epq powerpoint presentation example

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EPQs: why give a presentation?

What are the guidelines for the presentation?

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an opportunity for you to work independently on a topic that really interests you or that you think is important. It is equivalent to an A-level qualification. These articles are designed to help you if you are enrolled on an EPQ.

See previous article in series: Writing up your dissertation

Why give a presentation?

Giving a presentation on the results of your work is a requirement for the EPQ. You are asked to:

  • show evidence of how you approached and carried out the EPQ
  • give an overview of the research you conducted.

Fig 1 - The research cycle: Communication

There can be many reasons for giving a presentation. You might want to start a discussion, persuade others to share your opinion, analyse some evidence, share information, inspire people to do something, communicate an idea, teach a topic, learn something, show what you’ve been working on ...

The purpose of the presentation affects the content you include and the style you choose to use. 

Who’s in your audience and what do they want from your presentation ?

A presentation is a two-way activity. Thinking about your audience and developing a rapport with them keeps people engaged with what you’re saying or doing. 

Very often, a presentation will include a space for audience questions or discussion. If you have kept your audience engaged throughout your presentation, their questions will be more closely related to the content, making it easier for you to answer.

  • Thinking about your audience
  • Starting your presentation
  • The EPQ audience

Starting your preparation by thinking about your audience – who they are, what they want, what they are interested in, what they like, what they don’t like – will help bring them to life in your mind.

You can imagine their characters and personalities, their interests and responses. You don’t have to think about the life story of everyone in the audience – this is about broad descriptions. But thinking about the audience means that when you are creating your presentation, you are doing it with people in mind, helping you craft a presentation that engages them as much as possible.

As an example, look at the two people in Figure 2 (or read the description) and write down five words to describe them.

Possible audience members

How did you describe them? You might have come up with: 

  • girl, writing, young, computer, relaxed, t-shirt
  • man, banjo, musician, outdoors, beard

How can you use this description?

Think about starting your presentation .

If you think your audience is likely to be people like the young female writer, you could start with a (relevant!) quote from your favourite writer. For an audience of people that like to make music, you could include a piece of music that relates to your work.

Think about the content of your presentation. If you are presenting to a group of painters, you’d want to use lots of images. If you were presenting to very young children, you’d probably want to include some activities they could join in.

For example, Nisha, a researcher, gave a presentation at a science festival on the topic of ‘the future of space in society’. She characterised her audience as: 

  • more than 16 years old
  • knowledgeable
  • interested in the future

What does this mean for how she structured her presentation? Because she imagined her audience as  adults , it’s likely she would have been comfortable discussing quite difficult topics and using complex language.

Thinking of them as  knowledgeable  means she would have been prepared for some interesting, and possibly tricky questions.

Visualising them as  interested in the future  means she would have included some material on new developments in research, and thought about the kind of questions they might ask about future work.

Who is the audience for your presentation?

For the EPQ, your audience is likely to be your fellow students and your teachers. These are probably people you know well, and who know each other well.

  • What five words could you use to describe them?

What are the guidelines for the presentation ?

It’s always a good idea to know the guidelines for your presentation.

It’s helpful to have a few basic issues sorted out before you start preparing your presentation.

How long should your presentation be? Do you have to include time for discussion after the presentation or is that separate? 

For EPQ presentations, different exam boards have different specifications about timing and format, so check the guidelines for the exam board you are studying with. A typical guideline might be that you should present for ten minutes, followed by five minutes for questions and discussion.

What equipment do you need?

Will it be provided or will you have to take your own? 

Do you or the audience have specific needs that you should accommodate? 

For example, you might be asked to use a microphone because someone in the audience has hearing problems. What kind of microphone will this be? One fixed to a stand or one you carry in your hand? How will using the microphone affect your planned presentation style? If it’s a fixed microphone, and you planned to move about while you present, you might have to change some elements of your presentation.

Where will you be giving the presentation? What kind of layout will the room have? How will this affect your presentation?

For example, will the audience be seated in rows (like a theatre), around a table (like people in a café), in an informal circle, or some other arrangement? Is the room layout fixed or can you re-arrange it to suit your presentation?

Who will be in the audience?

If you have read the previous section, you’ll have thought about this and how you can create a presentation that will appeal to them.

How many people will be in the audience? 

This matters if you are planning to share handouts or ask people to look at visual aids or physical objects. You don’t want to have too few, but you don’t want to waste resources by preparing too much.

There are many different ways to present, so which kind of presentation should you choose? That depends on the kind of project you have done and the material you are presenting. 

Every format has advantages and disadvantages. You will want to choose the format that works best for you and your work.  Some common examples are:

Face-to-face oral presentation

epq powerpoint presentation example

Sometimes simply talking is enough. Telling your story directly to the listeners, with no distractions, is very compelling.

Oral presentation with visual aids


If you want to include evidence such as graphs, charts or images, using visual aids to support your presentation is helpful. Visual aids include presentation software (such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi or Apple Keynote), wall displays, large posters or printed handouts.

Video presentation

A woman using a smartphone to record herself giving a presentation.

You could choose to make a short video documenting your work. This allows people to look at or listen to the presentation in their own time.

This style of presentation is very appropriate for a project in which you have created an artefact or run an experiment and you need to show the whole process. 

There’s more information about giving your presentation  later in this article.

Structuring your presentation .

There will be a time limit on your presentation, so you should plan your presentation to be sure that you cover everything you need to.

  • How many slides?

One way to allocate the time for the different sections is to think about the proportions you used for the dissertation.

Check out the previous article in this series ‘Writing up your dissertation’  for more info.

Table 1 Example word allocation for each section of your report
Section Word count Proportion (%)
Introduction 800 15
Research review 1800 30
Discussion / development / analysis 2700 45
Conclusion 500 10

Fig 3 - Structuring a presentation

Introduction – 1 minute – why this question:

  • the question you set out to answer
  • why this question matters (perhaps to you, to your audience, to other people).

Review – 3 minutes – the evidence you found:

  • a summary of how you carried out your research
  • an overview of the evidence you found.

In three minutes, you probably won’t have time to cover all your evidence, so pick out the key points that are most important for you to explain.

If the audience knows there’s more you haven’t had time to say, they will be able to ask you questions about it.

Discussion – 5 minutes – why it matters:

  • a summary of your key findings
  • evidence for and against your question
  • what the evidence means – how it helped you answer your question.

Again, in five minutes, you’ll only really have time to focus on the key points, so think carefully about what they are and which ones you want to present.

Conclusion – 1 minute – the answer:

  • the answer your evidence has led you to
  • the key message you want your audience to take away from your presentation.

How many slides should you make for your presentation? The most important thing to think about is how much time you have. Ann, who is a lecturer in astrobiology education and also teaches science communication, discusses this issue.

What are her suggestions?

When you’re thinking about creating the slides for a presentation, there’s a couple of good rules of thumb to remember. One is to stick to one idea per slide. 

And the other is that it takes approximately two minutes to present a slide. So for a ten-minute presentation, you’re looking at maybe five slides. 

If you divide them up roughly the same way as you divide the presentation itself, that will be one slide for the question, another slide to review the evidence that you found, perhaps a couple of slides on your discussion and analysis and one slide on the conclusion. 

You can have a top and tail. It’s good to have a slide at the beginning with the name of your talk on it, and your name. This is a good one to have on display at the beginning, while people are settling down and getting comfortable. You can also have a closing slide that you can leave up to cover the question time.

Ann’s summary

If you plan to use presentation software, it’s tempting to cram in lots of slides, because you’ve done a lot of work and you want to share it all. However, your audience will need time to absorb the material you are presenting on your slides. If you have text, they need to be able to read it; if you have images, they need to be able to take in all the details. Good communication practice suggests that you should present one idea per slide, and that it takes roughly two minutes to present one slide. So for the example outlined in Table 1, that would mean:

  • Introduction – one slide.
  • Review – one or two slides.
  • Discussion – two or three slides.
  • Conclusion – one slide.

That’s approximately five to seven slides for a ten-minute presentation, with perhaps an additional opening slide to introduce yourself and a closing slide to cover the question time (Figure 7).

Fig 4 - how many slides

Using presentation software (such as PowerPoint, Prezi or Keynote) is probably the most common way of creating a presentation, but it’s worth taking a moment to decide whether this is the most appropriate route for the topic, the presentation and you.

  • Should I use presentation software?
  • Making it readable
  • Using images

If you do decide to use presentation software, following a few simple guidelines will help keep your presentation interesting and impactful. When deciding, think about:

What’s best for your content?

  • do you have a lot of images? (useful)  
  • are there graphs and charts? (useful) 
  • is it all text? (not so useful)

What’s best for your audience?

  • how old are they?
  • what are they interested in?
  • where are you giving the presentation – small room, large theatre, in the dark, in artificial light?

What’s best for you?

  • what skills do you have – can you draw really good images or take great photographs? 
  • can you sum up complex ideas in a few interesting words?

A good rule of thumb is to aim for presentation slides to be readable from 2.5m away.

Don’t try to crowd too much onto a slide. Aim for your text or images to take up no more than half the area of the slide. Keeping a good margin of white space around the content makes images easier to understand and text easier to read.

Using a widescreen (16:9) format for your slides gives you a larger area to work on, which means your images can be bigger and the text size can be larger.

A powerpoint slide in wide-screen format

Compelling and relevant images that are easy to understand will hold the audience’s attention and support your storytelling.

Women in a discussion group about health services for women and children

In Figure 9, it’s easy to see that the young women are sharing their thoughts by writing on a large sheet of paper. We can speculate that some of them might be mothers, as there are young children and babies in the photo.

Possibly flamingos? Photo by S. Filippidou, AstrobiologyOU

Compare that with the image in Figure 10. It’s not very clear – there’s some open water, a flock of pink birds that are possibly flamingos and a shoreline beyond them. It’s not easy to work out what the subject is: is it the water, the flamingos or the land on the horizon? If you used this photo, you would have to explain what to look for. That means the photo isn’t doing its job of enhancing your presentation.

Where to find images

If you have your own photos, drawings or images, that’s ideal, because they will represent your work most clearly. As the creator of the image, you own the  copyright , so you can use the image in whatever way you want.

As  discussed in our ‘Writing up your dissertation’ article, you should never try to pass off someone else’s work as your own. This applies to photos and images as well as text.

If you choose to use images created by other people, look for images that are in the public domain or have a Creative Commons licence, and in your presentation, include text that acknowledges where the image came from. Websites such as Pixabay or rawPixel offer lots of usable images, with full details of how you should acknowledge the creators. If you’re using Google Images, you can also click on ‘Tools’ and then adjust the ‘Usage Rights’ settings to search for re-usable material.

Using tables, graphs and charts

Presentation software, posters or handouts are excellent for showing tables, graphs and charts that illustrate your findings. When creating your presentation, you can re-use graphs and charts that you created for your dissertation.

For more information, see  Article 1: ‘Writing up your dissertation – Tables, graphs and charts’ .

Less is definitely more when it comes to text on slides. Compare these two slides – which is easier to read and understand?

Example 1 of a slide

The first slide is much better. It has a pale grey background with five lines of black text, with a few words highlighted in orange.  The second slide has a large image of a woodland as the background, with approximately 25 lines of white text. The text is almost unreadable.

Good communication practice suggests using:

  • a maximum of  9   lines  of text on a slide
  • a maximum of  10   words  per line
  • an  easy-to-read  font; preferably sans serif (common sans serif fonts include arial, helvetica and calibri)
  • large font  sizes; ideally 36-point text for titles; 30-point and 24-point for body text
  • black text on pale grey (or pale yellow or blue) background; good contrast between background and text is best for people with dyslexia and vision problems. Avoid stark white backgrounds, as the shininess can cause problems
  • colours  (up to five) for contrast and highlighting.

Giving your presentation .

We can learn a lot by watching and listening to other people give presentations, picking up from their good points and learning from what doesn’t go so well.

  • Good presentations
  • And not so good presentations
  • Preparing to present – practising 

Photo of someone giving a presentation on stage

What’s the best presentation you’ve ever watched online or been to? Perhaps you have a teacher whose style you admire, or you’ve been to a public lecture or talk that included presentations. What made them so good?

If nothing comes to mind, watch this presentation on   The networked beauty of forests   from the  TED-Ed  community to get your thinking started. The presentation lasts about six minutes.

As you watch, consider anything about it that appeals to you. What are its good points?

You might have come up with ideas such as:

  • a  title  that grabs your attention
  • clear and relevant  images ,  graphs  and  tables
  • use of relevant pieces of  video , audio  or  music
  • speakers who look like they really  care  about the subject
  • speakers who keep up a  good pace , not going too slowly but not rushing either
  • being able to  hear the speaker  clearly
  • being able to  see the content  clearly.

You probably came up with some other thoughts. How can you incorporate these ideas into your presentation?

Most of us have sat through presentations that weren’t very good. What problems did they have?

Watch this video , which was produced by Keele University, and use the bingo card below to identify some of the common mistakes made in presentations.

Table 2 Presentation bingo
Problems starting presentation Too many slides for the time available Yellow writing on bright blue background Entire slide filled with equations

Ummm... err... so...

Speaker runs out of time

Jargon... jargon...

Speaker forgets to use mike
Speaker never looks at audience Computer malfunctions Someone’s phone rings Text too small to read
Really obvious spelling mistakes Speaker uses five minutes to give outline You don’t understand any of it Speaker turns round to read from slide

You probably spotted more problems than were included on the bingo card!

Of course, this was a deliberately bad presentation, but it gives us some clues about errors we can easily avoid. Sometimes speakers do things that irritate the audience because they’re nervous – people jangle keys in their pocket, chew their hair or constantly fiddle with a pen. Sometimes people don’t feel well-prepared so they read from a script, or they say ‘um’ or ‘er’ or ‘so
’ a lot. These are errors that we can avoid through good preparation and lots of practice.

PDF document

Once you have designed your presentation, you need to think about how you are going to deliver it. What will you say as you present the slides?

Organise your notes

Screenshot of the presenter's view of an online presentation, showing the slide and notes.

You might be very good at learning a script, but most people can’t remember the whole of a presentation by heart, and reading from a printed script isn’t engaging for your audience.

Therefore, many presenters use a ‘cue card’ system to keep on track:

  • organise your notes into a logical series of points
  • write a few reminder words for each point
  • transfer your reminder words on to small cards (small enough to fit in your hand but big enough that you can read the reminder words easily; say 10cm x 5cm)
  • have one card for the beginning, with your opening sentence written out
  • have one card for the end, with a reminder of the message you want your audience to take away from the presentation
  • fill in the middle with a card for each main point you want to make, or phrase you want to use.

When you are confident you have the right flow in your content, number your cue cards in sequence. Nervous presenters have been known to drop their cards and scatter them across the floor. If that happens, you’ll want to get them back in order quickly!

Practise giving your presentation as much as you can. Practise to your family, practise to your friends (and be an audience for them in return), practise to the cat or practise to a tree; the more you practise, the more confident you will be.

As you practise, you will become more comfortable with the sound of your ‘presenter’ voice and feel more like you’re talking as you would to a friend.

Something else to think about as you write your presentation is your speaking speed. You will find you need to speak more slowly when you are presenting, so that you deliver each word clearly. This means you can’t pack as many words into the minutes as you can in ‘normal’ speech.

Timing yourself over multiple practices helps you judge whether you have the right amount of content. If there’s anything there that doesn’t  need  to be there, this will give you the opportunity to cut it out. You might need to trim back and focus on fewer points, or you might find you have the space to add more material.

Practising also helps you ensure that the order of your points is logical and tells a coherent story. And finally, through practising you’ll be able to judge whether your visual aids (if you have used them) give the right message and enhance what you are saying. 

Feedback from other people can be very helpful when you’re practising, especially if you ask for feedback on specific points that you are concerned about. Asking for targeted feedback on the delivery, the slides or the visual aids (or other points) is likely to be more useful than simply asking ‘what do you think?’.

If it isn’t possible to get ‘live’ feedback, you could video yourself and ask others to watch it back and give you feedback, or you could watch the recording yourself and reflect on the presentation. Not everyone enjoys watching themselves give presentations though!

On the day.


  • It’s your story – and you’re the best person to tell it.
  • You’ve designed your presentation with the audience in mind (look back at  ‘Giving your presentation ’ ).
  • You’ve prepared great content (look back at ‘Guidelines’  and ‘Structuring your presentation’ ).
  • You’ve designed excellent slides, posters or other aids (look back at ‘Presentation software’ ).
  • You’ve timed and practised your presentation (look back at ‘Structuring your presentation’  as well as the resources below).

Look up, smile at the audience, take a deep breath and be great! Good luck!

More resources.

There are lots of resources available online to help you prepare and give good presentations. Here are two from the Open University that you might find useful:

  • Communicating and presenting: skills for OU study
  • Giving presentations

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Other articles in this series...

EPQs: designing your research question

EPQs: designing your research question

You’ve already decided to do an EPQ, so it might seem a little odd to start this resource by asking you to consider why you want to do a research project. People do an EPQ for all sorts of reasons. Why do you want to do an EPQ?

EPQs: finding and using evidence

EPQs: finding and using evidence

Finding the evidence that will help you understand a topic or answer a question is an important stage in the research process. And once you have found it, you will need to examine it closely and carefully, to judge how reliable it is and whether it is useful to help you answer your question.

EPQs: writing up your dissertation

EPQs: writing up your dissertation

You have collected and analysed your evidence and considered it in relation to your research question. The next step is to communicate all that you have done. Your dissertation is the element of the EPQ that is read and assessed by others who haven’t been involved in your research.

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  • Originally published: Wednesday, 3 May 2023
  • Body text - Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 : The Open University
  • Image 'Fig 1 - The research cycle: Communication' - Copyright: Ann Grand
  • Image 'A woman giving a presentation. She is pointing at an image displayed on a large monitor.' - Copyright: Photo by  airfocus  on  Unsplash
  • Image 'Fig 3 - Structuring a presentation' - Copyright: Ann Grand
  • Image 'A powerpoint slide in wide-screen format' - Copyright: Victoria Pearson
  • Image 'Women in a discussion group about health services for women and children' - Copyright: Voices from Durgapur (CC0)
  • Image 'Photo of someone giving a presentation on stage' - Copyright: The Open University
  • Image 'Screenshot of the presenter's view of an online presentation, showing the slide and notes.' - Copyright: Ann Grand
  • Image 'Possibly flamingos? Photo by S. Filippidou, AstrobiologyOU' - Copyright: Sevasti Filippidou
  • Image 'Example 1 of a slide' - Copyright: Ann Grand
  • Image 'Example 2 of a slide' - Copyright: Ann Grand
  • Image 'Possible audience members' - Copyright: Photo by Windows on Unsplash Photo by Meillene Ferrer on Unsplash
  • Image 'Photo of someone presenting to an audience' - Copyright: Photo by Ben Moreland on Unsplash
  • Image 'Photo of someone filming themselves' - Copyright: Photo by Jenny Ueberberg on Unsplash
  • Image 'EPQs: why give a presentation?' - Alphabet Yellow © Betta0147 | Dreamstime.com under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license
  • Image 'EPQs: writing up your dissertation' - © Betta0147 | Dreamstime.com under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license
  • Image 'EPQs: finding and using evidence' - Alphabet Yellow © Betta0147 | Dreamstime.com under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license
  • Image 'EPQs: designing your research question' - © Betta0147 | Dreamstime.com under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license

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450 EPQ Ideas and Everything You Need to Know

450 EPQ Ideas and Everything You Need to Know

  • The EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) is a great way to earn extra UCAS points
  • It can be an essay, or it can be an entirely different project
  • It has many benefits, especially for students looking at top universities
  • You can choose from an endless selection of EPQ topic ideas and EPQ examples with little restrictions

What Could Your EPQ Be?

An EPQ, or Extended Project Qualification, is a project that can be taken on by A-level students, and it’s worth 50% of an A-level.

Your EPQ could be a:

  • Dissertation of around 5,000 words
  • Project , report or artefact backed up by paper work.

There are little restrictions on what topics could be chosen for your EPQ, as long as it’s approved by your institution. You could target a topic you’re studying, or a topic not taught in an A-level course to demonstrate your interest and intellectual versatility.

Benefits of an EPQ

Some of the best teachers in the world tutor at Crimson! Our expert teachers identified 5 huge benefits that you get out of doing an EPQ:

1. Showcasing Super-Curricular Excellence

Top UK universities look for students who go above and beyond the standard curriculum.

The EPQ allows you to showcase your super-curricular engagement with a favorite academic subject, demonstrating not just knowledge but a genuine passion for learning.

2. Exploring New Subjects

The EPQ gives you an opportunity to study subjects that are not taught at A-level. It gives you a chance to showcase your intellectual versatility, something that top universities love to see .

By exploring a subject not offered at A Level, you exhibit a broad academic curiosity and a hunger for knowledge.

3. Mastering Skills for Academic Success

The EPQ is a golden opportunity to develop independent research, critical thinking, and project management skills – all crucial for thriving in higher education.

When working on your EPQ, you’ll confidently navigate complex research, make informed decisions, and manage a project from inception to completion – skills that set you apart in the competitive admissions landscape.

4. Gaining Additional UCAS Points

In the fierce competition for university spots, every point counts. Completing an EPQ not only enriches your academic profile but also adds those coveted extra UCAS points .

The EPQ could grant you up to an extra 28 UCAS points!

5. Equipping Yourself with Invaluable Transferable Skills

The EPQ is a gateway to acquiring invaluable transferable skills – from effective presentation to confident decision-making.

These skills transcend the classroom, positioning you as a well-rounded candidate prepared to excel both in university and future professional endeavors.

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EPQ Examples

As mentioned above, a dissertation or essay is only one way to approach your EPQ. The EPQ opens doors to so many project possibilities, allowing you to explore your interests and showcase your skills in various creative ways.

20 EPQ Examples:

  • Documentary Film: Create a visually engaging documentary exploring a historical event, social issue, or scientific phenomenon.
  • Podcast Series: Dive into podcasting by producing a series that delves into topics such as literature, culture, or current affairs.
  • Art Exhibition: Showcase your artistic talents by curating an exhibition that explores a theme or conveys a message.
  • Scientific Experiment: Conduct an in-depth scientific experiment and present your findings, methodology, and conclusions.
  • Business Plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan for a startup, considering market analysis, financial projections, and marketing strategies.
  • Creative Writing Portfolio: Craft a collection of short stories, poems, or a novel, displaying your creative writing prowess.
  • Historical Reenactment: Bring history to life by organizing and participating in a historical reenactment event.
  • Mathematical Model: Create a complex mathematical model to solve a real-world problem, demonstrating the practical applications of mathematics.
  • Computer Program or App: Develop a functional computer program or mobile app that addresses a specific need or problem.
  • Educational Board Game: Design and produce an educational board game aimed at teaching a particular subject or skill.
  • Campaign and Advocacy Project: Take on a social or environmental cause, developing and implementing a campaign to raise awareness and provoke change.
  • Musical Composition: Compose an original piece of music or a full musical score for a play, film, or even a video game.
  • Fashion Collection: Design and create a fashion collection, exploring themes such as sustainability or cultural influences.
  • Psychological Experiment: Devise and conduct a psychological experiment, analyzing human behavior or cognitive processes.
  • Architectural Model: Create a detailed architectural model for a theoretical building or urban planning project.
  • Language Learning App: Develop an app focused on language learning, incorporating innovative features to enhance the learning experience.
  • Robotics Project: Build a functional robot, detailing the design process, programming, and potential applications.
  • Photography Exhibition: Showcase your photography skills by curating an exhibition with a theme or message.
  • Health and Fitness Program: Design a personalized health and fitness program, incorporating nutritional plans and exercise routines.
  • Political Analysis Report: Conduct an in-depth analysis of a political issue, policy, or historical event, presenting your findings in a detailed report.

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EPQ Ideas  

Epq ideas for biology.

  • The Impact of Genetic Engineering on Agriculture: A Critical Analysis
  • Exploring CRISPR-Cas9 Technology: Revolutionizing Genetic Editing
  • The Role of Microbiome in Human Health and Disease
  • Comparative Analysis of Plant Adaptations in Different Biomes
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Diet and Gut Microbiota
  • The Ethics of Cloning: Examining the Bioethical Implications
  • The Evolutionary Significance of Biodiversity in Rainforests
  • Stem Cell Research: A Breakthrough in Regenerative Medicine
  • The Interplay Between Genetics and Environmental Factors in Disease Susceptibility
  • Climate Change's Impact on Marine Ecosystems: A Case Study
  • The Use of CRISPR in Treating Genetic Disorders
  • Understanding the Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria
  • The Role of Epigenetics in Inheritance and Gene Expression
  • Analyzing the Impact of Pesticides on Bee Populations
  • The Biochemical Basis of Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Human Evolution: A Comparative Study of Hominid Species
  • The CRISPR Revolution: Opportunities and Ethical Dilemmas
  • The Application of Synthetic Biology in Medicine
  • The Role of Genetics in Cancer: Identifying Biomarkers for Early Detection
  • Exploring the Potential of Gene Therapy in Treating Genetic Disorders
  • The Impact of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs
  • Biological Control of Invasive Species: Balancing Ecosystems
  • The Connection Between Sleep Patterns and Biological Rhythms
  • The Role of Hormones in Human Behavior and Mental Health
  • Analyzing the Genetics of Rare Diseases: Implications for Treatment
  • Evolutionary Ecology of Predator-Prey Relationships
  • The Use of Biotechnology in Crop Improvement and Food Security
  • Investigating the Impact of Endocrine Disruptors on Wildlife
  • The Microbiome and Immune System: Partners in Health
  • Neurobiology of Addiction: Understanding the Biological Basis

EPQ Ideas For Chemistry

  • Green Chemistry: Strategies for Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices
  • Nanotechnology in Medicine: Advancements and Potential Applications
  • Analyzing the Chemistry of Taste: Molecular Basis of Flavor Perception
  • The Role of Catalysts in Chemical Reactions: A Comprehensive Study
  • Synthetic Polymers vs. Biodegradable Polymers: Environmental Impacts
  • Investigating the Chemistry of Superfoods and Their Health Benefits
  • Applications of Electrochemistry in Energy Storage Devices
  • Quantum Dots: Nanoscale Wonders in Electronic and Photonic Devices
  • The Chemistry Behind Drug Design and Development
  • Chemical Analysis of Air Pollutants: Sources and Solutions
  • The Chemistry of Photosynthesis: Unlocking Nature's Energy Secrets
  • Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs): Applications in Gas Storage and Separation
  • Exploring the Chemistry of Perfumes: Molecular Components and Fragrance Design
  • The Impact of pH on Enzyme Activity: Understanding Biological Catalysis
  • Chemical Kinetics: Investigating Reaction Rates and Mechanisms
  • The Chemistry of Art Conservation: Preserving Cultural Heritage
  • Catalytic Converters: Mitigating Environmental Impact in Automobiles
  • Analytical Chemistry Techniques in Forensic Science: Solving Crimes
  • The Chemistry of Food Preservation: From Canning to Refrigeration
  • Understanding the Chemistry of Water Treatment Processes
  • Molecular Gastronomy: The Science Behind Culinary Innovations
  • Supramolecular Chemistry: Designing Complex Molecular Structures
  • The Chemistry of Battery Technologies: Advancements and Challenges
  • Chemical Warfare Agents: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective
  • Exploring the Chemistry of Antioxidants in Health and Wellness
  • The Role of Transition Metals in Biological Systems: Bioinorganic Chemistry
  • Environmental Impact of Pharmaceuticals: Analyzing Residue in Water Systems
  • The Chemistry of Bioluminescence: Illuminating the Natural World
  • Chirality in Drug Development: Importance and Challenges
  • Chemical Aspects of Brewing: From Hops to Fermentation Processes

EPQ Ideas For Physics

  • Quantum Computing: The Future of Information Processing
  • Astrophysics and Dark Matter: Unraveling the Cosmic Mystery
  • The Physics of Renewable Energy: Exploring Sustainable Power Sources
  • String Theory: Investigating the Fundamental Building Blocks of the Universe
  • Applications of Quantum Mechanics in Modern Technology
  • The Physics of Time Travel: Theoretical Possibilities and Paradoxes
  • Nuclear Fusion: Harnessing the Power of the Sun on Earth
  • The Role of Physics in Medical Imaging Technologies
  • The Physics of Music: Acoustics and Instrument Design
  • Quantum Entanglement: Spooky Action at a Distance
  • The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Astrophysical Approaches
  • Superconductivity: Applications and Challenges in Technology
  • The Physics of Sports: Analyzing the Mechanics Behind Athletic Performance
  • Gravitational Waves: Detecting Ripples in Spacetime
  • The Physics of Climate Change: Understanding the Science Behind Global Warming
  • Particle Physics: Exploring Subatomic Particles and Their Interactions
  • The Physics of Fluid Dynamics: Applications in Engineering and Nature
  • Theoretical Physics and the Nature of Reality: Einstein's Legacy
  • Quantum Teleportation: The Possibilities and Limitations
  • The Physics of Traffic Flow: Modeling and Optimization
  • Black Holes: Nature's Most Mysterious Cosmic Phenomena
  • The Physics of Quantum Computing: Challenges and Breakthroughs
  • The Physics of Roller Coasters: Designing Thrilling Rides
  • The Role of Physics in Medical Diagnostics: Imaging Techniques
  • The Physics of Materials: Properties and Applications
  • Chaos Theory: Understanding Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
  • The Physics of Nuclear Weapons: Science and Global Security
  • The Higgs Boson: Unraveling the Mysteries of Particle Mass
  • The Physics of Artificial Intelligence: Quantum Computing Perspectives
  • Optical Illusions: Exploring the Physics Behind Visual Deceptions

EPQ Ideas for Computer Science

  • Quantum Computing: Promises, Challenges, and Potential Applications
  • Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence: Bias, Accountability, and Transparency
  • Blockchain Technology: Beyond Cryptocurrencies
  • Cybersecurity Threats and Countermeasures in the Digital Age
  • The Impact of Machine Learning on Healthcare: Diagnostics and Treatment
  • Human-Computer Interaction: Designing User-Friendly Interfaces
  • The Evolution of Programming Languages: From Assembly to High-Level Languages
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): Applications and Future Trends
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles
  • Natural Language Processing: Challenges and Advances in Language Understanding
  • Quantum Cryptography: Securing Communication with Quantum Mechanics
  • The Ethics of Data Collection and Privacy in the Internet Age
  • The Rise of Edge Computing: Redefining Cloud Computing Architectures
  • Algorithmic Trading: The Impact of Automated Systems on Financial Markets
  • Computer Vision: Applications in Image Recognition and Analysis
  • The Intersection of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence: Creating Intelligent Machines
  • Big Data Analytics in Business: Extracting Insights from Large Datasets
  • The Role of Machine Learning in Predictive Policing: Benefits and Concerns
  • The Future of Quantum Internet: Secure Communication with Quantum Entanglement
  • Deep Learning: Neural Networks and Their Applications
  • The Dark Web: Unveiling the Hidden Layers of the Internet
  • The Impact of 5G Technology on Communication and Connectivity
  • Programming Quantum Computers: Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Role of Computer Science in Climate Modeling and Environmental Studies
  • Voice Recognition Technology: Advancements and Challenges
  • E-Learning Platforms: The Integration of Technology in Education
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery and Development
  • Digital Forensics: Investigating Cyber Crimes and Security Breaches
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Connecting Devices for a Smart Future
  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD): Revolutionizing Engineering and Architecture

EPQ Ideas For Law

  • The Impact of Cybercrime Laws on Digital Privacy
  • Analyzing the Efficacy of International Human Rights Treaties
  • The Legal Implications of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
  • The Role of Constitutional Law in Shaping National Policies
  • The Evolution of Criminal Law: From Traditional to Cyber Crimes
  • Exploring the Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Euthanasia
  • The Intersection of Law and Medicine: Medical Malpractice Cases
  • Copyright Law in the Digital Age: Challenges and Solutions
  • The Legal Status of Environmental Rights and Responsibilities
  • Comparative Analysis of Legal Systems: Civil Law vs. Common Law
  • The Impact of Social Media on Defamation Laws
  • Legal Issues Surrounding Genetic Engineering and Human Cloning
  • The Role of International Law in Addressing Climate Change
  • The Legal Implications of Biometric Data Collection and Use
  • Examining the Role of Legal Precedent in Judicial Decision-Making
  • The Legalization of Marijuana: Impacts on Society and Legislation
  • The Relationship Between Law and Economics: A Critical Analysis
  • The Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Legal Protections and Challenges
  • The Legal Dimensions of Cybersecurity: Policies and Practices
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Intellectual Property Law
  • The Legal Implications of Mass Surveillance Programs
  • The Role of International Criminal Law in Addressing War Crimes
  • Laws Governing Digital Currency and Cryptocurrencies
  • The Legal and Ethical Issues of DNA Profiling in Criminal Investigations
  • The Legal Status of Privacy in the Workplace
  • The Intersection of Law and Technology: Challenges in the Digital Age
  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Legal Progress and Ongoing Challenges
  • The Legal Implications of Autonomous Vehicles on Traffic Laws
  • Legal Issues Surrounding Data Privacy and Social Media Platforms
  • The Role of Legal Ethics in the Practice of Law

EPQ Ideas for Psychology

  • The Influence of Social Media on Mental Health: A Psychological Perspective
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Sleep Patterns and Cognitive Functioning
  • The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health
  • The Psychology of Addiction: Understanding Behavioral and Substance Dependencies
  • The Role of Positive Psychology in Promoting Well-being and Happiness
  • Analyzing the Effects of Video Games on Aggression and Behavior
  • The Psychological Effects of Social Isolation and Loneliness
  • The Intersection of Psychology and Artificial Intelligence: Ethical Considerations
  • The Psychology of Decision-Making: Factors Influencing Choices
  • Understanding the Psychological Impact of Chronic Illness on Patients
  • The Relationship Between Personality and Career Choice: A Longitudinal Study
  • The Influence of Parenting Styles on Child Development
  • The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination: Exploring Implicit Bias
  • The Effects of Mindfulness and Meditation on Mental Health
  • The Psychology of Procrastination: Causes and Interventions
  • Exploring the Connection Between Music and Mood: The Emotional Power of Music
  • The Impact of Technology on Cognitive Development in Children
  • The Psychology of Body Image: Media Influence and Societal Standards
  • The Role of Attachment Theory in Understanding Interpersonal Relationships
  • The Psychology of Leadership: Traits and Behaviors of Effective Leaders
  • Analyzing the Psychological Factors Contributing to Eating Disorders
  • The Influence of Gender Stereotypes on Career Choices: A Psychological Perspective
  • The Psychology of Resilience: Coping Mechanisms in the Face of Adversity
  • The Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Anxiety and Depression
  • The Psychological Impact of Environmental Factors on Human Behavior
  • The Relationship Between Personality Traits and Academic Achievement
  • The Role of Psychology in Criminal Profiling and Investigative Techniques
  • The Psychological Effects of Virtual Reality: Immersion and Presence
  • Understanding the Psychology of Humor: The Cognitive and Emotional Aspects
  • The Impact of Social Support on Mental Health Outcomes: A Comprehensive Study

EPQ Ideas for History

  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society and Economy
  • The Role of Women in Ancient Civilizations: A Comparative Study
  • The Causes and Consequences of World War I: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • The Significance of the Renaissance in European Cultural and Intellectual History
  • The Legacy of Colonialism in Modern Africa: Social and Economic Impacts
  • The Cultural and Political Effects of the Black Death in Medieval Europe
  • The Rise and Fall of Ancient Empires: A Comparative Study of Rome and Persia
  • The Harlem Renaissance: Cultural Flourishing in 1920s America
  • The Impact of the Silk Road on Global Trade and Cultural Exchange
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: Cold War Tensions and Nuclear Diplomacy
  • The Enlightenment and Its Influence on Modern Political Thought
  • The Reconstruction Era in the United States: Successes, Failures, and Legacies
  • The Role of Propaganda in Shaping Public Opinion During World War II
  • The Cultural Revolution in China: Socio-Political Changes and Consequences
  • The Mayan Civilization: Achievements, Decline, and Cultural Legacy
  • The Causes and Effects of the French Revolution: A Historical Analysis
  • The Role of Religion in Shaping Medieval European Society
  • The Vietnam War: Causes, Course, and Legacy
  • The Impact of the Bubonic Plague on Medieval European Society
  • The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Historical Roots and Lasting Effects
  • The Suffragette Movement: Women's Struggle for Voting Rights
  • The Partition of India: Historical Roots and Socio-Political Consequences
  • The Cold War Space Race: Scientific Achievements and Political Rivalry
  • The Cultural Exchange Along the Silk Road: Art, Religion, and Ideas
  • The Opium Wars in China: Imperialism and Its Consequences
  • The Golden Age of Islamic Civilization: Contributions to Science, Art, and Philosophy
  • The Crusades: Causes, Course, and Long-Term Effects
  • The Impact of the Great Depression on Global Economies
  • The Roman Empire and Its Legacy: Contributions to Law, Engineering, and Governance
  • The Zulu Kingdom: Rise, Expansion, and Resistance to Colonial Rule

EPQ Ideas for Mathematics

  • The P versus NP Problem: Unraveling the Complexity of Algorithms
  • Fermat's Last Theorem: From Conjecture to Proof
  • Fractals in Nature and Art: Exploring Mathematical Patterns
  • Game Theory and Its Applications in Economics and Decision-Making
  • The Riemann Hypothesis: A Deep Dive into Number Theory
  • Graph Theory: Applications in Network Analysis and Optimization
  • The Beauty of Mathematical Symmetry: Aesthetic and Structural Significance
  • The Four Color Theorem: Coloring Maps with the Fewest Colors
  • The Mathematics of Cryptography: Ensuring Information Security
  • Knot Theory: Unraveling the Mathematics of Tangles and Knots
  • The History and Impact of Calculus on Science and Engineering
  • Prime Numbers and Cryptography: The RSA Algorithm
  • The Applications of Probability Theory in Real-world Scenarios
  • The Mathematics of Music: Harmonic Analysis and Composition
  • Coding Theory: Error Detection and Correction in Data Transmission
  • The Golden Ratio: Its Presence in Art, Architecture, and Nature
  • The Traveling Salesman Problem: Optimization in Route Planning
  • Hyperbolic Geometry: A Non-Euclidean Approach to Geometry
  • The Application of Fourier Analysis in Signal Processing
  • The Navier-Stokes Equations: Challenges in Fluid Dynamics
  • The Mathematics of Climate Modeling: Understanding Global Patterns
  • Zero Knowledge Proofs: Enhancing Security in Cryptography
  • Combinatorial Game Theory: Strategies and Winning Strategies
  • The Application of Fibonacci Numbers in Nature and Mathematics
  • The Mathematics of Artificial Intelligence: Algorithms and Learning Models
  • The Collatz Conjecture: An Unresolved Problem in Number Theory
  • Mathematics in Ancient Civilizations: Contributions and Discoveries
  • The Role of Topology in Understanding Shapes and Spaces
  • The Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics: Probability and Wave Functions

EPQ Ideas for Film Studies

  • The Evolution of Film Genres: A Comparative Analysis of Classic and Contemporary Approaches
  • The Impact of Streaming Services on the Film Industry: Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Representation of Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Cinema
  • Cinematic Adaptations of Literature: Analyzing the Translation from Page to Screen
  • The Influence of Film Scores on Audience Perception and Emotional Engagement
  • The Role of Film Festivals in Shaping Global Cinema and Cultural Exchange
  • The Art of Cinematography: Exploring the Work of Influential Cinematographers
  • The Rise of Independent Cinema: A Critical Examination of Indie Filmmaking
  • The Use of Color in Film: Symbolism and Visual Storytelling
  • The Impact of Digital Technology on Film Production and Special Effects
  • The Representation of Mental Health Issues in Cinema: A Critical Analysis
  • Film Censorship: Examining the Ethics and Implications of Content Regulation
  • The Auteur Theory: Analyzing the Creative Vision of Film Directors
  • The Portrayal of Historical Events in Film: Accuracy and Interpretation
  • The Influence of Cultural Diversity on Film Narratives and Storytelling
  • The Golden Age of Hollywood: Examining the Studio System and its Legacy
  • The Impact of Social Media on Film Promotion and Audience Reception
  • The Role of Sound Design in Film: Enhancing Narrative and Atmosphere
  • Cinematic Representations of Identity: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality
  • The Use of Symbolism in Surrealist Cinema: A Study of Visual Metaphors
  • The Influence of French New Wave Cinema on Filmmaking Techniques
  • The Role of Costume Design in Period Films: Creating Authenticity
  • Cinematic Depictions of War: Propaganda, Realism, and Anti-War Messages
  • The Impact of Film on Cultural Memory: Examining Cinematic Histories
  • The Intersection of Animation and Technology: Innovations and Trends
  • The Representation of LGBTQ+ Characters in Mainstream Cinema
  • The Legacy of Silent Cinema: Influence on Contemporary Filmmaking
  • Cinematic Depictions of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: Ethical Considerations
  • The Use of Film as a Form of Political Activism: Case Studies and Analysis
  • The Influence of Film Noir on Modern Crime and Mystery Genres

EPQ Ideas for Business

  • The Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail: A Comparative Analysis
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Assessing its Role in Business Ethics
  • The Rise of Gig Economy: Implications for Workers and Businesses
  • Digital Marketing Strategies: A Comparative Study of Successful Campaigns
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Business Decision-Making
  • The Influence of Globalization on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
  • The Future of Work: Examining Trends in Remote Work and Flexibility
  • Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Business Models and Economic Resilience
  • Strategic Management: Analyzing the Approaches of Successful Companies
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Organizational Success
  • Supply Chain Resilience: Lessons Learned from Global Disruptions
  • Corporate Governance: Evaluating the Relationship Between Boards and Performance
  • The Role of Innovation in Sustainable Business Practices
  • The Effects of Consumer Behavior on Marketing Strategies and Branding
  • Business Analytics: Leveraging Data for Informed Decision-Making
  • The Impact of Diversity and Inclusion on Organizational Performance
  • The Circular Economy: Shifting Towards Sustainable Business Practices
  • Financial Technology (Fintech): Revolutionizing the Banking and Finance Industry
  • Strategies for Managing Organizational Change: Case Studies and Best Practices
  • The Role of Leadership Styles in Organizational Culture and Productivity
  • The Influence of Corporate Culture on Employee Engagement and Performance
  • Economic Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Role of Branding in Consumer Loyalty and Market Positioning
  • The Integration of Blockchain Technology in Business Operations
  • Corporate Innovation: Strategies for Fostering Creativity and Adaptability
  • The Impact of Trade Policies on Global Business Operations
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Employee Training and Development Programs
  • Business Resilience in Times of Crisis: Strategies for Sustainability
  • The Role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems in Enhancing Business Success

EPQ Ideas for Medicine

  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Diagnosing Medical Conditions
  • The Impact of Telemedicine on Healthcare Accessibility
  • Precision Medicine: Tailoring Treatments Based on Genetic Factors
  • Exploring the Ethics of Human Gene Editing in Medicine
  • The Relationship Between Gut Microbiota and Mental Health
  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of Vaccination Programs in Preventing Diseases
  • The Role of Stem Cell Therapy in Regenerative Medicine
  • The Implications of CRISPR Technology in Genetic Medicine
  • The Use of Nanomedicine in Cancer Treatment
  • The Psychological Impact of Chronic Illness on Patients
  • Global Health Disparities: Challenges and Solutions
  • The Role of Artificial Organs in Transplantation Medicine
  • The Intersection of Medicine and Artificial Intelligence in Imaging Diagnosis
  • The Impact of Lifestyle Factors on Cardiovascular Health
  • The Rise of Antibiotic Resistance: Causes and Strategies for Mitigation
  • The Role of Epigenetics in Disease Development and Prevention
  • The Ethics of Organ Transplantation: Allocation and Donor Criteria
  • The Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Healthcare Disparities
  • The Use of Virtual Reality in Medical Training and Patient Care
  • The Relationship Between Mental Health and Inflammatory Disorders
  • Exploring the Potential of CRISPR in Treating Genetic Disorders
  • The Impact of Climate Change on the Spread of Infectious Diseases
  • The Application of 3D Printing in Medicine: Customized Implants and Prosthetics
  • The Role of Medical Imaging in Early Disease Detection
  • The Ethical Considerations of Human Cloning in Medicine
  • The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Function and Mental Health
  • The Use of Robotics in Surgery: Advancements and Challenges
  • The Psychological Factors in Patient Adherence to Treatment Plans
  • The Impact of Social Determinants on Maternal and Child Health

EPQ Ideas for Engineering

  • The Future of Sustainable Transportation: Electric Vehicles and Beyond
  • Smart Cities: Integrating Technology for Urban Development
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design and Automation
  • Renewable Energy Integration into the Power Grid: Challenges and Solutions
  • Biomimicry in Engineering: Learning from Nature for Innovative Design
  • 3D Printing in Aerospace: Advancements and Applications
  • The Impact of Internet of Things (IoT) on Industrial Automation
  • The Use of Drones in Civil Engineering: Monitoring and Surveying
  • Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking): Engineering Challenges and Environmental Impacts
  • The Advancements in Materials Science for Aerospace Applications
  • Designing Resilient Infrastructure: Strategies for Mitigating Natural Disasters
  • The Role of Engineers in Space Exploration: Challenges and Contributions
  • The Integration of Blockchain Technology in Engineering Systems
  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles
  • The Future of High-Speed Rail: Technological Developments and Challenges
  • Biomedical Engineering: Innovations in Medical Devices and Prosthetics
  • The Use of Virtual Reality in Engineering Design and Simulation
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Civil Engineering Infrastructure
  • The Potential of Quantum Computing in Solving Complex Engineering Problems
  • Carbon Capture and Storage: Engineering Solutions for Climate Change
  • The Application of Machine Learning in Structural Health Monitoring
  • The Role of Engineers in Disaster Response and Emergency Management
  • Human-Centric Design in Robotics: Enhancing Human-Machine Interaction
  • The Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Smart Grids
  • The Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Engineering
  • The Impact of 5G Technology on Communication Networks and Infrastructure
  • The Engineering Behind Sustainable Architecture and Building Design
  • The Future of Transportation: Hyperloop Technology and Maglev Trains
  • The Role of Engineering in Water Treatment and Environmental Conservation
  • The Challenges of Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure Systems

EPQ Ideas for Teaching

  • The Impact of Technology on Classroom Learning: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Inclusive Education: Strategies for Catering to Diverse Learning Needs
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Teaching Practices
  • Examining the Efficacy of Flipped Classroom Models in Education
  • The Influence of Teacher Expectations on Student Performance
  • Integrating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) into the Curriculum
  • The Use of Gamification in Education: Engaging Students through Games
  • Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Remote Teaching and Learning
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching: Creating Inclusive and Equitable Classrooms
  • The Impact of Early Childhood Education on Cognitive Development
  • Teacher Burnout: Causes, Prevention, and Strategies for Well-being
  • Assessment Methods in Education: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Role of Mindfulness in Teacher Professional Development
  • Parental Involvement in Education: Its Influence on Student Success
  • The Integration of Project-Based Learning in the Classroom
  • The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Strategies in Primary Education
  • Teacher-Student Relationships: Their Impact on Academic Achievement
  • The Influence of Educational Leadership on School Culture
  • The Impact of Standardized Testing on Curriculum and Instruction
  • The Role of Educational Technology in Special Education
  • The Importance of Teacher Training in Addressing Learning Disabilities
  • The Psychology of Motivation in Education: Strategies for Student Engagement
  • Promoting Critical Thinking in the Classroom: Strategies and Approaches
  • Teacher Professional Development: Models for Continuous Learning
  • The Benefits of Outdoor Education: Enhancing Learning through Nature
  • The Role of Educational Psychology in Teaching and Learning
  • Innovative Teaching Methods: Exploring Unconventional Approaches
  • The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Educational Attainment
  • The Influence of Teacher Feedback on Student Performance
  • Educational Policies: Examining Their Effects on Classroom Practices

EPQ Ideas for Art

  • The Evolution of Street Art: From Vandalism to Recognized Art Form
  • Art and Activism: The Role of Visual Arts in Social Change
  • Analyzing the Impact of Technology on Contemporary Art Practices
  • The Influence of Cultural Diversity on Artistic Expression
  • The Relationship Between Art and Mental Health: Exploring Therapeutic Benefits
  • Art Conservation and Restoration: Balancing Preservation and Intervention
  • The Intersection of Art and Artificial Intelligence: Creative Collaborations
  • Feminist Art Movements: Examining Gender Representation in Art
  • Surrealism in Contemporary Art: Resurgence and Modern Interpretations
  • The Influence of Japanese Woodblock Prints on Western Art
  • The Role of Public Art Installations in Urban Spaces
  • The Representation of Identity in Contemporary Portraiture
  • Exploring the Aesthetics of Environmental Art: Eco-conscious Creations
  • The Impact of Photography on Traditional Painting: A Comparative Study
  • Digital Art: Challenges and Opportunities in the Age of Technology
  • The Psychological Impact of Color in Visual Arts: A Cross-Cultural Analysis
  • Street Photography: Documenting Urban Life Through the Lens
  • The Legacy of Abstract Expressionism: Influences on Contemporary Art
  • The Role of Art in Holocaust Memorials and Commemoration
  • Art as a Form of Protest: Examining Political Artistic Movements
  • Cubism and Beyond: The Influence of Geometric Abstraction in Art
  • The Impact of Social Media on Contemporary Art Practices
  • The Intersection of Art and Science: Bioart and Technological Innovations
  • Artistic Responses to Global Crises: War, Pandemics, and Climate Change
  • The Representation of Women in Renaissance Art: Challenging Stereotypes
  • Graffiti as an Artistic Expression: Breaking Down Stereotypes
  • The Art Market: Commercialization and its Effects on Artistic Integrity
  • The Influence of Indigenous Art on Modern and Contemporary Art Movements
  • The Role of Museums in Shaping Artistic Discourse and Public Perception
  • Art and Philosophy: Exploring the Relationship Between Visual and Conceptual Expression

EPQ Ideas for Politics

  • The Impact of Social Media on Political Campaigns and Public Opinion
  • Globalization and Its Effects on National Sovereignty
  • The Rise of Populism: Causes, Consequences, and Challenges
  • The Role of Women in Politics: Breaking Barriers and Redefining Leadership
  • Climate Change Policy: Assessing International Cooperation and Challenges
  • The Impact of Political Polarization on Democracy
  • The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in International Relations
  • Examining the Effectiveness of Electoral Systems: Proportional Representation vs. First-Past-The-Post
  • The Ethics of Political Lobbying: Balancing Influence and Transparency
  • The Relationship Between Economic Inequality and Political Instability
  • Human Rights in the Digital Age: Challenges and Protections
  • The Impact of Political Advertising on Voter Behavior
  • The Influence of Political Cartoons on Public Perception
  • Nationalism vs. Globalism: Debates and Implications in Contemporary Politics
  • The Role of Political Satire in Shaping Public Discourse
  • The Evolution of International Institutions: United Nations and Beyond
  • The Impact of Cyber Warfare on International Relations
  • The Rise of Authoritarianism: Global Trends and Regional Variances
  • The Relationship Between Religion and Politics: Secularism vs. Theocracy
  • Political Corruption: Causes, Consequences, and Strategies for Prevention
  • The Politics of Immigration: National Security, Humanitarian Concerns, and Economic Impact
  • The Impact of Disinformation on Elections and Democratic Processes
  • The Role of Supranational Organizations in Shaping Global Governance
  • The Politics of Climate Change: International Agreements and Domestic Policies
  • The Influence of Political Ideologies on Policy Decision-Making
  • The Role of Political Satire in Challenging Authoritarian Regimes
  • The Impact of Political Activism and Protest Movements on Policy Change
  • The Politics of Identity: Ethnicity, Race, and Nationalism
  • The Role of Youth in Shaping Political Movements and Change
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Political Decision-Making

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How Many UCAS Points are in an EPQ?

The EPQ carries up to 28 UCAS points, depending on what grade you achieve.

Essentially, the EPQ is worth half the UCAS points of an A-level. Here are the different UCAS points you’ll get for different grades on your EPQ:

How Many UCAS Points in an EPQ?

A-level GradeEPQ UCAS Points
A* 28

Is the EPQ the Right Step for You?

An EPQ is time consuming, but the UCAS points and its other benefits could very well be worth the effort.

The question you’ll need to ask yourself is can you comfortably dedicate the time needed for it? Are the extra UCAS points needed for your dream university?

Speak with one of our expert advisors to find out if an EPQ is the right step for the perfect application. Students working with Crimson are 7x more likely to gain admission to their dream university!

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Home â€ș University â€ș 600 EPQ Ideas and Examples – The Ultimate List

600 EPQ Ideas and Examples – The Ultimate List

  • Published May 1, 2024

A stack of books and a notebook, representing study materials for an EPQ project.

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) presents a unique opportunity for students studying in sixth form or college. Not only can you earn extra UCAS points to get into university, but you can also develop strong research and writing skills.

The first step is to come up with a great project idea, which is easier said than done. Fortunately, the choice is yours–you can complete your project on whatever topic you want. On the other hand, with so many possibilities, it can be tricky to narrow it down.

Want to better understand EPQ? Read our guide: What is an EPQ.

This article will give you 600 EPQ topic ideas on a range of subjects to help you choose a good question and, more importantly, get an A*.

How to Choose a Good EPQ Idea

Getting a good grade in the EPQ relies on several factors, including meticulous planning, solid time management, and strong essay writing skills . 

Your idea is important, too. Here are some tips for choosing an idea:

  • Pick your passion: Choose a topic you’re genuinely passionate about to maintain motivation.
  • Be specific: You only have 5000-6000 words for your dissertation. This might sound like a lot, but it can be difficult to cram all your ideas into this space. Being specific will help.
  • Push boundaries: Markers like to see topics they haven’t encountered before. If your topic is more popular, try to look at it from a unique angle.

Below are 600 EPQ ideas (including artefact EPQ ideas) organised by subject (in alphabetical order). Some of these ideas are much more vague than you should be for your EPQ; it’s important to put your own spin on these ideas and find an interesting angle. If you’re struggling, your supervisor can help you narrow down a topic.

25 EPQ Ideas for Anthropology

  • How does cultural relativism shape anthropological perspectives on human behaviour?
  • To what extent does language influence cultural identity?
  • In what ways do rituals and ceremonies reflect cultural beliefs and values?
  • How has globalisation impacted indigenous cultures and traditional practices?
  • To what extent can anthropology shed light on the evolution of human social structures?
  • What role does gender play in shaping cultural norms?
  • How do human migration patterns impact cultural exchange and identity?
  • What can the food consumption of a society tell us about its cultural values and social structures?
  • Can anthropology contribute to our understanding of human prehistory?
  • How has technology altered the dynamics of anthropological fieldwork?
  • Can anthropology address issues of cultural appropriation and stereotyping?
  • What impact does climate change have on indigenous knowledge, and vice versa?
  • To what extent can anthropology contribute to conflict resolution?
  • How does the class system in the UK differ from those of other countries?
  • In a post-pandemic world, what role can anthropology play in medicine?
  • Is it important to preserve endangered cultures?
  • What impact does tourism have on local communities?
  • Is it important to respect cultural practices that may harm people?
  • How do kinship systems influence social organisation?
  • How has urbanisation affected the social structure of large human groups?
  • Is it possible to define a singular, homogenous British culture?
  • What can consumption patterns tell us about a particular society?
  • What’s the difference between society and culture?
  • Can language shape the way we view the world?
  • Can online spaces like the Metaverse be considered their own society?

25 EPQ Ideas for Architecture

  • How can architecture foster community engagement?
  • What role does cultural identity play in shaping architectural design?
  • How does sustainable architecture contribute to environmental conversation?
  • In what ways can architectural design mitigate the impact of natural disasters?
  • How does urban planning influence the mental well-being of city dwellers?
  • Can changing architecture serve as a catalyst for economic development in urban areas?
  • How do historic preservation strategies balance tradition and innovation?
  • What factors should architects consider when designing for aging populations?
  • How can architecture promote a healthier lifestyle?
  • What challenges and opportunities does inclusive design present for architects?
  • How does the style of council housing feed into stereotypes about class?
  • How can architects revitalise abandoned urban spaces?
  • How does architecture influence human behaviour in public spaces?
  • What impact does architectural iconography have on the identity of a place?
  • What lessons can architects learn from pandemic responses in designing for health?
  • Was the Grenfell Tower a complete architectural failure?
  • What can architecture tell us about politics?
  • In what ways does minimalist architecture correspond with contemporary societal values?
  • What is the effect of feminism on architecture?
  • How can architects incorporate biophilic design principles into modern urban environments?
  • To what extent is architectural design a form of art?
  • How can technologies such as VR and AR benefit the architectural industry?
  • Were the houses of the past of higher quality?
  • How does architectural lighting impact the perception of spaces?
  • How can architects design for climate resilience in vulnerable regions?

Architecture building

25 EPQ Ideas for Art

  • How does art reflect and influence cultural identity?
  • To what extent does street art challenge traditional notions of public space?
  • How can art be utilised as a form of social and political commentary?
  • In what ways does the digital age impact contemporary art creation and consumption?
  • To what extent can images created by artificial intelligence (AI) be considered art?
  • Can art serve as a therapeutic outlet for mental health expression and recovery?
  • How did impressionism reflect the sociopolitical environment of the late 1800s?
  • What role does public art play in enhancing urban environments?
  • How does art education impact development in children and adolescents?
  • How can art contribute to environmental awareness and sustainability?
  • What impact does public funding have on the accessibility of art institutions?
  • How does art respond to and reflect changing gender norms?
  • How can art museums adapt to the digital age to enhance visitor engagement?
  • In what ways does art challenge or reinforce stereotypes?
  • What role does art play in shaping public memory and commemoration?
  • How has globalisation influenced contemporary artistic trends?
  • Can art bridge the generation gap?
  • Who decides what is defined as ‘art’?
  • Should street artists be allowed to graffiti on walls?
  • What can the vandalism of Barnett Newman’s Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue tell us about the way people view art?
  • Who determines the value of art?
  • Why do humans create art, and why have they done so for thousands of years?
  • Can art be considered a form of language?
  • Who determines the meaning of artwork, the creator or the viewer?
  • Is it worth creating art if nobody sees it?

Paintbrush and paints

25 EPQ Ideas for Biology

  • How do genetics influence self-esteem?
  • How can gene editing technologies revolutionise medicine?
  • How do neurotransmitters contribute to mental health disorders?
  • Can synthetic biology offer solutions to environmental challenges?
  • In what ways does the gut-brain axis influence mental well-being?
  • What is the biology of laughter?
  • To what extent can CRISPR technology be applied ethically and safely in humans?
  • What genes have an influence on human behaviour?
  • What factors contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria?
  • Why do some people use parasites for weight loss, and what are the implications of this?
  • How do circadian rhythms affect human health and performance?
  • Could genetic engineering address environmental pollution?
  • Is addiction a genetic or social issue?
  • Will brain transplants ever be viable?
  • How does the UK’s changing climate affect biodiversity?
  • How can hormones influence behaviour?
  • Can biotechnology address the global food insecurity crisis?
  • Can gut microbiota affect the host’s appetite?
  • To what extent can animal evolutionary traits inspire innovations in technology and engineering?
  • What impact has the grey squirrel had on the distribution of native red squirrels in the UK?
  • Are animals as “smart” as humans?
  • What are the ethical implications of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food supply?
  • How does air pollution affect the respiratory health of a given population?
  • What is the role of the immune system in auto-immune diseases?
  • Why do humans living in “Blue Zones” have lower incidences of chronic disease than elsewhere?

25 EPQ Ideas for Business

  • How does corporate social responsibility impact consumer perceptions and purchasing behaviour?
  • To what extent can employee motivation impact organisational performance?
  • Can environmentally sustainable business practices lead to long-term financial success?
  • How do social media marketing strategies influence consumer decision-making?
  • How does leadership style impact employee productivity?
  • In what ways does corporate governance affect organisational success?
  • Can entrepreneurship drive economic development in local communities?
  • What role does emotional intelligence play in effective business leadership?
  • In what ways can businesses effectively manage and leverage diversity?
  • Can AI enhance business operations and efficiency?
  • Should businesses outsourcing to developing countries pay workers the same they would at home?
  • Should businesses pay apprentices more?
  • What has changed for women in the workplace since 1900?
  • To what extent can the government be considered a business?
  • Should there be a salary cap for CEOs?
  • How has e-commerce affected physical retail locations?
  • Will Amazon Go change supermarket shopping forever?
  • Should the government lower the corporate income tax?
  • How has social media changed the landscape of marketing?
  • To what extent can football clubs be considered businesses?
  • How can AI contribute to informed decision-making for business owners?
  • What makes a successful start-up?
  • How ethical are Amazon’s business practices?
  • What responsibility do businesses have to their consumers?
  • To what extent do small businesses rely on digital marketing strategies?

25 EPQ Ideas for Chemistry

  • How can green chemistry principles contribute to sustainable industrial practices?
  • To what extent can nanotechnology revolutionise drug delivery systems?
  • In what ways do catalysts impact reaction rates in chemical processes?
  • Can chemistry provide solutions for efficient energy storage?
  • How did chemistry help us understand the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Can an understanding of chemistry help in the development of anti-aging products?
  • What impact does polymer chemistry have on materials science and engineering?
  • How does fluoride impact the water supply?
  • How does analytical chemistry contribute to forensic science and criminal investigations?
  • How can green solvents impact the environmental sustainability of chemical processes?
  • At what point does a chemical become a hallucinogen?
  • How did optical isomerism impact the drug Thalidomide, which caused fetal abnormalities?
  • To what extent can chemotherapy drugs be targeted using medicinal chemistry techniques?
  • How do organometallic compounds contribute to catalysis in industrial processes?
  • How do metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) contribute to gas storage and separation?
  • Can cheminformatics improve the prediction of chemical properties and toxicity?
  • How can click chemistry be used to improve drug synthesis?
  • How do photovoltaic cells work?
  • Did the discovery of pharmaceutical chemicals change the course of history?
  • Can cannabis use in adolescence cause mental health issues like schizophrenia?
  • What are the benefits of computer-based, fragment-aided drug design?
  • Why doesn’t plastic decompose?
  • What are the chemicals involved in the human conception of love?
  • Project: Make a collection of pleasant-smelling esters.
  • Project: Extract limonene from a range of citrus fruits.

Chemistry flash set

25 EPQ Ideas for Computer Science

  • How can machine learning algorithms improve fraud detection in financial transactions?
  • In what ways does natural language processing contribute to the development of intelligent chatbots?
  • To what extent can blockchain technology enhance data security and integrity?
  • To what extent can explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) improve trust in AI systems?
  • Should we teach children to code in school?
  • Are AI-assessed job applications inevitably biased?
  • Will AI create or diminish the number of jobs available?
  • What impact does cybersecurity have on the reliability of Internet of Things (IoT) devices?
  • To what extent can machine learning predict and prevent cyber attacks?
  • What role does augmented reality (AR) play in enhancing the user experience of mobile apps?
  • How accurately can AI writing assistants (like Grammarly) express human language?
  • Are AI-powered robots responsible for their own actions?
  • The impact of technology on the future of law enforcement and criminal justice?
  • Has technology made our daily lives more or less secure?
  • Has widespread technology led to an increase in crime?
  • How will 5G change our lives?
  • How does parallel computing improve the performance of computational models?
  • In what ways can deep learning algorithms contribute to medical image analysis?
  • What role does computer vision play in image recognition and object detection?
  • How does edge computing address challenges in real-time data processing?
  • Can artificial general intelligence (AGI) be achieved?
  • Can AI models be applied ethically to facilitate sensitive decision-making?
  • How can we improve human-computer interaction to increase accessibility?
  • Is internet access a human right?
  • Project: Create a website and code it yourself.

25 EPQ Ideas for Economics

  • Should the government implement a universal basic income?
  • How does automation impact employment rates and income distribution in developed economies?
  • Is capitalism ethical?
  • Can economic incentives effectively address environmental issues?
  • How has the Russo-Ukrainian war impacted the global trade economy?
  • What would be the economic implications of a country adopting cryptocurrency as its official currency?
  • Should countries prioritise economic growth or environmental sustainability?
  • How does income inequality affect social cohesion?
  • Can the circular economy model contribute to long-term economic sustainability?
  • What economic factors contribute to the success or failure of international development aid programs?
  • To what extent does government intervention influence economic stability during times of crisis, like the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • How does an ageing population impact a country’s economic prospects?
  • Is the concept of a ‘sharing economy’ a viable solution to address times of financial hardship?
  • To what extent does access to education influence economic mobility?
  • What impact did Brexit have on the UK economy?
  • What factors contribute to the success or failure of economic sanctions as a foreign policy tool?
  • How do interest rate changes impact consumer spending?
  • Should governments prioritise economic growth or economic stability during times of crisis?
  • How does income inequality impact access to healthcare and health outcomes?
  • Why is paying taxes important?
  • To what extent does the gig economy contribute to financial insecurity?
  • How often should the minimum wage be reviewed?
  • How does the rise of e-commerce impact brick-and-mortar retail and local economies?
  • Does hosting a global event, such as the FIFA World Cup, benefit a country’s economy?
  • How can the government address the housing crisis?

25 EPQ Ideas for Education

  • How does technology impact student learning outcomes in primary education?
  • To what extent does the quality of early childhood education influence later academic success?
  • How can inclusive education practices benefit students?
  • How does the school environment contribute to student engagement and academic performance?
  • Is project-based learning an effective approach to enhancing critical thinking skills in secondary school students?
  • What role does teacher training play in addressing the challenges of multicultural classrooms?
  • To what extent does standardised testing accurately reflect student abilities?
  • How does the flipped classroom model impact student achievement?
  • Is the education system indoctrinating students?
  • Should school uniforms be enforced?
  • How can the education system better cater to students with high-functioning autism?
  • Does banning mobile phones in school do more harm than good?
  • Should parents have a say in what children are taught at school?
  • Can schools effectively teach mental health and well-being?
  • Do exams unfairly advantage boys, and why?
  • How can schools address the digital divide?
  • To what extent do extracurricular activities impact the development of secondary school students?
  • Can outdoor education programs enhance creativity and problem-solving skills in primary students?
  • Can alternative education models, such as homeschooling or unschooling, provide effective learning environments?
  • What impact does the student-teacher relationship have on learning outcomes?
  • What role does parental involvement play in student success?
  • To what extent does parental socio-economic status influence educational opportunities?
  • How important are creative subjects, like art and music, in secondary school?
  • Should sports be compulsory at secondary school?
  • How can teachers account for different learning preferences?

Classroom of kids with teacher in a lesson

25 EPQ Ideas for Engineering

  • How can sustainable engineering practices be implemented in urban development?
  • To what extent can artificial intelligence enhance predictive maintenance in industrial engineering?
  • How does 3D printing impact traditional manufacturing processes in the aerospace industry?
  • Can engineering solutions effectively address the challenges of renewable energy storage?
  • How can smart materials revolutionise civil engineering?
  • In what ways can engineering design optimise water treatment and purification systems?
  • Should the focus of transportation engineering shift toward autonomous modes of transport like self-driving cars?
  • Why is there a gender imbalance in engineering?
  • What’s the relation between architecture and engineering?
  • Did the Titanic sink due to engineering faults?
  • Can engineering innovation improve accessibility for people with disabilities?
  • Would it be possible to run the UK entirely on energy from wind farms?
  • How can engineering solutions address climate change challenges in coastal areas?
  • In what ways can engineering principles be applied to enhance disaster resilience in infrastructure?
  • What does it mean to be ethical as an engineer?
  • How can a better understanding of robotics enhance efficiency and safety in manufacturing?
  • How does bioengineering contribute to advancements in prosthetics and medical devices?
  • What role does materials engineering play in developing sustainable packaging?
  • What does the future of transport look like?
  • How can advancements in aerodynamics and materials engineering help to create a more energy-efficient Formula 1 race car?
  • What role does geotechnical engineering play in addressing challenges related to soil stability and landslides?
  • Is genetic engineering the future of medicine?
  • Should children be taught engineering in primary school?
  • Project: Build a model plane or boat.
  • Project: Design a modern solution for plastic recycling.

25 EPQ Ideas for English Literature 

  • How does the portrayal of female characters in classic literature reflect changing societal attitudes toward women?
  • To what extent does the use of symbolism contribute to the depth and meaning of Shakespearean tragedies?
  • How does post-colonial literature challenge established perspectives on identity and power?
  • How has the representation of mental health evolved in literature?
  • Is it important to teach media literacy?
  • What role does the unreliable narrator play in shaping the reader’s interpretation of a story?
  • How does magical realism contribute to the themes and messages of contemporary literature?
  • In what ways do graphic novels challenge the traditional notions of literature and storytelling?
  • How has the portrayal of LGBTQ+ characters evolved in literature, and how does this impact societal perceptions?
  • To what extent does the setting contribute to the atmosphere and mood in Gothic literature?
  • How does the use of dialect and language contribute to the authenticity of regional literature?
  • Can a study of literary adaptions for film and television provide insights into changing audience expectations?
  • How does the concept of the ‘Byronic hero’ persist in modern literature and popular culture?
  • To what extent does F. Scott Fitzgerald’s use of narrative perspective impact the portrayal of the American Dream in ‘The Great Gatsby’?
  • How does the narrative structure in Virginia Woolf’s ‘Mrs Dalloway’ enhance the exploration of time and consciousness?
  • Can the analysis of allegory and satire in George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ offer insights into political and societal commentary?
  • What does the popularity of TikTok’s ‘BookTok’ hashtag tell us about changing literary preferences?
  • To what extent does the use of magical realism in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ contribute to the portrayal of Latin American culture?
  • The author John Green frequently says that “books belong to their readers”. Is this true?
  • How do platforms like Wattpad change what it means to be an author?
  • Can fan fiction be considered a form of literature?
  • Can works of literature oppress their female characters?
  • What books should be taught in schools, and why?
  • What makes a novel ‘great’?
  • How does the portrayal of gender roles in Charlotte BrontĂ«’s ‘Jane Eyre’ challenge or conform to Victorian societal norms?

Hand holding a literature book, while friend watches

25 EPQ Ideas for Ethics

  • How can we address the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in policing?
  • To what extent does the use of biometric data in surveillance impact individual privacy?
  • How does the ethical framework of medical consent adapt to the challenges posed by telemedicine and remote healthcare?
  • What are the ethical challenges posed by social media algorithms and their impact on information dissemination?
  • Is it ethical to use autonomous drones in warfare and surveillance?
  • Are designer babies ethical?
  • How can we address the implications of deepfake technology?
  • Do businesses have a responsibility to act sustainably?
  • Do humans have a right to explore space?
  • Should embryos have protected rights?
  • Should students be taught ethics in school?
  • Who decides what is ethical?
  • Is it ethical to test for disabilities like Down’s Syndrome in unborn babies?
  • Is cloning ethical?
  • Should people undergo an assessment to vote?
  • Do consumers have an ethical obligation to consider where material goods come from?
  • Can ethical principles guide international cooperation in addressing public health crises?
  • What are the ethical implications of using AI during the hiring process?
  • Should people be able to sue their parents for bringing them into the world?
  • Are morals innate or socially conditioned?
  • Do celebrities have a right to privacy?
  • Do countries have an obligation to take on refugees?
  • Is it ethical to experiment on animals?
  • Can the ends ever justify the means?
  • Can ethics improve the world?

25 EPQ Ideas for Geography

  • How does climate change influence migration patterns?
  • How can GIS technology address urban sprawl and land-use planning?
  • Can sustainable agriculture mitigate the impact of food insecurity?
  • How did the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami affect tourism in Thailand?
  • How does the study of cultural landscapes inform heritage conservation?
  • To what extent can sustainable tourism protect biodiversity in fragile ecosystems?
  • How does water scarcity contribute to geopolitical tensions?
  • Can better urban planning prevent the development of slums?
  • Does the earth belong more to humans or animals?
  • Does the placement of global supply routes inherently cause economic inequality?
  • Is tourism good or bad?
  • Should international borders exist?
  • Can the study of coastal geography inform effective strategies for managing and adapting to sea-level rise?
  • How does climate change influence patterns of disease migration?
  • What are the environmental and social impacts of fracking?
  • How do historical factors shape migration patterns and refugee flows?
  • Can the study of plate tectonics help us predict earthquakes?
  • What role does geopolitics play in shaping global resource distribution?
  • What impact does infrastructure development have on regional economic disparities?
  • What are the challenges presented by aging populations?
  • Does the concept of sustainable development apply to resource extraction industries?
  • Will Antarctica ever be habitable?
  • Can a developing country ever become a developed nation?
  • How does agriculture affect soil health?
  • Should active volcanoes be tourist spots?

Globe of the world

25 EPQ Ideas for History

  • How did the Industrial Revolution transform social structures in 19th-century Britain?
  • How did colonialism shape the cultural, economic, and political development of Tanzania during and after independence?
  • Can the study of historical pandemics offer insights for future action?
  • What role did propaganda play in influencing German public opinion during World War II?
  • To what extent did the women’s suffrage movement contribute to advancements in gender equality?
  • How did the Age of Enlightenment influence the development of political thought and institutions in Europe?
  • How did the Reformation impact religious practices in 16th-century England?
  • How did the Silk Road facilitate cultural exchange and economic development between the East and West?
  • Who was Jack the Ripper?
  • Are school history textbooks biased?
  • How has fashion changed in the UK since the Middle Ages?
  • Are works of fiction and art valid historical sources?
  • How did the Scientific Revolution challenge traditional beliefs?
  • Can the study of historical urbanisation patterns inform contemporary urban planning?
  • What singular invention changed the course of history?
  • Is history important for the future?
  • How did the Cold War impact political ideologies and power dynamics?
  • What can mainstream media tell us about historical political conflicts?
  • To what extent did the Spanish Inquisition contribute to religious intolerance in Europe?
  • How did the intellectual movements of the 1920s shape the character of the Roaring Twenties?
  • How did the Opium Wars influence the socio-economic and political trajectory of 19th-century China?
  • Did historical maritime exploration directly contribute to the establishment of modern global trade networks?
  • Can the study of historical diplomacy offer insights into contemporary geopolitical challenges?
  • How did the Green Revolution impact global agriculture and food production in the mid-20th century?

25 EPQ Ideas for Languages

  • How did modern English come to be?
  • What can cultural differences in ‘baby talk’ tell us about language acquisition?
  • Can languages be considered alive?
  • Is it important to preserve endangered languages?
  • Can language influence our perceptions of time and space?
  • How does bilingualism impact cognitive function?
  • What role does translation play in understanding foreign literature?
  • Is Scots a language or a dialect?
  • How does technology aid in language learning?
  • Should English have a language academy like The French Academy?
  • Why did the Esperanto language policy fail?
  • Is the Latin alphabet a good writing system?
  • Can studying linguistic variation contribute to more effective education approaches?
  • Is body language universal?
  • Should learning sign language be mandatory?
  • Is brail a language?
  • Should we develop a universal lingua franca?
  • How does the evolution of slang reflect societal changes and trends?
  • How do language ideologies shape language policies?
  • Are multilingual people more successful?
  • Can language use reflect your identity?
  • Is there a ‘correct’ way to speak a language?
  • Will AI change the way we translate languages?
  • How far back can we trace languages?
  • Why is English so widespread?

25 EPQ Ideas for Law

  • To what extent do privacy laws adequately protect individuals in the digital age?
  • Who is responsible for implementing and upholding laws in the Metaverse?
  • How has international law addressed the challenges of cyber warfare?
  • How does the concept of corporate personhood impact legal liability in business?
  • Can legal frameworks effectively address challenges in AI, such as algorithmic bias?
  • How effective is international humanitarian law in mitigating humanitarian crises?
  • Is there a legal responsibility to regulate emerging technologies?
  • How do intellectual property laws balance the rights of creators in the digital era?
  • How does the legal concept of self-defense apply to cyber-attacks?
  • What impact do extradition laws have on transnational crime and terrorism?
  • Does the legal system protect individuals’ rights in the context of surveillance technologies and mass data collection?
  • How has the legal definition of marriage evolved and how does this impact society?
  • How can environmental laws address the challenges of biodiversity loss?
  • Should gene editing be legal?
  • How do antitrust laws contribute to maintaining competition and preventing monopolies in the digital age?
  • In what ways do laws regarding data protection and privacy impact the development of smart cities?
  • Do animals deserve legal rights?
  • How can legal frameworks address the challenges of regulating self-driving vehicles?
  • How can the law address racial and ethnic discrimination in the criminal justice system?
  • Are juries inevitably flawed?
  • How does the law help society?
  • How can freedom of speech laws adapt to the challenges presented by social media?
  • What needs to be considered when creating a new law?
  • Who should the law protect?
  • How do laws that address gender-based violence contribute to social attitudes about gender inequality?

epq powerpoint presentation example

25 EPQ Ideas for Maths

  • How can mathematical models predict climate change?
  • To what extent can mathematical models enhance cybersecurity measures?
  • How does the application of mathematical techniques improve supply chain efficiency? 
  • Can mathematical modeling provide insights into the spread and containment of infectious diseases like COVID-19?
  • Should students be forced to take maths at A-Level?
  • How do mathematical concepts influence the development of AI?
  • How can mathematical modelling inform traffic management?
  • How can game theory shape strategic decision-making in business?
  • Can number theory principles be applied to enhance the security of cryptographic systems?
  • What has been the most impactful mathematical discovery to date?
  • How does the study of chaos theory inform our understanding of complex systems in nature?
  • How useful is generative AI for solving mathematical problems?
  • Should maths education focus more on applied mathematics?
  • Has maths always existed?
  • Can mathematical analysis contribute to the optimisation of renewable energy systems?
  • How does graph theory contribute to the optimisation of network design and communications systems?
  • Can mathematical principles guide fair voting systems in democratic processes?
  • What impact does mathematical symmetry have on artistic disciplines?
  • What role does probability theory play in risk management?
  • Is the concept of infinity useful?
  • What was the role of maths in the code-breaking at Bletchley Park?
  • How does maths inform the systems behind cryptocurrencies?
  • To what extent can mathematical analysis contribute to predicting and managing financial market fluctuations?
  • Can mathematical algorithms enhance personalised learning experiences?
  • Should maths be optional in secondary school?

25 EPQ Ideas for Medicine

  • Is personalised medicine the way forward?
  • To what extent can telemedicine improve healthcare accessibility?
  • Can machine learning and AI be effectively used in medical diagnostics?
  • What role do social factors play in health disparities?
  • How can robotics benefit minimally invasive surgical procedures?
  • How can medical professionals balance patient autonomy with ethical considerations in end-of-life care?
  • Is there a place for alternative medicine in Western healthcare?
  • What impact do lifestyle factors have on longevity?
  • Is gene therapy a viable option for managing genetic diseases?
  • Were the public health interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic sufficient?
  • Is nanomedicine the future of targeted drug delivery?
  • Can medical interventions address the rising global prevalence of non-communicable diseases like diabetes?
  • How does medical anthropology contribute to the understanding of healthcare?
  • Could 3D printing technology provide the solution for personalised medical implants and prosthetics?
  • Why are girls underdiagnosed when it comes to autism?
  • Do government health incentives like putting calories on menus affect public health outcomes?
  • Is plastic surgery a solution to body dysmorphic disorder?
  • What is the effect of race and ethnicity on health outcomes during hospital treatment>
  • What are the arguments for legalising medical cannabis?
  • Did the Ancient Egyptians truly understand illness and medicine?
  • Are we treating mental health disorders correctly?
  • How can advancements in neurotechnology contribute to the treatment of brain injuries?
  • Is preventative healthcare more important than treatment?
  • Should healthcare be public?
  • Should organ donation be mandatory?

25 EPQ Ideas for Physics

  • How does quantum entanglement challenge our understanding of particle physics?
  • Can string theory provide a unified explanation for the fundamental forces in the universe?
  • Is the study of the universe important?
  • Can advancements in quantum computing revolutionise information processing?
  • Is time linear?
  • Is nuclear power a viable future resource?
  • Can the study of gravitational waves contribute to our understanding of black hole mergers?
  • Can physics prove (or disprove) the existence of God?
  • Could the moon be a tourist destination?
  • How far can humans realistically travel in space?
  • Is physics a male-dominated field and why?
  • What role does physics play in daily life?
  • Are any laws of physics breakable?
  • Do parallel universes exist?
  • What implications do the laws of physics have on free will?
  • How can concepts in physics, like light and colour, influence art?
  • How does physics inform our understanding of the origins of the universe?
  • What was the role of Mileva Meric, Albert Einstein’s wife, in his findings?
  • Should we eliminate nuclear weapons?
  • What is the most important discovery in physics?
  • How can physics be used to prevent climate change?
  • What is the role of physics in medicine?
  • What happens when the Sun dies?
  • Will humans ever live on another planet?
  • Project: Design and build a robot.

25 EPQ Ideas for Politics

  • How does the voting system affect representation in democratic elections?
  • To what extent do political debates influence public opinion?
  • How do local policies impact the daily lives of citizens?
  • Can political cartoons effectively convey complex political issues?
  • What role does diplomacy play in resolving international conflict?
  • How do modern political campaigns leverage social media?
  • How can citizens actively participate in local government decision-making?
  • What impact does the media’s portrayal of political leaders have on public perception?
  • Should politics prioritise the needs of marginalised communities?
  • How does the electoral college system influence presidential elections in the United States?
  • How can governments increase youth participation in politics?
  • Should politics be mandatory in schools?
  • Should businesses be allowed to lobby governments?
  • Should freedom of speech be protected at all costs?
  • Do we need new political systems to govern international cyber-space (e.g. the Metaverse)?
  • Should National Service be mandatory?
  • Is the government’s responsibility to address climate change?
  • Should there always be a separation of church and state?
  • What were the main factors that led to Brexit?
  • Does the government have a right to ban protests?
  • How can the government reduce voter apathy?
  • Is the national government more important than councils?
  • Should Scotland be allowed a second referendum?
  • Is there a fair representation of working-class people in the government?
  • Should there be a global system of governance?

25 EPQ Ideas for Psychology

  • How does the nature vs. nurture debate help us understand human behaviour?
  • How do cultural factors influence mental health?
  • Can cognitive psychology help us understand memory disorders?
  • What makes humans happy?
  • Can psychological research contribute to the prevention of substance abuse and addiction?
  • What impact does sleep have on cognitive function?
  • How does evolutionary psychology explain human mating behaviours and relationship dynamics?
  • Can psychology explain the motivations for bullying and cyberbullying?
  • What were the effects of isolation during COVID-19 lockdowns?
  • Do gender-neutral toys give children less restrictive views of gender?
  • Can education in psychology prevent bullying in schools?
  • Does the media portrayal of mental health issues make it hard for teenagers to seek help?
  • Do ethical constraints on research hinder our understanding of psychology?
  • Can cannabis use cause schizophrenia?
  • Is psychology a science?
  • What effect does bipolar disorder have on the family of the patient?
  • Do our genes or our experiences shape who we are?
  • Do different cultures see mental health in different ways?
  • Can psychology help us break bad habits?
  • Why does the placebo effect happen?
  • Is future criminal behaviour always evident in childhood?
  • Why do people fall in love?
  • How does online behaviour affect mental well-being?
  • Can talking therapy help with anxiety?
  • Is a full state of focus feasible for the human brain?

25 EPQ Ideas for Religious Studies

  • Are science and religion the same?
  • What role do religious rituals have in fostering a sense of community?
  • Do Muslims and Christians share the same God?
  • How do religious beliefs influence moral decision-making?
  • Can religious texts explain cultural values?
  • Is there an afterlife?
  • What impact do religious teachings have on attitudes toward the environment?
  • Is religious teaching the best way to create peace?
  • In what ways do art and architecture reflect religious beliefs?
  • How do religious practices contribute to individual well-being?
  • How does the concept of forgiveness vary across different religions?
  • How do religious leaders contribute to community development?
  • Why is Christianity declining in the United Kingdom?
  • What role does storytelling play in religious traditions?
  • Why do some religions spread while others remain small?
  • Why are certain animals considered sacred?
  • How do holidays and festivals strengthen religious identity?
  • Can the concept of karma influence ethical behaviour?
  • What impact does religious pluralism have on society?
  • How does Catholicism address the concept of suffering?
  • What’s the difference between a cult and a religion?
  • Does religion have a place in politics?
  • How did the history of the church shape today’s society?
  • Why are there different branches in major religions?
  • Can studying religious history prevent future conflicts?

25 EPQ Ideas for Sociology

  • Is the nuclear family structure important?
  • How does education enforce or challenge social inequality?
  • Does social media perpetuate negative perceptions of body image?
  • Would studying sociology prevent bullying in schools?
  • Why does racism exist?
  • Is social media eroding our social skills?
  • Does class really have an impact on access to opportunities?
  • How do gender roles influence career choices?
  • Can studying subcultures provide insights into youth identity?
  • How does migration impact cultural diversity?
  • Why do certain communities experience higher crime rates?
  • How does socialisation contribute to individual identity?
  • Can sociology help us understand voting patterns?
  • Can sociology create positive social change?
  • Does globalisation have a positive or negative impact on local cultures?
  • How do religious beliefs influence social attitudes?
  • Why are certain occupations gender-dominated?
  • Can sociology inform effective public health campaigns?
  • What is the next wave of feminism?
  • Why do certain age groups experience social isolation?
  • Who is to blame for poverty?
  • What effect could polyamorous families have on children?
  • How does technology impact social interactions among different generations?
  • Has sociology neglected the study of emotions?
  • How do social expectations influence individual choices about marriage and family?

25 EPQ Ideas for Sport

  • What role does teamwork play in the success of a sports team?
  • How important are grassroots sports for social inclusion and community engagement?
  • How do sports influence cultural identity and national pride?
  • Why are some sports more popular in specific countries?
  • Why do people engage in recreational sports?
  • Why has women’s football been so slow to develop in the UK compared to men’s football?
  • Do popular sports enforce or challenge gender stereotypes?
  • Should trans athletes be allowed to compete in standard leagues?
  • What can sports rivalries tell us about cultural tensions?
  • Can football ultras be considered a subculture movement?
  • What are the effects of an international event like the Olympics on the host country?
  • How does the accessibility of sports facilities impact participation rates?
  • Should sports be mandatory in secondary schools?
  • Can sports promote cultural exchange between nations?
  • Is Financial Fair Play (FFP) an effective tool for enforcing fairness among football clubs?
  • Do sports contribute to the development of social skills in children?
  • Why do people engage in sports fandom?
  • Why do female footballers experience higher rates of ACL injury than their male counterparts?
  • What can sports history tell us about society at the time?
  • Should sports clubs make more effort to be diverse and inclusive?
  • Who decides what is a sport?
  • Do high-level athletes have a responsibility to be role models?
  • Should professional athletes be paid more than medical professionals?
  • How can we fix the pay gap in sports?
  • What is the impact of genetics on sporting success?

epq powerpoint presentation example

Which EPQ Topic Should You Choose?

The ideas above are just a taster for popular EPQ subjects to inspire you. Remember, you can choose any topic you like. Since you’ll be spending six months researching and writing an essay about your chosen topic, it needs to be something you’re interested in.

Hopefully, these EPQ ideas have helped you figure out how to form an interesting question. By putting your own personal spin on an interesting idea, you can start down your pathway to getting a great EPQ grade.

Immerse Yourself in Your EPQ with Expert Help

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A* AQA EPQ Presentation Exemplar

A* AQA EPQ Presentation Exemplar

Subject: Law and legal studies

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Assessment and revision

Gama's GCSE/ A level Shop

Last updated

16 April 2024

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epq powerpoint presentation example

Here, is the powerpoint presentation I used to secure an A* in my EPQ (According to 2023 Grade boundaries). Use this presentation, as a guideline for the general content and level of detail and needed in a EPQ presentation

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  • What is required for an EPQ presentation.pptx

The final element  of the project is to present your findings to an audience. This will consist of a 10 minute talk by you, backed up with a powerpoint or other visual aid if you wish, and then 10 minutes of questions/discussion.

This is how you will be assessed for the presentation:

  • Oral-Presentation-Record-card.doc

Mrs Dutson delivered a seminar on presentation skills; here is the powerpoint from the seminar:

  • Presentation powerpoint

Example of a presentation:

  • Sample EPQ Presentation.pptx

epq powerpoint presentation example

July 18, 2023

Discover strategies for teachers to guide A-level students through the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) for successful independent research

Main, P (2023, July 18). EPQ. Retrieved from https://www.structural-learning.com/post/epq

What is an Extended Project Qualification?

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a vibrant opportunity for A-level students, offering them the chance to immerse themselves in a subject they are passionate about. This qualification is a testament to a student's ability to plan , research, and engage in independent learning, all of which are crucial skills in the academic world and beyond.

The EPQ is designed to cultivate students' critical thinking and transferable skills, equipping them for their future academic pursuits and career paths. It's a unique platform for students to delve into a topic that fascinates them, going beyond the confines of their regular A-level syllabus.

The EPQ is not a one-size-fits-all qualification. It offers flexibility in its format, allowing students to choose between a written report, a dissertation, or even a performance. This adaptability enables students to express their abilities and passion in a manner that aligns with their strengths.

The advantages of undertaking an EPQ are manifold. It fosters the development of time management and project planning skills, as students are accountable for planning and executing their project independently. According to a study , such independent research skills are pivotal in shaping students' academic success.

For instance, consider a student who is passionate about environmental science. They could choose to do an EPQ on the impact of plastic waste on marine life.

This would not only allow them to delve deeper into a subject they are passionate about but also demonstrate their ability to conduct independent research , analyze data, and present findings - skills highly valued in higher education and the workplace.

Moreover, the EPQ is an excellent addition to a university application. It serves as evidence of a student's ability to undertake independent research and produce high-quality work.

In fact, some universities have started to include the EPQ as part of their entry requirements, recognizing the valuable skills it imparts.

In essence, the EPQ is a remarkable opportunity for A-level students to become independent learners, fostering skills that will be beneficial in their academic journey and future careers.

Key Insights:

  • The EPQ fosters critical thinking and transferable skills , preparing students for future academic and career paths.
  • It offers flexibility in its format, allowing students to choose a format that suits their strengths.
  • The EPQ is an excellent addition to a university application, demonstrating a student's ability to engage in independent research and produce high-quality work.

What Skills will your Students Develop?

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a fantastic opportunity for students to develop a range of important skills that will benefit them in their future academic and professional endeavors.

One skill that students will certainly enhance through the EPQ is time management. As the project is largely self-directed, students must learn to effectively plan and organize their time to ensure that they meet their deadlines and complete their work to a high standard.

Another key skill that the EPQ helps students improve is research. Throughout the project, students are required to conduct independent research, exploring a topic of personal interest in depth. This allows them to develop their research skills, such as gathering relevant information, evaluating sources, and synthesizing information to support their arguments.

Independent working is another area where students will see significant improvement. Throughout the EPQ process, students are encouraged to work independently, taking responsibility for their own learning. This helps them develop self-discipline, resilience , and the ability to work autonomously.

Problem-solving is another skill that students will develop through the EPQ. As they encounter challenges and obstacles during their project, they are required to think critically and find innovative solutions to overcome them.

Lastly, the EPQ provides students with an opportunity to enhance their presentation skills. Whether it be presenting their findings in a written report, a dissertation, or even a performance, students learn how to effectively communicate their ideas and present their work in a clear and engaging manner.

Overall, the EPQ offers students a chance to develop vital skills such as time management, research, independent working, problem-solving, and presentation skills. These skills will not only benefit them during their EPQ journey but also in their future academic and professional pursuits.

Choosing a EPQ Topic

Choosing a topic for the EPQ is a crucial step in the process, as it sets the stage for a student's independent study journey. One of the key factors to consider when selecting a topic is the student's genuine interest.

By choosing a topic that they are passionate about, students are more likely to stay motivated and engaged throughout the project. This allows them to delve into the subject matter in significant detail and produce a high-quality piece of work.

In addition to personal interest, it is also important to choose a topic that offers the opportunity for a deep and thorough study. The EPQ provides students with the chance to explore a topic at an advanced level, beyond what is covered in their regular academic studies. Therefore, selecting a topic that allows for in-depth research and analysis is crucial.

Another aspect to consider is choosing a unique topic that may not be available through other qualifications. The EPQ offers students the freedom to choose a subject of their own choice, allowing them to explore their personal interests and potential future university studies. By choosing a topic that relates to their future university studies, students can gain valuable knowledge and insight into their desired field.

Overall, the process of selecting an EPQ topic requires careful consideration of the student's interest, the potential for depth of study, and the relevance to future university studies. By choosing a topic that ticks these boxes, students are setting themselves up for a successful and rewarding EPQ experience.

EPQ Resources

EPQ Example Presentations

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a unique opportunity for students to demonstrate their academic skills through a project process that they manage independently. This exciting qualification allows students to delve into a subject of their choice, beyond the confines of their A-level studies, and create a unique individual project.

One of the most engaging aspects of the EPQ is the presentation. This is where students showcase their project management skills and the depth of their understanding.

The presentation can take various forms, depending on the nature of the project. For instance, it could be a traditional PowerPoint presentation, a video, or even a live performance. The key is to effectively communicate the project's objectives, methodology, findings, and implications.

For example, a student interested in antibiotic resistance might create a presentation that includes slides and notes detailing their research and findings, as demonstrated by Emily Christopher in her EPQ presentation .

Another student might choose to present their project on the practicality of youth hostels through a SlideShare presentation .

Planning an EPQ: A Step-by-Step Guide

When embarking on an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), proper planning is indispensable. This step-by-step guide will outline the important considerations and tasks involved in planning an EPQ, ensuring a successful and well-executed project.

1. Choosing a Relevant Topic: Select a topic that aligns with your personal interests and future university studies. This will not only keep you motivated throughout the project but also provide valuable insights and knowledge in your desired field.

2. Setting Clear Aims: Define clear aims and objectives for your EPQ. This will help guide your research and ensure that your project remains focused and purposeful.

3. Creating a Project Plan: Develop a comprehensive project plan that includes key milestones, research stages, and deadlines. Organize your tasks and allocate time for each stage, ensuring a structured and systematic approach.

4. Effective Time Management: Efficiently manage your time by creating a realistic schedule. Break down your research and writing tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, allowing for regular progress and meeting deadlines effectively.

5. Research Techniques: Employ effective research techniques to gather relevant and reliable information. Utilize a variety of sources, such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites, to ensure a well-rounded and comprehensive analysis.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively plan your EPQ and ensure a smooth and successful project. Remember, proper planning is the key to a well-executed and impactful EPQ.

EPQ Essay Guidance

Research Techniques for your students EPQs

When undertaking an EPQ, students have a range of research techniques at their disposal to help them gather information and evidence to support their projects. These techniques can significantly enhance the quality and depth of their work.

One of the most important aspects of research for an EPQ is the selection of reliable and credible sources. Students should prioritize using academic journals and reputable websites, as these sources are more likely to provide accurate and well-researched information.

Academic journals are written by experts in the field and undergo a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring the information they contain is of a high standard. Reputable websites are those that are well-established, backed by credible organizations or experts, and regularly updated with accurate and reliable information.

In addition to utilizing secondary sources, conducting primary research can also greatly benefit an EPQ. This can involve methods such as surveys, interviews, or experiments.

Primary research allows students to gather firsthand information and data, which can add originality and depth to their projects. It also allows them to engage with real-world subjects and gain valuable insights that may not be available through secondary sources alone.

By employing a combination of reliable secondary sources and primary research methods, students can ensure that their EPQs are well-rounded, well-informed, and of a high quality. This will ultimately contribute to a successful and impactful project.

Writing up the EPQ: Structure and Style

When writing up an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification), it is important to follow a clear and logical structure to effectively communicate the research and findings. The structure typically follows a standard format, which includes an introduction, methodology, findings, and conclusion.

The introduction sets the stage for the project by providing a brief overview of the topic and its relevance. It should include a clear research question or objective to guide the investigation.

The methodology section outlines the research methods used, such as literature review, surveys, or experiments. This helps to demonstrate the validity and reliability of the data collected.

The findings section presents the main results and analysis of the research. This is where students can showcase their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, discussing the implications and significance of their findings. It is crucial to use appropriate academic language and referencing throughout the writing process.

Lastly, the conclusion brings together the key points of the research and provides a summary of the findings and their implications. It is important to restate the research question and evaluate the limitations and strengths of the project. In addition, students should reflect on their learning experience and highlight any future directions or recommendations.

To organize and present the information effectively, students should ensure a cohesive flow between sections and use headings and subheadings to guide the reader.

Visual aids such as graphs or tables can be used to present data in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, adhering to the word count and formatting guidelines set by the EPQ exam board is crucial to demonstrate professionalism and attention to detail.

Writing up an EPQ requires a clear and logical structure, appropriate academic language, and referencing. By following this structure and style, students can effectively communicate their research and findings while showcasing their independent thinking and analytical skills .

EPQ Mark Scheme

Presentation Skills for Your EPQ

Developing effective presentation skills is essential for students undertaking the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). A well-delivered presentation not only showcases the student's research findings but also demonstrates their ability to communicate and engage with an audience. Here are some essential presentation skills that students should develop for their EPQ presentations:

1. Confidence: Presenting confidently helps to capture the audience's attention and convey the importance of the research.

2. Communication: Clear and concise communication ensures that the audience understands the topic and key points of the project.

3. Body language: Using appropriate body language, such as maintaining eye contact, gestures, and a confident posture, enhances the effectiveness of the presentation.

4. Visual aids: Utilizing visual aids, such as slides or props, can help to reinforce key points and make the presentation more engaging.

5. Time management: Being mindful of time and delivering the presentation within the allocated time frame demonstrates professionalism and shows respect for the audience.

When preparing for the EPQ presentation, it is important to outline the process, aims, achievements, and lessons learned. This helps provide context and clarity to the presentation.

Outlining the process highlights the research methodology and the steps taken to reach the project's objectives. Discussing the aims and achievements showcases the project's significance and demonstrates the student's ability to meet their goals.

Additionally, reflecting on the lessons learned emphasizes personal growth and highlights the student's ability to critically evaluate their work.

The suggested structure for the EPQ presentation can include the following points:

1. Topic: Introduce the topic and provide a brief explanation of its relevance and importance.

2. Logic behind choosing the topic: Explain the reasons behind selecting the topic and the personal interest or motivation driving the research.

3. Objectives: Clearly state the research objectives or questions that guided the investigation.

4. Research pathway: Present an overview of the research methodology and the steps taken to gather data or information.

5. Conclusions: Summarize the main findings and highlight their significance.

6. Self-improvement: Reflect on the learning experience, discussing any challenges faced and lessons learned during the project.

7. Overall review: Provide a concise review of the project, emphasizing its strengths and limitations.

By developing these presentation skills and following a structured approach, students can effectively communicate their EPQ findings and engage their audience.

epq powerpoint presentation example

Performance table points and UCAS points

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an excellent qualification that not only allows students to delve into a topic of their choice but also contributes to their overall performance in terms of Performance table points and UCAS points.

In terms of Performance table points, the EPQ is included in the list of Level 3 qualifications recognized by the Department for Education in the UK. It is worth noting that the EPQ carries the same weight as an AS level qualification, meaning it adds value to a student's overall performance in the Performance table points.

When it comes to UCAS points, achieving A* grades in both A-levels and the EPQ is highly valued by universities. The EPQ is recognized as an additional qualification and contributes points towards a student's UCAS application. The breakdown of UCAS points for each EPQ grade is as follows:

- A*: 28 UCAS points

- A: 24 UCAS points

- B: 20 UCAS points

- C: 16 UCAS points

- D: 12 UCAS points

- E: 8 UCAS points

Therefore, achieving higher grades in the EPQ can significantly enhance a student's UCAS application and increase their chances of securing a place at their desired university. It is clear that the EPQ not only offers valuable independent study skills and the opportunity to explore a topic in depth but also allows students to boost their overall performance and increase their UCAS points.

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Classroom Practice


EPQ Guide: Expressing your ideas

  • The Inquiry Process
  • Developing a line of inquiry
  • Finding and selecting sources
  • Working with ideas

Expressing your ideas

epq powerpoint presentation example

This is the stage you have been building towards - writing your report. Although that is largely the focus of this page , it is not all there is to the EPQ.

Your EPQ will be assessed on:

  • Your completed Production Log
  • if your project is a research based written report of any kind (e.g. a science investigation or an essay) it should be approximately 5,000 words long
  • If your project is an artefact, it must be accomapanied by a research based written report of a minimum of 1,000 words. For artefacts, you may include photos showing various stages of the production process as well as the final product. You do not need to submit a large artefact as evidence - photographs or other media are fine.
  • If your product was itself a presentation then you still need to produce a presentation about the process of producing it!
  • Your presentation must be delivered live to a non-specialist audience and might use flipcharts or posters, presentation tools such as PowerPoint or Prezi or short video clips. The evidence for your presentation will  include a record in your Production Log of questions your supervisor asked and how you responded.

On this page you will find guidance on:


As well as resource boxes on:

Am I ready?

Am I ready to start writing my essay?

Before you start writing, think:

  • Is my investigation largely complete? As you write you may find that you need a few additional resources or information to support your argument, but you should not sta rt to write until you are largely sure where your argument is going.
  • Have I filled in a Research Organiser (which you will find on the Working with Ideas tab)? This will help you to organise your thoughts and make sure you understand the argument you intend to make and have the evidence to support it. While not compulsory, it makes writing your final essay significantly easier.
  • Do I understand how to write in an appropriate academic style? Guidance is given in the Academic Writing box below.
  • Do I know how to import my sources from my Investigative Journal? Don't waste time putting all your citation data in again! Import all your sources as you set up your document. There are helpsheets in the Resources for PC / Mac users boxes to the right.

You should use the Oakham APAv3 Academic Writing Template (below) rather than a generic Word template to set up your essay.

(The image below is taken from the EE LibGuide, but the template is just as useful for EPQs)

epq powerpoint presentation example

Citing and referencing

There are many different ways to acknowledge the sources you use. These are called referencing styles . You are free to use any recognised referencing style you wish for your EPQ, but Oakham's 'house style' is APA. We suggest you use this because we already have a lot of support in place for it. APA is an 'Author-date' system, meaning that you show which source you have used by putting the author and date in brackets after it in your text, and then put the full reference in an alphabetical list at the end of the essay. The Library does not support 'footnote referencing', where you put all the information in a footnote at the bottom of the page. If you want help with this then please talk to the member of staff who suggested that you use it.

For detailed information and guidance on how to use sources in your writing and how to cite and reference them accurately using the tools in Microsoft Word, consult the Citing and Referencing LibGuide . This site includes information about how to reference all sorts of different kinds of sources, including videos and works of art, and what to do if you are using a source written in a language that is not the language of your essay. It also gives some examples of how to use in-text citations , whether quoting, paraphrasing or just referring to a source more generally, and how to use the automatic citing and referencing tools in Word .


Academic writing

Stages in an academic essay


Your thesis is the point you want to make. It emerges from your research and your task is to use the evidence you have found to establish it as the most reasonable response to that research.

A persuasive (or argumentative) approach proceeds from the answer to the research question through a detailed analysis of the arguments surrounding the research question — their claims, their evidence, and their assumptions.

In both approaches, you must state the research question in your introduction, and make sure you return to it in your conclusion .

Sections required in your essay

Have a look at the Formal Presentation guide in the sidebar for a guide to laying out your essay.

Paragraph Structure

Paragraphs themselves have a structure - the most common you will have come across is likely to be PEEL. The letters often stand for slightly different things in different subjects, but the idea is largely the same - introduce your main idea for the paragraph ( Point ), justify it with Evidence and/or Examples , and Evaluate this evidence. Finally, Link back to the Research Question and/or Link forward to the next paragraph.

This is not the only way to write a paragraph and, with experience, you will soon find that your argument develops a flow of its own that does not require a formula - indeed, your essay would be very dull if every paragraph followed exactly the same structure. However, this structure can be a useful scaffold to get you started and make sure you don't miss anything important.

Paragraph structure

The structure of academic writing

Note that the following graphic was originally produced for the IB Extended Essay, but is equally applicable to the EPQ.

epq powerpoint presentation example

Planning your essay

It is vital to plan your essay before you start writing. An essay plan provides an outline of your argument and how it develops.

What sections and subsections do you need?

Although this might change as you write your essay, you should not start writing until you have your overall structure. Then think about roughly how you are going to divide your 5000 words between the different sections. 5000 words seems like a lot before you start writing, but it is much easier to write to the limit, section by section, than to try to cut your essay down once it is written.

What will the reader will expect to see and where?

Look back at your checklist and think about where in your essay you are planning to include the required information. Make sure the flow of your essay makes sense to a reader who may be a subject expert but knows little about your topic. Have you included background information? Details of experimental methods? Arguments and counter arguments?

Now get writing!

You've read all the guidance. You've made your plan. Now you have a blank screen in front of you and you just need to get started! Start with the section you think you will find easiest to write and work outwards from there, or follow the steps below to get started. Don't forget to write with the word limit in mind though.


What if you are writing lots of paragraphs but your essay just doesn't seem to be coming together?

1. Condense each paragraph into a short statement or bullet point. This is the skeleton structure of your essay.

2. Look at the order of the statements.

  • Is the order logical?
  • Does each point follow another in a sensible order?
  • Do you need to change the order?
  • Do you need to add paragraphs?
  • Do you need to remove paragraphs?

3. Add, subtract and rearrange the paragraphs until your structure makes sense.

4. Redraft using your new paragraph order.  

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Willard, D. (2003) My journey to and b eyond tenure in a secular university . Retrieved from: www.dwillard.org/articles/individual/my-journey-to-and-beyond-tenure-in-a-secular-university . Accessed: 9th May 2020

Oh no! It's too long!!

If you haven't managed to write to the word limit and are suddenly faced with cutting down an essay that is over the word limit, try these tips on concise writing from Purdue Online Writing Lab.

epq powerpoint presentation example

Use the menu on the left of this page from Purdue OWL to browse the four very practical pages on writing concisely and one on the Paramedic Method for reducing your word count.

AQA Guide to completing the Production Log: Expressing your ideas

epq powerpoint presentation example

AQA copyright notice

The presentation above contains slides from the AQA presentation  Teaching slides: how to complete the production log  (available from the AQA EPQ Teaching and Learning Resources website ).  These slides are Copyright © 2020 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.

A downloadable copy of the Production Log can be found here , on the Home tab of this guide.

Submission checklists

  • First Draft Checklist A guide to make sure you stay on track and complete everything required for your first draft.
  • Final Draft Checklist A guide detailing everything that needs to be completed before submitting your EPQ.

Guides for PC users

  • Citing and Referencing in Word 2016 for Windows
  • Managing Sources in Word 2016 for Windows
  • Creating a Table of Contents in Word 2016 for Windows

Guides for Mac users

  • Managing Sources in Word 2016 for Mac
  • Citing and Referencing in Word 2016 for Mac
  • << Previous: Working with ideas
  • Next: Reflecting >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 6, 2024 10:05 AM
  • URL: https://oakham-rutland.libguides.com/EPQ

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EPQ Presentation

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Articles for you

What is an EPQ and why might you want to do one?

What is an EPQ and why might you want to do one?

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Finding a university place in Ucas Clearing 2024: 10 top tips to help you get ready

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  1. EPQ Presentation by Chloe Harris on Prezi

    How I completed my research: A majority of 70% of my responses voted yes to whether they think Euthanasia should be legalised in the U.K. 55% would support a campaign to legalise Euthanasia within the U.K. When asked the circumstances which Euthanasia should be allowed, common themes included were: -> terminal illness-> loss of function ...

  2. EPQ Presentation by Tina Hovhannessian on Prezi

    Wanted to broaden my understanding of psychology. Many avenues to explore with empathy. Personal growth and development. 1) Aim: Explore different psychological perspectives as an explanation to empathy (why it exists) 2) Aim: Research how the term 'empathy' emerged. 3) Aim: Explore the different types of empathy.

  3. An Example A* EPQ Presentation

    I thought I'd share my AQA Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Presentation, which received an A star 2 years ago! The title was "How relevant are anti-angi...

  4. epq the presentation

    Learn how to prepare and deliver a successful presentation for your Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Find out what to include, how to practice, and what visuals to use in your PowerPoint or Keynote slides.

  5. EPQs: why give a presentation?

    Learn how to prepare and deliver a presentation on your Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) topic. Find out the guidelines, tips and examples for using presentation software, images, text and slides.

  6. EPQ Planning the Presentation

    This video will give you step-by-step guidance as you prepare and put together your EPQ Presentation, with tips on what to include and what to avoid, as well...

  7. What makes an outstanding EPQ presentation?

    Learn how to create an outstanding EPQ presentation with clear and concise slides, cue cards and audience participation. Find out what to expect from the Q&A session and how to reference your sources.

  8. A* TIPS TO *ACE* THE EPQ PRESENTATION? What to talk about ...

    Hi guys and welcome (back) to my channel.😀 In this video I go through how I survived doing the EPQ presentation and talk about things which I included. I'll...

  9. The EPQ Presentation: How to Succeed

    EPQ Presentation Mark Scheme. A common question that students ask about the presentation is how much it is worth of the final grade. It is an important question, because it is good to know what sort of assessment criteria you are up against - and what sort of presentation skills you need to nail.. For the AQA course, the presentation part is classed under the 'Review' section of the ...

  10. 450 EPQ Ideas and Everything You Need to Know

    Gaining Additional UCAS Points. In the fierce competition for university spots, every point counts. Completing an EPQ not only enriches your academic profile but also adds those coveted extra UCAS points. The EPQ could grant you up to an extra 28 UCAS points! 5. Equipping Yourself with Invaluable Transferable Skills.

  11. 600 EPQ Ideas and Examples

    600 EPQ Ideas and Examples - The Ultimate List. The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) presents a unique opportunity for students studying in sixth form or college. Not only can you earn extra UCAS points to get into university, but you can also develop strong research and writing skills. The first step is to come up with a great project ...

  12. A* AQA EPQ Presentation Exemplar

    A* AQA EPQ Presentation Exemplar. Subject: Law and legal studies. Age range: 16+. Resource type: Assessment and revision. File previews. pptx, 3.08 MB. Here, is the powerpoint presentation I used to secure an A* in my EPQ (According to 2023 Grade boundaries). Use this presentation, as a guideline for the general content and level of detail and ...

  13. Presentation

    Presentation. What is required for an EPQ presentation.pptx. The final element of the project is to present your findings to an audience. This will consist of a 10 minute talk by you, backed up with a powerpoint or other visual aid if you wish, and then 10 minutes of questions/discussion. This is how you will be assessed for the presentation:

  14. EPQ: Delivering the Presentation (AQA)

    In this video you'll learn all about what makes an effective Presentation for your EPQ, from the way you introduce your material to the tricks you can learn ...

  15. EPQ

    EPQ Resources ‍ EPQ Example Presentations. The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a unique opportunity for students to demonstrate their academic skills through a project process that they manage independently. ... For instance, it could be a traditional PowerPoint presentation, a video, or even a live performance. The key is to ...

  16. EPQ presentation by Robyn Jacobs on Prezi

    This has already proved to help with my revision in my remaining 3 A Levels. Aim - The aim of my primary research was to see whether social media does have a negative impact on the body image of adolescents. Sample - I used an opportunity sample as I knew this was quick and convenient. My sample was made up of 50 female adolescents, all of whom ...

  17. EPQ Presentation by Rebecca Molloy on Prezi

    EPQ Presentation Do the positive aspects of social media outweigh the negative? Research Experience Research was one of the most important parts when producing my EPQ. My research was collected from different sources such as websites, newspaper articles and documentaries. To

  18. EPQ example presentation

    EPQ example presentation. This work is not directly my own but I have permission to use it from a TSR user who prefers to remain anonymous. We hope the presentation will be of use to students studying the EPQ. EPQ example presentation Powerpoint Presentation 4.16 Mb.

  19. Smallbone Library: EPQ Guide: Expressing your ideas

    A presentation on the project process. If your product was itself a presentation then you still need to produce a presentation about the process of producing it! Your presentation must be delivered live to a non-specialist audience and might use flipcharts or posters, presentation tools such as PowerPoint or Prezi or short video clips.

  20. EPQ Presentation

    My EPQ was on the theories for the extinction of the dinosaurs, comparing the supporting and opposing evidence for the asteroid impact theory (which is the most widely accepted one) against other popular theories such as large scale volcanic activity and global cooling (ice age theory). The aim of my project was to find out whether the asteroid ...