faithful and trust […]

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Regarding you 10 Examples of how faith impacts your Life

John (66 years Old) from Belfast here. Local preacher in training., I am about to deliver a service based on Living the Faith and found myself saying yes and amen to all your examples. By following the AA programme starting 8 years ago I can give God all the praise as the Holy Spirit really makes me see (like the blue glass Victorian poison bottles ) actual poison in the alluring adverts for beer etc. So yes faith in my case saved my marriage, my relationship with my children, my sanity. I found my identity and purpose through the trials, Rock bottom jn my case led me to the Rock of Ages. I now thank Him for my affliction. I will always be an alcoholic so I will always need Him and that’s a great existential place to be in… My thanks for your observations

Thank you for sharing your story with us. Continued blessings in your ministry!

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How to Live by Faith

Last Updated: September 4, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Mark Russell . Mark Russell is a Christian Theology Expert based in Bourbonnais, Illinois. He is a Senior High School Youth Pastor at Gathering Point Church of the Nazarene, and has held this post for over nine years. He is the director of the Next Gen programs at the church, managing all youth education programs. Through this role, he also leads a team of adult youth leaders and completes preaching duties. Prior to working at Gathering Point, he worked as Assistant Principal at Grove City Christian School and was a Youth Pastor at Grove City Church of the Nazarene. He received a BA in Elementary Education and Teaching from Mount Vernon Nazarene University. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 89% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 114,030 times.

Have you thought about how to walk by faith as a Christian? Are you ready to begin praising, following, and making him your personal savior? It is a spiritual relationship. Although, sometimes, you may lose faith. You need to believe in Him with all your heart and walk in love through faith. This article will teach you how.

Step 1 Trust God.

  • Make friends with those who have a positive influence on you, both spiritually and mentally. If you don't have such friends, it is best to avoid having close friends who demean or discourage you.

Step 6 Go to church regularly.

  • Participate by going to church groups or helping in church activities. These are great ways to get closer to Him while also serving however you can.

Step 7 Make time to read your Bible.

  • Remember that: "Problems to solve are also opportunities for success and/or expanding the kingdom of God".

Step 8 Get close to God by feeding the hungry.

Expert Q&A

Zachary Rainey

  • Take your faith-walk seriously. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • God has a power-loaded plan for you, always good (any suffering is also good because " suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope - Romans 5:3-4"). There is a path placed before you, to make progress: walk in it! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

photo essay about how you live your faith

  • Broad is the way that leads to destruction and many find it. Be sure to let your light shine to others around you. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ Zachary Rainey. Ordained Minister. Expert Interview. 19 May 2019.
  • ↑ http://bible.cc/romans/8-24.htm
  • ↑ Mark Russell. Christian Theology Expert. Expert Interview. 16 August 2024.
  • ↑ http://bible.cc/1_john/3-1.htm
  • ↑ http://www.biblecc.com/hebrews/10-24.htm
  • ↑ https://biblehub.com/matthew/18-20.htm
  • ↑ http://bible.cc/matthew/25-45.htm
  • ↑ http://www.biblecc.com/2_corinthians/4-18.htm

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Cornerstone Christian Counseling

Living Your Faith: 7 Ways to Integrate Christian Values into Your Daily Life

by Lance Myers | General Information

Living Your Faith - Cornerstone Christian Counseling

“Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” – James 2:17 (NIV)

In a world that often seems filled with noise, distraction, and constant challenges, living your faith can be a struggle.

The essence of Christian living is not about avoiding life’s storms, but learning to sail through them with grace, guided by the light of Christ.

Faith is more than a Sunday commitment—it’s a lifestyle. Keep reading to learn some practical ways to incorporate Christian values into your daily life. The best thing? You can start today!

Start Your Day With God

The first moments of your day set the tone for everything that follows. By beginning your day with prayer, meditation on Scripture, or a devotional reading, you invite God into your plans, worries, and interactions. This practice doesn’t need to be time-consuming; even five minutes can shift your perspective, reminding you of God’s presence and love.

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a cornerstone of Christian faith (see what we did there?), transforming how we see the world and our place in it. Make it a habit to acknowledge the blessings in your life, whether through prayer, a gratitude journal, or sharing with others. This habit can change your heart, helping you to see God’s hand in everything from the mundane to the magnificent.

Serve Others

Service is a powerful way to live out Christian values, reflecting Jesus’ call to love and serve one another. Look for opportunities to help those around you, whether it’s volunteering at a local shelter, doing chores for a neighbor, or simply offering a listening ear. These acts of kindness are a testament to the love of Christ. Plus, it just feels good to know you helped impact someone’s life in a positive way!

Build Community

Christianity was never meant to be a solitary journey. Building relationships with fellow believers can encourage you, challenge you, and provide a network of support. Participate in church activities, join a small group, or gather with friends for prayer and fellowship. These connections deepen your faith and remind you that you don’t need to go through things alone.

Incorporate Scripture in Your Life

The Bible is not just a book; it’s a living guide. Make Scripture a part of your daily routine by memorizing verses, reflecting on passages, or incorporating biblical principles into decision-making. This practice can anchor you in truth, provide comfort, and guide your actions.

Live Intentionally

Christian values call for a life lived with intention and purpose. This means making conscious choices that reflect your faith, from the way you spend your time and money to how you interact with others. Ask yourself regularly if your actions align with your beliefs and make adjustments as needed.

Seek Forgiveness – Extend Grace

Finally, living your faith means recognizing your own need for grace while being able to extend it to others. Practice forgiveness, both in seeking it from those you’ve wronged and in offering it to those who’ve wronged you. This mirrors the forgiveness we’ve received through Christ and is essential for healing and reconciliation.


Research shows that much of the change people experience during their time in therapy is because they felt heard and understood by their therapist–that their therapist “got them” and that the guidance they gave was relevant and applicable.  Because of this, it is critical that you find a therapist whom you can connect with, whom you feel comfortable with, whom you feel “gets you.” Therefore, we encourage you to take a few minutes to read a little about each one of our therapists. If you prefer to look at the counselors nearest to you, please click the office location buttons below. Otherwise, you can meet with any of our Christian Counselors online from the comfort of your own home. If you have questions about any of them, please contact us !

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For more information or to schedule a counseling appointment today:

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What Does Your Faith Mean to You?

Photo of two Muslim women worshiping on prayer rugs. They kneel on the rugs that are decorated in ornate patterns.

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We’d like to hear from BU community members for our upcoming photo essay

Bu today staff.

What does your religious faith mean to you? How do you incorporate it into your life? How do you pray/meditate/worship?  

BU Today is producing a photo essay, to be shot by photographer Cydney Scott, that will explore the many ways members of the BU community—students, staff, and faculty—connect with their faith on a daily basis.

If you’d like to be considered for our project, email a short paragraph describing what your faith means to you to Scott at [email protected] by Monday, November 15. Include your religious affiliation, email, phone number, and school and grad year (for students) and title (for faculty and staff).

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How to Maintain Your Faith in a Seemingly Faithless World

Picture of How to Maintain Your Faith in a Seemingly Faithless World

We live in an increasingly secular society. According to the Pew Research Center , 1.1 billion people worldwide identify as non-believers. Many others superficially identify with Christianity but rarely pray, read the Bible, or otherwise act on their faith. Church attendance rates are at an all-time low, with many denominations forced to close churches as a result. In fact, research from the National Congregations Study indicates that fewer than one-quarter of Americans attend church three out of every eight Sundays.

The statistics highlighted above reflect what Christians increasingly feel — a lack of faith within their communities and, often, within their own lives. If you can relate to this feeling, you're certainly not alone.

Remaining true to your faith may feel all but impossible when it's absent from so many elements of daily life, but it's a challenge worth pursuing. Below, we offer suggestions for reconnecting with your faith and incorporating it into your daily routine.

Regularly Examine Your Faith

Introspection is essential. Take time to reflect on your faith and your journey therein. This can be accomplished through journaling or prayer. If, during this time of reflection, you realize you are currently feeling disconnected from your faith, ask yourself these essential questions:

  •       What led you to feel this way?
  •       Do your current feelings echo other times of disconnection in your life?
  •       What can you do to get back on track?

Find Inspiration in Biblical Figures

You are far from the first person to ever feel alone or isolated due to your faith. The Bible is chock full of stories of inspiring figures who, like you, struggled to reconcile their beliefs with the doubt and outright hostility around them.

One of the most notable Bible stories worth revisiting: Moses, who after witnessing the Lord within a burning bush, continued to question whether his people would believe his testimony. In fact, Moses was so worried about his public speaking abilities (or lack thereof), he sought help from his brother. Despite all this, he persevered and, with God's help, led his people to safety. Other inspiring figures include:

  •       Jeremiah
  •       Noah
  •       Esther
  •       Job
  •       Mary

Of course, Jesus is the ultimate inspiration. He was despised, rejected and, ultimately, crucified. He knew loneliness like nobody else ever has or will — and through His sacrifice, He banished it. You can escape those difficult feelings through drawing closer to Him.

Take Solace in Prayer

How often do you pray? If you're like many Christians, prayer comes as an afterthought. Perhaps you sneak in a short prayer at the end of a long day or maybe you pray before digging into your favorite meal. What about when you face challenges in daily life? The more you infuse prayer into your routine, the more connected you'll feel to your faith.

Prayer can feel intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Don't think of it as a grand oratory; eloquence isn't a necessity. When in doubt, refer to this inspiring Martin Luther quote: "The fewer the words, the better the prayer."

Instead of striving to deliver a perfect, extended prayer on occasion, opt for incorporating short, simple prayers into key moments throughout each day. There is no set number of prayers you need to strive for, but you should eventually feel as if prayer is a key part of your otherwise secular pursuits.

It may take a few weeks or even months before prayer feels like a natural aspect of your routine, but your persistence will ultimately pay off. If forgetfulness remains the primary obstacle between you and regular prayer, don't hesitate to use a prayer app or written reminders to keep you on track.

Connect with a Faith-Based Community

How often do you discuss your faith with other Christians? Even a brief interaction with a fellow believer can energize you and renew your commitment. Options abound; get involved with your local church, join a Bible study, or sign up for a faith-based volunteer effort. You don't need to be surrounded by fellow believers at all times, but regular interaction will keep you from feeling hopeless or alone. If all else fails, turn to technology for support; a quick search will deliver a myriad of faith-based forums and social media groups.

Do Good in the World

Faith is about more than prayer and church attendance. Both are important, of course, but daily action is also essential. Matthew 5:16 instructs, "Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

Even when your coworkers, friends or even family members disagree with your testimony, it's possible to inspire them with your faith-driven lifestyle. This could mean donating your time or resources to those in need, offering emotional support to loved ones in times of trouble, or simply smiling at people and making them feel welcome. Don't discount small acts — they make a difference.

Show Compassion

In these trying times, our world could use a heavy dose of compassion. Regardless of how those around you believe or behave, you can demonstrate compassion for their personal battles. After all, the Lord has continually demonstrated compassion for you, as evidenced in a myriad of Bible verses. Psalm 116:5, for example, points out, "The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion."

Compassion for yourself is just as important. Don't beat yourself up for occasionally struggling with your faith. As mentioned earlier, this struggle has been shared by some of the Bible's most inspiring figures.

Living out your faith isn't easy, but it's far from impossible. With a little commitment and a lot of grace, you can cultivate a strong spiritual connection to guide you through the challenges of the modern world.

If you’d like to learn more about professions that enable you to serve wholeheartedly and faithfully in your life’s work or want to learn more about a biblically based, Christ-centered education at Geneva , we’d love to chat with you. For more information on how Geneva College can help you pursue your education goals, please phone us at 855-979-5563 or email [email protected] .

Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.

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Prayer is the greatest privilege we have! It’s amazing that we can personally communicate with Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe. That means we can talk to Him and He hears us and that He wants to talk to us.

One of the main ways we hear from God is through His Word, which is why it’s critically important to study the Bible. As we do, we experience greater revelation of who God is, how He loves us, and what He wants to do in our lives. We learn how to pray for the things He wants to give us…the kind of life Jesus died for us to have.

There are many things you can freely receive any time you pray. Here are a few…

  • God’s healing, refreshing presence ( Psalm 147:3 ; Jeremiah 31:25 ).
  • His gift of supernatural peace ( John 14:27 ; Philippians 4:6-7 ).
  • Wisdom to make right decisions ( James 1:5 ).
  • The strength to do what you need to do ( Philippians 4:13 ).
  • The love of God and the good plans He has for your life ( John 3:16 ; 1 John 4:9-10 ; Jeremiah 29:11 ).

Make it your number one priority to know and trust in God’s Word. And pray with bold assurance that you will receive every good thing He has for you.

2. Release your faith through what you say.

One of the most important lessons the Lord has ever taught me is, if we want His will for our lives, then our words need to agree with His Word. So, after we pray for a specific need, it’s so important to follow up our prayers with words of faith.

Even when it looks like nothing is happening, choose to say what God says. For example, I like to say, “God has a great plan for my life, and I believe something good is going to happen to me and through me today. This is the day that the Lord has made and I am going to enjoy it!” (See Jeremiah 29:11 ; Psalm 139:17 .)

Every time we declare what God says about us, we release our faith and get in agreement with Him. And when we say what God says, and do what God says to do, then we can have everything God says we can have.

3. Release your faith through what you do.

I think when we need a breakthrough, there is often something God is asking us to do in faith before He allows us to receive it.

For example, God gave Abraham some pretty serious instructions. He told him to leave his home, leave his country and go to a place that God would show him. And I believe that if Abraham hadn’t followed God’s instructions in faith, we wouldn’t be telling his story today.

God will always do His part. So, I encourage you to do your part and do whatever God puts in your heart to do.

When life gets difficult and you feel like giving up, just take it one day at a time. But continue to do what God asks of you in His Word by faith. Embrace Galatians 6:9 as God’s personal encouragement to you that you will reap a harvest of blessings if you don’t give up.

Try this tip from Joyce!

Choose a scripture from the those above. Put it where you will see it throughout the day, and begin speaking it out loud to align your heart and mind to God’s Word. Then do something to put your faith in action.

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How to Share Your Faith

How to Be a Better Witness for Jesus Christ

Don Hammond / Getty Images

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Many Christians are intimidated by the idea of sharing their faith. Jesus never intended for the Great Commission to be an impossible burden. God meant for us to be witnesses of Jesus Christ through the natural outcome of living for him.

How to Share Your Faith in God With Others

We humans make evangelism complicated. We think we must complete a 10-week course in apologetics before getting started. God designed an easy evangelism program. He made it simple for us.

Here are five practical approaches to being a better representative of the gospel.

Represent Jesus in the Best Possible Way

Or, in the words of my pastor, "Don’t make Jesus look like a jerk." Try to keep in mind that you are the face of Jesus to the world.

As followers of Christ, the quality of our witness to the world carries eternal implications. Unfortunately, Jesus has been poorly represented by many of his followers. I am not saying that I am the perfect Jesus Follower—I am not. But if we (those who follow the teachings of Jesus) could represent him authentically, the term "Christian" or "Christ-follower" would be more likely to illicit a positive response than a negative one.

Be a Friend by Showing Love

Jesus was a close friend to hated tax collectors like Matthew and Zacchaeus . He was called " Friend of Sinners " in Matthew 11:19. If we are his followers, we ought to be accused of being a friend of sinners too.

Jesus taught us to how to share the gospel by showing our love to others in John 13:34-35:

"Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (NIV)

Jesus didn't quarrel with people. Our heated debates are not likely to draw someone into the kingdom. Titus 3:9 says, "But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless." (NIV)

If we follow the way of love, we team up with an unstoppable force. This passage makes a strong case for being a better witness simply by showing love:

Now about your love for one another we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. And in fact, you do love all of God’s family throughout Macedonia. Yet we urge you, brothers and sisters, to do so more and more, and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. (1 Thessalonians 4:9-12, NIV)

Be a Good, Kind, and Godly Example

When we spend time in the presence of Jesus , his character will rub off on us. With his Holy Spirit working in us, we can forgive our enemies and love those who hate us, just as our Lord did. By his grace we can be good examples to those outside of the kingdom who are watching our lives.

The Apostle Peter commended us to, "Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. " (1 Peter 2:12, NIV)

The Apostle Paul taught young Timothy , "And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." (2 Timothy 2:24, NIV)

One of the finest examples in the Bible of a faithful believer who won the respect of pagan kings is the prophet Daniel :

Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. Finally these men said, "We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God." (Daniel 6:3-5, NIV)

Submit to Authority and Obey God

Romans chapter 13 teaches us that rebelling against authority is the same as rebelling against God. If you don't believe me, go ahead and read Romans 13 now. Yes, the passage even tells us to pay our taxes. The only time we have permission to disobey authority is when submitting to that authority means we would be disobeying God.

The story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego tells of three young Hebrew captives who were determined to worship and obey God above all others. When King Nebuchadnezzar commanded the people to fall down and worship a golden image he had built, these three men refused. Courageously they stood before the king who pressured them to deny God or face death in a fiery furnace. 

When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego chose to obey God above the king, they didn't know with certainty that God would rescue them from the flames, but they stood firm anyway. And God delivered them, miraculously.

As a result, the ungodly king declared:

“Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in him and defied the king’s command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God. Therefore I decree that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut into pieces and their houses be turned into piles of rubble, for no other god can save in this way." Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to high positions in Babylon. (Daniel 3:28-30)

God opened a tremendous door of opportunity through the obedience of his three brave servants. What a powerful witness of God's power to Nebuchadnezzar and the people of Babylon.

Pray for God to Open a Door

In our eagerness to be witnesses for Christ, we often rush ahead of God. We may see what looks to us like an open door to share the gospel, but if we jump in without devoting time to prayer, our efforts may be futile or even counterproductive.

Only by seeking the Lord in prayer are we led through doors that God alone can open. Only by prayer will our witnessing have the desired effect. The great Apostle Paul knew a thing or two about effective witnessing. He gave us this trustworthy advice: 

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. (Colossians 4:2-3, NIV)

More Practical Ways to Share Your Faith By Being an Example

Karen Wolff of Christian-Books-For-Women.com shares some practical ways to share our faith simply by being an example for Christ.

  • People can spot a phony from a mile away. The absolute worst thing you can do is say one thing and do another. If you aren't committed to applying Christian principles in your own life, you will not only be ineffective but will be seen as insincere and phony. People aren't as interested in what you say, as they are in seeing how it's working in your life.
  • One of the best ways to share your faith is to demonstrate the very things you believe by staying positive and having a good attitude even in the middle of a crisis in your own life. Remember the story in the Bible about Peter walking out onto the water when Jesus called to him? He kept walking above the water as long as he stayed focused on Jesus. But once he focused on the storm, he sank.
  • When the people around you see the peace in your life, especially when it seems like you're surrounded by storms, you can bet they'll want to know how to get what you got! On the other hand, if all they see is the top of your head as you sink into the water, there's not a whole lot to ask.
  • Treat people with respect and dignity, no matter the circumstances. Whenever you have the opportunity, show how you don't change how you treat people, no matter what. Jesus treated people right, even when they mistreated Him. People around you will wonder how you're able to show this kind of respect for others. You never know, they may even ask.
  • Find ways to be a blessing to others. This not only plants amazing seeds for a harvest in your own life, it shows others that you're not a phony. It shows that you live what you believe. Saying you're a Christian is one thing, but living it in tangible ways every day is something else. The Word says, "They'll know them by their fruit."
  • Don't compromise your beliefs. Situations happen every day where compromise is not only possible, but many times is expected. Show people that your Christianity means living a life of integrity . And oh yes, that means you tell the sales clerk when she undercharged you for that quart of milk!
  • The ability to forgive quickly is a very powerful way to show how Christianity really works. Become a model of forgiveness . Nothing creates division, hostility, and turmoil more than an unwillingness to forgive the people who hurt you. Of course, there will be times when you are absolutely right. But being right doesn't give you a free pass to punish, humiliate, or embarrass someone else. And it most certainly doesn't eliminate your responsibility to forgive.

Hodges, D. (2015). "Bold Witnesses for Christ" (Acts 3-4); Tan, P. L. (1996). Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations: Signs of the Times (p. 459). Garland, TX: Bible Communications, Inc.

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How to Create an Engaging Photo Essay (with Examples)

Photo essays tell a story in pictures. They're a great way to improve at photography and story-telling skills at once. Learn how to do create a great one.

Learn | Photography Guides | By Ana Mireles

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Photography is a medium used to tell stories – sometimes they are told in one picture, sometimes you need a whole series. Those series can be photo essays.

If you’ve never done a photo essay before, or you’re simply struggling to find your next project, this article will be of help. I’ll be showing you what a photo essay is and how to go about doing one.

You’ll also find plenty of photo essay ideas and some famous photo essay examples from recent times that will serve you as inspiration.

If you’re ready to get started, let’s jump right in!

Table of Contents

What is a Photo Essay?

A photo essay is a series of images that share an overarching theme as well as a visual and technical coherence to tell a story. Some people refer to a photo essay as a photo series or a photo story – this often happens in photography competitions.

Photographic history is full of famous photo essays. Think about The Great Depression by Dorothea Lange, Like Brother Like Sister by Wolfgang Tillmans, Gandhi’s funeral by Henri Cartier Bresson, amongst others.

What are the types of photo essay?

Despite popular belief, the type of photo essay doesn’t depend on the type of photography that you do – in other words, journalism, documentary, fine art, or any other photographic genre is not a type of photo essay.

Instead, there are two main types of photo essays: narrative and thematic .

As you have probably already guessed, the thematic one presents images pulled together by a topic – for example, global warming. The images can be about animals and nature as well as natural disasters devastating cities. They can happen all over the world or in the same location, and they can be captured in different moments in time – there’s a lot of flexibility.

A narrative photo essa y, on the other hand, tells the story of a character (human or not), portraying a place or an event. For example, a narrative photo essay on coffee would document the process from the planting and harvesting – to the roasting and grinding until it reaches your morning cup.

What are some of the key elements of a photo essay?

  • Tell a unique story – A unique story doesn’t mean that you have to photograph something that nobody has done before – that would be almost impossible! It means that you should consider what you’re bringing to the table on a particular topic.
  • Put yourself into the work – One of the best ways to make a compelling photo essay is by adding your point of view, which can only be done with your life experiences and the way you see the world.
  • Add depth to the concept – The best photo essays are the ones that go past the obvious and dig deeper in the story, going behind the scenes, or examining a day in the life of the subject matter – that’s what pulls in the spectator.
  • Nail the technique – Even if the concept and the story are the most important part of a photo essay, it won’t have the same success if it’s poorly executed.
  • Build a structure – A photo essay is about telling a thought-provoking story – so, think about it in a narrative way. Which images are going to introduce the topic? Which ones represent a climax? How is it going to end – how do you want the viewer to feel after seeing your photo series?
  • Make strong choices – If you really want to convey an emotion and a unique point of view, you’re going to need to make some hard decisions. Which light are you using? Which lens? How many images will there be in the series? etc., and most importantly for a great photo essay is the why behind those choices.

9 Tips for Creating a Photo Essay

photo essay about how you live your faith

Credit: Laura James

1. Choose something you know

To make a good photo essay, you don’t need to travel to an exotic location or document a civil war – I mean, it’s great if you can, but you can start close to home.

Depending on the type of photography you do and the topic you’re looking for in your photographic essay, you can photograph a local event or visit an abandoned building outside your town.

It will be much easier for you to find a unique perspective and tell a better story if you’re already familiar with the subject. Also, consider that you might have to return a few times to the same location to get all the photos you need.

2. Follow your passion

Most photo essays take dedication and passion. If you choose a subject that might be easy, but you’re not really into it – the results won’t be as exciting. Taking photos will always be easier and more fun if you’re covering something you’re passionate about.

3. Take your time

A great photo essay is not done in a few hours. You need to put in the time to research it, conceptualizing it, editing, etc. That’s why I previously recommended following your passion because it takes a lot of dedication, and if you’re not passionate about it – it’s difficult to push through.

4. Write a summary or statement

Photo essays are always accompanied by some text. You can do this in the form of an introduction, write captions for each photo or write it as a conclusion. That’s up to you and how you want to present the work.

5. Learn from the masters

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Making a photographic essay takes a lot of practice and knowledge. A great way to become a better photographer and improve your storytelling skills is by studying the work of others. You can go to art shows, review books and magazines and look at the winners in photo contests – most of the time, there’s a category for photo series.

6. Get a wide variety of photos

Think about a story – a literary one. It usually tells you where the story is happening, who is the main character, and it gives you a few details to make you engage with it, right?

The same thing happens with a visual story in a photo essay – you can do some wide-angle shots to establish the scenes and some close-ups to show the details. Make a shot list to ensure you cover all the different angles.

Some of your pictures should guide the viewer in, while others are more climatic and regard the experience they are taking out of your photos.

7. Follow a consistent look

Both in style and aesthetics, all the images in your series need to be coherent. You can achieve this in different ways, from the choice of lighting, the mood, the post-processing, etc.

8. Be self-critical

Once you have all the photos, make sure you edit them with a good dose of self-criticism. Not all the pictures that you took belong in the photo essay. Choose only the best ones and make sure they tell the full story.

9. Ask for constructive feedback

Often, when we’re working on a photo essay project for a long time, everything makes perfect sense in our heads. However, someone outside the project might not be getting the idea. It’s important that you get honest and constructive criticism to improve your photography.

How to Create a Photo Essay in 5 Steps

photo essay about how you live your faith

Credit: Quang Nguyen Vinh

1. Choose your topic

This is the first step that you need to take to decide if your photo essay is going to be narrative or thematic. Then, choose what is it going to be about?

Ideally, it should be something that you’re interested in, that you have something to say about it, and it can connect with other people.

2. Research your topic

To tell a good story about something, you need to be familiar with that something. This is especially true when you want to go deeper and make a compelling photo essay. Day in the life photo essays are a popular choice, since often, these can be performed with friends and family, whom you already should know well.

3. Plan your photoshoot

Depending on what you’re photographing, this step can be very different from one project to the next. For a fine art project, you might need to find a location, props, models, a shot list, etc., while a documentary photo essay is about planning the best time to do the photos, what gear to bring with you, finding a local guide, etc.

Every photo essay will need different planning, so before taking pictures, put in the required time to get things right.

4. Experiment

It’s one thing to plan your photo shoot and having a shot list that you have to get, or else the photo essay won’t be complete. It’s another thing to miss out on some amazing photo opportunities that you couldn’t foresee.

So, be prepared but also stay open-minded and experiment with different settings, different perspectives, etc.

5. Make a final selection

Editing your work can be one of the hardest parts of doing a photo essay. Sometimes we can be overly critical, and others, we get attached to bad photos because we put a lot of effort into them or we had a great time doing them.

Try to be as objective as possible, don’t be afraid to ask for opinions and make various revisions before settling down on a final cut.

7 Photo Essay Topics, Ideas & Examples

photo essay about how you live your faith

Credit: Michelle Leman

  • Architectural photo essay

Using architecture as your main subject, there are tons of photo essay ideas that you can do. For some inspiration, you can check out the work of Francisco Marin – who was trained as an architect and then turned to photography to “explore a different way to perceive things”.

You can also lookup Luisa Lambri. Amongst her series, you’ll find many photo essay examples in which architecture is the subject she uses to explore the relationship between photography and space.

  • Process and transformation photo essay

This is one of the best photo essay topics for beginners because the story tells itself. Pick something that has a beginning and an end, for example, pregnancy, the metamorphosis of a butterfly, the life-cycle of a plant, etc.

Keep in mind that these topics are linear and give you an easy way into the narrative flow – however, it might be difficult to find an interesting perspective and a unique point of view.

  • A day in the life of ‘X’ photo essay

There are tons of interesting photo essay ideas in this category – you can follow around a celebrity, a worker, your child, etc. You don’t even have to do it about a human subject – think about doing a photo essay about a day in the life of a racing horse, for example – find something that’s interesting for you.

  • Time passing by photo essay

It can be a natural site or a landmark photo essay – whatever is close to you will work best as you’ll need to come back multiple times to capture time passing by. For example, how this place changes throughout the seasons or maybe even over the years.

A fun option if you live with family is to document a birthday party each year, seeing how the subject changes over time. This can be combined with a transformation essay or sorts, documenting the changes in interpersonal relationships over time.

  • Travel photo essay

Do you want to make the jump from tourist snapshots into a travel photo essay? Research the place you’re going to be travelling to. Then, choose a topic.

If you’re having trouble with how to do this, check out any travel magazine – National Geographic, for example. They won’t do a generic article about Texas – they do an article about the beach life on the Texas Gulf Coast and another one about the diverse flavors of Texas.

The more specific you get, the deeper you can go with the story.

  • Socio-political issues photo essay

This is one of the most popular photo essay examples – it falls under the category of photojournalism or documental photography. They are usually thematic, although it’s also possible to do a narrative one.

Depending on your topic of interest, you can choose topics that involve nature – for example, document the effects of global warming. Another idea is to photograph protests or make an education photo essay.

It doesn’t have to be a big global issue; you can choose something specific to your community – are there too many stray dogs? Make a photo essay about a local animal shelter. The topics are endless.

  • Behind the scenes photo essay

A behind-the-scenes always make for a good photo story – people are curious to know what happens and how everything comes together before a show.

Depending on your own interests, this can be a photo essay about a fashion show, a theatre play, a concert, and so on. You’ll probably need to get some permissions, though, not only to shoot but also to showcase or publish those images.

4 Best Photo Essays in Recent times

Now that you know all the techniques about it, it might be helpful to look at some photo essay examples to see how you can put the concept into practice. Here are some famous photo essays from recent times to give you some inspiration.

Habibi by Antonio Faccilongo

This photo essay wan the World Press Photo Story of the Year in 2021. Faccilongo explores a very big conflict from a very specific and intimate point of view – how the Israeli-Palestinian war affects the families.

He chose to use a square format because it allows him to give order to things and eliminate unnecessary elements in his pictures.

With this long-term photo essay, he wanted to highlight the sense of absence and melancholy women and families feel towards their husbands away at war.

The project then became a book edited by Sarah Leen and the graphics of Ramon Pez.

photo essay about how you live your faith

Picture This: New Orleans by Mary Ellen Mark

The last assignment before her passing, Mary Ellen Mark travelled to New Orleans to register the city after a decade after Hurricane Katrina.

The images of the project “bring to life the rebirth and resilience of the people at the heart of this tale”, – says CNNMoney, commissioner of the work.

Each survivor of the hurricane has a story, and Mary Ellen Mark was there to record it. Some of them have heartbreaking stories about everything they had to leave behind.

Others have a story of hope – like Sam and Ben, two eight-year-olds born from frozen embryos kept in a hospital that lost power supply during the hurricane, yet they managed to survive.

photo essay about how you live your faith

Selfie by Cindy Sherman

Cindy Sherman is an American photographer whose work is mainly done through self-portraits. With them, she explores the concept of identity, gender stereotypes, as well as visual and cultural codes.

One of her latest photo essays was a collaboration with W Magazine entitled Selfie. In it, the author explores the concept of planned candid photos (‘plandid’).

The work was made for Instagram, as the platform is well known for the conflict between the ‘real self’ and the one people present online. Sherman started using Facetune, Perfect365 and YouCam to alter her appearance on selfies – in Photoshop, you can modify everything, but these apps were designed specifically to “make things prettier”- she says, and that’s what she wants to explore in this photo essay.

Tokyo Compression by Michael Wolf

Michael Wolf has an interest in the broad-gauge topic Life in Cities. From there, many photo essays have been derived – amongst them – Tokyo Compression .

He was horrified by the way people in Tokyo are forced to move to the suburbs because of the high prices of the city. Therefore, they are required to make long commutes facing 1,5 hours of train to start their 8+ hour workday followed by another 1,5 hours to get back home.

To portray this way of life, he photographed the people inside the train pressed against the windows looking exhausted, angry or simply absent due to this way of life.

You can visit his website to see other photo essays that revolve around the topic of life in megacities.

Final Words

It’s not easy to make photo essays, so don’t expect to be great at it right from your first project.

Start off small by choosing a specific subject that’s interesting to you –  that will come from an honest place, and it will be a great practice for some bigger projects along the line.

Whether you like to shoot still life or you’re a travel photographer, I hope these photo essay tips and photo essay examples can help you get started and grow in your photography.

Let us know which topics you are working on right now – we’ll love to hear from you!


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photo essay about how you live your faith

Ana Mireles is a Mexican researcher that specializes in photography and communications for the arts and culture sector.


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Faith Island

How to Apply Your Faith to Everyday Life

How to apply your faith to everyday life

For every article I write or every lesson I teach on the subject of faith, I begin by reminding readers/listeners of what faith is. So…

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” ~ Hebrews 11:1

That’s faith—believing and knowing in your heart because you just know it’s the right thing to do.

Knowing what faith is, is one thing. Having faith and putting your faith to work? That’s something else altogether. But today I’m here to tell you that if you say you have faith but aren’t applying that faith in your life, you are lying. Harsh? Maybe. True? Definitely.

Think about it like this: If a man or woman possessing the qualifications and licensures to practice medicine went around calling themselves a doctor but never treated anyone and even refused to help someone in need of emergency care, is that person really a doctor? No. He or she is nothing more than someone with knowledge and potential—or rather, wasted knowledge and potential. The same thing applies to people who say they are Christians but don’t live by faith.

Christians , in the truest sense of the word, are people who:

  • Believe God is the only and almighty creator and master of the universe.
  • Believe that Jesus is God’s son in the flesh and that He died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, was buried, resurrected back to life, and returned to heaven to be with God.
  • Believe that the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit, who is basically the conscience of God, is given to us when we accept Jesus as Savior according to scripture (Acts 2:37-38).
  • Live their lives according to scripture.
  • Seek God’s will and direction for their life and follow the direction he gives.
  • Believe and trust in God’s provision, comfort, protection, leadership, and wisdom in ALL things.

How many of those can you check off? Now I’m not saying you won’t ever have doubts, get scared, or hit the panic button and try doing things your way. We all do that and because God made us and knows us so intimately, he expects it to happen. Just like we expect our children to mess up now and then.

If the faith you have is genuine faith, you need to be applying it to all aspects of your life. And here’s how you can do just that:

#1: Your finances

It’s true, you know, what they say about your life-story being told by where you spend your money. So live by faith and tithe first. Even when you don’t think you can, faith says you can.

You can also live out your faith through your finances by giving over and above your tithe, trusting God to stretch your dollars if you want to become a one-income family so Mom can be a stay-at-home-mom, downsizing your house and other expensive non-essentials for the purpose of giving/ministry, and listening to God’s voice calling you to relocate, open your own business, or work less to have more time for family.

#2: Relationships

I cannot tell you how many times I have seen faith in action in my own life and the lives of others when it comes to relationships. The Bible is filled with examples of this as well (Esther, Job, Hannah, Mary, the Shunammite widow, Elijah, Peter, and Paul—to name a few).

Two people I dearly love had a bitter argument that turned into a two-and-a-half-year period of angry silence between them. I prayed non-stop that God would give me the words and opportunities to fix the situation but no matter how hard I prayed, nothing happened. Then one day as I was praying, I heard God say in my heart, “This isn’t yours to fix, but if you just have faith, I’ll fix it for you.”

From that day on I didn’t worry about the situation. It was still painful for me to watch but I knew it wouldn’t last forever. And sure enough, about a year later one of the parties involved decided the loss of the relationship wasn’t worth the pain it was causing and that if he didn’t forgive and move forward, he couldn’t ever be right with God.

Today the two are in a great place because I got out of God’s way and had faith in him to do what he said he would do.

Not all relationships can be fixed. I know that, but I also know that not all relationships should be fixed. When you are in a relationship with someone who is abusive or with someone who is pulling you away from God rather than encouraging you to grow in your faith, you shouldn’t be there. That’s where living by faith comes into play.

Living out your faith when it comes to your relationships happens when you:

  • Remove yourself from relationships with people you depend on in place of depending on God .
  • Trust God to take care of you and provide for your needs and safety when you leave an abusive relationship.
  • Give your rebellious child over to God in faith instead of wallowing in guilt, anger, frustration, and the stress of trying to fix something beyond your ability to fix.
  • Ask God for the measure of faith you need to forgive deceptions by a spouse, parent, child, or friend for the building up of the relationship.
  • Step out in faith that God will protect your job situation when you stand for Him at work.
  • Trust God to do what is ultimately best for you and your loved ones even when His plan isn’t yours.

#3: Your health and daily living

I could write a book on this category. Who knows—maybe I will, because this is where the “rubber meets the road” when it comes to living by faith. This is where it gets personal.

Living your everyday life in such a way that you apply your faith to every situation and circumstance is something that needs to develop into your character rather than something you do once in a while, e.g. when you’ve exhausted every other possibility.

So how does one go about making that happen?

  • Pray. A lot. When you spend time in prayer asking God for what you need/want and consulting God about the decisions you have to make, faith will grow because when you ask, you receive.
  • Listen and act. Remember the example of the doctor who was only a doctor in word but not deed? Your faith can’t grow if you don’t act on the answers you ask for and receive. God speaks and God provides the way to go, but He won’t drag you kicking and screaming down the road.
  • Know He has a reason for everything and that His reason is always in our best interest.
  • Know that God’s timing is perfect even though we may not understand it… or even like it.
  • Believe that God ALWAYS has your best interest at heart. And that includes those times when you hear words like “cancer”, “terminal”, “divorce”, “fatal”, “you’re fired” , “bankruptcy”, “foreclosure”, “I hate you”, “addict”, and so many other painful and potentially devastating words.
  • Your faith grows. When you see faith in action you can’t help but want more action.
  • Others can’t help but notice. When you live out your faith, people notice. When people notice, your faith and your words are a testimony to the Good News of the Gospel. And when that happens, you have faith in God and are faithful to

Faith is technically a noun, but in reality it is a verb—a call to action.

~ By Darla Noble

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Chinwe C. Anowai says

How best can one explain biblical parenting and the synergy it has with faith with life examples in countries that are full of chaos?

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Benjamin Joseph says

studies on faith lift my spirit and keep me going in Christ

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Juliette Mcgill says

I feel so heartbroken and lonely I want to hear from the Lord I want my faith to be stronger I have such depression I cry all the time I don’t know if the Lord hears me I pray all the time I read my Bible my devotionals I don’t know what else to do

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If there’s one thing you should know, it’s that God sees all you are doing and appreciates it. In fact, He speaks to you and I’m very sure you’ll hear Him if you will stay still. If you still feel you can’t hear Him, Ask The Holy Spirit to speak to you in such a way that you’ll hear Him clearly. God is most certainly with you

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Draughon says

Best way to hear from God is to confess honestly. Read King David;s prayer of confession Psalm 51. I am not Catholic but as a born again Christian I know daily confession keeps me with the Lord so I have peace and His joy. It is essential for me to forgive the people who have wronged me. Also it is essential to give thanks daily. We find Him in our thanksgiving. Thank Him that you can read. Thank Him for enabling you to continue to look for Him. Etc

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Been there. Count your blessing. Literally say them out loud so your brain hears them. Reach out to others.

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Adong Fiona says

I thank God for this post , I felt it speaking straight to my heart . It’s taught me great values and not to lose trust in God nomatter what comes my way . Thank You, God bless your ministry

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person says

how is it used in everyday life

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Johane Banda says

I have loved your teachings on faith.i want to learn more and teach others

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What Is Faith and Why Is it Important?

  • Carrie Lowrance Crosswalk Contributor
  • Updated Jan 05, 2022

What Is Faith and Why Is it Important?

Faith. It’s a word we hear thrown around all the time. Keep the faith. Walking in faith. Having faith. So what is faith? Faith has several different definitions.

1. Complete trust or confidence in someone or something. 2. Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than truth. 3. A system of religious belief. 4. A firmly held belief or theory

What Does the Bible Say About Faith?

The Bible says that faith is confidence in what we hope for and the assurance that the Lord is working, even though we cannot see it. Faith knows that no matter what the situation, in our lives or someone else’s, that the Lord is working in it.

The Hebrew word for faith is Emunah which means “support.” This is perfect because faith is like “the Lord’s support” to us because he is working in every situation for his glory. Regardless of what we think, He always knows best, and there are many times we have to see by faith and not our own eyes.

5 Bible Verses About Faith:

  • “And Abraham believed in the Lord, and the Lord counted him righteous because of his faith.”  - Genesis 15:6 , NLT
  • “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation. By faith, we understand that the whole universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.” - Hebrews 11:1-3 , NLT
  • “When the people of Israel saw the mighty power that the Lord had unleashed against the Egyptians, they were filled with awe before him. They put their faith in the Lord and his servant Moses.”- Exodus 14:31 , NLT
  • “Be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve him. Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you.” - 1 Samuel 12:24
  • “He will protect his faithful ones, but the wicked will disappear into darkness. No one will succeed by strength alone.” - 1 Samuel 2:9  

Where Does Faith Come From?

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9

Justification by faith means that God has removed the penalty of our sins and has declared us to be righteous. By God's work, we have peace with our Lord Jesus Christ.

“Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.” Romans 5:1 (NLT)

What’s the Difference Between Faith and Belief?

Faith and belief are often used in the same context, sometimes interchangeably, but they are not quite the same thing. Belief is a strongly held opinion about an idea or worldview. Beliefs are also opinions that you form about what you read, hear, or see. Beliefs can change over time, as you grow and learn new things. Faith is not something you start and build from; faith can only be received, it must be given by God. True faith can take on doubts and questions, but it remains intact. We can grow in our faith, but the foundation is always the same. James 2:19 says, 

"You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder."

You can believe there is a God, even that there is one God, but do you believe He is your God? God produces faith in us by giving us new hearts and opening our eyes to see that He is our God and we need Him. Does your faith in God change the way you live your life? There are some who say they believe in God, but the way they live their life does not change; they are motivated by other factors. Faith changes how we live our lives, faith motivates us to keep moving in life. 

Having faith in the Bible means trusting that God’s Word is the truth. The faith that God began in us will grow when exposed to God's Word. It’s knowing that every time you read the Bible, the word of God is being imparted in you. The Bible says that faith is not silly or irrational. It is not a feeling of closeness to God either. Instead, faith is being able to trust God for what He has promised in His Word. 

5 Examples of People in the Bible Who Had Faith

1. Mary was faithful to God when she was chosen to be the mother of his son. Mary trusted her God and the role He had chosen for her.

"The angel answered, 'The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. For no word from God will ever fail.' 'I am the Lord’s servant,' Mary answered. 'May your word to me be fulfilled.' Then the angel left her." - Luke 1:35-38

2. Abraham had faith in God when he was called to sacrifice his only son as a burnt offering. He set out the next morning after God told him where to go, he had faith that God would provide. 

"Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, 'Abraham!' 'Here I am,' he replied. Then God said, 'Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.' Early the next morning Abraham got up and loaded his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about. On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. He said to his servants, 'Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.' Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together, Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, 'Father?' 'Yes, my son?' Abraham replied. 'The fire and wood are here,' Isaac said, 'but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?' Abraham answered, 'God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.' And the two of them went on together." - Genesis 22:1-8 

3. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had faith when they were thrown into the fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar. They had no doubts that God would save them.

"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” - Daniel 3:17-18 "They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them. Then Nebuchadnezzar said, 'Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in him and defied the king’s command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God." - Daniel 3:27-28

4. Esther had faith in going to the king unannounced and exposing Haman’s plan to kill the Jews.

"When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai, he sent back this answer: 'Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?' Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: 'Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.'" - Esther 4:12-16

5. Moses had faith when God asked him to lead the Israelite’s out of Egypt and across the red sea, away from everything they knew.

"As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching after them. They were terrified and cried out to the LORD. They said to Moses, 'Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians’? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!' Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” - Exodus 14:10-14

How to Grow in Faith

There are several different ways we can grow in our faith.

1. Ask God to increase your faith. If you are struggling in your faith, ask Him for more of it. He will be glad to bestow it through the Holy Spirit.

2. Focus on obeying God. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but if you focus on following God’s word and commands, your faith will grow naturally.

4. Spend time with other believers. We are meant to worship together, pray together, and share our faith with each other. Hearing about others' journeys in faith can be encouraging. Also study the Bible together, encouraging each other in godly disciplines.

5. Spend time in fervent prayer . Scheduling a specific time each day to spend with God in prayer makes a huge difference. This is your time alone with Him to discuss anything that is on your heart and mind. Be still and listen carefully and your faith will grow in abundance.

How Do We Live by Faith and Not By Sight?

Living in faith and not by sight means that you are willing to go into the unknown. It’s trusting God even though you don’t know where He’s leading you or what the outcome will be. I have been living in faith over a specific situation for almost three years. I have been praying over this situation fervently. I don’t know how it’s going to turn out or where it’s going to lead. All I do know is that God is working, and I’m waiting patiently to see the outcome. It’s not easy and it’s not fun, but I know that He’s in control and that is where I find my peace.

How to Keep the Faith in Times of Trouble

1. Keep a positive attitude, reflecting on God's promises. We are to praise Jesus in all things and in all circumstances.

2. Surrender your circumstances to God. It can be so easy to get upset and shake our fists at Him when things aren’t going right. Instead, ask Him for help and to change your circumstances. Let Him take the wheel and trust what He is going to do.

3. Be generous. The Bible says even in times of trouble, we are to give. It seems counterintuitive when you are struggling to keep your head above water. However, in giving and blessing someone else, you are blessing yourself too. God loves a cheerful giver.

4. Spend more time in the Word. This will help keep you grounded and not going in another direction due to confusion or desperation.

The truest act of faith, which is made possible by God's gift of grace to us, is complete trust in the Lord through every circumstance, even when we do not understand why something is happening or not happening.

Let’s pray:

Dear Lord, Please help me grow in my faith. Help me to lean on You in good times and bad. Help me not to be quick to anger and instead, have a godly mindset. Speak to my heart as I read Your Word and highlight verses of encouragement. Help me to trust You in every situation and in every circumstance. In Your name Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Carrie  Lowrance is a writer and author. She has been published on Huffington Post, The Penny Hoarder, and ParentMap. She is also the author of two children’s books, Don’t Eat Your Boogers (You’ll Turn Green) and Brock’s Bad Temper (And The Time Machine). You can find out more about her on her website, www.carrielowrance.com

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/B-C-Designs

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Creative Ways to Share Your Faith in Everyday Life

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               Sharing your faith can be tough, especially when you feel relatively new to the world of Christianity. It’s easy to feel like you don’t know enough or like you’re not on the right level for you to start sharing your faith, but that’s not the case! You can share your faith every day in creative ways that don’t require a theology degree or extreme social skills. Here are a few of our favorites.

              One of the easiest and possibly most influential ways to share your faith in today’s world is using social media. Sharing a verse or a piece of encouragement from your own personal Bible study can really turn around someone’s day or opinion of God. You would be surprised how much something that simple can do. Next time a verse really catches your eye or changes your perspective, don’t be afraid to share it on one of your social accounts! You never know what seeds might get planted.

              Another simple yet effective way is to wear Jesus – literally! Wearing a piece of clothing or an accessory that shows your love for Christ is a great way to just get people thinking. Whether it’s a t-shirt, a necklace, or even a tattoo, being a physical billboard for Christ can be a fun way to share your faith. If you feel prepared to even take it a step further, these things can also be creative conversation starters. Depending on what it is, you may have people come to you and ask you about it. What better chance will you get to verbally share your faith with someone?

              One of the most powerful ways to share your faith is to talk about what God has done in your life. Even for the Christian themselves, being in tune with how God is working in your life is essential for faith building and cultivating a great relationship with God. In your various conversations throughout the day with people who don’t know Christ, slip in a few words about how you’ve seen God move in your life. Don’t be afraid to be bold! People tend to relate the most to other people’s stories and personal testimonies of how they’ve seen God work. Be authentic and genuine; this goes a long way when sharing Christ with others.

              Lastly, live a life worthy of the Gospel. Philippians 1:27 says, “Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel”. Every action you show towards someone is a testament to the Gospel of Christ. This may sound daunting, but it’s such a great tool for sharing your faith! Doing something as simple as asking an employee at a store you happen to be at how their day is going can go a long way in showing the love of Christ to them. When we live as God calls us to, people notice. By doing this, you can easily and creatively share your faith every single day of your life.

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How to Create a Photo Essay: Step-by-Step Guide With Examples

Written by MasterClass

Last updated: Jun 7, 2021 • 5 min read

Photo essays tell a story in pictures, and there are many different ways to style your own photo essay. With a wide range of topics to explore, a photo essay can be thought-provoking, emotional, funny, unsettling, or all of the above, but mostly, they should be unforgettable.

photo essay about how you live your faith

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10 simple ways to better express your faith.

10 Simple Ways To Better Express Your Faith

Do you want to express your faith in an authentic and organic way but aren’t sure how? When we share our story of what Christ has done in our hearts and lives we have the opportunity to introduce others to Jesus. Sometimes, though, it’s hard to know what to say or where to start.

Here are 10 simple ways to integrate your faith into your everyday life so it becomes a natural expression of who you are.

1. Listen with an open mind

Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge. Proverbs 18:15

Listening is an incredible way to show people you care about them. Rather than waiting for the other person to stop talking so you can insert your opinion or statement, practice taking in what they’re saying and allow yourself to hear it and respond by being curious and asking questions. Even if you never get to say what you want to, the time you spend listening to another will make a powerful impression and make them feel heard. It’s a rare gift in today’s self-centred society.

2. Be slow to speak

Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. James 1:19

Having open discussions is easy when you speak with likeminded people, but what about when you’re talking to someone with a different worldview or opinion? When looking for ways to express your faith with love, try not to react when you hear something you don’t agree with or doesn’t align with your values. Instead, bite your tongue and go back to the first point—listen with an open mind. Remember, your goal isn’t to win an argument but to share the hope you’ve found in Christ with others.

3. Give generously

Some people are always greedy for more, but the godly love to give! Proverbs 21:26

Our natural instinct is to hold tight but the Bible tells us time and time again to give generously. Whether it’s money, time, a listening ear, a meal or something else, becoming a generous person both blesses you and those around you. It may seem counter-intuitive but when we practice giving without expectation of receiving anything in return we embody the life-changing Gospel and people will notice.

4. Pray about it

So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Colossians 1:9

If you’re looking for ways to express your faith why not pray about it? And don’t stop there. Pray for those who God lays on your heart and ask Him to help you spot opportunities to share with them. When we approach evangelism in a prayerful way we become sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and wait for the right time to have a conversation.

5. Be a peacemaker

God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9

Rather than jamming our opinions down people’s throats or arguing our points of view on social media, what if we looked for ways to make peace instead? Our world is filled with conflict and fighting. What better way to stand out and make a statement for Christ than by being known for our love? When you find yourself in a disagreement take a mental step back and think of the big picture. What can you do to create peace in the situation? What can you do to show love towards someone you disagree with?

6. Avoid negativity

Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Philippians 2:14-15

Practicing gratitude isn’t just a modern phenomenon, it’s biblical. If you spend your time complaining about your problems or arguing with others it repels people and they won’t want to spend time with you. If you want to express your faith it’s a lot easier when people want to be around you. Find ways to be a light wherever you go. Try and see the silver lining in situations without being sarcastic and live a life of genuine thankfulness. It will make a positive impression on others and they’ll wonder how they can find that inner joy too.

7. Give people room to mess up

Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Colossians 3:13

No matter what you’ll encounter difficult people and situations in your daily life. People will make mistakes and disappoint you. While you can’t control how other people act you can control your response. Aim to be a person who forgives quickly and does not become easily offended. By living out your faith in this way you’re demonstrating the difference Christ has made in your life without saying a word.

8. Keep your word

Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy. So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbors the truth, for we are all parts of the same body. Ephesians 4:23-25

If you say you’ll do something, do it. The simple act of following up and keeping your promises makes a strong statement and sends a message that you’re a person of character. Because you keep your word people will also know when you say something, you mean it. They’ll take your words to heart, knowing you can be trusted. One of the easiest ways to express your faith is by keeping your word.

9. Share your faith in love

Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. Ephesians 4:15

When you have an opportunity to share your faith don’t hold back. However, be mindful of others’ sensitivities and speak with grace-coated words. No one has ever been bullied into the Kingdom so even though you feel passionate about saving souls, keep in mind the intensity can sometimes be intimidating. Be genuine yet gentle and above all patient. It can take time for the seeds of truth to take root and sprout in people’s lives.

10. Trust God to work

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthians 13:7

When we don’t see instant transformation it can be discouraging. In these times it’s important to take our worries to God in prayer and trust Him to do a good work in His time. We may never see the results from sharing our faith with others but we can hold on to God’s promise in Isaiah 55:11, “It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.”

Sharing your faith as a natural expression in your everyday life can be tricky at first but the more you integrate these 10 tips into your interactions the more you’ll see it become second nature. And if you thought this article was helpful please share the love on social media! Add some positivity to the online space and be a part of the kindness revolution.

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Robyn Roste

Robyn Roste is a professional writer with blogging, marketing and tourism experience. She also has a bachelor of journalism and diplomas in media and communications and biblical studies.

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First Presbyterian Church Bozeman


How do you live your faith?

God calls us to participate in christian community in many ways. meet some of the members of our church who talk about how their faith works through their lives..

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“We’re all called to use the gifts we’ve been given.”

John patterson | retired physician, member of the session, volunteer.

“My faith underlies what I do in my life – my relationship with my medical practice and patients, church and community related activities like Love INC, mission trips, family and daily life. It goes back to childhood as I was raised in a Christian family and in the Presbyterian Church. Sunday school, children’s choir, youth groups and camps all allowed me to grow-up in the faith. As an adult, I’ve found that First Presbyterian has continued to foster my faith development and action. Through my faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I feel called to be the person I am and do the things I do as a natural expression of that faith. As part of the Body of Christ, we’re all called to use the gifts we’ve been given in service to others." Learn more about our ministries

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“I try and teach my children about loving people, caring for people and teaching them to treat all people with respect for each other.”

The turners |  rockhaven camp enthusiasts.

Rachel : It is hard to be specific about faith because it is such a part of me. I grew up in a Christian home. My dad was a youth pastor. My earliest memories are of church, Sunday school, bible school, and memorizing verses. It was always a big part of my life. These days, I see how it changes the way I parent compared with others who don’t have faith: I try and teach my children about loving people, caring for people and teaching them to treat all people with respect for each other.

Brent : Faith also informs the way I love my family and kids. I try and challenge them to treat others with compassion. It also challenges me to do the same thing in the rest of my life—to look at others with compassion. I was raised in a church that was not very inclusive. Then college and people challenged me. This led to try and find a church family where I could fully express this new understanding of what it meant to be faithful. Learn more about our youth programs

photo essay about how you live your faith

“God is a constant I can lean on.”

Tanner robison |  montana state university alumni, former college ministry student leader.

I attended First Presbyterian Church in Butte from when I was little. As I grew older, my Dad told me I should think about whether or not I wanted to be baptized and to come to the decision for myself. I decided to become baptized my freshman year in High School. The summer later, my youth leader mentioned Westminster Spires, the Presbyterian summer camp. My friends and I went, and we had an amazing time. In fact, we were inspired to become counselors which turned out to be one of the most influential things I have ever done. Going to camp is one thing, but serving in a leadership role is very different; people look up to you, and they look to you for spiritual help. For me, being in that position of responsibility made my faith more concrete, less fluid, and a lot larger part of my life. It inspired me to work on my faith which has caused it to grow.

Everyone tells you can rely on God in your life, but you have to experience that to truly believe it. It has been important to me to be able to rely on my faith during my studies and during big changes in my life. God is a constant I can lean on.

At the same time, faith is challenging. It has caused me to look at some of my beliefs in a new way. As I think through some of the big social controversies of the day, I have find my faith has caused me to be more open, to understand all sides of a question and to come to my own conclusions. Learn more about LCM Campus Ministry

photo essay about how you live your faith

“Faith to me is what Jesus said in Luke 10.”

Debby haynes | montana state university professor, member of the session.

Faith to me is what Jesus said in Luke 10: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” This is simple to say, but important and difficult to try and live. Faith has helped me be a better parent, giving me a community of people to help George and me because parenting fully is too big a load for one or two people. Faith has helped our children by giving them a resource to manage the unexpected and unhoped-for eventualities. As I tell our son, Aidar, “These are the people that will be there for you no matter what happens to you.” Faith led us to working in developing countries. Without it, we would have never adopted children from bleak circumstances. Finally, I work at the University and understanding that everyone there is a child of God helps me keep things in perspective! Learn more about First Presbyterian

photo essay about how you live your faith

“Music is born in the soul and that place draws me closer to God.”

Jay pontius-backman | retired church organist, member of the deacons.

Faith has been a part of my life since I was a little kid. My parents didn’t go to church, but even from an early age, I organized my friends to “play church.” I’ve seen times when faith was all I had. It gave me the strength and encouragement I wasn’t getting otherwise and brought me to a point where I’m more patient and tolerant than I was in my twenties. I feel more secure in this life and the life thereafter. Bruce has blessed my life in that was as well. He is magic with animals and has endless patience. He introduced me to horses and taught me about the patience horses need. That patience is better for me and probably better for the horses! I’ve been in church music for fifty-seven years now and have always felt called to the ministry of music. Music takes me to places in my head I couldn’t go otherwise. Music is born in the soul and that place draws me closer to God. For me, improvisation, in particular, is one of the strongest ways humankind can connect with the divine. I hear things in my head before it come out of me. Sometimes when I am conducting an anthem, I feel like the choir allows me into their lives and lets me guide them as God guides me. When I came to Bozeman to be with Bruce three years ago, I thought I would retire from Church Music, but obviously, God has other plans for me, and I believe, in all ways, God has saved the best for last!" Learn more about our music programs

photo essay about how you live your faith

“It is important to integrate my faith into all parts of my life.”

Deana berg | owner of moxie hair & body, wife, and mother of three daughters.

I believe it is important to integrate my faith into all parts of my life. It’s important I bring my kids to church, for example, if I want to show them there is a better way. Church gives them guidance and community. It teaches them to love others. I own a hair salon here in town, and at work I try and let people know that they have options, that if they need to make changes in their lives, there is a way, that Christ can open doors in their lives. That said, as a mom, businesswoman and community member, it is not always easy to live my faith. In fact it can be really hard, and that is why I go to church. Because there is no other way for me but to try and know God, love God and live God in my life. Learn more about our fellowships

photo essay about how you live your faith

“Faith makes your life worth living. Until you are born anew, that doesn’t happen.”

The rosers | retired realtors, member of the deacons and the session, community volunteers.

Mike : Faith makes your life worth living. Until you are born anew, that doesn’t happen. Faith has taught us to serve: our children, our family and the community through the church, including service with the Community Café, the Deacons and giving to the poor. We are also very involved in Eagle Mount. We try and do what God asks us to do.

Mimi : Faith has helped us move through many challenges and to also celebrate our gifts and achievements. God is with us in good times as well as hard times. Learn more about our local mission

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5 Easy Ways to Live Your Faith

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Live your faith. It’s a phrase that we hear often in church or from mentors and peers, but it can be difficult to articulate what that really means. For such a simple phrase, we often feel paralyzed with how to act on the words and live our faith in our everyday lives. But we want to flip the script and make it easy to start living our faith out loud boldly .

Living your faith is not something that is only confined to the four walls of the church, like volunteering in the nursery or leading a Sunday school class. Instead, it’s an everyday, outward expression of your love for God and what He is doing in your life. It’s a choice that we must make, and it’s one that impacts everyone around us. Below are five ways to intentionally live your faith in simple, everyday actions. You’re probably already doing some of these things in your own life, and you didn’t even realize that you were ministering to those around you! 

Be a friend.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Philippians 2:3 CSB

Who knew that living your faith could start with something as simple as being a friend to others? Being a good listener and attentive friend to those around you expresses Christ’s love through you, shows others that you care, and that they’re important to you. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to have a serious conversation with a friend, and they can’t be bothered to look up from their phone long enough to engage with you. Choose to be intentional with your relationships and treat others how Jesus treated others. Be authentic, and inclusive, and your friends will see God’s love shining through you.

Who comes to mind when you think of who you could be a better friend to? Does someone come to mind that you might want to start a friendship with?

Use your gifts.

Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God. 1 Peter 4:10-11 CSB

The Lord has blessed each of us with unique gifts that we can use to further His Kingdom. Sometimes, we don’t even realize we have those gifts, but they’ve been given to us for the purpose of living and sharing our faith. For example, if you love surprising the people in your life with handwritten notes and words of affirmation, you may want to start a card ministry. Come up with a list of all of your loved ones and people in your life you want to bless, and start sending them cards of encouragement that include Scriptures. All of a sudden, you’ve taken your gift of words and started using it to live your faith out loud to the people around you! You can turn any gift into a ministry whenever you’re choosing to honor the Lord with it.

Think about the gifts God gave you. What is an easy way for you to put just one of those gifts into practice to glorify God?  

Radiate positivity.

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22 CSB

Living your faith can be as simple as just having a positive attitude! Every morning, before we even get out of bed, we have a choice to make as to whether or not we will be positive or look for all of the small things to worry about. People take notice of our attitude and actions, and it’s our task as Christ-followers to be an example for others in this way.  There is always going to be something that goes wrong or doesn’t go as planned, but we have the freedom to choose how we react to it, and we can choose to react by glorifying God with our attitude, and in turn, living our faith.

Try to simply smile at one or two strangers today, you’ll be blessed by how it makes you feel and you never know what kind of impact it can have on their day!

Show your gratitude.

Give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 CSB

We all have things to be thankful for, but it can be easy to overlook them or take them for granted if we aren’t consciously recognizing the blessings around us. When you are actively seeking things in your life and the lives of those around you to show gratitude for, the people around you can’t help but take notice. Thank your friend for taking the time to listen to you when you’ve had a rough morning. Thank your barista for always having a smile on their face while making your morning coffee. Thank your boss for making the time to meet with you before a big presentation. Thank your spouse for folding the laundry so you could take some extra time for yourself. Finding the time in your day to recognize and react to the things around you will open your eyes and the eyes of others to the kindness and blessings that God has provided for you.

Go one step further, write a note or two to let someone know how grateful you are for them. Your simple words of encouragement will build them up and may cause a ripple effect.

Do your best.

Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people. Colossians 3:23 CSB

At the end of the day, no one is perfect. We are all just trying to do our best and make Jesus proud, and we will make mistakes . But consciously choosing to do your best in everything you do is an outward expression that you are following what God asks of us in the Scripture. By working for the Lord and doing things for His glory instead of your own, you are living your faith and showing a great example to others around you. 

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Doers of the Word: 6 Tips to Living Out Your Faith

I love the following verse because it always brings “reality” back into the Christian life:

“What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith, but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?” (James 2:14-16)

photo essay about how you live your faith

We cannot possibly have a faith worth anything if we don’t put our beliefs in action. “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” (James 2:17) So what does “living out your faith” look like? Here are just 6 of many ways that we can show our identity in Christ as we serve our fellow man.

1. Pray for Those in Need

I know that God has placed someone on your heart already that needs prayer. This is a motivation brought on by the Holy Spirit. Take the time to pray for your pastors, that they may stay true to the Word as they preach and lead you in worship. Pray for that friend of yours that you have wanted to talk to about Christ. Pray that God will soften their hearts in advance so your words will be received with sincerity. There is always someone to pray for.

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The power of prayer is absolutely unbelievable sometimes. I have a good friend that just adopted a boy from the Ukraine with his wife. Countless times he called me with financial concerns with funding the adoption; we are talking about thousands of dollars here. Every single time we prayed together or separately, God was there and He always provided my friend with the money through someone from church or a neighbor or even an anonymous person. Through prayer and faith, God brought that wonderful boy back to the USA to a caring, loving family that will bring him up with the truth of God’s Word.

2. Follow the Leading of the Spirit

Do you know what the Holy Spirit is? He is our “helper” as described in John 14:26. When we pray to God and really don’t know what to say, the “Spirit, Himself, intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” (Rom:26b) This same Spirit that takes control in prayer also spurs us on to do works for Christ. The Holy Spirit speaks to us mainly through scripture. The scripture is truth and when that truth makes an impression on you to act, the Holy Spirit has actually motivated you to act.  Also, the Holy Spirit sometimes will make a huge impression on you to do something. If you are unsure if He has spoken or not, consider what you are thinking about. The Spirit will never ask you to do anything that is against the Word. So, follow when the Spirit speaks!

3. Be an Active Member in your Congregation

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We cannot possibly have a faith worth anything if we don’t put our beliefs in action.

There is always one role that you can play in your church, whether it is serving communion/offering, greeting people at the doors, or taking a head count to see how many attended the services. You have been given skills and talents by God, so use them. If you are a people person, being a greeter would be awesome for you. If you are great with electronics and computers, being on the audio/video tech team would be a perfect fit for you. Romans 12:6a sums it up when it says, “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them.” God has blessed you with a skill set and it is important to use it for the good of the church.

4. Obey the Scriptures

Whatever is said in scripture should be acted upon in obedience. The Ten Commandments really are a great place to start if you have never looked intently at the Word. These are found in Exodus 20:3-17.

I.  You shall have no other gods before me.

II.  You shall not make for yourself a carved image [idols]

III. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

IV.  Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

V.   Honor your father and your mother.

VI. You shall not murder.

VII.  You shall not commit adultery.

VIII. You shall not steal

IX.  You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

X. You shall not covet.

“Every tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the trees, is the Lord’s; it is holy to the Lord.” (Lev 27:30) Just as Christ came to obey and fulfill the law, we must also obey. God requires us to give 1/10 of the money we earn (which He has really given us) back to Him. Not only that, but God invites us to test Him in it. “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” (Mal 3:10) I can assuredly attest to this. A few years back we didn’t have enough money to buy the kids Christmas gifts. We still tithed, and by the grace of God one of my good Christian brothers gave me a check for a substantial amount of money that covered all of my children’s gifts. I was literally brought to tears when he gave me that check. It is a moment of grace that has touched me to this day.

6. Missions

Some are called to the “mission field” as they go out to other countries around the world. I am not talking only about them. We are all missionaries, and your neighbor might be your mission field. Get involved in donating to charities or becoming a big brother/sister to a child who needs one so desperately. Be a mentor for someone younger in your church. Search out the needs in your community and fill them. Donate your clothes to a foundation that could give them to hurting families. Donate to food pantries and help feed the poor. Mow your neighbor’s grass because they are too old to be doing it themselves. Offer to take an elderly woman/man shopping for groceries once a week. The list goes on and on. Seek out those in need and help them. There is not a better way to show the love of Christ than to relieve a burden on someone who is in need. “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” (Jas 1:27 NLT)

A great mission to support that helps children in need with both their physical and spiritual needs.  Consider browsing the list of children and find one to support today.


God has called us to live by the Word and obey the Word. If you are following His precepts that are written in His holy Word, you can know for certain that you are living out a genuine faith. Feel free to suggest any more ideas about living out your faith. May God bless you as you become a blessing to others.

Source The Holy Bible, English Standard Version “Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ® (ESV) YouTube video “I Walk by Faith” by Maranatha Praise Band

Tagged as: Christian Living , Doers of the Word Living out your faith , faith

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Article by Derek Hill

Derek Hill is a father of two beautiful children. He plays guitar for the worship team at his church. Listening or playing music is one of Derek's favorite things to do. He has been in the church his whole life. His favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:31 - "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"

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10 Lessons from the Book of James on Living Out Our Faith

Jessica van roekel.

10 Lessons from the Book of James on Living Out Our Faith

Do you find it challenging to live out your faith in the wake of suffering, pain, or trials? At times, my sharp tongue displays my inability to live out my belief in kindness. I might be annoyed at my husband and take it out on my kids, or I wake up with a headache and snap at the nearest living thing.

The book of James holds our hand and walks us through the practice of living the Christian faith. This is a practical book exhorting us to maturity and holiness, and James takes the abstract concept of faith to make it concrete. And when faith takes form in our lives through our actions, it turns into a belief that sustains us through trials.

James deals with every area of our Christian life: who we are, what we do, what we say, what we feel, and what we have. A faith-filled life requires us to address each of these areas, and James gives us needed advice to experience the fullness of an active Christian life.

Here are 10 lessons from the book of James on living out the Christian faith:

Photo Credit: Unsplash

1. Rejoice in Trials

1. Rejoice in Trials

[ James 1:2-4 ]

James calls us to rejoice in our suffering, but it’s easier to fret. However, fretting stirs the pot of anger, resentment, bitterness, and an unwillingness to forgive, and when those emotions control your behavior, sin is the result. Trials serve God’s purpose in our lives by giving us an opportunity to turn what we believe into action. Faith comes alive when we exercise trust and joy in God’s presence in our lives. Rejoicing in your trials becomes easier when you can focus on the reason for your hope. 

2. Resist Temptation

2. Resist Temptation

[ James 1:13-15 ]

Desire is a strong motivators in our lives, and temptation plays it like a bow on a fiddle. It’s as if it knows exactly which string to pluck at just the right moment. It’s tempting to respond with hatred to the person who makes your life miserable because, after all, they deserve what they dish out. When this occurs, be aware that your temptations are playing on the desire for revenge; remember, then, revenge doesn’t glorify God. What does glorify God is overlooking an offense instead. Be aware of the tricks of temptations, and don’t be deceived. 

3. Rest in God

3. Rest in God

[ James 1:21-22 ]

Resting in God is not passive, but full of action and adventure. James instructs us that living righteously involves getting rid of moral filth and evil in your life. When our spirit is awakened to God’s truth and we choose to do nothing with it, our hearts are filled with unrest. We must decide to live righteously, but then we must act on that choice and follow through. Examine your life for areas where you know you may not be applying God’s principles for living right before him, and as you make the changes to live righteously, your heart will know rest. 

4. Accept Others

4. Accept Others

[ James 2:12-13 ]

James tells us that when we show favoritism, we’ve discriminated amongst ourselves and become judges with evil thoughts. What do you do when you meet a cranky person in the store? Do you ignore her, but smile at the woman with the cute toddler because she seems more approachable? Both people need an encounter with the living God who is alive in you. Remember how God has accepted you, and then extend that acceptance to all. Mercy triumphs over judgement. You’ve received mercy, now extend it to others. 

5. Assist Others

5. Assist Others

[ James 2:22 ]

James features Abraham and Isaac as proof that faith and actions work together to make faith complete. Would it have been faith if Abraham had waited to obey God before He provided the sacrifice? It’s obedience that grows, strengthens, and enlivens our faith. It takes faith to step out into the unknown as an act of obedience. But our faith grows as God shows up in our obedience. Do you believe God enough to obey Him in faith? He will equip, provide, and come through for you. Serve others as an act of obedience to God, and then watch your faith be strengthened. 

6. Control Your Tongue

6. Control Your Tongue

[ James 3:9-12 ]

At first glance, James presents us with an impossible picture: the untamable tongue. He likens controlling the tongue to a forest set ablaze by a single spark. It’s like the time I participated in a paper lantern lighting event: real flames, dry ground, and paper. One wrong move or gust of wind, and the outcome would have transitioned from beautiful to devastating. Our words have the power to bring life or destruction. If, with your speech, you praise God and curse man, how can you truly say that your faith changes your life? Let God redeem your speech by thinking before you speak. 

7. Pursue Godly Wisdom

7. Pursue Godly Wisdom

[ James 3:17-18 ]

If your tongue is the untamable member of your body, then what must you do? The bridle for our tongues starts in our hearts, moves to our minds, and comes out of our mouths. A changed heart is a heart refined by God’s wisdom, which is what gives us the right words to say at the right time. But how do we know the difference between godly wisdom and worldly wisdom? James provides us with the criteria to decipher between the two. Choose God’s wisdom and let what resides in your heart be pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, mercy-full, good, impartial, and sincere. As you pursue Godly wisdom, your heart changes. 

8. Submit to God

8. Submit to God

[ James 4:7-10 ]

Our God is the God of love and victory, and the way to experience that love and victory is through submitting to him.

We submit to God’s love when we recognize that the only reason we live and move and be is because of His love. If we want to live from a place of victory, then we must submit to our commander-in-chief, which means that we might actually have to remove certain behaviors or patterns of thoughts from our lives. Submission leads us into a deeper grace with God because it requires us to humble ourselves before him. God gives grace to the humble and opposes the proud.

Photo Credit: Unsplash  

9. Exercise Patience in Suffering

9. Exercise Patience in Suffering

[ James 5:11 ]

Maturing in faith requires patience and perseverance when we suffer. But who wants to be patient in their suffering? We run to the closest thing that gives us relief. We numb our emotions with food, drink, shopping, entertainment, and the pursuit of pleasure. But when the numbness wears away, we feel the suffering again, so we run back to our vices. We could learn much from Naomi. She owned her suffering, she entered into it, and didn’t try to numb it away. We call her blessed because she persevered, but she called herself blessed because God redeemed her suffering. Be patient in suffering. Persevere in trusting God. God is moving even when we can’t see him. 

10. Pray in Faith

10. Pray in Faith

[ James 5:13-16 ]

James references Elijah, an ordinary man who God used to accomplish the extraordinary. In 1 Kings 17 , Elijah prayed and God answered, stopping any rainfall for three years. Pray when you’re sad, happy, mad, joyful, hurt, or pleased. Confess your weaknesses to a trusted Bible-believing friend and ask for prayer. Confession stops shame's power, and the prayer of faith brings healing. You might be ordinary, but you serve an extraordinary God who longs to rise up within you to do extraordinary things through you. 

Photo Credit: Thinkstock

Practicing Your Faith

Practicing Your Faith

James is a handbook to live our Christian faith. He uses multiple examples to show us how to move from reading about our faith to acting on our faith. Photography is my hobby, and I have spent hours reading about it, but I didn’t start improving until I picked up my camera to use it. I needed the book knowledge and the practice to be a good photographer.

Our Christian faith is like that, too. We can read the Bible every day, but if we don’t put it into practice, our lives won’t change. Choose one thing to do today in response to this article. Read the book of James or follow a link to a verse and then do something about what you read. Move your faith from abstract to concrete by acting on it.

Jessica Van Roekel is a woman on the journey to wholeness through brokenness. She believes that through Christ your personal histories don’t have to define your present or determine your future. Her greatest desire is to see you live this “God-life” with all the power and grace that God provides. Jessica lives in a rural community with her husband and four children. She leads worship on Sundays, but seeks to be a worshiper every day. You can connect with her at  www.welcomegrace.com   and on Facebook:  www.facebook.com/ yourJessicaVanRoekel

Originally published Friday, 30 March 2018.

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