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17 Writing Ninjas: How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement

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Writing Ninjas: How To Write A Strong Thesis Statement

Writing Ninjas: How To Write A Strong Thesis Statement

The "writing ninjas" of inkwellscholars.org teach the secret formula for writing strong thesis statements.

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writing ninjas thesis

The Ultimate Formula for Writing Powerful Thesis Statements

by Nicole Bianchi | Apr 30, 2014

How to Write a Thesis Statement

Special video episode from the Writing Ninjas!

Pop quiz. What’s the most important part of an essay? Answer: The thesis statement. What’s one of the most difficult parts of an essay to write? Answer: The thesis statement.

Well, not anymore. In today’s episode of the new Writing Ninjas video series, I’m sharing a very special how-to formula that will have you writing powerful thesis statements in no time.

What exactly is a thesis statement and why is it so important? The thesis statement acts as the cornerstone of your essay. As the last sentence of your introduction, it summarizes for your readers the main argument of your paper. It’s a roadmap, showing your readers exactly where your paper will take them. It also helps you clarify your thoughts on the topic of your paper and strengthen your outline.

Check out the episode below.

How To Write A Strong Thesis Statement

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“Thanks to Nicole’s instruction, two of my reluctant writers have come to enjoy writing, feeling more confident and eager to work on their assignments.” — Silveria Shultz

writing ninjas thesis

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writing ninjas thesis

Essays: key points

Read and analyse your task instructions carefully. Highlight key words.

Make sure you are clear about details like the due date, word count and required formatting.

Check the marking rubric (marking guide) for any additional information about how to get better marks.

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Support your ideas with references formatted using the  William Angliss referencing guide .

Proof read and check referencing carefully before you submit. Get someone else to review it.

Essays: Links

  • Better Essays - Curtin University Includes examples of introductions, conclusions and middle paragraphs
  • Essay paragraphs - TEEL structure - Monash University Gives example
  • Essay Writing : The Basics - UNSW

How to write a strong thesis statement

Writing Ninjas: How to write a strong thesis statement. (2014, February 26). Inkwell Media [Video] YouTube. (3:40 min)

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  • Last Updated: Mar 25, 2024 10:43 AM
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    How to write a strong thesis statement. Writing Ninjas: How to write a strong thesis statement. (2014, February 26). Inkwell Media [Video] YouTube. (3:40 min) Contact us. Learning Advisors | Library, Ground Floor, Building C | Email [email protected].