Doctoral Degree

- application for semester 2 (march intake), session 2024/2025 is now open.

1) Applications must be submitted online through our application portal at https://apply.um.edu.my 2) Choose programme(s) 3) Complete your application - Personal details, academic qualifications, etc. 4) Upload document - Passport, photo, academic transcript, certificate, etc. 5) Pay application fee via Payment Gateway FPX, Debit/ Credit Card, Flywire. Payment of application fees: (a) Malaysian applicants: •   Full-Time & Part-Time, Conventional Mode Programme: RM 50.00 per application •   Full-Time, Online & Distance Learning Mode Programme: RM 300.00 per application (b) International applicants:  •   Full-Time & Part-Time, Conventional Mode Programme: RM 300.00 per application •   Full-Time, Online & Distance Learning Mode Programme: RM 300.00 per application 6) Submit your application and receive acknowledgement of your application via email. 7) Check the application status on the application portal. 8) Accept the offer on the application portal.

UM EXPERT APPLY Note : Universiti Malaya will not process any incomplete online application including those without application fees.

  • PhD Study in Malaysia – A Guide for 2024

Written by Mike Davies

One of the fastest growing economies in the region, Malaysia is quickly becoming a hub of business and research in Southeast Asia.

In recent decades Malaysia has experienced an exciting evolution of the higher education facilities in the country, with publicly funded universities, private institutions and branches of overseas universities now forming a rich educational landscape.

A PhD in Malaysia will expose you to one of the fastest growing and most vibrant countries in Southeast Asia. From the PhD process to student visas, this guide will get you prepared to start looking for PhD courses in this exciting country.

PhD opportunities in Malaysia – what’s on offer for 2024?

The Malaysian government is eager to attract talented international postgraduate students to local universities. This has led to most university instruction being conducted in English and over 100,000 international students currently studying in Malaysia.

The Malaysian government is especially keen to encourage research into areas that offer technological advancement to the country, meaning fields such as Science and Engineering receive significant government support. On the other hand, Malaysia’s natural resources and biodiversity are a great boon to those studying topics in Ecological, Medical and Natural Science fields.

There are many good reasons for studying a PhD in Malaysia:

  • Rapidly growing economy – The Malaysian economy is currently thriving, and its success has been funnelled into education, research and development
  • Affordable – Despite the rapid economic growth the cost of living is still very reasonable. Programme fees are also significantly lower than countries such as the UK and Australia
  • World class universities – Malaysia maintains high standards for universities, ensuring internationally recognised education.
  • Peace and prosperity – Along with a strong economy Malaysia is ranked as one of the most peacful countries in the world, making for a great environment for study.
PhD Study in Malaysia - Key Details
University of Malaya (1905)
3-5 years
MYR 65,000 (USD $13,900)
January to November

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Malaysian universities

It is the intention of Malaysia to become one of the go-to centres for higher education, and with the University of Malaya and other institutions performing well in international rankings, it is rapidly achieving this aim.

Malaysia’s higher education system is comprised of both private and public universities as well as several branch campuses of international institutions. The quality of all university research programmes is maintained by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).

  • Public universities - These are funded by the government but remain autonomous, managing all aspects of teaching, research and administration. Public universities are currently the most successful when it comes to both national and international rankings
  • Private universities - A relatively new form of higher education provider, private universities were first established with the passing of a higher education act in 1996. They are funded by private organisations, but their educational quality is still monitored by the MQA to ensure it meets the required standards
  • International branch campuses - An increasingly common phenomenon in Malaysia, branches of international universities are evidence of the country's drive for international collaboration. The programmes offered by these branch campuses may be accredited by the Malaysian host university or the overseas partner, but this varies between such campuses

University rankings

The efforts made by Malaysia towards becoming a world-renowned higher education provider is reflected in the university rankings, with several being ranked in the top 300 universities worldwide by the QS world rankings. This is all the more impressive as the higher education sector in Malaysia is relatively small on the international scale.

Top 5 Malaysian Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
University of Malaya251-300=65401-500
Universiti Teknologi Petronas301-350=307-
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia401-500=159-
Universiti Sains Malaysia401-500=137-
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia401-500188701-800
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

Do rankings matter for PhD study?

University rankings can help you choose a PhD project or programme, provided you know what to look at. Our guide explains how to use rankings as a prospective postgraduate.

What do PhD courses in Malaysia look like?

A PhD in Malaysia can take between three and five years, but it is often closer to three years, especially since most scholarships are often only awarded for this shorter period.

Research based

Most PhD courses are not as heavily structured as those in some other countries. You will find that you will largely be expected to conduct independent research into your chosen project. Over the course of your study you will be required to also give regular seminars on your progress.

Depending on the university to which you apply, you may need to complete a number of taught modules as part of the programme. Some universities may also expect you to publish your findings in a peer reviewed journal before they will award you a doctorate.

The final test of a PhD candidate in Malaysia is similar in structure to many other countries. In order to obtain your doctorate, you will need to produce a thesis on the subject of your research. This thesis must satisfy the examiners that it contains original work, and that it relates this to the existing body of knowledge.

You will also need to deliver a seminar on the key findings of your thesis to several experts in your field. During this seminar you will have to defend these findings and demonstrate that your subject knowledge is sufficient for the award of a doctoral degree.

PhD life in Malaysia

Sporting the tagline ‘truly Asia’, Malaysia is home to an estimated 20% of all animal species and four UNESCO world heritage sites. As a postgraduate student in Malaysia you will have the opportunity to experience a vibrant country rich in history and culture. For more information about living in Malaysia , why not check out our living guide.

Fees and funding

The fee structure in Malaysian public universities can be fairly complex so it is worth spending a bit of time researching the costs involved. In general, however, doctoral education in Malaysia is offered at lower costs that in the UK, USA or Australia.

The total cost of the programme will depend on the length and the subject studied but you can expect the university fees for a three-year PhD around MYR 65,000 (USD $13,900). This could be more or less depending on the institution.

A variety of funding packages are also available for your studies in Malaysia. From scholarships, to financial aid to teaching and research assistantships you have many options for covering the costs incurred in the course of your PhD.

PhD scholarships in Malaysia

In order to encourage international talent, there are many scholarships available to help with both tuition fees and living expenses. These scholarships may be funded by the Malaysian government, private institutions or the universities themselves.

It is worth checking with the institution you are applying to for the most up to date list of available scholarships.

Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS)

A government-funded initiative to attract talented graduate students to Malaysia. This scholarship is open to all international students with excellent academic records including a Masters degree in a field related to the PhD they intend to study.

In order to obtain this scholarship, you will need to present a research proposal that aligns with the interests of the Malaysian government therefore this scholarship tends to be focused on the Sciences , Engineering and Communications Technology.

This award covers relocation to Malaysia, university fees and a monthly stipend to help with living expenses for three years.

Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan

Similar in benefit to the Malaysia International Scholarship, this award is available to students from commonwealth countries. As with the MIS, you will need a Masters degree in a related field and be able to justify your research proposal in order to be eligible for this award.

Find out more about the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan .

Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme Scholarship (MTCP)

This award provides opportunities for international students to pursue advanced academic study in Malaysia. This scholarship is a bilateral agreement between Malaysia and other countries and is available on a government-to-government basis.

As with other scholarships, eligibility for this award depends on a Masters degree in a related field, and projects are restricted to a number of priority study areas, focused around Science, Engineering, Health and Finance.

As a recipient of this award you will be expected to make significant contribution to your home country after you complete your doctorate.

Find out more about the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme Scholarship (MTCP) for Postgraduate Studies .

University scholarships

Universities may award scholarships based on academic merit and following the recommendation of the host department/research centre. These usually include tuition fees (sometimes excluding other fees) and a stipend.

Teaching and research assistantships

Another way of funding your studies is to work for the university at which you’re studying for your doctorate. This can be done in the form of a teaching or research assistantship; the university will subsidise the cost your tuition in lieu of payment for your work.

You undertake teaching and / or research duties within their institution. You may be asked to keep office hours and to mark exam papers which will be time spent away from your PhD. However, you will also gain academic experience and may be involved directly in the research work of senior members of staff.

Alternatively, you may be expected to hold the role of a research assistant while studying for your PhD. So long as you can fulfil these conditions without it affecting your ability to complete your studies it is a good way to have your fees to wholly or partially subsidised.

Applying for a PhD in Malaysia

PhD courses in Malaysia can generally start throughout the year but some universities will stipulate two intake periods, in July and February.

There is no centralised postgraduate application agency in Malaysia. Applications are made directly to the individual universities (or even individual Graduate Schools) using an application form or via their websites (if a form is available online).

You can apply to more than one university but make sure you know what you should supply in your application as it varies from institution to institution. Some will only require a letter while others will want a complete academic history and research plan.

Academic results

In order to apply for a PhD project at a Malaysian university you will generally be required to hold a Masters degree in a relevant field and demonstrate research experience. A first class Bachelors degree may also be accepted by some universities, but many will also require you to have several peer reviewed publications.

In disciplines such as Management or Business, applicants may also be asked to demonstrate readiness for graduate study through specific entry examinations (e.g. GRE or GMAT ).

Research proposal / statement of objectives

It is common practice to submit a research proposal (or at least an abstract of your proposed research) when applying for a PhD. This should comprise a short synopsis of the background, objectives and proposed methodology of your prospective research project.

A small number of institutions (e.g. Asia e University) do not require you to supply a research proposal or to identify prospective supervisors when you apply. You will then be assigned a supervisor by the institution and you will develop your thesis proposal while at the institution.

How do I write a PhD research proposal?

The research proposal is an important part of any PhD application, regardless of where you choose to study. Take a look at our guide for some tips and advice on putting yours together.

Language proficiency

Higher education in Malaysia is almost always conducted in English. If English is not your native tongue and your previous degree(s) were not taught in English you will be required to submit scores for either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) as evidence of your proficiency.

Don’t think that the study being in English will prevent you from learning another language though. If you are not originally from Malaysia you may be required to attend and complete a course in Bajasa Malaysia (Malaysian language) to a satisfactory level. Often such courses will be conducted at the university that you’re attending and passing this course may be a condition of the doctorate.

Health requirements

Health requirements are often part of the admission process and public universities will have strict restrictions. You may need to, at your own expense, provide a medical report that attests to the fact that you are in good health.

Some conditions will not exclude you from applying but you will need to demonstrate that they will not affect your ability to complete your study.

Student visas

In order to study for a PhD in Malaysia as an international student you will need to go through the immigration procedure. This involves first applying for a Visa Approval Letter (VAL) from the Malaysian Immigration Department.

Once you have obtained a VAL you can arrange to travel to Malaysia where you will need to present this document to the authorities when you arrive. Your passport will then be stamped allowing you to remain in the country to apply for your Students Pass .

You’ll usually apply for the Student Pass through your Malaysian university, which will then be processed by the Malaysian Immigration Department.

In order to acquire a Student Pass you will need:

  • A copy of your passport
  • An offer letter
  • Health declaration form
  • Your academic certificates and transcripts
  • Personal bond (this is through the university)
  • English language test

The student pass processing fee is MYR 1,060 (USD $240) and is non-refundable, though some institutions are entitled to rebates. You may also have to pay MYR 579 for subsequent document processing, which is refunable in the event of an unsucessful application.

If you would like more information, the Education Malaysia Global Services website has more on visas and immigration for international students wishing to study for a PhD in Malaysia.

Despite Malaysia only recently starting to grow its higher education sector, many of the universities are already performing well against regional competitors and some are now even recognised on the global stage. This, combined with the rapid economic growth, makes for a very attractive country for hi-tech industries and businesses.

A PhD from a Malaysian university lends itself to exciting employment prospects both in Malaysia and internationally.

Find a PhD in Malaysia

Want to start your PhD journey in Malaysia? Why not take a look at the PhD projects in Malaysia we have listed. Alternatively, you can view our other guides to PhD study abroad .

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What's it like to live in Malaysia during a PhD? Our guide covers accommodation, student living costs, working and other key information.

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Study Ph.D. in Malaysia: Requirements and Application Process

Malaysia has several top-notch universities that are both affordable and internationally recognized. This university also boasts of a world-class learning environment where students can conveniently enroll for Ph.D. programs mostly taught in English .

International students interested in studying for a Ph.D. program in this country will need all the help they can get; hence, this article will guide prospective students through essential steps in applying for a Ph.D. in Malaysia — covering admission criteria and required documents for international applicants. Read on and learn the important details on how to start your Ph.D. journey at a Malay university.

Ph.D. Degree Admission Requirements

Malaysian universities require applicants for doctorate degrees to submit certain documents before being considered for admission. The university will use these documents to determine if applicants are suitable for the program or not. Although these requirements vary from one university to another, here are the most common ones usually requested:

To apply for a doctoral degree in Malaysia, applicants will be required to fill out and submit the university application form accurately. Applicants must completely fill out the form and pay the necessary fees.
Before applying for a doctoral degree in Malaysia, you must have earned a . The admissions committee will then ask you to submit copies of the certificate. Ensure the copies are legible and meet the university submission guidelines.
When applying for a doctoral degree in Malaysia, you must provide an official academic transcript from your previous educational institution. These documents show the classes you took, the grades you received, and your overall academic performance. Before sending this document, ensure that the records are current and in English or translated if needed.
Applicants must show proof of funding, proving they can cover the tuition fees and living costs while studying in the country. Proof of financial documents like bank statements, and certificates of earnings are generally accepted. If a candidate has secured a scholarship, he/she must include an official confirmation to assure the university they have the necessary funds to cover their study.
When applying for a doctoral degree in Malaysia, applicants are also required to submit a CV or resume detailing their education, work experience, and achievements. A CV should also contain any research experience, awards, publications, and skills. In addition, ensure you keep your resume well organized and relevant to the course you are applying for.

Language Proficiency Tests Needed for Doctoral Studies

International students who are not from English-speaking countries will likely need to take a language proficiency test such as IELTS or TOEFL . Most universities in this country typically require a minimum score, usually between 6.0 and 7.0 for IELTS and 80 to 100 for TOEFL .

In addition, many Malaysian universities offer doctoral programs in English, like those at Universiti Malaya and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia . And while English is the primary language in this country, some programs may be available in other languages like Malay. Therefore, it is important to check specific language requirements for your chosen discipline on the official website of the university you want to attend.

Ph.D. Degree Application Process

Step 1. choose a university and a discipline.

Once you have decided to study for a doctoral degree in Malaysia, you first want to decide on the university you would like to go to and the course you want to study. You can find a lot of information on the school’s official website and go through the courses they offer. You should also consider other factors like the university’s reputation , the university acceptance rate , available resources, and faculty expertise.

Step 2. Check Admission Requirements

After selecting a university of your choice, the next thing to check is the school’s admission requirement for a doctoral program. The school will validate and evaluate all the requirements submitted to check if you qualify to study for a doctoral degree. For most, the number one admission requirement is a master’s degree. Other necessary documents may include a minimum GPA, a letter of recommendation , a resume, a passport, and proficiency in the English language .

For example, the University of Malaya requires students to submit a master’s degree, however, applicants with an undergraduate degree and a CGPA of 3.7 and above are allowed to apply for a Ph.D. program. Universiti of Sains Malaysia on the other hand, accepts applications from students who have obtained a master’s degree.

Step 3. Research Funding Opportunities

Securing funding for your doctoral studies is very important. This usually covers academic needs, living expenses, and research execution. Therefore, start researching early, as some opportunities have specific deadlines.

Step 4. Complete Online Application

Applicants interested in studying for a doctoral degree in Malaysia must register to the university’s online portal, where they will submit their personal and academic information and upload the necessary documents. The applicant must also pay the application fee and follow other application guidelines during this process.

Step 5. Accept the Offer and Register

If the school deems you fit for the program, you will receive an admission offer, of which you must decide whether to accept the offer or not. Once you accept the offer, you then have to proceed to further registration and submit other relevant documents requested by the school. You should also begin to make adequate preparations, such as applying for a visa , organizing accommodation, covering financial obligations, and learning more about the culture of Malaysia.

FAQs: Ph.D. Application Process in Malaysia

Is it expensive to study ph.d. in malaysia.

Generally, Malaysia provides Ph.D. education at more affordable rates compared to other popular study destinations like Canada, Australia, and the USA. Making it a better option for international students looking for more affordable universities for their doctorate programs.

For instance, tuition rates at Monash University Malaysia are about 50,880 MYR or $10,639 regardless of the doctorate program they applied for. Aside from tuition, students are expected to pay for the following: application, registration, and general amenities fees.

After you have prepared all these steps above, you are then ready to fly to Malaysia to start your journey to obtaining a doctoral degree! Not many are aware that doctoral programs in Malaysia are some of the best in the world, and international students who have found the opportunity to study at this school have become impactful individuals who make significant changes in their community. If you are interested in earning a doctorate at a university in Malaysia, This guide will make the process a lot easier.

Hopefully, this guide will help you in applying for your Ph.D. in Malaysia. Head on over to the Study in Malaysia Page to read more articles about studying abroad! You can also search for courses on our Available Programs for International Students !

About the Author: Hyun Lee

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Admission  @Universiti Sains Malaysia


  • Applied Arts Research

PhD (Management) - School of Management

Doctor of Philosophy in Management are research programmes offered throughout of the year. These programmes are offered as full-time and part-time modes to qualified Malaysian and International Students to do independent research supervised by their respective lecturers in the field of management. As the field of management is dynamic, new areas/field of studies are always emerging as newer technological tools and developments become available. Upon graduation, students may seek employment in both public and private sectors.

Research Thrust Areas:

Organisational Behaviour

  • Strategic Management and Organisational Issues
  • Workplace Attitudes and Behaviour
  • Human Resource Management/Human Capital Development
  • Learning Organisations
  • Women in Management and Business
  • Entrepreneurship and Enterprising Culture
  • Ethics and Social Responsibility
  • Sustainable Leadership


  • Internationalisation of Enterprises
  • International Entrepreneurship
  • Global Strategies and Competitiveness
  • Cross Cultural Management
  • Export Markets
  • Global Strategic Management
  • Strategies and Practices in MNCs
  • Expatriation and Repatriation
  • International Marketing
  • Strategic Marketing
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Advertising and Marketing Communications
  • Brand Management
  • Service Marketing
  • Environmental Marketing
  • Wellness Marketing
  • Technology Marketing
  • Experiential Marketing

Operations and Production

  • Productivity and Quality
  • Technology Management
  • Management Sciences
  • Managing Information Resources
  • Operations Strategies
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Operations Management
  • Logistics Management

Expertise available in the following School: School of Management

Applicants should possess one of the following:

  • A Master's degree in research mode; or
  • A Master’s degree in related area with CGPA 3.00/4; or
  • A Master’s degree in related area with CGPA 2.50-2.99/4 with additional requirements; or
  • Bachelor’s degree in related area with minimum CGPA 3.67/4 (fast-track to PhD)

(Applicable for International Applicants Only)

The minimum score for each programme can be vary from the below list, candidates are required to check for each programme requirements.

  • A minimum of Band 5 for IELTS; or
  • A minimum score of 40 for TOEFL (Internet-based); or
  • A minimum of Band 7.5 for TOEFL Essentials (Online); or
  • A minimum score of 154 for Cambridge English: Advance (CAE)/Proficiency (CPE) /Preliminary (PET) /First (FCE)/ Linguaskill Online min. score 154; or
  • A minimum score of 47 for Pearson Test of English (PTE); or
  • A minimum of Band 107 for CIEP Level (ELS); or
  • A minimum of Band 3.5 for Malaysian University English Test (MUET)

Exemption is given to candidate if:

  • English is the candidate’s mother tongue or National Language; or
  • Candidate graduated from an Institution of Higher Learning in which the medium of instruction at Bachelor and/or Master degree level is English (statement of proof required)
  • Full-time: Min 4 semesters / Max 10 semesters
  • Part-time: Min 6 semesters / Max 15 semesters

** Fees are subject to change

Institute of Postgraduate Studies Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Penang, Malaysia. Tel : +604 653 2606 Fax : +604 653 2940 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Student Admission Unit Academic Management Division Registry, Level 2, Chancellory Building Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia. Tel : 1 300 888 876 / +604-6533196 Fax : +604 653 3328 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Universiti Sains Malaysia shall not be liable for any inaccuracies, errors, or misunderstandings arising from the use of Google Translator. Users are encouraged to approach translations with awareness and consideration for the limitations of machine translation technology. Information published on the English version will be used in the case of discrepancies.

© Copyright 2023  Universiti Sains Malaysia. All Rights Reserved. Developed by PPKT@USM

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Universiti Utara Malaysia

  • Application Guidelines
  • Postgraduate
  • Doctorate Programmes

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by COB


Applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme must possess:

  • A master’s degree from Universiti Utara Malaysia or any other institutions of higher learning recognised by the University Senate; OR
  • Any other equivalent qualifications recognised by the University Senate; AND
  • Fulfil the English language requirement as set by the University Senate.


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is offered by full research. Students should have adequate research knowledge and skills as stipulated by the Academic Committee. Students who do not possess these criteria are required to register and pass the following two (2) pre-requisite courses with at least a B grade before they continue with their research:

  • SZRZ6014 Research Methodology
  • SCLE6014 Academic Writing; and/or
  • Any other courses as determined by the supervisor or Academic Committee

Students are also required to:

  • Present their research work at colloquiums/symposiums set by the respective Schools;
  • students are required to defend their proposals to a committee comprising a chairperson and two (2) reviewers appointed by respective Schools.
  • students must submit two (2) copies of their proposals to respective Schools at least two (2) weeks prior to the defence.
  • the reviewers would provide written comments and recommend the status of the research proposals at the end of the defence session.
  • students are required to make amendments based on the comments and suggestions given by the reviewers.
  • in case of re-defence, students are given a maximum of six (6) months to refine and to successfully re-defend their research proposals. Failure to do so would result in termination from the programme.
  • Produce at least ONE (1) article, accepted/published for publication in a Scopus Indexed Journal before viva voce.
  • Upon approval from their supervisor(s), students should fill the form “Intent to Submit Graduate Thesis/Dissertation” and submit it to respective Schools together with three (3) copies of the thesis (note that students are also required to submit the softcopy version of their thesis).
  • Students will be informed of the viva voce session by respective Schools.
  • Students have to pay the viva voce fee before the viva voce session.
  • Students should make corrections with guidance from the supervisor(s) based on comments and suggestions given during the viva voce session by the examiners.
  • Before binding the final thesis, students should obtain approval (or signature) from respective Schools for certification of thesis.
  • The thesis should be prepared in three copies (two in hard cover and one in loose copy), all of which are to be submitted to respective Schools.


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Healthcare Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Management Information System
  • Occupational Safety and Health Management
  • Agribusiness
  • Risk Management
  • Financial Accounting
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Management Accounting
  • Taxation and Zakat
  • Islamic Accounting
  • Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
  • Islamic Economics
  • Islamic Management
  • Islamic Finance and Banking
  • Muamalat and Syariah Advisory
  • Technology Management
  • Operation Management
  • Logistics Management
  • Project Management
  • Quality Management

  +604-928 7130 / 7124 / 7121

  +604-928 7119 / 7122 / 7156,    this email address is being protected from spambots. you need javascript enabled to view it.,   http://psucob.uum.edu.my.

  • Vision & Mission
  • Logo & Emblem
  • The University's Mace
  • Annual Report
  • University Educational Goal
  • Pro-Chancellor
  • Board of Directors
  • University Management
  • University Senate
  • Professors Council
  • Chancellery
  • VC & DVC's Office
  • Registrar's Office
  • Organisation Chart
  • College of Business
  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • College of Law, Government and International Studies
  • Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business
  • Awang Had Salleh Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
  • Ghazali Shafie Graduate School of Law, Government and International Studies
  • Postgraduate Studies Unit, UUM COB
  • Academic Affairs
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Quality Assurance
  • Co-Curriculum
  • Industrial Training
  • UUM Kuala Lumpur Campus
  • Undergraduate
  • Distance Learning
  • International Affairs
  • Financial Aid
  • Online Payment
  • Student Affairs
  • One Stop Centre
  • Health Services
  • IT Services
  • Development & Maintenance
  • Safety & Security
  • Islamic Affairs
  • Sports & Recreation
  • Student Residential Hall
  • Clubs & Associations
  • Dining & Cafe
  • Attractions
  • Research and Innovation Management Centre
  • Innovation & Commercialization Centre
  • Centre of Excellence (CoE)
  • UUM Experts
  • UUM Journals
  • UUM Conferences


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

phd admission requirements in malaysia

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest degree awarded by the university. It requires the conduct of an original research project, writing and defence of a thesis.

Career Opportunity

  • Computer Support Specialist
  • Computer Systems Analysts
  • Network and Computer Systems Administrator
  • Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts
  • Academician/Researcher
  • Computer Specialists
  • Web Content Developer
  • Information Broker
  • Information Scientist
  • System Analyst
  • Software Project Manager
  • Software Designer
  • Software Configuration Manager

Course Structure

Entry requirement.

  • a Bachelor’s degree in the relevant field; and
  • a Master’s degree in the relevant field; and
  • evidence of adequate training, work experience and ability to undertake research

International applicants are required to have: Universiti Malaya requires all postgraduate candidates to be proficient in the English language. Entry requirements for those who are writing their Thesis in English:

  • A band 6 for IELTS; OR
  • A score of 550 paper based total, a score of 213 for computer-based total or a score of 80 for internet-based for TOEFL.
  • PTE Academic /PTE Academic (Online) score 59

Intake Schedule

  • International

Associate Professor Dr. Por Lip Yee @ Por Khoon Sun Programme Coordinator +603 7967 6410 [email protected]

Mrs. Azarina Bohari Administrative Assistant +603 7967 6380 [email protected]

Last Update: 22/05/2023


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    phd admission requirements in malaysia


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    Doctoral Degree. - Application for Semester 2 (March Intake), Session 2024/2025 is now OPEN! 1) Applications must be submitted online through our application portal at https://apply.um.edu.my. 2) Choose programme (s) 3) Complete your application - Personal details, academic qualifications, etc.

  2. PhD Study in Malaysia – A Guide for 2024 | FindAPhD.com

    A PhD in Malaysia will expose you to one of the fastest growing and most vibrant countries in Southeast Asia. From the PhD process to student visas, this guide will get you prepared to start looking for PhD courses in this exciting country.

  3. Study Ph.D. in Malaysia: Requirements and Application Process

    Ph.D. Degree Admission Requirements. Malaysian universities require applicants for doctorate degrees to submit certain documents before being considered for admission. The university will use these documents to determine if applicants are suitable for the program or not.

  4. PhD in Malaysia: What You Should Know Before Applying

    Each university has its own admission requirements. However, most universities require a Masters degree, a good academic record, and research proposal. Some universities also require specific language proficiency scores for non-native English speakers.

  5. Applying with us - Graduate Research - Monash University

    How to apply. If you are looking to join one of our research degree programs (PhD/Doctoral or Master’s by Research), there are three things you can do to prepare. 1. Check your eligibility. Admission. Scholarships. Graduate Research Pathways. 2. Submit an expression of interest.

  6. PhD (Management) - School of Management

    The minimum score for each programme can be vary from the below list, candidates are required to check for each programme requirements. A minimum of Band 5 for IELTS; or; A minimum score of 40 for TOEFL (Internet-based); or; A minimum of Band 7.5 for TOEFL Essentials (Online); or

  7. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Science - Monah Malaysia

    Study Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Science at Monash University Malaysia. Find out about the requirements, area of research, fees, and intake

  8. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by AHSGS - Universiti Utara Malaysia

    GENERAL ENTRY REQUIREMENT. Applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme must possess: A masters degree from Universiti Utara Malaysia or any other institutions of higher learning recognised by the University Senate; OR. Any other equivalent qualifications recognised by the University Senate; AND.

  9. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by COB - Universiti Utara Malaysia

    GENERAL ENTRY REQUIREMENT. Applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme must possess: A masters degree from Universiti Utara Malaysia or any other institutions of higher learning recognised by the University Senate; OR. Any other equivalent qualifications recognised by the University Senate; AND.

  10. Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology - UM

    Entry Requirement. The minimum requirements for admission into the PhD programme are : evidence of adequate training, work experience and ability to undertake research. Universiti Malaya requires all postgraduate candidates to be proficient in the English language.