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kusumamahesh123 commented Jun 14, 2020
thank you its working
Sorry, something went wrong.
yaswanth67 commented Jun 14, 2020 via email
arun95gangwar commented Jul 3, 2020
hrs = input("Enter Hours:") rate = input("Enter rate:") h=float(hrs) r=float(rate) def computepay(h,r): if h>40: fix=r h extra=(h-40) (r*0.5) pay=fix+extra
total=computepay(h,r) print("Pay",total)
AbhilashaSharma14 commented Jul 24, 2020
def computepay(h,r): if h<=40: pay=h r elif h>40: pay=40 r+(h-40) r 1.5 return(pay)
hrs = input("Enter Hours:") h = float(hrs) rate = input("Enter rate:") r = float(rate) p = computepay(h,r) print(p)
my-name-arch commented Jul 27, 2020
input("Enter Hours:") h=float(hrs) rate=input("enter rate") r=float(rate) def computepay(h,r): if h<=40: pay=hr elif h>=40: pay=40r+(h-40)1.5r return (pay) p=computepay(h,r): print("Pay",p) I don;t see what is wrong with this code. It comes up as a parse error. Can someone please help
AhmedSaidi99 commented Aug 8, 2020
hrs = input("Enter Hours:") h = float(hrs) rate = input("Enter rate:") r = float(rate) p = computepay(h,r) print("Pay", p)
MimAhmed commented Aug 12, 2020
hrs = input("Enter Hours:") hour_float = float(hrs) rate = input("Enter rate:") rate_float = float(rate) final_pay = computepay(hour_float ,rate_float) print(final_pay)
HaamzaHM commented Oct 17, 2020
hrs = input("Enter Hours:") h = float(hrs) rate = input("Enter rate:") r = float(rate) p = computepay(h,r) print("Pay",p)
Japarna commented Oct 20, 2020
hrs= input("enter the hours:") rate=input("enter the rate per hour:") hrs=float(hrs) rate=float(rate) def computepay(hours,rate): if hrs <= 40: pay=hrs
pay=computepay(hrs,rate) print('Pay',pay)
JohnLeMay4 commented Oct 28, 2020
Why isn't this working? It is literally what Chuck did in the video and it works in my command prompt:
def computepay(hours, rate) : #print("In computepay", hours, rate) if hours > 40 : reg = rate * hours otp = (hours - 40.0) * (rate * 0.5) pay = reg + otp else: pay = hours * rate #print("Returning",pay) return pay sh = input("Enter Hours: ") sr = input("Enter Rate: ") fh = float(sh) fr = float(sr) xp = computepay(fh,fr)
Why isn't this working? It is literally what Chuck did in the video and it works in my command prompt: def computepay(hours, rate) : #print("In computepay", hours, rate) if hours > 40 : reg = rate * hours otp = (hours - 40.0) * (rate * 0.5) pay = reg + otp else: pay = hours * rate #print("Returning",pay) return pay sh = input("Enter Hours: ") sr = input("Enter Rate: ") fh = float(sh) fr = float(sr) xp = computepay(fh,fr) print("Pay:",xp)
sisysl commented Jan 22, 2021
hrs = input("Enter Hours:") h = float(hrs) rate = input("Enter rate:") r = float(rate) def computepay(h,r): if h<=40: pay=h_r elif h>40: pay=40_r+(h-40)_r_1.5 return(pay) p = computepay(h,r) print('Pay',p)
not working
It is working, try again.
Be careful for indent when use function.
ozguripekci commented Jun 15, 2021
sooryansatheesh commented Jun 21, 2021
#Perfectly Working 💙 #function def computepay(hours, per_rate_hours): #overtime if (hours>40): pay = hours * per_rate_hours overtime = (hours - 40) * (0.5 * per_rate_hours) payment = pay + overtime else: payment = hours * per_rate_hours return payment #code begins hours = input("Enter Hours: ") per_rate_hours = input("Enter Per Rate Hour: ") #try and except try: f_hours= float(hours) f_per_rate_hours=float(per_rate_hours) except: print("Error") quit() final_pay = computepay(f_hours, f_per_rate_hours) print("Pay", final_pay)
You will get an error "You have to prompt for the data"...
def computepay(): hours = float(input("Enter Hours:")) rate_per_hour = float(input("Enter Rate per hour:")) if hours>40: pay=(40 rate_per_hour)+((hours-40) rate_per_hour 1.5) else :pay=(hours rate_per_hour) return pay
print("Pay",computepay()) quit()
my code above gives the exact answer but the autograder rejects it by telling that you must prompt for the data
MuhammadShayan17 commented Jul 19, 2021
it's because of the indent issue in line 6; the return function should be backwards, and with the de-indent apart from the above line.. Then I hope that the above code would have worked just right and fine.. :)
The only thing I find wrong in this programming code is the "indent" thing, as I think, you totally forgot about using indents and all..
Hmm, right, but along with this, I guess, there's also the indent thing issue here.. But nvm, all's good when the end's good I guess.. :/
def computepay(): hours = float(input("Enter Hours:")) rate_per_hour = float(input("Enter Rate per hour:")) if hours>40: pay=(40_rate_per_hour)+((hours-40)_rate_per_hour_1.5) else :pay=(hours_rate_per_hour) return pay print("Pay",computepay()) quit() my code above gives the exact answer but the autograder rejects it by telling that you must prompt for the data
Just look for the indent here, I guess. Apart from this, I think the autograder might also be not scanning and coding the double function you've put and typed out there, so yeaah...
ozguripekci commented Jul 19, 2021
Sometimes, "copy and paste" is not working. You need to write all code one-by-one on your IDE. And sometimes because of the "copy and paste", indent problems come through. Best wishes guys.
iamfusta commented Oct 31, 2021
#fixed TR_iamfusta
hrs = input("Enter Hours:") h = float(hrs) rate = input("Enter rate:") r = float(rate)
def computepay(h,r): if h<=40: pay=hr elif h>40: pay=40*r+(h-40) r 1.5 return(pay) p = computepay(h,r) print('Pay',p)
dynamodave789 commented Apr 21, 2022
def computepay(h, r): if h <= 40: pay = h * r elif h > 40: pay = (40*r+(h-40) 1.5 r) return(pay)
hrs = input("Enter Hours: ") h = float(hrs) rate = input("Enter Rate: ") r = float(rate) p = computepay(h, r) print("Pay", p)
eddshine commented May 6, 2022 • edited Loading
Here's my code: (Only 9 lines of code plus it's very easy to understand)
Have fun! :)
aliimran-ux commented Jun 16, 2022
This is perfect code 👍
sunnyfisher429 commented Jun 26, 2022
how can i fix this ?
hrs= input("Enter Hours:") rates=input("Enter hours:") h=float(hrs) r=float(rates)
def computepay(hrs,rates) if h>=40: p=(40+(fh-40)) r (fr 1.5) else h<=40: p=h r return(p)
sp=computepay(h,r) print ('Pay',p)
imranlondon commented Sep 17, 2022 • edited Loading
Pay and over time caculater.
def computepay(hours, rates): if hours <= 40: print(hours * rates) else: print ((hours - 40) * (rates * 1.5) + (40 * rates))
If hours are more than 40, the mean user did over time, and the rate differs from the actual rate. So, first, we count extra hours from 40, then multiply with different rates and then the original hours at the regular rate. Then combine both.
Taking input from user.
hours = float(input("Enter hours :")) rates = float(input("Enter rates :"))
called function
sbedoyac commented Nov 4, 2022
Thaks for that comment, it was the solution
CristianoFIlho commented Dec 23, 2022
def computepay(hours, rate): if hours <= 40: return hours * rate else: overtime_hours = hours - 40 overtime_pay = overtime_hours * (rate * 1.5) return 40 * rate + overtime_pay
hours = float(input("Enter the number of hours worked: ")) rate = float(input("Enter the rate per hour: ")) gross_pay = computepay(hours, rate) print("Pay %.2f" % gross_pay)
programmarself commented Jun 23, 2023
its works 100%. def computepay(h,r): if h<=40: pay=h r elif h>40: pay=40 r+(h-40) r 1.5 return(pay)
silo3605 commented Jan 19, 2024 • edited Loading
This worked for me perfectly, most of the times it has to do with indentations, or Colons or " " improperly placed. def computepay(h, r): if hours <= 40: pay = hours * rate else: pay = 40 * rate + (hours - 40) * rate * 1.5 return pay
hours = float(input("Enter hours: ")) rate = float(input("Enter rate per hour: "))
p = computepay(10, 20) print("Pay", p)
Note: There are indentations in this code: if, else and returned must be aligned; pay, pay must also be aligned. If using python 3, hit the tab key once, which should place if right between f in def and space and c in computepay(h,r): The first pay should be right beneath hours of the if statement. The second pay should be beneath se of the else: and lastly return pay should be in alignment with else: so it should be if hours, else: and return pay aligned correctly and the same for pay by using the space bar in your pc. There two spaces after lines:6 and 10
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File handling, python modules, python numpy, python pandas, python matplotlib, python scipy, machine learning, python mysql, python mongodb, python reference, module reference, python how to, python examples, python assignment operators.
Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables:
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Chapter 11. Assignments, Expressions, and Prints
Now that we’ve had a first introduction to Python statement syntax, this chapter begins our in-depth tour of specific Python statements. We’ll begin with the basics: assignment statements, expression statements, and print operations. We’ve already seen all of these in action, but here we’ll fill in important details we’ve skipped so far. Although they’re relatively simple, as you’ll see, there are optional variations for each of these statement types that will come in handy once you begin writing realistic Python programs.
We’ve been using the Python assignment statement for a while to retain objects in examples. In its basic form, you write the target of an assignment on the left of an equals sign, and the object to be assigned on the right. The target on the left may be a name or object component, and the object on the right can be an arbitrary expression that creates an object. For the most part, assignments are straightforward, but here are a few key properties to note up front:
Assignments create object references. As discussed in Chapter 6 , Python assignments store references to objects in names or data structure components. They always create references to objects instead of copying the objects. Because of that, Python variables are more like pointers than data storage areas.
Names are created when first assigned. Python creates a variable name the first time you assign it a value (i.e., an object reference), ...
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Different Forms of Assignment Statements in Python
We use Python assignment statements to assign objects to names. The target of an assignment statement is written on the left side of the equal sign (=), and the object on the right can be an arbitrary expression that computes an object.
There are some important properties of assignment in Python :-
- Assignment creates object references instead of copying the objects.
- Python creates a variable name the first time when they are assigned a value.
- Names must be assigned before being referenced.
- There are some operations that perform assignments implicitly.
Assignment statement forms :-
1. Basic form:
This form is the most common form.
2. Tuple assignment:
When we code a tuple on the left side of the =, Python pairs objects on the right side with targets on the left by position and assigns them from left to right. Therefore, the values of x and y are 50 and 100 respectively.
3. List assignment:
This works in the same way as the tuple assignment.
4. Sequence assignment:
In recent version of Python, tuple and list assignment have been generalized into instances of what we now call sequence assignment – any sequence of names can be assigned to any sequence of values, and Python assigns the items one at a time by position.
5. Extended Sequence unpacking:
It allows us to be more flexible in how we select portions of a sequence to assign.
Here, p is matched with the first character in the string on the right and q with the rest. The starred name (*q) is assigned a list, which collects all items in the sequence not assigned to other names.
This is especially handy for a common coding pattern such as splitting a sequence and accessing its front and rest part.
6. Multiple- target assignment:
In this form, Python assigns a reference to the same object (the object which is rightmost) to all the target on the left.
7. Augmented assignment :
The augmented assignment is a shorthand assignment that combines an expression and an assignment.
There are several other augmented assignment forms:
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Dec 4, 2024 · The Walrus Operator in Python is a new assignment operator which is introduced in Python version 3.8 and higher. This operator is used to assign a value to a variable within an expression. Syntax: a := expression. Example: In this code, we have a Python list of integers. We have used Python Walrus assignment operator within the Python while loop.
Note: There are indentations in this code: if, else and returned must be aligned; pay, pay must also be aligned. If using python 3, hit the tab key once, which should place if right between f in def and space and c in computepay(h,r): The first pay should be right beneath hours of the if statement.
Implicit assignments in Python; These topics will take you through several interesting and useful examples that showcase the power of Python’s assignment statements. Annotated Assignment Statements. PEP 526 introduced a dedicated syntax for variable annotation back in Python 3.6.
W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more.
Since Python 3.8, code can use the so-called "walrus" operator (:=), documented in PEP 572, for assignment expressions. This seems like a really substantial new feature, since it allows this form of assignment within comprehensions and lambdas. What exactly are the syntax, semantics, and grammar specifications of assignment expressions?
this contains all the answers to the quizes and asssignments for "Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)" on Coursera by the University of Michigan. - Coursera---Programming-for-Everybody-Getting-Started-with-Python-/Week 6- Assignment 4.6 at master · Ritik2703/Coursera---Programming-for-Everybody-Getting-Started-with-Python-
Assignments create object references. As discussed in Chapter 6, Python assignments store references to objects in names or data structure components. They always create references to objects instead of copying the objects. Because of that, Python variables are more like pointers than data storage areas. Names are created when first assigned.
May 10, 2020 · There are some important properties of assignment in Python :-Assignment creates object references instead of copying the objects. Python creates a variable name the first time when they are assigned a value. Names must be assigned before being referenced. There are some operations that perform assignments implicitly. Assignment statement forms ...
Solutions to the exercises of the popular Python specialisation in Coursera offered by the University of Michigan and taught by Dr. Chuck. This repository contains the solutions of the assignments of all 5 courses in the specialisation: 1.Programming for Everybody (Getting started with Python) 2.Python Data Structures 3.Using Python to Access Web Data 4.Using Databases with Python 5.Capstone ...
Assignment 6 – 100 points Lists What students will learn: 1) Declaring lists 2) Performing common operations on lists Overview: Lists are an incredibly powerful thing in computing. Almost every audio file, video file, and image you’ve ever seen on a computer is stored in a list-like structure. A list is simply a